-THE--OMAHA DAILY BEEi THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1906. HORSES AND wagons for sale FOR 8A LE Horsed, hih clM, high set tn, well bred slnnle drivers; matched pair, young, sound. Isre, also speed prospects and horses with records. Tnee horses on sale at Genoa, Neb., after My I'J. Come or write. Robert Pullman. Oenoa, Neb P-M10J 20 MVST Kelt rny open family Surrey, cheap, almoit new, roomy. Telephone Harney C3. l MjH9 iiO WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy second hand furniture, stoves, carpets, clothea and ahnra. Fay th beat prices. Telephone Ijouelas 3071. tiyi-W 35 WHEN y" havf any old clothea to aeil call red 1928; beat prlcea. K (43 23 PRINTING LYNGSTAD High Grade 13 Calendars. ri.ri " K. corner 16th Bt. and & JORVE, canltol Ave. -HS6 ENORA VINO and printing. Kotera A Co.. lulO Howard. Tel. lxiuglaa 2007. -29? CEMENT BLOCK MACHINERY CONCRETE MIXERS. Tarp Construction Co., 203 Neville Bik Mllea faca down cement block machine. MoT Ml PLUMBING CALI, JOHNSON for quirk aervlcea and low prices, ihli liarney. Tel. Doug. tv.w, M 47J1S ' OSTEOPATHY J 'UNSON Jnatltute. 411 N. Y. t Tel. Doug. GOVERNMENT NOTICES i KUPOHALS FUJI BEEF AND ML T'i'ON uuice of .Chu t Commissary. (Imam. No I'latKa, April JO, limb. Sealed propoxMls, In triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock a. m., central atundard time, May 14. and men publicly opened for turn- isntng aucu freen pcef and mutton aa may lie required by tiio tiubslsience Uepartmeiu L'. 8. Army, at Omaha, Form Omaha crook, Molirum and Koblnson, Neb., Foi l Dea iklolnca, luua, runs lJeaven worth. Kltey, and Military prlHon at Fort Leaven worth, Kanaua; Forta Mackenxle, D. A. KWKtU and Wuahukie. yo.: rort Meade, t. !., and JeCcrson Tlarracks and Arcadia Rifle Range, Mo., during the nix months i ommencing July 1, lSMiti. Proposals will also be received until 10 o'clock a. m.. moun tain atandard time at Forta Niobrara and rtohlnson. . Nebraska. Forts D. A. Husseli, Washakie and Mackenzie, Wyo., and Fort Meade, S. 1) , and until 11 o clock a. m., central atandard time, at Forts Omaha and Crook,. Nebraska, Fort Do Moines. Iowa, Inrm Leavenworth. Riley and Military 1'rinon at Fort Leavenworth, Hansaa, and Jrfteraon liurracks. Mo., and opened at poata by rehpectlve commissaries, each jeceiviiisT Drunosals for his own pout only. Information mrnished on application here or to commissary at post authorized to open proposals. U. 8. reserves the right to relect anv or all Droponala or any part thereof. Envelop should ba marked "Pro posals for Fresh Reef and Mutton," and addressed to undersigned or commissury at post authorized to receive proposals T. B. f I ACK KR, Captain, Commissary, Chief Commissary. . A 21 23 24 25-M16 17 PROPOBA1.S FOR MACHINERY, KN ' glne, printing press, etc., Pipestone, Minn., May 12, l!iut. Bieued proposals, plainly nisrkedi on the outslda of the sealed en velope "proposals for machinery, tooin, etc.. " and addressed to th undersigned at prpestone, Minn., will be received at the 'Indian achool until 2 o'clock p. m. of Saturday, June 2, 1906, for furnishing and delivering a planer, cat-off saws, drill, ' engine lathe, mortising machine, band hw, 10-horse power gasollno engine, one printing press, type, etc., as per list and specifications obtainable at the achool. Hlri- ders luuat state In their bida the proposed price of each article to be offered under contract. The right la reserved to reject any. bid, or any part of any bid, if deemed for the best Interest of the Berviee. Each bid must be accompanied by a certliicd check er draft upon some United States , dfDQjltoj-y . solvent national bank, 'made .Payable to the' order bf the Commissioner of Indian AffalrB, for at least 6 per cent . of the amount of the proposal, which check ' or draft shall be forfeited' to the United Btates In case a bidder receiving an award shall fall to execute promptly a satisfac tory contract In aicoidnnie with his bid, otherwise, to be returned to the bidder. Bids accompanied by cash In lieu of certi fied check will not be considered, W. 8. CAMPBELL, Supt. M15-17-ll-22-4-26-?9-31-JJ '. CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTERS Otlice, Foil Dei Moines, Iowa, May II, 11M Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received here until ip. m., atandard lime.. June. J,-19fn, for constructing, plumb ing, steam heating and electric wiring at Fort Dea Molnea, Iowa, 1 set field officers' -quarters, 1 double set lieutenants' quarters, double aet N. C. staff oftloers' quarters, 1 table for draft animals, 1 quartermaster s ; workshop, civilian employes' quarters, all , to be liikk buildings, and 1 band stand, frame. Information furnished on appli cation here, or at Depot (juarteriiiaa te.r's . Office. U. 8. Army, at Chicago, III. , Bt. Louis, Mo., and Omaha, Neb. United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, or parts thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be endorsed "Proposals for " - and addressed M. W. Rowell, Q.. M. .; ' M-14-li-lS-17-29-31 CONSTRUCTING JJUAIITERMASTER'B ! Office Fort Crook, Nebraska, May 14, 1M. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, sub ject to the usuul conditions, will be re ceived here until 10 o'clock a. in., central . atandard t me, June 2, 1!06, at which time they will p opened In public, for the con struction of four additions to and eight .'new toilet rooms In present barracks bulld ' Ing No. 40, at Fort Crook, Nebraska. Plana and specifications and blank forma of pro posals may be obtained at this office or at the office of the Chief Quartermaster, Department of the Missouri, Omaha, Ne braska. The right la reserved to reject v any and all bids or part of bids. CAP TAIN R. It. 8TOGSDALL. Captain and Q. M . Si "th Infantry, Constructing Quarter master. M14-1&-1S-17 J 1-2 CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S Office, Omaha, Nebraska. May 15, 11m). Sealed proposals, In triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here until It O'clock a. in., central standard time, June 9, lu6, at which time they will be opened In public, for furnUhlng and in stalling screens for door and window open ings In various public buildings at Fort Omaha. Nebraska. Snecirlcationa and blank forms of proposals may be obtained at this ounce. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids or parts of bids. Major M. Gray Zallnskl. Quartermaster V. B. Army, Constructing Quartermaster. M1B-H-17-1J-J8- LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. .' Sealed bids will be received up to 10 o'clock a. m June 2d, ltog, for the erec tion of m brick school building In Valley, Nebraska, for school district No. 33, Doug ' las county, Nebraska. All bids must - be in strict accordance with plane and spnciflcattotis prepared by A. H. Dyer, architect, Fremont. Nebraska, aud each bid must be accompanied with a rertlaed check for 1200, payable to order of ' Frank Kennedy, treasurer of above mentioned school district, as a guaranty that bidder will enter Into a satisfactory contract and glvw a good and sufficient bond for t be fulthfui pyformunce of the contract. The board reserves .the right to reject any and all bids. Plana. aud specifications may be seen at the office of A. H. Dyer, architect, Fre mont., Nebraska, at the office of L. P. livers Valley, Nebraska, or at the Omilu s Builders exchange. Omaha. C. 11. COY, Director Valley, Nebraska, Board of Edu cation. . NOTICE .rOR BIDS FOR STATE PR1NT ING. Bids will be received by the State Print Ing Board at the office of the secretary of state at I-incln, Neb, on or before I p. m., Wednesday, May 23, 190, for printing and binding &.U reprint copies, each of vol- times Nos. . 7. I, 13. 11. in and 27 of the Ne braska supreme court reports. Specifications for same can be found on file In the office of the secretary of state . AH bid must be accompanied by a bond equal in amount to the probable coat of the wmk bid upon. -The board reserves the tlkl 10 reject any and all bids. By LOU W. FRAZIER. Secretary to the Board. Lincoln. Neb., May 12. 1JG. M-lJd 6tm TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER aa Fax as fayer. f 14W Year. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL Office, 19 Fearf BANKERS VISIT THE CITY Attendance at Group Contention Lareer Than Anticipated. OFFICERS ELECTED FOR ENSUING YEAR After Parana! Welcome and Response Members Diacaaa Matters of 1 terest to Profession City la Complimented. In the absence of Mayor Macrae the dis tinction of extending a welcome to the bankers cif southwestern Iowa, who were In nttendance yesterday at the nnu.il meeting of group No. S, lnwa State Bank- erg association, was aceoroea councilman Robert W. Wallace, who In a few well chosen words told the financiers that the city was proud to be their host. The coun try, he said, was under deep obligations to the bankers, for the long continued era of of prosperity, and referred to the fact that while he was not one of their number he hud served three years In one of the hanks of this city and his experience gained there he considered of priceless benefit to him In his present business career. J. 8. Duell of Mlsnourl Valley responded to the address of welcome, hl speech be ing an eloquent tribute to Council Bluffs and Its people. He said In ptrt: 'It Is fast becoming real'lied that Council Bluff's and not Chicago Is the center of business for this section of the state. I doubt If your people realize how the ad: Jacent towns look to Council Bluffs for guidance In financial matters." The attendance at the morning session, which was called to order by Chairman W. H. Johnson of Logan, was considerably larger than had been anticipated and there were few late arrivals. The election of officers was held at the morning sesRion and resulted as follows: Chairman, L. D. Goodrich, cashier 8tate Bank of Neola: fcecretary, J. F. Lake of Shenandoah. The former executive com mittee was continued for another year. The members are: E. E. Hart, president First National bank. Council Bluffs; C. E. Price, cashier Commercial National bank, Council Bluffs; Dr. 8. J. Patterson, cashier Dunlap State honk; August Bereahelm, cashier Council Bluffs Savings bank; L. F. Potter, president First National bank, Har lan. L. D. Goodrich, the newly appointed chairman of group Ho. 6, has been Us sec retary for the litst two years. Sanndem Talks on- Legislation. Only four addresses were on the program, the balance of the time being devoted to an Informal discussion of matters of Inter est to the members. State Senatbr C. G. Saunflers of tbj City was the first on the program and he give an Interesting talk on "Recent Legislation." He spoke of th following bills .recently en acted: An act providing for the Investment of state savings bank funds in the bonds of drainage ditches.. An act. raining the penalty for embezzlement from a maximum of five to ten year or a fine the amount of the embezzlement, or both.- This , law In cludes a prohibition of loans to officer of the. bank fxcejH: as aufJiotlz?d,ra.t ft meet ing of the board of director, ' the official seeking the loan not being rircaent. . The( act Increasing the . number of. bank ex aminers from four to five arid Including loan and trust companies In the examina tion. This law also provides that state savings banks shall be examined In June and December of each year and a report made to the state auditor. The law author izing the renewal or extension 'of the cor porate life of state or savings banks. The law' providing that in arriving at the as sessment for taxation purposes, the amount of capital Invested In real estate and shares of corporations shall be reducted from the total value of the stock. This law further provides that banks mny have atock In subsidiary corporations for the purposo of erecting the buildings In which they do business. Senator Saunders also told briefly of bills which failed of passage, among the number being the one making It prima facie evi dence of fraud for a bank to receive de posits within thirty days of becoming In solvent. Trials of Country Bankers. James M. Kelly spoke on "The Trials of a Country Banker," In which he suggested that aa a matter of protection an act shquld be passed requiring an educational test for all bank employes from the cashier down, the same as Is required of lawyers and physicians. Homer A. Miller of Des Molnea, Arthur Reynolds of the same city, who Is chairman of the executive committee of the Bankers' National association and Dr. Patterson of Dunlap, made Impromptu talks. At the afternoon session R. H. Burton of Sioux City talked on "Trust Companies" A Skin of Beauty is Woy rorwrw; DR. T. Folia Oouraud's Oriental Croam er Magical Boautlflor. Remerw Tm. flsislta, frcokiM, lints Ficl,p, Kmk, mat bkta Dimwi. ul ry bltnlik ob bautr, toe il. JM dsMctlos. Il M mm tb Uat C tl ynn, and U so bvisiMS w twitHUtiutt is sroBMly suii. A cotpt so em t cr, ftlt ef stnliu rrt. Dr. L. A. kxly H tk ut. tea (a Hi"iil "il you WdlM Will fat tkrm. 3earars Cream' M leul ktrmful f U U Uim iiwwuu." rr Mil by ill drautM a fuel, tiauea Clis Is lk C1umi Suia. Otudt saa Curap. (01 T. HOPUKS, rnik 37 Brat tats S'ntt Ita h OCEA STEAMERS. FRENCH LINE Compagnla Generals Transatlantlqua Fmat Jrswfo tm th Omnllmmnl tlmmntlm TmrtmSormw mm tmmm Mmll Osisiim - VmimW in af r Hmw York Pari 6ft Dym LA PROVENCE, newest of lst leriathaas. haviog passenger elevator, roof cafe, sad many ethtr innovsuona Fleet of modern, figaataV i wia-acrew sad Express Mesmers; naval om rtn man-of-war discipline. Company s vuV btiled trams Havre-ran. H hours. LA BAVOIK . w LA PROVENCE UT II LA LORRAINE June I LA TOl'HAINE , June 14 LA 8AVOIB - .1 June 21 SPkClAL Extra departures.' Use of sa tire steamer at cheap second class rates. Fur plans, reservations and lull inluioia tlon call on. telephone, or write to Harry K. Moor, 1601 Farnam Street Louis Xecse, care Flrt National Bank I. li. Ileynolda, iiOS Karaani Street W. U. lvldaoii, 1312 Farnam Htrtef ti. K. Abbot I. 134 Fsirnaan Slreci. W. K. Horn. 1&2I Far nam Street. Ageata ( Oanaaua I BLUFFS St. Tel. 48. and W. E. Mitchell of Sidney, who wn the star speaker at the annual banquet of the Commercial club of this city, made a scholarly address, although he stated he could not understand why he had been placed on the program of such a meeting, seeing he was neither a banker nor a financier. In the middle of the day the bankers from out of town were the guests of the lo cal members at a handsomely appointed luncheon served In the Grand hotel. Among those present were: C. I Vasa, Dennison; G. J. Jamleson, Dunlap; D. L. Helnshelrner, Glenwood; C B. Chrlsly, Mal vern; Geo. W. Walters, Harlan; Frank Cleklotz. Klrkman: H. D. Sllsby, Pisgah; Clias. F. Nlpp, Mlneola; James M. Kelley, Macedonia; C. O. Greenwood, Bllver City; James Hunter. Mhulen; C. H. Harris, Bart lett; F. Van Erdewzk. Carroll; C. P. Paul. Glenwood; Ira Mcl'ormack, Tabor; Krnest E. Hartp Council Bluffs; Arthur Reynolds, Des Moines; E. F. Cotter, Neola; Carl F. Kuehnle, Dennison; W. T. Preston, Dun lap; Lewis Hass, Woodhlne; R. M. Ship- man, Emerson; H. A. French, Glenwood; Geo. W. Thomas. Red Oak; Ed F. Rose, Clnrlnda; H. M. Pilsby,, Modnle; A. W. Murphy, Pher.ondoah; F. A. Nash, Oakland; J. F. Fake, Bhenandoah; Jno. 8. McGavren, Missouri Valley; J. 8. Dewell, Missouri Val ley; A. C. Mcltzen, Avoca; M. C. Harris, Northboro; L. M. Iird, Mlneola; J. L. Van Blyke, Manilla; H. R. Laird, Tabor; C. E. Price, Council Bluffs; L. D. Goodrich, Neola; Homer A. Miller, Des Moines; W. 11. Johnson, Iogan. m:ver iiavf, coon rio Been sold do I, on and on Koch Gany Payments. It is a well known fact that the A. Hnspe. company are the oldest and largest deal ers In pianos In the west, operating five Mores, contracting for pianos In large quantities and by their conservative meth ods do sell pianos at prices that astonish competition, It occurred to them that this Idea of asking XS1 to 60 per cent more for a piano than It was worth, then making concessions and allowances In an Irregular way, was not a fair proposition, so they make only one price and that price is b.-ued on the actual cost of construction. You can't beat the other fellow, so be safe and get your piano at A. Hospe company's, 33 South Main street. Fine Farm. Two hundred-acre farm five miles from Missouri Valley. Good Improvements and orchard. Cheap at $72 per acre. Wallace Benjamin, room 1, First . National bank building. Office telephone 203. The thing a woman most desires is beauty.- A spotless complexion and a beau tiful figure. If you possess these points now you want to preserve them, if you possess only a part of the above points, you want to Increase them. There is noth ing on the market today that will preserve and Increase your beauty any better than Cream Ormonde.. It contains no fatty sub stance, does not close the pores, but feeds and nourishes the skin. We say positively there is nothing on the market that will equal It as a complexion and massage cream. It is the result of years of hard study by the finest experts In the world on delicate and coarse skins. We claim the highest degree of perfection has been at tained In tills twentieth century product. Graves, sole agent, 105 Pearl street. Coun cil Bluffs. Whiter Is now about over and you ought to be looking around .for n nice driving wagon or a surrey. Tou will find every thing in that line at Van Brunt's big re pository. Two hundred different styles to choose from. Terms reasonable. Absolutely pure unferroented grape Juice, 25c and 60c a bottle. Wash boilers, tl 26 to $2.76. the best grade of boiler In the market. Gasoline stoves, 12.26; garden tools, screen wire, 1H per square foot. J. Olson, Tel. 113, 73 West Broadway. Special sale on pairs and half pairs of beautiful lace curtains, 60c to 1. Btockert Carpet Coi Porch and lawn furnitare. D. W. Keller, 101 Eouth Main. Rest Easy. .When your hard day's work la done get a hammock and hang It in the cool shade and take life easy for an hour or so. If you hsvtn't got one go to Swalne & Mauer, they have the best hammocks for 75o and up to 00. Investigate our cheap land proposition In eastern Colorado, 15 per acre for raising all kinds of crops; good soil; best of water; delightful climate. Excursions first and third Tuesdays of each month. Bend lor printed matter. F. C. Lougee, 124 Main street. Council Bluffs, Is. llerrick refrigerators are selling now. If you want the best you Vant a Derrick. No argument, come and see. . Price 115 to $33. Style In atock all solid oak. Paddock ft Handschy Hardware company. Moloney's cigars bring thought in the early morning; solace In time of woes; peace In the hush of the twilight; balm and sweetness if memory before your eyelid close. Maloney's new location. SO Pearl. CENTRAL FLOUR-JUS. Every sack warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Market. Oo to Hicks' for your, money's worth In tailoring. No bluff, either. Wabash Ofllrlala la City. Presld-nt t. A. Delano of the Wabash railroad. Henry Miller, general manager. and Richard Doyoe, superintendent, spent a short time in Council Bluffs yesterday arriving here at 1:30 o clock on a special train from Moberly and leaving at o clock over the Rock Island for Des Moines, front where they go to St. Louis. President Delano and party did not come up town, but spent the short time they were In the city inspecting the terminals. The party was met here bw P. J. O'Brien, insptctor of transportation, with head quarters In St. Louts, and M. G. Carter, trainmaster, with headquarters In Stan berry. With President Delano was C. E. Perkins, former pretident of the Burlington rail road and now chairman of the board of du rector of that road. Mr. Perkins was traveling In Burlington private car, the Blackhawk. The special train. Including Mr. Perkins' ear, consisted of three coaches. Over the Rock Island to Des Moines It was piloted by a Rock Island locomotive. Follgola lira ms m f'lao. Although Sam Karas, the prosecuting wit nea, failed to appear, Chris Poligois charged with the theft of 1100 from Karas was fined IS and costs In Justice Gardl ner's court yesterday. Poligois, like Karas, is a Oreek and the hearing had' to be conducted through an Interpreter. Poll gols ad nitted having taken 110. wl.l.h Kara asserted to tie his, but which Poligois dis puled, and on tills admisaioa be wag fined Kama, It was stated by sortie uf his friends- who attended the lria, was. In Colorado, but 'when PoIIrhIk was fined he and his friends wanted to go out ajid con sult Karas before he naid This the court ststed wss not necessary and ntter a lengthy and wordy conference between Poligois and his friends he produced th amount of the fine and costs. nTE FOR THK t'OVSTY ORMtl. Sessions to Re Held In This City June 11 to 1H. The annual session of the Pottawattamie county normal institute will be held In Council Bluffs, June 11 to lfi. Inclusive. County Superintendent MeManus explains that the Institute Is veiled at that tlma because it will best serve the interests of all concerned. It could not be called earlier because many of the si liools would not he closed, and if called at a later date teachers who r'an to. spend portions of their vacations elsewhere would be compelled to wait for this session of the Institute. Everything has been r'anned so as to make this one of the most prolltablp ses sions In the educational history of the county. The old-time plan of conduction recitations will have no rdaee in this ses sion. The forenoon will be devoted to conferences In the different departments of the Inatitute. Four divisions have been made In order to facilitate the work. Scholarship and experience have be.'-n made the basis of classlllcation. Two periods In the afternoon, from 1:30 to 3;30 will be devoted to general lectures an educational tonics. The afternoon pro grams will he held in the auditorium of the high school building; the morning sessions In the recitation rooms of the high school. The instructors chosen for this year's session are as follows: Dr. 1. W. Howerth of the University of Chicago, who will give a series of lectures on the "Principles of Education." Dr. Howenh has been one of the Instructors for the lust four years at the Institute and his selection again this year was at the re quest of many of the teachers. Miss Charlotte Reed, supervisor of pri mary work In. the Marshalltown, la., schools, will give a series of addresses on "Arts and Crafts In Education." Miss Reed will bring With her a considerable amount of material to Illustrate this work and make It adaptable to all grades and conditions of school work. Principal 8. L. 'Thoma's of the Council Bluffs High school has been Identified with the Institute for several years past and his work has boen very acceptable to the teachers of this county. Prof. Thomas will give a series of lectures on physical science, covering In a general way the matter and method of presenting the subjects of physics and physiology. Prof. L. J. White, superintendent of schools af Walnut, la., will give a series of lectures on civics and economics, cov ering in a general way tho field of polit ical science. Miss Frances Wright, supervisor of music In the public schools of Dubuque, la., will have charge of the work in music. Miss Wright was formerly a teacher In the Council Bluffs public' schools. Prof. M. E. Crozier, superintendent of the Avoca, la., schools, who has been. Identi fied with the Institutes of this county for many years, will present the work In ele mentar- agriculture and manual training and the best methods of Introducing same. Miss Frances Tobey of Boston, a grad uate of the Emerson School of Oratory. ana ror tnrce year: ai teacher In that institution, wllf alart' he one of the In structors. Miss Tortey has ' traveled ex tefislvely at hOrne a Ad abroad and la said to be a woman of .hirtr 1deag and attain ments and Is expected to be a strong addl tlon to the corps of instructors. Solid Comfort. Rustle hickory and Adirondack silver birch porch furniture, Vudor porch shades, Vudor hammocks, Vudor hammock chairs. If you want solid comfort on a hot summer evening get Into one of aur Vudor ham mocks or one of our Vudor hammock chairs and you will get It. Keller-Farns-worth Furniture Co. Have you seen the beautiful rugs we make out of old wornout carpets? Better Investigate. It s worth while. We're put ting out hundreds of them in the best homes. Our man will call and explain. 'Phone 61, Council Bluffs Carpet Cleaning and Rug Mfg. Co., 34 N. Main. "In the springtime" everybody cleans house; housekeepers are always on the lookout for some agent to lessen this ardu ous duty. "Old Dutch Cleanser Chases Dirt." For a free demonstration see Mc Afee's show window. ' " If you prefer quality to quantity and absolute satisfaction to yourself, get Schmidt's photos. Always guaranteed to please. 'Phone 857 ; 408 Broadway. Chas. T. Officer has some big bargains In residence property and vacant lots which he is offering for sale now. The cleanest and best restaurant in the city, service prompt. The Vienna, 414 West B'way. CENTRAL FLOUR-11.15. Every sack warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Market. Don't forget that I have fine spring and summer suits from 30 to $26. E. S. Hicks. Goodrich Keepa Hotel. W. S. Goodrich showed yesterday that he had no intention of surrendering pos session of the Metropolitan hotel to Its owner, Mrs. Pauline Dobson, without a fight, despite the Verdict of the Jury In Justice Gardiner's court Tuesday. Bright and early yesterday morning he filed a pe tition In the district court to restrain Mrs. Dobson and Justice Gardiner from putting The fact that S. S. S. is a purely the glightest trace of mineral in any nointa in ita favor during its forty everywhere not only as the best of all blood purifiers, but the one medicine that can be taken with absolute safety by the youngest child or the oldest member of the family. Next in importance to removing the cause of any disease is the condition in which the system is left after a course of medical treatment. Medicines containing mercury, potash or other strong mineral ingredients often do oermanent iniurv tissues of the stomach, producing the bowels and so damaging the the disease has been removed, such a deranged and weakened condition that $1,000 REWARD the health is permanently impaired. S. S. S. ' w enjoys the distinction of being the only blood F NOT PURELY a mineral property in gorae form. entirely of roots, herbs and barks it harmless to any part of the system, and health to every part of the body. and purifies the blood and gives better ana more lasting results wan any other blood medicine. S. S. S. is the very best treatment for Rheumatism, Catarrh. Scrofula, Sores and Ulcers. and all troubles due to an impure the Kin j ot LlvoJ ptuiners S. S. S. waici. THE SWiTT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA. Into effect the eviction order. Judge Wheeler granted a temporary Injunction re straining the parties named from taking any further action looking towards dispos sessing Goodrich. The hearing on the ap plication for a temporary injunction was set for Saturday morning. Matters In District Conrt. A number of trial cases having been settled, continued or dismissed. Judge Wheeler yesterday excused the petit Jury until next Monday. In the case of William I-orl'iRcr anauii Theodore 8tortenberker, belrg an appeal from a Justice court, the Jury alter a muni deliberation found for the plaintiff In the sum of 11 n, the full amount asked, and awarded him po'",csslon of thirty bushels of potatoes, over which the suit originally started. Stortenbe.ker had held the po tatoes as security fot rent which Lorlnger claimed to have paid In rervices to Stoiten becker. William Rolph. brought back Tuesday from Omaha to answer to Indictments charging him with entering and robbing; a drug store on lower Broadway last Febru ary, was arraigned and pleaded not guilty. In default of bail placed at two In each Indictment he was committed to the county Jail. The suit of 8. P. Borenson against the motor company was dismissed by the plaintiff without prejudice. In the case of Franklin P. EUV-r Bpnlnst O. C. Clifton a Jury was dispensed with by agreement of both parties and the case submitted to the court on an agreed state ment of facts. Judge Wheeler took the case under advisement. The suit of George 8. Wright against Droge Bros, was dismissed, having been settled out of court. Perkins Mot Coming; Here. Despite reports to the contrary George 8. Wright, chairman of the county re publican cenlral committee, announced yes terday that George D. Ferklns ot bhiui City, candidate for governor, wouin n-i speak in Pottawattamie county or Council Bluffs during the campaign. It naa neon reported that Mr. Perkins probably wouia speak In thia city tonight, but audi will not be the case. Craig Wright of Bloux City, who Is man aging Mr. Perkins' campaign, wrote umn- man Wright suggesting that ir it was deemed advisable to have Mr. Perkins speak In Pottawattamie county dates could lie arranged. Chairman Wright, however, did not deem it necessary to have Mr. Per kins here and so advised Craig Wright. Chairman Wright wrote Mr. Porfcins was not wanted In this county ns Pottawattamie was perfectly safe and that he did not wish to take up Mr. Perkins' time, which might be more profitably used elsewhere. State Senator Warren Oarst of Carroll county, who was In Council Bluffs between trains Tuesday afternoon en route home from a trip to Nebraska, expressed the opinion that Governor Cummins would win out, although he said that owing to the campaign not having reached that stage where any positive statement could bo made, he would not be willing to class the governor's chances as an absolutely iufe thing. Men and Roys. Go to Hunter's for your summer under wear. The Title Guaranty and Trust company, abstracters of titles. Books date back to 1853. Books are all up to date. Work ac curately and promptly done at lowest prices. Office opposite court house, 236 Pearl street, Council Bluffs, la. If you don't read this you will lose your digestion. Read It and then call your grocer and order a sack of Big A flour, the kind that eleases. Anything and everything In summer un derwear for men, women and children at Hunter's. Folding and reclining go-carts. D. W. Keller, 103 South Main. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night, LtiDS. Twenty Per Cent Discount. 8ale on Jardlnlers this week at W. A. Maurer'a. Are you thinking of painting or paper ing? If you are, let us figure with you. We can do the work cheaper and better than anybody else, and it will cost you nothing to figure with us. Council Bluffs Paint, Oil and Glass Co., Merrlam block. New location. Parties having houses for rent or sale list them with Clifton-Walker Co. for quick action. Recent sales have greatly reduced our list snd we have customers waiting for Investments. Neapolitan ice cream, 30c a brick. I. Muccl, the Ice cream man. Tel. 164. Marriage Licenses. These licenses to. wed were Issued yester day to the following: Name and residence. Age. Julius Hansen. Council Bluffs 2 Bell Denlson. Council Bluffs 24 Louis Gless. Omaha 22 Alta Applegate, Omaha 19 Charles F. McLaln. Omaha 21 Emma Shuman, Omaha li William R. Lowe, Phlllipshurg, Kan 22 Mae A. Boudln. Bt. Paul, Minn 24 MIOR MF.NTIOS. Clark's sodas. Davis sells drugs. Btockert sells carpets. Ed Rodgers" Tony Faust beer. Plumbing and heating. Bixby t Son. Woodrlng Undertaking Company. Tel 339. Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 97. Diamonds as an Investment. Talk to Leffert about It. Besutlful lace door panels, Sic and up. Btockert Carpet Co. W. E. Zentmlre of Aledo. III.. Is the guest of his niece, Mrs. James O May, wife PURELY VEGETABLE vegetable preparation, containing not form, has been one of the strongest years of existence. It is recognized by eatin? out the delicate lining and chronic dyspepsia, unfavorably affecting system that even if the original cause of it is left in Being made VEGETAU b Ui is absolutely and while curing disease adds strength S. S. S. removes all poisons, freshens Skin Diseases, Contagious Blood Poison or poisoned blood supply. Besides being is the bert and most invigorating of ail of the pastor of the Broadway Methodist church. An Immense assortment of tine ii'i:liii underwear nt Hunter's. Huv vnur tires and blcxcte sun.lrn s fr in Williamson. 17 Smith Main Bee the Immense line ef ladies' tine s nn mer -underwear at Hunter's. Price and Ice-saving rof i Igoralors at 1 1. W. Keller's, 10J South Main. Plain lee cream, 25c a brick. I. Mini!, The Ice Cream Man. Tel. 3M. Buy your cigar bands fur decoration work at Alexander's art store. 333 H'way. For lmorted Cities. Illinois mil cham pagne. 1,. Hosenfeld company, M ! Main. Wanted -All K O. T Ms to bring their shoes for rei-alr to Clirls Loseth, ut Main st net. 2.1 Six Per cent mortgage on real estate 1 1 i"r sale. Aosoiuie hfuiinv. vimon I Walker comnai'V. The Ladles Aid society of the Christian Union church will m.et'tliis afternoon HI I me n. me oi .mi... oimi 1-ooK at that beautiful lot on tii"n axcnii which Chas. T dil:.vr has lor .sale. It Is I the most beautiful lot lett. : Harmony chapter, order of the F.islcin , Star, will bold lis regular meeting tins evening; In Masonic temple. Painting and wall paper hanging a pe clalty. council Bluffs Paint, oil and Glas Co. New location. Mcrriani bloeu. Moving vans and wagons; I'uiiiltuio stored. Nesbltt s iiansie! a ml t-toiagc. Tel. 923. Office 831 West Uioadway. The annual elei tlon of ollu i is of the Plillomai hlan society will bo held Friday afternoon ut lie inuh school building. State Senator Slilrh y Cllllland of Mills county was In the ciiy y-stonlay vlsaliii; friends, both political and tionpotitic.il. Look before you leap, but when you do leap, leap for one of Clark's sodas, ml flavors. They are tho best. Cl.uk Drug Co. Rev Honiv Dcl.onn performed the mar riage ceremony yesterday i Cha lies Mci.aln and Kiiiinn Whitman, both Omaha For Sale Will sacrifice on my line piano , SIK I W:iZ:u, I Council Bluffs, Iowa, Do not sell your old Iron, copper, brass and old riibbirs bclore you tee us. Say $9 per ton for No. 1 machinery Iron. . Kaltlcman, b3 S. Main. Tel. f'oO. We have the finest line of sample monu ments to select lrom in the west. Mieely Ai Lane Marble ami Granite Works, 1:17 Last Broauway, Council Bluffs, la. You will sOon be in need of screens. Bear In mind that Hafer takes measurem. in s ami will make you a price on any number or any style of screens. 'Phone :o:. Gre-g shorthand demonstration at West ern Iowa college ThuiHii.i.v evening by an exiiert who takes dlciaiion in any lan guage. Free and everybody welcome. Huv your hammocks early and get a full seasons use ut It. We have them tioiu "lie to $tl each. Wee them ut our stoic. Paddock llaiidsehy Hardware company. Mandolin enses, violin cases, anything m the musical Instrument line nt most reas onable prices at llouiicius Piano lloico. 33i. Broadway, whole the insn hlamia upon the, building. The annual banquet ot me uena lau aim Fhliomainlnn societies ot the lugn school will be held Friday evening. .m ' the Renard. An elaborate program of toams and responses Is beins prepaieu tor me occasion. Tho miestion of closlntc the barber shops at 7 o'ciock evenings except Saturdays dur ing the summer months Is to ne ueteriiiiuea Friday evening niter a canvass ol all tnc Kliops by the committee bavins the matter in charge. Aimer Stern and Thomas Arllxur, two ol the republican war horses ol Harrison county, were in the city yesteiu iy i- the congratulations ol tneii niainii' iii' i f i lends lor Huinson county iiatuius an anti-cunimlna delegation l"u .-dn . The Injunction suit brought by County Attorney Hess against Cnris Sennits, and the Pabst Browing company has been dis missed. Schultx paid up the mulct tax which he had failtd to pay and whicii prompted tne proceedings on the part ol the county attorney. E. P. Svkes of Minneapolis, a construc tion engineer, arrived In the city yesterday with tne purpose uf lookuiK over tne waterworks plant with a view to Ids pos sible employment a one of the arbitrators to determine the value ot the plant for the purchase of the same by the city. Why does Borwick's wall paper give the best satisfaction? because ho sells the best paper In the city for the money and dues Tils work right. His cuatoniers never complain (that's saying a whole lotj, but if you will call him up at 211 South Main street, telephone W, and let him do your work you will be sanation, too. Star Crowell was discharged in police court yesterday morning. D. H. Templeton of Wahoo having declared that he was not one of the two men who had fleeced him out of about lino in a dice game, and the people from whom Crowell hired the auto mobile, for which he fulled to pay. liavina failed to tile any complaint ugainta liim. The members of the police department have been furnished by City Physician Kice with the necessary impediments for curiy Ing Into effect first aid to the Injured. The package of liniment, etc.. Is a small one and can be carried in a pocket without In convenience. Dr. Rice also gave the po licemen Instructions how to use the several articles. Colonel J. J. Steadman, formerly of this city, now a resident of Los Angeles, where he publishes the California. Cultivator, and wife arrived In the city yesterday and are guests at the home of J. A. While, 71 Seventh avenue. Colonel Sleadman'a vii at this time is for the purpose of conduct ing a stock sale on his large farm near Dunlap. Hunter's prices are certainly right on summer underwear. Property owners on Madison avenue are up In arms because the paving ordered on their street has not been laid and the curbing already placed Is toppling over as a result of Hie recent heavy rains. Mrs. Charles D. Beers, one of the Interested property owners, filed a fotmal complaint with City Clerk 8uip yesterday In ord.'r that the attention ot tne city council may be brought to the matter. Ned Mitchell, former choir director at he Broadway Methodist church, has writ ten a song entitled "Boy Days" and for which he composed the music. Mr. Mitch ell, it will be remembered, composed the music for the original "drummer" song entitled "The Raveling Man," the words of which were written by George Fitch, a forn.er newspaper man of this city, now managing editor of a paper in Peoria, 111. C. Chrlstenaen, the tutlur, taken Into custody Tuesday on complaint of his FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. An Old and Well-Tried Remedy. MRS. WIN SLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP bu twn e ) for over SIXTY Ve ABShT MILLION I PAH of MuTHKHSfiirtbelrt'lIILPHEN WHILE TKKTH. INli. WlTHPKKPEt'TBlTOt'l 8d. It K HjTHKH tho HILD. Hlf It Ml tne OL .IIO. AlJ.AXn Sll .r&l.-N ; CRT. 8 WIND COLIC, snd In the best remedy lor iIAHBHiEA Sold br ImiiniisU la evsrr put ut Uiewaria, u sure sua sac tne wurUA. rm but st'iu hi sw MRS. WINSLOWS SOOTHING SYRUP, AND XAIB KO QTiiEft KIND. IKl PLATTE In COLORADO id a region full of advantages for upbuilders of new homes, and rich with opportunity for farmers and inveBtOre, is reached via the Union Pacific Acres of this wonderful valley are now open for settlement. Take advantage of homescekers' LOW RATES to South Platte Valley aod Colorado points and see this country for yourself. Inquire at .City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam 'Phone, Douglas S34. ti - t li. i. 1. M I' (Iti-ic iip: nli.i chirt'd Mm with bni.s; u el ron ,r -I nob I ite. ,! it.-!il.iv . .1- r..,l , ,r-IUU1.,1 to th" sirtte h..t;ii f.T (ltj-"s ai Kiv-xviilc fur Inn i ( . s. t !'.' lu.'l v :l 1,'iAHM-, be- tni? :nl,-d i1 ruin i 't-t t t msM s nh- sl!rnee from Mm In the i nt H 'itlllOK b the w.i'ilile ,u' lilt tee order IS t.. a. li't.i cffis t W'tliont tunhi r icn-ni.mv M I t'lirii-trn. n l-'r-in to the stale Instl t ii t i. Mv I'Uhermra nt Mlno I ON AW V la. Miy Iti - i Spool il V-ster-v. .is tishlnx day for a o"d p u t of the " o 1 lil a as Hell as sivet.ll for- i ItiT-.i, pine like was tliilr ire, i i and probably tlere neei a boiler attend ance on opt nin.: d.i . 1 ho lai tost imss was ..,,.,, by ien Kiish, who (jot rt fine string', one li How M, pounds. Many other bass were liken, but nil of a small, r size. Most (i"-lo.iy nntpaivd to land a few. ,,r ,,.,, ,, rt - of Union Pacific Dr owen end a patty ofl'niaN fiom Omaha canie up Monday evening riu'lilf 'n tie officers' car of the 1 hion md spent all day yesterday nt Fall child's. caw Hug a fine string all arounil fitfc Blowers Break .Inll. MARSH Al.I.TOWN. la.. May hl.-SIX safe blowels, alTcNIed here a few Weeks ago, btoke Jill last tilaht and escaped They pried aw ay -bricks In a second story window. Women Who Know From Experience Hint Ilostrtlor's Nloninch lUMor will l euro iiliiiioiits poeullar to their fu'X can- n(), ,)0 rstt;tdet to ncco'it soint't hini? Hso. claimo-l "just as Komi." and con- sequent ly ttiousuiKis urn now cnjt'. mii robust health. 'S Stomach villi Mini il 1 a I . fcfiii STOMACH I '" ' ftreniilh-b-tMi TlXtTTrPQ tl"' entire kvs- ttin nnd assiat nature In the jrop rr lKM'forniHiico ot lis various, duties, th us curing Sick llcudiuiu1, Yiitnitini:, Di..inrss, l'n'intinir Spells, lUickitclM, Kidney Trouble, ljcsln or Indigestion. We urge a fair "5 trial without delay. DR. WES TEAL'S SEHHA LIVER PILLS work so nice and easy. No cramping. One at bedtime, and next morning you'll feel fine. 2fc, Postpaid. SHERMAN & ftcCQNNELL DRUG CO. 10th and Iloiiae, Bt. FOR 30 -Y EARS Dr. KcGREW Has Treated All DISEASES OP . Fulr treatment, low charges la the, sec ret of his re markable SllfC'VS. Stt,()(i cases cured. 5? Call or write. Box TOO 14th St.. Omaha, Neb. Office 215 South Cx9 n t?rrr53 curs CONSTIPATION BILIOUSNESS AND HEADACHE as utm M TUT Tlla, natural function!. Ts Me Knlht-Crpar Inuif Oa., Colorado Sprints, Cete. Mem CUT AWAY from DRUGS Circulating the Meed, cures CONSTRICTION BYMEC APPLIANCE rt.,joi ai. ic. VaRICOSC, KNOTTED VEINS snd WEAKNISS. eslsrao Md restores hill vital energy. Sold on trial. Call or write tar Ire book, tant staled, plain. HYMEC CO.. It II JtmiSttl Bl'ILDIIfi. IT. MCII. It. JM msa Tli-o smfcrii" from weak - SLbs? tiesxfii wiiic-li miu the pleasures I a uf life abuulil take Juven Hills. tine bin will tell a atory of nmrvelnu result. This medicine has more rejuvenutine, vitiilUinp furee than bss ever li 'T'irn been off. red. Sent post-paid In plain pn'-kdtf only on rweipt of I bin udt. and II. Miuie by iu nrliriiiutnrs ('. 1. Hood t o., pro Dr'tor ii V. SnriMpa-illa. iiowell. Mass. MEN AND WOMEN. IlKtuVl V Bit Mr essxsru . I u i tmn-X I eisrssraM.iasMi""-"-. .u..!4 li Irritation w alcarsllasa st i. .trtoiwr. ef siltQI ni.inbr.s... r.MM fMMtoa. P.IhUm. ltd Sot MlrlS iTMItViSSC'ilaWHI. t ot soliosoua. . OlSdaKATI, C.k. i. L W.' - ' uUisra 1 1"1 br BrnasTMws. 3 J er sent ts nisi ", 1 . tr .vM. fpn. let y'fi tl te. fir t bottles t'i.TB. vjri;uJr east aa miuess its' . ,5 I ii :3 i i f I I i i i i I I!i