8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, lOOfi. SPECIAL UOTICES Advertlaetaeats for IkfM eetaaaaa will ba lakra aatll IB as. fr the evealac ealltioa aaa aatll n e. a, far the mnrataar aad Maf edltlna. Rafea 1 l-2e a word rt laaertloa. In a ward thereafter. Aetata; taken for leaa thaa 20o for the Irst laeer tloa. Thria ad vertlaemeata naaat ka ran roaaeeallvelr. Alvrrlltrra, by reqeeetlna' a aam fcerea rhrpk, pan have aaiwtn ad Iraaaa4 ta a tmharrd letter la ear e Tae Ira. aaiaari ao addressed wilt be delivered oa preaeatatien af elieek. MISCELLANEOUS I'.OYLES COLLEGE Day anu night. New classes In bookkeep ing, telegraphy, shorthand, typewriting and r.usrlmh oiganlzed every day. Get a Ciitul.isuo. Address H. B. BOYi.ES. president, Boyles Bldg., Omaha. """WHEKB TRUNKS ARK MADK. Trunks, suit cases and atioppinif bags. Old trunks taken In exchange; it-pairing. FRELINU at BTEiNLK. CO S. 16tli bt. 'phone liug. 49". ft 121 IMv ENGROSSING and fancy penmanship. Boy It s Oil lege. K Itti OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cially of lire escapes, shutters, doors :md safe. O. Andreen. prup., lui S. luth 8t. BIOS PAINTING. S. H. Cole. 1302 Douglue. R - i BTEINWAY piano, upright, big bar-rain. Fertioid Flauu Co., lull Farnam Bt. it w TRY Kelly a Ton ol Supply. Tel. DotigaMO. Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co., 191 Fnriijim. MARTIN MEYER, ahlru. underwear to order. K-Muua M20 bUKVEYlNG, Blickensderfer, 312 Bee Bldg. R ,! ANTl-Monopoly Garbage Co., CU N.ltiih. Tel. Uoa. lui. Ilea, phono, Doug. .11. CARLSON A CO., upholstering, repairing una .nallreas renovating. Tel. Doug, isia. K ilo- M-3 HAVE Wilson hang paper; quick, clean; p.iiier cleaning a upecialiy. iel Dougiaa UMO. R-M.6 AW BEE KEEPERS supplies. Send for cata logue. Lany Mlg. Co., 173u do. Loin. ki MoJe Jl wL"1 VTHV For shingling and repairing. Uel uoug. mi. R-B12 Jes ELSASSER & BR1CE. Machinists, in bouth 12tli St. Tel. 637. . U lia JQR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SuDA FOUNTAINS, any slxa, 1318 Kurnam. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed p.nnt. bnerman tt McCuunell Drug Co., Omaha, W tii HALL'S safes, now, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. W 2i FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels, lnquii of J. K. Campbell, Bee mail room. Q-643 WE buy everything In the furniture Una. Chlcugo furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Q-2u CHEAP chicken fence, long fir timbers, white basswood fur burnt work. 91 N. 16th. Q-278 CAUTION! Beware of fake piano ads ) genuine new stetnway pianos are sold . 0NL1 by Bchmoller at Mueller and they are tho ONLY authorized Nebraska rep resentatives. Tel. Dougiaa 162a. 1311-1313 Furnam. y 2i9 FURNITURE AND CARPETS; honest val ues, reliable goods, on easy payment. OMAHA Kl'HMTl'RK AND CARPET CO., 1209-12H-1213 Farnum St. Q 432 15 PIANO Square. $10; 60 cents weekly. Per field Piano Co., 111 Farnam St. Q 20 MIIA-'II COWS, on easy terms. 43d and Center. Q M619 SHETLAND mare, broke. 43d and Center. Q MSJ0 6KMJ US your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on 110 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha. Q 836 FOR SALE Household furniture and square piano. Call mornings after 10 a. m., 24U6 Farnam. Q 144 18 FOR SALE Fixtures In my store In Or pheuiii theater building, consisting of (uunters. shelving, showcases, cigar case, slot machine, rash register, etc. Dyball, Douglas St. Q MoM 10 FOR SALE, cheap, a set of blacksmith's tools and material, at 14th and California Sts. Q-M468 17x FOR SALE at a bargain, a 1900 Oldsmo bile. Just new. Address E 27, Bee. Q 404X FOR 8ALE Furniture of five-room flat. 514 S. Ulh Bt. Q-M465 lx BUSINESS CHANCES 3,r TO r,000 yearly easily made in the real estate business. No capital required. We will teach you the bun 1 new by mail, appoint you special representative of leading real estate company, list with you readily saleable properties, co-operate with and assist you to a permanent suc cess. Valuable book free. Address the Cross Co., 147 Reaper block, Chicago. Y lie lx SAFE INVESTMENT: PROMISING PROS PECTS American Venture Corporation, . an Investing, developing and improving association; owns one of Arizona's larg est high-grade ore mines. Subscribe now on ground floor. Northern and eastern bank references write for particulars:. J. u. ming, manager, mccnix. nz. Y M Ikx FOR BALE $3,000 00 worth of 10 per" cent t referred guaranteed stock; can give est references. Address D 23, care Omaha Bea. Y MJ61 FOR BALES Clean stock of general mar- cnanaiae, cnance 10 atep into a food paying- bualnesa Stock about 13.000. Will take 7S cents 00 the dollar for quick cash. Stork up-to-date and oomplote. Ad dress Owner. 44, David City, Neb. Y MriM WANTED To aril or rent, hair dressing parlors, newly furnished, on easy terms, to responsible party. Call l or 31'.' Ne ville Blk.. Omaha, Neb. Y-M9T1 FOR BALE New stock of dry goods and ladiea' furnishing. Been In business 9 months; leaaon tor sailing other bual nesa. tkmd location and Ana room. A. P. Slack. Hastings. Neb. Y-M122 II ARIZONA DO YOU WANT TO INCOR I "ORATE? Arizona laws most liberal of any; private property not liable for com pany debta; atock may be made non-aa-seasulile; amount capitalization does not affect cost: bank reference. -For Infor mation address Arizona Incorporating Co., Phoenix, Arts. Y MtJJ in FOR SALE Only stock of druss In good western town of about .'.110 population; Invoice about tS.500 00; has elephone exchange, which pays the lent. Ad dress K. cara Richaroaon l'i".; c, . yr4"'1 15 FOR BALE Combination drug and gro cery stork. In thriving town In center of the state. Good paying buslneaa. but alokness rornpele a rhange. Address 1. care Donald-Porter Co., Grand Island. Y M430 20 OMAHA MANUFACTURING CO.. selling wholesale, wants help and capital; offers half Intereat to desirable party, who has from 13.009 to 13,000 to inveat. Ad drees E 2S. Bee. Y M414 lit FEW ANCHOR and Iron le Wire fencing ao per ft. 20i N. 17ui b.. Tel. Red 114. il July! WIRE and Iron fencing, hitching posts, wire trellis. Omaha Wire Iron Works 112 Farotaw aUsaaL Tel Red M M-Ct J WANTED MALE HELP BPRINQ AND SUMMER SCHOOL JSUW Ul'b.ii at the OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE mil and Farnsm. STUDENTS f.NFOLUMl DAILY. For Business Course. Shorthnnd. Type writing and Telegraphy. Reduced summer rates of tuition. CATALOGUE and PARTICULARS KKEE. ROIiRBOUUH BROS., OMAHA, NEB. B M922 Juna MEN and boys wnnted to leartr plumbing bricklaying, plnKten.ig trades; pays to a day. Coyne i:ros. Co.. New York, Chl ca;ci, Clnclnnail. Ft. Louis. Free cata logue. B 284 BHIPPINO clerk. S5. Office rlerk. wholesale house, $A5. Trnvellng saleKinnn. ll'Ji. Stork clerk, youns; m;iti, tlT. to 140. Bookkeeper, out of town. XI 25. Bookkeejier and stenographer, lumber busi ness, f?5. Call or write for complete list of vacancies. We can always place competent men In good positions WESTERN RE F. A BOND ASS'N (Inc.). Dept. B, S40-U-42 N. Y. Lite Blilg. B 447 15 WANTED Three men of good personal ap pearance; outside position; steady em ployment. C. F. Adams Co , ltil Howard Bt. B -"84 60 MEN. Icehouse, north of lead works, t Ut-Off lake. B-M zv DRl.'G stores bought and sold; drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knlesi, Iu4 N. Y. L. WANTED Four or five good boys; good pay. A. D. T. Co.. 212 8. 13th St. B MH41 M34 WANTED Bey who works during the day to sleep In office at night. Address D lb. Bee. U-M.430 WANTED Wide-awake young man with U.ijoo.ijO to take active part in paying L islness; good town. Address D 23, care Omaha Bee. B AI55 MAN and wife, man to do chores, woman to rooK lor loaanouse; . a monm ana board; wlil advance taiea; send reierenccB. James L. Wilcox, Cody, Wyo. B M970 18 WANTED Elderly man and wife for chores and nou.-uwork on farm; good waKea year round. Address 8. W. Ar bultmot, K. F. D. No. L Courtiand, Kan. B-M262 16x WANTED Experienced carpet layer. Ap ply Mrs. Thomsen, 1'eoplu s store. B 3fca lux STEADY men. Ice company. 5th and Jones. B s.ix M WANTED For U. 8. Army, ablebodled un married men between ages of 21 and 35; citizens of United tilates. of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Office. 13th and Doug las Sts., Omaha; ilucaln ami Grand la land. Neb., or Sioux City, la. B 172 SALESMAN WANTED WELL EQUIPPED SALESMAN. TO CALL ON PHYSICIANS. A VERY EX CEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY IS OF FERED FOR IMMEDIATE WORK. STATE AGE AND EXPERIENCE. LOCK BOX 868, PHILADELPHIA.' B 417 15x WANTED Men to Icarn barber trade; 10 positions for every graduate; top wages paid; few weeks completes; course In cludes tools and diplomas. Can nearly earn expenses. Call or write, Moler Bar ber College, 1116 Farnam SU B-M123 17x POSITIONS OPEN. Traveling salesman, V and commission. Tinner and hardware man. Expert bookkeeper, $"5 to start. Furnishing goods man. Collectors, salary and commission. Call or write. BRAIN CLEARING HOUSE, W-2 N. Y. L. Bldg. B 451 15 WANTED Men who have a few dollars to Invest to Investigate my manufacturing plant. Manufacturing staple line; no competition; big profit. Will guarantee 2o per cent; every dollar as safe as though It was In a bank. Will stand closest in vestigation. Address E 33. Bee. B-M 474 FREE Hundred-page Illustrated book on British Columbia. Accurate Information about Its wonderful natural resources. Send postal card to the World Printing and Publishing Co., Ltd., Vancouver, B. C. R M463 lx 8TEADT men. Ice company, 14th and Nicholas. - B M461 20 YOUNG MAN WANTED Stout, active man wanted In our periodical depart ment; don't apply If afraid to work.' The Omaha News Company, 10th and Daven port. B M420 1 WANTED A good slaughter house man and sausage maker; good wages paid to right party; married man preferred. Ad dress Butcher, Box 183, Sterling, Colo. B M422 21 WANTED Experienced men for porter work; only those with references need apply. Inquire of Mr. Thomas, at main entrance, J. L. Brandeis & Sons. B M421 17 BECOME a chauffeur at home, positions guaranteed at $25 weekly. Write for particulars. Automobile Dept., 742 Sev enth Ave., New York. B M411 21x WANTED A good shoemaker at SSd and Cuming St. B M3S1 17x WANTED First-class moulders. Wearne Bros'. Foundry, 14o8 Jackson. B 407 WANTED An experienced furniture packer. Apply Harlman Warehouse, 13th and Izard. B 136 17 WANTED Experienced typewriter supply salesman to take agency for "Non-Smut" carbon; most extensive line on the mar ket; business already established; small capital required. Address K 29, Bee. U 440 IT WANTED A sober man with small capital In small, good paying business; will pay frood salary and give right man Interest n business. Pleasant and profitable work. Address E 32. Bee. B M409 PROOFS 3 engravers, operators, half-tone and sine etchers and routers; steady po sition; non-union; give reference. Ad dress P. O. Box 93. Cincinnati, Ohio. B 469 1 BRIGHT young man with some experience on printing presses; state age and ex I ' ! BOY 15 to 20 years old. factory work. SO 8. 16th. B-M471 II perience. Address . so. Bee. a 11 SEVERAL steady young men. 43 8. 15th. B-M 463 20 MAN to work In factory. (09 8. 14th. B-M470 1 WANTED FEMALE HELP STENOGRAPHER, Oliver operator, $40. Stenographer, retail house, 3u. Stenographe -, liiHiirani e office, 150. Stenographer, legal work, 175. We can also plare office clerks, bookkeep ers, etc., on short notice. Call or write for complete list of vacancies and booklet. WKSTERN REF. A BOND ASS'N (Inc.), Dept. B. 840-41-43 N. Y. Life Bldg. C-448 15 WANTED Girl to take care of children and do light housework. Call 724 a Scth. C MK73 WANTED Good cook; references re quired. Apply toil Cass. C MI2fc WANTED At once, good cook. Apply Mrs. Edward Hayden, 3016 Case St. C MI63 WANTED A cook, lol 8. 82d Ave. C-3S6 16 WANTED A good girl to assist with housework; no washing or ironing. 611 N. loth. C 4"3 lx WANTED Waist and skirt helpers and finishers; highest wages paid. Apply 3us Pax ton block. C 402 15 x WANTED Two dining room girls; will furnish transportation. Koehler Hotel, Grand Island. C 439 16 APPRENTICE girls. Burge Shirt Co. C 3rt WANTED A good girl for general house work; best of wages; housecleantng dona. Apply 1707 J one. C Ml EXPERIENCED chambermaid. Hotel. 6u4 8. 13th. L-anga C ) WANTED Competent girl to take cars two children; alrap huiua nights. Address C S3, Baa. C-al&U In a skort lime what the Wise Man knows now, the whole public will know It will he too late then for Bargains. 8 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED General servant; 5 In family; no washing. Mrs. M. A. Hall, 118 N. Mh St C 147 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROCMS WE WILL rent a beautiful south-front room to one or two gentlemen with good references. Our home Is In the West Fnrnam district and the house Is thor oughly modern. The room has never been rented before, but we will try to make things as homelike as possible for anyone who takes It. Nice lawn and shade. Address for particulars P 52, care Bea Offlie. E 106 15x FURNISHED room for rent. 1506 Ohio. E 143 t ROOMS FURNISHED, reliable, stylish goods, for 175: easv nvments. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO.. 1209-1211-1213 Farnam St. E 433 15 NICELY furnished, large, south front room with bay window; also east and north front room; everything strictly modern; walking distance; prices reason able. 2938 Dewey Ave. Telephone Harney 2704. E 490 16x DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. Doug. 611 0. M. E. Haul Trunks E 2S9 Thurston hotel; rooms 11.50 up per week. E M605 FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, strictly modern, suitable for one gentle man. 217 South 25th St. E 9o6 FURNISHED room In new modern house for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 2306 Douglas St. E M930 FOR RENT Nicely furnished modern rooms, H South 25th avenue. EM 9WJ 16 LARGE front room with alcove, suitable for man and wife; Park district. 632 So. 28th St. E M 410 16x SOUTHWEST corner 21st and Burt; parlor floor beautifully furnished; housekeeping, cheap; modern. E 435 16 NICELY furnished south front room; mod ern, private family. 2208 Douglas. E 442 18x TWO single front rooms; rent W.OO up. 2310 Douglas. 'Phone Douglas 4663. E M467 20x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 0. M. E. Haul Trunks F-290 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafa, F 291 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney St., nicely fur nished south front room with good board. Rates reasonable. F 419 Je5x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CENTRAL; 8 rooms; bath. Tizard, 220 N. SKI. u mui FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES 130.00 per month for large store room. southeast corner lotn and ieavenwortn. Inquire R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor Bee building. lil 9H0 FOR RENT Desk room in Bee office, city hall building, 417 N. 26th SU South Omaha. . Apply to manager. 1134 SUITABLE tor wholesale or manufactur ing, 44x100; three floors and basement, elevator; will rent 22x100 Separately. 1003 6 Farnam St. Inquire 314 First National Bank bldg. 1292 140 Largs store room for rent. 1818 Harney St. N. P. Dodjje sc Co. 1-294 FOR RENT One first class four-story brick store, 130 feet deep; good elevator; 12u7 Douglas. Inquire of John Linder, 1209 Douglas. 1 M006 FOR RENT Germanla hall, 18th and Harney. Auditorium, stage, etc. Suitable for a theater, concert hall, balls, etc. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam St. 1-872 OFFICE room for rent; an elegant room In our office with use of 'phone; good light, facing on Farnam be Inquire 206 Bee Bldg. I M924 FOR RENT 3-story and basement brick building, S. W. corner 15th and Jackson; suitable for manufacturing, storage or warehouse. Apply J. W. Hill, Jr.. 15 1st Nat l Bank. 1-940 IS FULL lot, with choice trackage on Douglas street, for sale, lease, or will build for tenant. 8. S. Curtis, 1808 Harney. 1146 STORE ROOM for rent. 408 B. 15th Or pheum Theater Bldg. Dyball. 1518 Doug fas. I M466 WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent, 100x25 ft. In Jobbing district. Address E 26. Bee. K 397 15x WANTED AGENTS BIG profits; permanent business; price mo nnrxilv in engraved stiver name and nun ber door plates; never before sold for less than 16. but you can How sell for 11.60 and make 75 cents each; only best famines Dougni wnen o; now tvnjmm nrdera at 11. 60: aet our exclusive terri tory proposition. New Method Co., 6750 Prairie Ave.. Chicago. J 46 16x THE two bast 8au Francisco books are Bishop Fallows arid toe one written oy Charles Banks and Ople Read. Wa seil both; 500 pagea; luo photos; 60 per cent; credit; freight paid; outfit free. W. A. Hlxsnbaugh at Co., Ware Blk., Omaha. J-M4M AGENTS wanted on our new work, "The Destruction of San Francisco." Abso lutely new and nonsensat lonal. Illus trated, filled with comprehensive valua ble Information and containing a large scale map of the city, as It was with I ha burned district, fully outlined. Com plete outfit and terms sent prepaid upon receipt of 20 cents. Rand-McNally & Co.. Chicago. I1L J 494 MEN No money required If you have push and ability, to aecure the state right to represent us; we have repre sentatives who make from $ .. 0 to 1100 per week; you ran do the same. "The Co-operative Poultry Ralalng Associa tion, tit Morris Ave., New York City. J M419 Ux AGENTS Big combination hox; contains pile cure, scalp anu sain oinimenia, ca tarrah and hay fever balm, corn salve; costs 25 cents, worth 11.50; profit IW to 0 per cent. Mark W. Allen A Co.. D trolt. Mich. J -466 16x SAN FRANCISCO GREAT DISASTER. Only 11.00 book. Far outsells higher Ericed books. Large, fully Illustrated, xtra terms. Freight paid. Cred't given. Outfit free. Zlegler Co.. 215 Ix cust St., Philadelphia. Pa, J 116 15x WANTED SALESMEN SALESMAN WANTED A first class ex perienred salesman to rarry an up-to-date line of petticoats on a 10 per cent commission, as a side Una for Nebraska or Kansas. Addreaa at once. Imperial Skirt Co.. Jackaon. Mich. L 416 16 WANTED Experienced typewriter supply aaleaman to take agency for "Non-Smut" carbon; most extenalve line on the mar ket; business already eatabllabed; small capital required. Address E 29, Bee. L-441 17 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position as 1 shlDDtna- clerk by young man with 6 years experience ia UUU HWll win, xpreas bualnesa. Aauraas c iu. new. A 411 lax FOR SALE REAL ESTATE CHRIS BOYER, 12d and Cuming. 'Phone Doug. 2049. Lot 66x166, with two small houses, city water In kitchen, southeast corner 27th Ave. and Cuming St. $3,200. Eight-room house, partly modern, lot 40 xllO, on 29th St. between Farnam and Douglas. $2,200. Also one-story brick tore building, lot 20x120. $2 500. Submit bids on these two. They must be sold at once. Six-room modern house, lot 30x132, on Webster St., near 21st $3,400. Four-room house and barn, lot 23x90, at 2118 Military Ave. $900. Six-room brick house, furnace, barn, well and cistern. Lot 60x132, on Corby St., be tween 42d and 43d. Price only $1,400. Four-room house, well and cistern. Lot 25x140 (south 60 feet of lot Is 60 feet wide), on Burdette St., between 80th and 31st. Price $950. Eight-room house, city water and sewer connected In kitchen. Lot 60x130. Mere dith Ave., near 28th St. Price $2,000. Vacant lot, 29th St., between Nicholas and Indiana Ave., lot 47x138. Price $600. Vacant lot on Nicholas, between 29th and 30th Sts. Lot 61x125. Price 600. Lot on southeast corner 28th and Burt, 55x150. Price $1,100. Lot on Webster, between 27th and 2Rth. Lot is 30x150. Price $650. Lot on Burt St., between 27th and 28th Sts., 30x160. Price $660. CHRIS BOYER, 22d and Cuming. 'Phone Doug. 2049. RE 423 16 CHICKEN RANCH, On 34 th, near Cass St., we have a good 6-room house with 75 ft. frontage; has barn and chicken houses; this cost the present owner $2,600; we can sell It to you for $1,900; you will never get another chance like it. FRANK & EFNER, 321-22 Neville Block ' RE M424 1 NEW SIX-ROOM cottage on Fowler Ave., Just east of 24th St.; 3 rooms and reception hall on first floor, 3 chambers and bath on second; full 2-story and nicely fin ished; full basement and furnace, com bination fixtures; built last fall when material was cheap; lot 50x183, about 3 ft. above grade and nicely tefraced Will sell for very small payment down, balance about same as rent. Price, 13,160. W. FARNAM SMITH, 1320 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1064. RE 446 16 $1,100 FOR THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF 12TH AND DORCAS STS. 67x132. ROOM FOR FOUR HOUSES. The Byron Reed Co. 'Phones 279 and 298. 212 8. 14th. REM472 18 TWO FINE LOTS on 40th St., south of Howard; 93x155 feet; will be sold at a bargain this week. McCague Investment Co., 1506 Dodge St. RB-445 16 . TRACKAGE A fine piece of trackage property, 147x284, on U. P. track, at 6th and Jones Sts.. $12,000 will take It for Immediate aala. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1 New York Life Bldg. RE-299 REDUCED PRICE FOR QUICK SALE. $7,600 for 610 Park Ave., well built 9-room house, modern and In first-class condi tion; lot 75x140 feet, double frontage, with room to build three more houses; Im provements alone cost over $8,000; Im mediate possession. GEORGE CO.. 1601 Farnam. F.E M169 18 A Fine Home for Sale A beautiful 10-room, east front home, facing llanscom park on 32d Ave. Quarter sawed white oak finish and hardwood floors down stairs. Electric light, gas, bath, furnace; lawn, shade, shrubbery, permanent sidewalk and alone steps. A bargain If taken at once. Can only offer this for the next few days. Kenny Real Estate and Insurance Co. RE M4i9 17 Bee,. May 14, 1906. 14 ACRES With 165 ft. frontage on Florence boule vard; fine old trees; HjO an acre. HARRISON & MORTON, 912-913 N. Y. Life. Tel. Douff. 814. RE449 IS 9-ROOM, modern house; ahade trees; nice lawn; flno lot at a barg.iin If taken at once. Apply 2710 Davenport or phone Harney-sl. RE-898 2ux BARGAIN IN WHOLESALE MUST SELL. 2-story brick, on Harney, near 11th; lot 22x132; only $6,250. S. Hawver. 1614 Emmet bt. RE M425 16 HAWVER 8 patented "built In the wall" folding bed; great labor and space-saving device. Sea it In operation, lol 4 Emmut Bt. RE-M3S4 M2 FOR BALE CHEAP-W nonresident, 8 roam modern house, half block from car line, in Dundee. TeL Harney 11M. HE -978 Williamson Co., u- 8.t1FKl0Bru1'- RE-101 ARCHITECT - afftikJ00 RE 6KI 1119 BE8T BARGAINS aver offered In Kountse Place Nine-room modem, must be sold before Saturday. National Investment Co. 1. W. Martin. Free. Douglas Blk. RE-MI77 18 I J FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR BALE 6-room house, 2 Iota, good lo cation. 2534 26lh and Jefferson, South Omaha. RE-399 16x WANTED TO BUY-S. 10 or 20 acres within 8 Mocks of car line, to plat. Hastings A Heyden, 1(XS Farnam. RE 434 16 LIST your properties with Boyer. I?d and Cuming. .RE-aV FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSE8 FOR RENT. $45.00 A very desirable 9-room house; mod ern. 1029 So. 3uth Ave. $30.u 3316 Burt St., 8 rooms, modern, hot water heat. Inquire R. C. Peters A Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. D-M991 WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel., Douglas-ltU, Schmoller 4s Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. D-313 MAGGARD Van aV storage Co. Dry rooms, low pricas. Telephone Dauglas 1039. D M109 M26 8-ROOM furnished houae. 1919 Douglas St D M033 WnTTKVK n U parts of the city. The ilU U OXjO 0 f Cav!, Co., 20 Bee Bldg. D 30 ; TTnTT51V5 'n all parts of the city. R. iiUU&Hib c. ret,',, 0,., i,ea Bldg. D J06 HOUSES FURNISHED complete; reliable goods, bedrock prices, easy payments. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., 1209-1211-1213 Farnain St. D 431 15 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. D-308 THE Omaha Van . & Storage Co., pack, move and store H. H. goods, storehouse, 1120-24 N. l!tli. Office, lollfe Fafnam. Tel., Doug. 1609. D 308 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van ft Stor age Co. Tel., Doug. 14M. Office, 1713 Web ster St. D 310 BEE us when shipping household goods to large cities west. We can save you moneV. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth SU Tel., Doug. 1195. D-311 AMERICAN TRANSFER CO., STORAGE. 'Phone Douglas 1052. 1106 Farnam. D876 Jt SMALL cottage newly papered, 3d and Francis; $7. Breen A Bloom, 613 Bea Building. D M917 FOR RENT 6 and 7-room, thoroughly mod ern, brick flats, never occupied; the most complete In the city, $30. Tempteton & Manker, 206 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas-2904. D-386 7-ROOM house, modern, except heat; adults only; $20. 2619 Caldwell. D 878 9-ROOM house, all modern. 907 Georgia, Ave. 'Phone Douglas 440. D 400 16 FOR RENT Modern 9-room house; ex cellent repair; 3625 Davenport; $28. Fltz-gerald-Dermody Co., 836 N. Y. L. Bldg. D-437 16 2407 NORTH 22d St.. 8 rooms, newly pa pered, thoroughly modern, hot water heat, large yard and trees, iuu reet irom Dodge car; two blocks from 24th street car. 'Phone 133. D. H. Christie. Room S, N. T. Life Bldg. D 462 18 NO. 2309 California St., 8-room modern house, fine location, $40.00 per month. 4758 N. 24th 6t., 10-room modern house, large yard, fruit trees and shrubbery, $30.00 per month. GEORGE A CO., 1601 Farnam 8t. D 450 17 FOR SALE FARMS Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. R-. Omaha, Neb., Dept. "A." H 304 Cheap Western Lands LOOO.OOO acres, Colorado, Kansas and Ne braska lands, $2 to $3.50 per acre. Gov ernment homesteads located. Printed lists giving legal descriptions and prices; also maps, pictures, etc., free. THE STERLING INVESTMENT CO., 201 Front St., Sterling.. Colo. 11-523 FREE HOMESTEADS IN NORTH DA KOTA Will furnish you free transpor tation every Tuesday from Minneapolis to the lands, pay the filing fee, furnish free livery, and - make your filings for you, all for $100. For further lniorma tlon write F. M. Rourke, Lisbon, N. D. H M 113 21x . LOST LOST About April 7, one cross, set with six diamonds; one marquise ring, set with diamonds; one solitaire diamond; one ring, set with Ave diamonds; one turquoise ring, set with five stones; one flaln band ring; $375 C. C. checks. Re urn to Mrs. Sherwood, Tea Room, Bos ton Store and receive $160 reward. M 333 IS LO8T Brown pointer dog, "Bport," white spot on breast, one ear niched, Tag No. 4W; $5 reward. Return to W. J. Faw cctt, 2821 N. 20th St. 'Phone Red 6019. Lost 401 lbx STOLEN Black horse, weight about l.tSu lbs.; blind, one white eye. $10 reward for return to J. W. Bartlett, 1715 Madison Ave., South Omaha. M404 20x LOST On Saturday, gold leaf pin, with pearl setting. Reward on return to 47 South 25th Ave. Lost 406 lx LOST Loose-leaf rate book. Finder return same to S. Wlckman, Kb S. loth street. Rewsrd. Lost 409 16x PATENTS H. A. STURGES, 'eglslered attorney; pat ents, trade marks, copyrights; 110 fee un. less successful. 517 N. i'. Life, Omaha. F. J. LARSON & CO.. patent lawyers; patent book free. Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. 3S6 S19ARPE MACHINE WORKS Patents procured, invention developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. 604-Oii S. loth Bt. -3J7 PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na tional Investment Co., 63 Douglas Block. - DRESSMAKING Woodruff & Arnold, 813-14 Neville Blk. -M44.1 Ml M'DOWELL system of dress cutting taught; simplest and best method. 16j$ Farnam. M66S May'Jl BRENT A BROWN, first class dressmak ers. 2039 Harney SU 'Phone Douglas 6426. 91 CALL and see the ono-prtced dressmaker. 2u Douglas bloc. -420 Je3 WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy second hand furniture, stoves, carpets, clothes and shoes. Pay the beat prices Telephone Douglas 3U71. NM-a38J5 WHEN you have any old clothaa to seil call red 9921; best prices. N 941 29 TYPEWRITERS YOU CAN RENT An OLIVER TYPEWRITER with oak table for 83 00 monthly. CONVENIENT AT HOME. THE OLIVER TIFBWR1TER CO. IK aV lata Tel. Doug. 9919. M.164 JuoaU PERSONAL PILES CURED WITHOUT AN OPERATIO N ALL KINDS OF PILES CU RED INTERNAL, EXTERNAL. BLIND, BLEEDING UK ITCHING PILES -A GUARANTEE GIVEN IN EVERY CASE TREATED .BTnR- MAXWELL, who has had twenty-five years' experience In treating plies. Hundreds cf testimonials given on appli cation. 824 Bee Bldg , Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Douglas 1424. U-li MM ,J?.'"a"rit household remedy, 8atln Skin Cream, should aiwaya be handy, 2ic. U- A Dollar for You Any time before June 1, lv5. this slip will be accepted at ll.J down, payment on a 110 purchase of shoes, hats or clothing, ttie bal ance to be paid as you earn It. Home Credit Clothing Co., 1520 Dodge St., Omaha. O. A. LARMON, Mgr. U-M475 IF THE descendants of Eliza A. Whelan. or she. If alive, will communicate with i,RW,on Williams, attorney at law, 602 llth St.. N. W., Washington. D. C they will learn something to thela bene , The person wanted Is a sister to Bridget Dehlla Mullen of Washington, u- C. U 409 15 S2JIC MASSAGE, 412 N. 16th 8T.. fchOND FLOOR. ROOM 2. U M976 Mli MAGNETIC treatment baths. Mme. "","lVvfcmltb, 11 N. 15, 2d tl .r.2. U 666 AN1 POOR GIRL in need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army home for women at 3S24 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. U M100 PHONE Doug. 701 and a man will call and tune your piano $2. Pertield Piano Co., 1611 Farnam. U 818 RIPTLRE CURED No knife, no Injec tions. Call or write for booklet. Quick Cure Rupture Co., 611 W. O. W. Bldg. Omaha. U 319 TRT KELLY'S Laundry, 'phone Doug. l6;o. U-30 DR. ROY. Chiropody, R. 2 A 3. 1506 Farnam. L-321 GOLD STICKPIN FREE, to any person sending us the name of any person owning a square piano, organ or prospective piano buyer. PERFIELD PIANO CO., Tel. 70L 1611 Farnam St. U-S22 CHAMPION CTpet Cleaning Works. , T Beautiful, unique rugs n ,m Id carpets; prices reasonable. VJ0 B. 14th Bt. Tel. Douglas 665. U 323 J-12 BEND your carpets to Omaha Electric Car pet Cleaning wks., 2231 N. 20th. Doug.-16o8. U Midi M31 YOUR saving 40 per cent. Investigate. Pennell Millinery Co., Ill Bouth 15th Bu U-324 PRIVATE confinement home; babies sdopted Mrs. Dr. King. 2018 N. 21t St. Tel. 3a59. Jj 325 PLEATING Buns.uclmig, Embroidering, Dyeing and Cleaning, Syonglna; and Shrink ing, only 5o per yard, bend for price list and sample. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 200 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1 U 320 WE RENT sewing machines, $1 a week and $3 per mo. We repair all makes of ma chines; second-hand machines, $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. Doug. 1663. Cor. lutli and Harney. U 827 f A PPWT.W A TV Manicuring. facUl -"-"" " massage. Lutle Bryant, 818 Bea Bldg. U 913 M26 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM Tel. Doug. 254 211 S. llth St. U 314 PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at once, $1 weekly. All music lessons free. JOIN NOW. Perlleld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam St. U 316 PRIVATE home during ' confinement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gar dell, 2216 Charles. Tel. Doug. 5311. L 817 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. llth St., for cost of collecting to tho worthy poor. Call 'Phone Duug.-4l3a and wagon will call. U 611 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crolghton Medical College, 14th and Davenport Sis. Special attention paid to confinement cases. All treatment supervised by college professors. '1 hone Doug. 1107. Calls answered day or night. U 129 SEWING machines and supplies. P. E. Flodman & Co.. 1514 Capitol Ave. U-M507 M31 THE City Garbage Co. Office, 14th and Leavenworth But. Tel. Douglas l&w. U 323 STOVF1S Stored. Hughes Stove Repair QAU V .CiO works. Tel. Doug. 7155. UiM M16 FLY time Is here, and you need new screens. See Johnson, 16th and Chicago, general repairing. Tel. Douglas 6203. ' C 9b3 Je9 MAGNETIC OSTEOLOGY Mrs. M. Ritten house, 412 N. 16th, room 2, second floor. U-522 M17 JOUNSON-GOODLETT CO. 8-layer white cakes, iic; pure milk bread, groceries and meats, 2u02 Lake ,-iU Douglas 1676. U rM4i7 41 MRS. SMITH'S school of practical dress making teaches all branches of dress making, cutting and fitting. Girls can earn tuelr own tuition. )H Douglas Blk. U-02I Ji PRIVATE hospital during confinement. Ba bies adopted, iiebl anil cheapest In the City. 3319 8. 13th 6t., Omaha, Neb. U-Mo36 Jl PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium. 72s First Ave., Council Bluiis. Ia. Tel. 774. U-322 SHAMPOOS, manicuring and farlals at your own home; New i'ork method. Mia. WUUs, 2010 DavcnporU Tel. Douglits 8024. U Mi(2 Jul OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Rama-a Blk. U 315 SYKINGE8, rubber goods, by mall; cut prices. Send for free catalogue. Myera Dlllon Drug Co.. Omaha. U 937 MEDICAL LADIES. $1,000 REWARD! I positively guarantee my Never-Faillnr, KIt'iu KOLO Remedy. Safely relieves long, st, moat obstinate cases of delayed Monthly Periods in 3 to 6 days without harm, pain or Interference with work. Mail, il io. Double strength, 7.00. ' SPECIAL FOLD ER FOR LADIES FREE. DP.. U. II. BOUTHINOTON CO., KANSAS CITY, MO. '129 BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Narvo Food Pills" tl box. postpaid. Sherman i McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, -330 PRINTING LYNGSTAD H'a'h Grade 1HUS Calendars. a. inDvr 8 K corner 16th St. and ft JORVE. capltol Ave. -a ENGRAVING and printing. Kotera Co., 1510 Howard. Tel. Douglas 2uu7. 297 BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES WE TRUST EVERYBODY, easy payments, and lead the world In cheap prices on billiard and pool tables and bar fixtures; catalogue free. The Bruuawlcke-Balke-Collender Co., 4o7 S. 10th St., Omaha. .Wb. v -US TICKET BROKERS CUT-RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln. 15U5 Farnam. 'phone Doug. T84. -2a8 RSON JOHNSON. 1408 Farnam. Doug. DEATH NOTICES SCHAAB. John-Papllllon. Neb. Ruris.1 will take place from Mr. C. P. Brown's residence. Papllllon. Wednesday afternoon. May 16, at 2 o'clock p. m. UNDERTAKERS HOFFMANN ft GENTLEMAN. 702 N. 16th. Douglas 6696. of J MONUMENTS GREAT WESTERN GRANITE CO. Do ig. las 6hZL M-93 M.'J MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS LOANS On Household Goods, Pianos, Horses and Wagons, Etc. vt e will loan money on the above security at positively the lowst rate of lnteieat to be obtained In the city. WhyT because wa h.ive unlimited capital and would rather loan money out than have It Ivlng Idle. Wa make these loans In the strictest confidence, make no Inquiry of your neighbors and merely want to see your security. If you owe several small bills which are bothering lunu; 10 us, state your circumstances mid we will loan you money enough to pay them all off, so that you will have your In debtedness all n one plare where one pay- .il earn im.nih will take care of It. And ''"ke the payment small enough to : We Also Loan Responsible Sal- : . atled People on Their Plain I '. t.! Vi,huut Endorsement or I : Itillclty. 1 RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Rooms 307-&B Paxton Block. . X-M18? 19 OUR LOANS -'"'l,u,,-' e wen Informed and couiteous and we are alas pleased to explain our manner of loans. We tell you to the cent where the cost will be. and It you conclude that il will not pay ou to borrow ther is no harm dona. We loan on furniture, pianos. live stock and other chattels, and to salaried people upon tnelr own agreement to pay. Ne otter jou latea as low as you will And and our facilities for quick and ouu tluenllal service are unsurpassed. We are the oldest concern In our Una In the city and we always try to please our putrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2295. Established. 1J. &xj S. lbtli St. X-34 MONEY loaned on pianos, vfurnlture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc C. F. Reed. 31U & 13th. X 336 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances private money on chattels or salary. Easy to get no red tape. You get money same day asked for at email cost. Open evenings until 7. X M336 nan mo .m.c, ,,w v. i' , ueti pri vacy; Immediate attention; on any terms wniKcu, i.;intiiio uDciiiiru case or sickness or out of employment. Room 214, Karbach Blk., 209 S. 15th St. X 337 When In need of MONEY Calt on us. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 632-3 Paxton Blk. X-338 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; eHsy pay ments. Offices In 53 principal cities. Tol man, room 714, New York Life Bldg. X-339 FURNITURE, Piano, Jewelry, Loans. 331 Neville Blk. THE WESTERN LOAN CO. X-340 FURNITURE, Live Stock, Salary Loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker block. X-341 CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loans, Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St. . X 343 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Doug. X-343 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1004 Farnam. 6 and oft per cent loans on real estate; no delay. W MSJ MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-34j WANTED City loans and warranta. W. Farnam Smith it Co., 1320 Farnam Bt. W-344 BUILDING loans on residence property; t per cent. W. M. Melkle, Ramge Blk. W-346 LOWEST RATES Bemis, Paxton Block. W 347 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Doug. W-34K 11,009,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest ratea; no delay. Thomas Biennan, R. 1. N. Y. Life. W-350 WANTED City Wans. R. C. Peters A Co. W-361 FARM. CITY AND BUILDING LOANS. Reed Bros., 1710 Farnam St. W-363 City & farm loans. O. F. Carson Co. N.Y.L. W-353 LOANS on Improved city property, W. H, Thoinaa, 5o6 1st National Bank Bldg. W-54 LOANS made on Omaha Improved prop erty; also for building pi -poses. Hast ings A Heyden, 1&3V t-riium. W 473 16 FOR EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE! 2,100-acre ranch, center of state of Ne braska; want good general stock mer chandise. Ranch price. $31,000. 1,400 acres whet and alfalfa land north west Missouri; want rental or merchan dise. Price of land, $21,000. JOHN M. LIVINGSTON, Nebraska City, Neb. Z M41J tl AUTOMOBILE 20-horse power. 2-eyllnder. practically new touring car. aiannara make, in perfect order add fully equipped; will sell for cash or take part payment in real estate. Address E 31. Kee IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an ad In and you will soon get It. zTf3 HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE Foil SALE Horses, hjgh class, high act InK. well bred single drivers; matched paiis young, sound, large, also speed prospects and hors-s with records. These lioiKi s on stile at Genoa. Neb., after May 10 Come o.- write. Roberta A btlllman, Genoa. Neb P MloS 20 PERSONAL ATTENTION E. II. Fertln, fcciemiflc Imrse shoeing, 416 S. l.'lh. Tel. lioUKlas 1639. Horses called for and de livered. P M470 M16 MUST sell my open family Surrey, cheaa, almost new, roomy. Telephone Harney 623. P M289 20 AUTOMOBILES LARGEST stock of new and second-haasl automobiles In Omaha: also auppllea H. E. Frederlckson, 15th and Capitol Ave. -607 Jl 85-H. P. Royal Tourlat 4-cyllnder touring car with top, at great bantsln. II. E. Frederlckson, 15th and Capitol Ave. aVN Jt FOR SALE t'HEAP-Kearly new, 6-paa-aenger. 2'.'-horse power 2-cyllnder touring Car. standard make. In perfect condition, 6 lamps; owner has runabout. Omana Auto Co., 61H 8. 14th St. 444 17 PLUMBING CALL JOHNSON for quirk services and low prices. 1812 Harney. Tel. IfciUK. M-476 Jl LAW AND COLLECTIONS J. M. MACFARLAND. W Nt I, L Bldg. Cel. Douglas tj. eat re ieV r-