Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Wh&t PrioM FluotUAU EomtwUt Undf
Cent ivy Iafluenoa.
Wak Bate GrtUtr Part of fee...
Jails' (1mIi Half Coat
leawet flaaall .Trade ti4 Rao
raw Ui(( la Cava.
OMAHA. May 15, 190.
Heavy rain In the douihwfut nut a
Clop today lo the dry weather taltc concerning-
that section. Cables cm "47.d
lower. At the start there was heavy cell
ing, and price on July eased off He. ral
lying later to yesterday's clone on the
sentiment Which developed through the
cash situation and decrease stocks. Sales
oy commission houaea and favorable re
port from Kansas turned the market
..talc, and It dragged the rent of the day,
-losing price on July were hc lower,
.teceipt were a little better than last
ear, but caah demand la good. Trade is
f-iy light.
Oats mere dull and featureless. Prices
tire practically unchanged.
t was the same old story with corn
si, tall trade and a narrow range. The cash
dr-mand continues good and receipts are
'.ht. Trade Is too light to take the mar
... i out of the rut and Influence prices
either way.
Trade was unusually light on the local
ixchange, from the fact that many of the
Members attended the meeting of grain
dealers at Des Moines, la.
Wheat receipts were 214.000 bushels and
Ehlpments i,0"0 bushel, against receipts
lmtt year of 163.000 bushels and shipments
of lM.Oon bushels. Corn receipts were Jul.
OiO bushels and shipments fctG.OOO bushels,
against receipts Inst year of 174.000 bushels
ond shipments of 2H9.0KO bushels. Clear
ances were 17,643 barrels of flour, 26,000
burhels corn and 17,000 bushels oats.
Liverpool closed unchanged to id lower
on wheat and unchanged to Vid lower on
Rradstreet's visible noted a total wheat
decresae of 3,394,000 bushels, corn decrease
of 1.4S0.0H0 bushels and oata decrease of
2.mi.Ono bushels.
Talk of dry weather came from Indiana
snd Kentucky. Minneapolis wheat stocks
decreased RnO.OOO bushels for three days.
Local range of options:
Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yesy
7(P4 784 B
73B 74
45SB 46 A
42 2B
81,B S1HB
2B 29VB
A asked. B bid.
' Omaha Cash "ales.
WHEAT No. 2 hard. 77fc79c; No. 8 hard,
7.T37SC: No. 4 hard, 70374c; No. 2 spring.
77Vc: No. 8 spring, 71'874Hc.
CORN-No. 3, 45c; No. 4, No. 3
yellow 48c; No. 3 white, 46c.
OATS No. 3 mixed, 31c; No. 3 white, SIVic;
No. 4 white, 30W831C.
RYE No. 2. 67c; No. 3. BCo.
Carlot Receipts.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 38 117 179
Kansas City 63
Minneapolis 62
Duluth 113
M. Louis 22
Peatarea of the Trading; and Closing
Prices on Board cf Trade.
CHICAGO, May l&.-Ralna throughout
Kansas and other portions of the south had
a weakening effect today on the local wheat
market. At the close wheat for July de
livery showed a net loss of He. Corn and
oats were unchanged. Provisions were up
i lie wheat market was weak all day and
the volume of trading was rather small.
The market was afftcted for the greater
part by weather conditions In the winter
wheat sections. Rains were reported over
the entire wa.t and mor showers weia fore
casted for tonight. Prices at IJvcrpool
were a trifle lower and this had a depress
Ing effect here. During the entire session
pit traders were persistent sellers and offer
ings were taken principally by bull leaders.
Toward the end of the day shorts were
fairly active buyers. The market closed
weak. July opened Hfoltc to Sfi'ViC lower
nt H'cix sold up to 81c and then de
clined to 80c. Final quotations were at
'(&S0Sic. Clearances of wheat and flour
were equal to 7..) bu. The world's vis
ible supply, ss shown by Brodetreefs, de
creased 3.8"0.0OO bu. Primary receipts were
214,000 bu.. compared with 153,000 bu. one
year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago
reported receipts of 304 cars. against lot
last meek and 1R5 cars a year ago.
Trading In the corn pit was very quiet
and the tone of the market was steady
because of a fair demand for cash houses.
Continued smsll local receipts formed the
basis for the cash Inquiry. The market
closed steady with fit-ices practically un
changed from yesterday's final quotations.
July opened a shade to He lower at 46e
to 461Ilti!Vc. sold up to 4ya;s' an(1
cloed at 4fie. lineal receipts were 117
cars, with 21 of contract grade.
Despite more liberal receipts than had
been expected the oats market was steady.
Shorts were moderate bidders for the May
delivery and with small offerings the price
of that option was advanced nearly He.
This had a bullish effect on the more dis
tant deliveries. Small stocks of contract
oata In store In Chlcsgo furnished the
main incentive to buyers. July opened a
Shad higher at SIVfcc, sold at S21t32'4e and
closed at 32c. Iocal receipts were 178 cars.
Provisions were easier early In the day
because of selling by pit traders who were
Influenced by a weak market for live hogs.
Later a firm tone developed on a fair de
mand by the local packers At the close
Julv nork wss un ISc at 815.60. Lard was
up 2c at I 62Vs. Ribs were 687Vc higher
at I WpS a,).
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat.
. 1"; corn, 61 cars; oats, 0 cars; hogs,
Jf),nno head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Art Idea. I Open. High.l Low. Close Yea y
May July
$3 1 tew
?4f 87! H
'i 804'!7Sl 81 44
74 78fi v 74'-iS
4fs! S 48V,
4''V 4S 4A4
0Ht7'4 M
79 ITSHai
4V '
4SuVi H1
464' 64iH
4iS3Sfi 384
32 I 32 I S
15 30 I 15 60 16 35
16 I 15 0 15 46
36 30
It 40
16 30
I 60
U 6
15 tM
16 3741
15 20 I 16 S74I 16 0
8 60 I 8 50 I 8 MM
8 56 8 624i $ 0
8 67UI 3 77 Wl 8 75
8 624f
8 674
8 tC'4:
8 T74I
1 70
8 S-H!
8 774i
8 774!
$ 72H! Sf 724( 8 7D
8 874! 8 75 I 8 87 4 8 80
8 874i 8 774M $ 87Sl 8 824
No. t
Caah quotations wrr aa follows:
FLOl'R Market steady; winter patents,
$3 60B3 9u: straights. $3 Surg 3 60: spring pat
ents. $3.66f3.6t; straights, $3.40433 60; bakers,
$j " y.
WHEAT No. 2 spring. 83685c; No. 3, 79
84c: No. 3 red, 89491c.
CORN No. 2. 49V4H94C; No. 1 yellow.
OATS No. 2. 83Sc; No. 3 white, 3Sc; No.
3 white. S3Q34c.
RYE No. 3, 6c.
BARLEY Good feeding. 406414c; fair to
choice malting, 4Wj61c.
8EEDS-N0. 1 flax. $1084; No. I north
western, $1 14: clover, contract grade, $11 ts.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bhl . $16 60
016.68. Lard, per 100 lbs., $8.55. Short ribs
sldoa (loose). $!v 70Q&78. Short cl.- u sides
V boxed), $.1069 30.
following ware the receipts a rlp
rrrenta of flour and graint
Kecetptt. 8
Flour, bbls.
Wheat, bu.
Corn, bu. ..
Oata, bu. ...
Rys, bu
22 000
'.5 400
4-1. 000
. ).
Barley, bu.
On tlia Produce exchange today ths but
ter market was easier: creameries.
1340194c; dairies. 134118c. Eggs, steady at
mark, cases Included, Um0154c. firsts, 164c;
prime firsts. 164c; extras, 184c. Cheese,
steady; 912c
Philadelphia Praaaee Market.
Firm: extra western creamery, 214c; extra
nearby prints. 33c
EJQaW Steady ; nearby fresh, 174o at
mark; western fresh, 174c at mark.
CHEfctiE Steady; New York full creams,
fancy, new, 9&l0o; fancy full creams, new.
tlath Grain Market.
tX1,TJTH. Mar I8.-WHEAT-T0 arrive:
No. 1 northern. 624c; No. 2 nor'heir i.,.
t UaJu No. I northern, t-'Vi 'o.
northern, wii,c; May, Rl'c; July. lTc; Sep
tembr. 79e.
OATS To arrive, on track and May, I2c.
Quotation of the Hay ss Tarloas
NEW YORK. Msy 15 FliOlR Receipts,
2V715 bbls; exports. 5.7K) bbls. ; market
firmly held, with slow trade; Minnesota
r stents. 14 255 4. 55 : Minnesota bakers, DM
8"; winter patents. 84 00034 iXi; winter
straights. 13. 4. 00; winter extras. U9"?t
Hi; winter low grsdes, 2li3 35; rye
flour steady, ffllr to good, l3 3S'g4 90; choice
to fancy, U "r 10.
CORNMEAI. R'cadv; fine white and yel
low. 31.20; coarse, 11 7sl.09; kiln dried. 12.70
tl-2 SO.
RYE Pull; No 1 western, 69c, nominal,
f. o. b.. New York.
BARLEY flteadv; feeding. 47HC
New York; malting, 62f(67c, c. I. f.. New
W HEAT-Receipts. 23.000 bu. ; spot mar
ket barely steady: No 2 red. 92c, nominal,
elevator: No. 2 red. Mc, nominal, f. o. b.,
afloat: No. 1 northern Duluth. 91'sc, f. o.
b., afloat: No. 1 northern Manitoba. 9014c,
f. o. b., afloat. Opening lower on reports
of good rslnfall In Kanas, easy cables
and predictions for continued large Russian
shipments, wheat recovered on bull sup
port, crop complaints from Indiana and a
big decrease In world's stock. Later bear
preevure resulted In a sharp afternoon
break and the market closed 'c net lower;
May, RV,4iV. closed at tn7c: July, w,,
4t7 3-lc. closed st Kc; September, MWa
84 ll-lc, closed at 84o.
CORN Receipts. HK.ooO bu.; exports. 836
bu.; spot market Irregular; No. 2. 67c
asked, elevator, and 56,c. f. o. b. afloat;
No. 3 yellow, SdVfcc; No. 2 white, 674c Op
tion market was generslly well sustained
all day on covering, lighter receipts, small
stocks and steady cables, closing at un
changed prices: May. SffSS'c, closed at
66c; Julv, M.Vlo4o. closed at 63Tc; Septem
ber. 6Si&R37c, closed at 63c; December
closed at Mc.
OATS Receipts. 106. 000 bu.; exports. 17,
M7 bu.; spot market steady; mixed oats, Sfi
to 32 pounds. 38c; natural white, 30 to 33
pounds, aaXi,c; clipped white, SS to 40
pounds, 44i41So.
HAY Steady; shipping, 5j4Oc; good to
choice. 90c& Jl.oo.
HOI'S Firm; state, common to choice.
19nfi, lOffrlSc; 1!M, 10c; olds, nominal. 13.
9G15c; 19(4, 12fil3c; olds, 4&6c.
HIDES Steady; Galveston, 20 to 25
pounds, 30c; California, 21 to 26 pounds, 21c;
Texas dry, 24 to 30 pounds, 19c. ,
LEATHER Steady; acid, 26'427'4c
PROVISIONS Beef, steady; mess. $7.00
C9.W; beef hams. 2n.WVff 22.00: packet.
10.oog11.00; city, extra India mess, VI bit
18 00 Cut meats, firm; pickled bellies.
$ 2.iT10.50; pickled shoulders, 8 0na8 50;
pickled hams. $11 00i 11.75. Ijtrd. steady;
western prime. k i'Kj .5, nominal; renneti,
nominal: continent. $9 10: South America.
$9.75; compound, $7.007.37 Pork, easy;
family, $18.00; short clear, $16. 25$ 18.00; mess.
$16 60(17.26.
tallow steady; city. Be; country.
packages free 5'4C.
RICE steady: domestic fair to extra. 3H
tfHc; Japan, nominal.
BUTTER Steady ; held, creamery, com
mon to extra, HfalKc.
CHEESE Steady; old. state full cream,
large and small, colored and white, fancy,
WfflS'ic; state, good to prime, 12Vtc; stale,
common to fair, llffl3c; new state, full
creams, large and small, colored and white,
best. V4c: fair to good. SV4S9c; inferior.
euus steady, state, rennsyivnnia ana
nearby fancy, selected white, 20c; state,
choice, lii lSc; state, mixed fancy, lie;
western firsts, Kje; western Beconds, 16HS
lie: soutnems, lKolBW.
FOIL-TRY A ve. steady: western broil
ers, per pound, 2tic; fowls, 14Vc; turkeys.
lac. uressea. steady; turkeys, n'gtoc;
fowls, 11(8 13c.
St. I.onla General Market.
ST. LOUIS. May 15. AVHEAT Lower ;
No. 2 red cash, elevator. W&9rtc; track, 974p
97V4c; July, 7914I1 79c ; September, V73c;
No. 1 hard, M"aftc.
CORN Steady; No. 2 cash, nominal;
track, KtoSWic; July, 46'4'4tic; September,
OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, 33Hc; track
34Hc; Julv, 32Hc; September, 304c; No. 2
white, vyasiihtc.
FLOl'R Steady; red winter patents, $4 20
04.50; extra fancy and straight, $3.70(84.10;
clear, $2.ZtVW2.90.
SEEDS Timothy, steady; $2.502.0.
CORNMEAI-Steady; $2.50.
BRAN Steady ; sacked, east track. 90
HAY-Steady; timothy. $12.00'1.50; pral
.le. fll.604j'13 .
PROVISIONS-Pork. higher; Jobbing.
$16.00. " Iird, steady) prime steam, $8.25.
Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts,
$8.874; clear ribs, $9.12H; short clears. $9 25.
Bacon, steady: boxed extra short. $9.42'i;
clear ribs, $9J7H; short clear, $10.00.
POULTRY Steady; chickens. 104c;
r.prlngs, iyg5c; turkeys, 10c; ducks, loc;
geese, 6c.
BUTTER Steady; creamery, 15Hff20c;
dairy, 14(61SSc.
EGOS Lower at 13c. case count.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 7.000 9.000
Wheat, bu. 2I(iO
Corn, bu 91.000 81.000
Oats, bu 74,000 120,000
Minneapolis Grain Market.
patents, $4 9ni4.40: second patents. $4.15f
4 25: first clears, $3.50(33-60; second clears,
BRAN In bulk, $15.25(315.50.
(Superior Board of Trade quotations for
Minneapolis and Chicago delivery.) The
range of prices, as furnished by F. D. Day
Co., 110-111 Board of Trade building, was:
Artlcles.l Open. High.j Low. Close. Yes y
May... July...
May... July...
81 'l8114i 80d 8041 81
TWa 7841
1164! 1 164'
1 17 1 17V
1 1741 1 174
1 18 1 IS
1 14
1 17V
1 174 1 174
1 174! 1 1741 1 174
Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1
hard, 834c; No. 1 northern, 824c; to arrive,
824c: No. $ northern, 81c; to arrive, 81c; No.
3. 79tiSOc; No. 1 Durum, 76c; No. 3 Durum,
724c Corn: No. 3 yellow, 45Vc: No. 3.
44c. Oats: No. $ white, 32c; No. 8. JOVl
aic. xsariey: raanc. jtye: DovatwitO.
Flax: $1,144-
Kansas City Grain anal Provisions.
764c; July. 73,.-; September, 7lc. Cash:
No. 2 hard. 7S4fe82c; No. 3. 'itW'jiwc; No. 4,
twW'iyjc; ito. i rea, wflsjc; io. s. iwgmc; o,
4, 721'ifwc.
rnnv.r i,.itf ntA. a0,-n.K-
424c. Cash: No. 2 'mixed, 4&vai4c; No. i
wnne, wc; wo. s. .
OATS No. 2 white, 344'(f364o; No.
nixed. 3246334c.
EOO8 Steady ; Missouri and Kansas new
No. 2 whttewood cases Included, 134c; case
count. 13c; cases returned, 4c less.
HAY Steady; choice timothy, $13.5014.00;
cnoice prarie, n wwj 11. uu.
RYE Steady; 5ac.
BUTTER Creamery, 18c; packing, 114c.
Receipts. Shlp'ts
Wheat, bu 2S,iO0 18,0i)0
Corn, bu 3 ono 62, mo
Oats, bu 12,000 9,000
Available gnpplles of Grain.
NEW YORK. May 16-Spectal cable and
telegraphic communications received by
Bradstreet a show the following changes In
avauaDie supplies, as compared with prevl
011s accounts:
Wheat, United States and Canada, east
Rockies, decrease 3.494.000 bushels. Afloat
for and In tturope decreased 4O.0iQ bushels.
total supply aecreasea 3.n.u) busneis.
Corn. United Ststes and Canada, east
Rockies, decreased I,640.0n0 bushels.
Oats. United States and Canada, east
Rockies, decreased 2.911,0 bushela
The leading Increases reported this week
are: IOO.O11O bushels at Milwaukee private
elevators; 84.000 bushels at Portland, Me.;
66.(8U bushels at VVatertown and 65,000
bushela at Chattanooga.
The leading decreases are: 1.128.000 bush
els in Manitoba, 76,OuO bushels. at Louisville
and aO.oiO bushela at Port Huron.
Milwaukee Grain Market.
MILWAUKEE. May 15. -Wheat-Lower;
No. 1 northern, 84fi86c; No. t northern,
He: July. 804c asked.
RYE Steadv-No. 1, ffl4"i62c.
BARLEY Steady; No. 2. 66c; sample, 45
CORN-Bteady; No. 3 cash. 4S4S4c;
July, 46c.
Liverpool Grain an Provisions.
nominal: futures, steady; May, M &'J; July.
6a 74d- September, 61 td.
CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new,
4a 64d, American mixed, old. 4s fed, futures
quiet; July, i 'd. September. 4s ii.
Peoria Grain Market.
PEORIA. May 16 CORN Steady; No I
yellow. 60c; No. 3. iOc; No. 4. o; no grade,
OATS Firm; No. $ white. 4c; No. 4
white, 424c
TOLEDO. O.. May 15. SEEDS Clover,
caah, 840 bid, October, n.. prime alsike.
v. e-Tlme tinioiriy, ll.io4. No. 8 rye.
I 4c
Market OiTea 6icni of rllin: Into Bull
and Uncertain State,
Prospect f Tlht Maney Market
for Bevcral Maatha Teads
to Dlacaaraga gpeeala.
NEW TORK. May 15 Today's stock mar
ket gave signs bf falling Into the dull and
uncertain state which Is the rule after the
first recovery from such a sharp break
aa that which followed the San Francisco
property losses. The reason Is that the
first recovery results from the decline hav
ing been over extended rather than from
any radical change In the conditions that
caused tt decline. A variety of explana
tions waa found for the hesvy tone de
veloped la the market. This variety ar
gued some confusion of mind among the
Interpreters and did not warrant the con
clusion that all of the offered explanations
played a part In the movement ot the mar
ket. The fact Is that much has been ac
complished toward covering up the con
tracts on the short aide of the market
which were put out during the period of
acute depression of sentiment. The exist
ence of tne short interest and Its potential
requirements waa made a useful medium
for the aggressive professional operations
for ad anting prices.
With these two foreea approaching a
balance again the market is free to re
spond to the conviction that the conditions
which caused the break In prices were not
fictitious, but real. The element of re
stricted cspltal resources to meet the heavy
requirements pressing to secure a supply
was brought into prominence today by ine
announcement of the Pennsylvania not
lssu for $60,000,000. The fact in Useif tnal
tesort to this form of financing was con
sidered by the most powerful railroad cor
poration In the country was an adverse
one on sentiment. It amount to the ad
mission that market conditions are not
propitious for the offering of capital Is
sues of a more permanent form and which
may be expected to follow to provide re
sources for taking up the temporary note
ISHue.-i. The inference Is discouraging to
hopes of an Improved demand for other
securities. The terms of the Issue also
were unfavorably regarded. While the In
terest rate on the notes waa called 44 per
cent the understanding of the price at
which they were sold pointed to a yield
up to 6 per cent, while the supposition of
a commission In addition to the bankers
brlngiae out the Issue opened the way to
an usATimptlon that the company was pay
ing a still higher rate for the use of the
it was reared that other Intended capital
Issues might be Impeded by the same un
favorable conditions and mere waa some
talk of another possible era of railroad
note Issues Impending, as the volume of
rojeeted capital Issues Is known to be
arge. The money market gave no reflec
tion of scarcity of funds and rates for time
loans continued to be shaded under the in
fluence of offerings front out-of-town
sources. This did not preclude the con
jecture that efforts to replenish the money
market might lie designed to further the
flotation of coming Issues. The news re
ports of large railroad extensions In the
1 laiiBuuiiLiiirinai nriu iniur" 111 iui uiai u -
slon In the same connection. The market
showed some relief on the announcement
of the prompt placing of the Pennsylvania
note Issue and the Intention to keep the
proceeds on deposit with the banks. The
falling off in the activity In the market
waa ascribed In part to a disinclination
10 enter upon stock marKet commitments
until after the adjournment of congress.
Something was made also of the standard
Oil dividend declaration, which waa at the
same rate as for the corresponding period
of last year, but less than for the pre
ceding quarter of this year. Bearish traders
attempted to couple this Willi yesteraay s
reduction In the dividend of a small sub
sidiary company of the Amalgamated Cop
per company to form an Inference of a
sentiment against a rise In the market on
the oart of the powerful group Interested
In these companies. The market had the
advanlaa-e of a considerable rise before the
decline set In and of a late rally again, so
that the net changes are small as a rule.
The closing tone was firm.
Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par
value, $2,276.0(0. United States 3 declined
V per cent on call
Quotations on siocks and bonds were as
follows: ...
gtlss. His. Lew. nw,
Adams Express
Amalgamated Copper ,
American C. F
American C. T. pit
Amerlrtn Cotton Oil..
Am. Cottoon Oil pM..
Amartran Expraas
American H. U pfd
.lti.aon im4 linv,
. T.ane 41 40
100 10J44 10J4 10H4
700 12
IAS uo
tot 94
American Ice. aoeuruti
Amartran Linaeoa Oil.
444 ,
Am. Unaae Oil pr
American boromomt
Am. Locomotive ptd
American a. a R
American f R p'd
AmtrW-an Sufar Reflnlng..
Am. Toharco ptd. ctta
Anaconda Mining Co
Atehtaon pfd
Atianllr Coast Llna
Baltimore. a Ohio
Baltimore Jt Ohio ptd
Brooklyn Rapid Tranalt...
Canadian Pacific
Cantral of New Jerner
t haaapaaka A Ohio
Chicago a Alton
Chlcaso A. pfd
Chicago Great Waatern....
Chicago A Northweatern. ..
Chicago, M. A St. Paul...
Chicago T. T
Chic. go T. A T. pfd
C., C. C. A St Loula
Colorado Kual A Iron
Colorado A Southern
Colorado A 8a. lut pfd....
Colorado 80. Sd pfd
CoDtolldated Oaa
Corn Products, rfg
Corn Producta pfd
Dslawara A Hudron
rialawara. U A W
Denvar A Rio Grands
Denver A R O. pfd
THstillera' gacurltlea
Erie lat pfd
Erie td pfd
Oenaral Electric
Hocking Valley '
Illlnola Cantral
International Paper
Iiitarnaiipnal Paper pfd....
Intarnatlonal Pump
lnlarnatlonal Pump pfd
Iowa Cantral
Inwa (antral pfd
kanaaa City Southarp
Kanaaa City go. pfd
Loulnvllle A Kaahville....
Manhattan L
Metropolitan fltraat Ry
Mailran Cantral
Mlnneapolte A 81 Louia...
M , St. P. A 8. 8. M
M , St. P. A 8. 8. M. pfd
Miaaoirrt Pacific
Mlaaourl. K A T
M , K. T. pfd
National Lead
, Wi
i 74
I. too itVt
17.11)0 1S7V 1S4
t.aoo 10V4 i:
t.aoo 4 i mt
injvi 111(4
Ml J
len.aot) 174
I.I0Q t
7M) 1 4!, 14 lUVa 144
l.too 10t4 lOTVa 107
40. 400 M4
4.000 141
1214 t
160 14044
... . J17
1.100 tOXa -H
I.400 !
lt4j ltl4)
It. 700
it 4
1,000 ra
too lit,
loo 74.4
too to
K74 0JV
1.200 414 41H
t74 14 i
too it
too 17114 1714 1714
too 1144 t4
1 ton
I. ISO Itl
tOO Itt
too itt 4 itt
171 171
1 too
It. tot
04 4
National R. R of it
New York Central...
4 M0 14144 1M4
Naw York. O. A W
Norfolk A Westarn
Norfolk A W. pfd
North Americas, ei-dlv ..
Parlfie Mall
People's Gaa
P. C C A Loula....
Preaaed Steel Car
Preaaad 81 eel Car pfd
Pullmaa Palace Car
Reading lat pfd
Reading td pfd
too tl t4
10. loo 004 M14
11.400 lW 114 lit
.141.700 UO 11744
too ti 1;
Republic Slael
Republic Steel pfd
Rock Inland Co
Rock laland Co. pfd
St L. A . P M pfd
St. Loula Southwoatara...
St. L. A W. pfd
Bnuthenl Pari no
Bo. Pacific pfd
Southern Railway
So. Railway pfd
Tenneaaea Coal A Iroa. ..
Teaaa A Pact Ac
Toledo, Bt. Loula AW...
T . St. L. A W. pfd
t'nlon Pacific
laloa Pacific pfd
In lied State Eipreaa....
United State Realty
t'nlted Buiea Rubber
V Rubber pfd
t'ultad fitatea Btaal
V 8. Steel pfd
Va -Carolina Chemical ...
Va -carolioa Cham. pfd...
Wahaah pfd
Walla-Pargo Kipraas
Wealtugnouee Electric ...
Weatarn I s ion
Wheeling A Lake Brie . .
Wiaconsla Central
Wteeoitals Ceotrml pis ...
Norttaera Pacific
Central Leather
Ceutral Leather pfd.
gloaa-ShefBeld Bteei .....
breat Nenuern .id
Total aalaa for the day
l.tOO M
1.000 101
1 too M
100 100
4k St
too 111 111 111
4.1' II 37 1744
too 100 at
14t 144
I. I'M It
.174.000 ISO
100 M
147 14
too to to
(1.100 tl
I too lot
it '
to II
l.0 tl
'pat iti"
la tl
II. to to
too tt ti
0 it
. 1.10 tM
Tl T I
tt Ml
l.lli.4 aaare.
Bank Clear! ass.
OMAHA. May 18 -Bank cltarlnfa for to
day were 81 .62. W0. 70. and for the corra
sp'ndlnar date last year tl.l8k,8M44.
Treatary tateaaeat.
WASHINGTON. May 16 -Today's stata
ment of the tr-asury balances In the gen
eral fund. exeliisve of the 1&0.QOQ.CiO old
t aerie, bov.; Availabla cash tialanca.
Ire York Money Market.
NEW TORK. Msy lR.-MONET-On call,
easy, j.14 per cent; ruling rate. 34 per
cent; closln bid. 8 per cent: offered at 34
per cent. Time loans, easy; sixty days. 44
per cent; ninety days. 44j4 per cent; six
months. 4'ut per cent
per cent.
STERLING EXCHANGE Soft, at 84 8530
C4 Vr, for demand snd at tl 822MJ4 Z for
slxtv-day bills; posted rs'es, 8.8.94 884;
commercial hills, 84 81$4 814
SILVER-Btr. S4c; Mexican dollar.
BONDS Government, easy; railroad. Ir
regular. hcRVOMaJ- esl.4s a M!?tllfi6 shrdl cmf m
Quotstlons on New York bonds today
were as follows:
C. S ret Is, r...
do oupi
V. s. I, ret
do coupon
C. i. old at, ret...
do coupon
V 8. n 4a, r
do coupon
Am Tobacco 4a
.lot, Japan ta
101 Japan ta td aerie
.10J do 4 ctfa
m' do 4a ctfa
.1M do td aerlea
.101 I L. A N. nl 4....
.111 Man. e t 4a
.It Mai. Central 4a....
4 't
711 do lit tnc
4o a
Atrhtsnn ts. 4
do sd). 4a
Atlantic C. L. 4
Bal. A Ohio 4a
do ta
Brk R. T. 4a
Central of O. ta ...
do lat loc
do Id lac
do td Ine
Chee. A Ohio 4a...
Chicago A A. Ia....
C. B A Q. a. ta...,
C , R I. A P. 4a ...
do col. tt
Ccc. 8 It. L 1 4.
1U Mlnn A St. U 4a.
101 M . R A T. 4a ...
4i do ta
.... n
44k U
.... 71
.... H
I R. R. of M .
101 N T. C. I..
:N J C. t a ...
T Xo. Pacific 4e
Itl , da ta
7 N. A W. e. 4....
t O. B. L. rfdg. 4.
I", Reading ga 4a lot
7 I St. L. A I. M c. ta 111
at. u A s r. ft 4a. it
7 St. L. B W. e. ta... 7
0 Seaboard A. L. 4a... 17
10 Bo. P. let 41 rtfl..., 4
Ind. I. er. A
r Bo. Railway t 117
do Sanaa B
Colorato Mid. aa..
Calo. A So. 4a.....
Cub ta
D. A R. O 4i ...
Mttlller' Sec. ta.
Brie p. I. ta
do gen. 4a
Hocking Val. 41.
T7 Tnaa A P la 114
.. !t T . St. LAW ta... tt
.. M Vnlon Pacific ta 104
..104 V. 8 Steel Id ta..... 17
..ioo Wahaah la Ill
.. 17 I do nek. T
..101 IWenern Md ta M
.. n W. A U B. ta M
. .107 .Wis. Central ta tl
Boston Stocks and Bonds.
BOSTON. Msy 1 Call loans, frB64 per
cent: time loans. 4'64 per cent. Official
closing; on stocks and bends:
Atrhleon dj. 4t 14 .Allouei
do 4a loo Amtlgimited
Mex. Cantral 4a 77 American Zinc
Atchlaon ! Atlantic
.... tt
.... 14
.... It
.... 11
.... IT
.... 17
.... II
.... :c
.... 1
.... 11
.... tt
.... 2
.... 41
....10 -4
.... M
.... t
.... ot
.... M
.... U'i
.... 1
.... T
.... T
.... tt
do pfd 10si Bingham
Boston A Albany... tM
C.I Haclt...
Copper PTtf .
Daly West
Franklin ,
lei Rovala ...
Mane. Mining .
Mont C. A C.
Boaton Maine irt
Boeton Elevated ....Jf4
ritchburg pfd 140
Meilrau Central t
N. T., N. H. H...1S7
rmoa Pacific
Amor. Arg. Chem.
do pfd
Amer. Pnu. Tub.
American Bugr ..
Amer. T. A T ...
Amer. Woolen ..
llnid Dominion .
do pfd
Dominion I. A 8-
... to
... la
... 4
Tamarack ...
United Copper
f 8. Mining..
V 8. Oil
North Butte ..
Edlaon Elec. Illu.
Miaa. Elactrto ....
do pfd
Maaa. Oaa
United Shoe Mark
do pfd
V. B. Steel
do pfd
Wealing, common
Bid. "Asked.
London Closlnar itoeks.
LONDON, May 15. Closing quotations on
the Stock exchange were:
Conaola, money .. Itll-lllN. Y. (antral..
.... Mt
.... Ml
.... il
.... !i
.... t
.... 874
.... 4
.... 47
... ft
.... IS74
.... VI
.... 41
.... II
.... 4!
do account tt 11-1
Norfolk A W
Anaconda 14
Atrbleon tl
do pfd ICu
Baltimore A Ohio. ...Ill
Canadian Pacific in
Chea. A Ohio go
Chlraso ot. W M
C. M. A St. P 174
DeBeeea 17
Denver A R. 0 4444
do pfd to
Erie it
do let pfd SO
do td pfd 70
Illlnola Cantral 171
Loulavllle A Neih.. lit
do pfd
Ontario A W
Penneyivanla ....
Rand Mine
do lat pfd
do Id pfd
souttcm Railway
do pfd
Southern Pacific .
t'nlon Pacific ....
do pfd
U. B. Steel
do pfd
do pfd
M , K. A T 14
Spanlah 4a
SILVER Bar. ateaay. 30 ll-16d per ounce.
1 - Tkia
Munni-rnn per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 3 7-18-63 3-18 per cent; for
three months' bills, 34'i'34 per cent.
New York Mlnlnar Stocks.
NEW YORK. May 18 -Closlng quotation
en mlnlns; stocks were:
Adam Coa It t-lttle chief 5
Alio 100 . Ontario , 1M
Breec stvrphir too
Brunawtrk Con tt pholx ,. I
Comet ork Tunnel .... St iotoot w
Con. Cal. A Va It .Parage TO
Horn Bllvar too Ipierra Nevada ;i
Iron 8ller izi Small Hope M
Lradvill Coa 4 Standard 204
Wool Market.
BOSTON. May IB. WOOL Htarh prices, A
small supply and a slight tendency toward
activity are the features of the wool mar
ket. Much of the Interest Is still centered
In the west, though It Is mainly In the
form of speculation aa to what the growers
will finally do In the matter of price.. The
current prices are considered prohibitive.
Pulled wools are quiet. In territories,
clothing woola are all that are now avail
able and sales are of small volume Pulled
wools are quiet. In territory, clothing wools
are all that are now available and pales are
of small volume. Leading quotations follow:
Ohio and Pennsylvania, XX and above, 84
35c; X. 824i33e; No. 1, 383c; No. X. 3.Vfj
40c; fine unwashed, 24f.'t5c; quarter-blood
unwashed, 3&324c; three-eighths-blond, 33c;
unwashed delaine. 'Mi'Mc; fine washed de
laine, 364&37c. Michigan, fine unwashed,
24c; quarter-blood unwashed. 31!&32c;
three-eighths-blood, 33g33c: half-blood. 31
41 32c; unwashed delaine, 2729c. Kentucky,
Indiana, etc., three-eighths and one-quarter-blood,
3.VSS4C. Territory: Idaho, line. 22
23c; heavy fine. I!tr20c; fine medium.
23c; medium. 2t)fj'27c: low medium, 2S1j;J7c.
Wyoming, fine, 2122c; heavy fine, lfkyaic;
fine medium. 223'23c: medium, Vi'aVc, low
medium, JcVfllTe. I'tah and Nevada, fine,
22f(ii3c; heavy fine, IIKb'JOc; medium, t527c;
low medium. 3!g27e: line medium. 22r(t 28c ;
medium. 2tva?7c; low medium, itV&:"c. Mon
tana, fin choice, 13 -6c; fine medium ch' lre.
J4tf .c; average, J3a?4c: staple, Watte; me
dium choice, 27tTC8c; average, X'gflr.
LONDON, May 15.-WOOL The wool
auction aales ware continued today with
the usual large number of buyers present.
Scoured merinos sold 3 per cent higher than
the opening rates and Tasmania greasles
were In good demand. A few good comb
ings were bought for Ameriren account at
top rates and some New Zealand super
greasy cross-breds. A large supply of
cross-breds were readily absorbed, espe
cially coarse grades. -The total number of
bales sold today was 14.361. Following are
the sales In detail: New South Wales, t
bales: scoured, Is IdWii 144: greasy. SHI'S
Is 44d. Victoria, 1.700 hales: scoured, Is td
(Its 4d; greasy, 84dijls 6d. South Aus
tralia. 3no bales; scoured. Is; greasy. iW&
la Taamanla. 800 hales; greasy, 104.1(1
Is 84d. New Zealand, s.ion bales; acoured,
lis (4d: greaay. 741'1 4d. Cape of Good
Hope and Natal. ZoO bales: greaay, WStd.
ST. LOUIS. May 15. Steady; medium
grades, combing and clothing. aiSc; light
fine. 32Tic, heavy fin. lSUCoc; tub washed,
Metal Market.
Iiondnn tin market was nervoua with fluc
tuation continuing abroad. Spot tin reacted
3 snd closed at 213. but futures continued
to advance and gained 2, closing at 206.
The local market wss nominal at 848.0019
49.00. Copper advanced 18s to 87 8s ftd fur
spot and M 8s for futures In the London
market locally copper was firm and un
changed with lake quoted at 18.7'trl9 00;
electrolvtlc. 3)8 .374ftl 78: casting. 318 tfvtjr
18 374. Iad was 3s 3d higher at 17 Is 3d
In Iondon. Ideally no change was re
ported, with spot quoted at $6 .76gft.r. Spel
ter was 8s higher at 28 17s 1 In London,
locally the market was easy and a shade
lower, with spot quoted at tt.ftuTie.OO. Iron
wts a little lower In the English market.
Standard foundry was quoted at lum 2d and
Cleveland warrants at (os 44d. locally
no change wss reported; No. 1 foundry
northern. 318 7Mrlt Of); No. I foundry north
ern and No. 1 foundry southern. 318.26'318.t0;
No. I foundry southern. 117.7o.8-lf .00
ST. LOUIS, Mo. May 15.-METAL8
Led, higher at 38 374; spelter lower at
Cafeo Market.
NEW TORK. May 18 COFPCD-Msrket
for futures opened atesdy at unchanged
prices to an advance of 8 points In sym
pathy with steady European markets. Wall
street offerings were light and In the after
noon improved slightly. Th close waa
steady net unchanged to ten points
higher. Sales for the day were
reported of 31. 0145 bags. Including
June at 3S&e; July, 3 48c; September.
8. tec: October. 8 70c; November, 3 80e; De
cember. 180c; January. 7.0dc February,
TlOe; March, TIJc; spot Rio steady; No. 7
Involca, 74c.
Cotton Market. '
eloeod tuiet: middling upland. 1188c; mid
dling rulf. 13 c; aalea. 80 bales
good business done; prices 3 points higher:
American middling fair, 8 sod; good mid
dling. 141d: middling. 31d; low middling.
3 tod, good ordinary, t.87d; ordinary, I 7d.
Beef Steer Btronc and Active, Other Cattle
About Stead.
Light Ran of ees nasi I .oaths Again
Today, with DentaaA Artlro
anal Prices Ten to
.. Fifteen Higher.
Recelnts were 11 tie Mosa Sheen.
r)flr.e.l VlnnH.u
a , . 1 . . 1 . . . eo-e
f.ol a. 1 ,e,e
4.799 8.4.14 3.048
Official Tuesday
Two days this week ... I V0 11138 8.811
Same days last week. ...10.268 14.SH0 l'.M
Same two weeks ago.... 13.133 12.184
Same three weeks ago... 7.793 33.674 11.418
Same four weeks ago... 8.37(5 2. 197
Same days last year.... 7.438 11.686 8.837
The folio ng lable shows the receipts of
cattle, nogs and sheep at South Omana for
th year to date, compared with last year:
1808. lSeaf.. inc.
Cattle 38.821 3O1.0B7 87.234
Hogs m,KK 8M.777 l0.l2
Sheep 882,838 C20.S98 88.241
The folluwtng will show th prices paid
for th different kinds of cattle on th
South Omana market:
Good to choice corn-fed steers $8 0O4J6.S0
Fair to choice corn-fed steers A788ta)
Common 10 fair corn-fed steers.... i.wu-4 78
Uood to choice cows and hellers.. 4otH.e
Fair to good cow and heifers 8."J-t.ue
Common to fair cows and heifers.. 8.0CK34 0
Good to choice ttocker A feeders. 4 0fg4 78
Fair to good stocaors and feeders. 3 i4 'n
Common to fair Blockers 3 00414 80
Bulls, stags, etc .8v53.78
Veal calvea 3rjj.7l
Cattle. Hog.
Omaha 2.0"SrX75 t8.2T4-tj1.38
Chicago l.H5u6 15 630 u.64
Kansas City t.WQi.Vt 8 00 ub.t5
St. Louis .0ihci8i) 870 H858
Sioux City SOOtl" t734
'itie following lable snows th average
price of hoga at South Omaha for th last
several das, with comparisons;
Date. I IK. l.jl.190.lSTO.lWI. 13O0.
April 28.
April 28.
I '81 1 21
KUi e
4 73
8 831 7 07.
n 7 d
4 S4
8 37
I 33
( 24
I 17
6 28
8 23
3 11
t 66
April 30,
May l,
May z.,
May 3.
May i..
May 8.
8 2841 i Ui
3 W
5 84
3 71
3 iil
5 U'
761 T 00
3 72 1 02
4 t
t &
I t)
8 281
4 8
t Kt
8 U
May ...
4 M 13 681 8 881
Mny 7. ,
May 3...
May 8..
4 CI 83, 83
b JlrV
5 17
I 4 T sj
4 88 8 Z1 7 07
4 69 I 7 081
6 04
I l
8 20UI 8 18
I 13
May in..,
May 11..
I V 2441 8 1
6 61
I 0 19 2
4 84 64 I
l2 I 47! 991
4 88 421 7 08
4 87 8 37 7 18,
8 84! 7 11
6 8o 3 14
May 13..
May 13..
t) 4 B M
71, I 17
8 8 6 21
8 101
May 14..,
( 814
May It..
t 15!
The official number nf ears nt stock
brought In yesterday by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. M ses.
C, M. St. P. Ry.. 4 t
Wahaah 1 1
Mo. P. Ry 10 8 3
l. f. system 62 33 6
C. A N. W. (east) ... 3 8
C. N. W. (west) .. 62 2ti 2
C, St. P., M. A O.... 16 7 3
C. H A Q. (east) .... 4 4
C . B. U. (west) .... 76 36
C, R. I. A P. (east) ..3 3 1
C. R. I. At P. (west).. 1 1
Illlnola Central 1
Chicago Ot. Western. 1
Total receipts 223 120 16 1
The disposition of th day's receipt was
as follows, each buyer purchasing th
number of head Indicated.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
omana racking co
Swift and Company
Cudahy racking Co. ...
Armour & Co
Cuaahy Pkg. Co., K. C.
Vansant A Co
W. 1. Stepnen
Hill A Son
Sol Degan
J. B. Root 4k Co
Cnlted Dress Beef Co...
8. S ,.
L. Wolf
Other buyer
608 l.18 za
l.oxi I. Ml I
l.ttM 3,7IM 1,0(6
l.tbi 2.864 1,033
lS 64
410 874
Total .'. 6.1S3 3,631 1.892
CA'l'l LE There .wit another large run
of cattle today, over it") cars being reported
In. which maae the total for tne two days
about 430 cars, which was somewhat smaller
than for the corresponding two aay ot
last week, but larger than tne week before.
There were comparatively few loads of
anything but beet steers, the great big bulk
ot an tne arrivals consisting 01 mat aina.
In spite of large offerings, the market
ripenea In very good season. W hile some
of the buyers' (list bids were a little weak.
It soon became apparent that there waa a
very good demand for both heavy and
light beeves with the result that the trade
was not only fairly active, but a little
stronger aa a rule than yesterday. Under
such condition the larger proportion of the
receipts changed hand sum llni before
Cows and heifers were fully steady with
vesterdav. there belna- a very fair demand
in the face of moderate offerings. Holders
of desirable loads found no difficulty In dis
posing of them at prices that were en
tirely satisfactory.
Verv few atocaers and feeder war in
cluded among the day arrivals, but (bar
were quite a good many cattle of that
description atill In th hand of (peculator
and yard traders. ine country nemanu
for both stockers and feeder haa been
notably alack during the last week or mote
with the result that although receipt have
nniv been moderate there haa been a
tendency toward an accumulation of uch
cattle In the yards. In consequence of this,
the demand for the fresh arrivals this
morning waa not especially brisk, but still
the few her sold at not far from steady
prices, which means 10ttfl6e lower than last
Representative sales:
BKK HlH.fc.KS.
No A. rr. Ke. Av. Tt
1 tM I H 14 lilt 4 15
4 40 3 Tt I ltt 4 to
1 1 I It It 11W 4 M
I 1M1 t M tl 1111 4 M
I Kt 4 0 4J Hit 4 0
W (II 17 1J04 4 0
4 107 4 U 4 110 4
M tt7 4 It ti 1111 4 H
It tt 4 Kl 14 101 4 t
14 ftt t to 14 IUI
4 tit 4 40 1 I'M
10 tot 4 40 t ICtl 4 H
U CIO 4 40 tt lit 4
1 104 4 4 1 11H 4 M
H Ill IS 11 Ill 4 M
II 147 t a tt 1MI 4 M
1 111) 4 to It 11 at 4
1 1N0 4 to I Ittt I
11 Ml 4 M tl 1117 I 0
II Ml 4 tO 11 ... Ill 6 00
1 '...loti t u ti tut to
II St 4 4 1 1171 I
1 114 4 40 II lit I 00
It 1044 4 t 1 114 6 t
11 in 4 0 11 ltll I H
17 n it) t 110 tt
I lit 4 t 8 141 1 as
I. 1004 4 U I IN 8 t
t Ml 4 tt I Hit I M
10 It'll t tt it 104 6 01
M 10U 4 4 t 1110 I IS)
1 1041 4 tt t 101 I 1
10 lttl 4 W tO 1411 8 It
t 1046 4 41 II lt I 10
1 1017 I 70 II llsl I 1
I nn 4 70 tl lrat I 1
lilt 4 1 tt Ill I II
It lOut 4 It 11 ltl 8 II
U 1144 4 1 IT " 6 M
14 lttl 4 Tl 4 164 It
100 104 4 M f 1M4 I It
4 .. Hit 4 10 10 14!l I It
It 1044 4 .. 44 Itvl I M
II 1011 4 t II 14 I St
17 1111 4 H II 11 I It
It 11 4 to II 110 I to
I HIT 4 M 11 1411 I It
to mt 4 ti 1 iim 1 a
11 114 4 M 14 1IMI M
II 1044 4 M tO 1117 I 00
14 Ml 4 tt 40 144 I tO
8.... 117 41
1 tto 1 to ion 1 to
1 o 1 t w III
1 M IN 1 100 8
I tl I tl 1 107 I 0
1 too t It 1 10S1 I t
4 m 1 si 1 1017 I ta
1 I 10 10 10M I t
4 lot! I 4 1 1S7 I 7
I tit I tt I tat I Tt
t Hi I 10 I I 71
I M I 1 104 I 71
1 14 IH I UN I Tt
1 Itl t ti M til I I
1 io 1 tt 1 UN 1 ta
4 1... Mt I M II lvt I U
1 74A I 11 I M I M
1 llilu 3 It 14 IO I tt
t 17 3 Tt lit! I M
1 110 I tt 1 IM I M
I lot I M 8 100 I M
1 110 3 0 1 Ill I N
t itit I a t e 4 0
1 lit I a 1 nt 4 ss
1 at I to 1 ia 4 o
1 it I a ii 1 1
1 lot 1 o 1 iom 4
I late I a 1 leao 4 a
6 at I a 1 leal 4 a
1 ltaa a I at lit
1 ti I 1 I Ito 4 1
I e I u I in 1
1 8 18 11 lie 4 1
4 I'll t It I lint I 11
1 t0 II 4 lilt 4 1
6 Tt I 38 4 Rot I W
I isno n ? HIS 4 I
I 1140 t H 1 If!" 4 1
I 1144 II 8 I"' 4 IS
I to I t I t i 4 H
I 74 14" I 11 I M
1 lie I 4 t 1141 4 JO
I lot I t 1 fW 4 1$
1 lev I 4J t Hn I tt
T 71 I 40 I !" t
4 I tt !.... HM t 4
It t I IS T ... II 4 II
I lit I I T .!! I to
1 10M I to It 4
II IT 3 10 1 141-0 I 40
I Ilia I l 4 17 4 45
1.: n 1 to 1 11:0 t
1 lOt I 0 1 14" 4
I M0 I ! 1 141 4 10
t 1?0 t 71 470 4 Nl
I Hi 111 1 1'4 4 in
t "4 t en 4 m in
I 41 I 10 I tM 4 10
1 It I J I 1 4 1"
4 tt I Ml I ttt I I
I 41'. t 10 I fU 4 41
l HM I to I ;4 III
1 710 I M 1 HI 4 il
M an I 45 tt I'M 4 il
7 114 4 00 I 15 4 TJ
3 10 4 00
1 10 J 1 110 I tt
1 104 t II 1 ,)20 I 45
1 1? I M 1 14SD I (I
1 1110 t 00 I IMI I tt
I Ill I 01 I lhlt) I IS
1 lotto I ti 1 jaw I 11
I tl'10 I II 1 140 I 70
1 110 I tt 1 1140 I 70
1 .110 I It 1 1470 I 70
1 llt I 10 1 1770 I 75
1 1170 I 4 1 144" I 15
1 144 3 1 int. I 7t
1 117 I M 1 M I 0
14 11 I l 1 1730 I 10
1 147 I 0 I Ill 4 10
1 148 IM
1 tt I II 4 tit I 00
1 14 I 0 1 170 I 00
1 17 I tt 1 nt in
3 M to I I &
1 see 4 0 1 150 I II
1 47 4 00 3 11 I to
I tl 4 M 1 110 I SO
1 Mt 4 0 1 10 I 80
1 IM 4 M I ! I 10
8. sro 4 I I 15 I to
1 17 4 M 1 IM I 0
3 Itt 4 71 1 ItO I 10
t 14 4 Tt 1 170 71
1 110 I 00 I Itt I 71
4 100 I 00 t 170 t 71
8 101 I 00 4 Kt I 71
4 10 I M 1 , IK I 75
1 110 I 00 1 140 I 71
1 ISO t 10 11 1... 771 I 00
1 44 I 04 1 710 4 00
1 17 I " 1 110 4 0
1 471 S ti 10 457 4 OS
t fff.0 I to 4 711 4 10
t TM I 10 4 554 4 10
t 10 I 51 1 710 4 II
1 7t0 I 10 I ll 4 It
1 100 4 00 II tfO 4 it
1 450 4 00 4 411 4 it
1 100 4 0 1 170 4 10
1 410 4 00 I tit 4 10
HOOS Buyer started out this morning
with the evident Intention of buying hog
considerably lower and their nrst, bids weie
on th basis of about 36.6 for strings of
hogs a against 18 80 yesterday. In other
words, first bid were right at 60 lower.
Seller did not sea It that way and for a
time th movement was rather slow.
Gradually the market firmed up until
88.37H was the popular bid at which the
hog began selling quite freely. As it be
came apparent that the demand waa some
what better than appeared earlier, the mar
ket shewed still more strength, becoming
quite active with the general run of hogs
selling freely at 3n.27Vt06.SO, with the better
loads at 34 Sl'Vt and a top at 36. 3R. As will
be noted from the ssles. the big bulk of
all the hogs sold at 3 .27Vifjl.32V. with Hi
lar ger proportion at the larger price. It
will be remembered that 36.30 was ths popu
lar price yeaterdBV, with only a sprinkling
at 36.S2H. The top for both days was the
same. 36.86.
Representative sales:
K AV. Pf. N Av. 8s. r
M Ill I I t t IT 80 I JO
14 141 ... I 17V6 17 : ... I"
14 ... I IT It Ml 10 10
10 lit 80 4 171 It lit 40 1
lit 117 40 I 17 II Ill 140 110
I Itl ... I IT Ti 71 ... I"
tt II 40 t 171 I!4 Mil
11 141 1111 14 IW ... II
4 104 111 4 17 TT IM ...
M 747 I lit) (1 til ... I 10
It Ill ... I tTt TJ Ml It 4 t
tt IM 110 111, 41 tt ... I W
17 117 it t lis 7 nt too 1 to
161 til Mil 7t 114 ItO 8 I
14 Ill 10 ItO Tl 141 lfO ItO
II 14 ... 8 I Tt tt JO I 10
It ta H I M tO tM 110 4 10
Tt ... 110 It 11 ... 6 18
Tl IM ... I It 1 Itt ... 4 I2V
Tl Itl ... M Tl 114 100 I lit
II IH M I 10 II It 10 t t
Tl Ill 14 8 10 40 It ... I 17
Tl HI 120 t M 7t lit 100 I 2
M SOI 14 110 14 IM ... Ill
Tl II M 8 to 71 ItO ... I It
II 141 ... IM It HI 4 tt
tt lot 10 I to 17 tM 40 8 It
TO 151 14 I 10
SHEEP IJsrht recelms and all lamb yes
terday made A dull market, but light re
ceipt with A fair mixture of ewe and
lambs made an active market today. Buy
ers were out early and everything in sight
met witn very ready sale at most satisiui:
tory prices. Considering the quality of
th receipt It would be a very moderate
estimate to call the market lOtfloo higher.
Quite a string of shorn iambs sold at
lo. about one-half of the total receipts
being lambs of that kind. The Johnson A
Oranam lamb sold at 36.26, as against 6 16
yesterday. A single deck of good western
lamb brought In. 40, which mas the hign
price of the day. Only one car of good
wooled lamb was Included among the re
ceipts and It sold to a feeder buyer at
17 .00.
There were no wether or yearlings, at
least nothing of any consequence 011 the
market. There wr, however, aeveral cars
of ewe which met with very ready sale.
Among the offerings was one single deck
good enough to bring 36.40. Th Berry ewes
old at 36.40, as against 35.80 on Thursday
last week and 36.26 the first nf last week.
It 1 hardly necessary to add that the
heep and lamb markets are in a very
strong position, there being a good demand
for deal ra bit killers, while prospects all
favor light receipts.
Quotations on wooled s.nck: Good to
choice lamb, 17.007.86: fair to good lamb.
W.604J7.00. , . .
Quotation on clipped stock: Good to
choice western lamb. 16. 10-46.80; fair to
food lamb. 86 60tS4 10: cull lambs, 14.80
00: od to choice yearlings, $4 60 86; fair
to good yearlings, li 2f6 w; good to rholc
wether. .t04jo76; fair to good wctners.
16.364J6.60; good to choice ewe. 35.2jfa5.b0;
fair to good ewe. t4.tOU6.36; cull sheep and
bucks. 3a.tW04.Zft.
1 native w
I western ewe cull
lit western ewe cull
t goat
314 western lamb feeder..
371 western ewes
k western ewe
183 western ewe
8 eull lamb
464 weatern lamb
373 weatern lamb
I) western lambs
363 western lamb
M weatern lamb
198 weatern lamb, wooled.
I native spring lamb ....
Av. Tr.
110 3 26
74 3 '&
M 3 76
109 4 00
61 6 25
81 8 25
loi 8 50
103 6 60
) 6 CO
71 4 00
76 6 35
76 6 25
76 6 36
87 6 40
77 7 00
33 10 00
Caltle, tkees) and I.ambs Are Steady
Rags Weak.
CHICAGO. Msy 16.-OATTLE-Recelpte.
4. Out haad; market steady; eimmoa to
steers, e4.00a0; rows. 33.36irJ6.it6; heifers.
Il.7fc96.36; bulls. 33(Wl426: calves. 2.7j&
6 36: stockers and feeders. 12.76fe6.10.
HOOS- Receipts. 18,000 hesd; market
weak; choice to prime hesvy. 36 60434 t24i,
medium to good heavy, 14603I466; packing,
6 OvtJA 67V
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts, l.00ii
head; market steady; sheep. 84 7504.10;
yearlings, 15 8J434J 30; lamb, 15.7667. 66.
ft. Vomim I. It Stock Market.
ST. LOriR, Mo, May 15. CATTLE Re
ceipts 4.0iX) head. Including 700 Texans: mar
ket slow to strong: nstlve shipping and ex
port steer. t6 4OtfJO0: dressed beef snd
butcher steers, el.s6fl4.75; steer under I.ijO
pound. 13.6taQ4.16; storkari and feeders.
It4(43'4t0-, cows and heifers. !2.00iT)5.16; run
ners, ti asgt Tt,; bulls. 83?.M4 36: calves. 35 76
660; Texss and Indian steers, 1376; cows
and heifers. 82.002i4.oo.
HOOS Receipts 11.000 head: market It
lower; pigs and lights. 18 ij 60; packers,
eU lCW fc, butcher and best heavy, to f)'3
6 6.
head; market strong; native muttons, Itff
Cr84 60; lamb, IS.eOttt 00: cull and bucks.
760i.60. atocker. 13 7(434.00.
Kaasa City Mr Stock Market
Rtcelpt 14.800 had. Including 0 southern:
market steady to 10c lower; choice export
snd dreaaed beef steers. 36 35)6 80; fair to
good, 146"a.36; western fed steers, 1375
06 86; stockers and feeders. 13 00$4.M; south
ern Steers. 13.0036 36: southern cows, 33 SXI
4 38; native cows. !2 6t(0, native heifers.
1160tf 3t; bulls, 12U4 10; calves, 13 OfXQti o.
HOOsV-Receipt U.CuO hesd; market weak
to 6c lower; top. 840; bulk of ssles, 36 !5il
6 3TV8; heavy. 14 3t,n40: packers, 36.31 fcej.f);
pigs and light, 16.4d4JA326.
SHEEP AND IMMBS-Rerelpts 4 700
head; market strong: lambs, 18 OA37 60;
heap and yearling. 14 754)4.28; western fed
yearling. 16.36434 60; western fed sheen.
14 02.J; stockers and feeders. t3.50 .
Ions ritr I -It ftoek Market.
SIOUX CITT. May l-(8pee!al Tel,
gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 1.808 hesd;
market steady ; beeves. 84.0095 80; cows,
bull snd mixed. 83 0O34 80, atocker and
feeder. !3.B4 60; calve and yearlings,
H 264)4 3ft.
HOUS - Receipts. 00 b4: mrkl
steatly, r-e:ig at 38 Jftv; J;1; bulk of sales,
M) Jliti 7'.
M. Joseph lite Mock Market.
ST. JOPKril. Mo.. M.ii IS -CATTl.t"-Receipts.
S.! 1 h-mi; itMiKit aliW in lc lowrr;
natie. 4t4ni.. tt. ciwa rtnt! iicift's. 5li
4 ot: srockeis anl lecilc , 14 .:.
HiHlrf--Kcceipte. If.' 11. . ui: m.irket
ope. ml 5c lime.. cci strong . mill. Jvif
uo,, mri.iuni ant! ht.ivv, H.i.Vii.ilt.
Slfl-.L!' AND I.AMHS ll.fil'U 3 CO
head; innrkoi 1 '1 l.Sc higher; I. units. $. iw;
lambs rhorn, ti ii
Stock In Martf.
Rrce'pls of live ttotk st the six principal
westeiu nia.'Ad.i )lirnny.
I'Hflte HoS Slicep.
South 4..9; s 4."4 l.tni
sii.ix i'.ty I.:t ' :.."
Kunsaa . . ty l4.'-. !!.f aVoW
St. Joepn J 'A'? l(.64i S.4t)
St. l.ot.l. 4a . 12.KHI U.fOiJ
I hlcag'i 4. ft) 1S.K?0 16.HM
...S2'XI W.;vl4 30,6(4
Condition nf Trane ana Qnotaftnne on
Staple and Cancy I'rodace.
EC5C58 Receipt, liberal; fresh siock, ess
Count. 15c.
LIVE roi'LTRY - Hens. K'HSUc;
roosters. c; turkeys. 15c; ducks, 11c.
ML "ITi-'-l'.-I'aihliig slock. He; choice 10)
fancy dan. 16c; ci eiiincry. 21(ulVc. -
H AY 1 rices quoted by Omaha l'oed com
pony: No 1 npltiu. 8'; medium. 86.60;
coarse. 80.00 jti.ati. Hje straw, eb.&O.
HKAN-I'tr tun. 8I1M.
TOMATOES-Florida, per rte or 31 lb.,
net, 36.30.
WAX MEANS Per box of bout 80 lbs.,
net, 14.50.
STRING REANS-Fcr box of about 11
lbs , net, 31.
per ilex bunches, 45c
HEAD LETTl'CK lxulsiana. pr bbl..
Si, Per dos. heads. 31 OCKi.' 1.2S.
LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse. . per . dof.
heeds, 45c.
CUCL'MUERS Hothouse, per dox., ll.OOtJ
I. 80.
ONIONS Colorttilo, vellow snd red. 2a
per lb.; Spanish, per crate, 32 00.
MUSHROOMS Hothouse, per lb., 50fX60c
RADISHES Hothouse, per Uo. bunches.
DATE8 Per box of 30 l-lo. pkg . 12 00;
Hallowe'en, in 1O-IU. Iioxhs, per rb., 5c; Say
era, per lb.. 4c; walnut stuffed, 1-1!. pkgs..
32 00 por do.: S-lb. boxes, 31.UU; tafias, ull
sixes, 8:126; Mediterranean sweets, 4X2w;
seedlings, 31
OHANOES-Callfornla. extra fancy Red
land navels, all sizes, 33.96; fancy nave.s,
3,125: choice, a'l sises, 33.
LEMONS - LiiiKiniers. extra fancy, 248
Size, 4; 300 to 360 size. 34 .26.
FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton. 769
80c; Imported Smyrna, Ihree-cruwn, lit:;
six-crown, 13c.
BANANAS Per medium sized bunch,
II . 76jj 2 25 ; J u in bos. 32 6a 3.00.
TANGERINES California, per box of
about 125, 33.00.
GRAPE FHL IT-Calif ronla, per box, 36.03
05 60.
PINEAPPLES-Slzes 24. 3C and 36. 16; six
42. 14.76
PEARS-Wlnter Nellie, 82.50.
APPLEH-Californla. Ren Davis, 12 per
bu. box; Wlnesups, 82.MI per bu. box; other
varieties, 32.002.60 per bu. New York ap
ples, lialdwlns and Russets, 16 per bhl.
GRAPES Imix.rted Malagas. 16.00tu7.60.
POTATOES Home grown, per bu., 50a
60c: South lmkota. per bu., 7uta,76c.
SWEET POTAl'OES Illinois, per 11-peck
bbl., 84 76.
NAVY REANS Per bu.. 31.85; No. 3, 11.71
LIMA BEANS 1'er lb., 6Vc.
CABBAGE California, 3ki per lb.; Wis
consin, in crates, per lb., 3 toe.
CELERY-Florida. 31.25 per dog.
REEF CUTS No. 1 ribs, 12c; No. 2 ribs,
Vtc: No. 3 libs, &Vi'; No. 1 loins. 16c; No.
2 loins, 12c; No. 3 loins, lie; No. 1 chuck,
6c; No. 2 chuck. 6'c; No. 8 churck, 5c
No. 1 round, 8c; No. 2 round, 7c; No. 3
round, 7V; Nn. 1 plate. 8c; No. 2 plate, 8c;
No. 3 plate. '-''vC.
CIDER Per ken. U.76; pe bhl . 36.71.
HON EY New, per 24 lbs., 13.50.
CHEESE Swla. new, 16c; Wisconsin
brick, 16c; Wisconsin llniberger, 15c; twins,
lic; Young Americans, 15c.
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new
crop, per lb., 16 c; hard shells, per lb..
itVsC- P'-cans, large, per lb., 14c; small,
per lb., 12c. Peanuts, per lb., 6Hc; roasted,
per lb., 80. Chill walnuts, per lb.. 12&13c.
Almonds, soft shells, per lb., l?c; hard
hell, per lb., 15c. Cocoanuts, 34 per sack
of IOO.
FRESH FISH-Trout, lie; hallbuL 11c;
pickerel, dressed, 7c; white bask, 11c;' tun
Ash, Oo; perch, skinned and dressed, 8c;
pike, H'ilOc; redsnapper, 11c; salmon, 13c;
r.nniM. 6c: eels. 18c; black baaa. 22c:
whltensn, ittntuu, uui n", ti um., oac;
lobsters, green, 38c; boiled lobster, 42c;
KiM.n.h 16c: herring. 6c; Spanish mack
erel, 16c; haddock, luc; shrimp, 11 per gal.;
smelt. 12c; cod, 12c; bullheads, 12c; cattiao,
loo; roe shad, 75c; flounders, lio.
OYSTERS Fresh standard, 11.40 per fal.;
Shell oysters, ai.wu.w vi aw, iveua
clams, 31.50 per 100.
SUGAR Granulated cane. In bbls., 15.08;
frranulated cane. In Racks, 15.01; granu
ated beet, '.n sack, 14.81.
SYRUP In barrels, 2o per gal.; In cases,
6 10-lb. cans, 11.60; cases. 11 5-1 b. can. 32. ou;
cases, 2 'iH-ln. cans, 11.80.
COFFEE-Roated: No. 35, 2io per lb.;
No. 30, 20Vc per 10.; No. 25, loSo per lb.;
No. 20. loVc per lb.; No. 21. Uc per lb.
CURED FISH- Family wlilteusli, per V
bbl.. 100 lbs., 4.t0; Norway mackerel, per
bbl . iuo lbs., bloaters, 140.00: No. 1, 328.00;
No. 3, 326.00; No. 3, 120.00; Irish. No. 2, 116.0U;
herring. In bbls., 200 lbs each; Norway, 4k,
318 00; Norway, 3k, 813.00; Holland, mixed,
111 50: Holland herring, in kegs, milkers.
Sue; kegs, mixed, 70c.
CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west
ern, 656j6c; Maine. 31.15. Tomatoes. 8-lb.
cans. L2&ai.50; 2-lb.. DTHcJil.OO. Pineapples,
grated. 2-lb., 12.05ttj2.3O; sliced, 31.8tAiii.20.
Gallon apple, fancy, 13.7b, California apri
cot. 11.4U4V2.X; pears, 11 75fi2.DO; peaches,
fancy. tl.75i2.40; li. C. pcucnes, 12.00n72.5O.
Alaska saimon, red. 11 15; pink, Smcj fancy
Chinook. V., 32.10; fancy sockeye, F., 31. 85;
sardines, Vk oil, 12.60; mustard, 12 .61x9
8 10. Sweet potatoes. 11.15(1.25; sauerkraut,
81 uO; pumpkins, Mk.iJ$1.00, wax beans, 2-lb.,
7,rnoc; lima beana, 3-lb.. T5c4 81.35; spinach.
ll.3547.2OO; cheap peas, 2-lb., sue; extra. 7543
fc; fancy. 31 3.1 76.
green tilde. c; No 2. 8c; No. 1 salted. 11c;
No. 2, loc; bull hides. IKWs; dry hides,
124!Oc. Horse hides, larxc, 83; small, li
Sheep pelts, each. 6dc1.26. Tallow, No. U
44c; No. 1. c; rouh, IHc
George W. Btiggs and wife to P. H.
Lublsher, lot 1, block 2, Logan
Place 1 800
H. W. Baker and wife to O. A. WulfT,
lots IS. 14. 15, 16. block. 16, Halcyon
Heights 1.460
Eliza J. Allls to Olive II. Partridge,
lot 21. block 13. West Er)d add 2,5JO
Imperial Investment Co. to E. P.
Bmlih. lot 15. block 1, Grimn &
8mlth's 1st sub 1,250
F. M. Park to A. C. Kjurgaard. lot
1, block 4, Pearsons Herry'-. .'. A 250
C. E. Chambers to Hattle A. Cook,
sct se nf, 12-16-12 '...;...... 7S
John D. Ware' to Pauline Delaney,
pnrt lot IK, John I. Ruddlck's add.. 2,000
H II. Boyles and wife to peter A.
Rolsen and wife. aV wH lot 118. '
Nrlson' add 2,000
Mitchell GK8ln and wife to Marie
Tedesco, n1 lut 5, block 2, Kouutze
3.1 add 2.H00
The Nutlonal Land Co. to John Mc-
Nully. lot 8. block 3. South Omaha . . . 60
Supreme Forest Woodmen Circle to
Real Estate Exchange Bltlg. Co.,
lot 1, block 142. omana $3,000
W. R. Bittner to Neitle Rezac, lots ,
to 20. Norwood Park 2.000
Land 'lttlo and Trust Co. to F. H.
Parsons, lots 1. 2, 2, block 110,
On, aha 1
Mary R. Jones to K R. Hume, lot 18,
block 2. Clifton Hill 10
John W. McDonald, sheriff, to Mary
R. Jones, sitae ,
United Real Enstc Hud Trust Co.
to John F. Meyer, lot 6. block 13, .
Knuntze Placu 1,150
C. B. Summer et al., to Samuel Gold
smith. nH lot 6. block . E. V.
Smith's add 450
Mury E Delaney to P. J. Leahy and
wife, lot 2, Ford's Saratoga 650
D. W. Mrrtow and wife to Fred E.
Dufendorf, lot 23, block 5, Baker
Place 1,410
Bath Savings Inatlti'.lon to E M
Coffin, lot 4. block 12, Bemla Park 1,650
Samuel Kaufmann and wife to Alvln
Olsen. lots 17 and 18, block 15, Wett '
Albright ' 1
Becker Frederick to Otto Gehtman.
lot 6, block 1, Becker & Frederick's '
add -' 340
EllKbeth A. Colfax to O. C Olsen,
lot lft, block 4. Mavne's add 250
August prcchnow nr.d wife to Ht.
John's Lutheran Church, tract se
nt", 17-16-13 t
Arsbells Dodge et al., to peter Jessen.
jr . n't lot 4. block 8. Horbuch a 2d
add 1)
Peter Jevsen. Jr.. lo Emma McCon
nell. ssme 1,301
Isabel Linn and husband to Magda
l na Workman, lot , block 3, Clif
ton Hill 1.260
John R. Uhlrlev to Franclazka, I'ldaJ
vlnls. lot 3t. Sullivan's ad'l ISO
Mary A. Shirley to same, lot 21, same 410
Jrspeh A. Bralnard and wife to Cora
P. Clirk. part lot 24, block 17. Hana
(0111 Plavc Vi.