Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1906, COMIC SECTION, Image 36

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I Will HI IHWliltl.l imiii.iii Ir ' ' I
Inoculating the Soil. I
GERMAN a rrl cultural chemist named
Hellrlegel dlioevml nt least half el
century ago that Itgum'noui plant.
enrich the soil by supplying nitrogen)
which they assimilate from the atmosphere,
hy nrin) of their root tuherclea. Modern,
t-e lence has taken Advantage of tht fact
and Is able to utlllie the action of bacteria
: f ir the purpose of enrleh'ng the ground
t f r 1 m .m.t, iiu .. . . 1 i . .. V. Waam
) tin? inrv ciiui Ulllia.-ii
removed by too severe cropping. Thli In
j ociUtimi niakea It possible to work a cure
In tired aoll and render It again fertile and
1 productive.
The bacteria which are to aeeompliah thla
;end are sent out to the farmers by the
1 Department of Agriculture In the form of a
small package like a yeast cake. When re
ceived this cake of dried germs li dropped
1 Into a barrel of water. In which the germ
revive and turn the water a milky white.
The seeds of clover, peas, alfalfa and all
leguminous plants which are moistened In
thla liquid arc given marvellous strength.
I The aame aoll which has produced alfalfa
only a few inch high in spite of the
farmer's toll will produce from seeds which
have been soaked In thla preparation a crop
The Sultan of Morocco.
the Mississippi River, where such accl
dents are not Infrequent. The device con
sista moat Importantly of a sort of bel
Iowa running along each aide of the steam-1 which reaches a height of several feet.
boat, which, by being; Inflated with air. The main reason for once productive
can be made to uplift tha craft and ao float; lamia becoming unproductive is beeauae
it clear. The Invention was patented May
SI. IMS. and the number of It la 6.4.
the nltrosren In the soil haa been e-
hauat.iV A nttmotttn f a m i n . hiL. hMn np-
A I .t-i fnw lha - n- f i, A . r. 4 ' quite
Ihmiirh K.m 1. v.... n.,.1 hi I i .. .,.., . himself.
cavtaetrophe It Is extremely unlikely. 8ti:i devot' ,'o 1 "porta, and
MB most interesting curiosity at the
rat en t Office, in Washington, la doubt
less an Invention which waa patented
by Abraham Lincoln many yeara be
fore he became Prealdent. It la a contriv
ance for lifting river steamboats oft of
ahoaJs when they happen to get aground,
and waa particularly Intended for uee on
life of tha German (Mrl. Boer In Japan.
NOTHING could differ more in vry According to the Yokohama Mall, a very
vsey from the life of a girl In ourireoent development In Japan is a beer
country than that of tha middle elas( trust, formed largely upon the advice of
Oarman girl. What ther become isith. Minister of State for Agriculture and
due more to their birth and the example .Commeroe. The manufacture of beer In
of tha aider than to the achoola. Her Japan amounted to I.ROo.OfW gallons in 1!o4,
aohool duties begin at the early hour of ibetng almost double the production for ltorl.
seven In summer and quarter to aight .However, the production of 1901, before the
In the morning In winter. The rules whloh ; m position of a tax, retched 4,800.000 gal-
Qvmi hnr Miar ro it the strtoteet. ana ions. me exnorta of hp tn ian m-rA i . . . .
, c,-m rraLowi .nuv.uw. question answered. The reason of this Is
that the plant atosorbs the free nitrogen by
. ... uenrrea nis wire In tne ton ir.pani 01 oaoteria ruoercniiea growing on
gave the court as one their mots, these growths varying In alie
from a plnhead to large clusters. However
n punotured the tire of hla bicycle
rony-two times with a hatpin.
Karachi, a port In Northern India, has
a most unpluorant climate Th. n.n.hM
mrj uenina ivaracni naa a ter- o
rino neat. Joeohabad, thirty miles away,
often records la degree- Fahrenheit. The
one mail train a day carriea a coffin in
the hot weather season "for the use of
paaeengers" if need be, and In one year
long ago twenty-three European engine
drivers died while working their train.
; w. . v. i. . .. . . a i
i. wi.i M,-fM.aMi4 J
DLAI ABD-Bti-AZIZ. Sultan of Mo
rocco, regarding th proper govern-
LJquld Air in Medicine find Surgery.
VA.LTJARL.E experiments hav been
nde In the therapeutic value of liquid
air. In an account of tha work WIU1
this medium a specialist siys: "Any'
inflammatory nrooem. where cold applloa-
-. iurin are a aesiraoi fin oi
tne treatment, ran be admlniatered nwe
atlsfaetortly with aoma form of liquid air
m appllcutlon than In any other way. For
example, an Inflamed knee or other Joint
cn be exposed to tha dry. cold vapor em
anating from a vejwel of boiling liquid air,
and any decree of temperature can be
rven. end the temperature of the Joint or
part can be r,tuM.i . r. rfA.irhi.
J Another method, quicker In Its after effeot-!
f ,0,?aJt towel In the liquid and apply
k 4,i"lV "d intermittently till the part
nasbeen thoroughly chilled. A glasa bulb
with the liquid and rolled over th
urfac of the J,int is another .fnclent
nans of acoom pushing- th resulL A cur
rent of air nn be sent through the ice
ooll. providing there la protection between
wj?J ,i",d "k1n- to advantage
W.!?d '! de""l adjunct, aa In the
,J7 "'J, 'bdomlnal traublea. such a
append I ettls.
V ; - ' K
....... i .. , . : v i
I M . ! -
in- ! an ,n"'mm-tlon or atlmulat- .,.'
ing effret tha n,,i i t . .lima
"TIJE Indiana la Arlaon are exceedingly, montha on thla one bsaket am
I p:ctureaque. They live In huts mad-;oolor and deelgn la full of mbollsm. Such
n n mom irmiror oi irae oranenr. a oaskct would sell for 110 where It la made.
up togetner wun leatner tonga. iverout in the large cltlea brings a much
la placed adobe, or wt clav mixed tlaraon nri.A ......... , .
h V Tr. f-renc , immltTent Iv to 7h-Tin W',h "trW 8n1 C'""B flbre" The - the dye ,t ocv;KVpr"m"n7pr
XirtM'S ila a'f, ? "mP' "! effect I. seen ,nif,omV '' ',n'"8 by , 'V? T, 1' th' h,,t- nnJ " wr, " Imina
elf H. ! fLfT'.': 'I ?hponle uiceratlng .urf.cM when l&."ie. .hJd": L .T.9 nLma:. I.1;"!: ?uaV!,,!' "f roo's nd atmw
' ' nit- wit i a i rvum, ituii i ne iive i!.i.r" tl.VfMi
He U fond of amusement and bv .o,.' " Jl " 1 T
o all rvrt. uut hla nalne la . ' . " lr" over the
. . . . - ' . -, luir anm,. An.l.. . - . .
It has long been knon that auoceaslve pnnara tables, pianos, phonographs , onfl . ., i!.L . .
fh.ra .k -- i i.T . i l ,n preparation for the vear'a h.i.
. c i'piacc.1 in a dopipsHlon in the centre of the ket work. Strange it rv,.,. .w..
j ond onlv. a good h.iithv , , a "'-jnu'. t"'H the Jndlnns feem to thrive and a.lo!.. huta are comparatively cool and the
0 rue. .in v.. TL". ; ' ran mating aur- live to old ace. The hot sun and a-ind at
w w nnriinpri :i it r nniv . ' , . . , . . . , . ... , ...u, Ulkf, hjoj collar
m H.w... i . . w i CUnematOiri ia rh ra mru sanrl Irrwa U and
vi ''I'd ni mai 1 1 ti ax i ,i i ri piiihuii i lie- ni i . . . . ran fivfii w .
" ' Tt --' a. i . a . ' W4ii ii nnm nod .,ra ai.. . '
by taking the nltrojren, without which no ' ,mn".ni cans ana auiomooiiea treatments of tht. .h. V x 4 iew.ionn ,w-ep around this primitive struct- in tha North.
Jit a9..iL. mi i aa i M 'II 1 1 rPD-orni aan fnlnv IAVI fa ril . -. vmih n i r-1 . up an h nK afunlai V, V.Afna V. n n
forela-n ,..-.. ""' 'nt anyiern nouae. ine oi.i baaket maker In tno! Klna- Piiowath r n u j, ,
."--5n.?ro",h unin the akin or within doorwnv la maklrnr one of the I'lnu h.. , f. . ih' .V. raJnbo(1a ""on to
. " . I.-M11.WI;.. ttn(iwiip,t-t...
k.L.t wan nun a n u-
crom will flnurlah. The 1imc.iilt hu beenl.wh",n ne "garda aa ao many toye. Not
to get the nitrogen bank Into the aoll. For' onJ ne "urprlsed hla aubjoou by fly
though there la an Inexhaustible supply of !" ,"""ol,ffh the streets of hla capital on a
that element In the air the problem Mad , hl "'hite Jcllabo iunio
been how to get It. But when the discov-, ucR1 UP aro"nd his wut.
ery waa made that various leguminous
her brrakfast than reach achool a few min
utes late. But In aplla of the rigoroua dla-
rvnllna aha hm hr inhnnl with Its bright
rooms. Intereaflnv lectures and meKKllOUS 1 A ivirt aM.i.n
V " . ,h. ... . riv.i.., gave ma court as one
.-.ngs. When she graduate-, at Uia age of n. h. for h d n , h
Hfteen or sixteen, she has a nattering of h.d punetand th, .... of J "
)ii"t ry, geography and literature oomomro
vith a great reaped for her eldors. Be
cime the curriculum was arranged In the
.lay when It wss thought that the rroper
sphere of woman waa the home, the educa
tion she gets is far behind that rf her
brother or the Russian girl of her own aae
and station. But the Idea of fitting a girl
f r a self supporting life la rapidly making
hedway in Germany. Hitherto after a
arlrl left so ool. at the age of fifteen or
sixteen, her time wa taken up learning to
cook, aew and perfecting herself In musto.
And though she would not b conaKJered
well equipped, trtlll she la far better fitted
far th struggle of life than the English
grl of th aame cksas. ThriftHer ati moat
artainlv la for ah has watched her
mother turn over every penny before
upending It, ana naa aeen every wormy
food utilised In earn way.
AO th Oarmin girl' a education and ac
ccmpBattunents are to aaalat her tn making
a good matrimonial alliance, and to the
credit of th nation he It said that a lack
of money I no barrier to an early
HatT. Th. are said to b 150.000 famlllea
In Berlin alone wbJoh live on leas than
11,100 a year, so It la no wonder that a
thrrfty houawlf la oonaldered on of a
maa'a bat aaaata.
Th Zag of a OwL
It can be
.v... uDpnii on can , . i--. . i - l . . - " "mi nnnv w in lll m
lining . i. i. . " ""inyeq ny , a type Known ny nasKei lovers es merona rottniu. in-t.,
application, onil" 1 OT amon the br!"- 81,8 hM rrobaWy ""'I' "C includl,, "' retinue
V freeal'ng." which reauit, 7n
aides quickly and responds readily to hot
boraclo acid or carbolic foment itlon- If
sucn a growth aa a. naevita nt ... v. ,
Typhoid Fever and Oysters
NE of the great alma of modern medl-
If full, a. important, wth nTx'""." .2 '..i,T,:,i !hat. hof T . ' Am.. .
Induatrial Art Schools.
rnnmn muat mnhp flnlTUIJ'PU .
i wnm oi modern ma mark r w ; 7 . - a" 1 i " iro ai preant In Vr
cln. la the prevention of d,.e..e. .nd.V JlT.,, k"!'"1 J'.dl.iously , excellent wtfe. A Singapore paper .ay I from the national Tr sch.. '
nuiuim is 10 in iuii ...... uunarea provlnrini . .
Burmese Women.
Wlin u njiln th,. K .t.. : . ; . . ... . . i'".iih-iui flnri n....t..i-
It Is only the eeada of leguminous plant. . ? tne c"re after the disease haa' n IT" " 1 '"er, "l".1?0 her huanana in loraiy m eness ana lo - .cnool. of fine arts, which ." .l."'?!
which are benefited by the proce... at in the human body. The wla-1 show It. looa tlon " toply him t . T .i , un mpn ""! women Whll-
. dom of prevention was ahown to a ,"w location. I fighting bullock cart racing and gam- to each school tha h.,..i "bile leavinc;
vanageP In ?h, j aplnea. "reatmen n'f ' , 'h..e..'r!;,m'?t f "fbuno, not toolwlni. And many of th Burmese wonvnjof art sul,!7, Tl'Z" "f .th
n jianan engineer naa recently aevei-1 w,ter supplies during the recent war with t.Z- 7. . " 1 ,mnr.e. tr,rpo Inches: do big dcala In timber, bnvlng n-, In I'Urectlon by annURl vV.iV.lV . ' lI"e
opea a very emcieni ana economic procesa Ru. Tne M ( bacteriolnaMai. nr. '-' "la air feem. to actiVance the paddy crops of a whole flia-, dra.wlng. ThnnllM iZi inspectors of
11:!'' h"" ""r! trie,, and ,5 . on a scale that ulrJtle.,
acetylene ga. The heat produced by the "the water .uppl, ByVh. ..m"' th". ,Ct,V,ty luu,-brm abr,ed ifi Itotncli.
combustion of aeet1ene and oxycen mixed soldiers came over th. ,.-J? ian hour UeT flePln- lu'd air could " "nanc" fc
at the moment of burning 1s about 7.00 de- ame j"." th' r'1' n1 "" could be of service only In the treatment r ih.! . . .
rlfl'f1M..1.',"ll'"' ' entreating Knn Roberts to visit
ward for it. dls-, ' . ,,,.. In tn hM am-i-lcej! on Ml.
toll frnin lh. .
greea Fahrenheit, which Is higher than cm)a b 1 a-7C TwI Si, i . '
th. tmnerat,tr of tS. .vh.Hw.n flam. ' "! ,9 ?.rU.nk' hl' h coud be used after
1 '. .u " "7 "7.,"' ' ,ocing oouca and which
and near that of the electric arc.
would be
waa aaf. onlyovery.
Its auccess
sufficient rewi
I i
AN 1. not the only animal capable of
cloalng hla ear. aa he dealres. Under
jibe outer edge of the ring of feather.
mch .urrounds the eye of an owl
a sort of valve of akin which the owl i a se or depress at pleaaure. Beneath
it valve of skin la the ear. whioh In
s-,.i:e bear, aome resemblance to the hu-
mi Mr. The bird has the power of rais
ing the valve as much as is represented In
:h- cut, which la of natural size.
e e
Population of Portugal.
Vice Consul Klnchant furnishes from
Lisbon the census figures of Portugal tajcen
in IJecomber. 1900, and Jut published. The
population wa. S.014.J6V, Including the
Asore. The percentage of illiteracy wa. 71
per cent for th male, and 88 pr ent for
the females. The government, however,
I. bestlning Itaetf on the educational
question. The foreign residents In Portu
gal numbered at, $84, of whom sixty-alx
were Americans.
i Mi
ANV things are comparatively prim
itive in the South, where folk., gen
erally speaking, are poor, especially
In rural section. And It naturally
follow, that many kind, of manufacture,
are carried on a. hou.ehold lnduatrle.
Thua, for example, a single family will
conduct the entire business of cotton man
ufacturing, from the spinning to the weav
ing and the final production of article, of
clothing made out of cotton. It seems
hard to believe, but the accompanying
photograph ahow. a primitive cotton fac
tory of thla kind in actual operation In
I for bathing.
Scientist, are at work to close every ave
nue by which disease may gain an entrance I
into the human body, hoping to do awav1
with any false conditions of life which!
may foster disease. Typhoid fever and.
Ita cauae have been the study of selen-;
I ' ",r many years, and though thevl
,can trace mmt of the caaes to lack of
jS.tnlt itl in. Impure milk and contaminated
i water there are sporadic casea which can-1
jii.K he traced to their sourcea. in Kng-!
I land ahcllflsh have been proved to carry1
j typhoid Infection, ao there has been rlg d
'nspection nf the oyster suddIv and v.ri.i
ous experiments hive been made In thla
Before oyatera are shipped for the mar
ket, they are kept for ome day. in oyster
house, and on float, which are below the
level of the water. It ha. been found that
If the water Is not entirely aalt the oyater
Increases In aixe and assume a whiter ap
pearance. Theae oyater houaea and floats
are usually placed a little distance up
stream, and It is while here that they are
exposed to contamination. These little
streams run out Into the ocean and carry
with them the sewage and drainage of
the neighboring villages as well as fac
tories and farm, along it. bank..
Experiment, have been made at the
Aquarium to find out If oyater. carry ty
phoid germa and for how long a time In
fected oyster, will remain Infected. The
oyatera were put In a tank containing I
brackish water which waa Infected with i the riddle of existence a a melancholy
typhoid bacilli. At the end of twenty-! thing car.not but feel a thrill of admlra
four hours It was found that the typhoid tlon in contemplating the work nf this
Part of the lno,,e I ;""-"" Kro-tcr
Eighty Christian mlsalonarlea are rw gives prizca, schonr,,1 '''" ,"s"''ctlon.
;.tha Vlolv 1-and. to hold snrvice on Ml.
Garmel, and "aa a modern Ellas once more
defeat th false proptrat. or Baal
r-. Amu Mt&mM
Hi'S-H km nmR Jsili
fi A ! Id Si'
". via
. .""-p 111,,,,
1 : ft rfoWJTW?Mi
UHN THE BAPTIST la a magnificent ' la tin re that the beat evidamie place, the
figure In OhrlsUan hilotory, and even, tomb of John the Baptist, whoae worda
the modern unbeliever who looks upon .Hill ring out to th world In all their fervid
London waiters have appealed to Parlia
ment for aid. At a recent meettna- It waa
resolved that the tipping svstem is "a i m,r "mlrs, .UK , oun'1 xht be typhoid tlon in contemplating the work nf thlsl It ia stated hv the Irish Independent that
ourae, a scvuidal and a disgrace to thai , 11,1 culd be isolated from the oyatera rugged evangelist. Thfusan.l of reverent ; coffins for children are being supplied hy
it should be sternly re- , . , Z . , ', oysters ! travellers eacn year who journey into me a oontractor to South of Ireland alms-
nation, and that
pressed by law."
The Batavla Experiment.
Not very many people will see the next
total 1 1 t. .I tha aiin n n-HI . l
HE superintendent of the schools of .Tn,,0 , 1 ' ..."TCi. ' .
Batavla, N. Y.. haa apparently solved from tB.0 lslaniiB . the Vt.citta ocenwn
on of th most vexing questlwria i,i..4 .j t-h., t...j d.w
whloh have to do with m.xlorn educa- habited islands inclosed by coral reefs, and
- iKiuiifu iniit litis in(nP dv coral re?ri and i . . - ... . pitiin-r. ma-nvw
Hon. It Is a realisation of the Pe.talozslan landing is said to be extreme ly d.fflcuH V. I 1 . J n",rk't ' Nagpore haa taken up
Jihat oh pupil ha a right to be The durBtlon of MMty wl be , &rR;fZirZJ. tt2: the "f ,".an,illn
educated personally for wnat be can beat ,., on Hull ,gIand an(J four mlnule- on'orlanism ""crease uf the Umltei In Bengal It la
would keep the bacilli alive for nine rt.v
hut the ninth day the bacilli could not be
obtained alive. When the tank waa firat
"nfected there were found twenty thousand
organisms to the cubic centimeter, and
at the end of nine day. noirts were found.
It waa shown that the death of the bacilli
in oysters waa due to salt water or dilu
tion. Further experiments thowed that
urageme.nt to ptipi . .h , ancl
gulshed themseiva. h . ho hav litln
atudleV lncm"ehe8 1l"-'"e their cour.e of
thri'nd'j.trir.Tf ancITn
the ordinary observer ,. Par"mou"t. and
" hen examining nn 'I. ", at,ruck at -'
-hop. of home n,"nufac,ur. t1 Frnt,h
"rlty over similar Tood, ' d " 'UpPri
countriea. If one aie ,n oth-r
muaeurn in France on fi" V "a"ery or
Intere.t of the working t,F""1ar reat
n-ed In the t7nrtV70pU may w,t"
atlon with thl: Aconver-
eral Intercut of th. 'vf gn
a" and c:t!onnmatt'
May from Vancouver under emlmil
PU.n Ejner Mlkel.on T The SaraM
An Ant'g Strength.
Lor4 Avebury, otherwls Hir John Lub
bock, was th first person In England to
hav hta photograph taken. M. Paguerr.
the co-inventor of the art. rani t.i Lon
don t patent his d'acovery, and laid an
early to Ixrd Avebury' a father. Th
son was playing In th garden and was
iwcoaafully photographed.
In aome respects London Is
achley. For many years It ha tx-en Flint Island
charged against th publlo school sTatem
that the standards were set for the clever I
pupils, to the detriment of the backward
and dull ones. If the "Batavla experi
ment," aa It la flailed, provos after long
trial to do what It Is hoped It will then our
primary education will be Infinitely bet
tered. Mr. Kennedy, the orlsrtnator of the
acheme, proposed to the Governing BoirJ
of Batavla to procure the serv'era of an
extra teacher for each room, uhnea duty it
should be, not to listen to recitations, but
to help and encourage any pupils who were
falling behind the clasa. It waa to be en
Eaat turn their way toaard Damascua. It' houses at four eenta each.
Fibre from th plantain tree is coming! An Experiment in Education
Into ua In India for cloth making. Yarn ; N ... . .
made from It i. found stronger than tha, j 7Y haX 'tZZX iTLl
from cotton or Jute, and haa a glazed ap-, latter eight years as a trained ktnder
narunc. niitlve technical Institute at gartner decided tha. thi. .v..
the subject, and as i gemng away from the fossilising
unre is hiiiioki u.i- ----- -- win pasi, in oecomlnv f,n.
limited In Bengal It la expecied that a large aiuzed itself. So she evolved the theorv
1 - ' ,i . 1 -- mo viuia wan ine ant
own "rougn, aou( by ""t'lng It have ita ohap might w
Ings of the child.
HE ant la the chajnnlon w.lrht hnu
of the entomological world. If a man
had the relative tenacity of hold aa
the .nt an ordlrwirv v.n m..ii
t . conflnTni ... .e.r7al"bar ' .T
- '".V"7 ""-wenng or tne crav- ottier .wing the V.M - "
i if ne) i n tm m na iA.a nrr i . -
out in the management o -her kinder,. ' anma H lMMr,n during the laat
ten. with the .oanlt ?.?f.2!r..i ! J.0"?. "vellous demonstrations were Magn.t Chart.i U probabl jiar with ita actual appearance.
it la
at all
the moe
tlrely a work of sympathy snd demanoea Saxon world to-day
great tact and discernment. T ne t ian was i that few people are
tried In a single room, ana tne result was
ao marked In both pupils and teachers that!
the ..xperlment has erd rapidly and ta Th. Worshl of Snalie..
being Introduced tn all the better schools I "
In the I'nlted States. Its value cannot be! IN many province, of India the cobra .
overestimated. The teachers are tlmu-; I t"l worshipped, and not i nly wor
lated to do lea. nagging, while the pupils: ' snipped, but pampered and protected,
themeelves are relieved from going beyond ! This form of religion has suclf a hold oven
their ability and strength. And the effect'e people that It ha. successfully re-,
,n ti,. hMlui of the children was also he Invasion of other religious be-
in some respects London is very much' ,rW.a v-o hordes were taken home for "era- rom ttia fa"' ,;,,t "ne of ne,,
behind many Engll.h villagea ' Practical- i ,itll(,y and "x t'r7es tne nurn r of : ditrlc, "ntiiina from fifteen thousand to
ly every rural police station ha. It. tele-i"",' "' L.S ,J T from theT high twpnty thousand shrines dedlcute.l ixclu-l
phoneVbut 8tland Yard, the head and ; ""f"", romain"1 t0 T"'te from ,h" "h sivcly to the propitiatory worship, .n k a
n !ai-s,:iii!e. Familiar as is i;s genrral tli original docmnent
lamll-isnincaiioe tnere are wry lew j tople to-lattached la in the BrliUn Muieum.
sned .ne.;reue.d- InaTnr rf 7
Fro,,, ,h,s beginning was founded tnln"S' voM a'ny 'TtTm
. '7. ' eight In Hn-'vii-w mis exhibition and r.nii.. k...-
iia.Iiay. even union if tne moat irhnir v. who "" nil lour n ih uf. .. thnn ..... ,L . . " rnr
famous manuscript in the Anglo- ilines of thla document are here reproduced1! ire can.ible of ilecmlier n li. A c'n-.-v of oren come and do u. n,.,. i . rra.' "'Knlflcance of the king s seal ""ulnl giving only such
liciviiinn as is asked
Itrd Ilosebcry hopes the now liberal I
Ministry in England will take General!
Booth, of th,. Salvation Army, into its
counsels In rivaling wlih the awful prob-j
lem of London's unemployed.
The Art of Keeping Cool.
HEX the hot ouiuiiier dava are
ujuin ua hiitf it is Impossible to uhaiiae
Pictures by Telegrapn.
..' Ull'U J." 'VII iisnnannMiiii
ine i injunction "fin iv,.
a,t,l.. --j ... il,n,,.l..,.jp.. ' - "
r and hii- ."'" .'ls.ai4.
IOr un ..i I
necessary. The school was fir.t , Z, .. ., i I
.New Hofhelle. hut later remove,! to South In ,hp co" of a London law case on
BrooKlyn. It has the reputation of f ,h T-estloned 7 tTl c"T. !h,e noisiest house in the world ,a'n "P""" he had made at a banquet adl
"s , " il":!."1 , UHinlly called ml,t hnt, h' did not confine himself
our envin nment th i.n.t iar ...tie K.ri of thlr-i "' "u.
t . , , . 11 " r'n.ii
.juiiK cooi is 10 learn to ;
selves to it. But with all of us
strong that few of us think of adactntlon. 1 1,.., , . 7,:."'. "' 'H", 1n,w- fuming ,
1 uiu . "in P riun-a i n a r h r.. i . i
la,. - 1 1 ...
iwin toward f.(.n ii . n w,,,,,, " lM"" V- ". ,,,,,":'. i
atlaDt our- thr i, . T- I iunlu uenj.ire the fart .JV H numorlst. an1 0n
centra of tendon s criminal S'ectlve sys
tem, still holds out agamat . lis mean of
THE plant which haa thla nrst remark
able leAf is named after Qum Vic
toria. It was th tribute of a British
traveller in a far away land when he
discovered the unusual growth. Th leaf
school. lone I. somewhat In a timiilion to under
stand the intensity and popularity of this
The sacred city of Benares' now se ts the ancient form of worship. These slirlnen
! standard of time for all India. are Invariably In honor of the minor di-
' . jvlnltlcs of the country, some of them be
ing of venerable age and more than local
repute, and ponsc.-slng extensive and val
i liable properties for their maintenanc e and
for the cost of the numerous cerejiionim
which their keepers have to perform from
lime to time.
In these shrines the Hindoos set down
when fully developed, covered completely
the calyx with Its hundred petals.
WhAn It flrat tha fl n v r la n-h:ta
with pink In the middle, which apreads fantastic idols of serp. nl. on a alone base-
over the whole flower the more It advances! '"j" ,, '
Uie alirine is protected by
waa more than five feet In diameter, and In as, and It ia aenerallv found the nextud wa"- 11 !s "" nual to tthe welfare
around It extended a rim about three to five day of a pink color. Aa If to enhance lts!of the liouaehouii-r. tha t they anould make
inches hlsh. on tha Inaia. tiht .r, ni,., k.. l. , . .-j. m .. ,i periodical offerings of dough and milk and
the aurfac of th lef. on th outside like! It. tribe, it posas a n'eshy disk, and ,coke !1M lo Hthe 'V '':'e h'-.uei ol
the lHfa lower rvirt f hHrki nHm ,.i. 1...11.. ...tne shrine, and place lights and c.ianl
I favor
The stem of th flower waa an Irwh thick1 ..j ,.im.i i... '. .,..:n)'miw 'n order to be assured of their.
v.,, iFLiiri ( ail., iiic.,, rr- vn ..n . r ' o iiin i
.v. -."-" V y--''. -T-k-f 1
In addition to the special feasts there are
dally ceremonies. Every morning the klngi
and the queen of tne serpents are bathed. I
and fruit an 1 milk are offerel to tin m. at
noon cooked rice is offered, and fried gi-alul
follows after a reasonable interval hasj
been allowed to these lucky creatures to I
d.gtst the choice viands in. I have gone
before. I
I In .'API iln IIP rllVd IVi. I.I..1. tn III.1
grove and In th household temple are car
irid In procession to the house, where pro
ipltiatory offerings are made. The pres
Ing fuitct.uu.ry at a.l the.e vari.iu. ten
InionUia i. ne-sar!ly the eldest iVrnal.
i member of the family. wIhj ha. to practisi
ce lbacr from the day she attains the no
's tlon. In rtouth t'anara eerenionie. are a'l
tierformed by the vlrajn de.lic.ited to this a
an !" work. At siin.lar failM is snake m ri in. n t nf
y 4
I, i ( i' , ... , ." ' . . . - 'I
tu-: 7 ' -: -i
u Mii ii a a . .
.. . ...ciuence we miner irom a way n.asreied there
niiicn is auitea only to ine cold to he liiuxht
j The cultivation of peace of mind la thi
i flrat requisite. Next, the easential of a
oaiiy nath. A cool bat.i tarn on rising Is
the beat tonic to prepare one for the day's
laoor and exposure. A tepid, cool bath oi
ls short hot bath may he taken In the even
ing, and if greatly fitigtied it is one of the crreuuv means of bringing refresh-
? hy the children begKlng
A visitor sums im .v- ... I
of the I-luy House us
Lz-Majeaty In Germany.
certain august
Sums un the alma1
, h l i r.,... .v. 7 " u'i "nraii puni.snmcnt for it... i
icncVs." ' - ' experi-: falls specially heavy upn the .oidier if
The first aim la th. ...... . .. ' ..: " ", 1,1,1 c;"
inithative. of if... -.",::" '" ., n,mT
. . . i"'-""i.iii. ooin ol aim iiiuiermi personage if vnea h,..
.mi e arer.estro.ved by the ordinary school him. A private wo. recently drunmied ,
h" f ".f ,Be l MV- al"n f h army and a", ,,ro 'to , , ar.!
of,w!f-pxPrM"n lie, Ule .:.r. ,,ie Imprisonment for x,yUlK to , H, lh .
,ing sleep. Another necessity to keeping'of t he b.-st , , ,w.i ' "r ... K,J!"Pr..'T- " ,",ve Hl'.w(.l down th.
jCwil U not only in the exercise of bodyitodrag the child vn en , , .V , . ? truv"1"' order
but In the mailer of diet as well. - All'own line .? ,i .h. "J i L.".W"y fr"m '" ? ' 'he ,al:"e ot the -"l'ler. who were
i. " i-.-ini u in i:i n : at rr i iuiuik liiv uu f.
;burn,r.g of th. food w. eat. So when the -.,,. n(1 . :ZmZr ttA, unwiilo,' '" i
temperature rises the bod v need. leu. foci ... i-.w..." ." " V". t"UHng-
. . ..... "" "lauiniy III persist In the n. 18 me line, nt Ik.
,, J. '""'V "'""t"" snouiq be a path, flearly the best way to Induce hi Emperor of Oermany. will soon he h"
j summer we need only a small quantity to; Tn. mt.th0d may prove valuable In de the Crown I'rlnces, r f Oreece nT t!?.
I supply vitality for bodily and nienta mrk. v.ini.,. , ....i... ln. "e- -reere and the
Is the
Th. IdeaJ breakfast would h. uh.. I. ah.t 'w.l u would V" ." - " ' ""'-o. ana
bread ..7 zwieback alth . whule. m. ... ..I'..- .. . a ,h" b"'" f the, "ther or the yueen of Norway.
, - . - - . . "J "tun nave ainerent ratmAnr tr
rip. fruit, such ss stra. berries, plums, j development. It may be adapted " to
melons or apples. I neluhborhood school or a iar.. .. i - -
far-1 KVKKAL device, hav recently
pro-! kput forward by which phulogn
s!d- w'uiay hu transmitted by telegraph. or leas serious obstacle have In-
terpoael UlPen tne commercial aiidn-a
that he feels compelled to drink large qan
tlties of ,-e water, beer or other cooJiug
to-night. More by mail
once tn the n fares, offlcn
foflowing refly : "I leave
nltfht. if mora num. !.
There are no .eats ln Russian churches, dead letter oftlce."
By giving ourselves the benefit of our for there the fostering of the Indlvidualii J
istore of ciinmon sense, many of us would can be carried out after this method.
so :onn 10 ine iriai. ut a. uiy in tie neat
prepared for it by a diet conducive
to health. How many men prepare
for such a tkiy vtlth a breakfast
made up of griddle cake, aoda bUeuit.
H,en l-VK. illu lai un, I'UIIKUge, V or-
pns lesiisiiue iaiii.-tt nun ei-ruiig couee. Iiy
kU iiiiiiu ne lei-is ane nei i,i .ucn ati exu-nt
A travelling man received the f.illowina-
telegram from hla wife: "Twins arrival
He went at
and sen' the
for home lo inj to
thai ..f tn, s.-heme. Professor Korn. of leverages. i otitrist the discomforts of
Jleilin. no ever, b.ems to have suriwissed 1 ",le euueiaie .one with
other experiments tn this line. At
recent ill iiioiistrallon the lie-
. r. -- - v waariso, nm uav. vestiges ur au "pious' wora. At sun.iar stiake Iwnmeiii ut I'o.ts. .t whlini piimiinent
e.aatlc prickio about tfcrs-quvrtra io,anothr. fe.v.l of Traveller ploua folk gather governinent ..tlh lab. wete j.iesent, he
an inch In lnngtA. THa calyx waa lour "yv met them afterward frequently ." froui all psrts to Join In the r orsh p. an J denuasira le 1 win, mUch success the
lofd. ch Uiwr4 of v, tosh) ia sayak an eaptow. ' and th higher w ad- bring votive offerrhga of gold, ailver. grain, trans nis.-l.ii. of the reception of a
-leT It!? -hT!I..7L$a?,h: VT tha mar 'antlc thay bc..e; oodanuta. pepper, spleea. fr .It o l. she-, portrait. Th. whole process consumed
they were tlxloK htt lntd.' reddish i we 'measured leaf, which was six feet sandalwieod. silk and ot'er thin.. ih. twelve minute,. A reproduction of tie
broarn and prickly outaM lh dJam-ter five Inohea in diamoter. its r:m live and a cut of the fest-vai. 1. defrav. i u t portrait is here given. It !s thought taat
ot the "'Llllwi? r'W1' inehe.; half tnhe. high, .nd Ui flor across revenues derived from the paddy 6e;a and tn demonsir it.on !l bring about an
" -- , aivmmu nmiiw, Igardso. ellaoa4 u th aariua. Irl aaopuoo gf hi.
coolln working bareheaded In the direct
:rays of the Min ln n climate twenty de
grees ine eooie 1 not unc
I'lJ-'r" luT1nTTrTaDliJffi1'IITF-1-'-1'''-''-- mjw
,'er H'ST.A ! 1 i ZrjJdi . "- U-swl (,jt. TZ,fJ Ki
Wk-v- frrf.l uWUI I In sssssjsssjm - ' "' 1 fi - . - , , . f J- J,
f..rl..l.le be.aus.. he has al-pte.l ,l. dn t ' f M''-'-T K ' '
to his i nviroiunetit. Any tnao w ho exepes I '"l k unJ puima a
his herrt and Irritates his nerves by diet i f" r'"'' ,"ore lhl1"
of flesh foods must expect to need ail so'ts' pon Ih l,lade i,f tl
musical knives, sis would be required to rouinle e ihe
were coimnou In CiMnposltioii It was exte,.tcd timi ii
two centuries ago. using these utensils Mould be uble u, ,i,
these knives some terpret th music.
of artificial means to make his I fe bear .1uolun which nugrit be u.ed as a grc --.
able in the hot weather. " not elaborately carved, but set The oeremonle. of celebrating the open-
' miJ'"c ell. The musical note, of ng of the Slmnlon Tunnel i; i,egm oi
...e um noun oo carvea on on unite, ao Jl.y I at Lausunn and end tw tla,.
ttaat fur or fiv knlv or similar utan- later at f"'-n
j b'Tnc ba 4,124,74 acre, of v.nearda.