Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1906, HALF TONE SECTION, Page 3, Image 28

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Gossip About Plays and Players
1T7UMER tlm seem to bar. few people who get behind th scenes. To
reached Omaha, aran U th. al th. world outsidti he Is known but Utile.
One. In a whll. the stag, hand get. a
how at the center of the stage, but he
attractions far exceed any former reason
and preparations made to amuse and en-
maoaca AO Dot recognis. the fact. tertaln double the attendance of Inst year.
Th tamparatura for tha last oaf "nc """ '"" - when SU,W) people lestined their nppre-
haa been much mora oon- how at tha center of the stage, but he elation of Its magnificence. The Royal
rlnclngthao any announcetnant tha waatber doesn't aak for tha spotlight, even then. Canadian band, undor the direction tf
man pld make, although It Isn't toe lata Ha simply goe. on and does hla turn and Bandmaster John M. flnn, has been re-
for him to turn on tha rain tube and oool sT.ta out of tha way for his sucoeesor. One engaged and enlarged to thirty Instru-
thlngs down a bit. But tha amusements " Blgnlflcant Illustration of this willing- rnsntallsts. Mr. Christian Kodenklrsohen,
of Omaha ars going to a summer basis ' the sUga hand to sen's was given the able comet soloist. Is stain selected
strictly. Tha Boyd and tha Orpheum ara during tha lata passage of tha Bun Fran- with a complement of Ave trumpet and
closed but the Krug and tha Burwood will o refurees through Omaha. It waa fn-tan corps. Mr. Kudolph Timtnler,
continue for soma Uma to furnlah forth discovered at almost the last moment that landscaplst, has practically transformed
g'wd stuff for their patron Tha outdoor sJmost no provision had been made for the grounds Into a bower of beauty since
parks ara getUng ready, and tba announce- thl reception. One tent had been secured, the closing day of last year. Wonderland,
ment Is already made that next Saturday bt It waa not sufficient, nor had It been the roller coaster, the merry-go-round and
Krug park will be opened for tha season, raised. Here Is where tha stage hands of all the former amusement devices have
M.niiw. will fall In line a llttla later, and tha Omaha theaters got busy. They went been put In a state of newness and a
Mr. Her promises that Dream City will be o the Union depot and not only raised the new health and pleasure-deriving structure In Australia. The beautiful southern girl
y, n usun
Ing fame behind the footlights. After tjtAf
An (Tell hnd trlnl n half doxen or so re
hearsals she coTiHu!el that hl wmiitl not
be an actress after all. There Is a story to
the effect that tlie real reason for her re.
tirement was the discovery that she was
not much better as an actress than her
brother was as an actor.
In the forthcoming lxmdoh iierforman-e
of "The 14m and the Mouse, to be pro
duced there next month by Charles Froh
limn. Miss Margaret llllngton will flay the
lending female part and Messrs. Kdmund
I.. Hreese, snd Richard Itennett of the New
Tork cast will resume their original char
acters. Charles Klein, the author, who Is
tu Ixindon. will rehearse the piece.
Maud Jeffries, the American actress, who
haa long spent her time In England and
Australia, will close a tour In the latter
country next week. It Is said that Miss
Jeffries has derided to abandon the BtSKe
and will spend the remainder of her days
a reality by July 1. It Is not at all Ukaly nt that waa provided, but secured others designed and patented by Manager Cole, started out In i
. that Omaha folk will lack for a place to go "d but them all Into commission on short which ha baa named "Physical Culture." A Harre!?" Bhe"b
during the long evenings that stretch out oruB-. men tney , siayea arouna. aoing
between now and the Uma of opening the what was needed to be done, and when
theaters next fall. night came, and the nurses and others left
3 the scene for their homes, the stage hands
One end of the theater of Which the mounted guard over the provisions and
publlo knows all but nothing at all Is "the supplies on hand. Borne one of their num-
liack of the house." The lordly manager, bar was on duty all the time the work was
Temple of Palmistry haa been built and
this will be under the direction of Mine.
Nordic, with three assistants. The Ufa
motion pictures will still remain one of the
features, but many new Importations have
been made, which will afford a complete
change each night of the week. The Phet-
luuntly engaged by.
became his leading woman,
and created many of the important femi
nine roles In the different ltarrett pro
ductions, her latest and most notable one
perhaps being the part of Mvrcta In Bar
rett's play, "The Sign of . the Cross."
Oscar Hammersteln In home. He Is
happy and busy. If he does not give Herr
Conrled a sharp fight for operatic supre
macy next season the signs will all go for
nothing. The roster of his company la
enough to make the mouths of music lovers
water. Hera It Is: Boprunos, Mme. Melba,
Mine. Tetrailnl, Mme. Ulllbcrt, IeJeune,
Rlamrln, Louise Grandjean and Farnetli;
contraltos, Mmes. Breseler, Olanoll, Klea
nor de Clsneros, Zella Oay and Zaccarlo:
tenors, Blgnors Bond, Dalmores, Basel and
Alscbeffskl; baritones, Jean Renaud,
Ban aco
the petted star, the saucy soubretu and going on, and quietly aided In carrying. out land ponies will be there for the children
the swell leading man are seen coming to a successful Issue the generous charity and the monkey cages have been replen
from there and the publlo gels an ocoa- of the city. These men were the sllont uhed with many new animals, which so
sional glimpse of other members of the workers of the undertaking. They contrlb- well delight everybody. A handsome de
company a Uisy step onto the street after uted only skill and muscle, but that was signed drinking fountain has been Installed
threading the way from the stag door to eorely needed, and was furnished at th adjoining the confection stand and will
the sidewalk. This slags door la olosed In right time and In ample quantity. Again, be one of th more notable lmnrovements
the face of the inquisitive and the merely the publlo knew little or nothing of the and thoroughly welcomed. No horses and Charles Olllbert, Mario Ancona, Ban Max
curious. It opens only to too who have stage hand, but the actor, back of th carriage, will be admitted to th grounds, Anton" Brag Giu1"P pi Mugu"o and a"lJ
business oeyona it, lor u w , i,u rnw cn wu 01 ais presence, ana
of work from a realm of make-believe, blessed him accordingly.
Here the star goes to his dressing room In
a hurry, th soubrstte busies herself in a Annals of the stage teem with storle.
little pen before mirror with rouge and of the blunder the stage hand has made,
powder to got ready, and the loading man ludicrous Incidents following when he has
and all the rest are simply reduced to so been suddenly called upon to perforin ome
many working units, snd the manager unexpected duty, and the public has had
only comes for brief and occasional con many a laugh at these jokes. On the other
sultatlons with the stags manager, whose hand, little Is known outside of the theater
law Is absolute. And the stage manuger's of the many times the stage hand has
army Is not the gaily dressed chorus, nor saved by prompt and Intelligent action a
prima donna or the tenor, or any of those situation that was going to ruin, nor Is It
folks, but the meek and lowly stage hand, long recalled how frequently he hag placed
who Is never seen unless sjme mishap mars" his life or limb In Jeopardy for the safety
the scene and requires his attention. Whilo of others. The man In the fly gallery at
the curtain Is up he is standing ready to the Iroquois theater lost his life because
pull ropes, mnklng quick shifts of scenery; he stuck to his post, trying to lower the
he operates lights, causing sunrises and asbestos curtain that had failed to operate
sunsets, moon effects and darkness, light- properly. He might have abandoned the
nlng and the storms; the winds are nis, task and gotten away alive, but he knew
what was expected of him, and died trying
to do his duty. He Is only one of the un
sung heroes of the stage behind the scenes.
been tnsnm! and will annnar diu-ln tha
. . . . ... Mr. Flakes management she was ui
season, and no less than three big special ontract to vroauc )n Yiddish, during
vveuiB, entirely new, win De annuunceu
and offered with the advene of th season.
this year, but suitable hitching racks have Mme. Kalian, as announced previously,
been provided outside the grounds and the will remain under Harrison Grey Flsko's
am oar will b given all Lama as here- TZal...VdlvS!
Several large concert bands have after which she will make another tour of
the principal cities. Itefore coming under
present year, a piny entitled "in Bisters,
by Mr. Pereti, a Jewish poet who lives in
Warsaw. It has been arranged that at the
close of her present tour she shall appear
for lit teen performances at the Yiddish
theater in New York In this play and in
several other of her favorite Yiddish parts.
Tills will mnrk her permanent farewell to
the ViddlBh stage.
Flore nco Hubert, has made Futhtr
Knickerbocker sit up and take notice. Her
opening at the Liberty theater In "Tna
btrengili of the Weak" was a genuine
aruauo triumph and is likely to result in
financial success as well. 'I lie New York
critics admit that she has power . and a
talent lor emotional exprasslou that Is only
and the thunder, and the snow and ratn
come and go at his command, as he is
directed by the stage manager. He fires
the minute gun and tolls the passing bell.
When the comedian falls downstairs In his
hurried exit. It Is th stage hand who
rattles the board on the Indder and cause
the sound heard by the audience, and when
the luckless lover falls Into the conserva
tory the stage hand drops the box of
broken glass that simulates the crash.
And after the act is over it is the stage
l.and who hustles away the baronial castle,
with Its moat and keep, and establishes In
lieu thereof the mountain pass, with the
"practical" roadway over which the heroine
dashes on horseback; or he removes the
hovel In which the heroine grovels In her
fear that her father will find her and take
her home .gain, thus getting her forever
out of the clutches of the flint-hearted vil
lain who has sought her destruction, and
sets Instead the drawing room of the
plutocrat', modern mansion. All these and
other wonder, the stage hand lo, so
noiselessly and expeditiously that by the
time the orchestra has sounded the con
cluding bar of the entre'acte a complete
new scene has been built on the stage and
th audience frequently applauds as the
curtain discloses the wonder that hue been
Th stage hand la th mudsill of th
business. If It were not for the mudsill,
th dam could not stand, and If It were
not for the stage hand, the Bhow would
have to be given without .cenery. He Is a
development of the business. A few years
ago, when scenery was painted on cur
tains, and grooves were used exclusively,
the possibilities of the scenic artist were
limited to what could be accomplished
with a few flats and drops. The flys and
wings supplemented this to a limited
extent, but nothing like th present
settings were undertaken. Nowadays
the conditions are different. All
sorts of things at done on the stage In
Gossip of Btasreit.nd.
Charles Dickson will revive "Mistakes
Will Happen,'' a play by Grant Stewart, In
which lie and Henrietta Crosman starred
several years ago.
George Ade, who has spent the midwinter
In Egypt and on the continent, has re
turned to this country and gone to his
homo In Brook, Ind.
According to the latest rumor, Effle Fay
wlil abandon stardom next season to be
come a featured member of the Lew Fields equalled by Mrs. Fiske and Mrs. Carter, but
oompany at the Herald Bquar theater, they raise, the old objection she comes from
The Following An Among Thosi Whs Han Secured Watches by Correctly Solving a Previous Puzzle:
Wauaa, Neb. Alma Undgren; ePnder. H. 8. Bmlth: Tremnnt Mrs. I,. F.. Caldwell; Vests, John Ostrsnder; Valparaiso,
Jesale ilrwno: Hutte. Mr. Kaiherlne tJraham; Osmund. Mnggle Lubbers: Pawnee City. IJnyd Matson: O'Nell, m. P. MoHrlde;
Mason Citv. !eraid F.lrchlld; Hastings, Carl Filer, 4t! N. Bring" Ave ; Ornnd Island. F.dna Howen, i4 W. sth St.; Cortland,
John Anke's; Bethsny. Marv A. Keith; Omaha, llnrrv Nelson, Kalph 1. King. v'f.Xi itnind Ave: Mary McPermntt. Pacltle Bt.J
Harry Peterson, Wf Clark St.) Dixon. W. B. Hall: Chester, Hlrdle Sawyer; Wolbach. Otis .?. McCuMough : Wakefield. H H. (Mrs.l
t hIMs; I nlversltv Place. K. Franklin; tneoln. Wm. Hlvett, 114 Oarfleld Ave.; Ralph Flint, A. T. Ankeny, Hugh L-elle Albert
sun, Minnie Wich'off, Harold Ward, Terry Tolles, Pearl Holllnger.
3 ft
Breakfast Food
V-.TCj'15.-' rr.m
V1I-AT..?,?.'Pj5 y F-?T i
Yon will find this week, poixle one of the most Interesting of the series. If ytro have not been one of tha many fortnoar
ones to secnr oo of these attractive watches, work this on out carefully and you ought to succeed. The w.tcbea are food
time-keepers, open face, ntckle finish, .tern wind and stem set, and the movement, are all accompanied by the manufacturer,
guarantee to keep accurate time for a year, and will be repaired and replaced free of charge any Uma within 12 month.
With ordinary care they will keep food time for many years,
Yiios Puzzlo Picture Ho. 5 If You Can SoIyb It, One of These Watches Is Yours
Coming Event.
Tho bill at the Burwood this week will
be an attractive one, the well known mod
ern drama of life m the south, "The Belle
of Richmond" having been selected for
presontatlon. This play Is by Sidney Toler,
and, like all actor's plays, abounds In in-
New York.
Two New Tork newspaper men are en
gaged In compiling "Who's Who on the
Btage." The work will, like othei
class, contain brief autobiographical
sketches of actors.
Tyrone Power will become a star next
season. He will be presented In a drama
tised version of Marie Corelll's "liarabbas."
Miss Corelll will come over to watch the
rehearsals of the play.
Herr Conreld Is slated for more trouble
with his chorus. The claim Is made that
he has not kept his agreement with the
tense situations, with climaxes that rouse union, and It Is preparing to make trouble
the Interest to the highest pitch and yet 'hen the next season opens.
do not Ja.- on the sensibilities In any way,
The effects are secured by the cumulative
process, the story being a logical one, with
all Its events running in normal sequence,
and the audience Is not asked to admit as
accomplished any Impossibilities. Miss
the west. Franklyn Fyles, with a polite
sneer, says Miss Roberts Is already lat
and that New Yorkers prefer to have their
The work will, like others of Its favorites grow fat In their midst. MUs
Kooeris in lue eunoay nines very iranmy
tells the New Yoik lolks that west of the
Missouri river people do not look to New
York for their standards.
Mr. Charlos Fruliman ha. just acquired
the English rights In "Les Plumes du
Oeal," M. Jean Julien'a four-act piay, pre
sented for the hrst time in February lust
at tha Theater Mollere, Purls. The story
show how a hard-working milUonairu,
weary of the adulation and praise of the
crowd of flatterers by whom he Is sur
rounded, is suddenly moved to envy by the
contented and happy lite led by one of his
clerks. He accompanies the latter to his
humble home, where he is cordially re
ceived as a welcome guest. Naturally, he
falls in love Willi his host's pretty cousin,
Martha, as she with him. Then follow sonio
attractive scenes of the simple 1U. But
when at last the hero reveals his identity
an the millionaire Martha turns upon him
Another "Girl" will take her place among
the numerous attractive maidens who have
figured in the title of plays. This time It
is "The Girl and Governor," a new musical
play which Is to be put out by Fred C.
New York Is to lose Fritxl Bcheff with
th current month. She Is to take "Mlla.
on the road. Miss Scheff has had
iang, mt. Morrison ana Mr. Farren have Moaiste on tne roaa. miss ocnen nas naa u th millionaire Martha turns upon
the leading roles, but other members of m. successful season in New York and fl obstinately refuses to become his Wife
..h . . , ., . uouotiess tne success wm oe continued nuta ending Mr. Cosmo Hamilton Is to
iiiruuuuuui tiiv cuuuuy,
Biage uirector Long has given unusual
modlfv in accordance with the British play-
William Collier and his company have goer's prejudice in lavor of a happy ending,
attention to tho setting and rehearsal of sailed from Vancouver on their way to with wedding bells. When the play comes
10 xsew 101a it is 10 ue nopeu uwi u
me piay ana iooks witn connaence to a
fine production. "The Belle of Richmond"
will be given at a matinee this afternoon
and each evening during the week, with
matinee, on Tuesday, Thursday and Sot.
v For fout night, and two matinees, start
ing with a matinee today, that powerful
Russian melodrama, "Michael Srtrogoff,"
will be the attraction at the Krug theater.
The scenes and the foundations of the play
are all laid In Russia and Siberia,
For three nights and Saturday matinee,
starting Thursday night. May 17, "The Man
of Mystery" will hold the board, at the
the safety of Mr. Collier and his com
pany, who were scheduled to reach San
Francisco the day of the earthquake.
The combined theatrical benefits for the
Ban Francisco sufferers In New York last
Sunday night netted th tidy sum of 17,000.
Of this amount the biggest contribution
came from the Hippodrome, where Thomp
son & Dundy's special bill drew a ?,0u0
Blanche Bates and David Warfield con-
be given In Its original shape.
The latest diversion of the London stage
society wan a performance of the "Mater
nlte" of M. Brieux. This Is a piece which
may be salutary In Intent and unimpeach
able In respect of Its social philosophy, but
deals with theories rather than persons,
and Is, therefore, deficient In human In
terest, while Its illustrations are, for th
most part, malodorous and depressing.
What good object can be served by a pil-
tributed a neat sum to the San Francisco vate performance before a select audience.
needing no information nor instruction in
fund by their special benefit matinee at
Belaaco s theater In New York last Tues
day afternoon. A special bill wa. ar
ranged and drew out a big audience that
added over fc.oOO to the big fund.
Clara Morris returned to the stage In
Washington last week as a member of
Ouy Standing's company in the new play,
"The Indiscretion of Truth," a comedy
drama by J. Hartley Manners, founded
uuon Wilkie Collins' novel, "Man and
Mfe." Miss Morris was given a great reception.
Contradictory stories eom from London
to the success of Edna May In her new
play, "The Belle of Mayfalr.'r One corre-
good and is doomed to failure, while an- nor mIre-
other declares It Is a most pronounced sue
Gray Lady," for example. If It had not
been so realistic, the effect of the situations
would have been lost entirely, and the play
would have been a failure right there. If
ever there Was a case of the actors .up
porting the scenery, that Is one. And
that Is only one of many. . The stage hand
is required to put all that stuff together
tn the briefest possible space of time, set
ting everything firm, so that a boy can leap
the fence, a lover can swing In the ham
mock, or a tired man may lounge on the
door step or against the porch post tn
perfect safety. He works with lines and
braces, makes connections, ties knots that
will hold firm .nd untie quickly, and builds
with an expedition and celerity that would
astonish anyone but a real stage man
ager.. Not one of these ever had a crew
that could work fust enough.
clear and steady that the spectator feels
that the actual fight Is taking place be
fore him. Wherever this show ha. been
seen, the crowds have been very en
thusiastic and night after night these pic
tures have drawn Immense houses. In
Kansas City the Convention hall wa
packed for six nights with this great show.
The Auditorium will doubtless contain very
largo and entluislastlc audiences every
night during the week. The box office
opens at o'clock Monday morning for
the sale of reserved seats.
Manager W. W. Cole announces the sea
son's .Inaugural for Krug park for Satur
day, May 19. The grounds have been more
generally beautified and several new
amusement devices erected. The special
Beginning Monday night and continuing
all week, the celebrated Brltt-Nelson prlxa
fight pictures will hold the stage at the
Auditorium. This moving picture show 1.
unquestionably the greatest triumph In mo
tion picture production ever recorded.
tho way of providing appropriate environ- v"-"iu"',, ui ma ugui, anu cess, playing to crowded bouses for eight
ment for the dreams of the author, ns ex- " l"" movements oi tne ngnters. in iiwuiibiuiiim a wee.
, ii,, .nd nt Infreauently the every round, through the long, desperate l'Th6.Gtrl, ln WaltlnK." the new play In
pressed In lines, ana not inrrequentiy me lnelndlni- h. whlch Virginia Harned will begin her tour
most enjoyable part of the performance Is me"t ar UD ni Including the under th9 shuDert management. Is the
that furnished by the scenic artist. Take nnal knock-out and the breaking up of the dramatization of a novel by Arohlbald
ih.t et of the backyard tn "The Little reat crowd when the fight Is over, are p?- Another piect, which has been se-
" " I I. .. a 1WJIUL1 I Or MISS IlfLrflPfl H 11 ! Ins W riA.
iiuwn wun wunaerrui i?xicine8 ana BO lnfc, ,,f VvA 'i7t" "L f xj" .1"7 ZZ
a - I . . . v . j j . ,ni lie,
ners, one of the authors of "Zlra.
Maude Adams, tn "Peter Pan," Is still
playing to the capacity of the Empire thea
ter. The Wednesday and Saturday matinees
are the largest ever seen ln New York.
This wonderful Barrle play seems to have
caught all New York theater-goers, for
they come again and again to see the pa
thetic boy hero, who believes ln fairies and,
therefore, does not want to grow up.
Joe Howard, the song writer and pro
ducer of various burlesque shows, broke
Into metropolitan theatricals last week
by presenting a new musical comedy
drama called "The District Leader" at
Walluck'a theater in New York. Howard
was supported by Ida Emerson, his former
partner In burlesque, and a big company
of well known players. The piece is well
spoken of by the Qotham reviewers.
There Is too much hard work needed for
success on the stage for Lady Anxela
Forbes, sister of the earl of Roslyn, who
recently announced her Intention of seek-
the matter. It Is difficult to guess. One of
the Invited guests, at least, was not en
chanted by the entertainment offered him,
for he wrote concerning; it: "To ask for an
Idea ln a play Is not to ask for It at the
expense of the characters. Some of us
.till go to the theater in order to see, more
vividly than we can see them anywhere
else, men and women and feeling and do
ing, and unless the men and women come
first and the Idea second we regard the
play precisely as we regard the temperance
lecturer's or the preacher's anecdote, and
for the same reason. The man Is getting
at us. W forgive him if he amusos or
impresses but M. Brieux doe. not amuse
The picture above is made from portraits of eight great Invent
ors, .even of whom are American, whose name, are almost
household words. Each portrait ha. been cut apart. Cut out carefnlly and re
arrange the piece, so a. to show the eight portrait, properly. Paste them neatly oa
a sheet of paper, and write the full name of each below the portrait, and mail to
Vito. Dep't, PiUsbnry-Wasbburn Co., Minneapolis, Minn., so it will reach as not
later than 10 days after publication accompanied by the top from a two-pound
package of Pillsbury'. Best Breakfast Food " VITOS," and a sentence of 25
words, telling why you like to tat PlLLSBURY'S "VITOS." Yon can get VITOS
from any first-class grocer. The watches will be forwarded each week by the Pills
bury Washburn Co., to the successful solver a soon a. the solution, can be looked
over. Your solultioo to secure a watch must be correct in every particular and mnst
be accompanied by the top from a two-pound package of PlLLSBURY'S "VITOS,"
a' so by the descriptive matter as Eet forth above write your name and address
plainly on your solution. It sent by a school child sive age and name of school.
The standing of the Pillsbnry-Washburn Flour Mill. Co.. the manufacturers of this
breakfast Cereal, the largest flonf and cereal concern in the world, is a guaranty of
the quality of these watches, and an absolute assurance that they will be distributed
ln good faith, exactly as advertised.
The portrait, of these Inventors can be found ln almost any cyclopedia or history,
and school children can get their teacher, or parents te give them the nam, after
they have pasted up the pictures. These men Lav. given us the greatest invention,
of modern time, including the reaper, the cotton (la and volcaaised rubber.
A watch given to one member of m fatally only.
Pillsbury's "Best" Drcakfasi Food "VITOS"
TAQTEQ D EST Yon can eaiilj prove that this It true by the trial of a single package.
You have probably not realized the economy ln
buying Pillsbury's Breakfast Food, because a
i ik i. -i ..v.
I ( 1 II ordinary ready-to-serve foods costs but 10 cents
that these latter foods usually weigh less than one pound, including the package, while a package
of PILLSBURY'S VITOS, contains TWO KOKEST PCUXfiS RET of the white heart of the wheat, and
when easily and simply prepared, makes 12 POUNDS of pur, highly nourishing food. You will see at
once that it Costs less than i of the price of the ordinary cooked foods, and is immeasurably better.
It takes very much less cream or milk than the dry kinds of food, and there is a big saving in this
respect, as well. These ara "economy thoughts" that will serve you well.
I It. Wi
Th rtngo hand is also the actors' true
friend, for the actor who can make good
hick of the footlights needn't worry about i
th public. The actor may bluff the
audience, hut he can't MufT the men who
have set the stage (or him, and are wait
ing till he gins through so they can set
It again. If he's "rotten." why they tell
him he's rotten, and let It go at that. One
Music and Musical Notes
LKHORN. Neb.. May 12 The mus-
nmss of bloom and remind nn .,f i,.
leal editor this week Is detained Japanese and their flower worship,
in the country a peaceful spot j:
where no music journals come Eo 70U wonder that I couldn't come
loliher Is there a telephone or door home to look In" my "black bo" anil rii.
evening a popular actor made his exit at i,eIIi go lt iB quile possible that if some ' the practical happenings of music. I
"one" on the prompt side at the Boyd. Breat musical event has happened, if. for don't seem to care a whbon whetw
and waited tor the recall that was slow
In . coming. "You'll have to gjn back,"
said a stage hand. "Why?" Queried the
actor, somewhat astonished. "There's a
wing on the other side you didn't chew,"
said the stage hand, as the command
"Strike!" came to end any possible chance
the actor had for a curtain call. And that
actor went to his dressing room and
thought, t'sually the actors and the stage
hands get along very well together, for
each knows what the other's part of the
how Is. and eich is too busy attending to
his own affairs to meddle with the other's.
Instance. Melba has taken a hard cold, or Madame X accomplished a triumph in Osh
Caruao replenished his wardrobe In
princely fashion, the gentle readers of this
column will be better informed than the
aosn or not, or whether Blgnor Ravelll's
tones were throaty. I'm In no mood for
an even scale. I advise the muslo mad to
pack up a lunch and get out Into God s
country. This Is the time of year when
One thing I know that carries more the "Rd rod" caU " To tho who have
weight to me just now-the oriole with his Bn r toT listening th cry Is Insistent
glad whistle arrived from the south this nJ not ,0 lei. Get Robert Louis
morning while we were eating cur break- teve"n'. "Bong of th. Open Road:"
fast: we tore out to see him. and there V""" ..w,-,"'m WP root
he was swinging In the very
big boxelder, by the east fence.
glad to get back as we are to have him.
Some of the feats accomplished by the The rose-breasted grosbeak has come, too,
. . .1 Ar,2' V- the u" P'syPJ the flu.e;
top of the And what should Master Gauger plsy
He Is ss Iiut "Over the Hills and Far Away?" '
have him. w.h.Tn',r h bu:k' "tr.
stage, hands are little short of marvelous.
Only recently th "little Johnny Junes"
company cam Into Omaha after T o'cl'H-k
In th evening. Three carloads of baggage
and scenery had to be shifted from the
depot to th stage at the Poyd theater,
sorted out and placed ready for the per-
And foot It aallv in the track
0 pleasant gauger, long sine
1 hear you fluting on ahead.
This 1s no time for grinding. It Is the
season ror "Inviting your soul," If
ar ever going to take any nolle of that
portion of your makeup. Men slave for
money that they may buy automobiles and
peglect their two feet, which ln an hour
will take them ln sight of beauties which
man. If he worked a million years, can
never duplicate.
Now I am moved to quote 'The Celestial
and flits through the snowy plum blossoms
with his necktie gleaming. The robins, for
some reason, aren't quite so plentiful, at
least they haven't come back to their nest,
ln the house vines.
Inside we have a canary family, which
Is most Interesting to watch. Very soon.
formance. It was almost I o'clock before, in a lew oays, mere win De two little
th flrst truck loaded with the show's s'.utT canaries
reached the theater, and after when the
last load got ther. but th curtain went Don't you think It Is a festival, lust to
up at . wih ths stag set perfectly sit upon a close-cropped, well-kept lawn 8ureeon
and everything In Its proper place. After and look at thirty-year-old liUo bushes ln If I have faltered, more or less
th penornimuc unuer way ananager run and gorgeous bloom, the kind where in my great task of happiness
tsurgesa, j .u u.n ins v rmea me roaa siaes ar many, many, wild now- nave moved me not; if morning skies
States with this show, but I never saw ers violets, sweet Williams, star irrn ooks, and my food, and summer rain
such work a. wa. don. by your stage crew strawberry blossoms, butterfly w.ed. In K thy"" nt'Ve 'akV""
this evening. It Is wonderful, and I be- the woods. If you know where to look, ar And stab my spirit broad .wake;
llev you have the best set of tage hams the yellow cyprepaedeuins. and, too. the "T- MTi- 'f too obdurate I.
In America today." It Is this sort of pink, showy lady .Upper columbine, and AeTlIgl'a'klllln, .in!"''
hustling that has mad th stage hand adders' tongue. Such darling httl ferns; And to my dead heart run them In!
famous. Duljr U fain U connne4 to th th first that com. Tb orchards ar en MAhT LEA1.NED.
les 1. Vlon of the company said tn you' can cut off branches as big as trees i h"v mov1 among my race,
ger Burgess of th. theater: "Mr. fl the house and never mis, themT Along ttLlntrZ tfapy "humaT'eTe."1"1
ess, I have been all over the I'nlted the road sides ar many, many, wild flow- Have moved me not; if morning skies.
EC r y
4 Nights and two matinees, starting with a matinee TODAY
The Great Russian Melodrama
Excellent Company. Magnificent Production.
3 Nights, starting Thursday Night, MAY 17.
The Startling Melodramatic Sensation
Seat Sale Thursday.
BUR WO O D Fooletl by Electrlc Fan
PRICF.S-Nlghts, Sunday Matinees, 10c, 2tc. Tuesday, Thursday and Bat-
Bee our schedules to some of the principal eastern
cities: '
Detroit 21 hours
Buffalo 27 hours
Syracuse 30 hours
Albany 33 hours
New York 37 hours
Boston 44 hours
Indianapolis 21 hours
Cinchmatti 24 hours
Pittsburg 26 hours
Philadelphia. ... 35 hours
Baltimore 86 hours
Washington 33 hours
The Illinois Central's fast "Chicago Limited" train
leaves Omaha at 6:00 p. m. Fast day train at 8:00 ru m.
Union depot connections in Chicago for nearly all prin
cipal points.
Steamship tickets to all European and Asiatic points.
Cafe car service.
Tickets and information at City Ticket Office, 1402
F ara am St., Omaha.
District Passenger Agent
Season Opens SATURDAY, MAY 19th
And Every Day Thereafter All Summer
Sunday 1 1:30 a. m. to 8 p. m.
40c and 50c
Attention Kcntucklans !
"FoIIqj tin Flai"
Evert Kentuckl.n who Is . thoroiishbrftl will ar
range If possible, to sttend th. mOsLE0OsUO held tn
Loulevillr, Ky , In JTJHB.
Ticket, sold June 11th. 12th .nd ltth. Lons; return
The W1B1H lias rra.n.ed for a TKKT
LOW rate.
Everything- favorable, ln all probabilities, th.
WABASH will run a special train through for th.
above occasion.
Tor rates, deeper space, Kentucky Homecoming
bouklet, folders, etc., etc., call at Wabash City Tlcitet
(JILice. 1601 Far nam St., or address,
, Wabash H. H.. Omaha, Neb.
For Hdnsy and Bladder TrouLUsf
24 Hours
Each Cap-
r.uW bearifMIDtf
ttmon qf tttmfrftU
tor ule
bf all rurlrt.
will appear If you use th. proper remi
dies to clear your system of impurlUe
ilo tout tuii. JOUi J ftu. ,
Ts Best rsrsi Paster,
fcacrtptl Outellsr.r.