Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 4, Image 12

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ITiieOmajia Sunday Hes
pafly B (without Sunday). one year..(W
I4lr Be and Sunday. oo year 0
Iibuitrated om year
Sunday B, one yr i 2
Saturday Be. one year 1
tally f (Including Sunday), per week. .17c
laily Ree (without Hnndav). per week Ua
Evening Pe (without Punday, per week. o
Evening He (with Sunday), per week....l'
ilunday Bee, per ropy 6c
Addreaa complalnta of Irregularltle In de
livery to City Circulation I.epartment.
Omaha The BM Building.
South Omaha City Hall HuiMing.
Council Bluff 10 Peer I At reel.
Chicago 140 Unity Building.
New York 15 Home Life In. Building
Waahlnton fM Fourteenth Rtreel.
Communication relating to nun and e.ll
! torlal matter should be audresaed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, eipress or postal order
payable to The IMhllshlng Company.
Only i-cent stamp received an payment of
tnaJI accounta. Personal cheek, eaeept on
Omaha or eastern exchangee, not accepted.
State pf Nebraska, Dourfaa County, w :
at C. Rosewater, general manager of The.
Ree Publishing company, Deing duly b-wotii,
aya that the actual number of full and
complete, copies of The Daily, MornUX.
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during
to month of April, 1908. was. as follow-
1. SW.iMO
1 81,440
1 81,400
4. S4.7NO
i 31,20
f aa.ioo
t 4A.100
io. ai.auu
11. ...1,410-
U v 1,S30
U 81.170
14 S3, tOO
18 m 88,100
It aijHH
1? 81,410
Jl 45.HI0
1( 4H.240
20 4sTt
II 46JtMt
it SH.ftftO
23 JM.t0
24 8I.3IIO
U 81.4SO
16 SI.4TO
n siuto
U 32 ,3 TO
V i....8ttMtno
tO 81,MM
Total 1,041.840
unsold copies 13.573
Net total sale
Dally avtrag
Qeneral Manager.
Subscribed In my presence aad sworn t
before ma this 80th day of April, vm.
lealj) M. B. HLNUATE.
Notary Public.
Sabairlkere iMvlaar th alty teat,
orarlly heal4 have The tire
Mailed te them Atdrea will be
ehaaaed m often rweeeetea.
Unfortunately' for the sultan, capi
talist reTuse to .take their pay In dec
orations. If Natal will watch Moro pulajanes
It will discover tho best way to handle
warlike Zulus when friepdly efforts
As long as the senate committee
continues in a deadlock as to the style
of the' Panama canal no damage will
be done.
Senatorial . courtesy seems to halt
Just before It reaches the committee
room whenever Attorney Cromwell is
on the stand.
In the light of the experiences of
Iowa boys at Annapolis Congressman
Hepburn may be permitted to pass
some strictures upon the navy.
Remarks by Senators Bailey and
Tillman Indicate that the democrats
are not getting all the glory they
hoped from the railway rate bill.
With American warships guarding
Ban Domingo it is highly probable that
natives of that country will carefully
curb their desire to go on the war
path. Rhode' Island democrats are as ac
tive as though they Imagined the
Standard Oil company would be too
busy in the courts to help Senator Al
rich. The report that John Alexander
Dowle is fatally ill is bad news for his
lawyers, as actions In bankruptcy are
usually more remunerative than those
In probate. . '
Unless the. Kansas supreme court
Jumps ever its docket. Mayor Rose of
Kansas City will serve his term before
that body learns officially that it has
been insulted.
Since the "muck rake" speech the
price of sensational political magazine
articles seems to have declined; but it
baa not affected current quotations on
hunting stories.
Automobile makers will have more
trouble to show prospective buyers
where it is profitable to have a fast
machine when laws against rapid driv
ing are enforced.
Russia's "black hundred" can leave
its campaign to Its enemies since the
social democracy has called a strike
for May day when all patriots should
keep their eyes on the Duma.
Tennessee democrats have voted by
direct primary for a United States sen
ator, but until returns are received
from the back counties it cannot be
told how the echo of the fiddle came
from the hills.
With Egypt clamoring for home
rule, the Transvaal asking for respon
sible government and Australia build
ing a Colonial navy, Irish members of
Parliament may find themselves rein
forced In a short time.
As the . "Tobacco trust" w. joined
tn a manner with the "Paper trust" In
the supreme court action, the prece
dent set at St. Paul may he followed
In New York, unless Gotham counsel
lors may know their Judges better.
Iowa democrats are to hold a meet
ing to discuss the question of calling
a state convention. Judging by re
marks of Iowa republican newspapers
they should wait until the republicans
have named their candidate as cir
cumstances alter cases.
first rcp..
Tlio enactment of a railway rate
me;i,,tie bated on the Hepborn-Dol-Ilver
bill, but perfected with rsrioae
strengthening amend men r. Is now
practically assured. The bill may yet be
inodlPed In its minor features before
It en efd f'orn the senate, and even
a'tei- t bat uay undergo more o.- kt
trnnsfoit.ielion In conference between
the two bosses, but a bill embxlyrig
MilstantjaKy the president's .-e.-o. i-
mei'dailons will be written npn tiiu
Kt sit.te books, barring unfo:'im'?n
I'tnoi ;cti( lea, before the flnnl adjmrn-ni-
it of outre.
Tn;.t tMs entls the controversy fur
;ovei mm ut control of thesa oroi-:i-tions
in not to be aRiimed. Internal
vigilance Is the price of liberty t'i'd
rtctiMi violence will be necewttry tn
ti e of the people and their ici
rfMt'it:iih ef to keen what will have
been gained and to correct whatever
mlatakea may be developed. Sooner or
IsNt this rate legislation Is bound to
uuderiM the scrutiny of the courts. It
would le remarkable if the Drat at
tempt st legislation ahonld result in a
stat'itj that would pass throuzh t.Il
ooi.ntlttitk uul tests In Its every part.
It will bo necenary In the next con
gress, vr thf congrees that is to orae
after tu uy,, remedial bills in the event
that tbe courts shall have voided any
sections of the bill, and the lineup be
tween the representatives Of the cor-
lo -oil. n on the one side and of the
people on the other Is likely to be Just
a.s dear cut over future measures to
make the law effective as it Is now
over the present bill.
What is directly In point In this con
nection is the imperative necessity of
having men in the next congress, and
especially in the next senate, who can
be depended upon to stand steadfastly
by the Roosevelt program. This ap
plies particularly to Nebraska, where
a new senator Is to be chosen. Ne
braska is a state made up of farmers
and producers, who are thoroughly en
listed under the Roosevelt banner. If
a change is to be made In Nebraska's
representation In the senate It must be
a change In the direction of upholding
the'president and not in the drrectlon
of corporate subserviency.
To Americans, or, indeed, to any
people of western Europe and their
colonies having the experience and
traditions of constitutional govern
ment, the Russian experiment of a
parliament under the explicit reserva
tions of power contained in the czar's
proclamation of the Fundamental Law
just before the meeting of the Duma, or
national assembly, seems at first blush
preposterous and futile. We can
hardly conceive of a national legis
lature from which are withheld by
written constitution the power of the
purse and control of the public do
main, to say nothing of many other
great powers denied to the Russian
national assembly and definitely re
tained as crown prerogatives by the
On the terms of this organic writing
the czar, theoretically, can carry on
government without regard to Parlia
ment, borrowing and expending the
necessary money at his pleasure, much
as the autocrat of all the Russlas has
heretofore done. Practically and in
the long run, however, the reverse is
likely to happen, unless the general
history of constitutional progress fails
to repeat Itself. The Russian loan of
300,OOQ,000, taken within a few
weeks through foreign banking houses,
could not - have been successfully
floated, it U agreed, but for the assur
ance that it would be duly confirmed
and ratified by the Parliament. So
the czar will, In emergency. In all
probability, be thrown back upon the
approval of the assembly as the popu
lar representative, and concession by
him of popular demands and rights
will be the price of approval.
The very exclusion of the Parlia
ment by written prohibition from land
control may tend, along this line, to
a solution of what Is probably the
most formidable, practical national
problem. A peasant population equal
to two-thirds the total population of
the United States owns an average of
less than seven acres each, on whom
rests the weight of excessive taxation;
before whom Is the menace of re
current famine, and yet who have
before their very eyes the tantalizing
sight of almost illimitable rich but
now waste land that would save them.
Altogether the crown, the Imperial
family, the church and the nobles
monopolize, In large part without
using and preventing others from
using, nearly a billion acres of land.
The passionate desire of the peasantry
is. as It long hafl been, to possess this
vital opportunity and It grows
stronger every year. The czar's res
ervation of power over It tends to fix
upon him responsibility in the peas
ant's mind, so densely ignorant, that
heretofore this fact has been obscured,
while the national assembly Is aa In
strument, though not yet an Immedi
ately decisive ope, for pressiug that
fact home.
Historically, constitutional progress
has mainly been limitation on royal
power. The very calling and existence
of the popular assembly Is itself a
memorable surrender of autocracy. It
affords a point of vantage 'from which
popular right may progressively wrest
concessions of liberty, political power,
land and the other means of happiness
as emergency from time to time .con
fronts autocratic authority,
It is indeed not a parliament as we
understand its function. Behind en
Anglo-Baxon parliament there Is ' a
thousand Tears of tradition and con
tinuous constitutional growth and
practical adjustment. The Russian
assembly will be a historic triumph tor
human liberty if it proves but the
germ of constitutional government for
the realm of the The true test
of Its success is, not that it should be
at one stroke an embodiment of west
ern constitutional models, but rather
that It should afford a basis, however
narrow, on which a vast nation of
almost nredieval superstitions, igno
lance and other conditions, now be
ginning to respond to the spirit of the
times, may In the twentieth century
work toward those models.
A letter lrom Paul Morton, p.esi
0ul of Die Kquitublo, tiupfiaxliteS wh:il
he t ails " a lamentable fact"' connected
vith the recent Insurance upheaval and
consequent investigations, that 11. e;.
force those to bear the burden who
ci tild least afford It. The records of
his company, he says, show "that
through a groundless fear that ma
turing contrncts might not be fulfilled
more that 27,000 policies for 1,000
or loss were allowed to lapse, while
only one policy for $250,000 was sur
rendered." He adds that, while this
latter policy hits since' been restored
with many of the small ones, "num
bers of those who gave up their poli
cies at e not now insurable, while many
have died during the year, leaving
their families destitute, or nearly so,
as Is proved by the letters received."
President Morton Is Inclined to
ascribe this condition to misapprehen
sion and misrepresentation of the real
facts and to blame "some newspapers"
for it. The Bee does not feel itself In
cluded In this designation because
throughout the entire insurance inves
tigation it has treated the subject from
an eminently conservative and dispas
sionate standpoint, yet at the same time
it realizes the responsibility of the press
to assist in reinstating life insurance
In public confidence, although this re
spoi'.sibility must rest primarily upon
the managers of the Insurance com
panies, who must so conduct their in
stltt tions In the full light of publicity
as to Justify restored confidence.-
There Is no question but what the
burden of the Insurance shake-up, s
Piesident Morton points out, so far as
it has fallen upon the policy holders,
has hit hardest upon the small policy
holders. The only way to remedy this
world be to be as liberal an possible in
tho terms of reinstatement, but even
here the interests of the policy holders
who have fulfilled all conditions of
their contracts must be safeguarded.
Those who maintained their faith un
shaken' in' the sound insurance com
panies through the period of exposure
will not regret It, because they will
ultimately reap" the benefits.
The action of the "World's Postal
congress, in session In Rome, in pro
viding for an international return post
age stamp, although apparently a small
thing, means much, especially to the
oifeign-born people of this country.
There are thousands upon thousands
of foreign-born residents of the United
States, and especially of this section of
the United (States, who are In com
munication with relatives and friends
In their former homes across the sea
and who bear the entire postage ex
pense of letter writing.
International postal regulations per
mit letters mailed In European coun
tries to be delivered In this country,
pcttkge collect, but the fee collected Is
twice the amount that it would be If
prepaid. The newly authorized device
will enable people here to purchase a
return international postage stamp, or
coupon, affixing one stamp to their
letter and enclosing the other Inside of
It, to be exchanged at the postofflce at
the point of destination for a return
stamp issued by the government of
that country.
This new departure may not 6ave
n.ucb to the big commercial institu
tions, but it means a great deal to poor
people who can 111 afford to pay the
excess postage of collect letters. It
will probably be some months yet be
fore this innovation is pnt into prac
tical operation, but it will stfrely be
welcome to all affected by it.
The aweeplng victory of the govern
ment in the Paper trust case reveals
the radical and far-reaching effect of
the national anti-trust law when en
forced by an energetic and resolute ex
ecutive. The Paper trust was not an
extreme type of the numerous combi
nations to restrain trade, although
there was general and vehement com
plaint by consumers of news print and
fiber paper of its control of prices as
the exclusive felling agent of the
whole output of the western paper
mllls. But the result of vigorous and
unrelenting prosecution is to establish
the fact that this trust scheme is
clearly hnd wholly within the prohibi
tions and penalties of the Sherman act
against conspiracies against competi
tion and trade.
The importance of the case, how
ever, goes far beyond the interests of
the immediate parties to it, because
it has been the means of finally set
tling a constitutional point vital to the
enforcement of the law upon all great
trusts and combinations, the poiut as
to the governments right to lnfor-
mation of the acts of a defendant cor- j
poration or combine through lis '
books snd records and the testimony .
or. Its officers and aeents. The gov
ernment was confronted with their re
fusal to testify or to ;rDduce record
evidence, but the point being curried to
the supreme court of the United States
this bulwark of corporation evasion
was forever destroyed by its decision, J
and the Paper trust defense forthwith stability of the university as an edu
collapsed. ! rational institution and Us future use-
The landmark thus set up in the en
forcement of the anti-trust law caubeg
the delay of more than a year In this
particular case to fade Into insignia-
cance and will make it memorable in
the history of the movement inaugu
rated by President Roosevelt for sub
jugation of trade conspiracies and
corporation combines to the rule of
One by one the law's delays and the
technical evasions which so long
proved for great corporations an Im
penetrable shield to the attack of pub
lic authority are being broken down,
leaving them no alternatives but to
submit or suffer the heavy conse
quences. The offenders were powerful I
and it tukes time to bring them tu
book, but the way has now In a large
measure been prepared so that the
j H,'k wlu go forward more rapidly
itAtt: hii.l asd tri'nsrri tai tks.
Republicans may well view with
equanimity the partisan turn to which
the opposition in the senate Is now
devoting every energy In the debate
end votes on rate bill amendments.
It has from the first been perfectly
obvious that the opposition tactics
was either to secure, if possible, divi
sion among republicans, and, pretend
ing to support the president, to claim
credit for passing the rate measure,
or, if the republicans were able to per
fect and pass it by party vote, then to
turn upon it all the batteries of de
nunciation to prejudice the legislative
result In the popular mind for cam
paign purposes.
The democratic speeches now daily
filling the columns of the Congres
sional Record accordingly are not real
discussions of the great business in
hand or directed to the merits of the
subject, but stump speeches. Neces
sarily they take the form, in large
part,- of arraignment of President
Roosevelt. It Is deemed an absolute
partisan necessity to disparage him in
popular estimation, because otherwise
his endorsement of the rate measure
in its final form would blunt the point
of the democratic campaign now im
pending. Hence the systematic effort
to misrepresent the work of congress
as it nears conclusion and to Impugn
the good faith of the president, now
that it is settled that he. backed by
the republican party, is able, without
a democratic vote and In spite of
democratic schemes to divide the re
publican party, to carry rate legisla
tion through.
It is merely a repetition of old
democratic tactics, but it cannot suc
ceed with reference to a subject on
which public attention is .as thor
oughly . concentrated as It now is on
control of transportation corporations.
Publicity is also a safeguard against
partisan misrepresentation and the
light of publicity never shone more
clearly on a great public act in all its
stages. In. that light popular confi
dence in the president will grow
stronger as the results gained by and
embodied In the perfected rate meas
ure are weighed in mature public
Judgment. What is already known to
have been gained is notable vindica
tion of his courage, his fidelity and his
power of leadership. To have been
able to concentrate public opinion on
corporation control as a paramount
national need and thus to bring the
matter irresistibly upon congress Is
by itself, under all the conditions, a
signal triumph. Even In the midst of
democratic misrepresentation, now
going full length, every day marks
progress In embodying that triumph
in law, and the people are not going
to be fooled for one minute.
It Is not at all surprising that the
publication of a Book of Common
Worship should start more than a rip
ple of discussion within the Presby
terian church, although the book Is
put forward under authority of the
general assembly, and Its preparation
under the scholarly hand of Dr. Van
Dyke has been in progress for two
years. The singular thing Is that, the
protest against such a form Is not more
g neral and, violent, or that the church
authority should, on due deliberation
running over a series of years, have
been able to reach the conclusion to
put it forth. Presbyterianlsm was
originally one of the most austere re
actions against forms and ceremonial
in religion, and the tendencies repre
sented by the famous Scotch woman.
Jennie Oeddes. who hurled her stool
at the head of the clergyman for read
lug prayers out of the Episcopalian
Book of Common Prayer, have yielded
with all the slowness characteristic of
Presbyterian conservatism and tenac
ity. Up till within the memory of men
not yet old even a proposal of a book
of worship would hardly have been
ventured, and In many Jurisdictions an
organ was not tolerated in church
service. There has since been a more
pronounced relaxation in the practices
of most of the Presbyterian churches,
in common with the other denomina
tions. Undoubtedly historic distinc
tions are being dimmed by general
modem conditions and tendencies, and
extreme differentiation among the de
nominations Is falling away because
their original cause is disappearing.
Vet it is notable that the Presbyterian
church even now has not prescribed
the new form of common worship.
which Is arousing opposition, but onl)
authorized it for those
Who have no
objection to its use
It Is certainly gratifying
to have
President David Stnrr Jordan of Ice
land Stanford university assure the
public that although the loss suffered
through the earthquake amounts to be
tween $2,000,000 and $S.000,000, the
fulness srs not impaired. As Presi
dent Jordan says, "it is men. not
buildings, which make a university,"
and its equipment la men and studsnta
is not subject to destruction by earth
Forty years after the war the gov
ernment is to tell of the operation of
the navies of the north and south. At
this late the true Inwardness of the
Siiiinifih-Anierlcan war will be known
sfler the magazine historians have
7he serious Illness of Carl Schun
r fill is the fact that under some of the
restrictive immigration laws now pro
posed the United States would have
lost the advuntage of the work and
wisdom of such men.
lino. Slftrr Roaila.
St. IaiiiIs Ulobe-Ieiiincrat.
Hai Tlnutn's recurd-brruktna; nins
ttie continent are of no practical
value further than to shew that he Im n
wifter pas than the ordinary railroad
A Supplementary turner. ,
Washington Pot.
"Merit alone is responsible for the lnmi-tu-ss
of the Standard Oil company." eaya
one of Its representatives. Which look
If the officer of the Standard Iihvb also
cornered the world's visible mipply of
('me aad Effect.
Somervllle Journal.
Somebody points with pride to the al
iened fact that club women seldom get di
vorced. Of course not. The club woman
needs a husband to buy new guwns and
pay club dues.
Wouldn't Tltla Jnr Yost
New York Post.
Following the appointment of a million
aire street cleaning commissioner In Cin
cinnati comes the application of a million
aire for the position of dog catcher In
Omaha. Tn the west, at least, our rich
men are willing to begin at the bottom.
TrnuMea of the Tanr.
Baltimore American.
vThe czar may be weak and vacillating In
his Judgment and conduct, but he cannot
be Recused of lack of personal courage In
determining to own the new rarlinment
himself. On the whole, he seems to be suf
fering principally from an uncongenial com
bination of good intentions and bad ad
viser. Rorky llnnior.
Boston Globe.
When the apologist of the oil monopoly
asks If the people are "going tamely to
submit to the czarlsm" of the president
It is borne In upon the public mind that
the admission of the trust magnates Into
the circle of American humorists was far
from a nominal honor. Their power of
cracking popular jokes is quite as keen
an the best of the professional In th?
Helping- Out the Railroads.
Philadelphia Record.
The railroads will hardly fall to wel
come the amendment of the Hepburn bill
to abolish free passes. Borne of the most
important of them have already anticipated
the measure. It was left for the wisdom
of Benator Morgan to prevent a stupid
blunder which would have forbidden the
railroad to extend free transportation to
the victim of urh a calamity as that of
Ban Francisco.
Dishonest Construction Exposed b;'
the Tremors.
Portland Oregonlan.
Revelations made by the earthquake show
that some of the Imposing Structure that
made up the outward magnificence of Stan
ford university were constructed with the
view to cheapness rather than stability,
though the cost was as great as if good
material, careful engineering skill and hon
est construction had entered Into them.
Many structure, including the library and
gymnasium buildings, and the gateway tn
the campus, recently built at a cost of
$:!3,00iv were thrown down like house of
cardboard. Sadly viewing them, men pick
up pieces of mortar that should be hard
as rock and crumble it In their fingers,
while looking in vain for the steel retain
ing rods that, according to contract, should
have supported the masonry.
An object lesson In cheap workmanship
and material, employed at a cost of the
best In both lines, 1 presented by thee
ruins. Here Indeed Is "graft" grimly illus
trated; favoritism shamelessly exploited:
money wantonly wasted; confidence ruth
lessly violated. Mrs. Stanford might not
have been the wisest woman In the world,
but her generou intent toward the univer
sity that bears the name of her lamented
son I unquestioned. She poured out her
money without stint in the hope and with
the purpose of making Stanford university
one of the stable institutions of the land.
That she was Imposed upon Is made mani
fest by a sudden spasm of nature. The
revelation is a painful one. It outcome
will be the modification In a subdued yet
striking sense of the memorial features
of Stanford university and their substitu
tion by element that more fitly contribute
to the development of a great educational
t'aat doubt to the winds. The straw hut
is out.
Old Vesuvius perpetrated aeveral nasty
tricks, but the meanest of them was to
bury in aehaa the signs of a real estate
boom at Naples.
If the average householder lias any
change left after the ice man gets liia
rakeoff, the camphor trust will scoop it In.
Camphor balls are soaring high a l'u
Rourke's flies.
As an honorary member of the American
Humorists' asHociallon, Mr. Rockefeller is
getting precious little Inspiration for nut
riment out of the present situation. I'oi
sibly the approaching dividend period wlii
produce a' smile or two.
Those Indiana tremors should deceive no
one. The writing and writhing of author
in the throes of historical fiction or po
etical agony cannot successfully compete
Willi the real California article. Shaking
ltooaiers should take something for it.
What melancholy memories troop before
Chlcagoans as they contemplate the threat
ened collapse of the city hall. What a
deluge of pitying tears must well up and
proud hearts throb with sorrow as the dis-
,)f of lrroio bull(lrr, ru
OM grait hard by the door.
fcvt'ii though the building perlxh ignobly,
let the tablets be preserved at any cost
Jokeph A. Wheelock, editor of the St.
Paul fioneer-I'leKS, la dead at the age or
71 He was a force and factor In the de
velopment of Minnesota for nearly half n
century. His activities were not limit. i
to the newspaper be controlled and directed.
Bo masterful was his civic pride that be
served on the St. Paul Board of Park Com
missioner for years, and to his energy and
kill la largely due the magnificent system
of parks and boulevard now the pride and
glory of Bt. Paul. Ill associates on the
Pioneer-Press, in paying tribute to hi life
work, have warrant for exclaiming. "If
you would see mouumsnt. look around."
EMI toe
About fishing for Credit, when I advertise that YOUR CREDIT IS OOOIl
and that I will soli you WATCIIKS, DIAMOMM. CUT (iLASH, KILV1CU
WARK snd JKWKLRY on easy payment. I mean exactly what I say.
This $30
Comes in the new thin
model styl e your
choice of Elgin or Wal
tham movements, fully
Strength in public must have source In
The funeral kind of religion Is most prop
erly dead.
Ufe without restraint I without rlcht
eousness. Trains of lies are made up by switching
the truth.
A little great man can always be 'filled
with vanity.
He who stands for the right will not come
to a standstill.
Reverent reasoning may be the best kind
of a revelation.
Ethics Is good and so Is a motor; but It
needs a dynamo.
Only the dead heart wants to be dead
headed to heaven.
Tou cannot learn to be a guide by study
ing a guide book.
No man gets worthy riches unless he Is
willing to be poor.
People will believe In the virtues of your
character without the evidence of Its vin
egar. A man' vocabulary 1 measured by hi
dictionary; but his message depends on his
Tou do not have to throw prudence to the
winds In order to prove that you steer by
When a man talk about the necessity of
the divorce of religion and business the
chance are that he Is not acquainted with
either. Chicago Tribune.
New York Tribune: The word obey 1
omitted from the form of marriage service
In the new Presbyterian book of worship.
The compiler evidently sought to bring
the ervlce into closer conformity with the
actual condition of married life.
New Tork Post: The story that Dowle
plans to establish a Zionist mission among
the Indians Is made plausible by the ex
planation that It Is to be among the "East
ern Cherokees," whose claim for $4,5S9,5S8
ha Just been allowed by the supreme
Philadelphia Record: It is said that John
Alexander Powie proposes. If hi health
shall be spared, to establish a new Zion
on one of the western Indian reservations.
The proposition to stop the spread of mon
opoly by keeping in the possession of the
government valuable oil. mineral and tim
ber lands would be made still more provi
dent and satisfactory If the reservation
were so extended as to exclude the set
tlement on top of t lie lands of prowling
religious fakirs.
Chicago Chronicle: Bishop Mallulieu
preached an eloquent ernion at the First
Methodist church on Sunday on the coming
triumphs of the Christian faith and found
occasion to Inform hi hearer that If they
wished to enjoy good physical health they
should avoid canned food. The connection
lietween hi subject and the advice Is not
apparent, but wc wish to say that we agree
heartily both with the bishop's theology
and with his dietetics. If any one wishes
to live long In this world and go to heaven
when he die he should follow the bishop'
advice in both respects.
Do It Now
In the cleaning up. In the rearranging of the furniture, in chang
ing the old for new and in making the home modern, do not forget the
piano. A piano is the greatest source of pleasure, comfort, entertain
ment, education and culture. It la so easy to buy a piano nowadays.
There is a chance under the Hospe plan for people of moderate means
to secure worthy, reliable "! ments at lower figures than they are
sold for anywhere else in this country. The extraordinary opportunity
for selection from over 500 Instruments of 20 different makes that are
in our warerooms. the unparalleled range of quality and price, every
instrument marked in plain figures, doing away with the risk and un
certainty that accompany the buying of a piano in those stores that are
not one price and that pay commissions to anybody and everybody.
All these unpleasant, uncertain things you avoid by trading with the
Hospe house.
We are western representatives for Knabe, Kranlch & Bach,- Kim
ball. Hallet-Davls, Hospe, Cable Nelson. Krell, Weser Bros., Whitney,
Hlure, Burton, Cramer and others, and don't forget the new $165 piano.
This is a saving of from $50 to $160 to you.
1513 Douglas St, Omaha, Neb.
and tne color pictures displayed in Hoape'a window are just a few
samples of the stock of Art Pictures you can view In the many picture
cases lined up at the side walls In the store.
Just think it over "Ten Thousand" different ceproduetloni, aa
well as original paintings, to look at.
Just for the Asking
We will gladly show you our beautiful stock, "Buy or no Buy."
Our new spring Picture Frame stock will surprise you, for the
many new, novel designs are tempting, and we are making frames every
minute for the last 32 years.
1813 Douglas Street OMAHA, NEB.
Exactly like cut. pure .
water gems, cannot be ap
predated until seen- I
know you'll like it; yours ,-tlx ,
91.00 a Wrek tStm
BH00CH $20
Exactly like cut, good
size stone, mounted on
14-karat gold mount
ing, really an excep
tional value at this
$1.00 a Week.
"Minnie, do you think you could be happy
with a man who earns only Jl5 a week?"
"If you hod asked me that question a few
days ago, Herbert, 1 might have said yes.
but Tom Hussel asked me last night If 1
was willing to risk marrying a man with a
salary of IIS and 1 told him I was."
Chicago Tribune.
Towne I hear you've got a first-class
cook now.
Browne Te, but I'm going to get rid of
her. She's making my life unbearable.
Towne How?
Browne-Oh. my wife is always bothering
me to get her gowns as swell a the cook
wears. Philadelphia Press.
Mrs. TA'hyte Is your husband even
tern pored ?
Mrs. Browne Well, yes, I suppose so.
Sometime he's even bad tempered. Somer
vllle Journal.
"What I want," ald the young man. "is
to get married and have a peaceful, quiet
"Well," said Farmer Corntossel, "some
times It works that way, and then again
sometimes It's like Jolnin' a debatln' so
ciety "Washington Siyr.
Mayme Poor Archie! He doesn't, know
whether It's Esmoralda McGlnnls or her
younger sister that he wants to marry.
Maybelle He needn't worry about that
any longer. Mrs. McQinni haa decided
that It's Esmeralda he wants. (,'hlcago
Philadelphia Catholic Standard.
'Twas a city sparrow, wise and debonair.
Idly loafing through the country with his
Stupid country birds were hullding every
where, For the nesting time was growing very
Rut the sparrow with his lady, ..
In a treetop cool and shady.
Gazed with acoin uiion the work and
To his male lie chirruped shrilly:
"Isn't all this labor silly.
When a roosting place at night Is qultt
'Twas a motherly old robin, near at hand.
Who was busy with her building with the
And she turned upon the sparrows to tle
mund How they meant to hatch their epg
without a nest.
"Such Impertinence!" half sadly
Said the sparrow; "and yet gludly
I'll Impart to you the knowledge that you
Then, with haughty condescension.
He remaiked. 'i need but mention
That It's possible to obviate the egg.''
'Twns a congress of the birds of every s irt.
All Indignantly assembled to protect
Their displeasure, when the robin mad" re
port Of the threatened abolition of the neat ;
And they spoke of It as "awful."
"Selfiah." "scandalous." "unlawful."
And they prohpesled "the country speedy
But the sparrows, quite disdaining
All this Ignorant complaining.
Simply went their way, unmindful of It all.
'Twas a sage old ow l-a very solemn bin' -Sat
and listened while his feathered fel
low fought.
Never once lie oped his mouth to say a
But he did a lot of thinking and he
"So the sparrows think It best
To abolish efces and nest.
Well, perhapa the wisdom lan't theirs at all.
But a plan of good Dame Nature
To eliminate such creatures.
Let them have their way. The loss is
mighty small."