Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 10

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    Till: OMAHA DAILY UKK: SUNDAY. MAY 1.1. 100(1.
r a-iJ.'tf-i ' .:h-.i !;-! ';.,'.?-??. u;l I
! Tanall utHU k 111.. . .'l.: 'kV MJi I
Toirwfll fTtr-hllk(J)oTfr '? ;;'" 'V
.... ... . I2ik Kit
Trjiii follow tlie mode. frrf- '""V w".i.l
-VoimiIlMk.tar"KATKER- SJWiijSf j
.JF-,onin,nn,!i;J. Pit
! -vV-3 TrM'w-U' H V 5" ' ',Wf l W.I !.. put intuit no
"rtn TrgniiaK uri(BaaaaiiaaBirj
A Suggestion to Piano Purchasers
Buv o'nly that make of piano whose reputation has been bo
flrmlv established upon MERIT that Its name Is admitted through
out the cotintrv to stand for all that la good in piano forte construc
tion. HI CH INSTRUMENTS ONLY are to be found at our store.
Read this list :
Each of the above mentioned makes are from factories whoae
highest endeavors have been to produce the best.
KE.M'llKl L (iKAMi I'lANOS from such noied makers are In
stock and ready for your selection.
VOl' MAY DEPEND on Retting the lowest price, best terms
and the best piano when bought here.
tory prices.
Phone A A -ill n: fi- Phone
..auiiews naiiu uu.
Douglas-731 9
"The Square Deal I'iano House."
1513-1515 Harney Street, Omaha, Neb,
Opposite liurwood Theater. ,
F. H. Guthrie, Manaprr.
I I .1 fll ' - .... -M
,J Foit. men "si n
The "Friedman Shoe Maker"
The Heel, is a little Thing about a Shoe, but I take as
much Interest in it as the Sole, the Upper or any other
Part Every "Lift" in the Heel ofstn" ATLANTIC" Shoe
ia solid Oak Sole Leather, selected for rta "resisting" Qualities.
Every Nail and every Slog is driven to stay. That s why
the Heels keep their shape so well and don't run down like
ordinary shoes. This is only one of the many Reasons
that should convince you of the superior Points of the
"ATLANTIC" Shoe. Hundreds of Thousands of Men
are wmuiug it with Comfort and Satisfaction.
Oar Plur ia your Tna to naiena to show yo th Map
Stytaa W ATLANTIC" fiaoaa. If ba baaa't Jim what ya
want ball ardar it tar yaa.
lTMliCI owr i mouse m nooo hu suo a kcma w . LUiis)
CFysteS fwk Theater
Nothing Like It Ever Seen In Omaha for the Price.
A Resort for Ladies and Children
7 - BIG ACTS - 7
Illustrated Songs Latest Life Motion Pictures
The recent warm weather reminds ua that the hot bummer daya will
uon be here.,
For hot weather there ia nothing quite an acceptable as the light
weight sergea. They are the coolest, neatest and most satisfactory goods
for summer wear.
Our line represents all the different shades In black, blue and gray,
including our exclusive Edition xrmy. We will make you up a suit from
$20.00 to 140.00. Our
are the bet ia the country for the money. We make all our clothes In
our own shop la Omaha.
Linderman & Herzo
Merchant Tailors 1415 Douglas Street
Dull Prospect Dftelops Into Eeally
Interesting Season.
l.eaaona of Ikf M later Are ott Hrlaa
hna na the Road mlth Xnh
Kneeraa hy r'alr
M hf n 4 atala Hail Her Trnnaaraa.
Whfii Cynthia rtnth to Pari so
On rh Intont.
l'nn Curi'l imnclitv little bow
Is into jM-jsaor h nt.
T" nefdles tlifn liii arrows turn.
"li proper thoy nlxxild do po.
Kor love pro tern, foraf-ta to burn.
Whrn Cynthia buys bet tmuwHii.
The Couturier In Town Topics.
The Social Calendar.
Mo.VDA V-Misfi rtraitv; a brlilRo party for
Miss Vkffle.l.
TIKSIiA Y Chll.l ShvIiik Institute recep
tion: Mrs. Wlllinm's recejtlon.
KT'N KSIA Y Mrs. K. R. Peter enter
tains the West Furnnni Curd club:
Mrs. Foxier entertains the K. K. K. clul).
Till KSO U-Miss llallle PHtterst)n enter
tains the Charmonte club. '
9ATCRDA V Mrs. Hryre Crawford enter
tains the Phi Reta Phi; Field' club din
ner and dance.
Ias.t week, like the one before It and the
week preceding that, developed a great
deal more than It prumNrd. With a blank
or two on the calendar nt the outset the
engagement books were written full be
fore the close of the week. For the most
part things were Impromptu, hut nonn
the less elaborate, for that, and among
the score or more luncheons glvert during
the week were some of the smartest of
the spring. With few exceptions these,
were given for visiting women, Mrs. Louis
Jaques of Chicago, nee Anna Rl Orcutt,
and Mrs. George Thomas of St. Paul, who
has been (he gtuVt of Mis. II. D. Neely,
having been the most complimented. The
dinner and dance at the Field club Satur
day evening were well attended, and, by
the way. Infinitely more comfortable af
fairs than the opening a week ago. There
are few, even among the moat amiable,
who really enjoy a crowd, but the opening
night was literally a crowd. The rules re
garding guests were flagrantly violated,
with the result that the inconsiderate
members will transgress in the future at
the rlxk of embarrassment to themselves
and their guests. H has even been suggested
that such violations of rules be made pun
ishable by suspension from the club, and
that suggestion has met the approval of
The fine spring days are affording oppor
tunity for a score or more of fashionable
women to put Into practice the art of rid
ing or driving that has occupied so much
of their attention and time in the riding
school during the past season. The first
enthusiasm inspired by the horse show has
developed Into a keen Interest in horses,
slid as a result Omaha has more fine rid
ing and driving animals now than ever be
fore, and not a few of these belong to
women who promise tc contribute mater
ially to the Interest of the horse show next
fall as exhibitors. . .
Mrs. Luther Kountie Is counted one. of
the best whips in town among the women.
She seems absolutely intrepid with a tan
dem, making her turns with admirable
skill and assurance. Mrs. Joseph Barker,
jr., is another skillful driver, as are Mrs.
Arthur Crittenden Smith, Mrs. Fred Nash,
Mrs. F. 8. Cowglll and Mrs. Myron
Learned. Mrs. Ward Burgess is outfitting
a phaeton for the ladles' class that will
have no rivals In town. She is also devoting
considerable time to tandem driving and
promises to be one of the most skillful
among the women by full.
Miss Ruth. Brandeis Is one of the clever
est and most fearless young women In
town as a whip and In the saddle and will
exhibit some of the smartest entries at
the horse show this fall, it Is said.
The cross-saddle riding that has had such
vogue, especialy In the west, for a number
of years, is giving way to the conventional
saddle and most of the young women In
town have gone over to this more ap
proved style. Miss Louise Peck, Miss
Jean Cudahy, Miss Baum and Miss Byrne
are among the most enthusiastic who are
riding fine horses, while little Miss Marjory
McCord, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. II.
McCord. is without fear and without a
rival In the Baddle.
Mrs. George Peck has been an enthu
siastic horse woman for some time, and
Mrs. W. J. C. Kenyon is giving consider
able attention to driving one of the
smartest teams in town, which Mr. Kenyon
has recently bought.
But the horses and the stylish equipage
has had to divide honors with the auto
mobile In the Interest of Omaha's society
women, for a score or more of them and
even some who huve been most keen at
the riding school this spring are running
their own machines this year. For the
most part, however, these are the electric
buggies or runabouts, although there are
a few big cars In town that are run hy
womn(i. Miss Bell Kimball was one of the
first to take out a big machine, but Miss
Ada Klrkendall. Miss Jean Cudahy and
Miss Brownie Bess Baum are also driv
ing big cars now. Among the. women who
are seen most in the electric autoa are:
Mrs. Charles Kounlze, Mrs. Fred Nash.
2d; Mrs. Joseph Cudahy, Mrs. Fred Iake,
Mrs. Dick Stewart, Mrs. G. M. Htlchcoik,
Mrs. C. W. Lyman, Mrs. W. C. Snnder
land, Mrs. Arthur Brandeis and Miss
will stsy with Mrs. W. 8. Poppleton dut
Imt her ahaence.
Mr. and Mm Henry W. Yarea end Miss
Tsts. who have been abroad for some
time, will sail for home June 1.
Miss Florence Kolin of SM2 Mason street
Is expe'.ted home Monday stter a live
months' absence spent visiting relatives and
friends in the east.
After an aheeme of several vents Mr.
slid Mis. R. C. Cushing have returned to
Omaha to make their home and have taken
the house nt 7o2 North Fortieth street.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T Kountse and Mr.
and Mrs. Dick Stewart have rented the
Pratt farm near Bennington1 and will spend
the summer there. They will tske posses
sion the last of this week.
Mr. Nathan Meriiam and Miss Mildred
Merriam will leave for the east May "-t.
Miss Merrlam to sail June '. with a party
of young women, chaperoned by Miss
Scovllle of New York. The party will
travel extensively from Spain to Norway.
Mrs. Metrian- will spend the summer on
the Atlantic coast with her daughter. Miss
Nathalie, who Is a student St Vassar.
. IMeaanrea Past.
Miss Mohler entertained at luncheon Sat
urday. Miss Ada Kiikendall entertained a lunch
eon and matinee parly at the Boyd Satur
day afternoon In compliment to Mrs. Louis
Jaques of Chicago.
Mrs. Theodore Olsen entertained the
Kritre Nous Pedro club Thursday afternoon.
Prizes were won b'r Mrs. Robert Nelnian
and Mrs. sWllliam Neve.
The members of the Coffee club, repre
senting some of the older German families
of the clr, were guests of Mrs. F. A.
Lang Thursday afternoon at the Lng;
hotel at an Informal afternoon. An elab
orate luncheon was the closing feature,
the tables having a decoration of red and
white carnations. Thirty rovers were laid.
Pleasarea In Prosper!.
M'S. K. R. Peters Will be hostess of
Wednesday afternoon's meeting of the
West Farnsm Card club.
Miss Bcsnle Brady will entertain In
formally at brldce Monday afternoon In
compliment to Miss Jeanne Wakefield.
Miss llallle ratterson will enterlaln the
Charmonte club st Thursday afternoon's
meeting. The club Is holding Its meet
ings every week now, instead of fort
nightly as formerly.
Mrs. Arthur Williams and the diocesan
officers of the Woman's auxiliary of the
F.plscopal church will hold a reception
Tuesday evening of this week at the resi
dence of the bishop. 2219 Dodge street,
from I to 11 o'clock, to which the church
psople are invited.
The nursery committee of the Child Sav
ing institute will hold its annual recep
tion Tuesday afternoon and evening at
the. Institute at Klghteenth and Ohio
streets, and extensive preparation is being
made for the occasion. The committee,
which Includes some of the most promi
nent in society and organization In the
city, will receive, and a fine program has
been arranged. All interested friends are
Weddlnara and EsgagemeaU.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton F. Edwards an
nounce the engagement of their daughter.
Miss Wlnnefrtd Edwards, to Mr. Frederick
C. Parsons, the wedding to take place the
latter part of June.
Mr. and Mrs. William Jumea Browne
have announced the Migagcmen. of their
daughter. Miss Janle Bi eckenrldge Browne,
to Mr. Myron G. Burbank. The wedding
will take place early in June.
The many friends of Mr. Will Cod so,
formerly of Omaha, but for some time past
of Chicago, will be glad to hear the an
nouncement of his intended marriage to
j Miss Althaea Simmons of Chicago. Mips
Simmons Is the daughter of T. H. Simmons,
the general freight agent of the Rock Is
land railroad. The wedding is to take
place early in the fall.
The marriage of Miss Helen May Thomas,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank B.
Thomas, to Mr. Allan Brace Kid red of
Kldred, Fla., will take place Wedneaday
afternoon mi the apartments of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas in the Majestic. Mr. and
Mr. El. lied will make their home ut
lildred, Fla.
Come and Go noaaln.
Miss Frances Wessells is visiting friends
in Hannibal and St. Louis.
Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Barkatow left Wednes
dsy to spend a few dsys in Denver.
Mrs. Warren Black well is spending two
Weeks In Chicago visiting her people.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Caldwell returned
Wednesday from a trip to California.
Mrs. George E. Pritchett and son Harold
are expected home today from the east.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Tank and Miss Orel
son of Kansas City are the guests of Mrs.
R. C. Dozier.
"Mrs. A. J. Ixive is entertaining her mother
and sister, Mrs. Shaver and Mrs. Roy
Jones of Wisconsin.
Mrs. Helmbaugh has returned to her
home In Chicago, after visiting her daugh
ter Mrs. Arthur Guiou. .
Mrs. Otis, who hss been the g iest of her
Sister, Mrs. S. 8. Curtis, has returned to
her home in New York.
Miss Florence Lewis went to Fort Meade
Saturday to be the guest of Lieutenant
and Mrs. William Karnes,
Mr. William Wallace and daughters are
spending a fortnight at Excelsior Springs,
having gone ylhere last week.
Mrs. R. C. Howe left last week for Cali
fornia, where she will Join her husband
and return with him about June 1.
Mrs. James Watson, who has spent the
past few weeks the guest of Mrs. Cald
well, returned to Chicago Wednesday.
Mr. John E. Lowrey has returned to
Omaha after spending the winter visiting
his children In Washington and Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kilpatrick will
leave today for Moltne, 111., where they
will visit their daughter, Mrs. George
Mr. Held left Tuesday for Chicago, where
he joined bis daughter, Mrs. Jacobs, they
expecting to return to Omaha later In the
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Cavanaugh, who have
been the guetits of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
L. Shunts, left last evening for their home
In Chicago.
Mrs. F. A. Nash and her mouther, Mrs.
Crelghton, expect to leave the last of the
week for Springfield, ()., where they will
visit friends. "
' Mrs. Lucius Wakeley and her mother.
Mrs. Weeks, left last week for Whitewater.
Wis., Mrs. Wakeley expecting to return In
about two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott BlackWell and daugh
ter of Muscatine, la., spent Isst week
guests of Mrs. Martha Blackwell and Mrs.
Warren Blackwell. ,
Miss Cory, who has been the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Buldrige for several
days, left Saturday for Canada, where she
will spend the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gould. Jr.. left last
week for an extended trip along the Pacific
coast, expecting to visit Ius Angeles, San
Francisco. Portland and Seattle.
Mrs. William F. Spuulding and little
daughter of Keifey, Colo., are guests, of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Caswell of 6nj
South Twenty-fifth avenue. Mrs. Spauld
ing was Miss Gertrude Caswell
Mrs. Rose of Denver, nee Mis Ksrah
Blaney of Omaha, spent Sunday In Omaha
with her husband enroute to England,
where thev will spend the summer. They
were entertained at the home o' Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Nash during their few hours'
Sla S'
Mis. W. M. Hopkins, president of the
Fifth district of Minnesota, writes to Mrs.
Dorr, president uf the Local Biennial
board, that' Minneapolis has decided to use
Tuesday, June 5. as its day for extending
hospitality to the biennial convention. The
plans Include a trolley ride p chartered
cars to Lake Harriet. The route will carry
visitors nuickly out of the Twin Cities
Into a beautiful woodsy part of the en
virons. At Lake Harriet, which is one
of the many pretty lakes that have made
Minnesota famous, the casino and hand
stsnd will Ik? reserved for the day. and
a box luncheon will lie served In the
evening there will be a lawn party at the
home of one of the lending citizens of
Mr. Constance Faunileroy Rum ie is i e
corded as the founder of the Hist woman's
cliih In Anieiiis. which was the Minerva
club of New Harmony, Ind. In 'recogni
tion of this fact at the last biennial she
was elected honorary vice president of
the General Federation. She has been In
vited to address the St. Paul biennial
and describe the founding of this first
club. It wss founded forty-eight years
ago. Mrs. Runcle now resides in St. Jo
seph. Mo., where she has been made the
perpetual president of tile Runcle club,
which she also founded. She celebrated her
"Oth birthday recently, and eighty of her
friends presented her with a purse of gold
The women of Buffalo, N. Y..who are
Interested In the merit system. Instead of
following the mual custom and organising
an auxiliary to the Civil Service Reform
association of their city, have established
the Women's Civil Service Reform Associa
tion of Buffalo.
At sn executive meeting of the Nebraska
Women's Suffrage association held re
cently at Lincoln It was decided to hold
the annual convention of that organiza
tion at Lincoln. October 2 and 8. A fea
ture hf the meeting will bn the presence
of the national president. Rev. Anna Shaw.
Lodging and breakfast will be provided
the visiting women hy the women of Lin
coln. The state association has arranged
the following dates for the presentation
of Its work nt Chautauqua assemblies this
year: Lincoln, July 31 to August !; Hast
ings, July 14 to 22; Auburn, August 11 to 19.
The Woman's Christian Temperance union
of Waterloo held a meeting Thursday,
when the program was devoted to the con
sideration of the Wlllard Temple at Chi
cago. The unions of severs! adjoining
towns were guests of the afternoon.
Mrs. M. E. Covcll is planning to hold the
Douglas County Woman's Christian Tem
perance union convention some lime in
On account of the Illness of Mrs. H. 8.
Jaynes Monday afternoon's meeting of the
Daughters of the American Revolution will
be held at the home of Mrs. Frank M.
Bllsh. 11 South Thirty-seventh street. The
program will Include reports from the Con
tinental congress of the national society
held recently In Washington, and a paper,
"Pride of Ancestry," .by Mrs. Edwurd
Porter Peck. Miss Anna Adams In In
charge of the program. '
A great deal of quiet, unostentatious char
ity work is. being done by the Ladies of
the Sodality, who meet weekly at Park
Place to sew for the poor and provide ways
and -mean -for thejeare o dcatitute fam
ilies. While this' Club has been In existence
for the last three: years' and its work wide
spread and fruitful, but little publicity has
been given its etTorts. The organization
numbers about forty women, who subscribe
annually, and from whom committees of
Investigation are appointed. Thoroughness
of organization enables the women to carry
on their work systematically, and during
the last winter several large destitute fam
ilies have " been tided over the severe
weather. The women work In harmony
with the Visiting Nurses, who take up such
cases of sickness as may be reported. The
funds of this association are. so nearly ex
hausted that, to continue work begun this
season, the women have undertaken the
project of a lecture by the Rev. 6. A.
Blackmore, S. J., on the subject of "Mac.
beth," to be given during the coming week.
The officers of the association are: Mrs. A.
Bwartzlander, president; Mrs. T. A. Mc
shane, vice president; Miss Koesters, treasurer.
The twentieth annual meeting of the
Woman's auxiliary of the Episcopal church
In the diocese of Nebraska will be held In
Trinity cathedral May .15.
Celebration of the liolv communion at 10
a. ni. Business meeting at 11 a. m., when
the election of officers occurs.
A luncheon will be served at noon in
Trinity parish house for the visiting dele
gates and other auxiliary women.
At 5 p. ni. there will be a missionary
meeting In the chapel of Trinity cathedral
at which addresses will be made by Rev.
and Mrs. W. F. Madely of Aklta. Japan.
"How the Auxiliary Can Increase Interest
and Efficiency in Our Sunday School
Work," Revs. R. B. II. Hell and E. G.
Browne. Junior meeting at 4 o'clock.
An Informal reception will be given by
Mrs. Arthur Williams and the diocesan om
ens of the Woman's auxiliary at the real-
f dence of the bishop. 2219 Dodge street, Tues-
dsy evening. May 15, from 8 to 11. All
church people are coVdlally Invited to attend.
IUiKk, Omaha's fashionable Indies'
tailor, is making garments at reduced prices
during the month of May.
Social t all- hat.
Mr and Mrs.s W. R. .Cahill huve taken
spai'tmenis at the Hamilton.
Judge aid Mia. Munger iimved Into
their new home at South Thirty-second
Mrs. Arthur D. Brandeis and daughter,
Miss Ruth, are touring France Jn an au
tomobile with friends and expect to sail
for home May 2S
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Learned expect to
move out to their summer place, near Flor
ence, soon, having made a number of Im
provements there.
Mr. and Mrs. Luiien Stephens expect to
give up their house on Cass street June
I Mr Stephen will spend the summer
in the sail and Ucr tuolhtr, 11 is. Smith,
Kloatlaaj Dry Dock llee.
Now that the Dewey ha reached the
Sues canal, a fresli opportunity Is afforded
for calculating Its progress. The rour
for steamships from Gibraltar to Port Said
is l.:: miles in length. Tins has not been
strictly adhered to by the lowing expedi
tion, but the essential fact Is that thirty
mo day have been consumed. The ap
parent rate of travel from one end of the
Mediterranean was. therefore, alxiut sixty
two miles a day. Should this I main
tained for the rest of ilia distance u
Manila bay ifi.4ta mlleai 104 days more
would be required to finish the voyage,
and the dock would reach Ita destination
by the middle of August. Ne York Tri
bune. .
Break All Records.
All recorda in curing cough, cold, etc .
are broken by Dr. King's New Discovery.
Guaranteed. e and M at) For sale by
aitaiinan McConntU Drug .Co.
3 dUC
Fitters and
J. L. Brandeis & Sons
Cooktntf mmi Ramlng
Mad l.M s y
-' M .
aiana ereci. " 1 :
naturally and v ( 1 r
comfortablr f - ,--''
w-heo using the .
Gas Rande
Notice the fllairratloe to the right
which shows The "Oarlaad"
Way and compare with "the old
sray" lllaatrated below. No
Stooping or bark breaking when
cooking and baking with the
"Garland" Gas Kane. Besides
the ease and convenienca, the
"Garland" Gas Range not only
saves gas, but gives sn even.
regular beat
. s tt I Entiiflwipii
because It Is made
only by
M .il at 4FT,. -II It I
. r- f f mm- m ,- .
Dropnl a postal and let us seed
yo the little storyette. " Mr.
Potter's Declsloa." which will be
found Intensely Interesting and
In this booklet Mrs. Potter
give some of her CHOICEST
KKCIPKS. Easy to make aad
dslicloas when prepared.
Address Dept. It
Th Mlchlrfaa Stove Company,
Detroit Chicago
turo Mtkmn at Stmt ui tuia h Mm WarM.
Old Way
l-'nr sle hv i,a Companies and
leading dealers everywhere.
The low shoe that fits where others sometimes M
fail shown in all the nw leathers and also in white
canvas. They tit the feet like inadeto.order ekoes c5
and fit the purse just aB easy. j jjU
Made in All the New Shapes and Patterns
FRANK WILCOX. Manager 203 South Fifteenth St.
5fcv $1.00 I
iijdi '' ' Per ' I
Larger g
Sizes I
50 Cents
on the
atAomlor Sow wrki-
(Peoplea Fwrnltnre A Carpet Co.;
Siiakespeaie Tragedy of a Ruling Pas
sion traced In it origin, development
and fatal culmination, lllusiiated
by copious extracts.
Rev. S. A. Blackmore. S. J
At Crelghton University Hail.
THIRSD U, MAY 17. 8 P. M.
TuJeia for sale at Beaton Drug Co ,
(merman A MeCutinell, J. Tsgarl, Mid
anil C'umlnf B'.a,
Direct Action Gas Ranges
IHHKCT ACTION UAH ItAMiKS received the Highest Award and
Gold Medal at the World's Fair at St. Louis, In competition with all
other gas ranges. In just one year we have placed over two hundred
DIRKCT ACTION OAS RAXGKS In the homes of the people of Omaha.
We are selling DIRKCT ACTION GAS RANGES every day to the
friends and relatives of those who have previously purchased. The
DIRECT ACTION GAS RANGE la the only gas range on the market
today that does all we say it will do and much more besides. DIRECT
ACTION GAS RANGES, due to their superior construction, wilt cut
your gas bill one-third and pay for themselves in a single season.
Clean, cool, economical, quick action, safe. An experienced demon
strator will be glad o explain the many exclusive features of the
Sold on Easy Payments
The Moth Will Get Your Furs
Store Them at Once
Keasonable rates Best facilities Every garment hangs sep
arately. No apprentice boys to abuse your garments. .Summer
prices on all repairing.
Wi h Kern, the Milliner '
1508 Douglas Street Phone Red-3865
Do You Take
Olive Oil?
The good, pure kind, the genuine im
ported Fitneh oil will tickle the pulute
of I lie I 'onnolaetir. The great lletli pro
ducer I'lur sules of W'r.gllt pule oil...
I fill lire mi icnmn
I Made from hand l'c(ed olives.
.... 25c
liertieoil,.-!' e vtund back of this oil and
positively guarantee it.
Beaton Drug Co.
.5th and Parnnm
tree Deliver U Ail l axls ot Utuaiia.
tl.uU iUBrt hottle Wright s
Olive till
tine pint UUtle Wright's
Olive till '
::'ic '.-pint Wright s Olive
Good Work
is what helps to hold our customers
from jeur to year. If It la possi
ble lo do good cleaning or dyeing
on an article, It tun he done In our
dye house. Our workmen are the
best that money can hire and our
methods and machinery the most
up-to-date in the city.
Out-of-town receives
prompt and careful aleutlon.
Write for price list.
The Pantorium
Expert Cleaners and Dyer.
131; Johcs St, Tel. Doug.