Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 15, Image 15

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Office, 10 Pmu-1
Booserelt Bepublioan Club Holdt Wsll
Attendod Meetinc in Court Home.
fearer flnl'lli Dle 1 Tariff
mm Initttr Saunders the
' Work of lb Last
Tru rpubllcnlKin, from th vlw of tin
n1-pttT, wi liberally dispensed t a
laiccly attendod meeting of the Roosevelt
Republican Club of Pottawattamie county
lust night. The meeting was held In th
houMi pourt room of the county court
house and It In estimated that about 3"0
were prfsriu.
Victor E. Bender, president of the club,
1ieald"d. while the spenkers of the even
ing were Hon. flpencfr Smith, Attorney
Frank Bhlnn of Caraon and 8iate Senator
f. O. Saunders.
Mr. flmlth's address km devoted mainly
In a dlsrut-non of the tariff question and
that of prottclion, the latter he asserted.
In-in the unly lu now between the two
Kint parties a tho changed conditions of
the round') had wiped out all the other.
Hrtefly referring to "progressive repub
licanism," he aald he believed only In the
leneta and principles of the grand old re
publican party.
Attorney flhlnn paid hia attention to tsov.
ctnor Cunimlna and th latter'a address at j
Ilia New theater Thursday night. U.vr
during his arraignment of the governor In
n Interrupted by someone In the u mil -encs
who charged Mr. Bhlnn with mlaquot-in;,-
the governor.
State Senator BMiindcra confined his ad
dress to recital practically of the legisla
tion enacted by the recent general as
sembly. He spoke at length on the antl
Pss bill, which had been referred to by
Judge Trout V In his speech at the Cum
mins meeting The night before. In conclud.
Ini, he declared he would vote for John
lieriiott. flrct, last and all the time.
r.eports tu Pecretary Fainter Knox from
I he country precincts showed that the club
I". rs:'urd of a large membership.
. The chair was authorized to iippoint a
'mtnlttee of five to draft a platform and
'c of bylaws and constitution. The meet
ing adjourned subject to the cull of tho
Wealthy Toarlat Released.
John Alexander, the tourist, who, with
two Impecunious corppanlons, waa arrested
Thursday while loafing around the
Milwaukee yarda and passenger depot,
satisfied Judge Scott in police court yes
terday morning that he waa not a vagrant,
but a man of wealth. The fact that he had
nearly $500 In his possession in the shape of
cesh and certificates of deposit and hla
clilm that h had paid his way from
. Bisbee. Aria., and had not made the trip
In a side door Pullman, induced the court
Jo discharge him. The 115 cash bond which
Axnnde,- had put up for hla appearance
In police court, was returned to him. A.
. M. Earned ami R. H. Cogswell, Alexander'
iv.-o compnilor.s, bring without funds to
1 If nionstrati" their respectability, did not
fnie ao well and will take a few day's lay
over in Council FlufTs learning the art of
rock breaking.
The men were arreated by Special officer
Burke on suspicion of knowing something
about the breaking open of three trunks in
the Milwaukee depot Wednesday night, but
they were nhle to establish an alibi.
Nothing. It la said, was taken from the
it nnks, all of which happened to contain
umi!'s clothing.
niit Pile of Hay Haras.
Three hundred tons of baled alfalfa hay
I'sluiigtng to the Alfalfa Meal company,
we'fih street and Tenth avenue, caught
Ore yesterday afternoon about 4:30 o'clock
and up to a late hour last night was still
iMimlng. Fire Chief Jones gave It as his
opinion that the hay, owing to tho fact
that It was In bales, probaly would smolder
fr a week.
The hay was stacked In an open shed with
a board roof and the blase Is thought to
have be-n caused by a spark from a switch
engine. At the Office of the Alfalfa Meal
company it waa stated that the hay waa
Insured, but for what amount could not bo
determined last evening, but It was believed
to be sufficient to rover any loee.
Several streams of water were thrown by
the Are department on the biasing hay,
but owing to the closeness with which the
bales were packed apparently had little
effect. One company, was kept at the place
all night throwing water.
: The Alfalfa Meal company waa burned
tt n Omaha and shortly after removed to
Cla side of the river, ita plant being lo
QMed near the tracks of the Oreat Western
Fine ram.
Two hundred-acre farm five miles from
Missouri Valley. Good Improvements and
orchard.- Cheap at ITS per acre. Wallace
Benjamin, room 1, First National bank
building. Office telephone 20.
Investigate our cheap land proposition in
eastern Colorado, 16 per acre for raising all
kinds of crops: good soil; best of water;
delightful climate. Excursions first and
third Tuesdays of each month. Send for
printed matter. F. C. Lougee, 124 Mala
street. Council Bluffs, Is.
Wall paper! Wall paper! Wall paper!
Horwlck, 31 South Main street, can suit
you the best of any man In town In wail
paper. Tel. Call him up.
We have just what you are looking for
In framed and unframed pictures. C. B.
P., O. at Q. Co.. Merrtain Blk.. our new
Quick Meal gasoline stoves. The new
.ix ess. They never explode. See them
-:4.ted. Swalue Mauer, 336-tit B'way.
leal Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
i.v H by the Title Guaranty and Trust
nipany of Council Bluffs:
an Cool and wl(e to Merrltt Barnes
w ' of lots . and 10 in b)ock 2 in
Avoca. Ia., w. d $000
J C. IwHaven to 8. V. Barnhart and
' J. .' Klein, lot In block 3 in Street s
addition to Council Bluffs, la., w. d . )
Elmer L. Fehr tu Benjamin Marks, lot
is In block b 'n Person's second addi
tion (o Council BlufTs, la., q. c. d
J. W. fttiulre and wife to Bellow a Falls
Savings institution, lot 1 In block ( in
McMalion, Cooper Jvfferls addi
tion to Council Lluffs, la., q. c. d
.... t
Four transfers, total
McCart ladleted for Perjary.
County Attorney Hum returned home yes
terday morning from Avoca, where he se
cured an Indictment by ths grand Jury
against A. R. McCart, on a charge of por
Jury. McCart was the chief witness before
the grand Jury Uat winter against Andy
tandiland. cliarged with aettlng fire to the
irehouse of the Rock Island railroad. He
MsUAed that he saw andlUod setting flie
St. Tel. 43.
to the structure, and mainly on hia evi
dence gandiland as Indicted. .-At gandi
land'a trial, however, McCart confessed
that he had testified fnlaely and Bandilnnd
waa acquitted. Hoth McCart and Sandl
land are well known characters in Avoc
and Bandlland 1ms nerved a term in ths
penitentiary for larceny from a building.
High School Aadltorlnnt Crowded for
the Occasion.
Standing room only waa the case at the
high school auditorium last night when
the students presented the musical comedy
"Pinafore'' before an audience which filled
every nook and corner of, the large hull,
and late comere were compelled to stand
up. Several days ago the seating capacity
was sold out and the result was that
the audience last night was probably the
biggest the auditorium ever held. Tho
performance was for the benefit of the
high school cadets.
The play had btcii rehearsed under Hie
direction of Miss Chuilotte A. Taylor of
the high school faculty and the performance
last nigitt certainly did her credit. The
principal parts were taken by Miss Hazel
Brown., a member of the graduating class
who has earned a reputation of being one
of the best amateurs In this city and has
appeared a number of times In Omaha at
Boyd's theater as a member of Miss Fitch's
dramatic class, and George Phelps, who Is
likewise well known to Omaha and Council
Bluffs audiences. The piece was prettily
costumed and the performance was greatly
enjoyed by the large audience and the
young artists liberally applauded for their
This wfts the cast:
! Sir Joseph Torter, admiral of British
I Navy Oeorge B. Phelps
Captain Corcoran, commander or rins-
fore" Leigh Ballengor
Rnlph Rackstraw John E. Cooper
Dic k Deadeye Alien eayies
Hoatswain 51en Mills
Midship Mate Philip Hulette
Josephine, the captain's daughter
Mary Mcconnei
Utile Buttercup Hazel Brown
Hebe, cousin of Sir Joseph Bess Sherlock
Women Huseltlne Covert, Tulare I.lnkey,
Vera Stork, Hose Ward. Margaret Steplian,
Helen Peck, Florence Keith. Florence Otla.
Margaret Ward, Fmma Baldwin, I.ulu Mc
Cartney. Nellie Stephens, Bertha Wheeler,
lxretta SchefHer.
6allors L,ynne Ralrd. Walter Martin, Karl
Balrd. James Craigmile, Andrew Peterson,
Dwight Plntner. Charles Urason, Myron
V'nn Brunt, tius Vogelcr, Knill Ileyden,
Howard Brown, Mauler Beardsley.
Marines-Roger B. Coker. Krncst Land
strom, Harry Schmidt. Adam Richmond.
Orchestra Beaa Crane, Gertrude Klntz.
Inn Stoker. Guy Bonrtcius. leah Jarvis,
Kllzabeth Pryor, Kdna Waterman.
Act I Noon. -Quarterdeck, of H. M. S.
Act II Night. Same as Act I.
Act I.
Opening Chorus
Recitative and Song Buttercup
The Nightingale Song and A Maiden
Fair to See Ralph and Chorua
My Gallant Crpw '
Captain Corcoran and Chorus
Sorry Her Lot Josephine
Entrance of Sir Joseph Chorua
When 1 Waa a Lad.. Sir Joseph and Chorus
Specialty They All Love Jack
Dick Iendeye
Admiral's Son.. Ralph. Dick and Boatswain
Refrain Audacious Tar
Josephine and RHlph
Finale Principals and Chorua
Act II.
Dreaming Sir Joseph Porter and Chorua
Fair Moon Captain Corcoran
Things Are Seldom What They 8e.em..
Buttercup and Cajjjaln
Bcena Josephine
Bell Trio.. Josephine, Sir Joseph and Captain
The Merry Maiden and the Tar
Captain and Dick
Carefully on Tip-toe Stealing Chorua
He Is an Englishman
Principals and Chorua
Farewell, My Own. ..Principals and Chorus
Baby Farming Buttercup and Chorua
Finale Ensemble
Miss Charlotte A. Taylor Director
High School Orchestra. Mr. A. R.
Heaps Director
Edith A. Smith Accompanist
Charles Orason Manager
Sportlna Goods.
Base balls from 6c to $1.50; catcher's
mitts, from 10c to 17-50; catcher's mask,
from 60c to 14.00; tennis rackets, from
12.50 to (12; tennis shoes and tennis balls
at lowest prices; Ashing poles, 6c and
10c; fishing rods, 60c to 110.
I now have my 1906 bicycles on the floor,
ranging In price from $26 to $66. Pell on
monthly payments. Old wheels taken In
trade on new onea. All kinds of bicycles
repaired. 'Phono Red-1157. 8. M. William
son. IT S. Main.
"In the springtime" everybody cleans
house; housekeepers are always on the
lookout for some agent to lessen this
arduous duty. "Old Dutch cleanser chases
dirt." For a free demonstration see Me
Atee's show windows.
When In need of lumber, brick, cement
plaster, lime, sand, rubberoid and Amazon
roofing. In fact anything in building ma
terial, go to Oeorge A. Hoagland. 714 S
Main St., wnere quality and price are
Summer beauty and comfort require the
right kind of shirts. The man who don't
want negligee shirts will be Interested In
the new coat shirts. Just ask -the John
Beno company.
The best paint to brighten up old wood
work Is the "Twin City,' sold by C. B.
P., O. 4 Q. Co., Merrlam Blk., our new
Why bother with shampooing your own
hair when you can have it washed in soft
water and dried with compressed air at
Graves'. 106 IJearl street?
Everyone was disappointed with straw
berries last Saturday, they were green
and spoiled. We have some shipped di
rect from the grower down in Arkansas;
they are ripe and will keep over for your
Sunday dinner. They are very nice, K"Vx
cents per box. We also have asparagus
at 3c and 10c a bunch; extra fine cucum
bers, 10c; radishes, 4 bunches for 6 cents;
onions, 3 bunches for 5 cents; spinach,
16 cents per peck; tomatoes, it rents per
pound; beets, t cents per bunch; cabbage, 6
cents per pound; pieplant. S for t cents;
good old potatoes that are as solid ss last
fall, 15 cents per peck. Bartel A Miller.
Tel. 35.
Sale of Household lioods.
I will sell all furniture and household
goods belonging to the late Mrs. Harriet
K. Pluiner at private aale, My 13 and 14.
from a. m. to p. m., at her late resi
dence, C4 Glen avenue. A. W. Hickman,
Saturday Special At Paddock-Handschy
Hardware company, regular fl 2-xi
screen doors. In. thick, complete with
hinges, door pull and hook, for 69 cents.
See them at our store. x
The beat dressed men and women In this
city wear Knox hats because they excel
In style and quality. Just ask the John
Beno company.
ftrfceme Falls to Work.
Thomas O'Brien, a former emploe of the
Illinois Central railroad, said to live at
Lishtb avenue and Twelfih street, evolved
he hastened to the Junk emporium of J.
Stein on West Broadway, where he was In
the act of disposing of the two valves when
taken Into custody. The charge of obtain
ing goods under false pretenses la booked
against him and 'he will have his prelim
inary hearing in police court this morning.
Here la Unmet hlag Good.
Mexican red-hot chicken tamalea, II to 16
centa a can; Mexican red-hot chile con
came. 13 to 5 centa a ran; chile powder, 15
to 30 centa a can. John Olson, Tel. 11J. ta
West Broadway.
The lieal suit Is one that suiis. You And
"that Just right" suit among our large and
varied showing of swell H. B. M. mod
els. Drop In any time and see the hand
some new grays and blues they're right
in style, right in quality and right In
price. Just ask the John Beno company.
When you are ready to move or clean
house call up phone obi and let our wagon
call for your carpets and rugs. They will
be cleaned thoroughly and absolutely at
small cost. The Council BlufTs Carpet
Cleaning and Rug Manufacturing company,
34 North Moln.
Grocers, butchers, bakers, laundiymen.
dairymen and others that use vehicles suit
able for their respective callings ought to
call around at Van Brunt's and look over
the new line of that kind of vehicles Just
received. Another big car of them In to
morrow. Charles T. Officer Is agent for Are Insur
ance companies that will pay their San
Francisco losses and have from four to six
millions of dollars assets left. It is the
best plan to Insure In strong companies.
Three complete catalogues of sheet music
at 10c each at Bouriclus Piano house. S35
Broadway, where the organ stands upon
the building.
Porch and lawn furniture.
103 South Main.
D. W. Keller.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 25U. Night, Ltt.
Ice la Scarce.
Prices going up on ice: the prospects are
that they are liable to double thla rummer,
but If you get an Ice Berg refrigerator
at Keller-Farnsworth Fur. Co. you will
cut ycur lea bill In two and thua save M
per cent on your Ice expense.
Open a box of Maloney's cigars and get
ma a Havana Stout, for things are running
crosswise and Mary and I are out. X know
If I smoke one of Maloney's cigars we will
soon patch matters up. New location, M
Pearl street.
The Title Guaranty and Trust company,
abstracters of titles. Books date back to
lRf.J. Books are all up to date. Work ac
curately and promtly done at lowest
prices. Office opposite court house, S5 Pearl
street. Council Bluffs, la.
Parties having houses tor rent or sale
list them with Clifton-Walker Co. for qulclt
action. Recent sales have greatly reduced
our list and we have customers waiting for
If you prefer quality to quantity and
absolute satisfaction to yourself, get
Schmidt's photos. Always guaranteed to
please. 'Phone 857; 40C Broadway.
Before you buy your .wall paper call and
see our new line. Council HlufTs Paint. OH
and Glass Company, 204 Main and 206 Pearl
St., our new location.
If you don't read this you will lose your
digestion. Rearf It and then call your
grocer and order a sack of Big A flour,
the kind that pleases.
Bummer school Western Iowa college.
May. June, July, August. New classes on
Quite a number of old organs are for
sale at very reasonable prices at Bouri
clus' Piano House. :B6 Broadway,- where
the organ stands upon the building.
Neapolitan Ice cream, 30c a brick.
Muccl, the Ice cream man. Tel. 364.
Objects to the Rock Pile.
James Todd of Omaha strenuously ob
jected In police court yesterday morning to
being relegated to the city rock pile for
ten days as a punishment for Imbibing too
freely of the liquor which Intoxicates. Tod.l
liad applied at the police station late
Thursday night, in a state of intoxication,
for a night's lodging. He was accommo
dated with a bunk In one of the cells. When
Judge Bcott decided that about ten days
on the rock pile would about suit his case
Todd became Indignant and pleaded for his
liberty. "Judge, this Is hardly fair to make
a man break rocks Just for taking a little
drop too much. They would not do that to
a man in Scotland. It is downright mean,
that Is what It Is," exclaimed the man
whose ancestors bled with Wallace as he
was lead from the court room by an un
sympathetio officer.
rhools Close In Conaell Blaffa
In a few weeks, giving your children an
opportunity during vacation to study mu
sic snd accomplish perhaps more in a
few months than any other time In the year.
The A. Hospe company at, IS South' Mali
street, Council Bluffs, has a large stock
of the very best and most celebrated maket
of high-grade planoa in all the latest ana
most artistic designed cases, eueh as bur.
walnut. Circassian walnut, quarter-sawtO
golden and missions oaks and fancy m
hogany woods, and sell them on easy pay
ments at $146. r0, $.10, $2J6 and up. The
same pianos are sold by other dealers at
$2A $275, $300 and $360.
a plan yesterday to obtain funds. It Is al
leged, with which to satisfy hla craving
for liquor. Representing himself as a ma
chinist In the employ of the Illinois Central
railroad, he went to the store of Bixbv
Sons and secured two v.jiti va.ei. .,...
at I1J.60, saying they were for the rellwa.
company. From ths store of Blxby ft Sun
Clark's sodas.
Davis sells drugs.
Stockert sells carpets.
Ed Rogers' Tony Faust beer.
Plumbing and beating, Blxby Bon.
Woodring Undertaking company. Tel. iJi
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone :
Diamonds aa an Investment. Talk t
Leftert about It.
Price and Ice-saving refrigerators at 1
W. Keller s. fr South Main.
Plain Ice cream. 36c a brick. I. Muv.i
The Ice Cream Mzn. Tel. M4.
Buy your cigar bands for decoration wo.
at Alexanders art store, Ui Broadway.
Bummer school Western Iowa coiltg
May. June. July, August. New class v
Wanted-All K. O. T. M s to bring the
sboea fur repair to tils LoaetU ai .
Main street
Six per cent mortgages on real ektal
for sale. Absolute security. Cllfloi
Walker company.
If you want your Ore Insurance to li.
aura have Clifton-Walker Co. writs It I
reilablo oompanlfcs.
For Imported wines, liquors snd chan
pagne. L. Kosenteld company. ti Main 9
8. Cornelius of Davis. 111., la visiting hi.
son. C R. Cornelius, conductor on thi
Milwaukee, and family.
Moving vans and wagons; furniture store '
Nrnbitt Traneier and Storage. Tel. i
fitT). ::.) West Broadway.
Fence 4t at bottom prices If
ar in gd of fencing material of an.
kind we have it at bottom prices. C. Hafer.
For summer sausage, brick cheese, pea
nut butter, nice honey, good country but
ter, fresh eggs, call at Mnrtell Millet's.
Tel ;6.
Muenslng union suits for men. women
and children. Summer welnht Your slse
I' here. . Popular prices. Juet aK The
John Beno Co.
C M. Hnrl. who aas to l,sv presided
St the Cummins meeting at the New the
atr Thursday night, arrived home from
Chicago yesterday.
For sale. V1,1 sacrltlce on my fine
piano. Payments If desired. Can be seen
at Schmi'ller Ac .Muellers. MZ Broadwn,!
t.ouncll Blus, la.
Velvet Ice cream made at Purity Candy
Kitchen. Delivered for .to ceius a quart.
Try some for your Sunday desert, you will
find a delicious repast.
If you want n hat that satisfies your
Ideas of good quality you want to try a
Kr.ox. The new 1KW blocks are reaoy here.
Just ask The John Beno Co.
Do not sell your old lion, copper, brass
and old rubbers before jou see us. We puy
f$ per ton for No. 1 machinery Iron. J.
Kollieman. So3 S. Main. Tel. Ho".
We have the finest line of sample moiu
inenls to select trom In the west, blieei
& Lane Marble and Qrmilte Works,
East Iircadnay, Council Bluffs, la.
See the new wire system Herrlck re
frigerator at Paddock & Handyschey .
Theie is no refrigerator made that will
produce as satisfactory results as the Her
rick. A burning bale of hay In the barn of
Frank Case, 17 Tleasant street, gave tho
Are department a long and harn run yes
terday morning. The only damage was to
the hey.
We have a large bunch of carpet, linoleum
and matting remnants that we will sell at
any piles to get rid of them. All good
stock, but we want them out of our way
Htorkert Carpet Co.
The love of good things to eat, home
cooked, and plenty of them. Is what every
body is looking for. Patronise the Vienna
restaurant, 414 W. Broadway, and you will
get all the good things to eat you Want.
Dr. V. L. Treynor will leave Sundsy for
Iowa City to attend the spring session of
the State University Board of Regents.
Froni Iowa City he will go to I'es Moines
to attend the meeting of the Iowa Slate
Medical society, of which he Is seoretary.
The case of D. J. Fogarty against W. H.
Petrie of Carroll. Ia., In tne district court
was given to the Jury yesterday after
noon, hut to a late hour last night no ver
dict had been reached. The suit was over
a disputed contract for fruit trees and In
volved about (350.
Revival meetings are being held at the
People's Cnlon church. Thirty-fifth street
and Avenue B, conducted by Evangelist W.
K. Williams of Uncoln, Neb. Sunday
school will be held at 10 a. m. and preach
ing at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday. Meet
ings every night next week.
The funeral of the late Charles Mc
Namara of Oarner township, who died
Friday, aged 72 years, will be held this
morning nt 10 o'clock from St. Francis
Xavlcr s church and burial will be In St.
Joseph's cemetery. Besides his wife, de
ceased leaves a daughter and two sons.
Word has been received here of the death
of Anson N. Ackley, a former resident of
this city. In Akron, O. Mr. Ackley was
superintendent of commissary of the Pull
man car dining service In thla city for a
number of years. He Is survived by his
widow, who was Miss Marie Werner of
Mrs. Peter Wels of 120 Esst Broadway
received painful Injuries yesterday by step
ping Into a furnace register from which tne
cover had been removed. She was se
verely shaken snd bruised by the fall and
a piece of projecting metal cut a deep
gash from the ankle to the knee, which
required ten stitches.
Catherine L., the Infant daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. II. V. Warren, tHtt Fifth ave
nue, died yesterday, aged 1 year. The
funeral, which will be private, will be held
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the
residence and Interment will be In Walnut
Hill cemetery. Rev. Marcus P. McClure7
pastor of the First Presbyterian church,
will conduct the services.
Willie Thomas. the 14-year-old boy
charged with the theft of a bicycle and
whose denial of the offense led to a con
tinuance of his hearing In the juvenile
department of the district court to per
mit the officers to make further Investlga
tlon, is said to have made a complete
confession, in which he admitted stealing
other bicycles his case win come up " -
fore Judge Wheeler this morning for de
or oe -
Members of Abe Lincoln post, Grand
Armv of the Republic, are talking of
abandoning this year the parade and march
to the cemetery on Memorial day and In
stead will bold exercises at some hall.
The failure of the city council to con
tribute $:a00 towards the expenses of the
day leaves the old veterans without funds
to hire conveyances, and they feel unable
to make the trip on foot. A committee,
however, from the post will be delegated
to visit the cemetery and place the usual
floral tributes on the graves of their de
parted members.
Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Waterman have re
turned from Burke. 8. D., where they went
ten days ago to look after tluir Interests
In connection with the Northwestern rail
road seeking a right-of-way through their
quarter section. The Northwestern's ex
tension from Boncsteel will, according to
prea-nt plans, pass their property, throw
ing a portion of It between the proposed
depot and the townsiie, which they ad
join. This will greatly enhanrgythe value
of their holding and they pli to divide
it Into lots, for which they expect a ready
sale as soon as placed on tho market.
' Folding snd re lining gocerts.
ler, I'd South Main.
D. W. Kel-
t.rocers I.Ike Hepburn's Rills.
SIOI'X CITY. Ia.. May H.-tSpeclal.) The
Iowa State Retail Grocera' association,
which closed Its convention here yesterdsy,
sent a telegram to Hon. W. P. Hepburn
and the other members of the Iowa dele
gation, urging them to support the Hep
burn pure food bill, nowunder considera
tion In the senate, and also declared in
favor of the Hepburn r.-Jlroad rate bill.
They expressed the opinion in a resolution
that a national pure food law Is the only
solution of the problem of adulteration,
lacing the home competitor on a fair
dune with the competitor at a distance.
I'he parcels post law and the numbering
f rural mall boxes were condemned. The
onventlon closed at 4 o'clock this after-
mon after a three days' session.
Double Drowning at Iowa City.
IOWA CITY. Ia. May ll.-Williani N.
Thornberg and Miss Elizabeth Ogden of
Linden were drowned thla evening while
on their way home from a picnic up ths
Iowa river. Their boat was found float
ing bottom up below a break In the dam.
Thebodles have not been recovered.
Perkins Carries Missouri Yallei.
MISSOURI VALLEY', Ia.. May ll.-tSpe-cial
Telegram.) Perkins carried every
caucus In Missouri Valley, 2 to 1.
Doth Phones 108., 236 West Droadway
3 boxes extra large, fancy Strawberries.
'JO pounds best Granulated Sugar
BesL Country Buiter, per lb.
Sweet Mixed Plcklos, per qt.
3 pkga. of the beet Currants.
3 pkgs. best Seeded Rainlus.
4 lbs. of the best Prunes. . . .
2 lbs. of fancy Dried Peaches.
. IV
.2.V !
L'ncolored Japan Tea
Tea Sittings, per lb. .
Good Lard, per lb..
3-lb. pall Lard
per lb. .2.V j
3 pkgs. Zest Breakfast Food. .25c
3 pkgs. Malta Vita 25c
All kinds of Patent Flour, per. sack $1.10
"li n i iiiiii II wwum m,-wnm,m, m uniini ! i in ii 1 1 mjfflr
Openly Violating Provision! of Sew Anti
DiacriminttJoD Act.
Stale Committee t ailed i'oaelher for
l'nrne of Fixing Dale for
the ('amine Utale Con-
I From ' Staff Correspondent.)
D1C8 MOINES. May II. tPpeclal.) At
torney General Mullau will at once make
an Investigation to determine to what ex
tent, if any, the Standard Oil company
and other oil companies are violating the
provisions of the new law which prohibits'
selling petroleum and Its products at a
less price In one part of the state than
In another. Newspapers In verlous sections
of the state were asked today to ascertain
the prices at which the different grades of
oil were selling. The result was a wide
variance in the figures. Palacine oil celling
for 1"V cents In Cedar Falls and lo' In
Marshalltown and other Iowa cities. The
quotations secured shorn- that Palacine oil
Is quoted at Uit cents in Cedar Falls, llt'i
In Mason City, lSty at Marshalltown, Daven
lRrt. Burlington. Ottuinwa. and 16 centa at
Council Bluffs. Perfection oil Is quoted as
selling nt 'i cents a gallon in Cenlerville,
lO'j in Cedar Falls and Masm City, 114
In Davenport. Council BlufTs. Burlington
and Marshalltown. 12 cents at Ottumwa
and K"H cents at Waterloo. Water White
oil Is quoted at !" cents. In, In',. 11 and 12
cents a g.cllon at different places over the
state. The new law went Into effect by
publication clause May i. the governor hav
ing signed it a day or two before. Theie
Is some question In the minds of some
lawyers ss to whether or not the law is
constitutional, as It applies only to petro
leum and its products. Governor Cummins
signed the law after hearing attorneys
representing the Standard OH company,
who asserted that It Is unconstitutional
and attorneys for Iowa Interests who wish
through the operation of this law to estab
lish refineries In this state. A test case
may be carried through the courts to de
termine the constitutionality of the law.
Democratic Convention.
The call for a meeting of the democratic
state central committee, to be held at the
Savery hotel May' 18, was Issued today by
C. W. Miller of Waverly. secretary of the
state committee, acting for 8. B. Morrison
of Harlan, the state chairman. The com
mittee will meet at 2 o'clock and will fig
tho tlmo and place for the state conven
tion. It Is believed that It will not be held
till after the republican state convention,
which has been called for August 1 in this
city. The democratic convention will likely
be held August or 15. The call for the
meeting of the central committee revives
the discussion of candidates for governor.
Jerry Sullivan, candidate at the last elec
tion. Judge Martin J. Wade of Iowa City,
General J. B. Weaver of Colfax and Judge
J. M. Parsons of Des Moines, formerly of
Rock Rapids, are names mentioned for the
position thus far.
Wants Injunction Dissolved.
Relying on the disclosures made !n the
trial of President Rechtel of tb Northwest
ern National Life Insurance , company of
Minneapolis, Attorney J. A. Dyer will file
at the present term of the federal court
a motion to dissolve the Injunction against
himself. Boob after, as attorney for R.
Nesblt and other policy holders, he brought
1 suit against ine iiij
I the attorneys for the company secured sn
;.. aralnst Attorney Dyer restrain-
i -
Ing him from getting other policyholders
to Join In the suit.
One Baby Rescues Another..
When Mrs. Iver Newlen ran to the rear of
her home because of the cries of her i-yr-old
baby, she found the boby holding to
the dress of a younger sister, which hnd
fallen through an opening on the back
porch and was about to drop to a cement
sidewalk underneath.
I.evrla Miles' Brother Dead.
F. W. Miles, a brother of Lewis Miles,
Fnited States district attorney for Southern
Iowa, died today In the Methodist hospjtftl
In this city, where he had undergone nn
operation for cancer of tho stomach. The
remains were taken today to Mount Ayr.
Kays Clanrettes Do o Injury.
Henry McDonald, a tramp who was given
'one hour lu which to leave town, said to
day that he has smoked about 115,000 cigar
ettes In the last twelve years and claims
that they are not Injurious. For the post
four years he claims he has smoked nn
average of forty cigarettes a day, for the
five years before that, twenty-five a day
and for three years before that an average
of ton a day. i
Making; Cement Shingles.
Articles of Incorporation of the Leusch
Manufacturing company of Waterloo, with
an authorized capital of $30,000. were filed
with tbe secretary of state today. The
articles state that the company will manu
facture and sell cement shingles and ma
chinery for making the same.
Plumbers Settle Strike.
The strike of tho plumbers of this city has
been settled by a compromise on a
day. The wages formerly were 13.60 and the
plumbers struck for 14.
Republican Conventions.
Republican county conventions will be
held tomorrow In Appanoose, Washington,
Harrison and Monroe counties.
Will Avoid rioods.
Isham, one of the consulting engineers
of the Panama canal, will be In this city to
morrow to make an Inspection and report
on ths Dee Molnea and Raccoon river
Imttoms snd methods of improving them.
He Is brought by the city council, which
is under Instructions from vote of the peo
ple at the city elections, to Improve the
rivers so aa to prevent lioods. During the
1A02 snd 194 floods In this state hundreds
3 pkgs. Egg-O-See 25c
3 pkgs. Dr. Price's Breakfast
Food 2.V
1 1 gallon can good Peaches, . . ,40c
Radishes, per bunch It
Onions, per bunch lc
. Asparagus, per bunch 3e
, 10c bottle of Bluing . .Sc
i dons or Corn Starch, per pkg. ,3c
I Spinach, per peck 10c
1 Pineapples, each 10c
'Fancy ripe Tomatoes, per lb.l2H"
of thousands of dollars damage wgs done
to property, which It Is now proposed to
prevent for all time In the future l.y im
provements and protections
Utah Price for Rare Coin.
ON AW A. Ia.. May 11-Specll. - Will F.
Dunham, an Onawa boy, who was born and
talsed here, astonished numismatics of the
Cnlted States nt Philadelphia this week
hy paying $2.16i for a I'nlted St ile $-, gold
piece tearing date of 1(."2. Niimlsninllsts
from all purls of the United State gath
ered at Philadelphia at the fnur-duy auc
tion sale of the collection of the late Har
lan P. Smith of New York, and sonv record
prices were estaiili'lied for the Mile of
American coins. Will K. Dunham was
formerly president of the Chlcngo Nunils
nuitists' society, and is t he siime mini who
two years ago. l-i New York, Ht thm Brown
sale, paid $l,li for the famous !n4 silver
dollar. Me has now one of the finest col.
lections In the Cnlted Stnte. and while he
may not have money to burn, he always
seems to have enough to secure the prizes
at the auction sales in the large titles In
competition with the world.
Favorite Sons Honored.
CEDAR RAPIDS, la.. May ll.-i8peclal.)
The republican county convention, at
Marion yesterday, resulted in a victory for
Major Rathbuu, cundldute for governor.
who was authorized to select his own dele
gates, and the delegates were iiiHlructed to
vote for him till he released them.
Dl Bl'QL'E. la.. May 11-(Special. )-Al
the republican county convention here yes
terday Fred N. Kreischtner, candidal for
state treasurer, was given authority to se
lect the delegates to the state convention.
Contention Culled for Nldney.
SIDNEY. Ia., May. 11. i Special.) Th--Fremont
county republican convcntlo.i
li called to meet in Sidney, May 21, to
select twelve delegates to the slate con
tention August 1; twelve to the congres
sional convention In Cresion, June 6. and
the same numher to the Seventh district
Judicial convention, which has not been
called. Fremont Is one of the reserva
tion counties and Is conceded to Perklna
without a fight, though Cummins has
strong following In some of the precincts.
Presbyterian Women Favor Congress.
DES MOINES. Ia.. May ll.-In conven
tion today the Women's Missionary
society of the I'nlted Presbyterian church
of America decided to appeal direct to
congress for an Investigation of the alleged
cruelties in the, Congo. The various branch
societies In every state were asked to for
ward petitions to their congressmen ask
ing nn Investigation.' The convention de
olded to hold the next convention at To
peka. Kan.
Woodbine' ew Well.
WOODBINE. Ia May ll.-(8peclal.)
Woodbine's city well has at last be. n
finished at a depth of 822 feet and the
Both 'Phones 24. 600-602 Droadway.
A Few Way-Down Prices for Saturday
Pottawattamie Sugar Corn, put up in Council
Bluffs, the best on the market, per can
Sirloin Steak,
. per lb
Porterhoime Steak,
per lb
Round Steak,
per lb
BoilinK Beef.
8 lbs
per lb
Corn Beef,
per lb
AVo have u choice lot
will be cold at a very low
Try Our Central Flour
Every sack warranted, per sack .
nsggffsm wis":,.-!, -m r, r " : m ft -re
flie Onis Market and Grocery
537 West Broadway. 'Phones 46.
New Pickle Pork, per lb 10c
Picnic Hams 1 Me
Round Steak, per lb lOc
Sirloin Steak, per lb 10c
Porterhouse Steak, per lb. . . .10c
Pot Roast, per lb 6c
Boiling Beef, per lb 4c
Pork Roast, per lb 10c
Skinned Hams, per lb i'ie
10 bars Swift's Pride Soap. . .25c
Illinois Central's
American Medical AMHOcintion Meeting One fare plus $1.00,
tickets on sale May. 31st to June 9th, good returning until Jun
18th, with privilege of extending until July 15th.
Firit Church of Chrint Koienttut Meeting One far plus $1.00.
tickets on sale from May 31st to June 9th, good returning until
June 18th, with privilege of extending until July 15th.
Home Coining Week for Kent ucklani One fare plus 25c,
tickets on sale June 11th, 12th and 13th, good returning until Jun
2 3rd, with privilege of extending until thirty (30) days from dat
of sale.
General Federation of Woman' t lub One fare plus $2.00,
tickets on sale May 28th to 31st, good returning until June 9th,
with privilege of extending until July 15ih.
National Council, Knighls of Columbus' Annual Convention
One fare plus $2.00, tickets on sale June 1st to 4th, good returning
until June 9th, with privilege of extending until June 30th.
German HaptUt llrethreu Meeting One fare plus $1.00, tftkets
on sale June 1st to 4th, sood returning until June 15th, with
privilege of extending until June 30th.
Tickets and further information at City Ticket Office, 140J
Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
town council has decided to accept the
v ork. Wooi'btnr uses is.nno gallons tf
water a day ami the present rill from
the town pump amounts to S.SO0 gsllo'is
per hour which will readily supply all
Unlit Justice la t
ATLANTIC. la., May . -.-(Spe, ial .)
Less than a wck has psssed since the
robbery of the Wiota depot of the Rock
l.ilaud rood, and Charlne Heed and James
Beaver, who were arrested for the crime,
have confessed, been Indicted and are now
serving their Ove-year sentences at the
penltenilnry at Fort Madison.
omln.illons hy President.
WASHINGTON. May 11. The president
toth) sent the following nominations to tho
senate .
Regihlers of Ixinl tiffices Joseph H. Bat
teqneld. at Dardanelle. Ark.: Harry fJ.
KYIedlielm. at Camden. Ark.; John Worth
Ington. nt Harrison. Ark.
Receivers of Public Moneys John O.
Chit wood, at Dardanelle, Ark : John K.
Bush, st Little Rock. Ark.; William F.
Iteoves, at Harrison. Ark.
Assistant Commissioner of the General
Ind Offii-e George F. Pollock of North
Iawrence, O.
Compagnlo Gonoralo
Transa tlantlquo
Fmmi Ramtm tm thm Omnlhnt
tlfantht Twht'Mofmw mnd Fzseest
1naxaeW Im Spm4 mn4 CUgmmom
Mow York - Parts 6'j Day
I.A l'ROVfcN F newest of lt leviathans,
having passenger elevator, roof csfe. snd manv
ether Innovations. Heel of modern, gigantic
Twin-Screw and Pxpresa Hteameis; naval offi
cers' man of war discipline. Company s vesti
billed trains. Havre-Paris. .V hours.
LA BRETAGNE. Sat'y, May ISth. 10 A. M.
LA 8AVOIK May 24
LA T il'RAIN'K June 14
SPECIAL Extra departures. Use of sn
tire steamer at cheap second class katea.
For plans, reservations and full Informa
tion call on. telephone, or write to
Harry K. Moorrs, 1(101 Karnani Street
bouis Neese, t-nre First National Dank
J. It. IteynAhbi, 1502 Karnani Street
V. G. Davidson, 1312 Karnani Street
tl. V.. Abbott. 1.124 Farnam Street,
V. K. lUx-k. 132-1 Farnam Street.
Amenta for Omaha
,MS Tea Twrln-Scrsw Passenger llonwi
Dlrsct to
Norway, Sweden and Denmark
Sslltiif fruia Rsv Tork at boob.
C. K. Tlelaen May IT
HELIG OLAV May 14. July 6. Aug II
1NITED STATES. .June 7, July 19. Aug. 30
OSCAR II June :i. Aug. Z, Pept. I.t
C. F. TI RTGEN June a(. Aug. . Sept. -:0
glrst rthtn. IrtA snd irpwsrda: second cable, tMMi
For Ttikfta tpplr to Loral Agonls, er te
A. K. JOHNSON Jk CO.. 1 Broadway, N. Y.
12 o
12 c
Diamond "C" Soap.
10 bars
Fancy Cream Cheese,
per lb
Fancy Brick Cheese,
per lb ; .
A lot of Faney Jams,
per Jar
One-half pound
Baker's Chocolate.
All Fancy Cookies,
per lb
of Fancy Strawberries which
10 bars Diamond "C
Soap . . .2.V
Patent Flour, sack...
Sugar Corn, per can. .
Fancy Rice, per lb...
Good Tea, 2 lbs. . , .
8oda Crackers, lb. . . .
Oyster Crackers, lb.
6 lbs. Navy Beans for
Good Butter, per lb..
20 lbs. Cane Sugar...
2 lbs. Good Coffee 25c
Excursion Bulletin!