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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1D0G. 7 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Ira da in All Line LiitlaM. it Dull and No. 1 northern. 41c; No ? northern. TV; Mat. ': Jt'ty. W'V" Sept "inner. 7"V OATB To arrive, on truck and May, 2lSc BARLKY-374Sc. WHEAT CLOSES FRACTIONALLY HIGHER Cask Demand fteeas to Be Baling la BiriiM la All Uralaa Fair Wtratr Weather Make Cora Weak. OMAHA. May , 1 Tha wheat market wit very dull, with . l.iuf traae from l ho outside, in ,.. oearish foreign news tliera i a unit irvniw at tha start and an advance u.ti oi soout He on talk of better caah .,..t and better flour demand In Mnii nun-sets. The latter pail ot tha xe.iMi tiiu market wn easy and the close nut n.Me nlaner tnan yesterday. The crop la pi-ogiessmg favorably, but ita condition 001 not count much at present aa a fac tor. Tha market nes developed Into a narrow, scalping aflair. The cash sltua tlona la now tha controlling factor. Oata were strong. The cloae on May waa M higher and on July Ho higher. Warm and clear weartier throughout the corn belt had a weakening effect on futures and prices at the clone showed a email loss Receipt were light and cash demand atrong. Aa It la generally expected that re celpta will Increase aa aoon aa planting la over, eentlment aeems to be rapidly chang ing to the bear aide. Trade la too light to admit or anything but a scalping market. Primary wheat recelpta were 1.000 bu. and shipments 1M.OO0 bu., against re celDts last rear of 122.000 bu. and shlp- mnnta of 211,000 bu. Corn receipts were ilJ.uuo tu. ana sntpmeni iii.uuu bu., agalnat recelpta last year of 16J.00O bu, and shipments of 176,000 bu. Clearancea ware 8a. 000 bu. wheat, 44, (09 bbl. flour, 257,000 bu. corn, and 14.000 bu. oata. Liverpool cloaed unchanged on wheat and HWd higher on corn. Local range of optlona: Arttcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloae. Te y Wheat I I May...! 74B 764 'July... 72HB 73 Corn- I I My...l 4RHB44HB July... UB 42k Oats- May... S1B S1'B 7441 7WB 74 K 72HB 724 B 72V 4.1 44B 434 424 42HB 42A UB 3HB tlHB A aaked. B bid. Oaaakei Caak Prleea. WHEAT-Nq. I hard. 744f77o; No. I hard, 7V-i74Hc; No. 4 hard. erVSTlHc: No. 3 aprlng, 7Kw7ftic: No. 1 anrins?. 7ofarZiil4e. ORN No. I. 44Vkc; No. 4, 4i3H3Hc: No. 3 yeiiow, tic; na a nn. oc. OATS No. I mixed. 9Uo; No. t white. No. 4 white, lie, RVB-No. 1 Mc; No. 3. 64Hs. Cavrlat Recelpta. Wheat. Corn. Oata. Chicago . 2 70 118 Kansas City 40 42 t Minnearmlia 49 ... Omaha 6 M.I Duluth XI ... t. Loula .'. S3 132 U CHICAGO GR.AIX AND PROVISIOHS I Peatr : ea of tha Tradlag and Closing: ,' Prleea Board of Trade. CHICAGO. May .-Cold weather and frost throughout a large portion of tha wheat belt were chiefly responsible for a atrong and active wheat market here to any. At the close the July option was Ho nianer. Corn waa down. HftVtC. oata were up He and provisions were 2iyal'c lower. The oold weather throughout tha north. west, with reports of killing froata in sev eral aeoiiona, caused a nrm opening tn me wheat market today, the July option sell liiir it hiaher. at 7W The newa of tne aay generally favored the bulla and tne mitrkel continued atrong until tne cioae. -Hecelnta In the ' northwest were smaller. Minneapolis . reported a good demand for cash Wheat and there were some reports of actual damage In Kansaa and Nebraska. Late in the day there wea considerable selling by local longs. For July tha high eat point of the day waa reached, at i ajauc. The market cloaed firm, with July at itHe. Clearancea of wheat and flour were caual to 243.0UO bushela. Primary re celpta were 19.(D bushels, against 125.000 bushels one year ago. Minneapolis, jjuiuiu and Chicago reported recelpta of 87 cara. agalnat 2U cars last week and M cara Tha earn market ruled lower today on falrlv liberal aelllna- of. the July ODtlon by several prominent commission house and py pit tracers. E.any in m nay cuu houses and broker bought actively, but the demand waa short lived and prices eaaed off. Weather conditions were favor able and it was predicted that a tree move ment of the crop will commence in a few iava. Tha July ODtlon opened at 45H't bc. sold up to 4B'c and cloaed steady at 46V4a- Local receipts wera iv cars, aiith 13 para of contract srrade. Tha oata market was Arm throughout the day. There waa good buying ot tna May option by shorts and prominent commis sion houses. Local bulla were the chief purchasers of July, with commission nouses supplying tha bulk of offerings- UUtJ UJWI1CU .7SV, " K " w w ' cloaed firm at lic. Local recelpta were US cara. The provision market was dull and lacked support throughout the day. Pit irariera aenerally were Inclined to take a bearish view of tha aituatlon. There waa fair buying of lard by local packera and good shipments of all hog products. Prices for live hoge were steady. At the cloae July pork waa 17Htraoo lower, at 14.KH. Lard waa down 2 He. t fS.40. Rib were 6 ifjIHo lower, at 8.6ZH- , . Kstlmated reoelDta for tomorrow: Wheat, 2 cars; corn, 7 cara; oata, lit can; hogs. 22,000 head. The leading future ranged as follows: Articles. Open. Hlgh.j Low. Cloae. Yea'y 1 'Wheat I May a9t July1 VitH" Bept. 77MJH Corn ! May TQ July bu Sept. W Oata May t3H July ih Bept. H 14 rrn i July it 1TH ftept. 11 00 ICH July 42H Sept. I U Ribs May I 40 July I tnik Sept.. 46 2! 47H 46Ta 46H 7H 79H,TMH 7 TlSb 4T4i47 J'H 47H 4Hi46H'dV 4&V 4tH,46HWSi4t V'-i K I2H r. S2H 1H 1 31 H 29W H 2H 3H 14 87H 14 7 14 TS 15 00 14 17H 14 K 14 WH U 17H 16 00 14 W 14 16 07H im t ts irTHitTH I 46 I 16 JH I 42V, I 67H I 47H ( 60 I 66 (40 140 140 146 I 67V I 62H &-'H W 61166 S67H t2Vi rash ouotstlons wera aa follows: FlXJl'K Market ateady; winter patenta, uwil0: stralahta. l& iti V; spring pat enta, S3.K9S80; aprlng airalghla, SS.tOisV; baker. 62.30 2.10. WHEAT No, ' t apring, 2igHc; No. J aprlng. 77jr3o: No. 1 red, BWHC CORN No. 1. 4SVo; No. t yeiiow, 44. OATS-No. t, So; No. t white, 23 No. I white, J2.?i3iV,c. BAKLKV Good feeding, 40C41HC; fair to choir maltlna-. 4oi60c. 6 E EDS No. 1 flax. 61.00; No. 1 northweet. era. 6116. Prime timothy, (.. Clover, contract rrade. 611.26. PROVlSlONeV-Mesa pork, per bbl., 614.78 Cf' Lard, per HO lbs.. 68.30. Short ribs sides (loose). 6 864 . 46. Short clear side (boxed), 6 6t8 86. Following war tha receipt and ship. inenia oi nour ana grain: Receipts. Shipments. (lour, bbla zs.6 Wheat, bu 14.0U0 Jv) Corn, bu 14 fc) 130. cm Oats, bu 463.0O0 Rye, bu 6.000 &.) barley, bu 7J.o 7v On tha Produce exchange today tha but ter market was ateaay; creamerlea UH1) K-t dalrlea. UtrlSo. Eggs, ateady: at mark. caeea included. UxqUH'; flrsta, iHc; prim nrsts, ic; eairaa, issje. vneese. ateady hi;- Poorla Market. PEORIA, May .-X)RN-F1rm: No. t yellow, 4Dc; No. 6, 49c; No. 4. Uc; no grade. OAT-HIer: No. I white, S2Hc; No. 4 titte. Jl SO jive- HVK Kuui: No. t 44c. WHISKY-On the baaie of tin for fin. Ished goods. V MllwaaJae Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. May l.-WHEAT-Mir kt higher; No. 1 northern, fotiMc; No. t northern, nwc; Juiy, wc, aaked. RYE ltwer; No. L li?Vc feARLE V Dull; sample, totaaic. l-ORN teady; No. 1 caah, THr4ec; July, b)c, bia. i, Dalotk Gralsi Market. DULUTH May .-WHEAT-No. I nurth ern. sic; xo. i northern, 7c. On track: sr.w lORK HRIRRU MARKET Qaetatleaa of the Day on Varloo ' Comaaodltlea. NF.W YORK. Mav . FMJUR Receipt. 0.1i bMs.: exports. :. bbla.: market eteudy, but ulct; Minnesota patenta, 64 Wit I no; Minnesota baaers. winur fttents, 63 ij4 2; winter straltthta. IXiVd 6; winter extras. I2SW3: winter .low grades. 6?.7Mix.30. Rye flour, steady; fair to good. 6,1. Until. M ; choice to fancy, 6;l.!fi4 10. CORN M EA L. Kteady; line white and yel low,; coarse, 11.07 11.0; kiln dried, 2.702.O. RYE Hull: No. t western. 70n. f. o. b.. New York. BARLEY flteadv! fearilne. 47'. r. c. I. r.. New York; malUng, 6i?6ic. c. I. f.. New York. WHEAT Recelnta 10 000 bu snot mar ket steady; No. 2 rd. nominal, elevato.; r-o. z ren. axe, nominal, r. o. o. anoat; No. 1 northern. Duluth, 04e f. o. l. afloat: No. 1 northern, Manitoba. 90c f. o. h. afloat. The local market for wheat opened firm on cold weather and light northwest receipts. Reactions, due to pre dictions for a bearish government report on Thursday followed, after which ih marKei responded to oeciaea strengtn in the northwest, bull crop news and 4 scare of May shorts. It finally eaaed slightly from top, although showing at the close He o e net advance. ' May, ss r stiiac, closed at '.c; juiy, 05 7-l66Ac. closed at SBHc; heptember, S -ltrl 12-1c, closed at 83 He- t'UH.N Receipts, sz.sfto dii.; exports, 142.712 bu.: SDOt market barely steady; No. 2, 6644c, nominal, elevator, and 66Ho f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 67He: No. white, 6c. Option market waa dull an 1 without transactions, clotting partly He net lower. May closed at fis He: July closed at 6Hc; September closed at 62c; December closed at oZVte. OATS Receipts, 66.ROO bu.; exports, 80.445 bu.: soot market steady; mixed oata, 26 to 12 pounds. I7Hj8Ro; naturil white, 20 to 33 pounds. 3XJ39c; clipped white, IS to 40 pounds. th?41c. HAT Firm: good to choice. SOcfitl.OO; shipping, fiOtJtlSc. 1 HOPS Steady ; tate, common to choice. 18f crop, lqlSc; 1904 crop. 9gl0c; oM. nominal; Pacific coast. I! crop, 10fJ17c; 19fi4 crop, trllc; olds, 4fi5c. HIDES Steady ; Ualveston, w to 26 ins.. 2ftc; California. 21 to 26 lbs., 21c; Texas dry, 24 to to lbs., ltc. leather steady; acid, ZBirnji'c. PROVISIONS Ref. ateady: family. 111.60 12.60; mess, $ lnvag.90: beef hams, J0.'.'6 622.00; pscket. 610 tifll 00: cltv extra India mess, 117. 60V 18.00. tut meats, quiet. pickled bellies. 9 .25-010.60: pickled shoulders, 63.00; pickled hum,', tUOOtfi 11.76. Itrd. eaay; western prime. i.o(8,d.6t. nominal; reflned. eaay. continent, 13.90: South America, 19.76; compound, 7.00'9I7.S7H. Pork, ateady family,, snort clear, 616.26613 00; mess. $16.50t? 17.25. TALLOW Dull: city. 5c: country. 6tt 6Hc. RICE Firm: domestic, fair to extra, 5 fjc; Japan, nominal. POITLTRY Alive, steady; chickens and turkeys. 12c; fowl, ltc. Dressed, dull; chickens, 10c; turkeye, H'al6c; fowls, 11-UlOc. BUTTER Firm. Street price: Extra creamery, 20Hc. Official prices: Creamery, common to extra, 13Ca30c; tate, held, 13 13c; renovated, common to extra, ludjlfiHc; western factory, common to nrsts, litdinc. CHEESE Irregular: old atate full cream. largM and small, colored and whit., fancy, 14Ho; good to prime, 13HWKc; common to fair, n wise; new state run cream, large and small, best. 6Hc; state fair to good. 6H4l9c. EUUa strong; state. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white. 20c: state, choice, 19ttil9Hc; state, mixed fancy, lc; western extra firsts. IKe: western seconds. 16H517c; southerns. lllHc. 4. Loals Geaeral Market. ST. LOUIS, May .OWHEAT-HigheT! No. 2 red. caah elevator, nio; track, 3(t MHc; May. 80Hc; July. 77;ji77'!c; No. i bard, fl86c. CORN Higher: no. I casn, nominal; track, 49HiSoc; May, 47c; July, 44H& OATS Firm; No. 2 cash, iic; track, 33c; May, 32Hc; July, tic; No. 2 white, 36c' FLOUR Steady; red winter . patents, 64.2049 4.60: extra fancy and straight. 6S.70W.lO; clear, 2.2&2.0. SEED Tlmathv. ateady, CORNMEAL Steady. 62.60. BRAN Steady; aaoked, east track, SOS 92c. HAY Steady; timothy, tl2.00l.60; prai rie. 6116018 .60, IRON COTTON TIES 91.01. BAOaiNO He. HEMP TWINE 7Hc. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; jobbing, 316.00. Lard, lower, prima steam, S&.12H- Dry salt meat, 'steady: VOxed extra shorts. 6S.E7H: clear ribs, 69.12H: short clears. 69.25. Bacon, steady; boxed extra ahorts, 69.62H; clear ribs, X9.87H. snort clear, iio.w. POULTRY Steady: chlckena. 10c: springs. 20(g2fic; turkeys. 12c; ducks, 11c: geese, 6c. BUTTER-Dun; creamery, lfrtfj.-wc: dairy. 14flc. iJCHJB f irm; itc case count. Receipt. Shipments. Flour, bbl 8.6ti0 8,0(10 Wheat, bu.... S9.0H0 44,0H0 Corn, bu 1S2.WO 6h'.uno Oata, bu 81.000 79,000 Mlaideapoll Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, May . FLOUR First patenta, 84.104.20; aecond patents, 63.90 04.00; first clears, $3.6063.40; aecouj cleara, BRAN In bulk, I16.26O16.60. (Superior Board of Trade quotation for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery. The VI "l.m .M.iuafiw VJ K, Lit. J Co.. U0-1U Board of Trade building waa: Artlcles.1 Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close. Yes'y Wheat May... 774 78 July... 7Hi&H 7H Sept... 77H&i 77H Flax May... 1 16H 1 17 July... 1 17 1 V Sept... 1 17 1 17 77 . 77MJ 1UH l " 1 17l 78 79 117 1 18 1 77 73H 77H 1 15 1 17 1 17 Kaaaae Ctty Grata) aad ProTieloata. KANSAS CITY. May 9. WHEAT May 76c: July. RHc: September. 71Hc: caah m t hard. 77VMle; No. 1 757tc; No. 4. 6wi 4 TUhXtc. Recelnta. 11 cara CORN May, 44c; July, 43c; September. 42c; cash, No. 2 mixed. 47347c: No 2 44c; No. t white. 48c; No. t 47i&47VsO. UAis-M. i wnite. nmaac, RYE-flteady. 664j67c. HAY Firm; choice timothy, 113 00813.75; choice prairie. 610. 76911. 00. BOOS Firm: Missouri and Kansaa, new No. 1 whitewood case Included, 14c; caae count, UHc; cases returned. He leas. BUTTER Creamery, lc; packing. llo. Recelpta. Shipments. Wheat, bu 11.000 s.ono Corn, bu 21.0o0 tt.ono Oats, bu LOoO 11,000 Philadelphia Prelate Market. PHILADELPHIA. May fc-BUTTER nrm; extra western creamery, 2142le extra nearby prlnta. 23c. BXK1S Steady; nearby fresh 17c at mark; wwi.rn iresn. iic an mara. CH EES B Quiet; New York full creams, UH4'l4c. Uverpoal Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. May 9.-WHEAT-Snot nominal; futurea. quiet; May, in 6d; July. CORN Firm; American mixed, ' new, 4 aa; American mixed, old, 4a Hd; futurea, quiet; May, nominal; July, 4a 4d. Toledo goed Market. TOLEDO. O.. Mav 1 Hirrrvn r-i- cash, 6426; October. 64 00. Alelke, prime! 6 20. Timothy, prime. 61-62. Rye, No. t, Metal Market. NEW YORK. May 6. METALS The Lon. don tin market was still nervous, hut fluctuations were narrower and the snot premium wa further Increased with the position quoted at 197 6s, while futures were slightly lower at CIS 12 6d. Locally the market wa quiet, with holder a little easier In their views, spot being quoted at 63 b&43.76. Copper waa higher In the Ensr- liah market, with spot quoted at 83 15 and future at IM lis ad. Ixically copper waa without notable quotation. Lake was at tlft.tutiilt 00, electrolytic at 816 .26il.6 and casting at tlK.00to16.2&. Iead waa unchanged at 14 10a in ill English market arid at 8a.OwiY70 locally. Speller was 2s 4d higher at 2 7 id In London, but remained un changed at 80uci.10 locally. Iron was higher In the Engliah market, with Clave land warrant quoted at 60s lHd and si an, ard foundry at 6us. Itcaily Iron was un changed. No. 1 northern foundry, 318.6'd 19.00. No. 1 northern foundry. No. 1 southern foundry, tit 254ll.6t. No. I auuioern rounary, 9if. ST. LOUIS. May t.-M ETA L8-Lead, strong. 66 76. Spelter, lower, 86.9tiu3 92. Market. NEW YORK. May 9 COFFEE Market lr ir open 'ea.. at urn-hanged price in keeping with European marketa. The close wa ateady at unchanged price to an advance of 6 points, balea for the day were reported at 86.750 bags. Including uu, uiy. -. BrpteintM-r, ra -: O-teber. 4 70i.7&.-; let.eniher. gnoc; i wi, April. 1 ax. iHt Rio, quiet; No. J invoice, rc. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS BeooTerj in Prices Makes it Profitable to Boll to Take Profits. MARKET SHOWS ABSORBTIVE POWER trona- Rally After Extensive aelllna; Greatly laereasea Ceafldence of Trad-era. NEW YORK. Mav y The recovery In prices In the stork market resetted a point today where It met very Tree selling 10 take proflts. It was apparent during the morning the stock offerings In the market were more than enflVlent trt supply the demand from uncovered shorts, which con. tlnued quite an appreciable factor and over bore the efforts of newly revived pools 10 continue the advance. The profit-taking was not without effect on prices, while it continued most active, but the market showed a degree of absorptive power, which proved a surprise to professional spernia. live operatora.. The rallying tendency or prices lHte in the day after the extent to which the realizing process had been carried resulted in much increasing specu lative confidence. There was no evidence of any large new demand from outside source", but combina tions and pools amonsst professions! op erators or habitual operators of large re sources took a renewed position In the marKet with increased confidence. This wa notably perceptible In the Industrials, espe. dally those having to do with copper and lead, both In the mining and smelting stages. A grotin of operators In these stocks has acquired very large prestige by the success of ttielr operations in recent months and by the enormous speculative profits which they are credited with having made. Any stuns or a new speculative campaign by this element attracts a large following amongst the board room trader! and of outside operators of a smaller class. The general speculative sentiment Is Im proved also by the clearing away of some of the dangerous factors which overhung the market. The money market Is obvi ously much relieved from the late strain upon It and funds are obtainable with comparative facility and at yielding rates. where a short time ago spectiliitlve borrow ers had no resource but to sell out thlr holdings of securities and to liquidate their obligation. Th banking review of the future course of currency from Ban Fran cisco doe not fully bear out the sanguine expectations if stock speculators as to the promptness with which the return flow will set In. Transfers through the subtreasury to 8n Frsnclsco and to Denver rose to over today, after having fallen to a nominal level several days ago. The re vival of this movement had some modify ing effect upon the supposition that San Francisco would Immediately return cash to New York or would find its reserves In a glutted condition, even before the banks had reopened for business. There was a further strong advance In the sterling ex change rate In this market, which served to clinch the growing conviction that the movement of gold to New York has cessed for the present. This had a cheering effect upon the London market which waa helped also by an advance In the sterling rate at Parts, Indicating a tendency towards relief for London from that aonrce. Aa money continued easy here, the New York market had i reflected advantage from the Improvement In the London stock mar ket. The relief of the monev market, the ad journment of the New York legislature and tne proteased belief that the congressional agitation against corporations nsd culmin ated formed the basis for the attempt to extend the speculative interest In stocks. This attempt met with some renewed ob stacles in the way of realising aales at the recovered level of prices late In. the day and the market closed rather easy. Bonds were steadv. Total sales, par value, tZ.S.IO.OOO. United State new 4s de. Clined H per cent on rail. The following was the range of prices on the New York Stock exchange: gain. Hlsh. Low. Clnaa. n qm r.xprBS Amalgamated r-opper ... Amarlran CI. St P American C. St F. pfd.. Amerlran Cottnn Oil Am. Cotton Oil pfd Amerlran Exprana Amark-sn H. St U pfd... Amerlran Ira. securities. American Unaead OH... Am. Unseed Oil pfd American LocbinotlTe ;.. Am. Cocomottve pfd - inn 114 American a. St It.. ...,.',;. ll,oe tsau, American 8. at R. pfd ina lis American Sugar Refining. .. T.SO0 IS4 am. renacco pre. ctre, Anaconda Mining Co Atchison Atchlaon pfd Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore Si Ohio Baltimore Ohio pfd.... Brooklyn Rapid Tranatt. .. Canadian Pnclflc Central of New Jersey.... f heeapeake St Ohio v. Chicago St Alton Chicago Alton pfd Chicago Oreat Waalers... Chicago St Norf hwaftern. . Chicago, Mil. & Ht. Paul Chicago T. T Chicago T. A T. pfd C. C, C. A St. Loala.... Colorado Fuel A-Iron..., folorado St Southern Colorado Rn. let pfd... . Colorado So. Jd pfd Consolidated Oaa Corn Product torn Products pfd Delaware St Hud .on Delaware. U St W Denver St Rio Grande Denver St R. O. pfd Dietuiera' Securities F.rle Erie let pfd Kile id pfd (.eneral Klectrlc Hocking Valley Illinois Central International Paper International Paper pfd... International Pump International Pump pfd.,.. loa-a Central Iowa Central pfd Kansas City Southern Kanaaa Ctty Bo. pfd Loulevllle St Naehvllle Manhattan L, Metropolitan Street Ry Mexican Central Minneapolis St St. Loula.. M., St. P. A S. S. M M., St. P. S. g. M. pfd.. Missouri Paclfle Mleaouri, Kanaaa A Texas. M.. K. ft T. pfd National Lead National R. R. of M. New fork Central... . New York. O. W Norfolk St Weatera Norfolk ft W. pfd North American Paclfle Mall Pennsylvania People's Oaa P., C. C. ft St. Loula.... Pressed Steel Car Pleased Steel Car pfd ... Pullman Palace Car Reading Reading 1st pfd Reading td pfd Republic Steal Repnbllc Steal pfd.. Rork Island Co Rock Island Co. pfd St. Ixrala ft S. F. td pfd Loula Southwestern. .. St. Loula 8. W. pfd Southern Paclfle So. Pacific pfd Southern Railway So. Railway pfd. lean C. ft I Texas ft PariSr Toledo, St. L A W T . St. LAW. pfd t'nloa Pacific I nlon Pacific pfd t'nlted states Express..... lulled Statea Really...... tutted Statea Rubber I'. 8. Rubber pfd t'nited Statea Steel t g Steal pfd Va. -Carolina chemical .. Ya. -Carolina Cham. pfd... Wabaaa W abash pfd Wella-Fersa Eipraan Weelloghouea tlesAru: ... Western Cntoo Wheeling ft Lske Kris ... Wleroeala Caalral Wlw-onstu Central pfd ... ureal ptonnera pfd Northern PadSc ... Cexitral Leather ... Ceatral Leather pfd In-e-SheSltld Sierl Ml :i:f.4O0 IMS IMVj ins', . 1,800 40Uj 3114 40 inn iatt ton, inn, no lit, tit, aiH so J15 M4 It : M 114 11.400 100 SJ 14 . 11.404 . 14 W ts 1 '444, 114 1(2. 154t is 11-4 nn4 ?on 10114 io T.aoo let 14.404 M4 WO KM', 101 01 144i H34j 144V 14a 144 t,Mr) 104 1074, 10'a 10ft M.tne S.1S 44 M IS t.coo ito lets, i5s in 4.104 t4i 1714 104 14.004 . l ine tot . M.toe its TS4 1o4 144 1 .1 75 H'4 104 . l.jon 404 404 rfti 14 70 47Ui V4k4 10.'. 14 14514 174 tl It 47 SI 4 7 44 MS 74 47H 4,K IST14 114 137 I.1O0 iJ4 014 Tin rs 77 Uj 404 304 tot 404 1.S00 41 '4 404 . M.304 . 74,104 4nn 404 41 T4 1.704 144 " SOS 171 " 4.4K4 tV ta 4m 774 444 41 44 4t. VI in Vt iu4 11 4.404 104 100 no 1.000 200 44 V( 4414 "4 ii4 MS 174 4014 t V4 14 14 16 63 hi 4.100 14444 141 400 IM 100 114 174 ' H S nS M 41 41U 1414 t.400 4O0 t214 71 Ut Ht 114 ns II 4 7 fd. t.104 1.104 100 M.400 104 1M1 157 11 170 515 47 47 7ne II 1.404 44 I.: 404 100 4114 4714 W) 14 4014 4114 47 17 lrrv, i4 47 " 41x4 4t4 1714 l 7 U7t4 IT 4 414 JlS 44 4 4l4 1714 1 41 I 44 1714 14.104 11514 U44 1U 400 444 411. 4341 104 1.104 40 61 40 4014 74 to'4 47 ii 104 1171, tJT14 til4 144.J04 H1H4 1114 Ul si t.10 144 1.M4 1011 1.104 14.004 4l lis) 400 t.4 4 4 M14 4Kt4 41 174 M 44 10014 4 4S4 44 '4 n u 4414 44 44 TIM 44 4 1 700 I1IU hi 111 I.104 174 Itu 17 u. M0 l.toe 444 14S 1444 " i H 49 '4 147 14 11 61 IM. 104 141 14614 47"a Je 44 . 44 . 41V4 and 41 1114 H14 104 L4.P0 1114 604 104.404 41 u IM lo 1.44 41 104 4 41 1044 i (1 114 4V 1044 1064 704 404 ) 404 4U4 104 4414 41 174 16 414 v 40S 4414 4414 l4 14 11 It 1.704 Km 414 107 MS 4114 144 lie 4414 IX 14 tvl 41 41 , I4f t ana m Total sale for the day, l.MO.loO share. Karri a KtaaarUI. LONDON. May -Rates for moner were a shade easier today and discount wer steady. Bills were taken mure freely new that the Bank of Franc a 111 su reply fh Ameriimn demand for gold. Trading on tha Stock excluinge wa quiet. Dealera were occupied with the adjustment of the account. The ton waa firm, owing to Im proved monetary situation and the fact that th differences on the fortnight are not aa large as anticipated. Consols hard ened early in th dav,. but loat their Im provement. Home rail received much at tention. American opened ateadv under th lead ot th coaler a and hardened to over parity during th morning on th bear coveting. In th afternoon price were Irregular, weakened on New York ad vice nd cloaed weak. 'ure igners generally were luactlve. but dim. Museums cr n. dined to wonken. olng to fears of pnli'l cnl disturhnncra In Husl Japanree im perial (e of I1 weie qiinted at 1"4. lw Yark Money Market. NEW YORK. May . MONKY On call, ateady at I'HitH er cent: ruling rale, 4 pr cent: closing bid. i ik r cnt: offered. ' per cent. Time loans, easier: 00 dnvs, H per cent: 90 tlsys. a'aftO1 per ctnt; 1 months. rVfl1! per cent. PRIMK MKrtCANlILE PAPER-t',ti5 per cnt. STF.RMNtJ KXCHANGE Strong at M SRTfid HMO for demand end at 44.M7Wr 4 1K for -dsy bills; posted rates, tl L"ft 4 lwt; commercial hills, 14 Rli. PILVKR Bar. 7c: Mexlcen dollsrs, 51c. BONDS Oovernment, week; railroad, weak. Quotations on New York bonds today were as follows: l t. rer. ta, reg lotVt ..lapsn 4. m series d eeupos ..,..1.. .lot f. S. t. reg K3 do coupon .....lot V. 8. eld 4a. re la)t io coupon I' 8. n. ta. reg en coupon Am. Tobacco 4a. . do 4a .' Atchlaon gen. 4s.. do ad. 4a....... Atlantic C. I. 4a Bal. ft Ohio 4s... do lUjs Brk R. T. c. 4 , Central sf Oa. 4a do 1st Inc do id lne...... do Id Inc do 4a rtfs do 4, a tr.... do Id aerlea L. ft N. unl 4a. ..lojHiMan. c. f. 4a. .. . -114 Max. Central 4.. lfW . is . .114 ; .101 14 M . tn4 . MH . 1 ' . 0'4 .10114 .101 . Ill . M-4 . 41 .10i'4 do let Inc rm ft St. L. 4a M . K. ft T. 4s... 1 do ta N, R. R. of M. c. 4s 1 V X l IU U ..10H N. J. C. g. 5s... K'tlflo Pacific 4.... .. 17 f do Is ..liouj.s. ft W. e. 4s... JO 8. L. rfdg. 4s Pkea. A Ohio 44a.. ChK-ago ft A. la.. -.1 Mi ..101'i .. 44 .. 1 0 Penn. coav. IVfO e4T tfuReedlng gen. 4s 100H 'Bt. St. L ft I M. c. ta . Ill L. ft 8. F. fg. 4a. i C, B. A Q. n. 4a ... ) St. L. 8. W. c. 4a.. C, R. I. ft P. 4a.,... i74IHeahoard A. L. 4s.. do cel. rs a4 So. Parlflr 4e CCC. ft St. I g. 4s. .101 , do 1st 4a rtrs Colo. Ind. is. ser. A. 77 '4 So. Railway ta da series B 1 774 Texas ft P. Is Colorado Mid. 4s ..... T64 T.. St. L. ft W. 4a. 4u, Cnlon Paclfle 4s ... .104', V. 8. Steel Jd Ml... ,1'Xi iWsbaeh la t e4l do deb. B .101 , 1 Western Md. 4s . IW. ALE. 4s Hocking Val. 4'it... 1071 Wis. Central 4s Japan 4 41 Offered. Colo ft So. 4a Co ha 6r D. ft R. O. 4s DIMIllera See. Erie p. I. 4s.. do gen. 4s 40 . 87 . M . KH .117 .111 . 80 .104H . 74 .113 . 754 . est . .7ti Boston Stocks aad Bonds. P.O8TON. Mfy t.-Call loans. 5'fin per cent: time loans, fiti per cent. Official closing on stocks and bends: Atchison ad). 4s do 4s Mex. (-antral 4s.... Atchison do pfd Boston ft Albany... Hoston ft Maine... Boston Elevated ... Kltchburg pfd Mexican central ... N. T.; N. H. ft II. .. 44 ,.inni .. li'4 .. 4, . .101', . . S.SJ .' .174 , ..164 ..111 .. 11 147 Adventure Alloues Amalgamated American Elite. Atlantic Bingham t'al. ft Hec)a.. Centennial Copper Rang- . Daly Wert Franklin I nlon Pacific HTVOmnbv Amer. Arge. Chem.... 14 lisle Rnvala .. do pfd 44 I Mans. Mining Amer. Pseu. Tube.... i Michigan Amer. Sugxr do pfd Amer. T. ft T, Amer. Woolen .... do pfd 'Dominion 1. ft 8. Edison Eleo. lllu.. Masa. Electric .... do pfd Mass. Oas t'nlted Fruit tntted Shoe Mach. do pfd Oreene Con I. 8. Steel do pfd Westing, common Hid. IJ44 Mohsk IU iMont. C ft C.... .....1.11 loid Dominion ... tksloeceola '. ... .104 Perrot . 4u,jUulney .144 Shannon . lx Tamarack . HVilTrlnlty .... 44 1 t'nlted Copper .. ,C. 8. Mining. U. B. Oil..., Ctah 'Victoria ..... .. II twtnona ...... ..104 ! Wolverine ... ., '. I.Nortb Butte .. 41 .. 31 .114 ... J .. Ii .. 10J4, .. 10 .. IS .. 63 ..700 .. M' .. i .. 174 .. ICMj .. i.e .. .0 .. 71i .. 13W .. 40U; .. .. 41 ,.10. .. 14 .. ii .. .. 44 .. .. 4i . . t h .. 41 514 .. 4s, ,.ie .. W' Rerr York Mining Stocka. NEW YORK. May . Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Adams Con M Little Chief .. Alice ZJl Ontario T Brae, e 44 Ophlr , Brunswick Con 47 jhnoeotx Comsteck Tunnel i: Con. Cal. A Va 104 Savags Horn Sliver UMI Sierra Nevada Iron Silter boo jbmail Hopes Leadvllle Con 4 Iblandsr ..... uueieu. .im i 14 .. 14 .Utt OMAHA WHOLKAs, MARKET. Coadltloa of Trad aad Quotations on Staple and Kaacy Prodacc. EOG8 Kec!pta. liberal; freali stock, case count, 16c 1JVK POULTRf Hens. lOHftllc; roosters, "7c; turkeys, lie; duck, lie BUTTER Packing atock, 11c; choice to fancy dairy, 16c; creamery, HAY Price quoted by Omaha faed com pany; No. 1 uplanu, t7: mediant, te.60; coarse, to.OOa6.60. KJetiaw, 46.60. BRAN Per ton. ti.Au. NEW VfcliETABLES. TOMATOtS-Flortda per oat or 31 lbs., net, to.JO. WAX BEANS-Pei' box of about SO lbs pet, t4.60. . r . 8TKINO BEANS per . box of about U lbs., net. $1. L. 1 , TURNIPS, ' BEETS AND , CARKOTS -Louisiana, per dos. bunches. 46c HEAD LETTUCE -r- Louisiana, pr bbl.. IT; per dox. heads. UX)0U1.2&. LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per dos. heads. 45c. ' ' CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per doi.. O-WW 1.60. ONIONS Colorado, yellow and red. SV.0 per lb.; Spanisli, per crate, 1200. MUSHROOMS-Hothouse, per lb., 60C0c RADISHES Hothouse, per tioxv bunches. C0tf76c . TROPICAL FRUITS. DATES Per box of 10 1-1 b. pkgs. $:.00; Hallowe'en, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., ic; Bay ers, per lb., 4c; walnut stuffed, l ib. pkgt 12.00 per dos.; ft-lh. boxes, tl-00; laffaa, all sixes, f3.26; Mediterranean sweets. ti.i; seedlings, tl ORANGES California, extra fancy Red land navels, all aires, 1X36; fancy nave., t3.2s: choice, all aisea, ti LEMONS - Llmonlera, extra fancy. 'M Size, 14; 300 to 360 Six, t4-25. FIG8 California, per 10-lb. carton. 769 RSc; Imported Smyrna, three-crown, lie; six-crown, 13c BANANAS Per medium sixed bunch, tl.76w2 '.-6,- Jumbo. tZ WKuJ.OO. TANGERINES Calif ornla, per box of about 126. t3.00. GRAPE FKUIT-Callfronla, per box. te-OI 06 60. PINEAPPLES-Slae Z4, 30 and M, tS; sis 42. 34.76. FRUITS. PEARS Winter Nellla, (2.6a APPLES California, Ben Davla, S3 per bu. box; Wines ps, UM per bu. box; other varistiea, t2.0OQ2.iO per bu. New York ap ples, Baldwins and Ruaaeta, t per bbl. GRAPES Imported Malaga. Umfl.bQ. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Horn grown, per bu., 60 (Co; South Dakota, per bu., 776c SWEET POTATOES-llllnola. per 11-pck bbl.. 34.76. NAVY BEANS Pr bu.. tl.86; No. 2, I1.7S. LIMA bxiANS Per lb., 6Vc CABBAGE California. 3c per lb.; Wis consin, In crates, per lb., SVic CELERY Florida, tl.26 par dos. BEEF CUT8. No. 1 rib. 12c; No. 2 ribs. lOftc; No. t rib, c; No. 1 loins, 15c: No. 2 loins, 12c: No. 3 loins. 11c; No. 1 chucks. 5Vc; No. 1 chucks, 6W0; No. 3 chucks, 6c; No. 1 round, tc; No. 2 round. 7Hc; No. 3 round, 7c; No. 1 plate, tViCi No, 2 plate, 3c; No. 3 plate, ZsC. , MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER Per keg. 33.76; per bbl . M.76. HONEY New, per 24 lb., tt.60. CHEESE Swiss, new, lac; Wisconsin brick. 16c; Wisconsin limberger, 16c; twins, UWc; Young Americana, l&c NUTS Walnut, No- 1 soft a hells, new crop, per lb., 16Vtc; hard shells, per lb., iahu. Pecans, large, per lb., 14c; small, per lb., 12c. Peanuta, per lb., Hc; roaaied, per lb.. 8c Chili walnut, per lb., UUVkC Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17c; hard hells, per IU.. 16c Cocoanuu, 34 per e&t'K of luo. FRESH FISH Trout. He: halibut, !lcj pickerel, dressed. 7c; whit baa, lie; tun Ash, ec; perch, skinned and dresned, fee; pike, fcolOc; redanapper. He; salmon, ltc; crapplea. tc; eel, lac; black baa, t.o; whitettah. li4(12o; frog legs, per dos., 66c; lobster, green, 3tc; boiled lobsters. 42c; ..i M U 1 . l,.rr,n I,.' U r . . . h . . . . t . erel, 16c; haddock, luui shrimp, 31 per gal.; smelt. lc; coo, im,, uii caUiah, lac: roe a had. 76c; flounders, llo. OYSTERS Fresh standard, 3140 par gal.; hell oyaiera, lin-uiw per tuu; L.itti 4Nock clam. 3160 per luu. SUGAR Granulated cane. In bbla, 36.03; granulated cane, in sacks. 36.01; granu lated beet, in sack. M il. SYRUP In barrels, Zo per gal.; in cases, ( 10-lb. cans, 31.; caaes, U cans, .tu; cases. 24 xVb-id. can, n so. COFFEE Roasted; No. IS, &a par lb.; No. 30, IsHto per lb.; No. 26. lao per lb.; No. 20, HVo per lb. 2 No. 21. US40 per lb. CURED FiaH Family whltetisli, per U bbl., lt lb., 34 60; Norway mackerel per bbl., 2u0 lbs., bloaters, tsu.ut): No. L 328.U0; Nc 3. 300; No. 3. 3i0 00; lrtali. No. 1 ti4.Uu; herring, in bbls., too lbs each; Norway, 4k. tilOO; Norway, tk, tUOO; Holland, mixed, lil.10; Holland herring. In kegs, tnilker. tuc; kegs, mixed. 70c CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west ern. 66(ioc; Maine, 3116. Touistoea. 3-lb. can, tl-tt-BleO; 1-lb.. rctfl OO. Pineapple, grated. 3-Tb., 32.OMtf2.tO; si iced, ll.tvo-l iu. Gallon apples, fan:y, (2 76, California apri cot. tl4cJ00; ptars, (1 7Mj.6o; peachea. fancy, .VQ 40; H. C. peaefiea, tlui-v-60. Alaska salmon, red, tl IS. plak, toe; fancy Chinook, J'., t! 10; fancy aockey. Jr., tl ko; aidine. oil. 32 6u; mustard, tiiud i 10. Sweet potato, tl lifll S; sauerkraut, tl u); pumpkins, kuciti tl Ou; wax beans. 3-ib, 7w;-aV: lima U-ans. 1-lb., TicAtl.tO; spiuach tl 3tetOO; cheap pea. 3-lb., Iwc; extra, lint ; fancy, tlS17. HIDES. PELTS AND TALLOW N. 1 green hide, tc : No. J. tc; No. 1 aajtad. Ho: No. 2. luc; bull hides, 74,tj1kc; dry bide l.-'tfCOc Hon hldoa. laras, H: small. U. Btiaep pelt, each, 60-fci.i. Tallow. Nc L tc; N. 4 3c; rough, l) 0MA11A LIVE STOCK MARKET In Spit of Levrtre Receipt Cattle Eell About Etetdj. HOGS SELLING IN YESTERDAY'S NOTCHES Sbora kee aad Lamb Free Holler 4 Steeds- Prieeo Wooled Stock .ot ta flood tleaaaad iJist A'ek. 8OUTH OMAHA, May , 1908. Receipts were: Came, tiogs. Sneee. OlnciHl Monday 4.d 4.a0 li,u4 Olhcial luesddy 6,as4 p.sio sxlMf onicial Wednesuay o.tu S,wu .M Three days this week. .15.166 2S,4tiO .14 Same days last ween 1 . 1,I4 16, Stime two weens ago lo.evU M.tnl 1.ii Mnm three wceas ago...ll.t7 A.4.1 ,.! Same lour weeas aso lt. .fl 2fc,lo Same days last Jeer. . . .Iv.Jwl 21, lit l,6a RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DA1K. Tne following table snow tn receipts of came, nogs ai.d sheep at Bouln umai.a for tne year to uaie. compared Witn last year: 11. 11M. im Cattle H44.M1 2ti..i 6.4 Hogs sVi,! Ml. o.O llNO.Oi Sheep Sil.UiU kMH o,uU RANGE OF PRICKS. Cattle. Hons. Omaha t-. Jxtiu 16 fis-uo.wi c nicao i.ewsi.u rvanaaa City z.tsruv.l! St. lxtuis l.ttiueXotl b.iau-4o BIOUX City .BlMUO.eV .Utf.a CAT! I.E QUOTAllONS. The folluwmg will snow tn price paid for the oitterent kinds of caUie on cue cjoutn uniana market: uowi to cno ice corn-ied ateer 1-alr to choice corn-ted steers .iuetaj common to talr corn-tea steers.... Good to cnolce cuws und heifer.. .ov4.o fair to good cows anu neiier e.4i4.tsj Common to fair cows and neiters.. U.Ocku3.00 Good to choice stocker and feeder 4.0o)6.00 Fair to good stocker snd feeder, geoat.ot Common to fair Blockers 3 Woo id bulls, stags, etc 2.6Xnfa.7t Veal calves 3.00S&6.7S The following table shows the aveiage price of nogs at Soutn umana tor in last several aus, witn comparisons; Date. I UOt. 1J06.1904.1IM). 1802. lSWl.ilS0O. AprU 20. Apill Zl. April VI. April U. April 24. April a. April April 27. Apt II i. April April 60. May I.. May May May May May May J. May 8.. May .. 2... ... 4... 6... t) -I 4l i ii -I eVll .1 ( 4 I aii I 'VI I tl 27 I ami I 4 16 I I U ( I 204i I I I 23 6 0 e3 . I 3 3 a Mi 21 1, a 10! .U U; 6 J-'i 6 1 t y, 6 43)1 5 li', 6 16 t ui 7 ;u 4 aWI 7 U 4 kl 7 Ul 4 W I M I 7 0t, 4 76 I tie, 4V6 I 4 76 6 tt 4 i Mi 4W 77 4 U M I M 4 371 8 b 4 65 I 4 6f t 75 4 M 4 I2 4 OH) b 4 u ( 63, I 4 4 8 Oil 4 ti 4 Mi It t ") 7 071 7 Oil t t 6V 7 tw 7 oil I 7 02 l Ml I 0U 7 Oil k 4 43 t 4a tfl eel tea V I W 6 -i s J4 6 4 I 72 6 34 I -1 3 fit! s M 3 23 6 64 3 2 6 U, 6 It 72 3 11 6 4 6 24 I 1 .1 t 6 70, t 6 4 6 11 IM, 6 U Sunday- YE3TERDAY 8 SHIPMENTS The followln shows the number o of atockera anu feeders shipped to the try anu their points or destination: CATTLE. John Flnerman. Denlson, la. I. C. .. J. O. Convers. Eastervllie, la. I. C. t". Convers, lerrtil, la. 1. C W. E. Arnold, Klrkman, la. G. W.. Johnson or c, Ames, Neb. U. P... A. C. Molt. Johnstown. Neb. F. E.. Joe Woerin, ilasttngs, la. Q t nomas cockrein, Earlham, ta. tt. . SHEEP. f cat coun- Cars. 1 D. D. 1 1 stock II. Bolls. Scribner. Neb.-F. E John Briscc Tekamah. Neb. M. 6z O Tne official number of cars of brought In today by each road was: Value, nogs, nncrp. n mvm C, M. & St. P 4 WabHsh s Missouri 1'acllic '3 U. P. System 64 C. et N. V., east 6 C. ; N. W., West 1 C. St. P.. M. et O.... 46 C, M. J , vast C, H. ek M.. west 40 C. n. 1. a: f., cal.. C H. I. at P.. wst.. 1 Illinois Central Chicago Gl. , Western .. Total receipts &l Th disDosuion of tn day receipts wm a follows. ecn buyer purcnasing in num ber of head inulcaleu 1 1 1 .. 1 iti IS 1 7 3tj 4 13 3 .V i 3 0 I 1. ... 1 U4 35 IS Omaha Packing Co.. Swift and Company. Cuduhy 1'ackin Co l.i'M Armour At Co l.loo Vansant & Co 17 Carey at Benton lln Lobman At Co t W. I. Stephen 1 Hill & Son t Hamilton at Rothschild.. 7 Wolf J. B. Root & Co lo2 Other buyers i6 Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 7 2.19s 1.1W 2,14a :,ti l,Vi7 .....y& 1.447 800 1.79S Totals 5,628 8.65t 7,436 CATTLE Another day of large receipts following ihe big run of yealeraay, togetner with the fact tnal first advices from Chi cago, Indicated not only large recelpta down there, but a lower market, made things look bad at this point for sellers. It turned out, however, that th demand waa better than anticipated and the market. Instead of tx-ing slow and lower, aa a good many anticipated, wa really very satisfactory. Beef steers wece in very large supply this morning, th bulk of th offar.nga consisting of that kind or cattle. Moreover tn qual ity wa very good, there being a large num ber of very weil-flniahed loada lu sight, which naturally makea tna sale ahow up exceedingly well on paper. Whether it waa the good quality of the cattle or some other causa buyer all seemed to have liberal order in hand and when they one got started the market wa very nearly steady with yesterday. As might be expected bids were some lower In spots, but th general market waa not enougu different o far aa prices were concerned to admit of any change In quotations. All the desirable cattle sold freely, the big bulk changing hands In reasonable aeaaon in the morning. As high aa t o6 waa paid for the beat on sale, which ia tne highest price paid on this market this year. While there waa a liberal sprinkling of rows and fielfers ther wss no great number on sal and the market wa generally steady with yesterday. Blockers and feeders were a little lower yesterday, but there was - no material change today. Representative aales: BEEF STEERS. No. A. Pr. N. A. Ft. I 414 4 44 44 110 4 44 It 1104 4 44 1204 4 44 t 414 4 17 1141 4 44 4 104 4 14 14 126 4 44 14 M lli U lt0 4 4 It 44 4 44 41 101 4 H II Ill IH 44 14 I 44 44 144 4 40 11 144 4 44 14 100 4 44 44 114 4 44 43 M IU 40 Ull t 4 4 42 4 44 44 llilf t 44 14 1144 4 44 44. v 114 I 44 t 1114 4 44 !..... 104 144 It 1"4 4 W r$ ln t 4 tt 11 4 40 It 174 t 44 II 114 4 4 IK t 44 14 104 4 14 It 1044 4 l It 1191 4 T II 114 I 4 1 1140 4 14 t 1M4 t 44 14 1141 4 14 1 1441 t 44 11 101 4 14 tl U4 t 14 11 7M 4 70 11 144 I 14 1 1M4 4 11 lso IH M 114 4 44 It 144 t 14 14 1144 4 4 11 1UI I 14 44 114 4 74 11 1U4 t It 1 1011 4 It 34 1144 14 14 ..I') 4 If 4 Kit I 44 1 1240 4 It 14 IsJt t 44 4 114 4 II 1 1144 I Tl 1141 4 4 tt in t It II 1114 4 44 24 144 t ts 4 104 4 44 I Ue I M cowtv I tot I 14 t 1411 t 11 t M IN K1 III 1 44 I 14 1 1144 t 4 1 44 I 41 t. 1 t 44 I nt IN 1 114 I 44 1 4e4 I 44 4 141 t IS 1 M IM t in I 4 1 44 1 44 1 lu4 t 44 1 114 I 4 1 1044 I 4 1 I I 44 1 11M I 44 1 as I 0 4 41 t 44 1 44 t 44 t 114 4 4 t 11 t 14 4 lost 4 44 t 1104 t 2 ' t 1171 4 4 4 424 t I ISM 4 14 t lvl I an 1 114 4 14 1 1 M II 104 4 U 1 104 t M t 44 4 14 1 1414 t 4 4 111 4 44 4 474 I 1 I IU 4 4 1 104 I Tl 1 lie 4 4 t 40 I 74 14 UU t 44 HEIFERS. t 44 t 4W 44 71 I 4 I W IN . 44 4 44 4 - 44 t 44 1 14 4 44 II 41 I 44 11 404 4 II I lee I 4 t Ii 4 u t M IN tt 44 4 44 1 14 I 44 1 4.4 4 4 t 46 t 4 14... Ha 4 44 BULLS. 1 IU I 4 1 , in 1 14 1 IM I It 1 II II 1 IT It I no 1 m 1 14 I 44 I ISM t 44 I 1ST I 4 I FW I 4 I tree t I ,..141 t 4 t 110 t 44 I H 1 I I list I 44 I 4S IS t I1M I 44 I..... 44 t I t.v 14 I ISO 44 I t; t m I II t 1 1 tt 4 I ?4 4 4l I. I IH t 110 It CALVES. 1 104 1 44 1 Ii I I I IH IX 1 IM I I 1 44 I 04 t 120 I II 1 140 I 44 1 17 in STOCKKR8 AND FKKDERS 1 10 I M 1 74 I M I Ill t 44 1 M III 17 114 4 41 4 4S 4 I" 4 04 1...V 1 4 1 71 I 44 1 40 4 I 14 417 4 14 24 44 4 t 1 M III 1 44 I 4 1 44 4 II 14 0 IM COWS AND HEIFERS. n 111 4 11 ST AOS. 1 144 I 44 I 1114 4 at HOG8 The advance cord yesterday was fairly well maintained today, the hogs soil ing In about the earn notches as yesterday. At the opening, however, packers were a little inclined to be bearish, (heir ftnit bid being a little easier and possibly they se cured a few hogs that way, but th general run was steady. In other words the hogs sold largely at ts.10 today, the earn s yes terday. There we also a sprinkling of bet ter loads at t 22ty. with the top at 34. S. Some of the less desirable sold under 3 20, While th market opened rther slow ow Ing tn th feci that packers started nut bidding lower the trade was active when once under way and all the hogs were sold bv 10 o'clock in th morning. Representative sales: No A. h. Pr. No. At. th. Pr. 1 44 4 I 40 I 4ft: ... 4 t 1 40 14 I 40 44 Ill ... I tt I. M ... t tt II T-1 S IN I ISO M I 44 tt til t0 4 M 1 II 44 I 44 44 141 144 I 14 1 114 ... I 74 14 174 44 I 14 1 404 HIT 74 t04 ... 4 N lf 177 ... tO) 71 t3 ... It 10 144 IN I M 71 Ill 44 I M 12 tat Mil 41 10 ... 1 to 73 441 ... IN II Il IN 44 14 N I 20 74 17 ... I to I Ill ... IN 41. .1 N IK M 114 40 I N N TM ... IN 44 IN ... 4 N 7 4 ... 4 to 74 IN ... I N 74 147 4 I W II 144 14 I N 14 1.4 IN IH 74 141 ... I N 77 IN IN N 41. ...... .114 IM I N 71 7?7 M IN II .241 ... I N W 174 120 I to 14 .IN 40 4 20 B 217 ... I to 40 174 40 4 14 74 Ill N I 10 21 IN ... IN N ...141 4 f 44 til ... 4 10 17 114 too I N 74 147 ... IN N t NIN 71 ttt IN I N 17 Nl HO I N 74 241 too I 10 II Ill IN N 4... IN IN I N 71 Ml 140 4 N 77 NA ... I 14 M 247 40 I tn Kl IN ... I N 17 Ill 40 I N It... IN WIN t HI ... 4 20 71... ttt 140 4 N CI. 14 N I IXUj II 214 ... IN It tS N I 22 N Ill ... IN II 211 ... I I44 71 147 130 I N 70 T7! ... I IU 14 til M t 10 0 47 ... 4 tl It 11 14 I N II Nl IN I III 74 IK 40 I 20 17 IM 124 I 2! 74 227 120 I 20 SI S4I ... 221 72 147 N I N 1 Nl ... I 23V4 N Ill N I N II Ill e I 21 71 127 41 I N 72 Ill ... I ZIV II IU M IH 71 21 ... I 1'4 71 144 ... IN 44 341 10 4 US 77 2M WIN . II Tn ... I tlVt 14 134 ... It 74 Nl N I tit, 17 IM ... I N 71 14.1 ... I 11'. M 21 ... I N 74 1J ... I 2! -4 4 2M ... IN 41 171 ... I tl4 T Ml 44 IN 41 242 ... I 71 117 304 I N tt IN ... I 21 77 244 N 4 20 17... 2N ... I 21 ' 71 21! N I N 27 ... I H SHEEP Tha sheep market wa In very satisfactory condition this morning as re gards the desirable kinds of clipped sheep and lambs. Values aa rule were Just about steady with yesterday on anything answering to the above description. Good shorn lambs sold at 34.26. the same as yes- tcrtisy. witn tne shorn wetnere which sold at 3S.t5 yesterday, bringing 13.70 today. Shorn ewe sold up as high aa 3S.26. but they were not as ood aualltv as those which were bringing the same price a few daya ago. Some of th less desirable kinds were not such free sellers and were Inclined to drag a little, but practically everything wa aiHpoeca or in very tair season in tha morning. There seem a time every snrin when wooled sheen and lamb cease to be in such good demand , and when buyers of a sucitien seem 10 preter snout stun. That time seem to have . arrived, as wooled lambs, which wer o much sought after, hve ceased to attract the attention and are much harder to dispose of than shorn lamo. mere wer several loada of wooled lamb on sale this morning, but they were left until the last and holders found it hard work moving them. Shippers will also not that shorn lamb cloaed lower at Chicago yesterday. Quotations: Good to chole western lambs, 7.0097.1i: fair to good lambs, M.60&7.00; cull iambs, 14 &Jrt 4.00; good to choice yearling, 3.00$.76; fair to good yearlings, t6.739l.00: good to choice wethers, t4.w4.7i; kood to choice ewes, lt.T604.S6; fair to good ewes. 36.00O6.7t; cull sheep and bucks. t.CSj6.00. Shorn sheep and lambs are bringing price genet ally 75ol.S. iess than wooled stock. Representative sajei: No. Av. Pr. 11 western cull ewes t3 1 76 114 western feeder ewes 76 2 a : goat 74 3 a 162 western ewes 81 3 76 166 western ewes 86 4 83 112 western lambs 6 4 90 10 western culls 71 I 00 4i6 Mexican feeder lambs 72 I 66 181 Mexican lambs W 3 76 670 western clipped lamb ot t M 1 western wether 110 4 26 till western clipped lamb 82 (26 667 Mexican lambs 44 (30 3 Colorado lambs 70 (60 6 western lamb 7t 1 00 2M Colorado lamb , 74 7 23 23 western cull 68 00 217 western wether, clipped 88 6 70 387 western wether, clipped .... ft 6 70 20 cull, broken fleeced I' t 76 206 clipped lambs 47 (76 20 western lamb feeders 73 (00 216 clipped lamb (g ( 6 471 western larnbs 84 (26 423 western lamb HH (36 1 western wether 230 (60 303 western lamb 71 (to 44 western lamb feeder 72 (26 CHICAGO LIVB STOCK MARKET CattI Tea Coat Lower Roc Fir Coat HleThor. CHICAOA Mar . CATTLE Receipts, 22.000 head: 10c lower; common to prim steers M(-4tt; cows, Sl.t64f4.(9; heifers, t2.7M(.J6; bulls, S3. &Uf4 26; calve. 32.7643.00; Blockers and feeders, 32.7646.10. HOGS Receipt, 22,000 head; la higher; choice to prime heavy, 36.t64t.I0; medium to good heavy, H I" 46; butcher weights. l.4ATj.47H; good to choice heavy mixed, 41?42H; packing. ISotj 42V4. SHEEP AND LA M B8 HeceIpt . 22.000 head; market ateady; sheep, t4.7Bffit.S6; yearllngs, ,.40t36.tO; lambs, 5 KJT7.6I. Kansas City Lie Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. May I. CATTLE Re ceipt. 4.600 head. Including 700 southern; market, weak to 10c lower; choice export and dressed beef steers, 36.4Xb6.00; fair to food, t4.364jt.16; weatem fed steers, 33.769 36: Blockers and feeder. tJ.00ji4.T6: south. ern steers, t3.76tt6.26; southern cows, 12. to a: native cows, uvienu; native nelrers, 13 6(fe 26: bulls. 33.0O84 26; calve. SlOWiJrt 0. HOUS-Receipts, ij,) head; market, ateady to strong; ton, 34 36; bulk ot sales, fv2ii.30; heavy. M.30y.36: packer, o.2u I.82W: nl and liahta. I4.7KS4 2. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. (.200 neaa; mersei. strong ana active; lamb. t6.2Mt7.40; sheep and yearlings, S4.ttrr4 to; western fed yearlings, t6.t64jus.6O: western fed cows, I-I.60b.24; Blockers and feeders S.0O5.Ot . . k Iw Sight. Receipt of live stork at the aig principal western market yesterday: Cattle, Hog. Sheep. South Omaha 3 too t i Sioux Ctty 1.100 3.100 Kansas City 1.600 11. ton (, St. Joseph 3.162 4.261 2.020 St. Lauls l OuO 7 Cast 1 hsi Chicago 3.0X) 21. ot) 30.000 .41.362 6366 StVJK stesdy: fllgs and lights, ts V1S4 : packers. h. ; mit. iirr and best heavy. .4. ttrl EF.l AND LAMPS -Receipt, 5,Mi heso; n.arket. .. a i ; na I e mu ton-, tt 0.1 1 .(; lambs, ..!, tn; uli ann buck. ..ii tjt.tiO; stniker. 4. itf4i Wool Market. ROSTON. My f.-WOOl The small sup- ply irf stock availab.e and a cuuaiuerao.c number of cancellations reported, aa re ceived by leaning manufacturers, are to sponsible In great part for an unusually ttuet wool market. There la little buying In the west, pulled wools are quiet and firm. A supers pars at t.'c and whit bs at 66c. tirainary Ha run as low es tc. Terrltorte ai without inters!. Forelan grades are firm, leading quotations loi low: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above. S4tf:c: x. :'itfxtc; No. 1. 8jc: No. 2. SH nr; fine unwashed. tMitec; quarter-blood unwashed. StlS-'V; three-eighth blond, 34 u.tMe; naif blood. XVMti; unwashed de laine, rStjzfcc; fine washed delaine, 8tn.T.'c. Michigan fine, unwashed. 14Vc; quarter biood. utiwasnt-d. fflQXr; three-eighths blood, JtiMc; half blood, mttXc; unwashed de laine. 27a 28c. Kentucky, Indiana, etc., three-eighths and quarter blood, 8rtlJ4c. Ter ritory and Idaho fine, y?J2e; heavy fine, it Gave; fine medium. 2Vflc; medium, fkif?ic; low medium, ltr.'ic; Wyoming fine, iltfJVe; heavy fine, liii0c: fine medium, ttfjAV; medium,' 3WJ27e; low medium. 2M:?7e; t'taii and Nevada fine, ;?J!c; heavy fine, l!lj Vc: fine medium. 22trj'23e; medium, t4727e; low medium. lv?7c. Dakota fine, 22it-tc; fine medium, JiJ3c; medium, 274yfe; low medium, 21) 27c. Montana fine, chok-e, M Q'&a; flne average. jSt-c: fine medium, choice, ?r27c; average. 2sa4c; staple, 27 28c; medium choice. Z70'-'c; average, 2M 27c. v , t ettoa Market. NEW YORK. May t. COTTON Spot closed quiet, it point higher; middling upland. ll.6c; middling gulf, li.toc; sales, none. LIVERPOOL. May . COTTON Spot quiet; price I point lower: Amerlca-i middling fair, (.t'd: good middling, (.lid; middling, (.lid; low middling, l.lxd; good ordlnarv, 6.77d: ordinary, l.67d. The ale of the (lay wer 8,000 ha lee, of which 600 bales were for speculation and export and Included 7.400 bales American. Receipts, 21,000 bales. Including 13,400 bales American. 8T. LOIUrt, Mo., May . COTTON steady; middling. ll4c; sales, 84 bales; receipts, 104 balea; shipments, 63 bales; Stock, 33,446 hales. NEW ORLEANS, 1.. Mar . COTTON Spot cloaed firm; ealea, 1,376 bale; ordl narv, 8Sc: good ordinary, tlt-Kr; low middling, 104c; middling, ll4r; good middling. 11V; middling fair, liUe. Re ceipts, MM bales; stock. 1(1,44? bale. . a star and Molasses. NEW YORK. May . SUGAR Raw, firm; fair refining. 2T4J2 16-lc ; centrifugal. t test, 3 IX-82(Ve; molasses sugar. 2$-311-ltc: refined, ateady: No. 1 4.10o: No. I. 4.06c: No. 3, 4c; No. 8, S.S5c; No. 10, S t"V; No. 11. i 860; No. It. 3.80c; Na 13. 3.76c: No 14. t.76c; oonfectleners A. 4.44e; mould A, 4 t6c; cut loaf. 6.8O0; crushed. 6.30c; pow dered, 4.70c; granulated, 4.40o; eholct, 4.36c. NEW ORLEANS. May I. SUOAR Quiet but ateady; open kettle centrifugal, 3rS7-le; centrifugal white. !t4c; yellows. IS9t4c; seconds, 2 V I '4 c. MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, l.ff 30c; centrifugal, 7V 20c. SYRUP Nominal; 26fl0c. Usls Cloalac Stock. LONDON. May I. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were: Total receipts. 81. Jaeh Live (lack Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. May .-CATTLK-Re. eetpta. 2.162 head: market, steady; natives, S4.0ue4.8o; stocker and feeder. 3J.0tff4 6O, cows and heifers, tl.764p4.60. HOGS Receipts, 4.W head; market. H0 higher; light.; medium and heavy. U.JM4 26. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 203 neaa; maraet, weaa; la in oa, long Ctty Live (lock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Mar (.-fSpactal Tel. gram. CATTLE Receipts, 1.10 bead; mar ket weak; Meeker steady; beeves. 14 toft s.av; cows, vuus ann mixen, I sB4 40; Blockers and feeders, (t.tu4.4t; calve atid yearling 34. 4o4. 40. HOJel Receipts, 3. Out head: market Sit lower, selling at tlotatfwiS): bulk ef sale. gt. Loala Uti Stank Mark. ST. LOUIS. May 8 CATTLE Reclnls lout head, Including 1,309 Texana; market, steady; nattv ehipujng and export ateer. fl sfvnt.OO; dreewed if.t and butcher steer. il7uo-26: Steers under l.OuO loa.. ilaiula.Su' tocker and fevders. tlou: eowa and nviivis, si.wut.wi 1-annnTi, 41 00432.40; Dull, tt Utea400; csJves. 14 (., &u: Texas and In. diaa steers, 3a.0oti4.l6. cow and heifer. Hoas-Reteipts. T.ou head; market M. Y. Cantrsl... Norfolk W... 4 f Osurlo W... .lOk pennsrlTsota .. IIIV4 Han Mines N 7-11 .. ItS 4IV4 Convola, inonay so aetrouat Anaconda Atchison o pfl Baltimore A- Ohio.. Canaotaa Pactlr 14 t'heaapeas Okie... 144 Chlcaso Ot. W to C. St. St St. r 1734 I la Beers 114 n. a 8. a it 4o tl N4 Krla .t 44 40 tat sf - TW ae M pfl flit Illinois rostral 174 Louisville St Kaak....l4l 4 tt.. K. A T Cll SILVER Bar, steady, Sid per ounce. MONEY 3034 per cent. The rate of discount In th open market for short bills Is 8'4!H per cent; for three months' bills, 374.414 per cent. Reallne 4e let oft...... I 40 td pfl Son thorn Railway oo pfl ttouther Paclle In lon Paclso .... 4 sfa U. . Steal 414 do pfl liot Wabask 11' 4 pfl 44 Spanish Is N ,...14tVs .... 404 .... 14 .... 44V .... Ill .... I .... 41W .... 41 .... II ... IVi ....141 .... 14 ....l..l Bank Clearing. OMAHA. May 3. Bank clearing for to day were 11.663. 406.31 and for th correspond ing date wat year tl, w. REAL ESTATB TRAKSFaEItS. Angus C. Van Camp to John D. C ituscn, lot 7, ' bloc; I, cottage Park I 1 American Fire Insurance Co. to August Beermsnn, lot iZ, Fearotf Place 1.003 National Insurance Co. to K. O. Mc- Gllton. lot 4. block 110. Omaha.. 11.600 J. L. Brown and wife to Othello Beesley. nH lot 37, block 3, Arm stronars 1st add 26 John D. Hogan and wife to P. M. samueison, lot I ana 4. Benson 4 Johnson' 1,069 Ellsa Shelley to C. N. W. Ry. Co., oart lot 2. block 63. Omaha 1.769 Chnatlan Jenaen and wife to same, lot g, block ts, omaha 7,000 Sophia Warner et al. to same, part lot 4. block 23. Omaha 1.000 C. W. U. Baker to W. J. Court- Wright, lot 4. block 364, Omaha. . 11,100 E. K. Balch and wife to C N. W. Ry. Co.. lot (. block 864. Omaha. . 7,34 Anton Gaantner to W. B. Smith, part lots 3 and 7, block 7, Omaha 13,(69 Thomas Swift and wife to same, lot t, block 7. Omaha U,00 Nels Lyon and wife to C. N. W. Ry., tract lot 4, block 24, Omaha 3,00it Ellsa Callahan to same, lot I, block 314, Omaha 14,309 O. H. Hill to same, part lot U block tl, Omaha 1,909 Joseph Schllts Brewing Co. to ame, lot T, block 23, Omaha.... 13,009 Katharine Urlau and huaband to W. J. Courtrlght, lot 4, block 164, Omaha 1 1 Edward Coyle and wife to B. B. Balch, lot (. block 364, Omaha.. 7,t0J E. R- Hume and wife to Louisa H. Alqulst, lot 17, block 1, Stevens Place 121 p. Handschuh and wife to 0. Bevt age, lot 3, block 1, Andrews at Benson's tS9 Omaha Safe Deposit A Trust Co. to Mary Brandes, part lota T and 3. block 7. Forest Hill T.000 Hastings 4V. Heyden to Fred Zeeck, lot 7, block 10, Summit add.... 1,700 Claud Camblln to Jacob Kstelman, tract lot 4, Johnson's add...... 1,009 The John A. Crelghton Peal Estat tt Trust Co. to C K. W. Ry. Co., lot 1, 3 and 3. block t(, Omaha 19,901 Heirs of Crelghton Estate to same, lota 6, (. 7 and s. block It, Omaha 47,309 W. J. CoortwrlgHt et al to Mm. lot 4, block 364. Omaha.. IMOO Adolph Newman and wife to tun, . nVs lot 4, blo-k 40. Omaha...... 0.900 Elisabeth W. Wright snd husband to ssme, w lot I, block . 1, Omaha 1. 339 George W. Smith to sam. lot 4, block St. Omaha 11.199 John Ecklson end wife to C. C. Williams, lot 13. block 1. Halcyon Height - J. A. Howard and wlf to Fred, A. Bailey, lot 24, block 14. Roo Hill John W. McDonald to I. A. How ard, sm Benson Land Co. to same, lot 19, block 7. Benson 199 William H. Russell and wlf to Peter H. Sturek. n lot 3. block 86, South Omen 109 L. A. Poulaon and husband to H. P. Ryder, lot 16, Burr Oak 1.099 William Bodeman and wlf to O. B. Lasbury. lots I aad 9, Glenwood Heights 19 Georg D. Rio nd wife to same, lots 8 snd 4. Olanwood Height.. 109 E. W. Pendleton and wlf to O. M. Drew, part lot 1. block 14. Clifton Hill I Michael Ooggln and wlf to Pheb E. Safford. lot 3. block 3. Shull 1.109 Sarah J.. Russell to William H. Russell, lot 23. block 3. Baker Plaoe : 399 We act as fiscal Ajent of Municipalities and CcrpcriUons. We purchase and sell Invest ment Bonds. A. D. LEACII & CO. CANKERS, FORMERLY FARSON, LEACH 2t CO. KEW VORK CISCaCSO BOSTON v rUlL-UDELTUlA i