Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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MAY 10, 1906.
Lime. Yale's
Hair Tonic
Sells on Merit, not on Sensa
tional Advertising. !
- A Hair Invljtoratoi Just what
Its nam implies. It supplies
nourishment, th elements of
growth, which, when absorbed by
the hair, strengthens and beauti
fies it In th same way that sap
glorifies the foliage of a tree.
Even , where the follicles art
seemingly dead. If the scaly is
massaged dally with Mme. Yale's
Hair Tonic a rigorous growth will
be produced. It has honestly
earned its title of "the great hair
grower." It stimulates the most
stunted growth and makes the
hair manglflcently healthy and
beautiful. By its use women can
provide themselves with a trailing
mantle .of haiis woman's natural
raiment, her' birthright.
Mme. Vale's Hair Tonic is prised
equally by men and women,
particularly when the hair begins
to weaken or fade. Cures bald
ness, grayness, splitting of the
hair,' dandruff 'and all diseases of
the hair, scalp and beard. One
application usually stops hair fall
ing. ., A nursery, requisite; no
mother should -neglect to use it
for her boys and girls! when the
hair- is made strong in childhood
It remains proof against disease
and retains its 4igor and youthful
ness, through life,,'"
r,;'' ''i '.'"
Mme. Tale's Hair Tonic Is a
colorless, fragrant, delightful hair
dressing; neither sticky, gritty nor
greasy .makes the hair soft, fluffy
and glossy. Contains no artificial
coloring; would not soil the whit
est hair; j restores original . color
by1 Invtrtj"sJ4ng- JJbe, scalp and re
establishing normal circulation
and , proper , distribution of . the
live coloring matter. Beautiful
hair redeems the plainest counten
ance, and any one can secure it by
usingc.Mme. Yale's , Hair Tonic.
' Now-In three slies;- .prices, $1.00,
60c and 2Bc.
Ouf special prices, 2Sc, 45c, 8o
TON T.ta
Mme. Yale may be consulted by
mail free of charge. Twenty-seven
years .uf. practice jhJ experience in
treating the human hair and scalp,
combined with natural adaptability
tind sclent lilc study, has given this
wonderful itindu complete mastery
of the capillary structure.
Mme,'. Yale's Books Are Free
Mm. Tale's book on ths subject of
Health and Beauty and the Human Hair
will ti vnall4 fre upon request.
Address, MME. M TALK,
M FlftU Awnuo. Nw York City.
Promiss Troubls if Election Certificates Are
Hot Soon Issued.
taaTasslaar Board Hilled for
Meetlna Waaeala- After
aooa, bat Failed to
Tlis niissli.g (mil r. ., .r the Kit si rt-
clnrt of the Filth ward tontinur to cause
trouble at the city hall and dlny in Issuing
election crrtlflcatss. Th democrats are
atlrred up about the matter and sre pre
tending; to fear that perhaps the books were
Ion and the machine made to register a
lot of votes for W. W. Bingham to over
come the plurality of 100 votes of Councilman-elect
Bridges. These charges are gen
erally laughed at, but tho democrats are
threatening to take the matter before the
grand Jury if the canvussipg la not com
pleted and the flection certificates Issued
Meanwhile, City Attorney Breen lias got
wrapped up In a terrific problem concern
ing the vote on the paving bond, aa con
nected with the missing poll books, and he
sacrificed his lunch to an effort to get an
opinion trimmed up for the meeting of the
Canvassing board yeeteiday afternoon,
which did not materialise after all. It ia
desired to have the vote on the boncia ap
pear of reoord eminently without a flaw,
In order that no shadow may be cast upon
the city paper when Issued that will Inter
fere with Its sale.
Mr. Breen has discovered the law no
where authorises the taking of the returns
direct from the machines by 'the canvassing
board, but that It expressly provides the
figures shall be taken from the poll hooka
as recorded by the election boards. With
out poll books there can lie nothing for
the canvassing board to take in making
up the totals and this Is where Sir. Bvcen
and other city officers are stuck.
Klboarn and rollce Kail.
The mysterious nonappearance of the
poll books, of which there are two, has
been made a matter of newspaper history.
City Clerk Elbourn and a large policeman
were unable to get. any trace of the books
and the Information the election officers
In the precinct were able to give resem
bles the sum of nothing, plus nothing. The
officers say they supposed the books were
delivered In the clerk's office, but the
clerk "supposes" not. The officers will be
asked to come in and tell the canvassing
board more about their suppositions
and Mr. Breen probably will get them to
make affidavit! that the iMioks are lout. In
order to establish a record for posHlblo
litigation about the bonds.
With every vote cast In the precinct
aligned against the bond proposition the
latter still would curry by the necessary
majority, and In verity not much Is at
stake with regard to the books. Tet the
condition of things has tied up the elec
tion certificates and the suspicious demo
crats are beginning to froth at the mouth.
The city attorney says no district court
order Is necessary to open the machines
and observe the totals that the canvassing
board can order.
1 ymr 4rmM far it,
m HI sVt ept na
Every Woman
- vi u im vioaia mow
MARYFL Vhirlina W,y
TIM i new TJ.I.U awta,fc z..
nn,y .s.-(hi. liit-r.t
- wl:lloil CoiiTMIont.
ehi. but ifnl Mjuiin far
full rilciil,und t:il ta. C
s a. aassr., savr iwuskT
' 'or Bait by
1h and I w.dne Sts.
. . 8. K. Cor. . lbio. and Farnanv His. . .
Tu.. nSrUi frm weak-
pf liirh 8i,p the pleasures
a ef ahoald tea Joveo t'illa.
m uoi wui wit a siorr vi
oiarTeloiia result. This medicine baa mora
rrFjurenaiicf, vttaiUins fore than has r
before bea offered. Sent ost-aia ia plaia ,
parkac nlr an receipt of (Lis adv. ard 11.
hlui br it uri(-inaura ( I. hood ('.. pro
1 r-um H.'M nn.i.parilla. LiowelL M mr
Hotel Kupper
pn utfa"1 ii n I lul m4!!!!s
m S Ska wi iWi an i emir atf a
Swira nH b Swuns Saway tusi Sar tMas
auatai mnmt aii Uaaawaw
IS wwSvmaa ftaaOai
Tli ana to aOI - -tMt4
CaUw TatwaS CwlnSaia
atA avadl ld wtan wnaAiar to
srsronry asasHaa
KirrcMutuut Buut exx
. .-. r. A. SiS.-mtwm. aSakaaaaiaar -
The Mandarin, a Celestial Comic
Opera In Three
The Mandarin ...S; . Hamilton
So-Fah MIhb Mabel Lieackey
Do-Rav-Me Miss Qretchen Emery
Blng Bong Miss Alice Wlnspear
Change puollo proasautor.d . ,v.,. ........
. .Donald A, Johnson
Chung, counsel for prisoner O. W. Long
Vaher ..." Walter SulhofT
Foreman of Jury .Max E. Weber
Lieutenant John Smith Lou J. Trcynor
Colonel; Coldsteel C. J. Francisco
Captain Bluff.... W. Woods
Yung Shi Miss Hasel Livingston
Choruses of Chinese ladies. Jurymen.
soldiers, attendants, etc., . and llrltlsh
soldiers and sailors.
This charming opera will receive its first
hearing in Omaha tonight. It will be re
peated tomorrow night and Saturday mati
nee for the benefit of the San Francisco
sufferers. All three performances ore under
the auspices ol the Parish Aid society of
All Saints' church. A larga number of
seats have already been reserved, enough
to warrant the expectation of crowded
houses. The cause Is one which appeals
to the sympathy of everybody, and the
performance offered Ought to Interest all
who may hate otherwise subscribed tyber
ally and who like to patronise Omaha
talent, especially when under competent
direction as they are able to give a per
formance of professional excellence. There
are some exceptionally clever people in the
cast, who have been carefully prepared In
their different roles. The Chorua is large
and efficient: the ballet la Composed of six
teen very pietty young women with sixteen
Chinese tots aa an adjunct, also the cele
brated galling gun section of the Omaha
Guards will spear in the battle scene and
in their special drill. The costumes are
new end the orchestra enlarged so thut
fully 100 people are engaged In the opera.
The curtain rises at 8:15 and carriages 4nay
be ordered for 10:30.
Do Yoa Want to Know
What You 5walk art
There to a stow Ins sftntlmwnt In this
eountrjr In favor of MsmcLSR or bsvwn
ooMmsmoH. It is but natural that ens
should have sum interest in th compo
sition of that which he or she Is eipecfcxl
to swsMow. whether It b food, drink or
Keconi7.iii(r tbis growing dtspwltio
on the j'srt of the pud lie. and sstlstind
that the fullest publicity can only add to
tbe well-earned reputation of his medi
cines. Ir. R. V. Plercs. of Itnffalo, N. Y.
hss "taken time br th forelock," as it
were, and Is pnbl'Miiog broadcast, a list
of all the IngrtMijonts en wiring into bis
leading medicine, the "olden Medical
liisrovery " th popular liver invlfforatnr,
stnraach tonic, blood purifier and heart
regnlstor; also of hls'Kavorit lYescTiu
tion" for weak, over - worked, broken
sown, nervous and invslid women.
This boid snd oit-spoken movement oa
the part of 1T. Pierce, has. by showing
exactly what his well-known medicines
are composed of. corn pletelr disarmed all
harping critics who have heretofore nn
iusUy attacked them. A little pamphlet
has been complied, from the standard
medical authorities of all the several
schools of practice, showing the strongest
endorsement" by leading medical wrlfirs
of the several Ingredients whlcl: enter Into
I)r. Pierce's medicines. A copy of this
little book is m si I'd trtt to any one de
siring to learn more concern i us; the vain
able, nftUve. medicinal plants which enter
Into tha composition of tt. lierr's med
Icitiea. Address Dr. Plerc as above.
Dr. Pierce's P1eaat Pellet are tiny. aa-sr-rslvl
antl-btluias rrannle. They res
nlaie aod lnvieirtt Suimicn, Liver ana
Hovel. Do nul bea.-t (he " pill hatiiv" but
cure eonstiratton. ne or two each day far
s liiwi't sad regulator, three or four for aa
active csthartla Once tried always la favor.
nnn (HVE.N AWAY, In copies of
The Peonie s Common Bene
Medical AdvfcMir. a book that, sold to the ox-
Sent of M0.IW0 copies a few
sears ato. st tl.5 per coy.
Ist year ws gave away
fJO.Ort) worth of these Invalna
ble books. Ttila rear we aball
giro awar N).a00 worth of
them. Will yoa share In this
benefit V If so, send otilj CI
one-cent stamns u cover noet
of mailing only for book
stiff pniwr covxrs, orRI tmr
for cloth-hoind. Artilre-w lr.
B. V. rieroo. buffalo, N. f.
Eailwsjs Get Ready for Lsndseeksrs Goin
to Ehoshone Reservation.
Vtelhnit of llrawlna. Similar to that
f-:inplorl nt Hneebnn taenvi,
tt III He t'nllnnMl
Talbot's Vlanaarr Here to Arrange
for rlre Flahtlna Show
This Month.
Sam Haller. assintiint general niHiiaaer of
Talbot's "Fighting the Flames" company.
Is in the city, overseeing the placing of the
first installment of sdvertlslng for the big
benefit which will be given for the fire and
police departments' relief fund. The date
of this big show, which has been the tslk
of the east for two seasons, is May 23, 2t,
X and 3. The show is arranged for sixty
four boxes, -all of which have been sold
by the firemen and policemen who hnvs
been out ' hustling tickets. The location
will be Twenty-first ami Paul streets, the
old circus grounds.
This is 'the big Luna park production
which has been put on the road and will
be seen fcSr the first time in the west. 8c!p
Dundy used it as his feature attraction for
two years, when he decided to let It' go
on- the road. The show travels In forty
cars, which are needed for the & people
and horses and the large amount of scenery.
The paraphernalia includes fourteen pieces
of the most up-to-date Are apparatus. In
cluding hose carts, trucks and extension
ladders. Forty expert firemen, selected
from some of the leading companies of the
Vnlted States, accompany this exhibition.
One of the owners Is K. W. McConncll, well
known from the Transmlsslsslppl exposi
tion, of which he and Dundy were the
principal concessionaires. The originator,
Frank L. Talbot, Is a well known amuse
ment and exposition caterer. ' '
Chamberlain's eon ah rtftae'aV Thor
onaftlr Tested. "
No better test can be given a medicine
than that of time. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy has been recommended by dealers
who handle It. It has received thousands
of testimonials from grateful people who
have used It. It has been prescribed by
physicians with satisfactory reaults. It has
been analysed by prominent chemists and
found to be harmless. But the fact that It
has been sold under guarantee to give satis
faction for almost a third of a century la
the best test of all. It can always bs de
pended upon and is pleasant and' safe to
take. Try it when you have a cough or
WATCHES Prenaer, 16th and Dodge Sta to St. Panl and Minneapolis
" and Return
From Omaha, via Chicago Great Weatern
railway. Tickets on sale dally sfter May
81 to Sept. 38. Final return limit, Oct. SL
Equally low rates to other points In Minne
sota, )orth Dakota, Wisconsin and lower
Michigan. . For further information apply
to Ii. H. Churchill, Gen. Agt., Ult Farnam
St., Omaha, ...
DIAMONDS Frenser. 16th and Dadgs sts.
DlAMONDB Edholm. sth Harney sts.
Itailroeds, ftspeclslly Hie KurliiiKtuii and
the Northwestern, ar making active
preparations for the doming of thousands
of anxious landseekets to Wyoming In
June and July on the occasion of the
opening of the lands of tlio Shoshone or
Wind River reservation for settlement.
One of the most excltfng openings In the
history of western development Is ex
pected. " '
The reservation lies directly south of
I3lg Horn country, one of the wealthiest
and largest in the state southeast of
Yellowstone park. The Shoshone Indians
have ceded to the national government
about 1.1R0.000 acres or , nearly two-thirds
of their reservation, and of this between
300,000 and 400.000 acres are said to be
good agricultural lands, susceptible to Ir
rigation. The remainder Is graiing. tim
ber and mluoral laud. The land will be
open for settlement by drawings, probably
similar to that used at the opening of
the Rosebud agency. -
"Considerable corn ia already being
listed in our section of the state," said
J. J. Schmidt, postmaster of Verdigris,
Knox county, "and the whole country ?s
in a receptive mood for seed. The acreage
in Knox county probably will not be In
creased this year, as the farmers are
going In more for cattle each year, realis
ing that is where the money Is to be
made. Cattle feeding is a great Industry
and Is the best way to dispose of the corn
crop. Verdigris is on the Bonesteel exten
sion of the Northwestern, nbove Norfolk,
snd the Influx of settlers and the splendid
crops for the last few years has made
land a very valuable asaet."
"The time Is not far distant when the
whole stretch of country from the Rocky
mountains to the Missouri river Will be
one vast field of grain," said C. C. Cole,
farm and ranch owner of Boulder. Colo.,
as he sat In the Merchants rotunda after
lunch Wednesday. "This great American
desert is a thing of the past and Irriga
tion, where . needed, and the Campbell
dry farming methods will revolutionise
the whole situation. Ia our country lots
of wheat has been sown this spring, but
winter wheat will eventually be the crop.
Alfalfa ia also being grown in abundance,
one man raising forty ton' on seven acres.
Homo .farmers, by the dry farming system,
have not had a total crop failure for sev
enteen years. Eastern Colorado docs not
get the hot winds that Kansas' does. It
is too close to the mountains."
Bin- Rock Island Officials.
Judge Moore, one of the owners of the
Rock Island; Mr. Hlnes. associated with
him; B. X Winchell, president; II. U.
Mudge, second vice president In charge of
operation; F. O. "Melcher, general man
ager; H. 8. Cable, general superintendent;
C. W. Jones, superintendent of the Iowa
division, and C. L. Brown, superintendent
of the Nebraska division, were in Omaha
Tuesday night. They arrived about 6:30
from a tour of Inspection of the Iowa line
and left Wednesday' morning for a day
light run across Nebraska to continue their
Inspection of the lines west of the river.
No announcement .was foade of their com
ing and few knew the distinguished party
Was here. They l remained in . their
cars at I'nlon . rta;lojH,Bll night, coming
up town for a short -stroll?
Special Rallroaw Rsenrelona.
The Rock Island has announced another
big base ball excursion from the state for
Sunday, May 27, whenr. the Denver team
will be the opponents of the Roufices. The
last excursion, run Sunday, brought 1,134
people, nearly one-half from points out
side of Lincoln. The- next excursion will
start at Nelson and pick up passengers
st sll Intermediate points.
The Illinois Central has announced sev
eral rates for conventions which will be
held in the next few weeks. The General
Federation of Women's Clubs, which meets
at St. Paul May 28, at, 30 and SI, will have
a round trip rate of one fare, plus $2. It
is estimated that about (.000 women will
attend this convention, many of those
from the west and south will pass through
Omaha. For the "Home Coming Week
of Kentucklana" at Louisville June 11-13, a
rate of one fare, plus 36 cents, has been
made. For. the annual convention of the
national council of the Knights of Colum
bus st New Haven June 1-4, a rate of one
fare, plus $2, has been made. For the
Germsn Baptist, Brethren meeting at
Springfield June 1-4, a rate of ons fare,
plus 11, hss been made. For the American
missionary association st Boston June S-8, a
rate of one fsre, plus Jl, has been an
nounced, snd for s general meeting of the
members of the First Church of Christ.
Scientist, st Boston June 10-17, the same
rate Is made.
Rail tray tea and Peraonnla.
N. H. ljnmle. general attorney for the
l"nlon Pacific in Kansas. relillng at To
pckH. was In the city Tuesday.
The Hurllnglon hss nenrly completed
Inylng Its ninety-pound rails nn the matn
line between Lincoln and lcnvcr.
Fourteen erman Inn, list" nt. dli-ct from
Castle iinrden. left over the I'nlon Paclflo
for 8nn Francisco Wednesday morning.
The Rock Island hss prepsreil a nest
fo,er setting out the sdvantaues of an
outing at Spoil ljike and OkoioJI. The
folder shows the New Orleans hotel, which
has been built to replace the other de
stroyed by fire, snd has Interesting In
fornistlon on the fishing and boating to lie
found there.
Harry Lee Roberts, substitute railway
mull clerk, hss l-en appointed to the
Omaha and .McFsrlnnd run on the Rock
Island, and Justin F. Hnilgernw. also a sub
stitute, has been transferred to that run,
and will operate from the Lincoln head
quarters. Instead of Omaha, hereafter, tltlo
It. Milts has been transferred to the Palmer
and Burwell run from the Omaha and
Ogrien. and Bort I). Hherbundy has been
promoted from class three to class four.
A. K,. Archer, additional railway mall clerk,
has been promoted to the Omaha and Osilen
lun on the I'nlon Pacific
Members of Tenth Cavalry and
Twenlr-Flrat Infantry WIC,
nesaea In Land Caere.
Deputy Vnlted States Marshal J. O.
j Moore has returned from the northwestern
part of the state, whers he haa been for
the laat two weeks summoning witnesses in
the land fraud cases to appear before the
federal grand Jury.
Among the wltnesaea are several colored
soldiers of the Tenth United States cavalry
at Fort Robinson and of the Twenty-fifth
infantry at Fort Niobrara. These witnesses
with others are to be questioned regarding
their procurement to make filings within
the Cnmetock and Richards land enclosures
under the sasurance that they were to be
reimbursed for. the lands when they made
final proof. If deeded over to the Spado
ranch and other cattle enclosures In Sheri
dan and Cherry counties. The investiga
tion of the land fraud cases will be taken
up Thursday morning.
Announcements of the Theaters.
The last of the mid-week porular price
matinees, which have been so iiopular with
the women, will be given at the Orpheum
this afternoon. The eight varied acta
constituting this week'a program are draw
ing and enthusing large audiences and
Judging from the comment snd demand
for seats the house will be well filled this
afternoon with women and children.
The regular shoppers' matinee will be
given at the Burwood theater this after
noon, the bill being "The Cavalier." Tills
production is one of the heaviest yet in
stalled by the Woodward Stock company,
snd has proven immensely successful. Miss
Lang Is making a nightly hit in the role
of Charlotte Dursnd. The bill for next
week will be the well known melodrama,
"The Belle of Richmond."
The German performances at Boyd's
opera house next Saturday and Sunday
evenings should certainly draw a large
attendance. The purpose is an excellent
one, as the proceeds goes towards the
erection of a Schiller monument In River
view park, the first monument of its kind
in Omaha. It Is, therefore, the moral duty
of each German to assist in this worthy
undertaking, and he should be proud to
show that he masters two languages.
Piano for Sale.
I must sell at once my new 1450 mahogany
piano. Will sell cheap, part cash, balance
to suit. Ill N. 10th.
1 Steamship 'ticket, -
I am agent for alt European steamship
lines, handling outward and prepaid tickets.
Sailing llatss diagrams and literature can
be obtained on application. Flrat and seo
ond cabin and ateersge at very lowest
rates. J. B. Reynolds, C. P. A. Burlington
Route,. 1502 Farnam street
Former Omaha Property Owner
Sonant by Cltlaen of San
City and County Treaaurer Fink has re
ceived a letter from T. II. Mulkey,
Golden Gate avenue, Ban Frsnclaco, asking
for Information concerning the whereabouts
of John Reynolda, who once owned prop
erty in Omaha. Mr. Mulkey explains thst
earthquake and fire victims are hunting up
relatives in quest of financial assistance.
Reynolds lived in Oakland after leaving
Omaha and more recently went to Seattle,
where trace of him was lost. Attorney
Isaac E. Congdon remembers Reynolds,
who was a locomotive engineer and waa
employed by the I'nlon Pacific here about
twenty-five yeara ago. Mr. Congdon doea
not know Reynold's present whereabouts.
He had a residence at Evanston, Wyo., for
a tims.
Like Mild Aalmala
that tear and rend you, are the pains ot
Biliousness, Kidney Trouble. Cure guaran
teed by Electric Bitters; 0c. Sold 6y
Shermsn & McConnell Drug Co.
To the ladles of Omahn and t trinity
We Wish to Annonnre
The recent purchase of TWO LINES OF
FINIS LACES and embroideries from the
largest importer ot line laces in New York
AT WC ON THB DOLLAR. These goods
were imported in two lots, one for a St.
Louis and the other for a Chicago dress
makers' supply house; they were late In
delivery and were refused. We have never
before In the history of our business been
able to offer the equal of theae lines, as they
are all thia season's goods, of very latest
patterns snd finest quality. Some of these
goods are now on display in our show
windows, but will not be ready for sale till
Friday, May 11. We would very much like
to have you see these lines as early as
possible. The bands and batiste insertings
sre particularly desirable at this season,
snd for white gowns' the embroideries are
truly exquisite. See this display . Friday
or Saturday at the latest.
The extended litigation between the man
ufacturers of the Comptometer, Felt 4k
Tarrant Mfg. Co., Chicago and the
Mechanical Accountant Co., of Providence,
Rhode Island, terminated May 4 in a de
cision of the L'nited Stales Circuit Court
of Appeals at Boston, broadly sustaining
an Important Felt patent on adding and
calculating machines, and ordering a de
cree for an injunction.
T from Knroneaa and Asiatic
Pull line of outward and prepaid tickets
via all Transatlantic eteamaliip lines Make
your rrverv aliona for cabin pasnage early.
For rules, sailing, lial. etc.. call t City
Ticket Office. Chicago Milwaukee' & St
Paul itaileey, li-t Famuli! street, Omaha,
Nvb. . ... -1
Food "Valiie
of a Soda Cracker
You have heard that tome foods furnish fat,
other foods make muscle, and still others are
tissue building and heat forming.
You know that most foods have one or more
of these elements, but do you know that no
food contains them all in such properly balanced
proportions as a good soda cracker ?
The United States Government report shows
that soda crackers contain less water, are richer
in the muscle and fat elements, and have a much
higher per cent of the tissue building and heat
forming properties than any article of food made
from flour.
That is why U need a Biscuit should
form an important part of every meal. They
represent the superlative of the soda cracker, all
their goodness and nourishment being brought
from the oven to you in a package that is proof
against air, moisture and diut the price being
too small to mention,
. ; ; ' 'v.. j ,
'ia rs.
f 1
"NebrasKa" Shoes
and Oxfords for Men
The World's Best for Men at $2.50
Without a tuiostion of doubt. "Nebraska" shoos ainl
oxfords for nirn at $2.50 are t lie world'n best at the price.
They are made to tit the foot as well as any $3.5(1 Mint-.
"Nebraska" shoes and oxfords at $2.50 are carefully
molded to follow every curve of the foot even the soIp is
constructed to conform to the natural curve of tho foot
bottom, "Nebraska" shoes and oxfords need no "breaking
in. "Nebraska shoes and oxfords
are made in all leathers, ami in all
styles. The next pair of shoes or
oxfords you buy, try our N
"Nebraska Special"
Special for Women
Shoes and Oxfords that you
would he obliged to pay $2.50
and $3.00 are here for
. . .
I Made in all newest leathers in the newest
spring shapes the best values in the city of
Omaha tor II a'
(ar..aimi N
Fresh clear skin from babyhood
to motherhood mark the .users of
-Jap (rlose
Extreme laboratory care in manufacture and
uniform texture are indicated by its transpar
ency and results in 6kin comfort and beauty.
For toilet and bath.
- -r ' smsmmau
Via th
Special llomeseekers' Excursions
Tiiocrtaue Ml 1tt ,nl 15th-
lUCbUcJyb June 5th and 19th, July 3d md 17th. .
Iron Mountain
to Certain Points In tho
One Fare Plus $2 for the Round Trip
STOP-OVERA will be allowed both going and returning after first
Honieaeekers' point enroute.
To thoM who are not satisfied with present conditions and who arw
seeking new locations this will afford an excellent opportunity (or
investigating Joalill-s in the West and Southwest.
For Further Information, Maps, Folders, Etc., Address,
T. 1". GODFREY, Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb.
H. 0. TOWNSEND, Oen. Pass, and T'k't Agt., St Louis, Mo.
To and From
Kates, sailing lists, diagrams of
steamers, beautiful illustrated and
descriptive pamphlets, via'
rciitrv? the rua
All Reliable Ocean .Liners
for the asking.
Wabash City Ticket Office
1631 Farnam Street
or address
Harry L Moares. C JL P. D Wab. R. R.
P. & Mediterraueajo, European,
Auatio crniofca.