Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1906, Page 4, Image 4
TIIE (WAIT A DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, MAY 10, llKMT. T The Omaha Daily Bel K. ROIGWATER, EDITOR. PUBLISHED EVERT MORNING. TERMS or SUP-HCRIPTION. I I-siiy Mei and Sunday. year.......': oo llltistrated Bee, on year I aturiir nee. on year t,. ZLu" Sd.. k..l7o Dally Rh (without Sunday), per week....UJ rvenlnSEStwK Sunday Bee, per copy ."."."".'"J Address complaint ot irreguirme in uv livery to City Circulation Department. OFF1CK8. Omaha The Bee Building-. South Omaha City Hall Building. I Council Bluff 10 Pearl Street. Chicago 140 t'nlty Building. New York 15" Home Life Ins. Building. Washington offl Fourteenth Street. I CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news ann eoi- - i torlsl matter shou mid be addressee.; ura" i Bee. Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. i . k. A tt .- a - .... rwiatal Order Li. ... n. il vi.hiihln Company, &Kr Omaha or eastern exchanges, not arcepi. THB BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska, Douglaa County, ss : C. C. Roaewater, general manager of The Bee Publishing company, being duly sworn, ays that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally, Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the month of Apr 1. 13U6. waa ioiiows 1 2,2AO 81.4HW g S1.800 17 ..81,410 ...31,400 ...84.T80 .. .81,20 ...81.2MO ...32,100 ...4,1M ... 81,400 ...81,200 ...8i,4ao ...81,330 ,. .81,170 ...83,100 IS ..45.S40 '..40,210 ..4H.8TO 1 10 21 22 23 24. ...... 4A4to ..3S.930 ..85,000,ato W. U u..... U M . 25 81.4B0 tA 31.4TO n 8ij20 24 82,370 19 8S.200 JO 81,000 lo. ...20,100 Total 1,041,800 L. as unsold copies 181X2 Net total sales... Daily average C. 1,028,&M ....1 84J2SO C, ROSE WATER, General Manager. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this 0t a aay or April, ist. (Seal) M. B. HUNOATB, Notary Public. WHEN OCT OP TOWN, tafcasrl ears ImtIi( taa oily teas perarUr - skoald fce - The Bee tall to thosa. Address will be eaaased aa afloat aa resjaested. The day are getting longer now, which may account for the ordinance to postpone the midnight hour. Suits against the alleged "drug trust" are an indication that Commis sioner Garfield does not always work In the lime light. - Mlnra nrnmisa to resume work Thuradav. but the ice men are certain Of little competition until ater the present crop is sold. It la the irony of fate that the rate bill amendments Introduced by Sena tor Cullom will be forever known as the "Allison" compromise. r-. . Settlement of the anthracite trouble leaves Colorado supreme in its labor war record, a position reinforced by recent developments at Pueblo. When Omaha has a bank cashier acting as Its official dog catcher it will be entitled to rank' several pegs higher In the roll of progressive cities. Count Bonl de Castellane seems to have less trouble keeping his seat in the French House of Deputies than in preserving his source of income. Snow in the bluegraas region ot Kentucky in May shows that the old state can provide all the necessary novelties for the "home-coming" year. In striking the word "obey" out ot the .marriage service Presbyterians prove that the time ot the "revision ist" has not been entirely occupied on the confession. The democratic World-Herald wants It understood that it would rather have Omaha lose the senatorship than keep It In the person of Edward Rose -water. But that is quite natural. The denial that there is a plot against the president ot Santo Domingo should cause that official to redouble his guards. ' When the Dominican op- position does not plot it must be dan gerous. With wireless messages from an air ship In search of the North Pole con siderable advance has been made since the days of Sir John Franklin; but the secret of the icy north has not yet been .revealed. The czar enters St. Petersburg to day by water in order to avoid passing through the streets of his capital. The gift of the Douma has not proved so popular in Russia that the ruler can greet his subjects openly. The statement that the San Fran dsco disaster has disorganized the lumber trade may give certain Nebras- kans an excuse for lowering or raising prices ot lumber following that suit inaugurated by Attorney General Brown. It yon want to keep the senatorship In Douglas county by backing the only local candidate who has a substantial following throughout the state, attend the meeting at Washington Hall to night, called in the interest of the can didacy ot Edward Rosewater for United States senator. The street lighting fund will now be divided into two parts Instead ot three parts. That is all the abolition of the gasoline lighting contract means and the substitution of the electric lamps. So far as the taxpayers are concerned, they will not pay one cent Ions for street lighting. co.v.vo.t carriers as smiter. The discussion in the senate of amendments bearing on the participa tion of railroads In coal mining opera tions raises a question of scarcely less lmt.nrt.nn .nd nrnhahlv of far Greater intricacy and complication even than which rnn. gress has won engagoa ior two ses- -ion. and pub.ic thought concentrated tne meantime. That aubject Is In- connected with many of the abuses and discriminations in railroad rates and service which have compelled legislation In the Interest of fairness. It Is natural that attention should now begin to be critically directed to the mingling of the functions of rail- - oftd. common carriers with those of producers and snippers 01 coal in com petition with .the mass of producers anil ahlnnpr. who. not helnar also com "lers. are powerless to protect their Interests In the Vital point or . one-third of the total tonnage carried by the railroads of the United States. Obviously, the shipper who as com mon carrier controls transportation rates and service thereby controls the coal Industry and trade, holding abso lutely In his grasp arbitrary power over ordinary legitimate competitors, a power which it Is common knowledge has been ruthlessly employed. But the subject . Is Immeasurably broader than the coal Industry and all the industries Immediately dependent upon It, for common carriers are en- KaKe(l or specially interested financially In the production of other commodities in competition with shippers. The evil of such proprietary interest of com mon carriers outside of their proper function permeates the industrial and business world, not . to speak of the widelr ramified illicit dealings of transportation officials in their own selfish interest to the hurt of the mass of railroad share-holders, as well aa of the mass of the people While the existence of this evil and the resultant menace and demorallza tion to business have long been known, it was not till comparatively recently that public authority has bestirred Itself effectively to put the facts on of ficial record. The inquiry ordered by joint resolution of congress has only been fairly begun by the Interstate Commerce commission, although it has already disclosed startling details of abuse between railroads and railroad- owned coal -mining industries. Con gress may be able by amending the pending rate bill to do something ef B". auuoe, uui toe evil ,nv'l " so vast, so far-reaching na " complex mat its complete rem edy will require more thorough con sideration than can be given it at this stage of the session without further knowledge of the facts. THtl fiHORTEMSQ ''BREAD LIAp. Nothing short of rigorous system and military exactitude could enable the authorities at San Francisco to re duce free food distribution as rapidly aa they are doing. So great was the confusion and pressure of the multi tude at first that It was impossible to distinguish, and there must have been much waate and inequity. But the rapid exhaustion of the stores rushed in from everywhere and the inevitable shrinkage of the volume now coming in make necessary strict scrutiny of applicants for aid and the utmost economy of all resources. Al though tens of thousands have left the city and other tens of thousands are becoming self-supporting, the number of dependents is still enormous, and however rapidly it may decrease at best, extreme exertion will be required to prevent suffering. In fact the long, hard, painful strug gle to regain Independence is . only fairly beginning for thousands, al though the brunt of the emer gency is over for most. The excite ment of battle is past, but many have been so hurt that It will be long be fore they can stand up surely alone and make their way In the world. The omonues mane ciear inai mey are bending every energy to ascertain and parate all such from the unworthy tne ,aIT nd th designing who seize every opportunity to abuse public ; bounty It ought not to be forgotten that In spite of every effort to reduce "the bread line," the danger still Is that the supply of food and other relief will be under rather than over the urgent need. ANTI-PASS 8ENT1MKNT IS CoyORKSS It is a good sign that anti-free pass sentiment is finding such forceful ex press! on in congress in the considers tlon of the rate bill. The discussion on the Foraker amendment shows that there is strong conviction in the senate in favor of sweeping prohibition of I gratuitous rldei, although the terms Lf th Foraker proposition were such as excite southern sensibilities and ap prehension for the color line in pas senger cars. But other amendments and substitutes are pending to remove this objection and yet effect the re form. It is worth noting, too, that these amendments do not stop short with prohibition of free passes over Interstate roads to federal officers, but propose broadly to abolish their use by all persons, except em ployes of railroads, thus going farther than the laws ot several of the states like Iowa, but not farther than Wis con uln, Washington and Ohio have al ready gone. The free pass is inher ently a discrimination and in practice one of the most dangerous dlscrlmina tlons. The true principle is thatrans portation should be available to all on equal terms in passenger as well as I freight service, and the long Manning and widespread abuses of the free pass, whether n regards corruption of public officials or In connection with commercial business, marks It conspic uously fo.r extirpation. That Is the Send on which the public mind Is re- I solvpd and which legislation, state and ational. cannot reach too quickly and thoroughly. It will be a notable reform when one man as well an another, high or low, rich or poor, official or private, who travels within or across state bounda ries, shall be required without excep tion to pay the same fare. A COSFES8IOX OF FAITH. The purchase of a piece of property valued at more than $50,000 for the erection of a Real Estate Exchange ullding is a confession of faith In Omaha on the part of the real estate dealers .which will go far to inspire the faith of other 'people in the as sured future of the city Real estate men, as a rule, trade on other people's money, buying and Bell- ng on commission, although a larger and larger number have recently come to be In the class of investors them selves. If, In their Judgment, condi tions are ripe for the erection of a Real Estate Exchange building on one of the most prominent corners of the Ity, it surely means that their own confidence extends far beyond the mere persuading of prospective buy ers to take realty bargains off their hands In this connection, however, permit us to say that the talk of erecting a building costing only $50,000 upon the site purchased does not come up to the demands of the time. A $50,000 building on ground costing more than that sum would be out of all propor tions. The Real Estate exchange people who go into this building project should rise to the occasion by putting up a modern fire-proof building that will be a credit to the city, not only today, but ten years from now. Such a building on the corner fronting both the city hall and court house, could be made an ornament to the city and a conspicuous addition to our monu mental structures. The Real Estate Exchange building should be no Cheap John affair, erected for quick returns with speculative oh ects. It should be a permanent ad ditton to structural Omaha, and as such would be not only a confession of faith, but also an incentive to further faith. The bill rendered to the county board by Sheriff McDonald for pay for twenty-eight deputy sheriffs at the re cent city election raises a nice ques tion as to how far the sheriff has a right td go on his own responsibility In assuming the supervision of elections. it this were a -state or county election the jurisdiction ot the sheriff might be more evident, but inasmuch as it was a city affair, pure and simple, it would seem that the police department should have been quite able to pre serve order and, if assistance were re quired, to call on the mayor to ap point special policemen. If the sheriff has a right to appoint twenty-eight deputies to participate in a city elec tlon, what is to prevent bim from ap pointing 280 deputies and charge the bill up to the county? Although these deputies may deserve to be paid for tholr work, some understanding should be reached for the future that would limit the sheriff in incurring expenses for deputies ior elections without order of the county board. The friction at the Norfolk insane asylum has culminated in the removal of both the superintendent and his as Blatant. Without knowing anything of the merits of the case, it is a safe as sertion that no public institution of that kind can carry on its work satis factorlly unless those in chsrge of it pull together. There is no reason why the asylum at Norfolk should not rank with the asylums at Hastings and Lin coin in the matter ot good discipline and care ot Its Inmates. The success of the Auditorium as a great public undertaking is now as sured with a prize fight advertised as its latest attraction. Of course, the prize fight Is only a moving picture prize fight, but even at that it mus be edifying to those who contributed to the erection of this structure under the Impression that they were promot lng a movement to encourage music and art. The beet sugar industry in Nebraska has had bard luck from the first, There Is no question, however, that beet culture and beet sugar can be made profitable in Nebraska under proper conditions and co-operative ef forts of beet growers and factory man agers. It would be just like representatives of the Standard Oil company to pro vide that alcohol to be free must be denaturlzed with something like hy drogen blcarblde just as the public is pleased to think that it will enjoy de odorlzed automobiles. The re-election of Mayor Rose at Kansas City, Kan., shows that even supreme courts cannot stop people fiom voting tor the men they desire In office. But as to whether they can legally hold the office the supreme court haa the last say. The announcement that "Bob" Tay lor and hia fiddle have started after the seat now held by Senator Carmack of Tenne.see wi.ll.' hardly have the effect of converting that senator to the policy of electing t'nlted States aena- tors by popular vote. rnlltleal Fn7er f Kannae City Journal. The fart that Omaha haa son democratic how what democracy tin do In Nebrak.t when Colonel Bryan end hit voice arc Oort mllrs away. It Tab Ijirae Kionihl St. Louis Globe-Democrat. H is now the turn of the Indicted Sugar trut to look around for an Immunity bath. and yet obedience to the lew I one of the starting -point of wladom. Gtre 'Km Time. Chicago Record-Herald. Mayor Schmlts of San Francisco la a ucky man. In aplte of the good work he haa recently been doing none of hi friend ha attempted to tart a pre!- dentlal boom for him. A General I pi If t. Cincinnati Enquirer. The bureau of labor lue a bulletin to aay that the coat of living I now the htghet It hat been for sixteen years. That e all light, provided we are getting more pay and better housing, clothing and provisions. Dlatreaa ef Rich lenaor. Baltimore American.' The rlcheat man In the atate I to leave It it no longer the historic spot of lux urious club life, where the wearied million- Ire may rett In the golden evening of hit days. It hat been for oometime dltrea- Ingly in the limelight and men behind pitch fork and muck rakea are disturbing over much the aerenlty of Hi venerable peace nd quiet. Hence, It Is getting too strenu ous for those who crave the elmple life. One Meraer Kqsala Two Quake. New York World. The property lossea at San Francisco are estimated roughly at tMO.000,000. This I equivalent to half the water In the cap- talization of the New Tork traction merger. In the process of replacing their losses the people of San Francisco must pay In- erest Indefinitely upon IMO.000,000, Just a the people of New Tork must pay Interest IndeflnHely upon the $400,000,000 of water In the traction capitalisation. The earth quake losaet impose a tax upon the In dustry of San Francisco, Just as the trac tion water Imposes a tax upon the Indus try of New Tork. At a financial burden upon the com munity one New Tork traction merger It apparently equal to two San Francisco earthquakes. Conytaay Staada to WU. Chicago Chronicle, Five years ago the Union Pacific Railway company Issued and sold glflO,000,000 of 4 per cent bonds, convertible Into common stock at par unUl May 1, 1906, and redeemable at lOIH after that date. The ttock has 'lately sold as high at 160 and Is still above 110 ana the date of conversion has passed. The company ha advertised the terms and sent each bondholder a registered letter explain ing them and yet there are hnnds to th face value of $1,200,000 still outstanding. owners of which have missed the chance of getting $1.50 or more for every dollar In- vetted. Some attribute this to pure care lessness In the holders. Some of It no doubt it to, but It It not likely that most of It la ttrlbutable to actual lost of bonds In fires and other easualtlea or by thefts? And If so, now toon can the company feel sure on INTERIVATIOSAL, POSTAL RATES. ' soma proa-raia Mad la Ckeatealat the" Cost.' Boston Transcript. The International Postal convention's se- tiont at Rome have not attracted to much attention as perhaps they deserve. W ex pect every such gathering to tcor an ad vance In an Increaae of facilities or a cheap ening of ratet for postal communication be tween the various countries. Not much has been done along this line by the latest con ventlon. but there wat "something. It waa decreed that while the preaent charge of cents on a letter ahould be maintained within the Postal union, the charge on each additional unit ahould be reduced to 2 cents, to that what haa cost 10 eentt will now cott 7, and what waa IS will be i. That la a step toward the goal which the people of the several countries, If not their governments, desire to tee attained. Noth lng short of a universal 2-cent rate will tat Isfy the ultimate standard that haa been popularly agreed upon. There it no function of government In which the people take a larger Interest than In the postal service, It comet Into direct touch with them, more or lest frequently, and by the reduction of the ratet In the various countrlea. tlnce transportation haa become so swift and easy, it haa exerted a broad educational and social Influence that hat been a factor of the greatest value In the marvellous progress of the last fifty or sixty years Time wat, within the memory of many not now so very old when It coat 26 cents to send a letter any considerable distance, though there were different rates for differ ent distances; but It It safe to assume that the government's proportional deficiency In running the department under the 2-cent rate It much leta than It was under the 25-cent. A canvass of the situation a year or two ago was indicative of a prospect that the proposition to establish a universal 2-cent rate would not be seriously opposed by tha representative! of any government, except Germany, Its objection being baaed upon the well-understood fact that lta revenue! for the last few yean had not kept pace with Itt expendlturea. But the poetmaater gen eral ef New Zealand made the motion to that effect: the poatmtster general of Egypt seconded it, and the United States repreten tatlve supported It. but all the others hung back. The combination In lta favor wat rather curious one, though It waa perhapa natural that New Zealand and the United States, both progressive countries, should range themselves on that side. Still, even In the reduction of the rata on extra unite we have drawn a little nearer to a realisation of the main proposition. Th fact that this country haa taken lta stand In favor of the movement will make for its ultimate success, because if there are any burdens to be borne or sacrifices Involved the United States will carry the llon'a there of them because of itt heterogeneous popu latlon and magnificent distances. But w doubt whether these extra burdens would amount to much. All tucli movements tend to Increase the (Ottal but'nees without mtk lng appreciably larger demanda upon tha machinery of transacting It, and tbe peopl of several countrlea would be greatly bene fited. Make Dr-Graves' Tooth Powder your twicc-a-day friend; it will make you many admiring; friends those who have keen eyes for bright, white teeth and pure breath. Your sweetheart knows why. la aaady aaetil east or aottloa, SSo, D' CfSYV Tcclh Pc ff&r Co. BIT or W.H1TO I.IFK. oa the pe. Among the graduates In the department of polltlct and diplomacy of the Oeorce Washington university of the city of Wash ington I Victor H. Dura, a formerly Ne braska boy. Mr, Puraa Is a graduate of the University of Nebraska, having re ceived hla 1.. 1 B. from the law depart- lent. he has concluded a po't-sraduste course In the Columbian university, where received a master of laws and other onor. This yesr he Is completing a iplomatlc course and will receive the de gree of master of diplomacy, as well a doctor of civil law, which will be con- rred upon him next yesr In absentia. thu completing two years In one. He ha been equipping blmeelf for the foreign service with assiduous teal, and, although he haa encountered many difficulties, he hns ever been able to surmount them. He I a self-made man In the fullest sense of he word, not by necessslty, but by choice. for although he ha ever had financial backing, he ha relied absolutely upon hi own ability to fight his way up the ladder by earning his own resources for an education. ' Mr. Durat says that he Is convinced that ny young man In America can acquire the best education the universities of the country offer him If he but will. Ho considers life a battle against time and Insists that a self -asserted aim I equal to the accomplishment. All through the unlveritle he has had the honor of being the youngest member of his classes and Is at present the president of the graduat ing class. He hat traveled considerably over this country and spent last summer broad, studying foreign laws and the dif ferent systems of government He Is at present compiling a work which he call International Government," and say that his sole aim and ambition In life I to fight the battle for International peace. During his studies he has slways been employed at other work, which supplied him with fund sufficient to go on with his aim; at present he is employed In the nlted States senate. He wa last yesr dmitted to practice before the supreme court of the United States at the age of A. Mr. Durss has tn appointment with the Panama government and will aall for the Isthmus as soon as he completes hit studies. Every large city has its vlctlmt of the California disaster, but a case of peculiar sadness Is one which has come to light In Washington. The family of a wealthy Ban Francisco cltlten, his wife and two ughters, have been spending the winter In Washington In very comfortable apart ments and enjoying the social life of the national capital. They were out driving In their victoria the afternoon of the fire. Two dayt later the daughter!, who had never been accustomed to any but the most comfortable circumstances, were in search of work. One of them has since obtained an unimportant clerical position In one of the government department. Her sister Is still looking for a similar position. Their father's fortune was en tirely Invested In a California Insurance company. He Is a ruined man and his daughters will work to assist him In supporting them and their mother. The New Tork Times correspondent re lates: Mr. Humphreys of Missouri wat clamorously demanding a revision of the Internal revenue law. Fifteen or twenty men were scattered about the house, some of them listening occasionally when they had nothing more Interesting to do. 'The democrats once passed sort of bill," walled Humphreys, "but It waa tome time ago. When we come Into power again w.,will pass another.' . Norrls of Nebraska, walking up the aisle. caught the reminiscence and stopped. When wat It you passed that bill?" he asked. "In 1819," soberly responded Humphreys, nd for the lite of him could not under stand the bowl that went up from those who heard. Still standing In the aisle, Norris lingered for another opportunity. Presently he thought he saw It. Humphreys was say ing that the ways and means committee favored such a bill, but he could get no action In the house. "You have the consent of the commit tee?" asked Norrls. , "Tea," replied Humphreys, "but It's like the esse of the girl who wanted to go swimming. Her mother said she could If she would hang her clothes on a hickory limb and not go near the water." Then Norrls went out. Senator Scott of West Virginia had a can. didate for office In hla state and pushed him vigorously at the White House. The opponents of Scott's man dug up the fact that he wat. not to exemplary a citlaen as he might be and had a., record. . The president couldn't think of appoint ing such a man and told Scott to. Later the president tent in the nomination ot Ben Daniels of Arizona and wrote the fa mous letter excusing Daniels for having been in the penitentiary for stealing a mule. Scott went to the White House and said: "Mr. President, you refused to appoint my man, but It seems to me that you did It without proper Investigation. Tou have underestimated hla worth and qualifica tions." "How so?" asked the preaident. "Why. you have nominated Ben Daniels. AU well and good, but my man it twice aa worthy aa your man. Daniels was In the penitentiary only once and my man wat In twice.'' PRItSOXAL ROTES. Admiral Winfleld Scott Schley expects shortly to aettle in Baltimore and will maka that city hla permanent home. When Preaident Roosevelt goes to Ports. mouth, Va., on May 30 to make the Me morial day address before the Army and Navy union, the cltliens will make the occasion a grand reunion of the Army and Navy union. fialnt-Saent, the famous French composer, it' a many-sided man. He writes the librettos for his own operas, dabbles In astronomy, soology and botanies and hat even published a pamphlet on the relationi of planta to animals, In which his result! are grounded on original Investigations. Robert A. Smith, who hat Just been re elected mayor of St. Paul, Minn., has served six or seven terms In that office, five of them consecutively. Mayor Smith Is 71 years old, not a youngster aa mayors go and as besides hit various terms as mayor he hat filled other officea, a good part of hla life haa been office holding. Chicago hat a new official, and one that teemt to be needed everywhere. Mayor Dunne has appointed F. L Schwlndeler at the official "mine of Information." Mr. Schwlndeler it expected to be prepared to answer all question! put by cltltent, from the price of a dug license to the date of the Installation of municipal street cars. Prof. Joseph John Thomson, a well known physician. In an address at Cambridge, Eng., declared that of all students in the world, and be hat had experience with most of them, the Americans show the greatest energy and enthusiasm, which be credits to the courses at tbe American unl verslties, . which leave the students fresh nd enthusiastic, while the liigllshmsa art Intellectually Ured, WALTHAM 13,000,000 of them the world. "The Perfected American Wile':," n Illustrated book of interesting information about watches free opon request. AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCH COMPANY, WALTHAM, MASS. ARMY OOJSIP AT WASHIXttTOV Carrrnt Eveata . leaned from the Army and ay Register. Orders have been 'issued from the War department requiring that the annual re ports be reduced In volume. Accordingly there will be a condensation of such docu ments In every case. Reports of assistants will not be given at length as appendices to main reports. Secretary Taft believes that altogether too much literature is pub lished each year from the War department and he thinks the ttme hns come for dis couraging the expansion of such documents. Of course, the great mass of such material In text and tabulated form may be said to go to waste, but no one can really tell what part of a report I destined to be much sought for or to possess enduring value. It has been decided, however, that hla year there shall be, as far as possible. the careful revision of reports by every uthor In order to confine the official state ments and comments to the least possible space. An example of the Instructions which are going out to subordinate officers s that contained in a circular sent to army nglneers by General Mackenxle, chief of engineers. He says: 'On account of recent orders from the War department, requiring that the annual report be reduced In volume, reports of assistants, except such as are intended to form part ot the technical appendix, should no longer be given at length aa appendixes to the report of the officer In charge of the works; but all the fact necessary to a clear understanding of the year's work should be embodied In the report ot the officer. This direction Is not Intended to prevent the district officer from quoting fully from reports made to him by his assistants, to whom credit may be given by name In connection with such quota tions." About the most skillful piece of legisla tive work which haa been done in many days stands to the credit of Senator War ren, who within the short compass of two days obtained the consideration and the passage of the army appropriation act. There wert many amendments proposed by the committee, offered by Individual sen ators and recommended by the War de partment. Some of these had been taken from the bill In the house on points of order and were promptly restored by the senate committee. Other amendmenta of equal Importance originated with Senator Warren and hla oommlttee associates and with other members of the upper body of congress. There wat practically no debate on the bill when It waa brought up on Wednesday and It wat attended by no spe cial verbal hindrances on Thursday. Every thing waa plain aalllng for the chairman of tha senate military committee. The achievement may be regarded at a model feat in legislation, having to do with an annual appropriation bill. It la not the talk which counts, by any means. In handling matters of thla sort and Mr. Warren turned the trick with an absence ot sen atorial loquacity which was to the glory of that body and the comfort of the rest of mankind. - Nearly all. If not all. of the amendments which have been made to the army bill and now published in full In thla Issue will be approved in conference and will remain in the act. Much Interest appears to have been taken in the case of the army officer recently tried by court-martial for breaking hit pledge of temperance. There were tome people whose sympathy waa aroused by the supposed requirement that the officer sign a pl'jdve, advantage being taken. It waa claimed, of hit condition to exact promises which he could not obviously have kept. This led to an investigation at the Instance of the War department au thorities and on request of the division commander, under whom the case wa con ducted. It has Incidentally led to some discussion In the War department of the extent to which a pledge may be exacted of an officer, and It la ttated without reser vation that, of course. It It out of the question to Impose obligations upon an In dividual who la believed, If not known, to be unable to meet the prescribed condition! of habit and conduct. In this particular case, however, the sympathy appears to have been misplaced, tlnce the officer gave hia pledge voluntarily and undoubtedly In the full knowledge of the solemnity of the requirements Imposed upon him. An offi cer who voluntarily gives a pledge must TmG Old And you know why, too. Don't you know that Ayer's Hair Vigor restores color to gray hair? Well, it does. And it never fails, either. It stops falling hair also, and keeps the scalp clean and healthy. Do not grow old so fast! No need of it. 77ie best kind Sold for over sixty years.' Haas ey the I. O. ATYt-S SAlSAPUilLLA Fat the alsoa. At SCaSi(STr1tCTXaaJre(ha. WATCHES. now used all over of course be expected to live up t H or suffer the consequences, and It la consid ered quite as proper for an officer to be required to take a pledge, with the ex press or implied alternative of serious con sequences If he refuses to take or if he breaks the pledge. MERHV JMOI.E. "How do we know that Solomon was the wisest man?" "Well, for one thing, he got together a colossal fortune without being Investi gated." Washington Star. "There's one thing 1 like about that boy of your. He seems to be one of the get-up-aiid-get kind." "You wotildn I think so if you hsd to csll him to breakfast." Cleveland Plain Uealer. "I tell you, It's a serious thing to be the father of eleven daughters." "I csn understsnd that, old fellow. It keeps me busy clearing away the cold Wads of chewing gum lor six." Chicago Tr'.bv.r.e. Rich Young Simpleton Oh, Gwendolyn. I love you more than tongue can ever tell. Foxy Young Widow Well, then, why don't you write It to me some day? Bonier ville Journal. "I understand," began Mrs. Galley, sternly, "that you have been seen al the theater with my husband" "Well," Interrupted the pretty gov erness defiantly, "what of that?" "Weil. Miss Reeder, if you wish to re main In my employ you'll have to keep better company. Philadelphia Press. Tess Young Sllllman telle me his first name Is Noah. What do you think ot thst? Jess Old-fashioned, Isn't It? Tess Old-fashioned? It's positively ridic ulous. Noah had sense enough to go In when It rained. Philadelphia Press. "Watch wheels are like great men In some respects." "What are they?" "When they go around to pass time In their own way, they generally travel In cog." Philadelphia Press. "t know I'm lute, desr." he sooloalsed. "Yini see. 1 wss neiainen nan an iiuui or an hv an old friend who lust got back to town after a Ions absence. I had to tall him all f knew." "Indeed!" the snapped. "1 don't se Cleveland jeaaer. "i" called on four ladles last night," said the fickle beau, boastfully. "Gee whltt!" exclaimed Jack Potts, "you mutt be a quitter. I'd keep on raising all night If I held a hand like that." Phila delphia Catholic Standard. Knlcker Primitive men ploughed the earth with a eharpened stick. Bocker You don't mean to aay golf dated back that far? New York Sun. ? "Put more ginger in thla story." said tha citv editor, handing back the copy. 80 the reporter described the cayenne throwing episode as a pepper and 'ssult esse, thus winning Instant promotion. Philadelphia Ledger. "See, here. Madlgan!" exclaimed Lush msn, "I snw one of your bartenders put ting water in the whisky yesterday." "Well, sor," replied Madlgan, "enure, ye know, we hov to make aome conclsslons to the temperance people." Cleveland Leader. "Why Is It." she whispered at the close of the ceremony, "that the bridegroom al ways looks as If he couldn't call his soul his own?" , ..... "Probably," replied her brother, "It be cause from thst moment he really can't." Philadelphia Catholic Standard. EVERYBODY STANDS BIT FATHER Everybody stands but father. When the busy day la done. And the work-a-day world it wending Homeward at aet of sun; The cars are Jammed to the limit, Each woman gets next to a ttrtp; But the man, he sits, for to him it teemt. Every one thould ttand but pap. Every one stands but father. We know how tired he must be. With the children prattling about him. Their voices pitched way up In G; How often, from desk and from counter. He turns to attend to their need; So every one atanda but papa. For papa la tired Indeed. Every one ttanda but father, Schoolma'am and shop girl and all: They're not tired a bit, to why thould they tit. And they'd feel to remarkably email To see those poor fathers all standing. With looks to reproachful and sad; How could womankind be so thoughtless! 80 every one stands but dad. Every one stands but father. The poor, fagged-out old man: With the dinner to get and the dishes to do. He needs must sit while he ran; At home they'll sit reading the papers, Mary, Mellssy and ma; It's only on homeward-bound street cars That every one stands but pa. BAYOLX, NB TRKLE. Omaha. May. 1906. rowma Fast of a testimonial- Aye Ce.. Leweli, aUse. 1 ef AYBI'S fllXa Far aeastlaatlea. AlSJt'S A0US CUka f rnauusassag.