Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1906, Page 3, Image 3
TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: ttittrsday, MAY 10, lm. ORKIH BROS. 8UCCK880R8 TO 1510 n nr as if fv 01, II ON SALE THURSDAY ONLY 00 Stylish Jackets at $4.95 This great sale of new, stylish Jackets at $4.95 will be more than appreciated by everyone who will visit this great cloak store Thursday There are 300 to select from ail made of splendid all wool materials, in tan covert cloth or fancy mixtures, and made in all the corcct styles either - fitted or loose fitting elTects ON SALE THURSDAY ONLY AT Stylish levy Suits at $9.75 These stylish Suits are worth fully double the price of $'J..r) they are all made of all colors and in all the corect new styles either in the pony jacket or Eton effects, with . .the new style skirts-$19.50 VALUES ON SALE AT.. KZARNEY MAN ENDS LIFE William Johaaon Commits galcl'ti After Becoming Draponilfnt and Drinking- Heavily. KEAHNET, Neb.. May 5 (Special Tele 8rnm.) Thla morning the llfnless body of Wllllnm Johnson was found by his wife hanging to a Irea in the yard at their horn lu - this city. - 'Johnson was de spondent. Lvnlh came through strang ulation. The sheriff considered It unneces sary to l.old an Inquest, as his death was evidently suicidal. - ' Besides his wife he Is survived by two sons, his mother, Mrs. E. A. Bensrhoter, at the Soldiers' home In Grand Island; a brother, Frank Johnson of Lincoln, and a sister, Mrs. Butterfleld, In Oregon. Stat t'nanelt, Knlxhls of f olambo. : COLUMBUS. Neb.. May 9. (Special.) The annual meeting of the state council, Knights of Columbus, wns hold in Colum bus Council hall yesterday afternoon. State Deputy T. J. Mahoney presided. Delegates were present from the Omaha, I In coin, Co lumbus, O'Neill and Alliance councils. Re ports received from the district deputies showed thst the order ha a membership of 1,000 In Nebraska and Is growing stead ily. A new ccuncll Is In tie instituted at Hastings next Sunday under the direction of John Fitagerald council of Lincoln, mak ing the sixth ccunril in the rtate. Officers-elect of the stan ccuncll arc: Deputy, 'C. J, Bmylh. 0:rnia; accretary, 1. J. O'Dannell, O'Neill; tuAJiner. J. H Svhmldl,' Omaha; hh.., , B:r:;, Co lumbus; delcgutcs to thtf . t::..! conven tion. T. J. Mahcnav, f. It- SnJ .h. d.naha; JlAUvw. tl. .'--..: i . - C -i- yj " , r. " ) -i- . . A. nr. i. , i.jiii. . m, nnu j -Mulicii. 'tTNclll. . " ''The national convention will be held at Kew Haven. Conn., the seconJ week In June, when ths new houilqu irters building, costing- J.306.0OO, will be dedicated. . HutlKI t HT V. M. C. A. HASTINGS. Neb.. May 9. (Special Tele gram.) The Young Men's Christian associa tion building fund was today Increased to $!.. former Senator Dietrich donating $1,000. The new building will cost $20,010 and the furnishing and equipping $10,000. The contract for the structural work has been given to S. J. Chambers of this city. The building will be started this week and the contractor expects to have It finished by January L ' state Bandar enol Convention. YORK. Neb.. May . (Special.) The ex ecutive committee of the State Association of Sunday Schools after considering the claims of all the places asking for the state COVERED LIMBS t 1 s Little Girl's Obstinate Case of Eczema Instantaneou Relief By Cuticun Little Boy's Hands and Arms Also Were a Mass of Torturing Sores Grateful Mother Says. '.'CUTICURA REMEDIES A HOUSEHOLD STANDBY" "In reply to your letter I rite jroo my experience, and you are privileged to use it as you see fit. Last year, after having my little girl treated by a very prominent physician for an obsti nate case of ersema, I resorted to the Cuticura Remedies, and waa so well pleased with the almost instantaneous relief afforded that we discarded the physician's prescription and relied en tirely on the Cuticura Soap, Cuticura Ointment, and Cuticura Puis. When we commenced with the Cuticura Rem edies her feet and limbs were covered with running sores. In about six weeks we had her completely well, and there baa been no recuneuce of the trouble. M In July of this year a little boy in our family poisoned lis hands and arms with poison oak, and in twenty-four hours nia hands and arms were a mass of torturing sores. We need only the Cuticura Remedies, washing his hands and arms with the Cuticura Soap, and anointed them with the Cuticura Oint ment, and then gave biro the Cuticura Resolvent. In about three weekx his hands and arms healed up; so we have lota of cause for feeling grateful for the Cutieitra Remedies. Ve find that the Cuticura Remedies are a valuable household standby, living as we do t waive miles from a doctor, and where it costs from twenty to twenty-five dol lars to coma up on the mountain. Respectfully, Mrs. IJsaie Vincent Thomas, Fan-mount, Walden's Ridge, Tena., Oct. 13, 1904." CntlM Imnil aaS Ian ml TinlMial aw Siiy H.a.1, Fip.a to Scfiua. trwa lJmey to At, r ' l I" at Oai-M Saw. aa.. (Mmjm.u, , Stowi M tern. A. kn. at C (HMtUl ' Fl.u. W ha vtel m S. at, aa a4 a m'. naito. A ala aH irfM nnf Ska tooak lpli !! iiiw wUt all aiaa faua. t' ,a 1mm S (aaav a Suit ISaa-. Maaa. mr Maca rraa. w.. ia t a, Imu aaaata," - lbs M Mia Swa. u iiig SORES 1510 .nutrias CLONIC SUIT CO. good all wool materials, in convention, accepted York's Invitation and the convention will be held on June 19, 30 end 21. OFFICIAL BALK OS RESIGSIXQ Drs Alden anal Mlrholson Desire an In teat last Ion. NORFOLK. Nek., May .-Speelal Tele gram.) Dr. Alden, superintendent, and Dr. Nicholson, assistant, at the State Insane hospital here, who hsve been requested by Governor Mickey to resign, have not yet sent In their resignations. Dr. Alden says that he desires a thorough Investigation before resigning and he will submit to the result. He says thst as long as no charge has been brought against him he believes he Is entitled to an Investigation. He de nles that there hns been frTPtlon and de clares there has never been an unpleasant word between himself and Dr. Nicholson. Dr. Nicholson says that new developments may arise In the matter within a day or two. Both are undecided as to what they shall do. There Is some resentment '.In: "Norfolk that sueorssors have both been chosen from the southern part of the state for the only state Institution in the northern half. The State Pharmaceutical bosrd gave ex pmlnatlons to nineteen embryo druggists here today. Farmer Injaresl la Rnnaway. KKARNF.Y. Neb.. May . (Special Tele gram.) While" harrowing at his farm near Buila, four miles east of this city, D. R. Platter met with an accident which may deprive him of the sight of' his left eye and caused serious Injury to his nose. As he was walking along driving his harrow the tiorsea became " frightened ' and ran away. Mr. Blatter hung onto the lines' in n desperate efTort to stop the frightened animals, when the harrow tipped up and struck him In the face One of the teeth pierced his cheek Just below the left eye and glancing along the cheek bone entered his nose, smashing that member and push ing It over his right cheek. Hotel Company Saed. BEATRICES,' Neb., May . (Special Tele gram.) Today Mrs. Jennie Burns of Lin coln filed suit in the district court agulnst the Paddock Hotel company and Johnson & McC'ann, lessees of the Paddock Opera house, for $5,000 damages for the accidental death of her husband. Charles Burns, an actor, who was killed by falling from a rear doorway of the Paddock stsge last August. The plaintiff charges negligence on the part of the company and operators for not hav ing the opening properly protected. De fendants have five weeks In which to file an answer. Boy Mar Lose His Xoae. KEARNEY, Neb., May . (Special Tele gram.) Guy Huston, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Huston olv Rlverdale, met with a peculiar accident, which came near cut ting off his nose. As It is. It may become necessary to amputate the member, though nothing definite has yet been determined. The little fellow was playing on a disc harrow, sitting on the seat as If he was driving, when suddenly he lost his balance and fell down, bis nose striking one of the discs, which almost severed the member from his face. Bearer City Totes School Bonds. BEAVER CITT. Neb., May .-(8pecla4 Telegram.) At a special election today the proposition to Issue bonds for the erection of a high school building was carried by an overwhelming majority, there being but nine votea cast against the same. FORECAST 0FJTHE WEATHER Pair Today and Tomorrow In Se kraaka and Sonth Dakota Warmer In East Portion Today. WASHINGTON, May l.-Forecast of the weather for Thursday and Friday: For Nebraska and South Dakota Fair Thursday, warmer In east portion; Friday fair. For Iowa and Missouri Fair Thursday and Friday, warmer Thursdsy In east portion. Local Roeord. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA. May I. OttW-lal record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three J'ears: im. 1906. 1S04. woe. Maximum temperature 70 71 M 71 Minimum temperature.... 41 48 46 67 Mean temperature M M u Precipitation 00 .! .oo .uo Temperature and precipitation departures from tha normal at Omaha aince March 1, end comparisons with the last two yeara: Normal temperature tt lenclency tor the dai" , S Total deficiency since M.TTch 1 127 isonnal precipitation, II Inch Deficiency for the dav 11 inoh Total rainfall aince March 1 (.19 Inches cxeesa aince March 1 39 Inch DetU-lency for oor. period, 1J6.... . Inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1 60 Inch Reports from Stations at T P. M. Station and State of Weather. Bismarck, clear Cheyenne, clear Chicago, clear Davenport, cloudy .... Denver, part cloudy... Huron, clear Kansas t'lty, clear .... North Platte, clear.... Omaha, clear Rapid City, clear Et. Loula, clear St. Paul, clear Temp. Max. Rain, 7 p. in. Temp. fa 7 7 44 ; 7 tin 74 70 74 S3 t s 7i Halt ltke City, part cloudy 74 Valentine, clear , 79 Wilualon, clear A T Indicates trace of precipitation. U A. WELSH. Unl rorecasjer. (m75 NORTHWESTERN TO EXPLAIN Representatives to TtU Bute Board About Etockt Cmitted from Beturns. JUDGE SULLIVAN NOT A CANDIDATE onle Met Re Drafted as the Dranneratle Candidate for fie Tr emor In Order to Reat Ont Berge. (From a Slaft Correspondent.) LINCOLN. May 9 (Special.) Tomorrow the State Rnard of Assessment will listen to the explanation of the Northwestern railroad officials regarding the apparent discrepancy of some l?S,0''O.Ono which the company owns In stocks, bonds and securi ties which Is shown by Its annual state ment to the stockholders, but which is not contained in Its report to the state board. A telegrsm was received this morning from the railroad officials that tbey Would appear tomorrow and make an explanstlon. Should the explanation be satisfactory and not be the cause of more delsy It Is the hope of the board to complete the assessment of the Northwestern by Satur day and be ready to take up the I'nlon Pa cific and the Burlington the first of the week, when the representatives of these corporations will be present. Unless un foreseen obstacles Interpose It Is likely the board will complefe Its work In record breaking time and be all or nearly through by the latter part of next week. The attorney general today gave a verbal opinion to the board that It hsd no right to allow the county assessor of Otoe county to assess the bridge across the rlrer at Nebraska city. The Burlington returns this bridge with Its right-of-way and also Includes In Its receipts the money col lected from foot passengers and wagons. No written opinion was filed with the board. alllvan Will Kot Ran. If the democratic party drafts Judge Sul livan to run for governor to head off George W. Berge It will have to enforce the draft with a lead pipe, according to the statement made by the Columbus statesman this morning. He was asked If he would accept the nomination at the hands, of the democratic state convention and without turning a hair he replied: "If I thought there was any chance of the democrats nominating me for governor I would move Into a state where the of ficials would refuse to honor extradition and become for ever after a fugitive from Justice." KniaHta of Pythias Grand Lodge. The Knights ot Pythias concluded the state session this evening with the elec tion of the following officers: W. S. Leyda, Falls City, grand chan cellor. A. O. Fisher, Chadron cei tor. vice grand chan- Rev. J. C. Chase, Valparaiso, grand prelate. v. ri. J-ove. Lincoln, grand knight of records and seals. John H. W 1'lnnt, Lincoln, grand master ot the exchequer. J. v. Dunkin, Ravenna, grand master-at-arms. V. M. Jlmmerson, Liberty, grand Inside guard. W. T. Denny, Omaha, grand outside guard. t'arl Kramer. Columbus, trustee, long term, three years. h.. J. rarr, Blair, trustee, short term, cue Ueoige A., Magney, Omaha, paat grand chuiiceuor. Breckenrldae on Insnrance. Charging that state departments mulcted Insurance companies of millions, Ralph W. Breckenridge of Omaha today urged fed eral supervision of Insurance. He ad dressed the students of the State univer sity this morning on Insurance questions. Bankers meetivq at hastixgs Handred and Twenty-Fire Attend Grone Meeting;. , HASTINGS, Neb., May 9. (S.peclnl Tele gramsOver 12B members of group No. 4 of the Nebraska Bankers' association at tended the annual group meeting here to day. Two business sessions were held and tonight the visitors were tendered a ban quet by the local bankers. The morning session was opened with an address of welcome by Mayor Miles, to which resDOnse was given by T. M. Davis of Beaver City. Various topics pertaining to banking were discussed. J. B. ' Dlnsmore of Sutton presided as toastmaster at the banquet tonight and toasts were responded to by J. P. A. Black of this city, H. M, Bushnell of Lincoln snd others. The following officers were elected: Presi dent, Carson Hlldreth of Franklin: vice president, C. C. Vennum of Stratton, secre tary, R. V. McGrew of Bloomlngton; treas urer, W. F. Dobbin of Bertrand. - t Receivership No Surprise. FREMONT, Neb., May t.-(Special.)-The appointment oJJ a receiver for the Standard Beet Sugar company In the federal court by Judge Munger, as announced In the papers this morning, was not wholly un expected by the business men here. It had been generally known that the financial condition of the company was not the best and that President Leavltt was making strenuous efforts to raise money by trying to Induce the stockholders to assign their shares of stock, so that It could be put up as security for loans to pay for last season's beets and other expenses. Beet raising has not proved very profitable around here and A. 8. Origereit is about the only one who has raised them successfully on a large scale. He already has a contract for this year and some work done on the land. Whether he goes on with his contract or not will, of course, depend on the policy of the receiver In regard to operating the plant thia season. The permanent shutting Two Million Little Children Starving Poor and Rich Alike Suffer from Lack ot Good Food. We notice that John Bpargo, In his new book. "The Bitter Cry of the Children," saya no leas than two million American children between tha ages of five ana four teen are victim of chronic under-feeding. They are tha easy prey of disease, nefvoua. Irritable, weakened both physically and menially and unflt for that perfect devel opment which nature intended for tbam. Mr. Spargo speaks particularly of the children of the poor, but what he says Is, In thousands of cases, true of the children of the wealthy and the comfortably well-to-do. Many children who have "all they can at" are really underfed. For the food they are given is not food from which they can get the nutrition they need. There la no other food, so far as we know, so nutritious, so strengthening for chiMren as Malta-Vita, the perfect pmalted whole wheat food. This Is not only be cause Malta-Vita Is so rich In all the nutrition the body needs for sustaining health and strength. More important by far Is the fact that the nutrition .of the malted wheat is so easily digested and as similated that all Its life-giving elements are taken up by the system, forming rich, red blood In abundance and giving growth and rigor to the body and brain. Malta Vita Is Insurance to perfect health for children. And It Is so good to eatl All grocers, now M cents. down of the factory would prove a big loss to Fremont and It Is hoped thst the affairs of the company can be so arranged that It win continue to operate. ews of Nebraska. PAPILLION The fmsts and continued cold for lh last few dsvs has been rery disastrous in this vicinity. F-arly beens. tomstoer, etc., sre killed. BEATRICE Frosts havs occurred here during the last few ntht. but not severe enough to do much dsmaa-e. FALLS CITT This locality was visited by a heavy frost Tuesday night. Thin ice was frcsen also, but it Is thouRht that the rult Is not hurt. STKI.LA-The sheriff came up from Falls city today snd srrested seven per sons for gamhllng. The trial will come be fore the county Jude at Falls City. BEATRICE-Yesterday In the county court. Judge Spafford officiating, occurred the marriage of Mr. Frank J. Floher of Cleone. Ore., and Hertha Bock of Wymore NORTH ri.ATTK-Ore Elder, who has been city marshal for two years past and has Just retired from that position, opened "P a real estate office In this city this week. VALLET At a special election tO.MO bonds were voted to erect a high school building. Only four votes were cast ngnlnst. while a year ago the same ques tion was lost. ALBION The thermometer has hovered close to the freeslng point for the past four nights. Vegetstlon is making but little advancement, and farmers are begin nlng to complain. BEATRICE The Degree of Honor held a largely attended meeting last evening at which there were a number of Initia tions. A banquet waa held at the close of the business meeting. SEWARD August Groff. cashier of the Ftnte bank of tioehner, this county, received 6 In sinsll contributions for the San Fran-clsc-o people and sent the money to Dr. Drvlne of the Red Cross. ELKHORN-Yesterday at o'clock Mr. Charles A. Obert of Hnuth Omaha and Miss Anna C. Burke of-Elkhorn. Neb., were married In St. Patrick's church by Father Hohelsel of Pipllllon, Neb. SEWARD August Broksw, who carried oft the honors In the district high school dclamntory contest at Hastings, will go to Lexington to represent this school at me state declamatory contest. YORK Joe Dillow snd Willie Curtis, two young men are confined In the county Jail on the charge of stealing a set of double harness from William McCann, a farmer living south of McCool Junction. NEBRASKA ClTY-Prof. Neal Sinclair has been re-elected superintendent of the city schools and his salary Increased by 1 per year. The Board of Education win eieci tne teacners on Monday, even ing, May 28. YORK William Lesh, a former member of the Lincoln High school foot ball team and coach last year of the York High school, came near losing all his household goods last from the explosion of a lamp In an Incubator In the cellar. BEATRICE Mrs. Wllkins, wife of A. F. WilKlns. an engineer on the Union Pacific road with a rt.n between Manhattan, Kan., and Lincoln, fell yesterdny at her home In this city and broke her right hip. As she Is eighty years of age, the injury Is a serious one. v BEATRICE The sthletes st the high school have been preparing for the state field meet to be held at Lincoln next Fri day. It Is thought the boys will win a good place at the meet. At least 100, and possibly more, from Beatrice, will attend the exercises. BEATRICE An orgsnlzatton to be known as the Beatrice tennis club was perfected here last evening by the election of E. O. Drake as president and C. E. 8mith secre tary'treasurer. The membership of the clut la limited to forty and tt will begin active operations at once. ALBION Superintendent George E. Klndier, who has been at the head of our schools for the past three years, hss been elected superintendent of the Sewsrd schools. Mr. Klndier haa proved himaelf a strong and successful school man. No superintendent 'has been elected here. SEWARD The old school board held a meoting last night and the new members, M. D. Csrey and L. H. Schulta, were sworn in. There were fifty applications for the superintendence of the schools. George E. Klndier, who is now superintendent of the Albion, Neb., schools, was elected to the position. CO5AD Louis Burdeau, a retired farmer, and respected citicen of Cosad, died at his residence. The deceased waa an old aettler, having come to Nebraska from Chatsworth, 111., over twenty years ago. He first set tled In Custer county and later came to Dawson county, settling on a farm about four miles north of town. , . SEWARD Mayor Dickinson, who Is also the president of the Commercial club of Seward, called a meeting of that club at the rooms last night in order to make a special practical demonstration of good roaumaklng. Nine split log King drags will be used on the roads leading to Seward to show the farmers the good that It does. COLUMBUS Columbus Is to have a gas plant and gas will be furnished here as cheap aa it can be furnlaned anywhere. A local company haa been formed, con sisting of Messrs. Oaxlow, Roen and George A. Scott, and the business will be started right away so as to furnish gas for fuel and for lighting purposes before next win ter. NORTH PLATTE North Platte at last Is waking up to the need of permanent sidewalks, and during the last two weens nearly l.boO lineal feet of cement sidewalks have been luld and the work is barely In its beginning. Contracts are out and ar rangements have been made for several miles of cement walks to be lo.ld this sea sun. NEBRASKA CITY The Nebraska City district coj.eience of the Me the dim church convened in session at the Firs'. Methodist church In this city this evening. Prof. F. M. Gregg ci the State normal at Peru de livered the opening address. - Many dele gates are attending the confeaVnce. which will be in aeasion until Thursday even ing. FALLS CITY The remonstrances against the granting of saloon licenses to r'rank Nufer, Peter Frederick and William Har neck were tried before the city council on Monday and Tuesday of this week. The council has not yet announced Its decision on any of the cases. Three more cases are remaining to- be tried. They are all being hotly contested. WEST POINT The several frosts which have occurred In this vicinity during the last week have not damaged the fruit trees to any appreciable extent. Some lit tle damage haa been done to early garden plants, but In only a alight degree. It la believed that the bulk of fruit crops of this portion of the Elkhorn valley ia per fectly safe. The weather Is gradually getting warmer. KEARNEY Mrs. Ella J. Keens passed away this afternoon. Mia. Keens had been III for several months and during tne last six weeks haa been at the Kearney hospi tal. She waa 4! years of age. Her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Grant and her sons, Fred, Harry and Frank, were present at the bedside when she expired. Her son Harry came from California and arrived in this city yesterday. HE WARD Judge Evans adjourned the April term of the district court last Sat urday until Thursday. After he had dis missed the grand Jury for the week he received a telegram from Iowa announcing tne aeatn ot nia ageu motner and he made an order excusing the petit Jury from ap pearing until Monday of next week. The judge left at once for Iowa. The grand Jury will be In session for a week yet. AUBURN A Jury was secured yesterdsv In the caae of the State against Charles M. Chamberlain of iecumseh. The follow lng persons compose tha Jury: J. 8. Clark, t. L. Bouriiero. in. h. Horn, George Coulter. W. K. Blount, Albert B. Hlggltis, G. C. Parrlott. Joseph Guilllutt. f. p. Peabody, W. M. Kauffman, Jr., Wilson E. Majors and Earl Fisher. Tne Jury as a whole is regarded as a very good one, and especially for the state. BEATRICE The Rock Island bridge across the Blue river at thia point, whlcn has been In course of construction for the past few months by the Griffith Construe, tkn company of Kansas City, waa com- Fleted yesterday, and the bridge crew left or Du Bols, Neb., where It will construct a new bridge. During the construction of the bridge at this place six mien were In jured, two of them seriously. STELLA J. W. Jameson A Son have sold their, mill and edevator at this point to Slierm Sayor and A. J. Wixon. who will conduct the business in the future. The flour machinery, however, will be shipped by the Jaraeaona to their new location In Montana. Mr. Jameson haa been engaged In the mill and elevator business at tills point continuously for the paat twenty ears. The new proprietors will keep the corn meal plant, however, and run thia In connection with the elevator. . STELLA Jason Tlmerman received a tel egram from I xs Angeles this morning tell ing of the death of his son Ona Timer man at that place. The young man waa a graduate of (he atate university and held a chair In the engineering department till hia health failed during the past winter, when he went to California on the advice of a physician, but becoming worse his mother left for his bedside a short time sgo. Just arriving a few days before hia deth. He leaves a wife, who Is a teacher In the Havelock achoola. YORK A report of the financial con dition of the city of York showa that York has less Indebtedness than any rlty of tta sise and never In the history of York has aaaaaaaaa-jaaeaaaaaaaaaiaaaawayii. Copyright . Kuppenhelmsr Be tetter OT only the center of I W.TI tion to every patron is paramount. The exceptional advantages and courtesies extended here, together with our tmmatchable values identify this store as "ideal." Our superb showintr of the specially made-to-our-order B. Kunnen- heimer & Co. clothes embraces all the newest fads, including effects, and these together with the more conservative styles tion out of the commonplace. The following items prove claim to exceptional value-giving. ( Pure, unadulterated worsted suits in over 100 different pat terns. In " Varsiey" conservative, straight front and 33 inch sacks, three button double breasted sacks, made by B. Kuppen heimer & Co. In blacks and blues, chalk stripes, club checks, grays and mixtures $20 and $22.50 values, exactly as advertised Extra Special Suit Sale, Beginning Thursday, May 10 400 Suits fancy worsted, blue serges and black Thibets double and single & PA breasted sack styles $10.00 and $12.00 values, at '. . p i 019 900 suits pure fancy worsted cheviots, fine blue serges, black Thibet and unfin- Cl ished worsteds, tailoring $15.00 values, for there been a legalised saloon, from which a license was received to help pay. In the city treasury are funds with which to pay the city hall bonds, funds accumulated with which to pay the $10,000 bonds of the Kansas City Omaha railroad, and $13,000 to pay the Fremont. Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad, all of which are due next year. Cash was paid for the fine sewer age system and now the city will pave. NORTH PLATTE A new lodging house has been opened In this city by Mr. C. A. Howe, proprietor of the furniture store here bearing his name. This news will be welcome (o parties desiring accommoda tions In this city over night for the rea son that heretofore very often parties have been compelled to stay up all night be cause of their inability to secure lodging The contracting agent for the Campbell circus, which is billed here May 21, spent a night in a chair because he could not secure a room when he was here recently making arrangements for their exhibition. BEATRICE At a meeting of the city council last evening the report of City Treasurer Jones showed a balance on hand May 1 of $'..'6,883.43. Water Commissioner Field reported that the year's total receipts In the water department were $7,831.69, with expenditures amounting to $6,71.&6. The committee on lights reported recommend ing that the city draft an ordinance ttxlng regulations and rates before the final granting of the charter to theMaxwell Gas and Lighting company. Mr. Maxwell stated that he was willing that the maximum for gas should be fixed at $1 per luuO. The re port was adopted. A druggist's permit Was granted to W. B. Walter. NORTH PLATTE Foreman Martin, who has had charge of. the construction of the city sewer and who for the past few weeks has been cleaning out the mains and level ing the manholes, announces that the work on the same Is now complete and that the contractor will await the recommen dation of acceptance or rejection by En gineer Roe water of Omaha, who arrived here yeaterday to examine the aewer. Heretofore there haa been considerable dif ficulty between the city, the contractors and the engineer over the construction of the sewer, it being claimed by citizens that the contractors were constructing a very defective and Inefficient sewer, and by reason of this complaint the contractors. Herrlek Co., have been trying to correct the defects complained of. ' Arclay A Gupcce Shrunk Quarter SUe ARROW IS Cent tU. S foe- tt Ceata OLUETT. PEABOOV CO. Mattrt f Out ionorck Sktrlt, .Craf ALL MbUurt curb COXSTIPATIQJI C.U8USKESS m HEADACHE mmm aataral tuSMt TST TMBal. TM ka aatokS-Ckmeaar Oa,. rnaa Seslaaai Caw. J'.Ce,--,. L lJ-f'.!' 1906 & Co., Chi clothes interest, but also a place olQo perfect in every detail, all approved models of 1906 II H f CORRECT DRESS FOR MEN AND WE CU mi and restores mental and physical powers completely. We bat cured thousands of men and rescued them from becoming mental and physical wrecke. Don't hesitate to consult us free of charge. You can be cured. Be a man. We treat successfully NerTo-Vltal Debility, Vart. coae and Enlarged Veins, Piles, Rapture, Kidney and Bladder DlAeaaea, Sores, Ulcers. Ecsema and all skin dlseaaea also Blood Polsoa and all special diseases of men. We have made a study of and devoted all our time to tha treatment of men's diseases for the past twenty-four years. - -fc - -a Northwestern Medical Nerthwest Cer. 19th snd aCgflESS Homeseekers' Rates VIA , Illinois Central Railroad TO . Points in Minnesota, North Dakota and the Canadian Northwest. Tickets on sale every Tuesday during the sum mer months at one fare plus $2.00 for the round trip, good returning twenty-one days from date of 6ale. A personally conducted excursion will be run from Omaha on May 15th, to Rentinel Dutte, Billings county, North Dakota. 'Trains leave Omaha at 8:00 a. m- and 8:30 p. m Rates and full particulars at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam street, Omaha, or write, SAMUEL NORTH, District Passenger Agent, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Bee Want Ads lies Interest where close personal atten A A the new vents and military com'bine to lift this institu our BOYS. PAY-US-FQR-CURES FOR UaJWl Our specialty is diseases ot men and men only. If you feel weak, gloomy, despondent, have) poor memory, lack ambition and feel that there la a grad ual growing weakness of your nervous and physical system, coma to us and through our treatment be restored to health and strength. It rejuvenates and builds up new nerve force and pro-. motes ' a free circulation to the organs & Surgical Institute Farasm alts., OMAHA. NKS. - Produce' Respite