Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone Dourlss 61 S.
New arrivals nPnrly erery
tnl brisk selling keep our stock bright and hrsli. hvpry hat
Xew Graduation Hate.
N'pw Lingerie Hats.
Xew Outing Hats.
Millinery Section, Second
Children's Department, A Com-'
plete Department for the
t Ti!l
JjlWUB X U1JS.S. '
hilrtrer, a White Nainsook Dresses, with
tucked yokes and deep hem, also bishop
a'vle: slue. '. month". 1 year and 2 year.
Price. 50c each. ;
Child! en's White Nainsook Presses, with
round yoke, also pointed yoke and hem
i Itched hem. Price, 75c each.
children's White Nalnaook Petticoats
froni Hfcc up,
from O; up.
While forded Pique Hata
White Lann C'apa from ISc
We carry the 'Ideal'' Cambric L'nder
walat In aitea. 1 to H yeara: alao ths.'VM"
waist In all sizes. I'Sc each.
fancy embroidered Trimmed Walate fc
AH novelties In Children's Wear are
added to our stock aa fast aa they are
aiiown on the market.
Great Special Sale Thursday
of All Our Lovely Silk
There are about fifty very choice new
Hllk Sulfa In very high class noveltiea.
rich and dressy styles, which will he
closed out at the following reduced prlcea:
!:.. Silk- Hurts at 117.50.
ISf.SO. Silk Sulta at tJn.OC. '
tXMW Silk Sulta at I'.. on.
t6u Hllk Unite at wnn.
All Our Fine Tailor Made Suits
at Special Sale Prices.
lialnty White Uwn Sulta at $3.60, worth
White Sklrta. made out of Auto cloth, nt
$1 . wortlt 13.60.
Pettlcnat at Wc and 9 wjrth W.tin and
1.26. '
represent the people of Nebraska. We have
In our midst a man' who has been closely
allied with the great commercial and In
dustrial progress of the atate, a man who
lias been for more than thirty yeara In close
touch with our city and state and their
people who haa done aa much If not more
than any other cltlien for them.
For more than thirty yrara this gentle
man has been fighting the battle for the
people. For more than thirty yeara he has
given hla best time and best energies for
upbuilding thla great atate and the time
Is coming when the people of the atate In
honoring him will honor themselves In se
lecting him for thla Important poal'lon.
We sre here tonight to endorse Mm for tills
oflVe. We are here as neighbors and
friends and political compa4rlota to . gtva
voice and expreasiun toour choice for
enator. It goes without 'enylng -that w
are here as a harmonious, body. It seems
to me that Mr. Rosewatr can ' h made
senator If we but use our best effort
to secure hla nomination. The fact that he
la not with ua tonight may temporarily
Imped his candidacy, hut liefore this cam
paign Is over he will be with ua and In the
forefront .of -the fray. When he cornea he
will lead the charge we will make to vic
tory. . ,v
. Tribute mt an DM Friend.
Robert Cow ell spoke of his old ac
uilaintani with the Roaewater family In
Cleveland and the ract that he had known
Edward Rom-water personally and In
timately fajf-twnly .years. Continuing lie
aald: . ,i - .,
I have ctoaely wwtclied Mr. Roaewater'a
course, : ami while ut limes t have' taken
Issue ahlh.jllm l.ltuve been compelled to
admit .that' at nil Mines he haa acted in
accordance with his judament aa to what
l tor the best interests of the people.
Practically alone, tor years he fought the
battles of the people ami became so great
a power in the city and atate that com
binations of all kinda were formed to de
feat him. He has gone down to defeat
aomi times, but he has come up smiling
the neat mnrning Mgnr and anxinua for the
fray again. The American people like a
tighter with courage. Both these elements
are to he found In the candidate whom we
are to endorse tonight for I nlted Stalea
enatoi. It ia Important that any man
who asplree to represent so great a state
aa Nebraska should poasea certain qualifi
Sheboygan Mineral Water
Splits 10 Cento
Omaha Bottling
Mid Summer Millinery
Thursday's Exhibit Will Delight Many
(lay from-the cat, tipw eowpptions from our over, workroom,
Our Great May White Dress
Goods Sale.
. . ' .
All Sl.flO Eyelet hmbi oldered IMquea lie .
per yard.
All 8.V Embroidered Flquea 6lc per ytird. !
All -17" . . 1 1 .1 1 1 ,1 - rt .
All 40c Corded Flquea per yard.
All 3fic Corded Flquea ITc per. yard.
All Sac. Dotted Swlw.ea Sc per yard.
All 4.ic Dotted SwlKFes 3rc per yard..
All 6f.c Figured White Swlnees 'nv pet
yard. x
All 7f)C. Figured ''hlte Swlsnea' 5tH; per
All . Iftf, Figured . Vliite 8wjs!c 6o par
yard. (
All 11.00 Figured White Swisaea T5c per
All 2oc Persian iJiwna 10. per yard.
All fric Persian Lawns !0v per yard.
l All 35c Persian Uvna 2fc per yard.
I All 45c Persian Liwin 29c per yard.
All 60c Persian Lwna 39c per yard.
All liV India Ltnona 9c per yard.
All India L,lnona 14c per yard.
All 26o India Llnons 18c per yard.
All 30c India Ninons ix- per yard.
All 35c India Llnons 23c per yard.
All 60c India Llnona 35c per yard.
All 6"c, 48-ln. French Lawna 3c per yard.
All 5c, 40-ln. French Lswm i9c per yard.
All 75c, 4g-ln. French Lawna 69c per yard.
All 85c, 48-ln. French Lawna 6c per yard.
All 11.00, 48-ln. French Lawna Tc per
All 15c White Panama Suiting 10c per
Howard Corner Sixteenth Street
cations. Those of ua who know Mr. Rose
water heat believe he haa these qualifica
tions, tie is a man of education, possessed
of a fund of Information which few men
can equal. There In no subject of Interest
to the people that he doea not understand
well and is In close touch with. I predict
that when he takes his place in the senate
of the United States the great state of
Nebraska will have the moat creditable
representative she haa ever had In the
upper house of congresa. Throughout
Omaha and Nebraska no other man who
haa been mentioned for this high olflce Is
so well known or ao highly regarded. I
have not a word of dlspurngmenl to utter
against tle distinguished " men whose
names have been mentioned as. .candidates
fur 4h office.- Johh L.-'AVeoater s a'majt
of culture, refinement and ability, but it
not equipped so' well to represent the peo
ple of the state.. C. J. Greene .la a juan
of great ability, learning and high char
acter and a lovable gentleman, and., but
for the fact that he haa been more or less
closely associated with corporation, might
be a formidable candidate at this time.
The people of this country demand repre
sentation. The cry has gone out through
the atate that the people want to elect a
United States senator by popular vote. No
man In the length or breadth of the land
has been ao strung a champion for popular
selection of aenatora as Edward Rosewater
and if his nomination was to be submitted
to the people of this state and could he
so submitted, he would be elected by am
overwhelming majority.
Mayor Zlminan'a tCiyerlenre.
Like the other speakers Mayor Zlmman
wag received with manifestations of warm
regard by the audience. Mr. Zlmman aaid
he found It impoasible to find words good
enough to fittingly eulogise Mr. Rosewater.
He aald that during his two terms aa
councilman, and while mayor and acting
mayor, he had frequently conferred with
Mr. Rosewater about important public ques
tions and that the .latter had given freely
the best advice and the benefit of his lung
experience.' Mayor Zimmuii declared that
his association with, Mr. Rosewater had
proven uThlm the itliai'ge that the latter
exacted submission to hla views frcun po
litical associates was utterly unfounded.
Co., Distributors.
A GOOD SHIRT or blouse ii as
important In a boy 'a dress as
a good nuit. and there's tbat same
distinction of style, character and
general flttina; about those that
Jear the "K. A E." label that cita
tum tailoring possesses over or
dinary tailoring.
K. & . Shirts and Blouses
for Boys
are critically built garments
double sewed seams, buttons that
won't pull off. Made In an endless
variety of good style. The prices
are mighty little considering the
mighty big value in them
50c to $1.59
Write for Illustrated Catalogue.
Bee, May , 1806.
bears the mark of individuality.
StvllSh $2. CO. $1.25 and $100 i
nroeo Rillra Nmr 7Rr a vnrH '!
- 1 J i
Thl" to ml', 'ou ,h lnl '
brft r " f,,r thoxe who have not dP
,),t lourht the new allk ifown. Painty
shadea of white, cream, gray, hello, nllo
'itrean;' alao the more staple vhadea of
brown, navy, pongee color, d:irk ffteen and
Special Notice Watch dally pupers for
great Clearing Sale of Colored Dress Goods
In our basement dress goods( department.
Bolero Jackets.
New and charming atyles In Bolero Jack
eta, the latest for summer wear. Some of
linen with trimming of Cluny lace and
French knots, others of lawn or soft mull
with lace and embroidery trimming.
Prlcea, 13, $4, $5. 5.50. $7. Hn and f-6 each.
A few speclnl nutnbera at $1.7.1 each. Ask
to see them, main floor, centrr aisle.
Special Selling of Dr. Scott's
Hair Brushes.
Genuine Pr. Scott's electric hair bruahea. I
made of hair bristles, not wires, elegantly
mounted and carved hack, will be sold at
the following reduced prices: $1 bruahea
now 5!ic, J1.50 brushes now 9Kc, t'l brushes
now J1.49, $2.50 brushes now $V!. On aala
at notion dept., main lloor, center aisle.
Our Customers' Deposit Ac
count Department.
A convenience for those who want their
purchases In this store charged. You make
a, deposit of any sum that suits your con
venience. We allow 4 per cent Interest,
compounded every three months on tha
dally balance. Thus your money la earning
for you dally. You may withdraw any
part or all of it at any time. You do not
need to trade It all out. Statement! are
mailed each month. You buy your goods
In the usual way and have them charged
In the usual way. This la not a bank. Try
It and you will like It. Deposit account de
partment, main Hour.
, IU
The mayor said he had often differed from
the editor of The Bee, but that notwith
standing this fact, there had been neither
cause nor reason for the breaking down
of mutual respect and confidence. He went
Thla is one of the reasons why I am here
tonight lending my support to hi can
didacy. We need a man who will reprettent
our people and not misrepresent them.
Ever since I can remember our representa
tives at the national capital encountered
obstacles in -securing legislation for the
benefit. gf the people out here and as oTten
aa they' failed Mr. Rosewater was sent for
to help Iherrvuut. . 1 cannot recall a single
instance - where he failed to accomplish
what they were unable to do. We ahould
not aelect a senator who will have to apend
several yeara of his term getting ac
quainted with his aasoclates. Mr. Rose
water knowa and Is respected by the lead
ing men of the nation from the president
down. Within thirty days from the time
he takea hla seat as senator he will make
It known to the entire I nlted States that
whenever any Important legislation is up
the law-makera of the' nation cannot for
get that Nehraaka ia still In the union. I
would like to see a man from Nebraska
taken Into the councils of the men who de
cide things for this country. The thing to
do Is for republicans to get together snd
work for their Interests, for when thev do
mat they will work for Mr. KGSjwaters
Interests. Disregard the advice of dis
gruntled politicians and lobbyists employed
and to ba employed by the railroads.
John L. Mrtliof't Keaanna.
John L. McCugue, president of the Hoard
of Education, apoke upon the trend of na
tional legislation and the Importance of
having a man of Mr. Rosewater's type In
the senate from Nebraska. Said he:
I am pleased to have thla opportunity to
say a word in advocacy of the candidacy
of ICdward Roaewater for the I'nlted States
senate, it is an otllce of more than ordi
nary dignity and responsibility. lpe(lally
Is It an office of importance at this, time
when the question of whether the people
shall rule ia at slake. It is an important
time to select u man who will represent
the beat Interests of the people. Kdward
Roaewater has lived among you the greater
part of his life and his career is well known
to you. His life haa been an ageresalve
one, and his measures have not at all
limes met with your approval, neverthe
less, all of us are persuaded and sattarled
. us to hia ability, honesty of purpoxe and
force of character. He haa advocated at
ull times all thinga in the interest of the
i upbuilding of the atate. He has shown his
i faith In hla state and city by hia works.
I his Investments and hia enterprises. Haa he
; not earned the compliment of an election
to the fnited States senate?
1 believe tha mental equipment of Ed
ward Roaewater makes him the peer of
any man In the atate of Nebraska. 1 know
that on public ' questions there is not a
man In the state who has atudind them aa
deeply and as comprehensively as he. He
will noi be obliged to all In the kinder
garten coiner of the senate and learn hla
A B Ca of public affairs.. Let us huve a
senator who will represent the strong man
hood of Nebraska and one who la In aa full
eympathy with the nntional administration
as Mr. Roaewuler Is. '
t'onaell's A raj meat.
W. J. Connell said that whatever the
other differences might be among Omahan
they were agreed that the next senator
should corrte from this city. In the course
of his speech Mr. Connedl declared the
meeting was not In any aense intended to
deprecate any of tha other aeualorla.1 can
didates. He mentioned them by name, be
ginning with Senator Millard, and praised
them all aa men of the highest standing
and integrity. Kill ha asserted that In
point of special titties for the place Mr.
Roseater surpassed all the ulher candi
dates. "There is no other man who la so nat
urally and logically a candidate for the
senate," aaid Mr. Connell.. "There Is not
a man for a, hum a Dour!as county dele
gation could go to the st:ite convention and
receive the name cordial support from the
rest ( ;he state an Mr Rosewater. Tha
atate generally recognizee that at thia par
ticular time he poaaeksea the qualification
to entitle him to the office. His reputa
tion extenda even across the aoaa and we
have Jnat learned of hla accomplishment
In the ancient city of Rome."
The speaker aald that republicans were
able to adjuat factional differences them
selves and desired nu attempts at assist
ance from outside sources, such as ' the
World-Herald. ' He closed by pointing out
tii necessity for aingleneaa In purpose In
carrying through the Roaewater candidacy
and how other complications might im
peril it.
Flodanasi la for Hlui.
P. E. Flodmau spoke as a representative
of Swedish-American, asserting he mas
not ashamed to say tif l4 been saaoclated
with Mr. Roaewater a great deal In po
litical snd other matters for many yeara
Where a mors able man for senator could
be obtained In Nebraska. Mr. Klodman was
unable to pnln out.
"If we do not send Mr. Hwf'lfr to
Waahlngton It will be a KTeat mistake,"
Said hp. "We need him In the senate. He
la In thorough harmony with the admin
istration. IjocnllT 1 have observed a great i
I sentiment for him. We ought to he uuanl
! mou when It comes to thla question. It
Z'uZr'iy wlr"' P"" " l,m"
Kennedy Oellahts Hla Hearera.
William Kennedy delighted hie auillence
with a few witty storle appropriate to the
occasion and said he deemed It a great
honor to have a chance to my a word In
Mr. Rosewater's behalf. Hla remarks about
the Scot had a twang, adaed upon by the
crowd with ninch rest. "I think." aaid Mr.
Kennedy, "that something ahould le in-
Jrr'r" ,n' "l a.... ,
further I think, the heal thlr-e; we could do
would be to Inject' Mr. Roaewater Into It.
When wo have dope that we have done
Homethtnu. and there will be aomethln
doing at Wnh!na;ton. tMi. .!ut now Mr.
Rosewater- f the-" (tuest of the king Snd
queen of Italy, by whom ho has 1m. n
greatly' honored. Jle auueeeded ti getting
a second- vote for the- I'nlted States In the
postal congress where the power of tireat
Britain failed. He la belter nuallfled to
represent at Waahlngum than any other
Nebiaskan you can mime. It may be In
teresting1 for you to . know that in the
pages of the American Encyclopedia uu
can find the . iuim, of but one living Xe
hraskan and that name Is Edward Rose
water. There la testimony to the recogni
tion by the world of his fame and ability.
He is .mighty strong In Intellect, furceful
ncas and ability to represent us. and let
fis put him in Waahlngtnn."
Mr.. Kennedy's 'remarks were ao enthu
siastically received that he had. to respond
to an encore, and repeated Tennyson's de
scription of 8lr O.illahad by way of a
peroration that he forgot.
Position of Ilia Ilin plovea.
T. R Still gess. editor of The Twentieth
Century Farmer, spoke aa an employe of
The Bee Publishing company. He said that
years ago he had heard Mr. Rosewater
forced hit" employes' to do political service.
I but that hla exiwrtence had been totally
different, and that neither he nor anyone
else In' similar employment had ever been
asked by Mr, Rosewater for political sup
port or allegiance of any kind.
'These are the true Conditions." said Mr.
Sturgess. "It Is therefore gratifying to be
able to aay that 120 voters employed by
The Bee held a meeting; recently, formally
endorsed Mr. Rosewater's candidacy and
appointed a committee to work In his In
terests. No one was compelled to do any
thing of the kind, and the greatest freedom
of speech and action was in every way
permissible. It la the' desire of the em
ployes to present Mr. Rosewater to labor
ing men aa an employer of labor, In view
of the fact that, they now have a chance
to help select a Unttrd States senator by
their votes. As an, employer Mr. Rosewater
has spent over H.tfiO.OOu in Omaha, and as
one of the many who have been directly
benefited by a part of this expenditure I
am her to say that Mr. .Rosewater s em
ployes. a re with him to a man."
, Representative's Position.
Other speakers responded to a request
from Chairman Baldrige for expressions
from the floor. State"' Representative Lee
made the longest itpeeoh. He aald:
-There la no . doubt ' In the tnlnd of any
person here but that Mr. Roaewater haa
been the best and most consistent sup
porter of. the. .masses of the peo
ple that thla state haa ever pro
duced. Thia meeting la one of the
freateat ever tendered to a man in Omaha,
owe a great deal of what I know to the
Instruction and education I have received
from The' Omaha Bee. 1 think It haa done
a world of good to the slat by teaching
the people !to respect, and obey the law and
to be sober and .industrious cltlzena. No
man who haa evet had aa much power and
luflii'Mlce.. Ml'J Jluaewuter has changed
ao little in tils 'manner. He Is today, In
that reepect Just' what he was when he
edited The Bee from a dry goods hox many
years sgo. - It Is Just aa easy to approach
him now aa It was thirty yeara ago. He
ia no harder to' rvaeli than the boys who
run hla elevators., in The Bee building.
Aa a foreign-born citizen of the I'nlted
States, I feel partioularly grateful to Mr.
Rosewater for the, many successful efforts
he haa made to defeat lawa tending to
prohibit desirable immigration. I am
thankful. to lilni. too, because he haa never
failed -to stand up for the right of every
man to worship hla iod as he beltevea
right. He la an example to our children
aa one of the most, faithful. Industrious,
capable and brilliant citizens this state
has ever had.
Among the speakers who followed him
was A. H. 'Willis, a member of the Kont
anelle club and tHe candidate of that or
ganization for councilman from that ward.
Mr. Willis went on record as favoring Mr.
Rosewater candidacy snd the announce
ment was warmly received.
Represents Principles of Majority of
tbe Party.
YORK, Neb., May . (Special.; When an
nouncement nf the candidacy of Hon. E.
Rosewater for I'nlted States senator was
read In .The Bee a large number of re
publicans expressed themselves In his fa
vor. A county official who ia In close touch
with the voters of York county said:
"While the leudcis of the republican party,
who are and have been In close touch with
railroad politics, have damned Rosewater
for defeating railroad candidates foisted
cn the republican convention, not one can
point to a candidate who did not deserve
ilcleat, and it warn for the best interests of
the party the candidate was defeated." He
furtliei- atated: "The 'republlcana of York
county and in the state are advocating
and proclaiming for the anti-monopoly prin
ciples advocated by Mr. Rosewater, and
Rosewater is the strongest man In Ne
braska in popularity and strict accord with
the mass of the republican of this state."
Another prominent republican politician, a
lender, said: f cannot agree with the rad
ical anil-monopoly element of the repub
lican party, el 1 believe of all the candi
dates named Mr. Rosewater is more con
servative .than many, and owing to the
masses of the republican party being in
favor of anti-monopoly he should be the
most popular candidate of the republican
PAPILLJON. Neb.. May S.-iSpeclul.)
The announcement of Mr. Edward Host
water s senatorial randldacy haa been re
ceived In Barpy county by all as the right
man for, the place, not only In the repub
lican party, but by men of other party
BEAVER CITY. Neb.. May 9 -iSpe. UI.l
Edward Axtell of the Axtcll Hardware
company and Mis Alta lleiks were mar
ried tonight in I o'clock The wedding was
a brilliant affair, with a banquet at the
Meadows hotel. Both yojng people are
representative of prominent families. They
leave for a wedding trip In Colorado.
An Aristocrat amons
Final and read "Thy Road t
Wallvllla" In pkg .
Companies Will Begin Adjustment of fan
Francisco Losses at Once.
Mr. Phelaa aya Thla trtlon Will
Rrlna tknat aa P.arly Resomp.
linn nf Vnrmil Conditions.
SAN FRANCISCO. May Financial In
teresf today centered In the announcement
made by the insurance companies that In
the Immediate future they would pay losses
of the fire sufferers. It Is believed that
most of the money will be put Into general
circulation and when It Is distributed will
relieve the people of San Francisco as no
other means could.
This news was welcome, not only to the
policyholders, but also to the banks that
have been doing their best for the public
with the resources at their Immediate com
mand, necessarily limited. The announce
ment was official to the extent that It was
given to the tee of the citizens'
general committee and duly reported at
the general committee's daily meeting. The
announcement was received with applause,
hews from these Interests having been
s waited wiih much anxiety.
"What will be the effect of the payment
of thla Insurance money?" Waa asked of
James D. Phelnn, chairman of the finance
commit tee.
"Nothing could do more good." he re
plied. "When the money Is paid out to the
people It will put them on their feet. It
will bring about an early resumption of
normal condition. The people want money
to buy what they need, and the payment
of these many million dollars will greatly
assist the banks in giving them money.
What is more, the circulation of the money
will be of great value to the banking In
terests." With their announcement that losses will
soon be paid the Insurance interests have
made the concession that salvage opera
tion on property swept by the dames may
be proceeded with.
Policyholders may save anything they can
find without fear of risking the loss of their
claims for Insurance.
To a great extent the work of demolish
ing walls and clearing away debris has
been poatponed because of the doubt re
garding the attitude the insurance com
panies would take. The work of contract
ing and wrecking companies has been de
ferred awaiting such a definite statement
aa that made by the insurance companies to
the committee today.
Tax Rate Mill Re Hlsh.
When the tax rate of 8an Francisco for
the fiscal year Hnm-07 Is finally fixed the
figure may be $2.50 011 $100 of valuation.
Assessor Washington Dodge waa present
this morning st the meeting of the sub
committee and read the following report
covering the situation from hia point of
view :
"Last year's assessment roll ' was about
toX.000.000. made up aa follows: Land,
tiO4.O10.OJ0; buildings, $97.8nn,000; personal
property, $113,000,000.
"Thla year's roll will, in my opinion, aa
far as I am now able to judge, show a de
crease of from $i50,00o.nno to $250,000,000.
"Much of the personal property, amount
ing to $lffl,ax.0ui), has been destroyed, snd
all records of Its ownerahlp and valuation
also lost, not only for thla, hut for pre
vious years.
"The larger part of the assessment on
buildings has been loat through destruc
tion of the buildings." '
A survey by the underwriters show , t.h.8
damage' done to vessels at the Vnlon Iron
works by the earthquake to have been con
siderable. The two BOO-foot-long frelghtera,
the Mexican and the Columbia, In course of
construction for the American-Hawaiian
Steamship company, were found forward
in their cradles and damaged to the extent
of about $15,000 each.
Damage at l ulon Iron Work..
The Harrlman Steamship. Columbia, on
the dry dock waa thrown on one side,
wrecking the dock and damaging the vessel
to the extent of $100,000. The Columbia and
the dock later sank and have not yet been
A pair of heavy shear legs fell on the
City of Pueblo, inflicting damages of about
$15,000. The Pueblo will be In commission
In about n month.
Photographing City from Balloons.
The signal corps of the United States Is
photographing San Francisco's ruins from
balloons. A series of pictures la being taken
to be kept on file by the Wsr department In
Washington. Several hundred picturea
have already been taken of the different
buildlnga and an order sent for three bal
loons, so that a '-complete panoramic pic
ture of the city can be had.
Relief on the yvmr.
The following relief supplies for San
Francisco were being moved over the
Union Pacific railroad yesterday:
One car miscellaneous supplies. Mt. Ver
non. N. V.
One car miscellaneous supplies. Roston.
One car potatoes, Aukley, la.
One car flour, Waseca, Minn.
One car provisions, Stanton, Neb.
One car miscellaneous supplies from New
York City to relief committee, Oakland.
Rrt. George Seotl.
BKEMKR, Neb.. May (Special. )
Rv, George Scott, who at pastor of the
congregational church of thl place for j
several years, died at the Home or lit
sou st Neligh, Neb., from cancer of tho
throat. I'r. Scott Buffered from this af
fliction for nearly a year, which cauaed
blm to resign from hla pastorate here
several months ago. Interment took place
In Neligh this morning.
Dr. R. K. Ilaualy.
FREMONT. Neb.. May . (Special )
Dr. H. K. Handly died at the hospital last
night of appendicitis complicated with n
disease of the stomach. He wa born in
Carroll, la., in 1I7. educated in the pub
lic schools of thai city and received his
degree of doctor of dentistry at a Chi
cogo dental college. He had practiced bis
profession In thla city Just a year.
Jnaevb A. Wk.rlek.
ST. PAI L, May .-Joaeph A. Wheelock.
editor-in-chief of the Pioneer Pre, died
St hi home, 421 Summit avenue, In this city
at o'clock today. H had Wen in ill
health for several yeara and had returned
but two days ago from California,
he had spent th winter. Mr. Wheejock
as born In Nova Scotia In IS 11 and came
to 8t. Paul In 1850.
Mrs. Barbara King.
Mrs. Barbara King. 02 year of age, died
Tuesday night at 1812 Chicago atreet, heart
failure being the cauae. Th King came to
Omaha six weeks sgu to take up their per
manent residence. They own a large ranch
near Alliance. The body of Mr. King will
be taken to Alliance Wednesday night by
the aurvlvlng member of th family.
. M. tmeet.
FORT SMITH, Ark. May .-R. M
Sinoot, who wa in th plot to kidnap
president Abtaham Lincoln and who aold
to John Surratt th boat with which It was
Intended to convey Lincoln serosa the Po
tomac, died her today, aged T$ years.
Irvlnsj Daw Battelle.
Irving Dow Battelle, brother of Attorney
Valosdi th0 Liver, Open ih$
The Safest and Most Reliable :
A Refreshing and Pfeasint Aperient for Morninf Use.
Sole. Exporters: THE APOLLIN ARIS CO., Ltd., London.
Non - Residents
My do busless as easily with this
Association aa residents.
Remit hv mail. post-olTlo or erpre
money order, bank check or draft, made
payable to thla Aasoclatlon. On receipt
of same, we at once issue a book and
return It to the remitter, with. proper'
credit entered therein.
Each amount beara dividends from th
date received by us. IMvldenda com
pounded January 1st and July 1st. Pres
ent rate 6 per cent.
The Largest and Strongest
Saving Society in Omaha.
Amounts of from $1.00 to $5,000.00 re
ceived any day.
Be one of ua.
The Conservative Savings &
Loan Association
205 South 16th Street, Omaha
Chsrles Battelle. died Tuesday night at I
26P2 Chicago street from the effects of
diphtheria. The boy was 12 year of age.
Funeral and burial will be privately held
Thuraday afternoon.
(Continued from Flrat Page.)
affected the business In Nebraska was to
bar a man from selling any articles which
contained alcohol without he had u drug
gist's license." -Another
leading druggist aaid: '
"This whole right waa started by the doc
tors, who sre beat out of considerable
business each year by patent medicines.
Especially iln ,lra smaller towns and among
th working classes is this true. The courts
have decided that when a mau patents a
medicine he has a right to charge what he
wishes tor It and none can put it on the
market st a smaller figure."
Large Increase Noted In Marketing; of
Hob Compared with Previous
CINCINNATI. May . (Special Tele
gruni. Price Current says: There haa been
u more, liberal movement of hogs the lust
week. I Total, western packing waa 5Ja,0Cm,
compared with 37O.0O0 the preceding week
and 400,000 last year. Since March 1 the
total Is 4.$0,000, against 4.12O.OU0 a year ago.
Prominent places compare as follow:
Kansas City ...
South Omaha ..
St. lula
St. Joseph
Indianapolis ....
Cedar Rapid ..
i !;c.oin
....... 4MI.0U0
... lSO.onn
530. iwu
.113. U)0
IT. 000
107, OuO
.. VS.0UO
Sioux City 175.0"O
St. Paul Iii8.rt
Cleveland 120,00a
Entertaining; an rinemy.
Don't entertain a chronic, running aore or
around. Cure it with Buckleri's Arnica
Calve. 16 cents; guaranteed. Sold by Sher
man k McConnel! Drug Ca.
Kroet In Kansas.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. May .-Frost last
night did considerable damage to small
fruit and early vegetablea in northwest
Missouri and northeast Kanaas. The big
fruit farm in the vicinity of Wathena,
Kan., suffered greatly.
Mnosv In Kentucky.
LKXINCJTON, Ky., May There was a
light fall of snow In the blue graas region
today, but it did no damage to growing
The Old English Candy
you want to happily surprise your' pal
at. ' It's a candy with a deliclouanee
entirely Its own. You'll enjoy it.
6 and IO narkng. At all dealer.
Jobs Mackintosh. 71 Hudiot St.. New York
It makes the toilet something to b atw
Joyed. It removes all stains and roughness,
prevents prickly heat and chafing, and
Ut vet tha skin white, soft, healthy. Ia th
hath it brings a glow and exhilaration wbicS
a coram on soap ran equal, imparting the
vigor and life sensation of a mild TurkisB
'Wa. A u. Gkoceks and Duggists
"" "mmm. From
f "'-S SIX
if 'i'K'i-Us' ya''
-lit !iiP&H
111 II I 1 ""1 aj f ""aataj .JJinl
City of Omaha real estate and
personal taxes for l&Utf are due snd
wll become delinquent July first. The
treasurer is charged with these taxes
snd commanded by law to collect them
ss they appear upon the tax lists by
either sale or distress or both, lie has
no voire in the assessment, equalisa
tion or levy therof. Complaints
should ba addressed to the Assessor.
JWBEUT O. HJK, Treasurer.
Bowl. Rtttrv0s th Kidneys.
1 -i f
Belter Than
Municipal Bond
Talk-o-Phone Investment
Talks-No. J
Hsve you money invested In munici
pal bonds paying you I or 4 per cent
Intereet ? If ao. we want to talk to you.
Do you realise that frequently these
inveetmenta are wiped out by reason
of the illegal Issue of bonds? Theae In
vestments must le more or les has
ardoua and do not pay anything like
the Intereal they ahould 10 mak up
for this.
Th municipal authorities change
every few yeara, and while able, hon
est men may be at the head when th
bond are Issued, there is ne telling
who their successors may be.
Toledo, O., is directed by an able
and responsible management, conse
quently the bonds are beneficial to
I lie stockholders.
THE TALK-O-PHONK la a machine
of recognised merit it is known the
country over. . ...
Competitor apend million among
magaslne publications yearly In ad
vertising their preducta. Tha TALK-O-PHONB
I the very beat advertise
ment for Itself.
Competitors pay princely 'salaries to
their omolsls salaries that are ex
orbitant and a drain upon th profits,
THE TALK-O-PHOKB fls a ready
- seller consequently no high salaries
ever are needed to push lu. . j -Competltora
pay a certain prominent
Inventor laoo.oou a year In royalties.
owna all of its patenta outright.
There ia no need of paying royalties
to anyone.
Pacta such aa theae only errrphaalse
the conaervative management of the
aafeguard the investor.
The par value of each share Is S10
limited amount of the stock is of
fered at par.
On all the stock now out snd Issued
up to June 30 a seml-annaal divi
dend of 6 per cent will be paid July 1.
Thl dividend may be doubled by
th end of the year.
We urge Immediate purchase of the
tock and Invite Investigation from
propectlve Investor.
Prospectus and further Information
Fiscal Agents. Talk-a-rboive Ca. f oltd.
1103 Drexe! Building.
) rsox DRUGS
Clrsslatiaa th Mm .
r.t., J.lf m. iia.
VEINS aa WEAKtttSI. ealtrsa t a raster full
vital energy. tl trial. Call M aril ler Irs
bk, sat mice. li. . HYMCC CO..
1Mb tt B urmiti iciLiiit. it. Mcii, M,
Monday, May 14, to
Saturday, May 19 '
Britt-Nelson Prize Fight
ireatat Moving- Picture Rltow Kver
Produce! in titis ttountry, .
This famous priae Bichl exactly re
produced In every detail to the final
CXIK AM) Blil.Mi If Hit KAML1.
Reserved seat sale begins Saturday
mornin, May llitb, mt 9 o'clock st.ttas
Price, 3.V ami 50;' boa seats Tftc.
This Afternoon Tonlght-e-AU Wek,
......THE CAVALIER..:.'.
rrlc Night. Sunday Matlua. 10c.
c. Tueaday, Thuraday. Paturday MatJ
nee. Kc, 20c.
Monday. May 21. 7Mh performance Sou
venir photo. Mary Hill.
Neat Week Th Bell of Jllchuioad
'Phone Douglss 4M.
Matte Today
Any Pari 0R
ol hou
a w-
Children lOc.
10c. 2lc, tOc.
lie, 36c, too. He.
Tonight t li Matlie iturtii f ,
WW f. T
Suudsy M1C11AXL sJTrUKIT.
' 1