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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1906)
TIIE OMAHA' DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, MAY 10, lX)fS. V Mi i Optical IVpl. Main floor CalHnfl l Cards It Printed t Arcade i A 8AI,R EXTBAOnniNAnT! Ladies' Jackets and Spring Coats Every ona Is a manufacturer' ample coat all new, very stylish and up-to-date this season all go In one lot at 33ic On tho Dollar These are stunning effaots In Silk Elons, Silk Box Coats Shantung Box Coats White Serge Box Coats Novelty Check Box Coats Plaid Cloth Box Coats Covert Box Coats New Covert Fitted Jackets Long Novelty Cloth Coats V - . long Plaid Cloth Coats And about seventy-five odd sample coats of which there are no two alike. Have you seen the window These Coats readily worth $10 and $15, at 4?i Also all the Samples and Surplus Stock of Ladles' Newest Spring Walking Skirts V , From L Stegman & Bro., East 22nd St. N. Y. Just 500 skirts in this purchase and we bought them at 30o on the dollar every new style and material. The correct fashionable features are all represented the pretty circu lar flared, circular gored, plain circu lar, pleated and strap trimmed. These skirts are the style leaders for spring and summer. Voiles In Black and Colors, Panamas in Blacks and Crays White Serges, White Mohairs White Panamas, Chiilon Panamas in all colors Gray Novelty Saltings, Gray Mixtures Novelty Plaids and Checks. These skirts are worth $7.60, $8, $9, f 10 and $12.60 each Thursday ..J,J(j Ladles9 Dainty Summer Waists New assortment of the very prettiest waists of the season, exquisitely trimmed with laces, bands, embroidered panels, clusters of tiny tucks, etc many new lingerie effects, at .i , 98c-lL8 New Models in Millinery SSBBS-i a For Street or Dress Pretty new effects in small sailors, bent brim hats derby crown bats, etc the leading colors new flow er trlmmln&a an. extra speclaV will go at i - Street Hats neatly but effectively trimmed, with flowers, ribbons and ornaments. 1 CA ... 2- mr at . -i-. . 1 i J 3 t,Mtatatwfti,ia.4 Suit hats, dress hats, evening hats very pretty, assortment, latest styles, just brought for ward from our workrooms. A Man's Genuine "Priestley" $15 Cravenelte Jll75 This is the best coat for every time of yenr just the light coat you want for spring and fall evenings, and a perfect 1 fl 75 protection in wet weather 11 rain proof, at 1111 Men's Top Coats New styles in' tana, olives, etc., short, nicely tailored snugly fitting about the collar every man needs one the prices are .. . J5-7f?-$10 J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS R mery 1508 DOUGLAS ST. m: bull Grand Bargain of UKAl'TIFl'LLY Till MM KD PATTEKX HATS, DR1SS HATS, bTRKLT HATS at 83.75, $5.00, S6.75, $8.50 Hundreds of pretty Milan. Tuscan; Chip and Panama Hats, hnlomc!y trimmed. In this extraordinary sale. GRAND GALE THURSDAY THK GRKATKST POPULAR PRICED MILUXERY SALE ever held In Omaha. j Get Prices Com Early Get Prices BEFORE YOU GO o on your'vacation let u see that your watch s all right. thai your glasses are all In order. It will mv mucn annoyance, at you need both of these articles sway. Lei us do It now. LOOK TO TKM ITAMB. S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELEIU vi61 DougU i : v. for 1 w A Standard rinno and a Standard Plnyer. both for the price ff th. piano. We offer for tomorrow's selling a. fine Fhnir piano of Standard mske and an Ebony cabinet , player to match. Ordinary worth oSO, $350 Another Piano and player com bined, walnut ease, MRS worth reirularly $TiO, at "0 EVERETT PIANO- tl7C Cabinet Grand HALLKT DAVIB-Lsrga Jinft else, rosewood case, at ' M TH All So. uars Brand, J5 rosewood cae- " MASON HAMLIN J1() Organ, walnut ease ' FARRAND ft VOTKT $15 Organ, walnut case SHONINOER Organ. J1C walnut rM w CHICAGO COTTAGE JJ? Organ, walnut case TERMS 16.0ft to $10 00 eaxh, and $2.00 to 16.00 monthly. MATHEWS PIANO CO. 1513-1515 Harney St., Omaha, Neh F. H. GUTHRIE. Manager. OppoltS Burwnod Theater. jtfSBSSXSZSSBlSi ESSSS3SS f THE VIOLA To the numerous new styles of women's shoes "we have shown this season we have added another "THE VIOLA." It ts already as popular as "THE ALICE." The style is one button oxford, whole vamp, with crimped mat kid top low effect in tyle similar to a pump lightweight welt sole short vamp Cuban heel Patent C61t PRICE $4.09 Just received all ilses In women's Punjps, dun Metal and Patent Colt. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Parnam Street. UO GENTLEMAN NEED FALL Into the error of wearing poorly designed or 111 fitting garments, while Nlcoll is within easy reach. A man Inside one of our $26 suits or overcoats gets a heap of style and comfort for his money. Trousers, 55 to $12 Suits. $20 to $50 rpMt$ WILLIAM JERREMS SONS 809-21 1 So. lBth etswst WALK-OVER SHOE 0 Q u A L I T Y 'It's In the Shoe." Positively Unequaled Values (or $3.50-$!00 Both OXKORD8 and SHOES for Gentlemen. International Reputation. Buy Yours at the Walk-Over ShoeStore 1521 Farnam St. ED. S. THOMPSON, -Tse Walk-Over Mas." NettlelM Ageary OM IHt WRATBKS rOSRrtlir-Tkariasr Fair. Business Boosters i , JTry tb Want 14 TTlTTir r 7 www 111 1 (KEEN tuk::3 zw:n evert Raging Sale o! White China from Burns' Stock Covr Pifthca, Platters, Cups and Satirfra, After Din ner Cup and Saucers, Sugar Bowls, Covered But ters sizes and shspes are very dewtinrtlve and unique every lino in white China carried by Samuel Burns sacrificed at one-third to one-fourth his prices. Come early 1 I'p from , . . . 10c Toilet Sets Toilet Sets Some beautiful Havlland and Domestic Porcelain Sets Boldly outlined decora tions and' delicate chro matic colorings, some mag nificent sots in the lot where Burns' price was 910.00 onrs Where Burns' price was $7.fiO, ours will be VELLOW BAKING DISHES One-third Burns' prices, 10c, 8c . and , 4.50 .3.98 3c Every purchas er ol 10c worth or over on main floor, Thurs day gets free ticket I o r re served seat to Friday or Sat urday matinee In Lyric Theater Exchange tick et at box Nice for reserved seat. MY GOODS SECTION BUSTER BROWN COATS FOR GIRLS Ages 8 to 14 years, soft, all wool cheviot, in shades of brown, hunters'-, green nl navy blue, with deep collar and culTs of contrasting colors, metal - f Cs C buttons; vertical pleats and Buster belt very nobby at...r.J LADIES' PETTICOATS The new shadow cloth, crisp and ' fifi shiny, regular. dollar skirt for 3UC HEATHERBLOOM PETTI COATS--A perfect blessing to ladies, an Underskirt with all the advantages of the finest silk, much more durante, ana only weighs a few ounces in black at 92.05, 1 CI Q l.tfU 92.60 and In colors Old rose, hello, Alice green, light blue ...... . 2.25 THURSDAY WILL BE A GREAT DAY IN OUR SUIT DEPT. WE ARE GOING TO MAKE IT A .$12.50 SUIT DAY. ELEGANT SPRING SUITS Eton styles, pony styles and fitting suits, in all the newest materials and colors NEW SHIRT WAIST SUITS Black and all colors t 12.50 12.50 12.50 NEW SILK JACKET SUITS AND FANCY DRESSES In' me nnest taireta silks, all Thursday at 0TBX,?D3f!1 S. Our stock of Ribbons is too heavy. Over 600 pieces of Plain Taffeta Silk Ribbons, full Una of colors. $ inl, to 6 Inches wlde; worth to 23c yard, special sale a yard 12c and.... lvIC FSr BJ5B?NS.,91iEA.p 200 P'ec of Fancy Loulsenna. Messallne and Chiffon Taffeta 811k Ribbons. In plaids, pompadours and embossed floral patterns, worth to 60o yard, special sale a yard OC TA2fF? KtiOW TOM SrXCXAbWe are showing- the largest assortment of Pllolw Tops and Covers, imported India and fancy Denim Tops, fine Oriental, flowered Organdy Finished Pillow Covers, worth to 60o each. )e special -aaJo each , , ,aiJC AUOTSB UOXI AT 60o 50 pieces Oriental Net Allover Laces, II Rfl inches wide, la creams and white, worth to $1 yard, Thursday, yd OUC WAT SaJUB Or XKBKOISZmiZa This lot contains Allovsrs, Corset Cover, Flouncing and Yoking mbrolderles. Insertions and Beadlngs, all marked ai just one-nair ineir value special a yaro rrom 6Uu down , ...... to ..r.W... IKUOnnUB .WAZST ATtBT CM! J Fine Batiste Waistinss With fancy embroidered front, cuffs and collar, material enough to make any waist to stce 44. worth to 12.00 each Thursday special 7S4, each $t.60i t.25i 11.00 and dOG A SriCUIi rjf WWHH Two gross fancy embroidered and lacs trim med tin Batiste Chemisettes, regular 60c values Thursday ' OR-, only each acJW TAW OT TXfXXOTSma So Big lot of fancy embroidered Turnover Col- 1 Cr lars, in colors and plain white, worth to 16c, sale price Thursday SVBCXAX, BAX.11 Or WKXTB rsTDIA Z.UTOSTS A big table full of plain whit India l.inons, very sheer, S2 and S inches wide, our 20c quality, 15c Thursday a yard Colored Dress Goods at Very Low Prices Thursday 48-tnch Chiffon Taffeta, all colors and black, summer weight, soft finish, very dressy, regular price 11.10 yard 46-inch silk and wool Chiffon Tamlse, with shadow checks and self colored dots, street and evening ahadus, former price $1.60 a yard j 46-inch "Ovledo" Cloth, the new weave for summer wear, shadow plaid effects, dustproof, smooth, even finish, worth i.o a jru - - 68-lnch new Gray Suitings. In mixtures and checks, for skirts and Jackets, cheap at 11.00 a yard only a yard A Yard at 1.00 75c BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY 15c Just ArriYed A large num ber fresh, pew laid Eggs, Thursday only, a dozen,- at ; Bennett's Capitol Creamery Butter, the best ever, two thousand ne-pound bricks, every one full Qflya weight,-Thurs- day only a,v Rose Bush Special-Hardy perpetual Rose Bushes, assorted colors, A ... WC C.iUM ....... And - 0 green trading stamps J . IN THE HARDWARE SECTION THURSDAY. GRAMTEWAREH , CRANITEWAREn EVERY PIECE GUARANTEED. No. 8 Tea Kettle, 8 qt. pail, 8 qt. Perserving Kettle, 6 qt. Berlin Kettles and Sauce Pans, 14 qt. Dish Pan, 3 and 5 qt. Coffee Pots, and 1 gal.. Measure, worth up to 75c, rtA four choice while they last . . , tmUj 1.35 Oxfords and Slippers lor Slimmer Wear STYLES AND PRICES TO SUIT ALL. Ladies' patent Colt or Vici 4 Art a- , w Kid Oxfords, at l.7d hfEgZi Misses' Patent Colt Ox-' f CA fords, at ....lsUU Misses' Vici Kid Oxfords, at Children's Patent Colt QC Oxfords, 'at ........ XstJtJ Children's , Vici Kid Ox- f Of fords, at., ...Istttl . 37 Latest styles in Dorothy Dodd Oxfords A Talr, at $3.50, $3.00 and......... ..$2.50 Double Green Trading Stamps all day. Let Us Save You Monty on Wall Paper and Paints. Will) THK RELIABLE STftE V J Best Rug and Carpet Values in Omaha. . GRAND CLEARING SALE of Women's Spring Suits and Jackets We mut make room for the nw summer Snods and will offer most surprising bar gains Thursday. nnno TAILOR Sl'ITS AT $14 . PananiHS, voilrs, eollcnns. etc., in all tha newest styles and coloring TAtmn 81ITS AT ti: Grcnt nfifortmont of plain and fancy mixed tbrlce. In cton, pony and blnuso etjles. $ TAILOR 8C1T8 AT L4 0. We have the Omaha aircncy for the cH chrHtPd Crown stilts, thp y a r( srratcet barRalns ever offered. VU STYLISH COATS. In silk covert, alsn beau tiful all wool checks and plaids, 1 fC. worth up to JIO.OO choice JVJ AND $S00 PKIRT AT H.95. Tanamas, vollrs. Slclllnn. etc. In ntwit 3.95 styles and rolorinn. including uiai-K ana winte, choice $15 Cravenettes at $7.95. lno handsome garments, greatest bargains evpr offered at the price. $5.m Jap Waists clearing O QO sale price ""O KM Uwn and Lingerie Waists Qc clearing: sale price NRW HOME-MADE WRAPPERS best values in Omaha f OR at 6.W to !- FROM 8 Ytl-L It A. M. Women's Kimonos at FROM :3n TILL :W A. M. Women's Wash I'nder- eHlns-"-at , FROM S TILL 10 A. M. Women's Wrappers at ..19c .39c 59c A Millinery Sale. "Why, 1 never saw such bargains," was the expression of several women who bought hats st the half price salo last Monday. And they were bargains. Each hat hand made and superbly rich and elegant in every Retail. . ' THURSDAY SPECIALS i - Thursday we will put on special sale about' 260 hats, worth from $3 to 6 for 11.28 and FLOWER SALE 25c flowers for $10c and 40c children's wreaths for 98c ...5c 25c Exceptional Muslin Underwear Bargains Thursday' one of the greatest bargain giving days ever known In Omaha; their high quality unsurpassed, variety and beau ty of design unequaled and at unmatched low prices. See these offerings before you bur. LADIES' SKIRTS WORTH VP TO 12.50 Deep flounces of lace and insertion and handsome embroideries and extra QQP dust ruffle, choice Thursday, fl.60 t'OW LADIES' GOWNS WORTH UP TO $2.00 Trimmed with laces, insertions, embroid ery or tucked yokes, made long and full, best values ever shown. at 98c 7&c and "cjw LADIES' FRENCH CHEMISE. REGULAR $2.00 VALUES Beautifully "trimmed With Lace Day Thursday. The fourth day of our grancl week's Lace sale. A clearing-up day on all odds and ends from the- past days' sales. VAL LACES. TORCHONS. PLAT VAL8. ORIENTALS and ZION CITY LACES, IN BANDS. GALLOU8. EDGES and 1N 8ERTING8, IN 4 GREAT LOTS, worth regularly from Ge to 25c per yard. e AT. PER YARD. 7fcc. 6c. 2Hc ,w Watch for Friday's Lace Sale, the great est yet. ' Sale of Silks Thurs- day- $1.00 AND $1.25 SILKS AT, PER YD., 5C. At 8 a, m. will begin the moat wonderful Silk bargain event of the season. A beautiful assortment of high grade Silks, in 27-in. hairline stripes, 27-ln. checks, 27 In. Novelties, 27-ln. plain color Taffetas, regular $1.00 to $1.!5 values, will go' CQr for this one day at, per yard J laces and insertions, remarkable QRc bargains, at . LADIES' CORSET COVERS AND DRAW ERS Regular 60 values, lace and em broidery trimmed, come in all slsea and great variety of design, 35C choice at LADIES' CORSET COVERS-Beautlfully trimmed and worth up to $1.00, 40C Choice Thursday at Ladles' Gause Vests In Lisle thread and . fine cottons, white or fancy colors, worth ' up to 2Rc, . nC at, each. 15c. 10c and w w Children's Muslin Drawers, lOc all sizes, at 26c and High Grade Wash Goods Sale. FROM 2:30 -TO 3 P. M. W'e will sell W pieces of silk mixed Walstings, in all col ors, goods that sold at Xc yard, only one pattern to a customer, at, Qf, a vnrfl . Also during this half hour !11 sell 1 case of fine Persian Challles, fast colors, only 12 yards to customer, at, per yard 25c Oi'tfundies ISc for 19: Organdies 12 iC 15c Batistes' V ' "' Oc for VW U'ic Batistes OiC for 50 other specials. High Grade Wool Dress Goods. FROM 2 TO 2:30 P. M.'-We will sell T pieces of silk and wool Eolllennea that sold at $1.25, $1.50 and $1.08 per yard, all colors, no blacks, only one pattern fllc to customer, at, per yard w PINEAPPLES! PINEAPPLES! Our first shlnment of Kancv Cuban Pine apple arrived. They are very fine, large, sweet and juigy, as long as they last we Will sen mem, rauii. i FRESH VEGETABLES AND FRESH S-WIT1TB t bunches home grown Radishes 5c t bunches Home grown uniun, i t bunches home grown Lettuce 5c I bunches home grown Asparagus 10c Lais Cucumbers, each 5 bunches Pie Plant , Freali Wax or Siring Beans, per lb. Fresh Spinach, per peik 2 bunches fresh Parsley.... Fancy ripe Tomatoes, per lb..., Large, Juicy Lemons, per dosen 2 measures fresh roasted Peanut.... Tomato Plants, per dozen., Choice Pansles. per doxen See our big display of all l' nds of for the garden, from 5c EACH. So IOC 10O 5c 10c :....12n 5c ... THe. tte plants fin a ot minni? AnfJAiiA tpaI k m u m mm mm mu it $rv iii f si n ni in n n rv EAST See our schedules to some of the principal eastern 4jities: Detroit i....1.... 21 hours Buffalo......... 27 hours Syracuse '. ..... . .30 hours Albany. . . ..... ..33 hours New York ; .37 hours Boston. '.44 hours i t Indianapolis 21 hours Cincinnatti 24 hours Pittsburg. 26 hours Philadelphia. ... 35 hours Baltimore. .... ..36 hours Washington 38 hours The Illinois Central's fast "Chicago Limited" train leaves Omaha at 6:00 p. m. Fact day train at 8:00 a. m. Union depot connections in Chicago for nearly all prin cipal points. Steamship tickets to all European and Asiatic points. Cafe car service. , Tickets and information at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam St., Omaha. . SAMUEL NORTH, , District Passenger Acenl DR. WESTMAL'S OENNA LIVER PILLS Tot Obstinate Coastlpatlon. Bllllousncas. Sour Stomach. Blck headache, Nervous dms. Nausea. Insomnia, Jauadloa, Torpid Lar. Try otia. tbo pr bottle, postpaid. ISmiAM & McCSKXELL CSUQ CO W &Ka1 TUiais. Sltsl Misrmsssr ig-.f fj,,, j if f MEN AND WOMEN. Cm & S3 t"f aaDtfl trM.lSfc.4lo. M lo.tilui BtsnMifuir 1 sm s awss . 4 bl b S i r wm. wiVimi U 4.r rw I