Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Trudte Appointed by Court for Standard
Beet Company at Learitt.
William H. Krfoa f Lineal n
Federal lonrt'rfnrer and w .
' I). MeHaan f Omaha
Hla nllrHir.
1'poii applii Mtion of the Ola Colony Trust
"inpiny of' Boston. Judge Munger of the
'lfral court Tufdv appointed a receiver
the Standard . Fet Sugar romnanS-.
n headquarter at Ames, .and a large,
" Iavlu, N. William II. Fergu
i nt Lincoln wan made receiver and W.
'MHuKh' , of Omuhu solicitor for the
fiver". - The latter a lioid wa fixed at
"."A Jfe:wiis ordered to assume 1m
eilinre charge of t)itj plan. all Its assets
.! property.
"V- .ipplUatloti fo'r tlie rectlvrrshlp wa
'I'' in' a anil" brought against the fltan
! HiH't iiHr company In the United
' s circuit court tin uligh the plaintiff
Itor. ' tlarty P. Leevttt and Thomas
l'tkins of i-nunsr-1.
Th it(tlou ll"gs thAt the defendants
1i--te practically abandoned the plnttt and
l' iiiivinen.0 at Leavitt. and If allowed to
.;ontiiiun.ln Hietu5Mlon b oil control, no l)el
"ill e laieetl for the line of the factory
dining the current year, and that the
business A-ill be loet and abandoned and
the value of tiie property practically de
stroyed, but that by the appointment of a
receive arrangement can be made for a
beet acreage, and (hat the plant can be
opera fed at a' p.oflt.
reilltora I lirenlr n Action.
The petition further stales that the ci edi
tors of the Htandard Beet Mugar company
w hose "claims arc unpaid threaten to In
stitute proceedluga by attachment and
'tlierwise, which . will arparate and dis
integrate the property, etc. The petition
then goM. on further to give a statement
of . the Indebtedness in detail and arks
that the defendants be precluded and fore
Htalled of arid from any equity of re
demption In the premises In question and
that the plaintiffs be granted the neces
sry relief In that the plaintiffs may be
secured til the operation of the plant and
thereby be enabled to pay the just claims
gainst It.
The plaintiffs allege they have a mortgage,
claim against the property and plant ap
proximating a large amount of money.
which claim would be imperiled by the
abandonment of the plant and property anfl
for this reason the receivership Is asked
statement hj- l.envltt.
Heywaid O. Leavitt, president of the
I.eavltt plant, said Tuesday morning:
"The plant lias been established about six
years and was built at a cost of $1,277,000,
exclusive. of the land, and was bonded for
over hair a. million dollats. TJiere is
preferred stock and 1300,000 common stock,
I lie capacity of the plant Is l.luo tons of
beets per day. equaling 270,000 pounds of
sugar per day. Its original capacity was
for 509 tons of beeta per day and has since
been Increase to Its present capacity. It
va operated laat year at an expense of
.'20,000, 85,000 tone of beeta were worked up,
from which. 196 pounds of granulated sugar
were obtained per ton of beets, against 270
pounds 0 sugar net" ton of beets the year
before. Eighty per cent of the crop of beets
Is now derived from irrigated lands and for
the first time In the history of the plant the
beets last year failed to ripen and mature
1m Nebraska, t'tali and Colorado because
et the weather In the fall being warm, moist
and cloudy. Instead of bright and cool, un
dr which latter conditions the beets best
ripen and mature. Hence the output for
, Mie ,ver 1M, was approximately 75 per cent
lews than the previous year. '
To save the Plant.
' "The appointment of a receiver ha been
asked to conserve the property for the bene,
fit of tho creditors, to Insure the contlnu
ance of tbe plant In operation and to secure
to the farmers payment for their beets
grown and delivered thl year. Tty the up
' rolntment of the receiver at tills time the
perpetuity of the plant Is assured and the
farmers will be paid for their beets and the
plant continue In operation. It Is necessary
, that this be done at flits time, as the period
, Is now at hand for planting beets and any
dehiy would be fata).
"The receiver can Issue receiver's certlfl
rates for beets and work which Jake prece
denc ahead of the claims of the Ixind
'' liolders.'
"The plant paid out last year for labor
' and supplies t-'; for beets $42R.(iof and
for freight I15!,(ir. The factory has been
operated at only about 70 per cent of Its
.capacity. Tho amount of granulated suga
old was Ht.ono.nno pounds, and lu a normal
year the full capacity of the plant would
be about SO.Oi'O.Oi'O pounds of granulated
. rnarui Cough. Colds, Bore Throats
are quickly cured by Dr. King's New Die
eovery. SOe and tl.OO; guaranteed. Bold by
Fherrriaij ft McConnell Drug company.
Hntlalngr Permits.
The city has Issued the following build
ing permits: Rmll Oall. H,50 frame dwell
lug at Twenty-tturd and Boulevard: D. V,
Shoies company, ,ouo frame dwelling at
iluy people who
t'uuie to ua for h'.ye ex
t . . amluatiou imagine that
' there) . la aoine foreign
sub tail re in their ejet.
We can aometlmea hardly
convince them that theae
gritty, aaudy, scratching,
irritating conditiona are
symptoms and effect due
to refractiYa error which
may be corrected by the
ue of proper Glaaaea.
2 3 South loth Street.
Factory on the Premises.
dwelling nt 1MO Booth Thirty-third
tl Rurkle. II .Soft frame rtwelllni
at TMr,v- '
fourth and ranklln: With olnn." I:.4
frame dwelling at 27 Bristol.
oMltli Generally Alnnj the Bar
Huston Are Resorted 'arnhle
hf ta Correspondents.
The HuiUngt'in railroad has prepared Its 1
first crop and soil report for the Nebraska '
districts of that road, compiled by reports ,
from the various superintendents along tbe
lines. The reoort for the week ending
May 7, says: t
The soil thrnuahout this district ss well
snaked with moisture during the full of
1!6. During Ix-cemher there was medi
cally no precipitation and lemtierature waa
hove normal. For Jnnnarv. 1. the tem
perature averaged degrees abov normal
and precipitation Has again below normal.
February rep. u ted the condition of two
previous months, that Is. temperature was
oove normal and moisture below. March
reversed condition, us tho temperature
veraaed X degrees below normal and prc-
ipitntlon aertiged seventy-two hundredths
1 an men itlaive. During April ralnrnll was
exceptionally heavy and temiierature was
liKhtly above normal. These conditions
ave brought us un to the llrst of May with
oil and vegetation in excellent shape In
pile cf three drv. warm winter months.
Below Is given rainfall In Inches for April
nd separately for nrst live days ot May;
Iso as a matter of comparison rainfall
for April. 1. at a number of statlona in
he district, as shown by government re-
poitg. The precipitation for April, this
ear, is taken from dailv reports made to
th's office by our agents. The federal
authorities are very conservative, and will
not let anything go Into their lwnoanent
record unless satisfied that it Is absolutely
correct, so that the difference In rainfall for
April, HK6 and 1101, probably was not so
great as figures below Indicate. e could
not make the comparison from our own re
ports of last year without conldoru.ble
extra work.
There is but one opinion as to winter
wheat crop. It i uniformly In excellent
ondltlon. While Decemlier. January and
February wero drv months, the ground waa
so thoroughly soaked at the beginning of
DeeemlMT, ami there has been so much
moisture since the first of March, that the
crop has not suffered for moisture, un
wymore division the acreage is praciicauy
he same as last year. On IJncoin division
reports Indicate that the acreage is 10 per
ceqt to 20 per cent greater than .laat year.
On Kansas branches of McCook division
he acreage is probably b per cent greater
han last year: on other parts ol that
division the acreage ia thought to be some
what less. There are no reports of damage
from Hessian fly nor damage of any kind.
In short, the prospwts for a good crop of
winter wheat could hardly be better at thla
season of the year in this territory.
Flowing for corn la progressing rapioiy
wherever the cron Is raised In this district.
On Wymore division, especially In the east
ern and southern parts or mo uivision.
where the season is always somewhat In
advance of Lincoln and McCook divisions,
considerable corn has been planted. There
hna Also been a small amount Of corn
planted on the McCook division, especially
on Kansas nrancnes. m iincoin aivimon
nractlcallv no corn hus been planted. On
tncnln and Wvmnre d visions Indications
are that the acreage will be about the same
as last vear. There Is undoubtedly more
ground each year coming tinder cultivation
hut at the same lime tne crops are necom-
ing more diversified, and the acreage, for
that reason, of wheat and corn does not
chana-e verv greatly from year to year. On
McCook division, especially on isni
hranphes. Indications are that the acreage
for corn will be slightly In excess of last
MeeniTiff Tor OHIP I nroilK noil i ine mnn e-1
was completed some time ago and the grain
la renerullv nut of the ground and looking
well. Acreage about the-aTHiifther
years. Some seeding has been done for
snrinc wheat and barley, but neither of
iU cron amount to verv much.
The potato eropjiaa neen quue generally
nlnnted nnd the acreaae will be about the
same as last year. This is not an Important
Pastures ano meaaows generally are 10
excellent condition, but rather backward
owing to tinusually cool weather In March
Alfalfa Is said to be In especially good com
rtltlon and acreage constantly Increasing.
Stock wintered well generally aim is now
ti pastures In good condition. Tiss during
the winter was practically nothing owing
largely to the unusually mild winter.
The sugar beet crop naa oeen pianiea ana
the around Is In good condition. Orand
Taianii rennrts over win acres in our irrn
tnrv. Arresee of sugar beets on Imperial
branrtr of McCook dlvsion will be a little
less than last year, while the, acreage oil
I.vons branch will be more than double that
of last year. The raising of this crop has,
no doubt, been stimulated on Lyons branch
bv factory at l,onginont. On other parts
of McCook division, except those mentioned,
the acreage will probably be about the same
as Is st year.
Indications for a peach crop are not -nax-
terlng; it is quite possible, however, that
with favorable conditions from now on half
a crop may be realised, it la ratner eariy
to predict as to apple crop, prospects Tor
small fruit, which is really more Important
In Nebraska, are exceedingly goon.
I.eRoy Kdmrdi from I. eland Stan
ford, Jr., I nlveralty Tell of
Hia Kxnerlenrea.
LeKby Kdwards of the Inland Stanford,
Jr.. university arrived In Omaha yesterday
from San Francisco and la visiting hla sister
Mrs. C. C. Chase, 1M North Thirty-eighth
avenue. . Having seen much service with
300 of hla cluaamatea from the university in
the relief and vigilance work at Sun Fran
cisco, Mr. Edwards received many Imprea
sions of the great disaster.
"The work of looking after the unfortu
nate ones and distributing the supplies wag
such an enormous task that it is hard to
do the gubject Justice. About JO0 of the
students from the university arrived at
Ban Francisco ou the morning following
the earthquake," said Mr. Kdwards laxt
evening. 1
One of the moat Interesting things brought
out In a conversation with Mr. Kdwards
waa that Dr. Branner. professor of geology
at the university, gave a lecture six months
before the earthquake and outlined certain
faulty formations In the earth's surface
near San Francisco. After the earthquake
It waa discovered that many large, fissures
had formed along lines Indicated by tbe
professor six months before.
Mr. Edwards was at first stationed in tli
Mission district, where he served lu the
distribution of supplies and on a vigilance
committee. Later he was transferred to the
Presidio. In his district of the Presidio he
estimated that 5,000 persons were oared for.
Everything, he said, waa wonderfully sys
temiaed. The .various supplies were class
ified and families were registered, so that
It was known each day what they received.
Rich and poor called for food and clothing.
Many women were glad to wear woolen
shirts orlginaly Intended for men. Mr. Ed
wards said he noticed many rich' women
heavily veiled to conceal their Identity.
In apeaklrg of the Lelaud Stanford, Jr.,
university Mr. Kdwards said tlie main and
essential buildings were not seriously dam.
aged. The university will be able to re.
unit In September.
Memorial Meaolatlon to the Former
Uoeernor la Adopted
t aaainsoaaly.
The full board aWuded the session of
the Board o' Fire and Police Commission
ers Monday evening. A memorial resolu
tion on the death of Governor James E.
Boyd waa Introduced by Dr. Miller and
unanimously passed.
C. A. Jensen, one of the four men ap
pointed to the police department 011 proba
tion, waa found to have failed lu the phys
ical examination and It was ordered his
appointment should not be approved. The
ether three men succeeded in passing the
physical tests
Go to Kw fork on th Lehlaa..
Double trayk cenic highway. Connect
gt Buffalo or Niagara Kali with all line
from th west.
Wrlta passenger department. Lehigh Val
Wy R. It . " South Clark .. Chicago, 111.
Woolwnrth avenue and iXSrti fm
Lack of lot Cream Jan Serenity of Bamoat
Alley 8ooial Function.
Money la Kntrnated to Another Belle.
crlptlnn for a More Ks
hlleratlna Dellrary.
The social life of Ratncai alley again
has been rent from stem to stern and cen
ter to circumference, also from the car
tracks to the solitary lamp postt which
sheds Its radiance In tnngent wwys over
the select precincts of the alley. Some
times the boy does not light the lamp, and
then there is no radiance.
vTwo months ago business In the alley
waa suspended by an untoward happening
In the lives of four of Ita habitues, and
no Kooncr had commercial and social con
fidence been re-established than another
outbreak occurred to set the dial of the
alley back two years, four months and one
week. The latest morsel for the scandal
mongers happened Monday evening about
the eighth hour, at which time the gayest
of the alley usually doffs Its working
clothes and makes merry with the sounds
of banjos, mandoline or brass knuckles, as
the case may be. Beer and ginger ale
and other condiments are frequently em
ployed until the lid goes on at the stroke
of If.
Mise Mary Chattnan, colored, one of this
seasons debutantea of the alley, naa a
function billed for Monday evening on the
social calendar of Ranioat alley. Miss
Chatman received at her borne and was
charmingly arrayed In Nile green silk,
trimmed with white. Everything went
along as smoothly as a candy distribution
at a Sunday school picnic until someone In
the crowd hinted that the host might
have provided Ice cream for tbe guests.
Pickles and pork chop sandwiches were
they argued, well enough In their way,
but a well-detined sentiment w expresswd
that Ice cream would lend eclat to the oc
casion and serve to equailxe the effects
of the pork chops and pickles. So Hostess
Chatman gathered a few of her exclusive
set to one side and broached the Idea of
subscribing for a gallon of Ice cream, as
she had Jusf had the chimney repaired
and did not think the buying of Ice cream
would go well with her Income.
Miss Addle Thomas, one of (he guests,
promptly offered to act as custodian of
funds offered for th ice cream. Mlas.Chat
man gave Miss Thomas 10 cents as her
hare and It began to look as If all hands
would be eating the frogen delicacy before
the hour had passed.
Miss Thomas was sent for the Ice cream.
The guests waited long and patiently for
the promised treat, which did not come. At
length MUs Chatman thought Miss Thomas
had been run over by a street car or held
up by footpads, who slugged tho woman
and stole the Ice creani. So Mls Chatman
Started out for the dilatory guest, who waa
discovered by the host at the rear of the
house drinking beer with two companions.
There wa no Ice cream In sight. It devel
oped Miss Thomas expended the Ice cream
money for beor In n unguarded moment
in a saloon. Just what pasaed between
host and guest will be brought out before
the people's bar at a later date. It was re
ported, however, that Miss Thomas slapped
Miss Chatman with the beer pall and then
the party broke up with disgust and no ice
Miss Chatman waa at the people' bar
bright and early Tuesday morning. She
told her story and City Prosecutor Lee Bled
a complaint of assault and battery against
Miss Thomas.. 1,. . --
B. A. Reagan and Miss Dollle Dugan
could not agree Monday evening on the
question of why the ocean Is built so close
to the shore, which question was pro
pounded some time ago by a comic opera
comedian. Reagan and Miss Dtigan were
arrested by Patrolmen Dibble and Bgan on
the charge of drunkenness and disturbing
the peace of IRS Cass street by fighting.
The police Judge fined Reagan K and costs
and tho woman $1 and costs. The property
loss was small. Miss Dugan received a
scratch over her left eye.
luis Johns was tried Tuesday morning
in police court on the charge of stealing
fifteen yards of silk goods from the Boston
store. The defendant pleaded not guilty
and stood trial, at the conclusion of which
Acting Police Judge Foster sentenced the
man fifteen days. Johns waa, arrested by
Special Officer Orler.
Hoclnllr Ball Was a Great arcesa,
bnt Attendance Less Than
Lovers of dancing were given a treat
and the Ban Francisco relief fund received
a boost, although a regrettably slight one,
at the ball given by the Omaha Musicians'
association at the Auditorium Monday
night. The event was a repetition of the
annual ball ot local union No. TO, Asso
ciated Federation of Musician, which waa
such a success Inst winter. It waa the
belief that the same, or even greater,
patronage would be accorded a repetition
of the annual ball, because of the praise 11
awakened at that time, but In this the
management waa greatly disappointed.
Where there were thousands' at the former
event, there were but hundreds Mouday
evening, and this becomes more disappoint
ing through the fact that the purpose of
the ball waa to raise money for the suf
ferers In Ban Francisco, every cent of the
profit going Into the fund.
The total sale of tickets did not go over
3(0. While this was a matter of regret
when the intent of the event waa con
sidered. It added to th enjoyment of those
who attended, a there waa no crowding
at any time. It waa a gay ssseniblage,
made more gay by the excellent music.
Fully tfo Omaha musicians played In the
orchestra, each man donating hla time for
the occasion: Those who were already
booked for the evening filled thvir engage
ments and then went to the Auditorium,
while the others declined to make any date
for Monday evening. The gratuitous effort
of the musician was worthy of greater
appreciation than It. apparently received.
Jultu Meyer acted a master of cere
monies and Robert Cuscaden as chairman
of th commute on arrangements, the same
as for the annual ball. The committees
were all practically rr.adn up as for th
former event.
tneelal Haaneaeeker' Kxeanrslaas
Via Chicago Great Western railway. Tlok
t on sale April 24, May I and 12 at greatly
reduced rate for tha round trip. For
full Information apply to H. H. Cnurehlli.
G. A . loU Faraani street.
WATCIIKS-Srenaer, lfth and Dodgs 8c
Piano for Sale.
I muat sell at one my new W niahoaany
plano. Will sell cheap, part cash, lialance
to soil 111 N. loth. .
Kode frenare (or Saaamer..
Many of th rallroada ar planning for
a large summer tourist business. Tha Mil
waukee will exert a special effort to make
Okohoji popular and will make a bid
for the Omaha business to that famous
resort The Burlington ha prepared (n,
xlderable literature on Colored.), the fllprk
Hills, Yfllo stone jaik and raciflc vuusi
points. Round trip tickets will be sold to
Pstte and Taconia. beginning- ure 1. lit
f. The Northwestern Is also booming the
Jtlack Mills and the Hshlna reaorts of Mln
tieeotM. The Illinois Central and the Orat
Western also make a rclalty of handling
tourists seeking outing.
In Less Than Three
When K. H Harriman reaches New York
City this evening on the Empire State 1
Express, a regular train of the New York
Central, he will have broken all records
cross the continent, having made th
entire distance In seventy hours and fifty-one
minutes. The trip was made by spe
cial train from Oakland to Buffalo, when
the regular train of the New York
was used.
The bent previous record for a trip
cross the continent was made In 117
when Jarrett, Palmer's fast Transconti
nental train made a run from New York
to San Francisco. .Tho time for thla train
on the Vnlon Pacific was forty-one miles
an hour. Including stops, and forty-four
and eight-tenths miles an hour, excluding
stops. The tnaxlum rate attained betweon
stations waa seventy-two mile an hour.
The time of the llnrtiman special on the
I'nion Pacific wee IS hours and !lt minutes
from Green River to Omaha, nn sverage
Opeed of M.1 miles an hour. This would
have been much raster had not consider-
ble time been lost because of six track
gangs putting down new rails. Seven min
utes were lost between Sidney and North
Platte, eight minutes between Oreen River
and Rawlins and seven minutes between
Rawlins and Sidney. Four minutes were
lost at Bidney rehrcasing the Journal and
packing a hot box on the composite car
and applying " brske shoe to the car,
The run from North Platte to Omaha, a
distance of mile was made In 4
hours and 39 minutes, an average speed of
Kl.t per hour. The average speed between
North Platte and Orand Island was 6.5
per hour. The train from North Platte to
Lexington, a distance of sixty miles was
made in 60 minutes, or 72 miles an hour for
the distance. Mr. Harrlman's watch caught
several miles at over eighty-two miles an
hour, the speed Indicator on his car being
broken. This was confirmed by the speed
recorders on the other car.
Mr. Harriman' special reached Buffalo
Tuesday at 11:55. central time, giving him
one hour and Ave minutes to make con
nection with the Empire State Express.
This Is the Schedule for the entire trip:
Time Av.
, ' Mile- Con- per
age. su ed. hour.
Southern Pacific Oakland
Pier, May 8, 7:S0 p. m
Sparks, Nev May 9 243.02 11:17 21.8
Oregon Short Llne-t'nlon
Pacific Sparks. Nev., May
, :47 a. m.. Green River.
May . 10:05 p. m..... T14.5 15:11 4.7
I'nion Pacific Green River,
May ti, ln:15 p. m., Omaha.
May 7. 2:48 p. pi s'-'4 15:31 53.1
Chicago Northwestern
Omaha. May ", 3 p. m.,
Chicago, May 8, 1J:40 a. m..4 0:30 52 7
Lake Shore a Michigan
Southern Chicago, May 8.
1:25 a. m.. Buffalo, May .
11:50 a. m 640
New York Central Buffalo,
May UP. fn.. New York,
May 8. 10 0. m 440
10:25 51.1
:) 4 8
Empire State Express. .
General Committee Bosy Making;
Arrangements for It Proper
. Observance.
The general coinmittea ot the Grand Army
of the Republic and Ihe. Woraan Relief
corps on Memorial day observance met
Monday venlng at . tha.dty hall, with
Chairman Cramer presto Inn and Mlea Clara
Peenan ecretary. B. RwBalt wa made a
member of the finance committee, vice R,
S. Wilcox resigned because of ill health.
The finance committee reported that assur
ances had been made that ample funds
would be forthcoming for all needs. All of
the committees reported progress. The
music committee, through Chairman Hobbs,
reported having secured the necessary num
ber of school children to sing during the
services at Hanscom park and that It had
also secured the service of the "T. K.
quartet for the aam occasion.
The committee received an official notifica
tion from Major C. R. Noyee, military
ecretary of the Department of the Mis
souri, that th request of the committee
for a battalion ot the Thirtieth t'nlted
State, infantry and the Thirtieth infantry
band to participate In the afternoon parade
had been granted.
A notification was received from Governor
Mickey stating that on account of a previ
ous engagement he would be unable to
attend the Memorial day services In Omaha.
Neither will Department Commander John
Lett be able to be present, for a similar
reason. Aoceptancr of Invitation were
received from Colonel Pratt and member
of hi staff from Fort Crook, and from
Vlotor Roaewater and other distinguished
eltlsen. Responses have not yet been re
turned from all the Invitation sent out
and for that reaon th program commit
tee wss unable to make a complete report
The committee on speakers for the public
school for Tuesday, May -a, announced that
It had Just sent out the notifications and
that sufficient time had not yet elapsed for
Considerable other detail business was
transacted and an adjournment was then
taken to Monday evening. May 14, when It
is expected the program will be announced
In detail.
Unttoa Coart for Statu
tory Offense.
rl Swanson, alia Kd King, waa found
guilty Tuesday afternoon In Judge Sutton's
court of a statutory offense against Fannl
Hlrsrhmn, a li-year-old girl, and waiving
a new trial wa sentenced to four years In
the penitentiary by Judge Sutton. He is
only a little over 'M yrai old and this and
the fact the Jury recommended leniency
were taken Into consideration by the Judge
In fixing the sentence. The alleged offense
was committed November 13.
Immediately after the trial Ollie McNeil,
a colored girl and one ot the witnesses for
the state, was arrested on the charge of
aiding delinquency. She is charged with
helping to lead the Hlischnian girl astray.
err Low States.
One far, plus 1. for the round trip. Mood
going May SI to June . inclusive. Return
limit by depositing ticket. July Is.
An excellent opportunity to spend your
vacation In New Ungland.
Writ M. I. Giles. T. P. A.. Chicago, for
full particuUt. Warren J. Lynch. Passen
ger TiarTIc Manager, Chicago.
Louise Marie Boon has begun aul for
divorce from Charles F. on the ground ot
desertion. They were married In Omaha
June 4. lisd. and she ask that her maiden
name. Louise Marie Kiee, be restored.
Roy ghrmer, employed at the Windsor
tables, wa thrown by a horse at Fifteenth
and rarnani streets Tuesday noon. The
animal stepped on Shriner foot, which
was badly oruised, though not fractured.
Rhriner was attended at the police station
by Burgeon Klmoie and wss later "aoU 10
go to his home at South Omaha unassiate.t
Headquarter to Be at the Beaton Drue
Conipany'i Store.
' Remarkable loan Man oted for
Hla Worka of Charity Will
Be In Omaha at.
Mr. element ,M. Berk, a proprietary medi
cine manufacturer, better known In news
paper circles a 'The Great Clement." and
who has been the talk of Pes Moines, la.,
for the lust five weeks. Is coming to Omaha
next Saturday morning and will Imme
diately make his headquarters for about
four weeks at the Beaton Drug company's
store, corner of Fnrnnm and Fifteenth
This remarkable young man has nlmost a
national reputation for bis works of char
ity. A greater part of this work consists
In locating families who uro In destitute
clrcunistniices and furnishing them with
whatever Is necessary to relieve their
wants. His private secretary. Mr. K. J.
Kohl, was Interviewed by a reporter nnd
"Clements I'haritable work, which 1ms
helped earn for him his reputation, will
begin In this city as soon a names of
families In destitute circumstances are re
ceived. Thoee who will send the nsmes
of such families will receive our sincere
"Arrangements will then be made to de.
over wnatever we think Is necessary to
these addresses, and the earlier we receive
names of this sort the sooner we can be
of assistance In relieving them."
It is understood that "Clement" set
aside a definite portion of the profits from
the Immense sales of his medicine made
In the city he visits and with these profits
he carries on this charitable work. Each
city visited by him secures about the same
amount. His fortune Is estimated tu be
very large.
Benefit for San Francisco Cof
ferers Thursday. Friday and
The sale of reserved seats for the monster
benefit on Thursday, Friday and Saturday
next at the Boyd Indicates crowded houses
at all three of the performances. No more
needy object could be conceived than to
succor those who by earthauake and flre
find themselves without shelter and food.
in many cases without opportunity to earn
money for months to come. The private
box of ex-Governor Boyd has through the
kindness and forethouaht of Mrs. Bnvd
been placed at the disposal of the Parish
Aid society. This is the first time in the
history of the Boyd when this box ha been
at public disposal. The Mandarin will be
given with the smoothness of a professional
performance rendered so by the continuous
rehearsals and arduous work of Mr. Kinross
and Mr. Chambers, whose capacity In their
several apheres is beyond question. The
costumes are dazsllngly brilliant, the music
catchy and a bevy of pretty girls with
good voices, supported by a children's bal
let of graceful tota between and 12 years
or age, will give an ensemble which a pro
fessional might envy. The curtain will
rise at 1 11 and carriages may be ordered
for 10.30. It is hoped that every nook and
corner of the Boyd will be filled at each
Announcements of tha Theaters.
liavetmaoa'jt Jjoaa, tiger and hears -are
scoring heavily at th Orpheuni thl week.
These animals working in perfect harmony
create an unusual spectacle. That they will
prove a strong matinee card for the chil
dren and women is already attested by a
brisk demand for seats for the matinee
Thursday. The program besides Haver-
mann's animal embrace seven other
varied features.
The character which Virginia Urew Tres
cott portrays In "When Knighthood Was
In Flower," that of the madcap, Mary
Tudor, Is absolutely historical, though a
statement to the contrary has been made
since the play was brought out. Nearly
four centurlea ago "Princess Mary" was a
very real and decidedly alive young person,
whose beauty and temper were common
objects of adoration and awe on the part
of all Englishmen, of both high and low
degree. This beautiful play will be seen
at the Krug three nights and Saturday mat
inee starting Thursday night, May in.
The new members of the Woodward Stock
company at the Burwood have made a moat
favorable impression and the success of the
play this week ha been more than assured
by the large audiences that have assembled
at each performance.
A. O. I. W. hotlee.
Members of North Omaha lodge. No. U.
are requested to be at meeting Wednesday,
May 8. Business of importance, and the
grand master will he present.
F. M. M'riXWVOK, Becorder.
R. a. Sword, M. W.
Saratoga Ancient Order I'nlted Workmen
No. 3M and Degree of Honor No. 267 will
give a May dance at Magnolia hall. Twenty
fourth and Ames, Thursday evening. May
10. Admission 26c.
Sterling Silver Frenser." 15th and Dodge.
Mortality Statistics.
Tiie fcllowing birth and no deaths have
been reported to the Board of Health dur
ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon
Birth William Kelly, 101 Notth Twenty,
first, boy: Frank Wlchert. 221 South Eigh
teenth, girl; Jarnea B. McMannlgle. 2S3
Wirt, girl; Martin Petersen, 2604 South
Thirty-seventh, girl; James McDonnell, 10
Old JJutch
Cleamisef '
The Most Successful Cleansing Agent
Ever Discovered
A pure, clean, natural, volcanic product, free from grit, acid, grease
or caustic, but the moat wonderful cleanser known.
Unequalled for all kinds of cleaning where you use water and a
brush or cloth.
It cleans, wo ur, ncruba and Hlilie. ,
Sold In
Large silting tcp cans
A valuable illustrated booklet,
wives," free on request.
4 CUDAIIY PACKING CO.. South Omihi, Neb.
3 C
We quote below a few of
garments marked way below cost
lor new goods.
$10.0(1 Net WhIsis, diamond Incc
$2.50 Waists, (supply
limited 1
5.mi nntl $65. 00 Stilts, exqtilslic
$45.00 Stills. "Cuban
$:) 0.011 Suits, some late
$21.00 Suits, onlv a
few .
$13.00 Black Silk Kton Jackets,
$12.50 Black Silk Eton and Box
$10.00 Black Silk Ktons, lace
$10.00 Dress Skirts, lnrise
$8.00 Silk Pettit.oatx, all toloia,
S. Fredrick Berger & Go.
Dorcas, bov: V. J. Havek, 1216 South
Twelfth, girl; Charles George. 1124 South
Thirteenth, hoy; Jo Oillotte. tfklft Popple,
ton avenue, girl; Peter Imgan. 14H South
Thirteenth, boy; Manley Bryant, 1213 Mnr
tha. boy; William Burns, mi Iafayette
avenue, boy.
ICstate Left to Wife and Three
Children In a Mmvle
The will of the late James E. Boyd, which
disposes of an estate estimated to be worth
a half a million dollars, war tiled in county
court for probate yesterday afternoon, the
document is not long and Its terms are sim
ple, directing that all the property be given
to Mrs. Boyd and the three children.
It directs that all debts be paid and leaves
all life Insurance to the widow, Anna II.
Boyd, to whom Is given the home property,
Including the house and furnishings, during
her life. At her death It la to be divided
among the three children, or so many of
them as may be living. To James E. Bayd,
Jr., ia left tlo.OuO and to the daughter, Margaret.-
Boyd, I2o.ii0l Provision having .. al
ready been made for the daughter, Eleanoro
Boyd Blerbower, ahe Is left only $1,0X).
After the bequests are made the will pro
vides all the property, real and personal,
shall be appraised and divided equally
among tbe widow and three children. An
other provision I that If the money and
personal property Is not enough to pay the
bequests the realty Is not to be sold to make
up the deficiency, but la to be apportioned
according to the shares of the heirs.
The desire is expressed that the Boyd
theater property be not sold for ten yeurs
after his death, but the Income from it
apportioned among tho heirs but this is
not obligatory In case a majority of the
heira wish to sell It sooner. Mrs. Anna H.
Boyd and Margaret Boyd are named as ex
ecutrlces ot the will and a petition for
their apointment will he heard June 4.
Commissioner for t'oramerrlal t lab
Left to Choice of Commit
tee of Five.
No commissioner was choaen at the meet
ing of the Commercial club excutlve com
mittee Tuesday. President Judson was au
thorised to appoint a committee of five
to investigate the claims of about fourteen
men who have filed application, and to
make a recommendation to the executive
committee at ita meeting next week. Tha
committee has not been named. The
position of the officers of the club
proceed slowly in aelecting a commissioner, !
so as to have abundant good material from '
whleti In aAlaef I
Captain T. B. Lawrence waa elected to
membership In the club, and W. A. Maurer
of Council Bluffs to nonresident member
ship. DIAMONDS Edholm. ieth Harney sts.
Marrlaae l.lcenaes.
The following marriage Hocuses have been
If si led:
Name and Residence.
Jim Murphey. Perry. Ia
ElUabeth F. Brammer. Percy, Ia..
James Waldron, South Omaha
Carrie Perrin, Papillion
Ouv W. Oallenbeck, Omaha
Ethyl Baty, Omaha
... 21
... 18
... 33
'Hints for HO(ihc-
Space - Making
!s we must hn the floor spate
! 1
8 48
stall Cm
Belter Than
Railroad Bond
Talk-O-Phone Investment
Talks No. 2.
Have you money Invested In Railroad
Bonds paying you 4 or o per cent
Interest? If so, we want to talk to
Why should you be satisfied with these
small Interest earnings when you can
make your money earn at least lu per
cent per annum, and from there to
101 per cent per annum, and in a
safer security?
TALK-O-PHONE stock offers a safe,
conservative and paying investment.
plant at Toledo. Ohio. Is equipped for
an output of 7,"l machines itally.
There are more than enough orders on
hand at- present to keep 400 men
busy, and the demand toi- TAI.K-O-PHON10S
Is constantly growing.
THE TALK-O-PHONE Is made In sev
eral grades and sells from tlS to
giving a minimum net protlt of Jj
on each machine to the manufac
turers. The original capitalization of Kwi.Ono
limited the output of TALK-O-PHONES
to l.ulf the luctoiy a
To turn out the full capacity of 7o
machines dally necessitated an addi
tional capital of oj0.0uu.
This slock has now been issued, and
we are offering it to the public.
The price Is lrt per shsre pur value.
On every share of stock outstanding a
semi-annual dividend of 6 per cent
will be psld July 1. A larger divi
dend will he paid at the' end of the
)ar. and as a result up will go tho
price of s'.ock.
This Is by no means an Idler's dream.
Think of Standard Oil, Bell Tele
phone. American Screw and a hun
dred others all had a small begin
ning, and now the sky is their limit.
That Is why we aoy subscribe now
and get In on tho July dividend. A
word to the wise, etc.
and further
fiscal Agfals, Talk-O-Phone Ca Toleda
1103 Drexel Building
City of Omaha real estate and
pergonal taxes for 1S06 are due and
wll become delinquent July first. Tbe
treasurer ia charged with these taxea
and commanded by law to collect them
aa they appear tinon T tax Hats by
either aale or distress or both. Ha haa
no voice In the assessment, equallta
tton or levy therof. Complaints
should be addreaaed to the Aaaeaaoi'.
RORKltT O. FIXK, Treasurer.
wne satsrv.1 fssotlana.
Tft BU KnlsM-Oaaaar
Cian4 Sprlngl
m esiestttis- imlim
B. a."V - 6rl4-,.t..J mm4 tontj ieoa-'s,
.t 'VIA f"R . iir.bie
1 alBV ftatt tVfff4t
II Kr 4 gmsMtkUtt - nMCt
rt(k hi 1 !, Tali tar. Ksfctaat
frCrM fc4iB.U4 Ma k laamllaV
toaatk ftu nr flruftcist, 4. g
iftAmp faar FarinWialavrtk T)gttMBnlgf
fraU " Relief fW l.4l" Umt. J ros
tmrv Mavll. 1 T-easclua- ft tJ
fete-gs r
Clreulatisf th 4e..
racial,!' 1 VANICO&f, KNOITf 0
VEINS as nCMNMS, Mltr 4 restore lull
iun nr(i. gl n Intl. tall ar en la ssr lr
beeti. seat sie. slsia. HYMIC CO.,
14 4krisf snisija. It. Uin. It.
104 a f ttfi9n utcisrt
BnBsnrjr -A