Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1906, Page 4, Image 4
TIIK OMAHA DAILY BEK: WEDNESDAY. MAY 9. lfOG. Tim Omaha Daily Bee. K. R118EWATER. ED'TOR. rCHLISHLD EVERY MORN1NO. Tl.RMS OK RVHScniPTlON. Dsilv f-ic it Hhnut Sunii i, one r. .. Daily Hi-f end Kumiay, one yer Illustrated lire, one wr Hunday Bee. one eai Hsturrt'iiv IW. on yoar iu DELIVERED liY CARRIER. Dally Ree ilnrludlng Sunday), per week.JTc Daliy Hre (without Hundayl. per K .. .Ue. Evening He (silhmit Sunduyi. per week. c Kvenlng Hee, iwltti Sunday. P:' cek....lw: Bundav ftee. per ropy Jc Address complaints of Irregularities In de livery to City nrrulntlon Department. OKKICES Omaha-Th Bee Building. South Omaha 'ttv Hail Building. Council Bluffs-10 Penrl Ftreet. Chicago 1640 fnity Building. New York lV Home I. Iff In. Building. Washington 'l Fourteenth Hireet. L'ORREfiPONIlENCE. Communications relating to ni-vm and edi torial matter should be addressed: Omrtna Dee, Editorial Dpnrtment. REMITTANCES Remit by draft, express or postal "tirdfr payable to The Hee Publishing Company. Only 2-rent stamps received as pnyment or mall accounts. Personal checks, exrept on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. THE BEE PIBIJSIUNO COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Slate of Nebraska. Douglas County, as ; C. C. Rosewater, general manager of The Bee Publishing company, helng duly sworn, aya that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally. Morning. Evening and Sunday Hee printed during the month of April. 16. aa follows- l. ,. 1 31.SOO I S1.4H0 17 S.-10 t 81,40 IS IS.SIO 4 4.70 1 49.3 lO t 81.2HO 30 gl,3W JI 4.20 1 82. 1 HO 13. 3H.U30 t 46,ih a an.oiM) l 3i.44M 24 ai,ao 10 31. WK) 25 81.40O 1 31.4M 2t 31,4T u 8i,:iao ?7 U 8I,70 fc 83,370 14 82.1UO 29 3H,200 15 28.1UO SO 84,060 Total 1.041.BH0 Ltss unsold copies 12'I73 Net total sales 1.02H.OHS Iially average 84.2IW C. C ROSE WATER. General Managor. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me thla -Ui day of April. 11X16. iSeal) la. B. li UNGATE, Notary Public. WHE.1 OCT OK TOWN, absirlaera leaving; the elty tem porarily ahoaia have ,Tli Bee mailed to them. Address will be chaagien Ms ofteat aa rt-aj nested. Beatrice sends 500 tons of corn prod ucts to Germany, but Peoria's record Is still safe. San Domingo has returned to its normal state, a plot to assassinate the president having been discovered. The bill to prohibit congressmen from dabbling in Wall street may causa renewed Interest in the old game of "blind pools." Burglars seem to have treated "Joe" loiter better than his associates in the wheat pit. but they had no money risked against his. San Francisco dairymen are now compelled to boll milk before they offer It for sale. Will the hot water tap stand the drain? The sultan of Turkey has com mended American energy, but it would be more popular at home had it more effect in Constantinople. Today the reactionaries in Russia have the upper hand, tomorrow they may have the lower dungeons. Revo lutions never turn backward. Great Britain may imagine that it sees the promised land from Sinai, but the Turks strenuously object to follow ing the steps of the Canaanltos. With seventy carloads of printing machinery en route to Srh Francisco the people of the earthquake belt may be certain of sufficient advertising. Are you in favor of the candidacy of Edward Rosewater for United States senator from Nebraska? If so, attend the conference at Washington hall this evening. There is still time to add a few strokes toward the embellishment of the front yard as a contribution to beautify Omaha. Do your share before it Is too late Now that Newfoundland has barred American fishermen Yankee ingenuity should invent an acceptable substitute for codfish and leave their rivals with out a market. The Union Pacific can make good time with its trains when Mr. Harri man is aboard. The traveling public, however. Is not so eager for break-neck speed as it is for comfort and safety. Clerks and salesmen who are walk ing , the streets of San Francisco in search of work while the town is clam oring for laborers will hereafter be active champions of manual training in public schools. Now that Mr. Harriman has come and gone, a definite announcement as to the location of the oft-promised Union Pacific headquarters and the time when construction work will be gin would be warmly welcomed. 4snSBBBnnannBBSanannaBBBBBBBn : The telegraph poles and wires in the down town district are almost eradi cated. We used to pay a peualty in our lire rates because of these obstruc tions to fire fixating, but no one has heard of any steps being takeu as yet to remove the penalty. Wltn two grand Juries doing busi ness in Omaha at one and the same time, one under the supervision of the federal court, the other under the su pervision of the district court, no one a ho is carrying ugly rumors .around with him ought to have any difficulty is unloading them. JCiyrriAt, nr.vir.w Atr.sTMr.ST. The so-called Allison amendment, declaratory of what the president de clares to have already bfen in the rate bill, proves to be the means of agree ment for more specifically declaring its effect In other Important points. The amendment accomplished this by rerognUIng Jurisdiction, of the federal circuit court in equity to determine salts brought against the Interstate Commerce commission, thus being, a starting point from which the senate could proceed to dispose of other propositions bearing on Judicial re view. The result already is substantial agreement, which goes a long dis tance in minimizing the Interference of the courts with the action of the commission and obviating the delays of litigation which have justly been a main ground of complaint. Accord ingly, one of the most Important fea tures to be Incorporated in the bill will do away with the ex parte pro cedure, which had in practice de generated Into little more than the filing of a formal affidavit whereby an Interlocutory order or decree would Issue suspending or setting aside a commission order under the amended bill. Such a suspensory decree can be made only upon a circuit court hearing, and then only by concurrence of two Judges thereof. On top of that it is provided that appeal from the circuit court as to any Interlocutory decree lies only to the supreme court of the United States and must be taken within thirty days. Thus all Judicial proceedines are rigorously limited to a short cut from any appeal whatsoever from the com mission's orders to final decision thereon. The scope of review, too, is in fact left, as the friends of rate con trol believe, at the constitutional mini mum, precisely where it was originally Intended In the bill to leave It. When It is remembered that the bill confers upon the commission the am plest rate power which it was possi ble to formulate, authorizing It not only to annul as unreasonable a railroad-made rate, but also to substitute for it a reasonable rate, as well as to regulate transportation service of every kind, and that the agreement among senators prevents any change in the bill regarding this power. It can be reen how far-reaching is the prog ress for which the Allison amendment as a working basis paved the way. MISRKPRKSESTA TIOS Of HA TK RESULT The fact that Senator Aldrich and his coterie at length agree to the rate bill proves, not that they have triumphed, but that the movement for public con trol has triumphed over them. They yield, not voluntarily, but under com pulsion. There is nothing else for them to do. It is Inevitable, however, in this case, as in all such cases, that attempt will be made in two different quarters for opposite purposes to represent the re sult of the legislative struggle in the reverse of its true light. On the one hand the defeated always want to save their faces, Rnd when sure to be forced to the wall to maneuver so as to claim that that was the direction in which they desired to go, as McClellan, when driven by Lee back from Richmond, claimed that it was only "a change of base." If those who have been driven off the field by the Indomitable courage of President Roosevelt and the power of ptibli: opinion find it convenient for themselves to call their defeat victory to thoughtful minds it only emphasizes the contrary fact Instead of changing it. On the other hand, such tactics Is sure to be used in the democratic parti san press to give color to their effort to disparage to the utmost the great achievement for public supremacy over I corporations. The very thoroughness ! a V. . 1. . , a I i mo wui n wuuiu in any event put special stress upon habitual and in terested partisan detractors. I But the great mass of the people, whose support, In line with their para I mount Interest, has been the true basis i of success, are not going to be de- celved. They know well that the lead ership of President Roosevelt through out has been as wise as resolute, and I their deliberate Judgment may be i safely trusted to reach the truth that his legislation represe'nts, as he de clares, "the longest step jet taken in the direction of solvlns the railway rate question." j TH K M IXt' US' OOOO Jl Ofi VKST. j The decision of the anthracite J miners, in the crisis of the contro versy with the operators, to yield on j the terms of the Roosevelt arbitration, rather than precipitate a long and ; desperate labor war, involving other 'interests even more seriously than j their own, will in the long run greatly ' enhance the prestige of their organiza ! tion. Their final net conveys the lm preaslon of self-control, Judgment, re ; gard for other Interests, appreciation j of the practical situation. There Is no concealing the fact that i public sympathy has not been with I the miners in this controversy, as It , was four years ago. Then the miners' ; point was arbitration of the disputes j between them and the coal mining ; companies, which obstinately stood on ! the ground that there was nothing to ! arbitrate until failure of fuel supply made a crisis that forced them to give , in. This time the miners seemed, to j the general public, in danger of Incon j siderately disturbing and repudiating j the results of that very arbitration. The outcome fortunately goes far to show the binding permanent force of arbitration when competently applied to such controversies and to answer the common aud hitherto sometimes i warranted objection that labor org&nl- rations fall to observe It. It is true that the period of the Roosevelt com mission's award had expired, but the avowed purpose of that memorable reference was a stable basis for quiet ing mine labor troubles, so that later details of grievance as they arose or conditions changed could be adjusted without ripping up the whole Indus trial situation. Upon that line the miners by their decision make sure of public sympathy and support ti. the future. In the meantime there Is the undis puted fact that the anthracite mine workers never before were so prosper ous and so well paid as they are now, nor as a class in so good position steadily and solidly to improve their condition, all of which would cer tainly have been Jeopardized and probably sacrificed but for the good Judgment In choosing continued peace In preference to war. ' MAYOR ttrHMITX. The tribute paid by E. H. Harriman in his statement given out at Omaha to Mayor Schmits of San Francisco Is couched in the strongest terms and bears special significance, not only from the character and relations of Mr. Harriman, but also from the fact that he was early on the scene of the disaster and speaks from thorough' personal observation. Mr. Harriman's Indorsement crowns the general ver dict of approval of Mayor Schmitg' bearing and efflclence throughout as trying circumstances as could befall any man In his position. Mayor Schmltt candidacy and elec tion to his office as a representative of the labor elements was regarded in many quarters with apprehension and treated with derision at the time. The impression thus spread abroad quite extensively was that San Francisco in some sort of preposterous frenzy had chosen a dangerous socialist or ran tankerous radical. It is a signal tri umph that in so fearful an emergency he has borne himself with such calm ness, Judgment, energy and ability as to win the plaudits of all citizens of every grade and political faith and the public acknowledgment of the admira tion of a man like Mr. Harriman, standing at the very opposite pole of class Interest and doubtless unfavor ably prejudiced at the start. It only once more illustrates how great emergency, whether of war or the fury of natural forces, cancels all ordinary superficial distinctions In the stricken community and demonstrates that no class has a monopoly of the manly qualities which are required to meet the crisis and which it always calls Into play. It would be fortunate if this fact were better remembered than it is in the. ordinary course of things. TflE GRASD JCRT. lX$TRVCTVtS. Judge Sutton's instructions to the grand Jury are comprehensive' and ex plicit. They enumerate the particular classes of offenses which the grand Jury should investigate. These of fenses are those which ordinarily would remain hidden unless the evi dence of their commission were drawn out by compulsory process, which the grand jury can exercise as distin guished from the power of the county attorney in filing informations based on evidence voluntarily furnished to him. Roughly speaking these offenses re late to the Integrity of our govern ment, frauds against the ballot, which would Impair the right of tfelf-govern-ment, corruption in the administration of public affairs, bribery of public offi cials and the misuse of official power. The policy of convening a grand Jury once every two years, which has been adopted by the Judges of the district court, should give an outlet for com plaints of all kinds against public offi cers and at the same time safeguard public officers against unfounded charges.- If there has been any crooked work done hereabouts In the city hall or court house, or in the conduct of our elections, that can be traced down defi nitely to the perpetrators, the people of Omaha would like to have them in dicted and will uphold the grand jury in bringing true bills against them. At the same time the grand jury should not allow Itself to be used for personal spite work or petty ven geance, or to blacken the name of any one on mere suspicion. It must be confessed that most of our grand juries in the past, with few j exceptions, have proved disappointing j either for overshooting the mark or for 1 doing nothing at all. It Is sincerely j hoped the present grand jury will do its duty conscientiously and fearlessly ! so that when its report comes to be ! made it will satisfy every one that its j inquisition has been on the square. Members of the city council-elect wer very free during their campaign with promises of tax reduction and re trenchment. The fact is. however, that the incoming council will not be up against the making of a tax levy for nearly a year, and by that time its nvjinrors will have discovered that the charges of extravagance made by their own party organ and in their platform were simply for political purposes only. We would all like to have the tax ra:e pulled down, and if the new council can cut off a few mills the favor will lie thankfully received, but it will be well not to set our expectations too hlth. The appoiutment ot Hon. K. B. Wind ham of Cass county to the board of trustees In charge of the School for the Deaf at Omaha and the Institute tor the Blind at Nebraska City will be a credit mark for Governor Mickey. Mr. Wind ham will be remembered as one of the most forceful leaders of the house in the' last legislature, where lie proved himself to be man of broad views and rwsd 'lily. As a director of the I work of these Institutions his services j to the state should prove most val- State Treasurer Mortensen seems In ' clined to go back of the returns 1 of the railroads on their own val- nation for taxation. That Is an In ! tlmatlon that the returns are more or i less Juggled, an Intimation that the I railway tax bureau representatives I will, of course, resent. But Treasurer j Mortensen is not the only one who is I skeptical and wants further proofs. Indications are that late Candidate Berge Is to be shut out of another nom ination for the governorship on the fu sion ticket bee an be he was not a Parker democrat. If none but Parker demo crats need apply, the former populisU vho have been lured Into the deroo ciatlc fold may as well go on the mourners' bench. It Is still the duty of Americans to see that those who survived the earth quake and fire do not succumb to famine. Three meals a day are as necessary at the Golden Gate as in other parts of the country. When pipe lines are subject to the opeiation of the interstate commerce law the real means employed by the Standard Oil company to secure re bates may be discovered. On the BlarR 1. 1st. Chicago Record-Herald. If Senator Aldrich ever starts a maga slne Commissioner Garfield needn't expect to become one of Its contributors. ntr the Knocker. Baltimore American. The common growler hae about aa much reason for hla anger aa the person who frantically looks about the room for his eye glasses when they bestride his nose. Reolsroclty In Tremble. Chicago News. Doubtless the sugar trust would b glad to proffer the oil trust the assurance of Its sympathy, only It haa a premonition that It Is going to need all Its sympathy for home consumption. Monopoly's Grip. t St. Louis Globe-Democrat. A monopoly has the power to advance Its charges, as well as reduce them. It may reduce them to head off opposition, and then put them up aajain when the dan ger to Itself blows over. The only ef fective way to deal with a monopoly Is to abolish It. ratting Oat Sid Lines. Springfield Republican, Moved doubtless by a recent United States supreme court decision and the current government Investigation into railroad relations- lth coal mining;, the Raitimnre Ohldi-'has decided to sell Its I stockholdings which gave to the road control of several coal mining companies. The anthracite, .roads should do llkewlsa. Railroads should be compelled to stick to the business exclusively of common car rier. Somebody Sure to Be Hit. Pittsburg Dispatch. i fllmnft'imDOSslble to present any legislation la theflmbllc Interest at Wsvhin- ton that doer no hit some special interest. Hehe Is the mood alcohol crowd opposing the denatured alcohol bill, although as a matter of fact Its passage will greatly In crease the demand for wood alcohol in the denaturing process. But the facts never appeal to these special Interests. The beet sugar opposition, to Cuban and Philippine tariff revision proved that. Lesson Taoaht by Plsnres. Boston Trsnscrtpt. The Cnited. States every year expends about $140,000,000 in pensions for wars that are past and somewhere between X180.000.000 and 1200,000,000 In being prepared against wars of the future. In the last fiscal year there was paid out for the naval estab lishment Xir.OOft.OOO; for the support of the army and the military academy 177.000,000. Taken altogether, pensions, the navy and the fleet called, for $340,000,000. A com parison between the costs of the arts of war and the arts borne by the govern ment Is afforded by the fact that the agri cultural appropriation for the last fiscal year was $8,940,040. The comparison is msde even more striking when we realise that from 1X39 to the preaent day, counting the present proposed spproprlatlon, the aggregate appropriatlona for the Depart ment of Agriculture are $65,737.27!.12. or $11,000,000 less than was expended on the army last year. Tet we are a peaceful nation, depending- largely on agriculture for our prosperity. EARTHO.I AKE Cl'RES. Varloaa Physical Troables Vanish. When Others Trooa In. New Tork Sun. Ban Francisco, reports that a number of persons who suffered from various ail ments previously to the earthquake and fire In that city find themselvea completely cured. One paralytic, who for fifteen years had been crippled by his dlseaae, la now "entirely cured" and numerous other rev coverles have been recorded. These are In teresting by-products of the catastrophe, auch, for example, as the case of the young girl whose vocal organs would not work after the shock but who recovered her speech at the sight of her mother. Travelera In lands subject to frequent seismic disturbances hsve recorded many curious Incidents of the effect produced by shocks on human beinirs. During the wsr between Japan and Russia a party of foreigners gave a dinner to one of their number in a Japanese city. The feast was not food alone and when It had been In pro gress some time the diners allowed them selvea to act In a manner less dignified and reserved than is customary among grown men. The dinner was ended by an earth quake. The effect ot the tremor was to re duce every person present from the gwyety produced by good wines to his normal condition of sobriety. One distinguished European military officer of middle life found himself atanding on a table howling a famous drinking song. Another man of equal dignity was dancing to illustrate a story he had Just told. Tbelr confusion was most sppsrent and the party broke up Immediately. If earthquakes counteract the effect of alcoholic beverages the ex periment ot conlining dipsomaniacs in ter ritories subject to shocks might be worth trying. There is no mystery about the cures re ported from California. It does not need an earthquake to demonstrate the power of fright, or any strong emotion or shock to overcome physical maladies. A farmer so crippled by rheumatism as to be unable to do more than hobble along with the aid of crutches haa been known to develop amas lng asllity In the presence of an angry bull. Medical histories are tilled with similar cases The fact that they are common dues ni detract from ilieli interest F.nWtFtn ROSEWATER FOR SENATOR Tksmah Journal (Rep.) No matter whether Edward Rosewater. editor of the Omaha Bee. Is In distant Europe there Is a growing sentiment for hla nomination for United P tales senator from Nebraska. Though the press bureau news papers of Nebrsska are doing their utmost to keep back any suggestions aa to the probability of Mr. Roeewater's advance ment, yet even they are beginning to recog nise the country newspaper men who are advocating the elevation of Mr. Rosewater to the United States senate. Nearly every country newspaper In northeast Nebraska says that Rosewater Is the man upon whom their hopes are based. And why shouldn't Rosewster be so honored? Because he has Incurred the enmity of many leading men in Nebraska because of his fearlessness In opposing, with the Bee, their political and financial scherrles. Is no Just reason why the demand of the rank and file of the party should not be heeded. Mr. Rosewater has done more to advance the Interests of Ne braska than any other single Individual. He would enter the senate as one powerful In Influence and hla Influence would be on the side of the best Interests for the whole people. Made Brown's Work Possible. Wilbur Republican. Edward Rosewater Is not now serving the state exrept as a private citlsen. Aa a private citlsen he has done more to make possible the work that Mr. Brown Is now doing than any other man. The antt-trust law that Mr. Brown is now enforcing Is largely due to Mr. Rosewater's efforts. So Apolostes In Order. Sioux City (la.) Tribune (Rep.) With a man like B. Rosewater of Omaha In the United States senste the people ot Nebrsska would no longer be required to apologise for the poor Judgment displayed by their legislature In the choice of repre sentatives of the state In the upper house of congress. Rosewater's candidacy Is formally launched today. The republicans of Nebraska have been educated under the Roosevelt regime to a point where they will give the Omaha man a support which he haa hitherto lacked and his aspirations do not seem far fetched. Straw Points the Way. Lincoln Star. Perhaps there Is something significant In the fact that the man who announced Ed ward Rosewater's candidacy for "united States senator Is already a Victor. Prats from Rdajar Howard. Fremont Herald (Dem.) On many oecaselons heretofore the Herald haa expressed belief that Edward Rosewater Is the strongest man In Nebraska In point of popularity with republican votes. We are still of that opinion. For thirty years he has been the real leader of every republican revolt asalnst the railroad rulings of the republican party. Every time the choice of the railroads has been defeated in a repub lican convention Rosewater was responsible for that defeat. Every time the anti-monopoly element In the republican ranks re volted the foisting of railroad candidates upon the party ticket It was Edward Rose- water who led the revolt and marshalled the antl-monops for the polls. He Is peculiarly fitted to become the leader of Nebraska republicans at thla time. Just now, no mat ter how Insincere the leaders may be, the republican party In Nebraska la boldly pro claiming for those antl-monoply principles so long advocated by Mr. Rosewater. The Herald Is able to detect upon the political body of the Omaha editor many hideous spavins and ring-bones, but at the same time and through the same eyes we read a record of splendid effort on his part to ac complish something for his state In the mat ter of driving the railroads and corporations nut of the governing business. If the fair sentiment of Nebraska republicans might be spoken It would lead to the certain nom ination of Mr. Rosewater for the senate. PERSONAL SiOTES. Only 300 out of 670 members ot the present British Parliament are In favor of women's suffrage, according to a statement by Kelr IUrdle. The last surviving member of the family of Moxart, the composer, earns his living by drawing beer In a railway atatlon restaurant at Augsburg, Germany. Governor Hanly of Indiana has written and will shortly publish a book. In which he purposes to treat the subject of "graft" as he has found It to exist In public office. D. H. Rurnham. the Chicago architect, who has been Invited to San Francisco to help plan the new city, haa wired to ex Mayor James D. Phelan that he will be In San Francisco before the 16th of the month. King Edward Is largely his own physi cian, and a happy combination of exercise and self-denial accounts for the preserva tion of a fine constitution. Now almost an escetlc at the table, he may say, in the words of the late Sir William Harcourt: ''I feel best when I eat least." Richard Burke, the Englishman, has given up hunting and will sell his establish ment and go to San Francisco to help In the reconstruction of his damaged property tbere. He Is part owner of many buildings In Ban Francisco and Is married to a wealthy American, Miss Donaghue. Tolstoi Is reported to be In excellent health. He reads less than formerly and his reading consists of English snd Amer ican books on labor questions, working class houses and municipal government. He no longer rides on horseback every day and now depends on walking for his exercise. Governors will be elected this year In twenty-five states namely, Alabama, Cali fornia, Georgia. Idaho, Iowa, Kansaa. Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan. Minne sota, Nebraska. Nevada. New York. New Hampshire, North Dakota. Oregon, Penn sylvania, Rhode Island. South Carolina, South Dakota. Tennessee, Texas, Vermont. Wisconsin snd Wyoming-- Benator Arthur Pue Oorninn of Maryland, who for many yeara haa been a leading figure In democratlo politics. Is a sick man. He haa not been to the senate since Christ mas, most of that time having been con fined to hia room. His friends say he has heart diseaae, the malady that stood In the way of hla becoming a candidate for presi dent at the last democratic national con vention. The solicitude shown by King Victor Em manuel III for his subjects during the re cent terrible eruptions of Vesuvius was not of a temporary kind. Whenever there la serious trouble In Itsly the king alwsys betakes himself to the scene of the catas trophe and does whatever he can to relieve suffering. This method of quick response to public sentiment more than any other thing has made Victor one of the most popular royalties In Europe. Judge Jackson of West Virginia haa been forty-four yeara on the federal bench, longer than any other living man has held such a position. A few days ago hs ex pressed the opinion that "unless a check is put upon the present tendency toward cor ruption, which has been gaining In fores during the last few yeara, this country will be In a bad way. That there Is corruption in private life la demonstrated by the In creasing number of divorce rases. The antica of high life, aped by those of lesser wealth, are largely responsible. The rem edy for that Ilea In the moral precepts of the Christian religion." ficommtndid by If.fJing physicians ind chimliti nnrnvm unuii.b haa obtained the confidence of the public. 1. It complies with the Pure Food Laws of all states. 1. It is the only hinh-rrade Powder sold at a moderate price. 3. It Is not made by a Baking 4. Food orenared with it is free 9. it is tne strongest Baking I ,000.00 civon for ny Injurious to health found Calnmet Is so carernny and aclenMflcelly prepared that the neutraiitstion ol the Ingredients Is sbtnlotely perfect. Therefore, food prepared with tain Bart Is free from Rochelle Kslts. Alum or any injurious substance. All Grocert art Authorized it Calumet Baking Powder costs little. Costs a little more thsa the cheap. Injurious powders now on the market, but is a big saving over ue trust powders. Try Calumet THE AFTERMATH l 'FRISCO. Same Chances FfTerted. Vome Dis coveries Made. The Oakland Tribune, which haa kept close watch on events In the stricken city across the bsy, notes a revolution In popu lar sentiment toward E. H. Harriman and the corporation over whose affairs he pre sides. "He has suddenly become one of the most popular men In Ban Francisco," says the Tribune. "He hastened to the scene of devastation as soon aa the news of the disaster reached the east and there la no man In the city who Is taking a more active Interest In Its regeneration now. He Is credited with saying that If congress declines to guarantee a bonded Indebted ness for the rebuilding of the city, he will personally enlist $100,000,000 In the east at a low rate of Interest for the purpose. He has cleared the tracks of his railroads to give the right-of-way to relief trains, which are speeding from all directions with sup plies for the destitute and homeless In San Francisco. The provision which he has made for the removal of the debris from the burned district free of expense has simplified the work of the city's restora tion. He Is a member of the municipal committee of forty and has been elected its vice president Harriman and his com panies have thus suddenly become popular In a community where they were, before the earthquake and fire, losing caste. The cable system of street railways, which originated and had its greatest de velopment In San Francisco, Is to be dis continued. An officer of the merged street railway companies says: "Under no cir cumstances, after our experience with slots during the recent earthquake, would we think ot Installing any conduit systems In San Franclaoo. The damage done to the cable roads makes it cloar to my mind that It would be foolish to Install any conduit systems. It will take a year to repair the damage done to the cable roads. If they are to be repaired and operated as cable roads. ' Conduit systems would have been In a similar predicament had there been any In San Francisco during the recent calamity. Wherever we have had trolley lines, however, we have found It possible to resume operations ths In stant the roadbed could be cleared of de bris. This has been one big object lesson In support of my previous contentions re garding the comparative efficiency of over head and underground electric systems." Miriam Mlchelson, author of "In ths Bishop's Carriage." contributes to the cur rent Harper's Weekly a remarkably dra matic and Illuminating account of the de. structlon of San Francisco. One of the most 'striking passages In her article Is that In which she describes the pathetic and unforgettable sight presented by the procession of refucees who were forced from their homes by the resistless advance of the flames. , "All through that long silght of un natural stillness," she ssys, "we heard the fleeing footsteps. It was a horrible sound, that continuous, hurried, strangling exodus. The stricken people did not run they were too exhausted by the time they had reached our quarter but they tolled doggedly on, on out toward the west, to ward the cool eucalyptus forests In the Presidio, out toward the edge of the bay. One man I saw carried with care a brand new pair of tan shoes. He had absolutely nothing else, but these he bore on a stick over his shoulder. Women carried their babies, their canary .birds In cages, their parrots. Next to a man who trundled all his household possessions on a lawn mower rode a group of negresses In a ghastly hearse, pulled by stalwart negroes. A chattering crowd of chinamen carried pa thetic Uttle bunches of rice, their brightly clad little wives and babies dragging mis erably on behind. A man and his wife har nessed themselves with ropes to a trunk, and with bowed backs and blistered feet went on. It was a fesrful procession. And what did they go to? A sleepless, earth racked night In the open, with mothers seeking their children, with aged parents separated from their families. A man I knew wandered through the Presidio five hours that night, calling his wife's name. There was no ligbt. there was nothing to distinguish one huddled mass of refugees from another. My friend called and called till he whs hoarse. When he dragged him self back to town Thursday he had the search to begin over again." A large proportion. If not a majority, of the business men who were thanking their lucky stsrs during the big conrlasTafinn Here is Your Show for Safe Investments. To make your dollars look bigger than ever, hav placed on the market a great number of Piano bargains; to taake room we are obliged to mark down over fifty Pianos, both usl and shopworn in struments. In addition we have had a carload of twenty Pianos hurt In transit, some of them marred more than others; not so much so. but what our Piano factory and repair shop can restore the Bame In good condition. On this lot we have made claim on the railroad com pany, and this amount of our claim we deduct from the price of the instruments, bo that you now can buy a new up-to-date Piano for 114 5, on terms of $10 down and f per month. A large variety of different woods to select from. There are thirty used Pianos to select from. High grades of well known manufacturers, medium grades and cheaper Pianos ranging In price from S5, $60, $100, f 125, up to the hand some Grand Pianos for $450. Easy payments. ' A. H0SPE CO., I51J DOUGLAS STREET, OMAHA, NEB. five REASONS WHY nniimrn JV ruvimii Powder Trust. from Rochelle Salts or Alum. Powder on the market. ubstano In Calumet Guarantee this. that Ihelr valtiahlrs were Inclosed In "fli - proof" vaults have wakened to a i1cer.'- realisation of the unconquerable force r the San FrHncisco fire. Within the lust seventy-two hours, s the Chronicle, tnere have been STS h'- and vaults opened by permisisou In the dl trlct east of Powell and north of Hnr. streets, and In not more than W per c of these Instances were the contents font..' Intact. Ill many cases a pile of allies !' resented thousands of dollars' worth cl counts. The most striking example of tne h-iti1 heat to which motol was subjected, r -haps. Is that of the Hairls Ioar. off. which did buslneHs ot 105 Stockton sti.i1 In his two (urge safes Harris had H" worth of Jewelry, including gems. jnie i f which wtre redeemable pledges. whl others belonged in the selling etock. Y-i-terday, believing the safes had cooled suffi ciently, Harris had them dragged nut i.f the ruins and opened. In place of il, Jewelry he found a small pile of dust and ashes In each safe. The Interior walls ha. I melted like so much fat on a griddle. Harris says he purchased the safes ss fire proof. He was Insured for 16,000. The vaults in the Hall of Justice fared almost as badly. The records of cas. x pending and many other papers In the (,r fice of the district attorney were destroyed, although a number of aged newspaper clip pings and some private bank books, chaired almost beyond recognition, were found on the floors of the vaults. It will be many days before all the vaults In the ruins have been opened. Some can be raised only by derricks, so deeply are they Imbedded In the debris. There Is no lack of expert service In the work, how ever. It is almost Incredible thut so many safecrackers lived In San Francisco. For every fragment of wall and every post standing In the destroyed territory theie Is at least one sign advertising an expert safe-opener, while dosens of the experts) go among the ruins soliciting business. POINTED REMARK!. Mrs. Hunnimune You nasty tramp! How dare you eat that lemon pie I set out to cool? Tired Timothy Well, it did tske nerve, ma'am, but a starvln' man can't be very partlclar about what he eats. Cleveland Leader. Father (sternly) Now, Sophia, something must be done to reduce your expense. You sre actually spending more than your allowance. Daughter It Isn't my fault, father. I've done my best to get you to Increase It. Brooklyn Life. "What Is reform?" asked the Impresske speaker. "Well," answered Benator Sorghum, -i don't know exactly what It la. But It's something we've sll got to holler foi. whether we want It or not." Washington Star. "Well, how did you like the sermon'." asked Dr. Oasaway. "Well," replied Mr. Kandor, "there was one part of It I thought you might have brought to the front." "And what was that?" "The conclusion." Philadelphia Ledger Visitor! see you have spaded up you: back yard. What are you going to piant there? Suburbanite I haven't decided yet. hut it'll have to be something: that will grow all right without needing any attention. -Chicago Tribune. Editorial writer You can't Imagine how tired It makes a man to write all this stuff day after day. year after year. Proof Reader Oh, yes, I can. I read it -Bomervtlle Journal. Mrs. Plnchitt I sm certainly going Into a decline you must send me to the moun tains at once. Mr. Plnchitt What are your symptom Mrs. Plnchitt My gowns are nil perl t ... comfortable. Philadelphia Press. f RAP 'HO eOWVrf"(t J ft SPRINGTIME SPLENDOR. Washington Star. 'TIs true that 'neath the touch of :m.e . these beauties fade away. ' His glory, too, must wither with the rsi. His coat sleeves will be shiny st no vn distant day, pressed. But present Joy suffices, and we envy hn.i his pride, As we answer to his debonnalre salute And wish we had a wardrobe that emu i take ita place beside The fellow with the new rprlng suit. Of all the vernal beauties that shin upon the scene When the woods begin to waken again, There's one that gaily bourgeons the radiant and serene. The leader of the alad and glorious f" iirti He's Jauntier than the daffodil!. Ih ling of the day He'a worthy of the poet's softest lui The unsurpassed, the culminating fi!' of the May The fellow with a new spring auil! 1;. tr I: t ( V a w 4