Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Bebrtska City futi to Assam Combined
Bailrosd and Wiwn Brides.
Mfikri mt State Board Kaar StaS
InK la a the Valaatloa f Stark
i From a Ftaff CorrFiiondnt.)
'LINCOLN, May 8. iSpfulal. ) Tlie
county memor of Otoe county wants to
Kef'rn tha wttt half of the Burlington
bridge arroM tho Missouri river at Ne
braska City, on the ground that la Is op
erated as both a railroad and a wagon
bridge and collects toll, lie hss asked
lng on the matter and tt has been re
ferred to the legal department of tha
The sssessor banes his opinion on sec
tion 10442. Cobbey s statutes 103. which
rends ss follows:
All toll bridges shall be listed In tho
county, township, prprlncl, city, village
and school district where located, and If
lixafd In two counties, townships, pre
cincts, elites, villages or school district,
then one-half In each.
The assessor wrote the board that the
assessor in Fremont county, Iowa, across
the river from Nebraska, has assessed his
half of the bridge locally, but the rail
road refused to pay the taxes and the
same now stand delinquent.
The railroad has returned this bridge
to the State Board of Assessment of No
braska as a part of Its right-of-way to
be assessed by the board. This Is tho
first time this question has been called
to the attention of the board. Hecently
In a case before the supreme court from
Richardson county the court held the
local assessing authorities had no right
to assess the railroad bridge at Ruin.
This bridge, however, Is used exclusively
by the railroad company, while at Ne
braska City the bridge la used as a rail
road and wagon bridge combined and
tolls are chargeu for the transportation
of wagons, animals and people.
Because Governor Mickey was busy wel
coming the Knights of Pythias to Lincoln
the board was half an hour late In meer
lng. The three members present, Guluslin,
Mortensen and Eaton, organised by the
selection of Eaton as chairman lro tern.
The governor reached his office after Sec
retary Bennett had read the communica
tion from the assessor of Otoe county and
li had been referred to the attorney gen
eral. Moil)lni Railroad Values. ,
The board spent the day studying the
mocks and bonds of the I'nlon Pacific and
preparing Itself for the onslaught of R.
J. Clancy next Tuesday. Air. Mortensen
has already figured out what he considers
a fair valuation of all the roads and he
has submitted his figures to the other mem
ber r( the board and they may play qnlte
a part In the final conclusions of the board.
The board lu.s finally discovered the law
which sovern the making of reports by
the rallrouds contains much that Is not
only necessary, hut which is calculated to
contuse. That which could easily be dis
carded with prcflt 'is the section calling
r-r a teporl or the nurntier or ties, me
weight of ihe rails and the location of
every tool house and outbuilding on the
various lines in the state. This causes
much work In tabulating and assists the
board very little. If any. It Is believed by
at least or.e member of the board this part
of the law was put In the original bill by
the ralltonds merely to confuse the board
ineirctxra with a lot of statistics on physi
cal property in order to keep their minds
off of the stocks and bonds and the earn
ings i f the system.
Whl e the lsrd members have not dug
r.cep enough into the returns to give any
lilra of whit they will do. It would not
much surprise If the I'nlon Pacific
ar.d tl:e Northwestern should get a ma
terial U,csl. whl there Is a little deposi
tion, on IV p jrt of -some members to cither
keep the 1 urtl! r ton where it is or re
duce It.
Norfolk Am I am Ofllclula Removed.
Superintendent J. L. Alden and Assistant
Bupetlntendent Dr. Nicholson of the Nor
folk asylum si ere removed today by Gov
ernor Mickey and their places were filled
by the appointment of Dr. John T. Htyes
and Dr. both assistants at the
Lincoln asylum
The removal of the two officers at Nor
folk Is tho nd of a long quarrel between
the employes at the Institution, which has
been golcg on ever since the hospital was
lebullt. Several c purges of brutal treat
ment of Imitates were made and Oovernor
Mickey, after a thorough Investigation,
concluded the two men did not possess
turnclrnt executive ability for the positions.
A notice of the action of the governor
was mulled to each of the men tonight.
o-operatlve Ice Company.
The Ice lruit of Lincoln, which has placed
tile price of ice higher by 100 per cent than
lit any of the surrounding cities and towns,
Is going to have competition In a co-operative
Ice company, which is now being or
ganised. E. G. Mnggi started out this
morning with a paper to get people to
subscribe stock for a new company to
operate on the co-operative busts and In
less than a few hours he had sold over
M.60O worth, of slock, every man he called
upon taking a few shores at 110 each. It
la the Intention of those Interested to sell
about 115.000 worth of stock and get an
Ice plant In running order along in the
first part of July. When the Ice companies
announced a 100 per cent Increase In Ice a
mighty howl went up all over town, but
the wall failed to touch the Icy hearts of
the dealers and the people began to get
ready to pay the price. Now comes the
"Ice trust buster."' with prospects of doing
a good business.
K. of I. Urand Lodge.
The grand lodge of the Knights or Pythlaa
opened up here this morning with knights
to ttia number of over 100 from all parts of
the. state In attendance. The meetings are
being held In representative hall and will
continue until tomorrow night. George
Magney of Omaha, grand chancellor, re
sponded to the welcome address of Clover
nor Mickey. Both Senator Toung and Jujgs
Boyd, who are trying to succeed Congress
man McCarthy, ara here, but both ar re
Mei of Wtad wfcas ar
W.Jr 1.10 and aaara
g I "" COAT
Jr4 till tnk torv or TNI
fraining from talking politics. Editor Ly
ons of Nuckolls county and the state In
general. Is also among the visitors and
looks more prosperous than ever.
After tha knights had gone Into executive
session, the Rathhnne Slaters opened up
therr session at the LlndeJI hotel. V Mrs.
Maud Hatch delivered the address of wel
come and It was responded to Mrs. Ida M.
Comte of Springfield.
Rarllnsfton Improvements.
The Burlington railroad company today
announced the letting of the contract to
Kltpatrlck Brothers A Collins for the new
I yards at Lincoln and the rebuilding and
double tracking of the line between Lincoln
and Mllford. The yardage In Lincoln will
be quadrupled. The contract calls for an
expenditure of l.'.ono.MVi.
State Fair Spare Reins Taken.
Secretary Mellor of the Btate Fair board,
received word this morning from the super
intendent of the swine department of the
fair that every barn was full and he had re
ceived 100 applications he didn't know what
to do with. Nearly all of the space reserved
for the Implement display Is taken and let
ters for space are coming In every day. A
little trip to Omaha by Mr. Mellor several
days ago did the work In so far as imple
ment space Is concerned.
t ndlke Aaka Dismissal.
The I'pdlke Grain company of Omaha to
day filed In the supreme court a motion to
dismiss the case against It. In the matter
of rebates, alleged by the attorney general
to have been paid by the railroads to this
and numerous other grain companies. The
Omaha company admits It received 1V cents
a hundred from the railroads for loading
grain at its terminal elevators for shipment
east of the river. It asserts, however, this
Is a matter of Interstate commerce and the
supreme court of Nebraska has no Juris
diction In the matter at all.
Edaeatlonal Conferences.
The following committees will hold Im
portant conferences on Friday and Saturday
of this week at the office of the state super
intendent of public Instruction:
Friday, May 11. 9 a. m. The presidents
of the state normal schools and the presi
dents of all Institutions recognised bv the
state superintendent as doing work equiva
lent to that of the stste normal schools
will consider courses of studv. forms of
certificates, etc. The following persons will
sttend this conference: President J. W,
Crabtree, Peru; President A. O. Thomas.
Kearney; Prof. W. R. Jackson, t.'nlverslty
Place; President V. H. Clemmons, Fre
mont; President J. M. Pile, Wayne; Presl
dent William K. Schell, York, and the
presidents of other private Institutions.
Friday, May 11. 11 a. m. The examining
board for state certificates, consisting of
Superintendent C. A. Fulmer of Beatrice,
Superintendent E. B. Sherman of Columbus
and Principal Cora O'Connell of Axhland,
will finish up the work connected with the
last state examination and prepare ques
tion for the next state examination, to be
held In June.
Saturday, May 12. 8:30 a. m. The state
reading circle boatd, consisting of Superin
tendent R. C. King of Nebraska City,
Superintendent E. L Rouse of Plattsmouth,
Superintendent Anna V. Day of Beatrice,
Prof. M. R. Snodgrass of Kearney and
State Superintendent J. L McBrlen, will
meet to discuss reading circle plans for
the coming year and to approve school
Saturday, May 12, 10 a. m. Reports will
be made by the chairmen of the varlqns
committees appointed by the state super
intendent to outline a plan and the scope
of work In high schools qualifying for
normal training. The following persons
constitute the various committees:
Reading Superintendent E. B. Sherman.
Columbus; Superintendent A. A. Reed. Su
perior; Miss Howell, University of Ne
braska. Arithmetic Superintendent E. L. Rouse.
Plattsmouth; Prof. C. K. Beck, Peru; Super
intendent A. L Cavlness, Fairbury.
Grammar Prof. J. W. Searson. Peru;
Miss Margaret Hall, IJncnln; Superintend-
! ent R. H. Watson. Valentine.
Geography Dr. George E. Condra. Uni
versity of Nebraska; Prof. A. J. Mercer,
Kearney; Prof. N. A. Bengtson. Peru;
Superintendent H. E. Bradford, Aurora;
Deputy E. C. Rlshop, Lincoln.
History Prof. H. W. Caldwell. University
of Nebraska; Prof. C. N. Anderson, Kear
ney; Miss Cora O'Connell, Ashland.
Agriculture Prof. A. E. Davlsaon. Uni
versity of Nebraska: Prof. T. L. Lynn,
University of Nebraska; Prof. H. R. Smith.
University of Nebraska; Prof. A. T. Peters.
University of Nebraska; Prof. Archibald
Haeeker. University of Nebraska; Deputy
E. C. Bishop, Lincoln.
Professional Training Dr. O. W. A.
Luckey. University of .Nebraska; Dr. V. A.
Clark, state normal. Kearney; Prof. W. R.
Hart, state normal, Peru: Dr. W. L David
son, Omaha: Superintendent W. L. Steph
ens. Lincoln: Prof. W. R. Jackson, Ne
braska Wesleyan university.
Schoolmasters' Club, Ftldav EVenlng. May
11. Llndell Hotel At this, the last meeting
of the year, to which the wives of the
schoolmasteri are Invited, Chancellor D. W.
C. Huntington of the' Nebraska Weslevan
university will talk on "The Denominational
t ollege. and the discussion will he led by
Chancellor E. Benjamin Andrews of the
University o Nebraska.
sjew Tens Ha a Its Tronbles.
FREMONT. Neb.. May g.-8peelat.) The
new town of Leshara. seven miles south
of hen on the Great Northern, is less
than six months old, but already has a
postoffice and saloon fight on hand. Most
of the farmers in that vicinity had their
mail delivered by the rural route carriers
previous to the- appointment of Ray Esty
as postmaster, about six weeks ago, and
the cutting off of the free delivery" does
not suit some of them. There Is also a
faction that doef not think Esty runs the
office right. The accuse him of not attend
ing to business arid say that there must be
a change. Their favored candidate Is Sta
tion Agent Dunham. With both factions
opposed to him Mr. Esty 'a position Is not a
congenial one.
On the question of saloon or no saloon
the drys claim five majority and propose
to fight It out with the Saunders county
commissioners If a petition for a license Is
filed. Business In the new town la good
ar.d Increasing, especially the grain trade,
which formerly cam to Fremont.
C'liauiberlln Case Commenced.
AUBURN. Neb., May . (Speetal.)-Dis-trlct
court convened here yesterday morn
ing with Judge Raper of Pawnee on the
bench, for the purpose of trying the esse
of the State of Nebraska against Charles
M. Chamberlln of Tecumseh, on the charge
of the embezxlement of 110,000 from the
Chamberlln Ranking house, formerly of
Tecumseh, which was brought to this
county on a change of venue. It took all
day to get the Jury. Thia is the second
charge Chamberlln has been tried on In
this county. This is expected to be a hard
fought case, as both sides are fortified
with very able lawyers.
Si ewe of Nebraska.
GENEVA Superintendent C. W. Taylor
Is very busy preparing for the Union nor
mal, which opens May X. Some too or 600
teachers are csoecled.
YORK At the Presbyterian parsonage
last evening Thomas P. Warfleld of Hen
derson. Ky.. and Miss Florence Brown of
York were united in marriage.
PLATTSMOUTH Ignae Straka and
Miss Nssil, both of this city, were unitej
In marriage today In the Bohemian Cath
olic church by Father Hanclk.
GENEVA Yesterday while at work In the
Ice irram factory W. M. Dlnneen was over
come with gas from the engine and suffered
from the effects all the afternoon.
MADISON-Diphtherla is still prevslent
here and two families are now quarantined.
Since the disease first appeared last De
cember two deaths have lesulted from It.
MADISON The funeral of Mrs. William
Isenhower took place here today. She died
of consumption after a several months' ill
ness and leavea a r.uahand and two small
MADISON Although there was a heavy
freese here 8turda night and the tem
perature has been low since, the fruit la
not Injured. Corn planting has liegun and
small grain Is in excellent condition.
MADISON The city council has called
snowier election to vote bonds for a city
hall. The proposition lacked only one vote
of carrying at the former election and
since then public opinion has chanced in
Its favor, so that its friends are most con
fident of the result.
BEATRICE Josephine. ihe young
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith
of this city, died at North Platte vester-
j tly where she bad been taktyi for the
J isggea sna
won in tt miJdls
of the Jay. a frw squares of
V: tha "Confection of PerfactW
Irolsa from the conveniently Mocked" -off
cakes is which it is pcVsed will satisfy yout
betweeatnesls appetits. Tns mo delicious
tirJ-bit you nvs ever tasted. Mc? of tl
richcrt chocolate, (round to burteMmoothness
and blended with thick, pure cream. Sold ia
five sad ten-cent package at tha nearest store.
Sesd 9. f sr MmpU mi Oiosol.t
sS nililtufl ess of Coco.
BUNK EL BROTHERS, Csces ft Csecslitt Mlrs., N. (l
benefit of her health a few days ago. The
remains were interred hero this afternoon.
BEATRICE Mr. Doyle Mulllken and
Miss Alma Smith were married at the
bride's home at Blue Springs, Rev. Taylor
BEATRICE Another heavy rain visits!
this section yesterday afternoon. Farm
work has been greatly retarded the la.'t
few days on account of th wet weather.
YORK Mrs. Margaret Nevile died at the
home of her son, Mr. Hugh Nevile. Mrs.
Nevlle csme to York county thirty years
ago, where she had resided ever since. The
funeral will be held today at St. Joseph's
PLATTSMOUTH Will Sherra. who re
sides near Rock Bluffs, found a gray
wolfs den and captured the six baoy
wolves. He has decided to keep them as
pets. He took several shots at the
mother wolf, but failed to get her.
SCHUYLER For the past few days the
weather has been cold, threatening the fruit
crop. There were several light frosts with
slight damages to the vegetables, hut tho
lruit has not been damaged. Tuesday morn
ing the thermometer was down to toe frtex
ing point.
NEBRASKA CITY William Golscha
and Miss Grace Little of Auburn wen
married In the county court room this
afternoon by Judge W. V. Wilson. Tho
bride Is only 17 years of age and she had
to ssecure the conaent ot her parents,
which they granted.
NEBRASKA CITY' Mrs. Thomas Kast
ner, sr., died yesterday of paralysis at
the age of 65 years. She is survived by
a husband and four sons, Thomas, Jr.
Joseph, James and John, all residents of
this city. The remains were taken to
Dodge. Neb., for interment.
BEEMER The plans have been com
pleted and work will soon commence on
Albert Toell's new residence. The main
part of the building is 30x32, three stories
high and has an extension sixteen feet
square, two stories. This will make one
of the finest residences In town.
TABLE ROCT-Last night at the meet
ing of the village board, it was decided
that the billiard hall, bowling alley and
box ball room must go out of business
along with the saloon. C. J. Wood and Dr.
C. C. Covert were reelected as city treas
urer and clerk, respectively, and Charles
V. Brock was named as marshal.
PLATTSMOUTH The chief of pollco
has received word from the Baldwin de
tective agency in Richmond, Va., that a
reward of 11,050 will be paid for the cap
ture of a colored man named Al Carter,
alias Al Rainey, who Is wanted for thy
murder of T. M. Rcinhart. a white man.
YORK There was great rejoicing among
the leading business men of Y'ork this
morning when it was learned that the pav
ing committee for district No. 1 had se
cured more than the required number of
signers, and that at last night's session of
the city council the same was approved,
accessible are presented In a book entitled
BEATRICE Work on tho new Christian
church building will begin next Monday
morning, and the church congregation.
600 strong, will draw the plow which will
turn the first furrow . The services will
begin at 10:30 o'clock and will be In tha
nature of a Christian Jubilee. The new
structure is to cost $25,000, and? will be a
modern edifice.
PLATT8M OL T H County Attorney
Rawls has had a warrant Issued In Jus
tice Archer's court for the arrest of
Charles Spence, who runs a saloon In
Louisville, charging him with assault and
batterv, B. J. Fulton accuses the de
fendant with having made an unprovoked
assault upon him last Saturday evening
in the saloon.
SCHUYLER The school board met Mon
day evening to elect teachers for the fol
lowing year. All the teachers were re
elected, but several resigned. Several pro
motions were made from the lower grade
teachers. The principal resigned and an
other will have to be elected later. Those
that were elected will be given a few days
to accept or resign.
BEATRICE The board of directors of
the Mary Young Men's Christian associa
tion met last evening in company with
State Secretary Bailey of Omaha, and it
was decided to dedicate the new building
about September 1. Mr. Bailey waa re
quested to secure for the association a
general secretary who should report on
or about August 15.
LOL'P CITY Mrs. Catharine Long, who
has been a resident of this city since
died at the home of her son, John W. Long,
this morning at 5 o'clock. Funeral serv
ices will be held at the home tomorrow
afternoon, and on Thursday morning the
family will leave with the remains for
Clarinda. Ia., where they will be laid by
the side of her late husband.
NEBRASKA CITY For the first time In
many years slot machines are out of busi
ness In this city. In accordance with the
orders of Mayor Stelnhart recently Issued
practically all of the slot machines we.-o
removed this morning. Those whiei
were not remoea were dismantled by the.
owners. Machines that paid in chips went
out of business with the money machines,
that have been paying a monthly tirf!
for the privilege of running.
YORK Christian & Lang, importers and
breedera of Aberdeen-A ngus cattle, at a dis
persion sale of a leading eastern breeder,
purchased, paying the top price of the sale
for the famous Pride of Aberdeen cow,
McHenry liide 13th, a grandly bred cow
and an individual that will win premiums
wherever shown. The cow, with calf by
side, waa received thin week and Is mak
ing a valuable addition to the already line
herd on farm near Charleston, in tills
FALLS CITY-The Falls City Board of
Education met Monday evening and In
stalled the new members. The ooard now
consists of V. G. Lyford, John Llchty, Dr.
Mathers. W. 8. Korner, E. S. Fa Inn and
Mrs. Benjamin Foster. V. G. Lyford waa
elected president, John Llchty vice presi
dent and H. P. Custer secretary. The date
for the high school commencement was set
for June 1. Prof. E. L. Toble, at present
principal of the high school, waa elected
superintendent for the coming year, wllh
a salary of ll.'Jft). and Miss Iva Beck was
re-elected principal "of the Central build
ing BEATRICE The regular monthly meet
ing of Elisabeth Montague chapter.
Daughters Amencsn Revolution, was hel.l
yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Samuel Rlnaker. Among the interesting
features of the meeting was the presenta
tion of a gavel to the chapter by the re
gent, Mrs. ' R. J. Kilpatrick, w hich waa
taken from the "Old South Church," and
which was secured by li-r during a recent
trip east. Pspers covering the period in
history between 1770 and 1775 were read
by Miss Anna Day and Miss Maria Upson.
Mrs. Rinkaer served refreshments al tha
close of the program.
HUMBOLDT A large crowd was at
tracted to the city hall last evening at th-3
trial of Lnyd C. Smith, who is churged with
assault with intent to do great bodily harm,
the case being heard by Justice Gridley on
a change of venue from Justice lluil s
court. A number of witnesses were ex
amined on both sides and the lad was held
under M bonds to appear in district court
for trial. So far he haa been unable to lur
iuh the bond and will probably remain in
Jail until court Bets. The lad seems to be of
the degenerate order and from hi testi
mony seemed proud of his work, which waa
a most vlcous sssault with a club upon one
of the Instructors of the city schools.
BEATRICE The report of Secretary
Albright, submitted at the annual meet
ing of the. Board of Education iut ingot
showed the total amount of expenditures
for the school district during the lat
year to be 14.512.61. The net floating
Indebtedness of the district is $7,251.-'!
this year, while last year it was $19. 237. Do.
This is a reduction of about 12.0oO dur
ing the year, and If another saloon licensd
is granted, the present financial con
dition of the district Is such that wl'h
a reasonable levy and a conservative ad
ministration the coining year the enftra
floating indebtedness tan ! paid and tha
district put o,i a cash basis, a conditio, i
that has not existed at any lira wilutn
twelve years.
Temperature of Fast Week Below the
Normal, with General Rain.
Ire Forma In Some Places PVhra the
Thermometer ghosva Foar Degrees
Below tho Freeslna
rolat. LINCOLN, May Th temperature of
the past week averaged slightly below the
normal, with about the seasonable amount
of sunshine, and prevailing brisk northerly
The week opened with cloudy, showery
conditions In all parts of the state. Rain
fell generally all day Monday and Into the
night, while in a few northeastern coun
ties rain continued Tuesday. The rain was
accompanied by hall In a few southwestern
counties and generally by more or less
thunder and lightning. Tuesday, Wednes
day and Thursday were partly cloudy to
clear and warm. Thursday was the warm
est day of the week, with maximum tem
peratures generally slightly above SO de
grees. The last three days of the week
were colder, with a few scattered show
ers Friday night or Saturday. A very low
temperature, with a heavy to killing frost,
occurred In most parts of the state Sun
day morning. The minimum temperatures
were near freezing and In many northern
and western counties were from 4 to S de
grees below the freezing point of water.
The rainfall was above the normal In
practically all parts of the state. The
amount exceeded one inch in all except
some southwestern counties, where In a
few places it was less than one-half of an
Inch. The heaviest rainfall occurred in
Butler and Dodge counties, where It ex
ceeded four inches. Report by counties:
Southeastern Section.
Clay The week was. cool with rain Mon.
day and Friday night.
Fillmore The heavy rains of last week,
with the rain Monday, have kept the
ground very wet.
Jefferson Showers occurred Mondav, fol
lowed by clear, cool weather at night and
fair weather the rest of the week.
Johnson The week has been cool, con
sidering the amount of sunshine, with
rather more wind than usual.
Lancaster Showers occurred Monday:
the remainder of the week was cool and
Nuckolls The temperature was low most
of the week, with northerly wind.
Pawnee The weather was rather cool
with a heavy rain Monday afternoon and
some hall.
Richardson The past week was one with
rather low temperature; showers occurred
on Monday and Saturday.
York A heavy rain occurred Monday
and a light shower Saturday; the week was
cold, with a frost Sunday morning.
.Northeastern Section.
Antelope The first part of the week was
wet; Saturday was cold; ice formed Sun
day morning.
Boyd It was cold, cloudy and rainy most
all the week.
Cedar The week was rather cold.
Dodge A very heavy rnln occurred Mon
day and Monday night; Tuesday, Wednes
day and Thursday were clear, and Friday
was cloudy.
Douglas Two or three davs of the week
were quite cool with northerly wind
Platte The week was cool and wet.
Stanton A heavy rain occurred Mondav;
the temperature was low most of the week!
Thurston The week was rather cool with
a heavy rain Tuesday.
Washington A heavy rain occurred Mon
day evening, with some hail.
W'ayne-The weather waa cloudy with
high wind moot of the week, with vary
day night "1 hemvy freee Satur
Central Section.
BlalneThe first part of the week waa
rainy, but the last part was sunny and
Boone It rained all day Mondav. with
a heavy rain at night the last of the week
was cool. , . .
Custer The rain Monday and Tuesday
was very heavy; the last part of the week
was cloudy and cold.
Dawson A heavy rain occurred Monday,
with large hall.
Howard A cold rain occurred the first of
the week, followed by fair weather and
sunshine, but rather low temperature.
Merrick The very heavy rain of the last
week flooded the low lands.
Valley Monday and Tuesday were rainy
with heavy thunder showers; Wednesday
and Thursday were warm, while Friday
and Saturday were cool and cloudy. ,
Southwestern Section.
Adams A heavy rain occurred Monday
and a light shower Friday night; the tem
perature was low.
Frontier The rsin Monday was heavy,
with some hsll; the 3d was warm and the
4th was cloudy with a cold rain.
Furnas The weather Monday was rainy,
with some hall; a light shower occurred
Friday night; Thursday was clear and
Hitchcock The week was cold and wet.
Kearney The week was cool and wet;
Ice formed one-tenth of an Inch thick Sun
day morning.
Lincoln It rained all day Monday and a
shower occurred Friday night.
Perkins The first three days were warm
and showery, while the last of the week
was cold and cloudy.
Phelps A very heavy rain occurred Mon
day, accompanied by some hall; Friday
and Saturday were cold, with a shower
Westers and Northwestern Sections.
Dawes The week was cold and wet.
Keith The week has been cool, cloudy
and rainy, with very little sunshine.
Rock Showers occurred Monday arid Fri
day; the remainder of the week was fair.
Scott's Bluff Light snow fell on the
morning of the 4th enough to make the
hills white. G. A. LOVELAND.
Section Director, Lincoln, Neb.
ew Principal nt Fremont.
FREMONT. Neb.. May 8. (Special.) At
the regular meeting of the school board
last evening Prof. H. L. Holllngsworth of
Lincoln was elected principal of the high
school. Prof. Jones, the present principal,
was not an applicant for the place. He has
been appointed to a position In the Yale
university library and will take up post
graduate work in that Institution. He Is
a graduate of Doane college and the first
For the
To succeed these days you must have
plenty of grit, courage, strength. How
is it with the children? Are they thin,
pale, delicate? Do not forget Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the
blood pure and rich, and builds up the
general health. Sold for 60 years.
We have no secrets! We publish
the formulas of all our medicines.
Kaaa ky tha J. O. Ajt o.. Lvwall. Kw.
Aia lU.uiMtr.ti o f
ATBK't Atlt TIGOB-ror t aair. ATBR'S FOXa-Par crairtyatiM.
aTEB'SCUB&BT PSCTOBAlf Far coagaa. AlU'tA(jDsCVRS-PmaUrUaa4a(l.
alumnus of that Institution to receive a
position on the staff of a big New England
college. AH the old teachers who were
applicants were reappointed, together with
four new ones to fill vacancies. The new
teachers are Julia Bender, Agnes Connell,
Hsiel Plllsbury and Alice Kemp, all grad
uates of the Fremont High school.
Former Senator Compliments His
Work for State.
MADISON, Neb.. May I. (Special Tele
gram.) The candidacy of Mr. Edward
Rosewater for senator meets with general
approval among the business men of this
city, even among those holding different
political views from hla.
Ex-Senator Allen, In an interview, says:
"If I were to select a republiisn can
didate for United States senator I would
instinctively turn to Edward Rosewater
and General Charles F. Manderson as
the ablest and best equipped men for tho
position. Mr. Rosewater's candidacy , at
this time gives the situation the most
serious aspect. He Is the one man who
has had more to do with shaping and
molding public, opinion and sentiment
among the people of Nebraska than any
other and his Influence has always ben
exerted In favor of a better and higher
Balldlnsr and Loan Election.
REATR1CE. Neb.. May . (Special Trie
gram.) The Beatrice Building and Loan
association held its annual meeting here
today and elected these officers: C. T. Fall,
president; Ernest Schaekel, vice president;
E. F. Klmmerly, secretary; F. B. 8heIdon.
treasurer. Tha total assets of the associa
tion aggregate $50,000 and 2,600 shares of
stock have been Issued during the past
yesr. .
Lincoln Excorslon Entertained.
FAIRBURY, Neb.. May . (Special.)
The trade excursionists of the Lincoln
Board of Trade visited Fairbury yesterday
and remained In the city over night, and
left this morning In their special train over
the main line of the Rock Island. They
were entertained last evening by the mem
bers of the Fairbury Commercial club and
given a rousing welcome.
Small Tornado at Cordora.
CORDOVA. Neb.. May 8.-Sreelal.)
Cordova was visited by a small tornado
at 8:30 yesterday morning, doing quite con
siderable damage to buildings and wind
mills. The J. E. Dorscy Grain company
met with quite a loss, a corn crib 160 feet
long being totally destroyed.
Accident at Grade Crossing:.
MILLARD. Neb., May 8. (Special. )-The
Union Pacific faat mail today struck a
horse, being driven by Mrs. John Sagers.
at a grade crossing. The horse was injured
so that it was necessary to shoot It, but
the occupants of the buggy were uninjured.
Chamberlala'a rnngh Remedy Thor
oughly Tested.
No better test can be given a medicine
than that of time. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy has been recommended by dealers
who handle It It has received thousands
of testimonials from grateful people who
have used It. It has been prescribed by
physicians with satisfactory results. It has
been analyzed by prominent chemlsta and
found to ba harmless. But the fact that It
has been sold under guarantee to give satis
faction for almost a third of a century Is
tha best test of all. It can always be de
pended upon and Is pleasant and safe to
take. Try It when you hava a cough or
Fair and Warmer Today In le
braslta, Iowa and Booth Dakota .
Fair Tomorrow.
WASHINGTON, May 8. Forecast of the
weather for Wednesday and Thursday:
For Nebraska, Iowa. Kansas and South
Dakota Fair and warmer Wednesday;
Thursday, fair.
For Missouri Fair Wednesday and Thurs-
Iday, warmer Thursday.
ror Montana Fair Wednesday and
For Colorado and Wyoming Fair Wednes
day, warmer In eastern portion; Thursday,
luteal Record.
OMAHA. May 8.-Offlcial record of tern
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
years: 1906. J906. 104. l'JtO.
Maximum temperature 64 60 firt 7S
Minimum temperature.... 40 41 R2 64
Mean temperature .... 47 60 69 64
Precipitation 00 T .1!2 .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1,
and comparisons with the last two years:
Normal temperature 61
Deficiency for the day 14
Total deficiency since March 1 121
Normal precipitation 13 Inch
Deficiency for the day 13 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 8.19 Inches
Excess since March 1 62 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period, 1903 7:1 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period, lfHM 47 Inch
Reports from Stations nt A P. M.
Station and State Temp. Max. Raln
of Weather. T p. m. Temn. fall.
Bismarck, clear 6K 5. .00
Cheyenne, clear 5ti 66 .(in
Chicago, part cloudy 42 62 .02
Davenport, cloudy 44 50 T
Denver, clear 0 S2 .00
Havre, part cloudy 72 72 .00
Helena, clear 70 70 .no
Huron, cloudy 64 M .00
Kansas City, clear 64 66 .00
North Platte, clear 68 art .00
Omaha, part cloudy 63 54 .00
Rapid City, clear M 66 .Oil
fit. Louis, part cloudy .V) 60 .no
St. Paul, clear 4s 60 T
Suit Lake City, clear 72 74 .00
Valentine, part cloudy 62 64 .01
Wllllston. clear 58 68 .00
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH, Ixcal Forecaster.
Are you aware that the Schmoller A Mueller Piano Company Is the largest,
oldest and most reliable piano house in the West?
Are you awsre that fifty per cent of the new plsnos they sell they manu
facture themselves, and by so doing and so selling tq you direct you are saved
all dnlers' and middlemen's prnfti?
Are you sware that the Schmoller A Mueller Piano Company csrrv the
largest stock of high grade pianos In America and quote prices and terms
never dreamed of by the piano buying public.
huy a be-Htitlfiil
reiiflMe makes,
money ref untied.
Prior to our grand opening which takes plnce on Mav ?tith. we are com
pelled to sacrifice IFn new and used planus of standard mukes to make room
for our new opening stock :ind in order to dispose of these Instruments
quickly we quote the following unprecedented prices:
JrtOO Uprlsht Pianos, only
$')00 Upright Pianos, only
$400 Uprisht Pianos, only....
$00 UprlRht Piano, only
$250 Unrleht Pianos, only....
$200 I'pright Pianos, only
Steinwny. Sieger, A. B Chase. Mueller. Hardman. Emerson, McPhall,
Kurtunan. Arlon. Norond and others to select from.
Now is your opportunity to make a saving of from $75 to $l.Vi on a flrst
clnss Instrument but you mut net without delay. Write at once for free
catalogues, price list and special offer to first customers In your locality.
Operating Fire Stores and a Factory.
Telephone Douglas 1625. 1311 and 1313 Farnam Street
Krtwesler" Medical
W Mean This Most Emphatically. It Is For You-For Kvorybcdy.
LOST POWER RESTORED (According to Age) 14 to 60 Days
PRIVATE DISEASES (Recently Contracted) 4 Days to 10 Days
VARICOCELE 10 to 0 Days
Kidney and Bladder Troubles (Elttasr Acuta or Chronic) IS to 40 Dcys
See our schedules to
Detroit 21 hours
Buffalo 27 hours
Syracuse 30 hours
Albany 33 hours
New York 37 hours
Boston 44 hours
The Illinois Central's fast "Chicago Limited" train
leaves Omaha at 6:00 p. m. Fast day train at 8:00 a. m.
Union depot connections in Chicago for nearly all prin
cipal points.
Steamship tickets to all European and Asiatic points.
Cafe car service.
Tickets and information at City Ticket Office, 1402
Farnam St., Omaha.
Special llomeseekers' Excursions
Tuocrlfiifc Mi' 1st ,nl 15th
IUC5Udy5 june 5th and 19th, July 3d and 17th.
Via ths
One Fare Plus $2 for the Round Trip
STOP-OVERS will be aHowrd both going and returning after flrsC
Honiraeekrrs' point rnroute.
To those who are not na4tsfid with prrscnt conditions and who are
set king new locations thi will afford an excellent opportunity (or
investigating localities in the West and Houthweat.
Fof further Information, Map. Folder, Etc., Address,
T. F. GODFREY, Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb.
VL 0. TOWNSEND, Gen. Pass, and T'k't Agt., St. Louis, Mo.
Beautify Your Lawn With
LI 1 1 1
f H T
ajaiii l T wit
CHAMPION IRON AKO Wl&E WORKS. Iirr.aV! 611 S. ll&Strtefi
new upricht Vl""", rholrr of seven
(unrantce'tl absolutely satisfactory or
Cash and Monthly.
. . 475
. .7S
. . i!75
. .$I.Vt
. .9125
& Surgical Institute
We are Specialists for Disuses and
Weaknesses of MEN and MEN ONLY.
We know just what we can da, and we
have such firm confidence in our NEW
METHODS and TREATMENT that we are
willing to cure our patients under an
absolute Guarantee of
some of the principal eastern
Indianapolis 21 hours
Cirxcinnatti 24 hours
Pittsburg 26 hours
Philadelphia. ... 35 hours
Baltimore 36 hours
Washington 38 hours
District Passenger Agent
- Iron Mountain
to Certain Points In th
Our Steel Picket Wire Fence
Our Champion Steel Picket Ileary Wiro
fence, lucent per iioesl root.
Hitch Posts. Window Ouards, Trss
Uuartls snd Trlilse.
Fifty Stylss ol Wrought Iron Fenes
Our Posts Will Not Ru.W
E.tabli.hed 18M.