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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1906)
Tin: omaiia daily bkk "Wednesday, may 9. woe. Moslln Sill Sitariaf lijiraia. Bis Sail of Skirts Tlursda. ill LADIES' DRESSY, NEW Spring Suits at $10 at styles $10 There are hundreds of units in this group and every one in this pprinsr's popular styles new colors, includ ing grays, the dressy Eton. polo and pony coat styles mado of the most stylish materials -jtood $15 and $17.60 values, at. . "Fashionsear Suits Newest Arrivals at $25 The great variety of the styles make this group appeal strong lr to women who wish distinc tion In dress the dainty sha dow plaids and checks, the dressy striped effects, the plain crays. Alice blues, resedas, etc., extremely aretty new styles 2S IN TUB MILLINERY SECTION Smartly Trimmed Sailors $ IN MILAN AND CHIP STRAWS fj) $5 These are the new round sailors, trimmed under the brim and about the crown- the favorite styles of trimming, including tufts, wings, flowers, ornaments and velvet ribbons; all new and very chic at.... Gar New York Bayer Has Just Sent Us 500 STUNNING NEW HATS From the Workrooms .ol N. Y. Designers These hata are the very latest early sum mer shapes the designers trimmed them stunningly with the odds and ends of the most expensive materials imported for trimming lavish pattern hats n f we will sell every hat jl Til 0 In this lot at each .......... One reason for the wonderful popularity of our millinery section is Vint all trimmings and materials for JJramkiV hats are imported direct from Paris. Materials are selected about once a fortnight by Mr. D. lioditi, our European buyer, who tends them direct to Brandeis. WASH GOODS in the BASEMENT Silk Organdies in dress and waist lengths, printed in floral designs of great beauty, remarkable value, at White and colored Curtain Swiss dots and figured designs, spec ial bargain, at, 7 a yard 2C 4 0-inch White Lawns, sheer and heavy qualities, they are great . bargains, at .' 36-in. wide best grade Drapery Sllkoline,, plain and printed de signs, regular 12 He value, at, a yard. . . . 19c rapery ed de- 3k 8c ft, J. L BRANDEIS & SONS U4 fat Masts m Sto Pique Button r i stent Leather Button Boott 'Shirk Fin" Sol. For many yean we have pleased the "man who cares." Why not convince yourself of the merit of the Florsheim Shoe? After once wearing a pair you will always look for the "name on strap." Most styles are $5.00 Exclusive Agents BRANDEIS &S0N5 OMAHA iH'u..j.ijfliiiiiti1 Olint nftTHKS rORCrur-VMmr, Fair rr. err CURRENT LITERATURE. William Allen White, although lie ha made H striking .success in both the journalistic and literary Melds, still remains the editor of the Gaactte, In the little, town of Em poria. Kan., and some people have won dered that he should not take the place In New York or elsewhere that his talent warrant. Mr. White prefers to live In Em poria and there la no mystery Involved In hie choice. lie liken it might almoat be aald that he loves Emporia and he la hap piest when he la aiding In the upbuilding of this nativn town and the state of Kanaux. By hla forceful personality and keen In tellect be has made the Emporia Gagette a power not only In Km porta and Kansas, but also In national Journalism, lie la sat isfied personally to wield this power for the benefit of Ills native town itnd state. Nat urally Mr. White is the Idol of Kmimrla and having an unusuul sense of the propor tion of tilings, he prefers to live where he la beloved rather than enter the turmoil and strlfu of the larger marts. Ills sincere a ffec lion for hla home country has never been better shown than in his latest book. "In Our Town," a sheuf of reminiscences of his little village, lta history and lis charac ter, by a, country editor, which he hus been contributing to the Saturday Evening Post, published by McClure, Millllpa aV Co. V Millionaire of Yesterday." by E. J'iiiitp. lippenheiiii, Sc tlm story of an Im moral Jimn. whose rough disregard for the lights of others Is tempered to a real ca pacity for high Ideals by the love for a maid. Scarlett Trent, the name suggests the man. ihe rough, domineering outcast of society, is portrayed In a light rendered intense by contrast with the shadows, which envelop Monty, the poor, drink-crazed father of Ernestine. A scene of great dramatic strength Is that iu which Monty "takes In a same of tioker with Trent rh r,l, graph vf the maid and loses. The picture staked agHlnrt a half-bottle of whiskey Is the will of the wisp, w hose iiuest h ada Scarlett to the heights, almost breaking the strong man. in lus quest, though In. the end he misses. On the whole an interesting t iv and having rather more to tepay tha i .I'lcr lor succumbing to the absorbing In- st of the book than the average ittera- 'u:. of the day. . I.Mtle. Brown ft Co. the publishers. Tli! White Peril in the Far East." by .SVriey L. Oullrk. possesses the unique :uililiations for correct judgment of the i deriving forces at work in the far east. Tills volume presents the plight of the , How races, threatened as they are by the agression of the white races. It Is the obver- side of the white man's "yellow I t til." Mr. Guhck writes with Intimate Knowledge of the Japanene people, guinod by long residence In Japan. The value of HiU book, he ascribes in Ids preface, "In large measure to Japanese friends whose thought aa to their national character and destiny and the real meaning of the war has definitely influenced my own pohit of view." The Fleming H. Kevell company i the publisher. ' Vailed to the Field."" by I.ucy Meachaiu Thurslon. author of '"A Ulrl of Virginia," "Mislreaa Brent." etc.. is a atory of Vr glnla in the civil war.' The heroine, who tells the story, is a young Virginia girl just married, dwelling at bar couxLry koma, rich and happy in the love of her husband, when the civil war bursts upon her and changes the current of her life. The negro sketches are specially well done, . sympa thetic and yet discriminating. The whole book la graceful and artistic, stirring and convincing. It Is written with great emo tional Intensity and Imbued with pathos and poetic feeling and is the beat story yet written by the author of "A Girl of Vir ginia. It has great charm of atmosphere and ia ao realistic that it reads like a per sonal record of real experience. Published by Little. Hrown Co. The newest book on the railroad rate question Is '"The Heart of the Railroad Problem," by Prof. Frank Parsons. It con tains a history, of railway discrimination to the lnlted States, contains proposed reme dies, gives hints from other countries and concludes with the latest decisions of the United States supreme court and a reply to President Hadley's views on the Hep burn bill. Published ' by Little, Brown & The complete story of La Bulla's eventful, and dramatic career forms the moat strik ing chapter of French exploration of North America. The original narratives of Tronty and others which have been practically In accessible are presented In a bood entitled "The Journeys uf La Salle and Hla Com panlons," published by A. 8. Barnes & Co. This volume ia edited, with' an introduction by Prof. I. J. Cox of the University of Cin cinnati. These narratives are of intense Interest as stories of thrilling adventure and of peculiar consequence, ahowing aa they do the origin of the French claim to the Mississippi valley. This ia history told by the makers of history and brought In these volumes within the reach of general readers. The cunsuiracy of Poutlae In, 1"S forma the basis of "A Bword of the Old Frontier," by 'Mr. Randall Parrtsli, and the plot concerns the adventures of a dashing French officer entrusted with, dispatches to the great chieftain. Of course there la a lady to be fought for and rescued, and she la the moat perplexing and attractive of Mr. Parrlah'a charming heroines, with a pleasing uncertainty aa - to her Identity, which developa Interesting complications. Daring and resourceful escapes .from one seemingly hopeless situation after another keep the reader wholly absorbed and makes a splendidly exciting story Pontlac himself ia the most impressive figure In the book, and the reader receives a striking picture of the terrible "King and Lord of All the West." No one can paint realistic scenes of this kind more convincingly than Mr. larrlsh. and In hla descriptions of aavagery he has aur passed any of Ida former work. Publiahed by A. C. Moflurg Co. Above books at lowest retail prices. Mat thews. 12 South Fifteenth street. FLEMING TO GO INTO REALTY Tmx l'wasateslesr DoctdVa lass Private Csmrsa tke Kitra Ilea f Mis Official Tersa. Tax Commissioner William Fleming. ho will retire from the office, which goes out of existence by lam May a. is planning on going into the real estate business. lie probably will form a. partnership and ia now ahaping matters toward that end. The tax commissioner woold tike to. have th lax-paying public understand that he CIGAR PRICES CUT Tom Keene 8 for ......... . .25c $1.50 box of .50. Lady Nicotine 8 for ....... .25c $1.50 box of 50. Monarch 8 for , ,25c $1.50 box of 50. Little Joe 8 for 25c $1.50 box of 50. Consumo 8 for 25c $1.50 box of 50. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO. P. We sell good fountain pea this week for 69o. STYLE TO. W 745. Ladies' Street Pumps GUN METAL CALF, PATENT COLTSKIN, TAN RUSSIA CALF, WHITE CANVAS, An Addition To The Wardrobe That Will Please. $3.50 and $4.08 See Display in Window. It FRY SHOE CO. The Bhoera, Ififh and Douglas Stt Mother Lee's New Book, "Fitteen Years' Experi ence In Rescue Work." All donations of 11.00 or more to "The Tlnley Kescue Home for Fallen Uurls and Women," 103 Bancroft St., Includes a copy of this look. Ou aule at Megeath, llayden Bros, stores, or at the abovu named home. Mrs. Martha A. Lee, Supt. has nothing to do with the last aaseamcut. Many complainants have come to him at the city hall to register klcka. He haa di rected them to the county assessor in the court house, who is the man to anawer. Mr. Fleming thinks much valuable time could be saved if the taxpayers understood this and filed their protests with County Asses sor Reed without making the useless trip to the city hall. HEN THIEF SUSPECT IS UP Mia Arrested Wasai PolU-e Believe Guilty of Chlrkea Strallag la Northwest Ornaka. The police believe William Hamilton, ar rested Tuesday morning by Detectives Pattullo and Home on suspicion, may prove to be the man whj haa been making ralda on poultry In the north and north west part of the city. During the last few weeks numerous complaints of stolen poultry have been received at police head quarters. Hamilton waa arrested at 1404 North Fourth street and aald he lived near Benson. The prisoner haa been Identi fied by Kuncl Brcs.. KH Bouth Thirteenth street, as the man who sold them chickens two weeks ago. A complete Investigation of Hamilton's record is being made. It waa reported to , the police Tueaday morning that Monday night thieves stole forty chickens from the yard of James Anderson. wKH North Sixteenth street. U Ml GREEN TRACKS STiUfS EVERT TIME Colonial Mirror Sale SB 100 Colonial Mirrors, In Mahogany ovnls, size 8x16 (like rnt) French tlat b'h"" lilghcwt quality, reg ular $.3 value, limit one to c u s t o in e r , Wednesday, only 1.59 These mirrors arc fit ted with finest grades French and German bevel and plain plates, each guaranteed. V furnish estimates m any size mirror for home or office; can make special frames to match woodwork for nny desired room. Sconces and metal frame mirrors In abundance at right, prices. ART Second Floor. Every Second Floor Purchas er, Wednesday, will get a Ticket to Matinee in Lyric Theatre, good tor Wed nesday, Thurs day, Friday or Saturday. Mat inee at 3 o'clock When yon get tickets, telephone Box Office, Dong las 14SS, to se cure reserved seat. EXCITING SALE OF BURNS' CROCKERY WEDNESDAY 2,500 riNK CHINA FIUIT SAUCERS (Samples displayed In win dow pretty spray decoration, every one of them is a 10c T Saucer not more than 12 to a customer Wednesday a rip- f tearing sale at, each LAST LOT OF BURNS GLASSWARE Wines, Tumblers, Goblets, AVIilsky Glasses, Beer Mug, Water .lugs, prices cut to one-thlrd what Hums' prices were each, 10c, f 8c, 7c, 5c, 4c and. CHINA CHINA CHINA All Covered China Butter Dishes from Burns' open stock patterns Burns' prices, $1.00 to $3.00; priced by us a few days since M f to exactly half that amount, row cut by another half; In a-Lllf other words, Wednesday, 2.5c to vv ' Cups and Saucers Cups and Saucers ft A Mi TH AT'S liKFT OF TIIEM AT HALF OUR MARK, WniCH MEANS ONE-FOURTH BURNS' PRICE. DINNERWARE DINNERWARE 15.00 FRENCH CHINA ANI ENGLISH IDKCELAIN Some very beauti ful patterns, lovely ware. Here's a beauty: An English Cauldon, In a dark rich blue pattern, Bomewhat like the wniww pattern piate oniy mucn ncner; Arabian or Turkish pattern, with Mosques and Mlnnerettes, livened up with birds and lovers; Burns' price $40.00; ours... OPDS AND ENDS OF ALMOST EVERYTHING Mustards, Salts, Tep. per. Candle- Sticks, Match Holders, Cruets, Sugar Bowls, Fancy Jugs, Tiny Mngs, Tricky Ornaments FR.0M ONE PENNY to 25c COME EARLY" ?OR THE SNAPS! DRY GOODS i rees Goods 56-ln. New Gray Tailor Suitings In Shadow Plaids and Checks, Matew Mixtures, Gray with Green Fancy plaids. Gray with Blue fancy Plaids, Shepherd's Checks and Shadow Checks a worth yard Wednesday only, a yard i... . IsaSO Tery Special Silk Sal Wednesday I4-ln. All-Silk Crepe de Chine. 86c qual ity, beautiful luater, aoft and clingy; cornea in all shades. Including white, cream and black; also a full range of Fine Chiffon Taffeta, aame width, aame shades' and quality that are sold everywhere at 76c cn a yard all go In thia sale Wednesday at, a yard OVC Tiv riecaa Natural Pongee The beat silk to wear and Kfle. wash, J5c quality Wednesday at. a yard , OvIC Continued, Sale of Embroideries and Laces, Wednesday Thousands visited our great Kmbroidery and Lace Pale Monday and were much pleased at the great bargains. Manv good values left Allover Km broiderlea, worth to $1.25 a yard, go Wednesday Co at, a yard DUG Corset Covey Embroideries Fine Nainsook and Cambric, IV in. wide, em broidered and lace-trimmed edges, worth to $1 a yard, Or go Wednesday at, a yard, 48c, 39c, 2c and ul Matched Embroidery Sets Over 10.000 yards, fine Kdgea, Insertions and Headings, narrow jind wide widths, worth to 30c a yard C 'Wednesday speclar, a yard, 15c, 12 He, TVsC and Great 7aoa Bargain Ho. 15,000 yards Imported Paraguay, Antique. Cluny and lCnglisii Twine, Bands. Inxertlona and Trimmings, worth tfic to 60c a yard all go Wednesday at, a yard ' Great ace Bargain Wo. a 3.000 yards Imported Torchon Laces and Inser tions to mtiich, worth to 16c yard Cp all go Wednesday at, a yard w Pretty. Wash Goods at Special Low Prices for Wednesday A big table full of Pretty Organdies and Batistes, pretty patterns, nice sheet goods, worth luc and 18c a yard Wednesday llr at, a yard I2C White and Colored Lawns With pretty floral and dot pat- Tic terns, worth 10c a yard Wednesday, a yard , i goo and' 28o White Sotted Swisses at 16o Fine White Dotted Swiss, "ry sheer and pretty, worth 20c ami 2oc a yard l)C Wednesday, a yard ,uw 100 Pieces Pine Dress Ginghams Rc Wednesday, a yard Turkish Towel Special r.O dozen Bleached and Unbleached Turkish Towels, riouhle warp, worth Isc and 25c each 15c Wednesday, each Ladies4 Suits and Waists J Owing to the severe tains, unloading aale of Z,adlea' Suits and Waists advertised In Sunday's papers are continue 4 Wednesday. Our stock of Elegant Htw Suits, all purchased this season Xtons, Pony Sulta, Pitting Sulta marked from $16.50 to 948.60, on sale at O SO gaa.60, $17.60 and Ladies' Waists, about twenty styles In embroidered llnon, lace trimmed, India llnon and lawn, and fine black lawn, values 76c and $1.00, R(Jc all at Sale of Ladies' Vests Swiss ribbed, low neck, no alcoves, taped vests, In medium and larae sizes, worth ilc each. l5c Wednesday special, each - Children's Spring- Underwear Cheap Jersey Ribbed Vests, high neck, long sleeve taped lop. umbrella knee pants, lare trimmed; ISC regular 2ec value; all go Weunesday, a garment jXo.Uryt Hoeleryl Ijidiea' and Children's Cotton Maco Hose, fast black; 4'htluren'a Fine and Heavy Ribbed; Uidlea' Plain Black ISc and Split Sole worth 20c pair Wednesday, a pair a-w B-aaaaaHHBMBmBHBlBBSaMMBBSMBanBSBHBSMaaBBBH Special in Drapery Section, Wednesday 111 k a Ladies' Crown Suits Unmatched in Sfye, Beauty or Quality, J24.90 LC1S THE RELIABLE STORE See Our Splendid Lint of Ladies' Crown Suits at $2t.90. Grand Lace Sale Continues. Thinl ilttV of the slr one of the niost in'ei eMting of Uir entire wrr-k. Wxlnrsdsy will be VhI I.iii o liny. All kitxl of Vl J,i' r aul lns. i llnw will J,') al l'K than hnlf regular rirlrrs. Vnl Lures worth 3c a yard f r. I .ace uorih 1.'..- h yard Rr. at. yard ! Vnl Lares worth fir n rd Olr, iVkI I.m-et wortli -A- a yard Tic t. vsi.l l. 'rd VhI I.are worth 1- a yard- Cc ! Many oilier tptrlal hHrKiiins Irt laces and at. yard i emhroiili rn. Remarkable Bargain Opportunities in Our Ladies' Suit Department. M V N 1' FACT l' R ICR'S STOCK OF COATS C"Vert. Silk mid ItHnrlsoine All-Wnol ma terlnls. In cherltM and nliilds all tiewe ftjlrs iind colors nnd wortli regularly nr to ilti.Oii greatest variety and best value ever shown in Omaha QQ at. chiilre HANDSOMK TAIfXIR AND SHIRT WAIST Hl'ITS -Moires unci Fine Wool Fabrics nil Hires nnd colors a second shipment like those on sale last Satur day made to sell up to $20,110 E Q cholra Wednesday J.-t M ANl'FACTl RF.K'8 STOCK FKTRTS iivit l'lC! of tliem--H Knmt many for Omaha, you'll say: but these attractive price will f 11 them-worth up to $l"0". in 4 lots -lots at fl.iK, tl.9S. nil . and I.VO Surprising Wednesday Bargains in the Great Domestic Room. BKVEitLKT PKRCALKS-Worth yard. 36 In. wide, ftood colors special nt, yard INIitA LINONS Worth 12'ac and yard, long mill ends Wednesday at. yard WHITK WAISTINUS-Tn great v.i pretty pattrnih reitnlar li'.c t. 2fr. values at. yard arnolo's silk oik;aniii:s floral designs, worth 23r to 19c a yard, at, per vard CIIKCK NAINSOtiKS Worth in lar way up to 20c a yard Wednesday at, xard VNRI.KACHE1 Ml.'SMN Good, quality, worth tip to 8lc, at, yard 10c rr 6c irc per 5c riety of 10c - l'rrtty 15c a roan- ... 5c lieavv 3c BT.KACHF.n SIIF.F.TS-Soft finiali. Hxin .I.e. worth .VK-. 374c 7M' HI.KAciiKD ATLANTIC SHEF.TS - 59c 6M! Fii.l. Ill .F.ACHF.P, STANDARD SHF.KTS -si?.!. Mxim, 4QC S" FT-FINISH HI.F.A C 1 1 F. I V M T ;S I ,IN-SC cinalltv- 12 yards to customer St. vard 10-4 STANDARO VNBLKACllEl) SHFKT 1NO2.V value. lOe at, yard a w SPKC1AL- RARGAINS IN BED BTREAPS I WEPNESHAV. PINEAPPLES! PINEAPPLES! We have Jimt received our first shipment of Fancy. Ijirtse, Juicy Pineapples, sweet as Hucar. 'These are shipped us direct from Mr. Daley. I ,a Gloiia. (Hiha, one of tlio larsesi Pineapple Rrowers In Cuba. They are th finest cpi.t lit y that arows. We are going to give the people of Omaha the benefit of purchasing them direct no broker or commission house profits to pay and as lonK as till ship ment lasts we will sell them. cach....7e We have contracted for 6 cars of this de licious fruit for this season. FRESH VEC.KTARLF, PRICES. Read them; they are money savers; 4 bunches Fancy llomc-Grown Radishes 6c 6 bunches Fancy Honic-flrown Onions.. 5 bunches Fancy Honie-Orown Flo riant 2 bunches Fancy I lome-Grown Asparagus 2 heads Fancy Home-Grown Ix-af Let tuce 6c S bunches Fancy New Beets Inc. Largo Cucumbers, each 7n 2 bunchea Fresh Parsley bn Fresh llomc-Grown Spinach, per pk.,..10r Fanrv Wax or String Beans, per lb.... inc. Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, per lb Fancy Cooking Figs, per lb 2 measures Fresh Roasted Peanuts.. Largo Brazil Cocoanuta, each 60 lOr 4c. So 3VW tf IF SO, SEE US We've got a big stock of LIME. CEMENT, PLASTER. SAND, . BRICK, SEWER PIPE AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL. We Handle Only First Quality Goods. Get Our Pricea C. B. HAVENS & CO. TsUphon Douglas 317 219 8. Sixteenth Strost ia Jl Homeseekers' Rates se Shirtwaist Boxes, npholatared with cretonnes In all the leadinf shades, full aiaa i inches long and 16 in. lies high a regular $1.75 value. (Wlp Wednesday your choice TBXKD PLOOK. TaTIXO PLOOsV. VIA Illinois Central Railroad TO Points in Minnesota, North Dakota and the Canadian Northwest. Tickets on sale every Tuesday during the sum mer months at one fare plus $2.00 for the round trip, good returning twenty-one days from date of sale. A personally conducted excursion will be run from Omaha on May 15th, to Sentinel Butte, Billings county, North Dakota, Trains leave Omaha at 8:00 a. m. and 8:30 P m'Ratcs and full particulars at City Ticket OKce, 1402 Farnam street, Omaha, or write, SAMUEL NORTH, District Passenger Agent, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Attention Kcntuckians ! "Follow the Flag' Kvery Kentucklan who Is a thoroughbred will ar range, if possible, to attend the HOafECOaUKO held tn Louisville, Ky.. in JUNE. Tickets aold June 11th. 12th anil !3th. Long returt limit. The WABASH BAXLXOAD has arranged for a TEST LOW rate. F.verything favorable, in nil prohahllitics, tha WABASK will run a speciul train '.hiough for the aiiove occasion. For rates, sleeper spare. Kentucky Homecoming booklet, folders, etc., etc., call at Wabash City Ticket Otllce, 1801 Farnam St., or addreHs. KAJtBT H. KOOBES, O. A. P. D., Wuali it. It., Omaha, Neb. Where Land Yields 1 r; Twice its Cost in the First Year I !r DDacaaQaDaaEadpu cj I . v m you, mr. rarmei, 11 yuu out. n hard matter to much more than "make An ..... 1 ' it.ct mricnn nut thi nrnnii. Big Clothing Sale on at Bennett It's. D D A mm aition? The land In .South Platte Valley, Colorado, yields 20 tons of sugar beets to the acre every year--sure crop, never a failure. Choice land ready for plow ing averages $40 per acre. 40 acres. costing $1600.00 will yield 800 tons of sugar beets a year worth $4,000.00. And the Sugar Factory on the ground will contract right now to pay you $5.00 a ton for all the beets you can raise for 3 years and a field superintendent of the sugar factory will visit you several times a week to give you the benefit of experience in beet culture and help you install proper methods to Insure 20 ton -to-the-acre crops. Will you just sit right down now and write to the UNION PACIFIC R. R. 'irrciirmS. "Iftll-lll af .." nV! 1 m for their South Plstte Valley folder full of valuable tofotmation that will enabla aay ir,ao with atrrlculttiral eiperic ue. u little cupual aaU luculy uf "hutlie'' to acauus a fortuaa io a f.'w yearns i.ih i itv rir aP.T OFFirrC. isat rarnaui St. n'Phim- ronl. tit ' . . . rl nnnnnnnnnnnHHnnU a a a a D svisasg eaeea ria acsg laiarSMl, aa imi aii.n. S Tsaa ee so WkMl a as a. S.rt.