THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, MAY 8. 1006. 7 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Rapid Fluctuations of Kay Wlttt the LeaAinc Feature. ADVANCES ONE CENT OECUNES TWO Reaclloa Brlags Frier Claaa frevloae Day Aretl Corm Crop Officially Ellai44 Heavy -Hm Weakealac Ect. OMAJ1A, May 7. IK. Kapid fluctuations of Bay wheat furnished the teature of the market today. In the nrat hour there was an advance of 1 cent, me elevators offered wheat for sale after I lie most anxious shorts had covered, and me market could not absorb the offerings, a sharp break of 2 cents resulting. Strength ucveiopeu again on tha report of a decrease in the visible supply mum larger than ex pected, recovering nearly all of the loss only to lose part of the advance at the vtose. The cmee was Vie lower for May ana c lower for July. July and September trade was very light. The newe was in (avor of the bears. Cables were only a ii action higher, world s shipments were large, the weather favorable and the cash uemand only fair. fiats mere steady and closed practically unchanged. Corn was strong early, In sympathy with wheat and higher cables. Receipts were moderate and the ensh demand fair. Corn declined later with wheat and the Argen tina report wss a bearish Influence. The Argentina government estimates the corn crop at I.Doi.oO tens. This is 1,200,000 above pic clous private estimates. May closed V4C lower and July He lower. Primary wneat receipts were 394.000 bush- Is and snipinents of i.7.K bushels, against lecelpts last year uf 198.0UU bushels and shipments of 2iO,t)0 bushels. Corn receipts were oio.UO busncls and shipments 663. K) busncls, against receipts last year of 179, OuO busnela and shipments of 313.000 i'ush cls. t Ir.iranees wie 2Srt,iyi tiusncls wheat, 15,1100 bunds flour, 268.000 bushels corn and ill OO bushels oats. Liverpool closed WiiVI higher on wheat and V4ad higher on corn. Local rang" f options: May, 7V; arrive, oi July, oc; Septem track and May, Articles.l Open.l Hlgh. Low. Close. Baty. Wheat-I I I I I . . May. ..I 74B 74B. 73A iitA July...( 72HrV 724 72H 72A '' t-iirn III I . . May... 43B; 44B1 41. 43VB 42A July... 4tB 42S! 42A 42A 42V May...l 81 B1! 31 31BT 81Hb I1VB Oats. 185 11 '33 ui A asked U bid. Omaha Cash Bales. WHEAT No. 4 hard. 1 car. 8c. Omaha Caah Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 7316c; No. 3 hard, 71U73Ho; No. 4 hard, M74Cbe; No. 2 spring, 73fl77Vic: No. t spring. ?2Vc. . CORN No. J. 44',c; No. 4, 4243ttc; No. 3 yellow, 44ttc; No. 3 white. 4frVic. OATS No. I mixed. 804c; No. 3 white, glVic; No. 4 white, 31c. KYIS No. 2, 60c;. No. , 66c O'arlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Chicago 1J9 Kansas City 36 '9 Minneapolis 214 ... Omaha 11 DuRith 22 St. Louis M 221 CHICAGO GR.41 AKD PROVISIONS Features of the Trading anrt Closing Prices on Hoard of Trade. rlllCAOO. May 7. Liberal primary re ceipts and protlt-taking sales In the May option had a depressing effect on the local wheal market, final quotations on the July delivery showing a net loss of Vic. Corn whs down M'H- Oats were practically un changed, i'rovlslons were 7S4il2Wc higher. Shorts were active bidders at tha start because of higher prices at Liverpool. Un der this demand tne market became firm. Later In the session, however, a consider able amount of profit-taking In the May optlop, coupled with the fact that the total si rivals today were gM.ftoo bu., against 1S,0 bu. for the corresponding day one year ago, caused a weak tone In tne mar ket. TCI? volume of trading was small, the forthconiir.K government report on Thursday being assigned ns the chief cause of the dullness. The market closed easy with prices near the lowest point of the rla. the July opened unchanged to 'aift'Wc ' higher at lUVtC to iS-Vd'TUSc sold up to 7!'VI '9c and then reacted to 7S7.c. The ioe was at 7!c. Clearances of wheat and Hour were equal to :Ui5.10o bu. The amount on .pu-it.. xc increased 21. om bu. and the vielb.e supply deci eased 2,7!.000 bu. Minne apolis. Hulmli ami t'libngo reported re ceipts of 244 cars, against 374 cars last week ami ISo rarw one ugo. The corn maikct was steady early In the day on a talr demand based upon firm cables. Later the market became weak on seilins by local traders. An official ehtl inata of the corn clop of Argentina placed the tolal yield al Pio.oon.ono bu., against Ul.ti00.ooft bu. last year. These statistics and predictions of clear weather fur the corn belt caused fairly active helling. The close was weak with prices almost at the lowest point of the day. July opened a shnde lower to a shade higher at IS,o to 4tic, sold up to 46c and then declined to 4i'HfH.Sc. The close was at 4Wc. Local receipts were 148 cars, with thirty-one cars of contract grade. Trading In oata was quiet, but the market had a lirm undertone. Shorts were mod erate buyers of May. but trading in the mora distant deliveries consisted mainly from September to July. The July option opened Sc higher at 31c, sold between i:c and 31lc and closed at 30?j31c. Local recuipis were 1H5- cars. Provisions were nrm. but trading was of small volume. Packers and commission houses wire the chief buyers and am.ill receipts of live hogs and liberal shipments of meats and lard stimulated bullish senti ment. At the close July pork was up I'Wc ' w-S?,Kr,,."rM l,p at 7' "' wera 7V10c higher Ht $N.5.Va60. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Whent four cars: corn, lo cars; oats, 235 cars: hogs, ls.cou head. Tha leading futurea ranged as follows: Articles ! Open.l High. IwTJoseTsilTy" m, 7Hc per, TSe. OAT8-T0 nvtc. HEW TOR K GENERAL MARKET of .be Day a. Varl.aa Commoltlea. NEW TORK, Msy 7 -FIXfR-Recelpts, 21.1SH bbls.; exports. 10.S43 bbls. ; market steady but quiet; Minnesota patents. 14 Wi 4 50; Minnesota bakers. 13.4013 75; winter ritents, 3i4 36: winter straights, 13.75 6; winter extras. $2..vff33fi; winter low grades, t.' Rve flour, quiet; fair to good. $3 3W3.J0; choice to fancy. 13 9Mi4 10. CORNMEaL Bteady ; fine white and yel low, II 10; coarse, 110701. 09; kiln dried, 12 702 HO. RYE Dull; No. 2 western. 7c f. o. b.. New York. BARLEY Steady; feeding, 47c, c. I f . New York; malting, Mfcaic. c. I. f , New York. WHEAT Receipts. 167.277 bu.; exports. 2M.164 bu.; spot market steady: No. 2 red, 90c, nominal, elevator; No. 2 red. 93c, nom inal, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Du luth. KHc, f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern Manitoba, 90c, f. o. b. afloat. The wheat opening was firmer and for some time aft erwards the market showed considerable strength In cables, cold weather talk and a large visible supply decrease. 11n a severe midday break In May, however, due to liquidation, the whole marset turneu easier and for the balance of the session was depressed, closing afi-Hc. net lower. May Witic, closed et S0c; July, te'tf R5Sc closed at 85c; September, 83V(?83H-'. closed at 834c. CORN Receipts, 138.S75 bu.; exports, 24, 156 bu.; spot market steady; No. 2. 67c, nominal, elevator, and 5tHc, nominal, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 57Src, nominal; No. 2 white, 18c, nominal. Opening steady on cables snd with wheat, the corn mar ket developed later heaviness under later receipts, bearing crop news and liquida tion, closing c net lower. July closed at 52Tc: September closed at 63c; December closed at B4Sc OAT8 Receipts, 2.000 bu. ; mixed oats. 26 to 32 pounds, 37ff3Sc; natural while, 30 to S3 pounds, 3Mj39c; clipped white, Z& to 40 Bounds. 3!'?41c. HAY Bteady; shipping, S0l6c; good to choice. 9utr96c. , , HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 1906 crop, lOTyilic; 1H crop. 9&10c: o'.ds, nominal; Pacific coast. 1906 crop, l17c; 1904 crop, 9511c; olds, 4ific. HIDEft-Hteady: Galveston, 20 to 26 lbs., 20c; California. 21 to 26 lbs., 21c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs., 19c. I.piTHfB Rtesdv: acld.6V4f27MiC. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, $11 R0 12.5i; mess, IX Oli'n .!); beer name. jii..o &22.M; packet, ItOOWillOO; city extra India mess. IH.SO'f 18 00. Cut meats, firm; pickled bellies. 9.i5fil0.5O: pickled shoulders. $8.00; pickled hams, $11 ooii 11.75. Ird. steady; western prime, $H.5. nnilnal: re flned. steady; continent. $896; South Amer ica, 1L86: compound, $7.0fKfj7.M. Pork, stendy; family, $18.50; short clear. $1.25U1S.OO; mess, TALLOW-Steady; city, 6c; country, h 6'c. RK!E Steady ; domestic, fair to extra, 3?, g1k-; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Firm. Street price: Extra rreamerv. 20V4e. Official Drices: Creamery, common to extra. IMi'Mc: state, held. 13S 18c; renovated, common to extra, lo-alsVjc western factory, common to firsts, ll'alnc CHEESE Irregular; old state full cream. large and small, colored and white, fancy 1414c; good to prime, 13V4ral4c; common to fair, Ilrl3c; new state full cream, large and small, host, 8Vc; state fair to good, 8V,Tilo EGGS Steady: Btate. Pennsylvania and nearby fancv. selected, white. 194c: state choice, 19c; state mixed, fancy, 18V4frl9c western extra firsts, 17HS18c: western sec onds. 161 16Wc: southerns. 1016 POCLTRY-Prices for alive not estab lished; dressed, easy; turkeys, 14'albc fowls, 13 13V. t. I.onls General Market. ST. LOCIS, May 7. WHEAT Weak ; No, 2 red, cash, elevator. 87&Vlc; track, 9KaH2c; May, sO'c; July, 77'c; So. 2 hard. 81u4c. CORN Iower: No. 2 cash, nominal: track, 49tt4&4C; May, 4tl4c: July, 44V4-44V. OATS Steady; track. 32; May, 32Vc; July, ."OMic: No. z white. Soc. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, $4.20194. 60; extra fancy and straight. $3.704 10; clear, I2.25fi2.90. SEED Timothy, steady. t2.5uA2.So. CORNMEAL Steady. $2 60. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track,' .Si9Jc HAY Firm: timothy, !12.00&1.50; prai rie. ll.bW13f)0. IRON COTTON TIES-tl.01. BAGOINO-8V-HKStP TWINE 7Vc. PROVISIONS - Pork. higher; JoM.iiiB. Urd, higher; prime steam. k.17'4 Dry salt meats (boxed), steady, extra; shorts, $8.87H; clear ribs. t.12H; short $9.26. Bacon (boxed), steady; extra short, $9.62V. clear ribs. $ti.87H; short clear, $in.e. POl LTR Y Weak; chickens. 10c; springs 20??r; turkeys. 12c; ducks, 12c; geese, 6c. Ul I Tb-K Dull ; creamery, ltj(2lc; dairy, 14'nlfc- EGGS-Steady. Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Early Market Active and Hiebtr ou Heavy Bujbc bj Short, PRICES BECOME IRREGULAR AND LOWER Reartlna Is Higher oa Prospective Settlement of Aathrarlte trlke Lake lrlhe tnfavorably Affects steel Issaes. NEW YORK. May 7. The course of to day's stock market demonstrated how largely the outstanding short Interests had been reduced in the course of the violent rebound from last weeks extreme depres sion, in Reading the recovery from last week's low point to today s high point reached nearly 18 points. With the satis factlun of the demand from shorts, tha mar ket fell into a dull condition and showed a heavy tone until the irregular after-rally. The advantage agalnxt the bear party was extended considerably by the action of the miners' convention on Saturday, making a settlement without a strike practically cer tain. The Influence of this factor was car ried over Into today's market snd made Reading strong and very active. The fever ish fluctuations In this stock gave ample indication of some very active manipulation, which was dlpected against the more per sistent bear position in the stock. The ad vance In Reading hud a sustaining effect on the general list while It lasted. The sag ging tendency became manifest, however, when Reading reacted. A progressive sub sidence of activity and of the range of fluctuations In prices Is the normal tesult of such a spasm of liquidation as that which culminated last week. The bear operators over extend themselves while the liquida tion Is In force and when the forced selling is over they Hnd themselves under the ne cessity of buying stocks to cover shorts on a rapidly rising scale of prices. Buyers at the bottom then come in to take profits and the process repeats itself on a decreas ing scale until the operations In the market lapse Into the hands of professional trad ers or until some Important new develop ment occurs to give a new Impulse to spec ulation. Sentiment in the financial district at present is favorable to a pause In spec ulative activity for the clearing up of the situation. The money market shows evidence of re lief by reason of the drastic liquidation effected as well as by the heavy flow of gold to New York from abroad. The settlement reserve, shows. A vs liable cash balance. IVRS6.T0; gold coin snd bullion. l"i7.M4..t; gold certificates, $43.20t,ia. ew lork Money Market. NEW YORK. May 7.--Money In call firm. S'liS per cent, ruling rate, 4'- per ceni; closing bid. 3 per cent; offered at 4 it cent. Time loans,' steady ; sixty and ninety day and six months. 5H,'fi per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE rAPKR-6Vfi per cent. 8'i'KHLlNG EXCH ANGE Firm at $4 Kiwi I&4.84H0 for demand and at Jt.Mfj 4 M'k'i for slxtv dav bills; posted rstes, t182 and $4 80; commercial bills, t 8"-o4 .!". SILVER Bar, 6t5'4c; Mexican dollars, 50'y BONDS Government, steady; railroad, Irregular Quotations on New York bonds today were as follows: ra. V. s. rr li, do coupon .... V. i 1. rf do coupon f 8. old . ret do coupon V. 9 n. . ra. do roupon Am. Tobacco 4a do Atrhleon Sen. 4a do ad). 4a Atlantlo T. L 4a Bal. AV Ohio 4a do 3Ha Brk. R. T. c. 4a Central of Oa. a do lat Inc do 2d Inc do Id Inc flies. Ohio 4'a... fhhato A. 3a..., f.. R ag n 4a..., C. R 1. P. 4a..., do col. ht fff. A St. L. 4a. Colo. Ind. fta. aer. A. do aerie R Colorado Mid. 4a fnlo. A So. 4a Cuba (a P. A R. C. 4a.... ntrtlllara' Sec. 6a Krt p. I. 4a do sen. 4a Horklnf Val Japan 4a .... Offered. . 2d aerie . . ? . .loll do 4a .-tta 4. ..101 do 4'iK ctfa l ..101 I do Id aertra .113 L. A N. unl. 4a 10." ..! Man. e. . 4a !Mc. Cantral 4a ; ..110 do lat Inc 2i .. I' Mlnn. A St. 1,. 4a.. M ..I1JH M.. K. ft T. 4a 101 ..loot,: Ao 2a M . MwiN. R. R. of M. c. 4a. II .. US N T. f. I. S ..105 IN. J. f. t Ha 127 .. M No. Taciac 4a. i 10i H do .la rb IU'WlK. V W. c. 4a 100 .. MVo. S. t,. rfdf 4a.... .. K4 (Penn. conv. ISa '4 o Rcadlns sen. 4a 0O4 10iViSt. U I. M Ta St. U ft s r. t St. I,. 8. W. c n Saahoard A. L, kUt'Bo Pacific 4a lni- do lat 4a ctfa.. 1 So. Railway 6a. . . 7V, 'Tanaa A P la. . 7.'.ii T . St. U ft W. . ! t'nlon Pacific 4 .104 i t S. Steel Id it .lc Wahaah la . 44l do dab. R toi jtVaaiarn Md. 4a.. o )W. ft I.. K. 4a.. 44a...l7V Wla. Canlral 4a.. 7'' c (a .IN If 4a. l 4a 4a. 40 . ""a . m . 4 .ll4 .1211a . Ml . 7 .113 . 7i . Boston flocks and Bonds. BOSTON, May 7. Call loans, 6(&7 per tent; time loans, dfjiti per cent. Official closing on stocks and bonds: adj. 4a. 4t.. Atchlaon do 4a Mi. Central Atchlaon do ptd Boston ft Albany. Porion ft Valno... Roalon fClcvated .. Fltchbiirf pfd Mexican Ontral . . N. V.. N. H ft H Amer. Arge. Cham. do pfd Amer. Pnau. Tuba.. Amar. Sugar ....... do pfd A mar. T. A T Amer. Woolen do pfd I)omlnlnn I. ft I Kdlaon Klac. Illu.. Maaa. Electric do pfd Maaa. Oaa I'nlted Fnllt t'nltcd Shoe Mail) do pfd I. S. S-.Ml do pfd Waatlng. common , Aaaed. iild. of the coal labor dispute Is regarded with t'nlon Pacific emphatic satisfaction in its bearing on tne confirmation of the soundness of the general business situation. More attention was given today than heretofore to the subject of Interruption of the lake trade by the strike of 'longshoremen. The unfavorable effect upon the Iron and steel Industry waa a subject of consideration. Western roads for the first time in many months admitted a falling off In traffic In spite of some extra business on account of supplies for fan Francisco. The activity of farmers In the fields was given as the sufficient explanation for the decline In the volume of traffic, but its conceded existence was noted, nevertheless. In the formation of the day's speculative opinion. The day's sub-treasury operations showed a large gain for the banks reaching for the new banking with $7.95O.0'i0. This was Inrgely due to belated accounting of gold Import operations and served to rec tify In part the discrepancy in the cash Item of the bank statement with the known movement of money. London discounts were firm today and sterling exchange moved In favor of londcn both here and at continental points. Reading, after losing nearly all of t loss, rose to the best and reasserted Its Influence in the general mar ket, prices at some piints rallvlng to the top. But the recovery again fulled to hold and the mnrkc-t Hosed lrr""ular. Bonds w ere li regular Total sals. pr value. $2.1111.(40. I'nlted Slates bonds were all unchanged on call. The following was the range of prices on the New York Stock exchange: Salra. Hllll. .. H'a.Advanturo .l"" Allouei -. 77 Amalgamated . . . ""'al Atlantic .."0t Bingham ..2S4 leal, ft Hecla.. .177 Centennial . . .'. . .14 Copper Hange .141 ItMIr Wat .. 4iFrankltn ..I7 tlranbr ..I44V1.I Royals ... .. 24 Maa. Mining . .. 4 Michigan .. 21 "Mohawk ..U't Monl. C. ft C. ..114 lilld Dominion .134 Oacaola .. aS'iiParrot . .1064 Uulncy .. 28V, Shannon ..24a Tamarack . . 17 Trinity .. a:Oa t'nlted Copper .. 44 !f. 8. Mining.. . .liWijf. 8. oil .. I'tah .. aoi,. victoria . . S Wlnnna ..IXVWolverlna . . 7 Nor1h Butte .. ... 4 ... M ...10-JV, ... I7., ... 4 .. tii ... j: ... 74l ... ... IS' ... I:-, ... it ... A ... ll ... 0 ... iV, ... an ...104 ... Ji'i ...06 ... t ... tj ... ... S9 ... 57, ... 10, . . . ... 7 ... ...1.14 ... London Closing: locks. LONDON. May 7. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were: 14c, case count. Receipts. Shipments. 7.0K) 7.i 54 mio 3'.'.oti 2n.0i 80.1OI I42.l) 13l,'Ki0 Minneapolis Uraln Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. May 7-Fl.OCjt First patents, $4.1iya4.iO; second patents, tS.BiifM.W; first clears, $;i.5iXfj3 .; second clears. $2.4nti2.65. BRAN In bulk. $16.26'(tl5 50. (Superior Board of Trade quotations for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery. The range of prices, as furnished by F. D. Day & Co., 110-111 Board of Trade building was: Arttcles. Open.l Hlgh.l Low. Close. Sat'y. Wheat-I May...' July... Sept... July... Sept... I 7ri'ir77i TMfl 77HS'V i m 1 w 1 18 I 77ii TSvhl 77 T; I 1 lft4' 1 17Sl 1 17ti I 76M 78H ' 7: 1 It 1 KvV 1 KiVai 8'i.i. 7'4flH, I 1 15 i 1 17 ' -114.,., 1 u, 1 16 1 16' a Wheat May July Sept. Corn Mav July Sept. Oats May July Sept. Tork May July Sept. Lard May July Sept. Rlba May July Sept. K1U MT-i 79V,3H, 79Si 7 47j 4TfaW! R''fl4.l I I SZ 31 is 0; 16 17H; 16 121 I I 8 38 8 40 ; V 56 I t 40 I t 57H I ' 807, !! 7 1 7', "T'x TTVr 77-h 47Vf 4t; 4V ! Sl', '4CS,1),' 45V 46: 46S 4iSi V I I I2V,32,'&'; 3";a 3o-an31 2S m 2S' 15 074' 15 in 15 I 15 16 15 17SI 16 10 I 8 35 g 35 8 4?H 8 40 8 0 t 55 8 47H 8 40 8 SO 8 60 8 C5 I 8 55 I 15 074 is !2v: 15 10 8 35 8 45 8 57 8 45 8 o 8 S2, 47 45', 46' 32 4 '2S 14 02U 15 10 15 C2i 8 30 8 37U S 60 8 36 S l 8 55 No. i. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOCK Market steady: winter patents, $3.5ofcS0; straights, ta.3fnifj.80; spring pat ents, tS.554i3ti; spring straights, $3.4a3.9u; bakers. 1 8H(iS.S)0. WHEAT Ni. 1 spring. Wri8'!c; No S spring. 70; No. red, 87SHle CORN-So. t. 4Hc; No. t veiiow. 4.4c OAIS-No. I. K4fii4c: No. i while. 331 S3c; No. t white. 31Vail3c. R YE No. 2. 58c. BARLEY Good feeding. 4(ij414c; fair to choice multlng. BKEDS-No 1 (lax, $1,074: No. 1 nor,h. western. tl.lJ4- Prime timothy, tl 3mul 3.) Clover, contract grade. $11 25 PROVISIONS-Mess potk. per bbl . $13 10 161. Lard, per Pal log.. 1 374. Short rlba aides Uooae). U 4a S 5. Short clear sides t boxed 1. $.5''fi 5. Following were the receipts and manta of flour and grain: . ... Receipts. Shipments. "Flour, bbls 23.2i i 1.0 Wheat, bu 1 ofa '.'i ,V) Corn, bu I o 7i Cia, bu 244. V 2U'"i Rye. bu 3.000 . j ,,) fcarley. bu 12 9m On the Produce exchange today the but ler market m steadv: creameries 134 ivc; dairies. 134j1Ih l-gs. stedv: al mark cases iucludiHi. I4'ul5: firsts. 15c: prime firsts, lc; extras, lbc. Cheese, steady, 4ii 1'iV.e. ship. Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. t hard, SnJ;ao; No. 1 northern. ib4c; to ar rive. 794c; No. 2 northern, 7hc; No. 1 durum, 73c; No. 2 durum. 31c: No. 3. Tb'a'77o. Corn: No. 3 yellow. 44c; No 3, 434c Oats: No. S white, 3ts1,e; No. 3. :9c. Bar ley, J9g47c. Rye, 5556c. Flax. 11.13S- - Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, May 7 WHEAT May. 75 4c; July, 72c; September, 704ac; cash, No. 2 hard, 774T81c: No. 3. 744'S4c; No. 2 red, 8816 80c; No. 3, 5& 87c. CORN May. 44 4c; July. 42 4c; Sep tember, 42 4c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 4'n", No. 2 white, 47 4l&4i4c; No. 3. 474c. HAY Steady: choice timothy. IU.1 13.75; choice prairie, 1 0.noftj 1 1.00. OATS No. 2 white. ? 3 43 14c. RYE Steady. t57c. EfiUS Steady: Missouri and Kansis new. No. 2, whitewood cases liu lud " I, 1.14c; case count. 13c; cases returned, 40 less. Bl'TTER Creamery. lie; packtnj;, 12 4c. Rveipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 55.0nO .17.000 Corn, bu 99.000 S8,00'l Oats, bu 6.000 lu.uoO Philadelphia Protlara Market. PHILADELPHIA. May 7. Bl'TTER Firm; extra western creamery. 21c; extra nearby prints, 23c. EOdS One-half cent higher; nearhv fresh. 17c at mark; western fresh. 17 4c at mark. CHEESE Steady; New York full cream, 13 4 6 He Liverpool Uraln and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. May '..-WHEAT-Spot. nominal; futures, quiet; May, oa 8r,d; July 6s 7td: September, ba 64d. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed, new. 4s Ad: American mixed, old, C4s 4d, futures, quirt; May, 4s 5d; July, 4s 44d. HOPS In London, Pacific coast, steady; 2 5 '8 3 10a. 3. 49c Peoria PEORIA. May 8 yellow. 48c; No. crada. 40 6 45c OATS Slow; No. I w hite. 32 4c; white. 32c; 10. 4 wnne. 3iijc. RYE Inchanged; No. ?. 4c. WHISKY Lower; on the basis of $1.28 for finished goods. Urala Market. 7. CORN Higher: Nj. No. 4. tic; 110 No. 3 Milwaukee Grala Market. MILWAPKEE. Wis.. May ".WHEAT No. 2 . lslble Kapaly of Urals, NEW YORK. May 7. The visible supply of grain on May 6. as compiled by the New York Produce exchange, was as follows Wheal, 88 431 00u bu.. a of !.7'.itt. fern. l.Sail.u" bu., a decrease of st rtin Oats. 14 Ssl.ftO bu.. a d crease of 1 S7 i4 Rye. 1.677 ' bu.. a decrease of 212. Barley, )..oo bu.. a decrease of 2".o. Lower; No. 1 northern. 82'iR3c northern. 7oii2c: July. 7ftc asked. RYE Lower: No. i, 62416 ',. BARLEY'-Dull: sample, 4oC'i54c, CDRN-Steady; No. 3 cash, July. 45 V. Adania Rxpreaa Amalgamated fepper American C. r American f. ft F. pfd American Cotton Oil Am. Cotton oil pfd American Expreaa H. ft L. pfd Amartcan Jce. aecurttlca. . . . American .Unwed OH Am. Llnaeed (Ml. pfd American Locomollva Am. Iocomotlve pfd American 8. ft K. Am. a. ft R p'd American Sugar Refining ... Am. Tobacco pfd. ctfa Anaconda Mining Co Atchlaon Atchlaon pfd Atlantic CoijI bins ruUlmore ft Ohio Bal. ft Ohio plil Brooklyn Rap'd Tranait Canadian Pacific Central of Ne Jeraey Cheaapcaka Ohio Chicago ft A lion ( hlcngo A Alton pfd Chicago erect Wtaicrn I hlcago ft Northwcatam . . . Chicago. Mil t!l. Paul.., Chicago T. ft T Chicago T & T. pfd ('.. C. c. ft Rl U'Uls 'olorado Fuel ft Iron Colorado A Southern Colorado ft So. 1st ptd Colorado ft So. 2d pfd Consolidated ll;ia ( orn Tro-lucta, rfg Corn Product a fd Pelawara ft Hudson Iiclaware. L. ft W lieivar ft Hie (irande Denver ft R C pld IHMIIIcra' Securitlca Kna Kne Ut pfd K.rle 2d pfd ucnrrHl Klectrlc Hocking Val'ey lllli. on Central International rayrr International Paper pfd Internal lonal Hump InternaC.onal Pump pfd Iowa ( entral Iowa central pfd Kar.raa city Southern kanaa Cllv So. pld Lrfiulpvllla ft Narhvllte Manhattan L Metropolitan Street R Mexican Central Mmnrapolla ft Hi. Leulr II , Si. P. ft . S. M M., St. H. ft S 9. M. pfd . Mltiurl Pacific Miai-ourt, Kanaaa of Texaa., M , K. ft T. pfd National Lead National K. K of l. pfd.. New York Central PNew York. (). 4.' W No'lolk Ai Wa.ilcrn Norfolk ft W. pfd I North Amrlcsn i Pacific Mill Pennsylvania People's Oaa P.. C, c, c. ft St. Loula . I HreM-ed Steel car ! PrcNMd Steel Car ptd ; Pullman Palac Car I Knadltig Heading Ut pfd Reading d pfd Itepuulic Steel R-puhllc Steel pfd Bock Co kcxk Ialand 10 pld St. L ft S T ti pfd at. Loula Snuthweatern St. Louis a W. pfd Southern Pacific So. Pacific pfd Southern Railway So. Railway pfd Tr.naas Coal ft Iron Teats ft Pacific Toledo, St. L. ft W T . St. L. ft W ptd I'nion Pacific . t'nlon Pacinc pfd I'nlted Statea Kipreaa t'nita'J Statea Realty I'tlltad Statta Hubbar I 8 Ruboer kld ( nlud Statea Steel I". 6 Siael pld 'a. -Carolina Chemical Va. -Carolina chtm. pfd .. Waliaah Vt'autsb pfd N alla-ra.-go Ktpr,tui Weetingliouaa Klectrlc .... Weatern liilon W'haallug ft Lake Kr'a Wlacoualn (antral W'ta Central pfd Nortkarn Pacigc Central Leather ('antral Leather prd Sloa-ShelTlield Steal (ireal .Norlliern prd Total aalta fur tha day. Iw. Cloa. 163. 1.4IH) 4011 LOT) IMS 102 Jl'a 1IU4. 101 son fonaola, money ... do account Anscondt Atchltm do pfd Baltimore ft Ohio. Canadian Pacific . ! Chea ft Ohio ! f hit ago OI. W f. M. ft St. P.... ! DeBeera I Denver ft R. O.... do pfd Erie do lat pfd do 2d pld Illlnola Central . . . Loulavllla ft Naah M., K. ft T S -li X. V Central. 7-i4 Norfolk ft W.. 70l 1J.40H 7110 ' lnfl 4,"0 :no 47.110 (too 4.30 4ofl S, SOO 6.4'HI . aoo eOO 4I. a0 1.400 boo 4.;oo jon lO.mxi 0l :7.Mio 100 1.3"0 2 0 4"0 S 400 1.200 2hi 2 ton M'lO 400 4.2'"0 1H.0MI 'A 4.2' Vl " 700 7Kl 100 7 .coo 700 mo l.KI SI4 3k 14 M 41 '4 114 14(4 US 10.1 242', ssh 101 n, 144 107H 'i4 :u i 28'. i :na IBS 84 . . S3S 'iai, IJ7', 2.1 7'a ltuf w. 'a 4;" '7S , 147 17:, tin, U in 24 Ha siH 40 17 '4 a os 1 13 147V 117', 1S1' 10.' i 237 4 8iw KH 14:1 107". TT'i ir.sw r.s 27 'a 148 44 32 1.14 22't 7 2'14 4 -.'., 3, 84 ikl, 41S 744, 47H ;, isj'a I8S Kf ;,4 u 24 ro . . I w do pfd .. tl Ontario ft w ..H Pennaylvanla ..110V, Rand Mlnea .14.1 Hea.ling . . a do lat pfd ..20 do 2d prd . .14m.. Southern Railway .. 17 I do pfd .. Southern Pacific .. tt t'nlon Pacific .... ..41 i do pfd .. 7i,P. g. steel .. 44Vii do prd ..17SV Wabaah ..14'! do pfd .. M'iSpanlah 4a SILVER Dar, steady. M ll-li;d per ounce. "co o-vo", per cciit. The rate ot discount In the open market for short hill Is 3Va3 15-16 per cent; for three months' bills, 8'tf4 per cent. 142 o 4 a ti 70 a 47 48 3-a, ma tv-t 87 40 i 108 21 4..1, J2 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Best Grades Cattle bhow Etreticth, Others Slow Steady. HOGS SELLING IN SATURDAY'S NOTCHES Liberal Receipts of heep anrl Lambs, lrlth Trade Reasonably Active at ame Prices PreTall laar l ast Week. SOCTH OMAHA. May T. IW. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 4.4o 4,160 ll.i4 8ime day last week 4,ik'ni 4 iJ i.3s Same day week before.. 2.b,d S." , St J Same three weeks ago... i.fxiS 4.7:41 in.oiil Sme four weeks ago.... 2.744 4.174 14.(l Same day last year 2,Rt; 3.otil 13.773 RECEIPTS TO DATE. The following table jhows the receipts of cattle, lions and sheep til South Omaha for the year to date, compared Willi Ust jrar; 1 ta I 40 1 tine i as 1 ISOo It 1 420 I 44 CAI.VKH. . I.. lto t at 1 ?to 1 I no 4 e I ... isn ;s I i:n 4 ji t 1" 1 tt i 4 1" 1" 1 ! 4 o S . 140 4 ho t 2)10 4 74 I 17S I 1 140 4 7S 1 17 t 74 1 114 I OS 1 140 I n 1 100 I 24 t 1 74 STOCK KH8 AM KKLDERS. 4 4 II li 1 f0 4 4 1 ao ;s 42 7 4 45 51 7 14" 44 4 0 1 420 I 74 14 !.a 4 an 1 :to 4 00 ii. S0 4 VI 4 444 4 N I :.. M 4 0 I. 7 f-t 4 2S fl 720 4 7 II 4JU 4 4 111 toi 4 74 4 f.10 4 40 201... ! 4 J 74 -,.414 4 40 21 447 4 44 Cattle Hogs . Sheep Omaha ChlcHgo Kansas City... St. Louis Sioux City Hogs. n.nti v" 4" V.XI ' (yti.lo bio b.ixl 6.07 1!HH. lJt-S. Inc. iH,3al i6.ll 47. WD 1MI.SS6 hPi.2U li;i,li4 6,".470 6h.6T ell.olj RANGE Of riiiCES. Cattle. J.'.bU'ub. to 1. ib'Uli.lo 2.6n'ut.UU i'.IOuo.iS CATTLE QUOTATIONS. The following will snow the prices paid for the ulneient Kinus of catlie on lite Si'Uth Omaha market: Oood to choice cornfed atccra ti.UO'uS.iO air to choice cornfed sler toiti Common to fair cornfee ttce.s.... 4.uou4.b6 Good to choice cows and heifers.. 4.lHa4 M talr to good cows and heifers 3.(a4.u0 Common to fair cows and heifers.. 2.9t"i3.0u Ciood to choice Blockers and feeder 4.tif5 .00 Fair to gond atockers and feeders. S.eVat.iK) Common to fair Blockers 3 0o3 B0 Bulls, Btags, etc 2.5iJn33.7o Veal calvea 3C4XB5.75 Tha following atiw sr.nws the nveraga plica of hofca- at bouth Omaha lor lha last several dayu, with comparisons: Date. IM. luu.104.,19O!.;ll2.11'JUl.!l9lX,. 20.. 21.. 22.. 24.. 5 82, 4 fj 4 Oil 7 7 8b, i 81 j 4 b2, a 75, 27 30. 1.. 2... 3.... 4.... 7 ;ui 7 11 8 I 5ooi i 40 42 7 02i atii b bOi i 33 7 Ob o Ki b 7b 6 4i 7 Obi b VJ 6 7k! 6 oi 7 1411 t 74 I h 6 92 I 6 72 i 14 C 41 b U b 431 6 W ill 5 34V4I t iS I t 361 1&..I iibM. h Wi 26.. 6 Knu, o 2:i1 4 ')! 6 33UI t 16 4 751 6 34' b 10i 4 7L' Mi 7 071 1 6 ill I 6 111 4 6i 1 77 7 03 6 65 6 2Vfe! 14 621 S4i 6 !oi 6 06I B 33 I 6 2oVtl 6 Hi j 4 S3 6 0 5 64( S 2o 2ii 5 1: 4 bi 6 101 1 m ft ii, a 27Hi 6 19, 4 oG I 7 01 1 6 72; S 17 b -Iht 6 it. 4 b 6 75i I 6 64 6 26 15 I 6 2" 4 ho j 6 72 7 02 b 22 I 6 2Sj 4 661 b W 9S, 6 tiRi I j 4 65 , 6 63 6 93 b 70, 5 22 April Aptil April April April April April April Apill April April May May May May May May May 'Sunday. The official number of carB of stock brought in today by each rood was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'ses Missouri racinc I'nion Pacific C. & N. W., cast C. & N. V.. west.... ('., St. P., M. & O ... C, H. & Q., east C, B. & y., west C., R. I. P., east... C. R. I. ft P., west.. Illinois Central Chicago Ot. Western. Total receipts The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buver purchasing the nuai- ber 01 head indicated: o 57 is 31 'i 6 2 66 24 5 2 15 7 1 5 1 1H 11 , .. 2 2 3 2 1K 65 4s 4 Metal Market. NEW YORK, M-ay 7. METALS Not withstanding the sensational advances re cently reported tha London tin market made another aptwr(acular advance durlr the day's session and closed betwuon 4 and lb above the ttnal prices oi lust. Friday, with spot quoted at fl3 and fu tures at LlaU 10S. . Till' lotnl mnrliiM advanced sharply-and closed at $42.; tu) ! Por"on sd.uu. rrivate cauies from London re garding the situation are very bullish and further advances, are predicted. .j - "v " ,T. IT L BL 111,- HUillll'. Cfinni.i- 1,-aa Irr.vulu, I.. r .....l.. I .. a...u,M, 111 i.uiiuuii, u mi Omaha Packing Co... Swift and Company. Cudahy Packing Co. Armour A Co Omaha Pkg. Co., St. Paul Vanuatu v t o Carey Lobntan & Co V. 1. Stephen Hill Huston & Co Hamilton J. B. Root & Co.... S. ft S Other buyers Cattle. . . 4; ..Utiti .. 213 .1.12 Hogs. Sheep. HOGS It wss A $6.1.i iiiuikci today, the same ss la-M Sx'iirday, the great big bulk of the hogs going at that price, with a few of the better loads at $tj 17H and $'3.i'0 top and a few of the commoner loads at I6.12H or under. In other words, tne hogs sold In exactly the snn-.e notches ss they did at the close of last week. While the trade was not especially active, owing In part Mo the efforts of sellers to secure a little more money, still there was a filr movement, snd everything changed hands by the middle of the forenoon or soon after. It will be noted from the table nf aver age price that the week starts out with vslues Just shout lie lower than tne open ing of last week, or lower than Hie high point of the year. representative sales head: nurVet steady; jearllnga, $o..'o lambs, $7 J6, clipped No. A. Sh. If. No A, rr 7 4 ... I no : put io II 6 100 ... t 4" 70 214 ... 4 la 7 ll ... Ii:'i 4 SSP . . II 14 14 ... 4 11W 4a 114 140 4 li 42 ....I..U7 Jl I i:( 44 30 ... 4 14 ?'.'0 ... 4 1214) 74 K4 t0 4 IS It ?44 ... 4 121, 11 ?35 ?J0 4 IS 4 134 . . 4 12", .'. : ... 4 4 0. .lit ?4il 11', 75 l.'J 40 g IS 47 41? J?0 4 IS 7! 1S7 l?n 5 ill ... 4 14 40 114 40 4 IS 74 JflO ... 4 IS :( !46 ... 4 IS 7 !'4 ... 4 14 41 ns ... 4 14 7a KD 40 4 IS 70..... ... 4 li II 1I ... 4 IS 1 :70 0 4 II 47 17J ... g 1b !0 240 ... 4 II 74 214 40 4 IS 74 Mi 140 4 16 74 :7 Kit It g 1,4 40 4 14 10 t0 ... is 74 ."la M0 4 14 S :2 ... 4 15 44 171 40 4 16 87-. 214 0 4 IS 4 Ifiti 20 4 IS 77 244 ... 4 IS 77 140 40 4 15 71 2"2 40 4 15 40 244 40 g 15 41 270 10 4 II 77 ' 40 4 15 71 r.:( 120 4 IS 4 2.VI 40 4 17 72 21 ... I 15 7f 24 80 4 17V, 41 177 ... 4 14 SI Il"4 ... 4 17', 71 20 ISO 4 IS 72 24i ... 4 17I, 4 360 ... 4 16 72 2B ... 4 IJi, 264 140 g 16 4 220 40 4 IT', 72 245 ... 4 IS 76 J!l ... 4 17', 14 ... IIS 71" 174 40 g 17', 44 222 14(1 4 16 , 2(11 ... 4 17', IS 14" ... 4 IS 4 ;7V ... 4M M 211 10 g It SHEEP- oday a ess man i3 8Kti 1.574 1.455 85 11 3u3 1 97 112 33 73 116 Xo 1.1K 2.iM 1.1146 1,743 346 2.110 1".IH "S 101", l n lit 1 42', 'll'a 44 41 114 144'a 11714 1S2 101V, 240 48, 101 l'.7 4J S it.,. i sto( closinir al ( anil fittur., at oHk, uocany no rinngc was reported. lsk ! pai iicmaiing in n io miy iiih-i im.i..- . -5 i beln a auoted at 11 S ro I s tf,, mm. tent. In other word. sellers were all try- 4.713 9,021 so fur as' lust about Totals 1.111 CATTLE Receipts of cattle, numbers were concerned, the same as a week ago, but considerably heavier than usual on a Monday. The pro of feeders was somewhat larger than was the case on most days last week, but the great bulk of all the cattle consisted of cornfed. steers. The feeling among sellers was that the market should be stronger, but this reeling j was confined largely to them, buyers no: lytic, at tlN.2u&lg.fi0: tasiiiiir ut tts,.n lug to get a little more money for their 'a 18.25. Lead w as Ss higher, at flii io i holdings of beef steers, while buyers did In London. I.ocallv the market was im- I not seem at all Inclined to let the market changed. Spelter wan 2s (id lowe:- at 1 go up to any great extent. Still some of 12 7s fid In, Ijondon, a'ld unchanged at i hu cattle which Jusl happened to suit Sti.OO fft B in in the local market Iron ... i ' them bronchi prices that were strong as , compared with the close of last week. On I the other hand, Kalesnien In many cuses ! found It hard work to get steady prices. I All this made the trade on beef steers a ' little slow. Among tne offerings today ! were a few cattle good enough to bring I $j.50. Receipts of cows were light, considering I the numlier of other kinds of cattle here. To call the market ateady wouiu pronauiy cover the majority of sales, although there were instances where salesmen thought thev secured strong prices, ami buyer as a rule were reporting their purchases as being strong as compared with tno close of last week. Stockers and feeders were In good re quest and sold freely at last week's prices. 1 n ,i t:.., r . . I - nnturt MOOVe I B II II I" I 1 1 IBH- V. T I vr middling "fair 12 3pT i wnaV larger than oi, most day. l..rt. ! TOrW. "Ky r-OXi in been'shor of -."11, Jft l.k. 6d higher In the Knglisl market, witli standard foundry nunied at 4s 6d an I Cleveland warrants, at 49s 9d. Locally lion was unchanged, with No 1 foundrv northern quoted at $1X.7S5 19.01); No. ; foundry northern, $18.25; S'o. 1 foundry southern. $1 8.2ojr 1 S.50; No. 2 foundry southern. 41 7.T5fi 1 8.00. ST. LOCIS. May 7 METALS Lead. Arm. $6.66'fl 5.70. Spelter, quiet, $5.95(i 5.97 Vi. i'ollon Market. NEW TORK. May 7.-PQTTONSpot closed quiet; middllim uplands. 11.80c; mid dling guir. 12.06c; snlei, 2.800 bales. NEW ORLEANS, Mav 7. COTTON Spot, firm; ordinary, P-lbc: gool ordinary 97nc; low middling. middling, 11 13-liic; middling fair, 12 3-16c; 4.200 H24, 141 V 47'4'(H.- Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. May 7 SEKi 'S Clover, r s: t6 : October. $167; prime mIhikc. $ ; prime timothy. tl.biV,; No 2 rye, 6fV- Oils a aid Reals. OIL ,TY, Pa.. Mav 7,-fflli 'reillt Kil. ances. II &. shipments, 112,718 I, bis.: aver, age. 66 V7 bbls.; runs, 11 J. f.Jh ; aver sce. SS.illk bhls ; o,;inieiils Lima. bbls : average. 7!" his : rciis. Lima. 71 -&4J bbls ; average, a.262 bbls S WAN'S' AH. (la. May 7.-4'iiI -Tuj pen- D.I.Ik. C.I. w.rLet. " '"JrLl -w a. n ki, i'i. i.i in. ni'ioi am., ,.--n ttt.4r-.M ;A. B and ('. $3 sn : I. tV9", F. .ii. f 1 northern, mc: No. 2 northern, 7ic; on' '4('7: (i. 4 1 V- M t4 .16- 1 ft " K '4 "a' Uack. o. 1 norlueru, ov:,c, .Vo. ; uut.h- M, 1.; N, $4.B, Kb. J4.W, W W . 4 ;i.' 40 1.400 aoo 1.204I 2.400 1.0M) 1.000 6,5110 iiinii t.2"0 ll g.V) 900 K.I'iO I.OOO l'l 2.100 100 a.',4.9oo 100 1.000 1.300 1 8' n 2INJ 200 l.iao 100 If-10 ' ,104 300 2"0 4u0 1(14.400 ni 2114 154', 1IW', 40', .IIS 47 S, 771, ni 48 ;, ;" 48 1)41, l. 0 481, MS 11 '27i; 7 ;t' 'iii, I", 6.i 4S-is 118 ', 144', an, J: 61 Hi', 112 20i, is US', Kl, 31 M 7b 144 47', MS 'isi, 371, 1831, 42 40 47i, 4 124 i, .'. 4 24 444 21V, 63, 4JS 114 34 ' 144 Jos 11 60S 1 4.1 A, 200 1,"0 1'rU 51.111 24. 2O0 10 400 Too 40 ' II ll'S M4S 4kS 2S 4S 44 60S IMS 4S 146 S 44 S SOS s 71 lS 1I3S 144S 11 7S S 47S .IIS 46 (6 UhS - s 77 202 1, 454 3S 4S i9 , 47S 167 127 1SJ 19', 45 7S 4 S 2 61 24 S 6.'S I42S 151 iw 20s al lh.l 148 II 46S 78', 34 S 137S 47', 'S 40 K 3t,S 134 "- s 74 48S 4i, 224 128S 0 12 2S s 25', 43 S 44 S 21 S 6.'", S 116 1S 144 1 30s 314 61 144 . 4 Skill-- riAAioKfie S 'HfttiiH t'.n laniiur,, Uft, '2 i February. T.Ooe; March. 7.K-J&7.15C. Spot Rio! ,us i quiet; No. 7 Invoice. Sc. loai, n, I Wool Market. "S i ST. LOl'IS. May 7.-WOOL-8teady : ' alum grades, combing and clothing. 21't -,c; light flue, 21ti'22c; heavy fine, 17 Si 20c; tub washed, 31ii27c. trsdn In sheen n.lahl be described as a good, steady market and tairiy active. Desirable kinds of bold sheep and lambs were in good demand and the offerings of such as a mie changed hands early In the morning. There were, however, a number of loads decidedly on the common order which were 11 little hard to sell, buyers apparently having little use for anything lacking in quality. There wen- very few wooied lambs in sight, the best being good enough to bring $ but good shorn lambs sold up to $u2j. Wooied wetr.ers and yearlings were also very scarce, but good clipped stuff brought $o.ii0 j.(io. From the tales below It wil be noted that a considerable proportion of the receipts consisted ol shorn stock, prob ably as much as half of Hie lotal urnvnls. it will also be noted tuat there was very little In the way of right choice or finished killers, either shorn or wooied. (Quotations: oi-uu 10 choice western lambs, I7.00iy7.35; ralr to good lambs, lii.uOkx 1. 110; cull lambs, I4.fiu4is.00; good to choice yeai lings, Koo'uti.ri; fair to good yearlings, $5.7 id 0.00; good to choice wethers. ttj.tgitVr, ,0; good Io choice ewes. ta.7iVD.2S; fair lo good ewes, t5.0ufc6.7j, cull sheep and bucks, J( Wrn.uo. Shorn sheep and lambs are bringing I'rices geneiany ioe(a al.;. wooied stock Representative sales: ! No. 1 H4: i llnnorf ou . .. , 141 clipped ewes 167 clipped ewes 460 western clipped ewes 2H2 western weiuerB 4e western clipped ewes -if- western clipped ewes 10 Western clipped ewes 'St western clipped ewes 19 western clipped ewes 2iti clipped lambs 287 clipped lambs L6H western clipped lambs 24S western clipped lambs 153 western clipped laoibs 817 western clipped lambs 2un Colprado jjwes.. , 15 Colorado ewea ..( ,. 44ri Colorado lamb feeders 119 Colorado lamb feeders.. 587 western lambs 323 Colorado lambs, clipped (1 Colorado lambs, clipped 10 western lamb feeders I 2 bucks ' 522 western lambs ' 5n4 western lamb feeders ', 51 Colorado ewe culls i 10 Colorado lamb culls ' .9 Colorado lamb culls I 4 Colorado ewea and lamb culls. Av. . 74 . O'l . 85 . !5 . So . 100 .' 9 . 94 . 100 . 97 . 74 . K8 . 81 . 79 . 80 . 81 . 84 . 83 . 73 . 71 . 67 hi nil 75 9i) 7S 74 74 Tr. 3 25 3 2t 4 35 6 :b 6 50 5 60 6 60 6 60 5 60 6 00 5 75 6 (Ml A 10 10 e io, 6 25 1 5 lo . C 15 6 01 6 An 6 .5 5 lb 6 75 (', 00 6 S3 7 441 7 00 i Cxi 4 5 4 fin 4 50 Kansas City Live stock Market. KANSAS CITY. May 7. PATTLK Re ceipts, 10.000 head, Including 2.100 southerns; market 5ti7l0c higher; stickers-and feeders weak: choice export and dressed bnef steers, t5.4itf4D.f4); fslr to good. $4.4("5.30; western fed steers. $3..Vtj5.40; stockeis snd feeders, t3.ortfM.75; southern steers. $3.SBfi 3.35: south ern cows. t2.504i'4 25: native cows. t2.5Cfi 1.60; native heifers. t3.5C&5.1K: bulls, 1 1.15 4 25; calves. $3.0("ri'..0ft. HOGS Receipts. 8.(810 head; strong 10 5c higher: top. $fi32't; bulk of sales. $n.l7'v 6.W1: heavy. tB.2MiD.32H: packers, $.204D.30; pigs and lights. t5.1'"an 25. SIIEKP AND LA MBS- Receipts. J.000 head; strong to 5c higher: lambs. $5.7507. 10; sheeo and yearlings, $4.77viin15: western fed yearlings. $n.0KiiD.t'i: western fed sheep, t.'JS WC.lo; stockers and feeders. H.I4W5.0O. I higher: American middling fair, D.SOd; good t middling. 6.32(1; middling. low imd- ling. 6 (6d; good ordinary, 5.78d: ordinary, 5 58d. The ssles of the dav were in, POO bales, I of which 1,000 bales were for speculation I and export and included 9. too hales of ! American. Receipts. H.Mt bales, all Ameri t can. I ST. LOl'IS. May 7. COTTON Si cad v: middling. 11 5-16c; sales. slxty-Hve bales; receipts, none; shipments, thirty bales; J stock. 33.302 bales. was experlencd in disposing of everything; at all (URirame. tteoresent stive ssles: 0 1 etna Nil Jaaror and Molasses. i NEW YORK. May 7 SI'Q AR Raw. I firm; fair refining. 2 15-16W3c: centrifugal, 96 test, S 3-92aGKt". molasses sugar, 2 11-16 , W2c; refined, steady: No. 6 4 lie; No. 7, ' 4 0c; No. 8. 4c; No. 9. t.95c: No. 10. 3.v; No. 1 1. 3 85c; No. 12. 8 80; No. 13. 3.75e: No 14, S.75c; confectioners A. 4.45c; mould A, 4.95c; cut loaf, 5.30c; crushed 5.30c; pow- dered, 4.70c; granulated, 4.60c; cholcs, I 4.65e. I NEW ORLEANS. May 7-8l(lAR- I Market quiet but steady; open kettle, cen trifugal, S-giJ 7-18c: whites, 344: yellow. SS63)ic; seconds. il 1 I'ic; molasses nominal; open kettle, llif 1 io; centrifugal, "iSiioc. 1 'oltee Market. 1 NEW YORK. May 7-4,'OEFEK-Fiitures i opened steady at a decline of .VjjlO points ! under a little liquidation and selling. 1 prompted by heavy cables and receinta. ! The market closad steady, but 10T15 points 1 net lower. Sales for the day were reported 1 ' of ,750 bags. Including Mav at DSOc; Ju!v, S4.ic; September. D.V?('D.70e; 0-tober. 6,M''a' 1. .. I... I. . 20.'.', 3... 1.. i . i 14.. 16.. 4 . I 1.1.. ' 11.. IS.. , 14.. 43.. I to. . ' 4.. 1 .. lis.. 1 10.. , 17.. ' to.. 40.. ; 27 . ; 20.. I 11.. , M . 40.. I 20.. I 14.. 1 15 . 24.. 1UCLK . ..1410 , . .1033 ... 741 . .. MS . . . 655 . . . 1404 . . . 430 ,..l(M'l ... 733 . . .104 ... aim . .. 436 ...1131 ... s: ...107 ... 411 ...1171 ...1175 ...p.7 . .1272 . ,.12'J7 ...1264 ...1120 ...IHS4 ...1047 .. .1161) ...ut .. .1114 ...1241 ...11?3 ...1S60 ...KMa 400 tn, tis 24 48 142 40S 4'tt (00 I4II 2. aoo I 100 5 0.81 1M 41 S 74 241 74 2VS 1.144.100 aharra. I"4 10s 44S 24, lo4 41 S Its s 4'S 144 S 41 1"2S 'S 2as Rlatl. Bolter Market. KLGIN. III. May 7. Bl'TTER Stesdy, at iOc; sales for the week, 42S.COJ pounds New York Ulalng Itocka. N BW YORK'. May 7 Closing quotations en min rg stocks were: Adam, Con Alu-a Breaoa Hruuwua Con 1'omllo, k Tuunal . 011. 1 ,1 4k Vs .. H irs kiilvar t.tu tdlvar Ianvilli ton onered. . .0 . liio . i . 67 . ! 10o .Ji 6uC . 4 Ullla Chlaf ... Oatarto Ophir Phoaolg I'otoal fiataga iarra Naaada Suiall Hopas ., Standard S m -4 . 2 . 14 . 44 . 24 . 3a 0 Bank t'learlnajs. OMAHA. May 7. Bank clearings for to. day were $1,963,210.42 and for the cor responding date last yoar tl.47t.992. 77 Treas.ry fttalrmeat. WASHINOTON. May 7 -Today s state nen of ihe treai'try ba'.an'-a in the gen- CHI4 A(iO I.IVK KTO K MARKET Cnllle Ten C'enta Higher llogt. Sheep and I. a nibs Steady. CHICAGO. May 7. CATTLE Receipts, 22. om head: market loc higher; common lo prime steers, MOPfiDSI; cows, $3.!Vii l.t'i; heifers. $2.7fi5.15; bulls. $2 6"nl25; ralvca. $2 7.(i5 75; Blockers and feeders $2.75'ii5.',l. I Hi SiS Receipts, S4.1K1O head: slci'dy; i choice to ptime heavy. t 4C-ir0 45; medi itii 1 to good heavy, ii 36u4i 40; butcher weights, j $6 4oa4i 45; good lo choU e h"avy lulxeu, ' $6 32Vn37H; packing. $i. 706 35. 8IIKKF AND I.AM R8 Receipts. 27.000 head; market steadv; sleep. $4.75ij.8i; i-ear- I lings, $o.VV'i6 90; lambs, $S5cfj7.5j. j Block 1st wlarbl. Receipts of live stock at the six principal ' western maraeis yettcroay: I 'at tie. . 4.2 45 . ! .lrt.ri . 1 3 . 2 ,22. "in South Omaha Sioux City Kansss city Ft. Joseph St Iiuia Chicago Hogs. S'le-p. 4.1M 11. (H4 Iff"! 4,(i 5 (r 4,'l 115? J51 l.fxn Jl.rm r.Oi.) 65,573 4S.: I I... 1.. 1.. 4 . 2.. I.. I.. 1. . I.. 1.. I. . T.. 1. : 1.. I. . 6.. . II. . 4.. T . 1. . 4.. T. 14 . I . I . 4 . 14. . 4 . 2. 1 1 4 . 4 . 1.. 4. . 4.. 10.. I 1 . 1 1 . 1. 1.. 1 11.. 1.. 1 I I . I . . 12"3 . .1074 . .u;2 .. 124 .. 476 . . 420 . . 70 . . 714 .. 450 . . 766 . . 6U . .1140 .1:40 . .IOiO ..HlU ..1101 . . ; 270 ..111') .. 60 . . 400 . .lotJ .10.5 .. 477 ...017 . .1400 ..lit . .:no5 . 1"24 ..lil'S . .Ht .. Iu6 .. '4 . . ' .. 471 . . 4..0 . . 7:'0 .. U7 .. 6.J .. 716 .. 47 .. 72: . 1030 . . 1 '. ao . . 1 1 Ml . . 1470 . . 1 1 10 . .14" . 14W . !(.'0 . I'v.a . i' 40 . nv ..A ..!'! 4 00 4 116 4 10 4 U 4 26 4 2i 4 to 4 25 4 40 4 40 4 45 4 45 4 50 4 4 66 4 40 4 to 4 40 4 45 4 70 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 65 4 40 4 10 4 40 4 SO 4 46 4 46 4 r, 4 65 4 0 4 46 : 25 1 60 2 44 2 15 I 20 I 46 I I 45 S 50 1 50 I 50 3 t I 65 1 eo 1 to I as 1 t; 3 i 70 I 70 I i" 1 75 a 75 I ao 1 81 3 5 I 65 I a.. 1 ' I. 3. . I. .. 14.. 10. . 4. . 54. . 16. .. It . :o.. it.. II. . 14.. ji.. St.. St.. 14. . 14 . 14 . 15. . 43.... 13... 17.... 4S.... 14 . . . 14... 1... 12... 44... li... 7..., CO'l" H 4... 14... 1... I... i.!. 1 .... 1... 1... 1 ... 6... I... 4 .. 1.. . 12. . I... 2. . . 7... I... I. . . 1... 4 .. I... 1 .. 4. . . 44. 1 HEIFtKa 4. ..lit ..12'3 ..!21 . .1272 . .1370 .11110 . .12144 ..1324 .1111 ..1422 ..1254 . .11.1 ..1.133 .1341 ..1240 . .i;;4 ..124 . . 1 4 ..U7 ..1224 ..1244 . .1881 ..13114 ..1204 ..1222 ..1134 ..17? ..1404 ..1330 ...1245 , . ISOO .1230 , . . 1421 . 1242 ...13.0 ...455 .. 113 . .. tttl , .. 140 . .. Wil . . . 6JU . .11-20 ...IM . . .1230 ...110 ...1170 . . . 1040 ...1"42 . ,.r.8j ...1244 ...1035 . . l:i ..I 64 ...1IC3 ...1174 . ..l(l ...1174 . . . into . . .120 ...loo . . . 10.10 ...alt ...1042 ..1140 : ft I on 4 Vt I 20 3 t 1 li I - 3 40 I 70 I 75 T I. 23 I 2 ao t 75 1 as 2 f J 00 I li 3 2t I 2 I . ". 3 I 35 31 4 bills r.41 . "t i . ,'4 . 7-l . . 3 . (I20 ,. 470 .1170 .1170 .n?o .r40 1,'tO 1410 ,la .lajto . IW' ?'M. 1430 .1714 4 Si 4 64 4 45 4 10 4 40 4 10 4 i 4 00 4 no 6 00 6 "0 I 00 5 06 f (it I 10 6 10 C 10 I 10 I 10 . I 14 I 10 6 15 6 II I 15 I 16 I 16 I 10 6 26 I M 6 2J 5 26 I 25 i 35 f, lo I ill 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 OO 4 00 4 00 4 01 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 (4 4 0" 4 l'5 4 ta 4 1(1 4 16 4 16 4 JO 4 20 4 25 4 2 '. 4 25 4 2 ', 4 2a 4 1 4 14 4 .V. 4 40 I 60 3 40 4 00 4 Do 4 li 4 15 4 2) 4 i 4 3a 4 5i 4 7S I 40 3 I" 3 51 4 60 6 CI 4 60 3 44 1 6 I 6 I 41 1 4 1 15 1 4i i - l. I.onls Live Mock Market. I ST. LOl'IS. Mo.. Mav 7 CATTLK-Re-I celpts. 2.00) head, including l.Oon head Tex I ans: msrket higher: native shipping and espon BI'TIP, f.0"tiu.iw, iiiranru u-ci at till butcher steers. $3.7O'ii6.0O; steers under 1,0(0 pounds. t3.Jirii4.IO; stockers and feeders. $2 40014 50; cows and heifers. $.'.0(i(Jfj.OO; ren tiers. $1.5042 2.40: bulls, $2.4l"a4.26; calves. t-.r4ri6.50: Texas and Indian steers, $3.nvgi 4.75: cows snd heifers. $2.O1i.90. HOGS Receipts. J.ioO head: market Be higher: pigs and lights, t8.6ntfi.40; packers, $i..((ft"(.4(j; butchers and best heavy, $6.30'if H.45. RHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.500 head; market steody; native mutions. $4.00 in lit; lambs, $5.50''i4i.i1; culls and bucks. 3.tXr7i4.(.. 4t. Joseph Lire Kloek Market. 8T JOSEPH, Mo.. Mav 7 -CATTLK-Re-ceipta. l.ti'3 head: market ateady lo strong: natives. HlHtib.m; cows and heifers, $1.7t'ii 4.50: stockers and ff edera, H.O(ioi4.60. HOGS Receipts, J.423 head- market steldy; llirhl. $1.1Mi6.:,214; medium to heavy, $6.17V1'-5; bulk of sales, $6.17Wi D.22H. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 3.152 Mont City Lite tnrk Market. SIOI X CITY. Ma, 7.-(Six'cial Telegram I 4' ATI I.E--Receipts. 2.W fend. niniKel Pk hishrr. active, beeves. 44 ta"iifi a"; cows, bin, a and mixed, ti 'Vo4 fi"; stockers snl feeuei-s. (m;i4; caiven and vearllngs, tH.& HtKlS Receipts. Mill head: lllMlk't siroiit.. sililng at tH.H7tiii.lS; bulk of sales. $ii('7ai6, 10. OMAHA MIIOI.K4i.r: V4.RKI.T. CoDdlllon nf Trade and taolatlons on tnple anil Kane- Produce. EGGS Receipts, liberal; fresh stock, cats count. 15c. LIVE Pol'LTHV - Hens. lCllc; roosters. S'nc; turkeys. 15c; ducks, 11c. lil 'TTKK-Packing stoca. lie; choice lo fancy daily, loc; creamery. 21 '11 21 Sc- HAY Prices quoted by onui.t reed com pany; No 1 upland. $7: medium. $6.iu; coarse. $6.(06.iO. Rye straw, ttiO. BRAN P r Ion. $I..M. NEW VEGETABLE?. TOMATOES-Floildu, per -.late of 31 lbs, net. to iu, WAX BEANS Per box of about 80 lbs. net. $4.50. STRING BEANS Per box of about li lbs . net. II. TI RNIPS, BEETS AND CARROTS -Louisiana, per dos. bunches. 45c. HEAD LETT! CE Louisiana, pr bbl.. J7; per dox. heads. $1.0Olil.25. LEAF LETTl'CE Hothouse, per do, heads, 15c. CL CLMBERS-Holhouse. per dot., tl 00y 1.50. ONIONS-Colorailo. yellow and fed. 2V,o per lb ; Spanish, pr crate, $2 00. Ml'SHhOOMS Hothouse, per lb., BoacOo. R A DISHES Hothouse, per doa. bundle's. 50a 75c. TROPICAL FRCITS DATES Per Ikix of 30 1-lb. Pkgs . $2.00; Hullowe'en, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 5c; Say ers. per lb., 4c: walnut stuffed, 1-lb. pkgs., $2 00 per dox.: S-lli. taixes. $100; 'arras, all sizes, $3.25: Meaiterranean awecta, U.A. seed lings, $3. ORANGES California, extra fancy Red land navels, all, 13.35; fancy naveih, $3 25: choice, all sixes. $3. LEMONS - Llmoniers, extra fancy, 210 size. $4; 300 to 360 size. $4.25. KiaS-Calilornia, per 10-lb. carton. 75-8 S5c; Impot'ted Smyrna, three-crown. He, six-crown, 13o. BANANAS Per medium sued bunch, tl.7fiiii2.25; .iutubos, 2 Bon 3.00. TANGERINES California, .per box of about $3.00. GRAPE FRUTT-Califronla, per box. $5.00 6 50. PINt'APPLEB-Slzes 24. 30 and 36. $5; six 42. $1.75 FRCITS. PEARS-Wlnler Nellls. $2.50. AI'I'LES California, Ben Davis, t? per bu. box; Wlnesaps, $2.50 per bu. box; other varieties, $2.002.50 per bu. New York ap ples. Baldwins and Russets, $6 per bbl. GRAPES Imported Malagas. $6.007.50. POTATOES Home grown, per bu.. Si'V 60c; South Dakota,, per Hu., 7f(Jr75c. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $l.(sj; No. 2. $1 75. LIMA BEANS Per lb., 5c. CABBAGE California, 3,c per lb.; Wis consln. In crates, per lb.. 3c. CELERY-Floritla. $1.26 per dog. SWEET POTATOES Illinois, per 5.1-peck bbl., $4 76. BEEF CI'TS. No. 1 ribs. 12c; No. 2 ribs, 10Hc; No. S ribs, 9c; No. 1 loins, 15c; No. 2 loins. U'c; No. S loins. 11c; No. 1 chucks. 5Vc; No. 1 chucks, 5Sc; No. 3 chucks. 6c; No. 1 round, 8c: No. 2 round. 7V: No. 3 round. 7c: No. 1 plate, 3V: No. 2 plate, 3c: No. 3 plate, 2Vic M 1 SO E i-,1 . A N EO C S. CIDER Per keg, $3.75; per bbl. $6.75. HONEY New, per 24 lbs., $2.50. CHEESE Swiss, new, 16V; Wisconsin brick. 15c; Wisconsin Umbeiger, 15c; twins. U'fcc; Young Americans, 15c. NITS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb.. 15Vic; hard shells, per lb.. iSV- Pecans, large, per lb., 14c; small, per lb., 12c. Peauuts, per lb., 6',c; roasted, per lb Sc. Chili walnuts, per lb.. 12'al3&c:. Almonds, ufl shells, per lb., 17c; hard shells, per lb., 15c. Cocoanuts, $4 per suck of luo. FRESH FISH Trout, 11c; halibut, lie; pickerel, dressed, Jc; white bass, 11c; sun fish, (Jc; ptrch. skinned and dressed, 8c; pike, 9'SjlOc; redsnapper, 11c; salmon, 13c; nniia c: eels. 18c: black bass. 2:'c: whlteflsh, Ii.iil2c; frog legs, per doi., 55c; lobsters, green, 3sc; boiled lobsters, 42c; blueftsli, 15c; hern a, 6c; Spanish mack erel, 10c; haddock, Kc; shrimp, $1 per sal.; smelts, 12c: cod, 12c; bullheads. 12c; catnsti, lie; roe Bhad. 75c; flounders, 11c. OYSTERS Fresh standard. $1.40 per gal.; hell oysters. $1.00&2.UU per 100; Little Neck clams. 41.50 per 1W. 8LUAR Granulated cane. In bbls., $o.0b; f;ranulaled cane, In sacks. $5.01; granu ated beet. In sacks, $4.91. BYRt'P In barrels, 24c per gal.; In cases, 6 10-lb. cans, $1.00; cases, 11 5-lb. cans, $; cages. 24 2-lb. cant, $1.90. COFFEE Roasted: No. 35, 25vo per lb.; No. 30, 2iSc per lb.; No. 25, 18o per lb.; No. 20, loVkc per lb.; No. 21, 12V,c per lb. CURED FISH Family whlletlsh. per H bbl., luo lbs., $4.50; Norway mackerel, per bbl., 200 lbs., bloaters, $40.00; No. 1, $28. Co; No. 2, $16.00; No. 3, $20.00; Irish, No. 3, $18.00; herring, in bbls., 2vV lbs each; Norway. 4k, $13 00; Norway, 3k. $13.00; Holland, mixed. $11.50; Holland herring, ill kegs, milkers, fie; kegs, mixed, 70c. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west ern, 65ij6i)c; Maine, $1.16. Tomatoes. 8-lb. cans, tl.25iil.50; 2-lb.. 97cf?J1.00. Pineapples, grated. 2-Tb., $2.06i2.3o; sliced, $ 1902.20. Gallon apples, fancy, $3.75, California apri cots $1.4"'2.0O; pears, $1.7502.50; peaches, fancy. 1.7o(tt2.40; H. C peachea, $2.0(K62.50. Alaska iirttion, red. $1.15; pink. uc; fancy Chinook, J'., $2.10; fancy sockeye, F $195; sardines, Vj oil. $2.50; mustard, U.brnt 3 10. Sweet potatoes. $1.15i&.1.26; sauerkraut, tl oO; pumpkins, SOcthtl.Oo; wax beans, 2-lb., 75490c; lima beans, 2-lb., 75cfitl.35; spinach. $1.36i200; cheap peas. 2-lb., 80c; extra, 7j'ff 9uc: fancy, tl 3o&l.TB. HIDES, PELTS AND TALLOW-No. 1 green hides. 9c; No 2. 8c; No. 1 Baited. 11c; No. 2, 10c; hull hides, 74tlc; dry bides, 124r20c. Horse hides, large, $3; small, $2. Sheep pelts, each, o0cifjl.26. Tallow, No I. 4c; No. 2. 84c; rough, Hie BONDS Paying 41 to 5! WRITE FOR OIR LIST A.B. LEACH & CO. Formerly F ARSON, LEACH NKW VOKK UOSTON CO. CHICAGO PHILADELPHIA IS FAST TIME OMAHA TO TMEEAS' Koe our schedules to some of the principal eastern citios: 4. 41 t 1 4V Detroit 21 houns I Indianapolis 21 hours Buffalo 27 hours j Cincinnati 24 hours Syracuse 30 hours Pittsburg 26 hours Albany 33 hours Philadelphia. ... 35 hours New York 37 hours Baltimore 36 hours Boston 44 hours Washington 3S hours The Illir.ois Central's fast "Chicago Limited" train leaves Omaha at 6:00 p. m. Fast day train at 8:00 a. m. Iicn depot connections in Chicago for nearly all prin cipal points. Steamship tickets to all European and Asiatic points. Cnfc car service. Tickets and information at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam St., Omaha, S-taUEl NORTH, District Passcncer Afltnt v ir Total receipts.. .42, 12