TIIE OMAITA DAILY BEE? " SUNDAY, MAY 6, 190G. 3 WANTED MALE HELP Some Hard Sense Hints Don't for a minute think that yon fan't be a ancceas. You've probably noticed that where one man succeeds five others fall. The five who are called failures in life are failures because they admit they are failures because they have ceased to strive. They live In the past. They lack the courage to try again and still again until they wrest success from failure. . If you are working somewhere where your efforts pass unnoticed, where promotion is hardly possible, get Into a new line of business. Become a stenographer. Learn to write shorthand and operate a typewriter in an abso lutely thorough manner. Get your training In stenography at BOYLES COLLEGE Hundreds of opportunities await you for you position right at the elbow of rofnt, where you have every opportunity ine Dullness wnere you can quickly acquire a knowledge that will make you Borne of the greatest men In the Stenographers. It is the stepping stone Right at the beginning you get a splendid salary, you can secure pleasant congenial employment; you rub elbows "powers that be" of the house with which So, If you don't feel that there's come in and talk the matter over with brilliantly educated to become a good in your early education can be quickly hare a talk about the matter. We will or a brother. If you can't call, send for free catalogue. BOYLES COLLEGE II. B. BOYLES, President. WANTED For U. 8. Army, ablebodled un married men betwecu ages of 21 and 36; cinacnu of United States, of good charac ter and temperate hablla, who can speak, read aud write English. For Information apply to Reorulting Ullko, 13th and Doug las Sis., Omaha; Lincoln and Grand Is land, iSeb., or Sioux City, la. ' B m WANTED Men to learn barber trade Sohoiaiuhip includes complete outfit ot tools, diplomas and positions. Board and room provided. Tew weeks com pletes by this method. Special Induce merits now. Call or write, Moler Barber College. 1U Farnam tit. . e-MlM Mix WANTED Men and boys to learn plumb ing trade; wages $4 60 to $.oo per day; Colorado School Practical Plumbing; largest school In west; 16s3 Arapahoe, Denver, Colo. B Mtiu2 Wx MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing, bricklaying, plastering trades; pays fo a day. Coyne Bros. Co., New York. Chi cago, Cincinnati. St. Louis. Free CA loaue. B 234 WANTED Three men of good personal ap pearance; coit.ilde position; steady em ployment C, F. Adams Co- 1U Jiowfd fit. B 2S6 DRIK stores bought nd sold; drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knleat, 624 N. Y. Tg38J WANTED Four or five good boys; Day.. A. D. T. Co.. 02 S. ISth St. good B M941 M4 WANTED Bey who works during th day to slsen to office at night. Address D18, Be. B M430 WANTED Wide-awake young rnan with 13,000.00 to take ectlve part n paying business : good town. Address DO, care Omaha Bsa. B-M556 MAN of practical experience In Industrial disability Insurance, who can shew a clean record, to take chafg if Industrial de aartmant. ir eity ot Omaha, also district agenla In neighboring cities, correspon dence confidential. Standard Life and Accident las. Co., Detroit, Mich. - B M508 10X WANTKT-Men to lesrn barber trade; lust the season t begmi few weeks cora sUetes; wopey earned from start; gradu ates paid III to 20 weekly; tools and positions gtvert. Call or write Meier Bar bs ooiiegs, Ul Farnaaa Bt. . B M630 Ux ON of th best western old line hfe In surance oomptuilns. old enough to mature its contracts, which are turning out bet ter than the estimate Whri sold, wants experienced fteid men. Address Old Llte Uasiksr Life Insurants company, Lincoln. Neb. B-Mt42 i WANTF.&ekttil everywhere, good pay, to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack ' signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na tional Distributing Bureau. 100 Oakland Bank Bldg.. Chicago, iU. B MtxM Cx WANTED I boys. Omaha Box Co.. East Omaha. B-666 6 WANTED Ftrst-chMis office man; must be thoroughly experienced; Al references re quired. Address D 22. Bee. B MM1 I WANTED SxpertenoeA bushelman, Ad diess D 27. Bee. B-M5C9 t WANTED Carpenters accustomed to re ptllrlng freight ears. No trouble; good steady work for competent me a. Apply to Mt. Vernon Car Mfg. Co., ML Vsrnoa, Illinois. B-MKOO C wantmd A boy for delivery, about 16 or 17 years old. Inquire at i2 Sherman Ave. B-Ml IN SIX WEEKS you can become a suc eafni enmmerelsl traveling salesman. . We teach you free and get you responsi ble position. ireosireet Bonooi iom mercial Salastaansiilp, Buffalo, N. Y. B 681 Cx SALESMAN tit per week, board and ex Dense money advanced: visit stna.ll towns la vlolnlty. distrlbtite samples. take orders and make collections; un usual opportunity for man oi aouity; position permanent and salary Increased It satisfactory. Address Proprietor, Dept. N, Box Ui, Philadelphia, Pa. CIVIL SERVICE KXAMINATlONg will be held In every stale during the summer and fall. Full Information and questions recently used by the Civil Service Com . mission free. Columbian Correspondence - College, Washington. D. C. B WANTED1 Experienced Omaha Crockery Co. paoker. Apply B WANTED Canvassers to sell Automatlo Screen Door Catches: make big money; sample catch, postpaid. $60. Automatlo C4k Co,, Cbicago. B-734 x WANTED Four men to travel In each state, distribute samples and advertise for goods; salary, $il sr week and ex penses, guaranteed; expanses advanced; experience unnecessary. Ad4ress, with tamp, statin sge and occupation, Reeve Co., 407 Dearborn St, Chicago. &-761 IX HONEST man to travel, place samples frocertes, etc.; experience unnecessary; is week and expenses. Kel-Bro, Manhat tan Bldg., Chicago. B 763 x MANAGER WANTED Every section, to Selact agents tor "Gameosclence,'' world's greatest new lawful game for drinks or cigars; takes place forbidden slot ma chines; alayed with nickels or quarters; one to seven persons can play at once: finish beautiful, like eash register; rented or sold on easy payments; sample sent free. Proposition will please you If we still have opening In your section. United Sporting Goods Mfg. Co., Dept. 69. Chi cago, 111. B Jo Ix SHOW SALESMEN To sell as slds line "Royallette," while canvas shoe cleanser, to retail dealers; satisfactory comunia sion. Write for terms. Fuke-Towne Co., Boston. Mass. a ?d6 fx BOOKKEEPER and office man. with $1,600 to txsuo. far retail dry goods store, young man, steaay position, write wnampeny Dry Goods Co., Helena, Moat. B S I pauptiSITOIIS A few good, reliable Super oomposltorg can secure steady em ployment at good wages by wrlung Na tional Frlctlng and Lugravlng Co., Ntlea, Uch. Open snop. B eal POSTER FRINTEW An A-l poster printer oaa secure steady employment at good wages by writing National printing and raving Co., Mies, Micta. Otn shop. 6 t sshme wiNTTJ) A furst-claaa tlnn ko caa do all kinds of enact metal aud e.,..w fne ulunibing er wtudmlU woikl. tn a good NesnuU town; good sum steevST work aad a gond )ue tm a , oars tmm. I EX WANTED MALE HELP in the field of stenography. It gains the boss or of the head of the depart-1 ot learning every little in ana out oi i grasp every aetan ot me uunina uu practically Indispensable. highest professions today began as to success. with and become a confident of the you are connected. much of a future in your present line, us. Don't think that you need to be stenographer. Any small deficiencies overcome here. Anyway, come In and advise you just as if you were a son BOYLES BLDG., OMAHA, NEB. DON'T HESITATE TO SEE US IF YOU ARE IN KEARCH OF A POSITION. OI R OFFICES ARE FURNISHING THE BEST ilOCKES IN OMAHA AND THE Wk-ST DAILY WITH MEN TO FILL, RESPONSIBLE POSITIONS AT H1UII SALARIES. Partial list of vacancies: Bookkveper and Stenographer, manufac turing house, tOO. Bookkeeper and Stenographer, commission house, '. General Oltlce Clerk, wholesale house, $50. Draftsman, architectural. i,E to il'IO. City Salesman, manufacturing house, 7t and exoensea. . Civil Engineer, locating work, Oklahoma, Bill Clerk. Remington. WO. i Toung Men, wholesale house) excellent otiDorunltv lor advancement: (40 to start. We guarantee every position to be just as represented. Sea us at once or write far complete list or vacancies ana DOOKiet. WESTERN REF. ft BOND ASS'N (Inc.), Dept. H, 840-B41-84Z N. x. Life tsia, 3B- Ton wttt ftnd below a partial ttst of open ings to be filled at once: Retail drug salesman (registered), 163. First-class shoe salesman, 175 to flOu. Dress goods salesman. Clerical man. 140 to t'S. Stenographers and bookkeepers, $60 to $iB. Mechanical draughtsmen, high salaries. Collectors, salary and commission. Solicitors, 14 to 115 daily, salary and com mission. Investigate, The above openings are to be filled at once. We also have many others. We are the largest concern of the kind in the west and assure you of prompt service and courteous treatment. Cell or write. BRAIN CLEARING HOUSE, Sa-22 N. T. Life, B M867 7 WANTED A baker; a good, steady Job for the right man: young man preferred: good references required. Harris' Bakery, uarian. la. ex MANAGER ef well paying industrial com pany; must nave ii,m and be wen recom mended. Call or address. 619 Bee Bldg. B-UsuS 8X WANTED Stained glass cntters and gla ciers. Steady employment. Ford Bros. Glass Co., Minneapolis. B 601 6 BOY wanted. Moyer Stationery Co.. 220 S. 16th St. B 799 6x WANTED A first class moving picture op erator for traveling company; also an ex perienced niano player, preferably one who can sing Illustrated songs; can also give engagement to good descriptive singer, call Monday between 4 and a p. m., 6u 8. Utn St. B cx YOU NO MAN Will you oonstder a perma nent, salaried position at uuo per year. with opportunity for promotion to tl,6o0? Wo want you to Qualify for this kind of position. Call or write Underbill, Omaha office, S320 North 24th St. B 776 t REPRESENTATIVE wanted In every lo cality, 13.00 a dsy and expenses; applicant must be honest and willing to learn the real estate business thoroughly by mnIL Write North American Realty Co., Des Moines, La. B 721 Cx MEN Every where : good nay: pass circu lars, tack signs; no canvassing; stoady. Continental Distributing Service, Chicago. a 72t ex WE will make you a present of tlOO. give you a splendid suit of clothes every 90 days, enlarge your picture free and pay you a salary of tw per month and all traveling expenses to take orders for the greatest and most reliable portrait house In the world. All this will be guaran toed. Address R. P. Martel, Dept. 51, Chicago, 111. 14727 sx DETECTIVE Shrewd, reliable man wanted in every locality to act under orders; ex perience unnecessary. Write Webster's Detective Agency. Des Moines. la. B 730 x WANTED Two good hand nalle: Omaha Box Co., East Omaha, t 7 HUSTLER wanted, every locality; experi ence unnecessary; iio day. compressed Air Renovator Co., Milwaukee, wis. B-ti0 x ARCHITECTURAL draftsmen wtnUl Apply Fisher & Law r la. Paxton Bi'.i. B 660 I WANTED SO TEAMS FOR EXCAVAT ING WORK. ITU AND DOUGLAS bl', 7 A. M. MONDAY, MAT 7. WAGES M PER DAT. LONG JOB AND PAVED STREET HAUL COME READY FOU WORK- SEE F. C. JACKSON. B M8$2 T WANTED FEMALE HELP TOUR ATTENTION IS INVITED TO THE FACT THAT OUR OFFICES ARB PLACING COMPETENT WOMEN &j C.IU UA S 1 . riv.ABADl fUCIl TIONi AT GOOD SALARIES. A few of our vacancWe; Bookkeeper and Stenographer, real estate omce, uo. Bookkeeper and Stenographer, retail bouse, Cashier, retail house; must operate type writer; oe lu siaru Cashier, $a and board. Experienced Confectionery Clerk. $30. Stenographer, real estate. Insurance. $60. bvery posluon guaranteed as represented. See us at once or write for complete list of vacancies. WESTERN KEF. BOND ASS'N (Inc.). ijepu d, tv-u-Ms n. x. iiie 7j APPRENTICE girls. Burgess Shirt Co. ti an WANTED Competent girt to take care two children; sleep borne nights. Address C M, Wee. (J MSil GIRL for general housework; no washing. Ura. J. s-nyDer, 11 a. otn. t-lib WANTED Girt to take eare ef children and do light housework. Call 734 g. SXh. C MWJ WANTED Marker and sorter. Laundry, .letU and Farnam. Puritan C 4fc6 WANTED A girl to cook, wash and lrog; family of three; must be capable; refer- winir1' Wl. MM tit waaW a oud girl kept. Address W.. box 6n. k ear ner, iseo. U M lx WANTED Olrl for housework; small fam ily; good wages. Mrs. A. C. Thayer. orwui ot. O-M&l ax WANTED Experienced salesladies In no tion dept. Apply at J. L Brandeis duui, nouon aspc C 6S1 i WANTED Good girl work; small lawiiy. rzt So. luca. for general hoi six. JfcL L Joaee, v auu a s WANTED FEMALE HELP SPRINO AND SUMMER SCHOOL NOW OPEN at tha OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE! 19th end Farnam. 8TUDKNT8 ENROI.UNU DAILY. For Business Course, Shorthand, Type writing and Telegraphy. Reduced summer rate of tuition. ICATAI-CMU'E and PARTICULARS FREE. ROHRBOUOU BKU3., OMAHA, KK. i MsjZ juna WANTED A girl for general housework; good wtfrt. 3wib riawtnorne Ave ' L.-MII k OIRL wanted for general household work: moat be goon coon; ramny or two; wo from m to 87 vr week. Call between I and $ p. m. 10u8 B. 82d Ave. C M632 1 WANTED Experienced branchers to work on artificial flowers. Apply A. D. rrsn- dels, Boston store. c i3 LADT CANVASSERS Permanent work. Addrea 1) 88. Bee. J MS 7x WANtEDa girl for jrenerai housework; family of two, lm Cass, c r.w i WANTED Oood cook and second ;trl. Mn. oeo. e. Barber, wa s. 87tn st. c-47 7x LADY om, aesitant: must he rood writer and quick at figures, state experience and salary desired. Address D 42, Bee. c 64 7 WANTED Young ladles as sateslsdirs; must be experienced; references required: good opportunities lor ngnt parties. Ap- I tly from l to I p. ra.. Advertising iwpt.. tiayaen tiros. ' st0 7 WANTED Nurse girl to assist In second work; 3 In family; good wages; references required. 1117 So. 30th Ave. C52 SALESLADY 112 per week, board and e- fense money aavanceo; visit sma.ii towns n vicinity, distribute samples, take or ders and make collections: unusual op portunity ior lauy qi iminy, position permanent ana salary Increased ir sat isfactory. Address Manager, Dept. N, Box S44, Philadelphia Pa. C- WANTED Oood girl for g-eneral house work. Good wages. Mrs. C. E. Smith, 8566 Howard. Phone Harney ZM. C 796 7 WANTED Experienced lady demonstrators to demonstrate from stores a gas heated flatlron. One needed In every home whtre gas IS used. Central Mfg. Co., 19n 8;ate St., Blnghumton, N. Y. c no.: ex LADY to travel with line of perfumes and toilet articles; J18 week and expenses. President, 1611 Manhattan Bldg., Chicago. C 7(51 ex WANTED Girl for laundry work; experi ence not necessary: wages io month. room and board.. Perkins Hotel David City, Neb. C CM Cx VICTORIA Suction Bweeper Co.. 828 F St.. Litncoin. jNer. wend victoria sweeper rr U bO, all charges paid. C LADIES for shadow drawing; natural tal ent unnecessary: 2i weekly during sum. mr months at home; stamped envelope for paruouiare. AwlraM iwntu or Com. merclal Art, 1917 Indiana Ave., Chicago. C 76S 6X SEWERS Gingham aprons; make highest wages: material sent to door free of charge; stamped, addressed envelope for particulars. L. P. Rlcbards, 6Siz calu met Ave., Chicago. C 767 6x LADIES to work our rapid hosiery ma chines at nome, making hosiery for us to sell the trade: previous experience unnecessary; no canvassing; steady work; good money earned: write today, ster ling CO., SIS River Bt., Port Huron, Mich, O-IM X LADIES To no piece work at home: we furnish an materials, ana pay rrom 7 to tS weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co., ,14 m. Ahonroe, Chicago. ii ex WANTED ETperlenoed seamstresses and fitters In cloak dept. work room. Best ot salaries paid. J- L. Brandcls ik Sons, Boston Store. U WANTED A. washnrornan. Tel. Douglas C14L C M668 7 WANTED Good cook; references re quired. Apply zoac Lass. c mszb WANTED At once girls, rnartilne opera tors on overalls ama snirts. M. p. Bmjtli A Co. factory, llta and Douglas. C M661 ' t WANTKO Girl for general housework. small family: good wages. r3 Plerc. 0-M65C It WANTED Strong woman to keep house and care for hevpiess invalid; no objec tion to a child. , Address D 44, care Bee. C-40S SX WANTED Woman to sew in private lamiiy. APpiy eizs unicago. tj jaszs 7 SCHOOL GIRL wanted to take care of baby after school. 616 S, Hth. C W8 Sx WANTEE-SITUATIONS SITUATION wanted as a bookkeeper or ac countant witn experience; expert In tax matters; gooa penman; oesi oi references. Address u 31, Bee. A 686 6x YOUNO lady hawing five months' Inatrna. uon in Dooxxeecing wants position. Had experience in omce work. Address D ii. oe A MtxM 1UX NEAT appearing man wants position tiaturaay alter l o oiocic, ail day Sundays. also evenings after 6:39. Address D 3d, see. A 04 ex I A WOMAN would like housework by the day, from t until 4 o'clock. T-Bee office. Council tirufis. A Sog 6 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 0. M. E. Ilaul Trunks F-2S0 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. tzii LARGE, desirable front room with excel lent noaro. ztu farnam su F-M4E7 6x THE ROSE, 2030 Harney St., nicely fur- nisned soutn front room witn good board. Hates reasonable. r 41s Je6x LARGE comfortable front room with ex cellent board. 2616 Farnam St. F MH31 lis ONE large front room, suitable for two young wen. 100 bo. zntn. F M883 12x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CENTRAL; t roams; bath. Tisard. 20 N. 23d. U M131 FOUR large unfurnished rooms; strictly modern; private family; M fsortn zotn. G M610 bx A SUITE of rooms, all modern; references required. Us H. Wth. G M6o 7x 1 1 ROOMS, unfurnished, at 1924 S. 27th, city. O Mtx 7x FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS NICELY furnished, large, south front room with bay window; also east and north front room: everything stiiotly modern: walking distance; prices reason able. 2X4 Dewey Ave. Telephone Harney s W lax A WIDOW wishes to rent large, cool, well lumisneo, modern room. West Farnam district, to gentleman of refinement, witn reference. Address U 24. tit. K M&63 (X DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam. Hi wvt Doug. 611 0. M. E. Haul Trunks E 2s Thurston hotel; roams 61.60 ap per week. JS at MS LARGE, cool, well furnished, modern room, private family, where there are a few other congenial parllea; very sult- a Die ior two; wauung aiaianoe; reason- aoie. live farnam. s Ma4 x FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room. sincuy moaern, suitable (or one gentle- man, m BoulB Bbtu BU E- NICELT furnished room, with good table Doaru. au noma oofniena. jars. jr. tiar- vey. XI a Kth. K Mils FURNISHED rooms for gentleman. 116 N. a-JagM Ux I MCKLY furnfathad rooms for light house. keeplag. 2U16 Lavecpurt. trAHU 7 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOUR furnished rooms, all conveniences. fur housekeeping. 114 B. 26th St. IJ-MilH KX Hm DAVENPORT, one or two rooms, all modern; light hounrkeeptng; li W ech per month. KTTi Sx TWO rooms, single or ensulte, modern; gentlemen only. 1701 Davenport Ft. K M!4 8 PRIVATE apartment, well furnished for Housekeeping, all modern; owner out of city for Slimmer; references. "Phone Douglas 2490, 648 a. 2Glh Ave A NICELY furnished room for one or two gentlemen Modern house, private family. 1260 W. 18th St. K 841 Cx NICELY furnished front room, 1605 Far- nam, third floor, next Henshaw hotel. 1Z. t. 84 ox A NICELY furnished room, all modern, 1 with phone. 122 8. 25th St. sai ex FURNISHED parlor and alcove. 218 N. itn Bt. rJ M! ex FURNISHED room In new modern house for 1 or 2 gentlemrn. Z3u6 Douglas Ft, AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED everywhere to Sell our popular policies, covering all acci dents, diseases and occupations; some thing entirely new and issued Dv this society only; eMliy understood and easily lold: cost but per annum each. Dat able monthly it duslred; large commis sions paid immaiaieiy and -exclusive territory allowed. Addiess National Ac cident Society. 1M Broadway, New York. iMtiaousuoa u sears. j TllHi two oest bui I'Tancisco rooks are Bishop Fallows and the one written by Charles Banks and Opie Read. We s-il both: too pages; juu photos; u per cent credit; freight paid; outat free. W. A. Htleubaugn & CD, ware Via., Omaha. J M466 AGENTS wanted On our new work, "The Uestrucuon or can rancisco. Abso lutely new and iionsensational. Illus trated, tilled with comprehensive valua ble information and containing a large scale map oi tne city, as it was with the burned aistnct. luuy outlined, com plete outfit and terms sent prepaid upon receipt or KU cents. janu-uciNany & Co.. Chicago, 111. J 494 AGENTS Big combination box contains Pile Cure, Scalp and Skin Ointments. Ca tarrh and Hay Fever Balm, Corn Salve- costs 25o, worth $1.60: profit 2"0 to 300 per rent. Mark w. Alien co., uetroit, Mien. J BOLDER EN E mends tinware; big profits ror agents; sample m cents, postpaid. boiderene Co., 63 slate St, Boston, Mnsr. J WANTED Agents. A worthy woman or man in every community of less than 10,000 population to sell our groceries to tne lamuy trade, only such as want permanent employment need apply. Lib eral cash commission paid. Bodenhcimer Coffee and Tea Co., St. Louis, Mo. J SAN FRANCISCO fire souvenirs, 60c; agents coin money, u. Shlrey, 1164a O Farrell St., San Francisco. J 788 lix ' AGENTS WANTED. General agents to sell California real es tate, farms lands, acre and town lots; bustlers make $500 to 12.000 monthly southern California lands sell almost with out effort; every one wants them; we fur nish free Instructions, strong endorse ments, literature and help from office; suoagenis coin you money; unusually lib eral commissions; no competition: no in vestment but energy required; free course in scientific raiesinansnip. Peterson Realty Co., 467 Stlmson Bldg., Los An ient, cai. J 7mb ax BIG profits; permanent business; price mo nopoly in engraved silver name and num ber door plates; never before sold for less than o. but you can now sell for 11.60 and make 75 cents each; only best families Doagnt wnen io; now every one orders at $1.6o; get our exclusive territory proposi tion, rsew Method Co.. bibo Prairie Ave.. ,11 U'H(, -I . 'I BY AGENTS Great opportunity to make a lortune vitn a small investment: the greatest new artiole ver known In Swiss jmbrolrtered waist patterns for ladles: Bella at sls-ht? terms r Cl T Jmonh I. uiuck, ai uroaaway, isew lorK. j (oi x AGENTS for the latest Improved self- heating Smoothing Iron; automatic fast- ner; great success; large commissions; exclusive territory. Ideal Iron Co., 174 Lincoln Ave., Newark, N. J. J 711 6x AGENTS, canvassers, fair men. peddlers. medicine men, we want a good agent In every county in the L nlted States to ad vertise our Improved Sarsaparilla by sell ing our full $1 size 12-ounce bottle for 36 cents; this Is the greatest seller on earth. Every person needs It and buys from 1 to 13 bettles; 2u0 per cent profit to agents. Write quick for terms and territory. tr. R. Ureene, 26 LAke St., cnioago. j via ex ATTENTION, horsemen: Hitch anywhere; patented; big seller; agents wanted. Pocket HitChingpost Co.. Muncle. Ind. J 723 fix AGENTS Everywhere, both :iexes; others coin money selling our por.gee silk em broidered waists; also shirt waist suit patterns, Oriental silk opera shawls and an Kinua latest laaies wearing apparel; experience absolutely unnecessary; to convince you, will mail (free) embroidered copies with goods and particulars how to sell them. Novelty Embroidery Mfg. Co., Dept. & 390 tj, Mortn Ave.. Chicago. J T x AGENTS Legitimate substitute for slot machines; patented; sells at sight for II: good territory open; particulars. Glsha Co., Anderson, Ind. J 729 6x AGENTSIllustrated History San Fran cisco Lnsaster; colored pictures; now ready; extraordinary terms; credit; out fits free. National Publishers (estab lished 157). Lakeside Bldg.. Chicago. -7J8 6x SAN FRANCISCO GREAT DISASTER; only 61.00 book; far outsells iilgher-price books; large, fully Illustrated; extra terms: freight paid: credit given: outfit free. Zlegler Co., 216 Locust St., Phila delphia, pa, J 701 tx AGENTS Too many " "Frisco" . disaster books out; don t wsste time; write for proposition. fTay, 1M Market, Newark, in. J. J (06 x AGENTS $30 weekly guaranteed selling our self-generating gas Durners, luting com mon kerosene lamps; brilliant, portable gaslight, absolutely safe; no competition; description free. Eastern Gaslight Co., uu uroadway, new ioix. J 7Ut ex WANTED Agents In every locality to sell tne perfection tievatlng Clothes Drier snd Sleeve ironing Board; household necessities. Address u. Hopkins, North Glrard. Pa. , J 723 6x water coior, k-. tsena for samples and catalogue, IKtE. Rerun Artist Asso ciation. Dept. 6, lsZ Lake St.. Chicago. . J-733 fa WANTED In every town, county or town- snip, solicitors ior a quick, easy selling machine; commissions are so liberal that anyone can start a profitable business without capital. To those who can give tun time we oner a guaranteed contract. Address International, port Huron, Mich. J 736 6x OUTSELLS EVERYTHING New box eon. laming six cakes soap and six solid sil veroid spoons. Agents' profits ainastng. Write today. Parker Chemical Co., Chi cago. J 731 6x MANAGER wanted in every cltv and county to handle best paying buslnesa known, legitimate, new, exclusive con trol; no Insurance or book canvassing. Address Charles Haislead, 34 West ktitb et-. n. r. J 763 6x 8ELL our reservoir duxtless floor and car pet brushes In stores, schools, residences, putmc buildings, hotels, halls; field un limited; reduce dust v7 per cent actual test; gold medal at St. Louis World's (air; strictly guaranteed; big margin and great Seller, with opportunity to build up per manent trade: exclusive territory; no competition; state experience. Milwaukee Uusuess ttrusn CO., Milwaukee. Wis. J 6x AGENTS to sell a practical $5 typewriter: su per oeni corn mission. Mccarmy-tJofT- inan Mig. ix., M B. uku Bt., St. jouls. Mo. J 69 6x AGENTS Brand new Idea; household ar ticle, aaeo tn evary borne, shop, store; Bvumu Aias 11 a snaraei; big prom. 1 iieuiu wi- sacrriu dug Mu- wauaee, Wl J-db4 ix WANTED AGENTS AOENT8 WANTED Absolute, protection asatnst bunelars and anesk thieves; self- adjusting; no wire or screws.: imposslWe to move door or windows without ringing alarm; handsome profit to agents: sample an cents. Automatic isurgiar Ainrm to., Bt. Louis, J tys sx AOENTS WANTED to appoint sub-agents. either sex. everywhere; brHltsnt prtposr- tlon: Investigate. Mfg., 3 S Aldine Fiace, Chicago. J-H r.x WR Start yoa selling rtlamonds. Pont fall getting our liberal offer; to daily sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Mention paper. J 681 x f EVERY property owner wants our dry powder chemical fire extinguishers; cheapest, best: demonstrations make sales easy; large proms; exclusive terri tory to agents. MofTet Mfg. Co., Dept. E, Enu Claire, Wis. J . x WANTED TO BUY ONE small warenottse Scales; mutt bs tn good order. Address D 3S, Bee. WHEN you have any old clothes to sell call red 3928; beat prices, w mx. Mi WANT to buy a five-room cottage, north. modern, or r neighborhood, a . r,ini' nv.it ...w... ... - i Address D 49. Care Bee. N 81C C WOULD like tn huv from owner six or seven-room modem nnse, near car; mnw be srood and a bargain. Address i 45, Bee efflce. N 817 C WANTED Money Tiafik safe: also ontflt bank fixtures: describe fully. wetern Banking Co., Beatrice, Neb. N M782 IS WANTED At once. desirable vacant property on West Farnam St.. suitaf'X for flats. Price must be right. Cash buyer. this u tin a yi t. v.,. 604 N. Y. Life. K 121 WANTED To buv second hand furniture. stoves, carpets, ciotnes and snftes. rty the best prices. Telephone D"tiffls Sil. WANTED To buv a irood horse as part rav on n Pew piano, a. iispe to., South Main street, Council Bluffs. Ia. N M W 7 TREES AND SHRUBS LARGEST assortment of trees and shrubs in the city at Crescent Nursery. Bales rmund. tlst and Farnam. Tel. Douglas SnS7. :"! SOUTH OMAHA REAL ESTATE SOUTH OMAHA BARGAINS. fi-n.nm house, strlrtlv modern In every ner 23d and A sts z.soo resne-t. new and vcrv desirable, tor- ner 23d and A streets $2,R60 R-rnom rnttn'ee betwren O and H Sts., very desirable i,3W 6-room cottage, newly papered, full lot. big bargain; who takes this one at.. 860 7-room house, bath, Hectrle lights, fts for cooking, shade trees and slirua- Kaotf in. GAv1kl an M.aI Vl 1 1 ,T1 CUT. ner htth and A Sis 3,560 Double house of 12 rooms, arranged for two families, two bath rooms, suu ateri on IM St.. between D and E Sts., best residence street in thu city, 3,600 l-Toom house, two cellars, water end gas. electric light In barn, an special lrnnmvementa made, corner 2M and 6 Sts.; a very desirable home 1,700 S-room brick house and l-room frame house, run lot. rni t trees, istn Ht between S and U Sts.; a bargain at.. 1.650 i 6-room house In Albright. cloe to car line, a good home, only l,wu S-room house. 18th and H 8t.. CTit water, fenced, lot 60xio0, oniy J.uoo S-room house, tlst. between I and J sts., aesiratm sens vnv 5-room house, good barn, full Jot, on 70th st.. between u ana li bts.. price reduced to 1,660 B-room Strictly mgdern house, newly papered, fine lawn, south front, meat deslrahls residence district in tha city. only i.650 6-rooni hmise. 19th and M Sts.. very de sirable home Z.iuo Two other properties sold by me 111 this block in last V) days. SOME BARGAINS IN VACANT Lot 60x160, 5th and A fits to grade. .$ 700 Lot SOU SO. Slth and A Sts.. ntvfng all paid, a bargain at, iiw Corner 26th and J St, for 1,000 Full lot 20th, between a and U Sts., beautiful snaae trees 650 LotSxl30, corner S2d and K Sts., only. 650 acres, half mile east Fort Crook ear line, l-room house, barn. 1 acre planted to grapes, all goes for 1,000 H. M. CHRISTIE, 2420 M Street. South Omaha, Telephones: REMSf FOR SALEREAL ESTATE NON-RESIDENT owner owning a Hat building, well - located, near Hanscoin Park, renting for $6160 per month, now en cumbered for $3,000; price, $6,000: will trade equity for clear Omaha property. Address D 60, care of Bee. re 6 6 A GOOD INVESTMENT. Noa ISO and Vol N. 26th St., two 6-room houses, on large lots, renting for $X6 per montn; near car line ana scnooi; special price $3,0u0 for the two; can arrange terms. CHAS. E.. WILLIAMSON CO., 1fi1 sTSarnftm flt OPEN" MONDAY EVENINGS. RE 861 ( GREAT labor-saving Invention for the women; a safe ventilated folding bed. built in the wall; no moving of heavy beds; have all the room apace during the day; you are Invited to Inspect one In op eration at the home of the patentee, 8. Hawver, 1614 Emmet St. RE 864 t 40-ACRE FARM Near Council Bluffs. All fine upland, en realroad: about 4 mllea from Central nart of town. Owner leaving city and offers ior immediate sale, xj.uuo. eusv terms. H. G. McGee, 14 Pearl st.. Council Bluffs. RE 668 I MAKcj a five-room into a seven-room house by Installing Hawver's patented wan pea. o. tiawver, ion timmett Bt. RE 667 I Davenport street, 800 fet west of car 11ns in uunaee. this lot is worth $060, but owner neeas money; must sell. RESSJ I F. D. WEAD. (-Room cottage, 2Cth near Charles street city water, eacy terms and payments. f l.dOU. 6-Room cottage, 19th near Lake street. City. water. $1,600. i-Room cottage, south front, on Ames ave nue east of 24th street; neat home. $1.6u0. 6-Room modern on Charles near 26th. with porcelain bath, closet, gas, etc Easy terms. 1,1 do. 1 8-Room on South 28th street near nans- corn park; has all the modern improve ments; run iou 4ADUU. T-Room house, nice shade, on Franklin struct, near 40th. Mj0 cash, balance $& per montn. sz,ux. T-Rootn house, full lot. 8831 Decatur. 81,800. t Ran new modern bouse on 19th street swum 01 Junes avenue; corner lot. $308. $ Room and small barn, 8478 Baartha. tL8SU. sootfern artck flats en sVitrth astrt near nmis, guad b JK- EL HrHTA.ry USA rirTcT"- . . ir-a8r FOR SALE REAL ESTATE North 24th St. Corner lot. North 14th and Htmebaugh Ave. 400. $10 down and S10 per month. UKMIS, TAXTON BLOCK. RK A FEW Special Bargains Choice lot near Mth and Fatnam. $1,978. Modern 7-ruom linage, near S6th and t ar- nam. a perfect gem of a home. tA.L'M). irge lot. 76 feet front nae on S.ld nenr Farnam; ample room for fine home or row of three houses. W.MO. Strictly Inside mtniertv. cornsr MxIM feet. tftth nnd Capitol Ave., only two blocks from poetofllce, with large house: rents for $); room for several more hotiees. Only $12,6n0. Finest vacant corner on Farnam. lift feet rrontage, mrnam and !d; perfect Riade, 'vui(5 hiiu niiiewaia nil pnio ror; nnrst nrnTum in city for swell home or fine apartment building. Only $7,600. mo rect frontage on Capitol Ave., near high school, with large house, renting for gu a month, v-.fcxo. Two lo-ronm houses on large lot. Just west Of high school, for $.5fl0. Elegant modern 10-room residence In the west Farnam district; all latest conven iences; a special bargain at $12,600. Cheap corner, two lots, JtMh mid Farnam: south and east front: need some grading: can offer both lota this week for 14.750. Inside corner 6xl82 feet, only two blocks from postunlce; room for six houses. Only Hicks Real Estate Co., 439 Hoard Of Trade Bldg. RE S26 6 S AC Co. SPECIAL Six-room dwelling In llanscom Park dis trict: bath, closet, lavatory: one block from rest side car and pavement; built only two years; newly pnlnted; handy for business in either city. Price i-..iuo. SHIMFR CHASE CO., 1609 Farnam. Ground Floor. Doufilns 3SG7. RE m 6 ELLISTONE ACRES BERRY GARDENS Five-acre home sites In pretty E'Hstone Park Place on 80th Kt. lkui"vrd to Florence: also Firestone B.iuievard wl. 'N dependable car servli-o to Omaha; made sonbly pood pegtnnliig May 1st. This i small pnrt of the appeal mat imiisioio acres m ike to exuotms; mm,' h' Pa. n una lnestors. Payments only $10 per month. Prices win be advanced 10 per cent soon. Th?y are now 30 per cent lower than ad jacent .property, . . CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO. . RE 672 6 a C. Co. SPECIAL A Pair of Kountse I'laoe Houses. Near car and pavement, permanent walks. One 6-room eottage, parlor In oak, papered, fine bath room, brand new. $2,600. One 7-room modem dwelling, ground floor In oak. combination gas and electric fix tures, open plumbing, good furnace, built less than two ynars; corner lot. xa.ow. B1U.Mr.lt 4 CHASE CO.. 1609 Farnam. Ground Floor. Douglas 3867. SNAPS. l-room cottage, corner lot, 60x120, near north end of Harney St, car line. If you want a small home cheap, you'll buy this. OFFERED THIS WEKIi FOR ONLT $600. bK US MONDAX, SURE. Near 7tk and Dodge we have a 6-room house, city water, sower, bath, toilet. lavatory, house needs some reoalrs, but as owner in nnxious xrt tn, nne nrv DUOBD PRICE) TO $1,700, IF SOLD AT ONCE. BE SUWBAND. INVESTIGATE In north part of the city we have a 6-room cottage, modern except furnace, nearly new, in best ot condition. uL,x iviw. Near 24th and Bristol, 6-room Cottage, mod ern except furnace, south front lot, barp, navea street, permanent walks, au paid, 2,lbO. We have a number of vacant snaps, Be sure and see us before you buy. (TAKE NOTICE OF THE NUMBER OF OUR NEW LOCATION. F. C. BEST, TEL. feoUG. 6229. S21 N. Y. L BLDG. RE BRICK INVESTMENT PROPERTY. Five blocks from Thompson A Belden's store; a well built. Substantial, double, brick residence property. Each house has large, rooms besides halls. Can easily be made to rent tor $60 per month. Present occupants hae lived there for II years. Look at trie property cutslde If you wish, but d not bother parties In the houses. Th j street numbers are 716 and 717 South llln street. The l. t Is 60x 80 feet. Houses tre old and have 10 heat ing plant, but fe property Is tolld and can be bought at a bargoci. $4,600 fo quick sale. This has r.eir been offered before. Five or six-room cottage and barn at 2448 South 17th street, about a block north of Vinton street. Have just sold owner a fine acre tract, which he wants to lm prove and will aell this right In order to get the cash. This Is a well kept, place and Is ready to move Into. $1,900 takes It.' Field club lot 60x124 feet on Stith street near the Field club; lies fine and has some shade trees on it. Sewer, water and gas in the street. Eastern owner has just made price of $650 cash nothing but cash goes In this case an offer of one-third cash has just been declined. For medium priced lots there is nothing better than our $660 to. $678 lots on the bluff UCl of the exposition grounds be tween Emmet and Plnkney streets on the esst side of 16th. They are level and elfchdy. We ire putting In sewerage now, Go out tied look for yourself. We have two full lots on Dewey avenue, west of 42nd street for $300. They He fine and are a bargain far anyone to use ta build on. or they are a good apecolatloa. They ought to sell for that much each, Ask us about a $17S kit In Wain at IliU dis trlct ' HARRISON & MORTON, HI N. T. late. Tei. Douglas 314. Jta HAWVER'S natented "built In the wall' loianig pea; great, labor ana space-saving devioa. See it in operation. 1&14 Emiuut BL RE kl4 M-i FOR BAIJk. ta Rem Is park, a beaoufnl ntodVern S-roomed rsldncv large corner IwL. (wrr Is Vnavlng the city. Fcr particulars Irjqu'r at 8j4 fiasrtnurna Ave. TeL Itarney M71. - XUCr-Sis lx AN UP-TO-DATE s-room tnsdsrn dance tn. Bemia saxk, cak aiush, enrmir Y Qs aharda trass, louijire ef ewner. till KserUairna Ave. Thuca Harney Ssu. sU-644 U B. m C. Co. IP1T71L. i $2,730 A' reel n dwelling, modern except fur- naoa. ran aauin rrout lot, near 41st aid Culau must li said this week.. VU1 submit enjr. gHLlK A CHAUa CO- iffiBsV farsajn, i euud 1'Utu , Ijungfaa 8KC .a-eA a FOR SALEREAL ESTATE Fort Street Facing north cm Fort Pt.. full lot. $.m Near :7th St. HEM IS, PAXTON BI.OCK. RFV- RARE BARGAIN. $550 FINE LOT Facing south on Davenport St, 300 feet west of car line in DunJee. This lot is worth 65( but owner needs money; must sell. See Thos. F. Pay ton, 410 BEE CLDG. RE-C39 C SHIMMER VHASE CO. Real Estate Investments. Anything you watrt la -acant or Im proved property. Acres In the suburbs. Chicken and fruit farms. Downtown cor ners. DWELLINGS. $4,200 buys four houses, walking distance. rental Income $64. $4,000, 8-room West Leavenworth dwellllng. corner, -paved street. Make offer. $3,200, S-room modern home, south front. near 17th and Burdette. $2,700, 6-room, entirely modern. Orchard Hill. $2,400, 8-room house, city water and sewer. $2,100, C-ruom cottage, city water and sewer, barn, walking distance. Bargain. $1,700, 6 rooms, almost new, near 14th car. $1,H00, 8-room modern dwelling. Including furnace, acetylene gas plant, full lot. handy 'to Farnam car. $1,260, 4-room cottage, jsrest aide, cheap. LOTS. $r.ri0. Cheapest lot on Dodge, near tlst. $30, full lot near Military Ave. car. $775, 6iixl50, on paved street and car, Hans- corn park. $2,000. two lots, corner and next west ot Joslyn residence. - ffnud krt right On Farnam. Bargain. . TT- . T acre near Forest Lawn oar. $100. AC-Rr.o. 2i acres west of city. $400. 3 acres Inside city limits. 61,000. 10 acres with trackage, $3,000. 33 acres, trackage facilities, between Omaha and South Omaha. SHIMER & CHASE CO.. Builders of Modern House. Building Sites. Trackage. Farms. Ttanches. 1C09 Farnam. Ground Floor. Douglas 3867. iREV-647 - CILRIS BOYER, T Ed ami Cuming. 'Phone Doug. Lot 6xl6b. with two email houses, city water In kitchen, southeast corner t7th Ave. and Cuming Bt. $3,200. Eight-room house, partly modern, lot x 110, on lath St. between, raroam Douglas. $2,200. Also one-story onca building, lot 20x120. $2,600. SubmR bids on these two. They must be sold at once. Blx-reom modern house, lot 80x133, on Webster 8L, near 21st. $3,400. ..... . " 1 t 1 Four-room house and barn, lot' 13x30, at ai8 Military Ave. $300. Six-room brick house, furnace, barn, well and cletem. Lot 60xl3Z, on coTDy ou, v tween 42d and 13d- Frtca only Xl,4i0. s-nur-room hohse. wall and cistern. Lot 26x140 (south 60 feet Of lot Is 60 feet wide) on Burdette St., between 80th and Hat. Price 0. Elglu-room house, city water and sewer connected with kitchen. Lot 60x130. -Mere dith Ave., near 28U St. Price $2,000. Vacant lot. 29th St., between Nicholas and Indiana Ave., lot 47x188. Price $900. Vacant lot on Nicholas, between 23th and 80th Sts. Lot 61x126. Price V, Lot on southeast corner 88th and Burt, 66x150. Price $1,100. Lot on Webster, between 27th and Bth. 1 Lot is 80x160. Prico 8050. Lot on Burt St., between 27th and S8th Sts., 80x160. Price $660. CILRIS BOYER, 22d and Cuming St. . Thone Dong. BHS. IU3-- Thos. F. Pay ton, 410 BEE BLDG. $8 400 8-room, modern, nickel plumbing, fine large bath room, tr nlvs airy bedrooms, eiecino iigms. beautiful yard, all kinds of ifi.rttfr bery; corner lot. one block to oar Une; excellent neighborhood. $2,2 SO 8-room modern house, new fur nace, vcniemeu cviwr, j full Of trees 'and flowers; nu 4 Ed and Lafayette Ave. This plaoe Is very cheap for prloe askea. $3,860 Two-story S-room modern house. rurnace, imi-i.j v-1- v - celletit repair 'set year; near 23d and Maple sC $1,600 8616 Seward St., two-story 8-room nuuso. luivv iwi" 1 - - -finished; tot 0aU0. This Is a value that can't be duplicated for the . money. These and many OtTinrs I will be glad to show anyons wanting 10 our a uuum. TITOS. F. PAYTON, REAL ESTATE A INSURANCE!. io uee mag. RB 4 t Extraordinary Bargains We have a atlU greater bargain la a 6-acre Improved tract on the, pared Military road. Just out of Denaon. This baa a very tasty 5-room cottage. nearly new; a gooA barn chicken house, an excellent well, some fruit. and la all under fence. Adjoining l&nd, unimproved, la selling at 400 per acre. The owner of this land de sires a quick sale and authorizes a gale at only 91,100. It la easily wertb 9&Q0 nan. Liberal term. - 5 a 1-1 KArtsAk Elk. 2771 BUET STREKT. g-rmun ha una, mnilsrn axcaot fArmacsr; prins, l4rUi, easy tarmai pnai tliui ITy new. n t j x n jraYiuj AiivtatuiiHin, ajm parry, 1st Eloor. U. X.. Life Bldg. mtenat8 ' CKOICU fam hosna. lmin-red. 188 muse. $ nnl irrxia. ITense, rfetbi $33 per aur