Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1906, WANT AD SECTION, Page 2, Image 18
C TTIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MAY 6, 1000. property, known sa tha Heney corner, a few month (to, for th purpose of bund ing, and the general public hM believed 11 the time that It wm (h Intention of the Orel to erect a building thl num. mor or next The Woodmen of the World baa persuaded th Ctrcla to remain with It, and now tha Hane? corner la for gale. An option, which haa all but Jred, haa been given on tha lot at $., JjO, which la 13. 000 above the figure tha Circle paid. Tha option la in tha hand of a real ob late man. who la forming ayndlcata to take the property. The deal la considered a sale already by tha majority of the real aetata man. The Omaha Building and Loan associa tion last week aecured tha deed to lta new home the Douglas block at tha eoutheaet corner of Sixteenth and Dodg street. It will not get Into lta flew quarter until about Jun 1, at tha tenanta now there mint be Riven tlma to find other places of business. Some Improvement are to be mnde In the entrance, and hew furniture and fixture are to b put In the big room on the ground floor, which the association will ttee aa lta office. The building waa bought from F. P. Klrkendall for I30.M0. and a long-time lease on the ground waa given by J. P. Black of Chicago, tha owner. President W. H. Green of the Real Estate exchange propose an Intellectual feast for the realty men at each one of their weekly meeting and will endeavor to hava men of public note addresa the exchange About two week ago John L. Webster talked on Omaha' growth. Next Wednesday Charles 3. Greene -will address the exchange on a subject to be selected by himself and which ' President Green ha suggested will be on . some question of national Importance. Cur don W. Wattle and William Gtirley are Thoma Brennan report these sale dur- Sliimer & Cto Co, !' Builders ol Modern Houses i ! "Ee it ever so humble There's no place like home." Tour meant must determine) the sice of your Investment Happl nea and contentment la quits aa often found la a cottag aa a . palace. Draw a pencil aketcb of the house you would build. We develop Ideas 'and relieve you of all tbe details of construction. SHIMER & CHASE CO. Ec!!d!pj Sites, Soburhg Acreage, Homes 1609 Parnam. Ground Floor Deurlae 3867 Plumber Doctor? When sick you consult a doctor known to be capable and conscientious1. Consider your PLUMBING and HEATINO aa aerlbusly. Th . health and comfort of the whole family depanda at all tlmea upon It. There la a difference' that don't show In the price. Consult ua. Service guaranteed. JOHNSON, The Reliable 1$!2 Harney St. Phon Douglaa-0990. U3S Union Pacific Railroad Company . Is Closing Out Its LAUDS. FIHE FARM AIID RANCH LAUDS la Western Nebraska, Colorado, and Wyoming. From $3.00 to $5.00 per acre TAKE ADVANTAGE of the low prices and easy terms offered "while the. opportunity still presents itself SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES to ths Lands For Further Information,, apply to Union Pacific Land Agency S18 South 15th St., Omaha, Nebraska. T ,IF SO, We'vo got CEMENT, fi LIME, QRICK, SEWER PIPE AND ALL KINDS OP BUILDING MATERIAL. Wo Haudie Only Firt Quality Goods.. Get On Price, G.'B.-HAVENS & CO Tavcphona Dcujlas 317 sW If - ' -ar- TBLV3E WILL TELL THAT CAREY'S FLEXIBLE CEMENT ROOFING la mora durabla than tar and gravel or tin or metal roofs. Best cover Ing for atora building, warehouse, factories, aheda, etc See ua. Sunderland Roofing and Supply Go. 1208 Farnam Street Certify Your Lawn With CTJFICS IRCS AN3 WISE WCKX3. Zir?.?!ii 611 S. lEth Street ing the past week: Two brick house at 114 and 1126 Bouth Thirty-first, .0n0; three frame house at HT-B-SU Bouth Twenty fifth avenue, 17.600; three frama bouae at 1911-1911-1911 South Fifteenth street, $6,200; house at 911 South Twenty-flfth street, $; two brick house at 1141 and 1144 South Thlrty-eeoond street, $8,600. Other who hava promised to addresa tha realty men In tha near future. Nearly a third of a million dollar paid a wage to workmen who live In Omaha that I what tha hew Brandel building means. The new building, covering a full half Mock In tha business section will be occupied within five month. It will be a monument to tha enterprise of on of tha leading business houee In tha country and It will distribute hundreds of thou sand of dollar among tha families of Omaha workmen. Tha men who are erect ing th Immense home for tha Brandel firm are sharing In thl firm's auoces In a most substantial manner. A prominent Omaha man who waa Standing near tha excavation for th Brandel at or a few daya ago remarked: "Look at tha army of men who ars build ing that store. Ml venture that every ona ha (pent hundred of dollar of their earn ings at that Ur and felt repaid. Now they ar drawing hundred of dollar back In tha form of wage. When you spend -noney with an enterprising firm you ara elnin th town and everybody In It. Isn't hat oT" It la characteristic of tha Brandel firm that , Mlr which waa made In Omaha should be spent In Omaha. It I estimating very conservatively to say that WO.OOO will be spent by tha firm of J, L. Brandel Bona lit workingmen' wage before the new building la fully completed. Thl amount Includes only the wage to work men directly employed on the building. It doe not Include the thousands of dollar In wagea received by the steel worker In the Paxton A Vlerllng plant, who are turn ing out the huge columns for tbe building, nor the wagea of tha hundred of Omaha men who are employed In doxens- of way In the making of materials and furnish Ing for the great new structure. Three hundred thousand silver dollar would make a neat little bundle. It would weigh close to ten ton. If piled up In one stack It would ranch nearly half a mile Into the air and would make any skyscraper look like a dugout. If the dollars were laid touching each Other along the street th stream of silver would reach more than seveft mile, Mor to the point that this. $300,000 would support M0 frugal fami ne In Omaha for a year and a half without any additional mean of support. When Omaha house which are th meana of livelihood for. hundred of families the year round, spend aa mueh as a third of a million In wagea for tha promotion of on of their enterprises, their value to the community can scarcely be too highly rated. Interesting; to Real Estate Bayer In today' paper there I a great deal Of real estate advertised. Each property U a bargain, because anything bought now will be worth mora In a very short time. Among the advertisement the Byron Beed company haa an advertisement one column In length, which oontalna some special bargains In Improved and vacant property, and those tn tha market will be well paid for reading and answering anything advertised by this firm. They have been In business In Omaha over fifty year and have a choice list of property owned by easterners and for sal at low prices now. BUILD? SEE US a big etock of PLASTER, SAND, 219 6. Sixteenth Street J SEE asaa mt.-t-n' Our Steel Picket Wire Fence Our Champion 6vel Plekat Heavy Wire teooe, luceavi per lineal look Mitch Peat. Window Ouards, Tree Uuardt and Trail la a. Fifty ttylee ! Wrought troa Feace. Our Poet Will Not Rtut . XUbllhd 1683. SIGHTSEEING IS A PACKERY racilitiei Afforded Visitor Both Picturesque ted Educational. COURTEOUS GUIDES SHOW WHATS WHAT ceaes I. ess nevoltlnar Than They I'aet t He OIservtloe of Eastern Pilaris Seek Idk "Atmosphere." A correspondent of th New TorV Even- In; Post, who haa been In the west re cently eeklng material and "atmosphere" for writeup. found that th subject of the irraat packlna; Industry had not been wholly exhausted and pounced upon It with th ardor of a professional. Ma visited several planta In Chicago, Kama City and Omaha and wa atruck by th courtesies xtndd and th facilities for Inspection afforded. He claim that a brand new sys tem of "showing th plant" to visitor hn been Inaugurated and give th following ascription of on a a type of all: Th ccmnletene with which th sight seer la Instructed, th picturesque method of the guide, th (tudled efforts of th management to lessen rather than ac centual th disagreeable tide of th plo- turea presented, and the cars that la taken to render the "guest" Immun from th unpleasant Impressions that used to be a necessary result of a tour of inspection- all these aspect of tha half-day journey through acre and acres of reeking build ing and pan Serve to Impress on no less than the wonderful mechanical Inventions, the methodical order of the thousands of workmen, the phlegmatic butchers or the horror of the killing. Through the care of the proprietor In providing the new system for visitor, the only distasteful features of the trip are those necessarily attendant upon seeing the laughter and smelling the odors that, can not be chained. But a packing house must bo a packing; house, rind one feels grateful that an essentially repulsive experience. Undergone partly out of curiosity anil partly because the Btrnnger feels he ought to get a glimpse into one of the most striking American industries, la made as nearly enjoyable as courtesy and ingenuity can make It. First, upon entering th street bordering tha great brick buildings of the plant, the visitor inquires of a passerby aa to the path Into the superintendent's office. Of course, he thinks, a pns will be needed. Possibly diplomacy must be used to secure the permit to look Into the place. Without trouble he locates the office. To his sur prise he Is greeted therein with cordiality approaching enthusiasm. ISo Passes. Ke Red Tape. "would you like to go through" says a clerk. "II I could" "Oh. certainly, certainly! Just walk down that way" pointing along a boarded alleyway outside "and enter the last door on your left. You will find the guide there." Following the directions, the sightseer finds himself In another office, a sort of bu reau of information. Pass? No. Nobody seems to have heard of such a thing. A man In a blue uniform, with brates buttons. alt behind a desk; that 1, he ha been Bitting, but he is on his feet tha Instant the stranger enters. "Pray, have a seat," he urges. Indicating a row of chairs. "I'll get a guide at once. He withdraws a moment. On returning he says'. "Will you be good enough to wait Just a few minutes? The guides are all busy thla minute, but one will be along aoon. Moan While--" He presses a button and a flood of eleo- trio light is thrown iuto an adjoining room. "Meanwhile, ' he continues, "you might find it interesting to view our refined products. . In. that room ara samples of the things we make,." The visitor goes Into the sample cham ber, which looka like a small grocery store. with its glass cases full of 'labeled bottles and jars and cans, and lta tables piled with refined odda and ends out of and oft of tha beef or aheep or pig. In the bottles are extract of beef, drugs made from in ternal organa of the slaughtered animals, compressed food pellets ar described aa containing nourishment enough to keep a man alive for days, liquid soars salable at fancy prices, perfumeries a delicate aa those' pressed from fresh flowers the lis I of bottled products la interminable. The j Jar have their Jellylike mixtures, for food or medicine. Tbe cases are filled with chipped beef and the like. The odds and ends include knife handlea made of bone, toothbrush handlea of the aame material, buttons of all sizes and deelgns, horns i turned Into noise-prod uclng toys or real musical Instruments, and many other small articles, of which one never ha thought a product of a slaughter house. The Old Joke of the Pll'i Sqaeal. "iTes," saya the man In the uniform, re peating what he has said every day of his official life, "yes, we don't wast any thing." Then he perpetrates his standard Joke. "Tou know," he gurgles, "they say that when a pig iocs through a packing house every bit of him is used except his squeal. And there's some talk of havln' that bot tled and used instead o' hand organ music in the eastern cittea." It takea only a few minutes to complete the inspection of th sample roum, and by the time It Is over the guide haa appeared. Th guide, under the new system, is a small boy, 14 or It years old, or even younger. The management haa found that It can teach them to be good teachera, and (hey are bleased with an ability to keep up their aplrita and endure th monotony of the work better than grown men. "Thl way," calls th boy, and th vis itor Htart out, having first confronted a sign reading: "No guide or employ 1 permitted to receive tip or fee." The trip begins with a long walk between high walls, along cobble paved roadway. The boy 1 skirting th different buildings, leading the way to th on that is farthest away from ths plant' entrance. It de velop that th system provides for the visitor starting on his tour at tha remote end, so that he will be at tha street door whan the sight ar all passed. At last, tha boy darts Into a door, sig nals to a big freight elevator, and lead th guest thereby to an upper floor. From that point It la difficult to keep track of direction or dlstancea, so various ar th turn and curves; but on soon discovers tt)at ba is following a fixed path, wherela nobody ever meets him, sine all who us It go th same way. "Is this road specially for visitors?" he Inquire. "Yes." replies th guide. "A year or two ago, w had to take strangers right through th pens, but tha bos ha had thl walk-way laid out so that they can see everything without getting clot to th pen." Th walkway. In passing through the rooms where th animal are killed, I like a sort of elevated road, a viaduct above th blood-soaked floor. Th visitor can e and smell, but he does not, a In most of the plant of Omaha and Chicago, find himself forced to ruin his clothing or to wade through blood. Besides, if he finds any sight too revolting, be emr always gnt past that point. In fact, th path la so laid out that every part of It la conven ient to a door leading to the outer air. since the walkway goes from building to building, on trestles, and a sickening odor or too disagreeable spectarle may be Es caped by flight to the ouslde. 'That' a good thing for tha women," commenta the email boy. "They mtgnt faint If they couldn't run out o' the door everr little wnile." "Do any of them faint?" ask th visitor. "Never saw one do It yet," Is the answer. 'Thoy tart to, but they never quit get to It." In- turn th building used for killing heep, cattle and pigs are visited. The boy describes the method of slaughter In each, pointing to tha wriggling victim In It last agoniea, then to the row of men who cut It to piece and dltrlbut the various part to whatever branch of th plant they should go. No question "stump" th guide, who, although he baa learned many set speeches full of high sounding phraae. ha betrt drilled so thoroughly that he know slaughter house ways from A to ,. Tou Con't enjoy looking at thl a don time a day, do you?" th stranger ask him. Ms? Enjoy It? No: I don't njoy It. and I don't not enjoy It. I don't car a on way or th other. Ain't X paid to ihow people through?" Shootln Cattle a tt nesort. On of th sights, however, that m really to arouse the boy' pride I th shooting of cattle. Now, shooting In a laughter house 1 not common, and that. possibly, I the reason he take an Interest In It he himself doe not witness It oftsn enough to view It with th placidity that distinguished him a he see an ox. mauled with a club or a pig stuck to death with sharp knife. Shooting I a Ian resort. a means of killing used only when the club haa failed to do It work, and often It ia attended by extraordinary excitement. On the day In question, for example, the vsltor is fortunate enough to see the un usual method employed. The wlelder of th club, who strikes down the huddled cattle aa they ar driven past him, discover that one beast has risen from the heap of un conscious animals. Unless something Is done, and done quickly, the revived victim may rush across the floor, madly butting his way through the group of blood-bespat tered fellows awaiting the arrival of his dead body. He must be killed before he can start. The man with the club, who has been on the lookout for such an emergency, sud denly unstraps a rlflo hanging on hla shout- der. As the fast reviving beast rises, the man alms. There Is a sharp report. Quiv ering, the animal falls to tha floor, amidst his fellows. A minute later, like the rest, he is being hoisted by the hoofs on a giant pulley, and whirled across the long room towards the men with the knives, who make short work of him. This Is one of the scenes of the slaughter house. Tha others, though less unusual. are equally pitiful. The visitor Is not sorry when he' leaves them behind and ia led acrosa a trestle to the building wherein fin ished products are manufactured On of the rooms he enters la full of tables, on which masses of butterine, made of fat, are being patted into cakea for sale throughout the world. Another haa tin- cutting and i oldcrmg machine roarlrg fro-n on end to the other, turning out cana and boxes of every shape and size, end another Is a factory for barrela and boxes and bags. The slaughter house proprietor Is a manu facturer of everything he uses, from th rope that supports the dead beef to th Ice In which the dreeeed carcass is packed and the box. In which the allied product I shipped. ; '. ; There is a special department for making chipped beef. At a long table sit two oppo site rows of girls, who, aa the chip from a cutting maohlne ar sent along in front of them on a moving trough, rapidly grasp handful and pack tbe chips Into round tin cans. 'Then there Is the long room In which hams are smoked.- On the two sides ar big chamber, like oven, high enough for a man to stand In, filled with smoke so thick that when a little of It escapes It half blinds the stranger unaccustomed to having his eyes subjected to such a strain Here the guide makes a speech on the pur. Ity of the processes employed, offering to prove to the sightseer that everything Js as it should be. Finally, after half a dozen other branches have been inspected, the boy leads the way to the last stop, as he calls It. There he stands before a glass wall through which he points to the cold storage room. Rows and rows of dressed beeves hang on hooks in a temperature far down, the boy tells you ready for shipment or for sale to any one who comes to buy. "That's all," the guide announces, with a tone of relief, for the day Is nearly gone. and he ha been showing the sights since early morning. Then, because he ha been h good guide, the visitor slip Into hla hand a quarter, disregarding the antl-tlpplng rule of the plant. Looking Ahead, Gutenberg wo Inventing the art of print Ing. "If absolutely necessary," he said, Books will be needed to All the Carnegie libraries, and the old processes are too all- fired slow." Banishing with an effort of the will misgiving aa to what the future would bring forth In the way of best sellers, dime novels, book agents and patent medicine advertisements, he distributed a handful of pt and set up another sale bill. Chicago Tribune. , OIT Or THE ORDINARY. Hnoln recelvea more sunshine than any other European country. The yearly aver age la 8.000 hour, while In England It 1 Medical men on an average die sooner than other professional men. says an au thorlty. between the ages of 4t and 66 two doctors die to one clergyman. Elephants often take ths place of nurses to Asia. The children are lifted on the elephant's back with his trunk; he then goea a short distance from the village, places them on the ground and guards mem. An oatrlrh feather, If held upright, will be seen to be perfectly equal on botrt aiaes, ths stem dividing It exactly In the center, In other feathers th stems are found to be more or less on on aide. In an Irish town not long ago a crowd watched nearly 150 rat cross above th ground on a telephone wire from th town hall to a noui mill over zuu yaras away The rats used their tails to preserve tbelr balance ana not on maa a laisa step. A twenty-year-old number of Bourgeon magasina. "word and Trowel, aays; "In Crumwell'a dar tha royalists first called tha liberals whigs, taking th first letter et sen word in ineir motto, -ve nope in riorl ' and formlna tnem Into tins word. MrasUlan ants mass little gardens In th tree tops and w them with pineapple and other seda. The gardens are found of all sisns. from a single sprouting aeed Sur rounded by a little earth to a denaely ever- trown t 11 a large a a man a head. While there are In France l.tOO.Ouo farm ara who denend nrlncluslly on their vine yards for their livelihood, there are (00,000 axenis wno live dv seiung meir wines. is now proposed to cut off these agent and turn their pronta into tna pocaei Of in t.roducer. On of th principal reasons for th final abandonment of the drum in tha Frenc army la the new short-term service. It takes a year and a half to make a drum mer, so that no aooner would tha French drummer- have become nroficlent than h would lief a tti get ready to return to civil lif. Cody Bryant !s the wealthiest negro Oeorgia. He own nearly f.Ouo acres of finuit terming land in th central pail ths stala and is rDUtd to be worth abou limi.boO Bryant has the retert and confi denca of many lnliuntlal whites and bis credit with banks and mercantile huusva is practically unlimited. He ptys no attvn tinn to pontic's and has outspoken contempt for tbe profesalonal negro offlce seeker. SPECIAL NOTICES Advert laemta for these columns will be lakes) anttl 18 ni. for the Ttslns rilltloa and antll 8 a. . for he moralorr and Samlay edition. Rates 1 l-3 a word Btmt Insertion, e a word thereafter, Kothlnsr token for lees tha SOo for the Brat loser loa. Thee advertlsementa most ho n ooaseeotlrely. AdTOrtleere, by reejnestlnsi a num bered eheek, ran hste answers dreeeed to a nnmbered tetter In eare of The Dee, Answers so addressed will be delivered on presentation of eheek. MISCELLANEOUS WHEP.B TRl'NKS ARB MADK. Old trunks taken In exonnnse: repairing. f REUNO BTF.1NI.K, 410 N. uth eu 'Phon Doug. W. R Ui Mis STnVF.S taken down, cleaned and UIUVXjO .....i Prlcea the lowest. Capacity 160 stove. A i- Hnyne Hard' war, Mln and Lake. Dougla H M10O MIO ENOROSSINO and- fancy penmanship. troyies imirg. it .'w OMAHA Sn. ft and Iron Work mak a ape clalty of nr exes pes. shutters, door and Sates. O. Andreen, Prop., 103 S. 10th St. R-,'68 BION PAINTINQ, 8. H. Cole, UOt Douglas. i it TF.INWAY piano, upright, big bargain. rerneio riano co.,' iau Farnam at. R JG9 GUNSMITH, keye, trunk lock, repairing. nciiiu, ti a, tun. ii. yuugnii R io SEEDS THAT GROW. NEED ANYT Ree that thev come from TIIE NEBRASKA SEED CO-, UU-l&l Howard, Uue-10-U J one St. R-li8 Mli TRY Kelly' Towel Supply. Tel Doug. 3530. K ill Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam. it lit MARTIN MEYER, ahlrta, underwear to oruer. R M6U0 M20 bURVEYINQ, BUckensderfer. 312 Bee Rldg. R i.S JOHNSON, TILE RELIABLE PLUMBING AND HEATINO CO. BEijT SERVICE PRICES REASONABLE. TEL. DOUULAS 1812 HARNEY. R-M414 MIS ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co., 6a N. lfith. lei. uoug. Kit, iiea. pnone, Doug. imi. R M6W CARLSON ft CO., upholstering, repairing and mattress renovating. Tel. Doug. 2nit. R-MK9 M:3 HAVE Wilson hang paper; quick, clean; pptr gleaning n specially. lei Douglas 6066. R-M57G Mid BEE KEEPERS' supplies. Send for cata logue, ueany juig. Co., 1730 so. nth. HMSM 31 HE A TON For hlngllng and repairing, BUSINESS CHANCES DO YOU have any .kind of property to ex- " w. wnc A,CMIBHn 1KI1U, OIISI- neas property. Omaha, residence, general stock mdse., hardware, drug store, etc., eto. 7 Our list la large. Let ua get you result. Templeton & Manker. m lies Bldg. Tel. Douglas 2Su4. Y MS34 A SWELL ROOMING HOUSE Elegantly 19 - ..11 . , . .u. ..e...u (uviii, luii ui i uumers and boarders: rent reasonable: Farnain trict. walking distance. Party leaving .I,... will a II Y. - . I. , . civ, win ku unrsfi. xempieion & .M a n -ket, 204 Bee building, telephone Douglas Y-Mltti FOR SALE W.O0O.00 worth of 10 per cent urererrea guaranteed atocx; can give best references. Addresa D 23, car umn nee. X M567 WANTED To trade or sell t 14,000 grocery uuaincH located in cne central part of Bt. Joseph, Mo. Nearly all cash transient trade; will bear investigation. Address u ii, eee. x M597 6x THE CLIPPER. THE CLIPPER. THE CLIPPKH. A few small blocks at 69 centa. Thl la a Bpeciai snap, aa mis stock promises to double several tlmea In the next few months. Address Frank Mason, O'Nc.U, llltOi THE CLIPPER. THE CLIPPER. THE CLIPPER. Y-M001 Sx OK balk- Hardware in county seat town of 2,000 Inhabitants In eastern Ne braska. Plumbing and tin shop will in voice vi.wo. uooa reason for selling. Ad dress D 9, Bee. Y M5U9 6x FOR BALE Clean stock of general mer- cnanaise; cnanoe to atep into a foil pay ing business. Block about M.000. Will take 67tt centa on the dollar for qdick cash. Stock up-to-date and complete. Ad dress uwner, uavia city, Neb. Y M;i! YOU can never profl 'jy business chances unless you nave some money; small aav inga are tne rounaation or large fortunes; start a savings account with J. L. Hrnn. dels & Sons, Bankers, 16th and Douglas bib. Asseis over uu,wu. tl PATENTS GUARANTEED Patent secured or Fee Returned. Send modal or sketch for free opinion as to patentability, klend for illustrated Guide Book. Contains 100 mechanical move ments and LIST OF INVENTIONS WANTED. Particular NEW TRADE- MAKK UW COPYRIGHTS, etc. Pat ents advertised free In World's Progress. e. vain a, wiLivt.NB 6c WO., Reg. Attorneys. 668 F Street, . Washington, D. C. Y YOUNG man wanted to take ud the study of the law t home; an unusual opportu nity to aeoure a legal education and ad mission to the bar without loss of time or other saerlflce. For particulars address y The Bprague Correspondence School of &a.w, a aiajesue dug., uetrou, mien. Y- ANGORA goat raising, the greatest money iiiuniiiB iuuuvuj ui iiiv se, iimnut! UI I lifetime to get a guaranteed investnien with big dividends; writ for In forma tion. P. O. Box iil, Silver City. N. M. Y-4 6x IF you want to buy or aell at good prices mining or Industrial securities it will pay you to write us. Unlisted bc-curltios Ex- change, u wail Bt., Nw York. Y-T60 x VHEAT-12.60 buy five bid and five of fers, good for on week: 2c advance or decline from price gives 1100 profit; write for particulars. Commerce Grain Co., commerce mag., cnicago. x 717 ex COMB south: owner, obliged to change ell mate, will sell, on easy terma, profitable going business; guarantee minimum job bing pront iu per oent, retail so ner cent; March sales $1,000; banka will tell you take It; experience unnecessary; writ to day; might consider part trade. Address V. H. rarxs, aecrstary, Houston, Tex. Y-700 x $3,000 TO 120,000 yearly easily made In th ru sii uuainvMi no cspuai rvquiren w will teach you th buslnes by mail aDDoint you special representative of lead ing real tstate company, list with you readily salable properties, co-operate with and assist you to a permanent aurcess; valuabl hook free. Address The Cross Co., 17 Reaper Block, Chicago. T-T04 x UNLISTED SECURITIES I will buy or sell; send lor latest price list. C F, K: 'ter, largaat dealer In United States North American ttiag., fa. Est. IMS. jTJi sx MODERN STEAM LAUNDRY For Sale Up-to-dnte In every way and located In Altoona. Kan., on of the bt s towns In tha saa belt: DODulatlon l.SOO people, and on of biggest smelters In west, i inn pianis ana i giasa pianis, and over lwt nouses in erection; a ran cash payment and rest In eaiiy pay meals, tor tun particulars writ J. W. MORDY. Altoona Steam Laundry, Altoona, Kan. y-;ti 6x BUSINESS CHANCES FOK SA1.E-A good paying general mer chandise business In a live, up-to-iiate town; a snap for the right person. For further particulars addreses U 40, enre Uee. T- 7M STATE RIGHTS on an article In universal demand; every hmse owner r.retis one or mire; pror-t on ench is Particulars to bo had of E. It., &1S Douglas Bt.. Oman. V-iSl 1600 Oreit opportunity. Rlncksmlth wants a partner, practical or otherwise, to tane half hnre In buniness In lively Ne braska town; ;0 Is to pay out retiring pnrtner. For particulars addreea 10. It., iiSlS Douglas St., Omaha. V 7l 6 BUSINESS PROPOSITION. WS 1IAK A FIKrtT-lUAH3. L'P-TO rATK MAKDWARK fil'Ov. K IN TOWN OF !.(. COt'NTY SEATj KIRH r-C'L,Afctf Bl'BINKflfl; aoOH LOCATION. OWNLH has other 1ntkre3th and will, take half value in real, estate. i)A LA.NC W CAkSH. WILL INVOICE AHOL'T 115.000. THIS 18 A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR PARTIES' WltlilNd TO LOCATE IN HARDWARE UL'SlNEfB. WRITE IB FOR PARTICULARS) BKCVR IT Y HUSI N10H8 COMPANY, RV8INKSS RHOKKH8. SUITES 4-S CORUr BUlLDlNU, S r. OSUPH, MO. Y-781 Ox A NICE, clean stock of hardware for an.; cnesp (or cash; sirxnrs tn reason lor selling. 3. A. Wright, Wabash. Neh. Y-7tl 6x X IH'Y and sell unlisted securities of every description; send for quotation on all stocks you wish kept posted on. Oscar liambergcr, 1ft Wall St., New York. Y-766 x WILL sacrifice part of block gold mining stoi k at one-tnird vaiuei Mv.uou in signt; I for l six months. William Graiilln, Smith McNeil llotsl, New York. Y-7S6 fts MONTHLY alnry of IM0, expenses and a commission tor satisfactory man witn 11,600 cash, as sales manager at Omnhn; right man with executive ability and a clean record can make IS. BOO or more per annum. Addrexa Mr. Carmon, 308 Wahasli Ave., Chicago. Y 7i 6x CAPITAL FURNISHED for meritorious business enterprises; high-grade muni cipal, corporation bonds and general In vestment securities bought and sold. Everything on a commi.iwlon basis and strictly confidential. L'oIohUI Securities Co., Cleveland, O. Y 736 6x INVESTORS New storage battery for automobiles; company manufacturing battery under exclusive patents, capable of double mileage of any known battery; offer limited amount of stock on fol lowing liberal terms: $100 par value for 160. payable 210, with subscription, bal ance In 6") days. American Hartung Bat tery Co., Arlington, N. J. Y 762 6x WANTED A young man of a few thou- sanus, orpires to ouy a woraing interest In a good, reliable railroad contracting firm. Address D 36, car Be. Y-743 Sx FOR SALE One lot, -room brick Btore, iront, Dane snop; nrlck oven, capacity 200 loaves; all tools; Just the place for wholesale route. Price, 11,200; Denver, Colo. Address D 28, care Bee. Y 747 X DO you want to Invest 110 or more at 80 to lot) per cent on satisfactory security T Legitimate, honest business that pays Im mense profits; at 100 per cent the amount invested Is returned to you every year! write ot once for full particulars. E. Foster, Suite 1712, No. 27 William St., New York City. - Y 708 x FOREIGN and American capital for In vestment in approved, railway; mining or Industrial propositions. E. S. Barnum, 411-140 Dearborn St., Chicago. Y 742 6x COBALT Consolidated Mines Company will aell stock in producing mines only; aell claims part cash, part stock; organise companies; develop properties. Address Home Bank Bldg., Toronto, Canada. y e;s ex DID It ever occur to you that you could learn a good business by mail? Would you like to learn the real estate business? You can earn good money while learning It, by our plan, wtaloh will be aent on re quest. Each student of ours will be given a position with this firm when course Is begun and you learn by doing actual business In your locality for ua, for which you receive good pay. Only one man wanted In each town, so be first. Address Instruction Dept., Lerew Land Co., First National Bank Bldg., Omaha Neb. ' Y M663 7 $45 1029 8. 30th Ave., 9 rooms, modern. 110 812 N. 33d, t rooms, modern. $30 3310 Burt St., 8 rooms, modern. $26 8. W. corner 26th , and Maple, 6 rooms, new. modern. $7 4202 Hamilton Bt, E rooms, city water. Inquire rt. z. risinKs et t u., Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. D 671 10 rooms, modern, 1811 Bo. 10th, $30. 6 rooms, 2538 Parker, $14. ' $ rooms, 1817 No. 17th, $10. 8 rooms, modern. 2760 Davenport. $2T. 8 rooms, modern flat, 1206 Douglas, $1$. W. 11. MfcihJ-,., ZU0 KAOIUIU HLiDU. D M670 FIRST-CLASS pharmacy on leading St.. umana, to exenange ior umana or aoutn Omaha improved property, t. v. Knlest, Kl R I. u., umana, sseo. Y-M806 T BY Investing $1,500 reliable property In vestment, can realise by ran double and ao on. Investigate and be aaaured. Ad dress D 41, Bue. Y-57 6x FOR SALE Hotel, two lots and building; is rooms rurmsnea; lots ZD it. earn building 24x80 with side parlor 22x20 and barn: only $2,600. ask for particu lars. Call evenings, E. It., 2318 Doug las St., Omaha. Y 848 FOR SALR-General merchandise, elenn stock. $8,000; can be reduced; town lm, southeastern Nebraska. Address Box 64, L-rete, in eu. i Boa ex PATENTS H. A. STURGES, 'eglstered attorney; pat ents, iraae M.trKB, cupyrignia; no tee un less successful. 617 N. Y. Life, Omaha. F. J. LARSON tc CO.. patent lawyers; patent book free. Bee Bldu., Omaha, Neb. ia SHARPE MACHINE WORKS-Patents procured, invention developed, drawings, patterns, castings,, machine work.' 0u4-6U S. It; Hi bt. 357 PATENTS procured, bought end sold. Na tional Investment CO., M Douglas Block. j8 DRESSMAKING FOR dreasinaklrg done -at home, Doug. 371&. Mi.U Woodruff A Arnold, 313-:i Neville Elk. -Mill) MIS M'DOWELL system of dress cutting taught; simplest and best method. ItJJ Farnam. Mtltis May'Jl CALL and see the one-priced dressmaker. iv9 Douglas bloc. 30 Jt-3 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE AND CARPETS; honeat val- ues, reliable goods, ou eay payments. OMAHA FL'H.NlTt'HE AND t AHPET CO., l.V9-i.ill-m Farnam tttrotu. Q SODA FOUNTAINS, any size, 1818 Farnam. W-274 8HER WIN-WILLI AM8 CO.. best mixed paint. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. . g 2.1 HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. Ibis Farnum Q-2i8 ' FOR SALE Empty Ink barrela. Inquire of J. It. Campbtil. Lee mail room. 0.-4:2 WE buy everything In the furniture lino. Chicago Furulturu Co., 1410 Dodge. Q-S77 CHEAP chicken fence, long fir tlmberx, white bus wood fur burnt woix. m N. 16th. Q-JTs CAUTION I Beware of fake piano ads I genuine new cUeinway pianos are sold ONLY by Echmoller & Mueller and they are the ONLY authorized Nebraska rep resentative. Tel. Dougls 1026. 1311-1313 Farnam. Q-.'K FINE high grade upright piano eheaa. Dealers do not apply. 416 No. lid Bt. Tx rOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE-S00 boxes and packing esses, all sisea. Oll'Son Sar Co., Omaln, Neli. Ti b-phone, I'ouxlas 15:0, W T5 i THE CLirrFR MINE. The Clipper mine of Washington Is strictly a Nsbiaska conn any and a most prom ising one. as thone who have Investigated know. I can furnish few blocks of stock In this mine at 89 cents. H-tter wire your order. Franrt Mason, O Nelll. ' ' THE CLIPPER MINE. Q-eW X PIANO Square, $10; 50 cents weekly, l'er- nold Piano Co., Kill arnin St. 4 3m MILCH COWS, on easy terms. 43d snd t pnter. tj Athis FOR BALE Ono surrey snd brnsg mounted collar harness. Tel. Red-4.v9. KIMBALL organ, fine condition, cheap. Dealers don l apply. IMS Duvenpnrt. Sl-M,,17x FOR BALE1 Cheap, 2"0 pair hotnrf pig eons i owner gone away. D. w. tni:i rock, Kimball. Neb. Q M7.S7 irx PIGEONS Homer for squad breeding; nnc, large hlrd; also youngsters, wrue for catalogue. Mo. Squab Co., 3S01 Shnw Ave., St. Louis, Mo. VI 97 bX SHETLAND mare, broke. 43d and Center. y MSU) TYPEWRITER, safe and table cheap. Address D 48, Bue. g 830 I FOR SALE A new two-seated rubber tire Racine trap, latest pattern. C. 9. Lefferts, bo First avenue, Council Blurs. QM-S82 I WANTED To sell a fine new phino cheap. Will take typewriter as rart pay. V, Bee. 10 Pearl Btreet, Council Blurts. I a. gn-u 7 SALESMEN WANTED TRAVELING 8ALE?MEN for Nebraska and lowa with a full line or soaps, per fumes and ftivnrtng extracts; furnishing the 82 for $1 selling plan to the retail dealer; M weekly advance. F. F. Cook, Bales Dept., Detroit, Miuh. L 628 6x WANTED A rrve, hustling advertising salesman with experience nd uocewul record in the alr of calendar and litho graphic specialties; bright man can make permanent and profitable connection with leading New York manufacturer on sal ary or commission basis. Address, with full particulars and references, "Litho grapher," 376 Broadway, New York. L 753 Ix WANTEI Salesman; young man of good character, wno la amDitinus (or a nig future; must be quick, tactful and per sistent, with sufficient poise to be ut ease In dealing with persons engaged In every phase of commercial life; state age, experience, former wagea, and record, to reoclve consideration. Address The Sys tem Co., Chicago, Dept. 9. L 710 fix TRAVELING salesman wanted for grocery trade; salary iioo month ana expenses; earn pi free. Loa Angele Cider Co., bt. Louis. Mo. L 716 8x CIGAR salesman wanted In your locality, city and country trade; salary and ex penses or commission; experience un necessary; enclose stamp for particulars. National Cigar Co., Dept. 74. Toledo, o. L 7i!0 8X WANTED Traveling salesman of ability to handle line of proprietary medicines; exceptional opportunity to right man with established house; preparations sell ing well; c;lve age, experience and refer ences. Box 656, Chicago. L 719 bx WANTED Salesman, by wholesale Jewelry house, to aell tnelr line or. jaweiry to gen eral trade In Nebraska; we offer apeclal Inducement to merchants which makes sales easy; high commission: permanent position. McAllister-Coman Co., 366 Dear born Bt-, Chicago, 111. L 736 Cx A COMMISSION big enough to produce heart failure tor traveling men with golden tongues and established routes. Addresa Side Line, Box u3, Cincinnati, O. L 702 x WANTED Shoe ' salesman of experience. having eetabllahed trade, or those who are prepared to furnish references which will prove their ability and Integrity, for the territories inoluded In Wyoming, North and South Dakota, ' Nebraska and Montana. The ahoe are the product of a high-grade Bt. Louis concern. Address, with fullest Information, D 17, oars Beo. . L7US TRAVELING salesmen for Nebraska and Iowa with a full line of soapa, perfumes and flavoring extracts, furnishing -the $2 and $1 Belling plan to the retail dealer; $30 weekly advance. F. V. Cook, Bale Dept., Detroit, Mich. L WANTED At once, one - for each state, one first. clas, experienced road salesman, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Bouth Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska; old established jobbing house. Apply room No. 6U2, Sykea Blk., Minneapolis, Minn. L 707 x TRAVEL for old, reliable wholesale house; . staple, well advertised line; $126 to $i60 a month and expenses; wanted, a good man for Nebraska and lowa at once. Address B. I. Redfleld. Jiouner Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. L 740 6x SELL our $20 Bods. Fountains; make $10 on every aale; collect own commissions. Act quick; write for part lculara. J. ii. I Fox, U2 LaSalle Bt., Chicago. ' WANTED First-class specialty salesmen. One man earned over $1,500 since Feb. 8. Barton Parker Mfg. Co.. Cedar Rap. Ida, la. L 738 6x TO HANDLE a high-grade furniture ad vertising novelty which Is a winner. Position will pay at least $X0 per month, and expense. Address W. C. Hardesty, Canal Dover, Ohio. L 732 6x SALESMAN Traveling salesman Tor Ne braska by large house to aell ataple line to general trade; contract and liberal drawing account; permanent; references. Box 73, Chicago. L 743 $x SALESMEN can easily make $10 a day selling our Gold Window Letters, Novelty Sim lis and Changeable Signs: catalogue fr. Sullivan Co., 4uS W. Van Bureu til., Chicago, 111, Lr 764 ttx WANTED Salesmen calling on hardware and lumber dealers, to sell guaranted Roof and Iron Palnte; popular prices; easily aold; liberal commluslons. Box 54, Bouth Bend, lnd. L ui tlx BIG money, quick returns. We manufac ture the largest exclusive line of adver tising Fans appealing to all classes; best months March bo June; liberal commis sions semi-montbly ; samples free to es tablish salesmen; write ti day. The Kemper-Thomas Company, Fan department, Cincinnati, O. L 093 bx WANTED Sulesmen of ability and neut appearance to call on all merchants in iiieir territory; elegant sio"e line conveni ent to carry; good commissions; prompt i eminence. Butler Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O. L-D2 bx , SALESMAN for Nebraska; experienced traveling man preferred; line staple for general trade; position permanent; $60 weekly with commisoion. Sawyer, Leslie & Co., Detroit, Mich. L 83 6x SALESMEN calling on stationery trade to handle our Self-Clnsing Inkstand: ele gant side Una; easy seller; liberal com mission; give reference. Sengbuacb Self Closmg Inkstand Co., Milwaukee, Wis. L 6H8 6x TRAVELING salesman wanted te sell giocery trade, ilou per month and ex penses; samples free. California Cider and, Extract Co., St. Louis, Mo. L-640 6X CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line; high commissions, with $;W monthly advance; permanent posi tion to right man. Jess 11. Smith Co, Detroit. Mich. 6X Rtl.lABLE, Industrious meu In every county, to sell urooertes to farmere and all lurge consumers. We are the largest firm In America conducting a business of thla kind on the on-pioni basis, and our goods are guaranteed to comply with the nu st exacting pure fond laws; a perma nent and profitable trade Insured; ex perience unnoiifsary ; good references re quired. John Sexluu A Co., importers and wholesale grocers, 14-18-20-12 Cute St., Ch:cu70. L-ti77 WANTED Salesmen experienced In pro prietary medicine ssitsmanshlp to retail drug trade; we pay good salaries with v n - .1... Ill I , . . cea i sales; choice new territory; our line of 20 remedies never sold by salesmen before; young, entrgette, capable men only. Dr. buoop hWlclue Co, Racu,., Via. l