Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 8, Image 16

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Ordered by War Departments Take Chares.
Dnrin? the Sammsr.
Camp U FrTlalMllr rfil4, Vr
ala em ApproHl T
C snares tor Ha lllnn
Brlsndier General T. J. Wlnt, commanrttna
tha Uppartment of tha Missouri, haa been
dQHiKnuted y the War. department to com
mand the camp of Instruction and concen
tration to be established at Fort Rller.
Kin., during the summer months, provid
ing the noreaaary appropriation for the
camp la made by.congress. It la at present
Intended that tha camp, which will be
known na Camp Riley, will be established
about July 15. The purpose of the camp Is
for Held and camp Instruction and a very
large military force will be assembled
there during the summer, coming from all
parts of the department, with possibly a
number of National Guard regiments from
the various states Included In the Depart
ment of the Missouri.
Depart airnt nf Ml anon rl Boater.
The new roster of the Department of the
MUaourl hax Just hern published by depart
ment rters. The roster shows the
following troops now stationed In the de
partment: Third liattalion corps of engineers, four
cooipHi'e: Headquarters, field and staff
at Fort leavenworth.
Hternnl ccrps. three companies: Company
A at Fort lavenworth. and Companies B
and D at Fort Omaha.
Cavalry, Hfty-two troops: Second regiment
anl four troops at Fort Riley, Kan.; Sixth
regiment. heHdouarters. Held staff, band
and elKht troops at Fort Meade, S. D. ;
Ninth regiment, headquarters. Held, staff,
bund and four troope at Fort Riley, four
troops at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., and
four troops t. Jefferson barracks, Mis
souri; Tenth regiment, headquarters, field,
staff, bund and eight troops at Fort Rob
inson, Neb., two troops at Fort Washakie
and two troops at Fort Miu'keniln, Wyo.;
Eleventh regiment, headquarters, field, i
ciaff, band and twejve troops at For Dee
Moines, Ja ; -Thirteenth regiment, four
troops at Fort Riley, Kan.
Field artillory, nine batteries! Fourth
battalion, field, ataff and three batteries at
Fort Riley, Kan.; Fifth battalion (horse),
field, ataff and two batteries at Fort Riley;
provisional buttallnn, field, staff, Sixteenth
and Nineteenth batteries at Fort D. A.
Bunnell, Wyo. provisional battalion, field
nd staff. Sixteenth battery (siege) and
Twenty-ninth battery at JFort leaven
worth. Infantry, forty companies: F.leventh reg.
Intent, headquarters, field, staff, band and
twelve compunles at Fort D. A. Russell,
Four companies of this regiment have re
cently been sent to Sun Franelnco on tem
porary duty. KiKhteenth regiment, head
quarters, field, staff, band and twelve com
panies at Fort Leavenworth: Twenty-fifth
regiment, headquarters, field, staff, band
and eight companies at Fort Niobrara,
Neb.; Thirtieth regiment, headquarters,
Held, staff, bund and eight companies at
. ort Crook, Neb.
Ariay Recraltlag Service.
But ten recruits were obtained at the
ITnlted States army recruiting depot during
the month of April. This Is the smallest
number of recruits secured In any single
month for-some years. Ten recruits have
already been enlisted during the first five
days of May, and the outlook Is for a big
number of enlistments from now on. This
sudden spurt of candidates for. service in
Uncle Sam's army is attributed to the re
cent calamity In San Francisco, that has
thrown a large number of young men out
of employment, and in their drifting baok
east, and failing to find expected employ
ment have decided to take up the army life
for an enlistment or so in any event. The
character of enlistments thus far during
the month of May are good, and the men
seera to fill all the physical, moral and
other requirements demanded of enlist
ments under the present rigid recruiting
Military Posts la Department.
Of the military posts located in the De
partuient of the Missouri, the supreme com
maud of which is vested in Brigadier Gen
eral T. J. Wlnt at Omaha as commander
of the department, Fort Crook, Neb., was
established in 1896. Fort D. A. Russell,
Wyo., was established in ISO; Fort Des
Moines, la., In 1903; Jefferson Barracks, Mo.,
in 1827; Fort Leavenworth, Kan., In 1K7;
Fort Mackenzie, Wyo., la 1899; Fort Meade,
B. D., In 1S78; Fort Niobrara. Neb., in 1SS0;
Fort Omaha, Neb., In 1870,' and re-established
In 1906; Fort Riley, Kan., In 1853
Fort Robinson, Neb., In 1871. and Fort
Washakie. Wyo.. in 1887.
' It will thus be observed that two of the
military posts, Fort Leavenworth and Jef
ferson Barracks, have been in existence
continuously as military garrisons for seventy-nine
years, Fort Riley for fifty-four
years - and Fort Russell for thirty-seven
years, i
Ileadqaartera Rotes.
Leave of absence for two months has
been granted Colonel Charles B. Hall, Eigh
teenth Infantry, Fort Leavenworth.
Leave of absence for one month and
fifteen days has been granted Second Lieu
tenant William L. Stevenson, Eleventh
cavalry, Fort Des Moines.
Private Daniel Wenner, Company A.
Thirtieth Infantry, Fort Crook, has been
transferred to the hospital corps of the
' Honorable discharges from the army have
been grunted the following named enlisted
men: Privates Bloss C. I'nland, Troop C,
Sixth cavalry; Private William A. Car
michael. Troop D, Sixth cavalry. Fort
Meade; Private Joseph Orack, Company M
Thirtieth Infantry; ITlvata John .W. Lang
enbach, bund. Thirtieth Infantry, Fort
Crook, and Private Robert D. Guatln. Com
pany M. Third battalion Engineer corps.
Fort Iavenworth.
Exploit) Reaalts la Tleatraet la mt
The explosion ef a gasoline, stove In the
basement of 117 North Fourteenth street
Saturday morning caused - a fire which
wrought destruction to the coUagea num.
be red (15 and M7 North Fourteenth street
and damaged most of the household goods.
The house at D17 was occupied by Peter
Glangrosy and four barbers employed by
him st North Sixteenth street. The
barbers lived, In the lower part of the
house-and had three gasoline stoves, one of
which exploded In some manner which
could not be explained. No one was In the
house at the time the fire broke out. The
other cottage was occupied by the fami
lies of Francis Black and John Carter,
colored. The total loss on buildings and
furniture wss estimated st Woo. In addl.
tlon to that Mr. Glangrosny had 1175 In
coin and currency and his wife $300 worth
of Jewelry which went down with the
ruins of the house.
The explosion of the gasoline In the
closed baaement was heard a block away
and was of such force as to blow out
some of the windows and shake the chim
ney down. The horse of Thomas Falconer.
Istant building Inspector, who ' was
passing at the time, became frightened and
nearly ran away. Before the fire depart
ment arrived the houses were enveloped
In flames and neighbors beginning to move
The burned houses were old structures
and in that territory being rased to make
way for the new Northwestern freight de
! 'Social Ethics" is the subject of an ad
dress to be delivered Sunday afternoon be
fore the Omaha Philosophical society by
Mrs. Mary Uirard Andrews. A thorough
and correct treatment of the subject may
be relied on from Mrs. Andrews, who has
long been Identified with studies along this
line. The society opens Its meeting at I
o'clock p. m. at Patterson hall. Seventeenth
and Fa main streets.
F. t . Best, formerly purlner in a local
well known real estate firm, has opened
offices at suite No. ,83-2. New York Life
Bldg.. where he will case? on a general
real eatate and fire lnaurauce business,
Mr. Beat's past business experience, he
having spent five years in the banking
Dusinesa, places mm In position to com
mand his share of trade In his line, and
lie states that the first week In his new
location has been very encouraging.
Kaaeral Notice.
The members of Capitol lodge No.
Ancient Free and Accepted Masons are
requested to meat at Free Masons hall
on Bunday, May , at 1:30 p. ra.. to at-
tend the funeral of our late brother.
jacoo I'lincnara. uarabers of sister
loflgee Invusa. By order of the master,
Mualulacs concert and ball. Auditorium
Monday, May T. Entire receipts for San
Francisco sufferers.
Engraved wedding Invitations and an
nuunceniema. a. i. nooi, inc., luo Howard
street, Oman a.
Oaaafca, South Omaha ' and Reasoa
Aeries Will mite la
Observ alloa,
Omaha, South Omaha and Benson aeries
of Fraternal Order of Eagles will hold
their annual memorial - service Sunday!
morning at the Orpheum theater. Thu
program will be called promptly ' at 10
o clock and tha officers urge all to be
In their places In good season.- Tho
theater Is being decorated for the occasion
and the Douglas county commissioners
will occupy the boxes as invited guests.
The full Orpheum orchestra will assist
In the program and the general public
is Invited to attend the services, which
promise to ha memorable in the history
of local aeries. -
The following program has been ar
Selection Orpheum Orchestra
Opening ceremonies
Officers of 'the Aeries
Rev. Bro. F. M. Sisson, South Omaha
Roll Call of the Dead..
. . . . Worthy secretaries or tn Aeries
Solo Miss Blanche Sorenson
Eulogy Rev. T. J. Mackay
Selection The Benson Aerie Quartet
. . Bro. H. B. Flaherty, South Omaha
Solo Miss Louise Jensen
Address. ... .Bra John J. Ryder. Omaha
Closing Ceremonies
umcers or me Aeries
Selection Orpheum Orchestra
Coaipaay Organise- Here.
The R. D. Robinson company of this
olty has conceived a plan of assistance in
what might be termed the foundation work
of rebuilding stricken San Francisco, with
out at the same time drafting further upon
the generosity of the people.
The twin catastrophes of earthquake
and fire have rendered homeless tens of
thousands of mechanics, laborers and work
ers. These people cannot leave San Fran
cisco, and it would be bad for. the latter
it they did, for they are absolutely essen
tial to the task of rebuilding the city. But
while this vast multitude wait and work
they must have proper shelter," says Mr.
To carry out this plan, a corporation,
called the Earthquake Construction com
pany, is being formed and the Incorpora
tion papers will be filed Monday. It pro
poses to construct upon a large scale tem
porary homes for the army of workers,
renting them to the latter at a reasonable
rate. The company will have a . capital
stock of Il.000.0u0, divided Into 100,000 shares
of the par value of $10 each. This stock
will be thrown open to the public sub
scription at par and subscriptions will be
received for one share and upward.
There will be no profits to anyone in its
promotion or the sale of its stock, no com
missions or brokerage fees. The money
received from the sale of stock will be de
voted solely to the purposes outlined, ac
cording to the company's organisers, Iaa
the amount required for legitimate and
proper expenses. Although not planned
primarily for that purpose, it is expected
that the enterprise will prove profitable,
so that all who subscribe to the project
may do so with the consciousness that
they are not giving,' but lending their
capital to a worthy and needed work. Los
Angelas Times. ' . -
if Music
- ma be had In your
Home, at a small
cost, by the purchase
get all they can
for their money." If
your piano stands Idle
Increase its value one
hundretf times over by
adding; to it a MET.
BRARY contracts make buying easy,
' and with the exchange privilege lea
sens the cost to one-half the original
amount to build up a fine Library
lots of new and up-to-date music Just
Pianolas and music contracts on $5
monthly payments. Call and investi
gate If yo't care to purchase or not
at the . "
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
"Aeolian Depsrtment"
, 1311-13 Fsrnsm t Phone Doug. Ill
Very Low Rates.
One fare, plus $1, for the round, trip. Good
going May 31 to June , Inclusive. Return
limit by depositing ticket,. July .15.
An excellent opportunity to. spend your
vacation in New England.
Write M. S. Giles, T. P. A., Chicago, for
full particulars. Warren J. Lynch. Passen
ger Traffic Manager, Chicago. .
IUJIO ta St. Paal a ad Minneapolis
and Retnrn
From Omaha, via Chicago Great Western
railway. Tickets on sale daily after May
31 to Sept. SO. Final return limit, Oct. U.
Equally low rates to other points in Minne
sota. North Dakota, Wisconsin and lower
Michigan. For further Information apply
to H. H. Churchill. Gen. Aft., 151 1 Famam
St., Omaha.
Rubber! Rubber.'! Rubber!!! Give us rub
ber or give us the privilege of getting It!
We are not particular what the' article
was made for If only it is made of rubber;
any old thing will do, but rubber we must
have to fill out that carload which is to
be sold for the benefit of the babies at the
Child Saving institute. - Barrels are to be
found at the various schools and principal
stores Into which the rubber may be placed
for collection, or it may be left at the In
stitute, 1806 Ohio St.
DIAMONDS Frenser, 15th and Dadge sts.
Eagles' Memorial Services.
The publio generally and the members of
all fraternal orders are cordially invited
to attend the joint memorial services of
Omaha, 8014th Omaha and Benson aeries
to be held at the Orpheum theater Sun
day, May 1 at 10 a, m.
Vary l" Rates Tuesday.
Every Tuesday, balance of the year, the
Chicago Great Western railroad will sell
ho me seekers' tickets to Minnesota. North
Dakota and Caaadian northwest at about
half rate; to other territory first and third
Tuesdays. Write H. H. Churchill, a A..
1613 Famam street. Stale number In party
and when going.
Men's, boys', children's clothing, hats,
ladles' suits, skirts, millinery, etc., cast) or
orrait. Peoples fctore, Uth and Famam.
WATCUES-Vrenavr. 15th and Dodge Bta,
irung cnvrr jrenxer, win ana iat hvs jux. priat It.
DIAMONDS Edholm, lfth Harney at.
Douglas (644) Printing Co. V Howard 8t.
Werts, Dentist. 04- Pax ton block.
Misses' and Children's
Dress Shoes
One. of the very popular styles we
are showing this spring for misses and
ohlldren's wear Is made with colored
tops, In -drab, white and brown; -genuine
oose calf tops that can be cleaned;
patent colt vamps, button only. They
are very 'natty.
Misses' sizes! U to 2, $2.50. . '
'Child's sixes, 8H to 11, $2.00.
t' Child's sixes; 6 to S, $1.60 and $1.7C, '
Bring in the little ones if you want' a
nice dress shoe.
Drexel Shoe Co.
1419 rarnam Street.
Big Sale
All This Week
Croouet Sets fle..8Sc and 98c
Hammocks $3.95, (2.95, $1.98
and 90c.
Boys' Wagons, all iron, $1.98
$1.48 and 98c.
best make,
$:;.96, 12 98
and $1.94.
Girls' Trlcyrles
$4 .95 and $3.96.
Wagons $6.95
and $4.95.
Doll Go-Carta
$1.98, 98c and 490.
Base Balls, best made,
98c, 49c, 25c and 10c.
Bats 2fie. 15c, loc, 60.
Masks 49c and 25c.
Gloves and Mlts 49c,
. 25c and lOo.
The 99 cent v store v
3. DO. kiVlB
Young Men's Shoes
We've made special provision . for
our young men patrons. The young
men always want shoes that are
Just the Correct Thing
We've high and low cut shoes on
extreme lasts. , Some very narrow
toes with every style kink that can
be put into a shoe
$3.50, $4.00 to $5.00
No newspaper can do these shoes
Justice. Come see them.
The ah oars,
Wh and DoaqtMt St
Try the Want
OotamiM Tue
50c Per
Week on
the smaller
$1.00 Per
Week on
the larfler
Inred Action (Gas
... Bancs ... .
Two hundred in daily us; in Omaha. Uses One
Third Less gas than any other gas range. You will be con
vinced of this if you will see it demonstrated. Entirely
different construction from all other gas ranges. Pays for
itself in the saving of gas. Low prices, EASY TERMS.
All ranges connected free of charge. No soot, no ashes,
no odor, economical, convenient, safe, helpful.
Special demonstration this' week by Mrs. Plummer,
late of the Armour Institute, of Chicago.
far and wide .with their possessors. We hear from gome In far off
Alaska, some front the veldt of South Africa, from Greenland's Icy
mountains, and at least one of our ladles' watches is now with Ha fair
owner on a trip -somewhere along the equator. Our 8oclal Watrh
Offer Is hard to beat.
One gentleman's watch, solid (told filled case, guaranteed twenty yeaA,
Waltham or Elgin 15-Jewel movement, five years' guar- "tfA
antee, only. ? 9
.. Same watch a the above, 17 Jewel" $11. 7B
ur-special ladles' watch, hunting case, solid gold filled, C
splendid guaranteed movement, small and dainty, only....
: We are Headquarter for Watches, and guarantee to suit the moat
exacting taste aa well to excellency of movement as to durability and
atyle of appearance.
115 South Sixteenth Street. Opposite the Boston Store.
('.. .
Your New
Spring Suit is
Here, It's H
S. 6 M. Hand
See Our Great
Display of
Ladies Crown
Suits, at
Are You Looking for the Best?
K ,TV-'.-.-.,.V.-t
1 1
No need looking further If you com
here for )our clothe. .Hundreds' of
men who believe themaelvea critical
are this year cutting their tailor bills
In half by buying clothing here. You
ran be Jut as exacting and critical aa
you like. Our hand-tailored clothing is
sure to please you In every respect.
The Individuality In style, artlstla
workmanship, splendid all wool fabrics
and great range of colors and patterns
are uneqtialed.
H.tXIl TAHOKED KlITRIo stngle or
double breasted styles, newest ,fab
rlcs. in all popular shades of gray,
stripes, plaids, fancy mixtures and
plain colors, linings and trimmings
the best, perfect in fit, best values In
Omaha, at $20, $18, 1 A ff
flu. 112.50 and Ill.UU
are rain coats In fact as well as
name, always stylish, always com
fortable prices $20, tl A A
$18, $15, $12.60 and ... IVsUU
1UI.NU .MK.VS hi. ITS With styl
that pleases and quality that Insures
uplendld service, greatest assort
ment and best values In the city
at $10, $8.60, $7.60,
$6.50, $6.00 and
!',. 3.95
About 750 palra of men's pant
closed out from a prominent manu
facturer, will be placed on sale,
Monday, values up to $4.60 at
$3.60, $2.50, 1 Cft
...... ftS V
$1.95 and
In the season's latest styles unequalod range of materials and fl C f
colors speolal values at up to $6.60, $3.60, $2.60, $1.95 and.,... IstJU
Headquarters for Wall Paper, Paints, Mar
nishes and Brushes.
This week we are offering specially attractive Wall Papar bargains, In great
. variety of beautiful patterns and colorings M
1 at per roll 6c, 6c and ,,,,,tC
Get our prices before you buy. ,
''Best ready-mixed Paints and. Varnish Stains at Lowest Prices.
" . If you knew how cheap we are Belling Artistic Wall Paper you would not
let those rooms go another season with their old covering.
We carry, a complete stock of newest designs. .
Don't Know, the
Pearl Wire Cloth
and common wire cloth. Pearl' Cloth is rustless; dirt will not
adhere to It; never requires repainting; never. sticky or crack A
off. Genuine Pearl Screen ha brass selvage. We carry a
large stock of it.
Ja. Morton & Son Co.,
1511 Dodge Street
. . I
Heavy, durable, powerful heaters. If all furnaces were
alike and all furnaces were equally efficient, it would mat
ter little who sold you your furnace.
Builders of Homes
Should have their heating plant
planned and installed by
Scientific and Practical
Furnace Men
' That's us. We've had the experi
ence; you don't pay us for experi
ments. Our work is the standard by
which the work of others is com
pared. Can you afford to build
without consulting us!
John Dussic Hardware Co.
2407-9 Cumins St.
'If You Buy It of Eussle, It's RighT
Special iomeseekers' Excursions
lUUbUdyb juoe 5th and 19tht .July 3d and 17fhs
.nd iron Mountain
Routo ,
to Certain Points In the
Via the
Attention Elcntucklano !
'Follow the Flat"
Every Kentticklaii who Is a thnronrhbred will hi
rnse. if poHsible. to attend the KOMSCOatUTCI held In
IxHilHvllle, K'.. In JTJKB.
Tickets sold June 11th. 12th and !Ith. Lunf return
The WlBilK aVaXLBOD has arranged for a TUT
LOW rata
Everything favorable, In all probabilities. th
WAB1IK will run a special train through for llu
above occasion.
For rates, sleeper space. Kentucky Homecoming
booklet, folders, etc., etc., call at Wabash City Ticket
Ofllce, 101 Famam t , or address.
, . s . . i Wabash 11. K., Omaha, Neb.
The finest suite of offices in Omaha
Do you want to occupy the handsomest offices in the town? These' offices
re beautifully flnUhed in oak, with polished iiard wood floors. They hava.
plenty of good south sunlight, so they are bright and cheery In winter and ara
cooled by the south breeses In summer and are high above the noise and dust
of the street. The suite is located in the south-east corner of the sixth fioflor of
There is a large corner office facing south aDd east, together with a good
size private office, facing east Each office has a separate entrance into hall.
The large burglar proof yault and a separte lavatory are convenience not
always found in connection with otTlces.
This office may be occupied'May flirst Apply- to I -IU.W.
Baker. 6opC - O. O. Uewatr. 8ecy,
Room 418, or to U, oflloe. Ground Floor.
': r -
Ono Faro Plus $2 for tiia Round Trip
STOP-OVERS will be allowed both going and returning alter first
' ' Homeseekers' point raronte.
To those who are not satisfied with present conditions . and who are
seeking new locations this will afford an excellent opportunity for
Investigating localities in the West and Southwest.
For Further Information, Maps, Folder, Ktc, Address,
T. V. GODFREY, Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb.
2L 0. TOWNSEND; Gen. Pass, and T'k't Agt St. Louis, Mo,
Via SALT LAKE CITY through
. . ,
x . 1
'PhosPnusaa .
7 AT. TO
If you cross the Continent in one of our tourist sleepers
you will enjoy your irlp and save
. considerable money,'
nqulrs at ' ' ' ' '
City Ticket Office, -1324 Famam