The Omaha Daily Bee. EDITORIAL SECTIOn. Pages 9 to IS. Dee Phones KUMSER3: Business ..IM1m8M Circulation , . .Toa-l IU7 Kdltortsl ...... DonglMeot ESTAliUSIIKI) JUNK 10, 1871. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 5, 3906. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. JBBO 9333 mmm OM Alt A WV. ATlircn FonnCAT Frlln. Fslr unci Warmer, ivy TTTir TFUTTTV. , I J I !i Mi ii CREEN TRADING STAMPS EVERT TIME I V 3 DRY GOODS SECTION Grrafest purchase of Imported Lares, Veilings and Neckwear from the largest importers lii"tlie world at HO per rent off. TIIREK (JUKAT IVTS OF LACKS Lot 1 4.000 yards of Torchon Laces, 1 to 3 Inches wide, with insertions to match, worth to 16c yard, Bale price Saturday, a yard tw Lot 25,000 yards fine Paraguay, Antique. English Twine and Cluny lace bands, appliques and wide Insertions, ecru, cream and white, AH worth 26c tooOc a yard sale price Saturday, a yard IUC Lot 865 pieces fine Oriental Net Allover Laces, creams and white, Prt 20 In. wide, worth 75c and $1 yd., sale price Saturday, a yard. . )UC Two Great Lots of Neckwear Iot 1 Three gross imported Chemisettes, made of fine batlBte, prettily trimmed in embroidery and lace, C regular 60c values, sale price Saturday, each C Lot 2 Two gross lace Klreves, elbow length, mnde of fine imported Cfl Val. lace, worth 76c and 1, sale price Saturday, a pair UC Great Lot of Imported Veilings Sixty pieces of fine plain and fancy mesh veilings, with or without dots, in good line of colors and black, P worth 25c to 75c a yard, sale price Saturday, a yard .....lJC Long Kid Glove Special The celebrated Dlamant, real French Kid Gloves, 16 button length, glace finish, in -black and white, sale price, a pair, 13.60 and Long niack Silk Mitts Ladles' all silk mitts, twelve button length, in black only, worth $1 a pair, sale price, a pair.. Short SHk Gloves Imported all silk double woven finger tips, in a full line of new spring shades, sale price, a pair Mannfactnrers Ends of Oil Rod Table PamaMt In lengths from lht to 5 yards, worth 60c a yard, Saturday, a yard , Manufacturers' Sale of Napkins Have purchased 100 dozen mill napkins, worth $2.00 a dozen, 6 In a package, size 18 and 20 Inches while they last, Saturday, 6 for 28 Inch Percale AH nice, clear patterns, worth 8 l-3c a yard, Saturday only, a yard 12 Organdie Saturday 8 Mo -All our organdies in the dot and Q cola spot patterns, worth 12 c, Saturday, a yard O3C Colored Dress Goods for Saturday 46 to 68 inch New Gray Suitings in light, medium and dark mixtures, and hair line checks, only a 75 limited number of pieces, worth $1 and 1.26 yd., Saturday, yd. . DC Misses' and Girls' Buster Brown Jacket Suits Only a small but ver de sirable lot, all selected this season, ages from 8 to 16 years, fine home spun and serge, neatly trimmed, prices were $7.50 and $8.50 4 f F will sell them Saturday at ; TD Sale of Ladles' Tan Jacket Saturday Pony Jackets, fittingjack- IOC eta and box Jackets sensation prices Saturday, $4.95 and. ... J.Jj Saturday Bargains In Hosiery Ladles' fancy and plain lisle and cotton Maco hose, worth to $1 pair, all go on sale Saturday in 6 big. lots: Lot 1 Worth 19c pair special, a pair, at ...... ...... i ..... 10c Lot 2 Worth 25c pair special, a pair !l6c Lot 8 Worth 86c pair special, a pair, at... tiths Lot 4 Worth 60c pair special, a pair, at .25c Lot 5 Worth 76c pair special, a pair, at .39c Lot 6 Worth $l,pair special, a pair, at .....!Oc Ladle' Spring Underwear Fine gauze Hale, Swiss ribbed vesta; silkalisle vests and Swiss vests, low neck, no sleeve, silk taped and fancy F crochet yokes,' la pink, blue and white, sale price, each, 50c and. 4&DC Sale of ISew wash Belts 100 dozen fancy and plain wash belta, pleated, 10c . . . . $3 ...75c 50c 48c till end .. 63c 5c fancy embroidered, tailor made and many other stvles. to suit' every one special, each, 60c, 85c, 26c and , , IN CARPET Japan and China Mattings, regular 2o quality, Baturdny, at-, a yard IOW Bait Wool Ingrain Carpets, worth Kc yard, a good variety of patterns, your JE1 . f .ff. ; 45c Crez Rur are the rugs for bed rooms . and dining rooms .x. t or. a aa , . .... . m. ..M .J4.50 1x10 for KH . till for ts.60 Beautiful Fiber Rugs, in all oolora, txlt. Stf: 11.98 Faltsade Tapestry Brussels, xl2, In all colore, both floral and conventional de signs, regular L9.G0 value, es ott Saturday at.. IO.VO SECTION . -1 Draperies Draperjea, SALE OP ODD LACE CURTAINS. Lot 1 A lot of odd curtains, one. two and three of a kind, curtains that ell up to $1.26 a pair, your iJSp choice Saturday, each uC Lot 2 A lot of odd curtain, one, two and three of a kind, curtain that sell up to 13.80 pair, your AOr choice Saturday, each iw Heavy Tapestry Table Covers in the 8-4 size, worth $2.60, a bar- QQ. gain for Saturday, each "Ov Snowflake Madras Curtain for over, drapes or Summer Fortlerea, In all colors, a pair at, 1.6 Q8C An Avalanche in Burns' Crockery This huge bargain sale of high-grade Chinaware embracing the best ideas in pottery art of the past half. century has created the greatest furore among women folks of Omaha and the state. People have come from distant points to feast their eyes upon this rich display, and enrich themselves with many rare specimens in dinnerware, art porcelain, cut glass and bric-a-brac. We have been pleased with the instantaneous responses our extensive and expensive advertising of this sale have brought forth. We anticipate Satur day will be the most interesting day of the sale reasons are easily understood. LOOK AT THESE PRICES DINNER PETS Lota of lovely sets never before shown. Ham'l Burns carried over 00 Sets of Din nerware. This means we have many sets yet to eell. Hurns' prices cut mercilessly. Display of Din nerware covers every Idea In din nerware Imaginable. TOILET SETS You've seen the bis Harney Street Window Display during the week? All these choice seta (and you have your heart sot on one or the nther supplemented by forty or fifty other sets, will be out on sale Saturday. Prices will be slaughtered this way: WHERE BURNS' PRICE WAS $18. OUR PRICE 8ATUR- CS DAT WILL BE WHERE BURNS' PRICES WERE M AND $.. OUR'S WILL Cl BE $4 and 4t WHERE BURNS' PRICES WERE W AND $7, OUR S WILL O Qtt BE 13.60 and .VO GLASS VASES - I-ong. slender Flower Vases where Burns' prlre was tt and t.&O, our price will be Where Burns' price was $1.60 and V our price will 75c And so on, lots of them, np from 26o to STEM GLASSWARE Wines. Champagnes, Liqueurs stock Is low prices are very low. Very few complete duien sets left. All these odds and ends must be closed out Saturday. Cut prices all along the line. REMNANTS OF CUT GLA8S STOCK Not all Llbby, but other makers products well up in popular favor. All price tickets attain (rone over and cut more deeply than ever. Aa a matter of fact, our al ready closely shaven prices will be lopped oft to the extent of an ad ditional ' per cent. VASES AND BRIC-A-BRAC Fancy, odd and ornamental,' marked down half and less than Burns' price, and even then cut considerable. Where Burns' price was $10 one-fourth will y e) do Juat t.JJ SOUP TUEEN8 - Bums' prices averaged $5 each Saturday we will close these out at rrtces that will average $1 75C This crowd of 8oup Tureens In cludes high grade products In Kngllsh Porcelain and French China. Every Soup Tureen In the stock on sale Saturday. JUOS A prodigious assortment, varied as the buds of the trees, all sorts and sices big jug, little Jugs everything In Jugdom. A new lot will be out for Saturday's sale prlcea 45c IOC SECOND FLOOR. A Little Corner m Watches Two hundred twenty-ycar Gold Filled Watches for ladies and gents, in the latest and most beautiful hand engraved patterns. Every Watch complete with American movements. '-) C. 1A. thin rrrtHo1 hunfinrr O tTh (,1, JltC Ullll l IUUV.I, UUIllllltl EVgj M. J 11 . - at to a s i or open face. gents watch, (Warranted 20 Years.) O size, gold, filled case, waranted 20 years, complete with fit !) C American movement,. ladies' watch... ..JUr i Trfese Watches were bought by our buyer the other day and will be put on special sale in Jewelry depart ment Saturday A. M. It is a job lot and the price, $8.95, is just about half what they'd be sold for ordinarily. I 1 MILLINERY MILLINERY Lingerie Hats, Chiffon Hats, Lace flats, Plumes and Flower flats charming designs, each a picture copy from popular Paris and Neo York models. These will have a special display Saturday. Here Are Three Leaders Sailor u4!J diapes, very becoming $ailor$ for Trimmed Hats .Every style hat trimmed jouwi git Is, young ladies and the woman 1 QQ with every conceivable up to-date material in of taste, tzch worth t5-Saturday for i.U every conceivable up-to-date way 100 of them Misses Umtm Light colors, jaunty and T A C put on sale for Saturday, each hat C HII dashing, each worth $6 for axJ worth $8.60; your choice Saturday for aJ.UU You are especially invited to see our beautiful line of Duck flats most authentic and complete display of Duck flats in any millinery house in the West. WATCH TflE WINDOWS. VISIT THE DEPARTMENT. SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!!! More Prrttjr, New, Stylish Oxfords, Gibson Tie nnd rumps, made In all leathers, white, Cf ' black or tan, than any store in this city prices, $3.60, 3, $2.50, $2 and 4JU We Can Show Yon Thousands of White Canvas Ties, from the smallest infant's size . to the largest size for ladles price", from $3.00 down to Men's Knox Special Oxfords on the New Ed Clapp Shapes, gun metal, patent colt X Cfl or vlcl kid $5.00, $4.00 and J.JU Misses' Prices, Every pair of Ladies' Misses' or Children's Oxfords or Slippers sold Saturday gets a soda check Present it at sado fountain and get a delirious dish of Fresh Ice Cream. GROVE1VS SOFT SHOES AND SLIPPERS FOR TENDER FEET. 75c s' and Children's Patent Leather and Kid Slippers and Ribbon Tiea "7P ces, $1.60, $1.25. $1.00 and I DC 12c Specials In Hardware Saturday Special Set Cooking: Utensils Free With each Dangler Range Saturday. Shovels and Spades extra quality AQn olid steel, at rw Extra good enameled S-quart Coffee OQn Pot and 1-aaL measure fur Galvanised Water Fall extra special Galvanised Refrigerator Pans at OlAn 42c, Sic and ok And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Poultry Wire beat quality lc per square foot And Iouble Green Trading Stamps Saturday. Extra quality Dut Pan can stand erect no stooping works automat- O-p lcally AOW And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Extra Good Hemp Clothes OAr Line And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. PHILADELPHIA LAWN MOWER Prices. 117.60 down 2.75 AND DOUBLE GREEN RADING STAMPS. Extra good Grass Catcher 4QC Extra large Grass Catcher 5QC Bennett's" ready-mixed" 'paints, lead and oils-double grebn trading stamps saturday. Meals. Meats. BEST QUALITY LOWEST PRICES Strictly Trash Dressed Ohlok.nn every one guaranteed not a i lr frozen, on special sale, lb.. Choice Dressed Broilers, each 35c Pork Shoulder Roast, l7ic' per pound ; aW -Spare Rlba, ... OKr 1 pounds for icw - Choice Rolled Rib Roast, best quality, all bones out, per pound, 1fr at 12HC and IWW No. 1 Fresh Rib Boiling Beef, Blc 10 pounds for Young Mutton Legs, OAc per pound f a Fresh Leaf Lard, C 12 pounds for kP IAHI. HAMS. 4.000 pounds Swift's Selected Premulm Hams and Cudahy'a Choice Diamond "C" Hams, average 10 to 12 pounds every ham guaranteed beat and sweet est mild sugar cured hams on file1 the market at 1-3W And thirty green trading stamps iOLn with each ham. Rex hams, at BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Saturday's of Money Savers. Extra Clerks Extra Cash Boys. Seeks Cleared (or Bif Baslaeas Pride of Bennett's Flour, sack IU0 And Forty Green Trading Stamps. Java and Mocha Coffee, three pounds fl.00 And Fifty Green Trading Stamps. Teas, assorted kinds, pound ...080 And Forty Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, pound can o And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Garden Seeds, package t o CHEESE. New . York Full Cream Choeae, pound 8O0 And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Virginia Swiss Cheese, pound S8o And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Baylos' After Dinner Cheese, Jar And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Bayles' After Dinner Cheese, Jar 100 And Five Green Trading Stamps. BUTTE. BVTTXB. Bennett's Capitol Creamery, pound brick, full weight IM And Ten Green Trading Stamps. New Laid Eggs, dozen ISO Sour Pickles, quart low And Ten Green Trading Stamps. California Ripe Olives, pint 03o And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Salmon, fine quality, H-pound cans 10o Oedney'a Pickles, assorted, bottle ..ISO Gelatine, package Ao Diamond S Preserves, Jar. 10o Corn, 2-puund can 60 Worcester Table Salt. 2 sacks lOo And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Walker's Chill Con Came, ran WHO And Five Green Trading Stamps. Walker's Chicken Tamale. can 180 And Five Green Trading Stamps. Peanut Butter, Jar 10o Uncle Sam's Baked Beans, three cans.. 5o Clover' Lima Beans. 2 cans 8O0 And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Genesee Wax Beans, 2 cans SSo And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Qeneasee Succotash, 2 cans 80s And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Pure Strained Honey, Jar I8H0 And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Jell-O, assorted flavors, 3 paokans 860 And Ten 'Green Trading -Stamp. Wiggle Stick Bluing, three lOo sticks 86e And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Wiggle Stick Bluing, six 6e sticks 860 And Ten Green Trading Stamp. Bennett's liar rain Soap, ten bars 85o Dlnmond "si" Fruits. Apricots. Pineapples. Pears, Plums, can 800 And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Chow Chow Pickles, quart 10 And Ten Green Trading" Stamps. BENNETT'S CANDY SECTION. Big line of glass novelties, filled with candy, each. . . .10e Sweet Eating Chocolate, cake 4)0 FRESH PaUITS AND VEGETABLES DAILY. Lettuce, Radishes, Onions. Cucumbers, Parsley, Pie Plant, Oranges, Lemons, Strawberries. Special Telephoae Fruit Beotloa. Big Variety Rose Bushes, each 0c and ISO le ChiMii QjJ $38,000 Purchased Worth ol the Highest Grade Tailor-Made Clothing (or Men and Boys, by Us at 47 Cents CIGARS! CIGARS! Catlin's Mixture Granulated Smoking Tobacco A big three-ounce package 5c El Bogador An imported 5c cigar 8 for 25c, 60 for $1.50, 100 for $2.75. Black' Bess A good cigar 50 for $1.25 And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. A genuine French Briar Pipe, straight or tent stem And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. on the Dollar On Special Sale, Beginning SATURDAY, and Will Continue From Day to Day Until All Sold M 1N WWJftCTJRERS 0ITHE LION BRAND CLOTHING 3o &32Tmesti t&lrh 'Sttt?e3L . . The Bennett Company, CJtnahasWebn) Gefilltmert:- Hisvmq- completely filled dlof.our.Spring end Summer OTdeisAi3ci:JequinTis;tteTP-om forheovy purchase ,e? e forthcM and VViTvtertrede.wjB have con- ? eluded toccept the ofTeryoUTriade aonepresenlir !tive,MnF.TedKelly, on the:entittf Jxxlwvce .imsotd Spring We TriaKeou alarga shipment to-cj ay & the balcmce nexlTUasday crnd Wednesday P THE FEDER,3lPERBEffG CO. The FEDER-SILBERBEHG COMPANY, Makers of LION BRAND. CLOTHING Cincinnati, Ohio, Sold to Us the Remainder of Their Spring Stock All wearers of good clothes have heard of The Lion Brand. Silberhcrg products are displayed in the foremost retail stores in all sections of this country. It is the house that has elevated the making of Men's Clothing to the place of high art. Only imported weaves enter their work rooms, and among them only the choicest novelties that cross the ocean. Silberberg cutters are the highest priced men in their pro fession. Experts on style pass upon the work at each stage of manufacturing process. The outcome of all this is lines of clothing which rank with the best products of merchant tailors of renown. Styles for young fellows, the dressy ones who insist upon something nobby in all latest weaves and novelties; styles for the more sedate middle-aged, where the thought is to get clothes that fit perfectly, make one feel comfortable, and still proclaim the true dressed man. Here Is How the Celebrated Suits Will be Sold Suits Worth up to $30, at , $W and $?; rsrr.alttt?j:Ra 1 r Vri 9 wiiaow vu9 50 . 1 '1