T1IE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FIUDAY, MAY 4. ft 4 :i , 1 0 J NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL Offlco, 10 PMri ('lark's sodas. Iavla sells drucs. Btockert sells csrpets. Kd Refers' Tony Faust heer. liunihlna ard heatlns;. Wxby A Son. Woodrtna; Undertaking company. Tel. 39. Uwli Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 7. Idamonda a an Investment. Talk to l.efTert about It. Butterlr.k patterns are the very best. Vv, 15c and 20c, at the John Bono Co. Kyroajrapnv omnie ana Fiiyu-i,. Alexander. 3.U B way. Kvery sack' Of Rl A flour contains forty eleht potinda first quality. Bluff City Masonic lodge will meet thla evening for work In the second degree. For Imported wines, liquor and cham psirnc. l. Kosenfelfl company. 5l Main Bt. Headrniartors for Stetson nft and stiff lists for men, Just auk. The John Bono l-o. Dn twl 'tniv jmir paint until you get pi Ice of Haier. Hla price and stock are right. l)o joti want aometlilng refreshing. Oet n- of Clark Ice ileum eodas. Most any flavor. Omves. lift Pearl sireet, rarrle the rtnest and largest line of hair switches west of t hh ago. Summer echol Western Iowa college. May, June, July, August. New clastes on Monday. 1'eteinon, the gun ' and -locksmith, has moved to hla new locution at Inl West Hi oadwny. - Wanted-AII K. O. T. M a to hrlng tlielr shoes for repair to Chris Loseth at M Mh in street. Six per cent mortgage on real eataia for ale;-Absolute security. Clifton Walker company. If you want your fire Insurance to In sure have CHf loo-Walker Cw. write It In pliable companies. Moving vana and wagons; stove atored. Neshltl'ft Transfer and Storage. Tel. 8:3. Office. M -Hroadway With the coming of the Ice man slip intr, j .Mucnslng union a nit and summer comfort is yoni, - The John Deno Co, Buulre it Annla, money to loan; cash on hand, no delay; city and farm property for aula on eaay terms of payment. Office, li'l Pearl, etreei. For. aale.. Will sacrifice on my line piano. Payments If desired. Can lie seen at Bchtimller A - Mueller's, Su2 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. Of aiecll Interest lo June brides and graduates our great May exhibit of white .H ess fabrics and all the little accessories. Tlitt John Bono Co, , Warwick, that's the man that shines when It comes to wall paper. Ile a got the best paper In' town ar.d prlcea that are alwaya reasonable. 211 8. Main atreet. True council, Knlghta and toadies of Be. ctirlly, will meet thla evening, when all the officera and members of the degree team are requested to be present. Do' not soli your old iron, copper, brass and old rubbers before you see us. We pay ! per ton for No. 1 machinery Iron. J. Kattlenian. 8uJ 8. Main. Tel. 650. Councilman Muloney yesterday received a draft for $L'.i) from the I'nlon Pacific railroad, representing the railroad's contri bution to. t tut .Indian creek fund. We have the 'finest line of sample monu ments to aelect from In the west. Sheely at Imo Urbl aud Granite Works, 211 Eitat Broadway,-Council Bluffs, la. Alfred Hansen of thla city and Sophia ToanB of Underwood, la., were married in ihia nttv reateidav bv Rev. G. W. Snyder, -pastor of Bt. jonn s bngusn buunran ''.hurch. , . We-b'ave a large bunch of carpet, linoleum and matting remnants that we will sell at any price to gel rid or tnem. -aii goon stork, but w want them out of our way Blocker! Carpet Co. Fidelity council, Royal Arcanum, will ' hold a banquet next Monday evening in Hughea' hall In honor of Charles A. Heno of this city, who at the recent grand lodge meeting waa. elected grana regent. Ovlde Vlen received r telegram from hi daughter. Mrs. .Hawkins, who la with her mother In Rochester., Minn., stating that Mrs. Vlen - had euocesetully undergone another operation and waa doing wen. A laraa deifetloh- of membera of tha or- Amr from Avnaa attended the meeting laat ' night of Hasel camp. Modern Woodmen of America. Following 1he businesa meeting ' a social session was held and refreshments ; served. The trial of the l5.(io8 personal Injury damage . ault. of Kdward liaefner against Huber Bros, waa not concluded In district court yesterday and It ia aald the greater part of today will be required to complete tne taking; or, eviaance. Mi's. A. Dsrrauglt and daughter, Patricia, who were In Ban Francisco during the earthquake and aubsequent Are, arrived home Wedneadajr evening. They succeeded In aavlng tnelr trunks, but lost consider able of their other personal effects. Charles T. Officer Is selling aome fin bargalna la dwellings and vacant lota out of ths long list of property he has in his hands to sell. People who have become tired of paying; rent are buying homes from him. Those who can should take advantage of this opportunity. Henry H. Leftert arrived borne yesterday afternoon from Portland, Ore., where he waa called by the serious lllneas of hla son, Herman M. Leffert, from pneumonia. Hla son la now much Improved and Mr. Leffert states that ha expected he would com to Council Bluffs In about two weeks. In ' Justice Gardiner's court yesterday Charlea Foaaner made no claim of owner ship to the bull terrier dog taken from his homo Wednesday by Constable Baker and the court decided that the dog waa the property of E. T. Slaughter, who swore out lb search warrant. Foaaner, however, claimed U a week for caring for the ani mal and contended he ought to be permit ted "to retain the animal until the bill waa paid.. Th court, however. Informed him that If he wished he'oould bring a civil suit. ' Carl Prime, claiming to be a wealthy etocfeman of Oxford, Neb., complained to the police Wednesday night that he had been "doped" In Omaha, driven to this city to John Crowe's saloon at Thlrty-aeventh atreet and Broadway, and robbed of tutt. Prime' implicated Pat Crowe. Investiga tion by the police yeaterday satisfied Major Richmond that Prima waa at least mis taken. It waa learned that Prima had apent the day In Omaha and South Omaha soring the sights, snd Incidentally th In teriors of a number of saloons, and that when he arrive! at Crewe's place on this aide of the river be had but little money left out of which, however, he paid the hackman who had been driving him around all day 116. prime could not be located v J nil puiivv jr.iri F7 P. Flinch, the relebrsted artlat lu pastel,, wtll give an exhibition of hla work at W. S. Hewetson's art and wall paper atore commencing Saturday morning. May i. WUt also exhibit a fine line of hla pic tures, which will be on sale. A special aal of all plcturea In atock. See the new v atock of wall paper arriving dally. Work dope promptly, W, 8. Hewetson, Masonic temple, Broadway, Council Bluff. If you have the notion that all ready-to clothes fit alike and wear alike juat try on and wear one of our II. 8. V M. models, they're made by hand, nt better and retain thekr ahap longer than ordinary ready-to auita. W have new patterns that will please your eye. Prlcea according to your ides$lt to to. Just ask THE JOHN BENO COM PA N T. Bumaier school Western Iowa college. May. June, July. August New classes on Monday. ' GOVERNMENT NOTICES tUKl' M EAUE, 8. p., MAY 1 l0t Sealed propoaala. In triplicate, for fur- iiiiina sou installing electric light fix iuibs in si sets ei racers ouartara, tao aets of non-commissioned officers' quar ters, one oouDie barrack, vonatructing aeoondary and service lines, rurnl.l.ln. transformers and watt metera, will be re reived her unul 1 p. m , June t lJt. Bld dera who are not manufacturers of the goods called for will aubiult the name of the manufacturer from whom the goods ar to ba obtained. . Information furnlahed upon application. United ttutte reserves right to accept or reject any or all pro posals ot' any part thereof. Bped flca,tlons may Be.voiainea oy application to thia ffio. feiiivelopea containing prviposala snoura De mermen "t-ruroaala (or Floctrlo Futures. Foil Mead. 8. D.," artuid Msjor George K. Hunter. 'Cntiatructlng BLUFFS tt Tel. 48. WRIGHT GIVES OUT DENIAL Bays OoTemor Cnmmim Will B Treated with Courtesy by Opponent. NO PLAN FOR A COUNTER DEMONSTRATION lloa. M. W. nyera of Harlan Expresses (tuldeare the Governor Will Re Renominated hf a Bl Majority. "Aa far. as I know, there la absolutely no foundation for inch a atory. If there waa I would surely have heard of It. While we may be oppoaed to Governor Cummlna. we ara pot conducting our 'cam i in ..... -.... I. r3n,-t.r .Puiu. v . . ' ... ' ,.,. I nilna. when he . vlaltg Council Bluffs nn May 10, will be treated with every courtesy and to say that we planned to offer a counter attraction to hla meeting la bosh, pure and simple. We are not built that way." Thla waa the statement made by tleorge 1 8. Wright, chairman of the ' republican county central committee and one of the leading standpatters In the rlty, when asked aa to the truth of a atory In a local evening paper, to the effect that the oppo aitlon to Governor Cummins planned to have Covalt'a band give a concert In Bay llss park on the night of May 10 to draw the people away from the Cummlna meet ing. Mr. Wright also stated that aa far as he knew there waa about the name foundation f , aaytng that It was ' ' ..... ... planned to hold k rival meeting the night following that of Governor Cummins. A it happens a meeting of the Roosevelt I. to he held on the evenlne- of V.v 11 is to be Held on the evening of May 11. u I Bvr nt Mai-Ian In hl Hon. II. V. Br of Harlan l In the city yesterday on matters connected wl'h the district court. Mr. Ryer, ...d he fe,t j perfectly confident that Governor Cummin would be renominated. "Why, the hand writing on the wall must he plain to every one by this time," he said. The Fraternal Order of Eagle got a swell gas and electrical chandelier for their new hall. 8tephan Bros of this city were awarded thla contract and have placed ordera with a New York manufacturing company to build chandelier of same pot- tern and design a was used In main lobby I' of the Iowa building at the world's fair. They will be the handsomest chandeliers ever brought to the city and are to he put up In the main hall of the lodge, room. . Bee our line rf Jewel and dangler ess ollne stoves. The two best makes In the world. Price, tl.25 up to $.11). Peterson Bchoenlng Co. Flue Farm. " Two hundred-acre farm five miles from Missouri Valley. Good Improvements and orchard. Cheap at $72 per acre. Wallace Benjamin, room 1, First National bank building. Office telephone 2S. The new dressmaking parlor have ' tne't with great popularity, even above our high expectations, but It could not be other wise wfth the high class work, moderate prices and complete satisfaction which ac companies every order her for the making of a stylish gown. Tou'll save worry, time and money by having your next dress made here. THE JOHN BENO COMPANY. Dr. Hettinger Brk from 'Frier. Dr. F. P. Bellinger of thla city passed through Council Bluffs yesterday morning from Ban Francisco on his way to Chi cago. Urgent bualness prevented him stopping over here, but he. expects to re turn In a few days. Dr. Bellinger, who has been making an extended tour of the orient, arrived In San Francisco but a day or so before the earthquake. He waa occupying rooms ln the Eastman hotel when the rlty was shaken. He wis thrown out of bed and escaped Into the street clad ln an overcoat over his night clothes. When the first shock had passed he returned to his room and succeeded In securing part of hla clothing. The hotel collapsed and later was destroyed by Are. Dr. Bellinger lost two grips containing valuable curloa which he had bought in th east and which only the day before he had taken out of the custom house. Hla money, amounting to $1,160, and his dlamonda were In the hotel safe and he as yet hat not been able to recover them. Among his jewelry In th safe was a watch he purchased at Toklo for $t$$. Dr. Bellinger alept the first night In th park, after paying $10 for a blanket. He volunteered hla services as physician In caring for tha sick and Injured and this delsyed hla departure from the stricken city until a few daya ago. His letter of credit and other valuable papers were de stroyed. Beautiful hand woven ruga made out of your old carpets. - They are reversible and will last a lifetime. You run no risk; If the rugs ar not aatlafactory or exactly as represented, W refund th money, also pay for th carpet. Send for free booklet. Phona 11$. Council Bluffs Carpet Cleaning and Rug Manufacturing Company, $4 North Wain. ' . - When In need of lumber, brick, oement. plaster, lime. aand. rubberold and Amason roofing, ln fact anything- ln building- ma terial, go to George A. Hoagland. T3t . Main St., where quality and prices ar tight. On a beautiful May day, when al! itatur Is. In bloom, what more appropriate or dressy than a fancy vest. We've Just re ceived a new shipment. Any twice vou wish, any style that may suit your fancy $1 to $. Juat ask THE JOHN BKNO COMPANY. It you prefer quality to quantity and absolute satisfaction to yourself, cat Schmidt's photos. Always guaranteed to pleass. 'Phone (67; 40t Broadway. Marriage I.teeaae. Licenses to wed were Issued to th following: yesterday Nam and Residence. W. J. Bwoboda, Omaha Jessie . Bmlth. Omaha J. T. Aitkin. Lincoln. Neb Marjorle Helser, Lincoln. Neb.... Alfred Hansen, Council Bluffs Sophia Young. Underwood, la W. J. Bhenefleld. South Omaha... kill to Bean, Nehawka. Neb Joseph 8 Chrastll. Hallsm. Neb.. A inula Korbel. Hallarn. Neb W. A. McDonald. Council Bluffs.. May Huuiiina. Council bluffs John Benscotter. Council Bluffs... Artie James. Council Bluffs Age. 1$ .'.... a n ...i as n 21 3 .....a .. 3$ .. U .. SI .. a Cnah, teat San rrsnrlsoa, ' Frank T. Tru. treasurer of th Call, fornla relief fund, received the following telegram from James D. Phelan, treasurer of the finance commute at San Francisco: . "Referring to your telegram, Treasurer True at once forwarded Chicago exvhang for 14,000 to Treasurer Phelan. Acknowl edgment of 'th receipt of lh. cr .of cloth ing and car of canned corn sent from thla rlty haa been received by Mayor Macrae.' FRIlT Pit KRRK LOOK OVKR FIKI.D ladleate aditlon Her Art tn Tkelr liking. Walter J. Lipe, vice preidnt and gen eral manager of the Beech Nut Packing company of Canajoharle, N. T., and Frank P. Black, weatern representative of the company, spent Thursday In Council Bluffs the gueata of the executive comnilttee or I the Commercial club. They arrived In a I apeclal car from ties Molnea over the Chi- cago Great Western, accompanied by the following official of that road: General Freight Agent W, K. Plrtckney of Bt. Paul, Superintendent O. Cornelleen. Assistant Ueneral Freight Agent C. P.. Berry of 8t. ' Joseph. The party waa joined her by Gen eral Agent Churchill of Omaha. After luncheon at the Grand hotel the party waa taktn for a drive through Coun cil Bluffs and the fruit growing section In tha vicinity of tliei city In automobllea tie longing to Henry H. Van Brunt, H. A. Searle and J. F. WIIcok. While no definite assurance was given by Mr. I.lpe that hi company would select ,; ., ' , ., . ,. Council Ptlirffs tha location for Its pro posed western fruit canning factory, ha expressed himself as greatly pleased with (he city and the transportation knd other facilities which It offered. The company, he explained to the executive committee. i waa not seeking any bonus to locate, as It had ample capital of Its own. All the com pany needd. he said, was to have sufficient fruit available to carry on such a plant ns It proposed establishing. Alexander Wood, president of the Council Bluffs Fruit Grow- er' Hhlpplng association, which probably handles nearly half of the fruit grown m ! this Immediate vicinity, presented Mr. I.ipe with the information desired on this polii', and the latter appeared stitlehed that the product would be ample for the proposed plant. To the executive committee Mr. I.lpg 1 alMieH that tits inininv nn.aml.H I v , ,h. ..,Kii.h,.,. of a factory at some western point. Such rectory, ne said, would employ a no tit J.-U hands and all ,r it. nmimt m,i,i i. 1 hllnHirt thrnush kihher Mr. Line saiire.1 th. ,PM, J. ,mmit. . he ,id at '"ZZ' V I - i I company would locate its factory nere or not. Investigate our cheap land proposition in eastern Colorado, $5 per acre for raising all kinds of crops; good soil; best of water; delightful climate. Excursions first and third Tuesdays of each month. Send for printed matter. F. C. Lougee, 124 Main street. Council Bluffs, la. Now .in Progresa at the Juhn Beno Coi Pany The annual sale of men's fine .c fancy "hoe, three pali for $1. Hooves of new designs and colors for selection. . I now have my 180$ bicycles on the floor, ranging In price from tlS. to 5C. . Sell on monthly payments. Old wheels taken In trade on new one. All kinds of bicycles repaired.' Phone Red 1167. S. M. William son, 17 sjuth Main street. , Van. Brunt buggies sre still In the lead. Several of our leading townspeople favored him with orders this last week. Watch for Van Brunt vehicle on the street. You can't help but notice them. They look so good. Call and look the line over. Drive a new spike In your wardrobe door for a swell new 'varsity suit, single breast ed, mad by If. 8. dt M. Sold exclusively by the John Beno company. Three Indictments Retarned. The district court grand Jury, which was convened Tuesday, completed Its de liberations for- the time- being yesterday afternoon and adjourned to Tuesday, June $. Only a few Indictments were returned and of tha number the following were made public: Mickey Taggart of Omaha, charged with snatching a pocketbook from Mrs. May Hclomon on the evening of January 6 of this year, on South Main atreet. The value of the pocketbook was placed at $$, and Its contents as follows: Gold cioas, $9; string of beads, $S, and cash, $3.60. Taggart't ball bond was placed by Judge Wheeler at $1,600. Dot Farley, on a charge of larceny from a building. . She Is accused of stealing clothing valued at $1$, from Kthel YOung, a fellow employe at the Ogden hotel, on March 27... Her bond waa placed -at $300. Benjamin Lund and D. W. Creary, charged with larceny from a building. Lund la a youth who Waa employed at the Ogden hotel, and MoCreary, until Wednesday, was an engineer at the same place. They are accused of stealing a suit of clothes valued at t!5, the property of M. A. Livingston, a guest at the hotel. Their bonds were fixed at $300 each. Have you seen lur new line of summer mattings, oil cloth, linoleum, lac curtains, hades, rugs and carpets? Com, and our folding go-carta, aid boards, book esses, buffets and dinner sets. . Com In and see our large line of house furnish ings. D. W. Keller, 103 South Main. The Title Guaranty and Trust company. abstracters ot titles. Books date back t 1861. Book ar all up to date. Work ac curately . and promtly don at lowest prices. Office opposite court house, S36 Pearl street. Council Bluffs, la. Parties having houaes for rent or sal, list thsm With Clifton-Walker Co. for quick action. Recent aalea have greatly reduced our list and w hav customers waiting for Investmenta. June brides receive the careful and per sonal attention of Mra Caldwell In our new dressmaking parlors. THE JOHN BENO COMPANY. Quick Meal gasoline stoves. The new process. They never explode. Bee them operated. Swalne t Mauer. S3e-t38 B'way. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel 1M. Night, M. Ileal Estate Transfers. 1 hese transfers were reported to The Bee May 1 by the Title Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs: Ernest K. Hart, Incorporated, to Em met Tlnley, e3S feet Of nllti feet of lot 7. block 14, Baylies' First addi tion to Council Bluffs, w. d $1,750 Anna m. ewartrager ana nusbend to First Germsn Kvangellcal church of A voce, et of lota 1. and 7. block a, A voce. la., w. d 1,350 J. w. Bu.utre and wife to Elisabeth Irsen. lot 7, block 1, Morningside addition to Council Bluffs, la.. w. d l.uio Pottawattamie county to F. J. Dav, lots 10. 11 and U block 21, Beers' subdivision to Council Bluffs, la., w. d r J. P. Greensblelds and wife to War ren Hough, lot 14. block 113. Cres cent City, la., q. c. d 1 Five transfers, totsl ...... .U.: '. Prset f fine Meeting. Th L'nlon Driving Park association will not attempt to give a race meeting thla year aa ad association. This waa definitely decided at a' meeting of the stockholder held laat night. Some of the stockholders favor forming a syndics! outside ot the association to flnanc and hold a meet this year, but this wss not definitely determined and will be taken up Mln at th next meeting. - President William Moor of rh eaaocla tlou irporied having rrcvived a proposition from partlea In Kanaas for a lease of the track for eerie of year for the pur pose of holding race meeting. Mr. Moore waa authorised to make the deal provided a aatlefactory rental could be aecured and that the partlea desiring to leaae the track were responsible. (land Thlaar for Prl.Mi. Rev. Henry Deling la prontlng financially by having an office allotted him In the county court house an probation officer of tne juvenile division of the district court, Wednesday, he performed three marriage ceremonlea In hla office and yesterday he officiated at four weddlngi In the ntiie pmct- The following couple were nmrrted nv n)m yt.terday: J. Bwobod and .leaale K Bmlth, both of Omaha; J. T. Altken and Mairjorle Heller, both of Lincoln. Neb.: W. J. Bheneflelil ot South Omahk and Kdlth Bean of Nehawka. Neb. j Joseph S. ChraStll and Antonle Korhel, both of Hallnm, Neb. Justices Gardiner and Field have experi enced a material falling off In their foe from performing marriage ceremonlea since Rev. Mr. pelxmg Installed himself In the court house and they are again seriously considering the advisability of filing a pro test with the county supervisors. The action of the board In granting Rov. Mr. Deling an office free of expense In the court house, . where he can keep an eye upon couples entering the office of the clerk of the district court In search of mar rlHge license they regard as "class legis lation." l.atya Blame on ( reek. The Northwestern railroad, charged with 'blockading the Broadway crossing Monday night for a time far In excess of the limit i ))(.rmitted by the city ordinance, made ie defense In police court that the overflow of Indian creek Waa responsible for the. delay and not the train crew. The validity of the city ordinance limiting the time which railroads are permitted to keep cars standing on the street crossings to five minutes was not questioned by the counsel for the railroad. It was asserted by the railroad that debris from the creek washed onto th lra(.k( nd pr,vent, t1(. ,rarl backing to ... .. , , , tile norm SIlO IMHl a lr IUI I1 IIHII ui-l-II .. ...... . ... rw,,in'a m" ln' 1 ""a "r ' ,r'i V '"l ,h " n lorwara to tne soutn. i ne iuriner nearing In the case was continued for ten d:i-.s to permit the city authorities to make an Investigation as to the conditions prevail ing at the crossing that night. The case was not presented to the grand Jury, as had been reported It might. The Northwrstern has assured the city an thorltle thnt In future vry effort will be made to abide by the ordinance and it Is possible that the case will be dropped. Ire la Scarce. Price going up on Ice; the prospects are that they are liable to double this summer, but If you get an lea Berk refrigerator at Keller-Farnsworth Tur. Co. you will cut ycur ice bill. In two and thus save 80 per cent on your Ice expense. We do not want you to take our word when w aay we put up the belt meal In the city for the money, but If you come In and try us once we will prove It to you Vienna Restaurant, 111 W. Broadway. 'In the springtime" everybody cleana house; housekeepers Are alwaya on th lookout for some., ag.ent to lessen this arduous duty. "Old Dutch cleanser chases dirt." For a free demonstration see Mc Atee's show windows., , Knox , hats fur nieu-and women. .Their quality and' style Is 'kbove? reproach. We ar Council Bluffs' sole agents for these superior hats, -. THE JOHN . BENO COM PANY. Poaae After Kidnaper. WAUKEE, la.. May 3. -(Special. )-Th 15-year-old daughter Of George Butler of Waukce Junction waa kidnaped yesterday by a notorious character of this vicinity named Johnson and an armed posse Is after him, hoping to rescue hla victim. If he 1 overtaken a lynching Is likely to follow, because the community is stirred as it never was before. No details of the case are known. Butler came to town this morning and said Johnson had kidnaped his daughter and that he wanted help to go after her. The alarm spread quickly and a group of twenty men started out, armed to the teeth. Butler himself Is with the party stid If Johnson la located trouble Is expected. The authorities are also search ing for Johnson. .If they find him they will probably spirit him away to an adjoining county for safe keeping, because the people are In an ugly mood. Cnncnses Called la Page. SHENANDOAH. Ia.. May . (Special.) . The republican county committee has called the caucuses to select -delegates to the county convention to be held In the va rious townships on the afternoon of May J.. At the name time and place a direct primary vote wtll be taken on the atate aenatorshlp, the fight 'for which between Lewis, the present incumbent, and Frlnk, has been animated. The one who wins Is to be allowed to select the delegatea to the senatorial convention of the district composed of Page and Fremont counties. The county convention will select dele gates to the state, congressional and Judi cial conventions, but no primary vote on these offices Is to be taken. C'nmnilna Visits Onsets. ONAWA, la.. May S.-(8peclHl Telegram.) Governor Cummlna snd 8. F. Prouty of Des Moines were in Onswa today nearly two houra, arriving on the Illinois Central from Cherokee and departing at 1:1! on the Northweatern for Logan, where the gov ernor speaks tonight. There was no re ceptlon or ceremonlea at any kind. Gov ernor Cummins and Mr. Prouty spent part ot the time at the bank of Holbrook It Bro. in social conversation, politics not being discussed. The governor ia In good health, but begins to ahow the effect of his stren uous csinpaign. Medical Alamnl Klet-ts OlUcera. IOWA CITY, la.. May 3.-tSpeclal.) The Medical Alumni association of the Btate university has adjourned after electing the following officers for the ensuing year: President Dr. C. J. Saunders, Fort Dodge. First Vice President Dr. J. F. Bams, Clarion. 8econd Vice President Dr. John T. Mc Cllntock. Iowa City. Secretary Dr. Walter L. Bierring, Iowa City. Treasurer Dr. Ms ml A. Cuveny. Clinton. Executive Committee Drs. E. E. Dorr, Dea Moines: William A. Rohlf, Waverly. and F. W. Powera, Waterloo. Blrdsall Renemlnnted for t anarrs. WATERLOO, I., May .i Special .Tele gram.) Congressman Blrdsall was unani mously tenomlnated by acclamation today by the Thlid district congressional con vention. Judge Piatt of Waterloo was nominated to succeed himself In the Tenth Judicial district. C. F. Ransr.of Inde pendence wss nominated to succeed Judge Blair ot Manchester, who voluntarily re signed. Farmer Hnnga Himself. SHKNANDOAH. la.. May .-(Bpeclal.) Andrew Larson, a . wealthy farmer who re sided three mile from this place, hanged himself this morning.. He wss undoubtedly insane, having been . released from th asylum only a short lime aro. DENTISTS FINISH SESSION Eoommnd Men to Governor for Appoint ment oa Dental Board. UNION MEN TO DONATE ONE DAY'S WAGES Baby W he t rie fair It Mather W hea with Father and far Father When with Mother Pats an Knd t Dlvnree Prsceedlase. (From a 8'aff Correspondent.) DEB MOINF.B. May 3-(Speclal.)-The low Association Of Dentists held Its clos ing session today. The assocliitlon decided to recommend to Governor Cummins the appointment of Dr. F. N. Beemer fit Mil lion City to the State Board of Dental Ex aminers, to ucceed Dr. F. M. Shrlver of Ulenwood. Dr. C. E. Woodbiry of Council Bluffs was recommended a alternate In case Beemer could not accept. The next atate convention will be held at Cedar Rapids. The association elected aa officers for the ensuing year: Dr. William Finn, Cedar Rapid, president; Dr. C. K. Wood bury. Council Bluff, vice president; Dr. C L. Toppliff. Decor h, secretary; Dr. O. W. Bltngluff. Burlington, treasurer. Executive committee: Dr. W. O. Crandell, Spencer; Dr. F. W. Conover. Decorah; Dr. II. F. Echternacht. Marshalltown. It was decided that at all future conventions the exhibit must be a secondary consideration and not the main show and that to Insure this th exhibits must be under the control of the executive committee so as not to be open to Inspection during the meetings. Arrested to Save els)hhors. Ivan Kerllscher, an Assyrian, went to Justice Livingston's court room today and asked that he be arrested in order to save his neighbors. Kerllscher but recently came to America and through an Interp reter he told the court that his neighbor taunted htm for happenings In hi country before he came to America and that he feared he might do violence to them If not detained. He Was accommodated. t.lTe One Day' Pay. The Stale Federation of Ijibor has de cided that President Uompers' advice shall be followed and every union laborer of the atate of Iowa is expected to give one day's wages for the relief of the union 1 men of Ban Francisco. Mllllln la atate Meet. Rifle teams from all the companies of the National Guard in the slate will nie-t In Dea Molnea August 14 for a four daya' shoot, according to arrangements thut sre now being made by Adjutant General W. H. Thrift. There will be over 3!K men In the shoot and It will be the biggest event of It kind ever held In Ihe atate. Here tofore the rustom ha been to have th regimental teams meet at a central city and compete. This year the team of each regiment will compete here for the first three days and on the fourth day the best team from four regiments will meet. The executive committee of the Iowa Rifle as sociation will meet at the offices of the Rifle' association in the atatehouse tomor row to arrange for a meeting for the aatn dates ss the state shoot, as has been cus tomary In the past. Far err Ballsing. Th executive , council of the state ha purchased two additional lots faciiia tli state house on the east ot the, capflol and adjoining land already owned by the state. The appropriation was made at the lat session. The land will be used for a large building for the state offices to relieve the pressure in the present building; and It Is likely . that a . temporary building will be erected on the ground for quarters' for the dairy department, which must b supplied with a chemical department after July 4, when ths pure food law takes effect. Baby Affected Reconciliation. Because a 1-year-old baby cried Inces santly for Its mother when with Its father, and for Its father whrti with Its mother, a divorce suit between 20-year-old Frank Dobson and his 19-yesr-old wife ha been dropped. Strained relations were overcome by the unhappy child. In a petition for divorce filed several days ago Mr. Dobson declared that her husband was so cruel that she broke her little finger In a scuff! with him. Kidnaps ilater-In-Law. A warrant was placed In the hands of a Des Moines detective today for the arrest of K. A. Mtntear on the charge that he has kidnaped his 13-year-old slster-ln-law. Ths Information was signed by the girl's mother. Mlntear is believed to be in Center- villa, and the officer left for that place this morning with ths warrant. ' Plaec fnr Tw Teachers. HARLAN. Ia., May .-(Bpeclsl.)-The Harlan school board will soon hire a new superintendent of schools and also a new high school principal. The present in cumbents of the positions are not candi dates for re-election. The board, provided It gets th light sort of man. It Is said, will psy a salary Of 11,600 per year. Th high school prlnclpalshlp commands a sal ary of $85 per month. Bird sail Renominated. WATERLOO. Ia.; May J. Congreusman B. P. Blrdsall was chosen by th republi cs na of the Third district here today to succeed himself. Governor Cummins was endorsed In a resolution, as were also th Iowa delegation ln congress and President Roosevelt. The Cummins resolutions railed for the support ot the district for tha gov ernor. lowan Woald Knter West Paint. SIDNEY, la.. May 1. (Bpeclal.)-John Thornell, a son of Judge A. B. Thornelt has gone to I-eavenworth, Kan., to be examined for admittance to West Point The young man spent a year at Highland Falls (N. Y.) Militsry academy and has been studylr.g under a private tutor for th last year. t'nmmlns (peaks nt I.ognn. LOQAN, la.. May I. (Special Telegram. 1 Governor Cummins spoke here tonight be fore a large audience, followed by Judge Prouty of Des Moines. Free Almhol Hearlngr. WASHINGTON, May . Senator Aldrlch chairman of the committee on finance, to day appointed a subcommittee to take te tlmony on the free alcohol bill as follows Aldrlch, AUlson, Burrows, Spooner. Hal Money and Bailey. The chairman stated that tha committee would take up the mat ter Immediately and that, as far aa h knew, all the members of the committee were In favor of the widest poaslbl na of alcohol In th arts and Induatriea and tor the other purpose Indicated In th house bill, free of tax. so far as It could be done with safety to th revenue. All Welt. Tha least thing wrong with your bowel makes you all sick. Dr. King's New Lift Pills make you all well. Use. For aal by Bherman at McConnell. Alleged Marderer Hetarns. CHICAGO, May I. Owen Harris, th colored man who waa arrested In Bt. Lout yesterday, on suspicion of brlna the mur derer of Mrs. F. K. Mis on August 21 106. returned Here today In cuatody of police officer. He came willingly and without requisition papera. Police In apector Hunt said today that there Is no a great cnanre or rasieiung ina crim upon Harris. unis ne can re tniucea t :nt a cwtiietsien. IS THIS WHAT AILS YOU? If the Symptoms Fit Your Case, Remember "A Disease Once Known is Half Cored.1 Fel feverish ? Have headache? Back ache? In fact, "ache all over?" Have, occasional rhlllf sensation? Appetite gone? Tongue furred ? Had taM espe cially In morning? Bad. fotil breath? ' Perhaps nusi. or iokne at tom ach" occasionally? Keel weak, tired, blue aiwt discouraged ? Th a bore ara rruiitom common to ttomach and liver rleranrenients and of ton precede attack of fever and mal arious affection, grip, bronchitis, aiKl 'lung fever." or pneumonia. Whichever ailment thev point to, you may be sure that It Is best to pt rln of them a aotm a possible ty putting your vtm to rights, regulating, toning up and invigorating stomach, liver anj bowrla. and thus purifying your Wood and system and enabling It to throw oft tha attack. For tha abova purpose, medic.! scMice has ret producorl no better apent than I r. Plarec) tioldon Medical Discovery. It la not a secret, or patent mmllcino. all its ingredient. being printed on the bottle, wrapper. It is the proscription of a well known and experienced physician. H contain no alcohol or other harmful, ha bit-forming agents chemically pure. trlple-wnned glycurltia being used both a fe solvent and preservative of the med icinal axtracta of which it Is composed. It is anad from the following native, American medicinal roots: Golden Seal root. Quoen'S root. Stone root. Hlootlroot, Mandrake root and Hlack Cherrybark. Tha medicinal properties of these ara ex tracted by exact and peculiar processes with tha iiso of chemically pure, triple refined glycerine, of pnier strength, and by means of apnaratu and appliance devised for this special purpose, ami In nich a way aa to produce a most perfect pharmaceutical compound. Aa to th superior curative properties of some of the above ingredient!, we crn only glv room here for a very fntv of tlV brieftwt extracts from standard medical works, but more complete Information will be sent vou. fret uf chaiye. In pam phlet form, it you will send your address, plainly w ritten on postal ctird or bv let ter, to Dr. Ft. V. Pierce. HufTalo, S. Y., with a request for the same. Of Golden Seal root Prof. Bartholow. of Jefferson Medical College, says: " Very Dseftil a a stomachic tonic (stomach tonic) and in atonic (weak stomach) dys pepsia. Cures gastric catarrh (catarrh of stomach) and headache accompany ing the dame. Chronic catarrh of the Intestines, even If It has proceeded to itineration, is remarkably benefited by Hydrastis ((Widen Meal). " it may be given as a remedy for Intermittent, chronic and malarial poisoning, aud en larged spleen of malarial origin.'' i rom vOrganio Medicines." by (Jrover Coe, M. I)., of New Ytc. we extract the following: "Hydrastis liiolden Seal) ex . ere lues an especial Influence over mucous surface. Lpon the liver it acts with equal certainty and efficacy. As a cliol agogue (liver Invlgaratori, It has few sntiala. In affections of the spleen, and abdominal viscera generally, It is an efficient and reliable remedy. Also In scrofula, glandular diseases - generally, cutaneous eruptions, indigestion, debility, ' diarrhoea and dysentery, constipation, , piles and all morbid and critical dis charge." Dr. Coe further aava: "Hydrastis (Golden Seal) is also of Inestimable value, In the treatment of chronic derange ments of the liver. It seems to exercise an especial Influence over the hepatic (liver) structure generally, resolving (dis solving) biliary deposits, removing ob structions, promoting ancretlotts. ami living tone to th varlot function. . U Is eminently cholagoaue direr accelera tor), and may bo relied upon (or the relief if hepatic (liven torr tVAR FEARED ON - ORINOCO VeneKuela and Colombia Fail to Aeree u y, to Hirer Navigation. ' nasssssnnaBM COLOMBIAN MINISTER IS INSULTED Vie President Gomes Itetnsea to He- reive Envoy Kent with 1'nner tu Complete Trenty Be tween Nations. WASHINGTON, May 3. Colombia and VenetUela are worse estranged than ever before as result of the refusal of Vice President Gomes of Venexuela. to receive Dr. Herrera, the minister plenipotentiary, who went to Csracss three weeks sgo to perfect a treaty with Venexuela for the governments concerning the navigation of rivers flowing through the two countries and concerning commerce passing over the common boundaries. War la being freely talked In South American diplomatic circles. The Insult to Colombia I regarded by some of the diplomats here as on it cannot well overlook, especially since this Is the second time the Castro government has refused to receive a representative of Colombia. Just a year ago Lucas Caballero went from Colombia to Caracas. There were repeated delays as to his reception snd. finally, th Venexuela government refused to recognise him officially. At that time Prealdent Castro Insisted that Colombia had failed to expel Venexuela political refugees, but, the excuse waa not regarded as a valid one by Colombia. Venesnela'e Pernllar Attitude. Later an envoy from Colombia went to Venexuela and last December protocols were signed for a resumption of diplomatic relatione between the two countries and for the framing of a treaty settling the navigation and frontier questions. In ac cordance with these protocols Dr. Herrera wss sent to Caracss to perfect th treaty. Dispatches from Mr. Russell, the Ameri can minister In Venexuela, says that Vice President Gomes refused to receive Dr. Herrera officially and ssld It would not be possible to do so until the treaty had been perfected Latin-American diplomats ar at loss to know just how the Castro government expected the treaty to be per fected and aigned If the Venauelaua re. fused to receive ihe man empowered to act for Colombia and ther la much dis cussion of the unusual situation. Mr. Mendosa, the Colombian minister, Is In New York where he has been for several weeks and the legation here has had no advices concerning the sudden break ln what seemed to be the friendly relations between Colombia and Venexuela. It Is through the good offices of the Ameri can minister, Mr. Russell, that the proto cols looking to a settlement of all dlfflcul ties were framed and It ia suggested here that what Is termed "the slap st Colom bla" Is sn indirect thrust st the I'nlted Btates. HYMENEAL- Aatnr-ghav. LONDON, May 1 Mrs. Nanny Langhome haw of Virginia and Waldorf Aator. eldest son of William Waldorf Astor. were quietly married at All Souls' church. I-angham Place, London, thla afternoon by Rev, Francia Scott Webaier, M. A., the vicar. Neither William Waldorf Astor or Mr. Lang horns, respectively the fathers of the groom and bride, were present, both being too 111 to attend the ceremony. sanle.l.lanale. Frank A. Noble and Mis Mary K. Lin da le were married yesterday afternoon by Justice fcastinan at hi court. Mr. and Mrs. Noble wtll make their home In OmgluV - Maithews-Wilaoa. TABOR. Ia.. May t (Bpeclal. )-Mta Mat tie 1. .Wilson and Mr. Vernon Matthews uf Tabor a ere married today at the home Irof. John M. Scudder. M. P.. of Tin rlnnull. savsof Uolrtcn Seal: "It stimu lates the digestive iro-efes and Increases the assimilation of food. Hy these nN-aits the blood Is enriched. "In rela tion to its general effects on the sys tem, there Is no medicine In use about which there rs such general tman'mity of opinion. It is mdvrsoffi regarded as the tonic useful in all debilitated states." As to Stone root, the Amfrica Pis r:NSAToRv sav: "In disease of stom ach and InteMlnes Improte appetite, promotes flow of gistrlc Juice: tonic effect- upon organ Involved. A good rcniedv in Indigestion. dyS)epsla. chronic Csstritis, Increasing the secretion from Idnevi and t-kln." Prof. Unlev Klllngwood. M. P.. of llrnnett Medical Collego, Chicago, says of Stone root: "In ca-arrhal gastrltio (Inflammation of stomach) where the circulation is defective, It. either alone or combined with liydrastis. is of first Importance. Thev Increase the appetite ana greHtlv Improve the digestion and assimilation of food. I a hear tonic of direct and permanent Influence. Excellent in the bicycle heart, in rheu matic Inflammation and clergyman' aord throat." All the other Ingredients entering Into the composition of "tiolden Medical Dls cbvbrv " are equally praised for their curative effecls in all stomach, HveT and bowel affections and .fire of them for bronchial, throat and lung affections attended with severe cough, expectora tlon and kindred symptom. Hut vou had best read for yourself tha "words' of pralne" written concerning each and every ingredient of this marvel dusIv rfticaclotis medicine by leading medical practitioner and writers. This you ran do by writing for the booklet mentioned In tne preceding column. No other medicine for like purposes has any such initfmtrUmnl endorsement as"tlolden Medical Discovery," which should ha more weight than all the ordinary testl monisls so lavishly flaunted before th public bv those w ho are afraid to publish their formula? that the search fight of Investigation may be turned upon them. It Is well to know what one take Into the stomach whether In the form of food, drink or medicine. r'rm the same little book of extracts mentioned above it will readily be seen vi I'r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription work aiich marvelous cures In those chronic and distressing diseases peculiar to women, ln all rases ni peivic catarrh with weakening drains, bearing or "drag ging'down pains or distress, aud In all monthly or periodical derangement and Irrwfciilurities, the Favorite Prescrip tion " will be found to be made ot just the right ingredients to meet and cur the trouble. Your druggist sells the " Favonira Pitr.wRiPTioN" and also the "Goi.dki MicnicAf. PisfovKRY." Write to Dr. Pierre about your case. He I an experi enced physician and will treat your case as ronildentlal and without charge for correspondence. Address him aa directed in preceding column. It la a easy to be well as 111 and much more comfortable. Constipation la the cause of many forms of Illness. Pr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure, eonstlpa tlorf. They are tiny, angar-coated gran ules. One little "Pellet Is a genU laxa tive, two a mild cathartic. All dealers la medicines ell them. Pr. Pierce's looonage Illustrated book. "Tha Common Sense Medical Adviser." is sent free in paper covers on receipt of 1 one-cent stamps to pay the coat of mailing mly. For 31 stamps the cloth hound volume will be sent.- It was formerly sold for It. 80 per copy. Address j Dr. U. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. of Mr. Charles Wilson, Rev.' J. W. Ferner, pastor of the Tabor Congregational church, officiating. The young people will be al home after May 16 at Tabor, near whers the groom own a good farm. . I Hearre Methodists Meet. UF.WPI1IH. Tenn.. May 1 Negro bishops and delegates from all section of th . south are in attendance upon the general conference of the colored Methodist Epis copal church In session here. One of th principal subjects which will be discussed . Is tne increase 01 in general 11 ir in. for educational purposes and the establish ment of a. university for the training of preachers and teachers. Dr. Goose and the Clothier w HEN yon buy a fait of clothes, and pay a lair once lor it, you tax is tor granted, and usually the dealer itatea explicitly, that the garment I ol dependable material and tailored la the best possible manner. But yon often fiad your confidence vio lated, why? Because It is estimated that 80 per cent of all clothe are faked" into ahape by Dr. Goose, the Hot Fiat-Iron; and naturally lent that ahape by wear and damp ness. And with the shape vaoiahed the style disappears also. Your protection against Flat-iron trititry, is the knowledge of the Fact and the moral courage to intut on having- SINCERITY CLOTHES. You may procure any desired style or fabric in SINCERITY CLOTHES; and th assurance that every garment is tailored tinetrtly that the materials are honest; and that bigh-clase Designing and good Hlhd Sewing have produced the style that first attracts you and the ArmnnYSKVthet makte SINCERITY CLOTHES a standard of excellence from Maine to California. . For, remember this: there can be no firmantnt tfylt in clothe without nntirt workmanship at every stare of making. There Is a Test bv which you can detect Flat-Iron shaped clothes. If you want it, enclose a 2-cent stamp, and we will send it to you. SINCERITY CLOTHES are sold in most cities and towns by reputable dealer. Look for th label of the SINCERITY CLOTHES MAKERS In your next Suit or Overcoat purchase. It reads aa follows . I?J3!Et?vi HYMEC APPLIANCE CUT AWAY raois DRUGS Ckeslstlnt th Meed. cwesCOMIftNCTlO) vaaicosc. aaoius rM .Jalyft. lu. VEINS en EskMIt, a(sra and rar h itai Mrti. gel a trial. Call writ tor Ire seek, seat ssale. slaw. - . HVMCCCO , IH1 14 M nmUti ItUsllk. St. LSUt. IS. "SIHCERITY CLOTHES" I MADE AM IOARAITIU IT KUH, NATHAN AMD FISCHER C3. CNICAIO