Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1906, Page 8, Image 8
THE OMAITA DAILY BEH: FRIDAY. MAY 4. 1W7. SPECIAL NOTICES A4irtlMBfa(i fee Ikes will likra til 13 . the evenlaa edltlen mm antll n p. m. for the rata and Bandar edition. Rilfi 1 1-S a word aril fneertlaa, le word thereafter. Notfclan- taken fnr leaa tliaa SO for the flrat taaer tloa. Theae advertlaeateata snnat be raa eonae-ntlvely. Advertisers, my reneestlan" a mm tiered eheek, eaa have aaawera ad dreaaed to a aamhered letter la eare of The Bee. Aaawera ao addreaaed will be delivered oa preaeatetlen of eherlr. - MISCELLANEOUS . BOYLES COLLEGE Pay and night. New classes In bookkeep ing, telegraphy, shorthand. typewriting and English organised every day. ' Gt a catalogue. Addrees II. B. BOYLES, President, Boyles Bldg., Omaha. R 264 WHERE TRUNKS ARK MADE. Trunks, ault cases and shopping bags. Old trunk taken In exchange; repairing. FREUNO 4k STEINLE, 410 N. 16th St. 'Phone Doug. 49. R 121 M26 CTnVFS taken down, cleaned and C11Ui:iJtmw) Prlcea the lowest. Capacity 250 atovea. ware, 24th and Lake. A. J. Hayne Hard- Douglas 3VI6. R-MI00 M10 EXGROF91NO and Boyle College. fancy penmanship. R-2i OMAHA Safe and Iron Work make a spe cialty of tire escapes, shutters, door nnd safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. 10th St. R-266 SIGN PAINTING, S. H. Cole. f2 R 2C8 STEINWAY piano, upright, big bargain. Perfleld riano Co., 1611 Farnam 8t. R 2ffl GUNSMITH, keys, tnink locks, repairing. Heflin. 217 8. 14th. Tel. Douglas 2974. H 270 SEEDS THAT GROW, NEED ANYT See that tbev come from THE NEBRASKA SEED CO., 1513-1513 Howard, 1208-10-12 Jones St. . K 158 Mil TRY Kelly's Towel Supply. Tel. Doug. 3530. R-371 Iowa Sanitary Cleaning Co.. 191$ Farnam. R 272 MARTIN order. MEYER, ahlrta. underwear to R M609 M20 bURVE-YINO, Bllckensderfer, 312 Bee Bldg. R-273 JOHNSON, THE RELIABLE PLI'MBING AND HEATING CO. BEST SERVICE PRICES REASONABLE. TEL. DOUGLAS 6990. 1812 HARNEY. R-M414 MIR ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co., 621 N. 16th. Tel. Doug. 1779. Res. 'phone, Doug. 7061. R M540 CARLSON A CO., upholstering, repairing and mattress renovating. Tel. Doug. 2818. R M892 M23 HAVE Wilson hang paper; quirk, clean; paper cleaning a specialty. Tel Douglas (065. R-M578 Mil BEE KEEPERS' supplies. Send for cata logue. Leahy Mfg. Co.. 1730 So. 13th. R M638 Jl fsTATn'W For shingling and repairing. Tel. Doug. R-012 M25 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SODA FOUNTAINS, any slxe. 1818 Farnam. Q-274 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO.. best mixed paint. Sherman A. McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. ft 276 HALL'S safes, new, id-hand. 1818 Farnam, Q-Zlt FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. Inquire or j. it. campoeu, fee man- room. Q-512 WE buy everything In the furniture line. CiitcitKO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Q-277 Fl'RNITtTtE, CARPETS, RUGS, ETC.. on .credit. We don't ask Installment prices. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., i.ov-iii-1213 arnam (Street. j 677 S CHEAP chicken fence, long fir timbers, white basswood for burnt work. 921 N 161 h. Q-278 CAUTION! Beware of fake piano ads. genuine new Stelnway pianos are sold ONLY by Schmoller & Mueller and they are the ONLY authorised Nebraska rep resentatives. Tel. Douglas 1628. 1.111-1313 farnam. 279 FINE high grade upright piano, cheap. Dealers do not apply. 415 No. 23d St. Q M537 7x PIANO Square, $10; (0 cents weekly. 1 Per field Piano Co., 1611 Farnam St. Q 2S0 FOR SALE S00 boxes and packing cases, an sizes, uioson jsoap to.. Omaha, Neb, Telephone, Douglas 1520. Q 575 6 THB Cl.tPPF.n Mtira The Clipper mine of Washington Is strictly a Nebraska company and a most prom ising one, as those who have Investigated know, l can furnish a few blocks of stock In this mine at 69 cents. Better wire your order. .Fran. Mason, O Nelll, Neb. THE CLIPPER MINE. Q 602 6x Ji-H. P. Royal Tourliit 4-cyllnder touring imr wun lop, mi great Bargain. H. E. r rcaencKson, loin ana capuol Ave. .u -60S J3 BUSINESS CHANCES FOR KENT. Germanla Hall, 18th and Harney Sts. Ground floor auditorium, balcony, stage, dressing rooms, acenery, etc.; aplendld location for vaudeville or summer theater. N. T. DODGE at CO., 1714 Farnam St Y-521 3 PO YOU have any kind of property to ex change for lewa or Nebraska land, bust nesa property, umana residence, general atock mane., hardware, drug atore. etc. etc.? Our list la large. Let ua get you resulta. Tenipleton & Manker, M he iiiui. ioi. xsuugiaa zvot. x M334 A SWELL ROOMING HOUSKEletrantly furnUhed 13 rooms full of roomera and Hoarders; rem reasonable; Farnam dis trict, walking distance. Party leaving city; will aell cheap. Templeton A Man ket, 2U6 Bea building, telephone Douglas a I MIU2 FOR 8 A l.E 83.ow.00 worth of 10 per cent preferred guaranteed atock; can give best referencea. Address D 28, care uinana, orm. y Mao 7 WANTED To trade or sell a $4,000 grocery wuaiiirw iwKini in me central part o St. Joseph. Mo. Nearly all cash trunslen iraoe; win pear investigation. Address u ii, nw. I Mj7 6x THE CLIPPER. THE CLIPPElt. THE CLIPPER. A few small blocks st 69 cents. This la special snap, mm inia biock promises to uuuuin inrrm tioiva in ine next- fe months. Address Frank Mason, O'Neill Neb. THE CLIPPER. THE CLIPPHR. THE CLlPPEJt. Y-MilOl (x run BAl.r.-lurawi re in county seat town oi z.uw inoaoiianis in eastern Ne lit ansa r iuiTiDing ana iin snop will n voice i. tiood reason for selling. Ad aiess u St. ree. i bx FOR SAIJE-Clean atock of general in. nunaiM1; cnance to aiep inio a z ihi py log biiBlnesa. Block about (,uw. take , cents on tna dollar for quic run biock up-io-uaie ana conrpi-ie. a dress Owner. 42S. David City. N-b Y-M,rl WANTED TO BUY WHEN you have any old clothes to sr call red KM; beat prices. N nr. M WANTED MALE HELP WANTF.D For I'. P. Army, ahlebodled un married men between ages of 21 and 36; cltlxen of United Ststes. of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can apeak, read ami write F.ngllli. For Information apply to Recruiting: offlce, lath and Doua laa St., Omaha; Lincoln and Grand la land. Neb., or Sioux City, la, B 172 WANTED Men to learn barber trade Scholarship Includes complete outfit of toola, diploma and position. Board and room provided. Few weeka com pletea by this method. Spesl Induce ment now. fall or write. Moler Barber College, lll Farnam St. B M128 M5x TRAVELING salesman. $78 and expenses Stenographer, out of town. $ m Kntry clerk, drug experience, U. HookKeeper nnd stenographer, Shipping clerk, t40. Stock clerk, retail store, young man, $-to to $K. . Stenographer and office clerk, nifg. house, $60; good opportunity for promotion. WESTERN REK. A BOND ABTN, INC., Dept. B. 840-41-42 N. Y. Lite Bldg. H 684 WANTED Men and boys to learn plumb ing trade; wages $4 50 to I SO per day; Colorado School Practical Plumbing; largest school In west; 1645 Arapahoe, Denver, Colo. B-MOKl MSx MEN and boya wanted to learn plumbing, bricklaying, plastering trades; paya $6 a dav. Coyne Bros. Co., New York, Chli CKgo. Cincinnati, St. Louis. Free csta logue. B 3 WANTED Three men of good personal ap nrni: outalda nosltlon: steady ein- jjloyment. C. F. Adams Co.. Mi Hon-ard too DRUG stores bought and sold; drug clerks wanted. F V. Knlest, 624 N. Y. L. I V B && WANTED Four or live good boys: good par. A. D. T. Co.. 212 8. 13th t B M941 M24 GET A GOOD POSITION. Credit man, $100. Mechanical draughtsmen. $i0 to $1v. Clothing ealeamen (Swedish language). Bill clerk, $K0. First-class shoe salesmen. Above positions are open for Immediate consideration. Call or write. BRAIN CLEARING not en.. . 921-922 N. Y. Lite Bldg. B 682 8 COMPOSITORS A few good, reliable, sober compositors can secure sienay employ ment at good wages by writing National Printing and Engraving Co., Nllea, Mich. Open shop. ' B o95 4 WANTED Boy who worka during the day to sleep In otnee at night. Aaaress it 10. Bee. B M430 WANTED A competent stenographer for position in local mercantile now; mmo or female; permnnent, desirable position for right party; reply In own handwriting, giving references, experience and salary wanted. Addrens D 25, Bee. B 668 3 WANTED Bright, active boy about Is years of age In wholesale nonse; nrst class references required. Address D 17. Bee. B-616 $ WANTED Wide-awake young man with $3,000.00 to take active part in paying business; good tpwn. Address D 23, care Omaha Bee. B M55 MAN of practical experience In Industrial dlsaDiiity insurance, wno can snow ur.n record, to take charge of Industrial de partment In city of Omaha, also district agents In neighboring cities, correspon dence confidential. Standnrd Life and Accident Ins. Co., Detroit, Mich. B-M598 10X WANTED 8 boys. Omaha Box Co., East B 565 6 Omaha. WANTED First-class office man; must be thoroughly experienced; Al references re quired. Address D 22, Bee. B M561 6 WANTED Experienced bushclman. Ad dress U Si. Bee. ij-mkh AGENTS wanted; good side line. Menter, Rosen bloom Co. 1508 Dodge St. a osi POSTER PRINTER An Al poster printer can secure steady employment at gooa wages by writing National Printing 4 Engraving Co., Niles, Mich. Open shop. B 596 4 WANTED Carpenters accustomed to re pairing freight 'cars. ISO trouoie; gooa wanes, steady work for competent men Apply to Mt. Vernon Car, Mfg. Co., Mt. Vernon, Illinois. -M600 WANTED A boy for delivery, about M or 17 years old. inquire at tat snerman Ave. jiji WANTED FEMALE HELP APPRENTICE alrls. Burgess Shirt Co. WANTED Competent girl to take care two children; sleep noma nignta. Acmreaa C 38, Bee. - c Moil GIRL for general housework; no wanning. Mrs. j. r. Fnyoer, us a. attn. u-iv WANTED Girl to take care of children and do light housework. Call 724 s. 80th, C M973 WANTED Marker and sorter. Puritan Laundry, 2ath and Farnam. C 48 CONFECTIONERY clerk. $26. Cashier. 3o. Two office clerks, light work, $25. Bookkeeper and stenographer, $56. Two stenographera. $4& to $50. Call and see us at once If In need of a position. WESTERN REF. A BOND A8S N, INC, Iept H. &40-41-42 IN. I. lAim mag. C6S3 I WANTED A good girl for housework; amall family; liberal wagea. Mrs. J. H Dumont, 3642 Lafayette Ave. C 643 i WANTED An accurate, experienced ste nographer at once. Phone Douglas 2181. C 600 3 WANTED Housekeeper for Koehler ho. tel. Apply at room , Merchants- notei. C-M563 4x WANTED Girl for housework; small fam ily; good wages. Mra. A. C. Thayer, 2S11 Bristol St. C-M569 6x WANTED Experienced salesladies In no tion dept. Apply at J. L. uranaeis t Sons, notion dept. C 688 I WANTED Good girl for general house work; small family. Mrs. H. L. Jones, 2229 So. 10th. C M53 6 AGENTS WANTED BAN FRANCISCO DISASTER Complete, autnemio history,, wun sees oi actual photographs, also story by eye wit nesses; guaranteed equal to any book out; agenta averaging $12 per day; 610 page, line cloth -bound $1.60 book now ready; agent's price, 76 cents: postage 25 cents extra; freight paid; order today or send 10 cents for mailing free outfit. vnapp run. u., ivanstts, mo. J-606 1 THE two best Ban Francisco books are Bishop Fallows and the one written by Charles Banks and Ople Read. We seil both: 600 pages; 100 photos: 60 per cent credit; freight paid; outfit free. W. A. Hixenbaugh & Co., V are Blk., Omaha. J M4& AGENTS wanted on our new work, "The Destruction of San Francisco." Abso lutely new and nonsensailonal. lllu trated, tilled with comprehensive valua ble Information and containing a large scale map of the city, as It waa with the burned district, fully outlined. Com plete outfit and terms sent prepaid upon receipt or it cents. nana-dacsany Co., Chicago, 111. J 494 SAN FRANCISCO Great Disaster. Only $1 book. Far outsells higher priced books. Large, fully Illustrated. Extra terms Freight paid. Credit given. Outfit free, Ztegler Co., 21a Locust St.. Philadelphia Pa. J 594 4x AGENTS wanted on our new work. "Th Destruction ot San Francisco." Abao, lutely new and nonsenaatlonal. Illus trated. filled with comprehensive, val uable Information and containing a larg scale map of the city as It was with th burned district fully outlined. Complete ouint ana terms sent prepaid upon re. eel pi of 3 cents. Rand. McNally A Co. Chicago, 111. J-4KB 4 DRESSMAKING FOR dressmaking done at home, Dong. Jll. -MJ.I Woodruff Arnold, 313-14 Neville Blk. M449 Ml M DO WELL system of dress cuttln taucht; simplest and best method. !3 Fariuja. alt Maya It Always Pays Vou to Read BEE WANT ADS. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS NICELY furnished. large, south front room with bay window; also east and north front room; everything strictly modern; walking distance; prlcea reason able. 2958 Dewey Ave. Telephone Harney 1'iXH. E 490 16x A WIDOW wishes to rent large, cool, well rurnlBhi'd, modern room, est Farniim district, lo gentleman of refinement, with reference. Address D 34, Bee. E-M563 6x DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. Ej.a Doug. Gil O. M. E. Haul Trunks E-2S ROOMS FURNISHED on credit. All the time you want. We don t ask Installment prices. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., 1209-111-1213 Farnam Street. E-578 3 Thurston hotel; roams $1.80 up per week. E MbOa LARGE, cool, well furnished, modern room, private family, where there are a few other congenial parties; very suit able for two: walking distance; reason able. 270S Farnam. E M564 6x FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room, strictly modern, suitable for'one gentle man. 217 South 25th St. E 9S6 NICELY furnished room, with good table board, all home comforts. Mrs. F. Har vey, 319 8. 23th. E M419 5 FRONT room, furnished to suit you, strictly private family. 2618 Capitol Ave. K VS"1 4x URNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 0. M. E. Haul Trunks ? F 29J VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. 211 LARGE, desirable front room with excel lent board. 2t16 Farnam St. F-M457 6X UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CENTRAL; 3 rooms; bath. Tliard, 220 N. G M131 23d. FOUR large unfurnished rooms; strictly modern; private family; 309 North 25th. G MfilO Sx FOR RENT HOUSES tinTTSJVS In all parts of the city. The o. f. Davis Co.. 208 Bee Bldg. D 307 TTHTTRTT'SS In all parts of the city. R. C. P( Peters & Co.. Bee Bldg. u n HOUSES, Insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Blk. 1J 308 THE Omaha Van A Storage Co., pack. move and store H. H. goods, storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th. Offlce, 151H4 Farnam. Tel., Doug. 1559. D 309 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van A Stor age co. Tel., Doug. i4ifti. omce, i,n we li ster St. D 310 BEE us when shipping household goods to large cities west. we can save you money. EXPRESSMEN 8 DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel., Doug. 1196. V 311 HOUSES FURNISHED complete on credit. Rename goods, we don t asa installment prices. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CO., 1209-1211-113 Farnam street. D 576 3 WEST HARNEY STREET. New brick houses, 9 rooms and reception hall, oak finish and floors, tiled vestibule, bath room, separate toilet for servants, laundry room In basement, haa mantel, very complete and all details the best; south front on Harney St., Just west of 83d St, Ready May 1. HARRISON & MORTON, 913 N. Y. Life. Tel., Douglaa-314. D 628 AMERICAN TRANSFER CO., 8TORAGE. 'Phone, DougIas-1062. 1106 Farnam. D M856 M7 WE DO expert piano 'moving at lowest prices. Tel., iHiugia-iiv:n, pcnmoner ac Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. D 313 FOR RENT Handsome colonial resldeneo, 1617 Park Ave., opposite para, moaern, $40. 'Phone, Harney-1565. D 427 832 S. 29th (Georgia Ave.) St; hot water heat; 6 rpoma; vacant April 26, 1906. Do not bother the tenant, see us. Harrison V Morton, 912-913 N. Y. Life. Tel. Doufc. 114. l 904 FOR RENT To desirable private family, 9-room, moaern, aetacnea nouse, nnr J2d and California Sts., with or without barn. $36. No boarding house. Apply at 607 N. 19th Su D M961 MAGGARD Van A Storage Co. Dry rooms. low prices. Telephone jJigj Jjjj FOR RENT 6-room all modern house, ex cept furnace, lazi a. nn an. D M429 FOR RENT Going to move? You will then need new lumnun borrow from ua and pay cash for them; we save you money; furniture loana, etc.; low ratea; easy terms. RELIABLE- CREDIT CO., Rooms 307-308 Paxton Block. N, B. Cor. Farnam and 16t"))2 j TWO f and 7-room modern flats on Burt StTnear 16th. Apply F. D. Wead, ,1624 Douvlaa. D 646 6 in TtnnuR modern. 1618 So. 10th. $30. 7 rooms, modern. 224 Hamilton, $18. s room, imnmi ii, - -. , $ rooms, 3t8V So. 18th. $8. I rooma, modern flat, 12o6 Douglas. $18. W. B. MEIKLE, 205 Ramge Bldg. D M609 FOR RENT-i-8-room strictly modern house, 2554 Harney. See A. Hospe. Adm. D M5c3 6 2308 California St., 8-room modern house, fine location, vacant May 20. $40.00 per mo. 4768 N 24th St., lo-room modern house, large' lawn, beautiful shade treea. $3C.oO irlSf' n! 24th St., Sroom modern house. $25.00 per mo. GEORGE A CO., 1601 Farnam. D M'iOj U FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room in Bee offlce, city hail building, 417 N. 2fcth SU, South Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 SUITABLE for wholesale or manufactur ing 44x100; three floors and baacment, elevator; will rent 22xloO separately. 1U03 6 Farnam St. Inquire 314 First National Bank bldg. ' I- $40 Large store room for rent. 1818 Harney St- N. P. Dodge A Co. I-2M TO LET TRACKAGE PROPERTY. Bntlre block from Webster to California and 12th to 13th Sts., excepting railvoad naht-of-way; will be vacated by lumber yard June 1. V. FARNAM SMITH A CO.. 13 Far. St. I M4u5 IN The Bachelora. store No. 2ol6 Farnam street, with basement: heat furnished from June 1. lleury F. Wyman. Iflui N. Y. Life Bldg. 1-679 6 HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE PERSONAL ATTENTION E. H. Ferrln. ecientlAc horse ahoeing. 416 S. 18th. Tel. liouglaa 1&9. Huraea called for and de livered. P M7 M .6 rOR SALB Small, gentle driving or aaddle pony. 43 Eraklne St. Harney 1187. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE CHOICE HOME IN VeN TRAL PARK. 7-room house, city water, full lot, east front; high and well situated, tieiir 3Mh snd Grand Ave. A bargain st $1,500. CLOSE IN. Fine 7-room dwelling In best repair, bountiful corner lot, 60x125, east front rhade trees, etc., near i9th and Nicholas. Pries, reduced to $2,7oO for quick sale. Rental terms of fnyment. IOME OR INVESTMENT. Good 7-room house with brick basement. also nent store building containing storeroom rear livlnp; or storage apart ment and larse basement with tine brick bake oven. Large barn on rear of lot, ground W Jtl32, fronting east on paved street. near Martha. En tire property offered for $4.0X1, small cash payment, balance monthly. See ua at once and submit offers on above. Also have several similar bargains for quick sale. Russell & MeKitrick Co., 432-33-34 Ramge Bulldjni?. Fifteenth and Harney Sts. RE-648 3 An Ideal Cottage In Dundee, about 2 blocks from car line, strictly modern, well built, nicely ar ranged, fine location, full lot, east front; a great bargain for $3,000. You will like it when you see It. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 1st, Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1781. RE 550 4 CHICKEN RANCH. Are you Interested In raising chickens? We have the beat place you ever saw for sale at 34th and Cass Sts. The lot has 75 foet frontage, with a depth of 146 feet: nice six-room cottage, In first-class condition; an excellent brick chicken house and ce ment floor; chicken yard, fenced in. This place cost the owner $2,500 to build, but will sacrifice for $1,900. Don't miss this oppor tunity, but come In at once and look it over. FRANK EFNER. 321 Neville Block. Doug. 3W0. RE-587 4 $950 will buy the nice, large 8-room cot tage at 1821 Miami street ; "30-fobt lot, good roof and neighborhood, near cars and schools. House always rents for $12. It can be bought on easy terms. TURKINGTON, 602 Bee Bldg. RE 617 3 HAWVERS patented "built in the wall" folding bed; great labor and space-saving device. See it in operation. 1614 Emmet St., RE-M384 M28 CHOICE farm home, Improved, ISO acres, 3 miles from Pierce, Neb.; $33 per acre cash. Tel. Harney 630. RE M437 6 5-ROOM cottage, walking distance, just va cated; city water, gas. cemented side walk. 110 8. 28th Ave- $1,200. Silas Rob- bins, Frenzer block. RE 674 6x TRACKAGE A fine piece of trackage property, 147x284, on U. P. track, at 6th and Jones Sta., $12,000 Will take It for Immediate aalc. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. RE-299 ARCHITECT 4- H tfg000- RE 561 M18 C8 Williamson Co. u-iSfcw-- RE-801 6-ROOM house; excellent condition; close to car; sacrifice price if taken at once. 6-ROOM house at your own price terms;1' owner leaving city. and 9-ROOM house, modem, two lots, at a lit tle more than lots are worth. National Investment Co., J. W. MARTIN, Manager. RE-M566 7 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Lota 11. 12. 13 and 21. block 1, In 13th St. add. to South Omaha; cheap for cash, or will exchange for property in aouthern California; make offer to owner, A. Ham elberg, UM B. Main St., Los Angeles, Cal. RE 658 3x ACRE LOTS north of Krug park. E. G. Solomon, 'Phone Benson 156. KE M531 6x LIST your properties with Boyer, 22d and Cuming. RE 303 HOUSE FOR SALE TO BE REMOVED 1308 Chicago St., 4-room cottage to be re moved by July 1, 1906. Submit bida to GEORGE A CO., 1691 Farnam. RE M.'AS 9 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Inveatment Co. W 346 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam St. W 344 BUILDING loans on residence property; 6 per cent. W. M. Melkle, Ramge Mm. W 346 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Block, W 347 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Doug. W 348 GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam; city loana, 6, 6H per cent Interest;' no delay. w o 11.000.000 TO LOAN on business and real dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan, R. 1, N. i Life. W-360 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters Co. W-351 FARM. CITY AND BUILDING LOANS Reed Bros., 1710 Farnam St. W 362 City A farm loans. O. F. Carson Co.. N.Y.L. W 353 LOANS on Improved elty property. W. H. Thomas, bub 1st national nana mag. W-S54 SMALL LOANS on outside or vacant prop erty. P. O. Box 2U3. City. W-6'J8 6x WANTED SITUATIONS SITUATION wanted as a bookkeeper or ac countant with experience; expert In tax matters; good penman: best of references. Address D 31, Bee. A 586 6x SITUATION wanted on farm by man and wife, with girl 10 years. Address D 30, Bee. A 672 3x YOUNG lady having live months' Instiuc tlon In bookkeeping wanta position. Had experience In office work. Addreaa D 32, Bee. A 44601 10a CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA, LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 South 16th St., upstairs. Resultful prediction absolutely given. 8-359 LA8T week for Mrs. Faust. Ladies. 60c; (enllaiaan. ii- l"o9 Jackson. 8-U567 ix FOR SALE FARMS Union Pacific- Kailroad Co. Is Closing Out Its Lands. Fine Farm and Ranch Lands IN WESTERN NEBRASKA. COLORADO AND WYOMING From $3 to $5 Per Acre TAKE ADVANTAGE of the low prlcea and easy terms offered while the oppor tunity still presents Itself. SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES TO THE , LANDS. For Further Information, Apply to U. P. LAND AGENCY, 31$ S. 15th St., Omaha, Neb. H-678 i RARE BARGAINS IN FARMS. 80 'acres, 40 cultivated, balance pajiture, all fenced, 6-room house, well, windmill, small barn, 3' miles from town on R. F. D. and telephone line, school on farm; price, $1,800. 100 acres, 130 cultivated, 84 miles from town, small Improvements, black loam soil, clay subsoil, best of corn, alfalfa and win ter wheat land; no sand, alkali or gumbo; price, $4,000. J. T. CAMPBELL. LITCHFIELD, Neb. H M421 6x 80-Acre Farm 2 miles straight west of Bennington. KaMern owners will sell at best price obtainable. Make an offer. HARRISON & MORTON, 913 N. Y. Life. Tel., Doug. 314. H-956 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years- time. Ind Dept. LV P. R. R., Omaha, Neb., Dept. "A." H-304 ,60 ACRES, one body, partly Improved; 200 acres under cultivation; $6.00 per acre cash. 8. Hawver, 1614 Emmet St., Omaha. H M186 M13 Cheap Western Lands acrea, Colorado, Kansas and Ne braska lands, $2 to $3.60 per acre. Gov ernment homesteads located. Printed lists giving legal descriptions and prices; also maps, pictures, etc., free. THE STERLING INVESTMENT CO., 201 Front St., Sterling, Colo. H-523 IRRIGATED FARMS FOR SALE. Sixty choice irrigated farms for sale In the sugar beet district near Sterling, Colo.; price right. For particulars write J. P. Falter, Plattsmouth, Neb. . - H-M364 9 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS LOANS On Household Goods. Planoa, Horsea anil Wavnna tr , Wa Will loan nionev nn th ihim SAAiieltw at positively the lowest rate of Interest to be obtained In the city. Why? Because we have unlimited capital and would rather loan money out than nave It lying idle. We make these loana In the strictest confidence; make no Inquiries of your neighbors and merely want to aee your security. If you owe several amall bills which are bothering you, come to us, state your circumstances ana we will loan you money enough to pay them all off so that you will have your In debtedness all In one place where one pay- ,r. ' "" win iikii care or it. Ana we will make th .m.n , suit you. i. : We also Loan Responsible SaN : S 5jrl?d X?Ple on Their - Plain i ' iLL?l without Endorsement of : : Publicity. s a , RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Rooma 807-308 Paxton Blk. X M479 6 OUR LOANS Our employes are Well Informed nn1 courteous and we are always pleased to explain our manner of loans. We tell you ... it ,, none me cosi win De, and it you conclude that It will not pay you to borrow -there Is no harm done. We loan on furniture, nianna llva afwV and other chattels, and to salaried people " 1 wwii agreement 10 pay. We offer you rates as low as you will nnd and our facilities for quick and con fidential service are unsurpassed. .vWe fre tne oIdt-Bt concern in our line In the city and we always try to please our patrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2295 (Established, 1892.) 306 8. 16th St. X-234 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed. 310 8. 13th. X-S36 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances private money on chattela or salary. Easy to get no red tape. You get money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings until 7. ' X M336 DR. PRIBENOW'8 PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, salary, horses, etc.. In any amount, at less than half the rate; no red tape; perfect pri vacy; Immediate attention; on any terms wanted; paymenta auspended in case of sickness or out of employment. Room 214. Karbach Blk., 209 8. 15th St. X-337 When In need of MONEY Call on ua. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 632-3 Paxton Blk. X 338 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay ments. Offices In 63 principal cities. Tol nian, room 714, New York Life Bldg. X-339 FURNITURE,' Piano. Jewelry. Loans. 331 Neville Blk. THE WESTERN LOAN CO. X-S40 FURNITURE, Live Stock, Salary Loana. Duff Green Loan Co., room 3, Barker block. X-341 CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loana, Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St. X 342 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Doug. X-343 PATENTS H. A. 8TURGE8. -egistered attorney; pat ents, trade marks, copyrights: no fee un. less successful. 517 N. Y. Life, Omaha. - 356 F. J. LARSON A CO.. patent lawyers; patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 356 BHARPE MACHINE WORKS-Patents procured, invention developed, drawings patterns, castings, machine work. 604-612 S. 10th St. 3j7 PATENTS nrocured. bouaht and sold. Na tlonsl Inveatment Co., 63 Douglaa Block. 38 CEMENT BLOCK MACHINERY CONCRETE MIXERS. Tarin Construction Co., 303 Neville Blk Miles face down cement block machine. Alls UNDERTAKERS HOFFMAN GENTLEMAN, Douglas 6596. 702 N lth. 686 J2 MONUMENTS GREAT WESTERN GRANITE CO. Doug Ua 62. M-993 MZ3 PERSONAL PILES CURED WITHOUT AN OPERATION-ALL KINDS OF PILES CV RED 1 N'l KRSAU EXTKRNAL, BLIND, BLEEPING OR ITCHING PILES A GUARANTEE GIVEN IN EVERY CASK TREATED BY DR. MAXWEI.U who has had twenty-five years' experience In Heating piles. nunnreus cf testimonials given on appli cation. 624 Bee Bldg, Omaha, Neb. -'Phone Douglas 1424. U-I54 M27 THE healing household remedy. Satin Skin Cream, shotild always be handy, 2;'ic. U- GREEN TRADING "J?? ,: liquors, by Jug or bottle. Cackiev Hroa., orp. P. O. U M159 Ml 2 MARCEL-WAVE Manicuring:, facial ..w " Hi n,,,,, Lulls Bryant, 316 Bee Bldg U 913 M25 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM Tel. Doug. i'M 211 S. lit ii SI. U 314 OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramge Blk. L 316 PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at once, $1 weekly. All music lessons free. JOIN NOW. l'erfl"ld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam St. L 316 PRSVATE home during confinement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Uar dell, 2218 Charles. Tel. Doug. 6311. U 317 THE Salvation Army solicits enst-off clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug.-413.i and wagon will call. U oil FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical College, 14th and Davenport Sts. Special attention paid to confinement cases. All treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. V 129 MAGNETIC MASSAGE, 412 N. 16th ST., SECOND FLOOR, ROOM 2. V, U M975 M25 ArAONF.TrP! treatment & baths. Mme. U 865 ANY POOR GIRL in need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army home for women at 8824 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. U M100 DR. ROBT. P. JENSEN. 300-3 Brown Blk., 16th and Douglas; prac tice limited rb skin, gcnilo-urinary and venereal diseases. U 6S9 M6 'PHONE Doug. 701 and a man will call and tune your piano $2. Perfleld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam. U 31 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no Injec tions. Call' or write for booklet. Quick Cure Rupture Co., 611 W. O. W. Bldg., Omaha. U 319 TRT KELLY'S Laundry. 'Phone Doug. 3510. 1320 DR. ROY. Chiropody, R. 2 A 3. 1506 Farnam. U 321 MABEL M DOTSON, 510 Bo Bldg. Tel. Douglas 6525. Manicuring, massage, scalp treatment a specialty, and hair dressing. U 160 M-ll GOLD STICKPIN FREE, to any person sending us the name of any person owning a square piano, organ or prospective piano buyer. PER FIELD PIANO CO.. Tel. 701. 1611 Farnam St. U-322 PTTAATPTOV Carpet Cleaning Works. IliVJMl AU'iN Beautiful, unlaue rugs from old carpets; prices reasonable. 720 S. 14th St. Tel. Douglas 656. U 323 J-13 SEND your carpets to Omaha Electric Car pet Cleaning wks., 2231 N. 20th. Doug.-1659. U-M606 M31 YOUR saving 40 per cent. Investigate. I'enneu juininery jo., in ooutn lbtn St. U-324 PRIVATE' confinement home; babies adopted. Mra. Pr. King, 2018 N. 21st St. Tel. 8569. U-825 SHAMPOOS.' manicuring and facials at your own home; New York method. Mrs. Willis, 2010 Davenport. Tel. Douglas 6024. U 183 7x PLEATING Buttons, Ruchi'ng, 'I'VJ Embroidering. Dyeing and Cleaning, Sponging and Shrink ing, only 5c per yard. Send for price list and aample. OULUMAN PlEiATlISU LU 200 Douglaa Block. Tel. Douglaa 1936. 4 MONTHS OLD baby girl for adoption 2018 N. 2lat. lei. uougiaa aere. U-160 Max WE RENT sewing machines, $1 a week and $3 per mo. We repair all makes of ma chines; second-hsnd machines, $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. Doug. 1663. Cor. l;th and Harney. U 327 SEWING machines and supplies. P. E. Flodman A Co., )ti4 capitoi Ave. U M507 W31 THE City Garbage Co. Office, 14th and Leavenworth sts. Tel. uougias 1387. U-328 STOVT.S Stored. Hughes Stove Repair DlUViOWorkli Tel Doug. 7155. U-4S8 M16 MAGNETIC OSTEOLOGY Mrs. M. Rltten. house, 412 N. 16th, room Z, second floor. U-622 M17 JOHNSON-UOODLETT CO. 8-layer white cakes, 30c; pure milk bread. groceries ana meats, zuuz L.aKe St. Douglaa 1676. U M497 Jl THERE will be a land opening of anme choice lands and two townaites, on rail road, about August 16; no chance to lose with us, so write today and get In on the ground floor. Address D 26, Bee. U-M570 PRIVATE hospital during confinement. Ba bies adopted. Best ana cheapest In the city. 2319 S. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. U M036 Jl PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium, 728 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. U 322 A NICE healthy baby boy for adoption, at 2319 So. 13th street. M4 Maytx SYRINGES, rubber gooda by mall; cut price, wyers-uiiion urug Co., Omaha. U-678 WANTED Every man to know that we liiuMR lyuen suns iu oraer lor sio; easy payments. Menter, Rosenbloom Co. U-680 4 MEDICAL LADIES. $1,000 REWARD! I positively guarantee my Never-Failing ERGO KGLO Remedy. Safely relieves longest, most obstinate cases of delayed Monthly Periods In 3 to 6 days without harm, puln or inierrerence with work. Mall, $1 ,y Double strength, $2.00. "SPECIAL FOLD ER FOR LAD1KS FREE. DH. B. H BOUTH1NGTON CO.. KANSAS CITY. MO. 33 BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nervo Food Pills" $1 box. postpaid. Sherman A aacionneii urug i,:o.. tjniana, gyi BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES WHY pay truBt prices? Solid oak billiard and pool tables, $H0. Also bar tlxturea. No agency expenses. Catalogue mulled free. Chas. I'assow A Sons, Chicago. 131 May8x WE TRUST EVERYBODY, easy payments and lead the world In cheap prices on billiard and pool tables and bar fixtures; catalogue free. The Brunswicke-Balke-Collender Co., 407 8. loth St., Omaha, Neb. -3 TREES AND SHRUBS LARGEST assortment of treea and shrub in the city at Crescent Nursery. Sales ground, 31st and Farnam. Tel. Douglas 3J67. INVESTMENTS COMPANY now Incorporating will pay 90 per cent dlvdend first year; Omaha men now interested: write ua. Addresa D 16, cars ot Be offlce. tS2 ex PRINTING I V Nif.TAh l"h "da l. Calendars. LT:Cj3IAL8 K VT mh hi. ,nd & JOKVE Capitol Avf. 2H6 ENGRAVING and printing. Kotyra A Co., l.Mrt Howard., ici. i'ui" OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute, 418 N. Y. L. Tel. Doug. 1.W4. -331 DR W ELLS, Neville Blk. Tel. Doug. M77. 9(8 M8 TICKET BROKERS CUT-RATE railway tickets everywhere, p. H. Phllbln, lfnJ Farnam. 'Phone Doug. 784. 1.ARSON & JOHNSON, 1406 Farnam. Doug. 103. ' 2S3 SIDEWALKS LET John Grant make your cement side, walk, driveways or cellar floor If vou want the b'st guaranteed H yenrs Onlrc 6th floor Boa Bldg. Tel. DougH 7?2 -M MT1 AUTOMOBILES LARGEST slock of new and second-hand automobiles In Omaha; also supplies. If. L'. Frederickson, 15th and Capitol Ave. 4107 J3 FLORISTS L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1258. 332 HEPS A 8WOHODA, 1115 Farnam. FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want In this ' column, put an ad In and you will soon get it. Z-93 LAW AND COLLECTIONS J. M. MACFARLAND, 309 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Douglas 6858. 360 GOVERNMENT NOTICES , PROPOSALS FOR BEEF, CORN, QKO ceries1. fctc Department of the Interior, Qtnce of Indian .V flans, Washington. D. C, March A. ISsm. Sealed proposals, plainly iiiarKed on the outside of the envelope: "Proposttl for beef, corn," etc., as the casa may be, and addressed to the "Commis sioner of Indian. Affairs, Washington, 1. C," will be received at the Indian omce until 3 o'clock p. in. of Tuesduy, May a, 19U6, and then opened, for turnlshlng the Indian aervice with rolled barley, beer, corn, salt, coileo, sugar, tea, soap, baking powder and othor groceries. Bids must be made out on government blanks. Scheduler giving all necessary information lor bid ders will be f 'irnlshed on application to tnu Indian office, Washington, D. C. ; the U. S. Indian w rehouses at New York City; Chicago, 111.; St. Louis, Mo.; Omaha, Neb., and ban Francisco, Cal.; the Commissary of Subsistence, U. H. A., at Cheyenne, Wyo.; the yuartermasterU. 8. A., Seattle, Wash., ana tne postmasters si -xucson, fortland, Spokane and Tacoma. The department re serves the right to reject any and all bids, or any part of any bid. F. E. LRU PP. Commissioner. Al4toM5 CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S Ofilce, Omaha, Neb.. May 3. 1906. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here until 10 o'clock a. m., central standard time. May 14, IKK, inr putting in ana waxing new hard maple floors in gymnasium and hall ways of eight company barracks in build-. Ing No. 40, at Fort Crook. Neb. Full In formation furnished on application to thia office and at the office of the quarter master at Fort Crook, Neb., where specifi cations for the work may be seen. Pro postals to be marked "Proposals for put ting in and waxing new hard maple floors. etc., as the rase may be, and addressed to Major M. Gray Zalinskl, Constructing Quartermaster, Army Building, Omaha, Neb. Maya-4-s-7-ii-ii CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTERS Office Omaha. Nebraska. May 1, 1906. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will be received here until 10 o'clock a. m., central standard time, tune 1. 19oii. at which time they will be opened In public, for furnishing and in- stalling electric nxmm in certain ouiia Ings, and for extending the lighting sys tem so as to make proper connections there with, at Fort Omaha, Neb. Plans and spec ifications and blank forms- of proposals may be obtained at this offlce. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids or part of bids. Major M. Gray Zalinskl, quartermaster, U. 8. Army, in charge of RAILWAY TIME CARD UNIOS STATION TENTH AND MARC I. Union Faclfle. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited ......a 9:40 am a 3:18 am a 6:10 pm a 9:80 am a 8:10 pm al0:46 pm a 3:30 pm a 7:44 am a 4:60 pm Ihe China and Japan Fast Mall a 4:15 pm Colo. A Calif. Ex a 4:lj pm California & Ore. Ex. .a 4:26 pm Los Angeles Limited. ...all 30 am Fast Mall , a 1:55 pm Colorado Special a 7:46 am North Platte Local a 8:10 am Beatrice Local b 8:16 pm o s.-ou pm Cnlcaga Ureal Weaterai. St. Paul A Minn.; a 3:30 pm a 7:15 am a 7:66 pm a!0:80 am St. Paul A Minn a 7:4s am Chicago Limited at:oopm Chicago express a :us am a 8:80 pm Minn. A St. Paul Fx... b 8 KM am Minn. A St. Paul Ltd. .a B:30 pm d t oo pin a 7;u am l.bicaao Meek Island A Paoiaa. EAST. Chicago Limited a :& am Ctucuso Express a 7:00 am a 7:10 am a 9:66 pm a 4:30 pm Chicago Kxpreaa, Local. bll: in am Dea Mollies Exoreaa....a 4:80 bra bU:60 am Chicago Fast Express, a 6:40 pm a 306 pra vvtoi. Rocky Mountain Ltd. ..a 7:10 am Colorado Express a 101 pra Oklahoma Texas x.a 4:4u ym a 1 :16 am a 1 :15 pm al3:05 pm Luiuiio as, kuuirciuri, Local Cedar Raplda a 7:06 am a 6:00 pn cnicago Dayligut a s:ou am USW IMA 11 UM plU 9:1 am s.tki am 7.1 am Chicago Daylirfat a 8:v0 am cnicago Limited a ks pm Carroll Local it:u pra tit. Paul Fast Mail. .....a . ym bioux c. bu f. Local.. o a:tw yw asl Mall a Jto am 3:0 lm cmcaau nJturesa a e.bu pm cmcao Limited. ail:u0piov 11:1 am Norloi A iiouesteel....a 7:40 am 10:86 am Lincoln at iong Piue..a V:40 am ):io am Casper A Wyoming a $.00 pm a 6:0a piu 6:oo pm 6:u6 pm DU:4U p.u 8:46 pm Deadwood A Lincoln. ..a $:uo pin Hastings A Albion.. ...b $.00 pm Fremont-Albion .0 imi pm ..all. '40 am CnicaGO Local St. Loula Express a ( HI pm a 3:40 am et. Louis Local irrom Council Blurts) a ;L am alO.SO pro Rmiibniiv Local ilrum Council Biutbt) a 6:00 pm bll :80 am Chicago Limited a s:U0 pm a 7.30 am, MllesUts 4X at. fail. Chicago ec Colo. Sped. a 76 am a 7:36 am Calitonila at ore. ja...a :e pin , 8:10 pm overland Limited l pn. a :J am jtiariou at Cedar K. LO.U m.H mm uu,.im pm a 6:30 pm a 6:tu pin Miaaunrt xnulaO- bu Loula Hxpreaa a I 00 am C. At ttu i. pin bikunutoa iAi w-ioia ax aAto Illinois Central. Chicago Express .. tterlluglun. - .a 1:00 am a 1:66 pm Leave. a 4. iu pm a pin .a 4.10 ym .all:10 pm a SAM am Arrive, a 3:26 pm 11:11 pm a 7:10 am a f 30 ym a V :w ym a 9:o6 am mXi.iU ym blu:i am a : mm a 7:10 am a :30 am a i.siu pm a 7:i6 am a 3.56 pm m am alO.o pm all: jo am a 6:45 am a 6:10 pro Denver A California Black Hills .......... Northwest Special .. Northwest txyreaa , Nebraska Loual Lincoln Local ...... . l.. 1,'uut Mall. . b J lL pm Idlltuiu " - , , - - Ft Ciook at riiuiiu.u..iimi Btdlevue A PUtunn li...a 7:60 yn Denver LlinHfd :,';.V" Believuo at tmc Juno.. a 3:30 am lieilevue at Fc. June. a 9:10 am Chicago Special a7:im Chicago Exprea a 3.4 pm Chicago Flr ;i ym low a Local a 9:li am St Louie Express a 4:o pm Kansas Clty-bu Jos h..alu:4i. pra Kanas Cliy-bU Jos h..a 9 am lVAU4 Clty-Ofc. H..w v.w mh WEBSTER DKPOT-llTH at WEBSTER Chleaa. Osnaha. t. Panl. Jatnnennolls A Leave. b $:) am ,.a 1:00 ym ,b 6: it) pm .. 8:i am Arrive, b 9:10 pm all .20 an b :36 am C 6-W put Twin City Passenger. Sioux City Passeuaer. Knierson Local Emerson Local MlBsonrt Pnclnn. Nebraska Local, via Weeping Water ..... Leave. Arrive. .b 1-uO pm bli.Mpm a Dally. 0 Daily except Sunday. 4 Daily except Saturday, a Bundaf mrnif. DaliJt except Monday. V 'V i I - 0