THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FKIDAY, MAY 4, 1906. CRAB AND PRODUCE MARKET Cash- Wbet Bnsinew Setter in Number of Market. MAY OPTION SCORES CENT ADVANCE Deferred Fatarra Gala Half that Mack s-Rerta la General Fitkl for f'roa Bearish Seatl tneat Hairs Cora. OMAHA. May J, 1A Lowtr cables ana tine weather in the. ti.iiir wheat belt caused some selling at tne atart. Early trade was very small, ijiter uood casn business In various mar i.e. cauxsd prices to turn strong, running Lp lc over yesterday for the May, but luting on We at the close. July closed ,kc ...ghee and September Sc higner. Re mpta were anout the same as last year, '.lie Price Current said the promise was for a good wheat crop, and very little (,a.i.n uotie so far. The volume .,i mule lor the day was IlKlit. liK.iH.ri mere u a miK"i strength In coin early In the session, the market lUii.ed weak and prices were otl He lor ail no. tteceipla overran estimates and latger receipts are expected tomorrow, i hert were large offering of Argentina coin on the Liverpool market and conse quently the demand there for American urn was poor. Weather l favorable lor planting. uats were fractionally lower. Trade was tluw. Primary wheat receipts were 121.000 bu. and shipments 164,000 bu., against receipts lest year of 83O.0U0 bu. and shipments of 3iu,lMt bu. Corn receipts were 417.000 bu. and shipments 293,000 bu., against receipts last year of 132,000 bu. and ship ments or 44a, OuO bu. Clearances were vii.UJO bu. wheat, 13.032 bbls. Hour, 260,000 bu. corn and 73.000 bu. oats. Liverpool closea lower on wheat, ana 4u lower on corn. fcncnihall estimates heavy Argentina shipments In wheat and corn, the former at s.)V,(00 bu. and the latter at .2t)0.0"0 bu. F. V: Frailer of chlcayo says: -1 be lieve July corn la a sale and 1 believe it will sell at 40 cents. The Argentina Is go ing to supply all the European demand from now on. We have always had a movement of corn. It may be a little later li, la year, but when it come It will be a big one and It will paralyse this mar ket." -jcul range of optional Artlclea.l Open.l Hlgh. Low. Close ! Yes y. Wheal I May July Cv.rn May July Oats May 72HA tia 43VA 4iA . 73B 72HA 711A 4.T4A 4iA 814B 424A 31 A SI A A asked. U bid. Oanaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 73tp7KMe; No. 3 hard, Tftfa; No. 4 hard, totTimc; No. 3 spring, lifaifcc; No. 3 spring, 7o&73c. CURN-No. 3, 44Vc; No. 4, iWvQMVtc; No. 3 yellow, 44ftc: No I while, 46c. t)AT8 No. 3 mixed, 8tnr03v"lc; No. I white, 3thV31c. KYE-No. 2. 66c; No. 3, 64V40. Carlot Revel pte. Wheat Corn. Oats Chicago ivansas City Minneapolis umalia Duiuth .M. l.ouls 10 26 204 131 69 .182 . 7 . 24 . 21 118 88 30 86 CI1ICAUO URAI1 AND PROV19TOK9 Krnlnrn of the Trading; and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. May 3. An Increased demand for wheat for export and milling purposes caused a firm tone today In the local wueat market. At the close wheat for juiy delivery was up He. Corn was down He. Oats showed a loss of fctTHc Pro MHlons wera 10&27c lower. The wheat market was slightly easier at the opening today because of favorable weather conditions,, which Induced active selling of July by pit traders. Offerings, however, were not large, the comparative firmness of the Liverpool market acting as u check on sellers. Early In the day a leading abort covered a large line and this atart eu a general buying among the smaller shorts and the market quickly beoame ' firm. Crop 'hews' was conflicting In char acter, but many traders were disposed to lv more credence to the numerous re ports of damage. Late In the day a strong bullish feeling was created by reports from Minneapolis that millers were bidding actively for cash wheat, while reports from New York and Galveston were that ex porters were contracting for the new crop of hard wheat for shipment next fall. The market closed firm. July opened a shade to lower at "SV&TOWc, advanced to 784C arid closed at 79'4c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 114.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 821,000 bushels, com pared with auo.oou bushels (or the corre sponding day one year ago. Minneapolis, Duiuth and Chicago reported receipts of 114 cars, against 258 cars last week and 161 rara one year ago, The corn market was steady early In the asy on a 'good demand by cash houses. Later, however. Increased local receipts, a prediction of more aettled weather and In creased shipments from Argentina caused heavy selling by prominent commission houses. The market closed weak with prices at the lowest point of the day. July opened unchanged to a ahade lower at 46 tj-tbVtC aold off to 4&Vo and closed at the bottom price. Local receipts wera 204 cars. wur nrty-two cars or contract grade. Bentlment In the oats pit wan a trifle bearish because of selling by leading bulls Local receipts are steadily increasing and the slump In corn was an additional bear ish factor. July opened unchanged at SlVkc, sold off to 6tiJ0?c and closed at the lowest point. Local receipts were 131 cars. Provisions were generally weak, gelling by pit traders and by brokers, acting for local packera. brought out some stop-loss orders and the result was a sharp de cline. The market lacked support, the principal buyera being aborts. The hog market was Arm. At the close July Dork was down 27Sc. at 816.40. I,ard was off 30 V'-i'itc, at 38.42V4, Klbs were 10c lower, at asm. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, & cars: corn, 233 cars; oata, 300 cars; hogs, l,mx head. The leading futurea ranged as follows: Artlclea.l Open. Hlgh. lw. Cloaa. Yea'y Wheat May July Sept. . Corn May July Sept. Oats May Jujy Sept. Pork May July Sept. Lard May July Sapt. Riba May July July T9 714a H 74, 7 77HI JJH.78H1TS 78H is 47Hi 46 46 48 47W04, 4SHS1 4.S4 464,! 44 44 32Hifi:S2H S2V1 SSI. S2H 11H 29' i 31 M 31 W 3-y304fcT, I 15 37H; 16 37H 15 2 15 30 15 Si'H 16 40 15 42H 15 67H 16 87VH 16 TU 1 1ft 70 15 60 15 60 16 42Vx 16 UH I 40 8 65 8 40 8 6 3 SO 8 40 & SO 8 30 8 50 8 ft 6 75 8 42V. 8 77HI 8 77H 3 ' 6 3 66 8 42H 3 42H 3 a2H 8 37H 47H, 8 62H 8 42H 8 0 8 C7H 8 evH 8 8. W 3 70 No. 1 Cash quotatlona were aa follows; FLOURMarket steady; winter patents 83.6003 0; winter straights. 83.3oi3t0 spring patents, 83 66fiJ!w; spring straights 8J 4XIIJ6U; bakera, 82 imia 90. WHEAT No. 3 spring. 8o453c; No spring, itnw; jso. 2 red. 86oWtc. CORN-No. 3, 47&4c; No. 3 yellow. Vi9 34V,c: No. 3 white. fc'SfrtaHc. RYE No 2. 5c. BARLEY Good feeding. 4c341c; fair to choice malting, 46$0c SEEDSNo. 1 Mux. 81 07H: No. 1 north western. 81 UV. Prime timothy, 83 30. Clover contract grade 311 25 ' PROVlSlONri-Mess pork bb, , M A6 a-..L'r1.- P.'r ""' 'h . 3!.S2H. Short ribs ides (loose, 8s.Si.40. 8horl clear sides (boxed). 8. 80j41 .811. Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls Wheat, bu . 'vrn, bu ata, bu K. bu barlev. Iju 12 am . 17.0. ,.17.3.) .237001 . tun 43.5ll 170.4.0 2T. , 36.W Is.f'jO On the Pioduoe v r-h n .- . ler market was steady; creameries, liw : dairies 14lc. Kggs. Arm; at mark. Included. 13H614C. flrsts, 14c: prime firsts, 16c; extraa. I.e. Cheese, weak. 9H0 PklladelpkU Pvodae Market. PHILADELPHIA. May 8. BUTTER Heady, extra western creamery. Ji,.. nearby prints, 23c. tkOOS Stoady. nearby fresh. 18 He at mark, western fresh. 17c at mark CHElLSi. ilrm. New York full cream TZ 73 A 714 72A 43A 43A 42 A 42VA 31 A HUB fncy. 14r; full creams, choice, lljllo; full creams, fair to good. 13 HQ 12c. SKM1 YORK UF.IRRtL MARKET Qaotatloaa of la Day on Varloaa f amaaodltlea. NEW YORK. May 8 FLOUR Receipts, 27.778 bbls.; exports. s.4.27 bbls.; market steady; Minnesota patents, 44 4.40; Min nesota, hakeis, 83 "& 3 7f; winter patents, $ Wo-4 25; winter straights. $.t.7i,4?3 80; win ter extras, $i.H.Vi.1.3i; winter low grades. $ltV(ja 30. Rye flonr, quiet; fair to good, $4 8:.x3.40; choice to lancy. $90ft4 10. CORN MEA Instead v; fine white and yel low. 31 20; coarse, $1.97 1.09; kiln dried, $2 70ft 3 0. RYE Nominal; No. 2 western, 70c. f. o. b.. New York. BARLEY Dull ; feeding. 47Hc, f. o. b.. New York; malting, 6tt7ntc. WHEAT Receipts, 26.0U) bu. Spot, steady; No. 2 red. Doc, nominal, elevator, nnd Hue, nominal, f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 northern, 90c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern. Mani toba, 8Sic, f. o. b., afloat. At first rather easy, owing lo good weather, n liearlsh Price Current report and unloadintr, wheat later developed considerable strength, clos ing Nfi'V net higher. Iate support was In excess of the offerings and mainly based on talk and reports of too m ich rain In Texas Mfty, 87 16-lfVfiii4jC, closed at t'tc; July, MT4,n6 9-lsc, closed at 86V; Septem ber, S3l(i'sJIc. closed at &34.e. CORN Receipts, 83.350 bu.; exports, l.S'.O bu. Spot, steady; No. 2, 50, nominal, ele vator, and MHc, nominal, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 yellow and No. 1 white, nominal. The option market was generally weak all day under liquidation, easy sales and fine weather, the close showing He net loss. May sales and fine weather, the close show ing He net loss. May closed at Witjc; July, 63VfiJc. closed at b3c; Sptember closed at hike and December at 524c. OAT8 Receipts. W.WW bu ; exports. 7 SO bu. Spot, steady; mixed oats, 26 to .12 lbs., 37V4c; natural white. 3" to 33 lbs., 38i39c; clipped white. 88 to 40 lbs., 39H&41V4c. RYE Dull : No. 2 western, .0c asked, f. o. b., New York. BARLEY Quiet: feeding, 47 He, f. a b.. New York; malting, o'KfjaiC. HAY Steady ; shipping, 60ifj65c; good to Choice. DlfaOAc. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice 1906 crop. 10Srl4c: 1904 crop, 8igi0c; olds, b 7c; Pacific coast, 1905 crop, 1017ci 19tM crop 9&llc; olds, 4Sr5e. HIDES Steady; Galveston, 10 to 26 pounds, 20c; California, 21 to 25 pounds, 21c; Texas dry. 34 to 30 pounds, ltc. t.EATH ER Stendv; acid, 2H'S77Hc. PROVISIONS-Beef, steady; family, 311 60 151 2 50; mess, K fcrv0l.i; beef hams. 3-'0.00 (622.00; packet. 310.00& 11.00; citv extra India mess. 217.5ffl8.00. Cut ' meats, steady; pickled bellies, 89.2M 10.60; pickled shoulders. 88 00; pickled hams, 311.00. Lard, easy; west ern prime, 38 66 nominal; refined, quiet: continent, 89,00 ; 8. A., 88.96; compound, 37.00 Q7.60. Pork, steady; family. 318 60; short clear. 31 .2fi 18.00; mess, 317.1 17.75. TALLOW Easy; city. 6c country. Sfio'c. RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 3 tc: Japan, nominal. POULTRY Uv chickens, l!c; fowls, 14c; turkeys, 12c; dressed easy; chickens, 10Hc; turkeys, 15SlBc; fowls. 14S14He. BUTTER Irregular: street price, extra creamery, 20g2OHc. Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra, 13Jj20c; renovntetl, common to extra, KHrflftHc; western factory, common to firsts, ll16c. cheese Old firm: new. easy: old state, full cream, large and small, colored and white, fancy, 144c; state, good to prime, 13 Volte; state, common to fair, Ufa 1.1c; new, elate, full cream, large and small, best, 10c; new, state, fair to good, 9&HHc. EGOS Steady: state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy, selected, white. 19c; state. choice, 18&19Hc; state, mixed fancy, 18c; western extra, firms, 17c: western seconds, 151T15HC; southerns, 1lHlc. POULTRY Live, steady; chickens, l.'c; fowls, 14c; turkeys, 12c. Dressed easy; chickens, 10Hc; turkeys. lMjlbc; fowls, ll14c. at. Lonls General Market. BT. T-OUIS. May S.-WHEAT-Higher; No. t red. cash elevator, 87Wlle; track, 89ij92c; May. WHc; July, 77HiS(7Sc; No. 2 hard, S0H!c. CORN Firm: No. 2 cash. 33c: track. 33V4c May, 45c; July, 46A4c. OATS Firm, No. 2 cash. 33c; track, 33fpi3Hc; May, 83Hc; July, ft:n$. FLOl'R Steady; red winter patents, 34.200 4.60; extra, fancy and straight, $3 70 4.10; clear, 82.702,0 SEED Timothy, steady, 82 60ig2.80. CORNMEAL Steady, 32.80. BRAN Steady; aacked east track, 80 9 82c. HAY Firm: timothy, 312 00 18.80; prairie, 3U.60ffl3 68. IRON COTTON T1ES-31.01. BAGGING 8Hc. HEMP TWtNE-7He. PROVISIONS Pork, lower: lobbing. 815.20. Lard, lower: prime steamed, 88.1. Dry aalt meats steady; boxed .extra shorts, 89.00: clear ribs, 39.25; short clears, 39.37 H- Bacon, ateady; boxed extra short, 39.76; clear ribs, 310.00; short clear, 81012H- POULTRY Weak: chickens, 10c; turkeyg, 13c; ducks. 12c; geese, 6c. BUTTER Dull; creamery, 16321c; dairy, 1418e. EOGS Steady, lSVie. case count. RecetDts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 4.000 8.000 hn 21.000 41.000 Corn, bu 88.000 62,000 Oats, bu 85,000 94,000 Minneapolis rala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, May 8. FLOUR First patenta, 14.1 0 tr 4.20 ; second patenta. 33.90 i 4 00: first clears. 84.506 3.60; aecond clears. 32.46C2.56. DRAN In hulk. 216 25f 15.80. (Superior Board of Trado quotatlona for Mlnneapoiia ana tnicago neurerjr. i range of prices, as furnished by F. D. Day & Co., 110-111 Board of Trade building wae: Artlcles.1 Open. Hlh. Low. Close.j Tes y Wheat 1 May... July... Sept... Flax May... July... Sept... I I 75HfS!76H'Hl 76H T!!gU lKrtft 7T4Sl 78HI 7!, W 75 i"i,77''(ris 78 "ft 1 1Vi 1 17! 1 18 1 17V 1 18 1 18 1 1H 1 17 1 171 I 1 la Kansas City Grain nnd Provisions. KAN8A8 CITY. May 8. WHEAT May, 76'ac; July. 72c; September, TS'ic: cash. No. 2 hard, 77H8lc; No. 2. 7478Hci No. 2 red, 88 680c; No. 3. 85 3 88 Me. CORN May. 44 He; July. 42 He: Septem ber, 42 H". December, 41c; cash, No. 2 mixed, 4747Vc; No. 2 white, 47 9 47 He; No. 2. 47c. OATS No. 2 white. 8SHc. RYE-teady; &Mi67c. HAY Steady; choice timothy, tl3.0013.76; choice prairie, 312 60. EGGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas new. No. 3 whitewood cases included. 13HC per dosen; rase count, 134c; cases returned. He per dosen leaa. BUTTER Creamery, 19c; packing, HHc. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 31.000 84.000 Corn, bu , 6.0ii0 Ss.000 Oats, 'bu. 40, ix ;,uuu Mllwaakee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, May 3 WHEAT Higher; No. 1 northern. Sitgeic; No. t northern, Ti,9 81c; July, 7479Hc. RTE Dull; No. 1, 83SH?. BARLEY Dull; No. 2, 56c; sample. 40fi&4c. CORN Steady; No. 3 cash, 47tjt'ic: July, 46c, bid. Peoria Market. PEORIA. May 8. CORN Firm: No. 3 yellow, 4KHc: No. 3. 48Hc; No. 4. 47Hc; no grade. 43VS-46HC. OATS Lower; , No. 1 white, 82c; No. 4 white 31 Ho. RYE Steady; No. 2. 4c. WHISKY On the basis of $1.29 for fin lahed good. Llvernool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. May 3. WHEAT-8pot, nominal, futures quiet; May, ia twd; July. 6s 7 VI: September, 6s 6d. CORN Spot.-firm; American mixed new, 4s American mixed old, 4s 9Hd; futures quiet; May, 4a 6d, July, 4s 4 Hd. Dalath Grata Market. DULUTH. May 8. WHEAT To arrive. No. 1 northern, SOiSjOHc: No. 2 northern, 7Hc; on track. No. 1 northern. 8oHc; No. 3 northern, 78Hc; May. 79V; July, 0Vc; September, 7SHc. OATS To arrive, on track and May, ilHc. - Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. May 3 SEED Cash clove-. 3 30: October, 85 90; prime alfike, 38. 2o; prime timothy, 31.52H. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. May 3.-COTTON-8rot closed quiet: middling unlsnda. 11.75c: mid dling gulf. 12c; sales. 2,lu0 bales. LIVERPOOL. May S.-COTTON-8rrft. quiet; prices i points lower; American mid dllng fair. .64d; gu.l mldilling. 24d; mid dling. 04d; good Ordinary. 6.)d; ordinary, I bui. The salea cf the day were .J bales, of which l.uW were for aiMM'ulation and r'. port, and included 8,7i) AmerlHn. Receipt were l.OtiO bales, including 1 American BT. IX)I IS. Mnv 3 -COTTUN-Hierty; middling. llc; no aa'es. receipts nor ahlp ments; stock. 83.67. 1 1:1 lea. NEW Oh LEANS. May 3 COTTON Sec tioned quiet: aales. 7.Vj bales: ordinary. Vc; goid ordinary. 13-lic: low mldilling. U-c. iiundllng. live: good nildfllliw. )!'.: rrld. , i!l;ig fair. l;',c; trceipis, 8,1., bi.e, H jc f i;m:: bale. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market U Feverish and Price Fluctuations Are Constant All Daj. MARKtJ CONTRACTION IN ACTIVITY Forthromlng; Renort on laqatry Into ataadard OH Affairs Caases A a prehcaaion la Certain Quarters. NEW. YORK, May 8-The atock market reflected the nervous and uncertain tone 01 speculation In the constant and feverish fluctuation of prices during tne day. There no renewal of liquidation in such crashing volume as that of yesterday, but there whs an evident apprehenlon 01 such resumption. There was a marked contrac tion In the activity of the market and l!i!s in Itself was advanced as an argument thnt the worst of tne liquidation was over. It Is the general conviction, however, thai so extensive a decline as thst of the last two weeks has left outstanding an enormous short Interest. The lack of agiesslve Initiative on the long side against this interest wss the cause of uneasiness as to tne future course of the market. There was the Inevitable reselling also of atocks which had been purchased yes terday by banking Interests only for the purpose of supporting the market. From time to time there waa an outburst of selling In one stock or another which sug gested a renewal of liquidation. Buying for support was forthcoming on each of these alps and the market was kept from disorder at any time. But the buying promptly subsided when prices moved up wards again and gave no encouragement to professional operators to pursue the movement. The call money market was appreciably easier than yesterday, which would follow naturally from the violent liquidation ef fected. Additional gold wss secured for Import and the outward movement for San Francisco continued, the former movement heavily overbalancing the latter. The advance In the Bank of England rate was not unexpected and was a natural consequence of the continued demand on Its gold supply for New York account, the statement of weekly conditions today show ing a percentage of reserve to liabilities reduced to 38.76 per cent. The Bank of France also showed a decline In its gold holdings of 31,400.000. Discounts were lirm In London and Paris and exchanges moved in favor of London at all points, it was hot believed, however, that the movement of gold to New York will be Interrupted. The forthcoming report of the commis sioner of corporations on the Standard Oil inquiry, and tne president s message wmcn Is expected to accompany It. were subjects of apprehension amongst operators In stocks, forming a motive either for selling stocks or for refraining from buying. it was generally expected the assembling of the miners' convention at Scranton wou'd result In the declaration of an anthracite strike. The special weakness of Amalga mated Copper waa In connection with the Importance attached to the forthcoming Standard Oil Inquiry and lis findings on account of the Standard Oil Influence and control of the Amalgamated company. That stock's 3 points break decided the weak tone of the market's closing. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value. 32.2fi5.000. United States bonds were all unchanged on call. Quotatlona on stocks today were as fol lows: OiIm. High. Low. Cloaa. Adams Exproai Ammlgamated Copper . Amerlran C. A F 12S K8.200 lftivt M74 . I.ftOO 37 U 7 21m inots ion too too Mva s4 : , x 31 rt ti i . 4.S0O Mtt U 109 174 174 n 4Vs ', iijoo 'm '" m to 111 111 111 , 74.100 144H 140 141 '4 , I. 117 Hi list, . 4.400 ISO', ItlUj ltl 400 lflr4 1004 101 . 137 in m4 . 14.100 V MVj IT 0 100 10014 100 . 1,100 inn Hi 11 . 1.700 lOTi l04Vi lOtVa M . 47.404 74 7S44 74 s , 4.100 lf 144 M tOO JO KH 06 . 1,000 H M"4 4ls. ..... ia too 14 .74 ; f4 . f.300 1t. H4j le 400 lit 17 1 . 30,700 1 147 14744 "Vi -' 374 go M M4 ..11.400 44 41V ti 00 1144 SOVi 40-4j 100 47 V, tl 47 100 4444 u 14 . 4,100 lMVk 1US4 UfiVs 31 100 74Vj 71 74 . 1.4O0 llSVa 111 ltl ' 100 444 444 444 . 1.7110 MStj 1714' J744 W It u u . 1.109 4.144 tt 0JV4 . 11.100 MS 1H 14 00 74V ni I4V4 00 44Vt 4344 44 ' tOO ltl 1414) 1M . 1.400 14 . lt7Uj 147 "4 . 1.100 14 list llv, lVs . 3.100 14 41 siv . 1.0"0 M 4'4 toVa 100 Ht N 44 400 144s t44) ' 14 400 II 40 40 . I.ioo 14ns 1SS4 lit 4O0 1444s 141 1444 . 1 MO 110 , 10AV 101 . I.700 i4 1H4 it 400 71 70 T 700 1414 144 14444 HO 147 144V4 104 . 4.700 U M4 M'4 . i.ono 11 . tnv4 lOVs MB 14 444 M'4, . t.bOi 7144 14 sS 100 4S MV4 M(4 . .4oo ins, 11114 Hiss . I.aoo 44S4 444 . 44S4 . 1.100 MS4 46 S4 aiV4 JO 00 44 44V4 M too lf.4, at U . 17,. li 11414 114 7u0 lSs Kis, S0S4 7S44 . 3,100 44 44 46 400 84 T4 U Jt 110 .144. SO 114S4 1I1S4 U4S4 400 SO po si t . 4.W0 S44t US, 24 . 1.4VSJ 44 2S, tl'm . t.inn 144 14 404 424, 2V. SI 4U0 4S4 41 41 it li S4 1014, .ovs 1. 100 .V 40 s, . 14.100 434 421 ,2 V, 1"0 117s, 117S Ills, . 4.100 MS, tiSi sl'4 100 St M 4 . IM 134V4 m 11s 400 ns, t4 . 44 11V, 10 IWt 400 44 411 4S .11. 100 14244 140V4 140 too ue n iot ' 14 . I.n0 4, 4 41 100 lots iot .114.100 jts i;s, J7s . 14 400 K 101s 1IU' 400 7S4 is m lea lots,' lot . tui hn 1IS4 it 1414 loO 4SV, 4iS, lis 343 I'lO 1M 6t ' Iti too ;s IS flVa liJ 17 17S 1 100 MS KJS, s 100 4 41 41 . II 4il0 lsftS 1S4 1st . 1.500 40 S4 2S 1S 100 101 14 101 s, im ,1.7o4 7t 7..S 70 V . .0.- ini ISO Jtl 1.341.700 shares. Amvrlron C. 4V F. pfd American Cotton Oil Am. rot ton oil pfd American ExproM American H. aV L. pfd American lc. aecurtlte.. ., Araorican lanaeed Oil Am. Unnat Oil pfd American lxwomotlva , Am. Locomotive pfd American fi. A R Am. S. A R pfd American Sugar Refining... Am. Tobacco pfd. ctfa.,... Anaconda Mining Co Atchleoa Atrhleon pfd Atlantic Coaat Line Baltimore A Ohio Baltimore A Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tranait... Canadian Pacific j... Central of New Jereoy Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago A Alton Chicago A Alton pfd Chicago Great Weatern...., Chicago St N orth wear era.. . Chicago. Mil. & at. Paul.. Chicago T. A T Chicago T. A T. pfd C, C, C. A St. Loula.... Colorado Fuel A Iron Colorado A Southern Colorado a Bo. let pfd.... Colorado A 80. id pfd Cooaolldated Oaa Corn Pmducta Corn Product! pfd Delaware A Hudaon Delaware, L. A W Denver A Rio Grande Denver A R. O. pfd ,. Dlatlllera' Herulitlea Erie Brie let pfd Erie Id pfd Oeneral Electric Hocking Valley Illlnola Central International Paper International Paper pfd.... International Pump Ititernutlonal Pump pfd... Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa city Southern Kansas City 80 pfd Louiavllle A Naahvllle.... Manhattan L Metropolitan Street Ry.... Meilran Central Mlnneapoiia A St. L M , S. P. A 8. S M U , gt. P. A S. 8. M. pfd. Mlaaourl Pacific Mlaaouri, K. A T M . K. A T. pfd isattoaai rae National R. K. of M. pfd. New York Central New York. O A W Norfolk A Weatern Norfolk A W. pfd North American Pacific Mall Pennaylvanla People's Gaa P.. C, C. A St. L Pressed Steel Car. Preaacd Steel Car pfd Pullman Palace Car Reading Reading let pfd Reading Id pfd Republic Steel Kcuubllc Steel pfd Rock Inland Co Rock Island Co. pfd St. L c I. P. 14 pfd St. Loult Southwestern Si. Loula Southweetcra pfd Southern Pat'ldc southern Pacific pfd Southern Railway 80. Railway pfd Toledo, St. L. A W T . St. LAW. pfd....;, t'nlon Paclnc . t'nlon Psclftc pfd tinitsd Statsa Ktpreas lulled States Realty I'nlte4 Statse Rubber U. S. Rubber pfd I'nlted Slates Steel , I. 8. Steel pfd Va. -Carolina chemical ... Va -Carolina Chew. pfd... Wabash W4bah pfd Welle-Fargo Express , V. tsttagbouss Kleclne ... Western Cnloa Wheeling A I -a Its Erie..., W iM-onsto Central . Wisconsin Central pfd Northern Paclnc Central Leather Central Leather pfd Ktoas-ghsflleld Steel Crest Northern pfd I.onAsat Clveta atoeba. LONDON. May S.-OIosinf quotations on I ha Ktni'k BVchiinn Mr.,.. . Cossets, money .. at 11-14 N. T Central... do account at i-.t Norfolk at W Anrcoraa It go pfd Atcbieon us, Ontario A W '. do pfd 104S, Psnusjtvanla . B It I more A Ohio... .110 Rand Mine 111 44 Ss H4 44i 4t 4Ss st t snsdtan Pselflu . . . -IfcUi, Rseding t hss. st Ohio . t',a do 1st nfd Chicago Gt. W C. M. A St. P Ix Beers D. R. O , do ptd Erie ., do let pfd... do Id .td . Illlnnl rnlHl It 145 :7s s 4jS 4S do 2d ntA . 44 sS ll . its I0S . .s 4.S Southern Hsllwsy I do afd . jSouthsro Psiilc ". L nion Pat-iAc .... du afd I'. S. Steel.. '"1 do Die .17, Wsbasn Louisville A Naeh....ii' fd . at e.. at T lis .Sisal.S Am . r. "'"- ij a i'r cciii. The rate of discount In the open market for ehort bills is 3Vfl4 lcr cent; for three months' bills, 3sti4 per cent. Rank t leatrlatta. OMAHA. May S-Bank clearing for to day wr-rf Sl.7Ttt.311.ik and for the eor ifspomluif dale last year ll,416.98o.t. . Hank ef Kraeire lialrnttai. PARIS. May a The weekly statement of the Bxnk of Krance shows the folltiwina chns: Notes In t trctilali'n increased V 7, ir. !, tx' f. t.'t-isury dcyjsua OcLteasc,) 43,. tW.fwf. rrteral deposits decreased 31.4oft.nATf, Sold In hand decressevl 7,7'.oif. sliver In hsnd increseed 2.7&".4"r, bills dlscotinted increased lA,8id.0ijf and advances increased 3t.0u,t'. 4en ttrykr Money Market. NEW YORK.- May 3 -Money On call, flrtn: - 3'dKts; per cent; lowest, 3 per cent; rullntr rate. H per. cent; closing bid, 3 per cent; offered at i pt r cent. Tltn loans, steady; ststy and ninety days and alx months. irat pr cent. PRIME MKKCANT1.E rAPER-', per cent. STKKl.ING F.XCM A NGE Irregular at fl.KtS&ul.UDO for-demand and at 14. MAM) 4 80.15 for sixtv-dav bills. p-osted rates, S4.8.'4.Kl. I'om'inerclal bills, 34.8tK-q4 MS- SILVKR-Bar. . 64c; Mexican dollars, t0c. " BONHS Uovernrnent, steady; railroad, Irregular Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: I. S. ref. I. re do coupon .... f. A I reg do coupon V S. old 4a. reg do coupon l S a. 4s. reg. do coupon . . . , . Am. Tobacco 4a. . do 4s Atchison gen. 4a. do 4a At lent Ir C. L. 4t Bsl. A Ohio 41.. ...losuj.lapan 4s, Id series ...lol4 do 4s ctft ...KH I do 4s ctfs I do Id aerlst ...HUH 1. A N. nnl. 4t... ...loss Msn. eg 4s ...110 Met. Central 4t ...llfl do 1st Inc 17 S ts lis, .! 102 101 7i4 0 ... 7&S 'Minn. A St. L. 4s... 2 ...111 IM., K. A T. 4s Ihi'S ...iocs I in H 44 ... t4V4 N. R ft. of M. r. 4s. s ... N. Y. C. g ISt lflSiN. J. C. ta 127 do SSs 4S Nn. Pacific 4s 101 Drk. R. T. r. 4 4S4i do la 74 central of Oa. t TSiN. A W. c. 4s 100 do 1st Ins... . 7 :0 I. U rf.lg. 4s 44 S . 17 I Penn conr. 1V 1TS4 . 44 j Reading gen. 4s 100 JOSV4 St. L. ft I. M. o. St.. Ill .10 1 St. L. A S. F. fa. 4s. MS !o Id Inc do Id Inc Chen, ft Ohio 4'ts. Chicago A A. I We. C . R. A Q. n. 4s. C, R. I. A P. 4s. do col. is.. ...... . .. HH.fH. L. S W. c. 4a.... 7iS .. 14- Seaboard A. L. 4a.... 44s .. MS So PaciSc 4a IIS Ct'C. St. L. g 4n..Av'a do 1st 4a ctfs 44 Colo. Ind s. eer. A. 7S So. Railwar 4t lit do esrlet B 7S Tsxaa A P. Is 1? Colorado Mid. 4s......7J't T., St. L. A W. 4t .. KS Colo. A So. 4s ., S t'nlon Pacific 4s K.4 Cuba rl lots f. 8. Steel Sd is M'4 D. A R. O. 4a I00S 'Wabash it 1U4 Mstlllert' Sec. it M's, do deb. B 14 Erie p I. 4a loo .Western Md. 4t 4'4 do gen. 4a ,.. W. A I. B 4a Hocking Val. 4St,...107S(Wlt. Central 4a II Japan 4t 17 I Offered. Ilostosi Stork 141 BOBll BOSTON. May t cent: time loans, 6'4 closing on stocks an Atchison ad). 4a ts, -Call loans. SI per cent, d bends: IQl per Official 44 14 17 1 H '4 Sos 190 ns, 1S II ! m 7 G4'4 , 84 1O0 11 W 7 M li 5S 10 S7S '- S v 133 14 Adventurn Allouet Amalgamated .. American 2lnc . Atlantlo Hlngham Cel. Heels... Centennial Copper Range .. Daly Weet .... Franklin Oranby lale Royals .... Mesa Mining Mohawk Mont. C. A C. Old Dominion .. Osceola , Psrrot do 4a loos Met. central 4t 71 Atchison MS do prd Boston A Alhsny. Boston A Mslns.. Boston Elsvated Pltchburg pfd Mexican Central ,. N. V.. N. H. A H .100 ...ta ..,W7 ...155 ...141 ... JS ...114 t'nlon Paclnc 14iSt Amer. Arge. Chem.... do pfd y Amer. Pneu. Tuba.... I7S Amer. sugar . do pfd Amer. TAT Amer. Woolen .,.1!S ...l.U ...132"4 MS do pfd '.pi Qulncy Phsnnon Ta ma rack Trinity t'nlted Copper . I'. 8. Mining.... V. 8. Oil t'tah Victoria Winona Wolverine North Butte .... Dominion 1. A 8... J.'S Edison Elec. Illu 141 Mess. Klo trlc IT do pfd , 4 Mast. Oaa 44 I'nlted Shoe Mack 71 do pfd 10 Greene Con 2V4 V. S. Steel n S do pfd IMS Westing, common ... 71 Bid. Asked. Wee York Mlntns; ftorks. NEW YORK, May 3.-Cloalng quotations on mining stocks were: Adams Con 26 Little Chief .. f 0 440 1 14 40 Alloa Breece Hrunewlrk Con Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va.. Horn Silver Iron Sliver Leadvliie Con .... Oflereo. 250 t Ontario 10 Ophlr . o4 hnoenlt . lotusl .100 .IX) . 40 . . 4 Ssvaga Slsrra Kevads Small Hopes . Standard 14 li ....300 Bask of Easrland Statement. IXJNDON, May 3. The weekly statement of the Bank of England shows the follow lng changes: Total reserve decreased AK65.000, circulation Increased 357,000, bul lion decreased 567. "JUS, other securities de creased 668,000, other deposits decreased 417.000. public deposits decreased 1,308.000, notes reserve decreased 868,000 and gov ernment securities 'werei unchanged. The proportion of the batik's reserve to lia bility this -week 4s 33.73 per cent, as com pared with 39.32 perfent last week. Treasury 'Statement. WA8HINQTON,; Mar ..-Today state merit of the treaaucrf balances In I he gen eral fund, excluatve af the 3150,000,0X4) gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance, tl63.70,2M; gold som and bullion. t66.62.2!U: gold certificates, 363,T3o,580. . - ' Wool. Market. B08TON. My J. WOOL Foreign wools have attracted the trade tills week In the absence of domestic, which are especially scare. The bulk of sales has been in foreign crdsa-breds. both Bout!) American and Australian and a demand was noted for New Zealand 46'e. The firmness of the foreign markets Is re flected here. Territories are so scarce that there are hardly enough sales to make a price. Pulled woola are quiet, although aome transactions of A supers at t)0'c are made. leading quotations follow: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above, 84 fa 34 He; X. 32033c; No. 1 and half blood, 304Oo; one-eighth and one-quarter blood, 3940c; fine unwashed, gS&liri"; half-blood unwashed, 31 H 9 32 Vic; de laine washed, SS4t7S7c; delaine un washed, 28 41 2o. Michigan fine unwashed, 2442oc; halt-blood unwashed, 31tf32c; three-eighths blood unwashed, 32 a 83c; quarter-blood unwashed, 314932c; delaine, unwashed, 27?28ni -Kentucky, Indiana and Missouri combing, three-eighths blood, 33 34c; combing. quarter-blood, 32& 32V)C. Territory, ordinary scoured basis, fine. 39(8 70c; fine medium, 8e: medium, 42 43 64c. Pulled wools, scoured basla, extra, 71 74c.' fine A, 53c; A supers, 602c; B supers, S2W65C; C supers, 428 44c.. ST. LeOCIS. Mo-. May 3. WOOL Steady; medium grades, combing and clothing. S4e27c; light fine. 212Sc; heavy line, 17 20c; tub washed, 31S7o. LONDON, May 3 A sale of 1,033 bales of sheepskins waa held In Mincing Lane today. Attendance waa fslr. Practically all the offerings were aold at unchanged ratea. except new steam and cros-brcd combing, which was Sd .dearer. Following are the sales and prices obtained for cloth ing and combing: New South Wales, 374 bales at 7s4'HS1: Victoria. 363 bales at H411M: South Australia. 21 bales at 5Vd 10Sd; West Australia, 527 bales at 74d; New Zealand, 7xi bales at 7Hdtf?la l'.sd; Ptinta Arnaa. 737 bales at 7d&ls. ST. LOV18. May 3 -WOOLe-eteady ; me dium grades, combing and clothing. 24(9 37c; light fine. 214j23c; heavy fine, KyiOu; tub washed, 31&37c. Metal Market. NEW . YORK. May S.-METALS-New high record prices were made for tin again today, the advance being led by the EngllKh market, which closed at lt8 for spot and A. 1X1 for futures. Locally spot was quoted at 440.4rty40.75. t'opper was un changed to 6c lower in London, with spot quoted at 83 10a and futures at 81 15s. Locally the market remained firm with lake quoted at 318.0018.75;: electrolytic, 818.i5 18 50: casting. f!8 ("tllft 26. Lead wns Is SVtd higher at 11 6s 2tt In the London, market. The local market waa firm and the price for thirty days' shipment has beea. ad vanced to to. tin. with apot supplies ranging Up to 35.76. Spelter was quiet and un changed at 3tS(av4i.16 In the local market. London was 2s kl lower at 2ti los. Iron was lower in the Knallsh market with standard foundry quoted at 48a M and Cleveland warrants at 4cs lfld. Locally no change was reported. No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at tl8.75fi 19.00; No. 2 foundry northern. 3H.2&?jlS.&0: No. I foundry aouthern. 31.i.'5(&18.E0; No. I foundry south ern 317.754t 18.00. ST. LOI IS. May 3 Lead, firm at 35.2; spelter, firm at 86 !f7,. Oils and Rosin. NEW YORK. May 3.-OIL8 Cottonseed, easy; prims crude, f. o. b., mills, SOc; prime yellow, t'e. ' Pftroleum, Arm; refined. New York. 37.80; Philadelphia and Baltimore. 37.63: Philadelphia and Balti more. In bulk, 34.65. Turpentine, firm at SAVANNAH. May I. Tl'RPENTlXE Firm. Mc, ROSIN Steady; A. B, O, D E and F 33 D6; U. 34 05; H. 34.2S; K. 34.80; M. M.W); W Q., tRW; W. W.. 85 1. OIL CITY. Pa.. May 2.-0! f-Credil ances. 8164; shipments, 71.14' bbls.; run. 82.218; shipments, Lima, 74,765 bbls.; runs! Lima. 4ti,315 bbla. Ittar and aiolaaaea. NEW YORK. May S.-81'OAR-Raw. firm; fair renning. 3 1i-16c: cent tfugal ii test. 3 7-ltlc: moluHaea aUKar, 3 ll-i6c. Ku Br.ed. steady: No..ii. 410c; No. T. 4u5c; No 8 4.00; No. . 3.H6e; N't. 10, iic; No. 11 3 sic' No U 3 Stic; No. IS. 3 75c; No. 14. 3.76; con-f-f Hollers' A, 4 45c; mould A. IXjc; cut iof 3o5c; crUKhed, 3hic: powdered. 4.7uv; granu lated. 4tc: cubes 410. . NKW ORLEANS, Mty I.-SI iIAH-jH but steady: open kettle centrifugal. 31, W 3V.e: centrifugal wlilta. 3SU4C ycllowa 3S3: seconds. '.' eve, MOLAgSKS Nominal; open kettle Ki 3"c; contrlfusal. 7uJoc. ' .BrRLP-sScniinAle Jil30c OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Desirable Cattle Fnlly Steady, with Other a Little Weak. HOGS NOT SELLING QUITE SO STRONG Moderate Ran of sheen and l.a ns lis vtltk Trade Active. While Prleea t oatlnae Warklag; la Higher Baals. 80l."TH OMAHA. May S. 1XW. Receipts were: Cattle, rlugt. Sitae, orociai Monday 4,tx 4. on uitiuiai itir,u.y 4,,;k i,jo 4,.u Otuciai ieuiitflay .tfo t.oot w,oo oiuciai itiursuay :jw lj.ot 4.tvu Four d.tys this week. .lt.Stit n.m tt.Dod Satite aays last weea..j..u, 44.00. .oit osvuie two weeas agu..,.14.M!f ,4.i bauie tnree iwm ago..iu.ui; 10.M1 ea.iie lour weeas ao..lo,i4i 41, mi bame duyeNiaat oat . . . . lu,4U i,i U.ot4 TO DAT.. The follow, ii,, taoie auows tne receipts of cattle, tio anil anecp at South omaiia tor lnu year to date, cuinpateu witu last icdl'i lISJM. ilK. cattle 326.S1U 28J,0tf8 44,bli llLgH VlO.UiM (HD, l.U lll.b.J bllt-ep .4S.lfi4 b!i,uoi 4o,vi RANUU OF PK1C&S. Cattle. Omaha 3i.iauvo.o0 miciko fianoaa City i bvui.oV bl. Lrfjuls z.lVuvo.ib bioux city g.w.iio lu Hog. 35. iou.J a. iv-o-Vi U.ltUA. u?i S.otlt.oa s.luuo.du CA1TLK gUOTATlo.SB. The following win snow tne prices paid for the dineient kinas of catue un tna bouth Omaha market: Uood lo cuolce corntod steers fair to choice conned steers Common to talr coinied steers... Good to choice rows and heuers. Fair to Bood cows and ht lfers ... 35.OOS6.50 4 OO'ltO tU 4.uuu4.oe 3 1W14.W .VtKo3.i& common to fair cows and Uelters.. 2.(4fl3.i Good to choice Blockers cfc feeders. 4 uo(i4.oo Fair to good stackers and feeders. 8.601.00 Common to fair Blockers 3 0ie.6o buns, stags, etc 2.5ow4.oO The following vht,, liows the itve.ugu price of hogs at Soutb Omaha for th last sevtral daya, with comparisons: Date. I 10. ( April 20.. Apt 11 21. April 22. April ii.. April 34., Airil i. April W. April 27. April April 29. April 30. May 1... May 2... May 3... 1 43 I i 34i( 2V I 4i 3o4 5 294 6 23 5 82 7 M 7 111 7 07 7 Ibl : I 5 n6; 4 6 30 4 80 8SM. a 861 86 fell to f 3 4 81 4 821 6 Sl 801 t 38 6 7 6 82 I 78 s M b 741 6 8v i 72 6 34 1 0 37 8 06 6 66 S 33 6 641 3 35 6 71 6 18 t 72i 6 17 t k it 2J, 4 75i 7 U 4 781 1 4 76 6 2l 4 iJ 8J1 4 661 4 77 4 62 S4, 7 00 6 16 6 10, s 7 07 7 03 I 2SWI I I 3 111 6 12i 6 19, 11 y;i 6 9i 7 4 i 7 011 4 571 S 76 4 56 1 Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was cattle. Hogk. &neep. 2 2.. 1 1 .... 1 2 lira C, M. & St. P. Wabash Missouri Pacific I'. P. 6ystm... 'i 'i 'i 46 48 C. c N. W., east 3 7 C. & N. W., west 40 42 C, St. P., M. & O. ... 24 15 C, B. & Q.. east 1 6 C, B. & 14.. west Im 48 C, K. I. at P., east.. 2 ' 6 C. R. 1. & P.. went 1 Illinois Central 6 Chicago Qt. Western 6 1 .Totals recetpta 178 174 17 The disposition of the day' receipt waa as follows, each buyer purcnaslnK the num ber of head indicated Buyers. Omaha Packing Co.. Swift and Company. Cudahy Packing Co. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 887 1.5o7 8.419 8,736 3,458 1,155 . Kilt .l.i'69 . 8i . 1 . 10 . 10 . 87 . 6 . 80 . 66 1 7S 1,837 134 Armour ft co Vanaant ft Co Lobman ft Co W. I. Stephen Hill ft Son Huston ft Co Hamilton ft Rothschild... Mike Haggerty Sol Degan J. B. Root ft Co St. Louis Dressed B. Co. Other buyers 55 "67 301 Total 4.098 12.773 4,255 CATTLE Recelpta of cattle were tnore than double what they were a week ago and decidedly larger than two weeks ago. In fact, thla waa the heaviest run for a Thursday since the last week In March. Moreover, the recelpta for the week to data have been considerably heavier than for the corresponding daya of last week and very mucn larger than a year ago. Aa packera have been free buyers all the week and aa they had atlll quite a good many cattle on hand, the feeling was a little weak this morning, and It would have been no surprise to have seen cattle sell consid erably lower. Stilt, there seemed to be a very fair demand for desirable beef aleei and such cattle aa found favor In buyers' eyes commanded just about steady prices. In aome Instances there was a little weak ness noticeable and some sellers thought that they had to aell their common to me dium kinds for A little leaa money thun they got yesterday. Jn th main, however. It was a steady market. Cows and heifers were In moderate sup ply aa compared to the total receipts of the day, but large for a Thursday. The market waa generally ateady, but, aa waa the case with beef steera, there were some weak spots noticeable. The most of the cowa changed hands in fair season. Stockers and feeders continue in very light receipt and aa there is aome little country demand the market Is fairly active at very aatlsfactory price. Representative sales: BEE.F STEERS. Ko. At. Pr. No. v. Tr. 711 8 40 11 1171 4 71 1 150 4 00 M 10T7 4 74 10 464 4 10 77 1!U 4 14 i (IT 4 14 . 41 11U 4 14 t 473 4 U II lilt 4 4 4M 4 40 1 1104 4 40 1 1011 4 40 11 1010 4 44 1 1144 4 40 10 IUI 4 U , 114 I 40 41 1115 4 44 10 144 4 40 14 1110 4 44 U il 4 40 II Ill" 4 40 t 444 4 40 4 ItntS 4 40 22 4U1 4 45 45 1IM 4 44 491 4 44 34 1KI 4 44 21 114 4 40 11 Utl ti 23 9il 4 44 13 IUI 4 44 1 1241 4 10 11 1!43 4 44 1 1011 4 44 44 1110 I 04 II... 43! 4 44 II 12M 4 40 17 1014 4 45 14 II. J 4 0 I lOss 4 44 17 lli I M 11 1110 4 40 17 1JJ7 I 04 12 1044 4 44 M 1314 44 r. 1021 4 44 14 urr i to 4 110 4 44 21 146 I 10 11 Ill 4 TO 14 list I 1 IP 1141 4 14 K 1441 I II 11 411 4 74 li 11314 3 14 14 1174 4 70 14 Hot 14 40 1174 4 14 to 1117 I 34 COWS. I. .. 1070 1 74 1 lOtO 8 it 1 174 I 4 1 400 1 M 1 140 I 00 1 1170 I 44 I IM 1 M I tti I 10 1 140 I 00 1 1234 I so 1 170 I 16 12 117 It 1 ..440 I 25 4 12"4 8 10 1 110 I 15 I tt 74 1 1011 I 40 1 1000 1 1 1... 474 lit 1 1144 I 74 I Ills) IM 1 4(10 1 ; 1 li0 2 so 1 1154 I 15 t.4 I 40 4 144 1 4 1 4t I 50 til) M I Its I si 4 1475 I 14 I ill 1 16 . 1 1474 I 44 t HI I 4 11 1111 I In I 20 70 1 714 4 00 1 lu I 14 I...: 1176 4 40 1 1240 I 71 1 12.x) 4 40 1 420 I 00 4 1131 4 04 I 110 I 00 4 i;t4 4 05 1 1010 I 00 1 1124 4 14 1 10 I II 1 UIO 4 10 I tti 3 IS II . . .Ii44 4 10 1 1240 3 25 1 1110 4 14 2 10U4 I 24 I 1144 4 II 1 1110 I 16 1 10i 4 10 1 1140 3 26 11 1024 4 14 1 ISO I 14 1 ISO 4 14 1 112U I 15 1 10V4 4 to 1 1010 I i 1 liuv 4 14 1 447 I 40 4 102J 4 24 U 424 I 40 2 1144 4 U 1 IU0 I 44 I lUt 4 1 1000 IV ' 1144 4 M HEIFERS T 444 I 44 4 42 1 4 4 625 I 14 4 470 I 75 1 170 I 21 1 174 I 71 1 410 3 6 1 444 I 14 1 410 1 II 8 TO I 40 14 4u 3 40 1 274 4 00 4 4MI 3 40 I T'. l I 10 4: 114 I 40 1 144 4 X, 2...., 140 1 lo I 14 4 4 II tto I to UL'I.I.S I '....VOW I Ot I 16 1 44 i iuu i it i i ;o i to 1 1 1W I 16 1446 I 40 1 i:w 8 21 I lti to 4 444 I 24 I 17s I s 1 ItM I 11 1 1441 t 45 i.: 7ro 1 40 1 ;ua .'. 1 14? I 40 1 1140 Si 1 1414 1 4o I ,74. I 5 I... I7HI 3 40 1 1600 74 CALVKS. t 1" 4 24 1 14", 114 1 174 4 4 ,. 166 6 5 1 lto 4 7-. 1 124 4 6 1 . to 4 ir. 1 12'l 4 44 I !! 4 so 1 i; i 6 1 4u 5 ie I :te i it I It iri - I 144 4 74 1 It' 4 24 Ill) I It i , ut ta AND FEEDERS. II .' 4T0 1 f tto 4 44 4 44 4 M 4 44 4 40 4 4.i 4 44 4 IUI 4 14 4 4 4 44 4 40 4 04 . sm 8 44 1. , 4S4 I 40 1 . 4JI I 40 I ISO I 10 1 ,41 4 on 1 ,4; ti" 11 . 4S 4 00 14 . 470 4 10 I . " 4 14 tl .474 4 !4 II , m 4 u ti ,411 4 44 T4 4 4 11 44 lit lt Tto ltd 41 40 444 4.1 , 4 t 447 I. HOOR Buyera had loaer Ideas this morning and (heir first move sirle ot an easier market. was on the livery one started out bidding lower, and while they msv nave secured a few loans mat way very lilt K- business was done on the open ing. Sellers were pretty stubborn about taxing off and by holding on they caused buyers to raise their bids somewhat, so that when the trade really opened It wis . on the basis of prices very nearly steady with yesterday. As the trade proaressed I It firmed up until It was fully as good I as yesterday. The average Of all the snies was naroiy up to yesieraay a noicn. The bulk . of all tho hog sold at 34 2av 4.27 14,. with quite A sprinkling at 8( 30, the same as yesterday, but the proportion at the bottom figure waa somewhat largor than yesterday. While the traoe opened slow It became more active later on, so that a reasonably early clearance was efret-ted. The maraet upon th whole was In very good con dition considering the .way hogs are sell lng at other points Keprcseniative saies Nn As. Sh Pr NO A. lit 04 .Ml Pr. I I7' 17', I 17', 171, 27 27 S 27t, I 17', 4 17V, 4 7 I7W 7 I 17V, I 17 1 17 ' I I7t I7t I 31V, 17 V, 27 V, I 17V, I 17 V, 17V, I 27V, 17V, 17', 27 V, I 27V, 4 21V, 4 27V, I 17', 4 171 I 17V, I 17', I 17V, I 17V, I 10 10 I I I 10 I 10 so I 10 I 10 40 10 4 M 4 M M 14 14 74 44 11 fl 71 .... II 10 74 II II 1 71 48 46 II 4J 4C II 1 17 11 4t 74 40 II 71 14 17 II l'.... It 7f 41 44 71 11 II 14 4 44 40 11 .144 111 .111 ..:i ..24 ..! ..121 ..111 ..134 ..111 ..! ..Ill .21 ..If ..104 ..144 . .1.11 .241 ..0 .144 ,.2"4 ..121 ..144 ..177 ..121 ..24 ..121 ..:n ..214 ..240 ..l.'l ..11 ..247 . .243 ..10 ..244 ..134 ..111 .124 ..217 ,.::i ..Ml .3.4 ..140 ..214 124 iio 40 Its 40 40 It 40 13 40 140 110 40 '0 120 40 io 110 140 140 200 0 to It 40 40 1 1 4.21 4 14 4 24 14 t M 15 -.'8 8 l t4 14 I 14 II I M 4 21 :i i ti I 16 21 25 I 21 ' ti 4 24 I 2 I 24 I 16 16 4 li 4 IS I 26 4 24 4 17't 4 171, 4 17W, 4 27K I 17 't 4 tilt l: ; I 7t, I 27', I 27t 4 17 I 21 1 t7Va 14... 74... n . 10 14. . . 22 f4 241 4.... II.... 77.... TI ... 2.... II.... 24.... 10.... I.... 14.... 74.... 69.... II.... 17.... 41... 5.... I . ... . '.... 10.... 14.,.. 4.... 44.... 7... If ... 44 ... 41.... 47.... 41... 4.... 4.1. ... 41.... 14... . To.... If.... 44.... 40 ,., 44. . . . 40 ... 41.... V...: II. ... 41.... ...J?4 ...142 ...224 ...! .. 141 ..I'M ...111 ...III ...241 ...IN ...216 ...144 ...214 ...III ...Sr. . ..M ...204 ..III ...123 ...144 ...171 ...145 ...K'4 ..231 ...M ...174 .. ll ...241 ...1.14 ...114 ...241 ...114 .. .242 ...277 ...274 ...24 ...114 ...til ...111 ...20 ...I.M ...210 40 40 ia 120 40 40 14" 410 14 40 140 130 40 "in 140 14 140 120 140 120 46. ..It I7tt enf.r..-- Prices are still tending unward on both sheep and lamba and today mar ket was anywher from stronc to 10c higher than yesterday, making the ad vance for the week i but ioc on all desira ble kinds of sheep and lamba. As has been the case every day lor some time back, there was a good active buying demand and practically everything In sight changed hands ai an early hour. There were a few wethers ami yearlings good enough to bring 36.49, while right good Nebraska fat ewes aoid at 3(36, the highest price ever paid at this market. Quite a atring of cupped lamba sold aa high as 35. Ho. The Houston Bros, shorn ewes sold at 15.25 and weighed ten pounds less than on Monday, when they brought 36.00. Quotations : Good to choiua western lambs, 37.00497.36: fair to good lambs, 36.6047. 0U; cull lambs, 34.6u 6.00; good to choice yearlings, 3.0ua.s0; fair to good yearlings, I6.75Q6 00; good to choice wethers, 16.75 tf . 00; good to cholc ewes, I6.76&.26; fair to good ewes, l6.OU4f6.76; cull sheep and bucas, 83. 00 V 4 .60. Shorn sheep and lambs are bringing prices generally 76cH 11.25 less than wooled atock. No. Av. Pr. 10 cull ewe 73 4 00 7 western ewes and lambs.... 73 4 00 13 western lamb, clipped culls. 64 4 76 14 ewes, broken fleeced 36 i 00 t weatern ewe, clipped 30 I 00 3 western ewes, clipped 80 I 00 463 western ewes, clipped 94 t 31 88 lambs, broken fleeoed 73 6 7s 864 weatern lamba, clipped 36 184 483 wetrn lamba, clipped 74 t 90 3(4 western lambs, clipped 73 3 90 381 western ews 10! 16 I western ewes 90 16 7 western ewea 90 (30 171 weatern ewes , 104 tfi 31 western wethers 85 6 40 39 western lambs 4 8 75 K6 western lambs 64) 8 75 143 western lambs 78 7 15 1 Colorado goat 110 4 00 123 western clipped ewes 83 4 64 western clipped ewes 88 4 00 3 Colorado ewea 100 S 5 2X9 Mexican lamba (4 10 10 Colorado lamba 86 t ii 390 Mex can lamb 6.' i .5 119 Colorado lambs 88 7 20 387 Colorado lamba 88 7 :i0 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle steady ta Ten Ceata Lower Haas Stronar to Five Cent Illarher. CHICAGO. May 3. CATTLE Receipts. 9.000 head: market, ateady to 10c lower; common to prim steers, 34.OWBfl.30: cows, 33 .K'uM.Oi: heifers. 32.765.36; bulls. 32.60a 4 .26: calves, 92.76436.76; stockers and feedera, 13.756.00. HuaS Receipts. 18.000 head; market, strong to 6c higher; choice to prima heavy. 36.5HOX.66: medium to good heavy, 36.4610 6.60; butcher weights, 36.4546.62; good to choice heavy mixed, IMOi&u.jO; packing, 36.70 Cf.47V4. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 15.000 head; market, ateady to strong; sheep. 84.50 t6.70; yearlings, 35.36ijt6.76: lambs, 16.264, 7.6S. Kaaaaa City Llva Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, May I. CATTLE Re ceipt a, 4.000 head, Including 400 southerns; market steady to shade lower; choice ex port and dressed beef steers, 35.804S4l.0il; fair to good. 84 36i4.; western fed steers, U.75&6.26; stockers and feeders, 83.0u936.0u; southern steera. H.Vxfj'.VOO; southern cows, 32.603 4.00; native cows and heifers, 82.6ufr 616; bulls, 3o.KIM.0; calves, H.00nf6.00. HOOS Recelpta, 10,000 head: market Rtiong to 6c higher; bulk of sales. 96 27V, 9 8.40; heavy, l.37V,S 46; packers, 3.308.40; pigs and light, 83.3"a6 32. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 10,000 head; market steady to strong; Inmbs, 85. 75 ft;. 35; sheep and yearlings, 84.oof(16; west ern fed yearlings, 3j.0Xx4i6.30; western fed sheep, 84. 606. 15; stockers and feedera, $3.00 4JO.0U. at. I.oala Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. May 3.-CATTLE Receipts. 1.5O0 head. Including 400 Texan; market. iilgher; native shipping and export sleers, cS'u.T6; dressed beef and butcher steers. l3.toiu6.on; steers under 1.000 lbs., 33.6031.6u; stock 8is and feeders. 8-.4MQ 4.M: cows and heifers. 82.0ufe5.O9; canneis. $1.7592.60: bulls, 31. 264 4.50. calves, 33.fX0 26; Texas and In dian steers. 33.001)4.76; Cows and heifers, $2.0uti3 9u. HOGS Receipt. 1.000 bead: market, 6c higher: pig and light. 36Vj6.S0; packera, $6 KtV.50; butcheia and beet heavy, 36. 40 .5tl. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, ,000 head; market, ateady; native niuiions, $4.00 CO. 00; lamb. $6.604t7.0O; cull and buck, 4.wr,.oo. ft. Joaepb I. It Vlnrk Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mny 3. CATTLE Receipts. t.300 head; market, steady: steers. l'(.Vf 6 36: cow and heifer. 43 264J4.80; aiocker and feeder. 83.40',4.7S. HOUS-Reuelpt. 7.346 head: market. tHc higher: top. M.tiH; bulk of aalea. $6.Cia 6.874 EH SEP AND LAMBB-Rec.tpts, !.65S head; market, active aad lead); lambs, $7.35. ftlaax City Lira Stark Market. SIOCX CITY. Ia.. May 3.-8pcclal Tele gram.) CATTLK - Recelpta, 460 head; market ateady: beeves. II OOtjo 40; cjws, bulla and mixed. M.fA'Ct.tu: alockers and ! feedera. $7.trri4.6u; calve and yearling. J .'Tj4 30. HOOS Receipts. S.tof' head; market tdy; Selling at $610'a4.30; bulk, $6 Id Jo JO. lock In Slsrht. Receipts of II va stock al I he six principal BTOCKFFB western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hs ghee-' South Omaha l?.fV 4.C0O Hlotix City 40 . 3.r'J Kanaaa City , 4.'i l.uti li.fta St. Joseph ,V0 7.246 JVM St. Louis I F si ."'Si 2,0 Chicago 9,i 15.rai 1I.U0 Total :i.6n 44.115 33 'AS Coltt ITarkrt. NEW YuRK. May J. COFFEE- Market for future opened dull at un langed prut- to an advance of 6 potnl. Pries tinai-d off slightly, particularly toward l-s close, when offering increased and wr ant very 1 well absorbed T n market cloted dull, but 6 to 14 pninta net lower ft.le for the dv wer reported of K.750 hag. IncUding May at 915c; Jun. 4 46c; July. 8riVffj6c; September, Trvrt A750 ; December. Mj7fls-; March, ;.lntf7.2"c; April. S,.Vtf 7 35. Spot hk), quiet; No. 7 Invoice, 8c. OMAII A WllOI.K,l..; M 4 ft K FT. Coadltlea of Traela aad Haotatlnati aa Htaala tail Kaary Prod are. KOG? Heveipt. liberal; ft tan iims, cat count, l$c. LIVE POULTRY - Hen. U',tjllc; roosters, 4)7c; luiktyi. Ifcv; oucks, 11C. L '4 1 tCH i dCnjag sick a, tic, vnoic ta fancy uairy. loc; creamery, Sltitiitc. HAY Fl ica quoted ny ouutnt rcrd com pany; No. 1 uplanu. 17: iiieiliuni, H.0, cosrse, 30 t"1 .&. I'.yc straw, 46.u. BRAN Per ton, l s.ut. NEW VKO STABLE. TOM ATO .J Florivia. per litis ot 81 lb, net, to. v. WAA. HEAN8 Per box of about 80 lb., net, 44.60. BTKLnO BRANS Per box ot about 16 lbs., net, 81. TI'HMIS, BEETS AND CARROTS -Louiriana. uer on. bundle. 46c. 11KAU LtiTl 'CJi Louisiana, tH.r bbl.. 4., per do, head. $10011 1.2. Lu.AF i.ill i 1 ic Hothouse, per do. heaas, iio. Cl 4t'AiUERS llothous. rier do.. ll.W'l 1.60. ONIONS Colorado, yellow and red, :a per lb.; Spanish, per crate, $2 00. Ml'8HKt.uM-Hothousc, per lb., rJtvjftWc ttotituuxe. 11 uoa. TROPICAL KKLIIB. DATES Per box of SO 1-lb. pkgs , 12.00; Hallowe'en, In "0-lli. iMixes, per lb., c: Sy ett. pet- lb., 4c: walnut stuned, l-lh. pkgs.. I: (Vi p,r do.; 8-11). Iioxes, $1.0"; Jatlas, all sites. 83. y; Mediterranean awerta. $0.25; seeuungs, $X OKA.vUK-tt-Callfornia, extra fancy Rd land navels, all sices, $3.36; fancy navels, $M.L'5; choice, all sixes. $.1. LEMONS - Llnitmlers. extra, (fancy. 340 Slie, 4: 300 to 360 also. $4.26. FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton, 7EW K5c; Imported Smyrna, three-crown, 11c; ix-crown, 13o. BANANAS Per medium alaed bunch, $l.iix,3.26: Jumbot, $2.f"ii;i.o0. TANGERINES California, per box of about 125, $3.00. OKAPK FKLIT-Callfronla, per box. $6.00 86 60. PlNEAPPLES-Sixe 24, 30 and 86, $6; als 42. 14.74. KRVIT8.- PEARS Winter Nellls, 2.W. APPLkiS California, lien Davis. $2 per bu. box; Wlnesaps, $2.60 pet bu. box; Otner VHilriiea. 82.lnifjii.e0 per bu. New York ap ples, lutidwln and Russets, 36 per bbl. UllAPEd Imported Malagas, 600y7.60. POTATOES Home grown, per bu., JOO c; bouth Dakota, per bu., 7"!U'75c. NAVY BlvANS Par bu.. $1.85; No. 3, 31.TS. LIMA BtiANS-l'er lb., 6,0. CAliBAUK California, 34c per lb.; Wla cousin, In crates, per lb., 3 We. CELERY-Florida, $1.25 per do. bWEhi'i" POTATOES-Illlnols, per 11-peck bbl., $4.76. BEEF CI.'TS. No. 1 ribs, lie; No. 3 ribs, HHci No. 3 ribs, 9'Ac; No. 1 round, 8c; No. 2 round, 7Hc; No. 3 lound, 7Sc; No. 1 loins, (, No. i loins, lot:; No. 3 loins, 11 He No. 1 plate, 4c; No. 3 plate, 3c; No. 8 pinie. 3c; No. 1 chucks, tic; No. 2 chucks, 6 Vic; No. 3 chucks, 6c. MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER-Pec keg. $J.7o; per bbl., I8.T5. HONhV-Nw, per 24 lbs., $3.60. - CHEEbE Bwlss, new. 16c; Wisconsin brick, 15c; Wisconsin liniberger, loci twins, liiyic; Young Americans, 16c. 1 NITS Walnuta, No. 1 aoft sheila, new crop, per lb., 15 'c; hard shells, per lb.. iiV- Pocans, large, pr lb., 14c; small, per lb., lie. Peanuts, per lb., 6Hc; roasted, per lb., sc. Chili walnuts, per lo., litjU'ia Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17c; harti hells, per lb.. 16c. Cocoanut, $4 per ruck of 1'4. FRESH FISH-Trotit. 11c; halibut. He; pickerel, dressed, 7c; white bans, 11c; un nsh, lie; ptrcn. skinned and dressed, 8c; pike, 9al0c; redsnapper, 11c; salmon, 13c; crapples, vc; eels, 18c; black bass, 2"c; whitetish, U12c; frog legs, ier dox., 55c; lobsters, green, 38c; boiled lobsters,, 42c; blueflsh, 16c; herring, 6c; Spunlsh mack erel, 16c; haddock, lOo; shrimp, $1 per gal.; smelts, 12c; cod, 12c; bullheads, 12c; catnsh, 16o: roe ahad, 75c; flounder, 11c. OY8TERS Fresh standard. $1.40 per gal.; shell oysters, $1.0W2.0v per 100; Little Neck clams, $1.60 per 1U. SUGAR Granulated cane. In bbla., $5.06; granulated cane. In sacks, $5.01; granu lated beet, in sacks, $4.91. SYRUP In barrels, 24c per gal.; In cases, 10-lb. cans, $1.60; cases. 11 6-lb. cans, $2.80; case, 24 2'-lh. cans, $1 90. COFFEE Roaated : No. 3$, tMo per lb.; No. ta. 'c per lb.; No. 26, 18Vo per lb.; No. 20, 1vVsC per lb.; No. 21, Hc per lb. CURED FISH-Family whlteflsh, per H bbl., 100 lbs., $4 60; Norway mackerel, per bbl., m lb., bloaters, $40.00: No. 1. $28.00; No. I, $2600; No. 3, 320.00; Irish, No. i. $19.00; herring. In bbla., 200 lbs each;-Norway, 4k, $18.00; Norway, 3k, $18.00; Holland,- mixed, 311.69: Holland herring. In kegs, milkers, 80c; kegs, mixed, 70c. CANNED OOODS Corn, standard west ern, 6.Vic; Maine. 31.15. Tomatoes, 8-lb. cans, $1.26f1.60; $-lb.. 97HCf?100. Pineapples, S rated. 2-Tl.. $3.062.30; sliced. $1.9082.10. allon apples, fancy, $3.75; California aprl cola, tl.4tH'2.00; pears, $1.7Mi'2.50; peache. fancy. $1.75(&3.40; H. C. peache. $2.00gr5O. Alaska aaimon, red. $l.lo; pink, 90c; fancy Chinook, J, $3.10; fancy sockeye, F., $1.95; sardine. V oil, $2.60; , mustard, $2.6oi'( 3 10. Sweet potatoes, $1 lfiai.25; sauerkraut, $l.ii0; pumpkins, 80cti$1.00; wax beans, 2-lb., Ibtmc: lima beans, 2-lb., 76cj$1.35; spinach. $1.35e'2.00; cheap peaa, 2-lb., 80c; extra, 75 90c! fancy, $1.351.76. HIDES. PELTS AND TALLOW No. 1 ireen hides, 9c: No 2, 8c; No. 1 salted. Uq; No. 2, loc; hull hides, 71'3c: dry hides, 124D20C. Horse hides, large, $3; ainall, $2. Sheep pelts, each, 60cil.25. Tallow, No. 1. 44c; No. 2. 3sc: rough. lvc. Eraooratrd Apples and Dried Fralla. NEW YORK. May I. EVAPORATED APPLE8 The market Is more or less nom inal In the absence of Important transac tions, atock being very well cleaned up with holdera firm In their views. Strictly prim apple are quoted at lOfJIOMiO. choice at 11c and fancy at lUfcc. Some- quotations hav bean heard above this figure tor fancy, but appear to to extreme. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are In better demand with quotations rang ing from CVic to 7c. according to grade. Apricots are practically out or the mar ket for the time being, with cholc quolcd at K'vvc. extra choice at 13c and fancy at ltc. Peachee are quiet. Choice are quoted at 1MX extra choice at 10fM!c fanev at HSIlttc and extra fancy at UVr12c. Rais ins remain quiet. Ixxise Muscatel tr quoted at oiffiTic seeded raisins at 64fl7SO and London layer at $150411.60. Forelga Flaaaelal. PARIS. May $.-Price on th Bourse to day opened heavy, owing to the Increase In th Bank of England rat of discount from 8V4G4 per cent. Russians were of fered on Count Wltte' resignation of th premiership. Tester there was a general Improvement, th Increase of the Bank of England's discount rate being expected to 'ton the shipment of gold to the Untttd States. At the close prices were firm. . REAL. KSTATE TRASFER. The Commercial National Hank to Charlea Harding, lot 7, block 17, Hsnscom Place $4 Charles W. Lyman and wife to Hastings A Heyden, lot 6, block t, Crelghton Heights Pauline B. Wheeler, Jr., to J. C. Klnsler, blocks 66 and 95, Benson.. Lew W. Marshall and wife to same, 009 19 17S '$ 1 609 ,771 $09 111 1 2$ ,3o9 t ,109 ,909 009 ,999 $09 ,999 499 A1 'a v, oiocKs s ana ta, nenaon. George H. Payne knd wife to Henry ti. straight. lot 13, . block 11 llsjiscom I'luce Josephine 11. Wnldenfeller to Mosy E. Armstrong et al.. lota 2. 3 and 4. block 2, Lincoln Plat Marguret Hogan and husband to Peter Proceplo et al , part lot 10 and 11, block 1, Millard Place 1, Uwmin Realty and Improvement company to Claud Camblln, tract lot 4, Johnson's add i, Claud Cambllng to Aaron Wolf, same 4, Mary Oarvey and husband to Maude Kane et al.. w Is ee '9-14-13 John O'Rourk lo Frank Shaffer, part l,e ri V, 30-16-13 Chemical National hank to Frank W. Fogg. W, lot 2, block 103. Omaha 1 8 R. Rahb to O. A. Talbott. trustee, lots 12 and 1$. block 17, Hitch- cork 1st add , O. A. Talbott. trustee, to Charlc F. Da via. aama John Williams to Joseph Bolker, lot 8. block 4. Shull add ! Peter Jen. Jr . to Laura Scott. w lot ;. hl.Mk 103, Omaha 2 Frark W. Fogg to Peter Jasen, Jr., Same t New Hn mi pe hi re RanklnsT eomuauv to F.llra Rnmbel. lot 13. Wright Pla- 1 Fdtrsr Leavortc-n to And-w Hotran et at., lot 17. block I. Clarendon.. 2 II. O. Htralght and wife fo Dora Harney, lot 13, hlot-k 14. lianscoin park 2 Frsok P. Gould sod wife 10 John C. Vl7rr. part lot 32 H. Mtilard At Caldwell' add 3, E'wird iT. Howell and wife to H fl. M"jer. rart tax lot 27. sec. 11-15-13 II. Meyer to IInry K. Peat, came Ft rllmiei et !. to Antonio Rrtem. rart lot 13. blnok 15. Iin-provem-nt astocation add 1, Anton Kalla et al. to aatne. ame.. Nebraska Inveatment A Improve ment rnmpanv to J McCormlck. lot t, block 2. Bogg A Hill's 3d add .,...4 1, TI9 1 199