Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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1 LJ
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Derger's Uaisf Sale
Will Continue FRIDAY All Day
TMs r.hnomnal reduction in tha prlrs of Ladies' Summsr
Wstsl hna rtc"l such a popular fUmor for th harmlna that we am
forcl to contlnua tha sals today hrldajr. Evryhody should avail
themselves of thla chance to ret Bummer Waists below coat.
T-OT a
$1.75 and $2
Waists at
$2.50 & $2.75
Waists at
I-OT 4
$3.25 & S3.50
Waists at
$3.75 & S4.C9
Waists at
S. Fredrick
Th New Cloak Shop.
Prisoner Does Not Appear for Trial in
Folice Court. '
.ifa Bee laned Statement, Relat
ing Mer Attltnda Toward Crowe
la the Past, bat Ignor
ing the Future.
Pat Crowa - the chief attraction In
the police court Thursday morning, when
ho appeared to answer a charge of dis
turbing the peace, the complaint having
been sworn to by Oeorge A. Warner,
groceryhian, 2313 Mason street, at which
address Mrs. Hasel Meadows stopped since
lift; recent break-up with Crowe. Mr.
Crowe, who was out on a 126 cash bond,
furnished Wednesday evening by himself,
cxpresaed a desire to find Attorney Ens
lish who defended him In the kidnaping
caae, and left the' court room twice to
find , Mr. English, but evidently did not
succeed, as he did not return after the
last trip. Police Judge Crawford and City
Prosecutor- Lee held court until 10:JO, ex
pecting Crowe would return as he' tele
phoned he would, but when the eleventh
hour of the morning hours began to draw
nigh the court was adjourned and the
case set for Friday morning.
Although Mrs. Meadows was- In the
matron s room across the hall from the
police court Mr. Crowe did not call on
her: She did not even see him Thursday
morning. The woman ts still : staying with
Two Piece Summer
Suits To Order
For $23.
Made of high class all wool
goods, that look well, wear well,
bold their shape splendidly, don't
shine from wear and are perfectly
fast In color.
All goods are thoroughly shrunk
before they are cut.
All garments guaranteed per
fect in fit and style.
Two first class cutters.
Thone Doug. 18r. B. Hit a Bt.
Next door to Wabash ticket moe.
Are superior at every point.
Direct delivery.
secures you every possible
price advantage. Your experi
ence will prove that they wear
longer and look better than
other shoes.
pleases the dressy man, the
man who wants the best.
Prices, $4 to 6.
The 3.60 ONIMOD out-looks
and outwears all other $3.60
have the call this time of the
year. We have them In all
shapes and leathers.
Wear a pair you will never
regret It.
We are Omaha agents for Dr.
Reed's Cushion Sole Shoes.
We guarantee a perfect fit
by mail. Write for Style
Book B I.
205 Go. 15th St.
IiOT .1
$3.00 Waists
$4.50 & $4.75
Waist at
Berger Co.
Matron Gibbons on the grounds, as
said, that she was In fear of her life.
Look I mr for the Negro.
Deputy County Attorney Foster had the
Crowe matter In hand Thursday morning
and when he left the police court, said
the question of filing a charge of breaking
and entering against Crowe was still being
considered. Tha police have been trying
to locate the colored man said to have
been with Crowe Tuesday evening at the
Warner place and who was said to have
stopped Bert Klements with . a revolver,
while Crowe went , through the Warner
house (n search of the Meadows woman.
After Mrs. Meadow had presented her
self at the police station Thursday for
protection the following note was received
for ber by the Warners on Mason street
Dear Hasel: I wish you a long and
happy life. I am still your friend. If you
want a 15 or S10 bill Just ask your old pal.
rat. uooa-uye and good iuck.
P. 8. You have loved and you have lost
I win always be your friend. Life Is
losing game. Follow your spirit wherever
it leans you. l am in lowa ana you
Nebraska. Good-bye, love.
The note was delivered by a colored
man, who also brought an empty suit
case which belonged to the woman. The
note and suit case were sent from the
Warner place to Mrs. Meadows at the po
lice station.
Hasel Meadow's Position.
Thursday morning Mrs. Meadows gave the
following signed statement to a reporter
for The Bee:
As for Pat Crowe trying to make the
public "Think" that he is "it" personified, he
is laboring under sn hallucination. If he
were Pat Crowe 10,000 times and he or his
accomplices were standing ready to cut my
throat as I leave this station I would
say that he la a coward.
i Won his lover Ha: Ha! I admit I was
caught In his meshes, and I ssy I am nut
seeking public sympathy. I am a woman
and alone in thla world and I do not pro
pose that Pat Crowe nor any other Crowe
will put me "down and out," to use Crowe's
favorite expression. He may have friends
to help him out. and I do not suppose the
world would cease Its revolutions if I were
put "out of the way." I think that he has
been confined behind the bars so long tha
he Is not accountable for some things he
does, but when he turns down the only
friend that stood by him when he was In
trouble 1 think It la time the public was
made aware of the fact that there Is one
who Is not afraid to expres her opinion
He can make light of my attentions now,
but the time waa wnen ne sent me messai
after message craving them. I say agal
I am not seeking public sympathy, but
only that protection that is due even the
lowest dog on eartn.
Kaew What She Waa Aboat.
During a conversation on the subject the
woman said: "I went Into the whole thing
with my eyes open. 1 honestly thought
to make a better man of Pat Crowe and
my every aim and effort was directed
along that line. I suffered much for him.
If the public, press aad pulpit had done
one-third as much for him as I have done
he would have turned from the errors of
his way end all this last trouble would
never have happened. I knew Mr. Crowe
In Omaha many years ago; In fact, as far
back as the time when he operated the
first motor car over the Sixteenth street
Mrs. Meadows did not care to ssy any
thing regarding her future associations
with Mr. Crows.
Beatrice Win Debate.
BEATRICE. Neb.. May l.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Beatrice won the high school de
bate with Humboldt her tonight. The
question was, "Resolved, that American
municipalities should own, operate and
control their street railways." The affirm
ative was upheld by Humboldt, the de
baters being Miss J. Draper, Messrs Her
bert Ford and Patrick Welch. Beatrice
waa represented by Messrs. Clifford Phil
ippe, Ernest Hahn and Charles Stoll.
All Are Calted
In saying that lor all stomach, liver or
kidney diseases, there Is no remedy like
Electric Bitters. 60c Guaranteed. For
sale by Sherman at McConneli.
Fair and Cooler Today la Nebraska,
' Iowa, Soatfc Dakota, Mlssonrf
aad Kansas.
WA8HINGTON, D. C May 1. Forecast
of the weather for Friday and Saturday:
For Nebraska, Kansas and South Da
kotaFair and cooler Friday; Saturday,
fair and warmer.
For Iowa and Missouri Fair and cooler
Friday; Saturday, fair.
Laal Record.
OMAHA. May . Official record of
wlih perature and precipitation compared
ma corresponding
day of the last three
years: 16. 1906. 1904. 1SM3.
Maximum temperature .. 80 74 62 81
Minimum temperature ... 61 5? M 58
Mean temperature 64 6." 49 70
Precipitation 00 .00 .05 .44
Temperature and prerlp.tatton departures
from the normal at umant since Marcn !
and comparisons with the last two years:
Normal temperature 55
Kxcess for the day 1
Total deficiency since March 1 84
Normal precipitation IS Inch
Deficiency for the day IS Inch
Total rainfall since March 1....5 HI inches
F.."s since March 1 -. .M Inch
iH-fielency for cor. period. 1905 46 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period, ISM 50 inch
Resort! from Station at T P. M.
Station and State Temp. Max. Rain
of Weather. T p. ni. Temp. fall.
Rtamarck. partly cloudy 5 60 , .00
Cheyenne, clear M Ml .00
Chicago, clear 68
Iavenport, clear 72
Denver, clear 70
Havre, cloudy 42
Helena, cloudy 48
Huron, clew , R2
Kansas City, clear 78
North Platte, clear 78
Omaha, partly cloudy 77
Rapid City, partly cloudy.. 62
Bl. l.oul, clear.. ..1 76
St. Paul, clear
Salt Lake City, clear 70
Valentin, clear 70
Willtkior, cloudy 62
l litre of precipitin jn.
4 ,VKI.1 lw-l
Mnndaj'i Compilation Furnishes Come
I it-urea for 8tata Board.
Supreme Ceart Sastalas Toateatloa
f City of Omaha Regardlag
Spe-rlal Elertloa to Tote
Fire Iloase Roads.
(Vrom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, May . (Special.) Inasmuch
as the State Board or Assessment begins
Its annual meeting next Monday, at which
the railroad property of the state Is to be
assessed, considerable Interest Is now being
taken In the value of this class of prop
That the amount of money being earned
by the corporations will have considerable
to do with the value of the roads as found
by the board there Is little doubt. Should
this earning capacity of the roads be a
factor In determining their value, there Is
tittle doubt some of the systems will come
In for an Increased assessment this year
over all previous years.
An Interesting compilation Just at this
time has been made from figures taken
from "Munday's Earning Capacity of Rail
roads," and unless It can be offset by the
railroad agents who will come before the
board it will be of material aid to the
member of the board and will be used by
The following table shows the net earn
ings per mile of the various roads for
1905. capitalized at 8 per cent, as compared
with the net earnings per mile capitalised
of 1906:
Net Earnings
Net Earnings
Cap. at 6
Ter Mile.
Cap. at 6
Per Mile.
.... 42.700
Union Pacific
Burlington ..
M. & O
4s 400
Rock Island n.V
Missouri raclfic... 39.0nO
St. J. & G. 1 12,700
The following table Is a comparative
statement of the value of the various sys
tems In Nebraska based on the net Income
for the two years, capitalized at 6 per cent.
The result Is the value per mile:
Net Income Net Income
Cap. at 6 Cap. at 6
System. 1905. liVKS.
Vnlon Pacific 96,2no $110,31S
Burlington 42.7") 4fi.lR3
Northwestern 4fi,400 46.8M)
M. O W.4fl0 47. m
Rock Island 33.tW JW.V5
Missouri Pacific.'.. 49,900 44,033
St. J. & G. 1 12.700 16.233
Effect of Capitalisms; Famines.
Should the board adopt the theory of
finding the value of railroad property by
capitalizing the net earnings or the net
income the big systems would be materially
Increased In value, while some Of the
smaller systems would get a slight reduc
tion. The board, of course, will not take
the figures a shown In the above table as
Its sole guide, but these figures will be
seriously considered, as It ha been held
one of the safest way by which the value
of a railroad property can be determined
Is by capitalizing Its Income.
Last year, after the board used both of
the above methods, as well as others. In
considering the proposition of assessing
the railroads. It found the systems worth
per mile as shown in the following state
Vnlon Pacific tfn.OM
Burlington SP.sTO
Northwestern 42,500
Rock Island 42.450
Minneapolis & Omaha 42.500
St. Joseph & Grand Island 32,500
Missouri Pacific 42.500
For assessment purposes, under the law,
these figures had to be divided" by five, a
the above figures are supposed to have
been the actual value of the system In
Nebraska. The following table shows the
mileage, net earnings and net Income per
mile of the various systems operating In
the state:
Mileage. Earnings. Income
Vnlon Pacific 6.358 $5,407 $6.10
Rurllngton 8,871 8.677 2. ill
Northwestern 7.40K 2,604 2,011
M. A 0 1.6X3 2,870 2,870
Rock Island 7.232 1.797 2,008
Missouri Pacific 8,140 2,164 2.642
St. J. & G. 1 312 974 t71
In 1906 the reports of the net earning
capacity per mile of railroads showed the
.... 2.564
.... 2 626
.... 2.018
.... 2,996 i
.... 2,749
.... 761
Vnlon Pacific
. $4.91 S
Rock Island
Missouri Pacific
M. & O
Bt. J. et O. I
Farmer Commits
Charles Wilson, aged 36 years, a farmer
residing near Emerald, took hi own life
at an early hour this morning by hanging
himself. He arose at 6:30 o'clock, after
which Mrs. Wilson got up to get break
fast. When her husband failed to come to
the bouse or answer her call for .him
Mrs. Wilson searched the outhouses and
found his body hanging. The dead man
suffered a sunstroke some time last sum
mer and it affected his mind. He v
well to do and leave a widow and two
Architect Keeps the Fee.
Leonard A. Davis, an architect employed
by the South Omaha school board for
period of one year to superintend the con'
strucllon of buildings and draw plans for
the same, will not have to pay back to the
school district the sum of $1,900 which the
district brought suit to recover. While
acting a architect for the board Davis
drew plan for a high school building,
which was not erected during his term of
office. For his plans he was paid $1,900, or
i per cent of the cost of the structure
After Davis had severed hi connection
with the school board suit was brought on
behalf of the district to recover this
amount of money, it being held that the
board had no authority to pay Jt to him.
The lower court held for Davis and the su
preme court today affirmed that decision,
The court said a contract will ordinarily
be construed as It wss understood and con
strued by tha contracting parties.
I.lvlaa-hoase Gets Sew Trial.
William Llvlnghouse of Wayne county,
convicted In the lower court of statutory
asrault upon the person of Maude Mc Rob
erts, aged 16 years, today secured a re
versal of the Judgment In the suprejna
court and will be given a new trial. The
court held the' evidence was not sufficient
to sustain a conviction.
Point la Fraternal Law.
In the case of the Loyal Mystic Legion
of America, plaintiff in error, against
Emma A. Richardson, from Hall county,
the court lays down the general rule that
"where it appears from the constitution
of a benefit society which Insures the life
of It members that an Initiation and th
payment of one advance assessment is In
dispensable to membership, the fact that
the person's application has been -accepted
and his petition prepaid will not entitle
his benoficlarles to any Insurance in the
event of his death before he has been
Initiated and paid tit one advanoe assess
ment required."
Omaha Bond Election Legal.
The action of the city of Omaha In call
a special election for the purpose of vot
ing bonds for the purchase of a site and
the construction of a fire house at lot U,
block 1, Armstrong First addition, wit
ratified by th decision In Isabel Linn
against the city of Omaha. An action for
Injunction was Instituted by th plaintiff
to restrain the city officials from executing
it selling tne uonua v ultra in a special
lection. The trial court veaned a de
murrer filed by th city attorney and the
plaintiff appealed to the supreme court.
where the Judgment of the district court
was affirmed. Commissioner Epperson
wrote the decision and Commissioners
Ames and Oldham concurred.
fssatr Maat Pay Haas' Board.
An echo of the criminal case' against
Fred M. Hans at Alnsworth. which excited
Interest In all of northern Nebraska while
he was under trial for murder. wa
decided In the case of Brown county
gainst John Lampert, sheriff of Brown
county. The court decided that the county
nd not the state must pay the board bill
of an alleged criminal awaiting a new
trial after having Judgment of his convic
tion reversed by the supreme court. On
October 24. 19ns, Hans was sentenced at
Alnsworth to life Imprisonment In tho state
penitentiary- The supreme court granted
suspension order and committed Hans
to the custody of Brown county. UtT
the sentence against him was reversed and
he was granted a new trisl, which resulted
In hi acquittal. Because of this final ac
quittal. Commissioner Oldham, who wrote
the opinion, declares "that the cost of
keeping and maintaining him while a pris
oner was the cost of keeping a prisoner
who had not been convicted," and under
section 68 . of the Criminal Code should
be paid by the county.'
Minor Matters at Lincoln.
The stste house wit closed this after
noon out of respect to the memory of
former Governor Boyd, whose funeral ws
being held at Omah. Governor Mickey
and Adjutant General Culver attended the
funeral ceremonies.
Chairman Warner of the republican state
committee was In Lincoln yesterday and
had a conference with Secretary Allen re
garding the calling of the republican stat
convjniion, wnicn meets in iincoin Au
gust 22. It Is expected the call will be Is
sued within few days.
jne ureinus candy company Is a new
corporaflon of Omaha which today filed
its articles of Incorporation with the sec
retary of state. The company has a capi
tal stock of $100,000 and the Incorporators
are A. C. Drelbus, Jscob Kopp and Paul
W. Kodcweiss.
Medical Society Election
The State Medical society adjourned this
afternoon after selecting Omaha aa Its
next meeting place and the first week in
May as the date.
The following officer were elected: Dr.
J. L. Greene, superintendent of tho Lin
coln asylum, president; Dr. O. D. Wilkin
son, recording secretary; Dr. H. Wlnnett,
Ord, corresponding secretary and librarian;
Dr. C. F. Burchard of Falls City and Dr.
F. A. Long of Madison, vice presidents;
Dr. A. 8. von Mansfelde of Ashland, treas
urer. Drs. R. C. Moore of Omaha and I.
M. Pickett of Odcll were elected delegates
to the meeting of the American Medical
Tho corresponding and recording secre
tarles and the treasurer were elected for
three years. -
Sapreme Conrt Opinions.
The following opinions were filed
Henry against Henry. on rehearlns.
former Judgment modified: reversed and
remanded: Letton. J. IJncoln Butter com
pany against Edwards-Bradford Lumber
company; reversed and remanded; Sedg
wick, C. J. Brewster sgalnst Meng; af
firmed: Duffle. C. Hicks aaatnst 1'nlon
Pacific Railroad company: reversed and re-
manaea; Ames, c. Morrison against uos
nell; reversed and remanded; Epperson, C
Rice against Parrott; affirmed; Ames, C
Strode against Hoagland; affirmed; Epper
son, u. American Bonding company
against Heye; reversed and remanded with
Instructions; Ames, C. Loyal Mystlo
Legion of America against Richardson: re
versed and remanded; Duffle, C. Joslyn
against Williams; Namrmed; Jackson, c
Lnlon Pacific Railroad comnany aaulnst
Murpny; amrmed; rJpperson, c. Union Pa-
clfto Railroad company against Meyer; at
nrmea; epperson, u. Hageman against
testate or Powell; reversed ana remanded:
Ames, C. Thomas against Varmers' Loan
i 1 Ll.I. , 111! 111. ,!, VUIIIC, V. .
Mlnnlon against TalDOy; reversed and re
manded; Duffle, C. School District of
Omaha against Davis: affirmed; Jackson.
C. Stryker against MeSgher; reversed with
Instructions; Jackson. C. Otto against
Conroy; affirmed; Ames, C. Foster against
Murphy; affirmed; Albert. C. Harris
against Paine; affirmed; Oldham, C. Mod
ern Woodmen of America against Talbot;
reversed nnd remanded for dismissal; Jack
son. C. Thomas D. Murphy Co. against
bxenange National Bank; amrmed; uume
C. Anderson against Jetter; affirmed
Ames. C. Thornhlll against Hargreaves
affirmed; Albert, C. St. James' Orphan
Asylum against McDonald; reversed and
remanded; Jackson, C. Young against
Figg; reversed with directions; Oldham
C. In re complaint against Newby; Judg
ment of district court as modified affirmed
Sedgwick. C. J. Youkin against Roche
ford; affirmed; Oldham, C. Chicago, Bur
lington & Qulncy Railroad company
against King; reversed and remanded; Ai
bert, C. Brown county against Lam pert
affirmed; Oldham, C. Hoch against
Schlatlan; affirmed; Ames, C. Michigan
Trust company against Frymark; affirmed
Jackson. C. Llvlnghouse against State
reversed and remanded; Barnes, J. Lynn
against City of Omaha; affirmed; Epper
son, C.
Following are rulings upon motions for
Chicago, Burlington A Qulncy Railroad
company against uevceic; motion tor re,
hearing sustained. Oilman against Cross
man; overruled. Bt. James orpnan Asy
lum against Shelby; overruled; Letton,
dissents. Csssldy against Sullivan; over
ruled. Chambera against Chambers; over
ruled. Getchell against Roberts; over
ruled. Cltv of McCook against McAdams
allowed. Rose against Dempster Mill
Manufacturing eomDanv: overruled. Cud
ahy Packing company against Wesolowskl
overruled. Cowles against Burnett; over
ruled. State ex rel. Miliar against Grow
overruled. Simmons against Kelsey; over
Following are additional miscellaneous
Bettle against Tledgen; reargument or
dered before the court. County of Lan
caster asainst Whedon: reargument or
dered before the court. Stull against
Masilonka; reargument ordered before the
court. Central orananes company against
Iancaster county; reargument ordered be
fore the court.
Stndeats Plant Trees and Start
KEARNEY, Neb.. May $. (Special Tele
gram.) A half holiday was taken by both
faculty and students of the State Normal
school this afternoon and the entire force
turned out to beautify the ground by
planting trees and preparing a lawn by
clearing the campus and sowing it with
grass seed. Work In the garden was done
by the model school students, who planted
both, flowers and vegetablea. The agrl
cultural department of the school was also
out In full force and its garden also showed
th result of their work. Every member
of this deoartment has a block in the
garden for his or her exclusive use.
addition to the general tree planting each
class planted a tree to be known a its
class tree.
The same was done by each member of
the faculty and the Young Men's Christian
association and the Young Women's Chris
tlan association, each planting a tree for
their respective associations.
Mrs. Banmaa Iscs Shotgan with Good
FREMONT. Neb.. Msy 8. Mrs. A Bsu
man, wife of Sheriff Baumifn, headed off
Jail delivery at 8 30 tonight by seizing
shotgun, dashing to the Jail and driving
four prisoners back into th corridor. Mr
Bauman fired one shot Into the air and the
men hastily retreated. The prisoners who
made the attempt te escape are Frank Tra
gaard, awaiting trial on the charge
bigamy; Eddie Penn, a federal prisoner
serving a year's sentence here; John How
rd, serving thirty days for stealing cloth
Ing; and John Spencer, held on suspicion,
Armed with two knives and a atove poker,
the prisoners broke the lock of the feed
gat to tbelr cell sad climbed out throug
It. From the corridor they climbed to the
lower, where they pried open sn old door.
The noise attracted the attention of Mrs.
Bauman. who cowed them with the shot
BEATRICE, Neb.. May . (Special Tele-
ram.) At a meeting of the city council
Wymore last night an ordinance wa
dopled by unanimous vote repealing the
franchise of the Home Telephone company.
hlch entered the city several months ago.
The repealing ordinance recites the pro no
tion filed by J. Henry Meyers of the
Home company. He stated that the Erlck
son company was back of the proposition,
ould build a central station to cost $3,000
nd would Install automatic 'rhones. Th
repeal Is based on the ground that the
company has failed to comply with Its
part of the contract. The company Is
given thirty days In which to remove Its
poles snd lines from the streets. It Is be
lieved that Mayor Archard will sign the
Bny gerlonaly Bnrncd.
KEARNEY. Neb., May 2. (Special Tele
gram.) While engaged In filling the reser-
olr of a gasoline stove Relley Irvln, the
13-year-old son of Mrs. Anna irvln, was
seriously burned through an explosion of
the fluid this morning. The accident hap
pened In Toung's barber shop, where the
boy has been employed as a porter. It
waa reported at the hospital late this
fternoon that the burns were not s deep
s was first supposed and that the boy was
getting along nicely.
News ot Nebraska.
PI.ATTSMOVTH August Johnson of
Alvo has brought to the county clerk eight
gray wolf scslps, on which the bounty Is
15 each.
PI.ATTSMOVTH Present Indications
point to abundant crops of apples, peaches,
plums, cherries and small fruits In tills
ortion ot tne state.
SVTHERLAND Cieorge Cragle and Fred
Sorber, two local farmers, enptured eight
,-oung coyotes satuid.iy ny digging mem
out of a hole In the hills near town.
PENDER The five saloons which have
been running the past year have been
clotted pending remonstrances, which are
to be heard this evening by the town board.
NEHAWKA A Lincoln stone company Is
doing prospect work on new stone quarries
here and If tne ledge is of sumcient tnicg-
ness a large force of men will be put to
BEATRICE The rural carriers of Gage
county will hold their annual meeting in
this city Saturday evening. One of the
principal topics to be discussed is the ques
tion of good roans.
8VTH ERLAND Owing partly to the lack
of harmony between tne growers snd a
beet sugar company, the acreage of augur
beets planted here this season win ue
somewhat less than that of lant year.
PLATT8MOUTH The Platte river has
risen over two feet within the last twenty-
four hours at Orenpolls and has flooded
that vicinity. Including the Missouri Pa
cific tracks, but It Is slowly receding to
ds y.
BEATRICE A dwelling house owned by
S. R. 8tarlln of this city and occupied by
Joseph Wills was destroyed by fire today
at Holmesvllle, with all its contents. Loss,
$l,6iO; partially covered by Insurance.
Origin of fire unknown.
PAPILLION The neighbors and friends
of Mr. J. Burns, whose house was struck
by lightning yesterday, have contributed
$160, which will nearly repair the damage.
Mr. Burns Is a laborer with a large fam
ily. He had no Insurance.
BEATRICE Guy Llddlcott, one of the
survivors of the Ban Francisco disaster,
who arrived home last week, says he has
no desire to return to the Pacific, coast
metropolis. He will engage In the shoe
business here with his father.
VALLEY Th newly organized board of
trustees of the village of Valley elected
John Monahan chairman, J. H. Ingram
clerk and Frank C. Jennedy treasurer for
the comlns year. Three saloon licenses
wero granted and Issued May 1.
PENDER State Veterinarian McKim
came here yesterday to investigate some
glandered horses belonging to Harvey
Queen and Mr. Peete, two miles north of
Thurston. Five animals were destroyed
as the result of his Investigation.
BEATRICE While holding a subsoller on
n emery wheel today C. A. Hill, a black
smith at Fllley, had a portlon-ot his nose
cut oft and a frightful gash Inflicted In his
cheek, caused by the pieces of machinery
flying up and striking mm in tne race.
SUTHERLAND The work of repairing
the Keith and Lincoln counties Irrigation
district canal is progressing rapidly and a
large force or men and teams are cm
ployed thereon. The repairs are to be
Suite extensive and will cost many hun
reds of dollars.
VALLEY A small frame house belong
ing to Toot Glllaspy was burned last
night. The Are was not discovered until
It was too late to save the building, though
the firemen worked hard. No one has
been living trier for somo time and the
origin ot the fire Is not known.
ST. PAVL Another thunderstorm, sc-
compsnled by hall and a strong wind, came
up last night, supplying us with 1.56 Inches
mnre nf ralnfAll. or a total of 3.02 inches
since Sunday. The ground Is now thor- I
oughly soaked and the farmers are wish- i
Ing a dry spell now for a while.
NEHAWKA Nehawka lodge No. 248,
Free and Accepted Masons, has elected the
following officers for the ensuing Masonic
year: A. F. Sturm, worshipful master; J.
E. Banning, aenlor warden; Raymond C.
Pollard, Junior warden: D. D. Adams,
treasurer, and E. A. Klrkpatrick, secre
tary. TEKAMAH At a regular meeting of Te
kamah lodge No. 31, Ancient Free and Ac
cepted Masons, held here last night, the
following officers were elected for the en
suing year: Frank E. Ward, W. M.; Harry
K. Clark, B. vv.; waiter M. riopeweu, j.
W.; 'J. P. Latta, treasurer, and John A.
Singhaus, secretary.
SUTHERLAND Charles Gllnes. em-
Bloyed as plledrlver roan by the Towle
ridge company, fell twenty-eight feet
Monday and sustained some severe bruises.
His escape from death was almost miracu
lous, as lie fell through an opening In the
timbers that waa only about two feet
square and grazed a piling.
BEATRICE Judge Bourne, who has
served two terms as county Judge snd who
has been connected with the county Judge's
office for the last ten years, win leave in
a few days for Boise City, Idaho, with his
family, where they will make their future
home. He resigned his position as' deputy
In the county Judge's office yesterday.
NEHAWKA Farmers have commenced
to plant corn, the ground being In fine con
dition. The winter wheat and pastures
were never in better condition. It was
feared at one time that the peach crop
would be a failure, but the trees are full
of bloom, thus promising a good crop.
Apples, cherries and strawberries are
loaded, with fine promise of a good crop.
BEATRICE The New Home Telephone
company yesterday began work on a new
line, which will enter the German settle
ment In Logan township, northeast of the
city. When the line la completed about
forty 'phones will be connected up, which
will enable many residents of the town
ship to communicate with various parts
of the county through the central station
at Beatrice.
" BEATRICE County Treasurer Barnard
announces that on May 7 he will begin the
sale of all property advertised for taxes
outside the cities of Beatrice and Wymore.
May ( and all property and sale cer
tificates In Wymore will be sold and May
10 and dally thereafter all property and
city sale certificates In the city of
Beatrice will be knocked off to the highest
bidder until sold.
BEATRICE Leavltt Ashenfelter last
night reported to the officers that someone
had stolen his horse and buggy, whlcn had
been left at the rear of the Paddock block,
where Mr. Ashenfelter has charge of tne
billiard room. After a search of an hour
the animal was found on Ella street and
bore evidences of having been driven hard.
Hie parties who used the rig will be ar
rested If apprehended.
L Bailing
Povdcr t
L 1. at etll rim tor Ja
"mahft aw mlSMM tunow to
la '- ' jf
Mrs. Sargent Praises Ouffys
The dear' old lady wa givin up to die by th family doctor, but
she Is now strong and well, without an ache or pain, thanks to
the great life-giving tonic-stimulant, Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey.
t , s V s
nC f Y - ' A'
iY .4
has enahled hundreds of old men and women to pass the century mark and to enjoy
the blessings of a healthy and vigorous old ase. Duffy's) Is endorsed and recommended
by ministers of the Gospel and prescribed by doctors as the most nourishing, purest,
health-giving tonlc-stlmulant nnd Invlgorator known to medicine. It pnrflea the
blond, nulrkens the circulation, repairs and builds up weak and decayed nerves and tis
sues, and keeps every organ of the body
In a strong, healthy condition, so as to re
sist tile attacks of disease.
It Is absolutely free from fusel oil and
It Is the only whiskey recognized by the
Government as a medicine.
Duffy's Is the only positive cure and pre
ventive of consumption, pneumonia, dys
pepsia, indlKCMion, grip. maHrla, diseases
of the throat mid lungs, and all bowel and
st,.,.,ot, trouble.
BEWAKK of dangerous imitations
and snbititutrs. . They arc positively
harmful and are nold for profit only ly
unscrupulous dealers. l,ook for the
trade-murk, the "Old Chemist," on the
label, and lie eertain the seal over the
cork In unbroken. All dragKlat and
Kiwers, or direct, 91. OO a bottle. Pic
tornl medical booklet free. IMifTy Malt
AVhlnkey Co., Rochester, X. V.
Talk-O-Fhone Stock is Today the Best Paying
Safe Investment Offered the Public
The Talk-O-Phone Company of Toledo, Ohio, manufactures
the latest and most Improved talking machine on the market.
Leading music houses all over the country are agents and the
orders are thousands In excess of the output.
The original capitalization of the Talk-O-Phone Company
limited thla output to one half the capacity of the factory, hence
the Increase of capitalization from 1600,000 to $1,000,000. The
additional capital means a production of 750 machines per day
and each machine nets a profit In excess, of $5.00 each. Figure
tor yourself the earning power of your money when invested
In the stock of this Company.
6 PER CENT HAS BEEN DECLARED, and the next dividend
in January will, we believe, be considerable larger than this.
Stock purchased now will participate In the July dividend.
The Earning Capacity of the Company
Increases Every Day
Having secured the entire issue of new stock, we offer
SHARE. We predict this stock will be worth $16.00 by July 1st.
We hare thoroughly Investigated the management of the
Talk-O-Phone Company, the plant, and Its earning capacity,
(nd do not hesitate to give to the securities of this Company
our personal endorsement.
REFERENCES. We refer, for information as to the finan
cial standing of the Talk-O-Pbone Company, the ability, integrity .
and standing of its officers and directors, as to the plant Itself, It
value, advantages, productiveness and dividend earning power,
as to whether the stock of the Company Is a wlso, judicious and
profitable investment, to: The First National Bank, Toledo,
Ohio; The National Bank of Commerce, Toledo, Ohio; The Broad
way Savings Bank, Toledo, Ohio; The Hamilton National Bank,
Chicago, 111.; and the Bank of California. San Francisco, Cal.
PROSPECTUS Write for prospectus, showing half-tone
lectures of the factory departments, which will give you a good
general Idea of this concern; we can furnish any other detail or
answer questions which may not be covered In our printed
inn iter. .,.
Devote an hour of careful thought today to this proposi
tion; then If you want to become interested, send your applica
tion; it you want to investigate further, have your stock
reserved. A week from now may be too late. , ,,
Financial Agents,
Suite 1103 Drexel Building, Phila., Pa.
...V WJB---a-fcw3'.
J -fmm -m. -. rat'1.... Sffw wv-i '
4. Our treatment is known the world over, and has proved
its merits in over 350,000 cases.
5. We give value received, and that is the reason we are at
the head in our specialty.
6. The only Keeley Institute in the Btate of Nebraska is
located in Omaha.
Send for our free booklet "Facta About the Keeley Cure."
Take Harney street car from either depot OMAHA, NEB. . . .
, is an innovation. Unique and original. .
All exposed cooking. Sea food ot all varletlea a specialty.
Our combination Breakfasts are a popular feature.
The German Rathskeller
Is Broadway's greatest attraction for special food dishes and popular music.
400 rooms. 200 baths. Rates for rooms $1.50 and upward; $2.00 and
upward with bath. Parlor, bedroom and bath $S 00, $4. 00 and $6.00 p"
day; parlor, two bedrooms and bath. $5.00. $8 00 snd $8 00 per day. , $1.00
utra where two persons occupy single room
Write for Booklet. f
"1 have not had a doctor since my
slcknrs and 1 think Duffy's I the beat
mvtl-lnr I ran take- for my old age,
and for anyone Hsc-, young or old.M
"Before using yr.ur Pure Mult Whiskey 1
was sick four springs running, and our
Inmlly doctor did not think I could live any
time, but since using your Malt Whiskey
I have not been slrk In bed once, and am
ip and around and quite smart. I have not
had a doctor since my sickness, and I think
Duffy's Is the best medicine that I csn
find In my old, and for any one else,
young or old.''
Duffy's Pure
Malt Whiskey
1. Drunkenness, Opium,
Morphine, Cocaine, and
other drug: addictions are
diseased conditions.'
2. therefore, scientific
medical treatment is nec
essary. 3. In case of sickness,
none but the best Bhottld
be accepted.
Herald Square, New York. '
Completely renovated and refur
The largest and most attractive
has been newly opened up. '
Special Inducements to COMMER
CIAL MEN with samples. Thirty large
and well lighted 8AMPLE ROOMS,
with or without bath. Forty large
front suits, with parlor, two bedrooms
and private bath, suitable for famine
or parties traveling together.
The Old English
Grill Room