Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1906, Page 2, Image 2
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: Pit 10 AY, MAY 4. 1006. .Tlttri Dwt'H 1. 2t tm rrTt These are not simply Irish in name, but are the real imported article, ami not only that, but the bet of the imported the real Mc Bride Dimities. These Dimities have been popular wilh our trade for years. They have given universal satisfaction in wear and laundering, and as for style, they are unsurpassed for daintiness and beauty. ' OrlglM lly' these DlinlttM were made only with- plain eord. but now w have them In a, variety of we"ve, auch as Kalnrook rherM." rroaa bara anil cluster stripes, all printed wiiji the latent deelgns. In the dain tiest of coloring. We lio have them In solid colored background of Mack, navy, cadet, pink, light blue and green, printed with white figures. Our prices on the real Irish .Blrm'Uc re 23o Had 3oc per yard. Economy Basement Cloak Department. lloue , Wr'P'-tfV jtWH Walels, Pcttl coSts.) ffpnrst Sktrtit, Coat a,1 Sulfa' and two-plc ,Hoiij Oown. all .at bargain rirlces. 6ood garments cheap second floor, t'loa!; X)epartnier)t. , We .,aell- only the-chrlcest at) Irs, the newest creation arid the bft designs In lg-J.- 1 X possible to, l)ve,. fl) led', 'free of charge, all physician'-prescription.' ttpeelal-'. Deposits Received. , j The canimereta) banks belonging to the Clearinghouse: association' have arranged to open for new Qr ."special" business. The grraige'riemt la to receive all deposits that customer muj'- des(r to make on new account. 'The, depositors may check nut thee new balances without restriction or limit. The plan for new or special busi ;. was adopted In Oakland and other i.urts of Alameda county and so success nil was It In Its-operation that the banks have now resumed regular business and, a re receiving more money than they are paying Out. . The aavlnga banks are most anxious to resume business, but they are unwilling to Jeopardise .' the ' Interests of their depositors by opening their vaults a moment before It Is quite safe to do so, the contents of several vaults (nut savings banks) prematurely opened having been de stroyed. A large 'proportion, if not a majority, of the business men,, who were thanking their lucky star during the big conflagra tion that their valuables were Inclosed In fireproof vaults, have wakened to a des perate realisation of 'the'"' unquestionable force of the San Francisco fire. Within the past Seventy-two hours' there have been 576 safes and vaults opened In the district east of Powell and north of Mar ket street and is not more 'than -AO per cent of these Instances were the contents found Ir.tact. la 'many owee a pile of ashes represented several thousand .of dollars worth of accounts. tiff rP ' Employe. Th City government yesierday began the' wuik or pnyltw oik 'April' salaries to Its -employe.. The sum of' f-W.Sno 'was 'trans ferred to the - Western ' National bank, whf te yesterday the member of th police force received the money due them. In this way IKVOCO was added to th cur rency in circulation. ' -. While ft la difficult to ghe exact figure as to joca' land Tntmranctf 'In' connection villi the fire wh.lrh haa devastated such a large portion of San I raflclaco, close cellmate have been compiled; which how mat the actual property loss to the city is close to $350,000,000, '- Trolley car wlllbe operated on Market street today, ' between the ferry and Valencia street, and a little later a far west a CastrO. Auditor Horton lias filed hi estimate of the receipt and expenditures of the city for the coming fiscal year, lie figures that the latter' will amount to a total of $8.48,400.' r The estimate la made on an assessed valuation, of $600,000,000. The receipts are figured t the-rate of $1 on $600,000, 000, or $6,000,600, and $ J. 2 2 8, 4 00 from other sources, making a tax rate, Willi 7 cent for the parka, of $1.07. The fire, however, haa reduced the- value of assessa ble properly and the expense will be 'greater than th auditor estimates, so that it I stated that the taxes will be nearly 12.60 ou each $100 of valuation. Th water company; haa been authorized to deliver. water to every laundry In the vlty, provided the chimney have been In spected. 'J Eight 'or nine laundries will be opened within two or three day and till V.wlll bring mora relief to the city. Two .or three laundries have. already been opened for the yse of the hospital ser vice. r .The local Japanese have undertaken sys tematically the care of Jananes refugee. Out of the 10,000 Japanese affected by the earthquake and fire approximately 6,000 have been aent to the interior. Of the remaining 6,000 about $.000 are at the varloua relief campa In San Francisco, and ,000 at Oakland. The Japanese govern- ment has wired a contribution of IJS.Oou. NEW YORK, May 8- An Important omls ' slon was made In the transmission of a dis patch from London last night, giving the text of the Joint dispatoh cent to Oakland, Cal., yesterday aa a result of the meetings of representative of several British com panlea interested In th Ban Francisco dis aster. The message should have read: l"nde,r any circumstances the British office 'will only pay th losses for which Saaaea MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S riODISSI SPRING WRAPS Nothing prettier or more stylish than the Berkeley Reefers and Stamford Box Coata for girls and misses, and the Jack Tar Keefers for ages (i to 12 years. GIRLS COATS. 1 For lrl of 6 to 12 years, we are selling; Jack Tar Reefers, smart Box Coats and mannish styles, ' bright or subdued colore; prices, .75. 16.00, $5.90. o QR $4.50 nd U.tlO New Cravenett Coats, $13.50, All the Hew So Are In COATS TOR LITTLE TOTS. Natty little Sailor Reefer. Box Coats and Jackets for ages 2 to 6 years, in a wide range of colors at $6.00. $5.00, $4.50. $$ 95 and . . Writ lor Illustrated CaUlofue.- A - DETJS'On SfTHORHES Irish Biraitie ready-to-wear garment. Our goods are always new and prices for really fine gooda are Iran than elsewhere. Ladies'-Fine Waists. Hundreds of beautiful stylos t select from, ringing In price from II. up to $15."0. Stylish Coats. Tony Coats In tine Black Broadcloth, tan Cover! Coats, Jaunty Short Confs In mined cloth, tart Silk Conta, 45 Inches long; Silk Eton ' Coata eve 1 y garment beautifully Special Closing Out Sale of all Our Handsome Cloth Suits In Voiles, IKnainaa, Plain White and Black and White Howard Corner Sixteenth Street they are legally liable, since to go beyond their contracts would le Illegal. They can not recognise any liability for damage by earthquake where no fire ensued, nor for damage by lire to fallen or partly fallen buildings, nor for damages to buildings pulled down or destroyed by order of the Han Francisco authorities. MOSSTKB BKXEFIT IS ARHAMIKI) ew lork Players lo Appear from Morning I ntll Midnight. NEW YORK. May 3. The progmm of the monster benefit for the San Francisco suf ferers to be given at the Metropolitan opera house tomorrow was completed last night. There are forty-five numbera on the bill and In order that all may appear the per formance will be continued from 11 a. in. until midnight. Jacob II. SchlVf. treasurer of the Red Cross and mayors' Ban Francisco relief funds, reports that since the last public, acknowledgement the com bined amount of the two funds has reached $910,883. For the relief of the artists of San Fran cisco there will be a sale of contributed paintings and art work at the American Institute on May 7 and 8, under the au spices of the California artlsta' relief com mittee of this city. The Vassar Students' Aid society, New York City branch, will give a benefit en tertainment for the relief of the San Fran cisco members of the Faclflc coast branch of this society at the Hotel Astor Saturday night. Mine. Eames has volunteered to sing at the benefit concert the German club women of New Y'ork are to give In Car negie hall Monday night. Other artlsta will be . Maud. Powell, the violinist; Raffol Joseffy, pianist, and David Blspham, bari tone. Victor Herbert will direct an or cheatra of eixty-five. The Joint application bureau, which is supported by the charity organization so ciety, took oare yesterday of about fifty persons who came In from Sun Francisco as refugees. These persons have been dis tributed around in lodging houses and a few were taken care of by private fam ilies. Their railroad fare across, the con tinent had been paid In ' the west. The bureau ' expects to got employment for them. Other arrlvala are expected. nHRAME MKM I tOSFKHEMB Companies Will I'ay Liberally, hat Will Enforce' Their Contraeta, NEW YORK, May J. The Tribune today saya that representative of both foreign and American fire Insurance companies who were In the city yesterday discussed united action to effect a compromise In the adjustment of loaae by the 8an Fran cisco fire. The discussion waa largely upon the question as to the attitude the ad justers of companies should be Instructed lo take In regard to disputed questions. The great companies express a strong pur pose to be not only Just, but generous In eases of doubt with the victims of the San Francisco fire, but they all evidently feel what was expressed by the president of a large American company, who said yesterday: "The adjuster for this company will not lie allowed to waive the condition of Its policies nor change restrictions of it char ter. We have no more right to pay a loss occasioned by' earthquake than we have to pay a loss of life. W are not an earth quake Insurance company nor' a life, In surance company." . ', ., Because of exemption from loss toy earth quake damage," well Informed Insurance men estimated yesterday that' the com panies would ultimately pay from 60 to 75 per cent of the aggregate amount of risk. Loss of Hartford C ompaalee. HARTFORD. Conn., May S. The esti mated net losses of the Hartford Insurance companies In the San Francisco- fires are a follows: Aetna $ 1.700.000 Hartford Fire 6,760.000 National Fire l.oOO.Oo i Orient 700.000 Fhoenix 1.500.00(1 Scottish Union and National. . . 1.000. 000 Total .$11,160,000 MISSES' COATS. Berkeley Keefers, Stamford Box Coats and Automobile Coata for ages 8 to 16, in fancy and mod est colors; prices at $12.00, $9.50. $7.60. $5.90 K f( and . KJJJ $12.50 and ,,.....$7.50 Children's Natural Last Shoes .2.95 Be, May I, Itrttt. I-Wiro Suits nt $ ttc.w Sulta at tioMO. $27.30 Sulta at I17..V. Ladies' Union Suits. Sterling atanda for the bent. We are sell ing agents for this celebrated Union Suit., ladles' flne-rlbbed Oatire Hale t'nlon Buita, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length; alao low neck, no alecvea, knee length. Theae garments are hand trimmed $3.00 and $;i.o0 por' ault. " Ladles' tine light-weight Silk Union Sulta, flesh color, low. neck, no alcoves, dainty hand-crochet trimmings t-VW per suit. Ladies' Oauie Lisle t'nlon Suits, low no k, no . slpevcs, knee length, hand trimmed-$1.73 per suit. Indies' Underwear Dcpai tment, center aisle, main floor. MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT Chief Executive TelU Why He Befusei Offers of Foreign Donations. HAD NO AUTHORITY TO ACCEPT TENDERS Ksprrsse Thanks for sympathy of World for Kan Francisco and State Position of the (internment. WASHINGTON, May 3 .A special mes r,;n was sent to congress by President Hcosevelt In which he explained "the atti tude of this government regarding thj offer, of contributions to the Ban Fran cisco fire and earthquake sufferers from foreign countries. He saya that where the contributions were madu to thia gov ernment he did not feel warranted in ac cepting them, but where they were inail to the cltisens' relief committee no action waa or could he taken In regard to tliem. The message Indicates that thf' govern ments of the civilized world promptly re sponded in messages -of sympathy- anl rnany of them with contributions or offers of contributions. Text of lese. " ' The text of the-'message is In part as follows. To the Senate and tho limine of Repre sentatives: 'Immediately alter the disaster at Ban Francisco jiutny .oflers of jissistaoce in the shape of comritmt inns ' were tcn uerccf by foreign individual, corporations, governments and municipalities. '1 tu Cana dian government, with an. Instant gener osity peculiarly, pleasant as R proof of the close and frirnuly ties which knit us to our nriKhoors of the north, ottered to pass a resolution appropriating flin.ooii ft"' ll,e relief of the' Surterers by rarinnuaKe and fire. With a generosity equally inarktd and equally appreciated the. Kepuhliu of Mexico, our nearest neighbor to the south, voted to appropriate v'.""u. and the IVe rubUq of tiiileu,la nnwl In appropriate tlKi.OOO for the s..iiie purpose, , Th- empress uf China, in addition to snding money t",e.Hed -rot 'the -'.Chinese who .urrervi in Ban Francisco, offered lo send more I ban double as much to be L.jid for the inhabitants generally. Trie gov ernment Immediately wanted lo send across, the. ocean one of its beautifully equipped, hospital ships to be used in any way for the sufferers and also offered LXA Uta) yen to the relief committee,' in addition to JOo.000 yen Bent by Japanese subjects. The government of far-distant New Zea land voted J'JB.iX'O. The government of Martinique vold 1,000 francs; the munic ipality of F.dmunton, Canada, $1,000. Many municipalities, corporations hikI Individ uals In F.ngland, Germany. France, Japan, Cuba and other countries Immediately proffered aid. Tl.ankfol for Aid. - Where these proffers of -aid are made to the government relief committees, or ganized to deal with the distress In San Francisco, I have no official action to tako concerning them. Where they .were ten dered to me in my official capacity, I did not feel warranted tu accepting them. But 1 am certain I give utterance to the feel ings of all our countrymen when I ex press my very lively appreciation of the warm-hearted generosity and eagerness to help us in the time of our affliction shown by the governments, the municipalities, the corporations and the individuals mentioned above. We are very grateful to them nnd we are deeply grateful for the way In which they showed. In such practical fash ion, the growth of the spirit of brother hood among the nations. The message here gives a list of almost every country- on the globe which sent messages of sympathy,- and continues: Appropriate expressions of gratitude to all these friends have been returned by the State department or by myself, -but It seems to. me that the real depth of grateful feeling awakened In our peoplt by all these- evidences of genuine sym pathy and friendship should he expreshed also by formal action- of the auprenu legislative power of the nation. - 1 recommend , the passugo by. congress of an appropriate resolution to that end. (Signed) THKODORK ROOSKVKL't. The White, House. May a. 1908. COPYRIGHT BILL IS READY Measure Mill Be Submitted to Con gyres After Approval by la trrrsled Persona. WASHINGTON, May 3.-II la understood the third and Anal draft of the bill to codify the copyright laws -of the , United Steles Is practically completed and will be submitted, to congresa by the copyright commission In about ten days. Binca the conference held some weeks ago in the library, of congress a complete rediaft of the proposed laws has been made. This has been submitted to repre sentatives of all the Interests present and met their approVal. The bill, however, la to receive careful attention at the hands of the senate and house committees on pat enta and extended hearlnga will be heard. Those interested In the measure are anx ious to get action at the present aesslon of congress, but In view of the press of busi ness and the desire fur thoroughness on the. part of the committees some doubt I expressed regarding Immediate action. DEATH RECORD. C. II. till mure. C. II. lillmore, for isix years traveling SHlesmaii for the Ribbel Wooden ware and Fapcr compauy, died Thursday morning at tit. Joseph' hospital, after a long siege of complicated ailment. Mr. Gllmore lived nearly thirty years lu Council Bluffs. He was M year of age ajid Is survived by a wife, who resides at --tl North Seventeenth street. The funeral will be at : o'clock Friday afternoon .from the Cole McKay undertaking ' parlors, . Burial, at Forest I .aw n cemetery. . ' , FIRE RECORD. . -. Mrauo tMaokamlth laop, CHICAGO- Uy 3.-Fhe. in Hie black KiiiiiUshop Of'itue tlliiKtia. dieel company's plant au flouUi Chlcugu.'todMy Caused a loss of fcyWA 'A numlicr ' ia!u'!t: die ud ui'-Utis Mttc destroyed NEW CABINET FOR RUSSIA Koto Vremja' Printi Porportsd Eoster of the Goremjkin Miniitrjr. MADE, UP LARGELY OF REACTIONARIES Official Announcement ef the An pnlntmrnt May Aul Re Mailt I ntll After Parliament Meets. ST. PETERSBURG, May 4. 3:30 a. m The Novoe Vremya, whkh under the new regime assumes Its old .relations with the government, prints today what purport to be an authoritative -statement .-of the Qoremykln ministry,, coupled with a atnlr ment that, as has been prsoUcted by the Associated Press, the official announcement may not be given. out before the convoca tion of the national Parliament. The ministry, which -presents several un expected names. Is exjvnotod lo find far less favor with the -llbera-i party In the popular bramh of ,the government than the Wlttr -administration.- The object In postponing the announcement f tho new ministry . Is not hard, to. fathom. Father Igatler was sejected as procurator, Instead of M. Shainsky-Shankaton-. and M. Helti sky, an nrch . reactionary .and notorious aide tu the. late Mlulstet, of the Interior Flehve, as minister at agriculture, v These two names alone are enough to put the ministry under eternal ban with the lib erals. The additional, namea arc tloremykin, who, like Count Wllte. is to la premier without portfolio: Slolypin Ualltiin. min ister of Instruction; M Kodovosoff, minis ter of finance; Itvnlsky. oreign minister; Rukloff, a former aide to the Grand Duke Alexander Michelovltch- minister . of trade and Industry; Scwaneliach, former minis ter of agriculture, controller; Nemachleff. who during his tenure of. office has kept his fingers out of fHilltlca. and Blrllef. Rodlger and Fredericks, who are not re sponsible to the minister, retain their pot't lolios. Recording to the Nov.oe Vremya. . The Novoe Vrpmya gives . the cabinet not over a month of life. Comment of Press. The Straua (Country) says: "The pass ing of Witte, with whom Parliament could not work, opens the door to a possible rspproachmunt of the representatives of the people." The Nasha Bhlsn (OurTlme). while yery suspicious, thinks It premature lo imagine that Witte' departiire'ls a declaration of war against Parliament. It says: "The government, never "bold, has always been given to procrastination. With honeyed words it seemed to postpone a declaration of open hostilities as long; as possible." The Slovo regards th downfall of tho Wltte ministry a the natural sequence of the unanimous .protest of the press against the drafting of fundamental laws. "But Wltte is trying lo gtv& it the aspect of uelng due to his own refusal to follow the policy '" of DurnQvo." aay the. Blovo, Id order.' to prove-tliat he lias always been the renl protector of ' liberalism agatnat reaction which he lblhks,ls the Imperative duty of. the. gaverujrierit. He proved that he did not want to-ajttarrel with Parliament by Inviting the" representatives of the majority in Parliament to form a ministry, or, if not that, he meant to form a merely temporary .cabinet,, understanding that It, wouM give way laterl -. . .' , PornoTd'a chem. The scheme latehd sMd put tn operation by Dnrnoytf to-ilWol -as many of the peasant ,me,mbetj!, .q , parliament as possl biv as .soon- fclmy.sajiil've In St, Peters burg has i-ora,e,,t,'gfletTr. Jt transpire that Kora.ieff and- .other srWret agent had for weeks been traveling In Russia trying to org-.tiiae a govern instil 'peasant party and to eecure . the adherence of the members elect to Parlfamenf for whom lodgings In government buildings at cheap prices had been arranged by Durnovo and secret In structions WT-e sent ;.o the provincial goverribf to -1 -duce f. peasant member to occupy these lodgings! The plot wa ex. posed hi several provinces and aroused pxcltment among the peasanta and protests from eighteen governors. Nevertheless, It was partially successful. About forty members-elect were already occupying gov ernment lodgings yesterday. However, they became auspicious at the cheap ac commodation, 4 he exclusion of radicals and the activity of Yerogln, a member-elect fr6m' Grodno province, In" trying to form a dls'inct peasant party in Parliament. Yerogln formerly was a provincial govern ment official and when "a. comrade dis played sign of resentment at his diction Yerogln revealed the whole plot by an nouncing that he had been selected to watch the peasants and that If they were Insuborlnate they .would be expelled from St. Petersburg. Thereupon the peasanta broke out Into open rebellion and .vacated the government lodgings. , Resignation Kot Accepted. Much mystification ha ben aroused by the fact "that Emperor Nicholas has not yet In .definite wbrfls ' accepted Count Witte's resignation' a premier. It aeems that Wltte received a letter from the-' em peror thanking him' for his sealous and able aervlces In. the past and , Wltte ac cepted this In connection with hi prof fered resignation and,.the report of M. Goremykln' appointment to the premier ship as .being equivalent to his dismissal. The delay In the appearance 0f a re script accepting Wltte; resignation Is giv ing cause for Comment and the theory Is advanced that the emperor 1 still hesi tating, tn view of the general- expression of opinion In regard to M. Goremykln, to discard the ato premier. At the same time It Is known positively that Interior Minister Durnovo resignation ha been tendered. RATE DEBATE- AT AN END (Continued from First Page.) thrown Into prison for criticising the s p polntment of a receiver for the Atlantic & North Carolina railway by judge Purnell. Mr. Tillman said he could review instances fn his own state of acts of tyranny and In decency, but the judge committing them Is dead and ha settled his account else where. The', senator said he also knew some case in Georgia; but that he would take up the case of Circuit Judge Pardee In enjoining the Florida Railroad com mission from instituting suit to compel the lulsrllle at Nashville railroad to re duce it fare from 4 to 3 cents a mile. He charged thai Pardee ought to be im peached for his course. If impeachment proceedings were brought to the senate. Mr. Tillman predicted that there would not be votes enough to Impeach, although the judge waa proved' guilty of violating his oath of offlc. Mr. Tillman next paid hi reapecta tu the case of Judge Charles Swayne of Florida, whom the aenate refused last ses sion to Impeach. Mr. Tillman , then closed with an apology, explaining that th situation wus such a to require the administering of "some physic." He would not allow the Judge to "roam up and down the land, doing whatever the - railroad want and refusing to grant relief to the people " truest lua by ' Baron. Mc- Uuct.ji 4 cald that same Judgf that i,.uld iu .an lniei loeutoty. rtcciee must hi lU r.iul p;is .iiram suv i ae Ijcf.He ll and a'.'U nlial leineJy lliA if lUvr eie so many Judge guilty of reprehensible conduct. Mr. Tillman replied that he would depend upon the supreme roui-t. Mr. Bailey also replied that In case a temporary Injunction waa granted In a given case It would be held up Indefi nitely, whereaa It would be expedited If there should he no Injunction. These dec larations led to a controversy over the right of appeal In Injunction cases In which Messrs. Baltey. Spooner, Bacon and Cul berson participated. Mr. Bacon nskod Mr. Tillman If he did not believe It proper to call the attention of the country to the dereliction of Judges, aa there Waa no way of punishing them ex cept by Impeachment. Mr. Bacon responded that the senate had no right to originate charges and that for It to do so waa to usurp the power of the house, and In n measure disqualify sen ators from conducting Impeachment pro ceedings. He admitted that he had voted for the Impeachment of Judge Swayne and aald that he was sorry Swayne had not been found guilty. Mr. Tillman declared that he had not In tended to censure the entire Judiciary, but contended that so long as there mere such men as Mccormick. Pardee and Swayne on the bench the criticism of Individual mem ber of the Judiciary was Justified. Teller Praises Jadlrlari. Mr. Teller praised the Judiciary of the United States a the most exemplary known to the history of the World, but he had known of many Individuals who had de parted from the high standard of the great body. He announced himself as favorable to the rate bill as it passed the house with the addition of the Bailey amendment. In cluding the provision for a court review. Mr. Bailey opposed Mr. Racon's . conten tion that the Judiciary should not be criti cised on the floor of the senate. Mr. Foraker made an argument for a court review. Mr. Dolllver contended that a court re view provision in the pending bill would be mere surplusage and Mr. Foraker urged that the omission of such a provision had been due to the desire to Save shippers th expense of two trials. Consideration of the army appropriation hill was then resumed and after further amendment it was passed. Adjournment took place at 6:56 p. ni. MAVAI. Bll 1 THE HOI IH Mr, Fobs Kaplalna the Men so re . a ad Tariff Debate la Reanmed. WASHINGTON, May J.-The naval appro priation bill which carries nearly $li0. UW.OOO for the naval establishment was taken up by the house today. Diyond the explanation of the bill by Mr. Foss of Illinois, chairman of the com mittee of naval affairs, and In the running tire of questions which his presentation called forth, there was little Interest shown In the esrltfr part of the debate that en sued. - Toward the close of the day, however, a colloquy occurred among Mr. Bates of Pennsylvania. Mr. Williams of Mississippi, Mr. Clark of Missouri and Mr. Payne of New York, over certain statement made by Mr. Bates Jn relation to the price of steel rails.- The discussion took place on a wide tar iff range, s forerunner of still further tariff discussion as the session nenrs Its elbae.. The speskers today, except Mr. Foss,. Mr. Meyer of Louisiana and Mr. Knowland of California discussed no fea ture of the bill, contenting themselves under the latitude furnished by "general debate" with discussing subjects In which they have a particular and personal interest. It Is expected that general debate will run to morrow, the bill being taken up by sec tions on Saturday. " M'WADB ; BKPORK THF COHMI'ITEK Former Consul Ueneral Denies All Charges Made Against Him. WASHINGTON, D. C. May 3. The house committee on foreign affairs today listened to a statement by former Consul General at Canton, China, Mi Wade In reply to the charges made against him by Third As sistant Secretary of State Pierce. Affida vits were presented by Mr. McWade to show the unreliable and criminal charac ter of ihoBe who instigated the charges. The hearing was behind closed doors. At' the outset Mr. McWade was given ten minutes, but his time waa extended to nearly two hours, and when he had con cluded membera of the committee con gratulated him on the showing he had made. Mr. McWade made charges of a sensa tional nature againat Assistant Secretary of State Pelrce. . It la considered quit probable that congress may take up the matter of these charges at later date. The only statement of record made by McWade Is a letter addreaeed to the com mittee. Thia letter was dated April X. 1908, by McWade and is. In part, as fol lows: A little over six months ago 11. H. L. Pelrce assured, me that I waa removed because the president wanted my place and for no other reason. I now learn through the perslHtent industry of some anonymous person, the nature of the charge preferred against me by H. H. D. Pelrce, and I solemnly declare them lo be false in every essential particular. 1 also solemnly declare that they are made by men who had been charged before me with various offenses, from murder down, and that these men formed a criminal con spiracy against me to have me removed because my continuance In office meant the absolute compulsory abandonment of their criminal practlcea within my Juris diction. I solemnly declare that not a reputable man or firm. American or foreign, resident and doing business within my Jurisdiction ever utted a single word or complaint againat me or my administration, a fact which H. H. r. Pelrce could easily have ascertained, although he waa only forty eight hours In Canton, and did not devote two houra of that time to any Investigation whatever. He quotes a certain firm as complaining against me and gives that firm a bill of health for high business character, etc. A little Investigation would have shown that that Arm desired my re moval because I waa largely instrumental In showing up how it had robbed the American railway, and I had stopped Ita doing so most effectively. I do not In any way, directly or Indirectly, question Hie high right and privilege of the president to remove me from the position Of consul general to which I waa promoted for "con spicuous excellence." In the name of Justice. I reiterate the demand that I cabled from Canton. China, on the dale of the receipt of the wire re moving me from office. I demand a thorough and exhaustive investigation at the hands of your honorable committee, when the truth will be fully eatbllhed, Or aa much so aa is possible after the lapse of two yeara of Buffering and persecution. Coal lnd Iw for Alaska. WASHINGTON, May 3. The senate com mittee on public land ha decided not to report th house bill to authorise assignee of coal land location to make entry under coal land laws to 1.230 acres of coal lands In Alaska. Th measure applies to a so da Hon of eight or more person. In lieu of thl Mil th committee decided lo rec ommend th passage of a bill which would apply th coal land law . of the United Btatea to Alaska. This would permit as sociations to make entries of not more thn w acres. new Trad Murk Treaty. WASHINGTON. May I. A trad maik treaty between the United Stale and Rou mania ha been ordered favorably leported by. th senate commit...' on foreign rela tlun. ... Sowtharn Methodist Meet. . BIRMINGHAM. -Ala. May 3 The fif teenth (tusdrieunial meeting of the general conference of tire Methodist Episcopal ' church, south, began here today, wlih : shorn delegates amt visilois. Church i offlcei and ol tiers present. .... . .- ., ,-. Pure, Healthful, ft of resiling Apollinaris 41 The Queen of Those Two Made .Molony Style Just What You Need for Summer They Always Fit We Make Them trom $22.50 Up . ; Molony, McElvain & Beck Just Tailors, That's All 320 S. fifteenth St. Thone Douglas 5028 Omaha, Neb. No CHINA ASSERTS AUTHORITY Effort to Be-Establish Sovereignty in Man churia Not Pleasine to Powers. RESTRICTS LAND HOLDING BY FOREIGNERS First Manifestation of Power Affects trilled States f'onaalate In Ter ritory Recently Idvacaated . by Warring? Forces. .!!? lf r s-iia,( u ' I.-.., WASHINGTON," May J.-Cnhla is abaurt Ing It dignity and rights as to the province of Manchuria, wrested from Russian control as a result of the war, in a manner that la not entirely agreeable to all of the powers. The first manifestation of this falls upon th Vnlted States. Partly to sustain the Chinese claim to sovereignty over the prov ince and also to secure the open door as agninst either of the parties to the great combat, the State depurtmcnt, early In the quarrel, took steps to establish consulates at Antung, Tatung-kow, Mukden and Dalny. During the progress of the war and whll the country Has In military occupancy It wa not possible to actually open offices at theae places. 'But as soon as Japan and Russia were willing to withdraw thuir troops, It was, of course', assumed that there would be ho further difficulty experi enced In Installing the American consul. Now, however,' It appears that China Is Interposing obstacles, supposed at first to be grounded upon a desire to merely as sert Itself and gratify Its vanity, but at last found to have a much more substantial basis. In fact, the Chinese government. It la understood. Is now determined to make a stand against any extension of foreign land holding in China and finds the oppor tunity to make the laaue In connection with the establishment of foreign consulate In Manchuria. Forelga Settlement Barred. In Shanghai, Tien TSln, Canton and Mon golia, there are-what are known a foreign settlement, wherein tha consulate are located and the. ground title in many cases right hi the head of foreign govern ment or In cltisen of foreign countries. These settlement have - always been ab nnxlou to the Chinese and they have de termined to prevent the' extension of the holdings. Thence In the ca of the Man churlan consulates, while the Chinese gov ernment Is willing that these great trade agencies should be established, It wishes to permit this existence only on condition that the necessary lands for the foreign occu pants of the town shall remain In the own ership of the Chines government and that foreigner bev permitted to llv thereupon only under thirty-year lessee. Th plan I regarded with, disapproval in aom quar ter, because the great appreciation In value of the lands under foreign occupancy and Improvement would probably make' It Im possible for th original lesseea to renew their leaaea on any term within their power to meet, but the Chinese government has already inaugrated thia new policy of foreign exclusion In 'th Important city f Chinan Fu, by prohibiting th connection of foreigner with the electric lighting and trolley systems or In connexion with any of the public Utilities and the same principle i being applied o the construction of rail roads, so that unlesa there Is an alignment of the powers against the Chinese asser tion aa to th Manchurian consulates, the end of foreign land holding In China I be lieved to b at hand. EXPLOSION AT ASHBURN, M0. Three Rall4la. mt LaNatte r.nStr Wwrka Destroyed aad Trro Nea Killed. LOUISIANA. Mo.. May 3.-The machine house, guncoibou bouse and dry to ton house of the l.imotte powder works, si lu sted two miles from Antrum n. Mo., blew up today. Charles Bernard of Sllvrrton and Henry Puis of Aahburn were" killed Slid several were Injured. The sliovk Kas felt and Ihe report heard at Louisiana, twelve m If distant. tartllBST Krldenre la dully advanced of the cumtlv. powers of Dr. King New Discovery for coughs, cold and lung disease. .V? and II. - rjt sal Ly glieriusn V McConnelL Table IVaters " - Piece Suits In the such display in all the west aa our 1U06 linn It comprises all that is new and good, in simple and convenient folding attach-' ments; some with ivory handles. WE STAHT THKM AT $2.83. '" Kxtra (iX)d One nt Sa.AO, $7.25, $8, $0.7V Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. 414-416-418 SOUTH 16TH ST. SHREVE & COMPANY 8an Francisco ' Announce that their store and factory will RESUME BUSINESS ' IMMEDIATELY , And order will be promptly filled or Jew. elry. watches, clocks, silverware ai plated ware. Customers' RKPAIR WORK on watches and Jewelry la SAVKD FROM JXli STRIX'TION IN THE FIRK which run. sumed their store and fartnrv snH u-in i. delivered aa noon a taken from their vaults. rrrrppnnaence solicited. Address FOST TRKKT AD C.HAT AVEMK, wntll farther notice. ' si i MR. CHAS. JOIUKN8EN formerly cut ter and salesman for the U. S. Tailor ing Company has atcepted a position with MacCar thy-Wilson Tailoring Co. 804-306 South loth where he will be pleased to have his friends call on him. AMUSEMENTS. oyer WOODWARD BURQEBB. G TOMORROW NIGHT ONLY The Bohemian Violinist KUBEL1K Prlcea 60c to $2.00. 8L'NDAYAND MONDAY LEW DOCKBTADERg MINSTRELS BURWD0Q cooled by Dunnuuu electric fans. THE WOODWARD STOCK CO. Tonight, Saturday Matinee and Night Double Bill - Sunset and Jane Monday night JSOth performance. Souvenir Photo of Albert Morrison. Next Week-THE CAVALIER. Price Night. Sunday Matinee, 10c, 25c. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Matinees, 10c, 20c. -. RBIOHTOrf ' 1 ' 'Pnon Douglas 4H. f ' ' MODERN VAUDEVILLE ' . ' - - Abd'el Kader' and Ids three wives. F&y tk Clark, Willy Zimmerman, World's Comedy Four, Marvelous Frank and Bob, Frank Hayes, The , Holdeworthe . and th Kino drome. Price loc. lie and 60c. ' " BIO AMATEUR SHOW SAT. NIGHT, MAY 5. SPECIAL ONE MORE BI3 WEEK STARTING SUNDAY MAY 6. A CIREAT VAUDEVILLE. SHOW. BASE BALL Omaha vs. Lincoln Viitoi Street Park May 4, 5. 6,7. Games Called 3:45 KRUQ THEATER Jic. tf-)le. ("Is Everybody Happy?") , EARNEST HOOAN. the L'nblech d Amer ican, In , RUFUS RASTUS- Pretty yirla-Funny Comedians-A' R.-a. Coon Show. Suuddy "How Baxter Butted In." First Baptist Church SATURDAY EVKNINO I Jit. MIVOR C. UALDWIN" Aiii-rlr' Uraatust 'nin;eit Oiganlal AKi(4-d by Mr. KIsirlelHifs ricliergel. Vtujliiiat Ma. lime Hot slum. A wnnj.ainat Aillllixeliiii in (Villa. 'f!!:; 'US-hi is.U'H WvWw4l.lei.V MW.ll V eat, . ;3,... w 7