Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1906, Page 10, Image 10
1CT TTIE OMAHA DAILY HEE: FRIDAY, MAY 4, lfWVl. i CURRERT LITERATURE. A new snd popular" million of 8!r Hor ace Flunfcett's Important work, "Ireland In ths New Century," hai been put on the market, ths Idea belna; to get It within the reach of the mssses that It sua-gestlons may reach the people for whoss good It la Intended. In thla work Blr Horace atrlkea at what he considers the root of the Irleh question and by hla conclusions haa arouaed a considerable atorm of controversy In Ireland. He la especially assailed by lead era of the national party and to some ex tent by the ptieeta of the Roman Catholic faith. In anawer to theae crltlca he haa appended an epilogue to the popular edi tion In which he defenda hla utterances and replies to the aeperalona of hla crltlca. Tha work Itself la one of value, being the profound convlctlona of a man, Irleh him self, who haa the deepest Interest In the people of the Inland and apparently tha moat alncere draire to aee them restored to their political and economic preatlge. Ha does not spare the pride of any or the feellnga of the politicians, but goes straight at tha facta as he finds them and dis cusses all topics plainly. It la a work that will be appreciated both by the student and the casual reader. It la published In London by John Murray and In New York by Messrs. Dutton Co. Representative of the "Indiana rronp" of writers at Its best Is the Reader for May, this being an "Indiana number" of the magaslne. Not In the sense of being a "write up" of tha state, though this la the Idea a special number generally con veye. The May Reader Is an "Indiana number" because it Is written by native Indlanlans or by those who adopted the state and were adopted by It at an age so early as to Identify their whole lives with Hooslerdom. And not alone is It the product of Indiana writers, but the Illus trators whose work appears in this number are also Hooslera who have "made good" In their more docoratlve department of literature. An added feature of great attractiveness Is the reproduction In full color of examples of the best work of four members of the "Indiana group" of artlsta. Reviewing "American Politics," In tha April-June Forum, Henry Litchfield West ahowa how It la practically impossible for any member of congress to organise a force which will stand against the all powerful Influence of the president and the speaker of the house. The May World's Work publishes under the general title of "Selling Diseased Meat," a symposium of articles that re veals startling and unhealthful conditions In the Chicago packing industry. It la not literature of exposure, or peraonal scan dal, but a description of a wretched sys tem that menacea public health. Tom Watson In an editorial In his maga slne, reviewa Upton Sinclair's book, "The Jungle," and incidentally gives socialism some hard raps; In an editorial, "What's the Constitution Between Friends V he points out the government's paternalism toward the Whisky trust and national bankers; and In "Just Campaign Lies," he again reviews the pending Georgia campaign. . Something new in the line of books has just come to our table. It is a little volume entitled "Over One Hundred Ways to Work One's Way Through College." It Is written by Shelby A. Moran of the Ann Arbor Michigan High school, and Is designed to furnish practical auggesttons to young men and women, without means, who wish to work their way through col lege or university. The presidents of over 100 of the leading colleges and uni versities in this country have ordered copies of the book, published by the Uni versity Press, Ann Arbor, Mich! Ws have heard a good deal about tha work of Governor Folk of Missouri In the various tnogaslnes recently, but until the current number of Smith's appeared we have not heard a stogie word from Folk himself. "We Are at the Beginning of a Movement for Higher Ideals" is the title of the paper which opens the magaslne. It contains the personal views of Governor Folk on our publlo policies, and is an In teresting and hopeful comment on present conditions. For a year at least magaslne publishers all over the country have been making an effort to get Folk to contribute to their pages. He represents the clean and honest publlo feeling of a large part of the community, and anything that be has to mj m public questions to of parav mouot interest. "Will the Coming Man Marry T" la s question which grrrea opportunity to Dr. Madison C. Peters, popular lecturer and pastor of the Baptist church of the Epiphany, Madison evenue. New York, for a collection of very readable papers on tha art of how to be happy though mar ried. He deplores the present tendency of women toward extravagance In dress and "gadding," and censures their better halves no leas for encouraging theae demoralising pursuits. The book Is prac tical without being tedious, and is in tended to encourage happiness by com- monsense advice to old and young;, mar ried and single. It is full of suggestions for making everyday life easy and will be an inspiration to many. Published by the John C Winston company. "Waats Not. Want Not Stories," retold by Clifton Johnson, Is Intended for the third reader grade. Thla latest addition to the Eclectic School Reading Series con tains ntne stories from Marta Kdgeworfh's "Parents' Assistant" Probably no stories ever written for children are more whole some, or have been more widely enjoyed. than those in Miss Edgeworth's book. They are dramatic, and arouse hope, fear and curiosity; they are all written with a purpose, and teach thrift and honesty. Industry and manliness. These qualities have been carefully preserved by Mr. Johnson, while in the retelling he haa eliminated the superabundance of moral islng and the preachiness which make the original book somewhat old-fashioned. American Book company la the publisher. The above books at lowest retail prices. Matthews. 121 South Fifteenth street. We'll Show You Remitter The tsit 6 cent ciar you ever smoked. Justj the proper blend of filler, binder and Su matra w r a li ps r. Looks and mokes like a la oenter. km?' i n w. w 4J An All Tobacco Sc Clear. VM. BINDERUP Manufacturer 11X2-34 St flaxy' Ave-. Omaha. Nab. i GREATER VALUES FRIDAY FOR emkiamt pay Skirl Remnants Imported Sample Lengths 7 to 10 lengths alike, enough for entire dresses or skirts, the high est class cliifTon pannnia. wool taffeta, fancy cord mohair and man 39c worsteds suitings and hundreds of the best cloths made, black, gray and all colors, at, each Many thousanda of dainty silk and wool suitings and WHlstlngs, rloths and suitings for skirts and children's dresses, black f and every fashionable llC color, at, each length Danish cloth, cream, black and colors. 6 to 15 yard lengths f)r in Annex, at, yard I WW Fine wash goods, closing out bro ken lines cream and all Mir colors, in Annex, yard " ffip French Flowered Organdies. B, 10 and 15 yard remnants, at, per yard ICJW Remnants of Laces Wash and Trimming Laces In remnants and factory ends vala, tor chons, net top, etc. In a variety of widths, ' Cm at, per yard iC"JC" 2 Embroideries and Insertings In medium widths all patterns are new and desirable new lots on bargain square 1flt at, per yard aaC- aC-IUC Remnants and odd lots of iaces and embroideries f I In basement, at, per yard . liC BASEMENT 5PE.6IAS Finest quality Mercerised Sateens, black and colors, suitable for skirls, lining purposes, etc. a very servireaDie quality and worth 35c a yard sale Friday at a yard... I2ic Remnants of Mercerized White Walsting; 40-Inch fancy Apron White Apron , made 75c Uwni, striped Dress Swiss, made 10 sen at oouDie this price Friday at yard 36-inch light and dark Dress Per s Per slrable cales, good grade, all desirable styles for house dresses aale price yard 75c 1 and R Plain and fancy striped and checked Dress Ging hams, finest quality. In long, useful lengths, yd. 85c It Vlc would 8ic Sheer India Llnona, 40-Inch Vic toria Lawns this quality would be cheap at 15c yard one at a. vard v New I .awns for waists and dresses. esses, 5c apery Biitnr up-to-date printings, big bargain for Friday at a yard 10,000 yards ' best grade Drapery Sllkollne remnants, the regular 12Hc quality, sale Friday lie vard mi Remnants of Amoskeag checked Apron Ginghams. fsncy dress Olnghams would be splendid val ues for lOo. yard sale r'rl- y j day, beginning at 1:80, J0C at a yard. t mmmm Mb YXZAEQCT) Friday 1 Boys' $5.00 Combination Suits, at $3.45 Norfolk or doublo breasted suits, with extra pair bloomer or Knlcker- r 4 n bocker pants, pure all wool material, none to be equalled f for leas than $5.00; Friday. Boys Furnishings Boys' Si tu) pons; silk shirt QQn waist hlousps -C7W Bovs' tl.OO niadrss or French ROc percale shirt waist blouses... Boys' 6oo percale 25c blouses IS THE BASEMENT Men's $7.50 and $10 Spring Suits, short lota from our reg ular suits base ment at $5 ON SALE IN TUB BASEMENT Shoes for School Boys and Girls Shoes for boys, all Box ralf or viol kid shoes for the smaller boys at 98cl.25 sollrl box fair or kangaroo calf, sixes sises 1 to i. worth 12. at 1.50 Going To Move? If so, you can aend your car pets, tugs, portieres, lace cur tains, etc., to us and we will clean them for you and deliver them to your new address Just when you are ready for them. THE PAIITORIUM New Addre, 1313 Jones tit. Tel. ltouglas-036. Remnants of Silks t.ono yards of plain weave and fancy silk remnants, are the odds and short ends left over from our recent silk sales. Main Floor Two bargain squares filled with choice lengths taf fetas, fancy suitings, peau ds Cygne, black taffeta. Radium silks, etc., worth up to $1.25 a yard, at, per yard 38c48c Basement One table of fancy foulards, peau de cupld, pongee silk, eollennes, white and colored summer silks value up f to 75c a yard, at, per j(J yard mmmr-m Plack Rustling Taffeta 20 Inches wide, perfect In every 111 way and will wear well, w i at, a yard Remnants of Linens Mill ends of fine Merceriied Table Damask, In lengths of 1H to 4 yard, worth 5nc to Too f a yard, on bargain j(J square at a yard Mill remnants good quality Union Crash Toweling, the reg- ular 5c kind, at a oC yard Drummers' sample pieces of Linen Table Damask, suit able for napkins, tray cloths, etc., at each All 1c Remnants of all kinds of Table Damask in tablecloth lengths at less than coat to Import. Odds and Ends oT FLOWERS And Foliage all kinds Roses, buds and ftarnl-A TC. ture bunch. . . lUC'swtJC ANNOUNCEMENT : A Great ' Sale of LADIES' SUITS $10 will fee Held Saturday at Brandels. SEE THE WINDOWS. a. FRIDAY WILL BE A DAY OF 1 EXTRA BARGAINS I IN H je& w 9 - a a marvwaiv m BUYS LLU1H1NU Friday's Buyers Will Sava Money on Everything. BASE BALL and BAT FREE wlUnWTT Boys' $3.50 and $4 Knee Pants Suits $1.981,000 suits in this lot, strictly all wool Scotch cheviot,, 2-piece double-breasted style, pants are reinforced, patent waist band PI Boys Clothing, in Basement Boys' fiOc all wool knee pants, OQp in basement J Boys' Brownie overalls, 22c in basement Boys' 12.50 Russian suits, ages f fCi 3 to 7. at U- IN THE BASEMENT 1,000 pairs of men's $2 and 2.f0 Pants, made of atrong Scotch cheviots in in basement at.... 1.25 Shoes for the school girl, all solid, every pair guaranteed, at 98c.L19-I.29 ,Cra All. MUUalt curb CCXST1PATIC1 C1LICUSXESS AXD HEADACHE mum auvsl taMUM TBT TWXSL tm Ms Iwim-omm imr cv. UaaiS tru. Cat. S331i pssrnSr riir.i, nu i .nmua Bsr'ifMHiB i:r m : 1 ;r:; mt nam i asasm : TJiffM 'u ls OMAHA WKATIIFH FOKKCT Frtda-. Fair Warmer. U TfftH? MM GKCEn TKACIKU RED HOT BARGAINS FRIDAY FROM THE BIG BURNS STOCK The rounding up begins Friday. Make it the biggest sales day of this unprecedented crockery event. We slash the prices more vigorously than ever. Come Friday and see. Raging bargains in high grade Chinaware, Glassware, Statuary and Bric-a-Brac. Haviland, Pouyat, Doulton, ware, Burns' prices ran up $25, down to $12, $9 and JUGS! JUGS! JUGS! U1 sorts and sizes, old fashioned, funny looking, plain and every-day-like all kinds Jugs, from 50c down f i to iUC rhese prices being but one-third of Burns' Marks. Boullion Cups Very dainty and deli Mite, thin as a bee's wing, fragile: all kinds from the best makers in the world, from dainty little thimble looking boullion cups to the big, superb -'miniature punch -bowl." Burns prices were something like these, $36 a dozen, $28 a dozen, $25 a dozen our prices go this way $36 a dozen set for $15. $15 dozen set for $6. $12 dozen set for $5. These Boullion Cups Should Sell With a Rush. CUPID AND PSYCTIF Case and all. Cupld and Tsyclie is a piece of Italian marble; wings of Cupid are as perfect as a pigeon's wing, Psyche is fall of bewitching charm. The marble is placed inside a tinge globe of glas, 18 inches high by 12 broad at t f f base Burns' price was 22 will be sold to the first III 1 1 1 1 comer Friday for. , DRY GOODS SECTION Ladies' Silk Wraps Eton Jackets, neatly trimmed, satin C O C lined, new sleeve, at $9.90, $8.95 and DJ) Ladies' Semi-Pony Coat 24 Inches long, trimmed yoke, C CI " pleated body, soft fine taffeta silk, at J,J Ladles' Full Box Silk Coats 27 inches long, pleated body, 4 f Qfl trimmed with heavy baby Irish lace, oil boiled silk, at JJ3 Ladles' Other Silk and Silk Lace Cats Elegant models in black cham pagne and cream, finest taffeta silks, lined and unllned, all over lace braids. Bilk lined and cloth of gold, prices $50, $35, f $25, $22jB0, $16.50, $15, $14.50 and ls2.?U Confirmation and Commencement Drnsses We are showing the most complete line of white dresses for girls and misses In lawn, or gandy, Brussels, plain and dotted, and fancy colored C OC organdies prices from $36 down to ...,0,J3 HOUSEKEEPERS, ATTENTION! We wish to call your special atten tion to our complete stock of house dresses, kimonos, aprons, sun bonnets, dust caps and garden gloves. We can make our price fit your purse. Come and see them. Remnant ltibbon Sale, Friday 1,000 remnants of ribbons, all widths and qualities, in 1 yard to 4 yard lengths, worth to 25c a yard sale price, a remnant UC Ladies' Hose Supporters, 10c Lisle elastic side supporters, pin top, felt protection button. In a full range of colors, worth f Hf 25c a pair Friday's sale, a pair IUC Ladies' Undervests, Sc Five gross gauze vests, fine ribbed, low f neck, no sleeves, taped bust, reg. 10c value. Friday only, each. . JC RemnantA Wool Press Goods Owing to immense sales in dress goods department for the past 2 months, we have accumulated a lot of rem nants, from 1 to 6 yards in length, all this season's make all colors, all styles on sale Friday in two lots: LOT 1 Good sold up to one dollar a yard C will go at, per yard JV LOT 2 Goods sold up to two dollars and fifty cents a yard, fl will go at, per yard ,., Very Special Remnants of cream mountain serges, suitable for skirts and jackets, not a piece In this lot worth less than Oo $1.50 yard Friday only, a yard JUC Lace and Embroidery Remnants, 5c Odd lot of fine lace and embroid ery remnants in 1 to 3 yard lengths, worth to 25c yard C Friday 10 to 11 a. m., special, a remnant '. JC Mill End Embroideries Cheaj) Friday offers a big lot of fine embroid ery edges, insertions and headings, in 4 to 7 yard lengths, C worth 10c to 25c yd., remnant price, Friday, yard, 10c, 7 He, JC Friday Bargain in Gloves Ladles' superior lisle thread gloves, 'JCf in black and white, 2 buttons sale price, Friday, pair. . : . . . &JG Cheap Sale of Neckwear Ladles' fancy lace stocks, wash stocks and fancy trimmed stocks, slightly mussed from handling, regu- lar 2 5c -value, special Friday, each ..OC Irish linen Handkerchiefs, 10c Ladles' unlaundered, hand embroid ered initial, pure Irish linen, narrow hemstitched, worth f 19c each sale price Friday, each IUC 25c Face Veilings, 5c Fine chiffon, fancy dotted veilings and plain and fancy net veilings, with or without dots, good line of colors, C worth 15c to 25c a yard Friday special, a yard JC Big Sale of Short lngths Friday All the short lengths of our new spring suitings and walstlngs, 2 4 to 9 yards in a piece, C) that sold op to 60c a yard Friday, a yard IOC 100 pieces of fine colored lawns, pretty styles f Friday, per yard JC 1,000 yards of 8-4 and 9-4 sheetings, extra heavy quality, un- 1 ft-, bleached, worth 25c and 27c yd., big lengths, Friday, yard only. IJC 1,000 yards fine bleached muslin, 36 Inches wide, worth 10c f a yard Friday at, per yard . JC Special sale Saturday of laces, neckwear and face veilings at less than half price. Friday night papers for full particulars. H BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY 1 Money-Savin j Sales Daily. Bi Sales-Small Profits. ROSE BUSH SALE, rrldsy mo rain r ws plaos oa ssJs l.Oiu KOSK til SHKa AriSuK 1 tD: 8HJCRMAN CRAWFORD, WASHING TON. JOHN KKT8. CAPRICE, MME. QABRIKU MME. GABRIEL. LC1ZKT. EACH 'MC ISC AND 1,JW COFFEE SPECIAL. TWO-THOl'SAND J-LB. CANS BEN NETT'S BREAKFAST 4Hc COFFEE, AT And SiKty Green Tradln Stamps. This Stiei'la! Ofter for Friday Ouly. TEA SPECIAL. BARKET-FIRED JAPAN, A fin. BPL.ENDIU VALU E. LU OW And Forty Green Trading; Stamps. ' a T-znr nn r4. (I X 1 I - I j J-. I II 3 STAMPS ETUI TIME GLASSWARE! GLASSWARE! Last lot stem goods will be sold Friday Wines, Liqueurs, Clarets, Champagnes, Goblets, Tumblers, etc., very finest line of Glassware yet produced Burns' price cut to shreds per dozen, $15, $10, P AA $7, $6 and eUU DINNER WARE! DINNER WARE I Sold eight magnificent sets Wednesday three before 9 a. m. Twelve sets out for sale Friday. Royal Worcester Decorated to $55, our prices 7 AA eUU w e v v Specials In Hardware Friday THB DAJTOI.EB TIB OV1 aCTsT. UTB OAS) sVAJlOB BATXl 30 IX OSSTT OAS. SPECIAL BET COOXnrO UTEST SIX.S WITH EACH OSDZ1 TO TOTES THIS WEEK. SEE THEM DEMOBTSTHATES. THE PHILADELPHIA LAWN MOWER BEST MADE if 7c from $17.50 to J. J And Double Green Trading; Stamps.' GRASS CATCHER, special. JO Friday Extra large Grass Catcher, C4 Friday '"t' Extra good Grass Shears, C for AJC And Twenty Green Trading- Stamp. RUBBER HOSE, 60 ft. lengths, com plete with spray noxxle, every piece guaranteed, at $7.60, $ 00, A 50 And Double ' Green" Trading Stamp BybEMOWBTmATIOsT OF A BMTOt BAD WOSI . JAPALAC JAPALAC fti.T vT.nni stats roa FLOOBLB, DOOMS AD ALL KIMI! Or WOODWORK. MAXES THEM LOOK kTTEJt THA SI SW. COMES IBT TaUTXJf H1TTZM EBIT COX.OKS. iiouble green trading stamps on all paints and varnishes. We Will Save You Money on Wall Paper and Paints. Cet Our Prices OT 111 THI RELJABLK STARE Remnant Day Bargain Bulletin Every Item A Specially Attractive Value Four Specially Attractive Silk Bargains Lot 1. Over 5.(100 vsrds of nlsln snd fancy silks will go at, 1Kr per yard IO" Lot 1. Remnants of hlirh frrade silks In lengths from to 6 vards. both plnin colors and fancies Frldav 1f)r only. at. yard Lot S Hnndsnme novelty silks In dots, checks and stripes great range OCr of colors, at, yard Lot 4. Plain Taffeta. Pongees and fancy Suitings worth fm 75c In si, at, lllp per yard... JJ Remnants of High Grade Wash Goods IN THE FORENOON. Ws will sell l.0liO yards of the verv finest wash g,xd made In lengths from to U yards. In Organdlns, Batiste, Carreux Linos, half silk, wash goods and other kinds too numerous to mention. Also Scotch Madrasscs, plain figured and white, white mercerized walstlngs, India Llnons, Persian Lawns Enulish long cloths, high grade Satoen linings spun glass, etc., all will go at. e jsrd. 1JV, 10c, 74u snd Another large remnant sale In the after moon. COME EARLY. Remnants of Wool Dress Goods 10.000 of wool dress goods, silk and wool etc., that sold at $1. tz and $3 yard, will go on sale, at, yard OCi 4o. 29c and. , ai Another wool afternoon. dress goods sale In the Flannel Department Remnants of 16c, double width Cara-'11 eron, dress plaids, at. yard "I Remnants of Shuc Outing Flannel. 11 at, yard OJC Remnants of 16c. best made Sllkollne, fi at, yard OC Remnants of lRc and IRc Drapery, Qir Sateens and Cretonnes, at, vard....'!' Remnants of 25c Art Ticking, ("Jl at, yard I2fc $1.00 Crocheted Bed Spreads, beautl- rul Marseilles patterns, each Other Friday Bargain Surprises $2 FINISHED SOFA PILLOWS, ONLY 76c. Made of finest satin and fitted with Silk Floss, a tremendous bargain, 71n Friday, at a JW GRANT LACE SALE. All kinds of Val, Torchon and Plat Val Wash I-aces, worth lot to 20c yard. In ylrd.1.0.1.!'.." 5C"2iC Our Friday Furnishing Bargains Are the delight of the economical buyer every week sees values brought forwari max mean iq saving vu jvu, LADIES VESTS worth 39c; high neck, long sleeves, choice 10f l'Ytday, for 1 "'w LADIES' JERSEY-RIBBED PANTS worth 39c, lace trimmed, great IvJC value, at .."- LADIES' COMBINATION SUITS worth up to $1.00, both fgular and extra S,e sises, lace-trimmed, at 60c, 39c and. ""i-'' LADIES' OACZE VEHTS-Plnks, blues and whites, silk-taped and worth up to 25c, in three lots, at 10c, 15c CZ,-, and ot Groceries, Fresh Vegetables, Fruits, Butter, Cheese and Cracker Prices At Omaha's Greatest Grocery Dept. 21 lbs best pure cane granulated sugar for , 1100 7-lb. hand picked Navy Beans 26c Bromangelon or Jello, per pkg Thic I-lb. package Corn Starch 4c 1-lb. package Macaroni 8I40 1-lb. ran fancy Alaska Salmon 9c Oil Sardines, per can 34c 1- lb cans assorted soups 5c 2- lb. cans fancy Sweet Sugar Corn 5c 2-lb cans fancy Wax or String beans. ...6c Fancy California prunes, per id oc Fancy California peaches, per lb 11c Fancy California Aprlrors. per lb 12V Fancy 8-Crown Rsislns, per pkg.... Fancy 8eeded Raisins, per pkg.. The best Soda Crackers, per lb.... Fancy sweet cookies, regular 12Vc 15c per lb. goods, this sale ..7Hc ...7Vc 6c and 10c BUTTER AND CHEESE PRICES. Fsncy New York White Full "Cream Cheese, per lb. .1214c HAVDEN BRSa The Time to THE RIGHT FIRM TO BUY YOUR BUILDING MATERIAL FROM IS e. B. havens a CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Lime, Cement. Plaster, Sand, Drick, Sewer Pipe. We handle only first quality goods. Let as make you prices. ' Tel. DongUs-817. WEDDING RINGS fKIJi.... m Tt'lJ.. Anal DU.a ... Irm..,-. .v.... fn I litany 1 It S ui u iuri v all slse and shapes lS-k. keen tha ume color all tha your wedding ring; 'till you S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER. V 1318 FANCY SOCKS We have placed on sale all of our lm ported Socks, with the newest embroideries and stripes, regular 25c and 30c values, for the balance of this week, only 15c a pair. Come early while the assortment is complete. We are showing extra good value in Summer Underwear for Ladles, Men and Children. Our prices are always right and styles correct. PICTORIAL REVIKW MAGAZINE For June is now ia ready for delivery. A big new line of Pillow Tops for 25c, all the new designs. We carry a complete line of Art Needlework. Brainard k Arm strong Embroidery Silk in all shades. Stamping done ?o order. The largest line of Yarns in the west. JOS. 323 SOUTH SIXTEENTH ST. Special Bargains Friday in Our Busy Suit Department MS Surprising Friday Bargains la the Great Domestic Room. While Madras and Piqua Walstlngs. fn , long mill lengths, suitable for waists and I children's dresses, worth up to C c yard, at yard One lot of Wide Waistlng In white, those Include Madras, NtmiHok. Uno Stripes, etc., and are worth up to 30o fr yard; as long as they last, yard Extra fine sheer India Llnon, In long mill lengths, sell regularly at 71n 15c and 19c yard, at yard W Bleached Cambric and Muslin Remnants, gond lengths, and worth tip to rfi 16c yard, nt yard U f Rlrached Nainsook and Ixuig Cloth, full v Isi-inch wide. In factory lengths, sell f 1 regularly up to :.ric yard, at yard... 1 w Rep Waistlines, In plain wnlte, 40-ln. wide, extra fine qunlltv, and worth Tlr 16o yard, al yard Soiled Centerpieces and Dresser Scarfs, all sixes In plain and hemstitched, made from art linen and sold up to $1.00 apiece, to close, at each " Unbleached Muslin, in lenstlis from J to 10 yards, extra heavy, worth Clp 8'c yard, al yard "3" Table Linen, In lengths from m to 4 yards, blenched and unbleached; these are goods from our regular stock and sold up to $1.75 a yard; some are slightly soiled; to close we will sell at H their regular price. Toweling, In all Linen and Union Rem nants; good lengths, suitable for roller towels. In llrached and un- 11 r bleached, at yard. SS 60 and " 3 I'nbleached Sheeting, in long mill lengths, extra wide and heavy, worth U lr up to 30o yard, at yard ...S' Percales. In medium and lleht colors, S5-tn. wide, long mill lengths, worth up Etlf to 15c yard, at yato J"W Batiste and I.twns, In all new shades, ex tra fine quality, long lengths, 71r worth up to 15c yard, at yard Percales, In medium, light and dark shades, extra fine grade, worth fc 15c yard, at yard Voiles and Wool Effects, In mill lens-ths, good desirable shades, sell regulsr 7 lr up to r5c yard, at yard 1"w Dress and Shirting Gingham. In medium or light colors, worth I'M: yard, at yard "w Percales and Prints, In long mill lengths. In medium and dark shades, DsC worth 6Vc yard, at yard "S" Bundle Remnants of Swiss and Batiste, In good shades, worth up to lZc' fltC yard, at yard 1 36c SILK VEILINGS, Sc. The greatest snap of the season, all purs silk Vellngs. worth up to (Ec 25c yard, choice, per yard -'w OTHER EXTRA SPECIALS. Black Darning Cotton, spool Is Gold Eye Needles, package t 1-le $1.50 Shirt Waist Patterns 4o Big Job Embroideries, yard So MEN'S BALBRIOOAN SHIRTS In all sizes, worth regularly up to 60c, tClr Friday, Ht IVW MEN'S FANCY HALF HOSE . til-, worth 25c, Fridayvat pair BJW Men's and Boys' Suspenders llf regular 25o values, at pair FROM 9 TILL 10 A. M Boys' Blouse Waists, in tine inadrssses, light IQr or dark colors, choice "irfc FROM 10 TILL 11 A. M.-Men's fancy Half Hose, light or dark colors, C limit of 6 pair to customer, at pair J Fancy Wisconsin Young America Cheese, per lb 12Vio Fancy Brick or Limburger Cheese, per lb U'a Neufchatel Cheese, each 3o Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, per lb 21a FRESH VEGETABLES AND FRUITS, ETC. Large Brazil Cncoantits, each. ......... ..3Ho Large Juicy lemons, per dos L'c 2 measures fresh roasted peanuts. .60 .61! t Duncnes iresn naaisnes... 3 bunches Asparagas 6 bunches Pie Plant 6 hunches Onions 2 heads lettuce Fresh Peas, per lb Fresh Wax or String beans, Large Cucumbers, each Fresh Ripe Tomatoes, per lb 100 6c 6n 60 60 per lb 10c. JHo loo Is Now 210 South 16th Street. vi 11 b c i 1 iir-atr j 11 -f- la the popular a;rad will f y years to come. Don't buv V see ua. Loolc for the name. J' Douglas. F. BILZ OMAHA. NEB. Build h I 9 1 ; 4 I i