Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1906, Image 1

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    Daily Bee.
Oom Into th Hm(
Best i". West
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Anthracite Men Disposed to Insist Upon
Latest Demands.
Freiident Mitchell Eiplains Heeotiation of
Scale Committee with Operators.
Proposal to Submit All . Demands to
Board of Conciliation.
If ays "trlke Feelln Has Been
Greatly latenstded by Action
of (Mate Constables at
Moaat Cnruael.
KCRANTON. Ta., May 3 Today ses
sions of the miners' trl-distrlct convention
were unprofitable except Insofar us they
revealed thHt the sentiment or practically
nil of the 600 delegates In attendance nre
for a strike. At the conclusion of the aft
ernoon session President Mitchell made a
statement. In the course of which he used
the word 'strike" for the first time since
llm present negotiations began. Here is
whnt he mild:
The sentiment seems very strong against
accepting the conditions and restricted
Arbitration schedule proposed by the oper
.ti.r. iw rnwlnr thft award of the an
thracite strike commission for a period of
three vears. The strike reeling nas oeon
Intensified by the unfortunate and uniustl
tiuKiu iHlnn nf the state constabulary at
Mount Carmel, as well as their conduct
In other parts of the coal regions since the
suspension went Into effect. Of course. It
cannot be stated positively what the vote
will be. That will not he known until
Friday afternoon or Saturday.
Mornlnsr Sesstoa Formal.
The morning session of the convention,
which was held In the main court room of
the court house, was purely formal. Pres
Ident Mitchell was loudly applauded when
he entered the room.. He was elected chair
man. After the credentials had been taken up
the convention adjourned until afternoon
At the opening of the afternoon session
Mr. Mitchell made a brief speech In lieu of
the report of the Joint scale committee,
which report had been sent to the printers
He briefly reviewed the negotiations and
mid the committee had perhapa gone even
further than It should have gone In en
riegvortng to bring about a peaceful set
tlcment of existing difficulties.
ProDoaltton, of Miners.
He told of the propositions made by both
sides, and then said:
We have offered to arbitrate all the de
niand we made upon them; or, in other
words, we have offered to arbitrate the
jlfferences between us, either through the
hoard of Conciliation, with Judge Gray as
Clialrmsn. or through the Anthracite Strike
commission. We have made the reserva
tion, however, that It must be a full com
mission, not a part ol II.
A motion to strike was not seconded and
tun a motion to go Jul, eotet-ntlve session
was made and adopted. The convention
remained In executive session untlf5 o'clock.
when an adjournment w-as taken until to
morrow morning at 10 o'clock. As far as
could be learned the discussion was purely
general. Strike talk, prevailed all through
the session.
Takes Slept to Hold Aaaeta
Bond Com pa ay la that
ST. LOUIB, May S. Application was made
In the circuit court Inst night for the ap
pointment of a receiver for the American
Reserve Bond company In Missouri to pre
vent the Missouri assets of the company
from falling Into the hands of the Western
Trust and Savings bank of Chicago, which
was yesterday appointed receiver for the
company by the federal court In Chicago,
Clarence T. Caae, St Louts attorney for
the company, who made an answer to the
application, entered the appearance of the
company and consented to the appolntmen
of a receiver, said today that the reason
for the action waa to preserve the assets
of the company in Missouri to the Missouri
CH1CAOO. May . Fifty more complain
ants entered today into the attack upon the
American Reserve Bond company in the
I'nlted States circuit court. Judge Bethea
allowed them to file an Intervening peti
tlon. Their claims against the company
aggregate $30,000.
After granting the filing of the petition
the court ordered that the bond of the
Western Trust and Savings bank
which Is acting as receiver, be Increased
from litf.ono to 1250.000. The Increase in the
bond was ordered because of the dl
covery that the bond company haa tX.uoO
on deporslt In a local hank, and securities
valued at $300,000 In a aafety deposit vault
. In this city.
It waa declared In court today by the
receiver that In addition to the aaseat
held In this city, the company haa S?3.000
, deposited with state officials in Kentucky
and $1,200,000 In Missouri.
Memorial for Founder of Notre Dane
Intveralty I n veiled with Elab
orate Ceremonies.
NOTRE DAM EX Ind.. May 8. The statue
erected In honor of Father Sorin, founder
of Notre Dame university, was unveiled
The remains of Father Badln were re
moved from beneath the altar of Sacred
Heart church, where they have rested since
being brought here from Cincinnati a few
years o, and relnterred with great cere
mony. Father Badin was the first priest
to receive holy orders In the I'nlted States
and came here a the forerunner of Father
Bishop Alderllng of Fort Wayne con
ducted pontifical high masa and Arch
bishop J. J. Keene of Dubuqe preached the
sermon. Rev. John Cavanaugh, the uni
versity priest, made the unveiling addreaa.
Montana Maa Sara Ha Will Ga
Hoame ta Devote Time to
BUTTE, Mont., May I. In a aigned state
ment appearing today In the Butte Mi.ier,
Ma own paper. Senator W. A. Clark of
Montana announces that he is not a can
didate for re-election to the I'niled Slates
aeriate. He says he will return to Mon
tana to operate his Interests at the clo of
tl. pre nt term.
Secret Mettla f Delegates Held, bat
Coarse of Artloa Sot Am.
PARIS. May . The strike has ceased to
present any general menace and Is now
confined to scattered agitations Iti several
industries. Attention Is now diverted to
the election s to the Chamber of Deputies,
which will be held next Sunday. These
afford additional reasons for the use of
precaution, as the authorltlea do not wish
he contest to be complicated by failure
to maintain order.
A representative of the Associated Press
today visited the headquarters of the con
federation of labor and found It virtually
deserted. M. Delsalle, the acting secretary.
"French labor movements are entirely
different from American. Yours ate com
pletely centralised and organised, whereas
with us the dependence la almost entirely
on the Individual. This morning all our
mail and telegrams were stopped by orders
of the government. Therefore. I am unable
o state how far our branches are con
tinuing the strike. I only know that about
130 delegates, representing a large number of
trades, held a secret meeting last night
and adopted a manifesto, which will appear
In the Vols du Peuple tomorrow, denounc
ing the arrests and the efforts to suppress
the movement."
The center of .the city is entirely normal.
but detachm " of troops continue to oc
cupy strat -? itions. The basement of
the bourse . r.fS .. Ned by a squad of sol
diers and thevjs.. .1. Is In charge of other
... . v. 1 1 i - 1 t V. 1 1 . n . .1 -
are also scattc . -ough the suburbs
and others are s at street corners.
at Passy and ot. dentlal quarters,
as a precaution agi. appearance of
. , . , . ...
scanerea Danns or j ne tatter,
however, are relative. The minor
disorders reported are to the out
lying factory districts.
Representatives of various trades met at
the Labor exchange during the day and
resolved to continue the strike, but there
was no disorder. The resumption of work
Is general in the mining districts.
A number of automobile factories In the
suburbs have locked out their machinists
owing to their continued demands for re
duced hours. Several thousand men are
Raaaian Deal and Companion Seri
ously Woanded la Explosion
Sear Parla.
PARIS, May 3. A bomb explosion oc
curred In the forest of Vlncennes this aft
ernoon, killing a Russian named Strlga and
dangerously wdundlng a companion named
Sokoloff. Tlw two men were proceeding
through the woods, each carrying a bomb,
with the evident purpose of hiding them
for future use. While so doing the bomb
which Strlga carried exploded, killing him
Instantly. Sokoloff was struck by frag
ments of the bomb and fearfully lacerated.
The police found a revolver In Striga's
Strlga and Sokoloff both were students
of the School of Mines and.mcbres of the
Runalan students' union. They also be
longed to the revolutionary sewfery. Nf lMvr
of- the men- haa figured in' the police reg
isters of suspected foreigners.
The residences of. Russian revolutionist
have been searched, leading to the discov
ery of alleged Incriminatory documents.
Two cousins of Sokoloff were arrested.
The authorities have been aware for
some weeks that secret meetings were be
ing held, and believe that today's occur
rence will lead to the speedy clearing up
of a mystery.
The authorities this evening exploded the
other bomb. Its effect was felt for 200
yards, destroying many trees. The bombs
were of the shape of a pine cone, exactly
similar to the one thrown against King
Alfonso and President Ixiubet In Paris,
May 31, 105.
Movement Against Ladrones.
MANILiA, May 3. Next week a force of
constabulary, acting In conjunction with
Governor Juan Schalck of the province of
Cavlte, will begin a movement to capture
Montalon and his band of outlaws now lo
cated south of the Taal volcano. The au
thorities predict that It will be Impossible
for the bandits and their leader to escape
on this occasion.
Gift from Emperor.
BERLIN, May 8. The emperor today
sent Chancellor von Buelow a porcelain
vase as a birthday present and called per
sonally during the afternoon to congratu
late the chancellor on attaining his fifty
seventh year. The official, social and diplo
matic world made the day the occasion for
shpwlng Von Buelow the esteem in which
he is held.
Effect of Mima of Wedaraday Is Still
Felt on 'Change
NEW YORK, May 8. The stock msrket
today showed Itself In a rather nervous
and unsettled frame of mind after the
experience of yesterday's commotion. The
moderate gains at the opening were not
extended and it became evident very soon
that there was no large buying demand
to extend yesterdays recoveries. Some
of the prominent speculative stocks were
"ij univjiij aran in ana suggested a
renewal of liquidation. Before the end
of the firat hour there waa a aharp break
all around, led by Reading, which dropped
suddenly to 11! V. which is within '4 of
tne low price yeaterday. There waa
iki I" iiuniurr vi uuirr aeeiinea running
from 1 to IV in sympathy, prompt up-
port met the break In Heading and lta
rally to lit checked the decline else
where. The tone of the market, however,
continued feverish.
Two Important Conclusions Beached
by Conlereea la Regard to
. Prospective States.
WASHINGTON, May 8. Two Important
eoncluslnna were reached by the statehood
conferees today. One settles the school
lands question and the other makes the
present reglatratlon districts temporary
couoitea for the purpoae of court Jurisdic
tion during the formation of the new atata
and the erection of permanent county
A to the school lands, the Warren
amendment voted on by the aenate pro
vided that where school lands were found
to be mineral lands, lieu selections should
be msd. The substitute agreed upon pro
vided in substance that the state may lease
lta mineral school lands and shall thua not
be deprived of their greater value. Ef
forta were made to get dally sessions of
the conference commute but objection
upon the part of the senate conferees pre
watd such un arrangment.
General Discussion Closes with Speeches by
Tillman, Baoon, Bailey and Foraker.
oath Carolina senator Cltea a
Xasaher of Cases of Misconduct
f Members of the Lower
WASHINGTON'. May $. This was the ktst
day far general ahnt la the senate en tba
railroad rate bill and It' was fully occu
pied. Following a brief speech by Mr. Nel
son. Mr. Tlllmar. rpoke at length In an
effort to show by criticism of individual
Judges that tne power of granting tem
porary Injunctions by Inferior I'nlted States
courts should be taken from them In Inter
state Commerce commission casea and he
was followed by Messrs. Bacon, Bailey,
Teller and Foraker in speeches of some
Mr. Tillman's speech consisted mainly of
quotations reflecting upon the conduct of
federal Judges in different parts of the
country. While he was speaking he en
gaged In controversy with Mr. Spooner, In
which the Wisconsin senator characterised
his adversary's reference to him as "In
decent" and during which Mr. Tillman or
dered Mr. Spooner to take his seat.
Mr. Bacon criticised the course of Mr.
Tillman as calculated to produce a false
Impression on the country and was In
turn censurrd by Mr. Bailey, who held that
while the office of Judge la entitled to the
greatest respect, there should be no rev
erence for Judges as men.
The army appropriation bill carrying an
appropriation of about $74,000,000 was passed.
When the senate met today Mr. Tillman
again asked for the postponement of his
resolution for the investigation of the
eviction of Mrs. Minor Morris from the
White House last winter. He asked that
the measure lie on the table until such
time as he might desire to take it up.
Tlllmas Criticises Judaea.
The rallrond rate hill was then laid be
fore the senate and Mr. Nelson addressed
the senate In opposition of Mr. Bailey's
amendment fleprivlng Inferior I'nlted
States courts of the power of suspending
orders of the Interstate Commerce commis
sion. Mr. Tillman rose to express regret that
the country's faith In federal courts was
not firm. He referred to the division of
the supreme court on the income tax cases,
saying in that case one1 of the Judges had
changed his mind. "Thus," he said, "the
practice of a century was reversed and the
country submitted merely because of the
plea that the highest court of the country
must be sustained."
He could not accept the view that there
was anything holy about a Judge, "and
when we see how the highest Judges dif
fer or change their minds possibly because
something gets the matter with their stom
achs or they sleep badly. f we cannot be
blamed If we conclude that they are not
He therefore saw no reason why a non
snspennlon provision should not be "tried
on." He also cited other cases 4n other
courts Intended to show that some judges
are "not only Infallible, but not incor
Case of Jadie McPheraoa.
The first of the references was made to
Judge Smith McPheraon of Iowa, who was
reported In an article In the New York
World of March 30 last of having rppearcd
t a banquet to Governor Cummins at
Council Bluffs in such a condition es "not
to be able to stand up without dinging to
the table."
Mr. Carter defended Judge McPherson
as a man of great learning and of probity
of character.
If, in participating in the banquet he
had entered Into the spirit of the occasion.
he had merely shown himself as a good
fellow. He criticised the course of the
man who had given out the occurrences
at a banquet. He had' never heard anyone
Intimate that Judge McPheraou was guilty
of an excess In the use of intoxicating
Mr. Dolllver and Mr. Perkins also de
fended Judge McPherson, Mr. Perkins de
claring that, having hoarded ot the same
hotel with Judge McPherson for four years,
he knew him to be a teetotaller.
Mr. Dolllver said that the Judge had
never been charged with a want of Judicial
Jnnket to Tamplco.
Mr. Tillman next referred t a pleasure
trip to Tamplco given by three Kansas
railroads to Federal Judges McPherson,
Phillips and Pollock. The uccount waa
condensed from the Kansas City papers
and showed that the Judges had been trans
ported in a special car and w.-re
panled by the general solicitors of Iho
railroads giving the excursion. Mr. Till
man said that Judge Phillips had been es
pecially commended by the president In
connection .with the Paul Mortjn tase and
he contrasted the president's course in
this case with his course in criticising
Judge Humphrey in the beef packers'
case. He would have Judges keep Them
selves above suspicion, like Caesar wou'd
have had his wife. He would have them
in such position that they wouitl not be
subject to the reflections of any "dirty
newspaper reporter."
The South Carolina senator also called
attention to a railroad case at Sherman,
Tex., in which he declared Circuit Judge
McCormick had declined for six years to
allow an unprejudiced judge to sit. He
said that the matter had been brought
to the attention of congress by the peti
tion and declared that with such a Judge
sitting in a given case complainants would
have to "whistle for relief." He 'would
stop Judicial tyrants from denying justice.
Challenge Provokes Spooner.
He next asked attention to the Northern
Pacific railroad receivership, in which
Judge Jenkins of the Seventh circuit flg
urvd In 1893 and in which an Injunction
against strikers waa granted. Comment
ing on three facts, Mr. Tillman aald that
Mr. Jeuklne had recently retired; "there
fore." he added, "he can do no more devil
ment like this."
"I believe it haa come to be conaidered
good law to issue injunctions against
strikers," said Mr. Tillman, and added
"if It is not the senator from Wisconsin
4Mr. Spooner) will correct."
The manner of this appeal to him evi
dently angered Mr. Spooner. He rose and
replied sharply, saying:
"The senator from South Carolina for
gets what is decent when he challenges
me in that way."
Senator Tillman, when the tiff between
him and Mr. Spooner had drawn to
harmless close, returned to his stricture
on certain federal Judges.
tCdltor laaprleoaed for t'ontrm pt.
lis conaidered the caae of Editor Jaw
phus Daniels of the Raleigh (N. C ) Newa
and Observer, who. he said, had been
ICuaUuued va Second Page.)
Atlomer (ieirral to Look lato
Alleged llleaal Relations f OH
aad Railway torn pan lea.
WASHINGTON. May 1 The statement
was authoritatively made that tlie De
partment of Justice will Immediately begin
an investigation of the so-ca'.ltd Oil trust
and a number of railroads with a view of
determining whether there have been vio
lations of the anti-rebate law.
The basis for this Investigation will be
the Information recently submitted to the
president in a report or CommiMSioner Gar
field of the burer u of corpoiations. which
Is soon to be made public. This report, it
Is learned, deals only with the subject of
tebates and does not go Into the questions
of the anti-trust law.
If it Is found thet rebates have been
given by the r'ailtoads and accepted by the
so-called Oil trust, steps will be at once
taken, it is asserted, to bring the matter
before the grand Juries In the localities
where the all-ged violations took place,
with a view to proU cutlons In the courts.
It is not thought that the Department ot
Justice in conducting I' a Inquiries will re
quire the service of any one outside of
the department proper,- and the I'nlted
States attorneys and other officers under
Its Immediate direction.
It Is stated that Mr. Garfield In con
ducting his Investigation traveled exten
sively and visited all Important sections
covered by the operations of the so-called
Oil trust, from New England to California,
and the south, and that the evidence oba
talned Is amply sufficient to warrant the
Department of Justice In taking the course
decided upon.
Former Commissioner Williams Talk
oa Srecsslty V of F'.xrlndlna
Paaperaand Criminals.
NEW YORK. May 3 The distribution of
iuimigtants was the subject of the general
meeting of the American Social Science as
sociation today. Former Immigration Com
missioner William Williams spoke on "The
Sifting of Immigrants." Ho said there Is
need of a secret service attached to the
Immigration bureau for the purpose of get
ting accurate Information for the exclu
sion of pauper immljrants. The expense
of such a bureau, be said, could be met
by an Increase of head tax on the Immi
grants. Prescott F. Hall of Boston, author of
immigration treatises, said the foreign born
population furnished more than twice its
normal proportion of Inmates of the Insane
asylums and charitable Institutions of the
country and the alien population had nearly
ten times Its normal proportion. According
to Mr. Hull foreign whites are once and a
half as criminal as the native whites of
native parents and the children of Immi
grants are three times as criminal as the
native element and twice as criminal as the
Immigrants themselves. In the Juvenile
offenders the foreign whites are three times
as criminal as the native whites of native
parentage, and the second generation three
nnd a half times as criminal.
Tht most far-reaching evil of immigra
tion. Mr. Hall said. Ja its effect In dinalnlxb
Ing -the native hlifh rate.' - .
Creditors of I,ate President's Brother
Will Receive Little Moaey
from Court.
SOMERSET, Pa.. May 3. George B.
Somervllle, auditor of the estate of Abner
McKlnley, brother of the lato President
McKlnley, held a hearing in the court
house here today relative to the excep
tions filed against the account of Mrs.
Annie E. McKlnley, executrix. Attorney
John R. Scott of Somerset, who repre
sents several creditors, petitioned the
auditor to issue a subpoena for Mrs. Mc
Klnley, who Is at Tampa. Fla., alleging
that she has been there ever since the
filing of her account to evade exceptions.
He also alleged that the McKlnley plac,
which was sold at an orphans' court sale
to Mrs. Hermanns Ij. Baer, for $18,000
last fall, was, during the life of Abner
McKlnley, furnished elaborately; that the
furniture was spirited away under cover
of darkness prior to the sale and that
at the time of the sale there was scarcely
enough personal property in the house to
fill an ordinary car.
The McKlnley estate has been known to
be insolvent for some time, but today it
developed that on action of Dr. Herman
Baer, a son-in-law of Abner .McKtnley,
for 11,000 for medical services during
McKlnley's last illness. $76 was allowed,
indicating that the estate can pay only
Hi per cent on the dollar.
Former President of St. I.onta Mer
chants' Kxrhanare Stricken While
Watching Stock Board.
ST. IOt'IS, May 3 Corwln H. Spencer, a
leading grain treader, capitalist, vice presi
dent of the World's fair and former presi
dent of the Merchants' exchange, collapsed
thla afternoon while watching the stock
quotation board at the Planters' hotel and
died soon afterward.
Mr. Spencer was sitting In a chair watch
ing the beard when he suddenly lurched for
ward and collapsed. His son, Harlow B.
Spencer, and former partner, Thomas Akin,
at the Merchants' exchange, a block dis
tant, were summoned and upon their in
quiry replied that he had eaten pickled
pigs' feet for lunch and waa suffering from
cramp. He grew worse rapidly and was
carried on a cot to a room In the hotel
and a physician was sent for. Mr. Spencer's
wife and daughter were called and were
with htm when he died. He suffered great
The attack was at first diagnosed as acute
indigestion, but a later diagnosis showed
that death waa caused by uraemio poison
Amendments to Rate Bill Prepared by
Cosasulaalon Will Not Be
Presented Now.
WASHINGTON. May J.-Senator Tillman
haa postponed certain amendments to sec
tion t of the railroad rale bill, prepared at
his request by tha Interatate commerce
committee to correct certain alleged in
consistencies in the pending measure con
cerning the publication of all rates, whether
individual or joint.
The amendments proposed will include !n
the publication all terminal charges, storage
charges and all special privileges or facili
ties granted or allowed. The amendments
will have the effect of placing the filing
and publication of all schedules on the
same footing and make such schedulea in
clude all rates, privileges er facilities.
Census Bureau Has Anticipated Petition of
Nebraska Women's Clubs,
Two Chanaea Proposed to Homestead
Lav o Far aa it Apvllra to
l.anda In Districts I nder
From a Staff Correspondent.)
AVA8HINGTON. May 3. tSpecht! Tele
gram.) The members of the Nebraska dele
gation have received a petition from the
Nebraska Federation of Woman's Clubs
asking for an official Investigation of the
Industrial conditions of women and children
in the I'nlted States and making an ap
propriation for such Investigation. Senator
r.urkelt has taken a great Interest In this
question, looking to the amelioration ami
betterment of the conditions of women and
children who are compelled to work, and
Is the first of the Nebraska delegation to
reply to the petition. Toduy he had a
conference with the director of the census
and learned that the census bureau hnd
In preparatl"ti a bulletin made up from
the population and manufacturing censuses
of 1900 and liS to be entitled "Women nnd
Children in Gainful Occupations." This
bulletin Is to cover a broad field, not only
a classification by races and nativity of
both women and children, but will show
data In regard to families which have chil
dren engaged In occupations. It will nlxo
show the number of native white children,
native white born of native parents and
native white born of foreign parents, negro
and other classes of children In each of the
occurittlons. As to women, It will show
those engaged In each of the princlpHl
occupations, how many are living with their
family, how many are boarding, how ninny
are heads of their family and how many
arc chief bread winners, whether married
or unmarried. In addition to th's, ditUi
will be collected as to the wages of women
and children In the manufacturing indus
tries, their earnings as compared with those
of men under similar circumstances, and
with further relation to an International
comparison of statistics.
Change In Irrigation Lin.
The house committee on Irrigation of
arid lands today reported favorably a hill
Introduced by Representative Mondell of
Wyoming which provides for a further sub
division . of homestead entries under the
reclamation act of June 17, 1002. If the
Mondell bill becomes a law a homesteader
may. In the discretion of the secretary of
the interior, enter and establish farm units
of not less than ten acres nor more than
190 acres. Cnder the existing law a home
steader may take up a minimum of forty
Since the passage of the reclamation act
in 1902 It has developed that on some of
the lands to be irrlgnted. partictd.-irly those
In the fruit and truck larminj districts,
less tl an forty acres Is neces:irv for the
support of a family, and experience haa
demonstrated that the averago farmer Is
more prosperous on a s .mi 1 1 than on a
large Irrigated farm. In view of Ihis con
dition, -of afMrs K was thoutfht-wise to
reduce to teh acres the minimum ontry
which may be allowed.
Another Proposed Change.
In the construction of trritrition wo-ax,
like the Pathfinder project. It Is neoesary
at times to acquire land held find claimed
under the government lunJ l.'.wa. The of
ficers of tho reclamation service believe
Oi at in many instances the government
could secure a relinquishment of land so
held and claimed under ttv land lows
much more readily and for less compcnsi
tlon If the party would not
lose his entry right by suci illni'jih
ment. In view of this condition it seems
entirely proper that where p. settler re
linquishes to the government for purposes
of irrigation or reclamation the Hnd which
he claims under the general law, he
should be given another otpoitunity to
make entry under the ssme law.
Minor Matters at Capital.
Senator Burkett today Introduced a bill
to Increase the pension of Isaiah Dw Pity,
Louisville, Neb., to H0 per month.
C. P. Newman of Wahoo, Neb., arrived
in Washington today from Philadelphia
and Baltimore. Mr. Hlnshaw will present
Mr. Newman to the president tomorrow.
Rural route No. 4 has been ordered es
tablished, June 15. st Pierce, Pierce county,
Nebraska, serving 430 people and eighty
six houses.
Congressman Kennedy has secured an
increase in penlnn to 110 tor !awrence
Michaels of Omaha and an Increase to 8)17
for Warren H. Norton of Kearney.
Congressman Hlnshaw has iecured an
increase of pension to $10 for Thomus H.
Klassy of Osceola and an Increase to V for
Norton H. Powling of Beaver Crossing.
People of 7-lon City Refuse to Attend
Meetings Called by Former
CHICAGO, May 3. John Alexander Dowle
is making little If any headway in regain
ing a foothold among the people of Zlon.
The "first apostle" has been In Zlon for
three days and has held meetings In Shiloh
tabernacle, but the "faithful" are still
loyal to their new leader, Vollva, and do
not respond to Powle's calls for reinstate
ment In their favor.
Dowle'a third meeting since his return
from Mexico was held in the tabernacle
tonight. Less than 300 Zionists attended the
meeting, the remainder of the inhabitants
of the city keeping away, In obedience to
the wishes of Vollva.
Dowle's discourse was on the line of his
two other speeches. He denied charges
made against him. Dowle's health seems
to be Improving, as he walked about the
platform while addressing the meeting tonight.
Practically No Freight Boats Are
Learlag l.ake Erie
Bl'FFALO. May 3 The vessel tleup here
Is almost complete tonight. The firemen
struck on four nf the six vessels which ar
rived today from upper lake ports. Tha
officials of the various package freight
lines are making no efforts to get their
boats away with nonunion crews and they
announced today that the boats were to he
laid up as faat as they make port. No
grain la being unloaded.
ERIE. Pa., May 3. More than l'U boats
are expected to be at anchor here before
Sunday on account of the 'longshoremen's
atrike. The number of 'kingthoremen af
fected here la about 1,000 and more than
half of the railroad crewa on tba Pennsyl
vania lint have been laid aft.
Fair aA Cooler Friday. atarrtny
Fair and Warmer.
Trmneratare nt Omaha Aeslerdnti
Hoar. ' Den. Hanr. Ilea.
ft a. m...... til 1 p. m TT
la. m nt II p. m Tn
7 a. m ft I 11. in H
f. a. m a 1 4 p. m ..... . "
W a. m IN) K 11, m
to a. m...... t A p. m TO
1 1 a. m M T w. m TT
IS ra T4 p. in T;t
ft p. m T!l
Many Cltlsena Gather to Pay last
Trlhate to Klstlnanlshed
A large and representative gathering of
citizens of Omaha and various parts of
the state assembled Thursday afternoon
to offer last respects to the memory nf
ex-Governor James K. Boyd, who died
Monday afternoon at the family residence,
1918 Davenport street, a few weeks after
his return from Texas. From 10 o'clock j
In the morning the body reposed In state j
In the west parlor of the home. Many I
called (luring the day to view the familiar)
face of the former governor, while tliosn
who attended the service were lesion and
closely Identified with the growth of the.
city and state.
At 2 o'clock Rev. John Williams, rector
of St. Barnnbas church, conducted the
simple Kplscopal burial rites, which did
not Include a sermon. The occasion was
made further Impressive by the soft
strains of "Lead, Kindly Light." "There
Is a Green Hill Far Away." and "Tarry
With Me, Oh My Savior." The hymns
were sung by a quartet consisting of W.
8. McCune, Fred G. Kills, R. K. Sunder
land and G. W. Manchester.
Among the prominent out-of-town per
sonages were: Governor J. H. Mickey. ex
Governor Crounse, Calhoun; Captain J. K.
North, Columbus, and General Culver. Lin
coln. Flnloy and George Ilurch. pioneer
residents of Sarpy county, were also pres
ent. Of the late ex-governor's relatives at
the funeral were Thomas F. Boyd, a
brother; J. Boyd of St. Louis, son. and
James and Thomas McDonald of North
Platte, nephews.
The funeral cortege to Prospect Hill cem
etery was a long one. At the grave Rev.
Mr. Williams read the final rites.
The floral tributes, attesting the respect
with which ex-Governor Boyd was held
by his many friends and associates, were
as profuse as they were beautiful. The
water company sent a large bunch of
American beauty roses; members of the
Mystic Shrine sent an emblem in colors;
a Maltese cross was received from the
Knights Templar and tributes were also
received from the Royal Arch Masons,
F. Iks, State Insurance company. Wood
ward aV Burgess of the Boyd theater and
from numerous Jndlvlduals. Telegrams, In
cluding one from Senator Millard, were
received at the home.
The active pallbearers were: Isaac. E.
Congdon. Warren Swltxler. James L. Pax
ton, J. M. Baldrlge. E. P. Peck, Charles
W. Hull, 8. D. Barkalow and Charles
Saunders. The honorary pallbearers were
Dr. George L. Miller, Judge E. Wakeley,
Count John A. Crelghton, W. A. Paxton,
G. W. Llninger; John C. Cowin. M. T. Bar
low and' Oewrga VvV Holdrvga, . 1
New York fiangr Made Ltvln by Killing-
Horses for Boalnras
NEW YORK. May 3 The alleged leader
of a gang that. It is charged, haa poisoned
over 1,000 horses in Greater New York dur
ing the last five years was sentenced yes
terday to serve a year In the penitentiary.
He was Samuel Geller, 30 years old, of
Brooklyn. Geller was charged with having
poisoned seven horses hy giving them ar
senic. When the caae was closed Super
intendent Charles H. Hanklnson of the
Society for tha Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals, told the court that Geller's con
viction was one of the greatest victories in
the interest of dumb animals of which ho
ever knew. He said:
"Geller hae been the head of a gang that
has wilfully destroyed hundreds and hun
dreds of horses during the last five years.
The members of the gang hire out to rival
business men and by administering arsenic
to the horses of one or the other reap a
rich harvest. The torturea the poor beasts
suffer in being thus put to death is in
Head of Defunct Bank Bound Over
to Await Grand Jury's
CHICAGO, May 8. John R. Walsh,
former president of the defunct Chicago
National bank, was today held to the fed
eral grand Jury In bonds of $M,000 by United
States Commissioner Foots. When Mr.
Walsh appeared before the commissioner.
Assistant I'nlted Ststes District Attorney
Childa said that the government waa ready
for the hearing. Attorney Ritscher, for
Mr. Walsh, said that Inasmuch as the fed
eral officers had not yet concluded their
Investigation of the statement of facts
submitted soma time ago by Mr. Walsh,
and Inasmuch as tha federal grand jury will
go into session May IB. he believed it best
for the Interests of his client that he
waive examination.
Commissioner Foote then said that he
could do nothing else than hold Mr. Waish
to the grand Jury, which was done, the
bonds being fixed at 860,000. The bonds
were at oniie furnished by Mr. Walsh.
Plana Formulated to Provide Perma
nent Evangelists for Work
la Chicago.
CHICAGO, May 8. Today's session of the
semi-annual meeting of the Board of
Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal church
was held behind closed doors, and with the
exception of a report by Bishop Isiah B
Scott of Monrovia, Africa, none of the
proceedings was made public. Bishop 6cott
stated that everywhere in Africa great
progress was being made.
At the conclusion of the session the
bishops attended a banquet given by the
Chicago Methodist Social union and a mass
meeting at the Auditorium at which 'j0
people were present. Governor Hanley of
Indiana presided and made the opening
Plans were formulated whereby perma
nent evangelists will be provided for Chi
cago. Arrangements were made to raise
32S.QUU by subscription to defray the ex
penses of these workers.
Warships la New York.
NEW YORK. May 3 The first dixlsloii
or the Atlantic fleet, consisting of Hi
Maine. Missouri, Kearsarge and Kentucky
arrived here today Irviu Uuamanaiuo,
Work of Eemofint: Debris from Ean Fran
cisco Streets Becipi in Earnest.
Police Arrange tj Send All Idlon to the
Chain Gas a: as Vagrant.
Deposits at All Institution Qraatlj
Ixceed Withdrawals.
General t.rrely Warns the Flna
Committee that End of Avail
able supply of Fond
Is ar.
SAN FRANCISCO. May S.-No plan has
yet hern decided upon for securing funds
for the. restoration of the city. Although
various schemes, some of them apparently
feasible, have been submitted for the gen
eral committee, none of them has yet been
given even the semblance of official en
dorsement and the local financiers continue
to worry over the problem, hopeful that
the early future lll produce a solution
that will relieve San Francisco from Its
great burden of municipal and Individual
distress. Each day ot the assembling of
the general and llnance committees the
subject has been up for discussion, but
those bodies are conservative and cautious
and it Is probable that several of lln
great financial centers of the world will be
consulted before any definite position is
Other than an early morning fire that
threatened the safety of the several hun
dred patients In the Presidio hospital today
passed without special Incident.
Itemovlna the Debris.
The gigantic task of cleaning up the
great ruined district was commenced today
on broader lines. The curtailment of the
relief list, together with the decision of
the police to arrest as vagrants all able
bodied men without visible means of sup
port who refuse to work, has had the
effect of removing many idlers from the
streets, and added materially to the
strength of the army engaged in municipal
The lurger railroads hava mado good
progress In running spur tracks into the
burned sections and next week will begin
to remove ull useless msterlal which will
be used in other parts ot the county for
filling and grading. Although the water
supply in the ruined part of the city is in
creasing dally, there Is not yet an adequate
flow to use in case of fire, and all cooking
Is still carried on in the streets.
Banks Reanme Itnslaeso.
All banks resumed business today and
all reported that deposits exceeded with
drawals. The resumption , of retail busi
ness grows as each day passes. Tha com
mittee having this matter in charge re
ports that. 800. retailers are now operating
In new quarter. Most of, the larger
stores have commenced to pick up the end
of their shattered trade and are Installed
In tho residence section.
City Engineer Woodward today submit
ted a comprehensive plan for the rebuild
ing of the city. It Included' the broaden
ing and extension of many streets, the pur
pose being to Insure better protection
against the spread of fire as well as to
beautify the city. In this connection
, Mayor Schmlts has advised against enter
taining any extravagant ideas ot the beau-
tiflcatlon of the new city. He estimated
that the replacement of ruined municipal
buildings, including school and fire houses,
would alone cost 8100,000,000.
Food "apply RubuIbbT Low.
General Greely gave warning to the
finance committee of the cttlsens' relief
committee this afternoon that he had only
eleven days' rations on hand, that the
army could not furnish an ounce of food
beyond that already purchased or in sight
and that the feeding of the people Is a
problem which demands Immediate atten
tion. After considerable discussion the
committee decided to have a summing up
of resources and needs tomorrow. Follow
ing this it is possible that an appeal for
supplies will be made to the country at
Fire at Presidio Hospital.
A fire which threatened the destruction
ot the general hospital at the Presidio, In
which were over 700 patients, broke out
at 1:18 o'clock this morning in the hospital
laundry. A general alarm waa sounded, and
besides the regular post fire organisation
hundreds of soldiers turned out to fight
the flames. The laundry building and con
tents were totally destroyed, but by tre
mendous efforts the fire was confined to
that building.
The medical department .of the regular
army has been putting Into practice the
experience gained In the camps established
on the Atlantic coast during tha Spanish
American war. f -Surgeons
and assistants who attended
the dying and tha sick when typhoid fever
and other maladies decimated the regiment
in camp have been safeguarding tha health
of San Franclsco'a stricken thousands ever
since the earthquake and sanitary regula
tions have been provided In accordance
with the bitter lessons taught during that
period. Aa a part ot tha general system
of army relief there haa been established
on a level lawn south of tha music stand
In Golden Gate park a complete regi
mental field hospital, probably tha first
that haa ever been erected In thla city.
Kew Hospital Ample.
A detail ot 100 men, under command ot
Captain II. H. Lw Gilchrist, constitutes the
administrative force and tha hospital now
has a capacity of 8u0 patients, although but
eighty have been received to date. A con
signment of odorless excavator trdugha,
which are pronounced the highest type ot
sanitary convenience, have been received.
The system will be Installed at once.
Every effort Is being made by tha health
commission to concentrate the hospital
work at as few points as postlbl and as
rapidly as the patient from the smaller
en ergeniy hospitals can be made com
fortable at the larger ones the small one
are being abolished. There la a doubl
purpoae, concentrating the work and at
the name time permitting score of phy
sicians who until now have been giving
all their time and attention to this work to
give some thought to their own Interests.
Twenty-six of the drug stores In tha dis
trict not wiped out by fire war decided
upon yesterday by tha health commission
a location for free dlspenaaries. Within
three day at the most each of these store
will be supplied with drugs and will be
placed In charge of competent druggists.
Tlia auppllea will be secured from the main
drug supply ststlon at the Presidio and at
any un ot the , UDoriea U will . be