Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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Office, 10 Pearl
ClarVs sodas.
Dsvla aetta drug.
Btockert sells carpet.
Ed Rogers'. Tony Fauat beer.
Dumbing and heating. BLiby A Bon.
tra. Woodbury. dentists, JO Pearl street
Woodring Undertaking Company. Tel. K
Lewis Cutler, f unera' director. 'Phona 17.
Diamonds aa an Investment. Talk ta
I-ffprt about It.
Pyrography outfits and supplies. C. E.
xander, 331 B way.
Kvery sark of Big A flour contaJna forty
eight pound Itrst quality.
Huy your building material from C. Hater.
Biff stock and Utile prices.
Mr. K. C. Lougee of Oakland avenue Will
leave today for a visit in Paris, Cal.
For Imported wines, Uqunra ana cham
pagne, L. Rusenfeld compan, (It Main Bt.
Wanted All K. O. T. M l. to bring thelr
ahoea for repair to curia i.oseth at IB
Mala street.
Six per cent mortgage on real estate
for aaie. absolute security. Clifton
Walker Co.
Bummer school " Western Iowa rollege,
May, June, July, August. New claases on
Btar chapter. Royal Arch Masons, will
meet tonlgnt in regular convocation at Ma
aunlc temple.
If you want your Are inaurance to in
aure have Clifton-Walker Co. writ It la
reliable companies.
Moving vana and wagona; atovea stored.
Nesoltl's Transfer and Btoraga. Tel. tUA
Ufllce, til Broadway.
Neapolitan lee cream, the beat in the
i city, 4wo a brick, delivered, purity Candy
, Kitchen, Ma' W. B'way. ' Tel. 674.
No milk but pure cream In Clark'a aodas
and the bent extract.. You taale them
once and you will bo satisfied, v
20 per cent discount at Duncan eY Dean',
23 Main Bt., Co. Bluff., for the next ten
day. Come and aee tne bargains we are
A building permit waa Issued yesterday to
Mrs. Mary Itupp for a one-story cottage
at Ninth street and Seventeenth avenue to
cost 1 1,0ml.
Squire 4c Annla, money to loan; caab on
band, no delay; city and farm property for
aaie on easy terms of payment. Office, 101
Pearl atreet.
Borwlek, that'a the man that shine when
It cornea to wall paper. He's got the best
paper In town and prices that are always
reasonable. 211 B. Main St.
Do not aell your old Iron, copper, brass
and old rubber before you aee ul We pay
It per ton for No. 1 machinery Iron. J.
Kiutlemau. m 8. Main. . Tel. 6D0.
Mr. Bush and Mrs. Lalnsnn and family
left last evening for Liberal, Kan., where
their husbands had preceded them and
where they will make their homes.
We have the finest line of sample monu
mente to select from In the west. Sheely
Lane Marble and Qranlte Works, 217
Last Broadway. Council Bluffs, la.
The upsetting Of a lamp from a table
at the residence of Mra. W. P. Aylesworth,
TS! Mill street, gave the flre department
a run . last evening. Little damage waa
done.. ; .
Imported and domestic matting, Just
the thing for summer. The best thing to
keep your room clean and cool. We have
It from I'iMo to ,60o a yard. Btockert
C'urpl company,
Durln April 177 transfers of real estate
were riled for reird with a total considera
tion of -JHil.ltl5.47. as-against 196 transfers
with an Aggregate consideration of $718.502. 78
recorded during tho same month last year.
The trial of the personal Iniurv dama
tilt trf Hd ward Haefner against Huher
1 Hroe:. mill he rtegun in the district court
today. Harfner sues for damages for los
ing part of his right hand In a sausage
grinder operated by electricity.
Chas. T. Officer la selling some fine bar
gains In dwellings and vaonn: lot out of
the long list of property he has in bia hand-
s sen, reopie wno nave necome urea of
raying rent are buying homes from him.
Those who can should take advantage of
this opportunity.
. Secretary John Melhop and John Schoent-tt-n
'of tfttf Iowa and Nebraska Wholesale
lirocera' Hssortalion returned yesterday
from a 'business trip to1 Chicago. They
stated that their visit to Chicago had no
; connection with the recent action taken by
the association in regard to securing the
InsiUaLlun of Independent cracker fac
torleii. "
John Untie, who has had tropble recently
with William Hotblitt over a boundary
feme in Ualesburg addition, caused the ar
rest yesterday of the latter on the charge
of Injury to a monument. Halle alleges
.that Horblltt removed a "riionument" In
the' shape . of a boundary stake set by a
surveyor.. ' Horblltt gave bail for his ap
pearance in Justice Gardiner's i-ourt and
will have a hearing May 8.
The rain yesterday caused a suspension
of the work on Indian creek and the high
water will prevent Ita resumption for sev
eral days at least. Fears were entertained
last night for the safety of the big dredpe
which is still In the creek south of the
city limits. - It waa thought possible that
tilling the high water It may have been
awept Into the Missouri river and a search
ing party will, be sent out this morning
after It.
Norway and Swedish Imported goods,
'finest delikatesse anchovls. Sic a keg. Nor
wegian smoked aardlnes In olive oil, the
finest and cleanest sardine put up, 150 a
can.' Korwegian sennep or mustard, the
finest mustard made, 20c a can. Imported
Swedish summer sausage,' per lb., 30c We
guarantee these goods to be strictly Im
ported goods. J. Olson, 7i and 741 W,
B way
Bummer school Western Iowa ' college.
May, Jithe, July, August. New classes on
Quick Meal gaauline) stoves. The new
process.-'. They never explode. Bee them
operated. Bwarne 4k Mauer, 336-338 B'way.
cerlcs, ,ttc LHtprtmeiit of the Interior,
Office of Indian Aflairs, Washington. D. C,
March IS, lw. Sealed proposals, plainly
marked on ' the outside of the envelope;
"Proposal for beef, corn," ate, aa the case
may be, and addressed to the 'Commis
sioner of Indiac A ft air, Washington, L.
C," will be received at the Indian office
until i o'clock p. uu of Tueaday, May s,
la, and then opened, for turnlalung the
Indian aervlue with rolled barley, beef,
corn, sail, cvffea, augar. tea, soap, baking
powdar and othar grocerlea. Bids must be
made out on government blanka. Schedules
giving all nrceskary information for bid
ders will be furnished on application to the
Indian oll.oa, Washington, U. C. ; the U.
B. Indian werehouaea at New York City;
J Chicago. Ill ; Bt. Louis, Mo.; Omaha, Nob.,
and ban Francisco, Cal.; the Commissary
t'f Subsistence, V. 8. A., at Cheyenne, Wyo (
the Quartermaster. U. B. A.. Seattle, Wash ,
aud the poainiaaiera at Tucson, Portland.
Spokane and 'iacoma. The department re
seives the rtght to reject any and all bid
ar any part of any bid. F. K LEL'PP
Commissioner. AlttoMS '
FORT MEADE. 8. D.. MAY 1. 106 -Sealed
proposals, In trfltcate. for fur
nishing and installing electric light fix
tures in six Bet of officer- quarter, two
sets of noiM-ommlsaluned officers' Quar
ter. 6ne double barrack, constructing
secondary and service lines, furnishing
transformers and watt, meters, will be re
ceived here until 3 p. m.. June I. lissi. Bld-dera-
who are not manufacturer of the
gooda called for will submit the name of
the manufacturer from whom the goods
are U b nlMatned. Information furnished
upon application. 1 lined states reserves
right to accept or reject any or all (im
post. La or any part thereof. Specifications
may be ebtalned by sppllcatlou to .this
office Envelopes containing proposal
shoi.ld be marked "Proposals for Fleet no
Fixtures. Fort Meade, d. !.," addressed
Mij'-r George K. Hunter. Constructing
Uuartrriiutaier. Mayl 3 t 4 26 34
Office Omaha. Nebraska. May 1. 11.
Bodied prepueala, in triplicate, subject to
the usual conditions, will be received here
until 10 o'clock a. ui , central standard time,
June 1. lias, al which lime they will be
upeiied in puUic, tor furnishing and in
stalling electric natures in certain build
ings, and for extending the lighting sys
tem so aa to wake proper connections there
with, at Fort omaha. Nub. Plans and spec
IniatiMiis and blank forms of iwuposal
may be obsind at this ofhi-e. The right
Is resx-rved to re J-it any and all hide ur
part uf M1 Major at. Dray Z.aliu.-,kl.
ouartarniasier, C. ti- Al my, charBe .-f
- Ul.l I Mi.M
Bt, Tel. 43.
Goal Out, u Usual Durina: Stormi, at th
Vorthweitern Tracks.
City Rnaplayes Prevent Orerlen
Farther l a Stream by Prevent!
Drift trans lodging Against
the City Bridges.
As a result of the downpour of rain last
evening, Indian creek went on one of Its
periodical rampagea and overflowed its
banks at the Northwestern bridge. Broad
way from Tenth street to the tracks of the
Illinois Central was badly flooded and the
city will be called upon to remove the
usual amount of mud and debris. Al
Kighth, Ninth and Tenth streets the water
In the creek rose to the bottom of the
bridges, but did not leave the banks. The
city had the men of the sewer gang at the
bridges on these three streets to keep the.
driftwood and other floating debris rhov
ing and this prevented the formation of
dams at these points.
Mayor Macrae made a tour of Inspection
along the creek during the high Water and
discovered a man said to be James Malone,
an engineer on the Nortweatern road, busily ,
engaged In dumping great chunks of refuse
from the back yard of hla residence be
tween Kighth and Ninth streets In the
oreek so that It might be carried away
by the flood. It was stated last night that
an information would probably be filed
against Malone, and Mayor Macrae an
nounced his determination of reporting tho
matter to the Northwestern railroad offi
Two Uaya' Sessloa at Broadway Met h.
odlst Chareh.
This Is the program for the seventeenth
annual convention of the Council Bluffs
district of the Women's Foreign Missionary
society of the Methodist church, which will
be held Wednesday and Thursdsy at the
Broadway Methodlat church: -
Devotions Mra. A. A. Hart.
Music Belected.
Greeting Mrs. Jacob Sims.
Response Mra. W. T. Preston.1 '
Music Selected. S
Address Miss Mary Eva Gregg of Mut
tra. India.
Devotions Mrs. C. J. EugJuiUnoatV.
Business session. , . .. , '
Roll call of auxiliaries. .
The year's record:, tl) auxiliaries. (2) dis
trict treasurer. (3) district corresponding
Music Selected.
president's Parliament Malvern auxil
iary. Secretary's Symposium Denlson auxil
iary. Treasurer's Tangles Mrs. Flora 8.
'Our' District: Its Possibilities
Oughtlbllltles," Mrs. W. T. Preston.
Reading of missionary letters.
Devotions Mrs. A. A. Thompson.
Reports of committees.
Klectiou of officers.
What Might We Do With Our
Boxes?'- Mrs. J. D. Gwynn.
and Mil
"Our Thank Offering; How Best to Con
duct the Service," Mrs. Oner 8. Dow.
"How Formulate IJterary. Artistic and
Practical Programs," Woodbine auxiliary
"How In Interest Other Women," generai
"Standard Bearers," Mrs. Flora B. Dud
ley, i
Solo Miss' Pearl Deater.
India Jubilee Dr. A. E. Griffith.
"A Half Hour With Broadway King's
ieiius, me i-HeeuB 01 a nnsuesa worio,
Dr. C. S. Erickaon. . .
Special Piayer Service
"Pray ye the Ixird of the harvest, that
Ho send forth laborers Into Ills harvest."
Mrs. Flora S. Dudley.
Miscellaneous business.
Reading of minutes.
THUR8DAY-7:30 P. M".
Devotions Mrs. Oner 8. Dow.1
Music Belected.
Address Miss Mary E. Gregg.
Doxology. .'
Benediction. ' -
8c,hmoller - a Maeller
Others Try ta Follew
Reason: They are manufacturers V
pianos and sell at factory cost, cutting
out the middleman's profit. Manufac
turers of the hand-made . Mueller " and
Bchmoller Mueller pianos, .
Reason: They are representatives of
the world's best pianos:. Stelnway 4V Sons,
Bteger at Sons, Hardman, Emerson, Kurts
msn, Mueller, A. B. Chase, Baus, Davis,
Norwood, and a score of othsr makes
that are handled in such large quantities
that It enables them to make prices com
petition cannot meet.
Reason: All pianos are marked at their
real selling price and on prlc is mad
to everybody. - Always from 29 to SO per
cent tower than elsewhere. Making a
saving to the customer o rrom $100 to
3200 on each piano.
Reason: Belling new pianos at fill,
$176, $185. $135 to $32S. Stool and scarf
with each piano. On terms of $1 down
and 10 cants a day.
Reason: Free- music lessons for three
months by first clas Instructors with
each piano sold.
Reason: Have ample capital to conduct
their five big stores and factory and are
most lenient with their patrons In case of
sickness or misfortune.
603 Brod'y, Council Bluffs, la. Phono iii.
When in need of lumber, brick, cement,
plaster, lime, sand, rubberbtd and Amaaoa
roofing. In fact anything In bonding- ma
terial, go to George A. Hoagland, 724 8.
Main St., where quality and prlca are
The Title Guaranty and Trust company,
abstracters of titles. Books date back to
161. Books are all up to date. 'Work ac
curately and promtly done at loweat
prices. Office opposite court house. 36 Pearl
street. Council Bluffs, la.
High Grade Pianos, BaOO.
W sell ths celebrated Kingsbury piano
for only $2u0. Tbla piano is without doubt
one of the beat valuea aver offered to the
public It can be bought on payments as
low as $10 cash li per month. Stool and
beautiful scarf Included, twtnien Muslo
Co., new location 407 Broadway, .
For Sals Ten acres, near ear line. Will
sell half or. all; five acres la fruit; good
roads; good land;- no buildings; $309 per
acre; make a nice home. I writ lire in
surance. Wallace Benjamin, Room L First
National Bank Bldg., 2UI offlo 'phone;
Black 1444 residence 'phone, ' ;1
Xehsaeha (' r Aseals. '
Judge Deemer of the supreme court yes
terday granted the Nebraska Telephone
company a supersedeas keeping In' force
the Injunction restraining the Council
Bluffs Independent Telephone company
from extending Its Une on South .Seventh
street until the appeal is decided.
lu district court yesterday mornJtg no
tice of appeal by lbs Ncbiaa.a wvuipaay
from the ruling of Judge Wheeler, made
Saturday, was filed. The restraining order
granted by Judge Wheeler expired this
morning, but the supersedeas will hare the
effect of continuing It until such time as
the sppeal Is heard and decided by the
supreme court, and this may be several
months or n year.
.after Gets Ballet la Thigh as Result
af Fatally Qaarrel.
. Fred C. Smith, a lorsl solicitor for the
Nebraska Telephone company, as the
culmination of a long series of family
quarrels, was ahnt through the thigh yes
terday by his wife, Smith waa taken to
the Council Bluffs General hospital, where (
examination showed that he had suffered
nothing worse than a flesh wound, the
bullet having passed through the fleshy
pert of the thigh without striking tho
The versions of the trouble given by
Smith and his wife are materially differ
ent. Smith . insists the trouble resulted
from "too much mother-in-law,-' while on
the other hand Mrs. Smith asserts that
her husband was anything but knd and
considerate and that he had a violent
antipathy to her .mother
Mrs. Smith after the shooting was taken
to police headquarters, where she told
her version of the trouble to Chief Rich
mond. She was not detained on promis
ing to appear at any time she might be
called upon.
Smith and his wife have been married
about three years and have no children.
A year ago Smith purchased the home
at 122 South Thirty-seventh etrwet, where
they live. The title to the proberty was
placed In the wlfe'a name and It Is said
that Mra. Smith contributed $400 of the
purchase price from her savings before
her marriage. Recently Smith, It ia said,
became suspicious that his wife and her
mother, Mrs. C. M. Tucker, were anxious
to get him out of the way so thst they
could have the property to themselves.
He tried to induce his wife to place the
title to the home property in his name,
but she refused and this Is said to have
led to frequent quarrels In which the
mother-in-law took part. '
Investigate our cheap land proposition In
eastern Colorado, 36 per acre for raising all
kinds of crops; good soli; best of water;
delightful climate. Excursions first and
third Tuesdays of each montii. Send for
printed matter. F. C. Lougee; 124 Mala
Street, Council Bluffs, la.
I nowhave my 1906 bicycles on the floor,
ranging In price from 1:5 to. 365. Sell on
monthly payments. Old wheels taken In
trade on new ones. All kinds of bicycles
repaired. Phone Red 1167. 8. M.' William
son, 17 South Main street.
. Havs you seen our new line of summer
mattings, oil cloth; linoleum, lace curtains,
shades, rugs and carpets? Come and see
our folding go-carts, side' boards, book
cases, . buffets and dinner sets. Come In
and see our large line of house furnish
ings. D. W. Keller. 10S South Main.
Parties having houses for rent or sale,
list them with Clifton-Walker Co. for quick
action. -Recent sales have greatly reduced
our list and we have customers waiting for
investments . .
Antl-t'aiwnitaa Mea Active.
George B. Wright, chairman, of t ha re
publican -county central committee, has
called a meeting at his office this evening.
As none of the known a4herents of Gov
ernor' Cummins received notices, It Is in
ferred .'by . them. ftnf only - ."etandpatters"
will be -admitted. It la said the meeting
Is for the purpose of making arrangements
to carry "but the plans outlined at a caucus
held In Mr. Wright's office Sunday after
noon to prevent Cummins carrying Potta
wattamie county. In the. notices of the
meeting sent out yesterday Chairman
Wright stated that "matters of vital Im
portance to the life of the republican party
In Pottawattamie county demand your
Charles M. Harl has been selected aa
chairman, for the Cummins meeting at the
opera house on the evening of Thursday,
May 10. Mr. Harl will make a short ad
dress In Introducing the governor, and his
snd Oovernor Cummins- will be the only
speeches of the evening.
' "In the springtime" everybody cleans
house; housekeepers are alwaya on the
lookout for some sgent to lessen this
arduous duty. "Old Dutch cleanser chase
Ldirt." For a free demonatrstlon see Mc-
Atee's show windows.
Lecture on Christian Science. There wm
be a lecture on Christian Science at New
theater by Hon. Edward A. Kimball of
Chicago oh Tuesday evening. May I, under
the auspices of Second Church of Christ
(Scientist) of Council Bluffs. Admission
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported for The
Bee April 30 by the. Title Guaranty and
Trust company of Council Bluffs:
J. H. Westontt and wife to Louise
Meyer, n45 feet lot 10H. Original Plat - -
of Council Bluffs, w d $2,0)
Lawrence J. A. Hoist to Belle Hoist. .
lot 2, block 17. Hall's add., and lots
19 and 2o, block 9. Mornlngslde add.
Council Blnffa. w d
First National Rank of Council Hluffa
to James Henry Ingoldsby. lot 6,
block 0. Curtis A Ramsey's sdd,
Council Bluffs, w d
Msry I Everett to Nels Nelson, lot 18.
block 3, Rsllroad add, Council Bluffs,
s w d
Harry V. Burkley and wife to Wallace
Benjamin, lot 7, block 42, Ferry add.
Council Bluffs, q c d
Zee M. Rosa to Norman E. McAllister,
lot 6. block 33, Ferry add. Council
Bluffs,- q c d ...'. ....
Total, six tranafera
Night, 6M.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel 90.
lea Is Scarce.
Prices going up on ice; the prospects are
that tnsr are liable to double this arjmmsr,
but If you gst an Ire Berk refrigerator
at Keller-Farnswotrth Fur. Co. you will
cut ycur ice bill lnvtwo and thus save 60
per cent on your Ice expense.
If "you prefer - quality to quantity and
absolute satisfaction to yourself, get
Schmidt's photos. Always guaranteed to
please. 'Phone (57; 408 Broadway.
Superfluous hairs, warts and moles per
manently removed by electrolysis at
Grave's. 103 Pearl St.
Stars Moaey far Relief.
. Treasurer Trus announced yesterday that
ths California relief fund had reached
MHt. the latest subscription being $6.35
from the Garner township Sundsy school.
A special collection at the Flrat Presby
terian church Sunday amounted td $1(70,
but it had not been turned over yesterday
to Mr. True.
Governor Pardee, who waa authorised by
Mayor Macrae . by telegraph to draw on,
Treasurer Trus fur $4.uu0. has not done sq
An Oldind Well-Tried Remedy.
tuiMi &t-eq riovr ciiii ir an pv si 1 1
of siui ti a ns tur umir iiHi.i'it t.
IN-), W ITU ft t t',T Bt'i i ' wl
CTR' CoLIO. sad U the Urt n
t.lAhtiH'.lA evadbr I-iwlai la tnri
wwt.d. 3W sure m4 aa ir
raar lur
ft 1ST
. iMui kooitiiaiidix
. lisUf l In last m a
as yet and the money fs still lying In' the
batik here. The car of canned corn cost
O.jnn. ao that outside of the ROW. Treas
urer Tfue has W2.48 on hand, with l more
In sight. It -has been suggested that the
balance of the fund be expended In the pur
chase of hosiery for the women sufferers,
the press dispatches Announcing that such
articles are much needed.
Coaar-ll I aanlanoasly flnaaort Hee
oiameadatlen at Chief.
The city council last night unanimously
refused to grant Conrad 1)11 man a permit
to conduct a saloon at 808 West Broadway.
Dlstman opened the saloon before securing
the nwMary permit, and waa arrested
for vitiating the Sunday closing order.
The saloon was closed Saturday by order
of Chief Richmond, but was opened again
a few hours later. Chief Richmond, to
whom the. application Vor saloon permits
are referred, reported unfavorably in Dlst
man's case. Dlstman was present at the
council meeting and. although represented
by an attorney, addressed the councllmen,
toasting the police department.
The question of the appointment of a
meat and food Inspector was brought up
and referred to the committee on police
and health to report back at the next
meeting. Former Fire Chief Nicholson, It
is understood, . Is slated for the appoint
ment. . '. - ' v.-
A compromise waa reached between Fire
Chief Jones and the committee on fire
and light regarding the chief's appointment
of Newton Martin to a position on the
force. The appointment was concurred In
conditional on tile appointment of Harry
Brooks, the committee's selection, to the
next vacancy.
The action of the committee on police and
health in removing the city pound to the
dump leased from John Nelson, who Is to
receive $10 a year for ground for the
pound was approved.' -
The following saloon permits were
granted on recommendation of Chief. Rich
mond: John Crow, Thirty-seventh street
and Broadway: Homer Kirk. IOL'1 West
Broadway; Alexander Dobson, 818 West
Broadway; O. L. Smith. 230 West Broad
way. The application of Max Olson for
a saloon permit at 15 Nirth Main was re
ferred to Chief Richmond.
Councilman Wallace Introduced a wide
tire ordinance providing that, all wagons
with loads' weighing In excess of 2,000
pounds be required to -have tires of not
less than four inches.'. The ordinance was
passed to Its second reading. Councilman
Younkermaii declared the ordinance was
The city clerk- was Instructed to adver
tise for bids for- taking , the dreqge put
of Indian creek and placing It on dry land.
The bids are to' be In by May 7.
The Independent Telephone company was
ordered advised to place the fifteen free
'phones for the use of the city according
to Its franchise as follows;., .In office of
mayor, city clerk, city auditor, city treas
urer, 'city englheer; clryJ t-icctrltian, police
headquarters, private .office of chief of po
lice, solicitor's office, the five- engine houses
and residence of chief of fire department
Many Teachers Kianilscil.
About fifteen persotis i took examination
Friday and Saturday at, the. county super
intendents office for license to teach in
the schools of Pottawattamie county. This
was the regular examination for the month
of April, examinations, being held the last
Friday and Saturday of-each month, as re
quired by law. A epetal examination oc
curred at the aame timtt ab-Carson for the
purpose of 'acCOmmodsWhg those who live
in the east end of fhefcounfy. About "flf
teen were present. While thirty applicants
la an unusually large number for this
month of the year, yet there ire still va
canclea In the schools t)f the county. There
are five achools where they are not hav
Ing spring trms because of failure t got
teachers. In at least' two Instances the
director has decided not (o have any spring
term even if a teacher could now be pro
cured, as It will make the term extend
too late Into the seaison to V efficient
work. '
The county superintendent spent lastweek
in vlBitlng some of the schools of Garner,
Washington, Pleasant, Valley and Belknnp
townships. In general he . reports the
schools In good condition and a great ef
fort being made to Improve the general ap
pearance of school sites and appliances.
In one instance, where the' aohool faces
the south snd there being no vestibule,
the teacher had the door closed and nailed
up, and the teacher and pupils received
Superintendent McManus by meana of an
Inclined plank trom the ground to the
window, where-the children were sccus
tomed to ascend and. descend as chicken
are 'wont to go to roost. -For reasons best
known to himself. Superintendent McManus
refused to divulge the, name and number of
the district. - - .
Tea fhoasaad Gaphers - Killed.
Since the bounty of 10 cents a head
offered by the Board of County Super
visors went Into effort on April 1, 10,000
pf the little animals have beefi killed In
Pottawattamie county, stated County
Auditor Cheyne yesterday. The Issuing
of so many warrants for the claims for
the bounty and keeping record of them
haa entailed a great deal of extra work
on the auditor and hie force.
Yeaterday John Gelger, justice of the
peace in Mlnden. sent in (07 claims, mak
ing a totsl of 2,109 claims which have
passed through his handa. during the
month of April. Justice Gelger's com
mission of 2 cents a gopher on all bounty
claims certified to by him smounted to
$42.18 for the month.
The fact that 10,000 gophers were killed
during April, the bounty , on which
amounted- to $1,000, indicates that the
county will pay out aeveral thousand
dollars for the destruction of these little
pests before the season closes this "year.
cts 'e Pay for Bog.
That the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street
Railway company was not responsible for
running over and killing a shepherd dog,
the property of Miss Sylvia Carlson, wss,
the verdict of thfc Jury In the district court
mom yesterday. The trial of the case
lasted prsctlcally the entire day, but It
took the Jury only a few -minutes to de
cide on Its verdict. . Miss Carlson asked
IUX for the dog, not so much for its in
trinsic value afor the fact that the
animal had been her protector on her way
to and from work at the. Woodward candy
factory and that aince ita death ahe had
been compelled to give up her position as
she wss afraid to walk alone at nights.
Judge Wheeler In hi Instructions tb
Jury placed the limit of the amount, Miaa
Carlson could recover 'for ths dog at $30,
but the Jury decided ahe was not. entitled
to recover anything.
- Gasae Wardea ts Basr.
Yesterdsy wss Deputy Fish and Game
Warden Brown's busy dsy. He cauaed the
arrest of Henry and Chris Green of. Lewis
township on the' charge of shooting and
killing' wild duck out of season and the
arrest of John Behn of Omaha fur catching
bass at Lake Manawa before May 15.
Brown happened to notice Behn with a
fishing rod snd basket sod on opening the
basket discovered three nice bass. Not
knowing Brown waa a deputy warden Be ha
proudly admitted having raught the fish
al Lake AUnawa, The two Greens and
Behn gave ball for their appearance before
Justice Gardiner today.
Hirer faatracta Police ta Take Aetle-a
la the Matter.
Complaints of freight trains blockading
crossings longer than ths time allowed
under the city ordinances caused the city
council recently to notify the railroads that
the ordinance must be complied with.
Especial complaint was made of the North
western at the Broadway crossing. The
notices evidently did not hsve the desired
effect, aa last evening while Mayor Macrae
was Investigating flood conditions In the
vicinity of the Northwestern bridge he
noticed a long freight train blockading the
Broadway crossing. 'After five minutes had
expired and there seemed no Inclination on
the part of the trainmen to move the cars
so ss to permit street . cars to psss he
called on the engineer of the train td open
the crossing. The engineer replied that
he had to obey orders from the "rear end.--Mayor
Macrae then went In search of the
man In charge of the train, but failed to
locate him. After sixteen minutes the
mayor succeeded n having the train split
in two In order that the motors might
cross. An offiier waa detailed to learn the
name of the man In charge of the train
and at police headquarters It wss stated
last night that arrests would follow, as
the city authorities are determined the ordi
nance shall be enforced.
Van Brunt buggies are staple, you buy
once you will alwaya buy again. They are
built for wear with style and finish un
excelled. Call at the repository and take
a look.
There Is no argument alsjut having your
carpets and rugs cleaned by machinery.
It Is not an experiment. Charges are very
moderate. Prompt service. The Council
Bluffs Carpet Cleaning and . Rug Mrg. Co.
Tel. 61. 34 N. Main Bt. We make beautiful
rugs out of old wornout carpets.
We do not want you to take our word
when we say we put up the best meal In
the city for the money, but If yoa come In
and try us once we will prove it to you.
Vienna Restaurant, 414 W. Broadway.
Thirty per cent discount, on matting
light now when mattings ara In demand.
ve are onenng so per cent oft on our
entire line of high grade china and Jitpa
nese mailings. Peterson & Bchoening Co..
Mlasoarlaa Falls rrom Train.
HAMBURG. Ia., April 30. (Special.)
A young mini by the name of Louis
Million, resjding near Lang-Ion, Mo., was
returhlng from" Nebraska City .Saturday
evening and when within a mile of the
ststlon at Hamburg, la., fell from the
stops of the chair car and waa almost
killed: When found latsr by a farmer a
doctor was summoned and a stretcher
procured, and the man .brought to' town.'
He was suffering from his right leg being
broken In three places, a scalp wound and
being, hurt Internally. His condition being
critical he was taken on the midnight
train to St. Joseph, Mo., and placed in a
Jiospltal. The young man waa only 11
years oblige.
W lie Beater Arrested.
HAMBURG, Is.. April 30 (.Special. )
bod jjuncan, wno nas been serving a
thirty , days' sentence In the county Jail
for abusing ' his family, was given his
liberty and returned home Saturday night
at 12 o'clock 'and commenced to abuse
and threaten the life of his .wife and
children In the same manner previous to
his arrest a month ago. An officer was
telephoned for and Duncan was rearrested
and lodged in the city Jail awaiting an
other trial.
' Alleged 'Gambler Released.
HAMBURG, Ia., April 30. (Special.)
Leon Lamoureux gave tiond for his ap
pearance at the fall term of court and
was released from the Sidney Jail last
Saturday. His offense was - keeping a
Joint and gambling den in J. A. Vyse's
pasture near the railroad bridge, eaat of
the city limits.
fltadeat's Serloas Fall.
IOWA CITY, la., April 30.-(8peclal Tel
egram.) Em id Green of Osage, Ia., a
dental student at the university, fainted In
the lecture room this morning and fell
eight feet. He fractured his skull and la
not expected to recover.
Tannins' Date for Logaa.
LOGAN. Ia., April SO. (Special.) Hon.
A. B. Cummlna, Iowa's governor, will de
liver a political address at the Logan
opera house on the evening of Thursday,
May 8, beginning at 7:30.
Conference aa Statehood BUI.
WASHINGTON, April 30. The confrees
on the statehood bill met today and con
tinued consideration of the county boundry
problem. In the statehood bill, but without
reaching a conclusion. The prediction Is
made that any agreement which jnsy be
reached will not contain a location of the
county seats. The boundaries of counties,
however, may be temporarily fixed to pre
aerve In the Interim between territorial
and state government the proper court
Jadlclal Conreatloa railed.
PIERRE. 8. D.. April 30. (Special , Tele
gram.) At a meeting of the legislative com
mittee of the district composed of Hughes,
Hyde snd Sully counties, held at this city
today, the convention waa fixed for May
S). to be held at Hlghmore.
Corner la Ho Market.
PORTLAND. Ore., April 30.-There Is;
says the Oregonlsn, to ail interna ani
fitirposes, a corner In the remainder of the
W4 hop crop. Three firms, taking advan
tage of the heavy destruction of hops In
the California disaater. secretly ordered
their buyer in Oreaon snd Washington to
go Into the market, and ao well have they
done their work that out of between 4.0u9
and 5.0OO bales In the growers' bands ten
daya ago, not to exceed 4u0 remain.
Uoaae Powell Gacs ta Paris.
Doane Powell, a popular young artist of
this city, will leave weunesnay ror fans,
where he will atay Indefinitely to further
perfect himself in his life work. Mr. Pow
eirsNverk has appeared in eome of the
local papera ana in a numuer m magazines.
He is a charter member of the Studio
club, which will tender him a farewell be
fore he leavea to cross the Atlsntlc. -
Dowle Case Postponed.
CHICAGO. April 80. The hearing of ths
Dowle bankruptcy case was toaay poot
poned until MaylS.
Z5 1 SlDDU(B(dl
however, by the use of Mother' Friend before baby comet, at thit
great liniment alwayt preparet the body for the ttrain upon it, and
pretervet the tymmetry of her form. Mof-her' Friend overcomes all the
danger of child-birth, and carries the expectant mother tafely through
thit critical period without pais. It it woman's greatest blessing.
Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and relief derived from the
ita .rvt tnixt Wain
remedy. Sold by all H H
druggists at II. oo per
bottle. Our little
book, tellinr all abovt
this liniment, will be sent free.
Til tnl fcrfttsr Cin tt
Labor Leader and Bontpartistt in 0ntodj
of Farii Police.
Arrests May 'Hate Broken the Back
bane af nMaoatraloa, bat Jo
eraneat Will Take All ros
slblCj Precaatloaa,
PARIS, April So The Paris police today
arrested M. tlrirTuellifS. secretary of the
Genersl Confederation of Labor, the re
sponsible organiser of the proposed May
day demonstrations; M. Hlbert. a news-'
paper man, and Major Fetilllant, a Bona
partist, formerly of the Imperial guurds. In
addition. Count Durnnd de Beauregard waa
taken Into custody at Nice. Arrests ware
also n.sde at other places and warrants
were Issued for the arrest of M. Ivy, sec
retary of the Confederation of 1-abor, and
M. Fromentki, a wealthy anarchist, Ix-tli uf
whom were found to have tied from this
city. All the prisoners ars charged with
complicity In organising a rebellion and
with Intriguing with anarchists.
The arrests began early In the morning,
ths charges being based on papers seised
during, the recent police searches. Judge
Andre Sumont called In the police commis
sioners of tlie central districts of Paris and
directed each of them to proceed with a
sitiad of police and make the arrests In
various sections of the city. At the same
time telegraphic orders were Issued to pro
Seed with arrests at Nice, Brest and other
- M. Grlffuelhes, who Is the principal labor
leader, mi found at hla house and was
taken into custody, but his associate. Levy,
was not located.
Count de Beauregard Is the head of tho
supposed plot recently unearthed.
Henri Blbert Is editor of l'Autorite, a
Bonaparllst urgsn.
Two additional warrants have been Is
sued, but the names of the persons to be
arrested will be withheld until they are
In the hands of the police.
The men at the labor headquarters here
are stunned by the arrests, especially as
the managers uf tomorrow's proposed de
monstration have withdrawn from further
activity, which ia causing general discour
agement In labor circles. The government
officials declare that the arrests will break
the backbone of the violent element.
The strike centers outside of Paris are
M. Leplne, the prefect of police, conferred
durlrg the day with the commanders of
the troops and gave final Instructions for
the military occupation of the main points
In Paris beginning early Tuesday.
British Budget Presented.
LONDON. April 30.-Chuncellor of the
Kxchequer Asqiitlh presented the first
budget of the new liberal admlnlKtratlon to
the House of Commons today pointing out
that the revenue had Increased, expendi
tures decreased and a surplus of $17,3.13,000
realized. He announced that the export
duty on coal will be completely repealed
November 1 and that the duty on stripped
tobacco would be reduced by 5 cents and
that on tea by Z cents on July 1.
Rassla Keeps Troops Moving.
ST. PETERSBURG. April 80. Foresee
ing difficulty in Inducing Parliament to
grant a credit for moving troops to
suppress disorders in the Interior the
Council of the Empire upon the' request
of minister of war hits placed $3,800,003
at the latter's disposal for this purpose.
The policy it the government is to move
the troops frequently In order to prevent
them from being Influenced by association
with the revolutionists.
Xcw Cabinet fur tastrla.
VIENNA, April 30. Prince Conrad of
Hohenlhoe-Schilllngsfuerst, arrived here
today from Trieste and will, it is believed,
he entrusted by the .emperor with .the
formation of a new cabinet in place of the
ministry headed by Baron Gautho von
Frankonthurn, whose resignation la un
derstood to have been accepted.
He h nab Wins English Case.
I)NDON, April 30. In the King's bench
division of the high court of Justice today
the suit of Davis Rothschild, a picture
dealer, against Charles M. Schwab of New
York, for breads) of contract In falling to
purchase a Constable picture, "Dedham
Lock," for' 315,XO, resulted In a Judgment
for Mr. Schwab.
Spaalards Sympathise with Americans
MANILA. April 30. The Spanlah club,
representing the Spanish colony here, has
adopted resolutions of sympsthy with the
people of San Francisco. The resolutions
will be-transmitted to President Roosevelt
through Commissioner Ide.
Moaat Hecla la Eraptlaa.
EDINBI'RG. Scotland, April 30. Steamers
which arrived at Ilth today frotw Iceland
report that Mount Hecla has been in erup
tion, ashes being scattered over a wide
area. The disturbance, however, was not
Asuerlcaa Mills May Comblae.
MANILA, April 30. Private advicea from
Hong Kong say the flour mills of America
contemplate forming a combination to con
trol the distribution of their output In
China along Standard OH lines.
Minister Ulihn Htarta Heme.
SOUTHAMPTON, April 30. The American
line steamer Philadelphia, which sailed
from here April 23 for New York, took
among Ita passengers John A. Leishmann,
the American minister to Turkey.
Cralsera I ader Repairs.
MANILA, April SO. The United States
cruisers Chattanooga and Galveston have
arrived for an overhauling, preparatory to
Joining the fleet at Shanghai.
tartllasT Evidence
Is dally advanced of the curative powers
af Dr. King's New Discovery for coughs,
selds and lung disease. (0c and $1. For
aaie by Bherman McConnell.
Wight la Philippines.
MANILAl April $0, A detail of Moros on
the island of Bamar, ia an encounter with
Pulajanes, killed thirty of the latter.
Every woman covet
shapely, pretty figure, and
many of them deplore the
loaa rA their cnrlish forms
after marriage. The bearing
of children it often destructive
to the mother's ahapelineti.
All of this can be avoided,
I . iriiiilltill 14 I I
Judge Beer by -Itsjrti2
Progressive Men and Women t'onsloVt
it a Means to .National Temperance.
We hnve recenly published a ntumher ol
articles on the food value of beer, the Im
portance of the brewing Industries an t
factor In our national wealth, our nation
revenues and the use of beer Itself as a
means to temperance and sobriety.
We believe that sooner or later beer wll
be recoanlsed st Its true worth, aa a foo
beverage of splendid tonic effect and hlgr
nourishing value. Noted men and womer
of this country are already alive to th
situation and besides Miss Ptioba .'ouslni
snd Dr. Joseph Felsler Of NorthWeeterr
university, many othere of note give thill
endorsement o beer as' a means to nsjjona.
Miss Cousins, for a quarter of a century
tbe most eminent woman kuffrage advo
cate in the west. Mid lit a recent inter
view: "There never will be a law thai
will compel prohibition, and the senalbl
thing for the Woman's Christian Temper
nnae I'nlon to do Is to aid In the substi
tution of mild, nourishing drinks, like 'beer,
which seldom produce drunkenness. A
prominent army officer who served In th
southwest, operated canteen at three dif
ferent posts. He made the canteens so sc
reptsnle to the soldiers, who found beet
satisfying their demands, that he actually
ran all tho low dives of the aurroundlni
neighborhood out df business."
Pabst Peer meets all the demands for
mild, healthful, refreshing beverage suet
ss Miaa Cousins suggests. It Is made ol
the exclusive Pabnt eight-day malt, choic
est hops and pure water. Kight-day malt,
which Is the only perfect malt, give
Pabst Keer its auprrlnr food value and
richness. Strong Irt nourishment the body
requires, it Is refreshing and satisfying.
Perfect In-age, purity and strength, abao
lutly clean and containing only three an
one-half per cent of alcohol, Pabst Beer li
the Ideal temperance beverage. No othei
Is so healthful.
1307 Leavenworth Street
Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer
Order a Case for loir Home Today
A f..en
Our aconptancs of a ease Is equivalent
to a cure, for we never aocept Insura
ble eaaea. Consult us. OUR AXiVXCB
IB FRKB. For years we have special
ised on ths ailments of men. Our
methods are distinctly original and
up to' date. 'Where other physicians
are baffled and fall ws ours, and cur
First Wi Cr Ym Then Yii Piy Us
Tour case is urgent wa ars willing to
wait until you are cured for the few
dollars ws charge for our senrloee.
Could we afford to do this if our cures
were slaw or doubtful?
Let This Advertisement Be Year Gvlde
It has been our messaga to thousands
It has been their first step towards
health It ts our message to you.
The Only Oleeaese We Treat
Wa saeoasafally treat Wtakam,
Partial ar Casnalete Iasa, Uek af
Pawer aael StrensTth, Dtsaaaea mt
the Kidneys, Bloat PI an, Rkea
metises, Varicocele, Ceaatrtotlea,
Freqaeney Kid Ineaatlaeaee at
tTrlae, Skin Dteeaae, Piles, Fis
tala ana all aiaeaaee af ss, (
Northwestern Medical & Sarticil list.
Northwest Car. 13th SV Perasm
Omsha. Nebraska
Every Woman
niiiiiea see miosis low
MARVEL Whirling Sarav
Th new v!.! Srrtss. J ita.
wiifu omm. Hart Smt
Ml-Man Coon lent. V
I'Misni latUf .
il h -annoi(upil;the
SIASlt Kl. arrept bo
oilier, bia tend llAiii n for
lllntrtd book i. r
full prtlculr nd rttretKr,a In.
valuable to i.iIim niki. r-m
ror flev oy
lath aad Dodge ana.
D Ms tersjBasteml
irrltsttoM er aloersttose
r. i mmtt o ! rJalk, H so asms
WlvkaaCauMsaius. laisssMs.
I Ml 1 aeiaTBrBiBil
S.B.1,' j or seal la pasta .
f reai. w
SI SB ark MMIaaSS ?.
'JiseaUf eat ea If
is the secret, of our secret, whlct
has never been equalled. Over SO.QIX
cured patients guarantee this fact, ,
Dr. McGreva Specialis
Thirty Years Experience. Twent;
Years la Omaha.
and all weaknebteg and disorders o
Treatment by mall. Call or write
Box 766. Offices, 215 8. .lath 8t.
Omaha, Neb.
( ? A
Try tbe Waat AC
OaJtuuut 4 Tike See