Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Short Bay Treel? of July and Cause
.lose klioiti Fle-l-:ia hlh Admrf for
liaj, July Hat. lata Rrr Relatively
lronr Than May Trade,
la l orn U Light.
OMAHA. April 28, 190.
Whciit started a (hade easier, with the
Ju.y stronger relatively than the May. Tina
was a feature throughout the session.
Simrts rircame anxious and bought July
lici'iy. causing an invimf from bottom
lnn-es. 'i lie crowd willing to bull Hi
msisnt month, and do It on any rncour-
i.mrnt whatever. A quick advance In
s. 11 nwestern markets hail pome Influence.
i i.e close tvas Sc higher for May and July.
ather condition are good and crop pms-
I'-i'ii Satisfactory, though there are aumf
.s. Hnprea cnmpiHinti.
TrHde In corn waa llaht. but there
M'.mewliat better feeling, owing to the be
lli f that there would he no eerlnua labor
trnubie on the lakes. Receipt were some
what In excess of the estimate and Chicago
.Miniated receipts fir .Monday are fulny
liiieral at 2 cam. The cash market waa
steadv. with a better demand.
Out were quiet, with no material change
in prlcea.
frlinary wheat receipts were snonn bush
em and shipments S14,(AO bushels, against
iicelpta last year of 273.000 bushels and
shipment of V,J.'iO bushels. Corn receipts
were R38,U"0 bushels and shipments .0o0
bushels, against receipts last year of 177, t)
bushel and shipments of 4I2.0UO bushels.
Australinn wheat shipments were l.ims.OTO
Dusneis. against Ktf.ueo nusneis last weeg
pml S66.0i0 bushels last year. Broomhall
any world's wheat shipments Monday will
be nbout ,2(X,IU0 bushels.
l.lveipool closed 'nSd lower on wheat
and Mid higher on corn.
From the Record-Herald : "Only today
and Monday remain In which the owner of
May wheat must either sell out or pay for
the grain that will be delivered to him
Tuesday morning. The action of the mar
ket yesterday Indicated that th long In
terest was strong and concentrated,
l-ocal range ot options.
new, o. 2, wbltenood case Included,
14c: lBA count. 14r: t-asen returned. Ihi!
BUTTEn-Creamefy,; parkin. 114c.
KeeeiDts. Khlnments.
Wheat, bu 45.fnf 27. OK)
orn, bu. 4.00 i.'8.0'0
Oats, bu J. not ii.nOO
Artlcles.l Open. High. I Low. Close. Tea r.
Wheat I
... .1.
31 A
A ssktd B bid.
Omnha Cash Kales
CORN No. 3. 1 tar at 444,c; no grade,
l car at 4c.
Omaha Cash Prlcea,
WHEAT No. 2 hard, 7307c; No. 3 hard
71730; No. 4 hard. !fi71V: No- 2 spring
IIWftTl'fcc: No. 8 snrlnr. 7IHi72c.
grade, Srt'rHOc; No. 3 yellow, 44'&44c; No-
white, 4uu.
OAT8 No. S mixed. smio; Nq. 3 white,
3l'4c; No. 4 white, WHiMiiic.
RYE No. 2, B6c; No. 3. 64Ho.
Carlo! Recelpta.
Wheat. Corn.
St. Louis ..,
45HV; rastlns. t! i!8 ? l.eid was quiet.
but firm at t& Willi i end spelter unlet at
t I'Vf 15 Iron was ateerty and uncharge!.
ST. I.OC1H. Mo.. Artll :S-MKTAI.H-
Irf-ad, firm, IS 80; spelter, quiet, l&.iXvft 8 lO.
Maple and Kaaer rro4e.
Ko.cs-Kccelpts. liberal: fresh stock, cas
count, lie.
MVK I'Ofl.TrtV-Hen. lie: old roosters.
SMm-; turkeys. 15c; ducks, 11c; young roos
ters, iiSc; geese, 6c.
HI T'l Kll-l'sc kli-a- stock. 11c: choice to
fancy dlnry. l-ai:K-; creamery, 21:1'-.
mai rrices quoted by Omana t eea com
pany; No. 1 upland. I"; medium.;
coarse, .nO(jH.5o, straw, $6.60.
URAN-rer ton, 117. to.
TOMATOES florloa, pr crate of Mlba,
net. BU.
WAX BEANB Psr hamper of soout
lbs , net, J6.00.
STH1NO fiKAN-Pr barr.ter of atraut m
lbs., net. H.UI4I4.0C
Loulslana, per doi. ouncnes, TScCtl.OO.
6HALLOTTS Louisiana. pT tom
bunches, 75e.
HEAD LETTUCE Louisiana, per DDL,
;.iUlO 00: tier dog. heads, U.OUQl.aV
LEAP LETTUCE Hothouse, per dot.
heariii 4fe.
CUCLMEER8 Hothouse, per dog.,
61 W
ONIONS Horn grown. ellow and red,
to per lb; Spanleli, per crate, S2.2; Colo
rado, red and yellow, per lb.. t"c.
DATES- Wr buz of 1-ib. Ckgs.. SIM.
Halloween, In 70-lb. boxvs, Ler IB., c; bay.
in, per lb., 4c; walnut slurred, 1-lb. pkgs..
U do Dr doa.: fl-ib boxes. U.U0,
ORANOE-Csl forma. ea.ra fancy KM-
land navelH. all aises. $.; tanoy navels,
U.2&: choice, ail Siaes. a.
LEMON umoniera. extra ranoy, wm
Site, M.75; ) to M0 slae, M.S.
Flos California, in.: carton. ioQ
15c; Impoited Sniyrnu, ihrec-crown. He; six-
BANANAS Fer meaium sneo ouncn, i.ib
jumbos, 12 mmuI.0.
TANCi KRIN Kc California, per box hi
Shunt l?i 13 ox
GRA1B. FRL IT r lorlaa, per oom. fi wi
IMi California, per Do
PEARS Winter NeUia. 12.10.
APf'I.lia California Newton. PlPDlns.
$2. it; haidwtna, U per tu. box; Ben Davis, M
per bu. box, v ineaapa, .ou fcr bu. dux;
other varieties, w.OvUi.W Der bu.; Near York
apples, Baldwins ana jiusaei. x.w per doi.
URAPtH Imported Malaga. M.OOtH.tO.
POTATOEU Koma grown, per bu., 04
Kci South Lakotn, per bu.. 76o.
NAVY BEAN6J Per vu., 1.M; No. t, .7a,
LIMA BEANB Per lb.. at
CABBAOE California, 3Vo per lb.; Wis
consin, In crates, per id., io.
i'KI. FRY Florida. 11.25 Der doa.
SWEET POTATOES Illinois, par U-pk,
No. 1 ribs. Uo; No. ribs, liyfcc; No. I
)aofalnaa f Ik flay nm arloas
ceipt. 14.2M bbls. ; exports. 1.9?4 bbls ;
steady, but slow; Minnesota fHtenis, M 2f1i
4 60; Minnesota bakers, H4ko.I7N: winter
patents, 39iK34 yi; winter straights. UPr
winter extras. f2.7fiW3.3r.; winter tow
grades, $2 Bf.'hS.SiV Rye flour, quiet: f un
to good, H .luii 3. n: choke to fancy, .i :"(
4 lfl.
'ORNME A t, Firm : fine white and yel
low. fl.20; coarse, fl.07ftl.n; kiln dried, JJ 61
. - .... .
RTf;-null: No. 2 western, i"C asaen, 1.
o. b., Nva- York.
B A RLE Y Steady : feeding. 47c. f. o. n.,
New Y'ork; malting. nO'dc.
WHK.AT-Receliits. 1"3.i0 nu. exports.
24,( bu ; spot, ateadv: No. I red. nominal,
elevator; No. 2 red. 9fS f b., Hfinat;
No. 1 northern Duluth. KRc, f. o. b., anoat;
No. 1 northern Manitoba, fH f. o. b.,
afloat. A lower opening In wheat, due to
poor cables and weakness In the north
west, was rnuowen nv rallies on ,mmwiii
buying of July, crop complaints from Ohio
and room covering; Mav yielded to lln
tildatlon and closed ic lower, against c
advance In July: May. WKVdS7o. closed at
Pr: Jutv, M 13-1'ni5M,c. closed at aSisc;
Sej.tember. SSS'TWV. closed at
CORN Receipts. 37.K.'R bu: exports. .s.w
hit.: soot market, firm: No. 2. Ki'c. nominal.
and ffr. t. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow. h,c:
No. 2 white. S7c. Option market was cit.
but venerallv stesdv on cables and with
the west closing net unchanged; May closed
at MV. Julv closed st r:o4c. reptemner
closed at 53H and December closed at
OATS Receipts. lrAOfiO bu.: exports. 2V.
71 bu.: spot market, steady: mixed oats,
2d to 32 pounds, 37S7i4c; natural white,
3n to 33 pounds. Sm'SSSV! clipped white,
88 to 40 pounds. 341c.
HAY Stendv; snipping, m'an-n-; r.iou iu
choice. SKiWlc.
HOPS Steady; state, common to choice.
1905 crop. 1(jl4c: 1004 crop. f910c: olds, Mr
7c; Tsclflc const, 1 crop, lhfH7c; l!4
crop. 9ft lie; olds. 4'i?io.
HIDES Stead v ; Onlveston. 20 to 25
pounds. 20c; Callfnrnln. 21 to 2S pounds, 21c;
Texas drv. 21 to 3D pounda. !!.
T t.-iTVTTrnRtesrtv: acin. ztt'w.i c.
PROVISIONS-Reef. steady: fHtnlly, fll.Rfl
(ffm.00: mess. 19 10 Of); beef hams. w
21 W- packet. tl0..vf?11.on; cl(y extra India
mesa $13 orwmR.50. Cut meata. steady;
Pickled bellies. 19.60; pickiea Fiiouioei.,
$S.0f: pickled hams. 111.00. Ird. iiMny,
nominal: renned. aieany ; -'"'
a a tini- enmnound 17o0fr7.f0. Pork.
steady; family. $l 50; short clear,'
13.00; mesa, $17 2f.-S17.7S. Tallow, steady;
cltv, 15.12H: country. tS.12Va5.37H-
wrr-t.-.Hteadv. rtomeBtic. iair 10 .-
BC T TKH Bicany ; wninn
....... ,n MrHta, 1 I .. I I r...
f ur-porr'irm' aieta full cream, large
and small, colored and wniie, untj,
. . . . , , u . . n a I
rios, c; i. 1 rouim, ov, a ruuno, etate. good to prime, uyroivac;
7c; No. 3 round, 7V.c; No. 1 loins, 18c; No. mon l0 fairs 114jl3c.
2 lolne, 13c: No. 2 lolua, Uc; No. 1 plat. EOGS Irregular; state, Pennsylvania
4c; No. 2 plate, SWc; No. 3 plate. 3o; jNo. 1 n(1 nearby fancy selected white, 19Hfa2lc;
chucks. 6c; No. 2 chucks, tVfcc; No. t chuck. .,, h,.ie iruisc: state, mixed fancy.
Hot a Bind. Load of Cattle BeceWed to
Twt Values.
ot a ainale Fresh Load of Sheep la
the lards VII Desirable Klada
lllxher for the Week and
Trade Natlsfartnr) .
SOl.'TH OMAHA. April :, lf"i.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
S,7 ."7
4 9.2
;i.37l 51.9': i
4i. 3i6
2i. 27
34 i-H
Receipts were;
Orllclal Monday ....
Officio! 'J'uesday ....
CifflclMl Wednesday
'n.clHI 1 nut'Silriy .
Official Friday
OfflclHl Saturday ..
This week
Last week
Week before
Three weeks aao..
Four weeks aau
Same week last year 16.',11
The following table shows tne receipt
of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Cm, aha
for the ywtr to date, compared with ll
year: isss. M. Inc.
t attle 309.975 :73.533 S.42
Hog a Sm.5's5 7.t..d 111. oil
Phecp lil.:'' 559,755 W.510
Cattle. ' Hog
Omaha $2"ii5.tJO
Chlcaaro 1 8"u"i 15
Kansas City 2 &' 'i
St. IkiuIs 2 iKtJ.).iu
Sioux City 3.2515.40
The following will atiow tne juices paid
for the different kind ot cattle on the
South Omaha market;
tlood to choice corn-fed steers $3.00)6.40
Fair to choice corn-fed steers 14.&i'n.00
Common to fair corn-fed steers ft 0O'u4.6o
Oood to choice cows and heifers.. 3. 7611 4 40
Fair to good cows and heifers 3.0oi3.76
Common to fair cows and heifers.. 2.0"'tt3.00
Uood to choice feedera 4.0to4.W
Fair to good stockers and feeders. 3 So'i4.00
Common to fair Muckers J.Onqjl.&O
Bulls, stags, etc 2.5oiij4.00
The following table show the average
price of hogs at South omntia for the last
several days with comparisons:
t 2
W !!
... rn
... 17W
... tp
... arvt
... rv
W 7
.m no :4j
.:3 40 7
..277 ... (40
... m
0 t
5 9"ii 60
5 i'u.7
fa i)'ol 50
6 2o,U.J&
Date. I 18t4). 1905.1904. 1903. 1!P02.1SK)1. 11900.
Apr. 7...I -al t 261 4 3 7 24 6 1 27
Apr. I... 1 I f i&l 4 ! 1 2i M Ul
2! 120 If, m
4 f U 41
10 IS ..
177 ... 115 79..
: 2.14 ... 35 7..
7, 2IK M lb 7ft..
U It W I 35 Yi..
H H ... I IS 71..
.4 1211 U. M..
" 177 ... 35 79..
.4. 244 200 3..
61 AO JIOQ3.
1 5C0 k 4-1 1
1 &" ' i hO
HHEEP-There were no fresh receipt
here this morning and nothing to make a
market. It was in fact a holiday so far
its the sheep barn was comerned.
Receipts this week have been very llghl.
the total being ihe smallest of any week
sime the Mrsi of February. There has
been a falling off of over one-half as com
pared with last week and of .' as com
pared: with the corresponding week a
esr ago. - The heavy decrease In receipts
Kimply hesrs out the statement made at
the close of Last week In I lie effect that
I Ihe feed arris 10 the west of us were
pretty well depleted and that the season
for fed sheep and lambs at this point I
rapidly drawing to a close.
While receipts for the week have been
very light, as noted above, the actual
number 01 sheep on sale has been much
smaller, as a considerable proportion of
the arrivals on some days lias consisted
of stuff billed thro nth to eastern shear
ing pens and not offered for sale at this
point. .At the same lime the offerings
pave been moderate and the demand has
been quite good, so that the market all
werh iiaa been In good healthy condi
tion. As a rule the trade has been active,
while prices have steadily tended upward.
I'nfortunately no choice wooled lambs
have been offered within the last few
days hut there was 110 question but what
anything of lhat description would have
sold uulckly at 17. "0 and possibly at 17. PM
7.15. The lamb market for the week may
safely be quoted lf'u25c higher.
Sheep have been In light supply all the
week, there not being enough on sale 10
really make a test of the market, but
they are at least strong to 15c higher
than a week ago.
Everything points fbward a continuation
of light receipts, barring, as a matter of
course, accasional heavy runa and
those who make It a business to keep
pooled on the situation are predicting
strong prices for everything in the way
of desirable killers.
Quotations: Good to choice western
Inmhs. 1. Unit) 7.00; fair to good lambs, .2.Vf
K.Ho; cull lambs. 14 506.50; good to choice
yearlings, 15. 751(6.25; fair to good yearlings,
5 50(5 ,5; good to choice wethers, $5.7."$
6 25r fair to good wethers, 15. 4096. 76: good
to choice ewes 2.3. 50$, flu ; fair to good
ewes, H.585.50; cull sheep and bucks, $300
4 no.
Shorn sheen and lambs are bringing
prices generally 75c!1.2o less than wooled
1XU3J19C; western, extra firsts, lrVi'nisc,
western seconds, 184c: southerns, lS'Slic.
POULTRY Live, firm; chickens and tur
keys, 12c; fowls, 13Vic; dressed, firm: chlck-
C1DEB -Per aeg. P.W; per Dbl., 26.71,
viiiNto' i New. per 24 lb.. 12.50.
CHE -BE Swiss. new. sou; Wlsoonala ens, 'l0c; turkeys, 1516c; fowls, H'gHc.
DrlCK, IOC; VT ISVWIieiu uiuwii(, w; IW1DJ, I
li4c; Young- Americas, lac. Foreign Financial
NU1B "Wiuuia, u. . aou aneua, new
per IO.. uo; nara aneiia, par 10.,
LONDON, April 28. Money was In good
rnr rr ii.. xw-raru a umw aaaa. ajear in. 1
X,uW VVcans larae. per lb. 14c- email nil demand In the market looay. 'J" ""''V
b' to. Chl l waKutir per lb WllSc' Cape gold was landed at Southampton to
ip., - -It . I, " v ,": rt.v m,i ent on to the Bank of England.
;hai ami
Features of the Trading; and loslna;
Prlcea on Board of Trad.
CHICAGO. April 28. Covering by ihorls
cause,! a Arm finish In the local wheat
11 arket today, final quotations on the July
option being up He Corn showed a gain
of He. oats and provisions were practl-
hII.v unchanged.
The strength of the wheat market late
In the day whs due to numerous reports
from St. Louis telling of damage to fall
sown wheat. The news referred chiefly to
damage In Missouri and southern Illinois.
The market, developed a fair degree of ac
llvltv during the last hour and closed
strong with prices at ulnioat the highest
pi.inl of the day. The principal demand
came I rom aborts. Early In the day a
HigUtly easier tono was manifested owing
to sillinu of May by local longs, but a
fair demand by conitnlslon houses for the
ulMdiil deliveries tended to steady th mar
ket. July opened .c lower to a shade
higher at 7SVti79c 10 79',c. anvanced to 79H
.r,9 c tind closed at 79VT9c. May ranged
hit ween 7XSC and 7c und closed at .9Hc.
Clearances of wheat and flour were equal
to 207,000 bushels. Primary receipts were
jMimu buahels compared with 278.00U bushels
a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi
cago reported receipts of 198 cars against
15K cars last week and 1S6 cars a year ago.
I nsettled weather had a steadying effect
011 the corn market. The volume of trad
ing, however, waa small. Country accept
ances were small and Indications pointed
to continued small receipts here, rlrm
ness of cash corn was a bullish Influence.
The market closed steady. July opened
a shade lower to a shade higher at 46c
to 4tiVa4i;'c. May closed at 4VM'c. I
cal receipts were 26 csra. with 7 of con-
"Tradfng "n oats w quiet and feature
la and a teady tone prevailed the en
tire day. July opened unchanged at jrtvt
81c. aold up to 31c and closed at JOV&.llc.
- - 1 ..l..i ..... 11a run
ProvUlon were quiet and steady. "vy
shipments of meats and lard had a
lng effect. There was some changing from
nnii..n to the mor distant de-
. . ,h Klna. .Tlllv OOl'k WaS UI1
imaged at I16.77V.T Lard wa. up a .had. at
6 cart Wrn. 286 car; oat. 197 cars; nogs
37.011O head.
shell, pel lb.. Ife. Cocoanuta, 24 par aavg Olscuunts were easy, tnougn wie.r .o
S? u much uncertainty regarding Americas fu
01 '0 ... . . ,.. .. .. I. 1 n,n,. .,f lrt nut this caused
FKfc-Bll riori, iroui. naiioui, no; tiiuii-ii" - - -
if u.r.1. dressed. 7c: white baas, lie: iuv less apprehension. It Is not yet definitely
hah 6c; parch, skinnud and dressed, do: known whether the amount or eagles wim-
o"ke 9(iiloc; redsnapper, Lo almun, Uo: drawn today will be followed by further
crapples He; eels. Wo: black baas, 22o; engagements either InMhe gold In the mar-
whitcllsh. 10412c; frog legs, per do., 66c; ket or with eagles from the Bank of Eng-
! Tr.n 3Hc: boiled lnh.i. nr with France. The trading on the
bluefish, 15c; herring. 6c; Bpabiah mackerel, Btock exchange suffered from week-end
lbc- haddock, 10c; snnmp, 11.00 per gallon; transactions. Americans opened Hat and
melts, 12c; cod, 12c; bullheads, tic; catnaa, rallied to a fraction above parity on New
1.-..-. -.m shad. 76o: flounders. 11c. Ynrk annnort. But local dealers were In-
JdUBh'luvKe-inii isr 10., hidwic, I OIBDOSeu to aiu inucii wiiii ,.n,i. v .
KAD1BHEB tii;;&ouaa, per doa. bunches, of more Insurance liquidation. Prices
I047fto. . . closed steady. Foreigners were nrm. ivhi-
(O Ki tiii ibm iiiuii., i.w wjr arai.: 1 nrs were easv. oeina auruiu uj mu.'
shell oysters, 21.0Oiir0O per iw; Little Neck ment of American and the troubles
Clams, Il.ou per i.
a! 1 11 j. & -i a ri n uihleu caiiir. in iiniai img
granulated cane. In sacks, 15. U; granulated, In acks. $6.01.
HVKi.r id Dsinis. ixr ui-i in eaina.
a 10-lb. cana, i w, o", ix a-it,. cans, z.v,
, a4 2W-1U. owns. 21.M.
COrFEMi-itoaujieoi io. aa, ViO per lb.;
No. 20, 200 Pr lb.; No. . 16Vc per In.;
No.' 20. 15Vc per lb.j No. n. 12Vc per To.
CURED Fieri H ajnuy whiietlsh. per 14
bbl.. luO lbs., 14.60; Norway mackerel, per
DDI., aw iiM-i w w, aw, a. 41. tar;
NO. A IJO.w; iso. a, iwi xrian. no. j. jid.oo;
Tha leading: future ranged a. follows
"..,,.. 1 niwn I Utah. I Low. I Close. Te'y.
May July
I oik
May July
Uay July
4q IO'-
32isl S2H32i4t(.4
79. &'-.!
47 1
79S 79
7Hi 1
4t 4'J"
16 10
16 W
IS 60
S 66
I 70
I S2
I 47H
I 60
6 67V
31 UV
aVal30TihSl 80VU31
15 0
I 70
I 82H
I 47H
9 6'i4
S 70
16 55
16 771
15 T7H
I 60
S 66
t 77
t 674
8 66
8.V S24
15 66 1
15 T74
16 77V
8 E2v
8 66
8 T7H
8 45
8 60
8 7H
15 66
15 77H
15 HO
6 66
8 C74
8 80 .
8 46
8 66
8 67H
Cash quotation were a follow:
KUHTl-Sti'iKly; winter patent IVoOtf
3 9o' winter .tralghta. U V3.; P(T
baker. 12 3oi-i 0. -,-,.,. v
WHEAT No. 8 spring, ,Vair: No.
Hiring, 7bdilc; No. 2 red. 87V09c.
'.v,!vn 1 7.c: No. 2 yellow. 4.c.
OATBNo.' 1. 32Sc; No. t white, SajS-'c
No 1 white. SJdAic.
,1.1.. K 1 K. I Mlt'
BARLEY-Good feeding, 39541c; fair to
choice malting. 4Maouc.
ut.LTiuK.i 1 Km. 21 fli: No 1 north
western. 1) 14v Prime timothy. $3 20. Clover,
. - tl 1 Ko
PRJV18UN8-Meaa pork. pr bbl., 815 65
1,111.1 ij.rrf ner b lbs.. 8S.55. Short ribs
ides ' (loosel. 13 "q8.60; short clear side
(l.xed, fK.S.Ht'S 'W- , . . .
Following were th receipt and ship
r.t flnur and grain:
Receipt. Bhlpments
17."J 32.i"0
l"ur. bbl
W heat. bu.
1 urn. bu...
ats, bu....
Rve. bu. ...
Ha rley. bu
... 8.0rt
...225 3'o
... .
321 0
II 31
On tha Produce exchange today the but
ter market wa ieady; reamerle, ltd
: dairies. 14lc. Fags, steady; at mark
iaaea Included. 161&V-; Orsta. 15Hc prim
llrsia. lSe; extraa, inc. t. neeae, easy
Mllwaake Grain Market.
Lower; No. 1 northern, 82'o3c: No.
northern. 7MiHlHc; July, rS79c asked.
KYF Steady ; No. 1, XjMWc.
HA RLE Y Bteady ; No. !. eoc, sample. 40
C1RN Steady; No. 8 cash. 47ef7Hc; to
arrive, 4iS-o;c; July, 4ttoc asked.
Ktaiai City (irala and Prarlsloaa.
.c; July, l-c; einrniorr, iijc;
No. I hard, T7ttle; No. 2, 7a76V,c;
reil, tUKutaic; No. 2. IWo.
CORN May 44c; July. 42Sc: Sept
-Sc; caah. No. 2 mixed. 47'0-47Vc;
w lilt. 47V! No- 8. 47V&47UC.
OATS No. 8 white, 1) Wai34.r.
HAY Mteady; choice timothy,
cl.oica prairie. 110 t0 16.7a,
RVE 8lady. 61b 67c
tOOa steady; Missouri aud Kansas
111 00
Natal. Japanese Imperial 6s of 1904 were
quoted at lolli.
Br.rtL.11. April ,-iiuih wi. im
Bourse today was dull upon the New York
advices. Homestlc shares were firmer.
PARIS, April 28. Trading on the Bourse
today was calm and prices were firm. In
terest ceniorea in wie new nuemaii lun,
which waa buoyant, closing at 92.60. Rus
sian Imperial 4s were quoted at 83.40 and
Russian 6s or 1304 at 60S. ine private raie
of discount waa 2 9-16 per cent.
Oils and Rna,
A nr. v
Apr. .0...
Apt. 11... I
Apr. 12...
Apr. 13... I
Apr. 14...
April lb...
April 17..
April 18..
April 19..
April JO. .
April 21..
April -a..
April 23..
April 24..
April 26..
April 26..
April 27..
April 28..
26 I 4 911 7 Z5 I 67 6 921 6 84
a iu.i a 56 1 7 Al Mil 6 87 6 U
6 oVl ' l 4 96 J 22; 801 6 2I 36
I 34W i 81) 80 i 6 84 6 H 6 iU
$s 6 in: 81: 1 19 I 04 6 40
46 I 6 2 4 xi 7 1 84 1 6 i
6 4l I 4 9 7 Oil 6 91 t 4 6 46
6 5o. 6 23 7 U ei 6 921 6 In
6 43H 6 27 1 75
41,! 6 23 6 821 7 10
431 6 30 4 S0 7 11
-6 33 4 8117 07
6 344 I 4 821 7 02'
6 29 5 361
6 aS 6 26 4 75 7 06
S 21 5 231 4 7SI
6 33 6 16 4 75 6 921
6 10 72 6 831
6 Wil 6 90 6 46
15 S6 5 46
6 89) I 6 42
86 6 81
861 6 801 6 38
7 0ti 6 &9 6 76 6 32
93 D l O M
5 74 6 30
6 72 5 34
I 6 37
7 001
7 07
decrease, . ,226. Fi-Vnlted Plates de
posits, tl7,6o5,7J6: decrease, f.l.120,57.
Tfrm Yarlc Money Market.
NEW TORK, April 28 MONEY On call,
no loans: time losns, firm: sixty and ninety
days nd ait months, Sti6 rr cent.
per cent.
11410 for demand and at I4 81ti4"ll0 fur
sixty-day bills; posted rntes. 14 .2H and
84. commercial bills, $4 Rcfl4 81.
SILVER Bar, 65c; Mexican dollars.
BONDS Oovernnient, steady; railroad,
Closing quotations on bonds today wer
as follows:
V. rt. In, rt ....1MI4 Jspsn . M aeries .. t'
do toupoa tnol do 4n itf.
I'. rf txii do S
60 connen T0 4a Z4 perl 1
t' 8. old 4. r 1V L N. unl 4 IM
..nJ'i Man. t !"'
..ISi) iMpx. Oulrsl 4 791!
. .1.1 I do l.t In-
.. 7 iMinn A St. I 4s.. M
.-11J M. . K. T. 4 1"IH
..lm do 2 "
. . 94 Si N. R. R. of M. c. 4.
S N Y. t I J'ii M
ISIS N. J V. g. Be 14
NI'N. ri'lflo 4 101
il do
ms n. w. 4 ioe,
7 ID S I.. rl,l 4
Ipena. mnt s S
M I Kesdlna fn 4a HKi
! SI. 1,. A I. M. r. (f .lMMi
11 Si. U A . K. f 4. H'
St. I.. S. W. . 4.... 7-,
74 Sealxwrd A. I. 4...
S. I'arlft.- 4 l'
... 4'
tl iTexas P. Is U2
. 7S IT., St. U W. 4l.. Ml
. 4 t'nion ri in,- 4 nns
. lf4's do rnnv. 4.
f' t S Steal 2d l
. ,W aha.h la . . . .
.l'i do dab II ,
. II Wealarn Md. 4a..
117 W I. K 4a..
. ' Wla. ('antral 4a..
do coiionn
V. 8 11. 4a. rt(...
do rniipon
Am. Tnhait-o 4a...
do to
At-hlan gsii. 4a...
do adj. 4a
Atlantic c. I,. 4a...
Hal. A nMo 4a
Brk. It. T. r. 4a....
Control of Ga. aa. . .
do M Ina
do M tnr
do S4 Inr
t has. A Ohio 4a..
t'Mi-oin a A. I'a .
., R. A 14 a. 4a..
., ft. I. P. 4. .
do col. fia
i-:. a St. I., a 4a..i'i do l.t 4a nfa
'Olo. Ind. ta, aar. A. 73 So. Railway ta
do aaria n
Colorado Mid 4a..
oln. A So. 4a
A R. n 4a. ..
Distiller' Sw. (a.
Erie p I. 4a
do an. 4a
Hncains Vsl. 4'.
Japan a
Conaola. money
do aerount
Anar-onda ...
Atrhlaon ....
do ptd ....
Pnltlmnre A Ohio..
MT do l.t pfd
. '-'u'v do Id pld
,16H Pmilharn Hallway
..... 1
Herring. In bbl., auu lbs. ie.n. Norway. 4k . . .
1U I.OO; Norway, k. 13.0i; Holland, nluidl NEW YORK, April M.-OILS-Cottonseed.
$11.60; Holland herring. In kegs, miikera! easy; prime crude, f. o. b. mills. 30c. Pe-
8uc; kega. mixed, Joe- troleum, steady; refined. New York, 87a0;
The following shows the number of cars
of Blockers and feeders shipped to the coun
try and their points of destination;
W. S. Smith, Bayard, la. Mil
Shirley Bros., Presho, S. D. Mil
F. F. Failor. Platte, 8. D.-Mil
J. M. Kuyte, Red Oak, la Q
J. A. Waddell, Hamburg, la. Q ,
O. Hayes, Red Oak. la. Q ,
A. (jiiinby, Spaulding, la. Q
O. Smith, Craig. Neb. M. & O
Cornish Bros., Meadow, Neb. R. I..
R. Brunnswick, Howella, Neb-. F. E
F. E. James. Sidney, la. g
The official number of car of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Horn. Sheeo.H'r'a
c, M. & Ht. f
Missouri Pacific
I. P. System
C. & N. W., east....
C. & N. W., west
C, St. P.. M. & O...,
C. B. & Q., east
C., B. & J., west...,
C, R. 1. & P., east...,
C, R. I. & P.. west.
Illinois Central
Chicago Gt. Western
Total receipts ...
t attle, Sheep and Lambs Xtcadr Hoaa
Fire to Ten Cent lllarher.
CHICAGO, April 28. -CATTLE Receipts,
i-i head; market steady; beeves, $4.06tj6.15;
cows and heifers, $1.604?.10; stockers and
feeders, $2.9K&4.86.
HOGS Receipts, 8,000 head; estimated
Monday. 34,000 head; market 510c higher;
mixed and butchers, IH.4Oi66.70; good heavy,
16 6"'a.67H: rough heavy, 16.S0fa6.46; lights,
l4.3'a662Vs; pigs, 26.903.46; bulk of sales,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 3,000
head; market steady; sheep, I3.2ui)6.75; year
lings, io.aiKQv.Bu; lamp, Wo.wspt.w.
St. I.onls Live Stock. Market.
ST. LOI IS. Mo., April 28. CATTLE Re
ceipts. 350 head, including 300 head Texan
market for natives strong; rexans, ateadv
native shipping and export steers, 4.65'd
5.75; dressed beef and butcher steers, 13.76
1i5.on; steers under l.ono pounds. 13.SO4I4.80:
stockers and feeders, I2.40fff4.5f': cows and
he fers. I2.nofu6.00: canners. 11.754i2.26: Bulls
$2.4o'g4.4); calves, 2.5fVg6.60; Texas and In
dian steers, f3.ooi84.7o; cow and heifer.
.11711. no.
HOOS Receipts. 2.000 head: market 10c
blither: nlas and lialils. !a.75flti.56: nsckers
ft;. loi4j.55; butchers and best heavy, 16.45
SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts. 250
head; market sleady; native muttons, 14.00
"M,.ni; iambs,; culls and bucks,
hea. A Ohio.
I hlraxo Ot. W
r.. m. st. p...
Denver A R. O...
do pfd
do lat pfd
do td pfd
Illnola Central ..
Loulavlllo A Naah.
at.. K. A T
SILVER Bar. c,ulet, 30 7-16d per ounce.
MONEY 2Vtl3 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short hills Is 8'.t per cent; for. three
months' bills, 3Mi3 6-16 per cent.
4 1
2 .. 1
34 .. 1
2 I
104 3 2
day's receipts was
CANNED GOODS Corn, standard west
ern. 5iVutoc Maine, si.ia. tomatoes. 2-lh
cans, I1JJ5-U1-50; 2-lb., 87Hcfl.OO. Pineapples,
grated, . 2-lb., 2.0f.tj2.3u. sliced, 1.90fu2.20,
Gallon apples, fancy, W.76; California apri
cots, i.wi:w, 11, i. ionji.00; peaches.
fancy, 11.io1j2.40; It. c. peaches, 12.otKfi2.dO.
Alaska salmon, red, 11. lo; pink, 90c; fancy
Chinook, F., 12.10; fancy sockeye, F., 11.95;
urdlnea, V oil, 12.50; mustards, U.ttra
PhlladelDhla and Baltimore, 17.55: Philadel
phla and Baltimore, in bulk, 14.65. Tur
pentine, quiet at 6i'si6iic.
BAVAISINAM, ua., April j. 1 ui -pcntlne.
firm at Mc
ROSIN Nothing' doing. Quote: A, B and
C. 13.16; D, 13.S0; E, I3.S5; F, 13.90; O, 4.M0;
H. f4-40; I,; K , in..n; M,; r, o.i;
AVO. 16.46: WW, 15.50.
OH. CITY, fa., April .'. 4 i i t reait
8.10. Sweet potatoes, ll.15fcl.25; aauerkraut. balances. i.4; Hiupmeius, w.ou ooia. ; aver-
11.00: pumpkins, 8ocUH.O0; wax beans. 2-lb.. :. "'3 bbls-; r,,n"i 74'.of!9 bbl" .:.u.v,'.r?Ke'
76fu90c; lima beans, 2-lb., 76?1.S5; spinach W.Wt bbl"-: shipments. Lima. 6.1 0o5 bbls. ;
II. 354I2.CIO; cheap pea. 2-lb., 80c; extra. 75u average, 72,972 bbla.; runs, Lima. 62.9S8 bbla.;
uc; fancy, tl.3fi1.76. uverage, 39,295 bbls.
green nine, c; ino. nc; ivo. 1 salted, 11c;
wo. i, juc; nun niues, iia74c; ary niaes,
12iti20c. Horse hides, large. 13; small. 12.
Sheep pelt, each 50cft 11.25. Tallow, No. L
4-"4c; No. i ssc; rougn, 1HC.
8L OAK Granulated cane. In bbls.. 15.06:
granulated cane. In sucks, 15.01; granulated
beet, in sacks, n vi.
St. Louis General Market
ST. LOU18. Anrll 28. WHEAT- Weak-
No. 2 cash, red, elevator, 80if!K3c; track, 91i kettle, good to choice, goto 38c.
.....c... . 1 a. . . -Bi . at ..Tl -i.-.arori.'-AKra 1 nl 'Hi
u-OL-; oiar, out:, iuijr, 101;,-rso. a liaru. SO
corn future, rngner; casn, steady;
No. 2 caan. nominal; track. do.c: May
40Mio: July. 4514c.
OATS (julet; No. t cash. S2c; track. S2Hc;
May, 317tc; July, 304c; No. 2 white. Sic.
FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, 14 .20
4 bo; extra fancy ana straight, f3.70Q4.10;
clear,'B- w.
SEED Timothy, steady; !2.50,2.80.
CORNMEAL Steady; 12.30.
BRAN Finn: sacked, east track. 6c3
hay Hteauy; timotny, 112.000160;
agar and Molasses.
NEW YORK, April 28.-SIG A R-Ruw.
firm; fair refilling, 215-liic: centrifugal, 9i
test, 3 7-lrtc; molasses sugar. 2 11-lSe. Re
fined, firm; No. 6, 4.10c; No. 7, t.Oac; No. 8,
4.00; No. 9. 8.95c; No. 10, 3.90c; No. 11. 3.S5c;
No 12, 2.8oc; No. 13, S.iocr No. 14. 3.7u; con
fectioners' A. 4.45c: mould A. 4.95c; cut louf.
S.8oc; crushed, 3.85c; powdered, 4.70c; granu
lated. 4.6oc; cubes, 4.c.
MOLASSES rlrni; New Orleans open
pttle. good to choice, SOfuSHc.
NEW ORLEANS. April 28. Sl'OAR Mar
ket quiet but steady; open kettle centrif
ugal, S'ifilV: centrifugal whites, 3Vn4c;
yellows, 8Sn3se; seconds, 2ti3'c.
MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, 17j
80c: centrifugal, 7'u2oc.
SYRUP Nominal, 25i3op.
ber of head Indicated:
Omaha Packing Co..,
Swift and Company
Cuilahy Packing Co.,
Armour & Co
Cuilahy Puck. Co.. Sioux Cltv..
Swift and Company. St. Joseph.
Cuduhy Puck Co., Kansas city..
Hogs. Sheep,
....3,118 ..,
nralrle. tll.a 13.60.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits.
APPLES Higher, wlih strictly prim
quoted at 10c, choice at 1044jllc and fancy
at 114c.
continue very firm In tone and are held
higher, with quotations ranging from 6'c
to Sc, according to grade. Apricots ere
scan s and prices are more or less nouilnnl
In th absence of actual attractions, f'holce
Kansas Cltr Live Stock Market.
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. April 27. CAT
Tl.E Recelnts. 100 head: market un
changed; choice export and dressed beef
steers, f5.35W6.00; lair to good. 14.26
6.25; western fed steers. 13.7664.60:
stockers and feeder. 13.00514.90: south
ern steers, f 3.75U 5.25; southern cows,
I2.50w4.10: native cows. 12.6014.60: na
tive heifers. 13.750 5.10: hulls. 13.00 4.25 :
calves, 3.ootS6.00. Receipts lor the week
33,tiou neaa.
HOGS Recelnts. 2.300 head: market
(f(7 4c higher; top, 16.60; bulk of sales,
16. 35i& 6.45; heavy, 16.42 4 6 6.60; packers,
16. 35 6.474: PlK and light, 15.2offj6.40
Receipts lor tne weea bu.sou neau.
KHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none
market unchanged. Receipts for the week
29,000 head.
PROVISIONS-Pork. sleady: Jobbing, in in apsence 01 actual aiiracuona. . noice
1160. Lard, steady: prime steam, lo.fc. jre quoted at l.'4. extra cliou-e at l.k' and
Dry salt meats, steady; boxed, extra short, ,anc'r mtlic Pwhe are attracting a little
19 00; clear ribs, f9.26; short clears. 19.374.
Bacon, steady; boxed, extra short, f.7&;
clear ribs, fio.oo; short clears. f!0.12tt.
POULTRY Steady; chickens, lf4c; tur
keys. 14c: ducks. 12c: geese. 6c.
BUTTER-Dull; creamery, 16ffl21c; dairy.
I4ti 1x0.
EGGS Steady. 14c. case count.
Receipts. Shipments.
.... 6.f 6,000
....30.000 63.000
....94.000 6O.01O
....65.000 11 6,01 JO
mor attention, but business so far re.
ported Is In the way of small lots. Choice
are quoted at 104c, extra choice at 10-Vallo,
fancy at 114c and extra fancy at H'VfjU'c.
Raisins are unchanged. Loose muscatel are
quoted at JjHo, seeded raisins at 7VU7Hc
and London layers at fl.5oful.60.
Flour, bbls
Wheat ,bu
Corn, bu ..
Oats, bu .
Minneapolis Grain Market.
First patents. 14.100 4.20; second patents.
30(a4.iiu; nrst clears, u.suvj.tu; sec
ond clears, 12 4 a (j J 6t.
BRAN In bulk, 115. 25018 60.
(Superior Board of Trade quotations for
Minneapolis und Chicago delivery). Th
range of prices, aa furnished by F. D. Day
& Co.. 110-111 Board of Trade building, was:
Articles.) Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close Ye y.
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. April 28. COTTON Syot
closed quiet; middling uplands, ll:7oc; mid
dling gulf. 11:95c. Sales, none.
Spot closed Bteady. Sales. 2.660 bales. Or
dinary, 8 9-16c; good ordinary, 97c; low
middling, 10U-16c: middling. 11 11 -16c; good
middling. 11 13-lric; middling fair, 123-lbc.
Receipts. 2.420 bales; stock. 167 197 bales.
market quiet, prices 1 points lower; Amer
ican middling fair, 6 64d; good liilddllng,
I24d: middling, 6.04d; low middling. 6Sd;
good ordinary, 5.7od: ordinary, 5.5ud. The
sales of the day were J.(a bales, of which
1,000 were for speculation and export, and
Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 6.204 haleu;
New York, 127 bales; various, 2.176 bales.
May... July...
Mav... July...
:544HI 7'4
f4f4! 79'-4
1 17S!
1 I1",
1 194l
1 17H'
1 19',
1 1941
117 j
1 1
1 19'l
76'4 754
79', I 784
784! 7T!4
1 1741 1 174
1 1HS 1 19l4
1 194! 1 194
Philadelphia Prod are Market.
PHILADELPHIA. April 28.-B1TTER-Hteady;
extra western creamery, 22c; extra
nearby prints, 23c.
EGGS Firm; nearby fresh, 17c, at mark;
westein frenh. 174 at mark.
CHEESE Firm; New York full creams,
fancv. 14c; choice, 134813V'; fair to good,
Itnlnth Ural Market.
Dl'l.l'TH. Minn.. April 28 WHEA"T-To
arrive, No. 1 northern, 794c: No. 2 northern.
77S-; on trai k. No. 1 northern, TVSc: No.
2 northern, 774c; May, 794c; July, 804c;
September, 794c
OATS To arrive, on track ai.d May,
Toledo Seed Market.
TOLEl. O. April 2 SEED Clover,
cash, to k; April, In 3o; Ot tober, 85 96; Prime
Timothy, II 5.'4; prime alsike, fa. 26.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. April 28. M ETA LB There
waa no change In (he various metal mar
kets today and business was quiet. Spot
tin waa quoted at ft! 4'opper re
mains firm at I J 6 5a 18. 75 , electrolytic, 11125
r Market.
NEW YORK. April 28. COFFEE Fai
lures opened Bteady at unchanged prices
to an advance of 6 points, in response to
steady cable. There was a little Wall
street selling on account of another weak
spell In the stock market and at one time
price showed a pet loss of about 5S10
points. Offering were not very aggressive,
however, and the market rallied later on
buying by trade Interests. The close was
net unchanged. Rales were reported of
61.600 bags. Including May at i"c; Julv,
.Sfy&70c; September. i.86ji8flc; Iecemlsr.
T.167.l5c: March, ST.loiriA.tiV. Spot tlo,
steady; No. 7 Involca, 6 l-16c.
Totals 8,634
CA'l I'LL 1 here wua the usual dearth of
cattle on the market this morning, there
not being enough of anything In night tu
make a test ot values. As will be noted
from the table of recelpia at the head of
this column, arrivals this week nave been
lighter thun usual. The fact is this week
run Is the smallest of any week alnce Hie
first of the year. A considerable proportion
of the arrivals hus consisted ol turn-fed
In one regard at least the market has
been Juxt the reverse of what it was lust
week, when it will be remembered that ih
market oueued in aood ahaoe and steadily
declined, the loss amounting to 15jOc. The
present week opened no better, but alter
Monday, values were stronger every day, bo
that at the close of the week 1 Is safe to
call beef steers lofqloc higher than the close
of last week. Activity has not been
leature of the trade, buyers being a little
backward about putting on and not appear
lng to relish the idea of higher prices. Still
the trading ha been In fair shape and a
good clearance nas been made every flay.
Cows and heifers have followed along
after the teer market and have shown
about the same advance. The recelpta of
cows have been light all the week, with no
great number of really good fat stuff com
The stocker and feeder trade so far as
the better grades are concerned has been
In a good, healthy condition all the week,
that is, supply anil demand have been about
equal. Under such conditions the trade 011
most day lias been active und the cattle
sold at about steady prices all the week.
At the close the yards are practically clear,
there being no surplus on hand.
HOGS Liberal receipts and the fact that
It was the last day of the week, aud other
elllng point were not sending especially
encouraging news, combined to make the
hog market at this point rather unsatisfac
tory to sellers. A few load sold early to
speculators and shippers at a little stronger
prices than yesterday, the first sales being
largely at 16.35. Packers were not disposed
to admit of any advance in the market and
were bears right from the start. Aa sellers
all felt that the market should be a little
stronger, the trade was practically at a
standstill all the morning ami it was late
in the forenoon before buyers and sellers
gut together on a business basis. It being
a Saturday, buyers had the best of it, as
no one cared to hold hogs over until Mon
day, and in the end sellers were forced to
let go at prices only a shade better than
yesterday. The big bulk ot all the hogs sold
at f6.324H6.35.
As recelpta of hogs this week have been
the largest of any week this month and de
cidedly larger than a year ago, as will he
noted by the llic'ires at the head of this
column, the week started out with a good
stiff decline and continued Its downward
course during the first three days. On
Thursday and Friday there was a slight re
action, so that at the close of Ihe week the
market Is only ahout loc Jower than one
week ago. 4'onHidering the very large re
ceipts, the market as a whole has been In
very satisfactory condition, the demand
Iieing good every day and the trade reason
ably active as a rule.
Representative sales:
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. A v. 8h. Pr.
36 139 11 6 i so u6 ... 66
86 2o4 2"i 1 124 77 242 ... 6 35
. ;s
London CIaiaaT Stock.
LONDON. April 28. Closing quotations on
tne stork exenange were:
eral fund, exclualv of tha ItPAOfH.m (Told
reerve. shows; Available cash ha'ane,
Iiri7.97.'1 : go,i coin and hidlfon. K4.Ali
gold certificates, fl.M.V9ari.
Hank Clearing.
OMAHA. April rt.-Rnnk rlearlnga for
trxliiy were ll.M4.r94 n and for Ihe corre
sponding date Inst year ll.M9.5M 25.
It Waa a Drawback.
With a wild whoop the man In Ihe red
topped brots dashed down the crowded
"Whnt a terrible drawback!" he walled.
"What a terrible drawback!" People ptnred
"What Is a terrible drawback, my poor
man?" asked the sympathetic crowd.
"Why, Ihe mustard plaster that Mry
Jane slurk on nie liefore 1 left horn. It
has nearly drawn my bark double and I
can't reach It. And "
But the crowd was gone. Chicago New.
Mranie Adrentnra
In uto led to painful accident, but Buck
len s Arnica Salve quickly healed . all
wounds. J6c. Guaranteed. For sal T
Sherman McConnell.
MS N. T Cantral.
. i Norfolk A V..
. U do pfd ......
. II 4 Ontario A W . .
.1,4 Pannaylvanls
in1. Rand Mlnaa ...
anadlan rarlar l'H Heading
. 4SH
. 424,
. Ut4.
do pfd
Southern Pacific
I'nlon Pai-lnc ...
do pfd
V. t. Steal
do pfd
do pfd
... UK
.... fs
.... 93
.... 4?S
.... 7S
.... S
.... ,
.... 4n
.... 47
. ... 10?
. ... s
. ... 91
.... 4:iS
. ... 41
.... 4M
Treasurr Statement.
WASHINGTON. April K.-Tnday's state
ment of the treasury balances In the gen-
F. D. Day Cl Co.
Stocks. Grain. Provision
Ship gone Uraln to Da.
Chicago and Minneapolis Deliver-.
One-eighth commission en brain, eno.
quarter on Stock. Prompt and caroful
attention given to outald acceunts. Writ
for cur dally Market Letter, mailed frea,
Main Ofllr.
llO-lll Board of Trad Bid.
Us( Dlatnneo 'Phono. Dona-las BU 14.
Maw York Live Stock Market.
NEW YORK. April 2f.-BEEVE8-Re
celpts, 326 head; none on sale. Feeling
nominally steady; dressed beef, uncnangea
at 644c for native sides. r.xporis.
1,500 beeves and 7,266 quarters of beer.
CALVES Receipts, none and none on
sale; market feeling sleady; city dressed
veals, firm at iij94c; country dressed
steailv at 66l7U,c.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 3.622
head: market feeling steady; two car un
sold. Good unshorn western lambs sold
at 57.80 per hundred pounds; dressed mut
tons, steady at 84iul04c; dressed Iambs,
firm at !W!l2c; drensed spring lambs, steady
at 12.i&6.60 per carcass.
HOGS Receipts, 2.066 head; market nom
inally sleady on Buffalo advices.
St.-Jcepk Live Stock Market.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., April 28. CATT LE
Receipts. 136 head; market steady; na
tive, 14.256 6.80; cow and heifers. 11.15
4x 4 60; alocker and feeders, 13.1541 4.60.
HOGS Receipts, 4,966 head; market for
pigs 6c higher; light, 16.30476.45; medium
and heavy, 16.35 fu 6.50; pigs, 4.754j 6-25.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 3 head;
market nominal, teady.
lion City Lire Stock Market.
8IOUX CITY. April 28 (Special Tele
gram.) Recelpta, iu head; market
ironger; beeves, $40OCgS.40; cow bull and
mixed, f3.40ft4.6fi; stockers and feeders,
13 60414.40; calves and yearlings 13.2504. 30.
HOGS Receipts, 6.5oo head; market
strong; selling at 86. 2034. 35; bulk of sales,
6 2fy&6.30.
Stork In slab!.
Receipts of live stock at the six principal
western market yesterday:
cattle, nogs, sneep.
Wool Market.
LONDON, April 28. WOOL The arrtvala
of wool for the third series of auction sales
amount to 260.924 bales, including 13x6iai
bales forwarded direct to spinners. The
Imports this week are: New South Wales,
1.745 bales: Queensland. 177 bales; Victoria,
1,336 bales; South Australia. 871 bales; Tas
mania. 102 balea; New Zealand. 33.9o3 bales;
Included .&"0 American. Receipts. 6 000
bales. Including 6.100 American.
naporla nnd .Exports.
NEW YORK. April 28 -Total Imports of
merchandise and dry goods al the port of
New York for the week ending todav were
valued at fl6.tl78.3M. Total liuporta of specie
at the port of New Tork for the week end
ing today were 8K1.864 silver and 18.914.921
gold. Total ei porta of apocie from the
port of New Tork for th week ending to
day wer tl.124.4u6 silver and io6,000 gold.
116 221 80 6 324
109 241 80 6 124
7 Mo M 32' i
60 249 240 I 324
e8 218 IJ 6 32 4
79 3118 160 ( 324
80 216 90 6 32 4
68 25 80 6 22 4
77 217 40 6 824
87 2 li 8 324
W 217 240 ( 324
100 179 80 324
92 226
76 225
81 219
79 219
80 iJ6
77 241
8 22U
.. 8 324
40 824
,.. 8 22 4
... 8 324
. .225 160 8 I24
.511 240 f Sl'14
.219 0 lli
.231 ... 8 35
.2-46 80 8 36
2b0 M ;
.2.15 SO t 35
.24 120 8 86
227 ... IV.
238 ... ti
81 ....
120 6 35
200 35
80 36
40 35
... C 35
80 36
40 36
40 35
8u 35
240 ( 15
.4 M0 I ii
.Mi ... S5
.Ml ... 8 36
South Omaha
Sioux City
Kansas City
St. Joseph
St. Lnui
Total recelpta.
.1.088 11,365 2,253
Boaton Stock. aotK Bond,
BOBTON, April 28. Call loans, 65 per
cent; time loans, o'4i P'r cent,
closing on stocks and bonds:
Atrhlaon ad). 4a 93 lAdranlura
do aa w 1 auouoa
Max. rntrl 4a 17
Atrblaon l
do pfd Idd
PoaloB A Albany I&4
Boston Mala. ...171
Hnalon EieTaled li4
ritrhburf pfd ..
Mnlin Control .
N V-, N. II. A H
l'Bion Partsc
A mar. Aro. C ham
do pfd
A mar. Pnau Tub.
Amor, ftucar
do pfd
Amor. WooIob
do pfd
Dominion I. A
Kdlaoo gloi . lllu. .
Idaaa Klacirtc ....
do pfd
Maaa. Uaa
I mud rrull
timed Shoo Mara.
do pfd
Groans f'oa
I S SimI
do pfd
Wast It common
Bid. Asked.
A ma, a a ma tad ; ,
Amarlraa Zlne
)'l. A Hecla...
Oippor Rsago .,
Pair Wast
. i ranklla
.147 'oronhy ,
.144HI I, la rioral
. 2, Maaa Mining .
. tl IMIrhlgan
. 1) Mohawk
.Ill Mont. 1'. r.
.1X1 loid Pomioloa ,
. k4ilOa-enla
.1 iParrot
. av, dulney
944 iRhannon
. Tamarack
. 44 iTrlnlly
. 4A I'nttod Copper ,
last,! i'. g Mining..
. 1 v. . oil
. 1 .t'tah
. 57 "i! Vlrtnrla
. 4v, W inona
-I4' WolTorln ...
iNortb Bulto ..
. C4
. II
. l
. 14
. 11V.
. II
. tt
. I
. 14
. aa
. II
.. 87
. . 1 35
New York Mtalns Stocka.
NEW YORK, April 28 Closing quotation
on mining slocks were:
Adama ton 10 lOnUrie'
9 E9 K 8 S5
.197 80 15
..260 840 16
..i'Ji 40 I 35
80 35
40 36
:u 35
40 35
80 8 36
80 I 36
120 36
... 115
... 8 88
... ii
Alius t
traara 40
hruusvlrk Cob .WO
( omatoi k Tnnnol ....ll
Coo. I al A V 14
Horn SIlTOr tot
LdTillo Coo I
Little hlaf , I
8iam NavBda
9mll Hopos ..
. J
. 14
. 14
. U
ClearlatT Hooso Average.
NEW TORK. April 28.-Th matement of
Ihe clearing house bank for this week
shows lhat the bank hold 1143.367. over
Ihe legal res. rve requirement. Thl Is a
decrease of 5.9::,33 under last week. The
statement follow. I .cans, fl.3na.210.6fd: In
crease, !?lt71.6f4. Dnposita. l,d28.b834; In
r rese, 121.218.700 Circulation, tfil.131 0; de
crease, f!42 aj Iogal tender. 10 910; In
crease, 12.224.700. 8pele. t1M.74.fO; de
crease. 11 919.300. Reserve. M7.638.; de
crease. !,94.6no. Reserve required. 17.170 .
I'. Increase, I6.SH726. Bjrplu. $10,367,400;
R--vXar rrice $9.00. Ota
Offer Qui
All to On Addr
C08MOPOUTAiX f S 3 - 2 5
WOMAJMl llUMiS CJMIFAt lU.t J AU to One Addr
Wt are Tery fortunate in twlng able to arraiiire with the publlahtn
ef these well known masaiinee to offer their publication at thl
aatlon&l price. It li an opportnnlty not often presented. . Newer before
bai a pnbllgher ba?n able to make ao liberal an 4er on exclusive hign
(Trade and high priced magazine.
Too ask bow la this offer possible tf the three magazines hare a
fixed valua and are not like the commodities usually offered i baxgaU
It Is well known to everyone In bnslnees that In fixing a aemng
rieti there must be added to the manufacturing cost the cost of mar
keting. The cost of marketing a magazine la a big Item, and theea
three publishing housem decided to unify their efforts to ge new read
era, making one organization do the work, and divide the cost of mar
keting by three. That Is why you can buy the magazines, that fit
the seed ef every home, for near! half price,
This Is a magazine designed for every member of the farm home.
Special articles on subjects of the grsateet Interest are printed each
week. These are written by men of national reputation and cover a
field se diversified as to embrace during the year all brancbee of farm
activity and life. Krank O. Carpenter'a "I-ietters of Travel" and Wil
liam Jennings Bryan's "Around the World Letters" appear la no
other agricultural paper. Either one ot these features are worth tha
price of a year'e aubscrtptlon. No other farm paper maintains ao many
regular departments, such aa Feeding, Live Stock, Veterinary. Dairy,
Poultry, Crops, Farm Devices, Orchard and Garden, with tour paged
devoted to the women, young folks and children. Each of than A
paxUatmts la edited by a practical editor and not by a tfceoriat.
This magazine Is almost necesaary for the up-to-date rasas at
woman who pretends to keep abreast with th time. Its lUBAtntrbwa
will coaklst of 1,200 pictures a year. Its departments give th fceet
that is tu adl of the other Important magazines all over th world.
Timely And Informing articles, almost aa fresh and aa fuU ef Mti iaV
tereat aa the dally papers.
' This has been a leading magazine for eighteen year. With tfcd)
recent change in ownership It has been Improved and Is far W.ttw In
every respect. Its gain In newsstand sales and In aubecrlptlona have
fceern remarkable, and thete are due to the new life and real merU.
Tbt) Cosmopolitan la printing what the people want. It contains regu
larly the beat fiction, the best special article oa Umely topics aa4 CUa
beat Illustrations money can buy.
This magazine la for every mem ner or the family. It la aa Ideal
entertainer and helper In a thoyeand congenial waya. The lssne for
the forthcoming year will be unique in conception and execution, rich
and varied In contents and brilliant with th finest and moat iaiirat
and most artistic Illustrations obtainable.
This Is a beautiful magazine of country life, published by th Re
view of Reviews Company. It Is the most sumptuous, beat Illustrated
and moat costly magazine made In the world. It depicts rural or eoaa
try life in America, both Intelligently and lnstruciivery. It Illustrate
and tolla of the life and home surroundings of th farmer and raaeh
fnm. aa well aa th multi-uiiUloaalre and hia country aetata.
fV May T7.; Arramr far ywar ina carta reading now. Tj ere
mfw nn viaw. rftjJly grtiMf th erattr lint lnclnaUd la thl wonder
ful offer at bat little xbjw than th regular arte at an iagaJa, a
great ta Qie rvdncdoa.
Tin edfar la go4 tor aaw acid reaarvai sgtsaorttillsaa ajad wCQ a
I tan Ml a 11 milled Uma.
.W in Year OrtUr TUaj. 1,
mine Ode
remlttaaoaa avsat aV
j-tas an Tnaaleaaenai t TOM tttU'TUZTia OUXiVX
OMAM1, UMiilM.