Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1906, Page 6, Image 6
TTTE OMATTA DATTiT T.EE: MONDAY. APRTL T.n, moff. SPECIAL NOTICES ATrrtlirmriili for tbnn columns will be takea mil 12 m. (or the Tealn edltlea Bad ell p. m. for the moraine! 4 Saadar vdltloa. Rates 1 l-2c a word Mrmt Insertion, ! a word thereafter. Nothing taken for leaa thaa Site lor tha flrat Inser tion. Theaa adrertlaemeata moat be raa exaaeetlTelr. Advertlaera, by reajaeatlaar a naro bered rheck, raa hatt aaawera ad draaaed ta a aaanbered letter In eare of Tba Be. Aaawera so addreaaed will ba delivered on presentation of check. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE Day and night. New classes In bookkeep ing, telegraphy, shorthand, typewriting and English orgar'xed every day. Get a caUlogue. Address H. 6. BOYi.ES. President, Boylea Blda. mahSjl6g WHERE TRUNKS ARE MADE. Trunks, suit cases nd shopping hags. Old trunks taken In exchange: repairing. FRKU.NO & STEIN LE, 110 N. lth St. 'i'hone bous.-Wiu. R 11 UTAVrQ Taken down, cleaned and (SiUViiO,,,,, Prices the lowest. Capacity 250 atovea. A, J. Hayne Hard wars, 34th and Lake. Douglas Kit , R MluO M10 ENGROSSING and fancy penmanship. Boylea (jollegs. R M564 OMAHA Bafa and Iron Works make a spe cialty of fire escapes, ahuttera, doors and sates, a Andreea. Prop., Iu2 8. 10th Bt. K 114 WE buy and aall typewriters; will sell your machine on amail commission. Omaha Typewriter Exchange. 828 Neville Blk. ti noua. aiaj. SIGN PAINTING, 8. H. Cola. 1302 Iuglaa. XV litf BTEINWAT piano, upright, bin bargain, perflcld Piano Co., Mil Farnain B1s GUNSMITH, keys, trunk locka, repairing, lieflin. 211 S. 14tb, Tel. Douglas 2974. Ai -119 SEEDS THAT GROW. NEED ANY? Bee that they come from THE NEBRASKA SEED CO., loli-1615 Howard, 1208-10-U Jones St. K-158 M12 TRY KaUy'a Towal Supply. TeL Doug. 3630. K 120 lews Sanitary Cleaning Co., 181 Far nam1; K 121 MARTIN MEYER, ahlrta, underwear to order. H-MtM M2Q SURVEYING, BUckanaderfar, 312 Bee Bldg. Kl-i JOHNSON, THE RELIABLE, PLUMBING ANll HEATING CO. BEST SERVICE PRICES REASONABLE. TEL. DOUGLAS Sift. 1813 HARNEY. K A1U4 Miu ANTl-Monopoly Garbage Co., tin N. ltilh. Tel. Doug. Kea. 'phone, Doug.-7uol. R M540 CARLSON & CO., upholstering, repairing and mattress renovating. Tel. Doug. ;Mt. U MiwZ M-Ui HAVE Wilson hang paper; quick, clean paper ng a specialty. Tel. Douglas tuio. R-M..7tMIl W A TOM For shingling and repairing. ODAlUil Tfl- Tjou, 84, R aia MJ6 BUSINESS CHANCES DO YOU have any kind of property to ex change for Iowa or Nebraska lund, busi ness property, Omaha residence, general atock mdse., hardware, drug store, etc., etc.? Our list is large. Det ua get you results. Templeton & Manker, 2t6 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas-dsH. V-MWt IJIKI and easy payments secures confection ery business clearing 335 to 34S per week. C 15, care Bee. I MU '0 FOR 8A1.K Drug store in residence sec tion of Seattle. For particulars address luiiKKlsl, 41U list Ave., Seattle, Wash. Y Mifea MJx A KEAL SNA!' Teu-rooin rooi.tin' house, best location In ! city rent o uy )- p- r month. Inquire of .JOE LE VINE'S Furniture slori. SU-Iiou North Sixteenth St. Y-M'J9s 30 MAN with 35.' to 3'.000 can find safe and prolltuble investment for time or money, or Isith, by addressing, In perfect confi dence, D 2, care Bee. Y Mill 30 A SWELL ROOMING HOUSE-Elegantly furnished 13 rooms full of roomers and boarders; rent reasonable; Farnam dis trict, walking distance. Party leaving iltyj will sell cheap. Templeton & Man ket, 20t Bee building, telephone Douglas SSKH. Y-M102 BUTCH ER, with a very little money; good opening in country town. D 3, care Bee. Y Mill 30 J-CHAIR harber shop; 5 takes It: sick ness reason. D 8, care Bee. Y M 115 30 MAN with brains and money to swing big ileal, can double his investment In few months; legitimate strictly; investigate confidentially. C 67, care Boe. T-.MI1H 30 MODERN 18-room hotel with bar, new furniture and fixtures; small live river town; owner must change climate: J.'.oOO cash. bal. trade or terms to suit; if you don't mean business don't answer; price, p.(0 complete: would like small chicken farm. Address Box 5, Fountain Citv, Wis. Y Miti 3ex . FOR SALE. Only lumber, coal and grain business In Western Nebraska town; doing good busi ness; also good residence; good reasons for selling. Address or call at :' Emmet Bt. Tel. lHuglas 6182. Y-M379 Six FOR 8 ALE Hardware, furniture and un dertakina, business; good town southeast ern Nebraska: only furniture and under taking in town; no trade. Y 471 30 VALUABLE patent right for sain or trade; owner too much other business to iW'Vo'd proper amount of time to it; fortune In this; any reasonable offer will be con sidered. D 1, care Bee. Y M412 3 HOTEL business, South Dakota, paying 312 0 a month; landlady la sick and must sell furniture and lease; 33.iio, and on easy terms; worth $10,0n. C SH. care Ree. Y M413 3D LA8T CALL! Come to our office. First Na tional Bank Bldg., and arrange for the trip Tuesday, May 1. to the Great Pan handle country. Fntlre trip costs you nothing under certain reasonable condi tions. It us tell you about It. Isr- w Isnil fV yM.i w HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALb PERSONAL. ATTENTION E. H. Ferrio, scientific horsa shoeing, 41t fl rsth. Tel Doug la Ivtt. Horses called for and do llvarad. P M4.0 M16 FOR BALE Small horse, harness and buggy. Addr a A 30. Bee. F-MiId WANTED To buy horses, all classes. Call Kit Harney St. Tel. Red-7.U P-M241 HIGH-GRADE. open, pneumatic park wagon; ball-bearing axles; very light stylish vehicle. In fine condition, at a bar gain. A. Remington, Uth and Harney. . P-151 30 BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES Yt biX pay trust prices? Solid oak bllilaj-J a ad poul tablea, llu(. Also bar Bxluiea, bo agaucy exLwiiaea. Catalog m, uiallaj f rwa. Cbaa. paaaow Soca. Chicago. 13i-M6S WE THUdT EVERYBODY, easy paymanta, and lead the world In cheap piicas t,o billiard and pool tablea bar hxtuia; calaluau free. Tha Brunswlckv-Baika Ccliiiir Co 407 8. loth St.. Omaha, Neb. TREES AND SHRUBS LARGEST assortment of treea and shrubs In tits city at C'reaueut Nursery. Ha!. t round list and Farnaiu. TtrL Douglas 7. WANTED MALE HELP WANTED For U. 8 Ariny. able-nod d un-ms-rli-d men between huts f 21 mil 35; cltlzem of United State, of g.aid ir acter and len.pcrate rnbits, who can speak, read anl write Enclish. For In foriimtion apply to ltecruliing Office, l!'h nnii Douglas t-t., Omaha; Lincoln and Grand lMand. Neb., or Sioux City, la B 173 WANTED An experienced whiskey pales man to Fell Kcniut ky I. rook whiskey- In ioinl to tli retail trade. Will give ex clusive territory anl make a long time contrac t, Good opportunity for h sah s man to establish himself in business, w ill pay commission oniy. Addles, giving refercners and stating ex jm i icnc. J. W. Flood & Co.. Louisville. Ky. R-MWJ M3 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Scholarship Includes complete outfit of tools, diploma. and positions. Board anil room provided. Few weeks com pletes by this method. Special Induce ments now. Call or write, .timer Barber college, 1116 iariium bt. U M1C6 Mix WANTED Men and boys to learn plumb ing trade; wanes fl.iTu to lii.ou per day; Colorado School rracilcai Plumbing; largest school in west; 1H46 Arapahoe. Den ver, Colo. B Alutri Mfcx, MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing, bricklaying, plastering trades; pays i a dny. Coyne. Bros. Co., New Yoik, ('hl cugo, Cllo-lnnati, 1. L,ouid. 1'iee cata logue, li 136 WANTED Three men of good personal ap pearand); outride position; steady em ployment. C. F. Adams Co., 1019 Howard 6t. B-M1U DRUG stores bought and sold: drug clerks wanted. V. V. Knlest, 6-4 N. Y. U B-134 CIVIL. SERVICE preparation. See Under bill. -UU N. 24th. B M2SU Mi WANTED A painter. 1&12 Chicago Bt. B WANTED Four or five good boys; gool pay. A. D. T. Co., 12 8. loth St. B-M9U M24 WANTED Clerk for railroad office, will start Bt liiti to i0 per month, accord ing to ability. Address CiiO, Bee, H-M:t'j; 30x TINNERS and plumbers wanted. Spencer, XjH West Broadway, Co. BlulTs. 15 M 103 3 WANTED Carpenters; steady work. Ad dress otto Koerner, contractor, Yutan, Neb. li Ml 2 5 Mix "DKS'PRl'CTION OF PAN FR A NCI SCO" Best book, larpe profits; uet ipilck; plo free. Globe Comnuny, l.i Clo stnut St., I'hlln. B-.VlJi9 lx WANTED Boy who works dtirinc the day to sleep in olllco at niKhl. Address D l. Bee. U Mi:) ACTORS for reputable traveling company; can place two good amateur. Address C ti3. Bee. B M.U3 :'x WE want able-bodied men for loiwmotive tiring, passenirer and freight train brak ing. Address Ky. Dept., a S. Uth St. H-M4;!2 WANTED Brlckhandlers and laborers at brickyard, two miles south of Albright car line, on Union Pacific railroad. Omaha Hydntullc Press Brick company. B MM WANTED FEMALE HELP APPRENTICE girls. Burgess Shirt Co. C-i WANTED Gill for general housework; reference required; three in family; goud itU N. St., South Onuiha. C-1 WANTED Experienced sewing women for alteration work. Apply Cloak Dept., Hayden Pros. C Msi9 WANTED Exper'-AJeed cloak and suit salesladies in our Ladles' Suit Dept., Hay den Br-js. C Sou WANTED A good girl for general house work, lull) Hamilton St. C-MLtjU WANTED A cook, colored woman pre ferred. Christian Home, Council Blufis. C M.US WANTED Competent girl to take care two children; sleep home nights. Address C 38. Bee. . C-M'ul GIRL WANTED $iv(H) per week for a girl who knows how and wants to do gonral hou.a work. 35CtJ Hawthorne Ave. Tel. Harney SM. C lit; GIRL for general housework; no washing. Mrs. J. R. Fnyber, 11 J S. 3fth. C 115 WANTKD-Girl to take care of children anu oo llni nouacwuiK. aii i.i ro. 1 1 1 . C M!f73 GIRL for general housework. Mrs. Wil liamson, 3120 Lincoln Boul., Bemis Park. C US J9 ACTRESSES for reputable traveling com pany; can place two good unniteurs. Ad dress C 63, Bee. C 2x GIRL for general housework: good wagea. 620 North 23d St. C M175 3vx TWENTY-FIVE girla to operate power sewing machines; steady work. Henna Omaha Pag 'o. C tfjo WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position by experienced and competent boliermaker. Address O fill, care Bee. A M!2ti Mix WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Experienced salesmen, who can furnish their own team and wagon to sell and delivor Medicines and Household articles on commission. Expense pail sod a reasonable carnit.iT guaranteed. The Ha-ller Proprietary Company. Blair, Neo. L M123 Ml WANTED Good, responsible Jobber to sell our metal polish and lurniture polish to local trade; writ" for particulars. Eclipse Cement and Blacking Co.. I'hilu dolplila, Pa. l'-K; 21x WEWANT a few men who can handle nn Investment which la a moiiev-ruakcr for lioth salesman and investor, fven of our men exceed 3 1 s per wis k each In commis sions. Don't applv unless expeiicllctd In soliciting work, l'ayton, 410 Hoc Bldg. L M23 no AGENTS WANTED WANTED Experienced agents to Join crew traveling In ."teluaska; splendid pioposillon; easy seller. E. E. Duncan, 22." l'axti.n block, city. J M377 3" THE two best San Francisco books are Bishoo Fallows' and the one written by Charles Banks and Ople Read. We S 'll both; 61 pu.s; ImI piiotos; hi per rent; credit; freight paid: outfit free. W. A. Hixenbaugli & Co., Ware Elk., Omaha. J-M Ivt PATENTS H. A. ST URGES, registered attorney; pat ents, truda marks, C'Jt.i r n na-; rto fee un less sucttssf ui. l. 17 N. Y. Lif .-. Omaha. F. J. LARStJN & Ciy.. r-tcnt lawyera. Pattnt book free. Bee Bltig., Omaha, N--L BHARi'E MACHINU WORKS Patents procured, inventions developed, druwinu. patterna. castings, machine work, oei-.i; S. 10th St. -81 PATENT! procjred, bought and aold. Na tional Investment Co., M Douglas Block. WANTED TO BUY WHEN you have any onl clothes to sell call Red 31J. P.est pi li es. N MJT4 M3 WE 1IAVH a cah customer for resi dence property 33,M0 to Jl.O'n). Also cash rustoiner for farm o,000 to 37,000. WRIGHT & LASBURY. EOti S. 16th St. MI74 1 PRINTING LYNGSTAD K,"h 'de CaleuUara & JORV E Capitol Ave. -4 ENGRAVING and printing. Kolera At Co., lull) Howard. Tel. DougUs Juv7. M-130 iNt-LL Pruning Co., 3i & 1.1 U St. V&OeV X'tTall COS Bt is no articIesPut Column. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS Mi'KI.Y furnished apartment c MX rooms and bath; Janitor service. 'Phone E .il DEWEY European Hotel, LiUi and Fariiam. E Ui Doug. 611 O.M.E. Haul Trunks E-137 WELL furnished, modtirn, steam heated rooms, v.i';i Farnam, Flat 0. Tel. Dou. J30S. E Vsl Thurston hotel; rooms 31. it) up per week. 10- M -u FOR RENT Nicely furnishad front, room, strictly modern, suiiauio lor ono gou tleinan. il7 South sliect. E Si.") RtiO.MS, ensulte, furnished or unfurnished; ouu&cKccping priviieKcs. -41 t. ass m. E-U3 3"X THREE comfortably furnished rooms for liKht housekeeping, with hot wiitcr heat, gas range, IKircelain bath anl ush of lek'phonu, within one block of park Ave.; no other roomers; references required. Address C 41, Bee. K-.MI-I 1 NICELY' furnished room, with good table board, all home comforts. Mrs. F. Har vey, 31K S. Jtith. E JH19 ox LARGE, well furnished front room; mod ern private residence; fine location: walk ing distance; reasonable. 27us Fainam. E M !,. .".ex WELL furnished room: modern; flno loca tion; walking distance; reasonable. zM Fa i nam. K- M l.'fl 1ix FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. Gil O.M.E. Haul Trunks F-m VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cam F 1 to ONE large room, cast mid south front; pilone and bath; suitable for two voting men. IOjU South l!Sth street. F MW-4 3' LARGE, desirable front room with excel lent board. MG Farnam St. K-SM:.7 5x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CENTRAL; 3 rooms; bath. Tizard, 2L0 N. 2Sd. G M131 FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES I? aU par,s ol U e ci'y- l uu JJ-tJ C. Pettis oc Co., Bee Uldg. 1 D ill 3 I HOUSES ln aU artB of tl10 t-ltV. Tha UUUOLO u P.. Davie Co.. M Bet' iiliig. D "tit, HOUSES, insurance. Klngwait, Barker Elk. THE Omaha Van & Storage Co., pack, move and store II. ii. goods. Storehouse, lia)-l N. IKth. Oiiice, lull'j Fainam. Tel. Doug. 15o9. D 149 WE MOVE pianos. Mansard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. H-x Olllce 1713 Web ster St. D lit) SEE us when shipping household goods to large cities West. We can nu3 yuu money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 'Hi N. Sixteenth SU Tel. Doug. 11 'Ji. D Id I WEST HARNEY STREET. New brick houses, 9 rooms and reception hall, oak finish and floors, tiled vestibule, bath room, separate toilet lor servants, laundry room in basement, baa - mantel, veiy complete and all details tho bedt; souin rroni on iiuincy ci. juki west oi am St. Ready May 1. HARRISON & MORTON. 313 N.. Y. Ule. Tel. Douglus-314. D 628 AMERICAN TRANSFER CO., STORAGE. I hone Douglas lu&J. llmi Fainam. D Mii Mi FOR RENT New 7-rooiu modern house; walking distance. llu Caldwell. D 13 30 WE I'O expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Doulas-162t. Scliinolier & Mueller 1'iaiio Co., 131-1313 Farnain. L Mj12 FOR RENT Handsome colonial residence, luii l ark Ave., oppoaiij paik, mod. i n, w, Piiune, Harney -lus, Lh-iZl 832 8 . 29th (Georgia Ave.) St.; hut water heat; 6 rooms; vacant April 25, 19' li. Do not bother the tenant, see us. Harrison & Morten, 912-913 N. Y. Life. Tel. Doug. 314. D Sol FOR RENT To desirable private family, 9-room, modern, dciachid house, near 2-d and California Sis . with or without barn. 3'. No boaiding house. Apply ut U07 N. 19th St. D M9j1 MAGGARD Van Ai 'Storage Co. Dry rooms, low prices, telephone Douglas li(i, 1-.MI'"J M2ti MODERN house, 520. Inquire 17o" Clark. D- Ml 12 lx FOR RENT -ronm all modern house, ex cept furnace. 13-1 3. 2Mb bt. D-.MI29 FOR RENT Going to move? You will then need new furniture und carpets; borrow from us and pay cash for thci.i; we save you money; lurnitiui: loans, etc.; low rates; easv terms. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Rooms 3i7-.S I'axton Block. N. E. Cor. Farnuni and li.tli Sis. D AI It '2 f 9 ROOAf house, large yard: good i3.t l.ari Llilg. more Ave'. 3-il. Tin kinRtoii, Bee I. Id. Ml.".u lx FOUR nice rooms at Kpi S. l lii St. Apply' next d..or. 1 D-M1U2 lx 10-ROOM strictly modern house. l"il i' uk Ave. Tel. Harncy-2ol2. D I'o 31 SIX-KiioM liouse for rent, str et. 716 Smith lTtli l'ii :i"x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR REN T iJesli room ln Beo olllce, city hall building. 417 N. 2olh St., jcuui Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 SUITABLE for wholesale or manufactur ing, 44xluo; three Hoots and basement, eicvalur; will rent 12xluo t.eparately. I'ie3 b Fumam S'.. limuuo 314 Firal National Bank Blilg. 1-li CENTRAL drug store, with fixtures; also laundry, with povrnr. 'iizaid. 22u Noitii i-d. 1-Mtil THE rooms lately occupied by Omaha Musical association at litli and Han.ey, second floor. S. S. Curtis, agent. tlO Large store room for rent. Ibis llr.rney bt- N. 1'. Dortfcu &. Co. I-.i:ul GOOD store building f ir rent, :( Grand avenue, inquire next door. J Alri jo TO LET TRACK At; E PUoPl-.UVi. luiiie block from WthsUr to Calilornii and 12th to 13th Sts., exicpting laiircol iigbt-et-way; will be vacated by lumber yaid June ). W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Far St. 1-.M4-0 WANTED TO RENT WANTED Desk room with use of tele phone. Addiess C i.2, pee office. K-sW 30 WANTKD Four or five-room, fur nished; must be motlern; newly married couple; best of references. .Adilnss C LI, care Bee. K 9-6 M2 STENOGRAPHER wants desk room. For particulars telephone Douglas - K-M11 WANTED H.iuse of seven rooms or 1. si for family with no children. Ad1tt?a D 13, Let. IC-Jlljj 3tx jiu.mii i-t f Vaf,fffxai,T,''"Hlhr.,WiW'V:alf "'iJi.TT' trouble to recover lost an ad in The Bee Lost FOR SALE REAL ESTATE A Fine Residence Let us show you that fine resilience wo have near Mth and Douglas. It has ten large rooms, all modern, fine south front lot, beautiful shade trees and shrubbery. An up-to-date downtown home offered at less than the cost of improvements -$'.,50J is the price, and it's cheap. South 10th Street I'o you Know thai one of the finest rcsl dinlial sections of the city Is S. Hth St.? We Lave two special bargains there one in a ?-rooiu house lately built, all mod ern, full basement, large lot, east front, at 33, 't). The other Is a "-room modern bouse, fine ltth, furnace, large east front lot and the price is only 32.9K). We recommend these properties as especially good for the money. Wright & Lasbury, 506 8. 16th St. RE M475 1 II A WVER'S patented "built in the wall folding bed; great labor and space-saving device. See It In operation. Hill Emmet St. RE M3S4 M2s ('HOICK farm home, Improved. lOO acres, 2 miles from Pierce, Neb.; 333 per acre cash. Tel. Harney 630. RE-M427 6 John Morrison House Florence Boulevard , One of the prettiest places on the boule vard, situated among fine old native trees, magnificent east view. Mr. Morrison has left the city and offers to sell right. Harrison & Morton, 912-913 N. Y. Life. Tel. Doug.-314. ' RE M797 TEACKAGE A fine piece of trackage property, 147x234, . on U. P. track, at 6ih and Jones Biai, Ii2,0tl0 will take It for immediate sale. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. New York Life Bldg Kb) M530 Druid Hill A fine large house of S rooms, hardwood finish, open plumbing, with marble, sta tionary bathstands in two bedrooms. Full cemented cellar, with good furnace. Large lot. liouse alone would cost to build J::,Kai. We can sell the whole thing for 31,900. Act quick or you will be too late. 3 nice residence lots ln Council Bluffs on Ave. D and 3th Sts. These lots are "high und In a, good neighborhood. Only fc-ki for the three. Two-story, 6-room house, at 3514 Charles St.; city water, gas and electric lights, south front lot. Price only $1,7D0. Easy terms and a bargain. On Wirt St., near 24th, S-roorn house, mod ern, gas and electric light, full brick basement, steam heat, 60-foot lot, Hue Bhudo trees, good barn. Prlco only $3,600. Let us show you this. It's cheap. Wright & Lasbury, UK! S. 16th St. RE M4T7 1 ARCHITECT J- 11evooi, RE 661 MIS SUBURBAN. That beauliful 10 acres on west side of 30th St., 600 ft. north of Fort Omaha; nothing finer about Omaha; on boulevard, with So iaie to your door 31,209 per acre. S. S. Curtis, lsi'S Harney. iiE M67S TRACKAGE SNAPS About 6 acres ln a body, with 800 feet froutuo I'll U. P. main line at South oma ha. Fine layout for lumber or coat yards or factory, or anything calling for railway facilities; would divide. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO. DOUGLAS BLOCK. RE M54S CJkASAVilliamson Co.u- fft? ' RE Kit FOR SALE A home worth 330,000 for 313, veO, west side. Address L 17, Bee. ' RE-M3&I LIST your houses with me. I have many cash buyers for small houses. SILAS BOBBINS, FRENZKR R1XCK. RE M 7i,7 2i,x LIST your properties with Boyer, 22d and Cuming. RE & A Fine Home Franklin St.. near 43d, 7 rooms, gas, water, brick foundation and basement; large lot, 100xl"0, fenced, brick walks, shade and fruit trees nnd lots of berries; house was b.illt by the present occupant for a home nnd is In FIRST-CLASS CONDI TION; Impi ovements worth more than price we nsk; A BARGAIN. Call for price nnd terms. Wright & Lasbury, S. 16th St. RE M476 1 SNAP FOR SOMEBODY Eicht-rooni house, central lia-atlon, near car. nearly new, J2.2. J. B. Piper. Kar bacli block. Omaha. ' RE 473 30 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-82 WANTED City loans ana warrants. W. Farnam Suilih & Co.. 1320 Fainam Bt W-924 BUILDING loans on residence property; i per cent. W. M. Meikie. Kuuige Blk. w-a LOWEST KATES Bomia. Paxton Block, w-n PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, li2U Douglas. W-i GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnain; city loans, i and per interest; no delay. W-KI 11,oji,j"0 TO LOAN on business and real. deu.- piopetty in Oinu; Wel raiea; li., ucl-.i. 'il,uuut iiieiuiiui, R. 1, N Y. Ufa. W-ftio WANTED City Loans. R- C. Peters & Co. W-tAU FARM, CITY AND BU1LD1NO I.CANi 1...U Bios., T.iu Farnam St. W-Wl City & farm loans. O. F. Carson Co., N.T.L. W-o LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Tuoinaa, butt 1st National Bank Bldg. W U31 CEMENT BLOCK MACHINERY CONCRETE MIXERS Tapp Construction Co., 3o3 Neville Blk. iiilcs face dwu cement block machine. A1j7s MD MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS LOANS On Household Goods. Pianos, Horses and Wagons, Etc. We will loan money on the above security at positively the lowest rate of Interest to be obtained In the city. Why? Because we have unlimited capital and would rather loan money out than have It lying Idle. We make these loans In the strictest confidence-. niaKe no Inquiries of your neighbors and merely want to see your security. If you owe several small bills which nre bothering you, come to us, stnto your circumstances and we will loan you money enough to pay them all off so that you will have your In debtedness all In one place where one pay ment each month will take care of It. And we will make tho payment small enough to suit you. : We also Loan Responsible Sal- : arled People on Their Plain : : Note, Without Endorsement or : : Publicity. t "RELIABLE ' CREDIT ' CO.,' Rooms 3O7-30S Paxton Blk. X M479 5 OUR LOANS Our employes are well informed and eourteoua and we are always pressed to explain our manner of loans. We tell you to the cent wht the cost will be, and If you conclude that It will no pay you to borrow there Is no harm done. We loan on furniture, pianos, live stock and other chattels, and to salaried people Upon their own agreement to pay. We offer you rates as low as you will find and our facilities for quick and con fidential service are unsurpassed. We are the oldest concern In our line In the city and wo always try to please our patrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 229 (.Established, ItJU.) HM S. 16th St X-U6 t'ONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elr. horses, cows, etc C. F. Keed, 311 S. 13th. -9;7 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. Advances private money on chattels or salary. Easy to get no red tape. You get money same day asked lor at small cost. Open evenings until 7. X M46Z toB. PRIBENOWB PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, salary, horses, etc., In any amount, at less thaa half the rate; no red tape; ptrfect pri vacy; immediate attention; on any termt wanted; payments suspended in case of aicknesa or out of employment. Room 314. Karbach blk., 209 S. 15th St. X 7 When in need of MONEY Call on us. PHOENIX CREDIT CO. 633-3 Paxton Blk. X-371 Money loaned salaried peoplu and others without security; easy pay mania. Offices ln i3 principal cities. Tut turn, loom 714, New York Lite Blig. X-73 FURNITURE, Pluno, Jewelry, Loans, 331 Neville Blk. THE WESTERN LOAN CO. X-69i FURNITURE. Live Stock, Salary Loans, Duff Gree'i Loan Co.. Room i. Barker BiOCK. X l CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry isaua. Foley Loan Co.. 16u4 Fainaui St. X 976 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. .301 Do us la FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS SODA FOUNTAINS, any size, 1313 Farnam. VI 123 6HER WIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT. Sherman dc McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. y 131 HALL'S tafes, new, Zd-band. Ibis Farnam. U 123 MILCH COWS, on easy terms. 43d and Center. W iiu9 FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. Inquire of J. R. Campbell, Bee mail room. Vi-642 WE buy everything ln tho furniture line. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. y-12S CHEAP chicken fence, long fir timbers, white basswoud lor burnt work. 921 No. Kith. U-137 CAUTION I Beware of fake piano uds. ; genuine new Stolnway , pianos are sold ONLY by Schmoller Ac Mueller and they are the ONLY autuunzed Nebraska rep resentatives. Tel. Dougla-it)26. 1311 1313 rarnum. y 129 FOR SALE at a bargain, a IXHi oldsmo bile, luttl new. Address B 6i, Bee. U-119 PIANO Square, $10; 50 cents weekly. Per held Piano Co., lull Farnam St. Q 120 WE CAN save you money on printing. Envelopes. "XXX, 6Vt," $1.75 per M; other printing accordingly. Stationery samples free. Mail Order Priming Co., Logan, la. O. M140 M3x FOR SALE Single buggy nnd harness. Inquire 3215 Corby. J M443 30 COMPLETE furnishings; furniture and cooking utensils for six-room house lor sale. 715 South 17th street. yi'12 30x FARLAND biinjn, mmiber 15, practically new. Music rack Him book included, $20. 715 South 17lh street. Q4iJ2 30x MEDICAL LADIES, $1,003 REWARD'. I positively guarantee my Never-Falling ERGO KoLo Remedy. Safely relieves longest, most obstinate cases of delayed Mouth, y Periods in 3 lo 6 days without harm, pain or Intel ferenco witli work. Mail, $1.50. Double strength, $2.u0. "SPECIAL FOLD ER FOR LADIES FREE. DK. B. H. H 'UTHINGTON CO.. KANSAS CITY. MO. 210 BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills " $1 box, postpaid. Sherman Ac McCunnell Drug Co.. Omaha. 211 FOR EXCHANGE A STOCK of furniture and hardware ln an eastern Nebraska town for land. Stock will invoice about $;;,o0. For full par- . titulars write Falter & Tate, liattsmouth. Neb. Z Mix A12 IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an ad ln and you will sooo s-et it 93 DRESSMAKING FOR dressmaking dace at borne. Doug. 3713. M-27 Woodruff & Arnold, 313-14 Neville Blk. M-449 Mil M'DOWELL system of dress cutting taught: simplest and best method. Iti.J Farnam. M-6.S May21 SIDEWALKS LET John Grant, make your cement side walk, driveways or cellar floor If you want the best-guaranteed 10 years. Office Sth floor Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 7242. -MA M3 FLORISTS L. HENDERSON. 1M9 Farnam. Tel. Douc. -953 HESS oV SWO BOD. 1412 Faxuaaa. b$ LAW AND COLLECTIONS i M. MACFARLAND, 3v9 N. Y. U Bldg. Tel. Doug. btwe. PERSONAL PILES CURED WITHOUT AN O V E R A T I O N ALL KINDS OP PILES CI RED-INTERNAL. EXTERNAL, BLIND, BLEEDING t'R ITCHING PUIS A GUARANTEE GIVEN IN EVERY CASE TREATED BY DR. MAXWELL, who has had twenty-five years' experience in treating piles. Hundreds of testimonials given on appli cation. 624 Ilee Ride-., Omaha. Nch. Phone Douglas 1424. U 154 M27 THE healing nousehold remedy. Satin skin cream should always be handy. 25o. VI GREEN TRADING ftM"' liquors, by Jug or bottle. Cackley Hroa., opp. P. O. U-M159 M12 MARCEL-WAVE JS!' ffi Bryant, 316 Bee Hh'g. U-913 M25 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM Tel. Doug. 254. 211 S. 11th St. U-183 OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramge Blk. U 1S5 PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at once, $1 weekly. All music lessons free. JOIN NOW. FerfVld Piano Co., lbll Farnam St. V ISS PRIVATE home during confinement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardell, 2218 Charles. Tel. Doug. 6311. U 1J THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth lng; In fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and Bell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to Uie worthy poor. Cull 'Phone Doug. 413ii and wagon will call. U Ml FREE medical and aurglcal treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enpjrt Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phono Doug. 1107. Calls answered day or nufht. VVlt MAGNETIC MASSAGE. 413 NO. 10TH ST., SECOND FLOOR, ROOM 3. U M975 M2u MAu'NF.TIP'fMtmert 4 Baths. Mine. M.UiDilL , us N 14 2a r 3. U 865 ANY POOR GIRL. In need of a friend call or write to the matron of tho Salvation Army homo for women at 3624 N. litth St., Omaha, Neb. U MU DR. ROBT. P. JENSEN, 300-8 Brown Blk., 14th and Douglas. Prac tice limited to skin, geuito-urinary and venereal diseases U o3 MS 'PHONE Doug. 701 and a man will call and tune your piano, S3. Peiileld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam. U lfc9 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no Injec tions. Call or write for booklet, wuick Cure Rupture Co., all W. O. W. Bldg, Omaha. V 191 TRY KELLY'S Laundry. 'Phone Doug. 3530, V 190 DR. ROY. Chiropody. R. 2 & 3. 1506 Farnam. MABEL M. DOTSON, 610 Bee Bldg. Tel. Dougias-5525. Manicuring, massage, scalp treatment a specialty, and hair dressing. U 150 M-H GOLD STICKPIN FREE to any person sending up the name of any person owning a square piano, organ or prospective piano buyer. PERFTELD PIANO CO., TeL 701. Hill Farnam SU U 1S3 f'H AMPIDFm' Carpet Cleaning Works, viinnii luit Beautiful, unique rugs from old carpets; prices reasonable. iJf S. 14th St. Tel. Douglas 055. U loo Jel YOUR saving 40 per cent. Investigate Pennell Millinery Co., Ill South 15th St. U 194 PRIVATE confinement home; . babies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, 2018 N. 21st bt, Tel. 3059. U-197 PI FAT I NO Buttons, Ruching. I Lbiu lltvj Embroidering, Dyeing anu t-iouuins, Sponging and Shrink ing, only oo per yard, bend for price list anu sample. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO., 204 Douglas Block Tel. Douglas-1936. U 555 4 MONTHS OLD baby girl for adoption 201S N. 21st. Tel. uouglus 3569. U-150 Mox PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, 728 Fust Ave., Council Blulis, la. Tel. 74. U 323 WE RENT sowing machines. $1 week and $3 per mo. We lepair all makes of ma chines; second-hand machines, $5 to $iu Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. Doug. ltit3. Cor. loth and Harney. U 957 SEWING machines and supplies. P. K. Flodinan & Co.. 1514 Capitol avenue. U M321 Mayl SEND your carpets to Omaha Electric Car pet Cleaning wks., 2221 N. 2oili. Doug.-1059. U M39 Ml THE City Garbuge Co. Office, 4th and Leavenworth Sis. Tel. Douglas 1387. U-200 CTflVPQ Stored. Hughes Stove Repair O lJ 1-23 W orks. Tel. Doug. -7155. U 193 M14 MAGNETIC OSTEOLOGY Mrs. M. Rittcn. house, 413 N. 15th, room 2, second floor. U 523 MU FREE Your fortune told, future and past revealed, surprising by America's emi nent philosopher, ustrologist clairvoyant, St. John, 13 Sheldon St., Chicago. Send birth date and stamp. Know thyself. U-M2J5 3"X HORSE and buggy, or light road wagon wanted, to use for a month in the city; will take liest of care of it; by a reliable firm. Addiess D 9, care Bee. U M24 1 A NICE healthy baby boy for adoption, at 2319 So. 13th street. M466 May6x FOR SALE FARMS RARE BARGAINS IN FARMS. SO acres, 4o cultivated, balance pasture, all fenced, 6-room liouse, well, windmill, small barn, 3'4 miles from town nn it. F. D. and telephone line, school on furm; price, $1,S'I. lo acres. 130 cultivated, 3i miles from town, small Improvements, black loam soli, clay subsoil, best of corn, alfalfa and win ter wheat land; no sand, alkali or gumbo; price, $4.iki. J. T. CAMPBELL, LITCHFIELD, Neh. H-M4.1 Ox FOR 8AI.E 7 quarter sections of farm and ranch land In one Itody in Phelps Co.; alt fenced; $20 per acre. Address Box 45, Holdrege, Neb. H Ml'57 30x 80-Acre Farm 2 miles straight west of Bennington. Eastern owners will sell at best price obtainable. Make an offer. HARRISON & MORTON, 913 N. Y. Life. Tel., Doug. 314. H-956 Farm and Ranch Lauds. tebraaku, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming, low prices; leu years time. Land Dept., J. P. It. It.. Omaha. Neb., Dept. "A." H-2 FREE GOVERNMENT LANDS, also deeded lands, bo I a irrigated and upland, for alfalia. sugar beet, giaia, fruit and stockgroaing. Maps, pictures, price lists free. Agents wanted. The Sterling In. vestment Co., 301 Front St., Ste ling Colo. H-M2. 7u0 ACRES; one body partly Improved; 3u0 acres under cultivation; $0 Ou per acre cash. S. Hawver, lull Emmet St., Omaha. H-Mlsti Mi3 UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY Is closing out its LANDS. FINE FARM AND RANCH LANDS In Western Nebraska. Colorado and yomlug. From 33 to $ per acre. Take advantage Va.ln. fit ETAOO ETA TAKE ADVANTAGE of the low prices and easy terms offered while the oppor tunity presents Itself. BHECIAL EXCURSION RATES to the lands. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, apply to Union Pacific Land Agency, ills Bo. luih Hi., Omaha, Neb. . ii-M578 I DEATH NOTICES K FLLY--Thomn. nscd S7 years, after sn illness of thiee weeks, at family resi dence. 1724 Mas n street. Funeral notice will be announced In Mon day rvrnlnc: papers. UNDERTAKERS HOFFMANN Doug fiUSV Gentleman. 703 N. isth. -47 Ms MONUMENTS GREAT WESTERN GRANITE CO. Doug. las t21J M - 13 M2J OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute, 418 N. Y.I. Tel. Doufc In.4. 4 PR. WELLS. Neville Blk. Tot D in. 687T. -94 Mi TICKET BROKERS CUT-RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln, 15U5 Farnam. 'phone Doug. 7S4. i;, LARSON & JOHNSON, life Farnam. Doug. 1MS- -ID, CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 South lot h St,, upstairs, Resaltful prediction absolutely given. -907 GOVERNMENT NOTICES FR01OSAIS FOR BEEF, CORN, GRO cerlcs. Etc. Department of the Interior, Otlice of Indian Allans, Washington, D. C March 2s, 190i. Sealed proposals, plainly marked on the outside of the envelope: "Proposal for beef, corn," etc., as the case muy be, und addressed to the "Commis sioner of Indian AfT.iirs, Wuhhington, D. C," will be meeived at the Indian ofllce until 3 o'clock p. in. of Tuesday, May s, Wh, and then opened, for lurmshing fn Indian service with rolled barley, beef, corn, salt, corTco,, tea, soap, linking powder and other groceries. Bids must bu Hindu out on government blanks. Schedules giving all necessary information for bid ders will be furnished on application to the Indian ofllce, Washington, D. C. ; the U. S. Indian warehouses ut New York City; Chicago, 111.; St. Louis. Mo.; Omaha, Neb., and San Fr: iclsco, Cal.; the Commissary of Subslstenc , U. S A., at Cheyenne, H'yo. ; the yuartermnster, U. S. A., Seattle, Wash., and the postmasters at Tucson, Portland, Spokane and Taeonia. The department re serves the right to reject any and all bids, r any part of any bid. F. E. LEL I'P, Commissioner. A14io&13 RAILWAY TIME CARD lMO. STA'l lO.V TKKTU AMI MARC). Union Pacific. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 8:18 am The China und Japan Fast Mail a 4:15 pm a 6:10 pin Colo. & Calif. Ex a 4 D pm a 9:30 am California & Ore. Ex. .a 4:25 pm a 6:10 put Los Angeles Limited. .. .all:30 am alO:45 pm Fast Mall a 1:66 pin a 3:30 pm Colorado Special a 7:45 am a 7:44 am North Platte Local a 8:10 am a 4:60 pin Beatrice Local b 3:15 pin b 2:00 pm t'hieuKO Great Vteatera. St. Paul & Minn a 8:30 pm a 7:15 am St. I'aul & Minn n 7:45 am a 7:65 pm Chicago Limited a 5:00 pm al0:30 uni Chicago Express a 6:05 am a 3:30 pin Minn. & St. I'aul Fx...b 8:"0 am b8:u6pm Minn. & St. Paul Ltd. .a 8:30 pm a 7:30 am Chicago Mock. Island dt PuclUc. EAST. Chicago Limited a 3:26 am a 7:10 am Chicago Express a 7:o0 am a 9:53 pm Chicago Express, Ixcal.bll:la am a 4:30 pm Des Moines Express. .. .a 4 30 pm bll:50aiii Chicago Fast Express.. a 5.40 pin a 1:15 pin WEbT. Rocky Mountain Ltd. ..a 7:20 am a 3:15 am Colorado Express a 2;ul pm a 1:15 pm Oklahoma Ac Texas Ex. a 4:40 pm al2.u5 pat ClitcHKo 4t liortliweatern. Iyocal Cedar Rapids a 7:l'i am a 6:'i0 pit Chicago Daylight a 8.00 aui U.o pi Chicago Daylight a 8:00 am ll.uo puv Chicago Limited a b oh pin 9:15 um Carroll Local a 4:32 pm 9:10 am St. Paul Fast Mail a pin 7:o6 am Sioux C. & St. P. Local.. b 3:50 pm a 9:35 am Fast Mail 2.30 pin Chicago Express a 6:6 pm a 7:30 um Chicago Limited ull:uo pm 11:15 am Noriulk (k Bouestcel....a 7:40 am 10.35 am Lincoln & Long Pine. .a 7 : am Jo.Ja am Casper & Wyoming a 3:oo pm a 6:05 pin Dead wood & Lincoln. ..a 3."" pin 6:00 pm Hastings & Albion b 3:10 pm 6:uu pt.l Fremont-Albion b G:o2 pm bl2:40 p.u Chicago Local all.3u tun 3:45 pin Wubnali. St. Louis Express... .a r 30 pm a 8:40 am St. ' Ixiuls Local (from Council Bluffs; a 9:15 am al0:30 pm Stanbeiry Local (from Council Bluffs; o 6:00 pin bll :30 am Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 8:00 am a 3:65 pm Chicago Limited a t:u0 pm a 7:30 um Chicago, Jt hi. I'aul. Chicago & Colo. Speci a 7:65 um California Ac Ore. Ex.. .a :4b pm Overland Limited a 8:A, pn. Marion & Cedar R. Lo.b O.lo am Missouri I'liciPc- St. Louis Express a 9:00 am K. C. & St. L. Kxpress.aU:U pm 7:35 am a 3:10 pat a 9:20 am UU.W pin a 6:30 pm a 6:00 pm Bl 'H1JKCTOM TA TlON-lUTH A. MAsOK Hnrllngtoa. , Leave. Denver & California.. ..a 4:lo pin Black Hills a 4:10 pm Northwest Special a 4:10 pm Northwest Express ....ttlliOpm Nebraska Local a 8.00 um Lincoln Local Lincoln Fast Mail b 2:lu pm Ft. Ciook 4i lialtsm'h.b 3:5o pm Bellevuu & Plaltsiuil...a 7.00 pm l'enver Limited Rellevue dc Pac. June. .a 3:30 am Believue & Pac. June. .a 9:10 am Chicago Special a 7:25 um Chicago Express a 2:4j pm Chicago Flyer a . :ou pm Iowa Local a 9:lo am St Louis Express a 4:4.i pm Kansas City-St. Jos h. .alo. 15 pm Kansas City-St. Jos h, .a 9:16 am Kansas City-St- Jos'h..a 4.15 put Arrive. . a 3:25 pm a ti:3o pm a 7:lo am a 0:30 pm a 7:43 pm a 9:06 am a!2.2u pin blu.u. um a 8:3o am a 7:10 am a 8 :30 am a 2:(x pm a 7:26 um a 8:55 pm a 7.36 am aJO:53 pi.) all:30 uin a 6:45 am a 6:10 pm WEBSTER DEPOT i5TH JL WEBSTEIt t h lea a o, St. Pool, Minneapolis A Omaha. Twin City Tassenger.. Fioux City Passenger.. Emerson Local Emerson Lisal Missouri Purine. Nebraska Local, via Weeping Water Leave. b 6:3" ii m .a 2:00 pm .b 6:20 pm .c 8:45 um Arrive. b 9:10 pm all 20 am b 9:35 am 6 5:60 pm I-ave. Arrive. b 3:60 pm bL2.3iJ pm a Iially. b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday, e Sunday only, e Daily except Monday. Pointed Paragraphs. Better an Impudent enemy than an Im prudent friend. Home men are known by the work they refuse to do. Few people overtax their Intellects In bfhal? of others. As molasses attracts flies so does a busy man attract loafers. A woman can throw a hint stralghter than a man can Ihrow a rock. Th man who knows enoiiBh to attend to his own business knows enough. Sunday Is a day of rest for men and a day for women to wash their hair. A homely girl always selects a girl homelier than herself for her bridesmaid. Don't think that because a man wears a large hat he Is the head of the house. A woman never llk'-s to admit that she Is beaten even after her husband beats her. Even a woman who Is not deceitful tries to walk In a way that will not suggest corns. E cry man Is willing to patch up a niuirrel providing he Is allowed to select the patch. It frequently happens that a man's mean ness Isn't noticed until after he suddenly aenulrea a little money. Borne people act tlm fool Intentionally while others who have no histrionic abil ity whatever attain similar results Chi cago News. t All Well. The least thing wrong with your bowels makes you all sick. Dr. King's New Life Pills make you all well. 26c For gale by Sherman & McCounelL