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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1906)
TTTfi OMATTA DATTrr BEE: MONDAY, APRIL HO, 1M6. i I : BERCE STATES BIS POSITION Former Populist Will Hot Accept Nomina tion for Attorney General. CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR ONLY H Prinliri a Formal llilrmrtl of III Position anal Hla View of the laae Within Ifw liny. (From a Stuff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. April 2. (Special.) Oeorge W. Berg ha returned from Excelsior Spring, where ha and hi family spent th laat few week, and h will now enter actively upon hla campaign to be the demo cratic nomine for itovernor of the slate. Last night Mr. Berge aald: "I am a candidate for governor, and not for attorney general. If I am not nomi nated for governor 1 will not accept a nomination for any other place on the ticket. I rhall Issue within a few day ststement regarding my position and whnt 1 think Should go Into the democratic plat form." leading democrat are somewhat at sea juat at this time and the result may be Rerge will get a considerable following which haa not yet been counted upon for him. fn view of the fact that the demo cratic paper at Bcrlbner, which has been very much In favor of the candidacy of A. C. flhsllanberger for governor, haa come out now for O. M. Hitchcock for inator and for Berge for attorney general, a number of democrata are of the belief that Hitchcock and flhallanberger have made a tieup and the talk of making Berge at torney general ha emanated from the office . of the World-Herald in order to help out Shallanberger. If future events demonstrate this la true Mr. Berge will come In for a good share of the support of the followers of Mr. Bryan, who are not favorably Impressed with Shallanberger nor In favor of the Omaha man for senator. Friends of Berge are feeling good now because of the mis takes of his opponents. Inasmuch an they lalm he could be fought only on the ground that he haa alwaya been a populist, they hold now h cannot be objected to on thla ground because a great number of the democratic paper a well aa democratic politicians are willing and anxlou to nomi nate him for attorney general. View of Berae' Friends. A friend of Berge figured out hi chance In thla manner: '' view of the campaign made 'by Berge Mit year he I recognised a an iintl corporation man. Should the democratic, convention turn him down the sentiment throughout the state will be the conven-' lion has taken a man who can secure the railroad support. This would be the case whether It is true or not. Then, should tlip republican nominate a man who is icci gn r'd as an nntl-corporatlon candidate, the tlrinociats would have no chance-at n!l. On the other hand. If Berge Is nomi nated V th democrat the railroads will move l.e.ivcri nnd earth to nominate the anOidne for the republicans and thus serine candidate upon whom they can rely. Te cdluni of corporation taint, con sequently, would rest upon the republican card. daf. In that case Berge could be elected, because the people of Nebraska 1 hi year will not elect a corporation candi date on any ticket." A leading democrat who haa always op puted tiers said last night upon such argument Petge may be able to bluff the democratic convention Into nominating him. ' 'I liouipson'a Trip to Korope. . TT. contemplated trip to Europe of W. H. Thompson, which wa not known around here-until "It wa read in The Bee this morning, lias created considerable urprle. Mr. Thompson, however. Intend to get back to Nebraska some time during the Hi it of June and that will give him plenty of time i.) get hla follower together should he desire to be either a candidate for gov ernor or I'nlted Stale senator. Berge' ultimatum to the lrniocrais that he will be governor or nothing and Thompson' .absence from the country, together with a few other things, has put the democrats up In the air. Ilcluiont Car l.lne In l.luie Light. After years of neglect, Lincoln haa finally turned Its attention to It original street car line, which connect the city with the thriving little village of Belmont. Thla line consist of a car and two mules, which aettled In Lincoln at.tbc same time Stanley Wleks struck the town and R. II. McDon ald became night clerk at the Llndell. These mules naturally have become a little threadbare and th effects of the hand of time Is plainly visible. It la the condition of these ancient landmark which ha called attention to th Belmont line. An officer of the Humane aoclety ha filed a complaint against I. L. Lyman, the cor poration owning the line and th franchise, charging him with treating the motive power of hia concern In a cruel manner. It I charged In the officer complaint that the aide of the mule are badly worn and, further, they are not properly fed and cared for, and great patches of hair hav been worn off their aide and flue point stick out all around. Lyman doe not deny his mule are not fat, but he claim mule rarely are fat. He claima also he feds th mutes on th beat th market afforda In their line and It Is known to be a fact th mule have never gone on a strlk or run away, and, ao far a nyon knowa, they hav never x-ontem-plated such action. The arrest of Lyman threaten to attract attention from th old traction company and the citisen' com Democratic Mass meeting AT EXrcUG THEATER TONIGHT 8PKAKEKS -- LYSLE I. ABBOTT, II. B. FLEHARTY "of South Omaha. JAMES 0. DAHLMAN. pany, which for soma months hav occu pied first page, neit to reading matter. In the local paper. More testimony will be taken In the Bur lington railroad tag Injunction suit tomor row, at which It I expected I.and Com missioner Katon end Secretary of Stat Ualusha will he placed on the stand to tell how they arrived at their conclusions a to the valuation of the property Of this railroad. These two officer were absent from Lincoln when the other members of the board . testified some week ago. Whether any other witnesses will be placed on the stand at this time Is not known. tall lo Bed Men. Tom Benton, the head of the Redmen uf the state, haa Issued a call for contribu tions to De collected fro the benefit of the San Francisco sufferers. Owing to th small amount of money contributed by the cltlsens of the capital city for the aid of the sufferers, In com parison with the smaller towns of the state, Lincoln has come In for some very unfavorable advertising at the hands of the country papers. Saloon License Granted. URAND ISLAND. Neb., April Is.-tSpe-clal.) At 4 o'clock yesterday morning, after an all-night session, the city coun cil, by unanimous vote In each case, over ruled the remonstrances filed against all of the saloonkeepers In Grand Island and granted licenses. In only on caae was notice of appeal given, that of Henry Hann, owner, of Hann'a park, who re fused to make appearance by an attor ney, and wa Indifferent a to Whether he secured a license or not. The remon strances were brought through the efforts of the Anti-Saloon league of the state, which sent agents to secure the evidence some time ago. A weak feature of the case, admitted to be such by the attorney for the league, was the testimony of William Chambers, a Grand Island college student, who testified that he weighed 145 pounds, continually wore glasses, was bald on both sides of the forehesd, had a pretty heavy beard and waa five feet eight Inches in height, and had been selected out of seventy-five young men at the Grand Island college to go about from place to place In th city, buy a half pint of whisky and bring In the evidence ns a violation on the part of the saloon man of the law. Chambers would b taken anywhere to be anywhere from 22 to 25 years of age. At no place did he give any Indication of the fact that he Was not of age, and these facts led to a severe attack on the part of the attorney for the saloon men upon the methods employed to secure the evidence necessary to sustain a re monstrance. On the Sunday opening charge the evidence wa more substantial, but appears to have been set aside by the technicalities plead by attorneys that the saloons were not sufficiently located, or It had not been sufficiently shown that licenses were issued to th Same appli cants lt year. General opinion seems to sustain the action of the council, but not the excesses It Is generally reported are at times permitted by three or four of the saloons, and the action of the city authorities does by no means Indicate that still more liberties can be taken. Interest In Revival Increaslna. COLUMBUS. Neb., April 29. (Special. ) The interest In the great revival meetings that are being held In the large tabernacle, situated In the heart of the city, is Increas ing with every meeting, and Rev. Lyon, the evangelist, p.oves with every meet ing that he has not missed his calling. The meetings have been held each night the past week with the-exueption of Sat urday, and with Increased attendance each night. There was a great downpour of water from the skies on Friday v night, but that did n!i deter more than a hundred from gathering In, the UbernnMe and en Joying the setmon of Rev. Lyon on "Scandal and Gossip. Th meeting Is . a union of most Of the churches. No de nominational line are drawn and th good people are exhorted to go In and get all the bleslng out of the meetings they can. Mr. Patterson leads a large chorus class each bight. The singing, as well as the preaching, Is soul-lnsplring. West Point Land Mark Destroyed. WE8T POINT. Neb., April 29. (SpecUl.) In clearing the lot on the southeast cor ner of Main and Bridge street In this city, preparatory to the erection thereon of the new Baumann block, It wa necessary to tear down an old landmark. The build ing was erected In th spring of l!Wj by Edmund Krause ot this city. Mike Hughes helped to haul the lumber from Fremont. When completed the lower floor waa oc cupied by the mill store, operated by Bruner 4b Neligh, and the upper floor by the United State land office, which was brought here from Omaha in th spring of the next year, E K. Valentine acting as register: Uriah Bruner, receiver, and the late C. S. Dimary, clerk. The land office wa removed to Norfolk In 1873. with Frank Welsh aa register. ew Postmaster for Humboldt. HUMBOLDT, Neb.. April . (Speclal.) Cary K. Cooper yesterday received from the department at Washington newa of his appointment -as postmaster of this city to succeed O. L, Rams, who has held that place for eight yt-ars. This ends quite an interesting controversy as to whether or not the alleged new civil service ruling would be applied to the local office. The new appointee 1 the eldest son of O. A. Cooper, for several years congressional committeeman, and Ha been for some time manager of the local electric light plant of Cooper aV Linn. lie will be assisted In his new duties by his wife. The retiring post master will give his attention to th man agement of the new brick plant which Is Just starting here. AT 8 P.M. FARMERS PREPARE TO STRIKE Crop Producers, from Ten Counties Form Orcaniiation at Hastine. WILL SET PRICES FOR GRAIN AND STOCK rnle Mill Be rinsed on Reporting; system to Re Maintained by the Society Knar Thooannd Member Secnred. HASTINGS. Neb.. April 2. (Special. I Farmers representing ten central Nebraska counties met here last week and formed a state branck of the American Society of Equity. Resolutions were adopted vigor ously endorsing the farmers' strike which wo called by the society's officer In Indianapolis two months ago. Th purpose of the association la to con trol through united action the prices of all farm products, the general plan being to withhold products until msrket prices have advsnced to the minimum standard fixed by the national officers. The standard for the strike' called In February fixed the price of wheat at 11 per bushel, with a corresponding Increase In the prlc of other grains and agricultural products. The so ciety propose to maintain It own system of crop reporting and to base th price standards, which are published in th offi cial organ each month, upon tho crop figures thus obtained. National Organiser Sherman ba been at work In this section of Nebraska since February 12 and thus fsr has enrolled 4,000 members. The counties represented In the meeting her are Adams, Kearney, Howard, Buffalo, Hall. Webster, Clay, Hamilton, Phelps andXork. The following officer were elected: President O. B. Schafer. Hastings. Vice President J. S. canady, Mlnden. Secretary C. C. Williams. Hastings. Corresponding Secretary William D. Mc Oaffey. Glenvlile. Treasurer A. G. Blooinfield. Minden. Executive Board T. L. Gibson, Juniata; G. J. Hurlburt. York; F. M. Wescott, Wood River; 8. M. Fries, Cannebrog. Commllttees were appointed as follows: Constitution and Bylaws F. M. Wescott, O. B. Schafer. Hall county; W. N. Thomp son, Adams county. Finance R. B. Price. York; C. C. Wil liams, Adams; A. G. Bloomfleld, Kearney. Salaries 8. M. Fries. Howard; J. S. Canady, Kearney; Charles Underwood, Hall. State Meetlng-G. J. Hurlburt, York: A. M. Anderson, Kearney; W. D. McUaffey, Clay. Nominations M. I Wiseman, Hall; W. O. Dungan, Kearney; Charles Hill, York. Order of Business H. B. Sherman, nn tlnnsl organiser; W. N. Thompson, Adams; A. A. Stone. Hall. Resolutions George A. Allen. Clay; A. G. Bloomfleld. Kearney; Henry Denmart, Hull. The resolutions adopted, besides endors ing the farmers' strike, contain a demand for the repeal of the statute requiring assessors to collect statistics as to acreage of growing crops, as well as crops already produced, it being held by the society that "such future figures are of no value to the farmers, but only furnish. Information that assists gamblers and speculators." The society also advocated the Inaugura tion, by some Institute or agricultural col lege, of a course of Instruction as to the disposal of farm products, conducted "to the end that the farmer may receive Just compensation for his labors." State conventions will be heid semi annually, in January and July. It wa decided to hold the next two state meeting In this city. Woman Leave Property to Friend. HASTINUB. Neb., April. 29. (Special.) Information has been received here of the death In Denver of Mrs. Nellie E. Burns, who formerly resided In Doniphan, a few miles from thla city. In her will, leaving, the benefits ot her $150 insurance policy to a friend in that city, she declared: "The woman who gave birth to me Is still living, but It will not be necessary to notify her, as she has never been a mother to me." The unfortunate woman declared that she was cast off by her people because sh per sisted in receiving the attentions of a young man who was not a member of a church. Mrs. Burns' maiden name was McC'arn. Mayor ftehmlti Thanks Hastings. HASTINGS, Neb., April :. (Special.) O. C. Zlnn, who, as acting mayor, had charge of the raising of funds for the San Francisco sufferers, has received the fol lowing message from Mayor E. E. Schmlt of the afflicted city: "Thanks for your kind telegram that Hastings has sent $300. payable to my order at First National bank, Oakland, with more to follow. Accept our sincere gratitude." Hastings sent a cash fund of $300 and a carload of provisions. Upwards of $!i0 has been donated In the last two or three days and this money will be used for the pur Chase of additional supplies. Fremont Mnn Resist Arrest. FREMONT, Neb.. April 29.-(Speclal.)-Pet Peterson resisted arrest and put up a atiff fight last night with Policeman Pollock, and aa a result Is badly pounded up. Peterson was accumulating a Jag and complalnta had been made to the police of his using Insulting language to women, so Pollock was sent after him. H found him In Chrlstensen's saloon and the scrap took place there and on the walk In front. Peterson was so bsdly pounded that It took a surgeon some time to sew up his wounds. He served in the nsvy In the Spanish sir snd on Dewey's fleet at Manila, but when drunk is a terror to th police force. ew of Nebraska. HARVARD Harvard remitted SIM to the Ban Francisco relief fund. PL ATTSMOUTH Victor E. Sherwood and Mlsa Anna Stull of thla city were united in marriage In Omaha. WEST POINT-Mrs. A. Dodendorf sus tained a very severe Injury by making a mis-step ami falling downstairs. PLATT8MOUTH Harry L. Messersmlth snd Miss Mary Tomasewski were united In marriage by County Judge Travis yester day. BEATRICE The Iyl Mystic Legion of America held a largely attended meeting here xil decided to hold a district con vention in Beatrice on June &. PLATT8 MOUTH The Juniors gave the annual reception to the senior high school clues and the high school faculty and Superintendent and Mrs. E. I. Rouse. PLATTSMOUTH A Southern Pacific coach passed through this city attached to a regular Burlington passenger train loaded with refugees from San Franclaco to Chi cago. WEST POINT-Rudolph Prasda. deputy county clerk of Cuming county, who has been confined to his room for many weeks with a very serious lllneso, is now slowly recovering. PIAITS MOUTH The citliens of Eagle collected f)i and sent it to Mr. and Mrs. Garfield, who lost everything they had in the San Francisco disaster. They were former resident of Cass county. BLAIR The Board of Education has contracted with Emmett Bolt to be cus todian of the Central High school build iag. Elmer Rood, who resigned, will try farming on his ranch south o Hlalr. WEST POINT-Mayor F. D. Hunker re turned from Qutncy. III., on Monday, where he went to attend the golden jhjlulee of liis former teacher. He reports fltty-flve of his old schoolmates present at this function. WEST POINT The work on the dam In the Elkhorn river which operates th plant of the West Point Milling company is be ing rapidly don and it Is expected that In a few days ths mill will start up for bust nesc. TABLE ROCK The switchboard In the Bell telephone office aas struck by light, ntng and set on fire, it look the linemen most of the day yesterday to repair the damage and get the line In working order again. TECUMS EH Early in the spring It was presumed the peach crop hsd been lost In tnis section, oning to late frosts. How ever, lh fruit raiser now agre that there wilt be at least two-thirds of a crop of th fruit. BEATRICE Deputy Game Warden Smith has been In the vicinity of Barneston the last few day investigating several esses Of alleged unlawful fishing. So far he hss found no evidence that would warrant making arrests. BEATRICE A trsetlon engine Is being tisd In the fields by several farmers in the vicinity of ymore with very ssttsfactory result It pulls eight gang plows wit th the result that considerable ground Is cov- ered In one day. BEATRICE A bov bv the nsme of Cole. who is employed In the drill department ot the Dempster factory, had a portion of his right hand taken off yesterday by get ting the member caught in the machinery he was operating. PLATTSMOUTH Alice Ruth Palmer, who has traveled around the world In the Interest of missions and temperance, will srelt In the Methodist Episcopal church here Tuesday afternoon In th interest of th Loyal Temperancs legion. WEST POINT-Mrs. Romlg. one of the pioneer women of cnmlng countv, cele b rated her Md blrthdsy st the home of her daughter. Mrs. W. E. Krause, last week. Mrs. Romlg la In excellent health and bids fslr to reach the century mark. GRAND IPLAND-The Grand Island fire department closed a very successful fair last night, having during the week cleared over lion, which will be kept for the ex penses Incidental to entertaining the next firemen's state convention in January. HUMBOLDT A special crew Is here this week gathering up the rails along the msln line of ths Burlington where new steel is being placed, and It Is expected that much of this will be utilised In build. Ing the new side track to the brick yard. TABLE ROCK Nlm rods hsve been quite successful the last week. They captured thirteen 'possums and one skunk Wednes day night and yesterday they discovered a nest of young wolves numbering eight. an oi wnicn wer ere captured and brought to town. HASTINGS The United Commercial Traveler, under the leadership of Supreme Counsellor C. J. Miles aa Interlocutor, gave a minstrel performance Friday even ing for the benefit of It charity fund. The affair netted th local lodge upwards of $.. HASTINGS Th Adams County Drug gists' asociation yesterday elected the fol lowing officers for th ensuing year: W. T. Hoover, Kenesaw, president; W. B. Hardin. Juniata, vice president; W. B. Hartlgan, Hastings, secretary; Frank Mc Elhlnney. Hastings, treasurer; executive committee, Mrs. Howe. Ayr; Will Nel meyer and A. H. Brodke, Hastings. PLATTSMOUTH Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Houlgate have adopted a lS-year-old girl from the New York Children s Home so ciety of New York, who was brought to this city by Kev. J. W. Swan of University Place, who Is one of the field workers fur the society. HUMBOLDT Owing to the bad condi tion of the grounds, the county field day contest, which mas scheduled for Salem, Saturday afternoon, haa been postponed for two weeks. The district contest will take place at tne driving park in this city on Saturday next. WEST POINT Peter Frahm Is complet ing a fine new residence on the lot south of the parsonage of the Grace Lutheran church. A number of fine houses will bo erected In West Point the coming season. There promises to be great activity In mat ters of Improvement. HARVARD The dry goods firm of J T. Sheean & Co. has been transferred lnto'the Harvard Mercantile company. Mr. Sheean retiring from the business and Mr. Delancy, the company of the Sheean firm, being as sociated with other parties in continuing the business under Its new nam. TABLE ROCK Friday night about 11 o'clock the alarm was given that burglars were In the store of C. H. Morris and the building was soon surrounded with an excited crowd armed with guns and re volvers. Investigation showed that the safe door had been leTt open accidentally. BEATRICE Richard Dibble, a pioneer farmer and Stock raiser living seven miles northwest of Beatrice, reports that he never aaw wheat and oats looking better than at present. He says that many farmers are sowing tame grasses and that the general prospects for good crops of all kinds are exceedingly bright. HUMBOLDT An epidemic of Internal Improvement ha broken out in the city, even more noticeable than last year, and hundreds of feet of cement walk are be ing laid In various parts of the city. Per haps the most Important Is the stretch to the depot, which has been fos- years laid with a defective board walk and which Is now being replaced with the better kind. TECUMSEH Heckathorn post, Grand Army- of the Republic; of this city haa perfected arrangrtitierUs for Decoration day observance thl year. Rev. J. T. Rob erts, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church at Table Rock, will be the orator. The Memorial day sermon will be Sunday afternoon. May 27. at the Christian church, the speaker being 'the pastor, Elder A. L. Zlnk. BEATRICE The Salvation Army discov ered a sad case of destitution here yester day, the unfortunste person being an aged woman by the name of Cummlngs, who re sides in West Beatrice. She lias been ill lor the last week, during which time she hss subsisted upon pancakes and water. The army has provided for her immediate wants and the authorities will look after her case. WEST POINT The West Point Farmers Institute society Is making rapid atrldes in the matter of Increase Tn membership. I-arge numbers of the best farmers of Cum ing county are enrolling themselves as members and It is the aim of the execu tive committee to make the coining Insti tute better than the ones already held and of real Interest and value to this farming community. TABLI0 ROCK-Clinton C. Norrla. a for mer Table Rock boy, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Narrls, who Is how a switchman In the Chicago Northwestern yarda at Chi cago, was badly hurt Wednesday last by a broken car door whlch projected out too far to one side. He was in the hospital for two days sfter which he was removed to his home In the city. He suffered a broken shoulder blade and' three broken ribs. GRAND ISLAND The eighty-seventh an nlversasry of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows wa celebrated by the member In this city last Friday evening, a musical and literary program being rendered. An ad dress by Judge Hoagland of North Platte waa a main feature of the event. Mr. Al den, sr., ot this city, fsther of A4den Bros., grocers, who was taken into the lodgn U, the year IfMJ. is believed to be the oiJfi member In the stale. TECUMSEH Tecumseh will have t third saloon, as seemed evident a week ago. Leo Bennlnghoven of Grand Island circu lated a petition her, but secured only iw thirds of tli requisite number of signer The mstter of licenses will come up before th city council Tuesday evening, nd the applicants will be Shrsmek ft Has ps re k and William Ottp. Logan Simpt in is circulating a petition for the purpose of opening a billiard hall. BLAIR The Blair collar factory, which will be operated by Charles Ross, will com mence work tomorrow morning with shout twelve men at the lench. The two-story brick building. 48x.V. has been completed and wss turned over by Contractor Her man Shields yesterday. The huildlng stands one block from the business por tion of the city and close to the railroad deKits. Orders are now on hand to f ir. nlsh the plant lth work for one year. Mr. Rosa has purchiised a fine residence property, costing trfVO, and haa already moved his family here. The Window Hoar. "Would you mind letting thst window down?" asked the passenger In the rear seat, leaning forward. "It makes things pretty cold back here." "I don't find it any too cold." answered the other. Did the shivering passenger lose his Jem per and talk In a loud tone of voice? He did not, dar children. He went and sat down In the sest In front of the window hog and raised a window himself. i "If this makes you uncomfortable." he ' said, with a genial smile. "I'll put It down again. I'll be more of a gentleman than you seem to be, you outward semblance of a human being with the Interior mechanism of an adult porcine nuadrupedj" Then, with the same genial smile, he re sumed the reading of his newspsper, and the Incident closed. Chicago Tribune. Bargain Instinct. She would have declared atrenuously that she did not have the feminine bargain mania, but "George." she asked in the sweet way a woman alway open an argument, "how much did you hav to pay for the mar riage license?" "Two dollars," lie replied. "Two dollars?" she repeated thought fully. Couldn't jou get them three for when h asserted that he was no Mormon, she woke up and blushed, and tried to explain, and uuly mad thing a Utile worse. Judf. D0W1E PREACHES IN Z10N CITY Oonerea-ation of 2 500 Persons, Mostly Cut ider., Hears the 'Tint Apostle." DENIES ALL CHARGES AGAINST HIM Rttal Meeting (ailed by Overseer tullta for the Same lloor la Attended by Tnlre the iimliei. CHICAGO, April 29-Standing unsteadily and with great effort before an audience of 2.(sio persons in Zlnn tabernacle this afternoon, John Alexander Dowie charged his traducers. if any were present, to rise to their feet snd make their accusations before the whole congregation. The fol lowers of Voliva, the new leader In Zlon City's affairs, however, were at that mo ment attending a rival meeting, set for the same hour at the Zlon college build ing, a quarter of a mile distant. There (S.Ono of the the city's inhabitants wore gathered, together with the famous choir, now divested of Its ecclesiastical garb, and the Zlon hand and orchestra. Those who listened to the words of Dowie were for the most part visitors from other towns, brought In by the hundreds by the electric csrs and railroad trains. For over an hour the crowd in the tabernacle watted for the appearance of the venerable "first apostle." Immediately In front of the platform and In the choir loft were prob ably ISO of the faithful. Dowie In Feeble Health. Dowie was borne bodily by two atalwart negro attendants from an ante room up the stairs to the platform and deposited upon his feet before the elaborate prayer altar. He was attired In an apostolic robe of white and gold and p.irple. Upon his head was a turhnn of marvelous pat tern, embroidered In purple and gold. He delivered his address and sermon seated before the altar Only occasionally, when roused to an unusual pitch of earnestness, did he rise to his feet. Mrs. Dowie, who has severed her allegiance with the Voliva faction, sat In a chair among Dowle's fol lowers In the congregation. Except for the presence upon the platform of former Mayor R. T. Harper. Dowie wss alone. He announced the hymns and led In prayer In a voice, the firmness and strength of which surprised those who have been In attendance upon him. Dcnli Alt Charges. He prefaced his sermon by a spirited denial of the charges that have been brought against him in the course of which he exhibited much of the fiery Impatience which marked his discourse In times past. "They say I've taken the people's money, do they?" he shouted. Answers of "Yes" and "No." came from different parts of the sudlence. A man In the rear more persis tent than others was singled out by Dowie. Pointing a trembling ringer at the man Dowie continued: "Iet the man stand up and give his name. Let him tell what money I took and when." With all eyes focoused upon him the man shrank In his seat. A guard was ordered to compel him to stand, but he stood In shame-faced silence. Then it was that Dowie rose to his feet and demanded that any of those present who had any thing to charge against him to do so then and there. Tribute to Mr. Dovrle. Displaying great emotion. Dowie de scribed the sorrow he felt upon receiving the news while In Mexico of the revolt among his people. He described that he could not sleep until he had learned the worst, and that his cup of grief was full when tie found that his wife and son had deserted him. Then he paid a tribute to Mrs. Dowie. "My wife has some noble qualities." he said. "She was misled and Imposed upon. They used her until they were through with her and then cast her aside. My son played tricks upon me which he ought not to have done, but he, too. was deceived." Dowie made his first appearance In the tabernacle at 6:30 this morning, when he conducted a prayer and praise service. About one hundred were In attendance. Voliva had called a similar meeting at that hour also, which was largely attended. Dowie haa taken up his abode In Shlloh house, where he Intend? to remain In re tirement at least until after the decision of the court on the matter of his Injunc tion Hgulnst Voliva and others next Thurs day. rHtabnrar Papers Consolidate. PITT8RURO. April By a consolida tion of Interests the Pittshure Times and ODGior Crlguam Saijs MANY PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE tydla Em Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound wnnitAi-f nl nnwee tf T.trHIa K. l iDkllim R trgekuuie i nmiuuua over the diseases of womankiud is not be cause it is a stimulant, not because it is a palliative, but simply because it ia the most wonderful tonic and reeon atructor ever discovered to act directly upon the generative organs, positively curing disease and restoring' health and vigor. Marvelous cures are reported from all parts of the country by women who have been cured, trained nurses who have witnessed cures and phyaiciana who have recognized the virtue of Lydia E. Pinkham a Vegetable Com pound, and are fair enough to giva credit wher it is due. If phyaiciana dared to be frank and open, hundreds of them would acknowl edge that they constantly prescribe Lydia E. Plnkharua Vegetable Com pound in severe rases of female ilia, aa they know by experience it can be re. lied upon to effect a cure.' The follow ing letter provea it. Dr. H. C. Brigham, of 4 Brigbaa Park, Fitchburg, Mass., writes: " It gives m great pleasure to say that I have founa Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound very efBi-acious. and often pre senile it in my practi"' for female diffleultle. "My oldest daughter found it very benefi cial for a female trouble some time ego. and my youngmt daughter is now taking it for a fe male weakness, and is surely gaining in health and strength. " I freely advocate it aa a most reliable spe cific in all disease to which wonmn are sub ject, and giv it honest endorsement." Women who are troubled with pain ful or Irregular periods, bloating (or flatulency), weakness ot organs, dis placements, inflammation or ulce ration, can ba restored to perfect health and strength by taking Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. If advice ia needed write to Mr. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. She ia daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham and for twenty five yaara ha been advising aick women free of charge. Noother living person haa had the benefit of a wider eiperience in treating femala Ills. She has guided thousands to health. Every suffering woman should ask for and follow her advice it aha want to be strong and wall. CHEAP. EFFECTIVE. PALATABLE. APENTA HUNGARIAN NATURAL APERIENT WATER. Trie Analysis shows that the richness of A pent Water in natural saline sprrirn'i wnderi u the safest and must remedial laxatite and purgative. RF.A1 THE LAB tU A '1SEGL ASSFUL A DOSE. ALSO SPARKLING APENTA (NATURAL APENTA CARBONATED), IN SPLITS ONLY. A Refreshing and Pleasant Aperient for Morning Use. Sole Exporters: THE APOLLIN ARIS CO., Ltd, London. Pittsburg Osxette will cease to exist under their Individual names with the Issues to morrow morning. Tuesday the publications will sppear as the Oasette-Times and will be Issued from the Oatette plant. ELEVEN DAYS' WORK (Continued from Firat Page.) to speedily forget the recent disaster was the resumption of the Sunday afternoon concerts In Golden tiata park. These con certs have always been a Sunday feature In San Francisco, and In addition to the excellent program given In the big park, a volunteer band discoursed music for a short time in the "tented city" at Jeffer son square. Car Service Extended. There were some extensions In the elec tric car service snd the people in the re mote suburbs will tomorrow be sfforded quick transportation to the water front and points In the burned district where they may be obliged to labor. The city officials were highly elsted today upon finding the contents of the municipal treasury Intact. The vaults were located In a section of tha city hall that escaped the fire, and when an expert opened the doors this morning he found gold, silver and securities scattered over the floor, but there was nothing missing. The vsult contained I5.9i0.000 In coin snd currency, $300,000 In securities of the German Savings bank and tl2.0U0.0OU of unsold city bonds. Shipping Is beginning to resume Its nor mal course. There were a number of de parturea of steamers todsy and several ar rivals, the latter bringing provisions. The steamer lmur arrived from Victoria, B. C, with 600 tons of provisions given by the people of British Columbia and the cargo was admitted duty free. Art Treasures Destroyed. One loss that csn never be replaced Is t lie destruction of art galleries and libraries. Over a million volumes and thousands of canvasses were burned. The most valuable paintings In the Mark Hopkins Institute were cut from the flames and carted to Oakland as the conflagration approached, but a large part of Its picture and marble which were taken Into the yard of th Flood mansion across the street were utterly ruined. The most complete destruc tion of works of art and articles of value occurred In the private residences whose owners were forced to flee at some sudden turn of the fire. Some of these contained galleries of single pictures unique and un equalled elsewhere In the world. In the Crocker residence, for Instance, Millet's famous painting, "The Man with the Hoe.' was consumed. In downtown art stores many valuable canvasses were burned, the accumulation of years. Local artists, many of whom had their studios along Montgomery street, were burned out at the first onset of the con flagration, and the studios further uptown began to go one by one, each with its treasure of pictures. Hundreds of Keith's and Charles Rollo Peters' compositions are lost and the whole colony ot Ban Francisco artists and connoisseurs are great sufferers. Even the earthquake caused some damage and some of the most valusble pieces of statuary In the city were shattered. Will send Two Regiments. WASHINGTON, April 29. Only two regi ments of troops, comprising In all about 1.350 men, will be sent to San Francisco to reinforce those there, Instead ot 2.500 men as originally proposed by General Greely and sanctioned by the War department. The troops . to go are the First cavalry from Fort Clark and Fort Sam Houston, Tex., and the infantry regiment from Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo. A telegram asking that only the reduced number be aent was received at the War department today, and ordera to that effect were promptly Issued. Th re mainder of the troops originally directed to proceed to San Francisco have been or dered not to move until further orders. Th war office officials decline to discuss th ressons for General Greely's request, but the Impression given Is that It Is due to a wish of the citlxens' committee of San Francisco not to have the government Incur the expense due to their transportation, so that the money may he available for relief work instead. The transportation charge for the men probably would have aggre gated more than Uuo.ouo, which can be spent in buying rstlons snd other necessities for the stricken people. Plark. Plerpunt Morgan haa Immense respect for all ktnda of pluck He ssys one of the finest examples that ever came under hia observation was given by an English cler gyman. He had a rich parishioner. Lady Blank, who dictated to and hectored him outrageously. At length he declined to put up with this kind of treatment and nA liar luflvihln ... Tli ft a, ika fused to put anytntng in the offertory, merely making a ststely Inclination over the plate. This moved an elder to remark In her hearing: "We could do with less of her manners and more of her cash." The clergymar, dining at a lord's tsble, told this story with great Sucre., one evening. The host said with a frown: "Ar you aware, air. that Lady Blank 1 a rela tive of mine'" Th clergyman smiled slightly. "No." he said. "I wasn't, but In future when I tell the story I'll always be careful to mention the relstionshlp." Katare tady. Sitting by niy open window, I distinctly bear the grass moan. This Is an old joke' among minstrels, but I believe It has never before pperd in a nature study. Hsve you ever observed grass? It is very Intelligent. Two blades of grass may be made to grow where one grew before, and do other tricks hardly less surprising. Some say grass hss no sensibilities. They are wrong. Orse which a pretty girl haa sat on sometimes doesn't get over It for a week. W do not blme It. In the Bible grass is likened to the flesh which tomorrow Is cast into the oven. Tills Is drawing It pretty strong, sltbough some grass Is undoubtedly tough. There are wild grasses and tame grasses. One has to Ir wary in studying wild grasses, as they sre extremely shy Puck. - Wardered Thirty-Ms Vtari. I .ON DON. April i.-A dispatch from Mog.idor. Morocco, to the Ixlly Mall this morning says that a cobbler of Marrakesh, named Mesgewl, will be cruclflxed May t for the murder of thirty-six women, whose bodies were found burled under his shop snd in his garden. FUNERAL OF HENRY J. WINDSOR Immediate Relatives and ear Friends Follow Him to the tirave. The funeral of Henry J. Windsor tooa place yesterday afternoon at his residence In the Hamilton apartment house at 2:30 o'clock. Dean Beccher of Trinity cathedral officiating, assisted by Canon Poherty of Christ church. Yankton, 8. D. The funeral auspices were private, only tho relatlvea and near friends of the departed being present. The interment was at Prospect Hill cemetery. The pallbearers were: John C. Coble, James Ware, J. A. Haines. A. C. Wakeley, Charles W. Kainey and J. U. Haines. Henry J. Windsor wss Inirn at Catootln, Md., August 1, 1HM, and was educated at a private school at Elllcott, Md. He came west In 1875 and entered the ranch busi ness as a cowboy on the North Platte river In Nebraska. In 1877 he entered Into partnership with John C. Coble In ranch ing on the South Loup, where he helped organise Custer county. Nebraska, being one of the first county commissioners. He afterward located at the head of Powder river In Wyoming at the foot of the Big Horn mountains, where In ISM Messrs. Windsor Coble Interested Sir Horac C. Plunkett In cattle, and ,Je three con solidated several ranches snd i'm,r th large Frontier Ind and Cattle company. In lSun, with Sir Horace Tlunkett and Frank A. Kemp, the Omaha real estato firm of Windsor, Kemp Co. was organ ised and since the dissolution of this Arm in 1S5 Mr. Windsor has been the western representative of Sir Horace Plunkett' estate. At the time of his death Mr. Wind sor wss general manager and part owner of the Diamond Cattle company. Rock River. Wyo., of which company Mr. Frank C. Bosler of Carlisle. Pa., Is president. Mr. Windsor was a man of a most gener ous nature, with a keen sense of duty and a most high sense of honor. He was well known and respected In the west and will be greatly missed In the cattle range coun try as well as In Omaha. He married Mis Jacobsen of Baltimore In 1RM and his wife and two children, Rosalie and Mildred, survlv him. SPECIALS FOR THIS MONDAY AND TUESDAY ONLY Men' suit cleaned and pressed, QQ Boy's kne pant suit cleaned and Kftjt pressed, for WC 16TH STREET DYE WORKS 414 N. 16th Sine). Tel. Douglaa-1978. Mall orders solicited. We Call for and Deliver. Epilepsy can be cured. To those afflicted this con veys a wonderful message. Though quite common, it Is only a short time since it was considered Incurable. The discovery that it was purely a nervous disorder has led to the application ot the great nerv restorer. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine with the happy recult that thousands hav been completely cured, and others are be ing cured every day. "In the year 'HZ I wa stricken with epilepsy. Doctors treated me for several years, but 1 grew worse. I would hav uch awful fits. I cannot tell my awful sufferings. A druggist recommended Dr. Miles' Nervine, and 1 bought a bottle, and found it helped me, and I took three more and am cured. I had only one light spell after I commenced taking It. I do hop the time will come when everybody will know that your medicine cures thes awful fits." JOHN LEWIS. Clarion, Pa. .Dr. Miles' Nervine Is sold under a guar antee that your druggist will refund your money If first bottle doea not benefit. DR. WESTMAL'8 OENNA LIVER PILLO Tot Obstinate Constipation, Bllllousnaaa, Sour Stomach, Sick Headache. Neryou. ness Nsusea. Insomnia, Jsundlo. Torpid Livr. Try on. o pr bottle, postpaid. SHERMAN & McCONXELL DRUB CO Corner Uth and Dodg its. AMI KEMFATI. GAHM Farewell Concert Mr. Joseph Gnhtn, Pianist. Mrs. Joseph Gahm, Harpist. Mr. Hans Albert, Violinist. Boyd Theater THIS EVF.NINU. APRIL 30. Prlces-$1.00, 75c and (Oc. Tickets on sale now st box office. CRCIOHTON Phon Douglas 494. Everv Night Matinees Thur., flat. MODERN VAUDEVILLE Ahd'el Kailer and ids S Wives, Foy and Clark; Willy Zlniniei ni:i mi : World' t'onvdy Four; Marvelous Frank and Bob; Frank Hayes; The HoMswoi tl.s, and too Klnodroine. Prices 10c. 15c. 6oc. Big Amateur Show Closing Niglit Sat urday, May u. KRUC THEATER PRICKS 15c, Ac. Sec. 75c. KI-KTION RKTI'KXH u iu,t from lii Htgge tii in nK i' I'l-rCnr in- What Women Will Do TIKHDtl MIHI', MA V 1. Tlitiisday-Linest Hogau, In "Ruiua Kas lus. " TOMTOM