Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 30, 1906, Image 1

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    The Omaha : Daily Bee.
Yeor Money's Worth
Best ti,". West
Whirt Ada Count
Best i". West
Officials in Chares of Belief in San Fran
cisoo 8umy Situation.
Army Take Char, of Distribution - of
Food Euppliet,
Imue of Ration to Be Confined to Women
and Children.
City yT Ak Government to
Guarantee l.o nor -Time Bold!
Bearing; a Low Bat of
BAN FRANCISCO, April .-The second
Sabbath since the fateful April 18 has
served aa a rlearlnr house in the affair
of this ruined city. While the old-time
quietude it missing-, the day has witnessed
les of the excitement, confusion and
clamor of its immediate predecessors and
the community at large ha been enabled
tn malt a calmer airvev of the Situation
and to enter Into a more Intelligent and
rational prrnnntlon lor the future.
All possible work was auspended for the
day, and the tired officials, who for nearly
two weeka have labored Incessantly, with
little sleep, to bring semblance of order
out of chaotio conditions, took advantage
of the lull to secure greatly needed rest
and to pay some attention to pressing
personal needs.
With the advent of the Sabbath came an
opportunity to review the tremendous ac
complishment of the lust eleven days to
provide remedies In the defects in the task
of Judiciously caring for all clas.ea of the
destitute. Irrespective of race or creed.
Plans for solving the tremendous financial
problems that confront the city begnn, to
day to assume tangible form and Sunday
closed with the brightest prospect that lias
faced Ban Francisco since three-fourths of
Its territory waa laid waste,
Arrar to Distribute Belief.
Probably the most Important development
of Uie day was the promulgation by Qen
eral Greeley of his plan for the dlstrlbu
tlon of relief supplies. Reports of theft.
deception, misappropriation, waste and ex
travagance have been constantly received
since provisions and clothing began pour
ing In to succor the afflicted, and It Is no
believed that misuse of supplies will here
after be Impossible.
In the first daya of the lire little or no
attempt was made to keep check on food
stuffs, the main Idea being to provide
against want, and It la natural thai under
this excusable haphaxard order of affairs
many abuses should arise. But even when
the linea were more tightly drawn un
scrupulous persons continued to take ad
vantage of the general distress and It was
tht-n realised that the salvation of the
sit nation, rested with- the army.' Bo the
ofBrlals of this branch of the federal gov
eminent were called upon to engage In an
unprecedented service. That success will
doubtless meet their efforts may be In.
ferretl from the completeness of the plan
of General Oreeley. The unturned part of
the city will be divided Into seven dl
trlcts In charge of army officers, who will
assume control of all the relief stations now
Responsible civilians will be Installed un
der salary at the substations for the pur
pose of clerical work and dally records and
checks will be kept. It is declared that the
period of extreme distress has passed and
at the earliest possible moment the issue
of rations mutt be confined to helpless
women and children and refused to -adult
males, unless they are sick or In enfeebled
condition. Issues of luxuries or articles of
special diet will be confined to infants and
Invalids. Rigid economy 1 enjoined upon
any officer engaged In relief work. In each
of the seven districts there will be 100. ta.
tlons. The amount of food to be allowed
each person, with latitude for certain con
ditlons, la specified, and the allowance Is
based on the arrry ration.
Plaa to Secure Foods.
At the meeting today at which were pres.
ent Jamei P. Phelnn, chairman of the
finance committee, and some noted lawyers
and banke'iB, a plan was broached for
financing the city, which it Is hoped will
meet with the endorsement of the general
committee. It being estimated that the city
has suffered a loss if at least $-O,OO.Oo0 by
fire, it is considered that there Is not suf
flclent money In San Francisco to recon.
struct the city and that the people here
must look elsewhere for fundi to rehabtll
tat their destroyed fortunes.
Mr.' Fhelan aald that if the money Is
borrowed through ordinary channels, the
rate of Interest will add a burden t
necessarily increased taxation that will
be too heavy to bear. The plan of Mr.
Phelan la to frame legislation to preset!
to congress asking the United States to
endorse the proposed bond of Ban Fran
cisco. Wtth this guarantee of the govern
ment, the city will be able to go Into the
financial market of the world and borrow
the needed money at 2 to 2V per cent, the
bonds to run for fifty years and conatttut
a mortgage on the best portion of the city.
Mr. Phelan asserted that such legislation
would not be new in congress. It was by
virtually such measures that the Central
Pacific and Union Pacific railroads were
built, and more recently by like legislation
that railroad In the Philippines became as
sured to the people of the Islands.
The work of furnishing the necessities of
life to the homeless and needy continues
with more system and with unabated
energy, but desplj the care of the officials
at the heads of the bureau complaint are
reported of oversight in supplying ta
tions, but these error are quickly recti
fled. Tomorrow the Red Cross people ex
pect to have their Individual ticket system
in operation and this will facilitate the
plans ef the army In preventing abuses,
skelter for Practically All.
The number of people without substantial
ahelier has been reduced to a minimum.
The housing committee reported today that
us work had been almost completed, the
applications for accommodations havin,
used. The work of this committee ha
uven lessened by the numerous departure
of people In teal to other part of the
mate. Religious service were held In the
open air In many of the saved district
today and In churches that were pro
nuunced aaf for Immediate use throng
gathered to listen to the sermons of the
Probabaiy the most significant instance of
the determination of the officials to bring
about a restoration of the old order of
things and of the disposition of the people
lOoatinued an Second Tag.)
rentier anrrlen' Warns Disorderly
Clement that All Alolet.ce Will
He Suppressed.
PARIS. April IS Premier Sarrien. in a
pwh delivered here today, (rave wurning
to the disorderly element -flint the govern
mental! rponed dealing firmly with any out
breaks on May 1. This Is the first speech
the prjyirler litis made in the course of the
erfural campaign and It dealt with all
kind of questions, but the principal Interest
ttached to that portion of It giving the
government- utttttuie toward the menacing
abor situation
'The first duty for government worthy of
the name," said M. Sarrien, "Is to Insure
order in tin' street and freedom to work
without Interruption. We are resolved to
pply the law without passion and without
eakness to all disturbers of the pence.
whoever they may be, whatever names
they assume or whatever the end they seek.
A country like France can prosper nnd de-
elop commerce. Increase wealth and amel
iorate the lot of the members of Its social
fabric only through order, peace and work.
Violence can only benefit the forces of re
action and . s 'edit the mNt cause."
The clt4 '. tilling a distinctly military
aspect. Mi
. Hirois nave not yei neen
establishcd, 'dlers off duly throng
the boulevarn.
stinar the days of the
Boulanger exci
Special trains con
J' 'omenta.
Paris has takn
tlnue to bring in
The military gov
the suggestive actio
-luisitlonitig the
'voll Vanxhall
'g ordinarily
t revolutionary
extensive buildings o.
for military uses. This.
Is used for meetings of
Crowds today visited the Champs cic Mars
to witness the cavalry and infantry drills.
Several persons distributing antl-inltitary
pamphlets were arrested during the day.
Seven thousand worVmen of the munleipHl
gas works today reached the Important de
cision not to Btrike. thus allaying the fears
that theclty would be without light.
After a meeting of printers today a dls-
urbanee between strikers and non-strikers
took place, In the course of which a non-
striker shot and seriously wounded a striker
In the abdomen and another man lost an
The striking Jewelers today created dis
orders outside the establishments that are
continuing to operate by endeavoring to
Indue the men who remain at work to
Join the strikers. A number of foreign
workmen gathered In a hall In Gaiete street
and passed a resolution not to work on May
1, and It appears prolmble that the cabmen
also will remain Idle that day.
TOULON, April 29. The strike of the
employes at the gas works here con
tinues, and the duly illumination in the
city is from the searchlights on the war
ship In the harbor.
BREST. April 29. A violent meeting of
trlkern hero today resulted In an attempt
at a demonstration, but the gathering was
dispersed by cavalry.
LONOWY. France, April 29.-Thousands
of workers have gone on strike. Several
attempts have been made to shoot tho fore
man of the mills.
Reindeer Starve and People Who
'- Depend oa Them for ffupport
STOCKHOLM, April 29.-tSpeclal Cable
gram to The Bee.) Replying to a question
In tho Riksdag with regard to the su (Tur
ing of the Lapland population In the north,
the milliliter of the interior explained that
the starvation of the reindeer herds which
was causing famine among the Lapps was
due more to immediate climatic conditions
In the districts whero the reindeer were
pastured than the effects of the Karlstad
convention limiting the pasture rights of
these nomads. A hard frost following a
partial thaw had covered the snow with a
thick Ice crust through which the reindeer
were unable to reach the mcsse they
feed on.
To save tln ! h leer herds from starva
tion they had b .i driven across the fron
tier Into Finland and Norway long before
the period fixed by treaty for these migra
tions, Biid had been rniseju..fUly driven
back under penalty of Imv.ied.late confisca
tion. Legally this proceeding on the par'.
of tne local authorities Is perfectly Justi
fied, but it ha culled forth articles In the
Swedish press showing that the very exlrt-
ence of the nomadic I-apl.mders in
threatened unler.w a better regulation cf
their pastoral conditions can be devised
A the minister said in concluding hi
statement In Parliament, their existence In
absolutely dependent on the generosity of
the three nations within whose, frontiers
their pasture lar.1i lie. These are bound to
agree In creatine for the Laplander such
conditions of existence as are essential to
their nomadic pastoral pursuits. If thtr
gradual extinction and d'ttrperanv from
the land of which they wre t,e rigmal
owner Is to be averted.
Belatlvee of Second Husband Try to
Establish Claim to VmnA In
PARIS, April 29. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) Reminiscences of George Wash
ington's negres nurse. General Tom Thumb
and of Jenny Llnd were evoked the other
day by Maltre Cluny In the first chamber
of the Paris civil tribunal. It was in a
case between Barnum's widow, called Nina
Flsch, and the Credit Lyonnais and other.
Barnum's widow married a Greek named
Lambro Kallias, who waa the owner of
vineyards at Mytllene, the ancient Lesbos,
In the Grecian archipelago, and H0.0CO. It
appears as though the $40,o0 was deposited
with the Credit Lyonnal., The widow
claimed the money and the vineyard, but
the Greek relative, including a lady named
Aphrodite Kallias, also advanced rights to
the estate. These have Joined with the
Credit Lyonnais against the widow and a
French court has been asked to decide the
Many House Partly Bnrled and l-arge
ember of Animals Are
NAPLES, April 29. The weather today In
the region of Mount Vesuvius was good.
Reports that are coming concerning the
last disaster show that the damage done
by the torrents of mud washed from the
mountain aide by the heavy rains of last
week was great.
The floods Invaded all place and killed
many animals. At Pacciano, a town of fcuo
Inhabitants, the flood obstructed the doora
of houses so that the people were obliged
to escape through the window. The
yajcheaa of Aosta today braved Ihe dangers
and went to Ottajano In order tu ascertain
the extent of the damage done by the mud.
King Edward and Queen Alexandra have
been unable to make (heir desired vUlt to
the Royal observatory on Mount Vesuvius.
Senate Will Attempt to Bet Time for Vote
on Bate Bill
Hon Will Begin Actual Consid
eration of the Agricultural
Appropriation Bill
WASHINGTON, April I'S.-Railroad rate
legislation continues to hold first place
in the United States senate. There are
three or four more general speeches to be
made on the bill and when the last one
of them shall have been heard, If not be
fore, there will be an agreement upon a
time for taking the final vote. This Is ex
pected to be about May 10. So far official
notice has been given of only two more
speeches. They will be made by Senator
Clark of Arkansas, who will speak Mon
day, and by Senator Daniel, who will be
heard Tuesday. It is possible that Senators
Rayner and Frasler and even others will
desire to be heard, so that a considerable
portion of the present week will be de
voted to general discussion. By common
consent several days will be consumed in
considering amendments under the rule
limiting speeches to ten minutes. The
Intention la to give a week to conslderaton
of the bill under that rule, and as this con
sideration will necessarily be postponed
until the close of the general debate,
the effect may be to delay the final vote,
but not for more than a few days at most.
Set ent Amendment to Consider.
Senator Tillman's. Intention is to ask
for unanimous consent to vote on a day
to be named, an 1 'then If this is secured
to allow the senate to decide for Itself
how much time It will devote to amend
ments. So far about seventy amendments
have been suggested, but It is not expected
that a great many of them will be seriously
considered. Attention will be concentrated
largely upon the court review question.
Senator generally say that some kind of
review provision is probable, but predic
tions as to which of them will be chosen
range all the way from Senator Long'
to Senator Foraker's suggestion. It Is
rlalmed that there will be a solid republican
vole against Senator Bailey's nonsuspen
slon provision
Program of the House.
The real legislative work of the national
house of representatives on the agricul
tural appropriation bill will begin this week.
The general debate on this measure took a
wider range and occupied considerable more
time than had been expected. Tho two
sides of the tariff question were laid be.
fore tho country and there was little said
regarding the bill, although it remained
before the house throughout the week.
Today will be given up to the passage
of bills under suspension of the rules. Many
Important bills have been passed In the
house this session on suspension days and
with Mr. Williams, the minority leader,
objecting to all "unanimous consent" legis
lation, to further the statehood bill sus
pension becomes all the more Important.
Speaker Cannon has received more ap
plications for recognition under thin order
than the time will permit and It I not un
likely that suspension day may be "re
cessed" into Tuesday In order that minor
matter may be cleared up. One of the
efforts today will be by the committee on
Immigration to give the recently Imported
immigration bill a "right of way" over all
but appropriations.
The agricultural bill will be taken up
Tuesday and It Is estimated that two days
will be consumed In reading and perfecting
its sections. The naval appropriation bill
Is in waiting and tho plan now Is to call It
up the moment the agricultural bill Is out
of the way. Claim have the right of way
Friday so that at the best Thursday and
Friday can be given to the navy bill. A
week In addition to these two day will
be occupied on this measure.
The sundry civil bill will be In readlnes
when the naval bill Is out of the way.
Rnlofflee In the House.
The house met at 11 o'clock today to hear
addresses on the life, character and pub
lic services of John M. Plnckney, late a
representative from the Eighth Texas dls-
j Irlct.
I Mr. Slayden, by appointment of Speaker
Cannon, presided.
' Mr. Stephens (Tex.) presented the reso
, luttons of sympathy on the part of the
ebraskan Addresses Meeting of
Christian Mlaalonary Alllnnee In
the Holy City. .
JERUSALEM, April 29-Willlam J.
l.ryan, who is visiting Jerusalem In the
course of his tour of the world, on Satur
day addressed a special meeting held In
the tabernacle by the Christian Missionary
alliance. He spoke for seventy minutes
with captivating eloquence on the life of
Christ and His teachings, and expressed
astonishment at the small proportion of
Christiana In America, and Europe visiting
Bible land.
tsangrr at Ottiawt, la.. Resist A r
rest nnd Is Shot by Police After
Hasalng Fight.
OTTUMWA. Ia.. April 29.-When called
upon to pay for a 80-cent breakfast which
he had eaten In a restaurant here this
morning an unidentified man drew a re
volver on the waiter and waa killed after
waging a running fight with the police.
He took refuge In a building, where for
some time he stood off the officer, but after
several exchange of shot he was finally
H. H. Bontle Serloosly lajnred by Against Moving Chain
on steam Shovel.
RED OAK, la.. April S.-(8peclal Tele
pram.) H. H. Buntle, cranesman on a
steam shovel working about one mile west
of here, met with a serious accident about
1:30 p. m. today by falling on a chain which
was In motion. His left leg wa badly
m ashed and will have to be amputated. Hla
right leg waa badly cut and bruised.
Buntie baa a wife and two children In
Galesburg, 111. He wa taken to Creston
Miner Kndorse Mitchell' Aets.
8HAMOKIN. Pa. April 29 United Mine
Workers' locals In some sections of the
anthracite region elected delegates today
to the convention called for Thursday next
at bcranton. Bom of them were In
strutted to vote for a strike unless the
operators grant concessions, and other
to support any measure President Mitchell
may think best for Uie working man a lit-
The republican campaign, which will
end on iuesday evening with the elec
tion of K. A. Benton and the whole
republican ticket. Bis been one which
animated to the iLison and common
sense of our cIMzeueV Noise niay have
convinced a few, but reason and
common sense line convinced tne many
and will triumph. I triess all signs fall
Benson and Ihe whole repuoilcau
ticket will be elected by from 3,tJ0 to
The legal registration by bona-fide
residents tlirougnont the city was emi
nently satisfactory , aa most of such
names were in possession of the re
publican city centra' committee before
that day, and have beeu checked over
today. ,
The Illegal registration Which was
conducted in certain precincts Is being
carefully investigated, and warrants
will be Issued by the county attorney
and placed In Sheriff McDonald s
hands tor more than 211O persons he
fore the sun goes tiown un; Monday
1 never knew of a more disgraceful
and unlawful effort, to thwart the will
of our own cltiaens than that per
petrated, but It n.ust not and will
not and cannot triumph. A. YV. Jef
ferls, Chairman Republican City Com
mittee. '
. I estimate that Dahlman will be
elected by not less than 2,0oo ma
jority, and his majority may run up
to 3.1M). Things ale coming our way
and the prospects look brighter every
In regard to the charge of illegal
registration I will say as far as the
committee is concerned there Is not a
word of truth in It. The democratic
committee will help- prosecute any
cases of illegal registration that may
be uncovered and 'ill stand Its share
of the expense. All we want Is a
square deal. W. C. Bullard, Chairman
Democratic City Committee.
Pope Pine X Sends (i reeling to Cath
olic Prelates Assembled at
BALTIMORE, April 2.-The celebration
of. the centennial anniversary of the lay
ing of the cornerstone of the Baltimore
cathedral began here today. Under smil
ing skies the procession of ecclesiastics
filed out of Calvert hall. First came tho
ranks of sanctuary boys and then the
members of the seminary choir, then other
seminarians, then students of various in
stitution of learning, all these in sober
black and white, and then the faculty
of the Catholic university. In black, touched
here and there with varicolored silks,
Franciscans In brown bablts, white f rocked
Dominicans, sable clad Augustlnlans and
Moslem Jesuits, bishops and archbishops
In purple vestments, eah with his attend
ants, the apostolic delegate with his train
bearers and the the cardinal In his red
robe, with ermine cape. The procession
filed down to the side entrance of the ca
thedral grounds, through these to the main
entrance to tho ancient building and up
the main aisle to the sanctuary, where
the ecclesiastics grouped themselves In an
Imposing array. There were there the
cardinal archbishop of Baltimore, the apos
tolic delegate, Mgr. Dlmnede Falconlo, and
almost every bishop al archbishop of the
Roman Catholic church, whose see Is
within the confines of the United State
The most Important event of the solemn
pontifical mass, .of wl& the moat - Rev.
J. M. Farley, D. D.,! archbishop of New
York, was the celebrant, was the reading
by Rev. William A. Fletcher of an auto
graph letter from the pope. Hi holiness
said In part:
To Our Beloved Son. James Gibbons
Archbishop of Baltimore, Cardinal Frlest
of the Title of St. Mary Across the Tiber
fius, r. t a..:
Beloved son. health and anoatolln hen.
When the first archblshon of Imnra
100 years ago, laid the cornerstone of the
church, he laid, we may truly say. th
foundation upon which the church of
America was to rise to its full and glorious
height. For, whether we consider the
ever-Increasing number of priests ordained
wunin us wans, tne Dlsnops there conse
crated, the national councils there cele
nrated. or the. various maa-ntneent snlmnl
ties or the solemn ecclesiastical functions
that It has witnessed, all have happily
louna, as n were, ineir nome in tne ca
thedral of Baltimore.
Hence we deem it worthy of our highest
approval that you propose to commemorate
witn general rejoicing so signal an event.
We need not tell you what sentiments of
good will and of heartfelt Interest we share
in this celebration. You are all aware that
we have always most ardently sought and
are now equally eager to adopt whatsoever
may avail to enhance the honor of our re
ligion among the American people. Our
eagerness herein Is the greater because we
are sure that you will respond with common
accord and endeavor to the invitation which
we, prompted by the memory of what you
have accomplished for religion, extend you
on this timely and Joyous occasion In urging
the American people to still greater efforts
In behalf of our catholic faith.
Right Joyously, then, we express our
wishes for the prosperity of your churches
and the success of this centenary observ
ance. At the same time, as a pledge of
heavenly graces and a token of our deep
affection, we impart most lovingly our apos
tolic benediction to you, tne Dishops, the
clergy and the whole American people.
Given at St. Peter . Rome, on the second
day of March, 19flfi, In the third year of our
pontificate. PIUS P. P. X.
The Gregorian music was Impressive. The
sermon wa preached by the Mot Rev. P.
J. Ryan, D. D., archbishop of Philadelphia,
who apoke on the three great evil of sui
cide, divorce and communism, which he
declared to be Increasing.
There waa a dinner In the afternoon at
St. Mary' seminary, and at night the
second great event of the day took place
the celebration of the pontifical vespers.
The celebrant wa the Most Rev. 8. G.
Messmer, D. D., archbishop of Milwaukee.
The sermon was preached by the Most
Rev. J. J. Glennon, D. D., archbishop of
St. Louis, who touched upon the attitude of
the church toward socialism.
COLUMBUS, Neb., April M.-fSpecial )
J. E. Hill of Shelby. Neb., and MIh Anna
Ward of Detroit, Mich., took upon them
selves the vows of matrimony at the par
sonage of the Methodist Kplscopal church
here on last Thursday afternoon. Rev. L.
R. Pe Wolf, the pastor of the church,
performing the ceremony.
Slonx Fall Lodges W ill Build.
SIOUX FALLS. 8. D.. April 3.-r8peclal.)
The members of the Odd Fellows lodges of
Sioux Falls have completed arrangements
for the erection during the coining summer
of a fine lodge hall building. Plans for the
structure already have been prepared. The
new building will be three stories high,
fronting on Main avenue, while the slope
of the ground at the point where a site for
the structure ha been secured will make
it four stories high In the rear. The build
ing will be mluO feet In le. The econd
and third floor are to be used for lodge
purposes, whlli the ground floor and base
ment will be used for business rooms.
The building will be modern in every re
spect and will be semi-fireproof. The Ma
sons are Just completing a fine new tem
ple at a cost of about 170.000. Now that
the Odd Fellows have decided to erect a
lodge hall building, the F.ages also are
discussing the matter ef erecting a simi
lar structure,
Three Hundred and Fifty Discovered in the
Third Ward Alone.
Republicans Assert Democrats Mean
to teal Election and Warrants
of Arrest Will Be Beady
nt Polls.
Conclusive evidence of election frauds
on the largest scale ever known in Omaha
waa disclosed by the registration Satur
day. Detectives and volunteer cttlxens. work
ing under the direction of the republican
city committee Sunday, canvassed the
residences given by men suspected of hav
ing registered illegally and discovered
hundreds of fictitious addresses. The Il
legal registration is said to have been
chiefly In the Third ward, but was found
to have beon crevalent In the Second and
Tenth wards and In the Fifth precinct of
the Ninth ward as well, besides having
extended to ether wards In small propor
Three Hundred and Fifty In Third.
A. II. Burnett, a member of the republi
can executive committee, said:
"In the Third ward alone we have dis
covered something like 350 Instances of
registration of persons who cannot be
found at the addresses given. There are
hundreds In other wards and we are still
prosocutlng the effort to run down every
case of Illegal registration. There Is no
doubt whatever that a desperate attempt
has been concocted to win this election
for the democrats by foul means. The
character of the registration shows be
yond a doubt that Benson should carry
the city by from 2,000 to 3.500 votes. We
have made careful arrangements to arrest
every man Illegally registered when ho at
tempts to vote. The warrants will bo Is
sued Monday by the county attorney's of
fice and deputy sheriffs will be on hand
at the polling places in every precinct to
arrest the fraudulent registered persons
when they appear. The names used will
be thosa of men registered who cannot bo
located in Omaha.
Agents Jo Ont In Pairs.
"Our plan consisted of sending reliable
men out In pair with quantities of circu
lar addressed to names we suspected
were fraudulently entered. In the Third
ward the registration total was about 850.
Our agents worked hard Sunday and at 6
o'clock had discovered about 350 instances
where the men could not be found. Va
cant lots, business houses and even the
middle of railroad yards were Included In
the addresses given. Where a house stood
at the number the Inmates declared they
knew of no such persons as the names
registered. One man gave his address as
the Barker hotel, a house that has not
been doing business for several years and
which was. converted into a wholesale
implement establishment. These are fair
Illustrations of the frauds exposed."
F. K. Buckmlnster, the Chicago detec
tive, who with a force of operative Is
hired by the republicans to prevent fraud
on the part of the deomcrat say that
at least 200 non-residents registered Sat
urday, not onJy,ence but several times.
He suspect that many of them came from
South Omaha.
Democrats Mean to Steal It.
"It 1 aa clear as daylight to me that the
democrat mean to steal this election,"
said he. "Gangs of repeater have been
brought here to register and vote a many
times as possible. At least 200 men are Im
plicated In the Job. Warrant will be Issued
Monday and those who can't be found will
be arrested when they attempt to vote.
We have been promised all the special
deputy sheriffs wo need in addition to the
regular force."
At the Fontanelle club activity in check
ing up registration lists continued all day
Sunday. Much was suspected Saturday
night, but few members of the republican
committee dreamed of anything like the
disclosure developed.
Over Six Thousand Total.
The total number registering Saturday
with three precincts missing Is 6,618. It is
estimated that at least half of these were
transfer from one ward or precinct to an
other. Counting these In an estimate of
3,500 new registrations Is made, which is
considered very large. Sunday evening the
books of the Second precinct of the Third
ward, the Fifth of the Ninth and the
First of the Twelfth had not J2.een returned
to the city clerk. The missing precinct In
the Third wa said to have accumulated
271 registrations, which would make a total
of 846 In this ward, or nearly 100 more than
any other ward in the city. This fact wa
pointed to a another bit of circumstantial
evidence pointing towards fraud.
City Clerk Elbourn, his regular, office
force and about half a doxen special as
sistantsall he could hire worked all day
Sunday bringing the office copies of the
registration books up to date In accordance
with the Saturday revision. The task will
not be completed until today.
The registration figure a far a ob
tained stand aa follow:
Ward. Rep. Pern. ing. Total.
First 244 223 W 617
Second 13 U4 47 673
Third 2N 246 43 bh
Fourth 464 260 60 764
Fifth 371 2b0 38 U70
Sixth 3K 173 33 663
Seventh 317 178 il b2
fcaghth 3o2 260 7t 678
Ninth ' 88 35 317
Tenth 26 28 hi 69
Eleventh 438 136 36 610
Twelfth t-S 83 36 3
Totals 3.633 2.471 614. 6,618
Second precinct of Third ward. Fifth of
the Ninth and First of the Twelfth ward
Two Men Fatally Hurt In Fight Dao
to Quarrel of I nlon and Non
j I nlon Men.
JOHNSTOWN, Pa., April 59. Union and
non-union miners clashed again last night
at the Paint Creek mines near Windber,
where a week ago a mob had to be dis
persed by a "volley from the rifles of the
deputies. As a result of last night's riot
two men are dying In the hospital at
Windber, a third 1 probably fatally
tabbed, several others sustained various
Injuries and seven men are under arreat
for Inciting riots. Since the last trouble
the saloon at Windber Ir-iv been kept
closed and laat night the men visited the
saloon at Paint Creek. A union and non
union man quarreled, a knife wa drawn
by on of the men and immediately there
waa a rush from all side to the support
of the, contestants. The battle lasted for
half hour and when the crowd dispersed
men were lying along the Baltimore 4 Ohio
railroad tracks for a distance of fifty yards
bleeding from stab and bullet wound. To
night all 1 quiet. Moat of the Injured are
Showers Monday. Tneatlny Fair nntl
Warmer In West Portion.
Temperature at Omahn Yrsterdnj i
. . (Ml
. . 44
. . 4H
. . 47
. . .
. . m
. . AU
. . n
1 p.
2 p.
:t p.
4 p.
ft p.
i p.
r p.
. .
. . M
. . l
a. m
n. m.
T n. m .
a. m.
P- n tn.
to a. nt.
11 a. m .
12 ni.. . .
. . HI
. . :l
. . r;
Condition of Former (inventor of
Nebraska Is F.xtrrtnely
t rlllcnl.
The condition of Former Governor James
E. Boyd, whose illness took an alarming
turn Saturday, continued to be extremely
critical all Sunday night. He became un
conscious and was unable to recognize any
one of those about the bedside. No hope
Is now held out that he will 'recover, and
death Is expected at any time.
Former Cashier of MilnnnUee Bunk
Found Gnlllr on Mneteen
MILWAUKEE. April 29.-Henry O. Coll.
former assistant cashier of the Flrt Na
tional bank of this city, w.ts todnv found
guilty by a Jury In the United State dis
trict court on nineteen counts out of thirtv
four. The counts on which he was foitm?
guilty relate to false entries and the mis
application of funds In the bank, those
relating to embezzlement biinr thrown out.
The amount of money which Gull was
alleged to have misapplied was about ".'C
010. He was remanded to the cusloiy of
the United States marshal pending decision
on a motion for a new trial, areimu-nts on
which will be heard tomorrow. A feature
of the trial of Goll, which lasted three
weeks, was the apoenranre us a witness
of the former president of the bank, Frati;
O. Blgelow, who Is now serving a ten
yearn' sentence nt the Fort lavenuorth
prison, he having pleaded guilty to lootln;;
the bank, without undergoing a trial.
Blgelow testified thnt many of the acts
with which Goll were charged were com
mitted under his direction, but stated that
he had no knowledge of some of them.
tnldentlflrd Corpse Taken , from
Wnter by arpy Cnnnty
The dead body of a man was found float
ing In the Missouri river nt Child's Point,
on the farm of County Attorney Patrick
of Sarpy county, yesterday. The discovery
was made by a farm hand employed on
the place. Pr. R. B. Armstrong of Pnpll
lion, coroner of Sarpy county, was notified
and took charge of the body.
There being no marks of Identification,
the police of Omaha were given a descrip
tion In the hope the Identity might be
more quickly established. It was at fl-st
thought the body might be that of the
demented man, Tlmmlns, who escaped from
his custodians on the street about ten days
ago, but a brother viewed the body and
failed to recognize it. Mrs. Brysnt, lh$
South Seventh street, whose husband has
not been seen since April 21, was also sum
moned to look at the body, but she takl
It was not that of her husband.
The body Is that of a man about 45 years
old, six feet tall, with dark gray beard
and mustache, wearing a gray mixed duck
coat and blue overalls. It hns been taken
to South Omaha to await identification.
Grand Jury nt Roan-ell Belarus
Twenty-Four Indictment
Against Six Men.
ROSWELU N. M April 29 The grand
Jury that has been hearing evidence hero
in the so-called land fraud cases yesterday
returned four Indictment against each o?
the following persons: Charles I Ta!l
madge and E. R. Tallmadgn of Chicago,
B. H. Tallmadge of Penver, Karl C. Young
and John H. McKlnstry of Kansas City.
The charges are the same aa those on
which the defendants were arraigned Inst
October, to which plea In abatement were
The defendants were arraigned yesterday
and were granted until Tuesday to plead.
W. H. Dicker. Superintendent of Unit
ing, X. M., Schools, Kill
Prof. Oof,
DEMINQ. N. M., April 29. -W. H. Plckey,
uperintendent of the Penilng public
school, yesterday shot and killed O.
Francis Puff, superintendent of the Tunu
county schools, one of the most prominent
educator in New Mexico and a student
of archaeology, who has achieved nutlonaj
reputation by hi writings. The shooting
occurred In front of the postoffice, both men
firing imultaneouaIy. Duff fell dead with
a bullet through hla head. Plckey was shot
In the side, but Is not believed to be fatally
hurt. There had been bad blood between
the men for some time.
Several Men Probably Killed by De
railing nnd Burning; of
Lumber Train.
MISSOULA. Mont., April I9.--A freight
train consisting of forty-one cjis of lumber
waa today wrecked near Reld. At least
nine men are believed to have been on the
train. Three bodies have been recovered.
The train Is on fire.
Engineer L. D, Sterne and Fireman KJ
Juliette are thought to have been Inciner
ated. Brakeman U. A. Murphy, whore skull
was crushed, Is probably fatally huit.
According to Conductor vjurher there were
at least twelve tramps on board the train,
only three of whom have been found.
Movement of Orenn Vessels April Kit.
At New York Arrived: America, from
Marseille and St. Michaels; Caledonia,
from Glasgow.
At Seville Arrived: Columbia, from New
At Queenstown Arrived : Umhria. from
New Yolk. Sailed: I. mania, for New York
At Plymouth Arrived: St. I'.ml. from
New York.
At Ponla del (luila-Sailed : Republic, for
At Rotterdam Balled: Potsdam, for New
York via Boulogne.
At Liverpool tailed; Canadian. for
Bus two, ,
f.'f Jf '
Omaha Man Tliirk" He rinds Lon? Lost
Eoy Aniouir the Kefnirees.
Over Three Thousand Sufferers Cared lor at
Eie Teuta in This City.
Railroads Are Still Br inking These People
from Devastated Golden Gate.
l.nat tnlon Pacific Train t
Ariite Hits 'Fifty liable on
Hoard and Many Are
More than 3.0) of the California refugee
have been xlven food and as many u .re
quired it nuiliial attention at the big tents
at the Union mation. The trains yestcrduy
brought in fiM of tlnso unfortunate people.
An earlier train biought one, at least,
whose comitiK gave a tinge of romance,
that only served to det-pi-n tho melancholy
lii it of this work of mercy. It w as llko
a stagtt drama, only the denoument did not
work out as ihe playwright would have il.
Jens Ktintson of T wenty-llfih nnd Bur
lielte streets, while peering through tho
lion fence between the tracks and the '
camp, e.-pn d a youth whom lie Instantly
claimed us his son, who ran away from
home at Fremont six yiars ago and waa
last hen rd of n year hk in California. Tho
youth in iiu.stion gave his name as Arthur
Lucas, lately of 4S7 l'erry street, San Fran
cisco, and now en route to an iinelo at Dav
enport, la. The young man stoutly denied
any relationship to Knutson nnd gave dates
and other Information to establish his luen
tliy. Al h nKlh the man and youth parted,
the latter taking the matter as a Joke,
while Knutson turned sorrowfully away
and prosucd through the curious crowd.
Wo a n on H mi a father.
The mutter was lirst brought to the at
tention of young Lucas Saturday afternoon,
when Mrs, Warren SI I bolt of 25(il BurdcHo
strcit accosted Lucas and declared him to
ho Alfred Knutson, who ran away from
Fremont six years ago. Lucas at once de
nied the allegation, but the woman said she,
knew the. Knutson boy for many year as
a neighbor and could not be fooled. Mrs.
Ktllinlt then went went away, to return
Sundry ufternoon with her friend, Jen
Knutson. Mrs. Stlbnlt told the man to look
around the camp and pick out the boy for
himself, and sure enough Knutson picked
young I.uciiS out of tho crowd after a min
ute's survey of the faces.
Iietectlves Maloney and Pruminy and sev
eral Red' Cross attaches became interested
in tho inaiter and effected a meeting of the
man and youth. Kuutson's face waei visibly
a fleeted, but the youth showed no signs of
"I know that is my boy Just ss sure as I
know- I am living or standing on thin
ground." declared Knutson when ques
tioned. "Those eyes, that face, the teeth-
why, I know he is my boy," continutd Knut
Hut Still the Hoy Maya Xary.
But Lucas told his lire story and said
Knutson surely must bo mistaken. Lucas
said he was born at Harlan, la., and re
membered going to his naither's funeral
when ho was 6 years of age. He remem- '
hcred his mot tier telling him his father
dii'd when ho was a year old. Hla
mother wna burled at Mount View ceme
tery, Oakland. At the time of the earth
tinko Lucas was living with his cousin,
Tin. mas Williams, at the address mentioned.
Lucas aroused ihe cousin from a deep
slumber and escaped from the house shortly
before tho cousin was killed. Lucas said
he Ih now on hla way to Pavenport, la.,
whero hla uncle, Frank William, resides.
Asked for the address of the uncle In
Davenport l.urus said ho could not remem
ber the address, and questioned a to the
last recollection of that relative the youth
said it was on an occasion when the uncle
scut him u 10 bill.
Knutson said his lost son wa born In
Denmark and would be 19 year of uge If
living now. Lucaa said he would be 19
net SeptemlM-r. Knutson now live In
Omaha. His wife, from whom he separated,
resides at Fremont.
At the conclusion of the Interview be
tween Knutson and Lucaa yesterday after
noiai the man said: "Well, I can't make
him own me If he does not want to. I
know 1 I. ave seen my son and I guess the
best thing to do Is to let him go 111 way."
There was a striking similarity of fea
tures when Knutson and Lucaa WKS
brought together.
I'eople View Tent.
Hundreds of Oinahana out for a Sunday
airing visited the tent at Union station In
which thu California refugee are fed,
clothed and given medical attention, yes
terday. During the day 6i4 refugee ar
rived and were fed and cared for by com
mittee from the Omaha women. Nearly
all of tho women and children needed
clothing, particularly shoe and stockings.
and many required treatment la the hos
pital lent.
Mote babies appeared than before. A
special Union l'uclllc train arriving at 11:30
in tho morning had about fifty on board
und many were ailing. They wera all
taken into the hospital tent Immediately
and their wants administered to. A great
many of tho Sunday refugees passing
through were llaliuus.
Burlington Help Ont.
Besides the number arriving on the spe
cial the Union Pacific brought In two de
tachments of sixty each on coaches at
tached tu PiHciul llama and the Burling
ton one of ninety sufferer from the Pa
cific iiiahl disaster. Those on tho Burling
ton passed through with only a short stop,
as dnl some of those on thu regular Union
l'a ihe trains. From the special the Nortn
western carried 1.1 eastward on a special
train and the Milwaukee til. Thlrty-lx
wUlnd to go to scattered nointa and wei
!civcn u anspoi lalion out on regular east
bound trains.
I Aliout If o of the refugees are to arrive
I over the Union I'aeitio today, but little
j difficulty in aiahii atel in caring fur them
i owing to the c-ireful s.vstcm of the wolg
under t'i" ilir. i lion of Superintendent Mol ¬
lis of the Associated Charities. Up to
Bun. lay night V.'.'Vj refugee had been fed
in Omaha, many clothed and 1,72-1 pro
vided with transportation by the railroad
cast through the lucil relief committee.
Fool Hull liijurli-a Knlal.
ST l.nriS. AiiiI -riairin 1 11. Si nil v.
! ui-.-il If, a n.eriiii-r nf tin- ' ntral High
H" 1 ii a i t ..I (..ill liaio. .Ii.'.l last mm, I ut
his l"inii' In. in limn,- rei-elvcii In a Fame.
plaed more lhaii a year ago. Not until he
was told that he could not recover did lie
reveal that lis l.4 beca ilijai-ed is a twt
ball tUiC, -