THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, ATKIL 29, 1906. Charming Spring a ummer Apparel Modestly Price Laces Fine wash and trimming laces and insertlngs In white, cream and ecru new pattern at 3'c-5c-7!c Neckwear New spring styles braided neck wear lace and embroidered ef fects worth as high as 36c each at, each 10 c Embroideries All medium and extra wide widths, Including finest flonnrlnns many are matched sfta nil new fresh embroideries at, yard 10c-19c-39c Hosiery Ladles' Imported llsl? Horlery, Many are all-over Lire and hoot rfftH-ls htfthest grmle hosiery Im ported at' 25c j 35c 8 nd S d . . v v in f i ft in T v A ' : J kf&jmpi A GRAND SALE OF HIGH CLASS HATS! Entire New York Millinery Stock Bought at a Big Reduction from II. Samuels, 6 W. 22d St , N. Y. In all our millinery history we never offered such pretty and stylish millinery as this at such bargain prices every hat is new and made for fashionable New York trade. All the $10 and $12.50 Hats at $5 Every hat is a beautiful creation, trim med in the very latest style from ex pensive materials; the Gl most becoming shapes for spring and summer all new est colors All the $20 and $25 Pattern Hats at $10 These are the most stunning individual pattern hats from the Samuels stock everyone is the original design of mas ter milliners such exquisite and ex clusive spring pat- 4J 9 o on terns should readily bring $20 to $ your choice 0 UNTRIMMED HATS These are all this season's resdy to trim hats every Khape is new and tip to date ft great chance In basement at 10c nd 25c All the $5 and $7.50 Hats, $2.50 Here are hundreds of the pret tiest street and trimmed hats, the newest small sailors, derby crown hats, handsome ly trimmed with flow- 50 ers and foliage, jf? fit. AH the $3 and $4 Hats $1 $1.50 These are the prettiest street hats of the season, neatly and effectively trimmed in the latest s t y 1 e Samuels priced them upto $4 ea., at FLOWERS All kinds of roses, buds, foliage, daisies, etc. every popular color for trimming; basement at, bunch ' 10c 25c 75 Ladies' Wash Suite Tailored Summer Wear Trie styles for summer were never so fresh and dainty as this season the summer dresses and suits are brim full of the smartest and newest style features, employed for the very first time. The Style Leader for Summer-Sfe STUNNING WHITE WOOL SUITS These very stylish little novelties are bound to lead the fashion this summer every where. Extremely dressy for every warm-weather occasion. Made of the cool look ing white serges, mohairs, Panamas, etc. trimmed with black and white combina tions, braids, velvets, etc., also the smart black button trimming the coats are the s;iS-Ex8Dd Ponys W1J i 9-$25-$3 5 are THE LITTLE TWO-PIECE LINEN JACKET SUITS-The Jacket Suits arc daint ily lace and hand embroidered, the skirts trimmed to match the coats arc the new and popular Boleros, Etons, etc $9.98, $i2.50 up to $35 A VERY POPULAR NOVELTY IS THE WHITE SERGE AND MOHAIR SKIRT the leading popular effect for summer wear many are of white serges, in the circular cut $t.98 up to $22.50 Linen and Wash Shirt Waist Suits, em-1 Whits Linen Skirts, all fresh styles this r,.!, Droratm no uci tl HH In lSI SI.JI7 JO Jt.JU trimmed at w. , Br t - NEW TAILORED SKIRTS, SILK SKIRTS, ETC. The shadow AJ&i plaids are prominent In this group, mixed grays, etc.. also tC OA CO 98$i2.50 z silk tailored skirts. In black. Alice blue, coral, etc D.7U f?.jui4..JV ti "f A3liiU3tfAii auna-new arrival Our buyer Is now In New York and has sent a brand new shipment of these celebrated Faehlonseal Suits from the factory the styles are the most fetching yet displayed the price Smart and Dressy Tailored Suit at $12.50 25 Stunning New Lingerie Waist Hundreds of the dainty new waist effects shown in Our Waist Section clusters of fine tucks, lace insertion trim- rsi I med made of the sheerest white fabrics JV b U every one a beautiful creation " at X C '-. r " AV-afc U il U .Mi'.... . 4HRN 'SilkLIsIe Gloves The correct and sensible gloves for summer wear in white, black and colors made of fine quality lisle and mercerized silk f m ft H all sizes at regular lPfl?-Sl Glove Department palr.J"-r v y . Ladies' Long Lace Gloves These fashionable gloves come in black, white and gray all the newest styles for summer wear a great assortment Just received, at T CI TC vpi-tpc f SUMMER UNDERWEAR :5 SECOND SHIPMENT 9 8 pair. 1 1 I I I I I I II i Ml JI 1 II I II I I I I I L B. J 10c-12ic Ladles' fine Egyptian Cotton Vests, taped sleeves and neck all sizes at . , Ladies' fine lisle and silk Mer cerized Vesta and Pants, cro cheted and silk ribbon trim med, many are J r lace edged, Kt.J"t J Ladles' Union Suits, many well . known brands, cuff or ura- 5 VUljUi; prices, suit brella knee 1C. OF 250 PIECES OF THE HIGHEST GRADE P3ew Spring Silk From the Pater son, N. J., Mfgrs. Stack NEW DRESS GOODS .'A".. fHvr-. 9 ?! From one of the foremost importers. All that was left on u y Last week's grand silk sale created such a furore that w have been ,( .u. auvluCi iWl ui lueuo une buks, especially tnose heavy, SJ u u.ouco, an mo ruge mis season, also stripes and dots, Taffeta with running vines and Jacquard effects, Pompadour aims, nne vcinon lanetas, etc. and fine qualities of Printed Ha butal Silks, Black Taffetas, Peau de Sole, etc., worth up to (1.25 yd WHITE JAP SILKS V v 0 1 1 M -, hani of this season's importations. Black and all colors; Q 1 8'3".Silk'Eolienne, Crepe Batiste, Taffeta Cloth and Chiffon 3 Panama; sold up to $1.25 yard; twenty-five A rfTK f I i 49c 38c-48c-58 Our own direct importation. We save you 25 per cent from the regular price. From the Nakan U Trading Corporation, Yokohama, Japan. $ 24-inch wide Jap OA. ft Sllk 29C $ 27-lnch wide Jap y siik 39c 5? 36-inch wide Jap U Silk 59c BLACK SILKS Our representative Just ex pressed us 60 pieces of Swiss oil boiled guaranteed Taffetas, pur chased at much under price. 20-inch wide, worth 69c at a yard O i iC 27-lnch wide, worth $1.19 yard -Teat a. yard . 3C 86-Inch wide, worth $1.39' QO-. at a yard 9gC C J!' ?onUet Co 's Lyona celebrated Rlack Tofteta. We are the only 2OLS2. in Omaha Importing these fine Taffetaa direct-at cn yara sww , pieces new checks, also fine cream suitings, at, yard. SBc French Flowered Orrandles, hundred of pretty effects and colors, gg at, yard Cream Worsted Dress Goods. , New Grey Dress Goods. M-,nch Jjnama. $100 ade. 69c Newe'l BO-.nchWor.ted T.chtln. Serge 8Qc VVrU::..K r,v v. to flf- teen yard lengths, at, yard 46-Inch fine French Serge, $1.00 6QC - gi-ade, at, yard . Cream Mohair Luetre, too and 45C 60c grades, at, yard 10c Newest Stules In LADIES' LOW SHOES and PUMPS We show the leadiug popular novelties. Large eyelet ribbon ties, new button oxfords and pumps all the favorite bright and dull leathers, new lasts and heels, 50 X5 HIGH GRADE WASH GOODS Drm Good Department Fine sheer and heavy French and lOr-lr-iOc-SOc ?S 2 50 Irish White Linens, at, yard OVC 43C to DMnty White Swiss. 25C-39C-49C 4 VaM.??..?.0".?. Lingerie Lawn, all colors and cream, white and black, 45 QC f 59 P i & r...l."f: Cupid, made u shades including black and white, 23 inches wide and $ washable, at a yard inches wide, at, yard Lingerie Waist and Dress Patterns Full dress pattern eye- IOC d let Embroidery, at, each JJ Want Patterns, dainty lace and sheer I Hand embroidered robes, linen robes jj 1HScS!:.75c L00-l.25-J.50 JJfSh.... . g at White Oxfords Ladles' Canvas and Sea Island Linen Oxfords, white, gray, pink and blue, at 1.50-1.65-2.75 Men's Low Shoes 2L-$3 $5 Built for comfort and embodying every correct style the best se lected leathers prices The Florsheln Oxfords are the best low shoes for men more than worth the price at. . . . Carpet and Rug Specials I MONDAY'S BASEMENT SPECIALS We are continually showing the very newest patterns in high class carpets and rugs. In our large day-light department we can satisfy every desire In the carpet or rug line. Best grade Brussels Carpet, all new patterns floral and oriental 7Qr m eft eels usually sells at 98c yard at, yard A JSt K HlOLloa J ne prices are advanc ing, but we bought early ana can save you money on every yard. Linoleum I yards and 4 yards wide, worth us to 8&o A CJo-tir-- yard t, yard VU-OVt STRAW Himxa-All new stock S1;:"1.".'". 124c to 35c JXTa"rda!!t.l.n'7..19c to 35c IN OUR. RUG SECTION Larger and better lines of rugs than ever before shown In Omaha all prices and all sixes. txll Brussels Rug 2g J Body Brussels Rug 2500 vJ.V.!"'f!'?ii''ii-5o $25 1 ?.v!??l H".!y.!'.35.oo Every rug quoted here is a genuine bargain. Hundreds of otner values la this section Just as tempting. We suggest that you come Monday. IN THE LINEN DEPARTMENT 86-ln. plain white dress linens. 85c value at, a yard lo :7-in. bleached all linen cntHh - for skirts and and suits, worth 3iio yard at, a yard...lTo iOo and 60c all linen table d a in a k, odd pieces, to close out at, a yard 39o Dinner napkins, value up to 1. T dozen at a dosen S1.00 $3.60 and $4.00 all linen pattern table cloths, k-4 and S-ID sizes ut, each... 91.75 and 91.98 tc Turkish each . . . . wash cloths, lo One lot of soiled linen doilies, worth up to 10c at, each Is Co value bleached twilled cotton crash toweling at. a yard 3e 5c fringed barber towels at, each 1H 12 He hemmed buck towels at, each..aVto ISO bieached Turkish towels at, each, 7 He 26c bleached Turkish towels at, each 1H 10c Tenerlffe dollies at, each SHo 8 New A. F. C. and Toile du Nord Fancy Dress Ging- hams Monday at, M i a yard U2v Yard wide Dress Percales, light grounds with black and colored figures, made from finest Sea Island r cotton, at a r yard LI 2 Checked and plaid Nainsooks for aprons, children's dresses, etc., 10c quality, sold fa from the bolt at a yard v Beautiful silk dotted Mousse lines, desirable shades for evening wear, at a yard only 40-lnch wide fancy Apron Lawn, 19c value, at a yard Dotted and striped white Swiss, suitable for waists, dresses, etc., at- yard !9c ordered lie lists, mm i -a 72c Fine white Cambric, 36 inches wide, finest Muslin and Long Cloth remnants from the best qualities, at a yard 40-lnch white Lawns, in vari ous grades and lengths, val ues up to 19c yard, at a yard 9-4, 10-4 and 11-4 wide Un bleached Bheetlng, long lengths, serviceable quality, at a yard 6k vari i, val- 5c e Un-long 18c legular 12c Chambray Gingham, in shades of blue and gray, Monday forenoon f lorn the bolt, at, yard Uw A SPECIAL SALE OF LACE CURTAINS Our Drapery Department was never so complete as now. We show everything that is new and desir able. We buy direct, in large quantities, from both foreign and domestic mills, and we can show the very best styles at prices that are Impossible elsewhere. Nottingham Curtains, In neat patterns, 3 yards lopg and up to 60 inches wide, at pair Pretty lacy Nottingham Curtains, all new ' patterns, 3. yards long, up to 60 Inches wide and worth up to $2.60 pair. 98c 1.79 ' H Scotch Nottingham Curtains, white and two-tone, fine dainty nets and rich heavy effects special at pair Brussels Point Lace, Point d'Arab and fine Nottlnghams special at pair 2.98 3.98 QUEEN mfflr ' RESOLVED I THAT EVERY MOTHER WANTS ,HER LITTLE MARY JANE T O LOOK PAINTY AND NEAT EVERY MAY DAY. LIT TLE (3IRL.S LooK THEIR PRETTIEJT IN NEW DRESSES FROM BRAN DED'. 5U-5TER BROWN. MORE PRETTY NEW DREJE-5 FOR CHILDREN AT BRANDED' THAN ALL OTHER STORED IN OMAHA. DO WORK OF BRAINWORKERS Sobs of the TMags Wklrh Are Ac eoBipllsh4 by pellcate Meehasilens. It Is said that when the inventor of the typesetting machine first endeavored to demonstrate the practicability of his mech ' anlsm It was laughed at and pooh poohed by old printers. "In order," said they, 'to make a machine that will set type you must Invent a thing that will think." But the Inventor triumphed and today the result of his labor Is one of the most val uable of mechanisms. And each yesr adds to the long list oT machlnoa that do the work of brain workers. From the corn miller's little bell, that sets up a terrible amount of tinkling the moment the hopper runs empty, tip lo Ih complicated calcu lating machines seen in every bank, there are so many mechanical substitutes for the brains that It is really difficult at times for one to realize that after all these machines are machines and not things of intelligence. In screw factories one will see a ma chine thnt. taking hold of a rod of metal, will pull it rapidly along, giving the end of It the general shape of a screw, cut ting the thread around it and the slot in the head-finally turning out a perfect screw. Bo far the process dies not strike one as bt-ing anything so very remarkable In this ae of wonderful Inventions, but when the machine exhausts Its material and emits a sharp, impatient ring of a bell to summon an attendant to bring more metal, then one does experience an eerie sensation that the contrivsnce really does think. There Is a machine for printing rail way tickets that affords an amusing in stance of a "thinking" Invention. It Is Interesting to watch this machine do Its work. The tickets that It turns out are not, as might be supposed, printed In large sheets and then cut up. On the contrary the cardboard Is first cut Into tickets, which are printed afterwards, one by on. These small blank cards are Inserted Into what might be termed a perpendicular spout being arranged in a pile. The ma chine slips a piece of metal beneath the bottom of thes pout and pushes out the lowest ticket In the pile o be printed and consecutively numbered. There Is no chance to "fool" the machine by offering a bad ticket, for In an lnstsnt the mechanism detects the Imperfect blanks with which It utterly refuses to have anything to do. 'A great many other references might be made to the "thinking" machines that do their work with so much consslentlous- ness, but to complete the Hut It will suffice to notice the remarkable performances of certain machines uvd in the Philadelphia mint In connection with the weighing of coins. . The new coins are found sometimes to be under or over weight, and it becomes necessary to sort them under the classifi cation of "light, heavy and good." This delicate business Is done with unerring pre cision by a long row of wonderfully clever little machines. Into these machines are Inserted" single piles of bright, new coins. Automatically the mevhajilsm takes each coin, puts It Into the scales, and In a fraction over three seconds weighs It. If the coin be light the machine pushes It Into its proper re ceptacle; If heavy Into another and If the coin be of correct weight It Is pushed Into a third receptacle, Philadelphia Record. ELOCUTION AGAIN IN VOGUE Old Baalaess f Teaching; the Art Is Revived Isstr Favorable Ceaaltlcas. The business of teaching elocution, which dwindled down to almost nothing a dec ade or ao ago. Is now having and tor some time has been having a sort of revival, which observers ascribe to a curious cause. When the theater at least that part of It which lies on the other side of the foot lightswas an unknown ground and a place of mystery to the rank and file, elo cution was considered a necessary part of the "finishing" education of most young women, and it waa an unfortunate girl. Indeed, who could not recite "Curfew Must Not Ring Tonight" or some such thriller with all the proper tones and In flections carefully placed. Then the stage and the intimate private lite of Its peo ple began to be exploited by the news papers, assisted by the press agents. This resulted In the discovery that elocution, though a needed accomplishment of the actress, was, compared with other things, so small a help along her pathway to shining success that the hope uf achieving fame that way was seen to be Illusive and the teachers of elocution Ugan to disappear. Then came the women's cluhs and Hit national conventions of women workers In this or that field, and It Immediately became apparent that even in the regular school course elocution had fallen Into neglect. No one now wanted to recite poetry or tear passion to tatters, but women who desired to make speeches found they couldn't do It; their voices wouldn't reach or their breath wouldn't last or their tongues would persist In trip-' ping und they tKiutiht the professional elocutionist. He was principally con spicuous by his absence at first, but ha specially appeared In response to this new demand and Is now numerous once more. He doexn't tench exactly the sums things In exactly the same way as he did be fore, but he is more serviceable than ever, Philadelphia Record. Mea Mure Koollab. The teli graph tells of a man who paid IA.imj for an orchid, and of another who paid 15V0 for s home. The little worms and huKs will eat a plant as readily as a wee.!, and a Jir.).(.n) horse Is not above the glanders. In view of these purchases and others told every dsy that are so bad, the charge that only women are foolish' when they go shopping la proveg untrue.- Ohio Btat Journal. i.