i HIE OMAITA' DATLY BEE: SUNDAY, ATRTTj 20. 1WG. AMERICANS IX BAD PLIGHT Oouricted of Murder Under Peculiar Eutute b Forca in Old Mexico. HOME GOVERNMENT ASKED TO AID THEM rtitKMfrr rnlaser, Falls to am I a nr eaae In Par tr Clerk In the . Omaha, Offlre -Irrigation tontraeta to Be Let. ' tho resolution la reported la' the' holding of dual positions by canal offlclala.. Gov ernor Mmrion of the canal tone la a mem ber of the. canal commission, a i member of the executive committee and minister to the Republic of Panama. .The committee Is said to be a unit against one man hold ing so many pneltlone. It la said the resolu tion also will provide for the divorcing of Joint positions where the Incumbent! servo the canal commission and the Panama rail road. It was- agreed that nothing should be dona with the nominations of canal com missioners -until the question of salaries had bVen determined. SENATE IS READY TO ACT Agreement to Vote on 'Bate Bill Expected Early This Week. DEBATE" IS PRACTICALLY EXHAUSTED It la - Probable that the Anend- nenta Will Bo Taken to ' Mar T Indian Bill Paaeed. fFrom a Ftaff Correspondent ) WASHINGTON. April 28. (Special Tele Itram.) The'rerrnt sentence of C. E. Fln stad and L. O. Couarhner at Fanta Rosalia. Mexlro to serve twelve and a half years each on a chance of murder of two men at Finstades ranch some three months xo fives promise of Involving- the 1'nlted States authorities In serious difficulty. 13. P. Bherwood. now of Portland, Ore., form erly of Beaver City, Neb., has written a letter to Congressman Hlnshaw statins that Coughner Is his nephew, that he has known him all his life until recently and that ho rerkons him as a "good, honest, hardworking American boy." He states In his letter to Mr. Hlnahaw that Repr--entative Norrls of Nebraska and Repre sentative Victor Murdork of Kansas, have been doing what they could In the matter, but -the American consul W. W.' Mills, who was appointed from Texas, htm done noth ing toward securing them a fair trial.' From a report filed by Mills It appears the conviction of the men was had under one of nhe. penal .statutes of Chihuahua. which provides in substance that where three or .more persons are together and a homicide occurs the survivors may be punished by Imprisonment, even though there" may be no direct and positive evidence as to who Inflicted the fatal wounds, unless It could be shown to the satisfaction of the court how the killing was dtyie. Both prisoners maintain their Innocence and demand that their rights as American oltliena be re spected. o Increase for Clerka. Captain II. B. Palmer left for Omaha to day. Before leaving Mr. Palmer stated he had endeavored to bring about the pro motion of a number of clerks In his office, ' but that he had failed to connect. He said It waa too bad .that the salary of clerks could not be' Increased to a fair figure, but that ha would continue to pull for the men In the Omaha office until results were obtained. Irria-atlon Bids to Be Let. 'Bids will be opened June IB at Mitchell, Neb., ' for construction of the ' earthwork ,of the distributing system of the Interstate o&nal, ' North Platte' project 'In Ne- braska and Wyoming. The work . Involve the construction of 1 about 135 miles of distributing system, in cluding 720,000 cubic yards of earthwork and 11,000 cubic yards of rockwork, for Irriga tion of lands In the North Flatte valley in .western Nebraska, Postal Matters. Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska Kenesaw, route 2, Osmond Mikesell, car rier; Harry A. Mikesell, substitute. Ne braska City, route I, Jamea W.- Cowlea, carrier; Frederick D. Cowles, substitute. J r'ialnvlew. route 4. fcXJwin MiiDorn, earner; Joe Hadlltt. substitute. Republican City, Toute 3, AVilliam J. Neff. carrier; Francis A. Neff, substitute. Iowa Corning, route 1. Harry E. Thompson, carrier; Nola M. Thompson, substitute; routo 7, Elmer E. 'Cupp, rarrler: Louie Cupp. substitute. Esthervllle, route 4, Charles D. Blxby, car rier; Arhy Blxby, substltue; route J, Henry E. Fister. carrier; George B. Ander- Won. substitute. South,.-. Dakota Colton J Touts 2, Frnnk H. Pluemer, carrier; Wll helm fianrio, substitute. JW-et sugar - Protection. WASHINGTON, April 28. President Roosevelt haa transmitted to congress the annual report on the beet sugar Industry of the Vnlted Btatea during 1906, prepared by Charles F. Baylor, special agent of the Department of Agriculture. The report says the acreage of beeta . harvested dur ing waa 907.3S4. with an average yield of 8 67 tons per acre. The aggregate manu facture was 212,93) short tons, or &,841,2ZS pounds. Pardee Aaka for Troops. WASHINGTON, April 2S Governor Par dee of California, haa accepted the presi dent's suggestion aa to the use of the federal troops In that state and haa filed a formal application for their employ ment, which haa been granted. It la stated at the War department that thla removes nny doubt aa to the legality of the use of the troops, but will not la any way change the existing status. President Ooea for On tin-. WASHINGTON, April 28 The president and Mrs.. Roosevelt left Washington .on the Sylph late today for an. outing. on the Potomac. They gave.no notice of their departure nor any Intimation aa to their destination. ' It is understood, however, that they will return by Monday morning. FOLDING BED IS SANITARY Kew Invention br Omaha Man that Provides for Fresh Air for Sleeper. 8. Hawver of 1R14 Bmmet street recently Invented and had patented a new folding bed, which he Intends to manufacture In Omaha and Introduce to the home, building people of the city. The bed is constructed along sanitary principles and is made to fold away Into the wall of the room when not In use, By the folding of the bed cer tain valves are opened - that-, permit the pure air -from the outside to circulate through and around the bed and its equip ment all day. The bed Is so arranged that the occupant sleeps with his head toward the center of the room away from the cold currents .along the walls. One of Its at tractive features is its economy of space. He has ono. on exhibition:. at his home to show Its practical working and will be glad to show It to any one Interested. Ktartllnar Evidence Is daily advanced of the curative powers of Dr. King's New Discovery for coughs, colda and lung disease. 60c and IL For sale by 6herman A McGonnelL WABTnNGTON, April 28, The generally xpreased opinion about the senate today s that an agreement to vote on the railroad rate bill be secured early next week, and by common consent the vote Is fixed for some time during the week beginning May The request for the naming of a day will be repeated early next week and It was said that those who had been opposing a vote would not longer seek delay. The final vote on the bill Itself will be preceeded by debate of several days' duration on the amendments to the bill. The reasons given for predicting an early vote' are that the debate la practically exhausted and that there Is strong pressure from the houso of representatives, whose members are anxious to bring the session to an end In order that they may have opportunity to give attention to their campaigns for re election. Indian Bill la Faased. The senate today passed the Indian ap propriation bill. - Several hours were de voted to spirited debate ,on the question of removing the reVjxlctions.trom the allotted lands of the Chock taws,' Cherokee, Chlc.- asaws and Semlnoles', except on full-bloods. After an amendment was offered and amended to suit those who favored it a point of order was made against the pro vision and sustained by the vice president. Mr. Bpooner woa the particular champion of the Indian In preventing the removal of the restrictions, but Messrs. Teller, Long and others who favored the amendment charged that he was misguided In his teal and the Indians themselves wanted to. be permitted to seek a market for their surplus lands. Mr. Bailey argued that the removal of the reetrictlons was In the Interests of the white settler and the future of Okla homa and Indian Territory depended upon getting farmers on these lands before the price became too high for the settlers to buy. The appeal had no effect on Mr. Bpooner,. who said the entire argument ap peared to be for the white man, with noth- ng for the Indian. When the senate met today a' bill provid ing for the. purchase of land In Washington as sites for buildings for the Departments of Btate, Juntlce and Commerce waa pasted, It appropriates 13,000,000. A bill authorizing the Kansas City, St. Joseph & Excelsior Springs railroad to bridge the Missouri river at Kansas City waa paased. WAGES ., MAY BE REDUCED If Salary la Made Lower Chairman Shoots May Leave Canal Work. WAFMTNGTON. April 2? In considering suggested legislation for the government of the r.ninl zone the senate committee on interorennir cnnnls today discussed the question of salaries of canal commissioners and Incident. tllv the nominations pending. It was h i k ' 'i thnt the salary of the chair man was loo hiRh and several senntors favored reporting a resolution fixing '.Iih rompensation of various caml officials ,-it considerably less than they are now receiv ing. In the event the salary of the elui'.r man Is decreased it is expected Theodore P. Bhonts. the present Incumbent, will re Ign. Ho now receives $30,000 annually. The chief engineer, John F.- Stevens, re ceives the same amount, but It Is the Intention of the committee not to disturb his compensation. Another question that will be considered by the committee before FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair In Eastern Nebraska Today, "s Showers In Western Portion Shower Tomorrow. WASHINGTON. April 28. Forecast of the weather for Sunday and Monday: For Nebraska Fair In east, showers in west portions Sunday; Monday, showers. For Kansas Increasing cloudlneaa Sun day., showers and cooler at night and Mon day. For Iowa Fair in west, ehowera In east portion Sunday; Monday, showers. For Missouri Fair Sunday, cooler In east portion; Monday, showers. " For South Dakota Partly cloudy Sunday, cooler In extreme west portion; Monday, fair and warmer. . For Colorado Rain Sunday; Monday, fair In west, clearing in east portion. For Wyoming Rain-and cooler Sunday; Monday, partly cloudy. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA. April 28. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: lfOS. 1306. 1104. I Maximum temperature .. 64 i 87 68 Minimum temperature ... 61 60 46 W Mean temperature 64 68 64 63 Precipitation- 10 .02 . 00 . 27 Temperature and precipitation departures rroni the normal at Omaha since March 1, and comparisons with the last two years: Normal temperature ' 65 Excess for the day Total excess since March 1 ISO Normal precipitation .11 Inch Ivflctency for the day 02 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 3.83 Inches Deficiency since March 1 5 Inch Deficiency for cor. period In 1906.. .Winch Excess for cor. period In 1904 .... .13 inch .. 1 A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. WESTERN HEADQUARTERS FOR IKE Edison Phonographs and Victor , Talking Machines CZlsiesa. DIRECT REPRESENTATIVES OF THE FACTORY Hew 1906 Models $15 to $100 WE SELL ON EASY PAYMENTS Nothing Down We offer. to, sell yotT an Edison or Victor Taking - Machine on . con dition that you pay for1 the records only, and begin to pay for tho instrument 30 days later. 50,000 HEW RECORDS ... TO SELECT FROM.... We Prepay Express Charges on all Retail Orders " Write for Catalogue, UNERAL OF MARTIN CANNON ervlrea Will Be Held Moanay Mora ine anal Bairlal at Holy , aepnlcher. The body of the late Martin Cannon ar rived In Omaha Saturday evening at :15 over the I'nlon Faclflc from southern Cal ifornia and was met at the train by Under take Tag-cart. The funeral services will b held from the late residence. 2Z06 B pea ce r street. Monday morning- at 9 o'clock. The body will be taken from there to Pacred Heart church, where the formal religious sen-Ices will be observed. In terment will be msde In Holy Hepulcher cemetery. Martin Cannon was born In Ohio In 1K12. He was for forty years a resident of Omaha. He went to southern California last fall for his health. He died at San Diego, Monday last of ali ments Incident to his advanced years. He is survived by his wife and seven chil dren. WILLIAMS COSCLCDES HIS SPEECH Minority Leader Does Hot Finish, bnt Is Given Leave to Print. WASHINGTON, April 28. Mr". Williams, the minority leader of the house, concluded his speech begun yesterday, occupying- the floor for two hours. With the experience of the many Interruptions of the day be fore, the leader of the minority threw him self upon the mercy of the body and asked that he be not Interrupted. Generally his request waa observed, but here and there questions were put to him by Mr. Boutell (111.).. Mr. Hamilton (Mich.) and Mr. C. Be Landls (Ind), which nettled the speaker not a Uttle.' Mr. Williams was unable to conclude on account of a severe attack of neuralgia. contenting- himself with what had been said against existing- schedules and avail Ing- himself of the privilege to enlarge on the subject in his published speech. Mr. Cushman (Wash.) replied to Mr. Wil liams, but waa taken oft the floor before he bad really got started owing to the for mer action of the house agreeing to con elude general debate on the agricultural appropriation bin at S:30 o'clock, at which time the house adjourned. "' '"V ' Ann rmM Nebraska, ycle o. CEO. E. MICKEL, Mgr. Fifteenth and Harney Streets, ... Omaha 414 North 24th Street. . . . South Omaha 334 Broadway, . . .... Council Bluff 0 1 ri . a . .4. - OHIO AFTER STANDARD OIL Seventeen Companies ed at Toledo in Proceeding's to Oast from State. TOLEDO. O., April 28.-Alleg1ng that the Standard Oil . company and seventeen affiliated companies have a secret trade agreement by which they control' the pro. ductton and sale of oil and gas Prosecutor L. W. Waehenheimer of Lucas county today filed suit In the circuit court asking revocation of their charters and dissolution of -the Illegal agreement. . In addition to the Standard, the following corporations are named . as defendants: The Lake Shore Michigan Southern, Toledo & Ohio Central, Hocking . Valley Railroad company. Standard Oil company of Ohio, Indiana, New York and New Jer sey; Buckeye Pipe Line company. Solar Refining company, ' Ohio Oil company Northwestern Ohio National. Gas company. Union Tank company of Pennsylvania, In diana Pipe Une company of Indiana, the National Transit company of New Jersey, Pennsylvania Oil company of Pennsylva nla and the South Penn Oil company of Pennsylvania. In the peUtion It Is alleged that the production of oil was reduced fur the pur. pose of increasing the price to the con sumers. It is set up that thla reduction amounts to 60 per cent, while the price of gas to the consuming public increased 100 per cent. Reference to - the alleged trade pact Is sensational enough that the charge, is made that the companies named as defendants have bound themselves not to sell or transport oil or gas below a cer tain standard rate. Queries are directed In the petition to the railroad companies' presidents asking them whether rebates are given directly or indirectly to the oil companies and whether the oil concerns have not been given pipe line rights on the railroads. It developed this afternoon that Prose. cutor Waehenheimer filed the suits against the Standard Oil and other companies on behalf of Attorney General Ellis. This is especially significant, together with the announcement from the prosecutor that the case will be prosecuted with all possl ble dispatch. The fact that the state Is behind tha Toledo prosecuting attorney In the action gives it strength which other wise it would nqt possesa. Judge Shaufelberger of tha law firm of Doyle' &. Lewis, which represents a ma joiity of the .companies named, as de fendants, this afternoon announced that tho case will be fought to the bitter end by. the corporations named as defendants. "We will be there to meet tha Issues when they come up," he emphatically declared. "You can Inform the public that the case will not go by default. Further than that I can say nothing in the absence of forma.1 notlca of the case." Rhenaaatlam Makes Lit Miserable. ' A happy horn is the most valuable pos- sejalon that Is within tha reach of mankind, but you cannot enjoy Its comforts If you are Buffering from rheumatism. Tou throw aside bualneas cares when you anter your home and you can be relieved from those rheumatic pains also by applying Cham berlaln's Fain Balm. One application will civ. you relief and Its continued use for a short time. w!U bring- about a penjiiotot cure.. PRINTING BIDS A SURPRISE (Continued from Third Page.) work and removing all old timber and con demned bridge svorR. It Is thought that the placing or a repair train on this division means that the officials Intend to put the roadbed In shape for heavy traffic when the Marysvllle-Topeka cut-off Is opened for business. COLl'MBfft-Wlldev lodae of Odd Fel lows celebrated the elirhty-seventh annl- ereary of the order at their beautiful hall. There were present members of the order rom Omaha. Lincoln. Fremont and other parts of the stato. It was a large, loyal gathering of Odd Fellows and their fami lies, A nr9 program was rendered. AINBWORTH-The Northwestern Rail road company has Just completed some neeaea improvements near nere. Joyce & rnee nave lust completed two new switches of 2.100 feet each, half way be tween Johnstown on the west and Long Pine on the east, so trains can pass half way between stations, thereby savins con siderable time. SH ELTON This nart of Nebraska haa been thoroughly soaked, three Inches of water havinK fallen Saturday afternoon. All ditches and low places are running over and farm work will be at a standstill for several days. The outlook for fall wheat nas never been more promising tnan at the present time and pastures and the al falfa crop are In excellent shape. St. WARD Countv Coroner Dr. Wert- man was callvd to the home of Georgo Campbell Thursday by the death of JacK Conts. Examination showed that death had come from some natural cause. probably appopiexy. and an Inquest was deemed unnecessary. Conts had lived in this county a long time, was bo years of age and unmarried. ANSLEY Mrs. C. C. Mackev. wife of Cushlor Mackey of the First National bank and representative from Custer county In me last legislature, Is dead. The funeral will be held Sunday morning. Mrs. Mackey'a mother came from Pennsylvania on this evening's train, not knowing that her daughter was dead. Besides her hus- VI rm H , n ..I .... . 1 ........ .. .. ..1.11.1... iom the youngest is 11 months old. BEATRICE The Crabtree Forensic club held a debate last night and discussed the question, "Resolved, That American mu nicipalities should own, operate and con trol their street railways. The affirma tive was upheld by James Lawrence and Clifford Butler, and the negative by Clif ford Phillips and Charles Stoll. The Judges decided in favor of the negative.- The Crabtree boys will meet a team from Hum boldt here next week. WEST POINT A notable wedding took place Wednesday forenoon, the contract- ng parties being Joseph MelBter and Miss Anna Welding, both children of pioneer settlers of Monterey township. Nuptial high mass waa celebrated by Kev. Josepn Rueslng. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welding and the groom the son of Charles Meister, the largest land owner In Cuming county. The newly married couple are making their home on their farm west of the city. GENEVA Next week the . class in do mestic science of the high school will give rui exhibit of their work and a banquet to the school board, teachers and press, under the auspices cf the director, Mrs. urayton and Miss Pearl Youngera, Instructor of science. Miss Youngers' instruction and supplies of paper, etc., have all been free. The funds furnished by the' burlesque. The ,AI k Maids' Convention." with a lunch afterwarda, -have provided supplies for the class of eighty and the exhibit. PLATTSMOUTH Levi Churchill passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Busier, In this city. He was born in Ohio April 27, 1S33, and came to this county in lXoo, and witn tue exception 01 nve years in Missouri, has slnre made his home In Cass county. He and hia wife were the second couple married in Nebraska. She died four years ag-o. He was a member of the Christian church and Rev. D. A. Youtxy will conduct the funeral services. Four sons and four daughters survive him. TECl'MSEH John Snodgrass, a farmer living near here, was aa work on the tower of his windmill, twtmty feet above ground. His wife was standing below the tower. In some way a piece. of two-by-four scantling about four feet long was pushed off the platform of the tower where Mr. Snodgrass was at work, strik ing Mrs. Snodgrass squarely on me lore head, rendering her unconscious for a time, lacerating her flesh and greatly shocking her. She was given prompt medical attention and is reported aa get- ling along nicely. TECL'MSEH Word comes from Custor City, Okl., of the accidental shooting there of Boyd Cole, the 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. oole. The Cole family formerly lived In this county. Bovd. in company with some youthful companions were engaged In shooting at a mark. Boyd had shot and steppea up to the target to rearrange it. i lie pisioi was in -the hands of a playmate, who accidentally discharged It and the hall struck Boyd In the stomach. He lived but tweuty-four hours. SKWARD Mrs. II. E. LalDDlv of Mll- ford had a narrow escape trom death by fire at her home this week. She, In some way, upset a can of kerosene on the stove, splashing It over her clothing, which immediately took fire. Her little son heard her screams and ran to her and burled his face in her-burning dreaa and before he could be taken away nia face waa terribly burned. A girl who makea her home with the family suc ceeded in putting out the flames, but her hands are most painfully burned. OOLUMBCS It had been given out that the aood people of Albion to the number of nearly 300 had chartered a train and wera coining down to the tanernacie ineet inara here on Friday evening. They had bought their tickets the day before, when it waa given out by the Union PaclAo that so many cars were in use for transporting California sufferers that it was Impossible to furnish cars for this excursion. It waa lucky all around, as it rained nere so hard Friday niuht that the tabernacle folks found it Impossible to keep dry. The Albion people will come later. . TECUMSEH The Messrs. Maupfn of Boulder, Colo., who were In Tecumseh In the Interests of a Lincoln company for the purpose of securing leases on 10,000 acres of land for prospecting purposes, have secured the required number of acres and departed to Lincoln. I hey will en deavor to get land In one more county In southwestern Nebraska. The company they represent is almost ready for work near Burnham, in Lancaster county, and will bore for oil. gas. coal, etc., soon. It will be three or four months before the machinery can be put Into operation In this county. FREMONT Jonn Dobrovsky died at tha hospital early Saturday morning from In juries received In a runaway accident Fri day afternoon. His team of horses, at tached to a IlKht buggy, became frightened and ran away at the Burlington crossing and started up Main street. Near tha corner of Second street he waa thrown out. striking the stone pavement on his head and shoulders. He was unconscious when ph ked up and was taken to the hos pital, where he soon revived, and It was thought his Injuries would not prove fatal. Later he became unconscious and died at 4 o'clock Saturday morning. He waa 60 yeara old and moved here from his farm six miles south. In Saunders county, a few week a ago. He leava a widow and several cniiaren. FREMONT For the last day and a half Street Commissioner Fletcher haa had a strenuous time in trying to prevent Martha west from funding a plana sidewalk con trary to the ordinance near the comer of Main and Second streets. When she be gan work on the walk Fletcher notified her that a board walk would not go, but the woman declared the walk would down, ordinance or no ordinance. The mayor and chief of police have also taken a hand In the affair and twloe stopped op erations, the taut time arresting the car penter w ho . was doing the work and rip ping up the walk, only to have it replaced attain. The woman has kept out or sight. FREMONT W. L. Eastman of Omaha was brought up hare by the sheriff last evening to anawer to the charge of ob taining money by false pretenses from a Fremont merchant by means of a worthleaa draft. Tha caae against him la likely to a dlnni .(1 n4 m Mltkiwnt aJTaol.tl DISASTER ON VESUVIUS Heavy Rainfall Brines Avalanche Upon Resident of Mountain Side. COMMUNICATION CUT OFF BY LANDSLIDE Sand, Ashea and Cinder from Volcano Are Washed Dona t'pon Two Towns and Read a Are Impaaaabl. NAPLES, April 2 Another disaster has occurred in the Vesuvius region. Through" out the past night -torrents of rain fell, accompanied by a heavy gale of wind, causing large avalanches of mud, sand, ashes and cinders to fall over Somma and Santa Anastasia, destroying bridges, block ing the roads, flooding many habitations, Interrupting communication by telegraph and carrying away portions of the rail way. Troops and military wagons were hurriedly dispatched to the assistance of the sufferers. The inhabitants of the etricken places mentioned were awakened by a roaring, rushing sound, which was absolutely new to them, and on running out of their houses they found their property threat ened by a new horror, the fall of aval anches of sand, ashes, etc. Their terror waa extreme. The women and children fled, screaming with fright, into the open coun try, but In spite of the avalanches, floods and gales no loss of life had been reported up to the time this dispatch was Hied. It Is believed that while the storm rages Vesuvius Is liable to be a continual menace to life and property and that the people In the region of" the volcano may have visitations of a more serious nature than last tilght'a avalanches. Earthquake In Saxony. BERLIN, April 28. 8everal villages In Saxony experienced four earthquake shocks today. No damage was done, but the in habitants were greatly alarmed. SHERIDAN COUNTY IS LIVELY Portion of Wyoming, of' Which It Is Center, Is Slaking; Progress. Colonel C. G. Coutant, editor of the Sher idan Post and one of the best known men of Wyoming, was at Burlington headquar ters yesterday. "Conditions with us are prosperous, and this to a greater or less extent means ever county In the state, and yet the northern an" central portions are Just now enjoying thi greatest prosperity," said he. "Sheridar. county is, so to speak, the storm cente. of new industrial conditions. A beet suga. syndicate la getting ready to put up u 11,000,000 plant and will also build an in terurban electric line south to the towr. of Big Horn and north to the Tongue rivei to bring in beets from the farms and In cidentally carry passengers. "Our country has in past years been short of water for late Irrigation on cer tain lands, but reservoirs have been built In the mountains, and when the plans nr' fully carried out every acre available will produce beets or other crops. "I was quite surprised to see that spring Is considerably more advanced in Sheridan county than In Nebraska. In the latter state I notice that Uttle has been accom plished in the way of plowing and seed ing, while with us wheat, oats and bane.- re nearly all in. Heretofore we have beei short of wheat, and consequetly this yea. a considerable additional acreage has beet put in. We have fine flouring mills wltl the latest up-to-date machinery, and Sheri dan flour ranks with the best that has eve. been shipped Into our market. "The city of Sheridan is a busy metropo lis at this time. Many new buildings art under construction, and the demand fo. eligible building lots and desirable hornet continues from month to month. "I wish you would tell your readers that Sheridan needs a creamery, and any ont, who will bring us one will receive a pay ing patronage. There is a demand fot creamery butter, both east and west of ul on the Burlington, and a largo business car. bo built up In a very short time. 'Conditions have changed In our count! within a very few years. The stock grower and farmer formerly borrowed money m our banking Institutions and paid interest in good round figures; now the famiert and stockmen have money to loan, and In some Instances own large blocks of bank stock, and this money haa been made it. that country." Gahm farewell concert Monday. Boyd's. real estate: th AISSFERS. H. J. Grove and wife to Loren At kinson, lots 7 ana s, diock -a nai cvon Helchts t Edward D. Jones and wife to S D. Shlnn, lots 8 and 10, diock t, Hal cyon Heights Gertrude K. Stewart and husband to Laura M. summers, lot iu, Kountxe's subdivision Same to name, part lot 11, Kountze's subdivision John M. Wlliams snd wife to Charles W, saunaers, nw acres oi sw-. 1-1 4-10 O. C. Wilson, receiver, to Commercial National bank, lots , zx. ana DO block 1. Avondale Park George J. Casper and wife to Anna' Corrigan, lot 2, oioca 1, uugau Place Johanna Bronder to Thomas Bron- der, hslf interest in 101 iv. diock 1 .letter's addition Ellen T. Scott and husband to John F. Peterson ei ai., pan 01 joi o, hlnrlc T. Lowe'i addition Mary L. Jansen to Harry A. Tukey, lots ana , uiock ji, iimcyuu Uel.hts Julius C. Sharp to John Krajcek and Marie K. ivrajcea, 101 n, diock. 1, Melius' First addition Maude Kane and husband et al. to Willis 8. Pool. Vi of lot 1, block 2, Drexel's subdlvltion Mary Garvey et al. to same, H in terest same Mildred Tlgho and husband to same, V Interest same Alice B. Shadduck to Joseph C. Shad dock, lots 25 and 26. block L Bemis Park Joseph C. Shadduck to Amanda M. Traynor, same City Savings bank to Lavid E. Lar son, lot 10, Twentieth and Ames subdivision William Gastln to E. R. Vahlcamp, lot 6. block 10, Myera, Richards & Tilden's addition Sarah J. Donecken and husband to Theodore Farnaley, part lots 1J, 12 and 11, block S. Smlthfleld Fred Slman to F. 8. Zangg, lot 12, block IS, Peer Park Jennie G. Meyer to Martin Meyer, lot 37, block . Jerome Park George T. Morton and wife to Michael Thell and wife, n of lot 10, Spring Valley R. C. Cushlng and wife to Edward A. Cudahy, part of lot 6, block arm, Omaha Thomas J. O'Nell et al. to Harriet Bennett, lots 1 and 2. block , Cot ner & Aroher's addition F S. Parmelee and wife to Herman Cohn, lots t ana o. oioca i, Omaha Edward T. Hayden and wife to John R. Campbell, lot 16, block 7, Bemis park Charles E. Ogle and wife to E. K. Smith, lots I and 8. block 4, C. E. Mayne's First addition E S. Flor to Charles Ogle, lots 2 and I, block 1 same........ Passumpsl Savings bank to Helen O'Brien, lot 1, block 124 Dundee Plaoa George Vradenburg to Peter 6am Und, lot 17, block 2, Sherman Ave nue Park Jacob Hahn and wife to Anna Niel aen. lot 4. Morae & Brunner's addi tion -. Christina S. Swohe et al. to Charles Marsh, lot i. block . Hanacom Place Stephen D. Bangs and wife to William H. and Magdaiena M. Lite, lot i. bU.k a aininlt addlllua PETOSK Bargains in Furniture How that honeecleanlnir time la bare we want every hans.ka.per to know that thla Is the greatest mon.y-aaving etore In tha eltv. Price blow are re markably low for solid oak, substantial pricca. W. know we can aava yon 90 Per Cant. Ba sure and give na a call. Tha beat housekcrvera tell oa every day that they have seen every line In town, and oar's is away below tha other tores. YOUR OWN TIB RMS . ovn riTxcm axe by thb win on mohth. HANDSOME ROCKI2R I:REE With Every $20 Purchase anJ Over j "!. e- ' 3 y. Otui 600 7.501 2,12 760 70( 1 1 650 100 110 E32 800 1 6.000 2B0 435 t 200 2.900 1 376 1 200 120,000 2,200 416 1 100 200 - 1.470 I too B-Plece Parlor Suit Heavy massive frame, mahogany finish, upholstered In velotir, nothing like It In the elty 10 00 for the money, on jour own terms IBiOB This six-hole asbestos lined steel H range, sixteen Inch oven, duplex grate, full tilckled front, with 2G 75 warming closut '-".AHUki. - j'4T This solid oak dresser, French plate, bevel oval glass, divided top Q gj 9 j-V-.-,, ttSi V'' ' V i s..T-,' a Thla Oo-Cart with steol constructed running (rear This solid oak chiffonier ball bearing hub . 2.75 with large French pint", toilet divined top drawer, with or without ft Cft fai hat box. only... U This heavy Tron Bed, brass i QE riU. nnv color 1.03 This hard wood Base Bolted Kitchen Cabinet Two flour boards, two drawers, two flour bins, capacity 60 pounds......... 4.i flaa-LTLHJ.-f- T raViT ia M -an m tiirHlrJ K4 DOCTORS roR.RfflEW Best EYsCthods of Cure We have devoted years of study to the best methods of curing private dis eases and wertkn'ses of men, spending thousands of dolhirs In researches, evolving a system of treatment which Is a safo cure for skin, nervous, blood and private diseases and weaknesses of men. We treat every caso on Its own merits, and thousands today Join In thanking us for the new lease of life our skill and ability has opened up for them. Come to us and we will spare you the penal ties associated with private diseases, weaknesses, etc. The State Medical Institute is established for the benefit of suffering men; for the purpose of curing the terrrible diseases and blighting weaknesses that destroy men's mental and physical powers, making them tintU for work, bus iness, studv or marriage, and depriving them of the social duties and pleasures of life as well as marital happiness. If you wish to be saved and restored to health and strength., wit h mental and physical powers complete, come to the men's true specialists and learn your true condition. Got the right treatment , first and be safely and thoroughly cured. 11U - Are YOLT one of tho many thousands of WEAK MEN, and do you g J wish to be ied? Multlturios bring on themselves the horrors of a )"" llfe-lonif (ffsease by unnatural habits. Thousands and thousands of men are prematurely old and diseased through excesses and unnatural drains, whirh sap the very foundation of life, destroy their health and strength, leaving them a mental and physical wreck. Not knowing where to apply for u cure, many of the sufferers silently suffer on, loaded with disea, remorse and humiliation, going from bad to worse, or they experiment with too many "Free Treatment" and "Quick-Cure" schemes. We cure safely and thoroughly Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases. and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to evil habits, excesses, aelt abuse, or the result of specific and private diseases. FREE CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION, g ttnft.10 8 STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Taroam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. A" 1 11 II I I -J-IV 'I LESS THAN HALF FARE i MAY 1ST AND 15TH To the Big Horn Basin of Wyoming tho Jand of goMon opportunities for farms and ranches, along good . streams at low cost-$20.00 for the round trip. To Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo and return, $20.00. To Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah, and return, $26.50 To the North Platte Valley, Western Nebraska and tho Black Hills, one fare plus $2.00 for the round trip. Also very low special homeseekers' rates to hundreds of other points in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and Texas. Call or write for free illustrated literature descriptive of these regions and let'me advise you fully as to rates and train service. J. B. Reynolds, City Pass. Agt., 1502 Farnam St., Omaha.