Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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a ,
Splendid Meeting Heart Rineinc Word
from Republican Leaden.
Canthlnatlon of Corporation and
Grafter and Their (ohtrli Scored
br Kpakra Wki Ha port the
Renabllema Ticket.
Votnm of tha Herei; mrd CJX Un
hall at Park and Poppictoo itpdm last
night to listen to It A. Bniwtn anj
other sneaker dlarufut the Imona of tba
campaign. Mr. fionsrai toniched tii Mr.
Hitchcock anil his attitude In thla cam
paign ami wai followed shortly by '. H.
Hayward who also brought out the fact
that Mr. Hitchcock had personal aim In
making such a atrenuou fight for "Jim"
"It npptni (trance to me that tha good
People of thla city cun t ace at a giant
with which aide the grafter and cor
poration are lined up In thla fight," aald
Mr. Benaon. "I think tbijr will and by
their votea keep them from obtaining tlm
power they seek. All the allied force
against good government are agalnat m
and the entire republican ticket, because
they know their business will not thrive
under our administration.
Comsillmenla to niletirnra.
"Mr. Hitchcock has made the atatement
In the World-Herald that Tom D-mnlaori
la for me In thla campaign. I think Mr.
Hitchcock baa developed a capacity for
lying In thla campaign which would make
Ananias look sick. He has ambitions of
bin own and la willing to sell bla ami!
for gain. Aa for me I would not make
one miaatatement If I knew It would
land me In the mayor's chair. I counted
the coat before I went Into thla campaign.
My bualneaa la worth several time aa
much to me aa the allowance which la
made for the mayor. It will be a sacri
fice to my home life, but my whole ambi
tion la to ace If I cannot make Omajia a
better place for people to reside. My
platform la not a collection of platitudes
on which to ride Into office, and then to
be abandoned. The only, issue after all
In thla campaign is whether you wish to
control your own government or turn
It over to certain special Interest. The
public service corporatlona pretend to
serve the people, but In reality aeek to
control the people,
Corporatlona All la I. la.
"Have Undemocratic manager made
any such statement aa did Chairman
Jefferls that not one cent had been con
tributed to the campaign fund by the
corporations? They could not. The
brewera are also In the deal, spending
a slush fund In this town tonight. With
this money Illegal votes have been reg
istered today some will be in jail before
Monday night.
"This all comes because one man la
seeking a high office In this state. That
1 just what Mr. Hitchcock I doing In
this campaign. He 1 striving to use the
mantle of hi respectability to cover the
thieve and thugs for his own personal
gain. Graft is never partisan, but the
good citizen la and ho la being fooled In
this campaign by the mask of respect
ability. Do those who love their homes
and their families wish to turn their In
terests over to such people. Graft Is a
material question a well aa a moral
I "It has coat the county of Douglas
! $260,000 a year to protect agalnat crime and
to convict for crime. Do we want to In
i crease this expense by putting the criminal
l element In power?
"The corporations want more than to
control the government; they wunt to be
the government and to have 'their tools
In office."
Question lletfire the People.
John T. fathers said: "This Is an import
ant canipiiisn with a dangerous situation.
The question which confronts us is whether
we, the people, shall control the govern
ment or (urn It over to the breweries.
Harrington of O'Neill said last, night we
I should not elect Benson because he Is too
good a num. Can we have too goqd a man
for nur chief executive? More than 50
per cent of the taxes paid In during the
last ten years have been eaten up by
C 8. lfayward, candidate for councilman
from the Seventh ward, said: "I have been
trying for the laat aeven years to do my
duty politically and have atudied these
question. The government of the city
should be moved to the city hall. It has
been In the Budwelser saloon for the last
15 years. I have looked up Dahlman'a
record and If the people of Omaha should
look It up and vote according to their
conscience they would pot vole for Dahl
man. Htrward nrnrlsrd at HHcheork.
"I waa never more surprised in my life
than at the attitude of Mr. Hitchcock and
the misstatement which he has published
In hla paper. 1 can say they ar false for
I have been to these meetings with Mr.
Benson and know what I am talking
John Butter, candidate' for building in
spector, said:' "The motto should be re
ersed and made to read 'Omaha, build up
"Jim" Dahlman,' but Omaha i not suing
to do it."
R B. Howell spoke at aorue length on
the necessity of adhering to the old party
which ha done so much for ua all, and
added: "It Is not the tax collector who
collects moat of the taxes of Omaha.
Kvery utility Is aa much a tax aa the tax
you pay to the city and county. The water
company aska $IM).0tO a year, the gaa com
pany ttfuO.noo a year, or nearly one-half of
what the city treasurer ask from you. and
the street railway company ask tl.ifiO.onO
I ft year. Three million Ave hundred thou
! sand dollars la paid yearly to the utility
j corporations of this city. Why do you
keep your eye glued to the city tuxea and
; overlook these greater taxes and not try
j to lower them? We have started on the
i water company and If this republican ticket
1 I elected It I the, honest Intention of
j Mr. Benson and the council to See that
!l!ew Version of
An Old Adage
Do You Kt For Mere bUmulation Or
For Ileal Nutrition?
la matter of money, there Is aa old adage
that '. "Its not so much what uu
earn as what you save." and Just so. In
the question of food and health, It might
be aald a truly, "It not so much hat
you eat as what real nourishment you get
out of what you eat."
This I the secret of health, strength and
vitality. No difference how much nutrition
your food contains. If your system does not
assimilate that nutrition take It up and
distribute. It throughout your body you
gain nothing beyond a temporary stimu
lation by having eaten It.
Malta-Vita, best whole whit wheat,
mixed Willi pure barely malt extract,
thorooKhly steamed and cooked and every
(lake baked' to a crisp, la rich in nutrition
and Is assimilated readily even by the
weakest stomach. Kvery on of Its
health-sjtvtug, airengt li-bullding elements
Is taken up by tha ayetrm to nourtah and
ustaiti life.
And klalta-Vlta I o good to eat!
perfm-t breakfast la Impossible without
It, aud It s Juat as rood thre time a d.iy.
Try a bowlful with cream. You never
tAted anyttiluaT good.
Malta-Vila la always ready to eat. No
) euokuut, no luouuveiilanca. All grocer.
Itum lit cent a.
A Few
Of the
To Dr.
By Honest
The World' Greatest Medicine
The rapid growth of the Peruna Medi
cine Company I aa phenomenal In the
bualneaa world aa the universal popu
larity of their famous remedy, Peruna.
The plant cover a number of acres, and
employs several hundred people. No
other medicine firm In. the world reaches
anything like the volume of business done
by Dr. Hartman's flrin.
Although Peruna Is a proprietary medi
cine, the details of Its compounding are
in strict accordance with pharinacenutical
discoveries and nothing gives Dr. Hart
man greater pleasure than to shtw Ids
Intimate professional friends through tho
laboratory where Peruna is made.
A Doctor' lrewcription.
For year Dr. Hartman used Peruna in
Ills private practice as a regular prescrip
tion. He had no thought of manufactur
ing it or advertising it as a proprietary
medicine until there was a demand made
upon him by his many friends, who
clamored for the original prescription.
cheaper gaa 1 had at once. Thla can be
done easily by granting a franchise to
another company. If this gas company
thought for a minute another company
would get Into Omaha the rates would be
lowered at once. Mr. iJcnson and the
council can and will see that the people
of Omaha get lower gas."
Election officers have, been Instructed In
certain dutly with respect to the voting
machines iy circulars sent to each by City
Attorney flreen. One of the points made
clear Is that before the voting begins the
machinea must be examined In the presence
of audi party watchers as may be there
to ascertain that all counters are set at
sero. After quoting sections of the voting
machine law the circular reads:
You will thus observe that before the
polls are open It Is made the duty of the
election officers having the keys of the
machine to open the machine so us to ex-
pone the counters on the back of the ma
chine and to carefully scrutinize each
counter In the presence of whatever party
watchers may be present, and to ascertain
and to certify xn the return sheet that
each and every rounter was registered
sero before the polls opened and before
the seal was broken on the operurlng lever
In front, and If any counter when thu
examined by you is not found to be regis
tered at aero, to note what the counter
does actually register before the polls ar
opened and to enter the actual reKlstra
tlon on the return sheet, and thus show
at what number the machine was started
on any particular counter.
Special policemen are needed by the city
fur service at the May election "and Mayor
Zlmman has asked the newspapers to help
him out by publishing the fact. There
are places open to twenty-five or thirty
ablebodted men who may want & day'
work of from twelve to fourteen hour at
25 cents an hour. Applicants should apply
to Mayor Zlmman at 10 o'clock Monday
The Good Government league ticket,
claimed to have been mado up by ballot
referendum vote of the league, Is out on
postal cards. The entire republican ticket
Is endorsed with the exception of the
candtdatea for building Inspector and coun
cilman from the Sixth ward. C. H. With-
nell and W. 8. Sheldon, democratic, are en
dorsed for the two places respectively. The
pronunclamento la signed by K. K. Elliott,
V. J. McEachron, Dr. H. Uifford, E. F.
Magaret. A. A. Lmoreaux, George T. Mor
ton and John P. Ware, executive commit
tee. K. K. Burkmlnater. manager of the Met
ropolitan Ietectlve agency of Chicago and
well known in Omaha aa the detective who
worked up the evidence in the Board of
Education sctvndHls in 1SS9 and 1900. is again
in Omaha to watch the election. He la reg
istered at the Merchants hotel. Mr. Buck
minster declines to say who haa hired hla
agency to work here, but says:
"I have enough menhere to watch every
suspected precinct and my instructions to
cause the arrest and prosecution of every
man attempting to cast an illegal vet will
be carried out to the letter.
"Our agency makes" something of a spe
cialty of inquiries Into political cunipuiKiis.
I was personally on tl.e ground In New
York at the last city elcMlin, cur men
preventing a great deal of votin
Mure recently I through the Mil
waukee campaign wr.h a lirgc force of
operativea. It resulted in Die election of
Becker, the good government candl late. I
think we will find plenty to occupy us until
after the e lectio In Omaha."
N No effort waa made by Mr. Puckrtiliuitei
to keep hla presence in the city secret.
A republican looking for amusement, ho
happened to stray Into the Kruj theater
meeting of the democrats Friday iilgnt.
"Gilbert M. Hitchcock saro;is "d everyone
by talking about local 'csati and
straying off In the national pastjre and
expounding the need for .i s.hemt mite
equally to distribute wealth II u.mle a
great hit by telling Ids iudi'ui they bad
s :v J"M - : ' J Kceps Pe"r""na in the ""sc
Owes Good Health to Pc-ru-na. , ' ;! L Mi jT
Mrs. Jessie Smith, 40S Buttles Ave., Columbua, I
Mlsa L. Wall, 3B0 N. Dale St., St. Paul Minn., "writes: Followed DOCtOT Hart- ' C wwrW' ' VAtttl
"I-ast spring I bad a very severe case of catarrh of the stomach and , A AAa. A . iW Vv SZZ"S - rZ WvJ ftj
bowels. I was very much run down In strensth and lost my appetite. man S AdVlCe " tJ " ClVly-P -- : " s T?1. I'll
"I took tlir.-e bottU-s of lVriuia and found myself BiniiiK very Grateful Letter. V A ( C J Orle M ?XAn Ml I
quickly in every way. Mr, Xnlhony Rauch, 438 Johnston VavT 7'LKJ.1.i,l.U . lAV 10. Y)
"I also had catarrh in my lieatl, which has leen entirely cured. street, Bucyrus, Ohio, writes: VI Narnillo Tpnn
"1 thank l'eruna for the health I am enjoying." ..T Waa suffering from obstinate M IWOUVUIC, 1CUU, XlC
" r' READ AND BE CONVINCED, (cr. . 2?,,,,
I ' v v ' VV. . ! 1 ... ' w - I V . tew.'-
Forty Thousand Patients.
Dr. Hartman estimates that he must
have prescribed Peruna for over forty
thousand patients before It was adver
tised as a proprietary medicine.
Kelleved In Four Weeks of Severe
Cold ou Lungs,
Miss Josle Sehaetzel, Gun. Del., Arple
ton, Wis., writes:
"I contracted a severe cold which set
tled on my lungs In very short order and
It was not long until it developed into a
serious case of sutarrh. Kvery morning
1 would raise a lot of phlegm, which was
very disagreeable. My digestion Waa poor
and my lungs sore.
"Alter a few doses of Peruna I be
gun to mend, and felt that if I kept
on taking it, it would not be long until
I would be well. -1 was right, for in
four week I was well again.
"I think Peruna is a grand 'medicine,
and wish to add testimony to the many
others you have."
"Catarrh la almost universal. Catarrh
is difficult to cure. Many doctors do not
care to treat catarrh at all.
been called thugs, burglars aud other kinds
of things, but his effj-ti were somewhat
dampened by the speech of KM 1. limit h,
which followed. It was kaowu that Mr.
smiin consenieu io appear oi h Janimun
meeting only nfter Ions persuasion and
even then nobody knew what ne was going
to say. What he did eay left a gaping
doubt In the minds of his hearers whether
he was for Pahlman or not.
"'The big hit was made by a western
statesman. Introduced as Senator Sullivan
pf Casper, W'yo. He said he had come all
the way from the lakes of Klllarney to
talk at the session and advocated Dahl
maii'i election because he buys cows. The
senator managed to get rid of a lot of at.uff
like this:
" 'Gentlemen, I tell you what you want
for mnyor. You want a man with a nut.
You want a man with a back bone, and, by
God, I'm here to tell you Jim Dahhnan's
got the back bone,' To prove his asser
tion the senator told how Dnhlmnn had
Induced him to send his cattle to South
Omaha for the first time and how much
Dahlman'a commission company has bought
"Aa for 'Jim' he was pretty well used up
by his strenuous campaign, despite his
boasted physical prowess In the saddle
roping steers and herding. He has been
VampalKiiIng' until 2 o'clock in the morning
for some time past, according to Lee Herd
man, and is beginning to show the wear
and tear."
"The Heo has been Imposed on by who
ever guve information for the Item in to
night's Issue about Jim Dahlman'a attend
ance at my father's funeral," said Austin
Collett over the phone last night. "The
Item intlmuter that Mr. Dahlman went for
the purpose of rampnttrnlng, when the truth
Is he Is a personal friend of mine and the
family and attended the funeral out of re
spect for us, demeaning himself Just the
Bame aa the other mourner present. He
certainly did not attempt to 'use the occa
sion for electioneering. I know The Bee Is
fair enough to correct Its mistatement In
justice to all concerned."
Publish your wants
in the advertising
columns of The Bee.
Mortality StatUtles.
The following: births and deaths huv
been reported to the Hoard of Health dur
ing the twenty-four hours ending ul noon
Sat unlay :
Births-Arthur Estill, 2724 Caldwell, boy;
B. F. Taylor. 2i-H Fort, girl; James O. Mc
ManniKal, 1'lnkney, boy.
Deaths H. J. Windsor, Twenty-fourth
and Farnain, i
Gustaf Holmquist, the basso of Chicago,
will sing at Trinity cathedral this morning.
N. I'. Fell of Cleveland. O., Is In the city
ItHiklnK after his firm's local business and
visiting ith .relative aud friends.
Suit for flOCKO damages was begun In
district court Saturday against the I'uiuii
I'aclnV by I'ietro Tunialno. who fell on a
temporary sidewalk crossing at Twelfth
and Cass streets Feliruary 18. The road
was putting in a. sidetrack along the street r
aim nao una uie sniewaia mr ine use oi
pedestriuna. Tumaino sas he stepped on
a looae hoard which Mew up and threw
him lo thu ground.
Dr. Humphreys' Screnty
ScYcn breaks up Grip nnd
At Druggists. 28 cents or mailed.
Doctors Book malted free.
Humphrey lioim-o Medicine Co , Cor.
Wllnuiu and Jliou ctreeta, New Vurk-
Followed Doctor Hart-
man's Advice A
Grateful Letter.
Mrs. Anthony Rauch, 438 Johnston
street, Bucyrus, Ohio, writes:
"I was suffering from obstinate
constipation and torpid liver when I
took your advice and purchased six
bottles of Peruna and Manalln.
"When 1 had taken only one bottle
I felt much better and since I have
taken two more bottles 1 feel entirely
well, but I will continue taking the
medicine for a short time to make
sure of my cure.
"I think Manalln Is one of the finest
remedies for constipation that I ever tried.
I Will never be without it. It has made
me so strong. I can do a day's work and
never tire.
"I am so glad I do not get those dizzy
spells any more. I haven't had one since
I took your medicine.
"I cannot thank you enough for what
your medicine has duno for me. All sick
people should give It a fair trial."
Pe-ru-nn's Popularity.
Peruna is not like so many other rem
edies that pass away as soon as the first
few bottles are used. The longer Peruna
is used In any community, the more popu
lar it becomes.
Pe-runa Actually Relieves.
The reason why Peruna has become a
standard catarrh remedy the world ever
1 simply because it eliminate catorrh.
More Than Five Thousand Names Added to
the Polling Lists.
Evidence Placed In Hands of County
Attorney and - Some Senan
tlonal Development Are
Yesterday's work of correcting the regis
tration rolls, prior 1o the city election to
be. held on Tuesday, resulted In the ad
dition of considerably over b,A0 names to
the polling lists. At midnight, with eleven
precincts not reported, the total registra
tion for the day was o.liil. The eleven
missing precincts may bring the total up
to 5,aoo. In the Third ward, from which
three, precincts are not reported, It is said,
many irregularities were committed, and
the evidence gathered during the day has
been submitted to the county attorney.
Chairman Jefferls of the republican city
committee last night said that some sen
sational developments might be looked for
on Monday morning.
More than half the new registration is rc
publican, according to the declaration of
party preference. The total by wards is
as follows:
Ward. Rep. Dem. lng. Total.
First m I'd M ;i"3
Second 61 VSi 13 )Mi
Third S5 Ml 11 M
Fourth 2:tl 14" 31 410
Fifth 371 I! 3H 70
Sixth iU 17:' M ii3
Seventh 317 178 T, bli
HlKhth Xil ilo 7ti 678
Ninth lWt 7 L-.'l
Tenth ZS inn bi bW
Eleventh 'J 7 14 X)
Twelfth 2J9 3s 3tf
Totals 2tw4 1911 3M HOI
One precinct missing in the FlrBt, three
in the Second, three in the Third, one in
the Fourth, two in the Ninth and one in
the Eleventh.
Tho reelstratlon by precincts In the sev
eral wards is as follows:
District. K
First 4i
Third M
Fourth ... 2'1
District. R. D. Sc.
15 First M 44
. . Second ... 75 t
11 Third M 31
13 Fourth ... b-i 37
10 First ll 65
..Second ...1' M
First 14 57
Third .. ..
Fourth ... 37 bi
First 3U M
Second ,
Fifth 6S 4i
First 1;'!" fo
ccond 4 -Hi
..Third tU
3 Fourth ... 75
(First 5
.. I Third SS
.. Fourth ... ti
First 47
11 'Second ... W
4 Third 53
l'lFourth ... 4t
..I Fifth ....
.16 11
Third bl
First 78
Second . .. tW
Third K
Fourth ... 95
Fifth 6!
First Iu3
Second ... 8-4
Third 73
Fourth ... M
.1 'Second ... 45 1
11 iThird 4 2't
X I Fourth ...Hit 31
7, First
. Scoiid ... 73 1
S ft bird 34 14
..Fourth ...122 45
Great Itamaare at llolllstrr.
SAN FRANCISCO, April . Details have
been received here of the damage done at
Hollister, In San Benito county, by the
earthquake of April 18. One life was lost
In the disaster and the property loss
amounted to about fOoiMJoO.
Eight-room house, central location, near
car. nearly new. t.' aoO. J. B. I'lper, Kar-
bach block, Omaha. HE 473 M
Finds Relief in Pe-ru-na After Suffering Twenty Years.
Mrs. M. S. Davis, 1503 Buena Vista St., Nashville, Tenn., writes:
'After having been a constant sufferer from catarrh for more than
twenty years and after trying almost every remedy advertised, and
having lost all hope, I very reluctantly began the use of Peruna about
two years ago.
"Everybody says I look younger now than I did twenty years ago,
and I actually feel younger and better, and weigh more.
"I am recommending it to my neighbors and all with whom I come
in contact."
Pe-ru-na Removes the Cause of
Peruna has no bad effects upon the
system and gradually eliminates catarrh
by removing the cause of catarrh. There
are a multitude of homes where Peruna
has been used off and on for twenty
Revised Formula.
"For a number of years requests have
Modern Woodmen of America.
The Joint meeting under the auspices of
the promotion committee held April l'J wl'.h
camp No. lu5 of South Omaha was a suc
cess, the attendance being about 3i.
Barney Harris of enmp No. 945 presided
over the meeting. D. N. Cockrell, consul
of camp No. ltlito, welcomed the members
and visitors In behalf of the camp und
District' Deputy C. 11. Riepcn resiionded in
behalf of the members nnd visitors. Slate
lecturer J. M. Dydie addressed tho meeting.
He was followed by Bluto Deputy K. K
Heater of Lincoln, who stated this whs the
first time he had had an opportunity to
meet with the members of Oinnha anil
South Omahu. He mentioned the fact that
on April 'M the Modern Woodmen were to
initiate 3,t cumlaMatea In New York Cltv
and that the membership was increasing
taster than ever before; that during the
three months Just past the order bus Kuincii
41,1!77 members and that the total member
ship now was 777,wjO ryemhers. The addrrsr
of the evening was mudu by J. 11 Van
Dusen, a member of tump No. H".H. on the
subject of "Fraternity." Vocal and Instru
mental music was rendered by Neighbors
T. O. Hazel, Thomas Uroadhiirst. Robert
Undberg. Jid Sutherland, Dick O'Neal and
the song and dance artlsls. Matt Dee and
"Baby" Dee of the Electrical theater of
South Omaha. Refreshments were served
during the evening.
Magnolia camp No. 1S.T1 entertained its
members apd friends with a smoker Tues
day evening.
The promotion committee will, meet in
special session Monday evening and every
delegate is urged to be present.
The Forest el a of Beach ramp gave
social nnd dance at their hall the evening
of -April .
Omaha camp No. 12i celebrated the pre
sentation nf the state prize banner Wednes
day evening. April 18. This cump has the
largest membership or any In tne state.
The banner was presented by George M.
Mugney. who represented the head camp.
Neighbor Dr. 1 A. Merrlam received the
banner on behalf .of the camp. Consul J.
V. Goodhard welcomed the members aud
visitors in behalf of the camp. A literary
and musical program added interest to the
event. Refreshments were served during
the evening.
The Foresters of Omaha camp No. 12(1
will give their annual May ball at Burigbt's
hall Wednesday evening.
Interest among the member of the Mod
em Woodmen Just now li centered in the
great rally to he li'-M at the Auditorium
on June ti. Thla will lie participated In by
the cumps of Douglas, Washington and
Harpy counties slid will be one of the
largest gatherings ever conducted by
fraternal society in Omaha. All of the
head officers of the society are expected to
he present.
Rasters Star.
The thirty-first annual session of the
grand chapter of the )rder of the Eastern
Star will convene In Omaha at Masonic
temple Tuesday, May 1, to continue five
days. From 650 to 7i members of the
grand body are exiiecteil to be present.
The session will l called to order nt
I o'clock In the afternoon. After the recep
tion of the most worthy grand matron of
the world. Madeline B. Conkllng, and other
distinguished vlnltors and grand lepresenta-
lives, the address of welcome mill be given
in behalf of V esta chapter by Clara Sprlng-
meyer, Edith t Inebrenner responding Fol
lowing this will cotnn the nddrena of Grand
Matron Sue A. Face and the address ly
Grand I'atron F. If. Young, after which
the regular business of the aesblou will be
taken up.
Hrolberhotjd ol American 1 rumen.
Omaha homestead. Brotherhood nf
American Yeomen, at It meeting Friday
night decided to change its regular meet
ing night to the second and fourth Satur
day nights of the month and Its place
of Hurling to Ancient Order of 1'nlied
Workmen hall, at Fourteenth and DodKe
streets. The meeting was attended by As
sistant Grard Foiciimh Deel of De Moines,
who presented to Slate Deputy Chesnut a
sword as a tea.-imonial fioin the national
organization in stireciation of his work
In Nebraska. The next meeting of the
homestead will bo Saturday night, April 12.
Woman's Hellrf Corps.
Mrs. AM'le A. Adams, national president
of the Woman's Relief Corps, bus tele
graphed to California to be used for
relief of the meml.. rs of the Grand Army
of the Republic and their families , bo
may be in iieed of help there. She has also
Just ordered the issuance of a circular to
each ricnurtment president and detached
corps uskliig ior donations to the relief and a gcmious response I exjiectrd
Tlils is not Hie first time the Woman i
Reiki 1'oips and Grand Army cf the Re
"1 always
conte to me from a multitude of grateful
friends, urging that Peruna be Riven a
slight laxative quality. I have been ex
perimenting with a laxative addition for
quite a length of time, and now feel
gratified to announce to the friends of
Pe-ru-na that I have incorporated such
a quality in tho medicine which, In my
oplnlon,-can only enhance Its well-known
beneficial character.
"S. U. HARTMAN, M. D."
public has come to the relief of their com
rudes, as a similar action was taken at
the time of the Galveston flood nnd the
Kansas flood as well. Funds were also
sent to the Johnstown sufferers and sev
eral other places. Clara Barton, an hon
orary member of the Woman's Relief
Corps, In each instance until the present
one has been present on the scene of action
to take charge.
The Woman's Relief Corps of Omaha has
given lot) do, n handkerchiefs to the San
Francisco sufferers.
Knights of Pythias.
Monday night a pleasant social evening
was spent by the Knights of I'ythias. the
Rathbone Sisters and their friends In
Myrtle hall, under the auspices of Lodge
No. 1 of the Knights of Fythias of Omaha.
Mr. Larmer presided. Addresses were made
by Fast Chancellor Anderson, He v. Ar
thur J. Folsom. iiastor of l'lvmoiith Con
gregational church; County Attorney Sla-J
hatigh, J. J. Boucher and Grand Chancellor 1
Maguey. Ihe musical milliners were very
pleasingly rendered. They comprised tt
piano duet by Mrs. Henderson und Mrs.
Collins, a vocul duet by Miss Grace Caily
and Airs. Henderson and solos by Mr.
i 'arson, Fred L. Green und Miss Grace
Caely. At t lie conclusion of the program
refreshments were served, alter whicti tne
lloor was cleared for an enjoyable dance,
the I'atton brothers furnishing the music.
Kathlione Malera.
Lillian temple No. 1 will give a card and
dancing party Monday evening at .Myrtle
hall, ut which refreshments will be served.
Fraternal I nlon of America.
Mondumin lodge No. Ill met in I'uttersnn
hall No. 3 Monday night owing to repairs
being made in Its regular hall. Several
candidates were obligated and a number
of applications read. Short talks were
made by the supreme steward, state or
ganizer anil their new deputy, Mr. ituuklu.
In Banner lodge No. 11 the prise tur at
tendance in April was awurded to Mrs.
Josle Bondi. Stale Organizer George A.
Ostrom delivered a brief address, after
which refreshments were served. Saturday
evening the degree staff visited Benson,
lodge No. 116 and exemplified the work,' In
itiating aeven candidates.
Thursday evening the guards will give
their Maypole dance, for which affair a
special program has been prepared.
Omahu lodge No. 311 will give a rard
party at Its hall. Seventeenth and Farnum
streets, the evening of May S.
Grand Army of the Rrpnblle.
The friends of former Adjutant General
James D. Gage are strongly pushing; his
claims as commander of the Nebraska de
partment, Grand Army of the Republic, at
For the
To succeed these days you must have
plenty of grit, courage, strength. How
is it with the children? Are they thin,
pale, delicate? Do not forget Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the
blood pure and rich, and builds up the
general health. Sold for 60 years.
We have no secrets! We publish
the formulas of all our medicines.
Msd by the J. O. ir.r Co., Lowell, Mom.
Aim kuiitutimtt of
ATYR'I HAT TIK)I-Par tht a&lr. AYER'S PILLS -For eesttlpatioa.
"I have used your Peruna for catarrh of the
head and stomach, and have been greatly re
lieved from it.
"Therefore, 1 cannot priilwo l'eruna too much,
nnd can recommend it to any ono having the
above disease, as there is nothing better.
keep it in the house."
Danger In Local Catarrh Cures.
There are a great many catarrh cures
In the world. The most of them are local
applications. Few of them are to be used
Unfortunately, a largo number of these
local catarrh remedies contain uurcotlcs
of some sort. Cocaine, opium and other
narcotics uie used. Thosu remedies give
temporary relief. Tho patient thinks he
la getting better riKht away. X5ut in a
few weeks ho discovers his mistake. Not
only is his catarrh no better, but it is
discovered he Is using narcotics.
One reason why Peruna has
found permanent use in o many
hollies is that it contains no nar
cotic of any kind.
Peruna is perfectly harmless, if
taken according to directions on
the lMttle. So used, it can be
taken any length of time without
acquiring a drug habit.
the coming department encampment at
Lincoln. Andy Traynor of Omaha Is also a
candidate, us is H. W. George of Broken
Bow. According to custom, tli department
coniinanderslilp has alternated north and
south of the Finite heretofore, but as the
last two commanders, Hair and IcU, are
South I'lulte men, it begins to look as If
the office may fall to a north of the river
K-andidate ut iw department encampment
ut LInculn. May 15-18. in this event '1 ray
nor of Omaha or Gem-go of Broken Bow
aro likely to be elected.
Tribe of Hen llnr.
The sum of $JS has been voted by Mecca
court for the benctit of the San Francisco
sufferers and the amount will be forwarded
at once.
l.ndlea of the i;riind Army.
The Aid society tif Garth Id circle No. 11
will meet t he al ti rnonn of Friday. May 4,
with Mrs. C. M. 1'cters, 673 South Twenty
eighth street. ,
Garlield circle No. 11. ut Its meeting last
Monday night, accepted tho invitation of
the Knights of Columbus to participate in
the Memorial day services at Holy Scpul
cher cemetery thu morning of May 30.
Garfield circle No. 11 has accepted the
Invitation of Diet Memorial Methodist
Episcopal church to attend Memorial Sun
day services at that church, May 37.
The fifteenth annual convention of the La
dles of the Grand Army of the Republic,
Department of Nelnaska, will be held at
Uncoln, In Convention hall. Llmlell hotel.
May ill, 17 and 18. llead(iiai ters will be
established ill rooms 317 and 31S Uudell
The council of administration will meet
at department headquarters Wednesday
evening. May 11, at 7 o'clock.
The railways have made a rate of one
fare, plus 6n cents, for the round trip.
National 1'rcsident Mrs. lluth Foots of
Denver will be present at the Nebraska de
partment convention.
National President Ruth E. Foole of the
Ladles of the Grand Army of the Republic
has Issued the usual Memorial day circular,
calling upon the older to y appropriate
observance to the day, "a day holy wllh
memories; a dsv sacred to the Grand Army
of the Republic," and urges that the youth
of the land be enlisted In the services of
the day, "that they may understand the
responsibility of perpetuating the principle
for which those heroes sacrificed then
lives.'' All Well.
The least thing wrong with your bo welt
makes you all sick. Dr. King's New Lite
Fills make you all well. 2",c. For sale by
Sherman & McConnell.