Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1906, Page 8, Image 32

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Idniiay Specials HUt Will Mean led in Idniey-Sawtaf fi Yoio
Specially Attractive Monday Bargains
72-Inch wide Bleached Satin Table Damask, all
pure linen, six patterns to select from extra
special for Monday worth J 1.60 CIQA
yard, at OC
68-Inch wide Sllyer Bleached Table Linen,
guaranteed all linen and goods that Q
sell regular at 85c yard, at OJC
Napkins to match above linen, 20x20 and 22x22.
at, dozen, $2.75
81x90 Bleached Sheets, seamless,
;h.:?. 69c
42 and 4 5-lnch Pillow Cases, OK
at, pair, 15c, 12c, 10c and..(J3C
Good Bleached Muslin, 36 Inches
wide, worth 7c yard,
"86c Dotted Silk Mull, assorted
spring shades, at, yard
40c embroidered Cotton Voiles,
all new shades, at, yard....
80c Dotted Swisses, in as
sorted colors, at, yard
In the Great Domestic Room
Curtain Swisses, in figured designs and dots, In
both white and colored, 36 inches Ifl
wide, worth 15c yard, at 1UC
White Dotted Dress Swisses, worth 15c,
25c and 35c yard, at 19c, 12 He and..
81x90 Bleached Sheets, seamless,
worth 65c each, at
81x90 Bleached Sheets, seamless,
worth 76c, at, pair
16c Percales, full 36 inches wide, soft
finish, light, medium and l1A
. . . auu
Mill I I1
Remarkable Furnishing Goods Bargains
Saturday's sale was a record breaker In our Furnishing Goods leimrtniont. The high
quality, great assortment for selection and low prices wow almost irrsltlllr buying Induce'
tncnts. The Monday sporials will be even greater values. Don't miss this oxrtnnlty.
Men's High Grade Shirts In fine Madrasses,
Oxford Cheviots, Mohairs and all best ma
terials, all -newest patterns and worth up to
$1.60, In three lots, at 98c, 69c Cfl-,
and JUC
Boys' Blouse or Tight Fitting Waists In all
sizes, light or dark colors, 60c )C
values, at.
Men's COc Neckwear In all the new J C
spring shades, at ZjC
Men's Balbrlggan L'nderwear.Xln plain or fancy
colors, special, at garment, 49c n
and a-DC
Men's Half Hoso Worth up to 60c, divided la
three great lots, at 25c, 19c ill
and IZaC
dark shades, at, yard.
12 He Dress and Shirting Gingham,' In
medium and dark shades, 71
at, yard
6 He Indigo Blue Prints, fast
colors, at, yard J2
12 He Percales, In light n
and dark colors, at, yard OC
Printed Batiste and Organdies, all
new shades, at, 10a
yard v C
Exquisite new Hats will be shown In our Millinery Department Monday.
These Hats have Just been marked
and will be on display for the first
time. New modes from our work
rooms and new arrivals from the
east. Mllans, Chips and Natural
Straws are very popular this sea
son. We have Just received a large
shipment of these beautiful hats
trimmed with large roses, ribbons,
feathers, etc., at prices ranging
from $10.00 down to
$1.00 Silks Monday, 45c
A collection of beautiful new silks never equaled in Omaha at a price so low. An oppor
tunity for advantageous silk buying which you should certainly improve.
27-inch Novelties, 27-inch plain Taffetas, 20-inch-Fancies, 20-inch Taffetas in black, white
and all colors, Louisienncs, Pcau de Cygnes, Messahnes, Habutais, Jap Silks,
Crepe de Chines and fancy Wash Silks in checks, hairline stripes, etc. All
the season's choicest weaves and colorings, regular $1.00 yard values, special
for this one day, at, yard
' Four Black Silk Specials
C. J. Bonnet 24-lnch Taffeta best quality .Q $1.25 quality Rustling Taffeta 36 Inches QQ
at yard OJC wide at yard OJC
C. J. Bonnet 36-inch Taffeta best quality 1 ftft 100 quality Taffeta 36 inches wide AQ
at yard , IiUU special at yard OJC
uiuck, win!
Main Wash Goods Dept.
Special Sales Almost Every Hour of the Day.
A 6c Printed Batiste, good colors,
fine patterns, Monday,
yard, only VJlC
A 19c Batiste, fine patterns, 200 de
signs, will go Monday, at, t(in
yard 1UC
A 26c fine Printed French Organdie,
will go in this sale, at,
yard X&zC
A 39c Silk Organdie, fine printings,
fine designs, Jacquard 'JC
figure, at, yard.... DC
Genuine French Carreaux the 69c
quality about 30 pieces, grand
colorings, will go at, "1 C
Silk Mulls, plain, 19c
quality, at, yard . . .
Silk Mulls, plain,, 25c
quality, at. yard. . ,
Silk Mulls, plain, 60c
quality, at, yard . . .
260 -pieces of Banzai Silk the best
value that was ever placed on the
market for the money plain fan
cies, all the new shades, also grey,
old rose, pearl, shell, etc., PA
at, yard DXJC
Splendid Bargain Opportunities Monday
Our immense stock, unequalled assortment and surprisingly low prices
have made our Ladies' Suit Department the busiest to be found in Omaha
during this season.
175 New Suits Just received from our New York resident buyer will lend
added charm to Monday's sales. The styles are slightly different from those
of early spring, and the prices for Monday are truly business compelling.
Charming Tailor Suits In fine Pan
amas and Voiles, both plain and
fancy colors $35.00 M QA
values Monday mTU
Swell Tailor Suits In Eton, blouse
and pony styles, that were manu-
factured to sell at $25
choice Monday.
Beautifully Designed Tailor Suits In
the popular grays and handsome
fancy mixed fabrics, with Eton
Jackets and circular skirts, trim
med with folds splendid fi Qft
$15 value at
New Cravenettes With
pleated back, made of
cravenettes, in gray,
tans, $18.50 qualities,
tight or
olive and
Everything In white goods, India llnons,
Persian lawns, French lawns, opera
batiste and waistings at,
yard, from $2.50 to
Finest production of Manchester Eng
land lu yarn dyed mercerized dress
and walstlng goods mode at, yard,
$1.00, 75e, 50c, 39c, 25c, 10c, f ft .
15c and '. IUC
The genuine Swiss article, in pin dots,
small figures, large figures, floral de
signs, etc. at, yard, $2.50, $2,
$1.50, $1, 75c, 50c and..;....
All figures, pin dots, floral designs, etc.
at, yard, 50c, 30c, 25c
25c, VJc, 15c, 12H and
INDIA LINONS at, yard, 75c.
65c, 50c, 39c, 25c, 15c, 10c and.
PERSIAN LAWNS at, yard, 75c down
to 25c, 19c, 15c 1A
and IUt
LONG CLOTHS-at. yard, 25c
f to
We carry everything made in White
Grand Lace Sale Monday
Being Solo Selling Agents for the Zion City Lace Factories enables ns to
aave you money on aU styles af English Vals., Nottingham, Wash Laces, Plat
Vals. and All-overs. THREE BIG CONTERS MONDAY.
THIRD LOT-WOO fancy Em- 4 et
Uroldered Waists, only ,.ImC
10c Pearl Buttons, at,
dosen a
Warren's Cotton covered Feather- Al.r
bone, at .!
Warren's Silk covered Feather- 71r
FIRBT LOT-Cholce of Plat Vals. English
Torchon, German Torchon and French
Val. Laces, worth up to 10c yard, JLr
all so at one price, per yard "3
SECOND IXT A very choice collection of
French Vals., Mechlins and wide Plat
Vale., worth up to 26c yard, your Kn
choice, per yard
THIRD 1X5T AH kinds of Lace Bands,
Including- Venice, Oriental Planer and
Chlney with edges to match, worth up
to bo yard, choice, per 7JC
BALE OF ALLOVERS Monday morning
we .will place on sale thousands of yards
. of Irish Crochet, Venice, Nottingham,
St.- Call and Planer Lace Allovers, worth
33c to $3 00 yurd, i St--,
. at J1.0O down to a
Embroidered Ewls, Nainsook,. Cambric
. and Batiste Allovers, worth up to 12.60
yard, In three lots, Monday, at,
yard. Wc, lie and DVC
A beautiful' line of 'the very latest
novelties In Embroidered Waist Patterns
go on sale in three lots.
FIRST LOT 11.00 fancy Embrold- A Cr
ered Waists, only tVfc
broidered Waists, only
bone, at.
lEc White ..Wash Belts,
26c Embroidered Wash Belts,
60c Silver Belts,
25c Gold Belts,
at .
He Hose Supporters,
60c 8ofa Pillow Slips, .
10c Pure Linen Handkerchiefs,
16o Pur Linen Handkerchiefs,
10c Feather Stitched Braids,
60c Corset Cover Embroideries,
Children's New Spring Coats In mar
velous variety of color, style and
material, at $7.50
Misses' Walking Skirts,
at $7.60 to
From 8 till
Silk Coats
at .......
Three Splendid Hoar
Specials '
m. Women's $6
New Silk Eton Coat An unmatched
assortment of splendid values at
$16, $12.60, $9.90, $7.50
Nobby Box Coats In neat checks and
plain colors, worth up to y nr
$8 special VJD
Women's Skirts The most complete
line shown in the west Panamas,
taffetas, voiles, etc., both regular
. and extra sizes, at $15.
$12.60, $10, $7.50 and..
New Silk Shirt Waist Suits Our Silk
Suit stock is the delight of thw
lover of style beauty never before
have we shown such a magnificent
collection at prices so reasonable
$40, $30, $25, $18.50. &f
$16, $12.60 and $1U
From 8:80 till 9:80 a. mv Women's
$1.50 Sateen Underskirts foQ
From 0 till 10 a, m. Women's 75c
Dressing Sacques ( 35c
Extraordinary Rug and Drapery Bargains
A tremendous business in Rags and Draperies was anticipated for this season, for we bought our stock right,
bat the volume has exceeded even our greatest expectations. That Omaha people appreciate good values Is clearly
demonstrated by the rapid selling. Look elsewhere aa much as you please, you'll find our quality highest and price
sice 9x10-6
Monday.. ,
'12.60 Scotch Brussels Rugs, size
9x12 Monday
$8.50 Scotch Brussels Rugs, six
6-9x9 Monday
$18.00 High Spere Brussels Rugs,
size 8x12-Monday
$16 00 High Spere Brussels Rugs, 4 T 7C
size 8-3x10-6 Monday gmtMJ
$11.60 High Spere Brussels Rugs,
size 6x9 Monday
$77.60 Smith Axmlnster Rugs,
size 9x12 Monday
$26.00 Axmlnster Rugs, best qual
ity, size 8-3x10-6 at
Seamless Velvet Rugs, size 9x12,
$30.00 values at
$25 00 Velvet Rugs, beet quality,
else 8-8x10-6 at
$12.00 All Wool Art Squares, size
9x12 Monday ,
$10.00 All Wool Art Squares, size
9x10-6 Monday
$8.60 AU Wool Art Squares, size
7-6x9 Monday
$6.60 All Wool Art Squares, size
6x9 Monday
$1.60 Smyrna Rugs, size 80x61
Many other bargains In small rugs. '
$3.60 Axmlnster Rugs, size 27x63 2.48
$5.00 Axmlnster Rugs, size 36x72-r
Basel's Grand Rapids Carpet
Sweepers at
Blssel's Welcome Carpet Sweepers QQ0
hV . ......... ... ........
Cocoa Mats
each Floor Oil Cloth at,
Jap and China Mattings at, yard, E
26c, o and
" 16c
$3.60 Zlon City Lac Curtains 5 A CI
at, pair S.V
$5.00 Zion City Lace Curtains ' 1 flQ
at, pair O.VO
$6.50 Zion City Lace Curtains A Oft
at, pair .VO
$2.28 Zlon City Lace Curtains 4 IE
at, plr
$1.60 Zion City Lace Curtains ftftr
at. pair VOC
Worth up to $5 In four lots Mon-
day at, each, 98c, 69c, 49c and
All Wool Ingrain Carpets, splendid E 3
bargain at, yard
match, best quality at, j JQ
New spring line of Corded Madrasses,
shown In all colors at, yard, fl
7fwv KKv 4V and -"J
40-lnch Curtain 8wlsscs-Mn special
sale Monday at, yard
Summer Time. Porch Time.
Flannel Department
lOoyard wide Sllkollne at, fjjc
lie 40-Inch wide Shaker Flannel
at, yard
46c White Wool Flannel
at, yard
18o Drapery Cretonne and Denim
at, yard
Big bargains In Bed Spreads too full size
crochet lied Spreads, Marseilles fi(n
patterns each Ul
$1.15 extra large and heavy crochet Bed
Spreads, beautiful Marseilles Heir
pattern each OVC
$1.25 extra heavy knotted fringe, Marseilles
pattern and cut corners for Iron
beds each VOC
$1.75 extra superfine quality white crochet
Bed Spreads, extra large and extra heavy,
knotted fringe, Marseilles put- f Ofit
trn each o
$2.60 fine Marseilles Bed Spreads, with beau
tiful raised patterns, large full size, hand
some and serviceable t ff
each LOU
.-.JUL. Ku-. ;; j,t
Evenings on the porch,
When the lights are low; .
Trouble of the day i
Take the hint and go.
Over seven months of the year con
fined to the house makes the outdoor
privilege of the wanner months very
We are prepared with suitable Fur
niture to aid you in the enjoyment of
this season. Several pieces, one of a
kind, go below cost.
Arm Rockers, splint seats, maple f tL
frame, painted green price......... -
Settee, 42 Inch, with arms, high 'I QS
back, worth $5.00 at VtfsJ
Arm Chair to match, worth $4.S 2.50
Bent Wood Rocker, (Teen, Worth
Bent Wood Chair, green, worth
H60 at
Small Maple Rocker, finished 1 OS
natural at "-'
Maple Arm Chair, flnlshd f QS
natural at lzfJ
Maple Arm Rocker, finished ffl
natural at w
Maple Arm Rocker, extra large, O Qt
finished natural at
Maple Settee, room for two, ft OiE
finished natural at
Painted green-J foot 1 7S
for KJ
Painted green 4 foot 2 OS
tor o
green 6 foot 3.95
Painted red extra quality 4 f OS
foot at.
Fainted red
foot at
Painted red
foot at
sxtra quallty6
sxtra quality 6
These are leading prices.
3 75
Ladles' Jersey Ribbed Vests and
Pants Vests are low neck and
short sleeved, or high neck and long
sleeves; pants are lace trimmed,
regular 39c values, 1C
at ZJC
Ladies' Combination Suit- In both
regular and extra sizes, regular 50c
numbers, at, 39c 'JC
and . JC
The most complete line of Ladles'
Combination Suits shown In Omaha,
ranging in price from
$3.00 down to DtC
Ladles' Gauze Vests In all sizes.
Lisle thread or cotton, special bar
gains Monday, at 25c, 10
15c and IUC
Waist Linens, Dress Linens, Handkerchief
Linens, Etc.
2 yard wide Dress Linen, fine texture,
fine finish, at, yard, $1.25 1 AA
Dress Linens, at, yard, $1.00,
75c, 60c, 39c and
Butcher's Linen, at, yard,
?5c, 69c, 60c, 39c and...
Walstlng Linen, fine sheer, at, yard,
$1.00, 76c, 50c, 39c
and mOt
Embroidered Linens, at, yard, $2.60,
Handkerchief Linen, at, yard, $1.25,
$1.00, 75c, 60c, 39c 5
Colored Dress Linens, In great
variety, at, yard, from Q
75c down to lrC
Linen Finished Shrunk Muslins.
Indian Head, 4 5 inches wide,
at, yard 1C
Auto Cloth, 36 inches wide, f?
at, yard UC
Argon Cloth, at,
Scotch Thistle, at,
A large variety of other Linens too
numerous to mention. Send for
12 c
Wool Dress Goods Sale
60 pieces all wool 54-lnch gray suitings,
regular $2.00 good- Monday, IXC
one suit to a customer at, yard. J
100 pieces of new mohair silk mixed
novelties to close out, a QQ
160 pieces of French eollennes, the
$1.00, $1.50 and $1.98 grades will go
in this sale at, a
50 pieces of French shepherd checks
all colors, will go at, a Q
yard JJrC
All evening shades except cream and
white, nt HALF PRICE.
50 pieces of plain colored Pana- M Q
mns will go at, a ynrd tlfC
64-Inch cravenetted mohair 7"i
fancies will go at, a yard.... 1 JC
54-lnch plain mohnirs, all colors CCI
nnd black will go at, a yard.. JC
China and Glassware
Prices take a tumble for Monday
gains of the year.
80-plece Decorated Dinner Sets,
100-piece Imported English For-f A f0
celatn Dinner Sets, at iTtJO
Decorated Toilet Sets, 12 pieces Cg
Japanese riates, Cups and- Saucers,
beautifully decorated, 10c
Decorated Bowls, C
each JC
Decorated Parlor Lamp, vase and globe
to match, has 8-inch globe
special 0C
You will find here the greatest bar-
Crystal Glass Bowls and Vases, A
looks like real cut, each. . .. . 1 UC
Genuine Star Cut Tumblers, fjl
bell shaped, 25c value, at. . . . I fc2C
Common Crystal Tumblers,
each 1C
Plain White Cups and Saucers,
each 1C
White China Salt and Peppers,
for painting, at JC
Decorated Cuspidors, lOc
The ONLY PLACE you can buy
House Furnishing Goods
and Spring Necessities
Sprinkling Cans, ' On
each e
Galvanized Palls, IOC
1-Burner Oasollna Stoves, 2.50
Steel Spades and Shovels, AQn
(0-foot Good Rubber Hone, com
plete with nozzle, for
For the Boys Ball and Bat both
for :
Granite Dish Pans,
Mortise and Rim Door Locks,
complete with knobs ,
Screen Door Spring Hinges,
' ......49c
l-foot Step Ladders, 5Qc
Galvanized Poultry Wire, all sizes, m?r
per square foot
Double' Gasoline Ovens, 4 42 ft
each LtJy
Japan Tea Trays, 4 Cr
each , IUW
Mrs. Potts' Bad Irons $ Irons, QQ
handle and stand OUW
. 60c
Ironing Tables,
Garden Rakes and Hoes,
Screen Doors,
Scrubbing Brushes, Rp
Hayden's, the Greatest Grocery
Fresh Fruit, Fresh Vegetables, Butler, Cheese and Cracker Depart
ments in 0mha
21 lbs. pure cane Granulated
Sugar $1.00
10-lb. sacks best White or Yellow
Corn meal .... 9c'
7 lbs. best hand picked Navy Beans. .25c
8 lbs. best Rolled Oatmeal 25c
10 bars best brands Laundry Soap.. 25c
Bromangelon and Jello, per pkg.. ..7Hc
2-lb. can fancy, sweet, Sugar Corn. . 5c
2-lb. can fancy Wax, String or Lima
Beans ftc
1-lb can fancy Alaska Salmon. ... .9c
4 lbs. best bulk Laundry Starch. .. .15c
1-lb. pkg. Cold Water Starch ... 4c
lib. pkg. Mince Meat .n...... 5c
The best Tea Slf tings, per lb 12MtC
Fancy Santos Coffee, per lb 15c
The best Soda Crackers, per lb 6c
Fresh, crisp Ginger Snaps, per lb... 5c
Xcelo, per pkg 7VjC
Fancy Separator Creamery Butter,
per lb 21c
Fancy New York- White Cheese,
per lb 12c
Fancy Wisconsin Cream
per lb 12c
Fancy Brick or Limberger Cheese,
per lb 12c
Sap Sago Cheese, each 7c
Neufchatel Cheese, each 8c
Roquefort Cheese, per lb ,.80c
Fancy Wax or String Beans, per lb. 10a
Fancy Green Peas, per lb 10c
Fancy large Beets, per bunch 5c
Fancy Onions, 5 bunches for 5c
Fancy Head Iettuce, 2 bunches for. 5o
Fancy large Cucumbers, each 7C
Fancy lie Plunt. ner. bunch lc
' Fancy fresh Radishes, 2 bunches for. Be
Fancy home-grown Asparagus, per
bunch 8c
Quart boxes fancy, ripe Straw
berries 12ViC
Large rineapples, each 10c
Large, Juicy Lemons, per doz ..12c
2 measures fresh roasted Peanuts... Be
Gossip and Stories About People of Note
A Silk Hat Job.
HE late Berlah Wllklns, owner of
the Washington Post, came to
Washington as a member of con
gress and left a good many po
litical friends In Ohio, relates the
Saturday Evening Post.
He was In his office one day several ad
ministrations ago, when a very seedy man
came In. He was ragged and dirty, un
shaven and generally woe-begone,
'"Berlah," he said, ,-I am down and out.
I have lost everything I had, and I want
yon to get me some kind of a Job."
Wllklns looked the man over and found
he was a lawyer who had done him some
service In Ohio. He said he would do what
he could. "But first let me make you pre
sentable." he continued.
They went to a barber shop, where the
man' Was shaved and had a balr out and a
bath. Then Wllklns took him to a clothing
ora and bought htm a complete outfit
frock coat. . high hat. good shoes, shirt,
collar and everything he - needed. The
cban was saarvel&ua. Tbs Otolota looked
distinguished and prosperous In his new
Next morning Wllklns took his friend to
the White House and Introduced him to the
president. He told the president that this
man had been of much help to him and he
wanted to get him a place, thinking l.e
might secure a clerkship of some kind.
"Are you a lawyer?" asked the president.
"I am," said the visitor.
"All right." said the president, "I will
make you chief justice of one of the terri
tories." "But but " stammered the surprised
Ohio man.
"Shut up!" commanded Wllklns, and the
fellow subsided.
The appointment waa made and the man
served out his term. Wllklns said he got
the place solely on his high hat.
Tolatol as m Trades bub.
Tolstoi ha lately added bookbinding to
the numerous skilled trades which he al
ready practices. He spent the first half of
the present winter In binding In leather a
library of 400 paper-bound volumes, doing
everything, from the making of the covers
to the gilding and lettering with Ms own
hands. Tolstoi Is in excellent health, but
reads less than formerly and sleeps longer.
His reading chiefly consists of English and
American books dealing with practical
questions, such as co-operation of labor nnd
capital, working class houses and municipal
government. He reads now chiefly lying
down. He no longer rides on horseback
every day, but he never faite to take a
walk, however fiercely the storm may rage
outside. '
Jipts'i Premier.
Marquis Salonjl, Japan's premier, comes
of a Hue of premiers and mlnlstrs of state,
his family being comparable with Eng
land bouse of Westminster. J. Take
goshl, M. P., who has' been Intimately
associated with Saionjl. characterises him
as a politician and cultured reformer. He
helped overthrow the Shogunate. studied
for fifteen years In France and returned to
Japan at 2a a pure Parisian. He Is a liberal
of the European type. He waa among the
first of the nobles to Introduce western
knowledge In Japan, has been Its repre
sentative la Austria and Germany, held the
portfolio of education at home and before
he became minister to the crown helped
In the upbuilding of the radical constitu
tional party. His drawing room is called
a salon and he Is often styled "grand slg
neur" by Toklo people.
. Tom Reed as Flaaaeler.
"The. lute Thomas B. Reed had never
bent his great intellectual faculties to the
acquisition of money, and when he went
to New York to engage In practicing law,
after he abandoned congress, he was a
poor man," remarked Former Representa
tive Charles F. Joy of St. Louis to the
Washington Post man.
"Within a very short time after locating
In the metropolis he had formed a connec
tion which gave him the handsome salary
of .0,000 per annum. One day he chanced
to meet one of the big financial magnates
of Oothaxn, who Inquired of the ex-apeaker
where be kept his back account. Reed
told him, whereupon the captain of in
dustry said: euppoee you do your banking
with me. I wll handle your account, and
you can draw checks on me for all cur
rent expenses. Perhaps I can Invest your
money so It will bring you a better In
terest than the banks will give you."
"Well, after the death of Reed it hap
pened that I was authorised to see how
his finances stood. It appeared from the
stubs of his check book that perhaps he
had a balance approximating )5,0u0. I
called on the magnate, and he sent for one
of his clerks, giving the latter instructions
to sell Immediately certain stocks which
had been bought for Mr. Heed. This was
done within a few hours, and the proceeds,
together with the. -cash on hand, figured
up a total of S2U0.0G0. almost ten times as
much as was expected from that source."
Pallia Dowa Ills Wrlaat.
' Secretary Tafl Is hopeful that in a few
days he will have reduced his weight to
HO pounds. Then he will have accom
plished his long-distance fasting feat.
He hasn't had anything to cat that he'
wanted to eat since Christmas day.- He
has lived mostly on lean beef and spinach
siaea that Urns aa4 ha has takea oS
fifty-nine pounds. Taft's banting in
structor has not told him yet that he will
have to keep on training or ha will put
his Mesh back on three times faster than
he took It off. The fact is that Taft can
never again eat anything he likes If he
wants to keep down to 250 pounds. When
he finds that out everybody expects to
hear an explosion at the War department
that will break all the windows In tho
Kaiser's Sew Fad.
Kaiser Wllhelm has a new fad. It Is
collecting picture postcards, and he has
thrown himself Into it with characteristic
energy. Every country In the world In
which Germany possesses official repre
sentatives of any kind whatever are laid
under contribution. The Kaiser causes
his secretary to write a picture postcaid
to the official selected, and this Is In
closed in a state envelope or Indorsed
"business of state." This Is then sent by
mall, and on reaching Its destination,
often In the middle of the night, the ad
dressee Is at once roused from slvmber
to receive the document, which Merely
conveys the imperial greeting, and com
mands a reply by picture postcard rep
resenting some local subject, "by return,"
Mr. Shoots Paid
Hallway men are telling a story of Mr.
Shunts, chairman of the canal commis
sion. Hhonts, as president of the Clover
Leaf system, was traveling on a pass.
He waa approached by a conductor whs
told him he would hnvf to pay extra far
or cease occupying the drawing room of
the purlor car. rihonts produced, his pass,
but the conductor said the agreement be
tween the Atlutitlc C'-.'ast Line railway
and the, Pennsylvania system was that
passholders could not o'-cupy drawing
rooms unless they paid extra far. Shont
remarked that he. would not pay extra
fare. The conductor declared Shonts
would pay or be put out. Bhonts inquired
who would conduct the eju inient. The
conductor calmly answered that he would
Undertake the. Job. Shouts said he did
not believe he could do it. The conductor
then told Shunts to produce the money
In ten minutes or be ejected. The con
ductor went away and returned on.
schedule Urn, and Mr. tJUont paidj