April rio TITE OMAITA ILLUSTRATED HER Gossip About Plays and Players t;OK8TKD last work a a poasl- lime, the Purwood and the Krat will con- Omaha, mainly of the tnicnue variety, but World's Comedy Four. Admlrrrs of nth- blllty, the realisation of the ef- tlnue at the old stands until hot weather with such nice taste and discrimination as letlcs are promised a fine treat on the horl- fect of the 8aa Francisco horror compels them to shnt down. to make her a prime favorite. lontal bars by Marvelous Frank and Little on the Omaha theatrical business r - Mr. J. Sedley Brown and his wife. Miss Bob. Little Boh la something of a come- may be announced this week. The Some changes have been mad during the Carrie Clarke Ward, were not so well dlan and Introduces his woll trained little rtisnter brings to an untimely end the week at the Burwood. In the personnel of known In Omaha, having been here but dog". Frank Hayes, another new comer eeasin at the Boyd and the Orpheum. the Woodward Stock company playing at a short time, but since their advent they here, will contribute to the fun making, I niring the week Manager Burgees had let- tht house. Mr. J. Bedley Brown, who have made many warm frlende outside the while the Holdsworth, novelty banjolsta ters from the east cancelling the engage- been stage director of ths house sine stage life. Mr. Brown Is one of the best and singers and dancers, and a fresh In- ments here of the "Man and Buperman" the resignation of Harry Long last fall, known stag directors In ths country and stallmerrt of klnodrome pictures rounds out company, which was to have played the leaves to take charge of a summer stock nla wife Is a character actor of ability, a bill calculated to provide several hours summer season at Ban Francisco, and the Company which will play during the heated They, too, will be much missed. of good, bright entertainment. Sothern-Marlowe engagement, the western months at Minneapolis. This company Is Saturday night. May S. the season will be tours having been abandoned. The "Babes to be under the management of Dick Fer- Cnmlna Events. brought to a close at the Orpheum. On In Toyland" company lost everything in rls, and Florence Btona will be the leading When Jan Kubellk., the great Bohemian thg OCCaslon a double bill will be given, the fire and so had to cancel. The season woman. Carrie Clarke Ward goes with violinist, appears In this city at Boyd's AftM the professional program a rousing at the Boyd has thus practically closed n'r husband. Mr. Cecil Owen and Miss theater Saturday, May t, our musle lovers amateur show Is promised. wnn me engagement of Miss Crosman, uome uavia leave lor me east mis aiier- win nave a ireai 01 virtuosity ana musi- whlch was at an end last night. Kubellk noon. They expect to spend the summer clanship the like of which was never known will be heard next Saturday night In a Detroit as members of the Ilolden upon the bow and strings, else all Indlca- concert, and on Sunday and Monday even- Stock company. Mr. Orant Simpson also tlons are palpably wrong. If ths usually lngs following the Dockstader minstrels leaves the company to accept an engage- cynical New Tork critics, some of whom will be presented, and this will end the ment with a summer stock company. These like H. E. Krehble of the Tribune and W. bookings. It Is not at all lively that the engagements had to be accepted at once J. Henderson of the Sun are among the Boyd theater will be sg&ln open before Pr not at all, which accounts for the recognised musle authorities In America, (Visa akt 4 s A mskA T. r i ithfinirafl ttz-iwr Mltnngef W rrA W & frl hll atak k. Wvl I aa a hats t atlatft bma pounces that It will close on next Saturday uppl!ert his company by adding to Its ever visited these shores Is so remarkably that Mr. . H. Klmross, wno win conuuci night, the season winding u, at least one membership Miss Rose Curry, a woman of equipped technically and temperamentally. tne mandarin performances, is one or tne week earlier than had been expected, due much ability; Mr. Oeorge Saren. Mr. Stuart For beauty absolute. In quality of tone. oldert numbers f the San Francisco Mu- to the disruption of the circuit by the Beebe and Mr. Will Davis. Mr. Davis wu )n symmetry of phrase. In sustained grace, ilcal unlon' httv1n become a member in destruction of the San Francisco theater. member of the original Woodward Stock n authority and in command of the most H78- He tatP that the union there has Manager Beck went east during the week company at the Crelghton theater, and Is difficult technicalities of his Instrument 0VT m mrnb,r"' l5 P'r cent of whom to consul with President Myerfeldt of the romlng back to his own. Mr. Saren has Kubellk a present performances are pro- r,,,ea ln tha rtlBtrlct devastated by nre. company, and said when passing through "h Arnold Daly forces, and noUnced by these critics Impeccable. Of Mo,,t of thMn ''"P1-"1 enough to neg- By far the biggest benefit ever given In Omaha will be that for the San Francisco sufferers under the auspices of the Parish Aid society of All Saints church at the Boyd on the evenings of Thursday and Fri day, May 10 and 11, and matinee on Satur day, May 12. It Is something remarkable that It was likely that the season would Mr. Beebe Is a well known stock actor. nldr more consequence to tha muslo lor- ,pct Inuring their belongings nave lost be abruptly ended. It la the Intention of . Ing public Is the tremendous enthusiasm thelr ,n many caf,es thelr l"18- the Orpheum people to rebuild in San U u not ""h0" " "fet that Omaha KubeIlkl, piaylni provokes among his " u uUe rtaln that for a considerable Francisco aa quickly as po-slble, and to ,ajrg V Mr. Cecil Owen and his ren. H1, firat ,,udienCeB n New Tork PTioi ot tlme thplr opportunities for earn- have a theater onen next season If It can excellent wife. Miss Dollle Davis. Thla tM. ..M w.r. ornH . .rt,,i In a livelihood from music are almost be accomplished. other theaters will be palr of hard-working and conscientious frenly of acclaim. , totally destroyed. Would It not be a gra- actors navi estaousnca tnemsoives nrmiy - clous tblng for All Bnints i'arisn Ain so- wlth a circle of friends in Omaha, who aome new faces will be noted at the Bur- ",ety to designate that the sums resulting win reel a personal sense ot loss in their wnnd thl. .-k -nd ,mft n. nnmM from what at present promises to re a departure, while the public who simply ,n th caats for the double bill monster benefit, and earned by the efforts .t- - hK tlV... til M,.. . . I . 1 W 1 , A- A backward glance at the season In """"" """ lnnt t0 pref,,nted. Harry Long re- or umana m musical wVi. e. Omaha Is In a measure encouraging for l"'"1 B,eRtI- Mr WPn Cam '? mftha turns a. sUg. director of the company for Mayor Sohmlt, for the particular relief of rushed through, and the effect on next season's business Is likely to be Inslgnlfl cant. we have had some of the best the country "mC fUr "a"n" aff t0 P'ay WUh the rest of the season and will present tha needy musicians In San Francisco? Whether ... .1" . "m? . n "Mt .th c?mfTJ th Ferris Summer Stock company at the , hl. . this suggestion meets with approval or not: Boyd and was not long ln making his Bunday afternoon. "Jane," the delightful the proceeds of the performances will ma presence felt in the cast. His work has comeJy bv Nlcnol8 Lestocq, with Miss Lang terlally add to Omaha1 contribution, always been of a high standard, and. no lrl ,h. . h. fh. fBat,,r. Tickets are going like wildfire. Box par- matter how objectionable the part might of th9 bl( prece(Je(1 by ft one-act play by ties are being organised and everything Jerome K. Jerome, called "Sunset." In points to the fact that society Is going to this piece tha main Interest centera around ha there enmasse to aid In the good work. the two women, played by Miss Lang and 31 Miss Curry. Tha double bill will be offered Gossip from staaeland. each evening during tha week, with matl- Lillian Russell Is going out next season could afford. It has been notable, though for the lack of Interest displayed at tlme. F.ven Richard Mansfield failed to drew me audiences aa he used to. It would be a waste of time to offer exrdses for this state of affairs. The simple truth Is that the people did not go to the theater. The Bur wood has done and is still doing a big have seemed, he has always given It his best endeavor. It Is simple Justice to say of him that In all the long list of roles ha has assumed during bis time In Omaha the buslneea: tha patronage at the Orpheiim at.s not one hag v been giighted ln the waa tha best that house baa entnve sine 7 A ... ... J 1 L . aon evening aunng tna weea, witn man- Ionian Kusseu is going oui nexi season was tne nest i that house has enjoyed since lf,agt. 0n the otnP hand ne haB g!ven gundav Tuesday Thuraday and the management of Joseph Brooks It waa devoted to vaudeville, and the Krug to eaoh ,uoh touches of Individuality as to "e" " 8undaT' Tueaday. Thuraday and ,n come(,y called ..The Happlnesa cf nas orogen some nouse records. Tno make It stand out clear and distinct. He Boyd has been the only sufferer. Messrs. nPV,r BnUKht to Impress the public with Woodward Burgess are In nowise dls- tne personality of Owen, but haa with rare eouraged by this condition, though, and artistic fidelity lost himself In the char- Saturday. Woman." She will sing no more. Paul Kester'a dramatization of "Dorothy Th coming attraction at tha Krug four Vernon of Haddon Hall" was put on In nights starting with matinee today will be fe0"?0" ,a,t Ve.uBS,r, a, WvSJSh? during the summer they propose to have , . present, and "ODU"" "r""-1"." '"a "'"".. " the Hall." and. according, to the cable re- k. ,v. ,.,, .. . . , ..... " . - . , r . . ' . . T women wm vo," a new aensationai meio- ports, scored a decmea nit. . ' llZLTTA ha. K,VPn " '"rpretation so Intelligent drama from th, of naxry JackMn. Mary Bhaw'a tour unde up. The frescoing will be done over, the boxes will be fitted tip anew, and the and convincing an to stamp It as a crea tion. It Is this quality of the true artist under the Shuberts tv,. ..i. i,u . ., . . ,i in tne new armma, iiie duhuo. " F J ' , ", has been abruptly terminated. The play Whole b .. -m V-... .'!,.; .T: J l7 ,T"":' adventure. Soma of tha very remarkable i. a failure. Mlsi Shaw will rest for tha Whole house will be resented, so that when that has made Mr. Owen so popular an . . ,. ,tJ ... . lm,7 .j . .rt out over the Shubert real life site boat turned upside down circuit with-a new play ln the fall. . , .,, ,h. ..... Tha Converse-Petera company Is going In full sight of tha audience, a wonderful lnt0 tha ..lerlf. ani . planning to send leap for Ufa Into tha boiling sea, a out a company next season ln a play by struggle for Ufa or death on tha rocky Louis K. Anspacher, "The embarrassment . . ... . .. !.. i..,..ti of FUohes." Bruce MacRae and Kathryn abyss, a very olaver and InteresUng life K1(Jder hava been engaged for Important Doai ana many ouier wonaenui ana novel roles ln it. effects. Despite the strenuous objections of the $i Btllimans, Mrs. James iirown fotier win A comnanr of duskv damsels and come- shortly sail for the United States, where time to open for next season comes It actor and which Is certain. to win for him will be practically a new theater to which an even wider recognition. Miss Davis has the publlo will be Invited. .In the mean- also played a wide range of parts In Music and Musical Notes Muslo Calendar for the Week. ting ln a front box one night, where ha MONDAY, 8:15 Boyd's theater, Mr. and was giving a concert. It waa ln Debregzln, .h. nrlll nlav . tnmlv. weeks' .ntrn irATTien t dlana Will appear In "RUfua RastUS," Hur- Fifl's hnshund and hanklna- father-in-law Mrs. Joseph Oalini, piano and Harp re- Hungary. After the recital her father and tig & Seaman'a etarrlng vehicle for Ernest hava made every possible effort to prevent Cltal. .. '. . ..... m . . . . . . Unlh,v Vntt.r frftm primlnff nVAF. but it haa c iTi-,,r,.w . r r 1 ' .i . . . tt.. nis Dartv came nacic or tne soenea to noran. at uia Krui ror enree mania siari- . - - - ' i. rti.A , o.iif duju mrnirr, u n 1 1 ivu- - - been in vain bellk, violin recital; First Baptist congratulate the young violinist and ask ing Thursday, May S. Mr. Hogan and his Augustus Thomas Is now ln Paris where church, De Minor C. Baldwin, ortsanlet. him to lunch the next day. Kubellk waa asaoclatea hava Juat finished a long run In ha la putting the finishing touches on a I BISPHAM ncltal and a May fes- " despair wncn ne touna sue was titled. rew xora, wnere may ware one or ma " ',;u i ,h Thr,n,L A tival all in one week! That looks his personality, together with his hits of the season. Tha company will da- nmtpaney' .?Tha Education of Mr.-PlppT I nil If Dmnhn urorA In thn iTnmA wealth, finally overturned opposition. plct all tha humoroua typea and ldloayn- has been aulta successful this season, and musically, doesn't it? Ail the Tne following numbers will be played cracles of the natural black man. It teems his route will carry him back to a number Sieat imrltone'a admirers wero hy Kubellk Saturday avanlnt:;,, . . with comedy of tha aort that only the j'liLmidv " "eCn ... lorce. They were tilled with the Symphonie' Espkgrfbte Lalo southern negro can effulge. The company Mr gothern and Miss Marlowe are cap- oine keen delight which radiates from all RoVnlnca IS aS'" Uh which Mr. Hogan haa been associated tivated by their breezy, rushing present Mr. Blupbaui'a .rancea, - ZeX?" f to b. all that It should b 0. $ The May festival, too, was a great sue- Carnev"1,l " Wlenaiwskl lnal 1 ldeaa predominate throughout the-beBt and moet attracUve pieces of work ceas. Its promotera feel happy and en- . " B'tea "y Mrs. Agnes Oar- production and of course there are plenty he ever has done and the Katherlne of Miss couraged over tne outcome. Vague plana w wl"?'ar of girls who participate In the singing. , war'owa possessing a. P f . :,. eleotlons from Chopin, Grunfeld and Llsit. ....i w. h .ho. 'charm which is an attribute of ... bo Ludwlir Hrhwah Is th fmmnnl.i h- " - - cnaracienzuuun one uuern. sldered for next year. Luck and plenty of L tneoip anlst and ha c,almed to be a hearty laugh from start Sam Bernard will contlni personal every It to these enthusiustlce, energetic people. It begins to seem as if a few artiutlc souls would no longer have to bear the brunt of holding up the standard, musically speak- loea most marvelous work. Tha seventh blenulaf festival will be held In tha Muaio hail, Cincinnati, during tha first woek of May, 1M. Six concerts will Bam Bernard will continue ln the Frolv man fold for another season. There was a story out that Bernard would be his own manager ln the future, but last week he renewed his contract with Charles Froh- A man with three wives, or it least one 1 a" b a lr!!wi!L!tlu lit? A l BCttSUIl 111 " mwoivoi v. u i . to finish, embellished with gorgeous acenlo, electrical and costumlc effects. ..... -.. u iven. Evenings of Tuesday Wednes- lnal ownB lo 18 "olI,eln,n u"" now being prepared for his use. jiurnara group of workers gets tired there Is an- . Li,ia . J!t. a " . this neck of the woods, and it la-Very likely has met with a wonderful success In "The other eager arid willing to carry on the ?ay' r'tty alu Saturday, Jay L 2, 4 and 7 Rollicking Girl," and as he owns the piece A V;7 m 6: ftemoon of Thursday and Saturday, ,M e' . . Syrian artist, wno fceen b than U8uai. is scneauieu m avpear . t iiie ur Is to pull together and help .each other, This spirit Is surely coming ln a greater and fuller degree. What's the use of sniffing at other people's workt It's a beastly hnblt and one that this town neras to get out of. There ought to be no "cliques." One of .ny dreams Is a musi cians' club a great big room In some downtown building, the walls a soft green. May 3 and 5. The following named choral works having choral parts will be given at the seven teenth festival: , ' Cantata-Ood's Time Is the Best Bach Ninth (Choral) Symphony.-, Beethoven Cantata Into the World Benoit "A Uermun Requiem" Brahms ine Apostles pheum with three of his own wives for the week starting matinee today, will arouse a curious Interest. Abd'el Kader and each of his wives are declared to be clever with the Arnnlii TVilv last week rev Shaw'a brilliant satire on the military, Arms nnrt the Man." which King KUwaro: then the prince of Wales, did Mr. Shaw the honor to say it must have been written by a madman. Richard Manstleld usea me brush and turn out 'pictures with remark- play for one or two seasons some ten years abla ability Harry Foy and Flo Clark J"" laVeV ai tlley" ar. at will be aeen In their latest auccess, a com. rjrescnt. Guy Standing, wno naa oeen piaying- juh K' 1 iiit TrinmnhMni" v'an'Vi'.V'st.k.n edy sketch entitled "Th Modern Jonah. The enlni.ts ontrnoo.t h. .ti.i The scene, which takes place at the bottom role of tha doctor In "The Duel," Is leaving with a few good pictures; somo comfortable . w .,.w .i. 71 7 " of the s renulres laborate scenic and Mr. Skinner a company to become leaamg chairs, a good music library, a table with f ,eourln(t the lriUrpretaUon. ot electrical effects an affords th. comedian all the good mubic Journals; to top It all. th( wnrU , .hlh K. . . noortunlty for some original "business." a first-class grand piano, maybe two; a algne(1 They are; So,)ran0gi Mme. Jo- That consummate Impersonator of famous comfortable, frleidly place wherein to linnnit fl.il. lrl TUtr-m fWrin. Dv4...V.L.. CORiPOSerS. Willy Zimmerman. Introduces hi.f rival in the raDital. Walter Hitch meet, discuss musical matters and listen ..,.. vt t I considerable humor Into his "stunts." Fun cock of "The Embassy Ball" takes Mr. to aome good music; no red tape, no fus, B u Mr John Coate barltonea making and singing are tha speclaltlea of and feathers. I never was blessed with . K... ... r...,. x, I " dd-, ..... &'iaiiK.uii Lavirs, mr. neia iuVi nf the (Vilumbia Stock comiiany ln Washington. Although he will open next full in a new nlav under the Bhubert man. agement, he will be during the summer the head of the Shubert Slock company a 1 ln the capital, w "The Embassy Ball" Standing's place ln "The Duel." business ability, but I think I could steer K, WI,K. . , ' ... ... . t-i. hrt Wltherspoon, Mr. Charles Clark, nil BUI 1 Ul nil HI 1 nimtrilieui. biiu iiifiikv lb reasonably pleasant. It might ha the be- ginning of something very much worth Mr. Hans Albert will make hla last cbn- whlle and pass on to mora competent hands cert appearance with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph than mine. Gahm Monday evening. These three artists, - ift who have made so many friends In Omaha Tomorrow night Mr. and Mra. Joseph and wjo have done so much for the causa Gahm give their farewell recital at Boyd's 0( good muslo here, should be greeted by a theater before leaving Omaha for a three crowded house, yeara' aojourn In Berlin. Following Is tha . program: wr,,i Men are better than they seem. It la a Plinn fn Praelndlum from Suite. McDowell (b) Andante con Varlilonl Beethoven Iare man wno "hows the best of himself Funeral March Beethoven to the world, his deepest convictions, his (p) Cantlque rS'AmMir Liszt highest conceptions of duty, his most oro- Mr. Gahm. Haro Andante from Molse Fan- tslste Parish-Aloans Mrs. Onhm. Violin legend. Mnsurka Wlenlawskl Mr. Hans Albert. vtudo. Op. ?5. No. 7 Chonin (b nomance Schumann (c Sextet, from Luola found belief In charity, and who Uvea out the deepest and holiest thought which he has. ' j Genius may be auperioi to education, but talent never. Drudgery must coma before delight. Donlsettl-Ischetlski Fallhful toll will find reward In joyful trl- Mr. Gahm. umph. Welsh Melody ajM VsHHtlons Thomas Wnen tn M ,B onc( p,rmltted t0 accu,. Hungarian Airs Ernst torn Itself to Inaccuracy t rapidly begins Mr. Allert. Witches' Revelry K'apricclo). lb Remembrance c Ptilnnln Wheel (d) Valse Petite (e) Minuet M'wlerne josepn nanm. to pardon It, and even to enlarge tha limits of its forgiveness. AHlSEMEfTS. AMV8EMEJIT9. Wallace Irwin writes this little poem for Collier's Weekly. It la full of lova and a Mr. Gahm leaves us to go entirely Into sort of lack of belief that the spirit of San concert work. Mra. Gahm will continue Francisco la really gone. Irwin belonged, her atudy of the harp under competent not to Ita commercial aide, not to tha big mastera. It la to be hoped that Germany buildings and lost money, but to Ita tra wlll not an far fascinate the Gahma that dltions. Its poetry His tears are for some Omaha will be left out ot their plana In thing which never can come back. Gold the future, cannot replace tha old haunts tha old as- aoclatlona: Think of Caruso, tha golden voiced. In $ pink pyjamas and bare feet, sitting on his tmn fraacleco. valise amidst the rulna In front of tha Sna inched upon her hills out thera Tnlace hotel! "O. why should the spirit Beside her bays of misty blue; of mortal be proud V Tl' gayest hearts, the sweetest air m . That any city ever knew. On tha evening of May t two recitals will For j hava wnlitIed aU the ,onj,a be given, tha moet Important by Jan Kub- That thrilled upon her care-free breath, ellk at Bovd'a theater; the aecond by And I have mingled with her throrirs De Minor C. Baldwin, tha concert or- But never " ln" thought of Death, ganlst, at tha First Baptist church. It Is Lady of Veritures. Joy of Earth. mh. . rj t v thst these rnncerta oonfllot. How more tha nltv for vour moans We da not hava enough good muslo to Jh, a ,thr biM",m." f 'Kurli"h, hsra two people appearing tha aame night, r-f.m Mr. Baldwln'a press notices I infer that ha la very good. Kubellk Is being written up la tha most rersonal way; hla marriage to a beautiful, titled woman, and hla three hahlea. seem ti Interest tha publlo Immensely. Also the ensile where this happy family Uvea amid 'ii-h beautiful and poetlo surroundings. Mndame Kubellk haa Just Joined her hus b.ind. If Omaha people look hard they will probably find her Saturday night, ffhe Is blonde and her rlcturea port-ay a sweet. rflnd type of woman. He fill la lova with ter a4 first sight, she ait- Crushed, like your Youth, beneath tha aumes! , MART LEARNED. Roles aad Personals. Conreld lost 110.000 on hla St. Louis aei eon of grand opera. Lillian Blauvelt has closed her tour In 1 ne kom or Alhainbra. The Thomas orcnestra will give a benefit concert tor tna Ban rranclaco sufferers. The Gaelic society of New Tork gave a leauvai oi irisn music in Carnegie hail. The scenery and costumes of ten operas of the Conreld regime were destroyed In 2an r rancisco. Sir Edward Flgar has arrived from Our land to ci ndui l hla oratorio, "TUe Apoa- u, ai iu v.iuv.iuuau May lesuvtu. YO'S Woodward & Durgess Managers. Saturday Evening Onlj- The Musical Event of the Season JAN KUBELIK THE FAMOUS BOHEMIAN VIOLINIST Price BOc to $2.00. Seat Bale Tomorrow. NEXT SUNOAY-Lw Dockttador'i Mlntrl BURWOOD COOLED BY ELECTRIC FANS THE WOODWARD STOCK COMPANY This Aft moon, Tonight and All Week JANE. Monday, May 6 350th Performance, Souvanlr Photo of Albert Morriaon. Prioea nignta. Sunday Matineea ioc, zoo. iusa day, Thursday ana Saturday Matinees 10c, 20o Next Week-THE CAVALIER fa Mil aaZ KRUG T H E A TR E 15c, 25c, 50c, 75c 4 NIOHTS AND TWO MATINSES, STARTINO WITH MAT. TODAY Heldaa Bras. Present tha Great Mela-Drama WHAT WOMEN WILL DO It'a a Play far tha People. Clean. Pyre. Moral 5 NIOHTC AND SATURDAY MAT. STARTINO THURSDAY NICHT, MAY 3 Hvrtlg ana" Seamoa Present Tha "UNBLEACHED AMERICAN" ERNEST HOoAN anal tha Ores test Aggregation at Colored Talent In America, In tha Big Success RUPUS RASTUS 7 PERFORMERS TB. THE BIOOtST COLORED SHOW ON THE ROAD Cemlnf - HOW BAXTER BUTTED IN. The Following Secured Wntchcs by Correctly Solving Puzzlo No. 1 Putte, Neb , Mrs. Catherine nrahatn; Cortland, John Aukrn; Orand Island, Kdtia Howen; Hastings, Curl Kller: Lincoln, VTm. Hlvett; Omsha, Ralph Kln. Harry Petersen; Pawnee City. I.loyd Mstsonj Fremont, Mrs. K K. Caldwell; Valparaiso, Je;le tlreeno; Vesta, John Ostrander; Anita, la., T. B. Larrabee, H. W. Chehock; Calliope, Floyd Prlensklll; SlouX City, Kuth Hathaway. The Butterfly THE VERY LATEST HIT! By 7. M. TRELOtR. IS A NtW INTERMEZZO AND BEGINS AS FOLLOWSi It eontlnoaa to (ha and to be aallfht, airy aad rraoeful as tha moremenu ot the aauey little kutierflT HuMertna in tbesunshlae. N'UL.af would please jour wife, daughter, sister or sweetheart more tbaa a copy ot Uils lorely new plsoe. The Hue pmre l a work ot rl la three colora If not u tie obtained from your looai dealer, keod us ceou aud receive a oopy by retuxa miL TUB TRELOAa MlllC CO, S D BAIX KAHSAS CITY, MO. WfflMlCS (Q) it . u i n One of these reliable time places will be given to any reader of thia paper, who will send In a correct solution cf the VITOS PICTURE PUZZLB, the third one of which appeare below. Remem ber these are good time keepers, open face, sickle finish, stem wind and stem set, sod the movements are all accora panle'd by the manufacturers guarantee to keep accurate time for a year, and will be repaired and replaced free of charge any time within 12 months. With ordinary care the will keep good time for man years. To Users of FiUsburjfsBest renkfas. Food i HE ATI (TBADI MAJUL) Vitoo Puzzlo' PIcturo No. 3 Gojvo il and Got a Watch jjp .p-. xri A i irTriT far DIREfiTIQHS P'ctar 'boTe Is made from the portraits of eight Prominent I lwls Americaa Authors. Each portrait haa beea cut apart Cut out Sarefully and rearrange the pieces so as to show the eight portraits properly. Paste them neatly on a sheet of paper, and write the full name of each below the portrait. and mail to Vitos Pep't. Pillsbury Washburn Co., Minneapolis, Minn., so it will reach us not later than 10 days after publication accompanied by the top from a two-pound package ot Pillsbury s east Breakfast Food "VI I Ob" and a sentence of 25 words, telling why you like to eat PILLSBURY'5 " VITOS." Yoa can get VITOS from any first-class grocer. The watches will be forwarded each week by the Pillsbury Washburn Co, to the successful solrers as soon as the solutions csn be looked over. Your solution to secure a watch must be correct in every particular and mast be accompanied by the top from a two-pound package of FILLSBURY'S "VITOS," and also by the descriptive sentence as set forth above write your name and address plainly on your solution. If sent by a school child give age and name of school. The standing ot the Pillsbury-Washburn Flour Mills Co., the manufacturers of this break fast Cereal, the largest flour and cereal concern in the world, is a guaranty of the high quality of these watches, and an absolute assurance that they will be distributed In good faith, exactly as advertised. Children can find who these authors are by asking their parents or teachers. There Is no catch In the puixle. It is comparatively easy of solution. Every correct eolation gets a watch. A watch given to one member ef a family only. leforDicoflPillsEiuru'B Less than a pound for 10c off iha ordinary dry cereals Figure it out with us. A two-pound package of PILLSBURY'S BEST BREAKFAST FOOD VITOS, which is the white heart of the wheat grain, costs 15c and makes 12 pounds of tasteful, healthful, nourishing food at a cost of ONE AKD ONE-QUARTER CERTS A POUXDa The ordinary ready cooked wheat food package contain about seven-eights of a pound of finished food product and cost ten cents, or about ELEVEN CENTS A POUND) or eight times as much. In addition to this, VITOS takes much less cream or milk than the dry foods. That tells the " Economy Story.".. All the world knows that tha name "Pillsbury" stands for the best and purest in food. nggsarssssmmm AMISEMF.NTS. AMUSEMENTS. MUSICIAN'S HIDE CONCERT AND BALL ...ENTIRE RECEIPTS FOR... Benefit of San Francisco Sufferers AT MONDAY, MAY 7th Sanctioned by the LOCAL RELIEF COMITTEE AMTSEMENTS. a A ADMISSION 50c s 200 r.luGlciano in Orchestra m J'Hiei'H.i SI HIM ll.HH I'lWWMIW BOYD THEATRE Thursday, May 10; Friday, May 11, and Saturday Matinee, May 12 MONSTER BENEFIT FOR THE SAII FRANCISCO SUFFERERS "THE RilAWDARIW" Celestial Comic Opera In 3 Acts under the Ausploee of the P rhh Aid Society of All Saints Church CKciaHTor? Thone Douglaa 404. Last Week of the Season COMMENCING Matinee Sunday April 29 Todar ailS Tvnlaht 81IS MODERN VAUDEVILLE ABD'EL KADER AND HIS 3 WIVES In an Artistio Novelty FOY & CLARK In tha Modern Jonah, by Horry Foy and Ren Shields WILLY ZIMMERMANN Live Portraits of Celebrated Compose ra COIIOK, WAD, DOSBS, HATIS, WORLD'S COMEDY FOUR Premier Exponenta of Fun and Harmony MARVELOUS FRANK & BOB Gymnasts, Introduolna "Tip," tha Acrobatlo Doc FRANK HAYES Comedian THE H0LDSW0RTHS Novelty Ban)olsts, Singers aad Dancers Kinodrome Moving Pictures Prices 10c, 25c, 50c. BIQ AMATUER SHOW BATURDAT NIGHT MAY (. COMING ' The Oreat Austrian Pianist Vsbsr PIsm. Direotloa: Haary Wollee TABLE D'HOTE DINNER Sunday 1 1:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. iOc and 50c At the CIIESAPCAKI3 1510 Howard Strsat. TABLE D'UOTE 'DINNER' SUNDAT i t' CALUMET