8 THE OMATTA DAILY HEE: SUNDAY, ATOIL 20, 1D05. CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Peculiar Local Feature Caused by Oondi- . tioui at San Francisoo. GROCCRY HOUSES GET NEVADA BUSINESS Changes la Prices, the Moat Isaportaut a Tea-Oat Drop la jar Tla and Iroa Hare Adraaced. .An Interesting feature of the week' Job bin trade Is round in a reflex of the con ditions at Ban Francisco. Owing to the de struction of the wholesale houses tnahHt city the local grocery Jobbers have oeen Setting orders rrom Nevada, whose. trale Omaha largely supplied twenty years ago, but which has since been taken away by the Uolden Oate city. The heavy staples have not been aaked for, but numerous or t ders have come In, and some of them from points as far west as ITuokee, for coffee, tea, tobacco and fancy goods. As yet this trade Is not large, for western retailers stocked up heavily In the fall, according to their custom, and most of them still have a plentiful supply of goods on hand. business In all lines for the week has been brink, and there have been some changes In prices, most noticeable of which was a decline of 10 cents In refined auaars. In other lines some changes havn been quoted In the general market, which have not yet affected the local situation. Owing to the scheduled advanoe May 1 of 6 per cent on rubber goods the business In this line Is large, good orders coming In on rubber goods for future shipment for fall and winter trade. Orders for shoes for the fall trade are coming in from trav eling salesmen, the volume being In advance of last year at the same time. Oxfords are In good request and white goods for women and misses are moving well Leather bolus firm In price. Dry Uoods Trade Improving. The open order business from dry goods retailers Indicates that trade Is picking up In the country and has much Impioved In the last few days. The order business from salesmen has also improved and the advance sale of fall good in continuing very large. Cotton is unusually strong and tniyers both large and small are pla cing orders based on actual wants. Omaha jobbers are making preparations for fall on a more extensive scale thin In any former season. Both the largor local houses, whose new stores are In the course of erection, have been compelled to hire additional warehouses to facilitate the movement In filling and shipping fall or ders so as to give their trade und custo mers the very best service during the coming season. All departments of the hardware busi ness show a large Increase in volume of trade. One feature Is the increase in the trade In nails,' the demand lor which Is much better than last season. An sdvanoe of 20 cents a box tor tin plate has been named In the general market and the local jobbers expect to advance prices within two weeks. Cream cans and separators are moving freely. Block tin has .jeen ad vanced about 40 cants a ton. 1'ig Iron at the mills Is up 25 rents a ton and steel billets have advanced 50 cents it ton. With out doubt this strength will affect the prloe on the Omaha market. Wire Is sta tionary and copper and lead are quoted the same price as last week. Palats, Oils and Glass. The window glass situation remains strong and prices are very firm. There were no changes whatever In price since, last week. Tno paint loudness continues very heavy, this being th busy season in that line. The demand la very heavy. Turpentine is the same as last week, the price being 14 cents, Southern lead is still cents and Carter lead 71 cents. Raw lluseed oil is 40 cents and. boiled 42 cents. Drnpa and Chemicals. Conditions governing tha drug trade are more favorable this week than last. Busi ness shows an increase and large order re coming In from the Pacific coast. Ban Francisco Is rapidly recovering from the (ITects of the recent calamity. Two of the arger Jobbing houses there are now receiv ng goods ana preparing to rill orders. Mar ket changes are few. Napthaiine bails, ow ing to Increased demand, have been, ad vanced in price c and axe quoted In bar rels at 3c to ic The most Important change during the week has been a declino of 2&c per ounce In cocaine. Cod liver oil, gum opium and quinine are dulL Camphor Is very scarce and firm: very little to be ""liad'At any price. Prices range from $1.16 to $1.26. Quite a demand has sprung up for the new official preparation of phenacetlne acetpheneUdln. This is selling at Sl.M to 11.75 per pound. Alcohol remains firm, wlta probability of advance. Wood alcohol is steady. Sassafra. bark Is In active demand and la quoted, at from 18c to S4c. Manufac turers have made prices for the season on parts green. Shortly After the price was named an advance of 1 cent followed. Paris green is now quoted, In kegs, at 24c; usual advance for smaller packages. Blue vitriol is held with Increased llrmness, being quoted In barrels at 7c Oil cloves Is firm at $1.00 to $1.10 per pound. Oil pennyroyal is $1.6 to $i.OO. OH popperment is in active ' demand, $3.25 to $4.00. Menthol has been ad vanced 25c per pound and Is quoted at $3.25 to $3.60. Cheese Is a shade easier, that Is, for the new goods. October goods, however, are scarce and firmly held. Brick and llmburger cheese are lower. No changes of any consequence are to be rioted In coffee, some grade showing a silently lower tendency. Because of the pressure In May In the primary markets there may bo lower prices within a week. Reports from Braxtl are to the effect that the new crop Is considerably larger than last year, but, as usual, it Is considered that reports from the growers and specula tors of that country are unreliable. The movement In teas holds up well, the demand being especially good in Ping Sueys. which hold firm. Prices show no material changes from a week ago. Another Drop In Sugar. Refined sugar took another drop of 10 cents last week, due to the light demand and the accumulation of raws in New York. The price is now so comparatively low that In the last few day several cargoes have been bought up by speculators and a large portion of this sold to Europe. It Is an un usual thing when the difference between the cost of foreign sugars and American is so great. As a result of the sale to Europe raws in New York were l-li-cent higher Friday night, and undoubtedly any further advance would result In an advance for re fined. It Is the opinion of the local grocers that the bottom has been reached and a change for higher prices will soon come. It will be three or four weeks yet before the heavy demand comes for sugar to can and preserve the small fruit, of which there Is said to be a large crop. HEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotation, of the Day en V arte as Commodities. NEW TORK. April 28. FIjOUR Re ceipts, 16.284 bbls.; exports, 14,934 bbls.; teady, but alow; Minnesota patents, $4.2&9 4.60; Minnesota bakers, $3 4oni,76; winter r stents, l3.Sv$4.fi; winter straights, $3.7U9 ); winter extras, $2.7ifiJ.3o; winter low grades, $3.fif.fi8.3f. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, $3.3o4A0; choice to fancy, J3.Ws 4.10. COR NMEA1 Firm; fine white and yel low. $1.20; coarse, $1.0721.11; kiln dried, $2.60 jT70. RYE Dull; N. 1 western, 70o asked, f. a. b., New York. BAR LKY-8 teady; feeding. 470. f. O. b., New York; malting, 6"ii6ic. WHEAT Receipts, litf OiO bu.: exports, 84.060 bu.; spot, steady; No. I red, nominal, elevator; No. t red. 90V. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, SSvtc, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Manitoba, 87V4.N f. o. b., afloat. A lower opening In wheat, due to poor cables and weakness in the north west, was followed by rallies on outside buvlng of July, crop complaints from Ohio and room covering; May yielded to liq uidation and closed tic lower, against Sc advance In July; Mav, 7e, closed at trie; July, M l.MS!SW,e, closed at 85 Ho; September. S3isSH closed at 8S4jC CORN Receipts, 17.625 bu; exports. W.IHg bu.; srot market, firm; No. I, fiTc, nominal, and &64, f. O. b., afloat; N. 1 yellow, 67c; No. 1 white. 7C Option market was quiet, but generally steaay on cables and with Ui west closing net unchanged; May closed at KV. July closed at tiC-ie, September cloned at M4 and December closed at 62HC. OATS Receipts. 15,0r bu.; exports. W.. fl bu. : spot market, steady; mixed oats, M to i pounds, r?Wi4c; rmtiiral white, M to S3 pounds. l3J4c; clipped white, U to 40 nounda, S941c HAY Steady; shipping, DPfitBc; good to Choice. l'?ic. HOPS 8teady; state, common to choice. DOS crop. lOtyUe; W4 crop, stflftr: olds, M To: psctfle coest, i crop, 10017c; 19"4 ere-tv VJTIlc; elds. 4no. HTDEfl Steady : Oalveston. JO to 26 t pounds, tno: California, 21 to 7 pounds, fie; Texes drr. ?4 o SO r-ounde. 19c. tjF.ATMKR Stedv: acid. ilh&?74 PROVISIONS Beef, steadv: family, Ml NO 1SA0; mess. $ CWrlfl.00: beef hams, $W no JK1.60; packet. $in.6w&11.0o; city extra India me, $lOMill.5 Cut meats. steady; pickled bellies. 50; pickled shoulders, $n Oft: nlekled hams, T1 00. T.rd. steed v. tiemlnal: refined, stesdv; continent. 10; J, $i0k; compound, tl.to&.tO. Pork. steady; family, $18 50; short clear, llt.KQ 18 0W; mi, $17. 2.Vg 17.76. Tsllow, steady: city, 15.1; country, IS.UWU3.JfVp- RlCE Hteady; domestic, lair to extra, I'k'jV-: Japan, nominal. IiL'TTER Scearty; western factory, com mon to firsts, UtjlSc. CHEESE-Firm; stste full cream, large and small, colored and white., fancy, 14c; state, good to prime, 13H'yHc; state, com mnn to fair. lKul.V. EGGS Irregular; state, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, lliiyfijnc; state, choice, lSyfjl9o; state, mixed fancy. nwoi'Jc; western, extra firsts, 17 V lc; wewern seconds. 161V: soul herns. 131117c ISri.THY I.lve, Arm; rhlckens and tur keys, 12c; fowls. 13V4c; dressed, Arm; chick ens, lOVic; turkeys, JfriilSc; fowls, Uil4c. CHICAGO GRAM A5D PROVISIONS Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, April 28,-Covering by shorts caused a firm finish In the local wheat market today, final quotations on the July option peing up c. torn snowed a gain or hc tjats and provisions were practl cally unchanged. The strength of the wheat market late In the day was due to numerous reports from Stt Louis telling of damage to fall sown wheat. The news referred chiefly to damage In Missouri and southern Illinois. The market developed a fair degree of ac tivity during the Inst hour and closed strong with prices st almost the highest point of the day. The principal demand came from shorts. Early In the day a slightly easier tone was manifested owing to selling of May by local longs, Dut a fair demand by commission houses for the distant deliveries tended to steady the mar ket. July opened He lower to a shade higher at 78VbTc to 79Hc, advanced to 79i tt'TSTto and closed at 7Vu79!y4c. May rsnged between 7&Hc and Vc and closed at 7c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 207,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 200.000 bushels compared with 273.0UO bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, fuluth and Chi cago reported receipts of 198 cars against 108 ears last week and 185 cars a year ago. Unsettled weather had a steadying effect on the corn msrket. The volume of trad ing, however, was small. Country accept ances were small and indications pointed to continued small receipts here. Firm ness of cash corn was a bullish influence. The market closed steady. July opened a shade lower to a shade higher at 4oo . a itiiMitu Mav closed at 4lu4Tc. lx- cal receipts were 26 cars, with 77 of con- iT!ri.tf2 iA nuti was oulet and feature less and a steady tone prevailed the en tire day. July opened unchanged at 80 0 81c sold up to tmo and closed at 3u7,(&'Jlo. Local receipts were 11 cars Provisions were quiet anu . "; -t-,nMA 'r mata and lara naa & icuujr- Ing effect. There was some changing from the May option to the more distant de liveries At the close July pork "un changed at $16.77V4. Lard "as up a shade at $8.66. Ribs were unchanged at 18.60. . T.. . .-ini for Monday: Wheat, I rrn. 56 .rV oaU, Iff car.; hogs. 27,000 head. The leading future ranged as follows: Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat May July Sept. Corn- May July Sept. Oats- May July Bept. pork- May July Sept. Lard- May July Bept. Ribs- May JMly Bept. 784'5'79 79V 78 V 46W4 46 Vi 4flV4 4644W 3214(5il 307'ci31 15 60 15 80 15 80 8 66 8 70 8 &2V 8 47 8 60 8 87HI 32W32ii'SH 31 J-Vl',V0'" 78S' 7 46' 46 46 7964 071 79 79 79 WA 78 46V'tfV48 & 4tW 15 60 15 80 15 S2H 8 70 8 tCVil $47 8 tt!V 8 70 15 55 15 77HI 15 77Vt! 8 60 8 65 8 77V4 I 8 42H 8 67V 8 65 32V 30A31 ,28'A 15 55 15 77U 16 771 8 62 8 66 8 771 846 8 60 8 67 S24 30431 15 56 15 77 15 80 8 65 8 07 8 80 8 45 8 05 8 67 Cash quotations were tut follows: FLOUK-Bteady: winter Patents $3.50 Jo- winter straights. $3.303.60; spring pat ents, $3.66133.80; spring straights, $3.404k(.ii, HEAT-Nof'8 Bprlng. 792c; No. S .prtnfl.76feL No. f red. Wc i M&i No. a white. 83834c; No. 8 white, 2883c RYE JNO. a, o.u"--- wifti.RT-Good feeding. S9a41c; fair to Choice malting, 46S60C western. $1.14. Prime Umothy, $3.20. Clover, contract grade, $11.50. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $15.68 4515.90. Lard, per 100 lbs., $8.65. Short ribs Sides t loose t, ro.w, (boxed), $8.87(a8.0. - Following were mi umiiim ments of flour and grain: Recelnts. Shipments. khl. 17.800 32.700 Wheat, bu 8.000 68,100 Corn du r v Oats,' bu K5.10 324.900 Rye, DU o,"v ".f Barley, bu 89.600 14,109 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 14 20; dairies, 181C, ISS, bibuujt, i nmi, iniumi. lMSlBc: firsts. 15 Wc: prime firsts, WVic; extra. Wc. Cheese, easy at 10TllXc St. I.onls General Market. BT IOUI8. April 28. WHEAT Weak: No. 2 cash, red, elevator. 80si83c; track, 91 6c; May, 8uc; July, 7Sc; No. 2 hard, iw . ........ tJOKJN ruiures, mgner, cun. iour, No. 8 cash, nominal: track, too; May, 46Vic; July, 45c. OATS Quiet; No. 2 cash, 32c; track, S2c; May, 31T4c; July. 80c; No. 3 white, 86c. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, $4.20 64.50; extra fancy and straight, $3.7iu4.1o; clear, $2.2'32.90. BEEl Tlmotny, steaay; 2.dv.bv. COKNMEAL Steady ; $2.S0. BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, Kc $1.00. HAT Steady; timothy. $12.0018.50; prairie, $11.60'ft'lS.60. IRON COTTON TIES-41.01. BAOaiNQ-0. HEMP TWINE 7C. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing. $15.00. Iril, steady; prime steam $8.30. Pry salt meats, steady; boxed, extra short, $9.00; clear ribs, $9.25; short clears, $9.37. Bacon, steady; boxed, extra short, $9.75; clear ribs, $lu.0n; short clears, $10.12. POULTRY Steady; chickens, luVc; tur keys. 14c; ducks, 12c; geese, 6c. BUTTER Dull; creamery, lgl!lc; dairy, 14frlc. EGGS Steady, 14c, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbl 6,0ii0 ,000 Wheat .bu 30,000 63.000 Corn, bu 94.000 60.0.W Oata. btt 65.000 116.CW0 Minneapolis Ornln Market. MINNEAPOLIS, April 28 FLOUR First patents, $4.104.20; second patents, $3 9004.00; first clears, $$.603.60; sec ond clears. $2.462.66. BRAN In bulk. $16.$8Q16.t0. (Superior Board of Trade quotation for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). The range of prices, as furnished by F. D. Day & Co., 110-111 Board of Trade building, was: Articles.! Open. Hlgh. Low. Close Tes"y. Wheat I May... July... Bept... July... 6ept... I '75V4 T6il 7FVV 79 77v,7877 I 1 171 1 17 1 1J 1 19V 1 191 1 19 I 761 7SV 77 1 17 1 18V 1 194 74H 75T!i 79 7814 78 77 1 17 1 17 1 184l 1 19'i 1 19V.1 I 1 Dalnth Grata Market. DULUTH, Minn., April 28. WHEAT To arrive, No. 1 northern, 79o; No. 2 northern, 77c; on track. No. 1 northern. 7SHc; No. 2 northern, 77c; May, 79Vc; July, 80c; September, 790, OATS-l'o arrive, on track and May, 81SC. St. Loale Live Stock Market. BT. LOUIS. Mo., April 28 CATTLE Re ceipts, 360 head, Including 300 head Texans; market for natives strong; Texans, steady; native shipping and export steers, $4 no'ij $.75: dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.76 tiS.uO; steers under 1,000 pounds, $3.6mg'4.80; stm'kers snd feeders, $2 4n-t.6o; cows and heifers, $100(6U; canners, $1.76.32.; bulls, $2.404j4 40: calve. $2 5o(it;.D0; Texas and In dian steers, $3.00u4.75; cows and heifers, $2.uiia l HOGS Receipts, 2,000 head; market 10c higher; pigs and lights, $5.75a6.66; packers. VUulrt.56; butchers and best heavy, $i.4b4) .. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 260 head; market aieady; native muttons, $4.00 t(Ui: lambs, $o.6ty7.10, culls and bucks, $3.0i44.0. Kiiui City Live Stock Market KANSAS CITY. Mo.. April 27 TLE Receipts, 100 head; market un changed; choice export and dressed beef steers, $6.I64.00; fair to good, $4.2& 6.26: western fed steers. $17604.60; stockera and feeders. $3.009 4.90; south ern steers. $17445 5.26; southern cows, $2 6064.10; native cows, $2 6uj4t0: na tive heifers, $$.760610; bulls, $1.00 i.li; Hartman Gives the People etter Treatment B When Hartman came to Omaha he brought new ideas and improved methods. He began by giving the people better service by treating them more liberally than they had ever been treated before by showing them that he appreciated their 'trade instead of making them feel he was bestowing a great favor on them by giving them credit. We take pleasure in giving the people credit and what is more important in giving them special help v whenever occasion requires. So it's no wonder we're getting the business today. Hartman Improves Conditions for You Hartman has brought you lower prices you had been paying too much for your goods for years Hartman brought- you relief. Hartman brought you more generous treatment you can get what you want now. Hart man brought Credit Service that is really helpful not burdensome like the service you have been used to. Hartman grants concessions and favors to customers that are absolutely refused them in-any other credit storo in Omaha or vicinity. Hartman is the store for those who want satisfaction and right kind of treatment for YOU. All Goods Narked Plainly H&.rtm&i Feather Your Nest Now Special Corner Chair AH Goods Like Cuts Used 7.75 Elaborate Ensm elsd Iron Bed This bed is an extremely elaborate one, as you will note from the above illustration. The posts and tubing- are extra larg-e and are or namented with massive chills and post knobs. Can bo- had In any color or combinations of enamel desired. Terms, 75c Cash, 50c Weekly. THIS COLONIAL LIBRARY TABLE 14.75 It is made of Badger oak, selected- stock; has massive frame, gracefully curved legs and large lower shelf. It Is beautifully flaked and handsomely finished. The table Is easily worth $25 you'd be asked that for one not nearly so good elsewhere. Hart man's contracted for 1,500 of them, hence the low price A 7SE mentioned, special at IttdiJ Terms, $1.50 Cash, 50c Weekly. Hartmsn'g Special y9 I Enameled Iron Bed Trss$ ur Go-Carts A C Only JlD 9Lx tr IXSa. 1 P YOUR MONEY'S WORTH OR YOUR MONEY BACK Many Special OKerlnKS THIS WEEK In Lace Curtains & Draperies sMW mem Sleeper 4 . Only J,gJ Foldlag Sleeper Qo-Cart ELEGANT CORNER CHAIR 495 Hartman Special Oak Buffet " J' 23.75 j - 'S This bed is a very popular design, has massive tubing, with large or namental chills, and can be had In any of the new and desirable colors. This offering demonstrates the won derful price power of the great Hartman organization. Terms, 75c Cash, 25c Weekly I MAIL-ORDERS FILLED Apent for the V Ranney Ketrijr. erator 1) ,. J .. ..... Mk'9 -7 .--rifJr. TI.rTT,"l.Ttf. Oak florrls Cbalr Special 6.75 Refrlgarator Special 5.95 Exactly like cut shown, made of bicy cle tubing, finely ornamented, large auto running gear, with guaranteed rubber tires, patent foot brake, etc. Most compact when folded, light but very strong; can. be carried 1 1 R v. iu easily now only A 1 liiHETEl stel PifefiSfT . Only Mode In beautiful mahogany finish. Has heavy frame; brond. curved arms; high panel back. Has detachable cushion, covered with fancy imported velour and held in place by heavy silk cord with A large fancy tassels Exactly like cut shown, new spring dexlgn, made exclusively for the Hartman chain of stores; made of finest quartered oak, highly pol ished, large French mirror on top; two glass cupboards in 'y'X 7 Hartman's Hrus sela Rug, 0x13, no Miter Seams, 1775 front; great value at only ' Terma $2.50 Cash and Monthly. New, exclusive design, mndo of solid oak, carved heads on arms and claw feet, upholstering of finest Imported corduroys; has new style spring seat and bark, with roll head, as shown extraordinary value at the fi 7 low price of only jmj Heavy substantial cabinet, charcoal packed and lined with galvanized Iron, removable metal shelves and other sanitary Improvements, has most perfect scientific cold air circulation. Is thor oughly guaranteed In every C particular JTs $2 Carpet Bargains The patterns are exclusive with the Hartman stores especially made for us by one of the best rug weavers In the world; extra quality mateilals, beautiful holdfast ; colorings, rugs of superiority ' and at a price that cannot be met by any other home fur nishing concern in Omaha.' Terms, Weekly. $1.75 Cash, 50c ssiis x ..iiSrff II reversl- 34c new exclu- 65c Heavyweight Ingrains, ble patterns, at All-wool heaviest grade In grains, special ASc now Tapestry Brussels, elusive designs, only Elegant heavyweight Velvet Carpets, now 75C at J c New Oriental and Floral effects In high grade minster lift Carpets s.s- Great values In Rngs. AU grades at reduced prices. Save 10 to 30 per cent. Best Sewing Machine Values in Omaha.- This Large Steel Range 25. This large range la complete, with hlgh warmlng closet and tea shelves, as shown above. It has six holes, large square oven and long, deep fire box. Oven lined with asbestos; body Is made of best grade of cold rolled s'eel. It Is elaborately nickel trimmed. Guaranteed a perfect cooker and baker. Terms, $2.75 Cash, 50c Weekly. r"7 f in i y 'f 22 GREAT STORES THROUGHOUT THE U. S. 4 m M U H s S sr s 1 mm ' ti m, KM r m Sewlnf riachlno () tfm m Quarantced 1414-1416-1418 DOUGLAS STUEET New model, drop head, high arm B d rawer solid oak sewing machine and thoroughly guaranteed for ten years, complete with a full set of attachments, nickeled posts, heavily plnted, has an au tomatic bobbin winder, new feed motion operated on ball bearings, and all other latest Improvements. Special f Q price only Iu'" Terms, $2.00 Cash, 50c Weekly. calves, $1.00 $.00. Receipts for the week $3.00 head. HOOS Hecelpts, 2,300 head; market 6 27ttc higher; top, $6.60; bulk of sales, $6.8506.46; heavy, $4.42 Vs a 6.60; packers. $6.36 Q 6.47 Vs ; pigs and light, $5.2a6.40. Receipts for the week 60,300 head. SHEEP AND LAMBS Iteceipts, none; market unchanged. Receipts for the week 29,000 bead. Oils and Rods, NEW TORK. April 2l.-OIL6t-Cottonseed, easy; prime crude, f. o. b. mills, 30c. Pe troleum, steady; refined. New York, $7.50; Philadelphia and Baltimore. $7.56; Philadel phia and Hnltlmore, in bulk, $4.66. Tur pentine, quiet at 67'(i67Ho. ROSIN Quiet; strained, common, to good. $4.0dtti4 06. 7 SAVANNAH, Ga.. April 18. OIL Tur pentine, firm at 64c. ROSIN Nothing doing. Quote: A, B and C, $315; D. $3.!w; B, $3 M; F, $3 0; O, 4.00; H. $4 40; I. $4 66; K. $5.26; M. $Ti5; N, $6.40; VVO, $6.46; WW, $5.60. OIL. CITY. Pa.. April M. OIL Credit balances, $164; shipments, 69.613 bbls.; aver age, 64.4:3 bbls.; runs, 74,069 bbls.; average, 64.883 bbls.; shipments, Lima, 66.066 bbls.; average, 72,7i bbls.; runs. Lima, 6X9$ bbls.; average, tJ.-'.S bbls. Cottoa Market. NEW YORK, April It.-COTTON Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, U:70o; mid dling gulf, 11 Hie. Bides, none. NEW ORLEANS. April a COTTON Spot closed steady, bales, 1,660 bales. Or dinary, gn-lec; good ordinary, S'c; low middling, 10 U-lc; 'middling, 11 H-l6c; good middling, 11 13-14c; middling fair, U f-16c Reccip'.s, 1.420 bales; slock. 167. 1W bales. LIVERPOOL. April 2i. COTTON 8 pot market quiet, prices $ points lower; Amer ican middling fair, (X4d; good middling, 424d; middling, 604d; low middling $Bd; good ordinary, 67vd: ordinary, 6-ouA Tha sales of the day were T.OuO bales, of which LtMt were for speculation and export, and Included 6.500 American. Receipts, j $.000 LXLien, inciuuing S.1UU American. agar and Molasses. NEW YORK. April a.SUQAR Raw, firm; fair refining, II6-I60; centrifugal, W teat, 1 7-16c; molasses sugar, 1 U-I60. Re fined, firm; No 6, 4.10c; No. 7, 4 06c; No. 8, 4.00; No. t, l5o; No. 10. l.0c; No. U, 3.85c; No 12, l.0c; No. 13, $ 76c; No. 14, 1.75; con fectioners'. 4.46c; mould A, 4.960; cut loaf, 3.86c; crushed, $.S5o; powdered, 4.70c; granu lated. 4.60c; cubes, 4.860. MOLASSES Firm; New Orleans open kettle, guod to choice, lu3.1fte. NEW ORLEANS, April 28. SUGAR Mar ket quiet but steady; open kettle centrif ugal, 33Hc; centrifugal whites, 34c; yellows, 3&3o; seconds, 24j3c. MOLASSES -Nominal; open kettle. 1701 $oc; centrifugal, 7 "J 20c. SYRUP Nominal, 3tiXs. Cole. Market. NEW TORK. April M. CO FTEB Fu tures opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance of 6 points, in response to steady cables. There was a little Wall street selling on account of another weak spell In the stock market and at one time prices showed a net loss of about &2jl0 points. Offerings were not very aggressive, however, and the market rallied later on buying by trade Interests. The clove was net unchanged. Bales were reported of 61,600 bags. Including May at 6 5"c; July, $ 6f(i 7oc, September, f-85(f.fuc; recemher, 7.1h7.16c; March, $7.So7.4uc Spot Rio, steady; No. 7 invoice, I l-lc. Wool Market. LONDON. April 2. WOOL The arrivals of wool for the third series of auction sales amount to 260. 624 bales. Including 13fv6u0 bales forwarded direct to spinners. The Imports this week are: New South Wales, 1.74a bales; Queensland. 177 bales; Victoria, 6.334 bales; South Australia. 371 bales; Tas mania, lid bales; New Zealand, Xi.9ul bales; Cape of Good Hope and Natal, $.204 bales; New Yoik, 127 bales; various, 1,176 bales. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fruits. NEW YORK, April 28. EVAPORATED APPLES Higher, with strictly prime quoted at 10c, choice at 10VrUo and fancy at UHo- CAL1 FORNIX DRIED FRUITS-Prunes continue very firm In tone and are held higher, with quotations ranging from tc to Sc, according to grade. Apricots are scarce and prices are more or less nominal In the absence of actual attractions. Choice are quoted at 12c extra choice it 13c and fancy at 14c. Peaches are attracting a little more attention, but business so far re ported ls-in the way of small lots. Choice are qutfted at 104c, extra choice at 10 lie, fancy at llc and extra fancy at 116 12c. Raisins are unchanged. Loose muscatel are quoted at 6tjt.Sc, seeded ralHlns at TWil1c and London layers at $1.6og)'l.60. Imports aad Exports. NEW YORK, April 28.-Total Imports of merchandlFf and dry goods at the port of New York Tor the week ending today were valued at $16,078.31. Total imports of specie at the port of New York for the week end ing today were H1.8-4 sliver and $8,914.121 gold. Total exports of specie from the port of New York for the week ending to day were $l,I24,4u6 silver and $4u6,uuO gold. Metal Market. NEW TORK. April 28. METALS There was no chanre In the various metal mar kets today and business was quiet. . Spot tin wss quoted at $i.7i'j39.. Copper re mains firm at rfrV(il8 76; electrolytic. $18.23 618 50; casting, $18 00n48.26. iMd was quiet, but firm at to.&try6.66 and spelter quiet at 16 OS -n 6. 16. Iron was steady and unchanged. ST. LOUIS. Me.. April 28-METALS-L4. nrm. $5.60; speller, quiet, $6.6tf.4.00. Make your wants known through the columns of The Bee Want Ad page. W. Farnam Smith & Co. Stocks. Bonds, investment Securities. We offer subject to sale 20 to 100 shares at 101 UNION STOCK YAKDS 1320 Farnam St., Tel. Douglas 1064 MARCONI of AMERICA AMERICAN De FOREST (perferred and common stock) bought and sold FREDERICK DAILY & CO. 86 Wall St., brokers New York F. D. Day & Co. Stocks. Grain. Provision Sklg. Tear Urata la De. Chlcaae aad MlaaeapelU Deliver. One-eighth commission on Oraia. one Quarter on Slvoka. Prompt and careful attention given to outside aeoounta Write (or our dally Market Letter, mailed tree. Main Office. 114V111 Beard Trad Bid. OMAHA. MBBJL Iaas; Dlstaaae 'fkeae, Iealaa 8814V THE UPDIKE GRAIN CO. BEE BLDS., OMAHA. TELETHON! OOUOLA8 8473k MEMBERS OP CHICAGO BOA ID OF TRADE MINNEAPOLIS CHAMBER of COMMERCE ST. L011S MERCHANTS EXCHANGE KANSAS CITY BOARD .f TRADE 0MARA CI A LI EXCHANGE. CAREFUL. ATTENTION glvea ersers In grain or previsions for future delivery In ebeve meraete Private Wire. Bond IssuesWanted Entire Issues of municipal, scheol, gss, water, traction, electric light, telephone, Irritation, drainage and industrial bonds anted for banka, bond dealers. Insurance companies, satates, etc. Preference slvea new Ueuee. created and .. N pared with especial reference te requirements el I Chicago clients. YVe solicit correspondence as early as practlcaDie erter Dead Issues are 'Willed So. Banking retereacae. Albert L. Teele & Co., IWUore Baildlng, 140 Dsarfcara Street, CUcaga