Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1906, WANT AD SECTION, Page 5, Image 21

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D. V. Sholes
721-22 N. Y. L. Bldg.
I 00 TT15 Ree St.. 4 rooms, sewer and
water, permanent walk.
f fOO 8. 7th Rt., 4 rooms, city water,
cellar; rent $9.
$2,000 ?W2 Fierce Bt., nearly new J-room
h"tJ; modern except furnace; well
built, natural wood flnlch, very desir
able; south front lot, 83x130 feet.
$2,000-1124 N. 2th St., nearly new -room
houne; modern except furnace; natural
wood finish; very desirable and close
$2,300 3S22 Charles St., new 6-room house,
rrcelaln bath, sewer, water and gas,
block to cr, permanent walk, lot
30x127 feat; $00 cash, balance monthly.
13,400 Brand new 7-room house, 4212 Har
ney St., all modern, south front lot,
4Axl2t feet, permanent walk; this house
has never been occupied: must be
old at once; It's a bargain; key at
our office.
$1500 Brind new 6-room house, modern ex
cept furnace, on 44th, between Harney
and Dewey Ave.; large grounds, 360x
118 feet. This house has nlckle plumb
I ing, porcelain bath, natural wood fin
ish, polished floors. Carton furnace.,
ana Is only 4 blocks from the Far
nam car. Will giva easy term for
Quick sale.
$9,000 Cma ef the handsomest hornet, near
t4th and Dodge. large rooms, beauti
fully arranged, very best of construo-
tlon, full cemented basement, iz-incn
wall, very finest of Interior finish
throughout, south front, all specials
paid; built only I years ago, It's as
good as new, and you could not dupli
cate It today for the money. Owner
leaving city and must make a quick
One of the finest homes on -West
Farnam, cornor lot, 135 feet square,
elegant, well constructed, modern res
idence. 12 to 15 rooms, hot water heat.
handsome Interior finish, 9 line man
tels, walls burlapped and decorated,
three bath rooms, beautiful grounds
and good barn; everything In tlrst-
: class repair and location unexcelled.
We can sell for 33 per cent less than
Mt could be duplicated for. The terms
are right.
$0,0008215 Poppleton Ave., 7 rooms, mod
' VIII, 1 1 W l " I 11T-UV, I' ' ' IS I - -
celaln bath, full cellar, natural wood
nnlsn tnrougnout; nice ioi, ibci;
beautiful shade, good cellar. This is
A nrnllin.t ani clefinest
houses In the Hanscom I'ark district
and is unquestioimbly a bargain.
Owner lives In it and would be glad
to show It any time.
Buy one of these cheap lots and
some of the Northwestern houses we
advertise and make a nice home or
good rental proposition for half tho
money It would cost to build.
All of these are worth the money or
650 200x130 feet, 8. E. corner 86th and
Taylor, block from car, high and
sightly, easy payments.
. Chicago & Northwestern
Railway Houses
. . .
In blocks 364, 7, 26, 40 and 69, bounded by Burt street on the north,
Davenport street on the south and between 13th and 14th streets.
Possession as soon as tenants vacate, and houses to be moved off the
property Inside of thirty days from notice to purchasers of, vacation.
Houses can be located either from number attached to each house or by
street numbers.
Prices Include houses only from top of foundation.
Tou can buy a house from $30 up to $500. Make your selections early,
as they are selling fast. ,
Our representative will be at 403 N. 14th street from 9 a. m. Mil 2 p. m.
Sunday to accommodate those who cannot look, them over week days. Inquire
at the office for printed list of values placed on each house.
No auction or bidding, but simply buy what you want at the prices fixed.
403 N. 14th Street. Phone Douglas 6745 from 12 to 2 p. m.
Brand New House
E-room cot tag on north aide of Be ward
street, between Thirty-second and Thirty
third; gaa, electric light, water, sewer,
cemented cellar, large attic for storage.
Urge lot; house being thoroughly well
built. $600 cash, balance easy payments.
I 400 Sightly acre. Just south of Coun
try club.
$ Z00 Corner acre In Hyde Park.
$ 100 Corner acre, Brighton.
$1,100 Between 4 and & acres, SOth and
Urand Ave., adjoining one not a?
good held at $1,500.
$2,000 line traet of b acres, near Flor
ence car line.
$3,000 9-room, modern house, of solid brick.
In god condition, face east, on the
southwest corner of Slst and Ohio
$1,760 a-room, modern brick house, rented
for M a month. No. Ill N. (1st St.
$1.650 for two 6-room cottages, in splendid
condition, rented for $is a month,
near Kth and Ohio Sts.
$1. SO for two cottages, on lot S3 feet wide;
rented for $12.30 a month; walking
Robison & Wolf.
'Phone Douglaa-241,
423 Paxton Block.
Large new 6-rora modern cottage, built for
a noma, but on account of aioaneas must
be sold . located 1 blocks east of lianaoom
lark. Will sacrifice. Address D . bee.
Kk-9J x
A BARGAIN Owner leaving olty will sail
twelve-room modern house and barn,
cheap .aear Hanaoom park. AdJresa C 64.
car Baa liii-iat Ox
Tel. Doug. 49
$ 650 ZXVxl! feet, east front on 15th Ft.,
one diock south of Vinton: It's a full
acre and Is a fine bargain.
$ 260 N. W. corner 34th and Boyd Sts.,
mm curner 101, leei, 2 mocKS
from car; $ cash, balance $10 per
month. i
$ 3608. B. corner 29th and Ruggles, 60x129
feet, perfect grade, fine bargain.
$ 700 Room for three cottages, 75x110 feet.
west rront on lth, south of William;
It s fmly nine blocks from the center
of town. At this price It's like giving
it away. See It Monday morning.
$ 40042x108 feet, east front on 2Mh, just
north of Maple, permanent walk,
sewer, water aDd gas.
$ 350-60x138 feet, west front on $4th, be
tween Davenport and Chicago; lays
beautiful and la a big snap.
$ too p. W. corner 28th and Burdette Sts.,
60x98 feet.
$ 4B0 North front on Grant, 41 feet east of
27th. 60x120.
$ 600 West front on i?d, 60 feet north of
Laird St., fine, 60x124.
$ SO0-N. W. corner 36th and Cass, 60x128 ft,
$ 600 East front on Military Ave., 0 feet
north of Hamilton St., 44x76 feet.
$ 260 North front on Seward 8t., 160 feet
east of 47th St.. 60x140.
$ 200-60x128 feet, south front on Ersklne
St., 260 feet west of 43d.
$ 16060x120 feet, south front on Ersklne,
800 feet west of 43d.
$ 860 Kast front on 80th, Just south of
Templeton, 62x236 feet.
$ $00 Beautiful, smooth lots In Sholes sub
division, lfith and Vinton, 40x120 feet
each, permanent walk, shade trees,
high and sightly and close to the car;
they are best and cheapest lots In
that part of town.
$1,200-44 x 80 feet, 8. E. corner 16th and
Vinton, paving and permanent walk,
all paid, room for fwo stores and fiats;
very cheap; good speculation.
$1200-60x179 feet, west front on 83d, 200
feet north of Poppleton, permanent
walk and sewer; good residence lot.
$20060x140 feet, east front on 28th. 69 feet
south of Jackson; fine for flats.
$4,500-60x110 feet, fronting on Sherman
Ave. and 17th, between Charles and
Paul, two houses now on It and room
for three more; specials all paid; its
the best snap we have to offer. House
No, 1616 N. 16th. See it at once.
$6,600 Mxl28 feet, S. E. corner 26th and
Dewey Ave., opposite the Winona, fin
est In the city for a block of flats, or
will divide and sell smaller lots cheap.
One block from the car, new 4-room
house, lots of fruit, 2 large lots, lurtx
,128 feet, price only $1,500. . This Is
cheap. .
$2,000 42d and Francis Sts., good 6-room
house, with 100x132 feet, lots of fruit,
small barn, very desirable and cheap.
5-Room . Cottage
Neat little 6-room cottage, barn, near car
line, $1,200; about one mil from post office.
FOR SALE (-room house, with bath, good
barn, lota of fruit. o-ft. lot. on Daved
street; specials all paid; price $2,600; $360
down, balance $26 per month. Inquire 2318
Hpencer til. KJS ma ax
4 miles from Council Bluffs, all fine upland;
owner going away and offers for linineul
ate sale at $3.0ft0; easy terms. II. O. Mc-
Uee, 14 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs.
RB-469 29x
Full lot. adjoining 3il4 Dodge on east. 403
Ware Blk. RE 155 Z
19th & CUMING ST.
The best close In corner offered for sale;
SS feet fronting on the boulevard and 90 feet
on Cuming, .suitable for 4 brick flats. See
us at once about this. Will be sold thla
Hastings & Hoyden.
10O9H Farnam St. (Ground Floor )
Entire block from Webster to California
and l!th to 13th 6:s., excepting railroad
right-of-way. Will be vacated by lumber
yard June 1.
W. Farnam Smith It Co., 1220 Farnam St
iwner leaving city, must sen ai once.
6-room house and lot, splendid location.
Ba this lt,in1v: 11
The finest $4,000 borne In city, nicely lo
Ten-room house. I lots, paved street. Bar.
manent walk, S bath rooms. Laa than half
prioe. 3,w0-
National Investment Co.,
Doug la Block,
i .,.! i RE-.
llii-J UA1 All A
" ' '
617 New York Life Building.
'Phone Douglas 1294.
$875 A rood, well built five-room
cottage at 2 922 Burdette street, city
water In the house, south front lot,
small barn, renting at $10.50.
$1,400 A 6-room cottage on south
west corner 27th and Plnkney; a nice
home place.
$1,400 A 7-room cottage, good or
der, well built, at 1524 Ohio.
$1,860 A 7-room house at 2247
Mortp. lth (boulevard), sewer, water,
lot 30x140; a nice location.
$2,200 Eight-room two-story
houce on northeast corner 20th and
Ohio, modern except furnace, lot 60
feet front. Bargain.
$2,300 A good eight-room, two
story house at 2105 Miami, modern
except furnace, good repair, lot 33x
$2,700 A six-room new modern
house at 2414 BInney street, south
front lot, 31x130.
$3,500 A nice seven-room new
modern house at 2415 North 22d St.,
well built and all in good order, nicely
arranged, a good size barn, lot 3 Ox
140, with. nice shade; a good location,
one block from two car lines; house
now vacant; can give possession any
$5,000 Something nice In West
Farnam district, new six-room house,
modern except furnace, at 3312 Har
ney street, lot 60x100, fronting south;
street paved and all street improve
ments paid for.
50x124 on BInney street near 19th,
south front, and paving paid for;
36x140, south front, on Lake street
near 21st for $860.
33x140, east front on 19th (boule
vard) near Grace, nice, for $775.
48x127, west front, on 24th near
Oak street, for only $650.
120x127 on Decatur Just east of
36th, fronting north. Here you have
three forty-foot lots for only $500.'
One-half block on Sahler and 29th,
five lots, each 54x127; can have track
age on one side; all for only $1,250.
A four-room cottage at 2229 Pierce
street, with lot 60x168, for $1,500.
TWO 7-room house, and burn, on 17th 8t.
near Nicholas, with 75 feet of ground;
good Investment. For all. $3,500.
F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglaa St.
Do You Own
a Home?
Don't keep putting off buying a home of
your own, for Omaha property will never
be any lower than the present prices. H
you cannot buy a house and lot, start In
buying a lot.
$1,850 5 Room Cottage Close In
2430 Pierce St., has city water, sewer, gas,
bath, south front. In walking distance;
price has Just been reduced for quick sale.
$2,400 6 Room Cottage
' 4520 North 87th St.', only two blocks from
the end of the Ames Ave. car line, lot 130
feet east front by 107 feet deep, high ground,
fine view. .
$1,200 New 4 Room House'
Just being completed on Corby St. be
tween 83d and S4th, large lot, only $H blacks
from Dodge car line; has olty water; can
make easy terms.
$2,000 New 6-Room House
One block south of Fort St, near 27th,
one block from car line; has city water,
good bath room, cemented cellar; will make
house modern with bath and other plumb
ing for $2,150. Thla Is ready to move Into;
all new houses being built near It.
$1,650 New 5 Room Cottage
On Spring St., between 29th and SOth ,one
block south of Vinton St., has city water
and electric light, large lot, high ground,
easy terms.
Buy a Lot Big Enough to Build
Several Houses On.
$500 Corner Close In
S. W. corner 29th and Indiana, 47V4xl38 ft.,
room xor two nouses; wiiiiin warning ins
$700 Double Frontage
19th St..' running through to boulevard.
just north of Manderson St., 60x140 feet.
$1,500 Big Corner
S W. corner 18th and Lake. 70x105 feet.
close to two oar lines. Lake St., just paved
and paid for; a fine location for modern
$900 3 Lots Dundee
California Bt. 1H blocks east of Dundee
car, all high and sightly, only one block
from Mr. Hoagiand a residence.
$1,500 Faces 3 Street?
19th to 20th St. north side of Manderson.
100x140 feet, big enough for 4 houses.
$1,800 2635 Hamilton
repair; fine place for 2 more houses.
$2,350 3311 Charles St.
Fronts 2 streets, new 6-room modern
house, lot 60x1571, room for S more houses.
See this It you want a SNAP.
Open Monday evenings till 9 p. m.
Hastings & Heyden,
10004 Farnam St. (Ground Floor.)
$2,100 7-ROOM house. Franklin near 40th
St.; very attractive house, plenty of
hade and cement walks.
F. U. WEAD, 1644 Douglas St.
Payne, Bostwick & Co.
Sixth Floor N. T. Life Bldg.
2011 N. 22d St., a nice, (-room, 2-story
house, with gas, city water, sewer con
nection, nice yard, shade. Nonresident
owner anxloua to aell this week. Price,
28th and Douglas Sts., corner lot, with two
houses;, close In proposition only $2,000.
17th and Harney Bt, corner lot, south
front, 66x140, with a 4-room house; fine
place to build brick houses. Owner once
refused $10,000 for thla property. Our
price, $4,000 a bargain.
One of the prettiest and best built homes
In the West Farnam district for sal at
very much lesa than It can be duplicated
for on account of the owner leaving the
. city. Anyone Interested In a home on
Nob Hill investigate thla at one. Price,
$15,000 for a fine brick and stone block, on
good buslnesa street, paying a good
Payne, Bostwick & Co.
Sixth Floor N. T. Ufa Bldg.
JT'BT think of It I I full lota an Maple
street near tM. aewer, water and gaa In
street, $ blocks from car line. H block
from school, all for $260, Address D 7,
Bee. RiS-4 2x
HERE la a snap: I full leU on 84th Ave.
and Miami strvat eUae to ear line and
school, for $100. Doa't all speak at once.
Adsilaa X 4. Ba. itii- .
DAILY BLJhl: SUN DA l', APKLL iiy, 100b
' ' 1 ! .. . 1 . Li
First Floor New York Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1781. ,
Between 20th and 24th on Farnam, 2-story brick bulldltig, rents for $120
a month. Price, $14,000.
On N. 24th street near Caldwell, two-story brick building, three stores
on the first floor and three flats above; also two 8-rooni houses, modern ex
cept furnace. Total rental, $120 a month. Price, $12,000. It is a great
$6,600 In Bemls park, on Hawthorne avenue, a strictly modern 8-rooin
house, practically new, large lot, south and east front, beautiful home.
Between Pacific and Popppleton avenue on Park avenue, 8-room modern
house, nice yard; it belongs to an estate and must be sold. - Make us an offer.
9-room house on 3Cth and Burt, paved street, strictly modern. Prlc.
On 41st near Davenport, an 11-roora strictly modern home, east front,
two full lots, fine neighborhood, $4,600. The biggest bargain In Omaha.
On Hawthorne avenue near 36th, a strictly modern 7-room house; a
bargain at $3,800.
On 13th near Dorcas, 6-room cottage, modern except furnace. Price,
On Seward near 33d, 7-room modern house. Price, $2,000.
On Cuming street near 4 2d, 7-room modern house, city water, gas, good
barn, paved street, $2,000.
On S. 24th near Leavenworth, 6-room cottage, city water, gas; has
double frontage on two streets, lot 40 feet wide. Thee Is room for another
house; rents for $15 per month. Price, $1,800.
On Wirt street, two blocks from 24th, 6-room cottage, gas, bath, city
water and sewer, $1,500. Very easy terms.
Between 36th and 38th, facing north
On Webster between 27th and 28tb, south front, one block from car
line, In a fine neighborhood, $760.
On Pratt street, near 27th, full lot, on south side of street. Price, $600.
Owner will furnish money with which to build.
Southeast corner of 38th and Brown streets, two lots, 240 feet, north
front by 120 feet west front.
On Douglas between 46th and 48th, full lot, north front; a bargain.
On Capitol avenue, near 48th, full lot, south front.
On Corby near 45th, full lot, in a good neighborhood.
Payne Investment Company,
First Floor New York Life
$2,600 Snap rooms, ail modern and
barn; south front on Farnam St., west
of 40th; eany terms: $2,500.
CHOICE location for residence or flats t
2th and Harney, 170x140; will divide to
suit purchaser.
East half lot 2, block 172, Omaha, at 14th
and Jackson. 32x132. Choice lot at 28th
and Blondo. Tel. Douglas 6291. Western
Realty Co., 429 Paxton Blk. RE 124 29
BEFORE planning your house see Haw
ver's patented wall bed; folds in a recess
In the wall, out of the way and thoroughly
ventilated; saves space, labor, time; you
utilize space all day and use as a bed
room at night. You can see the bed In
operation at 1614 Emmet St. RE 3S5 29
R. C. Peters & Co.
A new 7-room house .with reception hall,
fine combination fixtures, hot water heat,
full lot,'' food neighborhood. Price $3,760;
$1,760 cash, balance monthly.
In the W. Farnam distrlot, a large 8-room
modern house on a full S. front lot; perma
nent walks, house well arranged, rooms
large and light, mantel in parlor, everything
to recommend It For quick sale at $3,500.
See ua about thla at once It you wish a
large house in a good helghborhood cheap.
On S. 26Qi street, a 9-room, fully modern
house, E. front lot, pavement, permanent
walks, everything in first-class condition;
On S. J7th, within easy walking distance,
a. 7-room modern house, paved street, spe
cials paid. Price $3,200; $750 cash, balance
On 8. 11th St., a new -room modern
house, electric light, gas, cemented base
ment, paved street, E. front lot. Price
$3,000; one-half cash, balance monthly.
We have the best bargain In Orcahrd Hill,
which consists of an 8-room modern house
on paved street, full lot, good lawn, all for
$2,760. ,
On N 28th Bt, near Ames Ave., an 8-room
house, modern except heat; barn, chicken
house, good cistern, quite an amount of
fruit. Prlca $2,260; $500 cash, balance
A close In corner 66x132. with S. & E.
frontage, both streets paved, permanent
walk, Improvements, large frame house,
modern, rental $50 per month;, room in rear
for two brick flaU facing east Prlca $7,000.
10 acres, 1 mile W. of Miller park, -room
house, S large chicken houses, small stable,
good well, 4 acres of fruit, all fenced, lies
high and sightly, view unsurpassed. Price
1 acre, I blocks W. of Miller park, 5-room
house, barn, chicken house, good well and
cistern, small fruit; this lies high and
sightly. Price $3,CO0. ,
1 mile N. of Krug park we have 4 acres
which lie exceptionally well. Price $1,000;
$250 cash, balance time.
Vacant lots In all parts of the city which
we can sell at reasonable prices, consider
Ing neighborhood and size of lots. See us
before you purchase any building slu-s.
Is attracting great attention at the present
time. We are having more inquiries on this
beautiful addition than at any time since it
waa platted. If you wish a fine, sightly lot
In a choice neighborhood at a very reason
able price, buy In Boulevard Terrace.
R. C. Peters & Co.
Z30 South 17th St
$2.150 6-ROOM cottage on Webmer near
17th St; city water, gas and sewer.
F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas St.
A Fine Home
Franklin St., near 43d. 7 rooms, gas,
water, brick foundation and basement;
large tot, 100x150, fenced, brick walka, shade
and fruit trees and lots of berries; house
waa built by the present occupant for a
home and la in FIRST-CLASS CONDI
TION; improvements worth mora than
piioa we ask; A BAROAJN. Call for prlca
and terms.
Wright & Lasbury,
tot a. Ktfc BW
on California, full lot, $750,
Bldg. Tel. Douglas 1781.
WHO wants It? 5Hxl.V feet' on 2Sth street
Just south of HlckOry St. for $2,5. Ad'
dress D 6. Bee. RE 396 29x
Owners Want Offers on the Following
Small cottage with ground 160x194
feet, N. W. corner 10th and Frederick
Sts., 2 blocks from end of S. 10th St.
car line. If you want a bargain in
vestigate this and submit offer.
Price $1,350, rent ,180; 2928 N,
25th St.; good 6-room cottage, city
water, cemented cellar; part on pay
Clifton HlIl--Good 5-room cottage,
modern but furnace, nice lot and
lawn, good surroundings. Price,
$1,700; part on terms.
8830 Seward St., good 7-room dwell
ing, porcelain bath, gas, sewer, etc.,
full lot, paved street. Price, $3,000;
ubmlt offer.
3854 .Seward St., 9 rooms, all mod
ern, porcelain bath, best furnace, gas,
city water, sewer, first-class house, full
lot, paved street. Price, $4,000; sub
mit offer.
Nearly new modern house of six
rooms, with nice lot, lawn, etc. Price,
$3,500, on easy payments. Call for
Owner will sacrifice to get cash for
these lots:
L. 11, B. 20, Hanscom Place. Price,
L. 23, B. 6, Walnut Hill. Price,
L. 17, B. "B," Bedford Place. Price,
Submit offer for one or all.
On Easy Payments.
Nice south front lots on boulevard
and 20th street, one block south of
Vinton stret car line. Price, $750;
$100 down, balance to suit.
west of Central Park. Price, $1,300
TWO 10-room houses near Crelghton col
lege; one modern with furnace, the other
partly so. They now rent for (5u per
month. This is a down town snap for
F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas St.
The Byron
Reed Co.
'Phones 297 and 208. 212 S. 14th St.
We offer some very choice Investments In
new brick flats.
$10,500 An elegant double brick, on close In
lot being finished in oak downstairs
and birch upstairs. Rented for $1,200
per year.
$15,500 A new flat, just being built on one
of the best corners In Omaha. Will
be finished In oak, hot water heat
etc. If you are looking for some
thing fine, don't pass this by.
$15,500 A fine double brick, renting for
$1,200 per year, on corner lot. in fine
neighborhood. Very choice.
$14,000 J brick flats on Douglas St., near
24th St. Rents for $1,440 per year.
$11,0004 frame flats, renting for $1,440 per
year. lxt 120x140. Paved street and
on car line.
$ 6,7501 cottages, on good corner lot, on
24th St.. close In. Rents for $67$ per
year. Paving on both streets.
Bee us for other Investmenta.
80 Feet on Capitol Avenue.
Within two blocks of postofflce, with large house renting for $70,00 per
: ONLY $8,500.
Choice Residence Lot.
Near 33rd and Farnam, perfect grade, paving, curbing and sidewalk.
all paid for; no finer location In city.
ONLY $1,975.
Modern House.
Elegant 10-room house in West Farnam district, new and modern bntlt.
splendid neighborhood; a gem of a home.
ONLY $12,500.
Farnam Street Corner.
93x132 feet, south and east front, Farnam and 38th. Biggest bargain
on Farnam street.
Tel. Douglas-1169.
5- Room Cottage
6- room cottage, elegant corner lot near
car line, In northwest part of city. Price
only 11,300.
Druid Hill
A fine large house of 8 rooms, hardwood
finish, open plumbing, with marble, sta
tionary bathstands In two bedrooms. Full
cemented cellar, with good furnace. Large
lot. House alone would cost to build
$3,000. We can sell the whole thing for
$1,900. Act quick or you will be too late.
I nice residence lots In Council Bluffs on
Ave. D and 36th Sts. These lots are
high and In a good neighborhood. Only
$240 for the three.
Two-story, -room house, at S514 Charles
St. ; city water, gas and electric lightB,
south- front lot. Prlca only $1,750. Easy
terms and a bargain.
On Wirt St., near 24th, g-room house, mod
ern, gas and electric light, full brick
basement, steam heat, 60-foot lot, fine
shade trees, good barn. Price only $3,600.
Let us show you this. It's cheap.
Wright & Lasbury,
506 S. 16th St
West Farnam Home
7-room houne. facing south on West Far
nam St.; almost new; reception hall, parlor,
dining room, kitchen, hall, closet and pan
try on first floor, t bed chambers, 4 closets
and bath room on second floor, natural
finish throughout; oak gaa mantel in din
ing room; columns set on base between re
ception hall and parlor, bronxe hardware of
latest design; bath room fitted with mod
ern, open plumbing; porcelain tub, hot and
cold water; gas in every room; full cellar,
bricked to bottom and cemented; splendid
furnace; must be sold immediately; prloe,
$3,000.00. 1
1609 Farnam.
Tel. Douglas 3867.
$7,600 Double brick; 20 rooms. South
28th street; ground for another buiiaing.
F. D. WEAD, 1524 DOL'GLAS.
Third lot south of Bancroft, pretty place
to build. 60x100, east front $750.
Have 33 ft. of ground, 22d and Cass, on
which can build brick flats that will
make a 15 per cent Investment, If you are
looking for something of this kind. Come
'pretty new cottage
3017 Manderson St., 6 rooms, modern except
furnace. If you are looking for a snap
see this. Car will run within half block
of house; now being completed $1,675.
Tel. Douglas-2161. 442 Board of Trade.
' ' RE
Good Investments
South 20.h St., six-room house, modern ex
cept furnace, four blocks from car. Una
good cellar, outbuildings and In excellent
repair throughout. Oood iron fence, east
front lot. Price $12,600.
On Locust St., two blocks from car, seven
room, full two-story, all-modern, except
furnace. Full comer lot, fine shade and
fruit trees. House In excellent repair.
A bargain at $3,000.
47th and Capitol Ave., 8 rooms, modern ex
cept furnace, full two-story, reception
hall, front and back parlor, large dining
room and kitchen,' good mantel in parlor,
four bed rooms, with good closets and
bath on second floor. Front and back
stairway, good bricked cellar, new gas
fixtures, storm windows and screens, and
everything in A-l repair. Lot 60x106. This
is 1 block from Farnam car and fifteen
minutes' ride from 16th and Farnam
Price $2,000.
Slst and Ames, Ave., five-room cottage, on
full east front lot, gas and fixtures, shade
an.) fruit trees. A convenient home and
a bargain at $1,000.
Seven-room, south front, on Maple St., two
blocks from Z4th St. Full two-story,
hard pine finish, new underfeed furnace,
bath, gas, etc. An excellent home. In
good repair and In good neighborhood.
Cheap at $2,650.
Nothing nicer in the north end than our
Fowler Ave. lots, between Florence
boulevard and 2M St. New cement walk
Just completed. This is a neghborhood
of homes occupied by owners. Sea us for
plat and prices.
Oood 60-foot lots on Fort St., Just west pf
Florence boulevard, $360.
South front on Spencer, near 26th Ave.,
W . Farnam Smith & Co.
U20 Fax nam &U Sal Doug. K4.
$4,750. !
439 Board of Trade Bldic 1
RE 4(4 II
A Fine Residence
Let us show you that fine residence w
have near 2Vith and Douglas. It haa tea
large rooms, all modern, fine south front
lot, beautiful shade trees and shrubbery.
An up-to-date downtown home offered
at less than the cost of Improvements
$6,500 is the price, and It's cheap.
South 10th Street
Do you know that on of the finest resi
dential sections of the city is S. 10th St.?
We have two special bargains there one
Is a 9-room house lately built, all mod
ern, full basement, large lot, east front,
at $3,600. The other is a 7-room modern
house, fine bath, furnace, large east
front lot and the price is only $2,000. We
recommend these properties as especially
good for the money.
Wright- & Lasbury,
606 S. 16th St.
New cottage ready to move into: 5
rooms on first floor besides bath room,
pantry and closets. Stairway to second
floor which can be finished into 1 large
rooms. Parlor finished in oak, other
rooms natural finish; latest pattern bronsa
hardware, modern open plumbing, porce
lain tub. hot and cold water, gas In every
room, walls beautifully papered; large
cemented cellar. An ideal cottage home.
Prlco for quick sale $2,600. Act quickly
if you want this.
1609 Farnam. TeL Douglas S867.
At 16th and Nicholas.
Present rentals pay good
' Interest on Investment and It
I Is bound to Increase in value.
, ; Price 9,ooo.
St., between Wright and Gold
Sta.. ONLY $376 EACH.
N- E. Corner Howard and 24th.
186x174 ft. Best site In town
for apartment or brick row.
Only fcfl.OOO.
J 210 S. 13th St.
'Phone Douglas 230.
Building Blocks,
Retaining Walla, J
Complete Construction,
Piers for Artistic Porches.
If you are unable to visit ua
a representative will call.
Offices 303 Neville Block, Tel-
ephone Douglas-6785.
Factory 22nd and Cuming,
Telephone Douglas-5063.
HAW VERS patented "built In the wall"
folding bed; great labor and space-saving
device. See it in operation. 1614 Emmet
St. RE-M3&4 MOI
Sarpy county, fine u acres, good Improve
ments; a number one dairy and hog
farm; alfalfa, clover. timothy. fruit,
telephone, rural mall. All implements,
1 hogH, 4 horses, t wat'm and 6 cows
are Included In price of $.mi.
10 acres eHSt of HenHon 12, 5W.
Decatur St.. between 26th and 26th Sts.,
16lh and Martha, 6x!40 ft. $1,500.
215 North 13th Ht.. 3fx6 ft-, $3.3"0.
Webster and ith, l'iHxl44 feel, $4,000.
4 frame cottagus, UVi rental, $.1,750.
1S12 Cuming St., 6tixl.l2 feet, $4,nw.
Frame houses, $M0 rental, $6,7Vi.
brli-k hounds, $1.44' rental, $12000.
IlE-M 29
Live lonrer and happier, better opportuni
ties. VK1 exchange homes or nineties for
your Omaha proprrly. Edwin Ali-reon,
126 S. Broadway, Los Angeles. RE-
SIX LOT 8. with $-room house, on M aa4
plae; for all. $.
. jr. p. yyfJiU. Pougr Bt. i