THE OMATTA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, ATOIL 20, 100G. WANTED MALE HELP TOMORROW'S THE DAY! Commence to attend our college tomorrow. It will be "today" tomorrow. Then, when next fall arrives you'll be a thorough-going, expert stenographer, bookkeeper or telegrapher. (Thoeo are the branches we teach.) You'll be jeadr to step Into ANY opening la the line for which you have qualified your fcdf at BOYLES COLLEGE Just at the time when the most and the best openings in every line occur. Don't wait until next fall to commence jour preparation for a successful busl- nesE career. Start now! You won't mind the short school hours during the summer. The Boylea building which exports declare is THE Ideal business college building of the United States will be so airy and cool this summer that studying here will not be WORK. The attractive surroundings of the t-chool, together with our fine gymnasium for young men and young lady stu dents, make this the Ideal summer Bchool. The fascination of learning how t- write Just as fast as the fastest speaker can talk to learu how to so press a little key that a message will be transferred thousands of miles away of lenrning how to become an expert accountant will take hold of you and fill you with an enthusiasm for your work golden wings. Send for catalogue, or, better yet, pay us a visit tomorrow. BOYLES COLLEGE H. D. BOYLES, PRESIDENT. ASSISTANT bookkeeper, $35. Cigar clerk, $ii0. Stock clerk, wholesale house, $.15. Stenographer, railroad. $'16. Retail dress goods salesman. $75. Stenographer, real estate, 190. Telegrapher and stenographer, $fi2.60. Locating engineer, $'Hi. Estimator, woodwork, $125 to $150. WESTERN RKF. A R.jND ABS'N (Inc.), Dept. B, 840-41-42 N. Y. Life Bldg. B WANTED For U. 8. Ari.iy, able-bodied un married men between ages of 21 and 35; citizens of United Statei:. of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For In formation apply to Recruiting Odlce, 13th and 'DoufcUs Sts., Omaha; Lincoln and Grand island. Neb., or Sioux City, la. B-172 PARTIES wishing to do sections of grad ing, using only their own torces, on the Topeka and Northwestern extension from onaga to lUiirysvltlu, Kan., will be furnished necesHary information and advised m to conditions of work by making application to W. D. RICHARDSON, Assistant Engineer, Marysvllie, Kan. B A1132 2 WANTED An experienced whiskey sales man to sell Kentucky Brook whiskey In bond to the retail trade. Will give ex clusive territory and make a long time contract. Good opportunity for a sales man to establish himself In business. Will pay commission only. Address, giving references and stating experience. J. w. Flood & Co.. Louisville. Ivy. B M9!9 Mi WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Scholarship Includes complete outfit of tools, diplomas and positions. Board and room provided. Few weeks com- tilntea hv this method. Special Induce ment riow. Call or write, Moler Barber college. 111 Farnam St. U M138 M5x MAN with acoualntance in Omaha and vicinity, of neat appearance, to handle a line of our specialties. Straight sal ary and commission basis. Splendid op portunity for right party. Uive ago and references. H. W. Johns-Manvllle Co.. Milwaukee, Wis. B M139 29 WANTED Men, everywhere; good pay; to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tacit signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na tional Distributing Bureau, 100 OakUnd Bank Bldg., Chicago. 111. B M137 29k WANTED Men and boys to learn plumb ing trade; wages $4.60 to $6.50 per day; Colorado I Bchool Practical Plumbing; largest school In west; 1646 Arapahoe. Den ver. Colo. B-Mbtfi MUX MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing, bricklaying, plastering trades; jwiys K a day. Coyne Bros. Co., New "Vork, Chi cago, Cincinnati, St. Louis. Free cata logue. B Ho WANTED Three men of good personal ap- pearanco; ouUlde position; steady em- Eloyinent. C. F. Adms Co.. Iil9 Howard L B Mill DRUG stores benight and sold: drug clerks wanted. F. V. Knlest, 824 N. Y. L. B 134 CIVIL SERVICE preparation. See Under bill, tUM N. 24th. B-M2S3 MI WANTED A painter. 1812 Chicago St. B Mm WANTED Four or flVe good boys; good pay. A. u. T. co uz u. J Jin ei. B-M941M24 WANTED Carriage painters and all kinds of luborors, at Keys Bros, factory, Council Bluffs, la. B & 29 WANTED A good delivery boy. Apply B. A. Simon, 922 Douglas. B M99a 2Sx WANTED Clerk for railroad office, will start at $60 to t per montn, accord lng to ability. Address C60, Bee. &r-M9OT SOx TINNERS and plumbers wanted, lid West Broadway, Co. Bluffs. Spencer, B-MlOB I WANTED Boy with wheel, company. Beaton Drug B--M110 v WANTED Young man for clerical position with large company; must write good tuind, be accurate at figures and furnish referenoea Address C til. Be. B lib fcx WANTED Carpenters; steady work. Ad dress Otto Koerner, contractor, Yutan, Neb. B M 126 M2x U. B. NAVY enlists for 4 years young men and mechanics, citizens of the V. S., 17 to 35 years. .Opportunity for advance ment butler than ever before. Special mechanical training to man qualified. Pay $16 to (70 a month, besides allow ancea Traveling Recruiting Party will visit this spring Sioux Falls. Yankton, Sioux City, Des Moines. Ottumwa and Cedar Rapids. Permanent Station, P. O. Bldg., Omaha; suh-offlors at Lincoln tBurr Block; and Council Bluffs tP. O. Bldg.) Call or write for full partlculara SALESMAN $11 per week, board and ex pense money advanced: visit small towns in vicinity, distribute samples, take orders and make collections; un usual opportunity for man of ability: Fiosltlon permanent and salary Increased f satisfactory. Address Proprietor, Dept. N. Box 144, Philadelphia, Pa. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS will be held In every state during the summer Mid fall. Full Information and questions recently used by the Civil Service Com mission free, t olumblan Correspondence College. .Washington, D. C. B "DESTRUCTION OF SAN FRANCISCO" U.Dt Km 1r la rir VMsfl Sk niilitk sta m pie free. Globe Company, 723 Chestnut St., Phlla. B-MJ ix CANVASSERS To sell Automatlo Bcreen lHHjr Catches and Olant Sjppurts; muk big money: excluslv territory; senile catch, 2fcc; Door Support, 2c. postpaid. Automatic Catch Co., Chicago. B 141 19x WANTED Boy who works during the day to sleep In office at night. Address D li. Be. ' U MUO ACTORS for reputable traveling company: can place two good amateurs. C (3. Bee. . B MJbS Bx WK want able-bodied men for locomotive firing, passencer nr.d freight train brak lug. Address Ry. Dept.. :o 8. 1-th St ' B .M4tt GOOD PAY to men everywhere to tack Ijim. distribute circulars, samples, etc. no canvassing. Universal Adv. Co . Chi. cajo. B-2U1 2x bBTKCTIV E Shrewd, rellabl man wanted In every locality to act under orders; experience unnecessary. Wilt Webster DtectltAg.-ucy, Is Moines, la. a-m WANTED MALE HELP that will make study hours flit by on BOYLES BUILDING, OMAHA. B WANTED Men to bring real estate Invest ors or homesoekers to the southwest; lib eral commission, steady employment. W. A. Boyle, Enid, Okl. B-2o2 29x MAN WANTED in the real estate busi ness; experience unnecessary, If honest, ambitious and willing to learn the busi ness thoroughly by mall and earn $300 to $:m monthly as our local representative. Write Immediately for full uartlculars. Address National Co-operative Renlty Co., Tt B, Athenaeum Bldg., Chicago. B 19i 2!x WANTED Belckhandlers and laborers at brickyard, two miles south of Albright car line, on Union Pacific railroad. Omaha Hjdraulic Press Brick company. WANTfTIv-Structural detallers on general building construction near Omaha: salary $loO per month. Address Draftsman, 51X-84 La Balle St., Chicago. B aie Zx HONEST man to travel, place samples. groceries, etc.; experience unnecessary; $18 week and expenses. Kei-iiro, Man hattan Bldg., Chicago B 206 2x MEN We pay $6 a day for men to Sell San Francisco Horror" by Bishop Fal lows and survivors; thrilling stories, pho- toirr:inhlc illustrations: big book, $1.50; outfit free: send o for postage. Kuhl man Co., Atlas Bldg., Chicago. . B 223 tX OPPORTUNITIES We (have the opportunities for everybody. Here are a few for Immediate consideration: 2 Mechanical draftsmen. 1 German-spcaklng clothing man. 1 dress goods salesman. 2 good stenographers. 1 good bookkeeper. Traveling hardware salesman. 10 solicitors, salary $15, and commission. Man- -with $5,000 to Invest in established business, retail," for 20 years, to manage office. Man $10,000 to Invest In established whole sale business, become treasurer. If you have money to Invest, these two propositions are gilt edged. BRAIN CLEARING HOUSE, y 921-2 N. T. Life. COATMAKERS wanted at Hicks', IS Pearl 8t.. Council Biuns, la. a ton ux WANTED FEMALE HELP STENOGRAPHER. $50. Cashier and typewriter, clothing, $10 per week. Boo keener and stenographer. $56. Cashier eating house, board' and room. $25. WESTERN KEF. & BOND ASS'N (Inc.). Dept. U, S40-41-42 W. 1. UI Bldg. o APPRENTICE girls. Burgess Shirt Co. c o WANTED Girl tor general housework: reference required; three in family 1 good wages. v2i im. xza ei., oouin umtu. C-161 WANTED Experienced sewing women tor alteration work. Apply Cloak Depu, liujucu v. asoas WANTED Ex perUJced cloak and suit salesladies in our Ladles' Suit DepL, Hay. den Bros. u ate WANTED A good girl for general house work. 401 Hamilton Bl. u MM WANTED A cook, colored woman pre ferred. Christian Home. Council Bluffs. C MAPS WANTED Competent girl to take care two cnuaren; C 38. Bee. sleep borne night. Address C Mill WANTED Housekeeper; one who wants good borne; netween ages 20 and 26; work very light. Mr. F. L. Davis. Red Oak, la. - C M!M 2SX GIRL WANTED $6 oo per week for a girl who knows how and wants to do general nousuwors. souti iiawinorne Ave. Tel. llarnty Ml. c 148 GIRL for general housework; no washing. Mrs. j. it. fnyuer, 110 a. aatn. C 145 WANTf:DComptent girl for general nousewora in rainiiy 01 two; wages, $6.00. Mrs. Tman i-.uck, &2 h. m St. C 148 x l" A VTHI1 H OIRI.S TO MllfT G TV I DTI JACKETS. OVERALLS AND DL'CK COATS APPLY AT ONCE TO BYRNE. & HAMMER D. G CO. FACTORY, 12TH A.1 l,u j 010. O Mj.v 28 WANTED Olrl to take care of children ana au iigni ooumsorn. can Bo. luth. C M973 WANTED Good sewing girl. Apply ltnj Burt Bl. C MSsii 28X COMPETENT cook at once. 1024 Park A v. C MM a WANTED Girl to assist in housework. 4227 Douglaa C U7 2 WANTED An experienced girl for cook and do general nouseworg small family; gooa wagea. 1.1111, wt uougiaa. c-ul 2s WANTED Competent girl for general nousewora; rimuy rour aauiis; nice plaoe. gooa wages, surv Dnennan Ave. C-123 29x LADY MANAGER In every county; offl in your bom; salary $15 per week and expenses. F. E. Barr, maaager, Como Bldg., Chicago. C 131 29x wantt:d Two furnish tlcketa land. Neb. dining room girls; will Kochler hotel. Grand Is- B C M143 29 eALKSLAiil-iu per weea. poard and ex. pense money advanced; visit small towns In vicinity, distribute samples, take or ders and make collections; unusual op- ponunuy ror lany or anility; position permanent and salary Increased If sat isfactory. Address Manager, Dept. N, 1101 m, rnuaueipnia, 11. u LA r IKS To work our rapid hosiery ma chines at home, making hosiery for us to ell tbe trade; previous experience un necessary: no canvassing; steady work; good money earned. Write today. Ster ling C.. 515 River St.. Port Huron. Mich. o-ta tux GIRL for general housework. Mrs. Wil liamson. 3V0 Lincoln Boul.. Bemls Park C 16 29 WANTED A girl for general housework. Jkpviy at 1WJ PJ k Ave, . , o-li7 WANTED FEMALE HELP l OOOD girl can get rood wage If she will apply t once to 210 Wirt St.; fam ily of four. CS x TWO stenographer. $45 and IMX, Apply. at WESTERN RF.F St DOXD ASS'N (Inc.), Lept. B, 8KM1-42 N. Y. Life Ufclg. ACTRESSES for reputable traveling corn- puny; ran place two good amateurs. A'l dress C 63. Bee. C-MJ3 2x WANTED A good (Ctrl for general house work. Mrs. Frederic KuKin, 3oii nnrncj-. GIRL for general housework; good wages. o3) North Z3d Bt. t, am WANTED Experienced l'ly clothes Iron- ers. City Bteam ijaunury, !u a. urn. T WE NTT-FIVE girls to operate power sewing machines; steady worn. nerms Omaha Hag Co. C-M420 30 IN alteration department, at once, glrli experienced on skirt and wnlst worK, Monday a. m. ece iwr. nonanoe. ,-hi noor. The Bennett Company. C 449 29 WANTED Competent and accurate book keeper and slerograpner; state experi ence and salary expected. Address D14, care Bee. C460 29 WANTED SITUATIONS 7 " WANTED Position by experienced and competent bollermaker. Address c 5, care Bee. A oiiio ai i . AGENTS WANTED BAN FRANCISCO'S AWFUL, EARTH- WLAKli CALAM1TI; only autlientio book; written by eya witnesses; over u0 pages; price only $1.60; agent s commis sion 60 per cent; freight paid; credit given; llu.uu a day maue easily; outnt free. Address the H. W. B. Conrad Pub lishing Co., 716 Filbert St., Dept. 344, Phil adelphia, Pa, J -Msao 2Kx 10,000 AGENTS WANTED Only authentlo book on "San Francisco calamity ; mgn est commission; outfit free. The John C. Winston Co., ii waoasn Ave., cnicago. HI. J M760 x AGENTS Ban Francisco Horror, by Bishop Fallows and survivors; mruiing stones; photographic Illustrations; big book, $1.60; terms, ou per cent coiiuiuasiuu, iw per cent profit; freight paid; credit; outlit free: send I cents for postage. Kuhlman Co.. Atlas Bldg.. Chicago. J-MS87 i!9x Ot'R San Francisco book is authentlo. Best autnorsnip, txv pages, many original photographs. Outfit ready. Order from manufacturer, 10c. Get highest commis sions. One agent ordered 200 by wire. Act quickly; big money now. Hertel Jen kins & Co., ill . jacuson, cnicago. J M8T1 ZSX ELEGANT opportunity for canvassers, Call evenings, J. It. Miller, 624 N. 23d, jvvi zsx AGENTS WANTED everywhere to sell our popular policies, covsring an accl dents, diseases and occupations; some thing entirely new and Issued by this society only easily understood and easily sold; cost out per annum eacn, pay able monthly It desired; large commis sions paid immediately and exclusive territory allowed. Address National Ac cident Society. 820 Broadway, New York. bsiabllshed 20 years. J AGENTS WANTED For "The Destruc tion of San Francisco, with introduction by Bishop Fallows: a comprehensive ao- count or tne great calamity witn numer ous Illustrations; 600 pages; price $1.60; best terms to agents; outfit 10 cents. P. A. Llndberg Co.. 6t Dearborn SU Chicago. 1 Ml 2 9 29x AGENTS sell San Francisco Disaster; big boon; buu page illustrations; nignest commissions; freight paid. Credit. Bend 10c postage for outfit, also beautiful household premiums given. American Publishing House, Chicago. J M1I0 2X AOENTS San Franolsco Disaster. Com- filete story of earthquake and Are fully Uustrated. Best and largest book. 60 per cent commission. Express paid; credit given. Outfit 10c. J. S. Zeigler & Co., Chicago. J Ml 3 29x ENGRAVED stiver name and . number plates have always been seen on the nouses of the best families, and until now have cost from $6 to $10. We make to order richer and better engraved sil ver door plates that you can sell for $1.50 and double your money. Write for photo reproductions (actual slxe), show ing styles of plates and engravings. Price monopoly ana exclusive territory to capable agents. - New Method Co., 6T6T Prairie Ave., Chicago. J 374 2x MANAGER wanted, every city and county, to handle best paying business known, legitimate, new, exclusive cen tral; no Insurance of book canvassing, Address Chas. Halstead, Si West 2tkh St., N. Y. J 973 29X AGENTS Entirely new and original, re quired Dy every man, Ldttie wonder Trousers Presser. Agents' profit 100 per cent: sample prepaid 50c: circulars free. Proctor Co., 140 Nassua St, New York. J 07 2tfX WANTED To sell my everlasting Hot Water Bottle Patent of Nebraska, Kan sas. Colorado, Nevada, Utah, California, Mew Mexico, Texas, UKianoma ana In dian Territory- Price $500; more terri tory than I can manage A. J. Scrltch- field, Janes vine, wis. J an S)x $26 WEEKLY easily earned by lady agents taxing orders ror us; outnt prepaid; we start you In business and make you inde pendent. Write for circular and terms, woman's Apparel Supply Co., Chicago. AGENTS WANTED Sell our $1 bottle of sarsaparuia ior w cents; Dest seller; 250 per cent profit; write today for terms and territory. T. R. Greene, 116 Lake St.. Chicago. j AGENTS Learn to fit glasses by sendlng for our free book on tne eye; It will tea you all about It. Get a profession that pays from $76 to $150 per month; the opti cal profession will do It for you. No field so pleasant, profitable or so little worked. No longer necessary to work for someone else at a meager salary Don't miss this opportunity, but send us a postal card by first mall. Jacksonlan Optical College. B S3, College Place, Jack son, Mich. J AGENTS Big combination box contains file cure, ocaip ana BKtn uintments. Ca tarrh and Hay Fever Balm. Corn Salve- costs 26c. worth $1.60- profit 200 to 300 per cent, ruara rv . Alien at v;o., uetrolt Mich. J FOR RIGHT MEN w hve extra orood money-masing proposition; prana ni.w; no competition; catalogue on application. Dept. 24. Horn Comfort Pump Co., rueoio, coio. jm TJx AHENrs-Lioni DiiM mistake or vour life by accepting any other " 'Frisco DIs- sster book when cents for postage will bring you our superior outfit containing original pholographlo scenes of destruc tion and the story by survuors of Amer ica greatest calamity. Startling predlc tlons divulged. Price and all condltlrrs same as others advertise, but terrrs pob! tlvely unequalled. Outfit order. d by pre. paid telegram mailed free and tulck. De cided advantages count. C. W. Stanton Co 119 Dearborn Bt., Chicago, 111. J 344 !9x AGENTS Too many "Frisco- disaster books out; don t waste time; write for my proposition, x ray, isa aiarset, ivewsrk, jn. j. J zoo fix AOENTS San Francisco Disaster, full and authentlo story as told by survivors ard eye witnesses. tOO-Dag book, fullv Illus trated from photographs direct from (he scene; price,; great demand; liberal terms: credit given: 100 per cent nroflt. Bend $0 postage tor complete canvassing ouini. aoi quica ana get your snare 01 th buslnea. Northwestern Bible House, tSt W abash Ave., Chicago. J 2X1 Kx AGENTS wanted to sell the book of views of the great earthquake and fir at San Francisco; 76 original photographs taken by our special corps of expert photo grapher while the city was still burn ing: 60 large pages: tremendous sal all over th country; great chunc for boys and girls; $5 per day aslly cleared; book sells Itself; retail price 60 cents; price to agents 30 cents by the dosen. If you wish agency, mail $0 cents for sample copy, omerwise no attention paia 10 Communication. Illustrated Pres Syndi cate. 11 Tribune Hiag., New York J 442 tOt AO ENT8 Official History San Francisco Disaster; only, Illustrated book; large col ored plotur; now ready; extraordinary 4mhiu; credit given; outfit fro. Ad dres National Publisher (established 167). Lakeead Bldg., Chicago J us x WANTED AGENTS LADT AOENTS To sell unbreakable side steel corsets; catalogue free. M. Darling, 61 N. Clark St.. Chicago. III. J-2I Six BAN FRANCIS ""O DIS.VSTER-Conipleto authentic history, with s-t of actual photographs, also story by eye witnesses; guurmteeil equal to any lamk out; agents averaging; $U pr dsy; o", fine cloth bound II. 60 book now ready; acuts price. "5 cnts. postage 26 cents extra; freight paid UrdT today or send 10 cents for nuilllng tree ouult. Knupp Pub. Co., Kansas City, Mo. J 4:8 '.9 WANTEI-Experlenced agents to Jdn crew traveling In Nebraska; splendid proposition; easy seller. K. K. Duncan, 2io l ax ion bii ilock, city. J-MS77 3cx W EWANT a few men who can handle an Investment which Is a money-maker for both salesman and Investor. Seven of our men exceed 1100 per week each In commis sions. Don't apply unless experienced In soliciting work. Payton, 410 Bee RMg. L 4i3 29 WE START YOU selling diamonds. Don't fall getting our liberal offer, $5 dally sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Mention aper. J 193 29x OUTSELLS EVERYTHING New box con taining six cakes sonp and six solid sll verold .spoons; agent's profits amar.lvtg. Write today. Parker Chemical Co . Chi cago. J ll9 29x MEN AND WOMEN AGENTS We trust you. Iet us send you 20 packages of "Snowflax," the finest shampoo powder made; sells for l'V; 50 per cent your com mission. Send no money, but send for goods at once; $2 Do per day sure. Ad dress Victoria Mfg. Co., Dept. IS, Wood lawn. Chicago. J 200 29x SAN FRANCISCO S GREAT DISASTER Earthquake, fire and volcano in t a 11 fornla and at Vesuvius; big book; fully Illustrated; only $1; extra terms; freight paid; credit given; outfit free. Ziegler Co., 216 Locust St., Philadelphia, Pa. J-17& 2x SAN FRANCISCO. Earthquake horror. Mt. Vesuvius and the worlds great disaster: profusely illus trated with photographic scenes, of the, freat disaster, and views of the devasta ed cities and their people; large book, pages, retail $1.60. Agents send ten 2-cent stamps for prospectus quick; big commission. C. E. Stevenson, Majestic Bldg., Denver, Colo. J 17b 2x AGENTS WANTED Absolute protection against burglars and sneakthleves; self adJUBtlng: no wires or screws; Impossi ble to move door or windows without rl rutins: alarm: handsome prottt to aKents: sample, 60 cents. Automatic Buigtar Alarm Co., BU Louis, Alo. J 19 x DESTRUCTION of San Francisco; big money for agents selling this descriptive. profusely Illustrated book; price, $1.60; send 26o for outfit. Endler Book Co., Canal and Randolph, Chlcugo. J 180 2x AGENTS WANTED To sell History of the Terrible Ban r ranctsco t-;artnquaKe; nearly ten thousand men, women and children perished; property loss five hun dred millions; greatest calamity In the history of our country: will outsell Gal veston. McKlnley ar.d nil other sensatl: nal books' ever published; 60 per cent to agents; outfit free. Ferguson Publishing Co., 10032 Fifth, Cincinnati, O. J lw Rlx $20.00 PER DAY selling Earthquake Disas ter; largest book, most authentlo, best illustrated, actual photographs, biggest commissions; credit given; freight paid; free outfit; send 100 postage. Dale Pub lishing Hout,e, 368 Dearborn, Chicago. J U9 2Px . AGENTS for San FYanclsco Disaster; big gest dook; only; stories of survivors; hundreds of photographs; tremendous de mand; blggesti commission guaranteed and $68 additional premiums with every hundred books; credit given; outfit freo; send 8 cents for moiling. Standard Co., 3-3 uearoorn, cnicago. J iss 29x SOLDERENE mends tinware; big profits ior agents; sample 10 cents, postpaid. Bolderene Co., 63 State St., Boston, Mns. J- EVERY property owner wants our dry powder chemical fire extinguishers; cheapest, best; demonstrations make sales easy; large profits; exclusive territory to agents. Moftet Mfg. Co., Dept , E, Eau uiuire, . wis. j 183 Z9x HAM 1PT? A WPtaPO niDAQTPD Ul. V 1. . twu page, illustrations; agents make 100 per cent; freight paid; credit; send o postage ror outnt; act quick; book ready. M. . Donohue Co., Chicago. J 222 29x AGENTS Large picture of San Franolsco calamity; mxZ4, 76c doxen, $6 a hundred: sample, 10c; retails at 25c; everybody buys them. Whlteson, 240 E. Madison St., Chicago. J 220 2Sx ATTENTION, horsemen; hitch anywhere; patented; Dig seller; agents wanted. Pocket Hltchlngpost Co., Muncle. Ind. J 21H 29x AGENTS WANTED-Everywhers, to sell gas lighters: no electricity: fire or flame; hold over gas It Ignites; everlasting; lib eral salary. The No-Match Co., Indian apolis, Ind. J-217 29x AGENTS $30 weekly selling self-generating fras burners, fitting common kerosene amps; brilliant portable gaslight; abso lutely safe; exclusive territory; positive monopoly; description rree. (Mistern uas light Co., 2W Broadway, New York. J 216 29x PORTRAIT AGENTS 10x20 crayons, ami wster color, sue: sena tor samples catalogue free. Berlin Artist association, Dept. 1, 62 State St., Chicago. J 243 29x roivTKn First-class eeneral agent to ap point and manage suo agents must oe of good character; give full particulars. Opportunity, 841 Dearborn St., cnicago. J 242 2Sx AGENTS Is your salary below $20 weekly? 6top; Investigate our suit pongee-emnroia-ered waist pattern and wearing apparel particulars: samples mailed. Manufac turer, 3So2 Aldlne Place, Chicago. J 213 2!x WANTED Agents for Officlnl History of San Francisco Disaster; Introduction ny Rev. Samuel Fallows, D. D. ;- retail price $1.60; 60 per cent commission, freight paid; credit: send 6c In stamps for partial post age for outfit; take orders now. American Home Supply Co., 126 Plymouth Place, Chicago, m. . J-212 Zx AGENTS Everywhere, both sexes; others coin money selling our pongee nun; em broidered waists; also shirt waist suit patterns, oriental silk opera shawls rind all kinds latest ladles weiring apparel; experience absolutely unnecessary; to convince you will mall (free) embroid ered copies with goods and particulars how to sell them. Noveltv Embroidery Mfg. Co.. Dept. Z, 225 Dearborn St., Chi cago. J 211 20x AGENTS Legitimate substitute for slot machines: patented: sells at sight for II; good territory open; particulars. Glsha Co.. Anderson, Ind. J 2c9 29x AOENTS Would you like new, useful household article that will sell on sight? Patented; make $5 to $10 dally. Cream Disk Co., Peoria, 111. J 210 tx THE San Francisco Disaster: Mount Vesu vius Horror: best selling book of theo-esr; agents wanted; hlshest commission: outfit mailed for 6 stamp. I nlversltr Pub. Soc.. Lakeside Bldg., Chicago. J 307 Zx JUST OUT Picture San Francisco earth quake. In colors, else 16x; sample. Po; particulars free. Resag, 370 W. Randolph, Chicago. i j Z2S ax MEN and women, boys and girls; the fad is at its height: you can make $5 a day among your friends, selling imported gold cigar bands for ash trays, fancy trays. card table, vases and art novelties made at home: sample outfit, assortment of 60. full directions, 25 cents; 100 for 40 cents. National Cigar Band Co Dept. D, Balti more Bldg., Chicago, 111. JZA 29 BAN FRANCISCO'S Burning Ruins; Kx20 coiored picture. 10 cents, postpaid; terms free to agents: outfelllng evervthlnj; Parker Chemical Co., Chicago. J 704 Rx THE two best Fan Francisco books are Bishop Fallows' and the one written by Charles Ranks and Onle Read. We sell both: 600 paves; 1"0 photos; SO per cent: credit: freight neld: outfit free. W. A. Hlxenbaugh & Co., Ware Blk.. Omaha J-M4r MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN At 5 and 6 per rent on lm proved real estate. In amounts $500 ana upward. Loans closed without delay. GARVIN BROS. 1602 FARNAM w IsOKKX TO LOA-N Payu investment Co. MONEY TO LOANREAL ESTATE 1 WANT KU City loan and warrant W. ( amain Smith 4 Co.. LiM raruam L W-SJI BUILDING kas on residence property; I per cent W. hi. Meikle. Haiugs Blk. LOWL8T RATfcS Bemla, l'axton Illoek. W-i7 I'KiV ATE money. V. l. Wead. liiu Douglas. W-D2S 6AHV1N BROS., I604 rat aula; oily loans. I aud per cent uueresi; no deiay. W M tl.ouoooo TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowtst rates; 110 ucUy. thuliias Breniiart, R. 1, N, Y. Ufe. w-iao W AN f.D City Loans. R. C. Peters Jk Co. w m FARM. CITY AND BCILD1NO Into. Bio., Liu arnam St. LOANS. W-vM City farm loans. O. F. Carson Co., N.Y.U v-es LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, 606 1st National Bank Bldg. LOW rates Trlvate money. $V0 and up. CliAS. ti N 1LLIAMSON CU. w LOANS made on Omaha Improved prop erty; also for building purposes Hastings & Heyde n, 1J V- t a r n am . v 4' 2 FOR SALE FARMS PACK YOUR GRIP On Tuesday next and get oil the train with us at Presho, S. D-, whore you pan have your pick of the best Lyman county farm lands at from $8 to 15 an acre. Easy terms. It will pay you as an Investment or for a home. Excursion rates, Omaha to Prceho and return, 3 12.45. Send for Phamphlet, The Putnam Co., 501 N. Y. Life. Omaha. H- IOWA FARM A-n.A .,nll I ............. ,").. .. .. ..., aWM. house, new barn, fenced, fruit, homestead; must be sold to settle estate; further par. i" . "I'll niimuicu , a V.UL. 11. , .a 1 1 1 , . uuuiura turiusiiea on request; oncv, K,wu, ROCK CO. NEB. FARM 100 acres: good house, cattle shed, flowing well; 10 acres timothy; splendid hay and stock farm; price, $20 acre; $3,200.00, or will exchange for Omaha Improved property. BHIMEK & CHABtt CU., Iowa and Nebraska Farms and Ranches. 1609 Farnam. Ground Floor. Douglas 3867. 11 EASTERN COLORADO. 640 to 6.400 acres nice prairie land. Price $. oo to xs.60 per acre. B. Goodale. 1947 Broadway, New York. H 187 20x COLORADO FARMS AND RANCHES. For sale In the famous district of Greeley. Colo., also a number of good business propositions; write for literature and nrlces. O. M. Wvckotf. Greeley. Colo. ti.ii SIX RARE BARGAINS IN FARMS. CA .......... AJ m. !,(,.. halanM na.tilp n n..i n , ....ii.ii. u , .., all fenced. 6-room house, well, windmill. small barn. 8H miles from town on R, F. D. and telephone line, school on tarm; price, 11.800. ' lik) acre. 130 cultivated. 8i miles from town, small Improvements, black loam soil, clav subsoil, best of corn-, alfalfa ana win ter wheat land; no sana, aiKau or gumDo; nr ce. 14.000. J i. CAJtlx rr.l ,1 , XjMTjiir Itbi', no. H-M421 6x FOR SALE 7 quarter sections of farm and ranch land In one body in l'heips Co.; an fenced; $20 per acre. Address Box 46, Holdrege, Neb. H M267 30X GREAT proposition to offer any real estate man to hem us nanaie ido.kv acres or South Dakota lands. Address Great Western Land Co., 806 Neville Block, Omaha. H 426 2x 80-Acfc Farm 3 miles straight west of Bennington. Eastern owners will sell at best prlc obtainable. Make an offer. HARRISON & MORTON, SU N. Y. Ufa. Tel., Doug. 311 H 164 Farm and Ranch Lands. .'.tirbslca.. Kansas. Colorado and Wvomlnc: low prices; icn 3 uiua. usuu ivpt. Vj. P. li. li., uinana, neo., jjepi. - a. H 3I FREE GOVERNMENT LANDS, also Oeedea lanas, ooin irrigsieu ana upland, for alfalfa, sugar bee is, 'grain, fruit and tockgruwing. Maps, picture, prlc lists free. Agent wauled. The blerllng In vestment Co.. W1 trout cit., meinng. Colo. U-Jliil 700 ACRES; on body partly Improved; tot) acre under cultivation; b.uv per acr cash. 6. 1 iawver, 1614 Emmet St., Omaha. xl MUXl M13 ATTENTION! investors and homeseekersl Now buy good land In Hand and Beadle counties, eastern South Dakota, where price will advance considerably this sea son. Manual! irom Apru to August, u-a, at Huron, county seal or c.-aaie co.. 23.9U. Prices. $3 to $26 per acre. Next excursion May 1. Chas. V. Tulleys, luj Main at., upstairs, council Biuns. la H Mill 21 FOR SALE 4,72 acres of cholc wild land In beautiful lake region of western W li consln, within a hunured milts of Minne apolis; timber on same enough for Bat tler's own use; soli sandy loam, clay sub soil: for Immediate sal to close out tract will sell all at $6 per acre; speculator can double their money on this deal. For map and further particular write owner, Harry c. Johnson. noDuinaaaie. Minn. II A RANCH of $.240 acres. 12 miles N. W of Petersburg and 13 miles H v . of Elgin, in Wheeler Co.. adjoining Boon Co. Una: 40 acre under nluw, 1,600 aero tillable, about 8 acres of grove. 2,(ia) acre Beaver valley land, of which w) acre is In fin tame and wild hay; fro acre blue grass pasture. Ranch all f-moed nd cross-fenced; large slock and bay barn; feed yard and lank, acales, etc.; good house, 4 rooms; grsnarles and 160 acres fenced hog tight with woven wire. Price, $o4.no0; terms eay. J. H. Holllngsbead. Arcadia. Neb. H 231 29 LAND BARGAINS . ri acres adjc Inlng th Stats Experimental farm, 7 mile .)Uih ot Mortn i'latte. Neb.. 170 acres cultivated, 70 acres fine wheat, all improvement new. PHICH1. $3,aO. $20 acre 14 mile south of North Platte, Neb., small house, barn, well, windmill, ph nty water, "0 acre cultivated, balance bay land. PRICE. $2,000. U. i- gALEtl BUREAU, 304 NRVTLLE BLK 'buu Douglas H. . FOR SALE FARMS 10.000-ACRE RANCH In wetsrn Nebraska, find laying land. $4 50 an acre. Used at present for a sheep ranch, all equipped for that purpose; might some of these days be sult.tMe for Bgrlciilturn.1 purposes. The same kind of land not more than 25 miles from It Is selling nt from $T to $ an acre. This of course has water on It for Irrigation purposes. Pnyne, Investment Co. First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Douglas 171. Crossman Investment Co. People Hre looking for ranches. We have some choice ones, any slie yon want: flow ing wells, plenty of hay, good posture and cheap prices. We have ranches In Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado. , Cheap Farms Will you buy eight farms of 100 acres each In northeastern Nebraska and pay st cash M.wm for tne bunch? Owner says for Imme diate acceptance only. A snap for some body. A Good Investment Is one that Is cheap, safe and profitable. SVNNY SOUTHERN ALBERTA; mild cli mate, rich soli. Irrigated land. Excursion 1 leaves Omaha every Tuesday. For Informa tion or literature drop a postal or call, j Calgary District, Alberta, Canada. Colorado Lands We have 20.HOO acres of choice land In Colorado at $3.60 per acre. This Is a good proposition os an investment. Can sell In large or small tracts. Investors are making big profits on these lands, you can do the same. Call, write, wire or phone Douglas 6U)i. Crossman Investment Co. New York Life nidg., Cnviha. FOR SALEREAL ESTATE Hanscom Park Home We have a fine 8-room, all modern home, only two blocks from Hanscom Park, that cost over $3,400 to build; lot, 60x150, east front. Owing' to sickness owner will sell for $3,600 if sold within next ten days. The Byron lieed Co., . "Phones 297 and 238. 212 South 14th. RE I Snimsr Ar I haca 1 r OlllillCl CX VllCtbC LU., . OMAHA AND NEBRASKA REAL ES- TATE. PliANT SEEDS, PLANT TREES. PLANT TOUR MONEY IN OMAHA. Dwellings 14,000 9-room West Leavenworth dwell ing, paved street, corner lot 6(x 124; must be sold; want offer. $3,600 7-room, modern, corner in Kountse Place, almost new. $3,600 6-room, all modern, on Boulevard, near car. fs.zoo 8-room modern dwelling, near Majestic apartment house, south front, within half block Sherman Ave. car. $3,200 Park Ave., dwelling, fronting Hanscom Park; 7 rooms, modern, hot water heat, owner leaving city. $3,160 8-room, modern; walking distance, on 13th St $3,000 Buys one 9-room, one 8 and one 4-room house near Hanscom Park, $8,000 for the bunch, $2,700 6-room all modern dwelling, paved street, very desirable. $1,700 6-room cottage, bath, 26th St $1.700 6-room new cottage, bath, Ames Av. $l,200-i-4-room cottage. West Side. Lots 60x128, 47th and Grant, $260. 60x128, 17th and Caroline, $326 to $400. 100x136, adjoining Country club, one block from car, $225. 67x124, near 23d and Manderson. Make us an offer. 48x136. near 10th and Farnam, $1,600. 60 ft. front near 29th and Rugglcs, $300. 72x100, 18th and Leavenworth, $10,000. Acres 85 acres, trackage from two railroads. $6,000. 10 acres good fruit land, $6,000. 10 acres, north, with trackage, $3,000. I acres, north, with trackage, $1,000. 2 acres, west of city, $400. Shimer & Chase Co., Headquarters for Vacant and Improved Realty. 160$ Farnam. Ground Floor. Tel. Douglas $867. RE Wm. D. REED, 509 N. Y. Life Bldg. $4,000 Excellent 8-room huuse in Bemls park; a very attructlve Lome la a choice lo cation; paved street Price, $4,000. Attractive 9-room residence and full lot In Uauscooi Pluce. $5,250 Nearly new, 0-rooiu, modem residence near All Saints' church; lower story furnished in oak; grute and mantel; close In, but a quiet, hui-liidcd location. $3,300 Attractive home of 7 rooms; hull, parlor, dining room, kitchen, alecping room and bath on first floor; three sleeping: rooms (one not entirely finished) on the second floor; hot water heating plant which cost over foo; ;are grounds. 80xU8 ft, with plenty of young fruit st-tr good burn; small chicken bonne; soilil comfort at a great snap price. TRACKAGE Large corner lot, 7-U132 ft., centrally located, excellent for coai, lumber or wholesale feed. Price, $0,&OO. Wm. D.'Reed. fyO N. Y. Life Rldg. Tel Doug. -3217. RE FOR SALE At a bargain. 6-room mod. bouse, 12.760, 4923 DaveoDort. H. Pur IVIU, Paxtoa lilK . Rii-4U 'Jt FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Green House For Sale SPLENDID 11AK0A1NS Fine pi opert. v, midway between Omaha snd South Omaha, consist lng of slx-roora house. b.rn, carriage house, nearly IO.iHo feet of glsss, lying to the enst sun; i green houses, t steam beds, 2 boilers, ir..i0 square feet of ground (corner), city water, cistern, well, sewer, brick cellar under whole house. Business established IS yenrs for rais ing vegetables and flowers. Will sell real estate and nil Improvements, crop In th houses, t horses, w.igon, carriage, har ness end all tools. Will also assign lease of t acres across street from property. See us about this quick. Ill health of owner cnu.e of sale. Purchaser can do busi ness first year equal to two thirds of purchase price. Fine opportunity for s paving business In an unoccupied field. McCAG UK 1 N VKSTM KNT CO., I'M DODGE ST. RF-Mln4 I Near Business Close to postofTlce, 37xiT4i ft., for flats.' price $2.or. to:l Harney. 26 ft. of ground with 6 room cottage, $2,7oO. These are bar C. S. SIIErAKD, 3v8 N. Y. Life. RK-163 ? $2.250 3 houses of 4. 6 and (l rooms, on Nicholas, near 20tn St.. witn soutn frontage of fiO feet. This Is the snap of today. Close estimate for all. r . D. W EAD, 1024 DOCULAM. RE John Morrison House Florence Boulevard ... One of the prettiest places on the boule- vard, situated among fine old native toes. magnificent east view. Mr. Morrison baa left the city and offers to sell right. Harrison & Morton, 312-813 N. I. Life. Tel. Doug.-314. RE M79T FINE MODERN TEN-BOOMl Brick house, first class repair, east front. lot 60x150, paved street, permanent walk, one block from street car on 30th Ave- near Hansoom park; $5,760. Fitzgcrald-Dermody Co. ; Douglas 6108. 836 N. Y. Life. RE-M107 28 A BARGAIN ' STREET CAR men, or anyone wanting a home. ONE block from new street car barn on Ohio street, full lot; 8-room cottage, gas and water, fruit, trees, garden and barn. This is an excellent location. $2,000; $500 cash, balance monthly. Fitzgerald-Derniody Co., 633 N. Y. Life. Telephone Douglas 6108. RE M106 28 TRACKAGE A0Jnui,,,f? trackT'at'fth 'and'oneiB tat ' l2,00u will take It for Immediate aai. IJrlUMAH BRjCNNAN, Room L- Nw York Lite Bid;.. KH-M530 ARCHITECT J. H. STAN WOOD. 8427 Lake. RL 661 Mil SUBURBAN. - That beautiful 10 acres on west Bids of 30th oi., w n. norm or r on umana; nothing finer about Omaha; on boulevard, with to tare to your door $1, 200 Pr acre. B. tj, Curtis. 1608 Harney. RB M873 . TRACKAGE SNAPS About 6 acre in a body, with 800 feet frontage on u. P. main line at South Omaha Fine layout for lumber or coal yards or' laciury, or unyiiung calling ior railway facilities; would divide. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO. DOUGLAS BLOCK. RE U648 CH AS WiHiajjigQ'Q Co.C Bk' Bld at Floor. RK-stt FOR SALS A horn worth ttO.Outi for 111 VW, WVBt AW1IVH A 11. MX - KE-MW LIST your houses with me. I have many casn buyers for small nouses. blUAb KOBblKH, FRENZER BLOCK. KJS M77 2SX LIST your properties with Boyer, X2d and Investment $3,250 2710-2713 Parker Bt. is one of the best In vestments in town property; rents for $400 per year; houses have city water, sewer and gas; street is paved and per manent walks are paid. Be sure to look at these. THE BYRON REED CO., ; 'Phones Doug. 297 and 298. 213 8. 14th. RQ- INVESTMENT PROPERTY 8 NAP. $10,000 cash, balance on easy terms and low Interest will buy first class business prop erty; annual rental of $3,200. I. Conner, 231 Neville Blk. No telephone replies. RE 464 FIVE-ROOM cottage, modern except fur nace, on iuii on. k casement, near 33d and Mason, rents for $ju per month, bae- iiieui renu ior iu per in on in, ului rental per year: Investigate. WVaum Realty CO.. 42a Paxton Blk. TU Dougla " niy-w lux THREE nice lot, N. W. corner 29th an4 Franklin, only $1,000. 4. n. farrou. RE 10 2 8ILA8 ROBB1NH, FRENZEK BLOCK. 1 -r i ,i i rn r'liMa.i. nil I.., 9.1 , 1, ....... . ... . - -1 . u.. v., u , a , i it: . $1U) cash, balance $10 per month. i-ruuiu coiiage in nrsi-ciass oonaition. high celling, city water, gas, cellar, new uarn, targe 101. zt in ana xemDllon. u.itiii: easy terms. C-room new oottaae. Mth and Decatur. full lot, $1.2c0: monthly payment. 6-room cottage. 27th and Lrskine, city water, near car line,; monttily pay ments. 6-room eottajre. modern exoent furnaiM. full lot, beautiful home, nice neighborhood. xiu ana lempieion, si, sou: ay payment. 6-room cotlaxe. nearly new. modern, ex cept furnace, 2tiih, north of Cuming. $2,O0. 7-room house, 46th and Decatur, $!; $:50 cash, balance monthly. s-rooni. two-story house, modern eiceot lurnace, i.a ana i larg. l2,ouu; easy lerma 8-room, 3-story houxe, modrtrt in derir respect, raved street, j:vjJ0. v ' . I . . i. . .. . r- , . i .iuw Two of th finest lou in Dundee, $900 earn. Two and a half acres wen of Dundee. $4 ft. f ive acre near rort umur.a, .nigu ana sltrhtly, $l,.'J. Thirty acres two muci west ot city, oa paved street, fllo per acre. Forty acres six n.ii-s Mf. of pOMornca. hislily Improved. 5.ii). iU2 acres eight nine soutq PI boutja Omaha. $115 per acre. - BllAS MOBBiNB. JfHENZER BLOCK.