Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1906, WANT AD SECTION, Image 17

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What May Be Dene to Make the Surround
ing! Attractive.
Delights la the Ever-Changing Work
of Ttatnra's Alchemy Decorative
Tz?eet of Shrubbery sad
Manx and varied are the ways of beauti
fying home surroundings. Equally varied
are the ways In Which the householder
may derive pleasure as well as profit from
small gardens. "It Is the Joy and despair
of the gardener that his work la never
done, his materials are growing, changing,
ever-varying things," exclaims a writer In
the Century magazine; work that affords
pleasure Is not exacting work and no one
who undertakes gardening even on a small
, scale cannot fall to derive satisfying pleas-
are from watching nature's alchemy produce
results under Ufe-glvlng sunshine. This
Is the delight of the man or woman who
works skillfully and watches the seeds de
velop. How and When Plaa.
"Tell me what I shall plant In a little
garden," said a novice to a seed dealer
the other day. "I know something about
gardening, but I want you to advise me
what Urn to begin, what things I should
plant first, and what I ahould leave until
later on." - -
"Just a soon as the sun begins to shine
' and the ground to get warm, it Is time to
plant garden seed," said the seed dealer.
"And so the time, for many things -has-4
'First wa will talk about peas. Tou
should plant soma' of two varieties now,
"' on ait extra' early kind and the other
for second early or medium crop. While
the smooth peas ' ara the earlier, " the
wrinkled ones ara sweeter, you know. A
standard early wrinkled pea la the Gradus
nr prosperity pea. There are numerous
varieties of second early peas; Horsford's
Market Garden and Pride of the Market
are standards. 'When the early peaa are
gone uae the same ground for a late var
iety. "Then yon ahould have some beans In
your garden, too. Better plant a couple
or Varieties of early dwarf beans and later
varieties of bush llmas and wax beans.
( don't think much of pole beans for small
gnrdeners. The lima pods have Just as
milch meat In -them. All of these seeds
should be planted two or three inches be
low the surface In well pulverised ground
In rows probably a foot or so apart, ac
cording to the room you have.
"Other thtnga planted now are lettuce,
radishes, onion sets, asparagus roots, cu
cumbers, beets and oarrota. Uae onion
seta and roota of .. asparagus. Plnnt cu
cumbers in hills, three or four feet apart,
with four or Ave seeds In a hilt. Plant
the other seeds In narrow rows or beds.
Put In soma mustard and splnnach. They
make fine greens. Also plant a little
parsley for plata decoration. Might as well
put on a little style, you know.
"Parsnips may be planted pretty soon. I
would wait about ten days before planting
sweet corn or setting out cabbage plants.
Set out your tomato planta about May L
j I would reoommend one or two early va
' rletlea and soma later ones. Set them out
about two feet apart.
"It Is wonderful how muoh stuff can be
grown on a small piece of ground. But
gardening doesn't consist of early enthu
siasm in planting seed and later neglect. X
garden must have attention to give re
sults. Ikfibi aad Viaes.
An important factor In securing pleasant
results in planting shrubs and vines for the
town yard Is to plant In the right place.
The most usual mistake Ja to place the
shrub first planted, which is generally the
mnt beautiful shrub, in the center of the
lawn. Others are planted In the larger
openings left, ao that when the scheme if
complete the shrubs are scattered, each
standing out alone. If thla plan la carried
out It shows each Individual shrub as a
specimen, rather - than as an. ornament.
Each one Is a thing on exhibit as In a
museum. So far front eoau-ibutlng to the
beauty of the 'whole home, the lawn be
comes merely a place to display Individual
shrubs. The more the planter 'Is attracted
by the beauty of a particular shrub, the
more likely he Is to Isolate It.
A much better effect may be secured
by maintaining an open lawn In front and
by massing the shrubs In groups in the
corners, of the yard, along the sides and
rear, In front of outbuildings, in corners
of the building or In the anglea formed
by the ate pa and the porch. Grouped In
this way the ehrubbery plantings form a
truly decorative frame to the home grounds.
The open lawn In front admits the yellow
sunlight, gives air and roominess aud a
suggestion of expanse to the grounda
Sharp anglea of the yard, may be soft
ened Into graceful llnea by m anting shrub
bery In ths corners. Low growing shrubs
ran be planted close In to fill the anglea
between the atepa and the porch. The bare,
formal outllnea of the basement wall may
be neutralised by a mass of splreaa or
other low forms of shrubbery planted a few
fft la width agatnat the corners. Any
bold and striking stone surface of a base
ment wall may be so Improved In appear
ance by disposing shrubbery In this way.
In massing shrubs the tallest should be
, placed to Dm rear ao4 the lowest la front.
19, 1871.
Busy Wholesale District, Where Trade Runs Into Hundreds of Millions
7 ?,, "if'
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to form a continuous bank from the green
grass to the top of the rear shrubs.
Bhmba should be planted early In spring
before they start their leaves. It Is usually
best to spade up the entire area to be oc
cupied by the roots of a shrubbery mass.
In this area plant the shrubs close enough
together so that In a year or two their
branches will touch and mingle together.
If this Is done the observer loses the
Identity of each Individual shrub and thinks
only of the mass as a whole.
Shrubs blend In a neighborly fashion and
give variety In their different styles of leaf,
color and habit of growth. The variations
In such a mass, from the soft, plumlike,
drooping splreas to the rugged, stiff-twigged
mock orange, are never tiresome to the eye
as the formal outlines of a single shrub.
The variations In color will be particularly
noticeable when the branches play together
In the wind, giving all the changes in color
of a cloud effect.
A Method In Plaatlaa- Flowers, Too.
Among the most suitable flowers for the
lawn are the hyacinth, narcissus,. Jonquil,
Iris, peony, phlox and hollyhock among
the perennial variety, and the nasturtium,
marigold, pansy and candy tuft among
the annual flowers. They should not be
planted after the usual method. In formal
beds of geometrical design In the center
of the lawn, but about a border of shrub
bery masses. The openings between the
brsnches of the shrubs can be filled In
with these bright flowering planta. Each
apeclea of flower should be massed by Itself
In the shade of the shrubbery branches.
If the flower groups blossoming from early
spring to late In autumn are Interspersed
among the shrubs, . the shrubbery masses
will be brightened by their bloom during
the entire summer..'
The best care that can be given vines,
shrubs er flowers la tot keep the soil broken
so that It willr-ttot f ri a-erwat.- Aa qrdl
nurv iiHin raka or kM "Wall; answer 'this
purpose. It the soil Is kept loose arid Arte'
tor one Inch In depth between the, slants, it
will, hold .moisture as well as keep, Away
Intruding weeds. ' . ..."
Vises for the Veraada.. . .
Everv sossessor of a house,. with a
porch, whether In city, suburb, of-country
should realise the opportunity ha has,
with the. helo of nature, to make it a de
llctous arid beautiful, cool, green, shady
retreat In summer. In winter It matters
little what It Is. Vines will transform
any porch Into a bower. To have vig-
.1 .. .ib 11 i. .i
orous vines plenty of rich soil Is needed,
and It is best to insure this by adding
plenty of cow manure or bonemeal to
make It rich. Good drainage, aa In any
flower garden, la alao essential.
In the woods many wild vines may be
found. There are the Dutchman's pipe,
the wild grape, the moonreed vine, the
trumpet vine and others. The wild grape
vine la especially useful and easily ob
tained. Its luxuriant foliage, rapid
growth and delightful fragrance make it
useful for summerhouses and similar
structures. The trumpet vine, with Its
scarlet orange flowers. Is easily grown,
not at all sensitive to rough treatment.
It Is found in many parts of the country
wild. , These vines may be obtained from
The silk vine Is fine, with dark green,
luxuriant foliage of neat habit. It be
longs to the milkweed family of plants,
and derives its name from the silky con
tents of Us seed pods. It Is excellent for
the veranda, and is used to cover many
famous old-ruins.
A number of the clematises are well
worthy of a place on the most beautiful
verandas, especially the flowering varie
ties, such as Clematis Jackmannl, which
baa purple flowers, and Clematis henrl,
whloh haa net white flowers, both pro
ducing a mass of rich color when In
bloom. '
The Urn Branllfal.
While some kind of grass will grow on
almost any soli, the best results come only
frorn. rich, light loam. If, therefore, the
soil Is thin and gravelly, work Into It at
the start plenty of fertilizers digging It
In . A r T1i,n ..ok w a f ltt m til
grass more nutriment than would be necos -
,. ,u
ssry were the earth better.
This foundation work cannot be too care
fully done. If available, use plenty of very
dry manure and dig It In thoroughly. Just
scattering on the top Is not enouh. Tou
want to get down ao the roota will get the
benefit, for, remember, the better grass Is
rooted the better It stands dry weather.
Some of the commercial fertilizers, how
ever, form an excellent substitute. If thor
oughly mixed. Nor Is there danger of
weeds from use of them.
Except for banks or terrsces, the sowing
of a lawn with seed Is found to be more
satisfactory than sodding. Before the sow
ing see that the lawn Is well graded.
The amateur who must prepare his own
land can do this grading by going over the
ground a number of times with hoe and
rake to pulverise all the lumps, then even
ing It with a roller.
Get good seed and plenty of It. It will
be found cheaper In the end to go to acme
reliable dealer, even If his graas mixtures
coat more.
The thicker it is sown the less danger
there will be of weeda. Five bushels to the
acre or a quart to SuO square feet la none
too much.
Sow evenly and alwaya on a still day, or
ths seed, which Is very light, is apt to be
blown where one does not wish it to go.
It Is a good thing to go over the ground
Immediately afterwards with a roller to
press the seed In.
Until the sod becomes firm be careful to
keep off animals or anything that will
track It- Do not mow a new lawn until
the grass has grown three or four Inches,
and then do not shave It. Too close clip-
ping the first season Is a mistake. In a
damp summer it might be cut twice a
week, less often If the weather Is very dry.
Every lawn Is Improved by a top dressing
of bone at least once a year, though twice
is better. This may be put on In the fall
for the snows to work In and again In the
spring. Five hundred to 1,000 pounds to the
acre Is a good proportion. Wood ashes
are also beneficial, and a little nitrate of
soda, say several nundred pounds to the
acre, Is excellent to give grass a healthy
color and rapid start.
Each spring, aa early as possible, all bare
places should be sown thickly. During the
summer, If at all convenient, lawns should
be given a thorough drenching every even
San Francisco
Strangely prophetic of a different fate
were the words of Robert Louts Stevenson,
writing of San Francisco In the Magaslne
of Art for May, 18S3. "According to Indian
tales, perhaps older than the name of Cal
ifornia," he says, "It rose out of the sea In
a moment, and some time or other shall.
In a moment, sink again." Earthquake and
fire partially fulfilled the prophecy, but the
hills and lowlands are unsutmerged, the
courage and resources of a stricken people
are equal to the emergency and a greater
and better city will rise from the ruins.
That is the American spirit, and San Fran
cisco has an abundance of it.
"In the course of a generation only,"
wrote the famous author twenty-three years
ago, "San Francisco and its suburbs have,
arisen. Men are alive by the score. who
have hunted a'l .over the foundations In a
dreary waste. I' have idlned, near the
'punctual center of San Francisco, with a
gentleman, (then newly. married) -whooid,
pie, of his former pleasures, . wadlng( with
his fowling piece In sand 'and scrub on the
site of the house where we were dining. In
this busy, moving generation, w have all
known' cities to cover - one boyish play
grounds, we. have all started for a country
walk and stumbled on a new suburb, but I
wonder what enchantment of the Arabian
Nights can have equaled the evocation of
a roaring city, In a few years of a man's
life, from the marshes and the blowing
sand. Such swiftness of Increase, as with
an overgrown youth,' suggests a correspond-
, , . . . , . .
1 peninsula of San Francisco, mirroring Itself
,v k. 7.
on one side In the bay, beaten, on the
other, by the surge of the Pacific, and
shaken to the heart by frequent earth
quakes, seems In Itself no very durable
Visible flinraeterlatlos. .
"Fancy apart, San Francisco Is a city
beleaguered with alarms. The lower
parts, along the bayslde, sit on piles; old
wrecks decaying, fish dwelling unsunned
beneath the populous houses; and a
triflng subsidence might drown the busi
ness quarters In an hour, ttartnquaices
are not only common, they are sometimes
threatening in their violence; the fear of
them grows yearly on a resident; he be
gins with Indifference, ends in sheer
pitnlc; and no one feels safe In any but
a wooden house. Hence It comes that.
In that rainless clime, the whole city Is
built of timber a woodyard of unusual
ei tent and complication; that tires spring
U readily, and, served by the unwearying, swiftly spread; that all over
ths city there are fire signal boxes; that
th sound of ths bell, tellins the number
of the threatened ward, la soon familiar
to the ear: and that nowhere else In the
wt rid la the art of the fireman carried to
so nice a point.
"There Is nothing more characteristic
anl original than the outlaying quarters
of San Francisco. The Chinese district Is
the most famous; but it ia far from the
only truffle in the Die. There la many
another dingy corner, many a young an
tiquity, many a terrain vague with that
stamp of quatntness that the city lo'vttr
seeks and dwells on; am the Indefinite
lProlon - "lon tret' UD hl
down dale, makes San Francisco a place
apart. The aame street In Its career
visits and unites so many different classes
of society, here echoing with drays, thure
lying decorously silent between the man
sions of Bonanza millionaires, to founder
Evidence of
ing. A little water often does more harm
than good by baking the aurface. Keep
weeda well pulled out.
The following tools should be In every
garden, as their use will give the garden
the very finest appearance. A gardener
cannot work without good tools and plenty
of them any -chore than can a carpenter.
These tools are cheap and durable and can
be had of any seedsman or plantsman bill
hook for cutting briars and coarse weeds.
Iron-point dibble for setting plants, a
scythe-bladed grass hook for trimming
grass where the mower will not go, a dock
or weed lifter for cleaning the lawn of
weeds, grass edger for edging the walks,
hand-weeding fork, half a dosen hose men
Before the
at last among the drifting sands beside
Lone Mountain cemetery, or die out
among the sheds and lumber of the north.
Thus you may be struck with a spot, set
It down for the most romantic of the city,
and, glancing at the name plate, find It
Is on the same ftreet that you yourself
Inhabit In another quarter of the town.
Hills and Hollows.
"The great net of straight thoroughfares
lying at right angles, east and west and
north and south, over the shoulders of
Nob hill, the hill of palaces, must cer
tainly be counted the beat part of San
Francisco. It la there that the rnllllon
alrea are gathered together, vying with
each other in display. Far away down
' you may pick out a building with a little
belfry; and that Is the stock exchange,
the heart of San Francisco; a great pump
we might call it, continually pumping up
the saving of the tower quarters into the
. mtrm. ,.n h. Mil
But tha,a ,am tnorournfarM th(U enJoy
for awhile so elegant a destiny have their
lines prolonged Into more unpleasant
places. Some meet their fata In the sands;
some must take a cruise in the Ill-famed
China quarters'; some run Into the sea;
some perish unwept among pigsties and
rubbish heaps.
. "Nob hill comes,' of right. In the place of
honor, but the two other hills of San
Francisco are more entertaining to explore.
"On both there are a world of old wooden
housea snoozing together all forgotten.
Some are of the quaintest 'design, others
only romantic by neglect and age. Some
have been . almost undermined by new
thoroughfares, snd sit high upon the mar
gin of the sandy cutting, only to be reached
by stairs. Some are curiously painted, and
I have seen one at least wltti ancient carv
ings paneled In the wall. Surely they are
not of California building, but far voyagers
from round the stormy Horn, like those
who sent for them and dwelt In them at
first. Brought to be the favorites of the
wealthy, they have sunk Into these poor,
forgotten districts where, like old town
toasts, they keep each, other silent coun
tenance. '
Telegraph hill and Rlncon hill, these are
the two dozing quarters that I recommend
to the city dilettante. There stand these
forgotten houses, enjoying the unbroken
sun and quiet. There, If there were such,
an author, would the San Francisco Fortune
de Bolsgobey pitch the first chapter of his
mystery. But the first Is the quainter of
the two. Telegraph hill commands a noble
view; and aa It stands at -the turn of the
bay. Its skirts are all waterside, and round
from North Beach to the bay front you can
follow doubtful paths from one quaint
corner to another. Everywhere the same
tumbledown decay and sloppy progress,
new things yet unmade, old things tottering
to their fall; everywhere the aame out-at-elbows,
many-natloned loungers at dim.
Irregular grog shops; everywhere the same
sea air and laletted aea prospect; and, for
a lsst and more romantic note, you have
on the one hand Tamalpals atandlng high
In the blue air, and on the other the tall
of that long alignment of three-masted,
full-rigged, deep-sea ships that make a
forest of spsrs along the eastern front of
San Francisco: . In no other port Is such
a navy congregated. For the coast trade
Is so trifling, and ths ocean trade round
the Horn so large, that the smaller ships
are swallowed up and can do nothing to
confuse the majestio order of these mer
chant princes. In an age when the shlp-of-
E. A. Benson's
rr, jAMxa oRyntNAOB at benson.-tt wa jxwfAfwn by vr. bfnboh-
29, 1906.
ders for bursted hose, a spray nozzle for ths
hose, five shapes of hoea, the scuffle, the
setting, the weeding, the flower garden,
the scraping; a half dozen of wire pot
hangers, a wopden lawn rake, a garden
rake, pruning shears, grass shears, an
angle trowel, a common garden trowel,
three sieves, with different sizes of meshes;
a long-handled shovel, a spade, three dozen
green stakes for tying up flowers, several
hanks of rafla, a large and a small water
ing pot, an atomizer spray syringe, a hard
powder gun, a rotating lawn sprinkling
nozzle, a supply ot pots from two and a
half Inches to eight Inches In diameter. In
a large garden add a cultivator, with a full
set of fixtures.
the-llne Is already a thing of the past, and
we can never again hope to go coasting In
a cock-boat between the "wooden walla"
of a squadron at anchor, there Is, perhaps,
no place on earth where the power and
beauty of sea architecture can be so per
fectly enjoyed as in this bay.
How it Looked to Klpllngr.
"San Francisco has been pitched down
on the sand bunkers of the Blkaneer
desert," was the sententious comment of
Rudyard Kipling when he first saw the
city of the Golden Gate on his Introduction
to the American continent a decade ago.
His views are contained In his "American
"About one-fourth of It is reclaimed from
the sea. The remainder is Just ragged,
unthrifty sand hills, today pegged down by
houses," was an aftermath.
The author of the "Recessional" spent
two weeka In the metropolis of the world'!
greatest El Dorado, and left It with a
bitter taste In his mouth, a taste which he
placed upon vellum for posterity to read.
"Why did he write ltT" he inquired of
Bret Harte's gem:
Serene, Indifferent to fate.
Thou aittest at the western gate;
Thou seest the white seas fold their tents,
' Oh, warder of two continents;
Thou drawest all things, small and great.
To thee, beside the western gate.
"There Is neither serenity nor Indiffer
ence to be found In these parts," caustic
ally comments Kipling, "and evil would It
be for the continents whose wardship were
Intrusted to so reckless a guardian."
The chosen spot of htm, who, like unto
Kipling in -his virility, wrote "The Man.
With the Hoe," Is characterized as "a mad
city Inhabited for the most part by per
fectly insane people, whose women are of
remarkable beauty."
"Think of It. Three hundred white men
and women gathered In one spot, walking
upon real pavements In front of plateglass
windows and talking what at first hearing
was not very far different from English,"
Is a comment.
Caustic to the verge of bitterness were
other Impressions. "I found a mighty
street," he said, "full of sumptuous build
ings four and five stories high, but paved
with cobble stones, after the fashion of
the year one. Here a tram car, without
any visible means of support, slid stealthily
behind me and nearly struck me In the
back. That was the famous cable car of
San Francisco, which runs by gripping an
endless wire rope sunk In the ground.
"And the Palace hotel, a seven-storied
warren of humanity, with a thousand
rooms In It. In a vast, marble-paved hall,
under the glare of an electric light, sat
forty or fifty men, and for their use and
amusement were provided spittoons of In
finite capacity and generous gape. They
all spat. - They spat on principle. The
spittoons were on the staircases and in the
bedrooms; yea, and In chambers even more
sacred than these. They chased one Into
retirement, but they blossomed in greatest
splendor around the bar, and they were all
used, every reeking one of them."
But the creator of Mowgll afterward came
to take the San Franciscans for their real
worth. "The gold shows when you scratch
the surface," he said. In speaking of
well known club he spoke of "soft carpets
and superior cigars, and paintings In which
the members had caricatured themselves,
their associates and their aims. There was
a slick French audacity about the work-
. .' . " - .- .
I -'
i. .. I
-1 -.-
: -vl .i -
manshlp of these men of toll-unbending
that went straight to the heart of the
beholder. The men painted as they spoke,
with certainty. In this club were no ama
teurs spoiling canvass, because they fancied
they could handle oils without knowledge
of shadows and anatomy no gentlemen of
leisure, ruining the temper of publishers
and an already ruined market with at
tempts to write "because everybody writes
something these days."
Kipling 'winds up hie Impression of Ban
Francisco by telling of the cosmopolitanism
of the city. "Men of world-wide experi
ence, graduates from every university,
laborers evolved Into millionaire senators,
soldiers of fortune, and a reckless con
glomeration of types besides which Cal
cutta and Bombay sank Into Insignificance,"
brought forth a reluctant acknowledgment.
Mark Twala in a Shako.
Mark Twain tells of an earthquake he
witnessed In San Francisco many years ago.
He describes the affair In "Roughing It":
"It was Just after noon on a bright October
day. I was coming down Third street.
The only objects In motion anywhere In
sight In that thickly built and populous
quarter were a man In a buggy behind me
and a street car wending slowly up a cross
street. Otherwise all was solitude and a
sabbath stillness. Aa I turned a corner
around a frame house there was a rattle
and Jar, and It occurred to me that here
was an 'Item' no doubt a fight In that
house. Before I could turn and seek the
door there came a really terrific shock;
the ground seemed to roll under me Inl
waves, interrupted by a violent Joggling
up and down, and there was a heavy grind
ing noise, aa of brick housea rubbing to
gether. I fell up against a frame house
and hurt my elbow. Z knew what It was
now, and from- mere repertorla lnstlct.
nothing else, took out my watch and noted
the time of day; at that moment a third
and etill severer shook came, and aa I
reeled about on the pavement trying to
keep my footing I saw a sight.
"The entire front ot a tall, four-story
brick building In. Third street sprung out
ward like a door and fell sprawling across
the street, raising a dust like a great vol
ume of smoke. And here came the buggy
overboard went the man. and In less time
than I can tell It the vehicle was distrib
uted in small fragments along 300 yards
ot street. One could have fancied that
somebody had fired a charge of chair
rounds and rags down the thoroughfare.
The street car had stopped, the horses
were rearing and plunging, the passengers
were pouring out at both ends and one fat
man had crashed half way through a glass
window on one side of the car, got wedged
fast and was squirming and screaming Hire
an Impaled madman. Every door of eve.y
house as far as the eye could reach was
vomiting a stream of human beings,
almost before one could execute a wink
and begin another there wae a massed
multitude of people stretching in endless
procession down every street my position
commanded. Never was solemn solitude
turned into teeming life quicker.
"The curiosities of the earthquake were
simply endless. Gentlemen and women who
were sick, or were taking a siesta, or had
dissipated till a late hour and were making
up lost sleep, thronged Into the streets In
all sorts of queer apparel and some without
any at all. One woman, who had been
washing a naked child, ran down the
street holding It by the ankles, aa If it had
been a dressed turkey. Prominent citizens,
who were supposed to keep the Sabbath
strictly, rushed out of saloons In their
shirt sleeves, with billiard cues in their
hands. Dozens of men with necks swathed
In naplrtna rushed from barber shops, lath
ered to the eyes, or with one cheek clean
shaved and the other still bearing hairy
"A crack 100 feet long gaped open six
Inches wide In the middle of one street and
then shut together again with such force
as to ridge up the meeting earth like a
slender grave. A woman sitting In her
rocking and quaking parlor saw the wall
part at the celling, open and shut twice.
4-Hke a mouth, and then drop the end of
a brick on the floor, like a tooth. She was
Suspended pictures were thrown down, but
oftener still they were whirled completely
around with their faces to the wall.
Thousands of people were made so sea
sick by the rolling and pitching of floors
and streets that - they were weak and
bed ridden for hours and some few even
for days afterward."
Goldea Iastraments for largeoas.
A steel hypodermle needle Is never in
serted without leaving a permanent blue
speck In the skin of the patient, probably
because of the, perhapa, very email quan
tity of Impurity rust or otherwise which
It contains. The gold needle Invariably
leaves no mark whatever. Appreciating
these facta efforts, in which surgeons par
ticularly have been Interested, have been
made for years to contrive a process for
hardening gold so that it could be used for
the bladea of the Instruments of surgery of
all kinds. This Is Juse what Dr. Vaughn
has accomplished after eighteen years of
experimenting and research. His method
consists of the employment of heat and
chemicals; but the tempering process does
not maks an alloy of ths precious metal.
Pure gold tempered by this process re
mains pure; but the surgical Instruments
which Dr. Vaughn Is now manufacturing
and which are beginning to be need ex
tensively In hospitals and by practicing
physicians and surgeons, are of fourteen
karats fineness, these being as efficient.
but not as costly as Instruments of ths
purest grade of the metal. Leslie's Weekly.
Best & Wat
Vjw. t .. Jf1A"
Oohn'i Purchase on North Sixteenth the
Feature of the Week.
Flfteea Haadred Times First Pur
chase Price is Gives for Property
la th Last Transfer of
Its Title.
"Speaking of the sale of the Parmalee
and Redlck properties on North Sixteenth
street to Herman Cohn of the Nebraska
Clothing company for $135,000," said Alex
ander G. Charlton of the MoCague Invest
ment company, "this marks a new era for
Sixteenth street, the Broadway of Omaha.
This property comprises the entire frontage
on the east side of Sixteenth street from
Capitol avenue to Davenport, being 21,120
square feet. Upon the whole property
Mr. Cohn contemplates the erection ot sub
stantial Improvementa aa aeon aa his plana
are materialized.
"The Parmalee family came Into posses
sion of this property forty-four years ago,
or six years after th founding of the city,
paying $90 for the two lots. Presuming
that the Income from the property has been
sufficient to pay for all buildings, taxes
and . betterments, the land has Increased
LGOO times In forty-feur years, which reads
Ilk a romance, but It Is not an Isolated
case simply Omaha truth.
"Mr. Parmalee and Mr. Redlck ara
Omaha-born boys, who have seen the de
velopment and growth of the olty, and are
progressive young business men. Mr. Cohn
la a keen observer ot the growth of cities.
who haa been doing business in Omaha
for a. number of rears and knows what to
buy for Investment With ths erection of
this building, the Brandels building, Hayden
Broa.' annex, the Hoagland, the Sunderland-Webster,
the Wright building and
other contemplated improvementa no street
In Omaha ehows greater Improvement.
Other Important sales on North Sixteenth
street during this month were the sale
of the Bolln block and the Northwestern
hotel, both purchased for investment.
"While a great amount of the property
on North Sixteenth street Is held strongly
by such holders aa the Boston Ground Rent
Trust, the Ames estate, Brandels & Sons,
Browns, Folsom, Hayden, Neville, the
United States government, the Masonlo
lodges, Baloombo, Vlascher, Wright, Myers, '
Callahan, Estabrooke and others, i still
there are a few pieces which men of
wisdom and cash will look up and purchase
as Investments."
'Though some of the leasss on Herman
Cohu's new purchase on North Sixteenth
street have yet six months longer to run,
Mr. Cohn is beginning to consider the na
ture of the Improvements he will put on
the property. A local architeot Is sketch
ing plans for a four-story building, which
will cover the entire property, the ground
floor to be used for stores and the upper
floors for rooms and apartments. Mr. Cohn
does not believe In speculation, but In
permanent Investment and Improvement,
Strange as It may seem, real estate busi
ness haa baen practically neglected during
the last three or four days for the msyor
olty campaign, the majority of the mem
bers of the realty guild having held them
selves ready to sacrifice their business
la order to get In some good wcrk for Mr,
Benson, who la one of their number. They
feel that the election ot Mr. Benson, who
Is a home and town builder, will do much
to give the olty a. good reputation In the
state at large and they feel that their
business, along with that of others, will
be more flourishing If be Is successful
next Tuesday. The loan and rental busi
ness has received Its full share of attention,
but as far as new deals are concerned they
have been allowed to languish for the
cause of politics.
The Real Estate exchange has outdone
Itself In politics this spring. Acting on the
advice of "Pa" Tukey, who always "kicks"
when anything of a political nature la
brought Into the meetings, the exchange
has not gone Into politics as a body. But
that did not prevent the majority of the
members from organizing to further the
Interests of Mr. Benson. Meetings were
held at the Commercial club Thursday,
Friday and 'Saturday and plans for work
Saturday and Monday made. Saturday ths
real estate men furnished twenty tigs and
they were out In force bringing the voters
to the registration booths. The realty
men were also responsible for 10,000 Benson
tags, which are so noticeable on lapels all
over the city.
Other sales reported by Thomas Brennan
are: Two houses at 11 0 and. 1144 South
Twenty-second street to A. A. Gibson for
G. 500; house and lot at 1206 North Six
teenth street to T. C. Claney for $3,900;
bouse and lot at 1911 South Fifteenth street
to Joseph Novak for $1,100.
Many of the men who sold their homes
near the Webstar street depot to the North
western are meeting with much difficulty
In finding suitable new locations. Houses
for sals are not especially plentiful and
houses for rent are scarce. Indeed. The
renters who will be left without homes
by the operstlons ot the railroad are placed
In worse condition than those who owned
(Continued oa Second Page.)