8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, APRIL 29, 1906. BEFORE TI1E PEOPLE'S BAR Two Comrades in Arms Will Mist the Mj Day Marrr-Go-Bound, ALREADY GONE IN TO SHERIFF'S JAIL rlr of rty Crooks Coma to Wroif Cltr Pr Taalr Crafts ml Fall lata Prison. Hrfore Ooorge Mitchell and his comrade-in-arms, Jamea McCann, ahall hava ben ready to leave Omaha, strawberries will be within reach of the masses, that tar den product at present being- sold by the name of asparagus will be what the dic tionary man. Mr. Webster, says It Is namely, "a genus of perennial plants be longing to the natural order llllacex" U the horses In town will have been clipped, screen doors will be up, merry-go-rounds will be revolving and the precocious office boys will be stealing a while for the base ball games on the pretext that their grandmothers are 111 with appendicitis or that they want to show their Uncle Fuller around the town. Other things which go with the merry May days will be in the custody of Sheriff McDonald. For Satur day morning Police Judge Crawford sen tenced the men thirty days each In the county , Jail, the charges having been vagrancy. Nor does that tell the whole story about thee soldiers of fortune. Mitchell and Mc Cann came to Omaha" from St. Louis Fri day before sundown. Patrolman Shields espied the visitors and sent them into the police station for Investigation. When ar rested Mitchell was playing the part of a m;in with a badly crippled arm. The police surgeons examined Mitchell and declared the case to be bogus. Accordingly the prisoner were arraigned Saturday morn lng before the people's bar on vagrancy charges. "What Is ths matter with your arm?" questioned the police Judge when Mitchell pulled up his coat sleeve and brought to view a blistered arm carefully bandaged "Well, Judge, I'll tell you: A few days ago I waa in a street car wreck at Louis ville, Ky. Three people were killed. Mo an' me pal came to Omaha so we could forget the experience. It's up to you, judge," responded Mitchell. . Then It was explained to the magistrate that Mitchell's arm had fly blisters, self inflicted, for the purpose of duping the charitably Inclined. When it was pro posed to put the hearing oft until Monday morning, ao Patrolman Shields might be present to testify, Mitchell and McCann spoke up as one man that they would plead guilty to vagrancy. Then came the Judicial pronouncement which meant that Mitchell and McCann will remain here until asparagus becomes Itself again and the sweet girl graduates begin to tulk new dresses to their kind parents. "Solomon had the right hunch when he SHld something about all being vanity and that now you see it and then you don't," declared W. 8. Ruble before the people's bar Saturday morning. Ruble appeared before the police Judge like a man who had been tried by fire or had stuck out when ho might have brought In a wlnn.'-yr run for the home team and had his name In the papers the next day. Ruble was arrested Friday evening by Patrolman Van Dusen on the charge of having taken unto himself an undue portion of brewed and distilled liquors. Io view of the pris oner's sad experience the police Judge was moved to dismiss the man with a heart-to-heart talk. Ruble said he came to Omaha with his DHnd uniform, which he sold, later ex changing the money for headaches and heartaches. He then sold his Sunday suit of civilian clothes for a walking suit and the difference In legal tender. The money all went for drink and now Ruble Is gel ting a new start in life. While the police recognize that every man s home is his caatle, yet they do not rec-ogntxe box cars as castles. They look on box cars as the property of common carriers and dangerous things tn . under when in motion. Frank, Miller was arrested Friday even ing by Patrolman Fahey for sleeping in a box car at Eighth and Famam streets. A railroad watchman notified the police that Miller waa wooing Morpheus in the railroad yards, which waa against the rules of the operating department of the road. It later developed that Miller was snoring so loudly that the watchman s attention waa attracted from afar (Seventh ana rarnam). it further against Miller that he a light housekeeping eabltahment In the car, as ine authorities discovered a small bed and cooking utensllea Inside the tran sportable equipment. Miller waa In tran sports of alumber when-disturbed. Inas- mucn as Miller showed that he waa a workingman the Judge discharged him. ' acar Crln of Council Bluffs came over to the metropolis Friday evening and tried to put the lights out in the bad lands He started in by tramping on Miss Georgia Foster, upon whose face he left the im prints of his strong right arm. As Miss Foster did not take kindly to the Iowa Idea, she blew her police siren and had Carlson moved to the temple of transgres sors at Eleventh and Dodge streeta. When brought before the police Judge Carlson declared he had no mental Impressions of the trouble, as he knew he had been .drunk, but could not testify further than that. He waa fined $S and costs. I Milk Inspector Hutton has filed In the rollce court a complaint agalnat J. p Jenson, IKi South Fiftieth street, with selling impure cream. Jensen has not yet been brought Into court. The dairyman la charged with selling cream which con tained a coloring matter known as an natto. although a test ef the cream showed It contained the legal per cent of butter fat. Two weeks ago another dairyman waa fined 110 and costs for a similar offenaa. DRAGS TRUNK FOR FOUR MILES Harry FUchlll Telle or Thrilling Tim He Had at lis Fraaclsro. ITarry F.dKhlH, younger son of Patrolman Bdghlll, has Just returned from San Fran cisco with hls-wlfe and a trunk, all he was able to save from the ruins. Mr. Edghlll told a thrilling account of the disaster in which he had some trying experiences. All of his household goods were destroyed. 'Before my wife and self could realise what had happened the planter began to fall on us. We grabbed a few clothes and made for the street, where others were rushing frantically about. For the first forty-eight hours we lived on a sidewalk. Then we managed to return to our house and dug out a trunk and suit case, which we packed as full as we could. We also saved a watch. The fire was getting near the house, so near that In the heat we had to leave some things we had stsrted to carry away with us for emergency. I actually dragged that heavy trunk filled with goods for four miles, and then we stayed In a vacant lot for a few days before getting over to Oakland, where the Independent Order of Odd Fellows assisted us to get home to Omaha," said Mr. Edghlll. Mr. Edghlll Is now at home with his parents, 712 South Twenty-second street. He left Omaha seven yesrs ago and was employed with a street railway company. Harry Edghlll 'sprang Into local promi nence nearly twelve years ago in a six-day bicycle race at the Coliseum, where he de feated all the champions In this part of the country. At that time he was a messen ger boy. Tery Low Itatea Tuesday. Every Tuesday, balance of the year, the Chicago Great Western railroad will sell homeeeekers' tickets to Minnesota, North Dakota and Canadian northwest at about half rate: to other territory first and third Tueadays. Write H. H. Churchill, O. A., 1512 FarnanT street. State number In party and when going. I1EAYV TROOPS GO TO COAST Several Hundred Soldiers Bent from Fort Det Moines to San Francisco, HORSES AND EQUIPMENT ALSO GO Wabash Gets Contract front Govern meat and Will I'se Santa Fe Several Railroads Sob. mlt Their Bids. Bids were opened at noon Saturday at the office of Major M. G. Zaltnskl, chief quartermaster. Department of the Missouri, for the transportation of two squadron of the Eleventh United States cavalry from Fort Dea Moines to San Francisco. The award waa granted to the Wabash. All of the railway, companies centering In Omaha were bidders, except the Rock Island and the Great Western. The troops will be routed via the Wabash and Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe to San Francisco. The shipment will comprise eighteen officers, 40 enlisted men, 4SS horses, R0.000 pounds of camp equipage and lPO.OOO pounds of supplies. It will require sixty cars to fill the contract and the train will run In four sections. Shipment will be ifiade as expeditiously as possible. Bids also were opened for the transporta tion of the Eleventh United States Infantry from Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo., to San Francisco. The Union Pacific was the only bidder for this contract and the award waa made to it This shipment will consist of thirty officers, 69C enlisted men and about 60,000 pounds of camp equipage and mis cellaneous supplies. Twenty-three cars will be required to transport this regiment, which will be routed over the Union Pacific to Ogden and the Southern Paclflcc from that point to San Francisco. Have Root print it. Notice to Members of the Omaha Cen tre! Labor t'nlon. Ton are hereby notified that a special meeting of the Omaha Central Labor union will be held on Monday evening, April 30, 190. at the hour of 8 p. m.. at Labor Temple, for the purpose of considering the griev ances of the Omaha Street Railway Em ployes' union No. 2S8 and all matter per taining thereto. Tours fraternally, I.OUIS V. OUTE, President. CHA8. F. KANSCHE1T, Secretary. Notice! We are Informed that a Mr. Rothenberg, claiming to be a representative or con nected with the firm of Rothenberg A Schloss, Kansas City, Mo., is traveling through the state of Nebraska offering cheap Chinese California made cigars under the representation that they will be sold or distributed by our firm. We beg to warn the trade that we handle no such goods and have no such agent, and to Inform you that the above person has no connec tion whatsoever with our firm. Very truly yours, ROTHENBERG A SCHLOSS, Wholesale Cigars, Kansas City, Mo, Men's, boys', children's clothing, hats, ladles' suits, skins, millinery, etc.. cash or credit People's Store. ICth and Famam. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank our friends, the News boys' club No. 169, his teachers and school mater of Kellom school and Sunday school for their floral tributes, their kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of our dear boy and brother. MR. AND MRS. F. A. PLANCK AND SON. BIRTHSTONES Edholm, 16th Harney. waa charged was maintaining Of Interest to Bnlldera This is to be a great building season for Omaha and it will be of great Interest to prospective builders to know that the firm of C. B. Havena & Co. haa added a fine line of cements, plasters, lime, sand, brick and sewer pipe, and from thla on will carry a complete stock of all kinds of building material. This firm haa been in bualness for the last twenty-five years In thla city and has a reputation for fair dealing which is unquestionable. With ample capital and the facilities they have there la little ques tion but they will get their full share of business. Llnlnger Implement Co., Sixth and Pacific streets, sell stylish buggies and carriages at retail. Will save you from $25 to $50 In buying. Over a hundred styles to choose from. Very Low Rates to Boston Via Lake Shore. One fare plus $1 for round trip. Good going June 2, 3, 4 and S, return limit by extension June 30. Write M. S. Giles, T. P. A., Chicago, for full particulars. War ren J. Lynch, Passenger Traffic Manager, Chicago. DIAMONDB r renier. 16th. and Dodge. Governor Frantx of Oklahoma contributes. an article entitled "The New State" to the May Issue of Southwest, published by the passenger traffic department ot the Rock Island-Frisco lines. . The price of the magazine Is five cents a copy, or fifty cents a year. Address all communications to 1021 Frisco Building, St. Louis, Mo. Douglas (644) Printing Co. 1508 Howard st s Masonic Fnneral Notice. '. The funeral services of Brother' Frank Canning will be held at 412 Oakland avenue, Council Bluffs, Sunday, April 29, at 2:30 p. m. Members of Nebraska lodge No. t, A. F. ft A. M;, are requested to meet at Masonic hall at 1 p. m. E. A. NORTHRUP, W. M, W. C. M'LEAN, Secretary. Sterling Sliver Frenaer. J6th and Dodge. Frank K Colby, optician. Is now with the t olunibian Optical Co.. 211 So. 16th Bt. The Lake Shora Limited Particularly desirable for ladlea and chll riren. Ieaves Chicago 6 SO p. m., arrives New Tork 5:30 p. m. All modern eonven May t, the closing date, a big amateur stenographer, electric lights, dining car and observation compartment car. Inquire of M. 8. Giles, T. P. A.. Chicago, 111., cr Warren J. Lynch. Passenger Traffic Manager, Chicago. NVATCIita rrenmer, 15th and Dodge Sta General Vroosa in Omaha. Hrliradler General Peter D. Vroom. U. 8 A . rt'ttred. Is In the city and waa a visitor hi army headnuartera Saturday niornlixr General Vroom was Inspector general of the Department of the Missouri a number of years ago. tils home is in New York t'lty. General Vroom Is a veteran of the rlvll war. having entered the army from New .ler-y In 1m3 aa first lleutenint In the First New Jers-y infantry. He rose t the rank of colonel during the war. Ie entered the regulitr tutHtiUsrmient us eond l'euienant of the Third civilrv In 161 end ten years later was signed to the Inspector general's depi.-t merit at majitr. He served during the Spanish American ar Uh distinction and has rnly n recently retired Hh the rank of brig adier general. Vote In all the warda tor Gooiley F. Brucker. democratic nominee fur couaui baa. Fifth ward, A Beneficial Toilet Preparation. A complexion beautlfler that la not only harmless, but that is positively purifying heading and beneficial, has a Just claim to the attention of all who have the praise worthy desire to assist nature in the pro ductlon of a beautiful complexion. Dr. T. Felix Gouraud's Oriental Cream, or Magical Beautlfler, Is gaining in favor with those who know Its value, and how with Its old the akin that is freckled, tanned, pimpled or moth-patched can be made like a new born babe'a. Having been declared by the board of health to be free from Injurious properties, and being recommended by physicians, one need have no hesitation in giving it a trial, as It Is on sale at all druggists and fancy gooda stores Young Men's Shoes We've made special provision for our young men patrons. The young men always want shoes that are Just the Correct Thing We've high and low cut shoes on extreme lasts. Some very narrow toes with every style kink that can be put into a shoe $3.50, $4.00 to $5.00 No newspaper can do these shoea Justice. Come see them. FRY SHOE CO. The fjhoera, 16th and Douglas Stt DIRECT ACTION GAS RANGES Call and see them demonstrated by Mrs. Flummer, late of the School of Domestic Science, Armour Institute, Chicago. " ' ' . Direct-Action Gas Ranges will cut your gas bill one-third," at the name time giving you such service) as no other store on the mar- ket ran possibly do. The only stove that will allow fish 'and bread or. rake to be cooked at the same time without letting the taint ot the1" fish permeate the bread or rake. 1 ' , s '; Ovens are ready to use as soon as lighted. DIKKCT ACTION OAS IIANGES contain all the good qualities of ! every other gas range and many excellent features that others have not.' ROLI OX VKKV EASY PAYMENTS. 50c per. week on the smaller size, $1.00 per week on the larger sizes. Prices range upward from 117.00. Tfte very best styles at lowest prices Great 1612 & FADNAM STREETS, , OMAHA, THE PEOPLE'S FCRN1TC11E AND CARPET CO.' Established 1887. WE ALICE The In vert latest creation women) low shoes is Vfaa "Alice." As usual, we are the first In Omaha to show the newest styles In footwear. This shoe la the exact duplicate of Alice Roosevelt's wedding shoes the style Is low cut. French pat ent calf whole ramp front with side goring which makes a mug and smooth fit over the In step. Don't fall to call at our store and see the prettiest women's low shoe ever shown In Omaha. Drexel Shoe Co. H19 far nam Street. 0MM0D SHOES provide the short road to satisfaction. FROM FACTORY TO FEET Shortens the price while it lengthens the quality. Onimod BM0DE combine excellence of quality and perfection of atyle. Wear a pair W.. to $6 $3.50 ONIMOD SHOES all other 13.60 out-wear and out-look shoes. Dr. A. Reed's Cushion Shoe $5.00 furnishes all day oumfurt Write for tee pel style book B ft. REGENT SHOE CO. 205 S. 15th St. The Time to Build Is Now THE RIGHT FIRM TO BUY YOUR BUILDING MATERIAL FROM IS C. B. HAVENS & CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Lime. Cement. Plaster, Sand. Brick, Sewer Pipe. We handle only first quality goods. . Let us make yon prices. Tel. L)ouglas-817. 210 Sooth 16th Street. "EsSfca H 71Q LAWn MOWERS: i.ti;-'.-'-;':.v Considering . ."qukHtjr , atjd price w t are ' showing - tbev best line of mothers; in ; the city. ; ', ' Crescent, Henfey, v Shaw-' mut, Standard, Colonial and Pennsylvania 12 in.; $3.25;' 14 in., $3.75; 16 in., $4.25 and upward. JEWEL GAS0LII1E STOVES For more than twenty years the standard of quality. ACORN GAS RANGES The only Gas Range on which the user can so adjust the pressure on each valve as to cut -the-gas bill in two.. See it on the Acorn. You cannot elsewhere. John llussie Hardware Co. 2407 Ciimimi Street fw ". ;. " v . L"IF YOU BUY IT OF HUQGIE, IT'S RIGHT." jj M ll!IMHl...,U)JJLianll 1.11 U. .I...-UI. '- J" Hllg 3 TO CALIFORNIA AND RETURN Every day to May 6th, 106. Round trip tickets will be sold from OMAHA to BAN FRANCISCO or L03 ANGELES. VIA UNION PACIFIC SHORT LI5TE FAST TRAIXS NO DELAT8 Be sure your tickets read orer this lloa. Inquire at City Ticket OflW. 1321 Famam Bt. 'Phone Doaglaa-334. THE RELIABLE STORE V 1 See Our Splendid Vint of Hart, Schalfner 0 Marx Suits $15.00 and $18.00 Clothing Sale Continues An overstocked manufacturer needed the cash and we secured his entire surplus stock of high grade men's suits at a price, which enables us to ofler you the best clothing values in the city. The styles are the very newest, the materials the very best, the prices mean a saving of one-third to you. Come at once before the lines are broken. April Showers bring spring flowers. They also induce spring colds if you are not prop erly protected. A Cravanette Coat will do it. Our's are raincoats in fact as well as name. Let us show you our unmatched line, at 7.50-10.00-12.50 SPECIAL SALE OF MEN!S PANTS. A great variety of materials, in stripes, plaids, fancy mixtures and plain colors garments worth 4 Qf up to $3.50 at $2.50 and r. . . i 2 Youths Long,Pants Suits the kind that posses the style and of' quality that insures long service unequaled C (f values-at $8.50, $7.50, $6.50, and 11 Boys' Knee Pants Suits in great variety of styles, materials and patterns, and with quality, that will stand the hard wear inci- : dent to .boyhood ilay special prices f QC Saturday-$3.50, $2.95, $2.50 and a - HAYD Special SSomeseskers9 Excursions Tnocrlouc Ml' 1sl anl 15th' - lUeSUciyS jjne M anl 19th, Jul) 3d and 1711). one iron fountain Route to Certain Points In the WEST and SOUTHWEST Via tha 1 . AT One Fare Plus $2 for the Round Trip 8TOr-OVERS win be allowed Homcseekcrs' point enroute. both going and returning after ilrst To those who are not sutlslled with present conditions and who are seeking new locations Ibis will iifford an excellent opportunity for investigating localities in the West and Southwest. For Farther Infonnntioii, Maps, Folders, Etc., Address, T. F. GODFREY.'Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb. H. C. TOWNSEND, Gen. Pass, and T'k't Agt., St. Louis, Mo. imiiiraiBVUT Important Northwestern Line Time Changes April 29 Wew Train West The Fremont-Albion-Oakdale Passenger leaves Omaha (except Sunday) 6:02 p. m. Arrives Omaha 10:40 p. m. . New Train East The Cedar Rapids, la., local passenger leaves Omaha j 7:05 a. m.; daily. Arrives Omaha 5 p.m. The Clack-Hills South Platte Train Leaves 3 p. m. 10 minutes later. Arrives 5:05 p. m. ten minutes earlier. The Chicago-Omaha Daylirjht Train Arrives Omaha 11:30 p. ra.-20 minutes earlier. CITY OFFICES 1401-3 Farnam St. S. F. MILLER A. a. F. & P. A. C. F. WEST G. A. P. D. The finest suite of offices in Omaha Do you want to occupy the handbbnit-Rt offices in the town? These offices arc beautifully finished in oak. with policed hard wood floors They hsv ilenty of good south sunlight, so they are bright and cheery in winter and are cooled by the south breezes in summer and are high above the noise and dust of ths street The suite is located in the (south-east corner of the sixth floflor of THE BEE BUILDING There is a large corner office faclnj; south and cast, together with a good site private office, facing east. i;a n orac hub a ""' ' - 'A. K" ,' w , cnpvto lavmnrv are conveniences not The large Durgiar iiruui un i - - always found tn connection with offices. This office may be occupied May flirtit. Apply to it w Ti.ko Sunt " C. C. Rosewater, 8ecy,