TTTK OMATTA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, AriUL 2 IDOfi. An de Pano is a Losing Invest- ment . Why should your piano remain silent when riavers are nold at such low prices as we are selling them? Mere are soma sample prion on the "KIN'O OF ALL PIANO PLAYERS," -TUB PIANOLA:" ('in- Mahogany Pianola ...... 1' Mini Midden Oak Pianola $126 Mini Walnut Pianola $! Diifi Walnut Pianola Jir.0 Una Ebony Pianola Il6 Other makes of Players at less than cost to close thorn out from $W up. Any of the above on terms of $10. down and ! per month: Our Circulat ing Library makes the music inexpen sive. Investigate our three new' "Homo Musln. Library" contracts, by which you run make a Urge purchaso of music on eaiy payments for any kind of Player. Fay a visit to our "Aeolian Dept." Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 1311 and 1HS Karnani Street. Tel. Douglas l2!i. DR. J. C. Wilaon, Pro franr of" Medicine, Jef- ferton Medical College, tayi i "The moderate ute of Sound Beer not, in my opinion, injurioui to the health of adult persona, especially when taken with tooAc It a an agree able beverage and haa limited food value. SToai Btu it the cm bodiment of thedoctor'a idea of sound beer. Itaaualityand purity are beyond queatnn. 1 ry it. A10 gAurT- VlsMTsfafrl : PAY WHAT YOU tad Begin Your' Treatment Now Dr. LIcGrev, Specialist THIAT ALL. FORMS OF DISCAI OP MIN ONLY. tHIRTY YKARsV RXPIRIINOK- TWKNTY YIARR IN OMAHA BLOOD POISON. VARICOCELE, STRIC TURE, LOSS OF VITALITY And all weaknesses and disorders of me. OYER 30.000 CASES CURED Charges Lata Than All Othara. Treatment by mall. Call or write.. Bom ?. Offices 116 South Fourteenth B treat. imua, i eo. All curb CONSTIPATION BILIOUSNESS AXD HEADACHE asvae tae eaese sea aaatata eetnre at M aalunU fuaoUoaa, TBT THBaL Tka Ma Kalikt-Crar laaalf 0, Calorta Struts. Calm. ' Evory Woman uuMiwid -vna nouin know B l-lltC Ilia Mn4.rll MARVEL Whirling Spray 'mrw ''' yrt. jwn. Mb Moat ronnlnt ll 0 UmmiIj, a ror aartai a. It lia -annut auppIT th Nt) aa.. act-eat no pihtr. but Mnd aim for llluatrai4 book Itttna fail inieulaniaiid lirriinr in. luixiio lail'ea, Mlklkl. '.. W For Bu by fJHERlIAK MotXMNs.Ul. TtKVd CXJ, lata aa4 Uodaa bu UUTtLn For Kldnt and Bladder TroubUs lA 24 Hours ClrmXALl URINARY DISCHARGES Each Cap- aula bearafMIBYl the luLnietV vlLX Bemtn ftmmitriU For aala by all drucrinta. fKm CSICMHtlSS tSLIH to Msa m fcjia kw. .H fcM. !. Tk 4ai. kMt kHfiM SktUnu 4 MP'ta ii i k v ' f ' mm 4a m mm aW fi Tut milila H M.a.rlW infc Umm. M r. lal ttmli. 1 4 1 n Mm kliHii. -rm. tkiU, trS CUT AWAY vsom DRUGS Ctrculattftf tsa Mood, cures CONIIftkETiON VARICOkL KNOTIED IimC ArPLlANCE rtl.ialj 11. IU Vtlkl ass vEtkaftt, aUra aa4 mkun lull ital eri!. isi es trial. Call er arils la Ires ftk, seat tealoa. tlauj. HVMKOCO.. Mill 4U1 kUtl iuunji. ' .- '"' .wn 'w. s-rYARt.ti'A1r i "1, . aa a. IkMMwa TREASCRES'IOSTBr FIRE lfemoriali of the Old Ean Francisco in Path of the Haroes.' ' FAMOUS SUTR0 AND BANCROFT LIBRARIES Dnabt If th nohvrt Ioala Stfain lloaa lanat-la tht Bear Fla Safe that Flew Over t all forala. Repoblle. As tha newa of the Fnn Francisco dis aster cornea in there occurs lo tha mind more and more Uilnns which cannot be replaced, and which must have gone down with the aenoi-al ruin. An lrre- jxirablo loss waa the destruction of the great Sutro library of old hooka. This wag stored In two divisions, one In the 1'pham hulldin-f, at Pine and Battery streets, and one in a building; at Montgomery and Washington streets. ' Knrly In his career Sutro developed a hobby of otdi books, and conceived the Idea of collertlns;. a great .library of 't he,m. For ten years he,and his agctris boiarht all oypr tho world. 1 Although he was imposed upon by H great tnnny forgeries' and acquired rnuch that wis valueless, he mri srme fortunate purchases, and his wholesale method of buying enabled him to get a great ileal of gold along with the-dross. ' For example, in ISSfi. or therehauots, Bavaria confiscated the property of the Catholic monasteries In the kingdom. Their books were lumped Into one great lot, and Sutro bought them all, Includ ing thousands of manuscripts dating back before the ng of printing, which have never come under the notice of scholars. In the same way,' when the Mexican gov ernment discovered a forgotten coljectlon of books, memorials, diaries and manii- serlpt.s hearing upon the early history of California and Lower California, espeelaly the mission period In the boundaries of the- present t'nlted States, he bought them all. This collection, from which ts was prophisied the true history of the old Pacific coast would some day be written. was never evon taken from ita boxes. He had a standing order with Qunrltch for certain lines of books, and he was willing to pay anything for what he wanted. In the end, the collection reached a total of about 225.000 volumes. When It had grown to that slxe, Sutro brought a bookman named Moss from the British museum, and had him make a be- glnlng of classifying and cataloguing tt. Moss began to straighten It out, but he had worked only a year when he died. In 1S90 Sutro died also. , The naneroft IJbrary. There was also the Bancroft , library. which had lately been bought for the Uni versity of California by state funds and private subscription. Until lately this has been left In its old quarters In the. Mission, a district which was swept by , the fire. It was a wooden building. It Is possible that the library had been taken over to the University of California at Berkeley, and In that case It was safe. . There Is no way now of learning whether this was done or not. . The Bancroft library was gathered by Hubert Howe Bancroft, and bore mainly upon, the history of California and the far west In their early mining times and the period bf Spanish occupation. Although not 'large, it was complete and valuable and more useful In writing, the history of California than . all other original sources put together. It Included a great number of historical documents, such aa proclama tions, early newspapers and manuscript reminiscences.. Among the papers were the diary of a member of the famous Donner party which suffered ao terribly In the attempt to get over the mountains In the early days, the journals, In manuscript, of some of the' early Spanish explorers, and many volumes of personal reminis cences bearing on the times of '49,- written at his request by pioneers. Much of value to the "book collector, aa well as to the scholar. The Stevenson Relics. Most of the relics of Robert Louis Stev enson may have gone by the board. Here again there is uncertainty. The house of his widow stood or stands on the summit of Russian Hill. Both sides of this hill were burned over in different runs of the Are, but the fate of the summit is not known. In this house were Stevenson's books, the old furniture of the Balfour and Stevenson families, which he ued aa a boy, a lot of his private papers, paint ings and statuary given him by men emi nent In the arts, and a great many objects which he had gathered in his wanderings through the South aeaa. ' The Stevenson house stood on a shoulder of Russian Hill, so that It had three stories on one side and one on the other. Below it dropped Hyde street, ao steep that a team could not use the pavement; and the Hyde street cable cars in taking the hill made a Journey which seemed perilous to any one not used to the ways - of San Francisco street cars. Below this was the bay. In a corner of the living room of this house was a kind of Stevenson shrine. Over the fireplace appeared the Balnt-Gaudens medallion, done in bronce; the furniture near by was that which Stevenson had used in his Scotch home, and Just across the room long leaded windows on two sides gave a panorama of the bay and the gate. All the atrange craft which go out of the gate , in the Paclfio passed under those windows. The Stevenson monument stood in the middle of Portsmouth squans. As It was low and with a 'heavy pedestal, it probably came through all right. Steven son's old rooms in the Latin quarter, which had been kept aa a kind of memorial, were beyond a doubt destroyed. , Aa Earthquake Freak. Mission Dolores, according to the re ports, stands. This Is a freak of the earth quake. The mission was built of sun-dried adobe, had been propped and repaired Sev ern! times and was generally considered so frail that services were held, In It only on anniversaries. According to one dispatch, the modern church next door suffered more than the old mission. " Since the fire swept Telegraph Hill, It must have taken the Church of Hts. Peter and Paul, the church of the Italian fisher men. Here, as In Italy, were little boats all about the altar votive offerings from fishermen who had escaped perils on the sea. The wharf of the Italian fishermen was on North Beach, where, according to the late reports, some of the docks suf fered.. It that went by tha beard it took Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Povider Cleanses and' beautifies the teeth, and purifies the breath. Used by people of refinement tor over a quarter of a oentuiy. Convenient for tourist a. PfttPAfUD IV rowr -trprrtv TtrTh" country. These fishermen were Neapolitans, with a sprinkling of Oreks. They "brotiarht ever with them their customs and costumes and their own methods of boat construction. These people refused to be Americanised Not rim the Chinese were fnore conserva tive shout their own customs. Their boats are a delight the lateen rig of the Mertlterranesn, fixed on gaudy hulls. The sails they stained a rich brown. They had an' enclosed ,wharf on. North Beach, and when the fleet was In port these boats rose In rows on all four side of the whsrf, singing' to themselves with the creaking of their ' cordage. In the early morning the fleet would creep through the mists of dawn and Ban Francisco people who loved the beauties of the bay used to rise early to watch them come Into the wharf and un load their red rock cod, their big salmon, king of' the river mouths, their boxes of silver sardines. The Chinese fish venders came down to bargain with them by signs, and the wharf was alive with color. The fishermen wore their native costumes -gaudy shirts, sasher high boots and Tarn O'Shanter caps with big pompons. They are big, hardy end handsome men and they made' pictures ss they dragged out the fish or cleaned their brown "nets" at trieserearly mo'rnlhit. market. They 'lived ln"'thelr boats. After the fish were ojt they ised to' light oil stoves In the' holds and cook their meals right there. One or two restaurants which they frequented when they took Ihclr Fridays off in port were pieces of Nnplei until the tourists found them and spoiled them. Rrarr Fishermen. These fishermen are hardy sailors, ven turing far out toward the Farallones in their little boats. Once they served the Americans well In a disaster.. On the morn ing of AVashlngton's birthday, inol, the Pa cific steamer Rio do Janeiro tried to come Into the gate at 4 o'clock while there was a ' thick fog. A flood in the rivers had changed the currents In the night; the pilot went wrong, and the Rio tore Its bottom out on a reef so close to Fort Winfleld Scott that the light on the fort flashed In the eyes of the men. on the brdlge. A heavy ebb tide carried It out toward the sea and it sank with all on board. There Is a life-saving' station only a mile further on, but that night, of all nights, there was in tho lookout above the fort a stupid surf man, who did not understand the pro longed whistling of the steamer. So the life savers-slept through it all. . But through the mist came the Ashing fleet, loaded down. The fishermen ran into the wreckage, saw what had happened, threw their fish back into the sea and cruised about, picking up the crew and passengers. They brought in with . them more than 100 persons who must have drowned but for their prompt aid. A hun dred and twenty others were lost. In the Home of the Exempt Firemen on Portsmouth, square were the relics and documents of the first vigilantes, who in 1851 cleaned out the "Hounds" and the 'Sydney Ducks." The relics of the second and more famous committee, that of 1KH5, were In Pioneer hall, which Is down. There was a lot of other valued relics there. The one single object which Californlans will be most sorry to lose was the "bear flag." In 1848 an abortive California re public was founded by Americans at So noma. On the plaza of that town they raised a crude flag made by their women and displaying the figure of a bear. The republic lasted only a few months; a little later, at San Juan Baptlsta, Fremont nailed the American flag to a pine tree; but the raising of the bear flag was regarded as the act of American occupation and the bear became the state emblem. This flag was carefully kept and was brought out only on great occasions. There is a dim hope that the vaults In which It waa locked preserved It. Almost all the relics of the days of gold must be gone, except a few which were in the Golden Gate Park museum. Romance Burned Down. Everything In San Francisco had a ro mantic history; it went with the, climate. An old business block at Montgomery and California had been down and up before, In the early days, when they got ready to make the city permanent, they found that there was no building stone to be had. They solved it by bringing from southern China shiploads of granite. The first order, "stone enough for a three-story building," waa a puzzle for the Chinese. To be sure they had the order filled right, they built in China a stone building of the dimensions mentioned in tha specifica tions, took it down and shipped it across the Pacific. This used to hold the Adams Express company. ,In the early days a lot of powder blew up In the basement. It did many things to the surrounding buildings, but never disturbed the structure of the Chinese stone cutters. - The Nlantlc build ing, at Clay and Sansome, waa named after a - vessel that waa wrecked there when the water came up to that point. Sheds were built over it, and the decks of the Nlantlc became the floor' of a store. When they tore the sheds down they took away most of the wreckage, but left the foremast of the Nlantlc, which became a part of a new building. So went the tales up and down Montgomery, Kearny and Battery streets. On Sansome street, where the fire trav eled fast on the first day, the Alaska Com mercial company had a beautiful collec tion of Alaskan objects which it haa been gathering ever since It went Into the north.. Irreplaceable are their lost Ivory carvings, the ancient work of the Alaskan Indiana. New York Bun. PRATTLE OF THE! YOlXGrSTERS. "Mamma,' said the little boy, who had Just found out that he liked doughnuts, "I want another hole with a cake around it." "Come, dear, said his mother, pointing to the silvery crescent In the sky, "and look at it. It's the same old moon." Taint, nuther." be said, still sulking This one's broke!" ' The parson waa talking to little Elmer about his habits and asked what time be was usually called for breakfast. , "They don't have to call me." answered Elmer. ' Tm always Johnny-on-the-spot." Ma Twaddle Tommy Twaddles, what do you mean by cursing and swearing In that, horrible manner at that little boy?" Tommy Twaddles Well, ma, he was maktn' fun- of our churchl That's an awfully rude letter." said lit tle Elsie, pointing to the letter "Q." "Why do you say that, dear?"' asked her mother. "Cause," explained Elsie, "it's always stlcVln' its tongue out." Mr.' Tltewodd Didn't I give you a penny for doing that errand for me? ( Johnny Jones Yes, sir. Mr. Tltewodd Well, what'do you say? Johnny Jones Please don't make me say It. Ma told me always to be polite to my elders. Small Bobby was taking dinner at the home of a neighbor. "Well. Bobbr." said the hostess. a the UUle fellow laid down his knife and fork, "have you had all you want?" Tm bad all I could eat." answered Bobby. Make your wants known through the columns of Tha See Want Ad page. SUMMER CAMPS TOR GUARDS Trainine . Schools in Which Yonn Men Learn' to Be 8oldiers.' NEED OF EXPERIENCE PROVEN BY WAR What Vrhrsaka lias Done anal What May Re Accomplished ' If Coa , greaa Provides the Money for Expenses. Tenrting In congress Is a bill appropriat ing oTuO.Oiio to tie used In defraying the ex penses of summer training camps, In which the state truops and the regiments of the rrgular establishment shall be quar tered together, tho objoct being to train the guardsmen in the most essential of accomplishments, how to be a soldier In camp. The - bill Is receiving the en thusiastic 'support of the military experts of the conrrtry, but Its passage is not looked upon as a certainty. , During the-week a soldlen who served with . the. First Nebraska through tho Plilltrprno campaign, said: "When wo reached Manila and went Into action, we had never been taught the first thing about are generally looked up as the most essential things a soldier should know, how to cook and how to shoot." The regiment had been drilled in marching and the manual of arms. It knew all the evolu tions, of squad, platoon, company, bat talion', regiment and division, but It did not know how to cook its food, and had no instruction whatever in target practice. The wonder amon)r experts has always been that the army made so good a show ing as It did. It was a bitter experience for these young men. but they mastered the art of cookery and to some extent of shooting accurately at long ranges, and brought home from the Philippines all the glory of a first-class regiment. It la de sirable, though, that the next time troops are sent out that they will not go under such a handicap. . Effort and Results tn IVebrmalui. Adjutant General Culver, who Is at the head of the Nebraska National Guard at present, is a veteran of two wars, and learned in the hardest of schools, actual campaigning, the lessons he Is now seeking to teach the Nebraska Guard. His sum mer .camps have been devoted almost ex clusively to the details of camp life. Some attention has been given to the showier side of martial life,, such as marches and maneuvers, with drills and reviews as a matter of course. But the main idea has been to teach the officers and men how to make and maintain a camp; how to draw and prepare rations, and how to conserve the food supply, so that Its full benefit will be enjoyed by the men. It is "an ad mitted fact that no government provides so liberally for its soldiers as does the United States, and the ration Issued for the subsistence of the men- is the best de signed known to science for use In our climate. Yet, unless the regiments be equipped with cooks competent to prepare this food, and the men be trained In its care, all Its benefit is lost. The same is true of the equipment of the camp as to tentage, bedding and the like. ' ramp Cobb a Model. At Kearney last summer the condition of the camp waa insisted upon aa a para mount issue. To the regimental com mander General Culver left the matter of drills and maneuvers, as well aa the pitch ing and care of camps, but ha Insisted pn rigid observance of the rules be laid down for the sanitary and culinary con ditions of Camp Cobb. Some Ideas he had gained In active service were Introduced, and experienced soldiers, after Inspecting the camp said they had never seen any thing ' like It. The result waa that the young men who went to Kearney received in the most Impressive way possible the most valuable of lessons, and when they go Into camp a grin this coming summer, they will be better than ever prepared for the work of a soldier. How well the camp was conducted along these lines Is evinced by an excert from the official re port of Major George - R. Cecil, Thirtieth infantry, V. 8. A., made to the military secretary, Washington, D. C. after the camp was closed: , "Upon the whole, from beginning to end, I wish to commend the neatness of the camps and the care ful' attention to sanitation. I heard of a few complaints of the inefficiency of the rations, resulting mainly from tho inexperience of the company cooks, but these were soon adjusted, and altogether I believe the men were, well fed." Major Cecil expressed regret that a battalion or at least a company of regu lars was not encamped with the guard, lu order that the latter might have the bene fit of tha CA.uiu 'e -f a' well disciplined body nt men W ,amp, "he object of tho proposed summer tamps ts to provide for Just this deficiency, ac ihat the guards men may be trained by -ximple as well as precept in ,the gentle a ts of cooking army rations and keeping cimpa clean and orderly. It Is hoped that one of the Bites for the summer camp will be at Fort Nio brara, where conditions are ideal for tho camping of lurge bodies of men of all branches ' of the service. Military Training mu Investment. ,1a connection with this topic, the Army and Navy Journal says editorially: In balancing the score of our national gains and louses on account of the Spanish American war, and of the events which have followed It, a large item must bo placed on the credit side of the ledger to represent the great Increase of intelligent interest throughout the United States in the subject of practical military instruction and tsuudng. Tle long interval of peace preced ing the war of lsnS was a period of popular to the plain lessons of military experience. The extraordinary expansion of productive enterprise, the tremendous In crease of public and private wealth, the spread of education and the Intense rival ries of peaceful competltloa In trade and industry all combined to absorb the ener gies of the people so completely that the higher needs of the nation in the matter of defense and self-preservation were either ignored or forgotten. The result was that when the crisis with Sim in arose the gov ernment had to maneuver for months to delay a war for which it was grossly un prepared. Those who clamored for war had only the vaguest notion of Its require ments. They mistook our mllltaii-y resources fur military strength, with no more real warrant for so doing than they would have to mistake a mass of steel ingots for fin ished rifles and cannon. And even when the government, after de voting the time gained by delay to hasty and expensive efforts to improvise means to meet the emergency, finally entered upon the campaign, It did so heavily handicapped by lack of proper preparation. The United States army as It entered that war was, man for man, unsurpassed In the world; it was perhaps as nearly perfect In all re spects as any that ever took the Held. But It was, after all. merely a skeleton army a working model on which to build the greater one required for the work ahead. Having failed to develop and maintain in peace a large and efficient cltisen- soldiery for Just such emergencies, as strenuously urged by the wisest of our great men fron) Washington down to his living successors, the nation was obliged to resort to the des perate and costly expedient of training for war in war. Because of that direful need the early stages of the war were character ized by amazing confusion, delay and a shcM'itlng waste of life and treasure. The history of that campaign. Indeed, while It gives lasting renown to the endurance, valor and self-uacrtnVe of the American people, is little short of a reproach to their military Judgment and methods. Katloa Properly Aroused. The war. however, aa already suggested, has had the wholesome effect of arousing the public Intelligence to a keener appre hension of the nation's military-needs. The people are leginning to realize that our next war. when lt-rnmea. will probably be with a power greater than Spain, and that if we are (o come out of it victorious we shall have to go into it Infinitely better prepared than we were In 1W. To measure our ability to cuoouutcr a firat-claas power im.aummwrm2TmtTru,u fiu imm .n.njLsis.u.aiisii.iii.1 aoi.ip.n a. i. .julbiwl. Limn.iixijs iri JtHJP I illy yislUluM! will Jill SPECIAL HIGH- C3J CLASS U For some time past we have been preparing for a special bargain sale of really good Pianos, and we now offer for this week Better Piano Values to economical buyers than we have ever before given. Sale includes the following leading makes: Chickering Everett Aa woll as many othrr well knrum sliuidaril pianos. Sonic of llicso pinnn li;t1 cxhil'ii ion iisa only, ot Iters art nainple piano solot-tol mid ircpnrrd with i'mmtIhI rnro. Tln-n tlicrc arc it number of fine Upright Piano returned from rnntlng or taken in exchange for rantl. HeaLvy Reductions opportunity should make an Immediate visit of Inspection. You will not $395.00 $365.00 $495.00 $300.00 $250.00 $515.00 New Chlrkerlng & Sons, has had exhibition use only, worth new $550. Fine Everett, used a few times for concert work, worth new $525. Baby Grand, used In concert work, worth new seven hundred dollars. Ivers & Pond, slightly used, worth now four hundred and twenty-five dollars. Ivers & Pond, slightly used, worth new four hundred dol lars. . Packard, discontinued style, never used, worth four hundred and twenty-five dollars. ?i;n nn a only. We are sole representatives in Nebraska for the following pianos: CIIICKEKIXO & SONS (Boston), IVERS & POND, EVERETT, PACKARD, STARR, KOHLKK & CAMPBELL, RACII, HARVARD, RICHMOND, CHASE, WEAVER, HADDORFF, STROH11ER, SMITH & BARNES, REMINGTON and many others. There are no better pianos in the world. by our success In the Spanish war would be an act of national madness, and happily there Is no manifest disposition among in telligent clUaens to do so. On the con trary, -there Is among the thinking masses of the people not only a rapid and rational growth of the military spirit, but a swift Increase of practical Interest In the lm normnt aubinct of military organization and military Instruction. Moreover, this i Interest has received direct and emphatic expression in various acts of congress look ing to a broader ana more scienunc ne velopment of our military resources Into military Btrength In the form of a great national militia and its close association with the army for purposes of instruction and training. These acta, while In need of amendment and extension in some respects, have in view the creation of a militia organization which shall be truly national In scope and character trained, equipped and disciplined in accordance with army standurds and capable of efficient co-operation with the regular forces In time of war. To bring tliis great body of citizen soldiery Into being, to give It the benellt of association with the army In regular encampments and practical military exercises and to en courage Its members, Individually and col lectively, to familiarize themselves with the requirements of military service Is a national duty of the gravest importance. The nation's needs in this respect were never more impressively stated than by Colonel Edward K. Brltton, N. Y. N. In an address which he delivered before the officers of the Maryland National Guard at Baltimore February 14, 19uS. That address, which Is entitled "The Moral and Patriotic Aspects of War and the Relationship of the Organized Militia to the Military Power of the Country," describes so forcibly tho ob ligation of the citizen to the cause of na tional defense nnd traces so clearly the course and means by which our military necessities are to be provided for, that we publish the full text of the paper In this number of the Army and Navy Journal and commend it to the earnest attention of every man concerned In the vital problem with which It deals. Eternal Peace Not Possible. In his valuable address Colonel Brltton not only presents an unanswerable argu ment In Bupport of the great militia project contemplated In existing laws, but also pays an lmpiesslvo tribute to the honor and moral rectitude of military service under American institutions. He speaks, too, a timely word of protest against the senseless dogma, now happily dying out, that war Is Inherently wrong In morals, and In this he is in plain agreement with Von Moltke. who said: "Eternal peace Is not onJy a dream, but not even a happy dream. War is an institution of God a principle of order In the world. In It the most noble vl.-tues find their expression courage and abnegation, fidelity to duty, even love and self-sacrifice. The soldier offers his life. Without war the world would fall into decay and lose, itself in materialism. " In his discussion of practical military questions Colonel Brltton dwells earnestly upon tha importance of assembling the militia In association with the army for purposes of Instruction, and here he dis closes a policy of Inestimable value which the military authorities are driving to their utmost to establish. No argument should be needed to induce congress to make the most liberal provision for a sys tem of such large value to military inter ests, both state and national. The whole project Is an educational one. the benefits of which would accrue directly to the na tion In time of war. An accurate estimate of the worth of the proposed plan appears In an article In the New York Bun on tho brigade encampments already fully described here. "It Is only bv observation of the way the regulars do thine, and by contact and companionship with them, says the Sun. "that national guardsmen can learn the lesson of self-help and self-reliance. Thrown on their own resources, they naturally make slow progress and grow In different. Soldiering with them Is not the business of life, and they need Inspiration as well as example. Congress has now an opportunty to supply both. The army ap propriation bill contains an Item of $700,000 for brigade camps of regulars snd state troops during the summer of 19e. The adoption of the joint system of train ing means so much to the citizen soldiers, and the experience gained would be such an Improvement over the old state camp routine that the Influence of the national guard of the country should be brouirht to hear on congress at once to Insure the en actment of General Oliver's proposal Into law before the confusion of the last days of the session sets In to complicate mat ters." simple Business. One thing which should be kept In mind In considering all projects of national de fense, military or naval. Is that the money spent on them Is a simple business Invest ment snd not a waste, as various theorists pretend to believe. If It be conceded that the nstlon needs any defense on land and sea. It must also be admitted that our present defenses are glaringly dispropor tionate to our population, our territorial possessions, our coast line, our commerce and our Increasing responsibilities as a world power. Not to organize snd main tain tha agtnclts capable of affording ade a CLEARING aW Waaa lain I mjbj "imi" ., In price will bo marie, aa the special object of this sale Is to give yon better value for your money than yon can pel In any other store. Buyers who have been looking for a special $215.00 $235.00 $225.00 $195.00 $245.00 $150.00 sample, Boston make, especially fine tone and finish, one only, worth NEW PIANOS Our Special This Week Good stand ard guaranteed pianos sold 1 O 6 & heretofore $250.00 this week H T 4 H 0 $1.00 PER WEEK We Invite the Inspection of critical quate protection for those vast and varied Interests In time of peril would be little short of national self-betrayal. Further more, the manner in which the 'land de fenses required for that task should be created has been unerringly Indicated by Colonel Brltton. . RELIGIOUS NOTES. A new director of the Vatican astro nomical observatory has Just been named by the pope in the person of Father Hugen of the JeMUit order. Bishop' Glorleux of Boise, Idaho, la mak ing arrangements for laying th corner stone of the new cathedral In that city. The event will take place in June. Ixme Wolf, a chief of the Klowas In Oklahoma, Is of a strongly reliKious turn and is a preacher of considerable reputa tion. He Is a highly educated Indian and reads his Greek testament every day. Rev. Dr. Arthur Smith, a distinguished missionary In China of the American board, is In this country on summons of the board to address special meetings It Is holding In different parts of the country. Chaplain Rev. Francis Doherty of the Seventeenth United States infantry, sta tioned at Fort McPherson. edits a little paper called ."The Haversack," which 'a widely read among soldiers and is fre quently copied. The twenty-fifth annual meeting of the board of managers of the Woman's Home Missionary society of the Methodist Epis copal church will be held in St. Ixiuis, Mo., beginning October 24 and continuing in session eight days. The Chicago Methodists are arranging to hold "the greatest Methodist gathering ever held In Chicago." It is to be May Z. on the occasion of the midyear meeting of th bishops, and nothing smaller than the great Cnlcago Auditorium has been . pro vided. General Booth, tfie Salvation Army leader, will celebrate his seventy-seventh birthday with a gigantic function at Crystal paluce, London. This celebration, which will last eight hours, Is a good evidence of General Booth's continued health and vital power. There are more than 2,000,000 negro Bap tlHts In this country, with fifty Institutions of learning and forty-five denominational papers. They have a national organiza tion, with boards for missions, home and foreign, education, publication and the young people's societies. From Sumatra, the Rhenish missionary society, reports a year of harvest such us It has never before seen. The number of pagans baptized during the -year was 4,712. besides I'M Mohammedans. The total of Christians Is . now In, art schools 14,ulfe boys and girls are "under Instruction. The pope will this year present' tho Golden lUise to Princess Ena of Ifcittcn berg. The Golden Rose Is a syiulil In wrought gold which is blessed by the pope with much ceremony on mld-Ient Sunday. It Is presented by the pope to some prince or princess whom he desires especially tu honor. The gramophone has been chosen by his holiness Pius X to illustrate the sacred music prescribed by hlB celebrated "Moru Proprio." His grace, the archbishop of Old Dutch Cleanser Reduces by half the lime and labor required for cleaning house with . the ordinary MMtps, scouring bricks, etc. Chases (W$ J Dirt .mQ I N. .iv,r A valuable Illustrated booklet "Hints for Horsemen," free upon request. MADE BY 6 CUDAHY PACKING CO.. So. Omaha, Neb. SALE OF Svers & Fond Packard be disappointed. Mission Ktyle, nol tisoil, caso slightly dninaRod, worth tlmt hundred dollars. Smith & Barnes, Insl year's model, not used, worth new $325. Chase, rented three months, worth new three hundred and twenty-five dollars. Remlncton, rented two months, case slightly damaged. Russet, manufacturer's sam ple, not used special bargain. Schumann Upright, taken in exchange for Chickering urana. ' $375. buyers. Westminster, also allowed the gramophone to be used as a means of personally ad dressing the whole of the Catholic laity on the momentous question of religious education In the schools. A Methodist minister who has been preaching for seventy-seven years is worth some little attention. This distinction be longs to tho Rev. itlcharil Ryiuer of Brix ton, Eng. He was a preacher when Wil liam IV was king of England nnd Andrew Jackson was president of the United States. It Is expected that the decrees of the last provincial synod of Maynooth will soon be ratified by Rome nnd published. A few misprints in the first draft of the decrees sent. to Rome have caused the delay. Ac cording to the new ecclesiastical legislation In Ireland, parish priests will be appointed In future by cuncuisus. OIT OF THR ORDINARY, . Initial steps have been taken to create a public park around Grunt's tomb. River side, N. V. It is proposed to take in sev eral blocks at u cost of between $2.0o0,00il and $;;.tn,w. Gneral Horace Porter, for mer ambassador to France, Is taking a prominent part In the movement. H With the closing In Lancaster, Pa, of the hotel of John A. hank, who allowed his privilege to lapse, there passed out of ex istence a license first granted In 1736 ami renewed annually since then. It was in this hotel that Ijinciister lodKO of Masons was instituted, In ITSa. und there General Lafayette was entertained when he vlBitcd Lancaster. Seven hours of sleep Is the minimum amount requird by the average person, according to Prof. Weygand of the Uni verslty of Wurzberg. lie ascertained ex perimentally that teductlon of the usual period of sleep by three hours diminishes tlm power of the memory by one-half. Fasting, he found, hod a much less Injuri ous effect. As a result of numerous bank defalca tions culminating In the robbing by Joseph A. Turney of the National Hank of North America of at least $.14, (m), a movement Is on foot In the Wall streot district to Induce all the banks and trust companies In New York to change their regulations so that every employe shall be compelled to take at least two weeks' continuous vacation every year, so that his hooks will be gone over by other employes. Egg gatherers of the Scottish Island of St. Kllda prlre ropes of human hair. Ropes vary In length, some being forty to fifty feet long. Such a rope Is a bride's dower. To manufacture it Is the work of yeare. but the St. Klldau girl saves her hair combings religiously. A curiosity oollector who visited the island a short time ago wished to buy a fine specinen of hair ropej but the 1iO offen d was ri fused. There has been almost a revolution In F.llichausen, a little village near Gottlngen, Germany, over an order forbidding any young married man to escort a young wximan on the streets after dark. This or der whs the woik of the deputy town clerk, who Is not a ladies' man and bad been made the butt lor ill-natured Jokes. Ha thought he shw all opportunity for revengo when the reins or power caitie temporarily Into his hands. But his action has coat him his place. The best and most suo ceksful cleanser for ant kind of cleaning, In all parts of the house. CLEANS SCOURS SCRUBS POLISHES Sold irt Urge SiHing-Top Cans AT ALL 10c GROCERS