Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1906, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 5, Image 13

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Who's Who on the Republican Cify Ticket
Election Takes Place Next Tuesday May 1. Polls Will be Open in Each Voting District in Omaha From 8 A. M. to 6 P. M.
Eumraarj of V7b.t the Republican Candi
date for Major Stands For.
Another t notion anil l)ea t
Allrmiil in loile Any n f hr
Imih-i nf the I'emllna
.Municipal I nn.pnittn.
"It has l"" ii Mll of imp I have In
"inn way fit my heart upon Injuring the
tunings iiifl enterprise of thin city mid
that 1 t-1 1 h 1 1 lntxir to cIom- Hit clg-r stores,
barlier shop hikI vi up the strcrt cur from
running on Humluy. ) wish to stiy right
hire that the., stories nnd others nre Mich
us I have ticvrr heard or thought of."
Speech April 13.
"My Interest I art all In Omaha and I
expect to make this city my home for all
my life." Speech April i:i.
"I wlah to state on my honor Hint I hnv
never been asked by the Foutanclle club to
sign any sort of a pledge, nor have I any
knowledge of nor have I ever seen any
kind of a pledge to the special Interests of
thut club." Speech April 13.
"I am not In this rare for the snlm-y at
tached to the oftn e of mayor, but my only
desire Is for the public Rood. Much as 1
consider It an honor 1 would not accept the
Ciftice of mayor it I had to make even one
misrepresentation to cet the place." Speech
April 16.
"Far from criticising Innocent and decent
(ports on Sunday, I believe these tilings
are wholesome and preventives of vice and
crime. I am a base bull myself."
Interview April 17.
Krastus A. llcnsoii was born at
Fraud Mew. la, Apill 27, li4, his uti
cestora having been Aim I lean for many
generations, and before that Swedish uud
French, lie w ,i educated at the Weslea,n
uuUcrslly at Mount 1'lcnsant, la., and at
I lie I'nlveiHity of Iowa, working his way
through hy ine ins of country school teach
ing and labor In the harvest It . Id t. At
the une of he ticcHtne superiiitenilent of
schoolH at Wapello, Jn., and served nearly
three years, loiter ho studied law und was
admitted to the liar at I Liven port. la. llu
become Interested in the real enliite bnsl
neHS. and. following this occupation, came
to ftniutwi twenty years iiro and has made
hlH resilience here rn'iT since, lie hn been
active. In developing the city and suburb
and has built nnd sold something like 'J)
homes. He created the suburb of Benson,
now a village of nearly 2.'i population,
and Is the owner of much residence and
outlying real estate. His transactions have
consisted almost entirely of biiylpg, build
ing and selling. Mr. Pensnn Is the head
of a family of five children, all still attend
ing school, and has n comfortable home at
4r-r.l To1kc street, which he built a few
years nfter coming to Omaha. He Is a
charter member of the Ttenl Kstale ex
change, Commercial rluh and Ak-Sar-Tten
and has contributed financially and served
In various ways to promote pearly every
movement n public concern since he hs
heen a resident of the city. He originated
the tree-planting committees which were
the forerunners of Improvement clubs and
th"? "city h"autiful" Idea.
Wright March 1. 1iTi, and hs therefore
served the city a little over one year.
John II. liutW-r was born in Indiana
1M2. He waa reared In southeastern Iowa.
He belonged to the Fifth Iowa Infantry and
later the Fifth Iowa cavalry through the
civil war and saw four and one-half years
of active soldiering. Thirty-nine years ngo
Mi. Ittitlcr came to Omaha. He is a car
penter and for fifteen years followed his
tiado and he Is still In touch with similar
tlnuously up to the present, making him
the oldest merchant of the kind In Uie
city. He Is the junior partner of II.
Itlngham & Son. He Is a real estate owner
and taipayer. Mr. Hiiigham was a member
of the city council from llni to 1!"W) and
was president of the council for three
building committees of the Omaha Hulldinjf
and I.onn association. He was In the old
volunteer tire department and the first chief
of the paid fire dipartment, serving from
I.'-;. In l:t he was appointed building
Inspector, serving for two years, loiter he
served for three years as building Inspector,
covering the Transrnisslsslppl exposition
period. Mr. Kutler owns his home at
Thirty-third and Charles street and has five
children, three of whom are still In school.
a farm In easrn Pennsylvania. He re
ceived a common school education and h
gan teaching In the public schools at the
go of IS. In search of health and better
opportunities he came to Omaha seventeen
yeats ago. For a number of years he has
been Identified with the real estate busi
ness and represents a number of clients who
have invested large amounts of money in
Omaha property. Mr. Rcott is the local
' Harry 11. .Unman Is now serving 88 manager of the Ames estate of Boston,
ex-otnclu mavor of Omaha, the unexpired which Is among the Interest referred to
term of the late Friink K. Moore. He Is and which has done a great deal In the up- Ven since. By trade Mr. Hurst is a ma
chinist. For many years he was employed
by the t.'nlon Pacific In this capacity, but
since last December he has been with the
Paxtnn-Mltchell company. He nerved as
city license Inspector under Mayor Broatch
In his second term.
fraternal circles, principally with the F.Iks
and Ak-Sar-Ben. In the latter organisation
he has been a leader In the degree team
work for a decade and during that time
has missed attending hut four meetings.
liooi-KC Ii. Hurst waa born In England
In lS"fi and came to Chicago in 1ST and
has been a resident of Omaha since ISM,
The year after he arrived here he built
his own home and has been a taxpayer
lines as chairman of the securities and' completing his second term In the council, building of the city. Mr. Beott has been
having been elected llrst In 13u0 on the a candidate for political preferment oerore,
"I would like to sco Omaha made the
most beautiful city of the country, adorned
with numerous small parks for the recrea
tion of the poorer people, who have not the
means to take outings." Speech April 17.
"I stand for every line of the platform I
anonunced during the primary campaign.
I stand for a clean, moral city. The beat
Investment for humanity and the munici
pality Is to save the boy and girl." Speech,
April 17. '
"I am unalterably opposed to graft In all
Its forma, direct and indirect. 1 am op
posed to accpilng courtesies from cor
porations. 1 am opposed to the use of
the people's mone y for any other use than
the good of tho whole city. Any other use
of It la criminal." Bpeech, April 17.
"The question before the voters In the
campaign la whether they are going to
own their own government or whether they
are going to turn It over to special Inter
cut. If they want to own the government
they (should vote for the republican ticket."
Speech, April 18.
"When I am elected mayor I shall en
deavor to serve all the people and shall
have no Interest not for tho public good.
I think our taxes are too high and shall
do what I can to lower them. 1 am In
favor of the railroad being taxed on their
local terminals." Speech, April 20.
"If elected my object would be to see that
no more money Is collected In tuxes than
is absolutely necessary for the running ex
penses of tho city." Speech, April 21.
"I do not deslro this office as a stepping
stone to any other office, for there Is no
other office I wish, and when I am elected
the office will not be used as a machine to
boost my aspirations to something higher.
My only ambition Is to serve the people
well as mayor." Speech, April 24.
Hum K. Grcrnleaf w as born In Edgar
rounty, Illinois. November 4. 1. He
went with his family to Terre Haute. Ind..
1n 1R'". He was educated at Terre Haute
snd enme to Omaha April 1. 1SS. lie has
heen a revldept of the Fifth ward for the
lust fourteen years. Mr. fireenlcaf has
been employed In the city clerk's ofllce for
fle years and Is therefore well Informed
to the duties and records of that office.
Prior to this employment he was In th
street railway train service for a lone
time. He Is a prominent Odd Fellow, and
!s also a member of the Knights of the
MnccThees, 1'nlon Veterans' union and the
Bed Men.
F"" rrtlfTOI i.f.H.
XV. Ernest Johnscui Is of German and
English parentage, being born In Burling
ton, Ta July 21, 1ST!, and crime to Omaha
In 187. He was employed by the printing
firm of Flnlayson & Douglas as a boy.
Since 1S90 he has been 111 service of the
American Sheet I.ead company nd the
Lawrence Shot nnd Iond company, be
coming secretary and manager of the lat
ter concern. He possesses a business edu
cation of wide range and Is an expert ne
countrint. He Is a member of Calvary
Baptist church and has been prominent In
the state work of the Young Men's Chris
tian association and the Toting People's
Society of Christian Endeavor.
FOR t M'll.M FIRST W t(ll).
E. .. Willis Is a nitlve of Pittsburg,
l'a , and crtnie to Omaha when he was n
boy. He was educated in, the local public
schools. He learned his Jrude, that of
printing pressman. In this city and has
lived here ever since his original arrival.
He has been employed by the OmiiliH
Printing company for eighteen years and
Is still with this concern, lie is a union
labor man. belongs to the Masonic fra
ternity and the Ancient Order of Vnltid
for mi m.M .iv-KKcoxn wahh.
W. V. lilnKliam was born on a farm
In Wisconsin nearly fifty-three years ago.
He came to Omaha In 1S74 and engaged in
the wholesale produce and fruit business
and has been in that line of trade con-
republican ticket when barely 21 years old
Because of the Invalidism of Mayor
Moores, Mr. Zlmman, as president of the
council, filled the position of chief ex
ecutive close to one-half of tho time dur
ing the last three yesrs. He waa born In
Ilussla of Hebrew parentage and brought
to this country when a very young child.
His education was received In the public
schools and he went to work first as
grocer's clerk at an early age. His original
nomination waa regarded an a political ac
cident, but he developed unlooked for abil
ities In the council, which have widened
steadily In scope. He look en attitude
but this Is the it nomination he has received.
Charles 8. Hayward waa born at
West Acton, Mass, In 1(67. He came to
Omaha In the year and engaged In the
licroy E. Lucas waa born in Marshall
town, la.. In 1N64. In 1S79 he came to
Omaha with his parents and has lived here
ever siuce. He received a common school
education at Marshalltown and la Omaha.
Fpon leaving school at the age of 16 he retail shoe business, which ho followed for
went to work for the Union Faclflo as a several years. In 1KM Mr. Ilayward decided
locomotive fireman. He was promoted to to engage In the wholesale business and
the rositlon of engineer and served alto- became a member of the Wllllams-Hay ward
gethcr ten years In the service of the Shoe company. This firm was dissolved,
t'nion raciflo and Missouri Faclflc road, after a successful venture of several years.
sgnlnst corp ntlon domination In the local Ten years ago Mr. Lucas engaged In the Mr. ITsyward then establishing1 the l4ay
governinent and has successfully main- retail coal business Independently and has ward Bros. Shoe company, with his three
continued In that lino ever since, having brothers, of which business he is the pres-
offlYcs at 215 North Sixteenth street. Ho ent head. Mr. Ilayward has been active In
resides at 1S21 Maple street with his wife, political and business circles for many
child and aged parents, his father being a years. His only publlo office was that of
cripple. Ho has been a resident of tho Fifth member of the Board of Education for
ward nine years and owns property there.
His interest In the city has extended to ac
tive participation In Improvement enter
prises and he is a member and officer of
the Sherman Avenue and Fifth Ward clubs.
Mr. Luciu has been active in republican
politics for many years and five years ago
was an unsuccessful candidate for nomina
tion for sheriff.
tulned It during his two terms, He waa
the only successful couneilmanlo candidate
at tho recent primaries not supported by
a political orgnnlxntlnn. Since his assump
tion of the mayor's chair on March 4, the
chief duty Mr. Zimman has been called
upon to perform has been In connection
with the Ban Francisco relief measures, fi
which he has given much attention snd
time. He Is now connoslad with the law
firm of Weaver A Glller,
rnn coiacii.mas ron th ward.
John A. Scott was bvt'u and raised on
Business and Professional Men Support Benson for Mayor.
We, the undersigned firms, citizens and taxpayers of Omaha, deeply Interested In its future, are giving Mr. Erastus A.
Benson, the republican candidate for mayor, our earnest support, and shull use all honorable means to secure his election for
the following reasons:
First His personal character la above reproach.
Second He has lived In Omaha twenty years.
Third He Is a large property owner and taxpayer.
Fourth Ills business methods have been honorable and upright.
Fifth He will represent all the people of Omaha and treat all business Interests with equal fairness.
Sixth His honesty, intelligence and progresslveness will command the respect of all classes and inspire confidence In our
city's future.
Seventh Ills election will insure a clean, businesslike administration, and greatly aid In Omaha's onward march.
three yeara. beginning 1SW. During his en
cumbeney it became apparent that the
board affairs were not being conducted
with scrupulous honesty and Mr. Hay ward
was one of the members Instrumental In
starting an Investigation, which later re
sulted In the cxposuro of bribery on tho
part of certain board members, covering
He has been prominent In them with disgrace. Tho Board of Educa
tion has been noted for its business-like
conduct ever since. Mr. Hayward has been
prominently connected with tho Commer
cial club, serving as chairman of the execu
tive committee In 1W8 and president of the
club in ISO?, and has In other ways, besides
his business activity, assisted In upbuilding
and advancing Omaha's interests. He has
property Interests and resides In the Sev
enth ward.
Printers Have Docket.
The trial docket for the May term of the
t'nlted States court la In the hands of the
tirlntera and will be issued early next week.
On the circuit court docket Is noted for
trial tlfteen equity cases and thirty-six law
cases. The eipiity cases consist of six in
junctions, one for accounting, one to quiet
title, ono appeal from the State Board of
Irrigation, one to correct trust patent to
Indian lands snd five miscellaneous. Ill tho
law cases eighteen are damage cases, four
teen for money Judgment, two ejectment
and two nn contract, making fifty-one alto
gether that are set for trial during the May
Boulevard Route Not Final.
The Park board at Jts 'meeting Friday
afternoon failed to make ultimate the
routes for the new North and West Central
boulevards and announced further changes
likely would be made before the final lines
were run. This whs disappointing to a
large number of directly lnterexted prop
erty owners, who want to make improve
ments or sales. Permission was given the
Belt I J ne railway to cross the boulevard
at Twentieth and Bo yd streets with tracks
to the T. F. Stroud & Co.'s plant.
John P. Ilt-ppn, present city attorney,
was born at the little town of Lockport In
the state of Illinois and his parents em
igrated to northern Iowa In 1864 and were
among the very earliest of the pioneer set
tlers along the Des Moines river in that
state. As a young boy Mr. Braen experi
enced all the hardships and endured the
privations of the rugged life of a young
farmer boy, often traveling a distance of
three miles to attend the rude country
schools In the then sparsely settled region
where his parents settled. After he be
came pf age he taught school and was
elected register of deeds or county re
corder In Webster county, Iowa, when but
24 years of sge. He studied law with vari
ous law firms of his home town. Fort
Dodge, la., and was admitted to the. bar
In that city. Later he practiced law at
Cedar Baplds, la., and moved to Omaha In
18S7. Before moving to Omaha he passed
the examination for admission to the -supreme
court of Iowa nnd was admitted to
tho bar of the federal courts of that state
and has since practiced in and became a
member of the bars of the state supreme
courts and the T'nlted States federal courts
of several states of the union and of the
United States supreme court, and Is a
member of the American Bar association.
He was appointed city attorney of Omaha
by the city council to succeed Carl C.
Porter-Ilyerson-Hooblor Com
pany, by G. W. lioobler.
The Bennett Company, by J. E.
Thompson-Bclden & Co., by
Charles C Bcldcn.
Orehard-Wilhelm Carpet Com
pany, by E. W. lilxon, Tres.
Home Miller.
S. D. Barkalow.
Bantu Iron Company, by Daniel
Baum, Jr.
The American Hand-Sewed Shoe
Company, by A. A. McClure.
Martln-Cott Hat Company, by
Frank Martin, President.
George H. Company, by
George II. Lee.
Great Western Stove Company.
Conservative Savings and Ixian
Association, hy George F. Gil
more, President.
Robert Cowell, Vice President
Thomas Kllpatrlck & Co.
C. F. Harrison.
Payne, Bostwlck & Co.
B. R. Ball.
Henrv F. Wvrann,
Guy R. C. Bead.
W. T. Nelson.
W. G. Shriver.
Nelson C. Pratt.
William B. Ten Eyck.
Carpenter Paper Company, by
i. vv. arpenter, president.
Ixiuis Berka.
Charles O. Booth.
Frank B. Kennard.
T. W. Hazen, Jr.
Samuel A. Orchard.
Central Electric Co.
Robinson & Wolf.
Hayward Bros. Shoe Company,
ny t. H. Hayward, Vico Pres
W. L. Selby.
A. P. Tukey & Son.
J. N. Marsh.
George N. Hicks.
Victor White Coal Co.
George E. Mlckel.
Regent Shoe Mfg. Co.,
By O. W. Williams. Pres.
Murks Bros. Saddlery Co.
E. A. TIelnrlchs,
Pres. Omaha Crockery Co.
United States Supply Co.
J. B. Rahm.
A. Lansing.
Nebraska Electric Co.
K. V. Lewis.
Omaha Iron Store Co..
By H. I. Adams, Pres.
E. E. Beal.
J. H. Merchant.
Huld & Rice.,
By George. I. D. Rice.
Wright & Lasbury.
George Pray & Co.,
ny u. u. l'ray.
Morris Demoratsky.
L. D. Mitchell.
Gate City Dye Works.
i. w. Lavender.
Webster A Miller.
C. H. Henderson.
C. E. Lundstrom.
Pregler Theodore.
.1. J. Irf-ddy.
B. Robinson.
Roberts Printing Co.
M. T. Hwartx.
Philip Land.
Oscar Peterson.
E. C. Hervey.
Twin City Express Co.
George W. Johnson.
B. G. McKlniie.
J. XV. Robinson.
8. Q. Hoff.
Fred Brunlng. - "
Luther B. Hoyt.
D. P. Douglas.
A. V. Miller.
T. W. Blackburn.
Edward Stringer.
Clenrge H. Anglin.
H. C. Brome.
A. II, Burnett.
F. W. Carmlchael.
Edwin Bradley.
L. If. Bradley.
E. R. Woods.
Iouls R. Smith.
Albert Storer.
R. Hannibal.
George F. Munro.
G. B Benawa.
Chas'. Battell.
Brower E. MeCagne.
F. C. Bennett & Co. v
Hastings & Havden, by Byron
R. Hastings. Pres. '
Edward T. Hayden.
F K. Hall.
Wm. Ranson.
r. W. Eekerman.
rseorge Bell.
McCague Investment Co., by
Alex O. Charlton, Sec'y.
Mr. Ayers.
VV. G. Benawa.
George E. Turkington.
F. Wm. Krelle.
T. E. Thatcher,
The O. F. Davis Company, by
Thos. A Crelgh.
Beecher Hlgby.
Dexter L Thomas.
W. E. Hitchcock.
Chas. K. Bates.
W. J. Templeton.
J. XV. Maukcr.
Chas. Itosewater, M. D.
John Campbell.
1. M. Nattlngcr.
O. C. Olsen.
M. I). Cameron.
H. C. Freeman.
H. A. Cameron.
John H. Mithen.
Edward Glsen.
Herbert H. Neale.
Neale & Norton.
lohn Steel.
Winter Byles.
Frank J. Norton.
John Latenscr.
C. 7.. Gould.
J. W. Foster.
H. E. Cochran.
John McDonald.
M. Tochte.
J. J. Boucher.
John Q. Burgner.
J. C. McKell.
II. A. Whipple.
C. E. Herring.
XV. H. Gates.
William Balrd & Sons.
H. XV. Pennock.
Irving V. Baxter.
H. S. Mann.
M. A. Hall.
M. I Farrotte.
O. Brown.
F. A. Broadwell.
C. C. Kendall.
O. S. Wood.
Phillip Potter.
Howard B. Smith.
W. F. Rucl. ,
William S. Hlllis. Treasurer
City Savings Bank.
S. W. Lindsay.
Albert R. Pierce, M. D.
C. C. Cluttor.'
G. XV. Clutter.
F. M. Schadell & Co.
J. V. little.
J. T. Combs ft Co.
Edgar M. Morsman, Jr.
R. 8. Wilcox.
J. F. Mawhinney, Secretary and
Treasurer Mawhinney & Ryan
John W. Lytle.
XV. A. Dnrward.
B. B. Hall, M. D.
Charles E. Ady.
Dr. J. P. Ixrd.
F. J. Schloiir.
F. D. Wead.
Shimer & Chase Co.
Douglas Printing Co.
T. C. Havens.
James C. Lindsay.
Alfred Marschner.
Hopson Printing Co.,
By William A. Hopson.
C. K. Selleck.
C. H. Shultx.
A. M. Pinto.
H. M. Braeel.
O. R. Braden.
VV. XV. Bingham.
R. Bingham.
F. L. Barrett.
L. R. White.
L. J. Nelson Co.,
By L. J. Nelson.
R. G. Hackett.
J. Kulakofsky.
C E. Goodman. t
M. M. Van Horn.
H. R. Green.
N. II. Seller.
Globe Optical Co.
C. K. Stephenson.
MacCnrthy-Wilson Tailoring Co.
John H. Bath.
P. XV. Blrkhauser.
K. Hi Wilson.
C. S. Shepard.
C. XV. Chadwlck.
Benson & Myers,
by F. H. Myers."
Eben K. Long.
E. O. McGilton.
F. H. Gaines.
Hiram A. Sturgess.
J. Fred Kerr.
Fred XV. Clarke.
John N. Haskell.
John W. Battln.
Hugh A. Myers.
Wharton. Adams & Morgan.
H. 8. Churchill.
M. O. Cunningham.
Ernest Sew.
Ernest Sweet.
VV. A. Spencer. ,
George & Co.
John XV. Robbins.
Charles L. Saunder.
The Partridge-She.lly-Thurraan
Charles E. Williamson Co..
By Charles E. Williamsen.
XV. Farnam Smith.
M. O. Headley.
A. Rosenthal.
Platform of Eraslus A. Benson as Candidate for Mayor
1la J. IJssle Phelps Wanted.
An Inquiry lias been made at the Omaha
rostomee or tno wncreauouis oi ansa J.
.Issio rhelps. daughter of Mr. snd Mrs.
James Phelps. Miss Phelps is now mar
ried and Is thought to be living In Omaha,
but her present name Is not known. The
nitrtv making- the Inuuiry is Mrs. Lizzie S.
V'orslnger, 14116 East Ninth street, Kansas
City, Mo. A letter of some Importunes la
awaiting the former Miss Phelps at the
omaha postomce.
That the roots of many native clanta,
nwlnf wild in our Auiorlcan fore is.
puaauas remarkable properties for the cura
If hnmu mlullMli well proven, bven
the untutored Indian had learned the
enrativ value of some of tbae and
taught the early settlers their uaea. Tha
YVn mvmt llkd work so he wanted hi
ouaw to get well an soon as possible that
r i , i x - i. J 1 . a.( m k ii n i
ah nugot uO me worn aim iwi umi uuua
TkAn.r,L ha dur oarjouse root " for her.
lur that waa thear great remedy lor (
aoaks weakneaae. Dr. Pioroe use tha
aatna root called Blue Cohosh In nla
l,.Hu Pr.J4cJntIon. skillfully com
bined with other agenta that make It
Bore effHntlvw than any other nicaiciue iu
eurlng all the varioua weakneaMm and
utinful urinnmsiiii neculiar to women.
u.m afntcu-d woinou have been saved
from the operating table and the sar
eoo'a knife bv the timely ase of Doctor
Pieresa r avor'lte Prescription. Tender
naa nvnr the lower pelvic region, wll, spella of Uizriueas, faintooM,
bearing down pains or ditra should not
r. i..i..l A iHiurae of " Favorite Pre
scription will work marvelous bonofit
Iu all biich case, and generally effect a
pemiaucot cure If persisted in for a rea
sonable length of time. Tho "Favorlt
Prescription is a harmles ageut, being
mt,..ilv iir.i,rtfi from native medicinal
roots, without a drop of alcohol ia iu
ii n hiTMii all other lucdieuiea,
But up for sale throuKli drugisw for
ouiau's peculiar a.lincuta, eouiain larga
quantities of rplrituous liquors, which
are very prnif"l .unciaily to dolieaU
Kvorite 1 n4'rintiin " ron-
Uuut neither alcohol nor harmful habile
forming drags. All in iiigndUuiWi are
pnnwrou each bottle wrapper. It is a
tv.sorfiil invigorating Wmic. impartial
bnalLb arid strength in particular to th
oririiui distinctly feoiiuliio. ror weaa
aj.n ieklv women, who are "worn-out,1
r drtt.iliuitod, epeully for women who
work in store, or school-room, who
il at the tyi-ewntiT or sewing machine,
or bear heavy household burdens, and for
Bursin motWrs. Dr. Pierce's Favoril
Wescnpuou will prove a priceless benefit
becu. of its health -jvsiorlug and
au-enatb-gUing power.
Fur constipation, the true, atieutil
fi re U Dr. Pierce s I'Wj PelieUb
UM. tarsnlasa, ye aura,
I realize fully the difficulties nnd the responslbilitiea of administering
with equal Justice to all and with partiality to none the affairs of a great city,
with its heteregpnoua population and manifold interests. In a manner that will
insure the greatest good to the greatest number.
I do not believe in platitudes and I shall not deal in tbetn. I do not be
lieve in subterfuge and I shall not resort to it.
New and difficult problems arise In the administration of municipal af
fairs which must be met and the solution found or attempted aa they arise,
but the fundamental:! never change.
I stand for the same broad principles, aa applied to municipal govern
ment- civic purity, aggressive honesty, obedience to law and strict business
prlnciplea applied to municipal affairs that I 6tood for three years ago, be
fore the wave which has swept over the country submerging grafters and cor-
ruptlonisia began to roll.
I am opposed to all forma of graft, petty or great, no matter what form
it may take or In what shape it may come, whether a direct rakeoff or an in
direct benefit, whether placing men on th city payroll for political purposes
Charles T. Andersen has resided In
Omaha twenty-two years, coming here
from Toledo, O., to take a position with
the Gratton ft. Hammond Carriage com
pany as carriage trimmer. After four years'
service with this firm he started In business
for himself, manufacturing carriage spe
cialties, under the name of the Omaha Car
riage Ton company. Five years ago he or
ganlzed the Andersen-Millard company and
has since conducted a wholesale vehicle
business at present located at 1115-17 Far
nam street. He was elected to the leglsla
ture In 1904 and assisted In having enacted
the juvenile court bill and Dodge primary
lew. He supported the bulk sales law bill
and tho double-shift firemen's bill. He In
troduced th present charter law In Its
original form, which was later compro
mlsed to some extent. Mr. Andersen has
built several houses In Omaha.
J. C. Federsen was brought to Omaha
when an infant by his parents and, ex
cept for a residence of ten years In Mon
tana, terminating In 1870, has lived here
continuously ever since. His father, Peder
Petersen, was one of the early substantial
business men of Douglas county and es
tabllshed one of the leading blacksmith
shoos in the city. His son learned the
trade and later succeeded to the business,
which he bos operated continuously at
Twenty-flrBt and Cuming streets for more
than twenty-five years. Mr. Tedersen Is
a property owner, taxpayer and this Is
the first time he has ever been a candidate
for office. He was educated In the local
public schools and at a commercial col
lege. As a hard-working mechanic and an
enterprising business man, Mr. Pedersen
has a large acquaintance among varied
George Cott came to Omaha twenty
alx years ago from Illinois. He was con
nected with the Gat City Hat company for
twenty years. About six years ago he or-
ganlzed a new wholesale hat company,
known as the Martln-Cott Hat company
1107 Harney street, and has made a success
of the enterprise. Mr. Cott Is of German
parentage and has a large acquaintance
and while his energies have been expended
chiefly along business lines, yet he has
paid constdrabl attention to politics and
to municipal government. He has also
been an energetic officer In th Improve
ment club of his section of the city.
men with no honest means- of support, and Omaha's streets should be swept
clean of them.
I believe In obedience to law; it Is the first civic duty. It Is a truism
that all should obey the law, and especially is this true in a democracy where
the law ia not made for the citizen, but where the citizen makes the law. A
respect for and obedience to law ia one of the most valuable assets a com- came to Omaha direct from college In UH3
munlty can have. A disregard for law la a liability no community should a,,d iateiy engaged la the practice of
' , law, maintaining offices In the New Tork
want to assume. Lire building ever since. He Is a native of
On account of the present interest, in the subject I desire to say that in New Hampshire, a graduate of Yale col
Frauk Crawford is an attorney. He
declaring In favor of the obedience to and the enforcement of law I mean to
be understood to Include the Sunday closing provision of the Blocumb liquor
law. '
It la an organic principal of our government that the individual Is en
titled to the exercise of the largest measure of personal liberty consistent with
Mason and one of the first member of th
Omaha Field club
In his college days he wu & famous base
lege and of the law school of the University
of Michigan. He has never been a candi
date before, but has for year been keenly
Interested in politics. He was one of th
charter members and president of the Mc
Klnley club and has used bis Influence per-
cialanllv In bIIbv fa cl Ion fl I rilacnrris Mr.
iue uiHiiueuuuce oj. iaw, puuiic oraer ana an nonesi ana emcient government, Crawford holds the professorship of th
but personal liberty must not be outraged by using It as a mask for undoing law of evidence in Creighton university law
the youth. I am opposed to Dubllc resorta where those of tender vears are school. He is prominent as an Elk,
thrown in contact with dissolute men and women.
The juvenile court and the noble men and women who are Interesting?
before election or keeping unnecessary employes thereafter, whether showing themselves in the cause ofthe children should receive the hearty support of ball and foot ball player. He baa mad. a
partiality between those contracting or dealing with the city or accepting en Who have the love of humanity in their hearts. success of his profession, is married and
courtesies from those holding or seeking special privileges from it. Graft is I believe in Just taxation and In rlirld econnmv in th .,ndtt,. 606 South Twenty-aeventh street.
. - - -uu ouevto puuai . ui moneys thus raised. The only dividend a stockholder In a municipal corpo- for coiscilmas-twklfth ward, ui .uo w,u...uu,.j,. ration can draw is the benefits he receives from government, and the money JJ, A. A. tlmae la 81 years old and is
I am opposed to turning the administration of the city or any depart- raised by assessment should be bo Judiciously and honestly expended that Ms a tiatlv of Vermont. He has lived In Omaha
mem oi u into a poum-ai ruacnine ior uie purpose oi placing men in omce. contribution will be wllllneiv and not ,r..Hrniv oi.i eleven years ana
either city, state or national, or for any other purpose whatsoever. I believe Just condensation to the cltv should b for oil ,'i.
There may be political graft without n political machine, but there never to private persona or corporations for Dublic cronertv or rights and nriviw.
was a machine of the kind referred to without graft. To use the people's in nubile property.
Government or any part of it for any purpose other than that for which it was 1 believe the citizens of Omaha have developed a civic ni-ida th.f win r.
intended is in itself the most insldloui kind of graft. sent the presumption of anv anwiai imrt r mmhina.. eii
1 believe that every officer and employe should serve the city with the eets to own or control the city government.
enme fidelity he would a private employer. in case of a controvert hniVMn law onH n.,,i.,i i i...h... .i... u
. - - v SHSw uuu vuttai & V llltll cat U
1 deem It an important part of the duty of the city to be clean and beau- should be treated with abbolute Impartiality and with eoual luati and fear-
tif ul. I bejleve in parks and open spaces situated within easy access of those lessness by an executive.
vpo neea uiem. a j-aia may oe at once a necessity ana a luxury, out it should It should go without saying that the administration should lend to the Woodmen, the United Commercial Travel
bo viewed nrsl as a necessity ana located wnn mis idea in view. There are Water board all Its nower in h t,o v, .,m u , , era and the union veterans' union.
, v win ui inc pcupiB may ue car-
those in every large city whose feet never tread God'a preen carpet except on ried out and the water works plant may be acquired by the city at the
public grounds. There are mothers and children who have no other resort, earliest possible date.
for sunshine and wholesome air, and to these the park, to fill its mission, must I deem It fundamental in a government like ours that the people should
be of easy access. We have no right to build a city in a manner that the have the right to vote upon any question of great public Importance when It
stunds as a self-made
man. He worked his way through a com
mercial college, read law nights while
working in the daytime and was admitted
to practice law before the state supreme
court. He is- a descendant of Salmon P,
Chase. Mr. Chae Is now president and
manager of Chase & Co., manufacturers
and wholesalers of extracts, spices, baking
powder, teas, coffees, etc. He has been
successful and has accumulated consider
able property in Omaha. He is well known
In a social way and Is a member of th
poorest child has not a chance to be brought up amid surroundings that are shall appear that there is a general and popular desire on their part so to do
clean and healthful and moral. I believe In building for the future and in I believe the city owes it to its inhabitants to see that they receive all to
the establishment of small parks and play grounds In what is destined to be kinds of public service at the lowest cost compatible with the service rendered '
i ha m rwt crnwnprl nart nf the ritv. flt.ri fiitti rp pphpiq tinno t hrtu .o . K,. Thai tMa til..t
- ------ - - " "'" "'. "! uron me city m, i take it. not open to debate
Just proportion of the cost of such improvements. The question of parks. Next to water gas is the most Important of the public necessities ' I be
open space and play grounds is not so much an aesthetic as n economic and Heve that fl per 1,000 cubic feet U the maximum mice th inhabit- t
our city should be renulred to nm for ihi. - ....
'"."uwunj, ana i aa not Deiieve
I moral yuestlon.
I believe In a fair deal and a square deal for every man. woman, child.
corporation and Interest. This much everyone has a right to demand as a
right. More than this no one has a right to expect as a concession.
I am irrevocably opposed to making Omaha an easy plane for either crim
inals or hoboes. There should be no place in the community for able-bodied
Malar of aa Oath.
Some thirty years ago a case was on
trial before the Judge of a court In
city In which, among tiie numerous wit
Messes for the defense, was a. shiftless
ooking colored man named Jones, who wa
testify as to an alibi.
le was Anally called and th ususl oat
was about to be administered when th
attorney for the prosecution arose and ad
dressed his honor, suggesting that Mr
Jones be interrogated as to his under
standing nf the solemnity of an oath. The
Judge therefore asked the witness If he
understood the nature of an oath, to which
: "Yes, sah."
Well," said his honor, "what is It!"
To which Mr. Jones Immediately replied,
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