Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    unday Bee.
Advrti la
Best & West
Pages 1 to 8.
The Omaha
Earthquake at Ban Franciaoo Be
ne we i Fear of Volcano Hear Naples.
With All IU Daraaee Neapolitans Frefer
8moke from Its Crater.
Jeroit Who Served at Georgetown Has
Charge of Observatory.
Robiii Crowd Clrcna to See Per
lnnM sod Colon! Cody Tar
rle Golden Clgarholdcr
Royal Souvenir.
ROME. April 2. (Special Cablegram to
Th Bee.) Ever since the receipt of the
new from Ban Francisco Italy has been
doubly aprehenslve of appalling- earthquake
calamities. The violent eruption of Ves
uvius, coupled with the awful reports
from California, have caused general
alarm, especially among the peasantry and
the worst Is feared. It Is recalled that a
fortune teller has for months been preach
ing the destruction of the large cities and
the world's end. to'geth. with the second
coming of Christ and this fanaticism has
taken a deep root, especially In the Italian
rural quarters. 60 few years has elapsed
since Mount Pelee blotted out the town and
port of St. Pierre In Martinique that the
memory of that unspeakable disaster
still vivid and the thought that similar
desolation may be wrought along the bay
of Naples Is horrifying and distressing.
It Is natural that the poorer classes and
iven the educated classes should pay more
attention to subjects appertaining to vol
canoes in a country like Italy than In a
country where earthquakes and volcanoes
are unknown. Still, If the volcano would
only keep within bounds It Is probable that
the people of Naples would not mind a
little In the fireworks lin. 80 until within
the past few weeks no particular atten
tion wr.s paid to the eruptions. Now every
body Js speculating whether there Is any
direct connection between Vesuvius ami
Ian Francisco and the speculation has as
rnmcd the form of wondering what la go
Inf; to happ"n next. Upon subjects like
these, though Kuropcan scientists are dls-
t'UHhlr.g learnedly. It would begin to appear
on thnur.h one man's guess was about as
fcod as mother.
Want Volcano Active.
As n ccncrsil C.lng the Neapolitans pre
fer thai the great mountain which doml
mites tl.elr lovely bay, shall be at work
."id no' Ml' quiescent. They know, of
c. urio tre pot litinllty of havoc which
iu.k v.llh'n the crnter, but familiarity
bli i.ts the appreciation of the danger,
'i': :iVi If i s cf all uses have- remarked on
Co 'ie:.H .f mind with which the ItaiUn
I'i'.iihVitK have gone on tending thel;1
vir's nnd ficcha high up the mountain.
l.V.:cf. of the fata of Pomp!"!! and Her-
on'antum. They have built their villages !
the very lava Itself which swept over
1110 nomcs or treir ancrco-s. A similar
rpparent insenriblllty Is minl.ested in all 1
volcanic districts wnrre tn ri.'K is arcepteti
with as n-.tirh fatalism as fisher folks ac
cept the perlls'-of the sva. However, when
the crucial hour comes sheer terror ajlzes
on the whole population. And as human na
ture remains unchanged from age to age
the panic which has prevailed throughout
Italy during the past month Is extraordi
narily like that contained In the two fam
ous letters wherein Pliny, the younger, de
scribed the great eruption of A. D. 79. And
undoubtedly tbere was good excuse for
fear. The great mountain has been ob
scured by smoke and lighted up from time
to time by lurid flrshes. Dense showers of
eshes and small stones are falling all over
the courtryshle. And fir more horrible
than the lapllll are the monstrous streams
f f lava which p ur down the mountaln
fV. One river of molten rock which
T'led thrrush the vl'Hsfc of BoscotrecHSe
! t'venty-one fori hirh and six hundred
-ei v'c'e. It parse;! tV. v: !i n otvefry
n Its wey n the se-i! Tiie living had fed
-n-n ti e ad only tho dead remained
1 'elecme the lavi.
Thee rivers usuilly flow down ti e south
en sMe In the event of thee e-untlons.
''nfcrtunstely. whichever way the lava
ivrns It l bound to work ruin among the
l-rt'-Mr'n' populntlon. Vesuvius Is com--tv
ringed round with little towns and
"I-Fes. ' both on the coast and Inland,
f r:rlng a circuit of some twenty miles.
Coast Towns Suffer Most.
The northeastern side Is the safest from
the lava, for It Is protected by the bulwark
if Monte Soinind, but even here and at
"itajano and Man Guiseppe, to the east,
there is no protection from the hot rain of
nshes. and It will be remembered that the
ashes burled Pompeii Just as effectually
as the great led of lava aealed Jtercu
laneura. But It is the coast towns which
usually suffer the most during these Utter
days. "Naples commit the sins" says a
lM-al proverb, "and Torre pays for them."
Portlcl and Reslna stand on old lava
beds; lava streams oose down into the
sea and form new promontories In the blues
of the bay. This stretch of country, no
more than six or seven miles wide, lost
SAM cf Its Inhabitants In the great erup
ili n of lSil. They of that century thought
that the fires of Vesuvius were extinct,
l or 131 years not a curl of smoke had risen
Ironi Its crater. Suddenly (t wuked to fury,
and the lava streams are said to have
floaed at tha rate of a mile a minute.
Eincc then eruptions have been very fre
quent and the mysterious sources under
ground which supply the volcano shown no
sign of falling.
Probably do European ruler takes the
Interest In economic qurattUma manifested
by the king of Italy. The great agricultural
conference called by the king of Italy
m the suggestion of an American named
I.ubln waa developed by the king. And
his majesty has been entertaining during
the last few days In right royal fashion
the delegates to the international postal
The people of Rome have been exercised
la mind by the widely circulated report
to the effect that the visit of J. Pierpont
Morgan to the pope had as Its object the
question of the payment to' the Vatican
cf an Indemnity of $7AO.j0 sterling on
(he part of the I'nlted States fur the con
flxatlun of ecclesiastical property In the
Philippine Islands. The Journal of the
Vatican, the Osscrvatore Romano, put ihe
luatter in Its true light when It appended
a not to the telegram which it published.
The note characterised the statement as a
4ble "which bad not the least shadow of
Inundation," and which deserves to be put In
the same rsnk with the others which hava
VL-'outltiUvd on Fifth Page
Measure Beromri Effective li
and Has a Reciprocity
MADRID, April 2. (Special Cablegram
to The Bee.) The new customs tariff has
Just been published by the government of
this country.
Articles I and 11 of the royal decree ac
companying the tariff provide that appeals
against Its classifications and rates may
be made to the Spanish government at
any time before the end cf the present
month. These will be submitted to the
tariff commission and considered by the
government In the course of May, and the
tariff, with such amendments as may re
sult from decisions on these appeals. Is to
come Into force on 'July 1 next.
According to Article III, the duties con
tained In the second column of the tariff
(I. e., the duties forming the minimum
tariff) are to be applicable to merchandise
from countries where Spanish products
enjoy most-favored-natlon treatment, pro
vided that the Spanish government con
sider that the treatment accorded by such
countries to Spanish goods affords an
equivalent concession. The duties con
tained In the flret column ( 1. e , the
maximum tariff) are to be applicable to
the goods of all other countries, the gov
ernment being empowered to add surtaxes
to these duties In the case of oountles
which treat Spanish vessels or goods In
a specially unfavorable manner, as well as
In the case of goods on which export
bounties have been given. Non-European
products Imported from a European coun
try are by Article lv, to be subject to
special duties.
It Is Important to note that Article v
of the decree provides that all customs
duties levied under the tariff are to be
paid In gold. It Is further stipulated, by
Article vl, that the duties contained In
the new tariff are to be revised every five
years, taking Into account any changes
which may have occured In the valuations
upon which they have been based.
French Court Makes Holing
portant to Purchasers of
PARIS, April 28. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) An Important decision affecting
the sale of thoroughbreds In this country
has been given by the Third Chamber of
the Paris court. Madame Myrtllle Beer
bought eight race horses for $4,000 from
Comte de Brcssen. The purchase was
made last May, and It was stipulated that
the count should be able to buy back tho
animals and to bear all the necessary
costs of the transaction. As the count did
not show any desire to repurchase, Madame
Beer had the horses sold at Cberl's in
October last. Before doing this she tried
unsuccessfully to get the stud book certi
ficates of the animals. Aa the result the
sale did not come up to her expectations,
she sued Comte de Breesen for 15.000. She
also sued for a smaller sum a M.-Aumont,
who refused to give up the certificates of
one of the animals. The court orderod
tho count to pay $1,100, conjointly with M
Aumont. The Judges further decided that
trtlflcates are necessary In the esse of
rare horses offered for sale, aa under the
Turt onIy horw., an(1 ,nara born and
traln,.a , franca, whose pedigrees are In
,hc 12ngllah or French stud book are al
ioweQ to enter for aventa. The Judges
specially set forth that In the case of
Beer against Bresson and Aumont the
absence of due certificates depreciated the
value of the animals offered for sale.
Both Comte de Bresson and M. Aumont
have to pay the law costa In connection
with the action.
Citlseaesa of Franco Tells of Her
Experience with Insurgents
In Morocco.
PARIS, April 28. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) Madame du Oast, the marvel
lous Frenchwoman Is to the front again,
this time on an Arab steed. She rode Into
the Spanish camp or Presidio at Melllla,
i Morocco. She had been among the
' followers of the Moorish retender and It
i wa" tb 'a4'" who presented her with tha
"ne white Arab thoroughbred on which she
entered the Presidio. She was escorted
front the pretender's camp by a sheik
and a contingent of soldiers.
The daring Frenchwoman says that the
pretender received her with effusion and
organised a hunting or shooting party In
her honor. He, however, refused to allow
her to take snap shots, either of himself
or of his officers. Madame du Oast affirms
that the pretender's troops are numerous
and well organised and that they are pre
paring to wreck the sultan's army. She
was also at Mar Chlca recently and waa
nearly touched by a shell when the place
was bombarded by the Turks. She found
Mar Chlca quite devoid of commercial ac
Food Reaches Coast, bat Coat of
Transportation to Interior
Is Too High.
PAR 18, April 28. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) The correspondent of the Petit
Parlslen, telegraphing from Tangier, says
that he has just made a Journey In th
north of Morocco, where he found the na
tives In extreme distress, compelled to live
on food usually given only to animals, and
driven through hunger to commit many
crimes. The country people are flocking
Into the towns In the vain hope of finding
work, and are forced to subsist on such
charity as they can obtain.
Imported foodstuffs, such as French flour,
RuHsi&n barley, rice. etc.. reach the nnrt
but th cost of transportation to the Interior
t. too high and the poorer classes are thus
unable to obtain them. Th. crop, promise
to be much above the average thl. year, but
befare harve.t time rrlve a large number
of th. people will die of .tarvatlon unle.s
id is forthcoming In time
British Vessel Strikes Chinese
aad Thirty Mea Go to
SINGAPORE. April 28.-The British
steamer Havertham Orange, having on
board l,f0 Russian troop bound from Vlad
ivostok for Odessa, arrived here today und
reported having brea In collision in th
Straits of Malacca with th Chinese staamer
Bentong. Th latter Bank and thirty of tho
101 Chinamen on board the vessel were
Th Have'rsham Orange brought th seventy-one
survivors to this port. It. fore
peak 1 full of water.
India-nation Exists Over Appropriation of
Money for Poor Officers of Army.
War Party Will Be More Powerful Thrtmirh
Money Appropriated Under Law.
Money Raised fr jple Who Can Sever
Condition of German
ance Will ot Permit iov
eminent to Borrow S f eiied
Fnnda HI Hume.
BERLIN, April L8. (bpeclal Cablegram to
The Bee.) A vast deal ot Indignation ha
been aroused in German military circles by
the news that the subscription of $i.S00.0uu
for needy officers has been successfully
brought off, and that that sum ha been
deposited with the chief of the kaiser's
military cabinet. For some year past it
ha been noticed that the number of mil
ltary cadets has been slowly but surely
diminishing. This ha been especially the
case with the so-called "offlcler famlllen,'
that Is to say, the families that for genera
tion past from father to son have followed
the profession of arms.
Such families, however, are notoriously
poor. A stern life of duty, ''plain living"
and "high thinking" was their lot. But as
luxury Increased in the German army It
became more and more difficult for such
officers to exist. High play, regimental sub
scriptions, mess expenses everything has
Increased BO per cent In the last thirty years.
Little by little the army has been Invaded,
by young men of wealthy parentage who
Joined for the social distinction the military
coat gives, but not from any love of the
profession. Some Ill-advised persons sug
gested that the hat should be discreetly
passed around and a fund raised which
would enable the kaiser to privately sub
sidize sons of officers and the poorer arts
tocratlo families desirous of taking up the
profession of arms. The thing that has
caused Indignation among the better class
of officers Is that this money Is levied from
the millionaire bankers In Berlin; men
whose sons, by the prejudices of the mili
tary caste, are absolutely barred from wear
Ing tho kaiser' uniform as officers. It Is,
therefore, a ort of blackmail which they
pay for one reason or another, but which
they certainly do no not provide willingly,
Strengthen Military Cabinet.
A second objection Is that this fund will
be one arm the more in the possession of
the kaiser military cabinet. As the money
will only be given to Impecunious officers,
there must be some distributing center. But
this opens the door to favoritism of the
worst kind. The department of the army
with this money In it gift will be the ob
Jectof all kinds of applications.' more or
less" Justified, and tha distribution will be
mora, or less arbitrary. There is no doubt
that the discontent with the system of pro
motion In the German army (and particu
larly the Prussian army) has been steadily
Increasing: so much so, Indeed, that - the
great majority of the officer asked to be
retired with the rank of captain. The great
mistake the authorities are said to be mak
ing la to Imagine that the present crisis in
the army can be got rid of by giving a few
marks a month extra to the sub-lieutenant.
What haa caused the present crisis Is- the
arbitrary fashion In which promotion la
given. When It is notorious that not one
officer In a hundred, however great his
merits, ha any prospect of rising above
the rank of major unless his name Is pre
ceded by "Von" it is comprehensible that
the great mass of them end by getting dis.
couraged. Thore is, however, little prospect
of any change, as the kaiser shows a tend
ency to make his army more and more aris
tocratic Instead of democratic.
One of the peculiarities of the kaiser Is
the peculiar veneration he has for his
grandfather. He bombarded that most re
spectable of sovereign with the epithet
"great," an adjective to which William
I. would certainly have been the last to
lay claim. William I. lived In great times,
and it may be said that he came in on
the crest of the wave. This Is why hi
grandson insists on baptizing him
"William the Great" and strews monu
ments in bronze and marble all over Ger
many as if out of the pepper castor. The
latest monument has had a curious his
tory. It is to be erected at Strassburg nnd
Alsace. The Strassburg monument which
the pnpulatoin is to raise to the man who
conquered them Is to cost about $10,000.
Of this sum $15,000 was subscribed by the
functionaries, the officers and such com
mercial people as were afraid to refuse.
As, however, It could never be admitted
that the subscription was a failure, the
remainder wa simply taken from the se
cret service fund, at the disposal of the
Staathalter. When the kaiser comes twelve
months hence to unveil the monument the
ceremony will have a grimly humorous
New Loan Abroad,
The Cologne Gazette seml-offlcially states
that the new Russian loan will not be
placed upon the German market for the
reason thslf'the financial necessities of the
empire and Prussia render fresh calls upon
the German money market undesirable. Of
course Russian loan and Russian securi
ties are being handled in the Berlin markets
ail the time. How far the decision of the
leading Germaa bank not to renew their
I rwrriii ciwi iiiicih ui iwriiripuung m a
Russian loan is due to the Influence of the
i Grman government must alwaya remain
I .
I H'rr Beb"' !n aicu'ln Algeclra.
' conference in th interest of the Socialist,
1 of the orld' maln,aln61 that the .torm
! wh,ch h" be,n ra"ed 00ut Morocco has
i iwn aiiu.riwrr oui 01 proportion 10 tbe ex-
lent of German Interest, and to the results
achieved. He referred in particular to the
emperor s demonstrative visit to Tangier,
and asks what would have been said In
Germany, if. for example. King Edward
had acted in a similar fashion. He con
trasted the exhaustive character of the
French yellow book with the meagre con
tents of th German white book, and de
clared that the meagerness of the latter
was a testimony of the powerlcsxnea
of the German Reichstag In matters of for
eign policy. The French yellow book
showed M. Delcasso had from the
first been ready for negotiation, and for
compromise. The sultan had been pre
pared to agree to the French demand, and
waa only Induced to stiffen his back at the
instance of Germany, whofe subsequent
(Continued on Fifth Page.)
Pnbllo Kchonl Tracers fbonld Koaw
Laaganae ot Natives Accord
ing to Oflclal.
GLASGOW, April a.-tPpePlal Cablegram
to The Bee.)-Mr. Sinclair, secretary lor
Scotland, haa Just been talking upon tha
subject of Gaelic teaching In the high
lands. He said that while all sympathized
with tho oft expressed Idea that there
ought to be room In Scotland for all Scotch
men and women, they could not deny that
the obligation of Scotch people did not
end In Scotland, and whllg they were not
willing to admit the truth of Dr. Johnsou
saying that the best view out of Scotland
was the highroad to England, still they
did admit and Insisted upon their obli
gation to take part in the wider duties,
which fell to thl country among other
nations. The two point to be emphasized
are broadly, that a teacher In the High
lands must know the language of the
people, and that Gaelic speaking teachers
should be found and trained for that
purpose. What had already been doneT In
Scotland It must be remembered the work
if local authorities. It was the chool
of education though supervised by the de
partment, lay mainly in the hands
board that engaged and employed teacher,
and it wa at the local center that pupil
tcachera were trained. Th department did
not interfere with the selection of the
teacher, provided he was duly qualified;
and the Highland boards were In aa favor
able a position as other boards to Increase
their choice.
Alexandra MacKelth thus explain the
fresh air homes for children:
"In these home with their cool and
invigorating ocean air and upland breese
and plain nourishing food, under the
simplest condition and the maxlum of
freedom about 8.000 of Glasgow's poorest
children enjoy the priceless boon of a fort
night' stay or longer when necessary
The work among tha cripples of Glasgow
of which there are about 3,000 ha taken
deep root. West end friends, members
of the league, have entered most heartily
Into the work, and are sending gleams of
sunshine through the post or carrying
them In person to their allotted cripple
thereby relieving the dull monotony of the
little sufferers; and in many cases giving
fresh Impulse to maternal affection, which
In these poor home crowded cares so
frequently overtax. A large hospital home
at Prestwlck for these cripples having a
delightful southern exposure and an
enclosed sun veranda, opening out at
several parts to the front play green of
the home. Is at present full of children.
Would. However, Retire Them to
Gain Approval of the Other
BELGRADE. April 28. (Special Cable
gram to The Bee.) It Is reported here that
the British government will soon fill, the
post of British minister at Belgrade, which
it will be remembered, ha been vacant
since the royal tragedy. Of course, It will
be necessary that the' Servian government
should themselves remove tha obstacle to
the renewal of diplomatic relations. That
obstacle consist in the maintenance of the
regicide in -their present: position.- There
seem, however, .to be every disposition
on the part ' of the Servian ministry to
place in retirement the ringleader. If they
were only sure that the British government
would be satisfied with that measure. There
I an opinion outside Servla that If all the
conspirators, who number about sixty, were
to be the object of a similar penalty they
would constitute a formidable nucleus of
disaffection, and, being for the most part
of the time young and energetic men. they
would at once become a serious danger
for the state. It Is thought undesirable
In existing circumstance to create
fresh element of unrest In the country.
King Peter and hla ministers are known
to desire a reconciliation with Great
Britain, who will have very little difficulty
in conjunction with France, and probably
with Italy, In taking a strong footing at
Belgrade. German economic penetration
In Servla, Bulgaria and Turkey is pro
ceedlng steadily and unostentatiously; In
deed, it haa already succeeded In almost
monopolizing the near eastern markets,
Nor must it be forgotten that In that part
of Europe political influence is closely as
aoclated with economic progress, a clr
cumstance which here at all events give
ground for serious reflection.
Arrangements Are Made Between
Soodan and Congo Free State
for Vessels.
BRUSSELS, April 28. (Special Cablegram
to The Bee.) A temporary arrangement
has Just been made between the govern
ments of Soudan and the Congo Free Stat
aa a preliminary of a more permanent set
tlement of the question which have re
cently, been In dispute between the two
The basis of the arrangement Is that tho
Congo Free State shall abandon posts
south of the fifth parallel, north latitude
and north of the water-shed of the Congo
and Nile basins, which they have occupied
since the conclusion of the modus vlvendl
negotiated by Major Lemalre of the Bel
gian army, for the ' Congo government,
and Major Boulnois, governor of the Bahr-el-Ghaxal,
In March, 190S. The arrange
ment also provides that the disputed terri
tory shell for the present be administered
by Soudanese officials.
On the other hand, restrictions on Nllo
navigation, forbidding steamers to call at
Belgian posts, which hava been In force
for some months, will be removed and
communication with the Belgian posts, via
the Nile, will be resumed.
Would Have Federation Pay laterest
on State Debt While Keeping
SYDNEY, April 2S.-(9peclal Cablegram
to The Bee.) The conference of the state
premiers here has reaffirmed the resolu
tion of last year's conference at Hobart
In favor of the extension for thirty years
of the eighty-seventh clause, or Braddon
clause, of the constitution, where.under the
common Wealth returns to the states three
fourths of the revenue derived from cus
toms and excise duties.
The commonwealth. It la resolved, shall,
as a - corollary to such extension, take
over state debts and pay the interest on
them out of each state' share of the re
turn of the duties under the Braddon
The reply of Mr. Beak In, the federal pr
mler. to this last suggestion is noncom
mittal. He piefers to return a definite
sum for all time to each stats, or to re
pay an amount .subject to periodic! reassessment.
Wearim Apparel Required for Rfcfnees
from California Stopping, in Omaha.
Work of Mercy Continues with Unabated
Zeal by All Local Forces.
All Bailroads ConTerins: in City Take
Their fchare of Traffic
Over Two Thousand of the Sufferers
Have Partaken of Hospitality at
Omaha'a Tent Dining
Rooms at Depot.
Work of relief for the refugees from San
Francisco is still being carried on at Union
station by Superintendent Morris of tho
Associated Charities and the good womeu
of Omaha. Saturday was practically u
day of rest, as few sufferers came through,
although many who came in during the
night were supplied with meal and clotti
ng and sent on their way home.
Miss Nan Dorsey and some of the mem
ber of the Visiting Nurses' essoclatlon
waited at the tents until 4 o'clock Saturday
morning to care for the refugee who ar-
rivea on me la'.e irauis. rmj-im
on a late Union PaciOc train and theso
were given hot broth and otner eaiuies.
and the sick were cared for, the electric
lights making the place as light as day.
Still more stockings and underwear are
needed for these people and should bo 1
sent direct to the tent. Most of the sur
vivor are footsore from their two days'
tramp in getting out of tho burning city
nd have no clothes except what is on their
backs, so a change Is almost imperative.
Some of the merchants have been sending
shirt and waists for the women, which
are most necessary.
Otfden is highly praised by many who
come through. One trainload waa supplied
with a whole outfit of new waists for tha
women by that town, but thousand more
are in need. Little opportunity ha been
had to bathe their swollen feet and very
few. havo had a change of footwear. The
first day the tent was up 136 pair of hose
were given out
A few refugees are expected today, but a
train of 426 Is en route, which Is expected
early this morning. These will be fed
on their arrival, and Superintendent
Morris wishes help and clothing on that
Over Two Thousand Fed.
The relief committee and the women ha1
erved 2,134 people in the tent up to Frl
day night and transportation had been pro
vided for over 1,100 from Omaha to points
east and north. The railroads of Omnha
have asked George F. West of the North
western to apportion their share to all and
transportation is freely given. The Mil
waukee and the Northweatern care for
those to Chicago and the Illinois Central
and the Great Western take 'all those to
to ail nunc i
Minneapolis. St- Paul and other northern
point. Mr. West say. the Burlington,
Wabash and Missouri Pacific also h.v.
been generous in giving transportation To
" lu u, u.u.i
1 m and half IZ in taen
U at Ogden and half ar. being taken
ugh the southern gateway. The Rock
island la tailing its snare mrougn Kansas
..ity ana me curnngion is taxing large
numbers from Denver to Chicago, hauling
inese tnrougn A,n.ana ana rc junction.
These are Deing carea ror aiong tne route.
Superintendent Morris has ordered enough
supplies for two days, so all can be fed
as they come in today. Many more arc
fed than come on the relief trains, as many
are traveling on the regular trains who
have no funds for meals and these are pro-
vlded for at tho relief tents. The telephone
at the tents, Douglas 6400, Is kept busy by
women of the city who are volunteering
their services. Large numbers of the school
teachers called up Saturday and offered to
do what they could. Mrs. Draper Smith is
in charge of the tables and women who
wish to give their services today or later
can communicate with her at Harney 3463.
Over Four Hundred Cars.
The Union Pacific has so far hauled 412
cars ot mm easiern points 10
u:eMi wvti, wnere t lurnea over
. . . . , , , . T , . ., .
10 me uibkuii ouuri iiiiis lur me Douiuern
A few on the regular Union Pacific, train
arrived Saturday afternoon. -
These relief supplies for San Francisco
sufferers were moved over the Union Pa
cific railroad yesterday:
Five car flour, Minneapolis, Minn.
One car flour, Yankton, S. D.
One car flour, Jefferson, la.
One car dry goods, Camden, N. J.
Eight cars dry goods, Chicago.
Twenty oars various supplies, Chicago.
One car Red Cross supplies, New )'ork.
One car provisions and miscellaneous sup
plies consolidated from various points.
One car miscellaneous supplies, Hamp
ton, Neb.
One car flour, Wahoo, Neb.
One car miscellaneous supplies, Lincoln,
Travelers Will Help,
The executive board of the Western Trav-
elers' Accident association held a special
meeting Saturday afternoon to make ar
rangements to relieve sny of the Cali
fornia members of the association who
might be In dlwtress as a result of the re
cent earthquake. A letter will be ad
dressed to each member to ascertain his
condition, as well as that of his family,
and relief will be offered In each case of
The Union Pacific train with the refugees
from San Francisco is running as second
section of No. 4 and Is due to arrive about
noon today. Those wishing to assist Mr.
Mcrrls can And the time of arrival this
morning by telephoning to Douglas WX.
Lesser California titles Without Aid
Given Larse Places.
A member of The Bee staff I In re
ceipt of a letter from relative at Sonoma,
Cal., which Is a few miles from Santa
Rosa, saying that nothing like the full
story of the California disaster has been
told. This letter siy Sonoma and every
other town, large and small. In that part
of the stste, felt th earthquake with
eerlou results. Sonoma, a place of little
more than l.Q"0 population, lost half
drzen buildings. Including a costly high
school. Fire did not succeed the earth
quake In these smaller towns, except In
a few cases, the damage being entirely due
to the earthquake. '
In th smaller places, the letter savs, ths
suffering of th people will be longer felt
(Continued on Second Page.)
Forecast for Kcbraaka Fair In Fast.
Showers In West Portion nnday.
Monday 'bowers.
xew snrTinjt-ruht rages.
1 All Italy Alarmed at F.roptlon.
Army Rill rtnea ot nlt Germans.
'Frisco Refaaeea Need Clothes.
Ranks In stricken City Are Wound.
8 Apostle rtowle In Xlon CHy.
S Sews from All Ports of Nebraska,
4 Renson Talk In Seventh Ward,
atarday'a Registration Heavy,
S Koonan'a Fate Is with the Jorr,
Catholic Rales on Church Music.
Affaire at South Omaha.
0 Americans In Mexico In Rad Fix.
Vesuvius Is Ag-aln Causing; Trouble
T Sporting; Events of the Hay,
S Past Meek In Omaha Society.
3 ftreat I neastnes In Pari.
Happening In Omaha Suburbs.
Echoes of the Ante-Room.
4 Editorial.
Edward Roaewater in Farta.
S Gist of R. A. Benson's Speeches.
Who's Who on Republican Ticket.
E. A. Benson' Platform.
6 Treasures Lost In Rig Fire.
Summer Camp for the Guardsmen.
8 Victims lie f ore People's Bur.
Troop Are Being; Sent West.
1 Beauty Spot About the Home.
Gossip Among Real Estate Men.
a Sheep Men Seek Better Rate.
8 Want Ads.
4 Want Ad.
R Want Ads.
6 Want Ad.
T Financial and Commercial.
fa srinaii - r-
t Br-BJ. pi--. Filipino Inde-
8 How to Use Voting; Machine.
3 Plays, Player and Playhouse.
Muslo and Musical Mattcra.
4 Omaha' Aid for San Francisco.
Story of Dewey's Victory at Manila
R Fifty Year of Church History.
Hudson Ray Company' Operation.
8 Womani Her Way and Her World
T Weekly Grist of Sporting; Gossip.
1 Buster Brown Invent Automobile.
8 Interesting; Things Far and Near.
8 The Rublyat of the Motor Car.
4 Simon Simple Ha Fun wltb a Cop.
Hcrr Splegrelberger Feel tho Potat
Temperature at Omaha. Yesterday 1
Hour. De. Hour. Dear.
6 a. ra B6 1 p. m on
6 a. m...... K4 3 p. m 04
7 a. m A3 8 p. m 03
8 a. m R3 4 p. m U4
9 a. m Rl R p. m 02
10 a. m RS p. xn 01
11 a. m Rff T p. m RO
13 m R8
Former Governor of Nebraska Walt
th Last Call Surrounded
by Hla Family.
James E. Boyd 1 dying at hi home in
Omaha, the result of a long and lingering
sickness. ; .More than year ago Governor
I - .,.
T wa incgen oy a oisease pu..
to old age, and for a, time hla life wa.
despaired of. Hi vigorous' strength .-
-bled him to recover from, t he attack at
k. . Kt h. .- r.r.tnt his health.
U.t aummer he wa. about much
' ..,,,, , hi .rsonal af-
of the time, attending to bla perona af-
rairs, dui a winter came on ne ioi in
strength. Although not closely connnea to
hl home. h. w.. out but little, until in
- . .. .
the milder climate ana tne sea pree.e
would be of benefit to him. He declined
rapidly there, and some three weeka ago
WM brought home In a condition that was
ui. 1 ii,. hi.
ueaiu was "'""
Governor Boyd . wife and daughter, Mr..
I Blerbower, and hi. brother, Thomas F.
Boya are at hU bedside,
A coincidence In connection with Gov-
ernor Boyd case is that only last month
the man to whom he was opposed in one
ot Nebraska's most famous political con
tests, General John M. Thayer, died and
wa burled at Lincoln. It wa. a matter
, satisfaction to both Governor
. , ,u .v...
differences had been forgotten and that
their friendship had been solidified by auch
courteous action, as bound them even more
cloBey than Jr they had never differed.
Fate of Accused Clergyman In Hnnds
of Judges, Who Will Render
Verdict by May Ifi.
BATAVIA, N. Y., April 28.-The fate of
Rev. Dr. Algernon 8. Crapsey as a clergy
man of the Protestant Episcopal church
rests with his Judges. The trial of the
rector of St. Andrews, Rochester, on
charges of heresy and violation of ordina
tion vows ended today with the final ar
guments of counsel for the accused and
for the prosecution. The ecclesiastical
court of five members took the evidence
under consideration and will render a ver
dict to Bishop Walker of the diocese of
western New York on or before May 16.
MAv.m.M. nff niaa Vcacla Anrll 2M
At New York-Arrived: Caledonia, from
Glussnw: Cedric and Ktrurla. from Liver-
pool; Bt. i.nuiH, rroin omiinampion. oanea.
ijeutschland. for Hamburg: Minneapolis.
for London; Batavia, lor iiamourg; f In-
land, for Antwerp; Campania, for Liver-
pool; New ork ror Houthampton; isonlg
gow; Iiouislana. for uenoa; noma, lor is a
At Queenstown Palled : Arahlc. ror Bos
ton. Arrlv.d: Celtic, from New lork.
At St. Vincent Arrived: Pentaun, from
San Francisco.
At Iondon Sailed: Columbian, for Bos
ton: Mlnnetonka. for New York.
At Movllle Balled : r.miopia, lor jew
At Trieste Arrived: t'annonia, rrom Isew
At Boston Sailed: Romanic, for Naples;
Bo-tonlan, for Manchester.
At Fayal Sailed Broowlyn, for Mar
seilles At Plymouth Arrived: Bluecher, from
New York.
At Dover Arrived: Kroonland, from
At Cherbourg Sailed : Amerlka. for New
York: Philadelphia, for New York.
At Naples Sailed: Cltta Dl Mllano, fur
New York.
At Antwerp Balled: Kroonland, for New
At Liverpool Sailed: Lucanta. for New
At Copenhagen Arrived : Helllg Olavf
from New York. Palled: Tlel.en, for
New York.
At Marselles Arrived: Madonna, from
New York.
At Genoa Arrived: Bulgaria, from New
York. Sailed: Lombarrtla. for New York.
At Flume Sailed: Slavonla, for New
At Bremen Sailed: Breslau, for Baltimore.
San Francisco Relief Committee Has Only
Half Million on Hand.
Only $300,000 of federal Appropriation
Available for Use of Committee,
War Department Wishes to Withdraw Them
as Soon as Possible.
Civil Authorities Say Their Assist
ance la Absolutely Necessary
In Straightening Out
SAX TTIANCISCO, April 28 -The amount
of money on hand for immediate relief
work and the continuance of the military
control of the city, subject to civil author
ity, were two of the most Important ques
tions discussed at the meeting of th citi
zens' committee of fifty, which, headed by
Mayor Schmltz, now administer th af
fairs of San Francisco. Both developed
some interesting phase and left in th
minds of those striving to relieve the cha
otic affair of this city the necessity for
two things the strictest economy In the
expenditure of the now available funds and
the urgent need of continued military as
sistance. The statement of Jamea D. Phe
lan, chairman of the finance committee of
ttve citizens' relief and Red Cross funds,
that he had been given to understand by
Victor H. Metcalf, the representative of
President Roosevelt, that only $300,000 of
the $2,600,000 appropriated by congress for
the relief of San Francisco was available,
and that this sum represented the extent
of financial assistance that might be ex
pected from that source, caused a decided
sensation In the meeting. Mr. Phelan an
nounced that Secretary of War Taft had
transmitted to hi. order $300,000, which he
aid waa the first recognition the secretary
had made of the relief work, and added
that he had been Informed by Mr. Metcalf
that th secretary of war had expended
the remainder of the relief fund for tho
purchase of supplies In the cast. Upon cor
roboration of this statement by Mr. Metcalf
Mr. Phelan simply remarked that there wa
only $518,000 available cash to hi order at
the mint and the strictest economy would
be necessary.
"We need money," said Mr. Phelan, "and
the country should not be led into th be
lief that millions are on hand to relieve
the dMtltute people."
Both Mr. Metcalf and- Dr. Devlne en
dorsed Mr. Phelan' remark and volun
teered to apprise Washington of the sit
uatlon. The generous contribution by con
gress has been counted on by the finance
committee and the knowledge that only a
small portion of this would be placed in
their hand wa somewhat of a ahock.
I '. Want Troop to Remain.
v m m
1 no question i mo
troops to assist in the preservation of the
I .v,rf,i.
n ..1 -i m,nin th. TimH
Stat, troop, here, to Mayor Schmlt. wa.
read in the committee meeting. The gen-
- aepartmetlt
. . rontlnu.d
ue of tne .rmy in policing San Francisco
and added that while he personally wa
willing to continue any work of relief,
sanitation or otherwise, he could not
f .
mimary duties an hour beyond auch ob
vlous necessity, and asked for a written
statement from the mayor In order that
there may be no doubt or mlsapprehen-
I sion on his part a. to the need of federal
Mayor Schmltz, In commenting on Gen
eral Greely's letter said that the federal
troops had given immeasureable assist
ance to the city since the disaster of
Anrll 18. and he asked the committee
formaIly to approve of his action in ask-
ng the military to take charge and
furthermore that the committee request
that this control be continued. After Dr.
Devlne of the Red Cross had added bis en
dorsement of the mayor' remarks the mo
thst the troor.. be oer
...., . ,.min w.s adnnted unanl
I Ilvt w . w . w
I ,
Fnnaton and Greely Talk.
Victor H. Metcalf, aecretary of commerce
and labor, read hi dispatch to President
Roosevelt and the president's reply thereto,
both being received by the meeting with
cheers. Mr. Metcalf reporl waa a most
comprehensive one and fully mated th con
ditions in San Francisco at the present
time. Its comprehensiveness and the lucld
ness with which the effects of the disaster
were put will, It is believed, go far toward
enlightening the powers at Washington on
any and all points which they may have
felt any doubt. Both General Greely and
General Funston made brief statements to.
day in which they expressed the belief that
the strong support of the military la now
and will for some time to come continue
to be necessary for the regulation of the
city and assisting tha civil authorities to
regain a thorough grasp of affairs. Abso
lute order still prevails in San Francisco.
The great city which but a brief time alnoe
was known the world, over aa "th second
I t ans, wiu was I ' irjuiuuu lui
gaiety ana pleasure seeaing. nas seiuea
Into the uuletcst of communities in which
,ne population is not seen abroad after the
.... h... ,.t h,.,v.. wmi. .h. m.
rigid patrol system is maintained every
where ,he people are free to come and go
aa they please. But as there ar no more
placea of recreation to attract them few
venture abroad at night.
Sightseers Add to Trouble.
The Influx of sightseers Is adding to th
troubles of the authorities and to the dis
comfort, of those still residing in Ban Thousands of these people
crowd the ferry boats, block the streets
with all sorts of vehicles and interfere
with those engaged in relief work. Today
they added to the terriflo Jam at tha main
ferry depot and choked the narrow pas
sages cleared In a few streets for vehicles.
They overran ruins of buildings wherever
safety would permit and were absolutely
ruthless In their franttc effort to seize
upon some article of historic and intrinsic
value and cart It away. Some of these
people will probably And lodging and food
at the expense of the relief committee, thus
needlessly adding to the already tremend
ous burden of stricken Ban Francisco.
One of the greatest and In a measure
Irreparable losses resulting from the great
fire Is the magnificent libraries of Ban
Library after library, until tha total ex
ceeded a million volumes, disappeared in