8 THE OMAHA' DATLY HEE: SATURDAY. ATRTL 2S, 1006. FUNDS FOR RELIEF PILE IP Orer Twenty-Sii Thousand Dollars Be cired th Tint Week. 4 tu. Green Trading Stamps Whether You Buy for Cash or Credit f...ff ITOO CLASS DISTINCTION Special High grade suits, well le suits, well tailored, all. ics special at finished, hand tail colors and fabrics special orEX EVENINGS UNTIL 8 O'CLOCK SATURDAY UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK Master Painters and Decorators Make a Statement of the True Situation in the Strike. In Justice to ourselves and for the Infor mation of the publio the master painters oT Omaha desire to give the true facts In connection with the present strike of the union Journeymen - painters and paper hangers. Statements have been made to the effect that the strike Is. on account of a refusal of a demand for an Increase In wages of 2 cents per hour. This Is not true.'- If the question of wares had been the only one - Involved - the increase would have been granted at once. ' :The facts are these: Our. shops have been for years past controlled by. union la bor exclusively, and the real controversy is whether such conditions shall continue p not. While' hot actually having signed any agreement with the union ' for two years- past, because miah signature would have been anNinlawful act, yet we have through concerted . action of the labor unions been forced to comply with the fol lowing nine articles: ' ' v 1 ARTICLE I. : TCIght hours shall constitute a day's work, seme to be counted from I a. m. to i p. m.. With one hour Intermission, vis., from 12 m. to 1 p. m. , ARTICLE II. ; The minimum scale of wages to be paid Journeymen painters and paperhangers during the existence of this agreement shall be 40 cent per hour. ARTICLE III. i. The party of the first part agrees to employ none but union men in good stand ing In the Brotherhood of Painters and Decorators of America, with headquarters at Lafayette. ' Ind.. and will recognise no credentials or working card except that issued by the local branch of the above named national organization. ' .ARTICLE IV. f Pay for time and one-half shall be al lowed on all overtime. Overtime to mean all work performed after a p. n.j also work on Sunday, Christmas day. Fourth of July and Saturday afternoon. On the first Mon day in September, known as Labor day, no work under any pretense shall be allowed. ARTICLE V. All Journeymen painters and paper hangers shall receive In full on Saturday after 12 m. of each week all money earned and due therrl up to and including Friday Immediately preceding. ARTICLE VI. It Is also agreed that all preparatory work, such as sand papering woodwork, scraping off old will paper, washing oft kaiaomlne, sizing and preparing walls for hanging paper or painting, shall be don exclusively by members of organisation of party of second part. ' ARTICLE V1L Journeymen painters and paperhangers, when employed outside the city, to reoalv railroad far and hotel expenses, ARTICLE VIIL The party of .the first part agree not t discriminate against any ox its ployea on account of active participation in tn analrs ol th party ol t tfi the second tart. ARTICLE IX. In th event that at any time party of tfte second part la unable to furnish suffi cient competent man belonging to their ) order, when called upon to do so. the said ' party oi in nrst Part shall have Dermis. - - nun to employ nonunion workmen, uro tv iiiM i aDDllcation for iiiemherahm to or tjjWiiuV.ji of party of the second part. ' Than cc:n;Ulon have become Intolerable and w have Cully and Irrevocably decided to no longer bmlt to the same. Th master jt.itera have not arid do not now reluit uju li.?ras in wage to good, competent mechaiiW, but do emphatically Insist upon th right to Judge to whom such Increase slum te paid, and, therefor. demand the.- prLvlXye to run what Is termed "open ttntit.' meaning the right of the. mmM ci3iuor to hire and dut ' thai-go such ni he may see fit regard- leas ot whethvr tfcey belong to any labor organisation or ni't- To prove the tincerlty of our statement that the ine.Tii in wages is not the real lsnue, we hwaby declare that we stand ready to i-y up to and Including 50 cents r,r hour for good workmen and that we ,fx-. will niaimaiu iuuu wuv in iwrve tor two . year. J. A- ANDERSON. T. J. BEARD A BRO. JOHN P. CARLSON. 1 FRANK H. CRAIG. . M. L. ENDRES. FtCHo ft FITCH8. HUNT ft ELLIOTT. H. A. KOSTKRS. j CHARLES K LEY LA. HENRY LEHMAN ft SONS. Hl'OH M'MANl'S. , RUTHERFORD ft JENSEN. STEVENSON ft MOORE. " V attNBX CUGJCNEN, . The wage earner's credit is as good as the banker's here, and we offer greater' credit inducements . and easier payments than any other credit store. We are the only exclusive Men's and Boys' Outfitters that sell on credit in Omaha, and we show a larger and more comprehensive line than any other credit store in the city, and our prices are exceedingly lower. To open an account with us all you have to do Is to pick out the garment you wish, pay. a little down and balance ONE DOLLAR A .WEEK B 1 V fMj aJ Special Shoe Men's Shoes, In all newest styles 50 and leathers, best In Omaha, at $3.50 and.... Hats In the newest quality guaranteed, SILAS WOOD. COMES CLEAR Patriarchal HcU af - Osaaaa Tribe Aeejmltted Chare of KJU taST Brtber-4m Law, Silas Woods,' the patriarchal Omaha In' dlan who on July 14. 1904, killed his brother-in-law, George Phillips, .another Omaha Indian with a club, has been acquitted of the charge by the district court of Thurso ton county. . The case was first brought In the United States district court and Woods was bound over to. the federal grand jury for the May term, 1906, to answer in the sum of 16,000. In the meanwhile the famous Brewer decision establishing the cltlsenshlp of In dians who had been granted allotments was rendered and. the case was dismissed from the federal courts and Woods was reindicted In the state courts last fall. The trouble between Woods and Phillips grew out of a drunken quarrel at Woods' home, when Phillips went there and under took to abuse Woods' family. Phillips was drunk and tried to force his way through the gat of Woods' premises and Woods picked up a club and. It is alleged, struck Phillips with It, producing Injuries from which he died shortly afterwards. The verdict Is received differently by the friends of the two parties and some of Woods' enemies are freely expressing the opinion' that he will be the next Indian to die on the reservation. Woods was virtually the patriarchal head of the Omaha tribe of Indians. He Is quite an old man and served In the Union army during the civil war. H Is intelli gent and speaks English with perfect fluency. He Is well known In Omaha and Is regarded about the federal building a one of the best types of the Indians of the Omaha tribe. Gahm concert ticket sale open -today. Mortality Statistic. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Board of Health dur ing the lorty-eignt nours ending at noon Friday: Births John Robertson. 2218 Charles, girl: Nels Saline, 2437 South Twentieth, boy; William Watklns. girl: Charles W. Wet more, 2522 Wirt, boy; Herbert Bartel, 8221 Poppleton avenue, girl; Jacob Kirch- The Children Enjoy . . . i Life out of doora and out of the game ubich they play, and the enjoyment which they receive and the effort which they make, cornea the greater part of that healthful development which ia ao essential to their happiness when grows. When a laxative ia needed the remedy which ia given to them to cleanse and sweeten and strengthen the internal organs on which it acts, should be such as physicians would sanction, because its component ports are known to be wholesome and the remedy itself free from every objectionable quality. The one remedy which physicians and parents, well-informed, approve and recommend and which the little ones enjoy, because of. its pleasant flavor, its gentle action and its beneficial effects, is Syrup of Figs and for the same reason it is the only laxative which should be used by fathers and mothers. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy which acts gently, pleasantly and naturally without griping, irritating, or nauseating and which cleanses the system effectually, without producing that constipated habit which results from the use of the old time cathartic and modern imitations, and against which (he children should be so carefully guarded. If you would have them grow to manhood and womanhood, strong, healthy and happy, do not give them medicines, when medicines are not needed, and when nature needs assistance in the way of a laxative, give them only the simple, pleasant and gentle Syrup of Figs. Its quality is due not only to the excellence of the combination of the laxative principles of plants with pleasant aromatic syrups and juices, but also to our original method of manufacture and as you value the health of the little ones, do not accept any of the substitutes which unscrupulous dealers sometimes offer to increase their profits. Please to remember, the full name of the Company CALlFORTTIA FlO SYHUP CO. is printed on the front of every package. In -f'YT: 3. s ; re p 5 i) J -.-lA (f. v ,vtr j-?' .......1.00 $3, $ 2.80, f 1.50 MAY WE OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT WITH YOU? braun, 4014 Decatur, boy: John Taylor, 1822H du jiary s avenue, gin; ttusseu wood worth. Thirty-fourth and Nebraska avenue, girl; Vlrgle Wallock, 1506 Corby, girl. i-wamn coward j. urott, zn Mouth Six teenth, 26; Mary Bennett. Clarkson honpl tal, 60; Ruth Ellen Holmburg, Child Sav ing Institute. 6 months: Ell L. McFUralne. 3706 North Twenty-fourth, 72; Herbert K. in anon, izis jacKson, 83; Christine Iverson, Fifty-first and Grove, 65; Joseph E. Dun ton, 2H1 Dewey avenue. 55; Simon Putman, 3620 North Twenty-eignth, 68; Thomas 8. Waring, Fortieth and Poppleton avenue, 82; Albert M. McDonald Fortieth and Poppleton avenue, 65; Timothy M. Moriarty, 2628 North Nineteenth, 52; John Bartley, 1712 Dodge, 9. A Corner on Chickens, We have all heard of a corner on wheat. a corner on corn, etc., nut tne latest is a corner on spring chickens. "Real, live spring chickens" are usuallly a very scarce article at this season of the year, and It Is no exception this spring. The entire first receipts at the market was bought by Sommer Bros, yesterday, so they re port, and, will be supplied to their cus tomers for their Sunday dinner. Diamonds (of own import), watches and jewelry, at 20 per cent below prloes, at A. B. Hubermann's, 12th and Douglas; pay no rent and buys for cash. ( , Free lesson In art needle work. W do all kind of stamping. Welnlander ft Smith, 317 South 16th Bt. NEWS FOB THE ARMY. Brlgadlnr General T. J. Wlnt will return Monday from his twenty days' leave ot absence and resume command of th De partment of the Missouri. Captain Frank H. Lawton, commissary United States army, waa in- the city Thurs day enroute from Fort Leavenworth to San Francisco, where he has been as signed to .duty with th commissary de partment. Lieutenant Colonel B. K. West, chief commlsHary. Department of Colorado, who died Thursday at Denver of pneumonia, was well known In Omaha. He was chief comminsary of the Department of the Mis souri in 1899-1900, and as such made many friends here, who will be pained to learn of his death. Orders have been received from the WaCr department at army headquarters directing that the Eleventh United States Infantry, at Fort Russell, and four troops of the Sixth United States cavalry, be held in readiness to proceed to San Francisco to assist in the maintenance -of order and the performance of other necessary duties there growing out of th recent earth quake. order to get its beneficial effects it is always neces aarr to bnv the ' penuina ..1. Tn. fco .11 nu styles, soft or stiff liable drueziats. r-CfeV I Vr- J. -IV .!.. .tAV. ft mmmwmm f.ti . V'fV V VrVe" ft. . f- i -A :--JCi .X MONEY IS STILL BEING CONTRIBUTED All t Three Thoaka ad Dollar f th Amonat Ha Bees Kpeat for Provision Seat t 'Frisco. Thursday night, or Just one week after th Ban Francisco relief committee had been organised In Omaha, $26,109.43 had been collected and paid In to President Drake ot the Merchants National bank for th aid of the earthquake sufferers of th Pacific coast. Of the amount all but about $3,000 had been spent for food supplies sent to San Francisco via th Union Pacific, free transportation during th week and a small proportion for edibles for th refugee passing through Omaha. Sometime during Friday th relief com mute will hold a meeting for the audit ing and paying of, bills. Money Is still coming in, although not In anything Ilk the quantity at first. It is likely the balance will be held for a few days to ascertain how th Callfornlana would best prefer having It. The subscriptions unreported up to date a given out by Mr. Drake are as follows: Omaha publio schools 716.79 G. W. Johnston 24.00 P. S. Boisen 6.00 Agency Force Metropolitan Life In surance company 11.50 8. Harding 16.00 Christian Jensen 6. 00 M. E. church of Elk City, Neb 11.35 F. O. Kuns 6.00 William I. Kierstead 10.00 Trinity M. B. church. Twenty-first and Blnney streets 42.35 Hamilton ft Maxwell 25.00 John E. Riner 6.00 Herman Kunde 6.00 J. H. Hutten 6.00 C. Impey , 6.00 H. P. Jensen 6.00 A. F. Jonas 100.00 M. Pauline Klaussman 2.00 Frederick W. Lake 6.00 M. M. Loo ml J .oo J. P. Lord 26.00 R. 8. Lucky 6.00 Stuart B. McDiarmld 2.00 A. B. Mack 2.00 R. D. Mason 2.00 J. F. Mathews 6.00 Hralnard 8. McDermott 10.00 8. D. Mercer IS. 00 Isaao A. Coles 6.00 J. I. Clare 6.00 H. R. Gould 6.00 W. H. Indoo 6.00 H. W. Noble 6.00 J. J. Craig 6.00 J. A. Buffington 6.00 Webster, Howard company 6.00 C. Z. Gould 6.00 W. A. Smith 5.00 H. D. Neely 10.00 C. W. Ralney 10.00 John Steel 10.00 Fremlng Bros 10.00 B. L. Baldwin 10 .00 Rlngwalt Bros 10.00 W. R, Homan 10.00 H. E. Palmer, Ron ft Co 25.00 German Mut. Fir Ins. company.... 25.00 C. O. Mullen 26.0U A. Steinberg 2.00 Mrs. Marie A. Gilbert 10.00 8. A. Searle 25.00 H. H. Kruger 10.00 O. H. Waring 10. U0 L. D. Holmes 6. CO A. W. Phelps 5.00 Omaha Hydraulic Press Brick Co.. 100.00 Presby. church, St. Edwards, Neb.. 27.00 H. Cartan 60.00 Cartan ft Jeffrey '. 60.(0 Citizens of Sprague, Neb -6.50 Charles W. Rogers 6.00 Cash .... 25.00 Kennedy ft Learned 25.00 John D. Howe 10.00 Cash 26.00 H. W. Pennock 6.00 Low Ave, Prebyterlan church, Sun day school ' 5.00 S. Landsberg 6.00. M. B. Church, Pawnee City, Neb.... 13.35 Baptist Sunday. School, Cedar Rapids, Neb., Class No. 2.... 7.00 M. E. Sunday School, Cedar Rapids, - Neb 1.00 Cltlsens of Hyannis, Neb......; 68.70 CiUxena of Merna, Neb 31.60 C. A. Sherwood 10.00 IT. B. Restaurant 10.00 C. L. Saunders 20.00 John M. Daugherty 100.00 Central United Presbyterian Church 29.70 Lulkkart Bros., Coleridge, Neb 60.00 Citixens of Pender, Neb 10.00 Citizens of Nordon, Neb 3.25 First Congregational church 76.26 Charles Leslie , 6.00 M. J. Kennard '. 6 00 James Walsh 10.00 Frank Bandle 6.00 A. L. Button 6.00 S. M. Sadler 1 6.00 Frank Dewey , 6.00 Employes court house 67.00 R. O. Fink 15.00 Stors Brewing Co 200.00 F. A. Broadwell 6.00 H. D. Reed 6.00 E. G. Boloman 10.00 Homan Ileal 10.00 W. C. Ure 15.00 Lee Estelle 10.00 P. J. Tralnor 6.00 J. W. McDonald 6 00 Westllche Press P. Co 6.00 A. C. Troup , 6.00 .Fred Bruning 10. 00 r .-'yr.-'( 'p - u Read r.nd consider each one carefully. You will glean information of values hero that mean dollars in your pocket If you take advantage of them. They are bargains ot the highest character, and wo say to you: Charge your purchases -.Sr.1 - ffSSn amounts at such intervals as your circumstances will permit. For Saturday Only this Scale at only 75c Your Money's Worth or Your Money Back at Hartman's. V Center Tabic, 1 QC Special at I.UJ exactly like cut, shown in fine solid oak or mahogany finish,, large size top, size 84x24, hand somely carved, turned legs and fancy shelf beneath. Made extra strong. Bargain special to be had only at Hartman's, J ' Credit Terms 9G Wnrih f fcll IIHI III . f 2.50 Cash I . U,s.W 1 m, m mviiin $50 Worth $5.00 Caah (4 Month 1414 W. W. Slabaugh 5.00 W. A. Redli-k 25.00 Howard Kennedy t 6.00 vs. h. lioage l.uo E. M. Clarke 1.00 Custodians' office, city hall 7.00 Miss Li. M. Bchlndell 5.00 P. H. Lane, Council Bluffs 60.00 City Health dppartment 1.00 Rort H. Orotte : 6.00 M. Sachs, r 6.00 F. P. McGough, assistant city elec trician 6.00 Edrick Nelson, 6130 North Twenty third street 5.00 John W. Lytle lo.oO w. B. Hesse, soutn Heventeentn. 2. no A. Venuto 10. E. W. Ounther 15.00 Omaha Fire department 122.(0 li. H. Haner 6.00 Miss Florence M. Shaver, city hall.. 3.iO Omaha Police department 80.00 Beehe & Kunyan furniture Co txuio E. V. Keck 3.00 David Williams 6.00 M. R. Risdon 2 00 J.' B. Conte.. 1.00 Csh collected by driver of 6an Francisco reuer wagon i.w Cash collected by ' driver of Ban Francisco reuer wagon l.uo Cash collected by driver of San Francisco relief wagon.. 2.60 Cash collected by driver . of Ban Franolsco reuer wagon l.'JO Cash collected by driver of San .Francisco relief wagon 49.31 United Hebrew Brotherhood 26.00 R. F. Williams 6.00 Louis Beaty 6.00 Sale of furniture 6.00 Pansy Camp No. 10, Royal Neigh bors or America... o.uu F. H. W. Bouechart, German Con gregational cnurcn s.w H J. Herschsteln is.2 Walter MoIho & Co 60.m H. O. O'l-oane . 8 00 s.velen uocen i.w Imlsv Ioten 1-W Henry Hess -. 1-W City Engineering department 15 00 Krug tneaier 'y-V" aBn i.w B. W. Lindsay, Jeweler..... S.W C. H. Lane W William wuresn -w Jew Will Swell Paads. Dlssatlsfled with the action of th local lodg of th B'nal B'rith tn endlng 1276 to th head officers or me organisation at Chicago to be used for relief work tn Ban Francisco by th order. Instead of con tributing the amount through the local re lief commute. Rabbi Cohen, Samuel Kati and other Influential Jews hav undertaken to raise mora money to be paid over to the Omaha committee. A meeting was held In Mayor Zlmman omc Friday morning and arrangement made for the appointment of committees and soliciting money. Maslclaas Will Help. Th Omaha Musicians' union will glue a concert and promenade ball at the Audi torium th night ot May 7. th proceeds to go to th general committee runa tor th relief of th Ban Francisco sufferers. Th union number' 200 and all th mem ber of th union will do their best to participate In the concert. FARMERS SEE TRAIN SMASH sit ia Bank aad Watch Aeeldeat Happen that Causes Uses ' Damage. . Burlington train No. K from th west due In Omaha about noon wa wrecked In a cut between Chalco and Deerfleld Friday afternoon by running Into a wagon bridge which had been partially destroyed by fir and had fallen down on th track. Tha two eoaehe wer burned and th mall and hunn car partially destroyed. Though the train was filled with passengers, not one wa Injured. They wer brought In on a special sent out from Omaha. One of the passengers. In telling the tory of th wreck, said th farmer telephoned to Gretna concerning th burned bridge just after th train had left that town, but did not th'"H ot walking down th track ' M L -MMBWI HI I j TT jn Tm Fir a i . m k SafurdaySpecial LargG FamilyScale This splendid scvile is made by tho American Cutlery Co. and is thoroughly guaranteed. It is absolutely accurate in weighing and is very strong and simple in construction. The capacity of this scale is two pounds and weighs up to 25 lbs. amply large for general family, use. It can also be used as a postal scale. Every housekeeper knows how useful a scale is for the purpose of seeing to it that she gets full weight from the grocer, butcher and market men, and a thousand and one rf VlAr in TrllifVi it mnr Vm nut Rnoiol for Saturdav from 1 to 9 n. Elaborate Enameled Iron Bed This bed Is an extremely elaborate ' one as you will note from the above Illustration. The posts and tubing are extra large and ornamented with massive chills and post knobs. Can be had In any color or combination of, color of enamel de sired. Including the new Vernis Martin gold Hr. ish. Double or three-quarter m m sise optional and think of it, t i W the biggest value ever saw Price " 22 GREAT STORES THROUGHOUT THE V. 8 K VV I M&IW - 16 - 10 DOUGLAS STREET to stop the train. They sat on the bank and watched th train run Into tha burning obstruction. WOMAN MAD CUTS HERSELF la . Wrangl with Lover and an Ex pressman She Tarn Rsior Wrong- Way. "Chinese Pearl" Mummert, known to the police a a dissolute character, severely cut herself Friday morning at Twelfth and Dodge streets while in a wrangle with her lover, Charles Chase, and an expressman. The woman was attended by the police surgeons. She lacerated her right hand and Hp. It was reported- by Detectives Maloney and D rummy, who made the inves tigation, that the woman threw Chase's trunk out Thursday evening and that when the man sent an expressman for the re ceptacle Friday morning Miss Mummert objected to the removal to the extent that she drew a razorwhich she did not aim toward those for whom It was in tended. Strang; Adventure In auto led to painful accident, but Buck len's Arnica Salve quickly healed all wounds. 25c. Guaranteed. For sal by Sherman & McConnelL PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. W. M. Hart of Silver Creek and C. M. Phillips of Holynke are at the Her Gran i. Miss Hattle White of the Kellom school has heard from her parents in San Fran cisco and they are safe. D. Michel of Denver, J. W. Johnson of Lincoln, W. K. Harvey of Newman Grove and C. H. Swallow of Emporia are at the Henshaw. L. C. Wheeler of th secret service bu reau has gone to California and other Pacific coast points on a two weeks' offi cial visit. Ell Warner of Kelty, Tex.; L. E. Oerleth of St. Paul, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hanlgan of Islington, H. T. King of Fremont and E. II. Gerhart of Newman Grove are at the Millard. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holmes of Lexington, J I Klaushin of Denver, J. M. France of West Point, J. E. Congrelft of Rawlins, W. B. Floyd and M. Goldburg of Nebraska City are at the Paxton. Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Mlllmon and daughter of Mitchell. S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Saunders of Center, W. T. Davis of Har rUburg, John Carter of Baker City and D. O. Divine of McCook are at the Mui ray. Mrs. George W.- Clark of Alliance, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Austin of San Francisco, Charles W. Hlckey of Bennington, George J. Spohn of Superior, O. A. Kawl of Plattsmouth. R. M. Johnson of Xtuart. M. F. Harrington of O'Neill and J. S. Kpooner ol kock bprlngs are at the Merchants. MACKINTOSH'S TOFFEE Th Old Engllah Candy Don't know the taste of MACINTOSH'S TOFFEE? Tou've missed the choicest candy flavor ever known. But what a treat Is in store for you when you do taste It. BaaadlO paekaa. At all dealer. Ma Macklnlvih, - 7S Budtti St- hem York For TS,V From BOYS ( f SIX and ( 'K I to GIRLS ' SIXTY m 1 Li This Store Never Misrepre sents, You Get What is Advertised. t4 5.75 This Elegant A n C Corner Chair.. 'r.lJJ. made in beautiful mahog any flnlHh. Has heavy frame, broad curved urm, high panel baok. Hni di. ' uclniMt) cushion, i.-ovor'-d with fancy Imported velour end held In place by heavy silk cord with IP la iKe fancy taxsle. lL 7 Sale price only ... . V h Credit Terms $100 Worth $10 Cash $8 a Month Larger Amounts Proportlntly easy Terms. HAND SAPOLIO Is especially valuable during the summer season, when outdoor occu pations and sports are most in order GRASS STAINS, MUD STAINS and CALLOUS SPOTS yield to it, and it is particularly agreeable when used in the bath after violent exercise. ALL GROCERS AND DRUOQIITS PARKER'S Hair Balsam fromouja toe growth ot the hair and gives It th lustre and illklneas ot youth. When the hair Is gray or faded It BRIN08 BACK THE YOUTHFUL COLOR. It prevents Dandruff and hair falling and keeps tha scalp clean, and healthy. All PUtClT$ curb CONSTIPATION BILIOUSNESS AND HEADACHE am Oe otsas as assists Mm um naturml raoetloat. TRY TB Th Mo Knifbt-Cnw Htnaay c.. CUT AWAY raoM D.RUGS -Circulating th blood, cures CONSTRICTION VARICOSE. KMOTTFO BYMEC APPLIANCE rc, JnljJl. lra. VEINS an WEAKNESS, salaries sad reitores lull vital nsrgy. Sold as trial. Call or writ Isr fr boek, sent s led. pis is. HYMEC CO., I sol it B urr.Kati bcilbiib. it. wui. it. Busmes s Boosters Try tho Wsnt Ad Columns of Tb Be. Peuhyppyal pills la SCO aaa 4I4 muJIU auai. . Z alia kiM rtklM. Taka aa ataiaa. McTa a V aaaaa SakaUlaUaaa aad all ft aa, af t-. i liiuiwv ar Maa 4a. W rP aiaa lar fartlaulara, TaMalaataU i a J9 aaa 'HelUr b lalaa,a. Uum. r ra. W L' lara a alt. 1 . I.UM f - -T aciuni.. t klranlr aaailaal l a. aas ta aaaai. Sillm aaaaa. aU-a-. fg - - u a aift tuntir yiiaaaX 1 C ss '' la I a a a.Ta 1 dlacaariaMaSas.aitaa. f araaa U ImlatloM M aloaraltuM aaf aal a) avrtaiaM. m cl waaafaaaa. ti i.nii f .. Pamlaaa. aad aot aaitla illt (JaXtCaUICU IA. aal er aniaoaow Hse.SJWII.tI-'1 a.MlfSrilinil, .a A. . a r J Si . T H Cwaa aaa. araaaia. Ia( ft bolt.M VI It. CwaalM aat ea n ussj wfMw sm. g J f