TTIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, ArR17j 28, 1006. Unmatchable Bargains in Our Special Sales Saturday "igb 'SlfK S3'J? mean SATURDAY SHOE SALE JOn pslra Women's fine $1.00 White Can vim, Otbaon and Chrlstla Tie Oxfords, turn sola and Cuban heels, 1.50 ino' pairs' 'women's' '$2.00 Pongola Kid Hand Turn Gibson Ties, special f E(l Rstiirrtay . . . . 400 pairs Womwi'i Fine Hsnd Turn $2 50 Olhson Tie and Oxford with at i lk tie, at V , V. ' 'A-. . ISO pairs Misses' and Chllds' Patent Chrome Tanned Glbaon Ties, EJ at, 11.16 and " 98c Men's White Canvaa Otforda and 4 tZ( chi lha tt no kind, at...- mmJ Women's and Misses $1.80 Dnngnla l,ace Little Gents' and Toutha' 11.59 Satin Calf Lace, at TWENTY-NINE STYLE ft tha OROVER Oxfords and Shoes carried In atock. All sizes and widths, t Are They Easy? Ask the Woman RTbt' Muslin Underwear Bargains A Tcry hwf vreelt In this department haa made bnt slight Impreaslon on the tremendous- atock. Never before haye we shown such magnificent a tortment and splendid values. Kverr day the Interest ha deepened; every day new lines have been brought forward. For Saturday three entirely new lines of nnmatrhable value will be shown. I ..A DIES' BKlHTB-Worth tip to $3.fl0, with deep flounces of Ince and Insertion or embroidery, in great diversity of design, great bargains Saturday, QQ at $1 60 and ',!'0 LADIES' SKIRTS Worth up to $2.00, trimmed with wlda embroidery lace and clusters of tucka. remark- QQn able values at tjw LADIES' JERSEY KNIT UNION SUITS with long sleeves, ankle length, 4QfJ Ladles' Union Suits, sleaveles and low neck. Jaoe trimmed, 25c at $9o and... ........-' LADIES' GOWNS-Trlmmed with laces. In sertions and tucks, generously propor tioned, worth almoat double, CHi Saturday prices Wtc. 76c and uw" LADIES' CORSET COVERS AND DRAWERS Prettily trimmed with lace, embroideries and insertions, worth fully double, at 390 25C LADIES'' ' JERSEY "KNIT.' VESTS AND PANTS Low neck and short sJeaves. or high neck and lone; sleeves, Kc value, at, garment l,w Children's Mualin Drawers Great - Or value, at pair. Sc. 16c and vw UM Yard Garden Tools Saturday At prices which mean great saving to yon. Now'a the time you ned them Saturday; and here's the place and time to buy. Steel Shovels and spades, special A Qn to ft. -Hose completa with K(l nosel Gardn Rakes, iSc 12 tine ,uv Garden Hoes, one piece solid steel, Sf. each IOw Splendid Lawn Mowers, easy run- 1 Q2 ning, at m.JJ Sprinkling Cans, 10C 6-ft. Step Ladder, ... 59 C Poultry Wire, all wldtha, per sq. ft. at at Screen Doors, all sixes up from Hard wood Hose Reels, special at $-plece Garden Seta, Saturday, at Garden Trowels, at Garden Weeder, at ,.60c . 49o 23c So " '5o Dandelion Spades, 10C .1.59 Ice Cream Freezers, up from nn jvJI ' THE RELIABLE STORE. Surprising Price Reductions Saturday IN OUR BUSY SUIT DKPARTMEXT one dollar has the purchasing power of two, and even three, in this great, sale. T1IRKE GREAT MANUFACTURER'S STOCKS. Sheet Music Sale CONCERT ALL DAY ASK TO HAVE YOUR FAVORITES PLAYED. Hundreds of the latest and most popular Vocal and Instrumental hits will be Included in this sale,' All mall orders will be filled promptly. Add one cent extra per copy for postage. Don't let this great opportunity pass you by. Positively every thing will be placed on sale Saturday. . Read this list over carefully. BILK SriT8-T5 of them In the lot. se cured from tha Fashion Manufacturing Co., Green Street. New York, splendid workmanship, beet style, newest colors; made to well for $18.00 and $20.00 f QS your choice Saturday JyJ CHILDREN'S COATS From Stein & Co.. Broadway, New York, fine silks, wool, linens and plcauea, sizes J to R years, in all colors, garment in this lot worth tip to $.00 your choics f 7Q Saturday MAX ROTH WAISTS-Over 26 eases In this treat purchase bargains the like of which Omaha has never known. BeautU ful silk and lawn lingerie and linen waists at HALF ANI LESS THAN HALT ACTUAL VALUE. Lingerie lawn and batiste waists, beautt .tully trimmed, $3.00 and $2.50 values every wherein Saturday's sale, C choice Fins Jap silk, linen Iswn and lingerie waists, beautiful - designs, handsomely trimmed, worth up to $6.00 4 l)R choice ...'c STYLISH WAISTS In great assortment of material and design, worth up i AC $3.00 WOMEN'S STYLISH SPRING COATS In tans, fancy checks and plaids, worth $3. OA, wonderful value Satur- liB day, at Other Remarkable Suit Bargains Charming tailor suits of the very finest quality in material and workmanship, at prices which mean about one-third saving to you. , SUITS WORTH $ and $50In 1f nil this sale, choice OU.VJU SUITS WORTH $.15-Oreatest OA Qfi value we have ever shown, at. . . SITTS WORTH $25-In this sale, X Rf choke IU.OVJ 8UITS WORTH $15 Whlla they Q Qf last at, choke , C7.V HANDSOMK NET AND LACE WAISTS All tha rase in tha east, will be very popular here this season. We have se cured tha surplus atock of a manufac turera most beautiful assortment, worth from $5.00 to $10 00 and will place them on sals in two lots at, O QQ choice. $4.M and ,,J A Marvelous Assortment of Stylish Skirts The area test stock and best values ever shown In tha west, in both regular and extra sizes, St $15.00, $13.50, i QC $10.09, $8.90, M.96 snd NEW LINGERIE, BATISTE AND LINEN DRESSES In tha most charming de signs, including many. Imported models, at $50.00 down $5 all the $5 BEAUTIFUL SILK COATS-In newest styles, splendid values, at $15.00 down to $7.50 Box Coats, Special $4.95 One of the season's best coat style A a remarkable value at.. (75 Garments in this Lot from Which to Select.) NEW SILK PETTICOATS In the very latest colorings, at $15.00 down to .f CHILDREN'S SPRING COATS In all sizes, 1 to 13 years, at OS $7.60 down to l.5iJ WOMEN'S SHIRT-WAIST WASH SUITS A splendid assortment, worth O QR regularly $5.00, choice "'"u VOCAL My Irish Molly 0 You Can't Guess Who Kllrted with Me Spoon Time Have You Seen My Henry Brown? Drum mer's Song (Ham Tree) Why Don't You Try? What Has the Night Time to Do With the Girl? It's the Same Old Girl My JrlMh Daisy Shade of the Old Apple Tree Only You When the Mocking Birds are Singing In the Wild woods On an Automo bile Honpymoon (Ham Tree) The Little House that Ixive Built Sympathy Good night Maggie Doyle A Little Class of One I Don't Care (from the Sambo Girl) She's Just a Little Different (from tha Mayor of Teklo) Will You Love Ms In December as You Do In May? Listen to the Big Braaa Band I Can't Do the Sum gult, Vtult, Quit Good-Bye, Old Manhattan Isle, (from Ham Tree) Anxious As You Go Your Way and I Go Mine Not Because Your Hair Is Curly The Little Chauffeur (new) Alice Where Art Thou Going? (new) Nlggah Loves His Possum, Deed He Do, Do, Do (new) THke Me Back to Dixie (new) Sweetest Girl Dixie Ever Knew. INSTRUMENTAL Sllverheels The Glg gler Chicken Chowder Bashful Bachelor Wllhelmlna Walts Kyea of the Soul Happy Heine Sanltol (new march) Regi mental Daughters (march by composer of the Gondolier) Bo-Peep (new Intermezzo) Lady lAUghter Dance of the Brownies Red Riding Hood Waltzes Rose Leaves Bouncing Betty Love Is King Life, In Camp (march) Soap Buds Foolishness Lasarre Waltzes Juliette (new) Mistletoe Waltzes (new) Hey Rube (new.march and two step) Dorothy Vernon Waltzes Moon light on the Ocean Beautiful Star of Heaven (new) The Juggler Globe Trotter Polka Dot (rag time) La Sorllla (new) and many others too numerous to mention. 8k Each 3 for 25c All the latest .song and dance folios will I Jo at actual cost. I Studies of all kinds will be sold at prices far below regular coot. Pieces below will be placed on sale at 5c each -6 for 25c. Melody In F Tarn o' Shanter Home Sweet Home (variations) Flower Song Con Amore Valse Bleue Heather Rose Good livening Remember Me 11 Trova- tore Anvil Chorus Thine Own Frolic of the Frog The Palms Maiden's Prayer Spring Song Rustic Dance Silvery Waves and a great many others. LADIES' GOLD BELTS ONLY 15c Saturday morning we will place on sale AO dozen Ladies' Gold Delta, - worth 25c to 50c each all at one price your choice ; 15c NEW WHITE BELTS The largest and finest assortment of Wash Belts shown In Omaha at special bargain prices Saturday. 7 he 10c 25c 15c Wash Belts at 25c Wash Belts, at I $Sc Wash Belts, I at 50c Wash Belts, at All 60c Silver Belts In Saturday's sale at 15c 25c LADIES' NEW NECKWEAR 5c No other place In Omaha can you And a line ao complete tne greatest bargains ever shown,. Saturday En choice low Chemisettes and sleeves to match, CHn oniy -r w INTERESTING HOSIERY SPECIALS LADIES' SILK HOSE Opera length with colored top and black foot, broken sizes, regular $2.00 and $2.50 quality; on sale Saturday, . while they last ax, . QiQ LADIES'' ' '25c' ' COTTON "HOSE-In black only, regular made; snap Satur- fCp day at, pair..... BOYS' BICYCLE HOSE Heavy ribbed. ' with double knee; exceptional Oic value, at 16c and iw 25c Rope, Shopping Bags, special 50c Silk Veilings, Saturday, per yard New automobile Veiling, all 8 yards long, only ..10c 10c coOTn- 50c 5c Each 6 for 25c In ordering by mall put down names of second choice pieces. In ease ws should run ghort of .others to save time In filling yeur order. All teachera and scholars should take advantage of this sale In basement and In Muslo Department on second floor. Sale of Sample Hats Saturday A splendid opportunity to buy a hat of good quality and style at a very low price. . ' Hats worth up to $2.00, choics A Sn 76c and Ow $4.60 and $5.00 leather Suit Cases, i en slightly' scratched, choice t,,c'U SAMPLE TRAVELING BAGS at about half regular prices. Sample' Trunks at greatly reduced prices. FROM 8 TILL 9 A. M.-Women's AQn $1.00 Wrappers FROM t:M TILL 0:30 Women's iQn Kimonos , FROM 8 TILL U A. M.-Women's 7Q $1.60 Underskirts A Drug Dept. Specials Rubber Gloves, all sizes, 59c Bath Sweet, 15c William's Shaving Soap, EJq Colgate's Shaving Soap, ...10c ....15c ....15c ... 5c Chamois Skins, ' each Colgate's Tooth Powder, l5c The Big Meat Section Broilers, country dressed, each , Spring Chickens, per - pound Fancy Rolled Beef Roast, per pound , Fancy Rolled Rib' Roast,' per pound t BolllngvBeef, per pound............. om ueei, per v-... . . pound....' ...........,.'...., 8-mind can Nebraska City Best No. 1 Fancy Regular Ham, pound , , Rubber Complexion Brushes, at Witch Hazel, large bottle, at , Almond Cream, at Talcum Powder, . . . at 35c ...Hie ... 5c ...tile :. 2ic 2ic 29c Hie - THE FIT OF A CORSET Is one of the most esseiit la features. The set of your gown and yonr own personal comfort depend upon fit perfection. This is assured yon if yon buy here. In onr Immense stock you'll And the exact model best snited to yonr figure and we give special attention to fitting In the department. We carrv complete lines of tba WARNER. THOMSON'S GlOVF.-KITTINO. K A HO. R. A G., ROYAL WORCESTER. NEMO and manv other popular makes, f at $2.50. $2.00, $160 and P 1 Our La Marguerite line la mors complete than ever. All genuine whalebone filled, made of Imported fnhrlca, In SI while or colors, up from p 76c French Batiste Corsets with long hips, hose supporters, side and front, ' All B special " One-Half Price Sale Continues About 100 more hats, bright and new, marked at one-half, for Saturday only. Just think of what a saving, this means for vou. Hats that originally TS sold for $10 for $J, etc. Misses' and Children's Hats IMISSES' HATS FOE $2.50. New shaded body hats, bent up and trimmed with ribbons, flowers, foliage, etc. Hats that would cost you $4 else where, for CHILDREN'S SAILORS. Smooth straw, two-toned effects, with long ribbon streamers, for '. 98c Small Milnn shnpes, bent tip and trim rued with cord and tassel, some with romponis, for 1.98 $2.50 Attractive Values in Men's Furnishings I'nequalod variety, unexcelled quality and nnmatched low prices are re sponsible for our Furnishing Goods Department being always a very busy one. Our new spring stocks are now complete in every detail and offer you iM-tter opportunity for selection than you can find elsewhere. Three Rousing Saturday Specials MEN'S BHIRTS The very beat qualities and newest spring atylea, over 160' new patterns to select from, greatest assort ment and best values shown In ICS the city, at $2.00, $1.60 and .............. P SATURDAY SHIRT SPECIAL The sur plus stock of men's and boys' shirts from a well known manufacturer, would sell regularly for 75c, $1.00 and $1.60 Cfr choice Saturday OWW MEN'S LISLE THEAD SHIRTS AND DRAWERS In plnka, bluea and whltea, splendid valuea-Saturday at, per 7Sc garment UW SILK LISLE EHIRTS AND DRAWERS In plain and fancy colore, great GLi value at $2.0f.. $1.50 and Ma MEN'8 UNION SUITS In all beat known brands, unequaled assortment C at $5 00 down to $2.00, $1.50 and MEN'8 BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Plain or fancy col- , Qo ore at 60c, 39c, 25c and a;rv 150 LINEN COLLARS, $43. Saturday we will place -on sale 600 dosen 4-ply linen collars for men and boys, good range of styles and sixes, all Cn clean stock at, choice See Sixteenth Street Window. 60o NECKWEAR AT 26c Men's four-ln-hacd ties, made of finest quality chiffon poplin, in white, black and all colors,, 45 Inches long, Inches wide, 60c value choice O CI - Saturday 75o MEN'S HOSE, 26a. The greatest snap ever offered, fine Ger man lisle and extra quality Maco cotton, all new colors, both - plain and fancy, worth up to 76c at, tOlri pair. 25c and 1SW Omaha's Greatest Grocery, Butter, Cheese, 4 Fresh Vegetables and Fruit Departments. 21 lbs. Best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar .$100 Bromnfcgelon or Jell-O, per pkg.w 7c 10 Bars Best Brands Laundry Soap.... 26o 1-lb. pkg. Macaroni $o 1- lb. pkg. Corn Starch 4o t-lb. can Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn 6c 2- lb can Fancy Wax. String or. Lima Beans , o 1-lb. pkg. Mince Meat to Fancy California Prunes, per lb 4c Fancy Cleaned Currants, per. lb ...70 Fancy Mulr Peaches, per lb loo The Best Tea Sittings, per lb ....12Vic Fancy Santos Coffee, per lb...., 15a BUTTER AND CHEESE PRICES. Fancy New York White Cheese, per lb.l24o Fancy Wisconsin Cream, per lb 12Vc Fancy Brick or Llmburger, per lb 12Vc Neulchatel Cheese, each Jc Sap Sairo Cheese, each 7Vfcc Roquefort Cheese, per lb $oc FANCY SEPARATOR CREAMERY BUTTER, per lb 21o FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SALES Qt. boxes Fancy, Large, Ripe Texas Strawberries lBo 6 bunches Fresh Onions 6o 1 heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce 6o 2 bunches Fresh Radishes 6o Fresh Wax Beans, per lb lOo " Fresh Asparagus, per bunch Ho Large bunches Fresh Beets 6o Large bunches Fresh Turnips 6o Pie Plant, per bunch lo Fresh Carrota, per bunch 6o Fresh Peas, per lb 10o Fresh Paraley, per bunch to . Fresh Tomatoes, per lb lOo Fresh, New Cabbage, per lb $VW : Large, Juicy, Sweet, Rlpa Pineapples, each I0o Fresh Roasted Peanuts, t measures for 6a 20 Fancy Navel Oranges for 2ExJ Large, Juicy Lemons, per doi 12a CANDY ( CANDY 'CANDY All regular 40c Candles for this week per lb 0o All regular 20c Candles for this week per lb 10o PALMER-ASKS FOR REPAIRS Pavement Around Federal Building to Be Fixed by Government. SSS-SSBSSBRBSast HITCHCOCK MAY ADDRESS POSTMASTERS Poatsnaatar Geaeral Cortelyoa As sorts Mr. Palmer Ha Knows No Preseat Reaaosi W hy Asslstaat Caaaet Com West. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, April 27,-(Speclal Tele gram.) Senator Millard, who returned from New York thla morning, accompanied Postmaster H. E. Palmer of Omaha to the supervising architect's office and the Post office department. Captain Palmer Is anxious that some Improvements to the west side of the Omaha poatoffloe b made In order to facilitate th handling of mail in wagons going or coming from railroad depots or substations. He wants the pave ment on which these wagons stand to re ceive or discharge their cargoes repaired. This will cost $400. The' supervising archi tect said the needed improvements would be made. Hitchcock May Visit Nebraska. Postmaster Palmer subsequently saw Postmaster General Cortelyou and ex tended through him san Invitation of - the Nebraska postmasters to First Assistant Postmaster General Hitchcock to address them at their annual convention to be held at Omaha June t. Postmaster General Cortelyou stated he personally bad no ob jection to his first assistant attending the convention, and unless some unforeseen pub lic buslneas should detain him there Is every reason to believe that Mr, Hitchcock will be present. Ameadlag Laad Laws. Senator Hansbrough's bill amending the existing law as to newspaper publications of notices of final proof of homestead entry passed the senate today. The mea sure is of Interest to newspapers wher- 0 for cua EN ?K It i n "sa rn a i-iny of you are suffering from physical weakness and losa " II LI "' sexual visor, your nervous system la being depleted and your W iaesn i Pllnd weakened and impaired. Life Is not what it should be. - . . , Despondency and gloomy forebodings have taken the place of bright prospecta and happy ambition. You no longer enjoy your dally labors or duties; your nights ara restless and unrefreshlng and each morning you awaken agalo to the cheerless realisation of your physical Impediments and weakness.-, and you have neither tli ambition nor the power lo maintain your poHldon amor.g yuur fellow men. Jn..,..nulny.i,ia,"' f.u"l.v night loasea and day drains are the cause of your oond tlon, while In othera It is some secret dlseaaea. Gonorrhoea or fli"',?0"''. N'ood Poison, or frequently the results of neglected or Improperly 5?v' nl'M'as, which cause Stricture, Varicocele. Prostatic, . Kidney . mr D fltf T Tne" alst''S (or symptoms of disease) cannot be -V! .? their cause la removed and cured. Men. don't delay. Don't ' fVfiVS-ra have f"', you rome u the MEN'S TRUE 6PE- J ,.ZrJL . Vi!rour THe cdlilon. Get the right treatment first and be cured safely and thoroughly. ..r,i.K."'e.''t.',, of h dl-ases that so Insidiously destroy the ' Intellect. .iJT S.. j, , jnanhood. secure the aervlces of the eminent specialists of .D in JL i. L Institute. They will slop these unnatural drains, with their J. I JLi , ,i "nd rt,ore to health the plilable victim of Nervo-Sexual Debil ity, brain fatigue and wrecked manhood. We cure saMy and thoroughly. Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, ' Kidney and Urinary Diseases and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to evil habits tinu.1 or tha re sult of specific or private diseases. nanus, excesses or tns re- FREE CONS'JITaTICI AND EXAMINATION. Office hours: $ a. m. to $. p. m. Sundaya, 10 to I only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1S03 Faxnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. ever1 land offices may be located. The bin provides that all notices which the general provisions of the public land laws now require are to be published In a newspaper of established character Issued near the lands described, In such notices and within the land district and county in .which said lands are located. In cases where two or more such papers are published In the town nearest such lands, or in two or more towns which are of equal distance from such lands, such no tice shall be published In any one of such papers as the register of land ofllc may direct, Mlaor Matters at Capital. Senator Burkctt today Introduced a bill granting an Increase of pension to H. C. Phlpps of Fremont. V. H. Maxwell. Pierre, S. D was today awarded the contract for construction of the public building at Fresno, Col., at $107,97. Judge Norrls again appeared before the Interstate commerce committee in behalf of his bill . to limit the hours of railway employes. He was followed by Secretary Moseley of tho Interstate Commerce com mission and ex-Congressman Payson of Illinois, who appeared for the railroads. No action was taken by the committee. Hearings are to be continued until a later date. Today Congressman Norrls secured a pension of $8 for Joseph Hummell, Hardy, Neb. Congressman Kennedy was fortunate to day to have Included in tha $15 bills passed by ths house two bills of his own, to increase tha pension of Robert D. Williamson, Omaha, from $17 to $36, and a bll giving a pension of $12 to William C. Berghahu, Omaha. Mr. Kennedy was notified today that Michael Novah of South Omaha had been allowed a pension of $8, from May S, 1905. Judge Kinkaid today secured ths fol lowing pensions for constituents: Sam Watson of Gibbon, additional of $10 front March II; Thomas Henderson of Merrl man. $.14 from February 11, 1905; Joseph Weeks, North Platte, $( from May 1, 1902, and $t from February 2 of this year; William 1L Riddle, Burwell, $6 from July I!, 190$. The committee op military affairs has favorably reported Judge Kinkald's bill granting to Charles H. Cornell the right to build a dam across the Niobrara river and to construct an electric railroad across ths Fort Niobrara military reser vation. . . Postal Matters. 8. C. Hewitt, Omaha; L. A. Mullen, O'Neill; W. M. Jones, Far nam; C. L. Wright, Hastings; E. S. Luce, Wakefield, Neb.; Ralph L. Brown, Charles City; J. 8. Nichols, Cromwell; C. W. Norrls, Glldden, la., have been appointed railway mall clerks. Postmasters appointed: Nebraska Sar gent, Custsr county. S. L. Perlng vjee H. p. Savage, resigned; WestervlUe, Custer county, ' Hat tie Johnson vies Frank W. - FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. An Old and Well-Tried Remedy. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP buUt.n ui4 f.ror el IT If V t Ah hr M'l l it in) 1,1 Mul ll.L t.Mfor tiieirrHIlJihl :Si HII.l Tl KTH. IVi, ttlIHl'1 HfU TblVCLba. It h NjTUm ths rml r. sum the Gi'Vis, All ays all hjn, f I'll! -1 WIND OiLfC, snd u Ui Ut reiuedy fur I IABKHJ.A fMd br Iruyui la every MTl ut tl.a mat B sura sod ass fur kftS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. IA!lll lAKg fOOrdKS SIJIIX llHtl ill laala a MawJU, Mills, resigned. South Dakota Rouvllle, Codington county, James McDowell vies H. L. Shlsler, resigned; Waverly, Coding ton county, Frank Acharts vies L. P. BlrdsaU, resigned.' STATE RESTS GRAIN CASE (Continued from Third Page.) Tecumseh within a few days to begin the work. BEWARD Tuesday afternoon at t o'clock, while a heavy windstorm was raging, Charles Gentry's residence at Beaver Crossing caught fire and was mostly con sumed, together with bedding and wearing apparel. There was no insurance, so the loss is complete. Roy Tyler, while pulling the fire engine, fell and was run over by the engine and badly injured about the body and left limb. BKATRICB Tha Odd Fellows of this city and their wives celebrated the eighty sixth anniversary of the order last night In an appropriate manner. F. T. McMahan delivered the welcoming address, and after an address and literary program. Rev. W. A. Mulligan gave an address on Odd Fel lowship. At the close of tne program a banquet was served. . Nearly 'M persons were In attendance. HUMBOLDT Tha local Odd Fellows lodge last evening celebrated the eighty seventh anniversary of the founding of the order by entertaining their wives and a number of guests at their hall, a number of speeches and a literary and musical pro gram being follower by a banquet at the Park hotel. The company then returned to tha hall and spent the remainder of the evening In progressive games. LEIGH C. F. Holden died at his home In Kant Leigh Thursday night at 11 o'clock of lung trouble. He was born in Vermont January SI, 1819. He was a soldier In the Indian war. Mr. Holden had been a resi dent of Colfax county, for more' than twenty-five years, and was a highly re spected citizen. He leaves a wife and three sons. Funeral services will be held Sunday, Interment In ths Leigh cemetery. HUMBOLDT-The district meeting of the Knights and Ladles of Security was held at the Wahl hall In Falls City on Vvednes day and the events consisted of a recep tion to delegates, a buslnesa meeting and a banquet with a musical program. The delegates to the national convention, which is to be held at Denver la June, were R. B. Windham of Plattamoath and J. Y. Swlgart of Lincoln, while L M. Thomas of Lincoln and Mrs. Gertrude D. Clark of Ne braska City were named as alternates. FREMONT Tha Board of Supervisors spent the day inspecting the banks of the Platte with a view of deciding on some method of putting In dykes to keep the river In place west of the city and turning mora of the current into the aouth chan nel. The fascine system which appeared to be so promising Is proving a practical failure as far as a permanent change In the current of the river Is concerned and froperty owners southwest of town and In he southern part of the city are anxious to have something done to prevent the river from doing mora damage. BEATRICE Water Commissioner Field has refused to sign the bill of Dr. Davis, the water expert, amounting to $16, and because of this action on the part of Mr. Field ha and Mayor Shults clashed yester day and Indulged in a heated argument concerning tho rights of certain officials. When tha city council entered into a con tract with Dr. Davis of Des Moines to prospect for water in Beatrice Water Com missioner Field was not conaulted, and now ha balks on signing tha report recom mending the payment of the bill. There is some talk of ascertaining what rights, if any, the water commissioner has In the promises. WEEPING WATER Jesse, son of John Domingo, living northeast of town, was badly injured yesterday. Ha started out In the morning with four horses to do some disking, and it Is supposed that at tha noon hour ho took tha horses to a pasture to water, and while there was kicked and rendered unconscious by the horses. Around one hand ths hitch strap was wrspped and ths brldls was pulled off tha horse. He lay stiff snd cold whan found st 7:30 last evening, after the horsva had returned to tba bona. As lha boy bad taken his dinner the folks were not alarmed over his absence. Dr. Rlckard, who Is In attendance, says he is unconscious most of the time, and two-thirds of his body Is paralyzed, and when rational tho boy can give no account of what happened. His condition Is critical. YORK Mrs. Mable Cobb Alexander. daughter of Mr. C. C. Cobb of York, ar rived from San Francisco, her home. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander live beyond Knob Hill, toward the Presidio grounds, and where they were only felt a shock and did not realize the great damage to the city until after the noon hour of the day of the great earthquake. Little reallzlmr the danger rrom tire tney am not attempt to take their household effects until tho next day when It was too late and the were unable to save anything except what they could carry in suit cases and pillow slips. They were taken care of by the soldiers of the Presidio grounds. Miss Bertha Shllder, daughter of Dr. G. W. Shllder. a student at Stanford university, writes home that she was awakened and her bed thrown into the middle of the room. She immediately ran to the room of her friend, Miss Ida Heiner of Aurora, Neb., daughter of ex-Congressman Heiner, and when tho second shock came she was thrown across the bed of Miss Heiner. Neither suffered any Injuries but are con siderably frightened and are returning to Nebraska as fast as they can get here. HUMBOLDT A west-bound extra freight train met with a peculiar accident In the Humboldt yards about 6 o'clock laxt even ing. The train was made up largely of empty stock cars with a few heavily loaded lumber cars at the rear, and when the engineer slowed up going through the yards on account of the bridge work going on at the west end of the switch, and later attempted to pull up his long train, a draw head pulled out, also severing the air con nections. The train parted and tha air set the brakes on ttje : rear pert so suddenly that about half way buck tha empty stock cars shut up like a dackknlfe and fell over to one side against some boarding cars just west of the depot. Fortunately no one was in the cars at the time or there might have been a serious accident. No extensive damage was done and the track was cleared in time to permit the regular trains to pass. W. A. BREWER IS INDICTED President of Washlngtoa Llfo.Iasara ance Company Charred with Perjnry la Report. NEW TORK, April t7.-WlIllam A. BTewer, Jr., formerly president of ths Washington Life Insurance company, was today Indicated by ths grand jury for per jury. The charge grows out of a report made to the state superintendent of in surance in 190a regarding ths condition of the company. Startling Erlleaet Is dally advanced of tha curative powers of Dr. King's New Discovery for coughs, colds and lung disease. 60a and $1. For sale by Sherman & McConnell. WATCHES Frenssr. 16th and Dodge Bta. A Food to Work On iW ' t ill 1 : 1 1 t i I v 'J i V Work! Work!! Work!!! Lots of energy is needed to keep up the pace. In the struggle, the man with the strong body and clear brain wins out every time. The man of to-day needs something more than mere food ; he needs a food that makes energya food to work on. Although some people may not realize iCyet it is a fact, proyed and established beyond doubt,' that soda crackers-and this means Unoeda DISCUlt are richer in muscle and fat-making elements and have a much higher per cent of tissue-building properties than any other article of food made from flour. That this is becoming known more and more every day is attested by the sale of nearly 400,000,000 pack ages of Uneeda OlSCUltf the finest soda cracker ever baked. An energy-giving food of surpassing value sold in a package which brings it to you with all the original flavor and nutriment perfectly pre served. Truly the food to toork on. Whoever you are whatever you arc wherever you work Unoeda Dlscult. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY fjis rTTi n I f i 1 3